第二部分:功能特点1. 多人群聊:云同网聊天室支持多人同时在线的群聊功能,用户可以创建自己的聊天群组,邀请好友加入,进行实时交流和讨论。
2. 私聊功能:除了群聊,用户还可以通过云同网聊天室进行一对一的私聊。
3. 表情和文件分享:云同网聊天室提供了丰富的表情和emoji符号,用户可以在聊天中使用这些表情来表达自己的情感。
4. 消息撤回和删除:有时候在聊天中不小心发送了错误的消息,云同网聊天室提供了消息撤回和删除的功能,用户可以快速修复错误发送的消息,保证聊天内容的准确性和完整性。
5. 消息记录和搜索:云同网聊天室自动保存所有的聊天记录,用户可以随时查看之前的聊天内容。
6. 多平台同步:云同网聊天室可以在多个设备上同时登录使用,用户可以从手机上开始一个聊天,然后从电脑上继续聊天,轻松实现跨设备的同步。
第三部分:使用方法1. 下载和注册:用户可以从应用商店下载并安装云同网聊天室应用,然后按照提示进行注册和登录。
2. 创建群组和邀请好友:登录后,用户可以创建自己的聊天群组,并邀请好友加入。
3. 发起私聊:在聊天页面右上角点击“私聊”,输入对方的用户名或手机号码,点击确认后,开始一对一的私聊。
4. 使用表情和文件分享:在聊天输入框中,点击表情按钮可以选择表情和emoji符号,点击文件按钮可以选择要分享的文件。
5. 撤回和删除消息:在消息发送后,用户可以长按该消息并选择撤回或删除。
⽹络社区的主要形式和功能 电⼦公告板(BBS):是虚拟⽹络社区的主要形式,⼤量的信息交流都是通过BBS完成的,会员通过张贴信息或者回复信息达到互相沟通的⽬的。
另外,随着互联⽹的飞速发展,出现了许多专业的或综合性的B2B⽹站,其主要职能就是帮助买卖双⽅撮合交易,因此,⼀般的⽹络社区的功能和作⽤也发⽣了很⼤变化,⽹络营销的⼿段也更加专业和深化,⽹络社区的营销功能事实上已经在逐渐淡化,⽽是向着增加青岛婚宴 /⽹站吸引⼒和顾客服务等⽅向发展,所以,当我们利⽤⽹络社区进⾏营销时,要正视这⼀⼿段的缺陷,不要对此报太⼤的期望。
1. Global.asa2. Login.asp3. Chatroom.asp4. UserInfo.asp5. UserList.asp6. ChatList.asp7. InputMsg.asp8. GetChat.asp1. Global.asa<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript" RUNAT="Server">SUB Application_OnStartFor I = 1 to 21Application("Msg"&I) = ""NextEND SUB</SCRIPT>2. Login.asp<HTML><BODY BGCOLOR="White"><CENTER><IMG SRC="fig.jpg"></CENTER><FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="Chatroom.asp"><P>请输入您的名字:<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="UserName" SIZE="20"></P> <P>请选择您的颜色:<SELECT NAME="UserColor"><OPTION V ALUE="White" STYLE="Background=White" SELECTED>白色</OPTION> <OPTION V ALUE="Yellow" STYLE="Background=Yellow">黄色</OPTION><OPTION V ALUE="Pink" STYLE="Background=Pink">粉红色</OPTION><OPTION V ALUE="Plum" STYLE="Background=Plum">紫红色</OPTION><OPTION V ALUE="Cyan" STYLE="Background=Cyan">粉蓝色</OPTION><OPTION V ALUE="Lime" STYLE="Background=Lime">萤光绿色</OPTION></SELECT></P><P>请选择您的图案:<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="UserFig" V ALUE="1.gif" CHECKED><IMGSRC="1.gif"> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="UserFig" V ALUE="2.gif"><IMG SRC="2.gif"><INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="UserFig" V ALUE="3.gif"><IMG SRC="3.gif"><INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="UserFig" V ALUE="4.gif"><IMG SRC="4.gif"><INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="UserFig" V ALUE="5.gif"><IMG SRC="5.gif"><INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="UserFig" V ALUE="6.gif"><IMGSRC="6.gif"></P> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" V ALUE="登录"><INPUT TYPE="RESET" V ALUE="重新输入"></FORM></BODY></HTML>3. Chatroom.asp<%'读取浏览者在<Login.asp>网页所输入的名字,颜色及图案Session("UserName") = Request.Form ("UserName")Session("UserColor") = Request("UserColor")Session("UserFig") = Request("UserFig")'若尚未输入名字,显示错误信息并结束网页If Session("UserName") = "" ThenResponse.Write "很抱歉,您尚未登录,无法进入聊天室!"Response.EndEnd IfApplication.LockFor I = 21 To 2 Step -1J = I - 1Application("Msg"&I) = Application("Msg"&J)Next'取得目前时间的小时及分钟strHour = Hour(Time())If Len(strHour) = 1 then strHour = "0" & strHourstrMinute = Minute(Time())If Len(strMinute) = 1 then strMinute = "0" & strMinutestrTime ="<" & strHour & ":" & strMinute & "> "'初始化一个问候字符串,然后存在Application("Msg1")strTmp = "<FONT COLOR='" & Session("UserColor") & "'>" & "大家好,我是" & Session("UserName") & ",请多多指教!" & strTime & "</FONT>"Application("Msg1") = strTmpApplication.Unlock%><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>快乐聊天室</TITLE></HEAD><FRAMESET rows="56, *, 101"><FRAME NAME="Top" NORESIZE SCROLLING="No"SRC="UserInfo.asp Logout=No"> <FRAMESET COLS="160, *"><FRAME NAME="LMiddle" NORESIZE