




在Android中这样的权限有很多种,这⾥将各类访问权限⼀⼀罗列出来,供⼤家使⽤时参考之⽤。允许应⽤程序向⽤户词典中写⼊新词写⼊Google在线同步设置读取⽤户的社交信息流允许程序写短信允许程序读取或写⼊系统设置允许应⽤程序读取或写⼊安全系统设置允许程序写⼊个⼈资料数据.android.browser.permission.WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS允许⼀个应⽤程序写(但不可读)⽤户的浏览历史和书签允许程序修改Google服务地图允许程序写⼊外部存储,如SD卡上写⽂件写⼊联系⼈,但不可读取允许程序写⼊(但是不能读)⽤户的联系⼈数据允许程序写⼊⽇程,但不可读取允许程序写⼊⽹络GPRS接⼊点设置允许程序在⼿机屏幕关闭后后台进程仍然运⾏允许程序振动E_SIP允许程序使⽤SIP视频服务E_CREDENTIALS允许程序请求验证从允许程序更新设备状态uncher.permission.UNINSTALL_SHORTCUT删除快捷⽅式允许使⽤设备的红外发射器,如果可⽤允许程序显⽰系统窗⼝允许程序写⼊或修改订阅内容的数据库允许程序访问订阅信息的数据库允许程序打开、关闭、禁⽤状态栏允许程序发送⼀个永久的进程信号允许程序设置壁纸建议允许程序设置桌⾯壁纸允许程序设置系统时区允许程序设置系统时间允许程序设置最⼤的进程数量的限制允许程序设置应⽤的参数,已不再⼯作具体查看addPackageToPreferred(String) 介绍⽆法被第三⽅应⽤获得,系统权限允许程序设置屏幕⽅向为横屏或标准⽅式显⽰,不⽤于普通应⽤允许程序设置调试程序,⼀般⽤于开发允许程序设置全局动画缩放允许程序设置程序在后台是否总是退出.android.alarm.permission.SET_ALARM允许程序设置闹铃提醒允许程序设置Activity观察器⼀般⽤于monkey测试允许程序发送短信允许⽤户在来电的时候⽤你的应⽤进⾏即时的短信息回复。




2、android操作系统的历史Android 1.0,发布于2009年2月代表机型:T-Mobile G1Android 1.5,发布于2009年5月代表机型:摩托罗拉Backflip(MOTO ME600)Android 1.6,发布于2009年9月代表机型:索尼爱立信X10,摩托罗拉A1680Android 2.0发布于2009年10月代表机型:摩托罗拉XT800Android 2.1,发布于2009年12月代表机型:摩托罗拉MILESTONE(里程碑)系列Android 2.2,发布于2010年5月代表机型:摩托罗拉ME722 里程碑2Android 2.3,发布于2010年12月7日代表机型:google Nexus SAndroid 3.0,发布于2011年2月3日代表机型:摩托罗拉XOOM(平板电脑)3、android操作系统的分区对电脑系统了解的朋友都知道,简单来说,电脑分硬件和软件两大块,软件装在硬盘上,比如操作系统windows,使用者通过windows来控制机器硬件,达到使用电脑的目的。

手机也分为硬件和软件两块,软件则是装在闪存(即flash memory,一种存储器)上的,闪存有大小的区别,就像硬盘有大小一样,看手机硬件配置的时候,通常会看到如下介绍:ROM 512M,RAM 512M,ROM就是指的闪存了,相当于电脑上的硬盘,用来存放操作系统和用户数据等信息。






