第33卷第9期2419年9月分析测试学报FENX) CESH) XUEBAO (3oomai of Instcimextal Analysis )Vol. 33 No. 91775 - 1772doi : 12. 3969/j. issn. 1004 -4957. 2219. 09. 007金属有机框架MIL-101 (Fe)对水中微囊藻毒素-LR 的吸附连丽丽,姜鑫浩,邓艺辉,娄大伟**收稿日期:2217 -75 -07;修回日期:2410 -45 -07基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(21645456);吉林省自然科学基金(2434141292JC);吉林省科技发展计划项目(22177325116SF)*通讯作者:娄大伟,博士,教授,研究方向:色谱分离分析方法及样品前处理技术,E - mail : dwloo@ hotwail. oom(吉林化工学院分析化学系,吉林吉林132022)摘 要:通过溶剂热法制备了性质稳定的金属有机框架材料MIL - 141 (Fe ),并用于吸附去除水中的微囊藻毒素-LR 。
采用电子显微镜、傅立叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR )、Zeta 电位和N 吸附-脱附等方法对制备的纳 米材料进行了表征。
MIL-121(Fe)具有多孔结构和较高的比表面积(375.2 m 3/o ),尺寸约为502 nm 。
考察 了 pH 值、离子强度、温度、吸附时间、浓度等参数对吸附剂吸附能力的影响。
MIL-123Fe)对微囊藻毒素-LR 的吸附速度很快(20 mm 内达到吸附平衡),吸附过程符合准二级动力学模型;MIL-121 (Fe)对微囊藻毒素-LR 表现岀良好的吸附性能,其最大吸附量为256.4 mg/g 。
受腐殖酸、盐类的影响,相同条件下MIL-121(Fe)对江水中微囊藻毒素-LR 的吸附性能有所下降,但仍可达到6&( mg/g 。
湖南农业大学全日制普通本科生毕业论文(设计)水稻陆两优996的临界氮稀释曲线测定与分析Determination and analysis of rice luliangyou 996critical nitrogen dilution curve学生姓名:衣启乐学号:201042144125年级专业及班级:2010级生态学(1)班指导老师及职称:刘向华副教授学院:生物科学技术学院湖南·长沙提交日期:2014年 5 月目录摘要:..................................................................................................................... - 2 - 关键词:................................................................................................................... - 2 - 1 前言..................................................................................................................... - 5 - 1.1立论背景............................................................................................................. - 5 - 1.2氮素水平对作物生物量积影响的研究进展..................................................... - 6 - 1.3作物临界氮浓度与稀释曲线的研究进展......................................................... - 6 -1.4本研究的目的和意义......................................................................................... - 7 -2 材料与方法......................................................................................................... - 8 - 2.1 试验材料............................................................................................................ - 8 - 2.2 试验设计............................................................................................................ - 8 - 2.3 测定项目.......................................................................................................... - 8 - 2.3.1 干物质测定................................................................................................... - 8 - 2.3.2 氮的测定......................................................................................................... - 8 - 2.3.3 成熟期产量测定........................................................................................... - 9 - 3结果与分析............................................................................................................ - 9 - 3.1 数据处理.......................................................................................................... - 9 - 3.2 实验水稻移栽后地上部干重变化情况............................................................ - 9 - 3.3 不同施氮处理下水稻产量分析...................................................................... - 10 -3.4 临界氮的计算.................................................................................................. - 10 -4 讨论与结论......................................................................................................... - 11 - 4.1氮素水平对水稻氮浓度的效应及其临界氮浓度模型................................... - 11 - 4.1.1水稻临界氮浓度模型分析............................................................................ - 11 - 4.1.2临界氮累积模型在氮素运筹中的应用........................................................ - 11 - 4.2结论................................................................................................................... - 12 - 参考文献................................................................................................................. - 12 - 致谢..................................................................................................................... - 15 -水稻陆两优996的临界氮稀释曲线测定与分析学生:衣启乐指导老师:刘向华(湖南农业大学生物科学技术学院,长沙 410128)摘要:本实验选择水稻陆两优996在湖南农业大学(长沙)试验基地进行,2013年3月23--7月20日期间,对水稻田进行临界氮测定试验,氮素浓度处理依次为N1(0kg/hm2),N2(60kg/hm2),N3(95kg/hm2),N4(130kg/hm2),N5(165kg/hm2),N6(200kg/hm2),N7(235kg/hm2),N8(270kg/hm2)。
