A pHEnzyme-responsive tumor-speci
















食物进入肠道后,特异性铜转运蛋白1(copper transporter 1,CTR1)和非特异性二价金属转运体(palent metal transporter 1,DMT1)负责从摄取的饮食中吸收铜。


铜从肠上皮细胞通过腺苷三磷酸酶7A(adenosine triphosphatase 7A,ATP7A)进入血液。


在人类细胞内,Cu+被普遍存在的含半胱氨酸的三肽谷胱甘肽(glutathione,r-glutamyl cysteingl +glycine,GSH)螯合,并储存在金属硫蛋白(metallothionein,MT)中;它可以被铜伴侣运送到特定的目标。




[收稿日期]㊀2020-11-12[修回日期]㊀2020-12-10[基金项目]㊀四川省医学科研课题计划(S18033)[作者简介]㊀吴世鹏,主治医师,研究方向为精神卫生疾病的诊断与治疗,E-mail 为gbmmk75@㊂DOI :10.15972/ki.43-1509/r.2021.02.020㊃临床医学㊃阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰治疗精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑的疗效及对血清因子的影响吴世鹏,周文芝,赵得晟,明青容(攀枝花市第三人民医院精神科,四川省攀枝花市617000)[关键词]㊀精神分裂症;㊀抑郁;㊀焦虑;㊀阿立哌唑;㊀草酸艾司西酞普兰[摘㊀要]㊀目的㊀分析阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰治疗精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者疗效及对其血清因子的影响㊂方法㊀选取精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者114例,随机分为对照组及观察组㊂对照组口服草酸艾司西酞普兰㊁齐拉西酮胶囊,观察组在上述基础上加用阿立哌唑㊂观察两组患者临床疗效㊁抑郁焦虑症状㊁血清炎症因子与神经功能因子等改变情况㊂结果㊀治疗后观察组有效率为89.47%,高于对照组70.18%(P <0.05);治疗后1月和3月观察组汉密尔顿焦虑量表㊁汉密尔顿抑郁量表评分较治疗前和对照组降低(P <0.05);治疗后观察组血清肿瘤坏死因子-α㊁白细胞介素-2㊁白细胞介素-8㊁神经功能因子髓鞘碱性蛋白(MBP )及S100B 蛋白含量较治疗前和对照组降低(P <0.05);治疗后观察组血清皮质醇㊁同型半胱氨酸含量较治疗前和对照组降低,脑源性神经营养因子㊁5-羟色胺㊁多巴胺含量较治疗前和对照组升高(P <0.05)㊂结论㊀阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰可有效提高精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者疗效,降低血清炎症因子含量,改善中枢神经递质分泌㊂[中图分类号]㊀R749.3[文献标识码]㊀AEffect of aripiprazole and escitalopram on schizophrenia combined with depression and anxiety symptoms and influence of serum factorsWU Shipeng,ZHOU Wenzhi,ZHAO Desheng,MING Qingrong(Department of Psychiatry ,the Third People s Hospital of Panzhihua ,Panzhihua ,Sichuan 617000,China )[KEY WORDS ]㊀schizophrenia;㊀depression;㊀anxiety;㊀aripiprazole;㊀escitalopram oxalate[ABSTRACT ]㊀㊀Aim ㊀To analyze the effect of aripiprazole and escitalopram on schizophrenia combined depression and anxiety and influence of serum factors symptoms.㊀㊀Methods ㊀A total of 114patients with schizophrenia combined with depression and anxiety symptoms who were treated were selected.㊀They were randomly divided into the control group by taking escitalopram oxalate and ziprasidone capsules.㊀Aripiprazole was added to the group on the above basis.㊀Ob-serve the patient s clinical efficacy,depression and anxiety symptoms,serum inflammatory factors and neurological function factors.㊀㊀Results ㊀The effective rate in the observation group after treatment was 89.47%,which was higher than70.18%in the control group (P <0.05);the hamilton anxiety scale and hamilton depression scale scores in the observation group in january and march after treatment was lower than before treatment and the control group (P <0.05);After treat-ment,serum tumor necrosis factor-α,interleukin-2,interleukin-8,nerve function factor myelin interstitial protein and S100B protein content of the observation group were lower than before treatment and the control group (P <0.05);After treatment,the serum cortisol and homocysteine levels in the observation group were lower than those before treatment and the control group,while the levels of BDNF,serotonin and dopamine were higher than those before treatment and the con-trol group (P <0.05).㊀㊀Conclusion ㊀Aripiprazole combined with escitalopram can effectively improve the curative effect of patients with schizophrenia combined with depression and anxiety,reduce the content of serum inflammatory fac-tors,and improve the secretion of central neurotransmitters.㊀㊀精神分裂症为临床常见的精神障碍,全球患病率约为1%,是危害人类健康的一大顽疾[1],患者起病缓慢,临床表现为行为㊁情感㊁思维等多方面障碍和神经活动不协调,给患者和家人日常生活与工作带来了严重影响㊂有研究报道,即便经过有效治疗使患者生存质量㊁认知功能与临床症状等显著改善,但多数患者对全面恢复社会功能与工作能力等依然困难,无法独立工作㊁生活,尤其是对患者心理健康有严重影响[2]㊂抑郁㊁焦虑为临床精神分裂症患者多见症状,可发生于精神分裂症任何时期,增大其自杀风险,使患者丧失社会功能[3]㊂因此,单一采用抗精神药物可能无法使此类患者焦虑㊁抑郁症状完全缓解,需联合用药才可促进其康复㊂阿立哌唑为新型非典型抗精神药物,不仅可缓解精神分裂症患者的临床症状,同时对5-羟色胺1A受体亲和力较高,还能够明显改善患者抑郁症状,能够作为抗抑郁药物的增效剂[4]㊂草酸艾司西酞普兰是对抑郁障碍治疗的常用药物之一,临床效果受到了广泛认可[5]㊂本研究分析阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰对精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者疗效及对血清因子的影响,现报道如下㊂1㊀资料和方法1.1㊀病例资料选取2017年11月 2019年11月于本院治疗的精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者114例㊂随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组各57例,其中对照组男30例,女27例,年龄20~58岁,平均(33.19ʃ5.28)岁,精神病病程3周~62月,平均(8.41ʃ3.22)月㊂观察组男31例,女26例,年龄19~59岁,平均(32.85ʃ5.14)岁,精神病病程3周~64月,平均(8.69ʃ3.17)月,两组患者临床资料差异无显著性,具有可比性㊂纳入标准:①符合‘疾病和有关健康问题国际统计分类ICD-10“[6]内关于精神分裂症诊断标准,且阳性与阴性症状量表(positive and negative symptom scale,PANSS)ȡ60分;②汉密尔顿焦虑量表(Hamilton anxiety scale,HAMA)>14分,且汉密尔顿抑郁量表(Hamilton depression scale,HAMD)>24分;③年龄18~60岁;④近2周内未应用抗抑郁㊁抗焦虑药物,抗精神病药物服用剂量相对稳定3月;⑤患者或家属知情并签署同意书㊂排除标准:①既往有自杀史或自杀倾向者;②对本试验药物过敏或高敏体质者;③处于哺乳或妊娠期者;④合并心㊁肝㊁肾等主要器官障碍;⑤治疗依从性较差,无法配合研究者㊂1.2㊀研究方法对照组口服草酸艾司西酞普兰(四川科伦药业股份有限公司,规格100mg/片),起始剂量20mg/天,依据患者病情可增量至40mg/天,为确保患者最低有效剂量,在剂量调节前后对其服药反应密切观察,调节间隔ȡ2天㊂餐后口服齐拉西酮胶囊(江苏恩华药业股份有限公司,规格20mg/片),20mg/次, 2次/天,2周后依据患者病情可增大至60~80mg/次, 2次/天,对其服药反应密切观察㊂观察组在上述基础上采用阿立哌唑(浙江大冢制药有限公司,规格5mg/片),起始剂量为5mg/次, 1次/天,第2周可增大至10mg/次,2周后可依据患者病情增大至15mg/次,但服用总量应低于30 mg/次㊂两组患者均持续治疗3月㊂1.3㊀观察指标①疗效评估:依据患者PANSS评分的减分率拟定,减分率=(治疗前评分-治疗后评分)/(治疗前评分-30)ˑ100%㊂患者减分率ȡ75%为痊愈,50%~ 75%为显效,25%~50%为有效,<25%为无效㊂②治疗前㊁治疗后1月㊁治疗后3月采用HAMA㊁HAMD量表评估患者抑郁㊁焦虑症状变化情况㊂③血清因子指标:采集患者治疗前后空腹静脉血6mL,ELSIA法检测血清炎症因子[肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)㊁白细胞介素-2(interleukin-2,IL-2)㊁白细胞介素-8(IL-8)]㊁神经功能因子[髓鞘碱性蛋白(myelin interstitial protein,MBP)㊁S100B蛋白(S100B protein,S100B)]㊁多巴胺(dopamine,DA)㊁同型半胱氨酸(homocysteine,Hcy)㊁脑源性神经营养因子(neu-rotrophic factor,BDNF)含量,电化学发光法检测皮质醇㊁5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)含量㊂④记录患者不良反应情况,包含体质量增加㊁呕吐㊁嗜睡㊁便秘㊁内分泌改变㊁头晕及腹痛等㊂1.4㊀统计学分析采用SPSS21.0统计软件行数据分析,计量资料用xʃs表示,重复测量方差或两独立样本t检验,计数资料采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2㊀结㊀果2.1㊀两组患者临床治疗效果比较治疗后观察组有效率为89.47%,高于对照组的70.18%(χ2=6.591,P<0.05;表1)㊂表1㊀两组患者临床治疗效果比较单位:例(%)分组n无效有效显效痊愈总有效对照组5717(29.82)21(36.84)14(24.56)5(8.78)40(70.18)观察组576(10.53)15(26.32)26(45.61)10(17.54)51(89.47)a ㊀㊀注:a为P<0.05,与对照组比较㊂2.2㊀两组HAMA㊁HAMD评分的比较治疗后1月㊁3月观察组HAMA㊁HAMD评分较治疗前和对照组降低(P<0.05;表2)㊂2.3㊀两组血清炎症因子与神经功能因子含量的比较治疗后观察组血清TNF-α㊁IL-2㊁IL-8㊁MBP及S100B含量较治疗前㊁对照组降低(P<0.05;表3)㊂2.4㊀两组血清多巴胺㊁Hcy㊁BDNF㊁皮质醇及5-HT 含量的比较治疗后观察组血清皮质醇㊁Hcy含量较治疗前㊁对照组降低,BDNF㊁5-HT㊁多巴胺含量较治疗前㊁较对照组升高(P<0.05;表4)㊂表2㊀两组患者HAMA㊁HAMD评分比较单位:分分组nHAMA评分治疗前治疗后1月治疗后3月HAMD评分治疗前治疗后1月治疗后3月对照组5725.03ʃ3.0615.80ʃ2.35a9.83ʃ2.24a25.19ʃ4.3017.25ʃ3.86a11.95ʃ2.50a 观察组5725.29ʃ3.109.17ʃ2.61ab 5.11ʃ2.01ab24.78ʃ4.1610.92ʃ3.75ab 6.02ʃ2.31ab ㊀㊀注:a为P<0.05,与本组治疗前比较;b为P<0.05,与对照组同时间段比较㊂表3㊀两组患者治疗前后血清炎症因子与神经功能因子含量的比较分组n TNF-α/(ng/L)IL-2/(mg/L)IL-8/(ng/L)MBP/(μg/L)S100B/(μg/L)对照组治疗前5712.05ʃ3.147.35ʃ2.208.86ʃ2.138.10ʃ2.03 2.54ʃ0.65治疗后579.17ʃ2.30a 5.81ʃ1.63a 6.80ʃ1.17a 6.80ʃ1.77a 1.96ʃ0.50a 观察组治疗前5712.18ʃ3.077.41ʃ2.188.81ʃ2.058.15ʃ1.98 2.59ʃ0.63治疗后57 6.96ʃ2.15ab 4.62ʃ1.75ab 5.29ʃ1.04ab 5.38ʃ1.52ab 1.49ʃ0.52ab ㊀㊀注:a为P<0.05,与本组治疗前比较;b为P<0.05,与对照组治疗后比较㊂表4㊀两组患者治疗前后血清多巴胺㊁Hcy㊁BDNF㊁皮质醇及5-HT含量的比较分组n皮质醇/(μg/L)Hcy/(μmol/L)BDNF/(μg/L)5-HT/(μg/L)多巴胺/(ng/L)对照组治疗前57263.19ʃ24.8618.49ʃ3.1220.14ʃ3.5219.98ʃ4.1246.19ʃ6.41治疗后57233.28ʃ19.07a14.89ʃ2.71a24.39ʃ3.66a32.67ʃ5.46a67.33ʃ7.56a 观察组治疗前57264.18ʃ25.7718.61ʃ3.0519.95ʃ3.7719.94ʃ4.8346.42ʃ6.30治疗后57217.52ʃ18.04ab11.98ʃ2.64ab28.27ʃ3.80ab40.01ʃ5.39ab76.73ʃ7.62ab ㊀㊀注:a为P<0.05,与本组治疗前比较;b为P<0.05,与对照组治疗后比较㊂2.5㊀患者不良反应情况治疗期间观察组出现腹痛2例㊁体质量增加1例㊁头晕2例㊁呕吐2例㊁内分泌改变1例㊁便秘2例㊁嗜睡2例,总发生率为21.05%(12/57)㊂对照组出现腹痛1例㊁头晕1例㊁呕吐3例㊁内分泌改变1例㊁便秘1例㊁嗜睡1例,总发生率为14.04%(8/57)㊂不良反应两组间比较差异无统计学意义(χ2= 0.970,P=0.325)㊂3㊀讨㊀论神经分裂症患者临床主要表现是行为㊁情感与思维的分裂及基本个性改变,其病程迁延,易反复发作,伴发抑郁焦虑为患者阴性症状或情感的表现形式,一般在阳性症状缓解后显现出来,临床发病率高[7]㊂草酸艾司西酞普兰为西酞普兰S-异构体代谢产物,有5-HT双重影响,可选择性结合突触前膜5-HT结合位点,还能够结合异构位点,加速释放5-HT并对5-HT再摄取抑制作用加强,同时对去甲肾上腺素影响小,患者无明显耐药性,对社交焦虑障碍㊁抑郁障碍等比较适宜[8-9]㊂阿立哌唑为喹啉铜类衍生物,不仅为5-HT2A拮抗剂,还是5-HT1A 与多巴胺D2部分激动剂,既能够使多巴胺功能亢进状态下调,也可使低兴奋多巴胺功能状态上调,起到改善精神分裂症阳性与阴性症状作用[10-11]㊂抗精神病类与抗抑郁药物对抑郁患者治疗有增效效果,药物的总剂量小,缓解临床症状,同时不良反应较轻[12]㊂本文研究显示,阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰可有效提高精神分裂症患者疗效,改善其抑郁焦虑症状㊂MBP为髓鞘浆膜面中枢神经系统的髓鞘蛋白质,可保持机体神经功能稳定,表达量越高则提示机体脑受损越严重㊂S100B广泛分布于神经胶质细胞,表达量和机体病情程度为正相关[13-14]㊂IL-2可对免疫系统内白细胞活性调控,IL-8能够加速释放炎症反应细胞内酶,参加病理进程各种反应㊂TNF-α能诱导并激活T㊁B细胞分化,加速形成IL-8,患者体内TNF-α㊁IL-2及IL-8处于高水平会对神经递质产生影响,造成神经分泌失衡,使患者病情加重[15-16]㊂本研究显示,阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰可抑制炎症因子表达,改善其神经功能㊂Hcy 为机体中枢神经系统受损的敏感标志物,和神经元兴奋联系紧密㊂皮质醇为肾上腺所分泌荷尔蒙,对于应付压力有重要作用㊂BDNF为脑内所合成的蛋白质,能够加速神经元的再生,并保持机体生理功能正常运转和神经元的生长发育㊂在抑郁焦虑症状的出现与发展中中枢神经递质为主要病理物质,多巴胺负责兴奋㊁高兴等信息传递,和抑郁的出现联系紧密,多巴胺含量上升能够使人情绪高涨,精力充沛,而多巴胺含量下降则造成机体丧失兴趣,情绪低落㊂5-HT多存在于神经突触与大脑皮层的抑制性神经递质,对精力㊁记忆和情绪等有调节影响,其含量降低会导致出现抑郁症状[17-19]㊂本文研究显示,阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰可使患者中枢神经递质分泌改善㊂同时,联合用药后患者不良反应未显著增大,说明该疗法安全性较高㊂综上所述,阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰可有效提高精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者疗效,降低血清炎症因子含量,改善中枢神经递质分泌㊂[参考文献][1]周素妙,吴逢春,丁文华,等.氧化应激参与精神分裂症认知功能障碍机制的研究进展[J].国际精神病学杂志,2019,46(3):388-391.[2]李四冬,戢汉斌,巫珺,等.棕榈酸帕利哌酮对精神分裂症患者社会功能㊁催乳素及体质量的影响[J].中国新药杂志, 2016,25(10):1145-1148.[3]张蓉,刘小梅,赖玉兰.综合干预对精神分裂症患者亲属抑郁与焦虑情绪的影响[J].临床精神医学杂志,2018,28(4):256-258. 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血管紧张素转化酶底物的制备及对肺癌诊断的临床意义周海燕;姚莉韵;李盈懿;张建华【摘要】目的建立血管紧张素转化酶(ACE)底物的合成方法,探讨血清ACE活性的测定方法.方法底物制备采用N-羟基琥珀酰亚胺活化酯合成多肽法;建立分光光度法测定ACE的活性.结果底物呋喃丙烯酰苯丙氨酰甘氨酰甘氨酸纯度为99.5%.底物的米氏常数K_m为0.25 mmoL/L,血清ACE活性正常参考值范围46.7-113.3 U/L,标本批内和批间平均变异系数分别为3.9%和4.9%.临床检测表明,肺鳞癌、肺腺癌患者血清ACE活性显著下降(P<0.05);而肺小细胞癌患者ACE活性没有明显降低(P>0.05).结论所合成的底物适用于临床诊断各类肺癌的要求.【期刊名称】《上海交通大学学报(医学版)》【年(卷),期】2010(030)002【总页数】4页(P240-243)【关键词】血管紧张素转化酶;呋喃丙烯酰苯丙氨酰甘氨酰甘氨酸;肺癌【作者】周海燕;姚莉韵;李盈懿;张建华【作者单位】上海交通大学,胸科医院检验科,上海,200025;上海交通大学,基础医学院化学教研室,上海,200025;上海交通大学,医学院辅导员办公室,上海,200025;上海交通大学,基础医学院化学教研室,上海,200025【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R734.2血管紧张素转化酶(angiotensin converting enzyme,ACE),又名为激肽酶Ⅱ,广泛分布于全身各组织内皮或上皮细胞,其中肺毛细血管内皮细胞是血中ACE的主要来源。