SRC="UserList.aspUserName=<%= Session("UserName") %>"> <FRAME NAME="RMiddle" NORESIZE SRC="ChatList.asp"></FRAMESET><FRAME NAME="Bottom" NORESIZE SCROLLING="No"SRC="InputMsg.asp"></FRAMESET></HTML>4. UserInfo.asp<%If Request("Logout") = "Yes" Then '检查使用者是否按下EXIT图案要离开聊天室Application.LockFor I = 21 To 2 Step -1J = I - 1Application("Msg"&I) = Application("Msg"&J)NextstrHour = Hour(Time())If Len(strHour) = 1 Then strHour = "0" & strHourstrMinute = Minute(Time())If Len(strMinute) = 1 Then strMinute = "0" & strMinutestrTime = "<" & strHour & ":" & strMinute & ">"strTmp = "<FONT COLOR='" & Session("UserColor") & "'>" & "<IMG SRC='" &Session("UserFig") & "'>" & Session("UserName") & "说:我要离开聊天室了,Bye!Bye!" & strTime & "</FONT>"Application("Msg1") = strTmpApplication.Unlock%><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript">Parent.Window.Close</SCRIPT><% End If %><HTML><BODY BGCOLOR="Navy" TEXT="White"><IMG SRC="fig1.jpg" ALIGN="Left"><%= Session("UserName") %>于<%= Now() %>进入快乐聊天室。
下面店铺为大家带来聊天的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!聊天的英语意思chat; ;chitchat;cose;聊天的相关英语短语聊天 confabulate with聊天 chew the rag视频聊天 Camfrog Video Chat ;文字聊天 text chatting ;聊天记录chat history短信聊天 sms chat ;聊天儿 Chatting in ;聊天的英语相关例句他在跟我聊天时他的头来回摇动着。
His head swung when he talked to me.当我们在一起聊天的时候,他常常避开不参与。
He often keeps aloof when we chat together.没人愿意和说起来没完的人聊天。
No man likes to talk with one who spouts off.他们在聊天。
They're having a chat.咱们别聊天了,回去干活吧!Let's cut out the talking and get back to work!你是否有这种经历,当你和一些人聊天,聊到他们记忆中的某件事时,他们开始哭了?Have you ever been with someone and while talking about one of their memories, they begin tocry?然后我和她聊天并且拿到她的电话号码。
M: Then I talked to her and got her number.我从未打开我的聊天客户机。
I never have my chat client up.聊天系统的基本结构就是这些。
These are the basics of the chat system.他会来家里,和我妻子在厨房里聊天。
1if(severfd > 0){2 printf("connction estabilshed\n");34 FD_ZERO(&read_set);5 FD_SET(0,&read_set);6 FD_SET(severfd,&read_set);78while(1){9 ready_set = read_set;10 Select(severfd+1,&ready_set,NULL,NULL,NULL);11if(FD_ISSET(0,&ready_set)){12 read(0, sbuf, sizeof(sbuf));//send data to server13 mergeMessage(name,sbuf,Message);14 write(severfd,Message,StrLen(Message));15 }16if(FD_ISSET(severfd,&ready_set)){17 read(severfd, rbuf, sizeof(rbuf));18 printf("%s",rbuf);19 }20 }21 }else{22 printf("fail to estabilsh connction\n");23 }第3⾏的ready_set和read_set是 fd_set类型结构体变量,在进⼊循环之前,已经为read_set做好了初始化。
JLabel lab2=new JLabel();
//端口 文本框
final JTextField textport=new JTextField();
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import .InetAddress;
import .DatagramSocket;
import .DatagramPacket;
public class ChatRoom{
final JTextArea textsend=new JTextArea();
JLabel lab1=new JLabel();
聊天室能够实现实时通信,用户可以随时 随地与其他人进行交流,不受时间和地点
聊天室可以同时容纳多人在线,用户可以 快速找到自己需要的信息或与他人进行交
聊天室逐渐发展成为一种社区形式,用户可以在聊天室中 建立自己的社交网络,分享信息和资源,形成自己的社交 圈子。
为了满足不同用户的需求,聊天室也开始向垂直化发展, 出现了许多专注于特定领域的聊天室,如游戏、旅游、美 食等。
为了提高用户的互动性和参与度,聊天室也开始引入各种 互动元素,如投票、问答、直播等,使用户可以更加深入 地参与到聊天室的交流中。
随着技术的发展,聊天室有望成为集文本、图像、视频等多种媒体 形式于一体的交流中心,提供更为丰富和直观的沟通体验。
人工智能技术的进步将进一步改变聊天室的形态,实现更智能的对 话和更高效的信息交流。
聊天室的使用需要一定的技术门槛,对于 不熟悉网络操作的用户来说可能会有一定 的困难。
由于聊天室的信息是公开的,不适合交流 敏感信息,如个人隐私或商业机密等。
聊天室最早可以追溯到1980年代,当时一些爱好者开始尝 试通过BBS(Bulletin Board System)建立在线社区,人 们可以在这些社区中分享信息和交流。
技术支持淄博柳泉聊天室使用以下技术来实现其功能:•后端开发语言:使用 Python 编程语言来开发聊天室的后端服务器。
Python 提供了简单易用的 Socket 编程接口来实现实时通信的功能。
•前端开发语言:使用 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 来开发聊天室的前端界面。
HTML 负责页面结构,CSS 负责样式设计,JavaScript 负责与后端服务器交互和实现动态效果。
•数据库:使用关系型数据库(如 MySQL、PostgreSQL)或 NoSQL 数据库(如 MongoDB)来存储用户数据和消息记录。
•WebSocket:使用 WebSocket 技术来实现实时通信功能。
WebSocket 是一种在客户端和服务器之间提供双向通信的协议,可以使服务器主动向客户端推送消息,实现实时聊天的功能。