第33卷第6期原子能科学技术V o l.33,N o.6 1999年11月A tom ic Energy Science and T echno logy N ov.1999用中子衍射研究稀土-富铁永磁合金磁结构和D(H)LAP晶体结构勾 成 张百生 成之诸 程玉芬 杜红林 孙 凯(中国原子能科学研究院核物理研究所,北京,102413)用粉末中子衍射测量了Ho2Fe9Ga8-x A l x(x=2、4)和P rFe1015M o115N x的晶体结构和磁结构。
衍射数据分别用R ietveld结构精修程序R IETAN和Fu llp rof处理。
确定了替代原子Ga、A l、M o及间隙原子N的占位数以及磁性原子Ho、Fe、P r的原子磁矩的大小和方向。
Ho2Fe9Ga6A l2在室温和50K、Ho2Fe9Ga4A l4在50K下呈亚铁磁性且为单轴各向异性,P rFe1015M o115吸氮前后磁各向异性由易面变为易轴。
单晶中子衍射D(H)LA P的晶体结构测定结果表明:氘只替代那些与非碳原子相连的氢原子位置。
关键词 中子衍射 晶体结构 磁结构中图法分类号 O571156R2Fe17金属间化合物是所有二元稀土金属间化合物中含铁较多的,人们期望用高的Fe含量得到高的饱和磁化强度而保持低的造价。
最近发现,金属元素Ga的加入可使2∶17型金属间化合物T b2Fe9Ga8[3]产生单轴各向异性。
Ho是T b的近邻元素,推测选取Ho和Ga的金属间化合物也会产生易轴。
为此,本工作对Ho2Fe9Ga8-x A l x(x=2、4)样品进行粉末中子衍射研究。
1∶12型的轻稀土N d,P r2铁2氮间隙化合物在近年来的磁性材料研究中受到特别重视。
TA u , H N i,L N iun I N Y n・ Z A G S O G L. a j
( . e a .o 1 KyLb fMaie oR s uti b t. S hn e s f ea o. hns cd fSi。G a gh u50 0 ; r —e.S s n l Ui , .C i SaI t n Bi a ae l a n .o Oen1 ,C ie Aa .o e e . un zo 1 3 1 2 a ’ Ep ttno r .Maie i1, ay ,H ia 70 0 3 Hua gi.Bon i.Rs nt,C a gh 1 18 .N tl x.Sai To o f p r o. S na ann52 0 ; . nnA r nB e i gn e.[s e . hn sa4 0 2 ; 4 o .o i e n eh ,H nnA r .U i ,C a gh 1 18 .Cl fBo i dTc. ua gi nv 1 s .a e . hn sa4 0 2 )
潘 虎 ,董 俊 德 ,卢 向 阳。 , ¨ ,田 云 ,张 侣 ,龙 丽 娟
( . 国科 学 院南 海 海 洋 研 究 所 中 科 院 海 洋 生物 资 源 可 持 续 利 用 重 点实 验 室 , 东 广 州 1中 广 2 中 国科 学 院 海 南 热带 海 洋 生 物 实 验 站 , 南 三 亚 . 海 3 湖南 省农 业 生 物 工 程 研究 所 , 南 长沙 . 湖 5 20 70 0; 4 02 ) 11 8 500 ; 13 1
A b t a t A el o e d ga n un i 2_ sioae r m h hio p e e s i o z ph r tls a y s r c c l s e rdig f g ul Z_ 4 wa s ltd fo t er z s h r ol fRhio o asyo a S n a.H an i- a sn n o r d c lu o e me i n u i g Co g e el ls dum. Ba e n is mo p oo y,Z- s d o t r h lg 24 s ie tfe s 印 eg 肛 s wa d n iid a r p..The I e TS s -
1.二硫化钼薄膜可大幅提高海水淡化效率 [J], 房琳琳
2.二硫化钼薄膜可提高海水淡化效率比石墨烯膜高出70% [J],
3.美国新技术大幅提高海水提铀效率 [J], 伍浩松;戴定
4.美国喷气推进实验室开发出一种可大幅提高Landsat图像质量的方法 [J], 岳桢干
5.美国开发出大幅提高太阳能收集能力的新技术 [J],
∗ We thank Yacine Ait-Sahalia, Boragan Aruoba, Michael Bauer, Alan Bester, John Cochrane, Frank Diebold, Rob Engle, Jim Hamilton, Chris Hansen, Guido Kuersteiner, Ken Singleton, two anonymous referees, and seminar and conference participants at Chicago Booth, NYU Stern, NBER Summer Institute, Maryland, Bank of Canada, Kansas, UMass, and Chicago Booth Junior Finance Symposium for helpful comments. Drew Creal thanks the William Ladany Faculty Scholar Fund at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business for financial support. Cynthia Wu also gratefully acknowledges financial support from the IBM Faculty Research Fund at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. This paper was formerly titled “Estimation of non-Gaussian affine term structure models.” Correspondence: dcreal@; cynthia.wu@.
Factors affecting the size distribution of liposomes produced by freeze–thaw extrusion