不可切除胰腺癌的分子靶向药物治疗进展胡润,李俊蒽,姚沛,桂仁捷,段华新湖南师范大学附属第一医院,湖南省人民医院肿瘤科,长沙 410005通信作者:段华新,****************(ORCID: 0000-0001-9596-5013)摘要:胰腺癌作为消化系统最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率及死亡率正逐年上升,大多数胰腺癌患者因分期较晚而失去了手术机会。




关键词:胰腺肿瘤;分子靶向治疗;免疫疗法基金项目:湖南省自然科学基金(2020JJ8084)Advances in molecular-targeted therapy for unresectable pancreatic cancerHU Run,LI Junen,YAO Pei,GUI Renjie,DUAN Huaxin.(Department of Oncology,The First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Normal University, Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital, Changsha 410005, China)Corresponding author: DUAN Huaxin,****************(ORCID: 0000-0001-9596-5013)Abstract:Pancreatic cancer is one of the most prevalent malignant tumors of the digestive system, and its incidence and mortality rates are increasing year by year. Most patients with pancreatic cancer are unable to receive surgery due to the advanced stage. Although chemotherapy regimens based on gemcitabine and fluorouracil have prolonged the survival time of patients to some extent,some patients cannot tolerate chemotherapy and hence lose the opportunity for treatment. With the advent of the era of precision medicine, molecular-targeted therapy has exhibited an excellent therapeutic efficacy and has thus become one of the most important treatment techniques for tumors; however, due to the high heterogeneity of pancreatic cancer and its complicated tumor microenvironment, molecular-targeted therapy for pancreatic cancer has not achieved notable results. Therefore, it is imperative to seek new therapeutic targets and medications to overcome this issue. This article reviews the latest advances in the research on molecular-targeted therapy for unresectable pancreatic cancer based on common molecular targets and tumor immunity-related therapeutic targets, in order to provide new treatment strategies for patients with pancreatic cancer.Key words:Pancreatic Neoplasms; Molecular Targeted Therapy; ImmunotherapyResearch funding:Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province of China (2020JJ8084)胰腺癌是一种起病隐匿、进展迅速、疗效及预后极差的恶性肿瘤,大多数患者确诊时已经属于晚期。

theranostics under review -回复

theranostics under review -回复

theranostics under review -回复Theranostics: A ReviewTheranostics, a term derived from the combination of therapeutics and diagnostics, refers to the development and use of diagnostic tools that can simultaneously provide therapeutic benefits. This emerging field holds great promise in revolutionizing modern medicine by tailoring individualized treatments for patients. In this article, we will delve into the concept of theranostics, its potential applications, and the challenges it faces in becoming a mainstream practice.First and foremost, the rationale behind theranostics lies in the idea of personalized medicine. Traditional medicine often employs a one-size-fits-all approach, where patients receive a generic treatment protocol based on their diagnosis. However, individuals differ greatly in their response to drugs, with some experiencing adverse reactions while others fail to derive any therapeutic benefit. Theranostics aims to overcome these limitations by providing clinicians with a diagnostic tool that can not only identify the disease but also assess the patient's individual response to available treatment options. Armed with thisknowledge, clinicians can tailor a personalized treatment plan that is optimized for their patient's unique biology.To understand how theranostics functions, it is essential to explore its underlying methodologies. Molecular imaging, a key component of theranostics, plays a pivotal role in providing real-time, non-invasive visualization of disease processes and treatment response. Techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET), single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT) offer a range of imaging modalities that can be coupled with therapeutic agents. The use of targeted probes designed to accumulate specifically in diseased tissues further enhances the specificity and accuracy of these imaging techniques. By tracking the distribution and efficacy of therapeutic agents in real-time, clinicians can not only assess treatment response but also modify the treatment plan as necessary.The potential applications of theranostics span across various medical specialties. In oncology, theranostics has gained significant attention due to its ability to identify specific cancer biomarkers and deliver targeted therapies. Nuclear imagingtechniques, such as PET or SPECT, coupled with radiopharmaceuticals, can help identify cancer cells that express specific receptors or antigens. By combining diagnostic imaging and therapeutic agents, theranostics can precisely target and destroy cancer cells while sparing healthy tissues. This heralds a paradigm shift in cancer treatment, potentially replacing traditional chemotherapy with more efficient and less toxic therapies.Beyond oncology, theranostics can also revolutionize the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, and infectious diseases. For instance, in cardiovascular diseases, molecular imaging can identify atherosclerotic plaques, indicating the areas at highest risk for rupturing and causing heart attacks or strokes. By utilizing targeted therapeutic agents, clinicians can intervene at an early stage and prevent such catastrophic events. Similarly, in neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's disease, theranostics can help diagnose the disease at an early stage and guide the development of targeted therapies.While the potential benefits of theranostics are vast, there are several challenges that need to be addressed before it canbecome routine practice. One major hurdle lies in the development of suitable diagnostic and therapeutic agents. These agents should selectively accumulate in diseased tissues, possess high imaging contrast, and demonstrate therapeutic efficacy without significant side effects. Additionally, the cost and availability of such agents may pose challenges for widespread adoption.Another challenge lies in the integration of theranostics into clinical workflows. The successful implementation of theranostics necessitates the collaboration between radiologists, nuclear medicine physicians, oncologists, and other specialists. Integrated platforms that seamlessly combine diagnostic imaging, therapeutic planning, and treatment delivery need to be developed to ensure efficient and coordinated patient care. Furthermore, regulatory agencies need to establish guidelines and standards for theranostics to ensure its safe and effective use.In conclusion, theranostics represents a promising approach that combines the best of diagnostics and therapeutics. By providing real-time insights into disease processes and personalizedtreatment options, it holds the potential to revolutionize medicine and improve patient outcomes. While there are still challenges to overcome, such as the development of suitable agents and the integration into clinical workflows, the strides made in theranostics thus far are undeniably impressive. With continued research and development, it is plausible that theranostics will become an indispensable tool in the arsenal of modern medicine.。









关键词:司维拉姆;血液灌流;血液透析;顽固性皮肤瘙痒症Clinical study on sevelamer combined with hemoperfusion in treatment of hemodialysis patientswith intractable cutaneous pruritusCAO Shan,LIU Yu(Department of Nephrology,Pingxiang People's Hospital,Pingxiang,Jiangxi,337000,China) Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical value of sevelamer combined with hemoperfusion in treatment of hemodialysis patients with in-tractable cutaneous pruritus.Methods50patients with intractable cutaneous pruritus who underwent hemodialysis treatment3months in our hospi-tal from December2018to June2020were selected as the research subjects,and they were divided into two groups according to the random number table method,with25cases in each group.The control group was given hemoperfusion treatment,and the observation group was given sevelamer treatment on the basis of the control group.The clinical efficacy,serum factors,skin pruritus score and the incidence of adverse reactions were com-pared between the two groups.Results After treatment,the remission rate of cutaneous pruritus in the observation group(96.00%)was higher than that of the control group(80.00%),but the difference was not statistically significant;the modified Duo's pruritus score,serum phosphorus(P),para-thyroid hormone(PTH),and serum creatinine(SCr)and blood urea nitrogen(BUN)in the observation group were lower than those of the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05);there was no significant difference in the incidence of serum calcium(Ca)and ad-verse reactions between the two groups.Conclusion Sevelamer combined with hemoperfusion in treatment of hemodialysis patients with intractable cutaneous pruritus has significant efficacy of improving clinical pruritus symptoms.Key words:Sevelamer;Hemoperfusion;Hemodialysis;Intractable cutaneous pruritus皮肤瘙痒症是终末期肾脏病常见并发症,22%~48%的维持性血液透析患者存在中重度皮肤瘙痒[1]。