2.技术选型:选择合适的后端开发语言、前端开发语言和数据库,以及 WebSocket 技术。
如何在网上聊天室保持安全的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1How to Stay Safe in Online Chat RoomsAs a student in today's digital age, online chat rooms have become a popular way for me and my friends to connect and socialize. Whether it's discussing homework, sharing memes, or just casual conversation, these virtual hangout spots offer a convenient space to interact. However, with the anonymity and lack of physical presence, chat rooms also present potential risks that we need to be aware of to ensure our safety. In this essay, I'll share some tips and insights on how to navigate these online spaces responsibly and protect ourselves from potential dangers.First and foremost, it's crucial to maintain a level of anonymity when engaging in chat rooms. While it might be tempting to share personal details or use your real name, doing so can expose you to potential threats like stalking, harassment, or identity theft. Instead, opt for a non-identifying username that doesn't reveal any personal information. Avoid using your birth year, location, or other identifiable details as part of yourusername. This simple step can go a long way in preserving your privacy.Additionally, be cautious about the information you share within the chat room itself. Refrain from divulging sensitive personal details, such as your home address, phone number, or school name. Even seemingly innocuous details like your favorite hangout spots or daily routines can be pieced together byill-intentioned individuals to track you down. Remember, the internet is a vast and anonymous space, and you never know who might be on the other side of the screen.Another essential aspect of chat room safety is being mindful of the content you consume and share. Online chat rooms can be breeding grounds for inappropriate or illegal content, such as explicit materials, hate speech, or links to malicious websites. It's important to exercise caution when clicking on links or downloading files shared by others, as they may contain viruses or malware that could compromise your device's security.If you encounter any concerning content or behavior within a chat room, don't hesitate to report it to the moderators or administrators. Most reputable chat platforms have measures in place to address such issues, but they rely on user reports toidentify and address potential threats. By being proactive and reporting any suspicious activity, you're not only protecting yourself but also contributing to a safer online community for everyone.Furthermore, be wary of unsolicited private messages篇2How to Stay Safe in Online Chat RoomsOnline chat rooms can be fun places to meet new people and chat about your interests. But they can also be dangerous if you're not careful. There are a lot of creeps and weirdos out there trying to take advantage of kids. That's why it's super important to follow some basic safety rules when you're in a chat room.The first rule is never, ever give out any personal information like your real name, address, phone number, email, or what school you go to. Predators will try to get you to share that kind of info so they can find you in real life. Don't fall for it! Use a nickname or made-up name instead of your real name.You also shouldn't share personal details about your family members or friends. Don't post pictures of them or give out theirnames and other info. It's not cool to put other people's privacy at risk like that.Another big no-no is agreeing to meet up with anyone from a