01、什么是3G02、android系统简介03、android背景介绍04、android的framewor简介05、两种虚拟机的比较06、sdk的下载以及简介07、创建android模拟器08、ddms简介09、platform-tools的简介及常见adb指令10、android项目的目录结构11、android下apk安装的过程12、常见的adb指令介绍13、创建模拟器遇到的常见错误14、电话拨号器15、点击事件的四种写法16、短信发送器17、相对布局&单位介绍18、现形布局&布局的组合19、表格布局&绝对布局20、帧布局21、测试相关概念22、android下junit测试框架配置23、logcat简介24、保存文件到手机内存25、android下文件访问的权限26、保存文件到SD卡中27、分析setting源代码获取SD卡大小28、_sharePreference入门29、xml文件的序列化30、采用pull解析xml文件31、采用断电调试的方法观察pull解析的的流程32、android下创建一个sqllite数据库33、sql语句实现数据库的增删改查34、系统api实现数据库的增删改查&Sqlite3工具的使用35、数据库的事物36、listView入门37、采用layoutInflater打气筒创建一个view对象38、采用数据适配器ArryAdapter39、常用数据适配器simpleAdapter40、数据适配器总结41、内容提供者简介42、内容提供者的实现43、短信的备份44、插入一条记录到系统短信应用45、内容观察者46、获取系统的联系人信息47、保存联系人到系统通讯录48、读取联系人的一个小细节49、网络图片查看器50、anr产生的原理&如何避免51、android消息机制入门52、网络html查看器53、字符乱码问题的处理54、采用get方式提交数据到服务器55、采用post方式提交数据到服务器56、提交数据到服务器中文乱码问题的处理57、采用httpclient提交数据到服务器58、异步http框架简介&实现原理59、异步http框架提交数据到服务器60、上传文件到服务器61、smartimageview&常见开源代码62、多线程下载的原理63、多线程断点下载的原理64、多线程java代码移植到android65、多线程下载文本页面的更新66、显示意图激活另一个activity67、隐式意图激活另一个activity68、隐式意图的配置69、隐式意图和显示意图的使用场景70、在不同activity之间数据传递71、activity的声明周期72、activity的启动模式73、activity横竖屏切换的声明周期74、开启新的activity获取他的返回值75、请求码和结果码的作用76、利用广播实现ip拨号77、短信窃听器78、自定义广播时间&发送自定义广播&广播接受者优先级79、采用服务执行长期后台操作80、采用服务窃听电话&服务的声明周期81、android进程优先级&为什么使用服务82、绑定方式开启服务&调用服务的方法83、服务的声明周期(混合开启84、采用aidl绑定远程服务85、代码注册广播接受者&利用广播调用服务的办法86、加载大图片到内存87、获取图片exif信息88、从gallery获取图片89、图片画画板90、扒开美女衣服91、图片的缩放92、图片的旋转93、图片的平移&镜面&倒影效果94、图片的合成95、图片的颜色处理96、多媒体播放api简介97、人脸识别98、mediaplayer的生命周期99、soundpoo简介100、sufaceview的生命周期101、播放在线视频102、视频播放器进度的处理103、调用系统照相机拍照和录像104、采用camera拍照105、常见对话框106、notification入门107、菜单108、android下的样式109、android下的主题110、代码编写ui111、html创建ui112、帧动画113、代码创建创建的tween动画114、xml文件定义动画115、传感器简介116、117、杀死进程118、apk的安装119、应用程序的反编译120、动态创建fragment121、用fragment创建一个选项卡122、fragment的向下兼容性123、fragment的生命周期124、fragment之间的通讯125、应用程序国际化04、android的framewor简介Wap:wait and playWireless Makeup Language(WML)精简的html语言Applications:android自带的基本上层应用Aplication framework:应用程序框架Librarics:Linux lernel:05、两种虚拟机的比较编译后文件格式>.class->.jardalvik>.dex->.odex基于的架构:jvm:基于栈的架构dalvik vm:基于寄存器的架构Cpu直接访问寄存器因此dalvik虚拟机的效率比jvm高06、sdk的下载以及简介->获取sdk工具包(sdk:standard develope kits)->ADT(android develop tools,实际上是eclipse的插件)SDK具体内容Android->SDK Plateform:开发时使用到的jar包->Samples for