药学英语Unit 1Inflammatory reaction induced by local ischemic injury is one of the important pathophysiological characteristics after ischemic stroke, so anti-inflammatory therapy may be an effective strategy for acute ischemic stroke. Enlimomab, an anti-ICAM-1 murine monoclonal antibody, can inhibit the recruitment and activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, reduce their adhesion and decrease cerebral infarct size in experimental stroke models. However, a much larger efficacy trial including 625 acute ischemic stroke patients has shown that enlimomab was ineffective on ischemic stroke patients even with a worsening outcome. The therapeutic time window of rt-PA is within 3 hours of ischemic onset. Administration of the drug after more than 3 hours of ischemic onset has no significant therapeutic implications and may even end up with an increased hemorrhagic risk. A study using the animal ischemic model indicated that combination of anti-inflammatory therapy and rt-PA could significantly and might as well extend the therapeutic time window of thrombolysis.局部脑缺血损伤引起的炎症反应是缺血性脑卒中发生后的重要病理生理特征,因此,抗炎治疗策略可能是治疗急性缺血性脑卒中的一种有效方法。



任晓莉,杨璐,乔鹏,等. 复合酶法提取槐花多糖的工艺优化及其抗氧化活性[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(7):8−14. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023070216REN Xiaoli, YANG Lu, QIAO Peng, et al. Optimization of Extraction Process of Polysaccharide from Sophora japonica by Compound Enzyme Method and Its Antioxidant Activity[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(7): 8−14. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023070216· 特邀主编专栏—食品中天然产物提取分离、结构表征和生物活性(客座主编:杨栩、彭鑫) ·复合酶法提取槐花多糖的工艺优化及其抗氧化活性任晓莉*,杨 璐,乔 鹏,缪奕锴,杨懿昂,代秋红,张贤德(太原工业学院环境与安全工程系,山西太原 030008)摘 要:目的:采用复合酶法提取槐花多糖,对提取工艺进行优化,并评价其体外抗氧化活性。

方法:通过单因素实验考察复合酶添加量、pH 、复合酶比例和酶解时间对得率的影响,在单因素实验基础上,采用响应面法确定槐花多糖的最佳提取参数,并以V C 为对照,通过测定槐花多糖对DPPH·和ABTS +·的清除率及总还原力,考察所提取的槐花多糖的抗氧化活性。

结果:复合酶法提取槐花多糖的最佳提取参数为:复合酶添加量23.8 mg/g ,pH4.8,果胶酶与纤维素酶比例0.912:1,该工艺下槐花多糖得率为10.71%,所提取的槐花多糖对DPPH·和ABTS +·均表现出较好的清除能力,当槐花多糖溶液浓度为2.8 mg/mL 时,对DPPH·和ABTS +·的清除率分别达到同浓度下V C 的94.19%和99.79%,总还原力达到V C 的75.99%。



血清生物标志物在缺血缺氧性脑病新生儿中的研究进展兰雪,崔艳芳,陈国萍,于嘉,肇颖新(哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院新生儿科,黑龙江哈尔滨150001)摘要:治疗性低温疗法作为低氧缺血性脑病(hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy,HIE)治疗标准的广泛引入,给临床医生带来了越来越大的压力,要求他们对发生的低氧损伤(hypoxic injury,H I)的程度和随之而来的脑病的严重程度做出早期和准确的评估。





关键词:血清生物标记物;新生儿;缺血缺氧性脑病;研究进展中图分类号:R7222文献标识码:AResearch Progresses of Serum Biomarkers in Neonateswith Hypoxic Ischemic EncephalopathyLAN Xue,CUI Yanfang,CHEN Guoping,YU Jia,ZHAO Yingxin (Department of Neonatology,The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Harbin150001,China) Abstract:The widespread introduction of therapeutic hypothermia as a standard of care for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy(HIE)has created an increasing pressure on clinicians to make an early and accurate asse s ment ofthe degree of hypoxicinjury(HI)that occurs and the severity ofthe accompanyingencephalopathy.However,none of the blood-based markersisyetgoodenoughto accuratelydetectsignificantHIorpredictoutcomes.HIEisa s ociatedwith manypredictablechanges in inflammatory proteins,neuron-specific proteins,and MicroRNA expressions that evolve rapidly withinhoursto daysafterbirth.Thecombination of clinical data and biochemicaltestresultsis currentlythe mostpromising approachtoimprovethe detection and prediction of neonatal HIE outcomes.This paper summarizes the current research on SERUM biomarkers of HIE and shows its potentialtopredictHIEresults.Key words:;Serum biomarkers;Newborn;Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy;Progress在新生儿低氧缺血性脑病(hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy,HIE)的管理中,最大的难点是对于HIE的预测、检测和分级,分级的结果会影响治疗干预的方式。






低氧诱导因子-1(Hypoxia-inducible factor-1,HIF-1)作为高度特异性的核转录因子,是维持氧平衡最重要的调节因子1。


在常氧条件下,HIF-1α的转录激活功能被氧依赖型羟化酶FIH-1抑制;另外,在脯氨酸羟化酶PHDs和肿瘤抑制因子pVHL等协同作用下经泛素-蛋白酶体途径降解;但当机体或细胞面对低氧刺激时,由于FIH-1和PHDs等氧依赖型酶的活性被抑制而导致胞内HIF-1α累积,HIF-1α转位入核与HIF-1β聚合形成异源二聚体,继而与下游靶基因的低氧反应元件(Hypoxia response element,HRE)结合并调控相关基因的转录表达,从而维持氧稳态,使细胞避免或适应低氧环境。


大量研究表明,HIF-1α具有促进血管生成、调节内环境、调节昼夜节律4, 5、诱导细胞自噬和程序性细胞死亡以及促进间充质干细胞的自我更新和分化等生理作用,且其往往在多种原发或继发性恶性肿瘤组织中的表达水平异常升高,已然成为多种疾病临床诊断、靶向治疗和预后评估的一个生物标识和潜在靶点6-8。

一方面,HIF-1作为内源性保护分子在缺血缺氧性脑血管病、神经系统退行性疾病、急性心肌梗死等疾病中对神经细胞的存活和心肌细胞的再生具有重要意义9, 10。



This study presents a tumor-extracellular matrix pH-induced targeting liposome (ECM-targeting liposomes), crosslinked from methoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(N-2-hydroxypropyl methacrylamide-cohistidine)-cholesterol copolymers and biotin2-polyethylene glycol crosslinkers by hydrogen bonds to overcome the defects of liposomes. In this study, ECM-targeting liposomes were completely investigated their pH-responsibility, drug releasing behaviors, anticancer efficiencies and the time-dependent organ distribution and toxic effects. Experimental results indicate that ECM-targeting liposomes showed rapid drug releasing profiles in acidic conditions. Because the ECM-targeting liposomes accumulated preferentially in tumor, the ECM-targeting liposomes exhibited exceptional anticancer activity in vivo and lower hepatic and renal toxicity. The ECM-targeting liposomes which are switched on the targeting ability in tumor ECM possess potential for future application in anticancer therapy.

Developmental thyroid hormone insufficiency and brain development- A role for BDNF

Developmental thyroid hormone insufficiency and brain development- A role for BDNF