chat room in person. They could be lying about who they really are. A 50-year-old creep could be pretending to be a teenager. If you meet them, you'd be in serious danger. So just don't do it, no matter how nice or trustworthy they seem online.Speaking of creeps pretending to be someone else, you have to watch out for that. People can create totally fake identities in chat rooms. They might use someone else's photo or make up a background story that isn't true at all. Unless you can video chat with them and really see it's the same person, you can't trust that they are who they claim to be.If someone is asking you sexual questions or trying to get you to send nudes or do sexual things on cam, get out of there immediately. Report them to the chat room moderators too. Requests like that are a huge red flag that the person is a predator.You should also be careful about sharing personal problems or embarrassing things in chat rooms. The anonymity of being online makes people feel like they can spill their guts, but anything you say could be copied and shared around withoutyour consent. Cruel people love to take screenshots and spread them to embarrass and bully others. My advice? Don'tover-share online.If at any point you start feeling unsafe in a chat room, just leave. Don't stick around because you're curious or don't want to be rude. Your safety comes first. Bounce and go somewhere else online. And definitely report any users who acted inappropriately to the moderators.Unfortunately, there's no way to be 100% sure that a chat room is completely safe and predator-free. But following rules like: never share personal info, don't agree to meetups, be wary of fake identities, reject sexual advances, don't overshare, and leave/report anything sketchy can help lower the risks.Chat rooms can actually be great places for making new friends from all over who share your niche interests. Just be smart and protect yourself. If something seems off or makes you uncomfortable, listen to your gut instinct. Prioritize your safety and privacy above all else when you're online.I know following all of these rules might seem like it takes the fun out of chat rooms. But a little caution is way better than the alternative of getting groomed by a predator or putting your privacy at risk.篇3How to Stay Safe in Online ChatroomsThe internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with others. Online chatrooms, in particular, have become an increasingly popular platform for people to connect, share ideas, and socialize. However, as convenient and exciting as these virtual spaces may be, they also come with potential risks that we must be aware of and take steps to mitigate. As a student navigating the digital world, it is crucial to understand the importance of staying safe in online chatrooms.First and foremost, it is essential to maintain a sense of anonymity when engaging in online chatrooms. While it might be tempting to share personal information or intimate details about yourself, doing so can make you vulnerable to potential predators or cybercriminals. Always use a pseudonym or nickname that does not reveal your real name, and avoid sharing any identifying information, such as your address, phone number, or school details.Additionally, be cautious about the type of information you share in online chatrooms. Avoid discussing sensitive topics or sharing personal details that could be used against you.Remember, once something is posted online, it can be difficult to remove or control its dissemination. Exercise discretion