sdk:->ARM EABI V7a System Image:模拟器运行时的镜像->Intel n86 Aton System:模拟器运行时的镜像->MIPS System Image:模拟器运行时的镜像->google APIs:google提供的jar包,可以直接使用google提供的一些API ->source for android SDK:SDK全部的源代码Extrals:->tools:开发的工具->support library:实现高版本的android向下的兼容->google Admed Ads SDK:gongle提供的广告插件->Analyties App Irackiong SDK:应用的用户分析->cloud message:云消息->gongle play service:收费服务->google USB Driver:真实的设备驱动开发时:基于4.0,兼容2.2、2.3.307、创建android模拟器avd:android virture developerVGA:480*640(电视的标准分辨率)QVGA:240*320(四分之一)HVGA:320*480(一半)WVGA:480*800(width)FWVGA:480*854(更宽)08、ddms简介ddms:模拟器不支持中文,因此发送中文会显示不出来09、platform-tools的简介及常见adb指令Android调试桥:内部实现就是socket让两个系统之间实现数据交互->reset adb:模拟器找不到时候可以重启->adb device:列出所有的连接的设备->adb kill-server:杀死adb调试桥->adb start-server 启动adb调试桥dx.bat:将.class文件打包10、android项目的目录结构一:SDK的目录结构->Samples->Api demo:根据API demo(模拟器上面可以看见)的效果可以在sample中看见相应的代码->Source:jar包所有的sdk源代码都在这个文件夹里->SystemImage:系统镜像->temp:下载更新临时存储的文件夹,一般是空的->tools:emulater.ext 不同版本的模拟器二:New Android Application->theme:留给以后作为扩展,现在并没有太大的作用->target SDK:一般选择高版本,因为高版本对下兼容->mark project as a library:一般不选择,意思是将这个项目提供一个jar包供别人使用三:文件夹目录.setting:设置目录assets:资产目录,存放一些文件,这些文件会被原封不动打包到应用程序的apk中bin:gen:自动生成的目录->生成的配置信息-> 4.1.2->android.jar开发环境,jar包可以在properties中修改,jar包就是SDK011、Android下apk的安装过程一、Android安装过程分析:->setContentView:甚至view的对象,把里面的xml文件加载到->在project中选择build automaticly会自动把文件生成字节码文件,.class $代表的class文件生成的是内部类->dex.bat文件会把.class文件生成.dex文件->apk压缩文件解压内部内容->META-INF:应用程序的签名eclipse的调试签名文件->res:资源文件->classes.dex:class文件->resources.arsc:资源ID映射->android软件安装的过程:->拷贝xxx.apk带/data/app/xxx-1.apk->在/data/data目录下创建一个文件夹,文件夹名称当前应用程序的报名012、常见adb指令前提:->设备连接上电脑而且驱动安装正常,如果安装不正常的话,会有黄色的问号显示;->设备上打开USB调试;指令:->adb device(如果启动发现这个程序没有安装会自动安装)->adb kill-server->adb start-server->adb uninstall <包名>->adb -s emulator-5554 install c:\\users\\administrator\\hello.apk如果有多个设备的话,如果不指定安装的是哪个设备程序会报错->adb push haha.prop /sdcard/haha.txt 将文件移到(360管家,豌豆荚之类的软件他们也是用的adb指令,倘若电脑上装这些软件的话,会因为两个adb指令抢端口号而挂掉)(adb版本之间兼容不是很好,经常报错可以考虑下版本的问题)->adb shell:远程连接到了android的linux终端ls:显示文件夹ps:显示正在运行的程序ping:网络连通性013、创建模拟器遇到的常见错误->路径最好不要有中文:->应用安装不上,或者安装模拟器的时候开启一个新的模拟器:可能是模拟器的资源被占用,模拟器在运行的时候其实占用着硬盘上面的一个文件,这个文件位于工作空间.android/avd/iphone.avd 里面会有镜像文件,当一个模拟器开启起来了,就给你创建一个文件夹.knock的文件夹,代表着这个模拟器被锁定了,如果把模拟器关掉,就没有程序占据这几个镜像资源了,那么这几个程序就会被自动删除。