REVIEWDEVELOPMENTAL THYROID HORMONE INSUFFICIENCY AND BRAINDEVELOPMENT:A ROLE FOR BRAIN-DERIVED NEUROTROPHIC FACTOR (BDNF)?M.E.GILBERT a *AND SLEY baToxicity Assessment Division,Neurotoxicology Branch,U.S.Environmental Protection Agency,Research Triangle Park,NC,USA bDepartment of Cancer Biology and Pharmacology,University of Illinois College of Medicine,Peoria,IL,USAAbstract—Thyroid hormones (TH)are essential for normal brain development.Even modest degrees of TH disruption experienced in utero can result in neuropsychological defi-cits in children despite normal thyroid status at birth.Neuro-trophins have been implicated in a host of brain cellular functions,and in particular,brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)has a well documented role in development and function of the nervous system.A number of laborato-ries have reported the effects of TH administration or severe deprivation on neurotrophin expression in brain.This review provides an overview and update of recent develop-ments in the thyroid field as they relate to the nervous system.Secondly,we describe an animal model of low level TH insufficiency that is more relevant for studying the neurological consequences associated with the modest TH perturbations of subclinical hypothyroidism,or that would be anticipated from exposure to environmental contami-nants with a mode-of-action that involves the thyroid.Finally,we review the available in vivo literature on TH-med-iated alterations in neurotrophins,particularly BDNF,and discuss their possible contribution to brain impairments associated with TH insufficiency.The observations of altered BDNF protein and gene expression have varied as a function of hypothyroid model,age,and brain region assessed.Only a handful of studies have investigated the relationship of neurotrophins and TH using models of TH deprivation that are not severe,and dose–response informa-tion is sparse.Differences in the models used,species,doses,regions assessed,age at assessment,and method employed make it difficult to reach a consensus.Based on the available literature,the case for a direct role for BDNF in thyroid-mediated effects in the brain is not compelling.We conclude that delineation of the potential role of neuro-trophins in TH-mediated neuronal development may be more fruitful by examining additional neurotrophins (e.g.,nerve growth factor),moderate degrees of TH insufficiency,and younger ages.We further suggest that investigation of BDNF invoked by synaptic activation (i.e.,plasticity,enrich-ment,trauma)may serve to elucidate a role of thyroid hormone in BDNF-regulated synaptic function.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled:Steroid hormone actions in the CNS:the role of BDNF .Published by Elsevier Ltd.on behalf of IBRO.Key words:BDNF,hypothyroidism,hippocampus,cortex,developmental,propylthiouracil.ContentsIntroduction 253Some basics of thyroid biology 254Thyroid hormone transporters in the brain 254Thyroid hormone metabolism in the brain 255Non-genomic actions and novel thyroid signaling mole-cules 255Effects of TH insufficiency in humans 255Environmental factors and subclinical hypothyroidism 256Pharmacological models of hypothyroidism using propylthio-uracil and methimazole 256Low dose PTU model characterization 256Hippocampal synaptic transmission and plasticity 257Hippocampal-dependent learning 258Cell fate specificity and white matter abnormalities 259Errors in neuronal migration 259Is there a role for neurotrophins in the developmental effects of thyroid hormone insufficiency?260Increasing thyroid hormones in adults in vivo 262Augmenting thyroid hormones in the neonate in vivo 262Reducing thyroid hormones in the adult 263Reducing thyroid hormones to neonate 263Summary and conclusions 265Acknowledgments 266References 266INTRODUCTIONThyroid hormones (TH)are critical for normal on brain development.Severe TH deficiencies in the neonatal0306-4522/13$36.00Published by Elsevier Ltd.on behalf of IBRO./10.1016/j.neuroscience.2012.11.022*Corresponding author.Address:Toxicity Assessment Division,Neurotoxicology Branch (MD-B105-05),National Health and Envi-ronmental Effects Research Laboratory,U.S.Environmental Protec-tion Agency,Research Triangle Park,NC 27711,USA.Tel:+1-919-541-4394;fax:+1-919-541-4849.E-mail address:gilbert.mary@ (M.E.Gilbert).Abbreviations:BDNF,brain-derived neurotrophic factor;GD,gestational day;GFAP,glial fibrillary acidic protein;LTP,long-term potentiation;MCT,monocarboxylate transporter;MMI,methimazole;NGF,nerve growth factor;NT,neurotrophin;OATP,organic anion-transporting polypeptide;PTU,propylthiouracil;T 1AM,3-iodothyronamine;T3,3,5,30-triiodothyronine;T4,thyroxine;TH,thyroid hormones;TRE,thyroid response element;TSH,thyroid stimulating hormone.Neuroscience 239(2013)253–270253period are of clinical interest because they can result indiminished mental capacity which can be mitigated withearly diagnosis and hormone supplementation.However,a greater recognition of the impact of maternalsubclinical hypothyroidism on fetal CNS function isemerging,and the contribution of TH-disruptingenvironmental contaminants in this etiology remains tobe determined.Because of the established roles ofneurotrophins in neuronal migration,differentiation,andplasticity,there has been a focus of efforts to understandtheir role in TH-mediated neurological effects.In this review we examined the available literature toevaluate the association between TH disruption andneurotrophin gene/protein expression.TH synthesisinhibitors have been used to pharmacologically inducehypothyroidism in animals,and we review datagenerated by these models.The roles of neurotrophins,with special attention to brain-derived neurotrophicfactor(BDNF),are then evaluated by examining theirresponses to TH supplementation or deprivation inyoung and adult animals in vivo.This assessment of theliterature will allow us to define clearer roles for TH onneurotrophin function,to evaluate the potential forneurotrophins to serve as biomarkers of developmentalTH effects,and to elucidate the course of future studies.SOME BASICS OF THYROID BIOLOGYTH is essential for a number of physiological processes inmammalian species.In the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis(HPTA),thyroid releasing hormone(TRH)from the hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary to releasethyroid stimulating hormone(TSH).TSH acts on thyroidgland receptors to activate synthesis and release of TH.Thyroxine(T4)is the predominant form of TH releasedinto the bloodstream and is enzymatically deiodinated to3,5,30-triiodothyronine(T3),a high-affinity ligand for thenuclear TH receptors TR a and TR b,whose activation regulates vertebrate development and physiology.In thecirculation,these hormones are bound to serum proteinsfor transport and delivery to the many TH-dependentorgans.The developing brain is one organ mostvulnerable to TH insufficiency(Oppenheimer andSchwartz,1997;Santisteban and Bernal,2005;Williams,2008).A key feature of TH action in the brain is thetemporal sequence of events it supports,a feature thatincreases the complexity of research studies,while atthe same time providing avenues to identify mechanismsthat must exist to control TH action.TH acts through nuclear receptors encoded by twogenes,TR a or TR b,to affect gene transcription.Thyroid receptors bind to DNA sequences(thyroid response elements,TREs)in the unliganded state and for this reason are called‘‘aporeceptors’’.In the absence of T3, these aporeceptors typically behave as transcription repressors toward target genes(Bernal and Morte, 2012).Upon binding of hormone,the aporeceptors then function as transcription activators.As such,the absence of T3exerts a more detrimental effect than the absence of receptors,as shown in various TR knockout models in which the resulting somatic and neurological phenotype is distinct from,and impairments more subtle than,those resulting from chemical or surgical thyroidectomy.It is the TRE,not the liganded receptor,which directly regulates specific TH-responsive genes.Few genes have been identified that are directly activated by TH,and of that group,most are transcription factors(e.g.,hairless, hr)that modulate the expression of other genes (Thompson and Potter,2000).TH regulation of these downstream genes is therefore indirect as these genes do not themselves possess a TRE and do not bind the T3-receptor complex.In this manner TH can modulate the expression of a multitude of downstream genes,an action that dramatically increases the sphere of their influence on brain development,as well as the difficulty identifying developmentally important TH-responsive genes(Anderson et al.,2003;Flamant and Samarut, 2003;Quignodon et al.,2004).Furthermore,TRs do not regulate the same genes in all neuronal cell types,nor do they regulate the same gene in the same cell over time during development,necessitating the existence of mechanisms that control the cell specificity and timing of TR action(Iniguez et al.,1996;Williams,2008; Hernandez et al.,2010).Selective expression of TH-specific transporter proteins in the brain and local metabolizing enzymes represent two mechanisms whose relative contribution to the localfidelity of TH signaling is just beginning to be unravelled.Adding further to this complexity,the degree of change in the expression of TH-responsive genes in the brain is subtle in nature,standing in marked contrast to TH-mediated change in gene expression in many other tissues.Most known neural genes exhibit transient responsiveness to TH and undergo changes in expression of only two to threefold in response to the hormone(Poguet et al.,2003;Quignodon et al.,2004; Royland et al.,2008).Consequently,it has proven challenging to associate the changes in expression of a particular gene or family of genes to the well known effects of TH on brain development(Oppenheimer and Schwartz,1997;Thompson and Potter,2000;Bernal, 2002).Difficulty linking alterations in gene expression and brain function may also derive from the paradigm traditionally used in these studies.Specifically,models of severe hypothyroidism may lead to a plethora of effects on the somatic development of many organ systems that may obscure the more direct actions of TH on brain development.Observations at the molecular, anatomical,physiological,and behavioral level in such models may not only reflect the actions of TH insufficiency but also may include those secondary to the somatic insult resulting from severe TH deprivation. Thyroid hormone transporters in the brainSpecific transporter proteins from the monocarboxylate transporter(MCT)and organic anion-transporting polypeptide(OATP)families actively take up T3and T4 and are primarily expressed on blood vessels,astrocytes, and neurons(Williams,2008;Bernal,2011).Individuals suffering from mutations of the MCT8transporter exhibit severe mental retardation,i.e.,Allen–Herndon–Dudley254M.E.Gilbert,sley/Neuroscience239(2013)253–270syndrome(Schweizer and Ko hrle,2012).The OATP family of transporters,also capable of iodothyronine transport,is expressed in hippocampal,cortical,and cerebellar neurons(Schweizer and Ko hrle,2012).Initialfindings with mouse models with targeted deletions of these transporters were disappointing as these mutants did not exhibit characteristics of the neurodevelopmental phenotype observed in humans or rodent models of severe hypothyroidism(Heuer and Visser,2009;Mayer et al.,2012a).However,recent reports of double knockouts of both transporters in mouse models reveal significant neuroanatomical abnormalities and behavioral impairments(Mayer et al.,2012b).Exciting new discoveries using transgenic models hold great promise for the future elucidation of the role played by TH-transporters in the region-specific and time-dependent presentation of T3to the neuron.From both a clinical and environmental contaminant perspective,it is important to recognize that these mechanisms alter TH availability to the developing brain in a manner that is not accurately reflected in changes in serum T3or T4.Thyroid hormone metabolism in the brainEnzymes that convert T4to T3(i.e.,deiodinase2,D2)or deactivate T3to physiologically inactive reverse-T3or T2(i.e.,deiodinase3,D3)provide additional means of control over TH-dependent gene regulation in the neuron (Bernal,2011;Williams and Bassett,2011).Neuronal T3 is largely derived from D2-dependent metabolism of T4 in glial cells.D2-deficient mice exhibit elevated circulating T4and TSH levels but normal circulating T3 and as neonates display reduced T3concentrations in the brain.In contrast to the glial expression of D2,the inactivating D3enzyme is highly expressed in neurons. As neonates,D3-deficient mice have elevated levels of serum hormones,whereas serum hormone profiles demonstrate hypothyroidism after PN15.Selective deletions of D2or D3have modest effects on the expression level of T3-target genes(e.g.,RC2,Hr)and offspring exhibit a mild general neurological phenotype compared with the abnormalities of hypothyroidism.Collectively,thesefindings with transgenic mouse models suggest that compensatory mechanisms exist to ameliorate the neurological consequences of transporter and deiodinase deficiencies during the organism’s development,and that significant species differences may exist between humans and rodents(i.e.,as seen in MCT8mutations).However,several laboratories have recently described significant neurological impairments and overlap in brain gene expression with chemical hypothyroid models with different combinations of receptor,transporter,and deiodinase deletions(e.g., Hernandez et al.,2010,2012;Bernal,2011;Mayer et al., 2012b).Non-genomic actions and novel thyroid signaling moleculesT3-modulated transcription of target genes via activation of TRs is a slow process,the effects of which manifest over hours and days.However,rapidly occurring effects of TH have also been documented(Davis et al.,2008). T4itself,and its presumed iodothyronamine metabolites, have rapid physiological actions both in vitro and in vivo. These data indicate that actions of TH can also occur at non-nuclear sites to alter developmental processes and function of fetal,neonatal and adult nervous systems. One presumed TH metabolite,3-iodothyronamine (T1AM),produces a rapid and profound effect on body temperature,heart rate,and metabolism when administered in vivo(Scanlan et al.,2004).Although initially described as an extrathyroidal metabolic derivative of T4,a recent report indicates T1AM represents a distinct hormone entity of the same biosynthetic machinery in the thyroid gland that is necessary for T4synthesis(Hackenmueller et al.,2012). As such,this newly discovered TH may constitute a part of TH action in target tissues including the brain whose effects are yet to be revealed.EFFECTS OF TH INSUFFICIENCY IN HUMANS In humans,severe deficiencies in TH during development are associated with irreversible damage to virtually all organ systems,a condition termed cretinism(Glinoer, 2007).The primary causes of severe developmental hypothyroidism in humans are mainly congenital hypothyroidism and iodine deficiency(Glinoer and Delange,2000;Glinoer,2007).Each condition can produce a different spectrum of symptoms,the specific nature of which is dependent on