and think carefully before sharing anything that could potentially compromise your privacy or safety.Another crucial aspect of staying safe in online chatrooms is being mindful of the people you interact with. While many chatroom participants may have good intentions, there is always a possibility of encountering individuals with malicious motives. Be wary of strangers who seem overly friendly or persistent in their attempts to establish a personal connection. Trust your instincts and do not engage with anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable or pressures you to share personal information.It is also important to be aware of the potential for cyberbullying or harassment in online chatrooms. Unfortunately, the anonymity and perceived distance of the internet can embolden some individuals to engage in abusive or threatening behavior. If you encounter any form of bullying, harassment, or inappropriate content, do not hesitate to report it to the chatroom moderators or relevant authorities. Your safety and well-being should always be the top priority.Furthermore, be cautious about clicking on links or downloading files shared in online chatrooms. These couldpotentially contain malware, viruses, or other harmful content designed to compromise your device or steal your personal information. Only download files or click on links from trusted sources, and always have up-to-date antivirus software installed on your devices.In addition to these precautions, it is advisable to set boundaries and limits on your chatroom activity. Spending excessive amounts of time in these virtual spaces can be detrimental to your mental health and productivity. Establish a healthy balance between your online and offline activities, and be mindful of the potential for addiction or obsessive behavior.Finally, it is crucial to educate yourself about the potential risks and dangers associated with online chatrooms. Stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats, scams, and best practices for protecting your privacy and safety. Attend workshops, read articles, or consult with experts to gain a better understanding of how to navigate these virtual spaces safely and responsibly.In conclusion, online chatrooms can be a valuable resource for communication, socializing, and learning, but they also come with inherent risks. By maintaining anonymity, being cautious about the information you share, being mindful of the peopleyou interact with, reporting any inappropriate behavior, exercising caution when clicking on links or downloading files, setting healthy boundaries, and staying informed about cybersecurity best practices, you can significantly enhance your safety and enjoyment of these virtual spaces. Remember, your safety should always be the top priority when engaging in online activities.。
全国外国语学校系列教材英语(综合教程)同步辅导 初一 第二学期 第一单元unit1
一、Getting Started1. It will be rainy.表达天气的方式It will be sunny / fine / clear / bright /cloudy / overcast / windy / rainy / showery /snowy / stormy / snowstormy / thunderstormy /foggy tomorrow.= It’s going to be sunny / fine / clear /bright / cloudy / overcast / windy / rainy /showery / snowy / stormy / snowstormy /thunderstormy / foggy tomorrow.明天将会阳光灿烂/天晴/天晴/天晴/多云/多云/刮风/下雨/下阵雨/下雪/有暴风雨/有暴风雪/有雷雨/有雾。