目录目录 ________________________________________________________________________ 21. 开发指南_________________________________________________________________ 3 1.1. 名词解释 _______________________________________________________________ 31.2. 开发前准备 _____________________________________________________________ 4 1.2.1. 申请开发者账号 ________________________________________________________ 4 1.2.2. 申请APPID ____________________________________________________________ 51.3. SDK集成步骤____________________________________________________________ 7 1.3.1. 新建工程并导入SDK的jar文件 __________________________________________ 8 1.3.2. 配置AndroidManifest __________________________________________________ 11 1.3.3. 使用步骤_____________________________________________________________ 122. API 说明________________________________________________________________ 132.1. SDK接口说明___________________________________________________________ 13 2.1.1. 显式登录接口 _________________________________________________________ 13 2.1.2. 隐式登录接口 _________________________________________ 错误!未定义书签。



android权限(permission)⼤全允许应⽤程序向⽤户词典中写⼊新词写⼊Google在线同步设置读取⽤户的社交信息流允许程序写短信允许程序读取或写⼊系统设置允许应⽤程序读取或写⼊安全系统设置允许程序写⼊个⼈资料数据.android.browser.permission.WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS允许⼀个应⽤程序写(但不可读)⽤户的浏览历史和书签允许程序修改Google服务地图允许程序写⼊外部存储,如SD卡上写⽂件写⼊联系⼈,但不可读取允许程序写⼊(但是不能读)⽤户的联系⼈数据允许程序写⼊⽇程,但不可读取允许程序写⼊⽹络GPRS接⼊点设置允许程序在⼿机屏幕关闭后后台进程仍然运⾏允许程序振动E_SIP允许程序使⽤SIP视频服务E_CREDENTIALS允许程序请求验证从允许程序更新设备状态uncher.permission.UNINSTALL_SHORTCUT删除快捷⽅式允许使⽤设备的红外发射器,如果可⽤允许程序显⽰系统窗⼝允许程序写⼊或修改订阅内容的数据库允许程序访问订阅信息的数据库允许程序打开、关闭、禁⽤状态栏允许程序发送⼀个永久的进程信号允许程序设置壁纸建议允许程序设置系统时区允许程序设置系统时间允许程序设置最⼤的进程数量的限制允许程序设置应⽤的参数,已不再⼯作具体查看addPackageToPreferred(String) 介绍⽆法被第三⽅应⽤获得,系统权限允许程序设置屏幕⽅向为横屏或标准⽅式显⽰,不⽤于普通应⽤允许程序设置调试程序,⼀般⽤于开发允许程序设置全局动画缩放允许程序设置程序在后台是否总是退出.android.alarm.permission.SET_ALARM允许程序设置闹铃提醒允许程序设置Activity观察器⼀般⽤于monkey测试允许程序发送短信允许⽤户在来电的时候⽤你的应⽤进⾏即时的短信息回复。

Hannspree 10.1英寸 Android 平板电脑说明书

Hannspree 10.1英寸 Android 平板电脑说明书

SN1AT76BE U• High P erformance Quad-C ore AR M C P U• Android 4.1.1 / upgradable to Android 4.4• High P erformance Multi–C ore 3D G P U • High P erformance VP U-10 B it support • High Quality wide viewing angle, 1280 x 800 Hi-R es IP S • 10-point capacitive touchS N1AT74R101 HeliosAndroid Tablet 25,7 cmQUAD COREgps • CPU High Performance Quad Core CPU MT8127 1.3Ghz • Android 4.4• 10.1” 1024 x 600 Resolution • 1GB Ram • 8GB Storage Memory (Up to 32GB via Micro-SD)• HDMI Output • Dual Camera • Long Battery Life • Slim designCAMERADUALRAM RAM1GB8DataMulti-touch 1024x600HDMI OutputHDMI OutputActual products may differ slightly from those illustrated on this promotion material. P lease refer to actual samples for final selection.The products displayed on this promotion material may not be available for purchase in your particular country or locality.P lease check with your local authorized representatives for the availability of specific products in your area. Hannspree reserves the right to alter design and specifications as well as to change the accessories with equivalents without notice.B rand Hanns pree Model S N1AT76BS creen10.1 inch, 16:9, 1024x600 Resolution Touchscreen Type Multi touch screen View Angle N/AP rocessorMT8127.Quadcore .1.3GHz .cortex-A7Quad C ore Memory 1G .B .DDR S .torage Internal 8G .B .NAND .F LAS HS .t orage E xternal TF .Micro-S .D .C ard-R .e ader,.Max.32G B WLAN WLAN 802.11 b/g/n B luetooth B T 4.0C .amera Dual-C amera–F ront: 0.3MP / R e ar: 2MP Microphone B .uilt-inS .peakers output Built-in .Stereo .Speakers Headphones output 3G S .upported .via .USB .DongleHDMI G P S S im-C ard N/AG S ensor �3 axis Accelerometer �B attery Type 3.7V, 5000mAhB attery Life TB CTB CP ower Adapter DC 5V /1.5A Operating Temperature 0 t o 45 °C Operating Humidity 10 ~ 85 %C a se MaterialP las tic (P C +AB S ) material for back cover Dimens ion (W*D*H mm) 258.1 x 150.0 x 10.8 mmP acking dimens ion (W*D*H mm)P ackaging C o lor carton Net weight 500g G ross weight TBCK eysP ower, Volume +/-O perating S y s tem Android 4.4S oftware AppsB rowser,C alculator, C alendar, C amera, C lock, Demo,Downloads, E m ail, G allery, G oogle, HS P E x plorer, Music,P lay S t ore, S e ttings , S o und R e corder,Voice S earch S u pported Audio Formats S upported Image F ormats J P G , B M P , P N G , G I F UI language Android Default Quick Start Guide Multi-Language V e r s i o nAccessory 1.adaptor .with .2.clips, .B .cable .&.OTG .Cable C ertificationE U: C E (E M C , R &T T E ,L V D ,R O H S , R E A C H, W E E E , S A R .)S N1AT76BYes MP3, MIDI, WAV, PCM, OGG HDMI Output 3.5 mm Stero earphone T B CUltra-Mobile Tablet PC EU> 4 hours in Video PlaybackSN1AT76B。