the timing,duration, and severity of the deficiency.Congenital hypothyroidism refers to a condition in which children are born with very low levels of serum hormone,typically resulting from a malformation of the thyroid gland.Children appear normal at birth,their mothers have normal thyroid function,and in the past, the lack of specific symptoms often delayed the diagnosis and treatment,with the prognosis deteriorating with the passage of time.The full clinical picture prior to the era of systematic neonatal screening included stunted growth and severe mental retardation(see reviews by Dussault and Ruel,1987;Chan et al.,2005; Glinoer,2007).Neonatal screening programs for identification and early treatment,now widely instituted in North America and abroad,have largely eliminated congenital hypothyroidism as a primary cause of mental retardation.However,lower global IQ scores,language delays and weak verbal skills,motor weakness, attentional deficits and learning impairments were evident in children with delayed or inadequate treatment (Derksen-Lubsen and Verkerk,1996).Even in cases where the condition is diagnosed early and treated effectively,subtle impairments in mental function remain (Zoeller and Rovet,2004).Iodine is an essential element for the biosynthesis of TH and some of the most serious neurologic impairments from environmental causes are in children born in regions of the world where dietary iodine deficiency is prevalent(Zimmermann,2007).These children are characterized by stunted growth and a high incidence of mental retardation.NeurologicalM.E.Gilbert,sley/Neuroscience239(2013)253–270255deficiencies seen in endemic iodine deficiency beginning in utero and that continue throughout infancy are more severe than those resulting from congenital hypothyroidism,indicating that early fetal thyroid function is also critical for normal brain development (Glinoer,2007).A number of studies have now demonstrated that modest levels of TH insufficiency characteristic of subclinical hypothyroidism in pregnant women can result in neuropsychological deficits in their offspring,despite normal thyroid status of the child at birth(Haddow et al., 1999;Zoeller and Rovet,2004;Berbel et al.,2009; Henrichs et al.,2010).These observations of neurological impairments following subclinical reductions in maternal T4have raised the level of concern over the influence of environmental contaminants which decrease thyroid function(Porterfield,1994;Blount et al.,2006;Ginsberg et al.,2007;Mendez et al.,2012). The animal literature has lagged behind the human data because models of moderate TH disruption have not been available that parallel the human phenotype.As such,animal research is lacking on mechanisms, biomarkers of effect,and efficacy of intervention to reverse subtle perturbations of the thyroid axis.ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ANDSUBCLINICAL HYPOTHYROIDISMThe U.S.Environmental Protection Agency must regulate chemicals that have the potential to pose a hazard to human health.A large number of environmental contaminants with diverse structures have been shown to decrease circulating levels of TH(Brucker-Davis, 1998).Animal studies have indicated that this action of xenobiotics on the thyroid system may contribute to alterations in nervous system development and function (see review by Gilbert and Zoeller,2010).Some of these environmental contaminants have also been evaluated in humans and been found to disrupt the thyroid axis(Koopman-Esseboom et al.,1994;Blount et al.,2006;Chevrier et al.,2007;Turyk et al.,2007; Baccarelli et al.,2008).Moreover,human exposures to some of these same contaminants are associated with neurodevelopmental impairments(Jacobson and Jacobson,1996;Koopman-Esseboom et al.,1996; Lonky et al.,1996;Patandin et al.,1999),suggesting that environmental contaminants may produce neurotoxic effects on the developing human by interfering with thyroid function or hormone action. Relative to severe iodine deficiency and congenital hypothyroidism,environmental contaminants reduce circulating TH to a modest degree(Gilbert and Zoeller, 2010).What has not been established is the degree to which thyroid status must be perturbed to produce adverse neurological outcomes.Until recently experimental studies have uniformly examined severe TH deficiency with a limited information on the neurological consequences of low-level thyroid dysfunction.Addressing this question has important implications not only for environmental regulation but also for the ongoing debate of the cost,risk and benefits of treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism. Pharmacological models of hypothyroidism using propylthiouracil and methimazoleThere are two prevalent models of developmental hypothyroidism using the synthesis inhibitors methimazole(MMI)or propylthiouracil(PTU).These agents block the action of the thyroperoxidase enzyme in the thyroid gland that is necessary to couple iodine to tyrosine in order to form T3and T4(Cooper et al.,1983, 1984).These agents are typically delivered to pregnant dams through the drinking water beginning in early gestation to compromise hormone supplies to the fetus and neonate,or late in gestation to affect the near term fetus and the thyroid status of the nursing pup. Typically,a single high dose of either PTU or MMI, ranging from0.02%to0.05%(equivalent to200–500 ppm)is administered to pregnant dams through the drinking water beginning early(gestational day6,GD6) or late(GD17)in gestation.These treatments dramatically reduce circulating levels of T3and T4,and produce exponential increases in pituitary release of TSH that stimulates the thyroid gland to increase hormone synthesis and release.These models generate a serum hormone profile consistent with hypothyroidism in humans.Phenotypically,these animals are characterized by stunted growth,severe developmental delays,hair loss,and motor and sensory deficits (Dussault and Ruel,1987;Bernal,2002;Gilbert and Zoeller,2010).Other models have incorporated thyroidectomy of the dam and the newborn pups to even more dramatically alter thyroid status(e.g.,Iniguez et al.,1996;Kim et al.,2007).These models have provided valuable information on the critical importance of TH to brain development in the fetal and early neonatal period,but their utility in assessing the impact of moderate degrees of TH insufficiency is limited.Low dose PTU model characterizationTo begin to address this knowledge gap,we have developed a model of low level TH disruption using graded levels of PTU delivered through the drinking water to the pregnant rat from early gestation and continuing throughout lactation(e.g.,Sui and Gilbert, 2003;Gilbert and Sui,2006;Gilbert,2011).In contrast to the standard models of200–500ppm,we have examined concentrations of PTU in the drinking water that range from1to10ppm.Water consumption is not altered at these concentrations,a significant concern when high concentrations of PTU are used,due to its bitter taste.This model leads to dose-dependent reductions in serum TH,with reductions in T4being the most sensitive,and at the lower doses,the only indicator of hormone disruption.Body weight gain in dams and pups is not altered at1and2ppm PTU,and only marginally and transiently in pups at3ppm in the later neonatal period.At the10ppm dose,body weight over thefirst10days of life is not different from controls,256M.E.Gilbert,sley/Neuroscience239(2013)253–270but thereafter animals fail to thrive(Sui and Gilbert,2003). They remain stunted in growth,exhibit significant developmental delays in eye opening,unstable gait,and hearing loss,and must be kept with dams for an additional week to ensure survival.We characterize this level of hypothyroidism induced by10ppm PTU as severe.Very small body weight differences are sometimes but not always seen at the3ppm dose level and a slight delay in eye opening has been observed shown at PTU doses of2ppm and above(Fig.2; Gilbert and Sui,2006;Gilbert et al.,2007;Gilbert, 2011).Reductions in paired pulse depression and enhanced paired pulse facilitation were accompanied by reductions in parvalbumin protein expression,the calcium-binding protein selectively expressed in inhibitory GABAergic interneurons(Fig.3).BDNF is essential for the differentiation of multiple interneuron subtypes,including the fast-spiking parvalbumin-1.Serum thyroid hormone profile in the low-dose PTU model.Dams were exposed to varying concentrations of PTU in the drinking water beginning on gestational day(GD6)and continuing through lactation.(A)Serum(mean±SEM)T4was reduced in a graded fashion as a function PTU dose in pups and in dams(n=5–15litters/group).(B)More modest reductions in circulating T3were seen at3and10ppm PTU concentrations in pups and dams.(C)Serum T4and(D)serum T3exhibited full recovery by PN90.⁄p<0.05compared to controls(from Lasley Gilbert,2011).M.E.Gilbert,sley/Neuroscience239(2013)253–270257et al.,2005)but the magnitude of the change appeared not as robust as that observed in vivo .This may possibly reflect differential sensitivity of these subregions to developmental hypothyroidism,but are more likely attributable to inherent differences between in vivo and in vitro assessments.Hippocampal-dependent learningLearning and memory are clearly impaired in animals following developmental hypothyroidism (Davenport and Dorcey,1972;Akaike et al.,1991;Darbra et al.,2004;Gilbert and Sui,2006;Axelstad et al.,2008).In the low-dose PTU model we have evaluated learning and memory using the Morris water maze and trace fear conditioning in adult offspring.Both paradigms revealed learning deficits at doses of 3and 10ppm PTU (Fig.4;Gilbert and Sui,2006;Gilbert,2011).In recent studies,lower doses of PTU (1and 2ppm)were without effect on water maze acquisition (unpublished observations),but context learning deficits in a modified version of the trace fear conditioning paradigm were evident in offspring from the lowest 1ppm dose group tested (Fig.4).Impairments in context learning were also seen only in male offspring at the lower doses,but the more severe hypothyroidism induced by 10ppm produced impairments in males and females,and in both context and cue learning (Gilbert and Taylor,2012).Deficits in context fear learning were subtle in nature and could be ameliorated in all but the 10ppm dose group by increasing the duration of the shock,a manipulation that serves to enhance the robustness of the learning (Fig.4).These data are important as they reveal significant and persistent declines in cognitive function in response to modest reductions in serum T4in the dam (<20%)and the neonate ($50%)and in the absence of change in serum T3,TSH,body weight,or latency to eye opening.Generally,it has beenquite2.Developmental exposure in the low-dose PTU model produces dose-dependent impairments in excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity as measured in field potentials recorded from the dentate gyrus in vivo .(A)Excitatory synaptic transmission measured via an input/output function of the amplitude of the EPSP slope of adult offspring of PTU-exposed dams is impaired at moderate degrees TH insufficiency.Input/output curves from 2and 3ppm groups were significantly suppressed relative to controls (data taken from Gilbert,2011Previous work demonstrated greater reductions at a higher dose of 10ppm PTU (Gilbert and Sui,2006,not shown).(B)Paired pulse depression reduced and paired pulse facilitation is enhanced in PTU-exposed animals (from Gilbert et al.,2007).Effects are most prominent at the lowest stimulus intensity (20%maximum)and highest PTU dose.(C)Theta-burst stimulation of the perforant path induced long-term potentiation of EPSP slope,the magnitude of which was significantly suppressed in PTU-exposed offspring at all doses levels when collapsed across intensity (ANOVA with mean contrasts);Ãindicates all dose groups significantly different from 0ppm,p <0.05(modified from Gilbert,2011).difficult to demonstrate impairments in these simple tasks of learning and memory when modest reductions in TH are induced by PTU,the environmental contaminant perchlorate (Gilbert and Sui,2008),or by marginal dietary iodine deficiency (Gilbert et al.,2012).The lack of effect of these modest alterations in thyroid status on neurobehavior may reflect the lack of sensitivity of the test to subtle deficits as much as the absence of subtle cognitive impairments accompanying low-level TH insufficiency.Cell fate specificity and white matter abnormalities White matter formation and myelination are important developmental events that are regulated by TH and growth factors including BDNF (Ibarrola and Rodriguez-Pena,1997;Ferreira et al.,2007;vonDran et al.,2010).Children exposed to low levels of TH during critical periods of brain development have altered myelination patterns (Jagannathan et al.,1998)and reductions in myelin formation is a hallmark of congenital hypothyroid models.In these models,although the total number of axons is not altered,the number of myelinating oligodendrocytes and myelinated axons in major white matter tracts is significantly reduced (Gravel and Hawkes,1990;Schoonover et al.,2004;Powell et al.,2012).In the low-dose PTU model,Sharlin et al.(2008)identified structural alterations in the white matter of PTU-exposed pups using in situ hybridization techniques.They reported alterations in the cellularcomposition of the corpus callosum and anterior commissure,the primary fiber pathways that support communication between the two cerebral hemispheres.At low doses,reductions in mRNA of myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG),a marker of oligodendrocytes,were coupled with increases in mRNA for the astrocyte marker,glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP).The reduction in oligodendrocytes was dose-dependent and accompanied by an equivalent parallel increase in the number of GFAP-positive astrocytes –i.e.,oligodendrocyte density declined and astrocyte density rose linearly with serum T4concentration (Fig.5).Because both oligodendrocytes and astrocytes derive from the same glial precursor cell and the total number of cells of both phenotypes did not change,these data suggest that the lack of TH altered cell fate specificity,i.e.,in the absence of sufficient TH,glial precursors were directed more to an astrocyte than to an oligodendrocyte lineage.Errors in neuronal migrationSmaller brain size and disorganized cytoarchitecture in the cortex and cerebellum have been described in models of severe hypothyroidism (Rami et al.,1986;Madeira et al.,1991,1992).Bernal and colleagues reported delayed and disordered migration of cortical and hippocampal neurons in response to iodine deficiency,a model of transient maternal hypothyroidism,and the late-gestation thyroidectomy model of preterm birth (Lavado-Autricinhibitory circuitry as assessed by paired pulse functions in adult offspring of PTU-treated dams (see Fig.2B)was immunostaining for parvalbumin,a calcium-binding protein found only in inhibitory neurons.Staining was reduced in of PN21offspring (A)exposed to 3or 10ppm of PTU.Cell counts of parvalbumin-positive cells (B)and protein content analysis (C)were similarly reduced,some of which persisted to adulthood (from Gilbert et al.,2007).⁄p <0.05compared。