2. horrible horrible = terrible adj. 可怕的3. play footballplay ball games 进行球类游戏play football 踢足球play basketball 打篮球play volleyball 打排球play tennis 打网球play table tennis / ping-pong 打乒乓球play baseball 打棒球play badminton 打羽毛球play golf 打高尔夫球play billiard 打桌球play softball 打垒球play polo 打水球/马球4. fly a kite 放风筝5. sunbathe v. 晒日光浴sunbath n. 日光浴have a sunbath 晒日光浴6. motorbike = motorcyclen. 轻型摩托车,机器脚踏车ride a motorbike 骑摩托车7.基本句型Will it be rainy sunny / fine / clear / bright / cloudy / overcast / windy / rainy / showery / snowy / stormy / snowstormy / thunderstormy / foggy tomorrow.Y es, it will./No,it won’t.It will be snowy.It’s horrible/terrible I can’t do something.8. free adj. 空闲的,有时间的be free 有空的(反义词组)be busy 忙的e.g. He has little free time. 他几乎没有空闲时间。
chat room 英语作文
chat room 英语作文英文回答:Chat rooms are virtual spaces where people can communicate with each other in real-time. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as socializing, discussing common interests, or getting help with a problem.There are many different types of chat rooms, each with its own unique set of features and rules. Some chat rooms are open to the public, while others are private and require an invitation. Some chat rooms are moderated by a host or administrator, while others are unmoderated and allow users to say whatever they want.Chat rooms can be a great way to connect with people from all over the world. They can also be a valuable resource for information and support. However, it's important to be aware of the potential risks of chat rooms, such as cyberbullying, harassment, and sexual predators.Here are some tips for staying safe in chat rooms:Use a pseudonym. Don't share your real name or any other personal information with people you don't know.Be aware of the rules of the chat room. Most chat rooms have rules about what kind of language and behavior is allowed.Don't share personal information. This includes your phone number, address, or email address.Don't meet with someone you meet in a chat room in person. If you do decide to meet someone, do it in a public place and bring a friend with you.中文回答:聊天室是人们可以在其中实时交流的虚拟空间。
chat room 英语作文
chat room 英语作文英文回答:Chat rooms have become a ubiquitous part of our digital lives, providing a virtual space for people to connect with others who share their interests, hobbies, or experiences. These online forums offer a range of benefits, including fostering a sense of community, facilitating knowledge sharing, and providing a platform for entertainment and socialization.One of the primary advantages of chat rooms is their ability to foster a sense of community among like-minded individuals. By connecting with others who share similar passions or experiences, users can feel a sense of belonging and support. For example, individuals who have a rare medical condition or who have undergone a particular life experience can find solace and support in chat rooms dedicated to their specific needs.Moreover, chat rooms serve as a valuable platform for knowledge sharing and learning. Users can engage in discussions on a wide range of topics, from technical and professional matters to personal experiences and current events. By exchanging information and ideas with others, individuals can expand their knowledge base and gain new perspectives. For instance, students can participate in chat rooms dedicated to their coursework, where they can collaborate on projects, ask questions, and receive support from peers and educators.In addition to their educational value, chat rooms also offer a space for entertainment and socialization. Users can engage in lighthearted conversations, share jokes, and participate in online games with others. These interactions can provide a much-needed break from the stresses of everyday life and foster a sense of camaraderie among participants.Of course, chat rooms also come