International Journal of Pharmaceutics188(1999)87–95Factors affecting the size distribution of liposomes producedby freeze–thaw extrusionJonathan D.Castile,Kevin M.G.Taylor*Department of Pharmaceutics,School of Pharmacy,Uni6ersity of London,Brunswick Square,London WC1N1AX,UK Received22March1999;received in revised form25May1999;accepted9June1999AbstractThis paper describes the development of a protocol for the production of liposomes using a freeze–thaw extrusion ser diffraction particle size analysis showed that the median diameter of freeze–thawed egg phosphatidylcholine multilamellar vesicles(eggPC MLVs)was increased when cholesterol was included in the ing a freeze–thaw cycle of3min freezing in liquid nitrogen at−196°C followed by3min thawing at 50°C resulted in an anomalously large particle size for eggPC/cholesterol formulations.When liposomes were repeatedly freeze–thawed a maximum size was achieved afterfive freeze–thaw cycles.Dispersion of liposomes in sodium chloride solutions promoted size increases following freeze–thawing,suggesting that vesicles had aggregated or fused.Poloxamers P338and P407inhibited the size increases observed during freeze–thawing for eggPC MLVs dispersed in1.0M NaCl,probably through steric prevention of aggregation and fusion.©1999Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.Keywords:Extrusion;Freeze–thaw;Liposome;Particle size;Poloxamer/locate/ijpharm1.IntroductionMuch of the potential damage to liposomes during freezing and subsequent thawing is directly related to the behaviour of water in the disper-sions(Talsma et al.,1991).Repeated freezing and thawing of multilamellar vesicles(MLVs)pro-duces physical disruption of the liposomal phos-pholipid bilayers,probably due to ice crystals formed during the freezing process.This also serves to break apart the closely spaced lamellae of the vesicles thereby raising the trapping effi-ciency by increasing the ratio of aqueous solute to lipid(Hope et al.,1985;Mayer et al.,1985). Extrusion of frozen and thawed MLVs(FATM-LVs)results in production of unilamellar lipo-somes more readily than those made by conventional techniques(Mayer et al.,1986). Elorza et al.(1993)showed,using5,6car-boxyfluorescein as an aqueous marker,that frozen and thawed extruded liposomes were a monodispersed population with an internal vol-ume higher than LUVs prepared solely by extru-sion of MLVs through polycarbonatefilters of equivalent pore size.*Corresponding author.Tel.:+44-171-753-5853;fax:+44-171-753-5920.E-mail address:ktaylor@(K.M.G.Taylor)0378-5173/99/$-see front matter©1999Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved. PII:S0378-5173(99)00207-0J.D.Castile,K.M.G.Taylor/International Journal of Pharmaceutics188(1999)87–95 88Cooling rate,liposome size,phospholipid con-centration and localisation of any additives,all affect the crystallization behaviour of water in liposome dispersions(Talsma et al.,1991).Fast freezing rates impose a greater force of stress on liposomes than slower rates because intra-liposo-mal ice formation is likely at freezing rates greater than10°C/min,leading to expansion of vesicles’aqueous phase(O zer et al.,1988).For cooling rates faster than20°C/min,the probabil-ity of intra-liposomal ice formation is100%. Thawing is also an important parameter because the freeze–thawing is only effective at improving MLV swelling,and hence aqueous entrapment values,if the sample is thawed at temperatures above the temperature of the phospholipid main transition(T c)of the liposome suspension(Hope et al.,1986;MacDonald and MacDonald,1993). Little has been published about the effect of varying the number of freeze–thaw cycles on the structure of liposomes.31P NMR has been used to demonstrate the influence of the number of freeze–thaw cycles on distribution of lipid within liposomes,with an equilibrium distribution be-tween lipid and solute(Mn2+)being observed afterfive cycles(Mayer et al.,1985).Hope et al. (1986)demonstrated that the trapped volume of egg phosphatidylcholine(eggPC)MLVs in-creased in relation to the number of freeze–thaw cycles.A maximum trapped volume of9m l wa-ter per m mol of lipid was recorded after nine cycles,after which no further increase in trapped volume was observed.No data have been pub-lished reporting the effect of varying the time length of each freeze–thaw cycle.However, Fransen et al.