2.1 起因 ......................................................................................................................................... 9 2.2 USB 规范的目标 ....................................................................................................................9 2.3 适用对象 ................................................................................................................................. 9 2.4 本书结构 ................................................................................................................................. 9 第 3 章 背景知识 ...............................................................................................................................10 3.1 USB 的设计目标 ..................................................................................................................10 3.2 使用的分类 ........................................................................................................................... 10 3.3 特色 ....................................................................................................................................... 10 第 4 章 体系结构概述 .......................................................................................................................12 4.1 USB 系统的描述 ..................................................................................................................12

















Android学习总结(⼀)——Activity的基本概念与Activity的⽣命周期⼀、Activity的基本概念 Activity是Android的四⼤组件之⼀,它是⼀种可以包含⽤户界⾯的组件,主要⽤于和⽤户进⾏交互,⽐如打电话,照相,发送邮件,或者显⽰⼀个地图!Activity⽤于显⽰⽤户界⾯,⽤户通过Activity交互完成相关操作,⼀个App允许有多个Activity。

⼆、Activity的⽣命周期 Activity⽣命周期是每⼀个Android开发者都必须掌握的,当我们深⼊理解活动的⽣命周期之后,就可以写出更加连贯流畅的程序,让我们的程序拥有更好的⽤户体验2.1、Activity的⽣命周期图2.2、Activity的四种状态 每个Activity在其⽣命周期中最多可能会有四种状态。

1.运⾏状态 当⼀个Activity位于返回栈(关于返回栈的概念下⾯再介绍)的栈顶时,这时Activity就处于运⾏状态,系统会将处于栈顶的Activity显⽰给⽤户。

2.暂停状态 当⼀个Activity不再处于栈顶位置,但仍然可见,这时Activity就进⼊了暂停状态。


3.停⽌状态 当⼀个Activity不再处于栈顶位置,并且完全不可见的时候,就进⼊了停⽌状态。

4.销毁状态 当⼀个Activity从返回栈中移除后就变成了销毁状态。

2.3、Android返回栈 Android是使⽤任务(Task)来管理Activity的,⼀个任务就是⼀组存放在栈⾥的Activity集合,这个栈被称作返回栈,栈(堆栈)是⼀种先进后出的数据结构,这⾥顺便提⼀下另⼀种常见的数据结构:队列,队列是⼀种先进先出的数据结构。


mtk android开发中systemui显示单双信号栏的判断机制 -回复

mtk android开发中systemui显示单双信号栏的判断机制 -回复

mtk android开发中systemui显示单双信号栏的判断机制-回复在MTK Android开发中,SystemUI是系统的用户界面管理程序,负责显示状态栏、导航栏和其他系统UI元素。


这篇文章将介绍MTK Android开发中,判断是否显示单双信号栏的机制。






我们可以使用以下代码来检查配置文件是否存在:javaFile configFile = new File("/system/etc/mddb/MddbCfg.xml");if (configFile.exists()) {配置文件存在} else {配置文件不存在,设备不支持双信号栏}步骤2:解析配置文件如果配置文件存在,我们需要解析它来获取运营商的配置信息。


我们可以使用以下代码来解析配置文件:javaMddbParser parser = new MddbParser();List<MddbInfo> mddbInfoList =parser.parse(configFile.getAbsolutePath());步骤3:获取SIM卡的数量在配置文件中,每个运营商配置信息通常对应于一个SIM卡。

我们可以通过遍历MddbInfo列表,获取SIM卡的数量,代码如下:javaint simCardCount = 0;for (MddbInfo mddbInfo : mddbInfoList) {int mddbSimCardCount = mddbInfo.getSimCardCount(); simCardCount += mddbSimCardCount;}步骤4:判断是否显示单双信号栏根据获取到的SIM卡数量,我们可以判断是否需要显示单双信号栏。