with some potential drawbacks. One concern is the potential for anonymity to foster inappropriate behavior, such as cyberbullying orharassment. However, many chat rooms have implemented moderation systems to address such issues and create a safe and respectful environment for users.Another potential drawback is the risk of addiction. Spending excessive amounts of time in chat rooms can lead to neglect of other responsibilities and can have a negative impact on overall well-being. Therefore, it is important for users to exercise self-control and use chat rooms in moderation.In conclusion, chat rooms offer a range of benefits, including fostering a sense of community, facilitating knowledge sharing, and providing a platform for entertainment and socialization. However, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks and to use chat rooms responsibly.中文回答:聊天室已经成为我们数字生活中不可或缺的一部分,为人们提供了一个虚拟空间,可以与那些分享他们的兴趣、爱好或经历的人联系。
```jsximport React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';const ChatRoom = ({ messages }) =>const chatContainerRef = useRef(;useEffect(( =>chatContainerRef.current.scrollTop =chatContainerRef.current.scrollHeight;}, [messages]);return<div className="chat-room" ref={chatContainerRef}>{, index) =><div key={index} className="message">{message}</div>)</div>};```在这个组件中,我们使用了`useRef`来创建一个引用(chatContainerRef)来引用聊天室的容器元素。
二、合作内容1. 甲方负责提供聊天室的技术支持,包括聊天室的搭建、维护、升级及技术咨询等。
2. 乙方负责聊天室的运营管理,包括聊天室的日常监控、用户管理、内容审核等。
3. 双方共同商讨聊天室的宣传推广策略,扩大聊天室的影响力。
四、权利与义务1. 甲方应保证聊天室的技术稳定,确保聊天室正常运行。
2. 乙方应按照甲方的技术要求和管理规定,负责聊天室的运营管理。
3. 双方应共同维护聊天室的声誉,未经双方书面同意,不得将聊天室转让给第三方使用。
4. 双方应遵守国家相关法律法规,不得利用聊天室进行违法违规活动。
五、合作费用1. 甲方负责聊天室的技术支持,不向乙方收取技术服务费。
2. 乙方负责聊天室的运营管理,应承担相应的运营成本,包括但不限于人员工资、服务器租用费、带宽费等。
八、其他约定1. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。
2. 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商补充。
表示房间种类的英文单词表示吸烟室的'英文单词:smoking room1. 这里不允许吸烟,不过我们那边有吸烟室。
Smoking is not allowed here, but we have a smoking compartment there for our guests.2. 先生,很抱歉,这里不允许吸烟,不过我们那边专门为客人准备了吸烟室。
Excuse me, Sir. Smoking is not allowed here, but we have a smoking compartment there for our guests.3. 船舱建造成许多不漏水的隔间。
A smoking compartment 吸烟室 The ship's hold is built in watertight compartments.4. 你可以在吸烟室抽烟。
You can smoke in the smoking room.5. 如果你抽烟的话,可以到吸烟室吸烟。
If you smoke, the smoking rooms to be smoking.6. 他坐在吸烟室里。
He is sitting in the smoking room.7. 我介意,为什么不去吸烟室呢?Yes, why to go to the smoking room?8. 请您到候机室内的吸烟室吸烟。
You can go to the smoking areas in the waiting lounge.9. 对不起,这里不能吸烟,您可以去吸烟室吸烟。
Sorry, but there is no smoking here. Please go to the smoking room.10. 我去吸烟室I go to a smoking corner.11. 哦天哪你居然有一间吸烟室!Oye, güey, you got one smoking casa!12. 这间房是留作吸烟室的。
不少人应该都曾经光顾过网络上的chat room(聊天室)吧。
不过,chat 当作动词时,后面通常也跟着不同的介词,并且意思也有所不同。
下面介绍几个常用的chat 短语及其用法。
常用短语:Chat somebody up是指“说甜言蜜语”。
My boyfriend always chats me up.我的男朋友总是跟我说甜言蜜语。
Chat with 是指与某人倾谈,James likes chatting with his classmates during recess.詹姆士喜欢在休息的时候与同学闲谈。
chat about 带出闲谈的话题。
We chatted about Andy's performance in his concert. It was marvelous!我们谈及安蒂在演唱会上的表现,真的十分精彩!We chatted about something about Yuandalu Dynamic English World,Lily said teachers of this school are very kind and friendly.我们谈论关于远大路能动英语的事情,Lily说那儿的教师非常友好ydl . nd115 .c o m。
chat up,主要是指用甜言蜜语与异性搭讪聊天。
Tom always chats Mary up to leave a good impression on her.汤姆时常用甜言蜜语与玛丽聊天,为了给她留下一个美好的印象。