(1986)observed a time-dependent leakage of a drug from a liposome suspension at −30°C,but below−40°C(homogeneous nucle-ation temperature of water)the dispersion was shown to be stable over a long period. Cryoprotective agents such as trehalose(and other disaccharides),dimethyl sulphoxide and glycerol are known to protect phospholipid bi-layers from damage during freeze–thawing and freeze–drying.Cryoprotectants are thought to depress the phospholipid T c,bind water,and in-teract with polar head groups of phospholipids.Water molecules associated with polar head groups of hydrated phospholipid bilayers may be replaced by sugar molecules which protect lipo-somes from aggregation and fusion during freeze–thawing or freeze–drying by holding indi-vidual vesicles in a vitrified matrix(Crowe et al., 1987,1988).Certain cryoprotectants,such as tre-halose,have also been shown to maintain phos-pholipids in afluid-like state in the absence of water,avoiding passage through the gel to liq-uid-crystalline phase transition and subsequent bilayer disruption during freeze–drying(Crowe et al.,1987),and may prevent fusion of vesicles by decreasing the surface tension at the liposome surface(Koster et al.,1994).The purpose of this study was to systemati-cally develop a protocol for the production of freeze–thaw extruded MLVs.The inclusion in the liposome dispersions of sodium chloride and poloxamer surfactants was also investigated. Poloxamers are non-ionic surface active ABA block copolymers having two hydrophilic poly-oxyethylene(POE)moieties and a hydrophobic polyoxypropylene(POP)moiety.They reduce phagocytosis when included in model colloidal systems(Illum et al.,1987;Rudt and Mu¨ller, 1993),and interact with the bilayers of liposomes to some extent,although the nature of the inter-action is not well understood(Jamshaid et al., 1988;Moghimi et al.,1991;Kostarelos et al., 1995;Castile et al.,1999).2.Materials and methods2.1.De6elopment of a freeze–thaw protocol for liposome preparationEggPC(Lipoid,Italy)was refined by chro-matographic purification(Bangham et al.,1974). MLVs were prepared as previously described (Castile et al.,1999)by weighing appropriate amounts of eggPC(up to300mg),with or without cholesterol(99%+purity,Sigma,UK) at a1:1mol ratio,into a round-bottomedflask, and adding chloroform(HiPerSolv,BDH,UK) to dissolve the phospholipid.Chloroform was removed by rotary evaporation under vacuum,J.D.Castile,K.M.G.Taylor/International Journal of Pharmaceutics188(1999)87–9589in a water bath at55°C for15min.Theflask was thenflushed with nitrogen for1–2min to remove traces of residual solvent.An appropriate volume offiltered(100-nm porefilter[Poretics, USA]),bi-distilled,deionised water(Model WP 700,Whatman,UK),further purified by passing through an Elgastat Ultra High Quality Purifica-tion System(Elga,UK)was added to the dry film in theflask to give afinal phospholipid concentration of10mg/ml.Glass beads were added to aid dispersion,theflaskflushed with nitrogen,gently rotated for30min in the water bath,and shaken to produce MLVs.The suspen-sion was annealed for a further2h in the water bath before storage under nitrogen in a refrigera-tor at4°C.2.2.The effect of repeated heating and cooling on the thermal profile of liposomesEggPC and eggPC/chol(1:1)MLVs were ex-truded10times through a2-m m polycarbonate filter(Cyclopore,UK),held in a25-mm syringe filter holder,to standardize the size of the lipo-some