Android 8.1 6GB 支持 充电指示灯 支持 开关键,音量,自定义键 待机功耗:7mA 199g 156*75*11mm 260g 185*110*61mm IP68 电池供电 -10 ~ 55℃ <95% -30 ~ 60℃ 1±0.15 标准大气压 Emmc 128GB TF 卡槽:最大 1 个 Type-C 支持 支持 最大 2 个 Nano SIM 卡槽 不支持 3400mAh 25℃,仅开启录像的续航时间为 5 小时 220 小时 2.5 小时 锂离子电池
网络和连接 一般规范
Wi-Fi 工作模 式 Wi-Fi 频率范 围 定位 蓝牙 NFC CPU
DS-MDT101 前置摄像头:800 万 后置主摄像头:1600 万,后置辅摄像头:30 万 5.7 英寸 1440*720 1000:1 500cd/m² TFT 电容屏 前置:3.0mm 后置:3.4mm 前置:F2.2 后置:F1.85 前置:0.315-0.55m 后置:大于 0.1m 自动 前置:61.3° 后置:67.9° 前置:46° 后置:53.7° 前置:76.6° 后置:80° 支持 前置:1080P、720P、480P 后置:1080P、720P、480P 3GP 16M,15M,13M,12M,10M,8M,5M JPEG 8 kHz,16 kHz,44.1 kHz,48 kHz AAC,AAC+,AMR,AWB,VORBIS 32kbps,64kbps,128kbps,256kbps TDD-LTE B38,TDD-LTE B39,TDD-LTE B40,TDD-LTE B41,FDD -LTE B1,FDD -LTE B3,FDD -LTE B5,FDD -LTE B8,WCDMA B1,WCDMA B8,TD-SCDMA B34,TD-SCDMA B39,CDMA 2000 1X,CDMA EVDO BC0,GSM 900,GSM 1800

android 拦截相机拍照替换原理

android 拦截相机拍照替换原理

android 拦截相机拍照替换原理摘要:一、引言二、Android系统相机拍照原理1.相机应用的启动2.相机预览和拍照流程3.照片的保存和处理三、Android拦截相机拍照替换原理1.第三方相机应用的兼容性2.照片数据的获取和处理3.自定义拍照效果和滤镜四、拦截相机拍照的实践应用1.实时美颜功能2.贴纸和动态效果添加3.照片编辑和处理五、结论正文:一、引言随着智能手机的普及,拍照功能已成为手机中不可或缺的一项功能。

