chat词组用法总结:chat line 网上聊天chat roller 焙烧矿石辊碎机 room 聊天室chat show (电视)访谈节目 show host 【英】电视访谈节目主持人 up 调情与(异性)搭讪 with 和... 聊天chat-line 聊天电话chat-up line 套词的话chit-chat 无聊话Cri du chat 猫叫样哭泣cri du chat syndrome 猫鸣综合症have a chat 谈天internet relay chat Internet多线交谈...pas de chat 向前屈腿交换跳...词汇搭配●动词+~enjoy a chat 喜欢聊天have a chat 谈天,聊天●形容词+~animated chat 热烈的交谈friendly chat 友好的交谈nice chat 愉快的聊天pleasant chat 愉快的闲聊●名词+~fireside chat 炉旁闲聊society chat 社交性闲谈●~+名词chat show (电台或电视台)现场采访节目●~+介词a chat about sth 谈某事a chat between …之间的闲谈a chat over old days 闲谈昔日情景a chat with sb 与某人聊天。
——四川成都 ysg存在就是合理一位哲人说过这句话,在这里很适用。
山水情画聊天室1. 背景介绍山水情画聊天室是一个以中国传统山水画为主题的在线聊天平台。
2. 设计理念山水情画聊天室的设计理念源自于中国传统山水画艺术。
3. 主要功能3.1 聊天室功能山水情画聊天室提供实时的聊天功能,用户可以通过输入框发送文字消息来与其他用户交流。
3.2 表情包与贴图山水情画聊天室拥有丰富的表情包与贴图,用户可以通过点击表情按钮选择自己喜欢的表情包,或者从贴图库中选择喜欢的贴图发送给其他用户。
3.3 用户个性化设置山水情画聊天室允许用户进行个性化设置,如更换聊天室背景、选择聊天气泡样式等。
3.4 展示与学习传统艺术山水情画聊天室不仅仅是一个聊天平台,还提供给用户欣赏和学习传统艺术的机会。
3.5 经验与等级系统山水情画聊天室设有经验与等级系统,用户在聊天、发布帖子、参加活动等行为都能够获得经验值,累积经验值将提升用户的等级,解锁更多个性化设置、特权和活动。
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Would you please tell me how the registration will go, sir? Would you please tell me how to register, sir? go: to progress How are things going? / How’s it going? Did everything go smoothly?
Remember More Expressions
Discuss with your friends and find more expressions used to talk about university life. The following table may serve as an example.
Remember More Expressions
Discuss with your friends and find more expressions used to talk about university life. The following table may serve as an example.
Remember More Expressions
Discuss with your friends and find more expressions used to talk about university life. The following table may serve as an example.
Quality education
It means to develop the students' interests, social abilities and other practical skills, such as teamwork, management, etc.. 2. It is not only the process of acquiring knowledge, but also ability-oriented training. 3. It means an all-round education
Group Work
Talk about a sports meet.
Return to Menu
Pair Work
Байду номын сангаас
Give your opinions on the following topics.
□ quality education □ examination □ a good teacher
□ a good student □ entertainment □ sports meet
Examination 1. It's a check to laziness and slackness 2. Exams let students know that they need to spend more time studying. 3. It drives students mad / to work hard 4. We need more exam questions that can test students' ability to use knowledge to solve problems
Remember More Expressions
Discuss with your friends and find more expressions used to talk about university life. The following table may serve as an example. Recreation 1. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 2. We need entertainment to relax and fully enjoy our lives 3. My pastime / hobby is traveling. It takes my mind off my work. 4. I'm very keen on / enthusiastic / crazy about painting
Listen and Practice
Listen and read aloud the following two conversations.
In the Dining Hall
Click to listen
I bet--- I’m sure you bet: you may be sure of it. Are you satisfied with the result of the experiment? You bet. I’ve no idea— I don’t know I don’t have the faintest/foggiest idea about/wh-. I haven’t got a clue about/whI’m quite in the dark about/wh-
An ideal teacher
1. He should have a good command of knowledge both in his own major and in other fields as well. 2. He must make learning enjoyable and fun. 3. He is able to get his students actively involved in the learning process
University Life
Listen and Practice
Registration for School In the Dining Hall
Remember More Expressions Pair Work Group Work
Listen and Practice
Dialogue One
Registration for School
Dialogue Two
In the Dining Hall
Listen and Practice
Listen and read aloud the following two conversations.
Registration for School