population,and sized by laser Fraunhofer diffraction using a magnetically stirred cell and a 63-mm lens(Malvern2600C,Malvern Instru-ments,UK).The instrument’s software expresses particle size as the volume median diameter (VMD),i.e.the equivalent sphere diameter above and below which50%of the volume of particles lies and the size distribution is expressed as a span value[(90%undersize−10%undersize)/50% undersize)].Sizing data are presented as the mean9S.D.of three independent analyses. Aliquots from each dispersion(4ml)were dis-pensed into20-ml liquid scintillation vials(FBG-Trident,UK.)and quench frozen in liquid nitrogen at−196°C for the specified duration (1–5min).The vials were transferred immedi-ately to a water bath and held at50°C for an equal duration.The freezing and thawing process was repeated for a specified number of cycles. The FATMLVs were kept at room temperature in sealed containers for1h before size analysis by laser diffraction.All experiments were per-formed in triplicate.2.3.Standardised freeze–thaw procedure Subsequent experiments used a standardised freeze–thaw protocol to investigate the influence of external agents on the size distribution of freeze–thawed liposomes.MLVs were extruded through polycarbonatefilters,as described in Section 2.1.Each dispersion(4ml)was frozen for3min at−196°C in liquid nitrogen and then thawed for3min at50°C in a water bath.The cycle was repeated a further four times.In addi-tional experiments eggPC or eggPC/chol MLVs, produced by dispersion of lipid mixtures in aqueous sodium chloride(BDH,UK)solutions at concentrations of0.1,0.5and1.0M NaCl, were subjected to the freeze–thaw protocol.2.4.The effect of poloxamer concentration on the size distribution of FATMLVsEggPC MLVs were produced using 1.0M NaCl solution as the aqueous phase,and ex-truded through a2-m m porefilter as described in Section2.1.Poloxamers P338(ICI,France)and P407(Blagden Chemicals,UK)were added to some formulations at concentrations of0.05,0.1, 0.2,0.3,0.5and1.0%w/v and incubated at25°C for2h in a shaking water bath(Grant Instru-ments,UK)before being subjected tofive freeze–thaw cycles,as described in Section2.2.3.Results and discussion3.1.Parameters associated with freeze–thaw extrusionThe mean VMD of eggPC MLVs was not altered by freeze–thawing,and the duration of each freeze–thaw cycle had no clear effect on the mean VMD of eggPC FATMLVs(Fig.1).Small but significant increases in diameter were de-tected following1-and3-min freeze–thaw cycles but not at other cycle lengths(P B0.05).The mean VMD of all eggPC/chol MLVs sig-nificantly increased following repeated freeze–thawing(P B0.05)(Fig.1),with the greatest size increase observed for samples subjected to tenJ.D.Castile,K.M.G.Taylor/International Journal of Pharmaceutics188(1999)87–95 90‘3-min’freeze–thaw cycles.The analysis was re-peated an additionalfive times for this data point (i.e.n=8),and the observed increase in size was reproduced,suggesting that the presence of cholesterol resulted in the formation of larger liposomes or aggregates during freeze–thawing, particularly with a3-min cycle.Cholesterol modifies the physical structure of phospholipid bilayers,restricting bilayer permeability and the movement of the hydrocarbon chains at tempera-tures above the T c(Oldfield and Chapman,1972). Therefore eggPC/chol bilayers are more rigid than eggPC bilayers.The inclusion of cholesterol re-duces the water permeability and compressibility of liposome bilayers(Finklestein and Cass,1967), decreasing their ability to withstand internal ex-pansion due to ice formation during fast-freezing (Morris and McGrath,1981;MacDonald and MacDonald,1993;van Winden et al.,1997),and causing bilayers to