HP 435 Multi-Device 无线鼠标说明书

HP 435 Multi-Device 无线鼠标说明书

HP 435 Multi-Device Wireless MouseEverything Just ClicksWork seamlessly with a versatile and customizable mouse that is responsibly made. Enhance your experience by connecting with up to two devices and moving content across operating systems. Be at your best with programmable buttons, ergonomic design, and battery life that lasts up to 24 months. Plus, enjoy the freedom to work on most surfaces with a Multi-Surface Sensor technology.Connect Across Multiple Devices Now you can drag and drop anything across devices using one mouse. The cursor will move seamlessly between the screens, even between Windows® and macOS® operating systems. Also enjoy the freedom to connect to up to 2 devices with a USB-A nano dongle or Bluetooth®.Totally CustomizableMake everything quick, easy, andjust how you like it by customizingshortcuts using severalapplications. Dial in all yourpreferences with 4 programmablebuttons, adjustable wheel speed,and fast cursor tracking up to 4000dpi.Responsibly MadeAside from the comfortable design,this mouse will make you feel goodabout doing your part for theenvironment.2 Years, 1 BatteryWork uninterrupted for years withthis amazingly efficient, incrediblylong-lasting mouse. A single AAbattery lasts up to 24 months withthe smart power system.1*Product image may differ from actual product2345Thoughtfully DesignedWork efficiently with a mouse that is comfortable and responsive. Whether you are a lefty or righty, enjoy responsive clicks, thoughtfully designed buttons and scroll wheel.Drag this Mouse AnywhereFind the freedom to work anywhere with a mouse that tracks on almost any surface. Multi-Surface Sensor technology allows you to work even on marble.Product number3B4Q5AAUPC number195908246626JAN code(UUF) 4573595629032Master carton upc code(ABA) 10195908246616; (AC3) 10195908246623; (UUF) 10195908246630Tariff number8471609050Connection type 2.4 GHz wireless connection; Bluetooth® 5.2Wireless range Up to 10 m in open area; Up to 32.81 ft in open areaBattery description 1 x AABattery life Up to 24 monthsSensor technology Multi surface trackingSensor resolution Up to 4000 dpiButtons5Programable buttons 2Advanced scroll wheel Fast scrollingSecurity AES 128 bits encryptionProduct color Jack blackManagement software HP Accessory Center SoftwareCompatible operating systems Windows 7; Windows 11; Windows 10; Windows 8; macOS; Chrome OS™; WindowsSystem Requirements, Minimum USB Type-A port; Bluetooth®Warranty HP standard One-year limited warrantyCerti cations and compliances CE; CB; GS; FCC; CTUVus; IC; Anatel; Subtel; Rematel; Conatel; IFT/NOM; RCM; MPTC; WPC; SDPPI; Telec/VCCI; KC; NTC; IMDA; SdoC; BSMI; NCC; SRRC; SIRIM; TRA; EAC; DWLF&F; TP-BY; MoC; TRC; AMRT; Kvalitet; ICASA;UkrSepro; IctQataq; UKCAWhat's in the box Wirelesss Mouse Quick Start Guide USB Type-A Dongle Warranty Card1 x AA battery R.E.D RTF CardCountry of origin Made in ChinaDimensions (W x D x H)115.41 x 74.16 x 40.29 mm Weight0.0782 kgPackage dimensions (W x D x H)135 x 110 x 48 mmPackage weight0.182 kgMaster carton quantity60Master carton dimensions (W x D x H)515 x 426 x 262 mmMaster carton weight12.13 kgCarton per layer4Pallet (layers)7Carton per pallet28Products per layer240Products per pallet1680Pallet weight354.6 kgSustainable impact speci cations70% post-consumer recycled plastic 2341115,6Messaging FootnotesActual battery life will vary with use and environmental conditions, and will naturally decrease with time and usage. Enabled through HP Accessory Center (HPAC) Software. HP Accessory Center (HPAC) software available for free download in Microsoft Store or Apple Store. List of applications: SolidWorks, Windows Office, Sketchup, Adobe, AutoCAD, Zoom, MS Teams. Mouse made with 77% post-consumer recycled plastic. Packaging made with 85% recycled paper. Battery life based on 5 day week, 8 hours per day. Actual battery life will vary with use and environmental conditions, and will naturally decrease with time and usage.Technical Speci cations FootnotesEnabled through HP Accessory Center (HPAC) Software. HP Accessory Center (HPAC) software available for free download in Microsoft Store or Apple Store. Wireless range may vary based on user environmental and computing conditions. Actual battery life will vary with use and environmental conditions, and will naturally decrease with time and usage. Does not track on glass. HP includes a one-year (two-year) limited warranty with online support available 24x7. Consult the HP Customer Support Center for details, or go to /go/orderdocuments. Internet access required and not included. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.© Copyright 2023 HP Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Bluetooth® is a trademark owned by its proprietor and used by HP Inc. under license. Microsoft,Encarta, MSN, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. MacOS is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Actual product may vary from image shown.June 202312345123456。