一、安装和卸载应用程序1. 安装应用程序- 打开应用商店(如Google Play Store)。

- 在搜索栏中输入应用名称或关键字。

- 选择合适的应用,并点击安装按钮。

2. 卸载应用程序- 进入手机的应用程序列表。

- 长按要卸载的应用图标。

- 拖动应用图标到垃圾桶或卸载按钮上。

- 确认卸载操作。

二、设置手机壁纸1. 打开设置菜单。

2. 搜索并选择"壁纸"选项。

3. 选择要设置为壁纸的照片或图片。

4. 调整壁纸的显示方式和布局。

5. 点击应用或保存按钮。

三、调整手机音量1. 打开设备的音量控制面板。

2. 拖动音量滑块调整媒体、通知和铃声音量。

3. 点击静音按钮以关闭或打开手机的声音。

四、创建和管理文件夹1. 打开文件管理器应用程序。

2. 在合适的位置点击"+"或新建文件夹按钮。

3. 输入文件夹名称,并点击确认。

4. 将文件或其他文件夹拖放到新建的文件夹中,以进行整理和管理。

五、使用手机相机1. 打开相机应用程序。

2. 调整拍摄模式(如照片、视频、全景等)。

3. 点击快门按钮进行拍摄。

4. 在查看照片或视频时,可以进行编辑和分享操作。

六、备份和恢复手机数据1. 打开设置菜单。

2. 搜索并选择"备份和恢复"选项。

3. 点击"备份"按钮进行手机数据备份。

4. 在需要恢复数据时,点击"恢复"按钮选择备份文件进行恢复操作。

七、使用手机的定位功能1. 打开设置菜单。

2. 搜索并选择"定位"选项。

3. 打开定位开关。

4. 选择合适的定位模式(如高精度、节电、设备模式等)。

5. 允许相关应用访问位置信息。


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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Android Development 101Now that we have the Android SDK, Eclipse and Phones all ready to go we can jump into actual Android development.ActivityIn Android, each application (and perhaps each screen in an application) is an Activity.Hello WorldLet's start with the proverbial Hello World example.In Eclipse, choose "File", "New", "Project", "Android", "Android Project"Following that, you should be given a "New Android Project" dialog:The details here are somewhat important. The "Project name" can be whatever you like it to be and will only be referenced in Eclipse. It should be "Create a new project in the workspace".The "Build Target" is the next important bit. It should target the platform you intend to develop for. Android is backwards compatible in the running of applications (meaning you can run something targeted for 1.5 on a handset running 2.1) but you should develop for the lowest target you intend to support. Generally that will be 1.5 as that has the greatest number of users at the moment and those with later versions will still be able to run the application.Next up is the "Application name". This will be the name of the application as seen on the device. "Package name" is a Java convention and generally needs to have at least two words (with periods between) and be unique (globally). The convention is that you use your domain name in reverse followed by something unique to the application itself.Last is the "Activity". This is the name of the initial class that will be run or the default "Activity" that will be launched.Clicking "Finish" should bring you back to the Eclipse workspace and your project should appear in your "Package Explorer" on the left.Within the project you should see a "src" directory and inside there a ".java" file for the particular Activity you created. Double click on the ".java" file to bring up the code editor.It should contain something like the following:package com.mobvcasting.helloworld;import;import android.os.Bundle;public class HelloWorld extends Activity {/** Called when the activity is first created. */@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(yout.main);}}The top line "package..." should be the package name you specified previously. The two "import" statements bring in packages from the Android SDK that are used in this Activity.The work begins with the "public class HelloWorld extends Activity" line. That is saying that this is a class named HelloWorld and it is derived from Activity (the base class). This means that this class has all of the properties and methods of the Activity class as well as what you might add to it.You can examine the reference for the Activity class on :/reference/android/app/Activity.htmlThe reference page gives an overview of the class, includes a list of what it's base classes are, and what it's methods and properties are.You'll notice that in our HelloWorld class, we are "Overriding" the "onCreate" function. This is generally our starting point for any Activity based class. Generally you always want to call "super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)" first as this tells the derived classes (the "super") to run their onCreate methods.Following that, is the "setContentView" method call. This actually determines what will bedisplayed in the application. In this case, it is specifying "yout.main".yout.main can be found within the "gen" directory in our Eclipse project. It is auto-generated by Eclipse and not meant to be edited. We can look at it though to see what is going on.You should see a portion something like this:public static final class layout {public static final int main=0x7f030000;}Seeing that main is an "int" within the "layout" class. Behind the scenes Android is referencing our "layout" XML and making that be what is displayed.In Android, in most cases, the UI (user interface) of an application is written in XML.To edit this XML, in Eclipse, go to "res", "layout" and double click on the "main.xml" file.You should see something that looks like this:The tabs at the bottom determine your view. The default is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor. If you click on "main.xml" you'll see the actual XML.<?xml version="1.0"encoding="utf-8"?><LinearLayout xmlns:android="/apk/res/android"android:orientation="vertical"android:layout_width="fill_parent"android:layout_height="fill_parent"><TextViewandroid:layout_width="fill_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:text="@string/hello"/></LinearLayout>As you can see, there is a "TextView" inside of a "Linear Layout". The "text" of the TextView is specified as "@string/hello". This means that Android will be referencing an additional file thatspecifies the various strings used in the application.To change what this says, we need to edit that file and change the "hello" string. That file "strings.xml" is inside the "values" folder under "res" in your Eclipse project.You can edit the value for "hello" by highlighting it, changing the "Value" and then saving it.Once you have done that, it is time to test out the application on the Android Emulator.Click on "Run Configurations" under the "Run" menu, create a new configuration for this project (highlight Android Application on the left and click the paper with the plus symbol) and save it (clicking