rupture during freeze–thaw-ing,with new liposomes forming as bilayer frag-ments re-assemble.In addition,cholesterol has been reported to induce aggregation and fusion on freeze–thawing of DPPC liposomes(Henry-Michellard et al.,1985).The observed increase in mean size for eggPC MLVs when cholesterol was included indicates that larger structures were formed,which may have been due to aggregation and subsequent fusion of vesicles.It was observed macroscopically,that samples exposed to1-and2-min freeze–thaw cycles did not completely melt during the thaw stage of each cycle.Consequently,a proportion of vesicles may not have been exposed to damaging conditions during re-freezing.Preparations exposed to3-min freeze–thaw cycles did melt completely during each thaw stage.However,the preparations may not have been warmed completely,with incom-plete mixing,possibly resulting in insufficient time for disrupted bilayers to re-anneal.Therefore lipo-some fragments may have suffered further freeze–thaw damage before re-assembling.Vesicles exposed to4-and5-min freeze–thaw cycles had more time to re-assemble during each thaw stage and this may have been reflected by smaller in-creases in mean diameter.Extruded liposomes had a relatively homoge-neous size distribution,with small distribution span values of0.8390.02and0.9990.03for eggPC and eggPC/chol preparations respectively. Freeze–thawing increased polydispersity,with the mean distribution spans of freeze–thawed eggPC and eggPC/chol MLVs significantly higher(P B 0.05)than those of non-freeze–thawed prepara-tions,with the exception of preparations subjected to the‘2-min’freeze–thaw protocol.Span values for eggPC preparations ranged from1.36to1.61 and for eggPC/chol MLVs from1.36to1.77. 3.2.Effect of changing the number offreeze–thaw cyclesThe mean VMDs of eggPC MLVs increased after one freeze–thawing cycle,but did not change significantly(P B0.05)between one and 20cycles.However,the mean VMD of eggPC/ chol MLVs increased following the process up to five cycles(Fig.2).Subsequent increases in the number of cycles produced no significant change in vesicle diameter(P B0.05),indicating an equi-librium situation after which further freeze–thaw cycles had little or no effect on the mean diameter for these liposomes.After one freeze–thawing cycle,the mean dis-tribution spans of eggPC and eggPC/chol MLVsFig. 1.Influence of freeze–thaw cycle length on the mean VMD of MLVs extruded10times through a2-m m porefilter then freeze–thawed10times. ,eggPC; ,eggPC/chol(1:1). Freeze–thaw cycle length is the number of minutes prepara-tions were held at−196°C and subsequently at50°C(n=39 S.D.).J.D.Castile,K.M.G.Taylor/International Journal of Pharmaceutics188(1999)87–9591Fig.2.Influence of the number of‘3-min’freeze–thaw cycles on the mean VMD of MLVs(previously extruded10times through a2-m m porefilter). ,eggPC; ,eggPC/chol(1:1) (n=39S.D.).oleoylphosphatidylcholine MLVs for10cycles in 0.1M NaCl solutions has previously been re-ported to result in their fragmentation into a population of smaller vesicles having a mean size less than200nm(MacDonald et al.,1994).Such fragmentation was not observed when water was used as the aqueous phase,suggesting that an osmotic removal of water from the vesicles,in the presence of electrolyte solutions,was responsible for the dehydration and subsequent fragmenta-tion of bilayers.Such fragmentation,though to a lesser extent,has also been described for other phospholipids(Morris and McGrath,1981), whilst loss of the barrier properties of bilayers during freeze–thawing,without major fragmenta-tion has also been reported(Oku and MacDon-ald,1983;Mayer et al.,1985).Freeze–thawing eggPC in the presence of high concentrations(\1 M)of some alkali metal chlorides has been re-ported to result in the production of‘giant’uni-and oligolamellar liposomes having diameters greater than10m m(Oku and MacDonald,1983). The tendency for large liposomes to be formed depends on the alkali metal chloride being used, such vesicles being most prevalent with KCl and RbCl,and on the eutectic temperature of the frozen alkali metal chloride solutions.