国际医学放射学杂志IntJMedRadiol2020Nov 鸦43穴6雪胰腺囊性病变的影像表现与临床特点(下)徐建国1唐光健2彭泰松1赵丽丽1于萍1任龙飞1许志高1【摘要】胰腺囊性病变(PCL)是胰腺上皮和间质组织发生囊腔病变的一大类疾病,以胰腺内囊性包块为主要特征,具有不同的病因、临床和组织病理学特点。

本文的前两部分介绍了胰腺炎症相关囊性病变(包括胰腺假性囊肿与胰腺包裹性坏死)与胰腺真性囊肿(包括孤立性胰腺上皮囊肿、von Hippel-Lindau 病、多囊肾和囊性纤维化)以及常见的胰腺浆液性囊腺瘤、胰腺黏液性囊腺瘤和胰腺实性假乳头状瘤的影像表现与临床特点。


【关键词】胰腺囊性病变;体层摄影术,X 线计算机;磁共振成像;导管内乳头状黏液瘤;囊性肿瘤中图分类号:R576;R445.2;R445.3文献标志码:APancreatic cystic lesions:imaging findings and clinical features (Part 3)XU Jianguo 1,TANG Guangjian 2,PENGTaisong 1,ZHAO Lili 1,YU Ping 1,REN Longfei 1,XU Zhigao 1.1Department of Radiology,Third People ’s Hospital of Datong City,Datong 037008,China;2Department of Radiology,Peking University First Hospital【Abstract 】Pancreatic cystic lesions (PCLs)are a broad spectrum of diseases with cystic lesions in pancreaticepithelial and interstitial tissues,characterized by cystic mass,with various etiology,clinical and histopathological characteristics.The first two parts of the article introduces the imaging manifestations and clinical features of 1)pancreatitis related cystic lesionincluding pancreatic pseudocyst and pancreatic encapsulated necrosis,2)pancreatic true cysts including isolated pancreatic epithelial cyst,von Hippel Lindau disease,polycystic kidney and cystic fibrosis,and3)the common cystic tumors of the pancreas including serous cystadenoma,mucinous cystadenoma and solid pseudopapilloma of the pancreas.In the last part of this issue,we introduce another common cystic tumor of pancreas (intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas)and rare cystic tumors of the pancreas,in order to provide an important basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cystic lesions.【Keywords 】Cystic disease of pancreas;Tomography,X -ray computed;Magnetic resonance imaging;Intraductalpapillary mucinous neoplasm;Cystic tumorIntJMedRadiol,2020,43(6):716-720作者单位:1大同市第三人民医院医学影像科,大同037008;2北京大学第一医院放射科通信作者:唐光健,E-mail:***************.com DOI:10.19300/j.2020.J18513图文讲座3.4胰腺导管内乳头状黏液瘤胰腺导管内乳头状黏液瘤(intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm,IPMN )实际上并不是囊性肿瘤,由于肿瘤分泌黏液,引起胰腺导管扩张,大体病理与影像表现为伴有囊的病变,故在胰腺囊性病变内一并讨论。

DiO (细胞膜绿色荧光探针) 说明书

DiO (细胞膜绿色荧光探针) 说明书

DiO (细胞膜绿色荧光探针)产品编号 产品名称包装 C1038DiO (细胞膜绿色荧光探针)10mg产品简介:DiO 即DiOC18(3),全称为3,3′-dioctadecyloxacarbocyanine perchlorate ,是最常用的细胞膜荧光探针之一,呈现绿色荧光。

DiO 是一种亲脂性膜染料,进入细胞膜后可以侧向扩散逐渐使整个细胞的细胞膜被染色。

DiO 在进入细胞膜之前荧光非常弱,仅当进入到细胞膜后才可以被激发出很强的荧光。

DiO 被激发后可以发出绿色的荧光,DiO 和磷酯双层膜结合后的激发光谱和发射光谱参考下图。

其中,最大激发波长为484nm ,最大发射波长为501nm 。

DiO 的分子式为C 53H 85ClN 2O 6,分子量为881.72,CAS number 为34215-57-1。

DiO 可以溶解于无水乙醇、DMSO 和DMF ,其中在DMSO 溶解度大于为10mg/ml 。


DiO 被广泛用于正向或逆向的,活的或固定的神经等细胞或组织的示踪剂或长期示踪剂(long-term tracer)。

DiO 通常不会明显影响细胞的生存力(viability)。

DiO 对于细胞膜染色的荧光强度通常要低于DiI ,有时对于某些经过固定的组织的染色效果欠佳。

DiO 除了最简单的细胞膜荧光标记外,还可以用于检测细胞的融合和粘附,检测发育或移植过程中细胞迁移,通过FRAP(Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching)检测脂在细胞膜上的扩散,检测细胞毒性和标记脂蛋白等。

用于细胞膜荧光标记时,DiO 的常用浓度为1-30μM ,最常用的浓度为5-10μM 。

DiO 可以直接染色活的细胞或组织,染色时间通常为5-20分钟。

对于固定的细胞或组织,通常宜使用配制在PBS 中的4%多聚甲醛进行固定,使用其它不适当的固定液会导致荧光背景较高。

thernostics under review

thernostics under review

thernostics under reviewTitle: Understanding and Analyzing the Role of TheragnosticsIntroduction:Theragnostics, an emerging field in medicine, combines therapeutics and diagnostics to provide personalized treatment options for patients. It revolutionizes the healthcare industry by tailoring treatment plans for individuals based on their unique genetic makeup, disease characteristics, and response to treatment. This article aims to explore the concept, development, challenges, and potential applications of theragnostics.I. Defining Theragnostics:Theragnostics, often referred to as theranostics, is a fusion of therapeutics and diagnostics. It encompasses the integration of diagnostic tools, such as medical imaging and biomarker analysis, with targeted therapy interventions. By integrating diagnosis and therapy, theragnostics ensures a more precise and individualized approach to healthcare.II. Evolution of Theragnostics:The concept of theragnostics can be traced back to the late 1990swhen researchers recognized the need for personalized medicine. Advances in genomics, proteomics, and imaging techniques laid the groundwork for the development of theragnostics. It was a paradigm shift from the traditional one-size-fits-all approach to a patient-centric model.III. Key Diagnostic Modalities in Theragnostics:a. Medical Imaging: Various imaging techniques, including positron emission tomography (PET), single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are used to visualize and diagnose diseases. Imaging agents tagged with radioisotopes or paramagnetic substances enable accurate detection and localization of targets for subsequent therapy.b. Biomarkers: These are molecular indicators that provide specific information about a disease or its response to treatment. Biomarkers play a vital role in tailoring therapies for patients.IV. Therapeutic Approaches in Theragnostics:a. Targeted Drug Delivery: Theragnostics helps in delivering drugs directly to tumor sites, minimizing side effects. This is achieved through nanoparticles, liposomes, or antibody-drug conjugates, which are designed to specifically recognize and delivertherapeutics to diseased tissues.b. Radiopharmaceutical Therapy: Radioactive isotopes are attached to specific molecules, which selectively target cancer cells. Once targeted, the radioactive isotopes emit radiation, killing or damaging cancer cells while sparing healthy tissues.V. Challenges in Theragnostics:a. Regulatory Approval: Developing and validating tests, imaging agents, and therapeutic compounds is a complex process that requires regulatory approval. Ensuring accuracy, safety, and efficacy of theragnostics is essential for widespread adoption.b. Cost and Affordability: Theragnostics, being a relatively new and advanced field, can be expensive. Widespread adoption may be hindered due to high costs, especially in resource-constrained settings.c. Technology Integration: Integration of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches requires coordination between different disciplines, including radiology, pathology, and pharmaceuticals. Coordinated efforts are essential for seamless implementation and realization of its potential.VI. Potential Applications:a. Cancer Treatment: Theragnostics plays a crucial role in identifying tumor markers, determining response to treatment, and providing targeted therapy options. It aids in monitoring treatment response and adjusting therapies accordingly.b. Neurological Disorders: Theragnostics has the potential to help in early diagnosis and monitoring the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. It enables targeted drug delivery to specific brain regions, minimizing off-target effects.c. Cardiovascular Diseases: By identifying high-risk patients, tracking disease progression, and providing personalized treatment plans, theragnostics can significantly impact cardiovascular healthcare.Conclusion:Theragnostics represents an innovative approach revolutionizing personalized medicine. By integrating diagnostics with targeted therapeutics, theragnostics provides valuable opportunities for accurate disease diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. Further research, technological advancements, and widespread adoption are necessary for maximizing its potential and improving patient outcomes.。



Enhanced Cell Counting Kit-8 (增强型CCK-8试剂盒)产品编号 产品名称包装 C0043Enhanced Cell Counting Kit-8 (增强型CCK-8试剂盒)2500次产品简介:Enhanced Cell Counting Kit-8,简称增强型CCK-8试剂盒或增强型CCK8试剂盒,是一种基于WST-8而广泛应用于细胞增殖和细胞毒性的快速、高灵敏度检测的试剂盒,比普通的CCK-8试剂盒具有更好的检测灵敏度和更宽的线性范围。

WST-8是一种类似于MTT 的化合物,在电子耦合试剂存在的情况下,可以被线粒体内的一些脱氢酶还原生成橙黄色的formazan (参考图1)。



图1. WST-8检测原理图 (EC=electron coupling reagent ,即电子耦合试剂)WST-8是MTT 的一种升级替代产品,和MTT 或其它MTT 类似产品如XTT 、MTS 等相比有明显的优点。

首先,MTT 被线粒体内的一些脱氢酶还原生成的formazan 不是水溶性的,需要有特定的溶解液来溶解;而WST-8和XTT 、MTS 产生的formazan 都是水溶性的,可以省去后续的溶解步骤。

其次,WST-8产生的formazan 比XTT 和MTS 产生的formazan 更易溶解。

再次,WST-8比XTT 和MTS 更加稳定,使实验结果更加稳定。

另外,WST-8和MTT 、XTT 等相比线性范围更宽,灵敏度更高。







专利名称:TUMOR-SPECIFIC PROMOTERS发明人:TAGAWA, Masatoshi申请号:EP01951914.9申请日:20010718公开号:EP1302539A1公开日:20030416专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A DNA comprising a 609 bp base sequence from -559 to +50 when the first base sequence of exon 1 of the midkine gene, a human retinoic acid-responsivegrowth/differentiation factor was set as +1, or a DNA comprising a 251 bp base sequence from -213 to +38 when the transcription initiation point of the c-erbB-2 gene belongingto the EGF receptor family and having a tyrosine kinase activity was set as +1 has a tumor-specific transcription activity, and the promoter activity thereof is high, and therefore is very important as a tumor-specific promoter for use in the suicide gene therapy that combines the use of a gene for a drug metabolizing enzyme and a prodrug for cancer therapy, the gene therapy of cancer using an expression vector that contains a gene encoding a cytokine, and the gene therapy of cancer using an oncolytic virus that exhibits cytotoxic effects only on tumor cells, etc.申请人:CHIBA PREFECTURE,Primmune Corporation地址:1-1, Ichiba-cho, Chuo-ku Chiba-shi Chiba 260-8667 JP,6-19-6, Kanokodai Kitamachi, Kita-ku Kobe-shi, Hyogo 651-1513 JP国籍:JP,JP代理机构:Woods, Geoffrey Corlett更多信息请下载全文后查看。