Apply).Following that, click "Run" and your Emulator should launch and display your application. (You may have to hit "Menu" on the emulator to get past the locked screen).It should look something like this (the text should be what ever you filled in):User InterfaceAs you see from the Hello World example, you can build user interfaces for Android in XML or with the WYSIWYG GUI editor in Eclipse.Let's add a button to the Hello World example.The first step is to go back to the "res", "layout", main.xml file and open it up. In the WYSIWYG editor on the left, highlight "Button" under "Views" and drag it onto the screen.It should look something like this:aButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {public void onClick(View v) {// Here is where we tell it what to do}});In addition, we have to tell our application about "OnClickListener" so we'll need an import statement:import android.view.View.OnClickListener;Let's change the text of the button when we click on it.First step is to make our button be more global in scope. We need to declare it outside of the "onCreate" function. To do this, before the onCreate function, add this line:Button aButton;and inside the onCreate function change the "findViewById" line to this:aButton = (Button) this.findViewById(;(just remove the "Button" from the beginning)Inside the "onClick" function inside the OnClickListener add this line:aButton.setText("You Clicked Me");Your code should look like this:package com.mobvcasting.helloworld;import;import android.os.Bundle;import android.view.View;import android.view.View.OnClickListener;import android.widget.Button;public class HelloWorld extends Activity {Button aButton;/** Called when the activity is first created. */@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(yout.main);aButton = (Button) this.findViewById(;aButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {public void onClick(View v) {aButton.setText("You Clicked Me");}});}}Now let's try it in the emulator, the same way we tested the "HelloWorld" application before except we don't need to create a new Run Configuration, we can just use the one we previously created. LoggingAdd the following import statement to your code:import android.util.Log;And within the onClick method add a line like this:Log.v("Clicker", "Button Clicked");To see the log messages, we need to tell Eclipse to show them to us. Their is a panel in Eclipse (part of the Android integration) called LogCat. To open LogCat, select Window: Show View: Other: Android: LogCatYou should see a new panel open at the bottom of your Eclipse Workspace called "LogCat". Now when you run the application, you can use the "LogCat" pane to view what is happening.Making ToastAs proof that Android has a sense of humor there is a class called Toast which allows us to pop-up messages. Let's make our onClick method in Hello World pop-up some toast.We'll need to import android.widget.Toast along with the rest of our import statements. Following that we can just use it. We use the static method "makeText" to create a new Toast view and then the "show" method to display it.Toast t = Toast.makeText(this,"Button Clicked!",Toast.LENGTH_LONG);;Here is our full source code:package com.mobvcasting.helloworld;import;import android.os.Bundle;import android.view.View;import android.view.View.OnClickListener;import android.widget.Button;import android.widget.Toast;public class HelloWorld extends Activity {Button aButton;/** Called when the activity is first created. */@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(yout.main);aButton = (Button) this.findViewById(;aButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {public void onClick(View v) {aButton.setText("You Clicked Me");Toast t = Toast.makeText(this,"Button Clicked!",Toast.LENGTH_LONG);;}});}}Another ActivityOne important thing in Android is the ability to switch between screens. The easiest way to do so is create another Activity that will display something different.To create a new activity, choose "File", "New Class". You should get a New Java Class dialog box.the button is pressed.To do this, you need to use something called an Intent./reference/android/content/Intent.htmlIn order for your activity to launch based upon an Intent, we need to tell Android about it. To do so, we need to edit the AndroidManifest.xml file that is part of our project.Within the XML, adding the following line:<activity android:name=".OtherActivity"></activity>Between the <application> tags should do it (assuming you named the class "OtherActivity").Now you should be able to add code to the onClick method of your first Activity: Intent i = new Intent(HelloWorld.this, OtherActivity.class);startActivity(i);Now when you run your application and click on the button it should show the "OtherActivity".User Interface: Android Developers: /guide/topics/ui/index.html Getting Data from another ActivityUse "startActivityForResult" passing in a constant for identifying the activity that is returning data later.Intent i = new Intent(this, OtherActivity.class);startActivityForResult(i, OTHER_ACTIVITY);OTHER_ACTIVITY is an int constant defined elsewhere in the code:public static final int OTHER_ACTIVITY = 0;You could just as easily pass in the 0 in place of OTHER_ACTIVITY.Intent i = new Intent(this, OtherActivity.class);startActivityForResult(i, 0);Previous to "finish()" in the OtherActivity Activity we can create an Intent with extra data to pass back to the original activity:Bundle bundle = new Bundle();bundle.putString("A Key", "A Value");Intent mIntent = new Intent();mIntent.putExtras(bundle);setResult(RESULT_OK, mIntent);finish();In the original activity, the extra data can be pulled out as follows (in the onActivityResult method) @Overrideprotected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent){super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent);Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();switch(requestCode){// Could be case 0: or case OTHER_ACTIVITY: if we defined OTHER_ACTIVITY previouslycase OTHER_ACTIVITY:if (resultCode == RESULT_OK){String theData = extras.getString("A Key");}break;}}。