‘Giant’liposomes of eggPC were produced in the pres-ence of NaCl,but at higher concentrations ofextruded through2-m m porefilters were signifi-cantly increased(P B0.05)from0.8390.02to 1.3990.05for eggPC MLVs and from0.999 0.03to 1.5190.05for eggPC/chol MLVs.The eggPC/chol liposomes exhibited greater increases in mean distribution span between one and20 freeze–thaw cycles than the eggPC MLVs.Span values after20cycles were1.6090.04and1.999 0.26for eggPC and eggPC/chol preparations re-spectively.Thus the increased rigidity of eggPC bilayers due to the inclusion of cholesterol seemed to have a destabilizing effect during freeze–thaw-ing,causing the liposomes to rupture and subse-quently re-assemble to form a new population of liposomes with a higher mean VMD and wider and more variable size distribution.3.3.Effect of preparing liposomes in sodium chloride solutionsThe mean VMD of eggPC MLVs dispersed in NaCl solutions increased afterfive freeze–thaw-ing cycles by a greater extent than liposomes dispersed in water(P B0.05)(Fig.3).Mean distri-bution spans of all preparations dispersed in NaCl solutions increased significantly;the increase indistribution span for MLVs dispersed in0.5M NaCl(for instance,an increase from0.8290.06 before freeze–thawing to1.5590.15after freeze–thawing was typical).Freeze–thawing di-Fig.3.Influence of NaCl concentration on the mean VMD of eggPC MLVs before and afterfive freeze–thaw cycles. , before freeze–thawing;b,after freeze–thawing(n=39 S.D.).J.D.Castile,K.M.G.Taylor/International Journal of Pharmaceutics188(1999)87–95 92both salt and phospholipid than used in the presentstudies(Oku and MacDonald,1983).EggPC MLVs reversibly aggregate in the pres-ence of alkali metal cations,including Na+(Na-gata et al.,1986;Mosharraf et al.,1995).Hydration forces(due to adsorption of hydroxylgroups)are the main repulsive force in dispersionsof eggPC MLVs(Lis et al.,1982;Mosharraf et al.,1995).Close association is a prerequisite of vesiclefusion.These results may indicate that liposomessuspended in NaCl can locate in closer proximityto neighbouring vesicles than those dispersed inbi-distilled water due to reduction of the netnegative charge by the presence of Na+ions.When bilayer damage occurs during freeze–thawing, damaged vesicles will aggregate and possibly fuse with vesicles with which they come into contact (Lasic,1988).Additionally,exposure to high tem-peratures during thawing provides thermal energy for liposomes to become closely associated,and thus would be more likely to overcome repulsive, hydration forces and so be more likely to aggre-gate.Addition of electrolyte after liposome manufac-ture provides an osmotic gradient and promotes an efflux of water from the aqueous compartments of vesicles.Even though liposomes were hydrated in NaCl solutions,an osmotic gradient may exist because phospholipid bilayers are semi-permeable membranes in which the outer bilayers hinder the progress of solutes to the inner aqueous compart-ments resulting in non equilibrium solute distribu-tions and an osmotic gradient across the bilayer (Gruner et al.,1985).Freeze–thawing of MLVs produces equilibrium distributions of solute,and consequently enhances vesicle swelling(Mayer et al.,1985).Efflux of water due to solute imbalances prior to