1 药物控制释放改善和控制药物在体内的分布和代谢、实现缓释给药和定向给药、提高药物利用率和治疗指数是现代药物研究领域的一个新方向[5,6]。







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Anal. Chem. 84, 1452–1458 (2012) Chem. Commun. 49(9), 862-864 (2013)
MIT的Strano教授在Acc. Chem. Res. (2014)用一整段并引用一张原图介 绍了Biosens. Bioelectron. 2010, 26: 169,评价称鞠课题组做出了“这 个领域的一项奠基性工作”。
Boronic acid-functionalized magnetic carbon nanotubes for highly specific enrichment of glycopeptides
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A pH/Enzyme-responsive tumor-speci fic delivery system for doxorubicinLei Dong a ,Suhua Xia a ,Ke Wu a ,Zhen Huang a ,Huan Chen a ,Jiangning Chen a ,Junfeng Zhang a ,b ,c ,*aState Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology,School of Life Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,PR China bJiangsu Provincial Diabetes Center,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,PR China cJiangsu Provincial Laboratory for Nano-Technology,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,PR Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 1April 2010Accepted 21April 2010Available online 15May 2010Keywords:DoxorubicinpH/enzyme-responsive Cardiotoxicity Gelatinasea b s t r a c tTo overcome the cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin,a self-assembled pH/enzyme-responsive system was developed.Cationic gelatin combined polyGC e DOX intercalation tightly to form compact nanoscale complexes (CPX1)which then combined by a pH-sensitive pegylated alginate to form CPX2.CPX2could be digested and release DOX under the co-digestion of gelatinase (GA)and Dnase I when pH <6.9.More importantly,tumor homogenate supernatant (THS)could effectively release DOX from CPX2while the plasma and liver homogenate supernatant (LHS)could not,which was con firmed by an in vivo test.The results indicated that this formulation had the tumor-speci fic drug-release effect.This effect resulted in an increased drug concentration in tumor tissue and decreased content in heart and liver.The changed bio-distribution of DOX delivered by CPX2greatly enhanced the anti-cancer activity and reduced the cardiotoxicity of the drug.The anti-cancer ef ficiency of DOX delivered by CPX2is more than 2times of the free doxorubicin,and the mortality caused by the high-dose DOX was completely prevented by CPX2.All results suggested that this easy-manufactured,cost-effective nanocomplex holds great promise to be developed into a formulation of doxorubicin and the other anthracyclines with high anti-cancer activity and low cardiotoxicity.Ó2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionDoxorubicin remains the first line of treatment for various cancers ever since its discovery in 1971[1].Unfortunately,clinical effectiveness of this class of drugs is limited by cumulative car-diotoxicity which occurs in a signi ficant percentage of patients at cumulative dose in the range 450e 600mg/m 2[2].Therefore,various strategies have been developed to reduce cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin and its analogues [3].Commercialized doxorubicin has high cytotoxicity,good solubility and high af finity to nucleus [4].There is no need to improve its ability to penetrate the cell membrane and accumulate into cell nucleus.The aim of delivery techniques is to alter its in vivo distribution,enhance its deposition in the tumor sites and reduce its cardiotoxicity.Formulations of doxorubicin should have the ability to speci fically release the drug in response to the tumor micro-environment.Doxorubicin can insert into the double strand of DNA and preferentially bind to double-stranded 50-GC-30or 50-CG-30to form a tightly coupled complex without chemical bond links [5].Oncethe DNA was digested,the doxorubicin can be released.Cationic polymers are often used as carriers for the DNA drugs ’delivery because they can combine DNA to form nanoscale particles by the interaction between their positive charge and the negative charge on the DNA chain [6].Upon these two aspects,we developed a nanoscale formulation of doxorubicin.Doxorubicin was com-plexed into polyGC double-strand DNA fragments to form the DOX e polyGC intercalation.After that,the DOX e polyGC intercala-tion was combined by a biodegradable cationic polymer,cationic gelatin,to form nanoscale particles.Cationic gelatin can be effec-tively digested by gelatinase (GA)that is a mixture of two kinds of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)highly expressed by the tumor tissue [7].Complexes composed by cationic gelatin,DNA and doxorubicin (CPX1)can be speci fically digested and release doxo-rubicin in tumor sites (Scheme 1).To avoid the accumulation into the liver which also produces gelatinase in a relatively high level [8],a pH-sensitive material,histamine-modi fied alginate (His-alginate)was used to cover CPX1to form CPX2.His-alginate has a pKa of about 6.9which shows a cationic state when pH <6.9and an anionic state when pH >6.9.His-alginate combined CPX1at physiological pH (7.2)via its anion interaction with the cation on the surface of CPX1.In tumor micro-environment,the pH varied from 6.2to 6.7according to different physical states.At such a pH,*Corresponding author.Tel.:þ862583593562.E-mail address:jfzhang@ (J.Zhang).Contents lists available at ScienceDirectBiomaterialsjournal homepage:w ww.elsevi/locate/biomaterials0142-9612/$e see front matter Ó2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.04.049Biomaterials 31(2010)6309e 6316His-alginate turned its anionic state to a cationic one and dissoci-ated from CPX2.To enhance the ability of CPX2to escape from the reticuloendothelial system,PEG 2000was conjugated to His-algi-nate to form PEG e His-alginate (PHA).The construct scheme is shown in Scheme 1.2.Materials and methods 2.1.Materials synthesisPolyGC and polyAT were synthesized by Invitrogen (Shanghai,China)with a length of 20bases.Cationic gelatin was synthesized by using ethylenediamine-modi fication according to the reported methods [9].The conversion rate of carboxyl groups to amino groups was measured by the TNBS method to characterize the product [10].PEG e His-modi fied alginate was synthesized according to the following methods:A total of 500mg of alginate (Sigma)was dissolved in 20ml of 10mM N,N,N 0,N 0-tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED)/HCl buffer solution (pH 4.7).A total of 1.0g of EDC was added to this solution and stirred at 40 C for 24h.Then,different 1.5g histidine was added and stirred for another 24h at 40 C.The resulting His-alginate were dialyzed for 4days against Milli Q water and lyophilized.The resulting His-alginate was examined for its pKa value.The following pegylation was achieved by conjugating a 2000Da mPEG-NH2to the His-alginate using a pegylation kit (YARE Chem,Shanghai,China).Rhodamine-labeled PEG e His-algi-nate and FITC-labeled cationic gelatin was synthesized by using fluorescence-label kits (DAZHI Biotech,Nanjing,China).2.2.Cells and animalsMouse sarcoma cell line,S180was obtained from ATCC,grown and maintained in RPMI-1640medium,and supplemented with 10%FBS.Female ICR mice,body weight of about 20g,were purchased from the experimental animal center of Nanjing Medical University (Nanjing,China).To generate the heterotopic tumor model,1Â106cells were injected subcutaneously at the left armpits of the animals.Tumor sizes were measured using a caliper,and the tumor weights were determined after separation from the animals.2.3.Preparation of CPX1and CPX2PolyGC e DOX intercalation was obtained by mixing 2mg/ml DOX with DNA solutions with different concentrations to find the DOX/DNA ratio at which free DOX can insert into the DNA chain completely.The fluorescence (exciting:480nm;emission:520e 700nm)of DOX quenched when inserting into the DNA.By detectingthe fluorescence of DOX,the formation of the intercalation could be determined.CPX1was formed by mixing polyGC e DOX intercalation with cationic gelatin solution at different DNA/gelatin weight ratios.CPX2was obtained by mixing CPX1solution with the some volume of 2mg/ml PEG e His-alginate solution by gentle agitation for 1h.The physical stability of each complex was studied by agarose gel electrophoresis (0.8%agarose in TAE buffer).The diameters and zeta potential of the complex were analyzed by photon correlation spectroscopy by using 90Plus Particle Sizer (Broo-khaven Instruments,Holtsville,NY).Transmission electron microscope (TEM,JEOL,Japan)was used to determine the morphology of the complexes.The DOX fluores-cence of CPX1was also examined to investigate whether the combination between the intercalation and the cationic gelatin releases the DOX from the DNA chain.2.4.DOX release from the complexesCPX1and CPX2were digested by gelatinase and Dnase I in PBS buffers with different pH values,and the resulting solution was examined by DOX fluorescence quanti fication.The digestion abilities of mouse plasma,the supernatants of the tumor homogenate (THS)and liver homogenate (LHS)on CPX1and CPX2were also examined.CPX1and CPX2solutions were mixed with mouse plasma or the tissue homogenate supernatants for 2h.After that,the mixtures were examined by quanti fication of the DOX fluorescence.To further con firm the tumor-speci fic drug-release ability of CPX2,in vivo experiments were performed.Rhodamine-labeled PEG e His-alginate (PHA)and FITC-labeled cationic gelatin were used to form CPX2.Hoechst 33258was used to substitute for DOX because Hoechst 33258also possesses high DNA-af finity like DOX and it shows blue fluorescence which could be discriminated from the red fluo-rescence of PHA and green fluorescence of C-gelatin.PolyAT was used to substitute for polyGC because Hoechst 33258speci fically binds AT in DNA [11].This PHA e C-gelatin e polyAT e Hoechst complex was injected into the tumor and liver separately.One hour later,sections of the liver and tumor were examined under a microscope.2.5.Bio-distribution of doxorubicinCPX1and CPX2solutions and free DOX solution were separately injected into mice via tail vein at a dose of 20mg/kg body weight.Different organs were har-vested from the experimental mice bearing implanted tumors.Doxorubicin in the organ was extracted according to a reported method [12]and quanti fied by the examination of its fluorescence intensity at 590nm.2.6.Toxicology investigationHealthy mice were given CPX1,CPX2or free DOX to examine their toxicities.CPX1,CPX2and DOX were intravenously injected into animals at doses of 20mgpolyGC-DOXC-gelatin His-alginate-PEGPH ≥ 7.0In TumorGelatinaseDnase DOXPH<7.0CPX1CPX2Scheme 1.Fabrication scheme of CXP1and CPX2.L.Dong et al./Biomaterials 31(2010)6309e 63166310DOX/kg body weight and 30mg DOX/kg body weight.The changes of their body weights were examined every day for one week.The mortality of the animals was also calculated.For histological examination,different tissues were harvested on the 4th day after the drugs were given and sectioned and analyzed by hematoxylin and eosin staining.Animal plasma activities of alanine transaminase (ALT)and creatine kinase (CK)were determined for the evaluation of the functions of livers and hearts.2.7.Anti-cancer activityAnimals bearing implanted tumors were intratumorally given CPX1,CPX2and free DOX at a dose of 10mg DOX/kg body weight every 2days after the sizes of the implanted tumors reached about 0.5cm.After the administration of the drugs,the diameters of the tumors were examined every day.All tumors were separated,weighed and sectioned for pathological analysis on the 14th day after the administration of drugs.For the calculation of survivals,testing animals bearing tumors were divided into 4groups,10animals each.CPX1and CPX2at a dose of 10mg DOX/kg body weight were given intratumorally every 2days with free doxorubicin and saline as controls.Once the diameter of a tumor reached 2.0cm,the animal was sacri ficed and considered as dead.2.8.Statistical analysisResults are expressed as the mean Æstandard error of the mean (S.E.M.).The differences between groups were analyzed by Mann e Whitney U test and,if appropriate,by Kruskal e Wallis ANOVA test.Survival curves were analyzed by the Kaplan e Meyer log-rank test.Changes in body weight were compared using theWilcoxon matched-pair signed-rank test.A value of p 0.05was considered signi ficant.3.Results3.1.Preparation of CPX1and CPX2The anthracycline class of drugs,including doxorubicin,has fluorescence properties that become quenched after intercalation into DNA.Fluorescence spectroscopy was used to examine the binding of doxorubicin to DNA and the drug encapsulation ef fi-ciency of CPX1and CPX2.A series of weight ratios of DOX/polyGC were tested.DOX could be completely combined by polyGC at the weight ratio of 2:1.Cationic gelatin could combine with DOX e polyGC intercalation at a weight ratio of polyGC/C-gelat-in ¼1:2.In CPX1,weight ratio of DOX/polyGC/C-gelatin ¼2:1:2.Its zeta potential was þ18mV.PEG e His-alginate was added to the solution of CPX1at the C-gelatin/PEG e His-alginate ratio of 1:1to form CPX2.The zeta potential of CPX2was À1.2mV.Fig.1A fig1shows the fluorescence spectra of doxorubicin,DOX e polyGC,CPX1and CPX2.Fig.1B shows the particle sizes of CPX2.The diameter of most of the CPX2particles was 200e 250nm.TEM examinationofFig.1.Preparation of CPX1and CPX2.A)Fluorescent spectra of free DOX,DOX e polyGC intercalation (weight ratio:DOX:polyGC ¼2:1),CPX1(weight ratio:C-gelatin:polyGC:DOX ¼2:1:2)and CPX2(weight ratio:PEG e His-alginate:C-gelatin:polyGC:DOX ¼2:2:1:2);B)Size distribution of CPX2in saline;C)TEM photograph of freeze-dried CPX1complexes;D)TEM photograph of freeze-dried CPX2complexes.L.Dong et al./Biomaterials 31(2010)6309e 63166311CPX1and CPX2(Fig.1C and D )demonstrated that CPX2has better dispersity than CPX1due to the addition of PEG e His-alginate.3.2.DOX release from the complexesThe most important property of the complex is to respond to pH and gelatinase.The ability of gelatinase and Dnase I (DA1)to free DOX from CPX1and CPX2in PBS buffers with different pH values was tested.The results in Fig.2A demonstrated that DOX in CPX1could be released under both pH values of 7.2and 6.5while CPX2could only be digested when pH was 6.5.CPX1and CPX2were incubated with tumor tissue homogenate supernatant (THS)and then were examined for the released DOX.Serum and liver tissue homogenate supernatant (LHS)was used as the control.The results were shown in Fig.2B and C .DOX in CPX1or CPX2was not released in serum while THS could ef ficiently free DOX from CPX1and CPX2.LHS could only free DOX from CPX1.CPX2remained stable in LHS.Fig.2D demonstrated that more than 60%DOX was released from both CPX1and CPX2within 2h when incubated with THS.When incubated with LHS,CPX1was also destroyed and released DOX very quickly while CPX2remained stable and kept the DOX from release for more than 20h.PHA e C-gelatin e polyAT e Hoechst complex was used in vivo instead of CPX2to test the drug-release property of CPX2in response to tumor micro-environments.Results shown in Fig.2E demonstrated that the three kinds of fluorescencewereFig.2.Release of DOX from CPX1and CPX2.A)Fluorescent spectra of CPX1and CPX2digested by 5U/ml gelatinase (GA)and 0.5U/ml Dnase I (DA1)in PBS buffer with pH value of 7.2or 6.5for 2h at 37 C;B)Fluorescent spectra of CPX1digested by plasma,THS or LHS for 2h at 37 C;C)Fluorescent spectra of CPX2by plasma,THS or LHS for 2h at 37 C;D)DOX release rates from the complexes in THS or LHS;E)Tumor-speci fic drug release of CPX2.0.2mg Hoechst 33258contained in multi-fluorescence-labeled CPX2(polyGC was substituted by polyAT)was injected into the tumor or animal liver after the animals were anesthetized 1h before the tissues were separated,sectioned and analyzed by microscope.In all experiments,the concentration of DOX contained in CPX1and CPX2in the solution is 0.2mg/ml.L.Dong et al./Biomaterials 31(2010)6309e 63166312completely overlapped in liver sections.In tumor sections,blue “drug ”could be seen in a separated area from the green and red fluorescence.3.3.Bio-distribution of doxorubicinFree DOX,CPX1and CPX2were administrated into mice via tail vein at a dose of 20mg DOX/kg body weight.Different tissues and organs were harvested 48h later.The concentration of DOX in these tissues was measured.Data in Fig.3A indicated that CPX2ef fi-ciently enhanced the accumulation of DOX in tumor tissue and reduced the deposition of the drug in heart and the other organs.As a control,CPX1not only enhanced the drug concentration in the tumor but also in the liver.The concentration of DOX delivered by CPX1was 2times higher than free DOX.Fig.3B and C described the variation of DOX concentrations in tumor and liver after CPX1,CPX2or free DOX was administrated.CPX2dramatically increased the deposition of DOX in tumor and decreased the drug concentration in the liver.CPX1could increase the concentration of DOX in both tumor and liver.3.4.Toxicology investigationDaily injection of doxorubicin exhibited serious toxicity which resulted in loss of weight,cardiac toxicity and death [11].CPX1and CPX2remarkably reduced the toxicity of doxorubicin,which caused less weight loss than free DOX (Fig.4A ).30and 20mg/kg body weight of DOX caused 100%and 60%death in 5days.The same doseof DOX in the form of CPX1caused 50%and 20%death in up to 8days while 20mg/kg body weight DOX in the form of CPX2caused no death and the extreme high dose of 30mg/kg body weight only caused 10%death (Fig.4B ).Treatment with free doxorubicin caused massive myocardial degeneration (Fig.4C ),which resulted in the increase of the plasma level of CK and LDH (Table 1)and heart failure which induced signi ficant pulmonary congestion (Fig.4C ).This toxicity was greatly reduced when DOX was delivered by CPX1and CPX2(Fig.4C and Table 1).CPX1showed more hepatotoxicity than free doxorubicin at the same dose,which resulted in the necrosis of hepatocytes (Fig.4C )and increase inplasma levels of ALT (Table 1)while CPX2did not cause this toxicity.CPX2also reduced the nephrotoxicity of doxorubicin which was demonstrated by the decrease of BUN level (Table 1).3.5.Anti-cancer activity of CPX1and CPX2The anti-tumor activity was evaluated in a mouse model of heterotopic implanted tumor using a sarcoma cell line,S180.Intratumoral injection of free DOX,CPX1and CPX2caused shrinking of the tumor (Fig.5A ).CPX1and CPX2exhibited more ef ficiency on suppression of the growth of tumors.Fig.5C shows the photograph of tumors separated from animals 2weeks after they received free DOX,CPX1,CPX2and saline intratumorally.The mean weight of the tumors was shown in Fig.5B .CPX2exhibited more than 1time higher anti-tumor activity than free DOX.Results of the examination of animal survival are shown in Fig.5C .Animals that had implanted tumors and received salineasFig.3.A)Bio-distribution of free DOX or delivered by CPX1and CPX2given i.v.at a dose of 20mg/kg body weight;B)DOX concentrations in tumor after free DOX,CPX1or CPX2were injected i.v.at the dose of 20mg/kg body weight;C)DOX concentrations in liver after free DOX,CPX1or CPX2were injected i.v.at the dose of 20mg/kg body weight.L.Dong et al./Biomaterials 31(2010)6309e 63166313control died within 3weeks.Free doxorubicin kept 30%of the animals from death within 5weeks while CPX2rescued 90%of them in more than 4weeks.From the results of histological analysis of tumor sections (Fig.5E ),massive cancer cell remissions could be observed from the sections of tumors treated with CPX1and CPX2.CPX2exhibited the most ef ficiency on prevention of cancer cell expansion.4.DiscussionBecause of the easy-fabrication,no change in the structure of the drug molecules and their anti-cancer activity,research usinganthracycline e DNA complexes as therapeutic reagents for the treatment of cancer has a long history [13].Clinical trials were also carried out to evaluate their enhancement in the performances in effectiveness and toxicology compared to free anthracycline [14].However,except a few of the in vitro reports aboutsuccessfullyFig.4.Toxicology analysis.A)Body weight changes of animals received i.v.injections of saline,free DOX,CPX1or CPX2at a dose of 20mg/kg body weight;B)Mortality caused by free DOX,CPX1or CPX2at different doses;C)H &E stained heart,liver and lung tissue sections of animal treated by 20mg/kg body weight free DOX or delivered by CPX1and CPX2.Table 1Serological analysis of animals treated with free DOX,CPX1and CPX2.ALT (IU)AST (IU)CK (U/ml)LDH (U/l)BUN (U/l)Healthy animals 27.331.50.22474.410.5Animals given DOX 29.429.6 1.2544.312.5Animals given CPX141.533.70.27456.211.2Animals given CPX228.430.20.25464.311.4L.Dong et al./Biomaterials 31(2010)6309e 63166314reducing the toxicity of the anthracycline by using the complexes,there is no convincing result demonstrating the advantages of using the complexes instead of free anthracycline [15].One of the most important reasons that underlie the ineffectiveness of the intercalation between DNA and anthracycline is that there is abundant Dnase in circulation and body fluids which digests un-protected DNA molecular with extremely high ef ficiency [16].The anthracycline e DNA complexes were destroyed soon after their injection into the body.The anthracycline in complexes was released very quickly and did not change their pharmaceutical properties any more.Protection of DNA from being destroyed by Dnase is necessary for gene delivery technology [17].Non-viral gene delivery practices take the advantage of using cationic polymers to combine DNA,which prevents the exposure of DNA molecules to Dnases [18].DNA complexed with cationic polymers could totally resist the degra-dation of Dnase I or serum Dnases in reported in vivo and in vitro tests [19].These researches instruct that cationic polymers could be used to combine the intercalation of anthracycline e DNA to form an anthracycline e DNA e cationic polymer ternary complex.Such a complex can avoid the unexpected early release of anthracycline into serum by protecting DNA from the digestion of Dnases.In our experiments,cationic gelatin was used to combine DNA e DOX intercalation.This simple process generated regular nano-complexes that could be observed.It is dif ficult to release DOX in a short time using Dnase I alone to digest the complex,which suggested that DNA is well protected by cationic gelatin.Addi-tionally,in the present study,synthesized GC oligonucleotide was used to substitute the natural DNA fragments,which increased the drug-loading capacity of DNA.Moreover,the combination between DOX and polyGC is more stable than DOX e natural DNA intercala-tion fragments which may release DOX when combined by some kind of cationic polymer.No DOX release was observed in the study when DOX e polyGC was combined by cationic gelatin.A lot of the cationic polymers are used as gene carriers,such as polyether imide (PEI),polylysine (PLL),cationic polysaccharides and other polycation materials [6].To ensure the suf ficient release of anthracycline in tumor sites,the cationic polymer used to form the anthracycline e DNA e cationic polymer ternary complex must be biodegradable,especially in tumor.Cationic gelatin is a derivate of gelatin by conjugating ethylenediamine,spermine or other compounds with multiple amino groups to the gelatin molecules.Cationic gelatin is a proved effective DNA carrier for gene delivery in vitro and in vivo.It can protect DNA and even RNA fromtheFig.5.Anti-tumor activity.A)Changes of tumor sizes after intratumoral injection free DOX,CPX1or CPX2.B)Mean weights of tumors separated from animals received of saline,free DOX,CPX1or CPX2intratumorally.C)Representative Tumors separated from animals received intratumoral injections of saline,free DOX,CPX1or CPX2.D)Survive rates of animals implanted tumors received treatments with saline,free DOX,CPX1or CPX2in more than 4weeks.E)Sections of tumor tissues taken from animal received intratumoral injections of saline,free DOX,CPX1or CPX2.*,p <0.001;**,p <0.001;***,p <0.01.L.Dong et al./Biomaterials 31(2010)6309e 63166315degradation of Dnases[20].More importantly,cationic gelatin can be easily digested by gelatinase[21].Gelatinase belongs to the matrix metallopeptidase(MMP)family.It is composed of MMP-2 and MMP-9[7].Recent investigations suggest that gelatinase is involved in the genesis,development and metastasis of most kinds of tumors,which is highly expressed in solid tumors[22].That means cationic gelatin could be effectively digested in tumor.To address this,tumor homogenate supernatant was tested for its ability to digest cationic gelatin in CPX1and release DOX. Compared to plasma,THS exhibited much higher efficiency of releasing the DOX from CPX1.This implies that CPX1can be destroyed and DOX can be released specifically in tumor sites.However,only gelatinase-response is not sufficient to enable the tumor-specific drug-release ability of the delivery system because gelatinase is relatively highly expressed in liver[8].In our experi-ments,CPX1notably enhanced the liver accumulation of DOX and caused serious hepatotoxicity which weakened the efficacy of the drug.To avoid this,a pegylated pH-responsive alginate was intro-duced in the system.After the surface of CPX1was covered with this polymer(Formed CPX2),it could resist the digestion of gelat-inase under physiological conditions.The environment intratumor is acid which could trigger a change of the charge on the polymer from negative to a positive one,which resulted in the dissociation of the polymer form CPX1and the digestion of CPX1by gelatinase in the tumor.Because of the pegylation,CPX2acquired a stronger enhanced permeability and retention(EPR)effect that increased the distribution of the drug in tumor than CPX1and greatly reduced the liver accumulation.Cardiotoxicity is the main drawback of anthracycline,which restraints more effective application of this drug to cancer patients [23].Myocardial degeneration is the most commonly encountered side-effects of anthracycline[24].It can cause serious heart failure and even death[25].In our study,CPX2efficiently reduced the accumulation of DOX in heart,which greatly alleviated the car-diotoxicity of DOX.It completely rescued animals from death caused by high doses of DOX.Additionally,controlled-release and tumor site specific release of DOX also eased the acute toxicity-induced loss of body weight.5.ConclusionIn our present study,a pH/enzyme-responsive complex composed by self-assembly of doxorubicin,CpG DNA fragments, cationic gelatin and a pH-sensitive alginate was developed.This complex increased the accumulation of doxorubicin in tumor, reduced its deposition in heart and could specifically release doxorubicin in tumor sites,which resulted in the enhanced anti-cancer activity and decreased cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin.When tested in an animal model of implanted tumor,the complex exhibited high effectiveness in preventing the growth of the tumors and dramatically alleviated toxicity compared to free doxorubicin. All results suggest that this easy-manufactured,cost-effective nanoscale formulation of doxorubicin holds a great promise to be used in clinical practices.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by National Natural Science Founda-tion of China(50673041,30771036and BK2007144),National Basic Research Foundation of China(973Program2006CB503909, 2004CB518603),Key Program for Science and Technology Research from Chinese Ministry of Education(01005),Young Investigator Grant(NCET-04-0466),the Chinese National Programs for High Technology Research and Development(863Program 2006AA02Z177),China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (200801364and20080431077),National Key Pharmaceutical Program(2009ZX09503-028).AppendixFigures with essential colour discrimination.Figs.1e5and many of thefigures in this article have parts that are difficult to interpret in black and white.The full colour version can be found in the on-line version at doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.04.049. 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