freeze–thawing could cause osmotic shrinkage of vesicles,producing areas where the bilayer dilates or shrinks,causing local changes to the area occupied by each phospholipid molecule with a significant effect on bilayer stability.3.4.Effect of poloxamer concentration on the size distribution of FATMLVsA1.0M NaCl solution was used as the aqueous phase in this study since it enhanced the freeze–Fig.4.Effect of poloxamer concentration on the mean VMD of eggPC MLVs followingfive freeze–thaw cycles. ,P338; ,P407(n=39S.D.).thaw induced increase in mean diameter eggPC MLVs(Fig.3).Following extrusion through2-m m filters,and prior to freeze–thawing,all samples had mean VMDs of between2.4and3.2m m.The mean VMD of poloxamer-free samples was slightly higher than all poloxamer-containing samples, possibly due to aggregation before freeze–thawing. Differences,though small,were significant at all concentrations of P407and\0.1%w/v P338 (P B0.05).Fig.4shows the mean VMDs of eggPC FATM-LVs afterfive freeze–thaw cycles.The poloxamer-free sample had a mean VMD of8.090.4m m following freeze–thawing.Inclusion of poloxamer P338or P407inhibited the size increase associated with freeze–thawing.Low poloxamer concentra-tions were less effective than higher concentrations at inhibiting the size increase,but the median sizes of all poloxamer-containing formulations were sig-nificantly smaller than the poloxamer-free prepara-tions(P B0.05).There was no significant difference(P B0.05)in the mean VMD of formu-lations containing0.5and 1.0%w/v of either poloxamer.The size distribution of FATMLVs was less polydispersed as poloxamers concentrations were increased from0to0.3%w/v,but then the distri-bution span increased as poloxamer concentra-tions were increased further(Fig.5).On closerJ.D.Castile,K.M.G.Taylor/International Journal of Pharmaceutics188(1999)87–9593analysis of the data(not presented),it was appar-ent that this was due to a reduction of the10% undersize value(the diameter below which10%of the volume of particles lies).The90%undersize value of these formulations was similar to that of samples containing lower concentrations of polox-amers,which indicates that the increase in span at higher poloxamer concentrations is caused by the formation of smaller vesicles.The presence of poloxamer molecules within liposome bilayers may sterically inhibit contact between two vesicles and subsequently prevent aggregation and fusion.As poloxamer concentra-tion was increased,vesicles may have been in-creasingly inhibited from associating with other vesicles during bilayer repair.This would account for the correlation between the increasing pres-ence of small vesicles at higher poloxamer concen-tration.It is also possible that higher poloxamer concentrations may destabilize phospholipid membranes,making them more susceptible to freeze–thaw damage although still inhibited from fusing with other liposomes.Jamshaid et al. (1988)showed that bilayer permeability of eggPC SUVs was increased by the presence of poloxam-ers,possibly due to the formation of‘pores’or regions of enhanced membranefluidity caused by inclusion of poloxamer within the bilayer.4.ConclusionThe median size and size distribution of2m m eggPC MLVs increased following freeze–thawing, suggesting that a new population of liposomes had been formed.Inclusion of cholesterol further enhanced these increases,possibly due to aggrega-tion and fusion of vesicles,indicating that it had a destabilizing influence on eggPC bilayers during the freeze–thaw procedure.Liposome bilayers are damaged by internal ice formation during freezing.Bilayers may break off or partially fragment.Damaged bilayers will re-assemble due to the‘hydrophobic effect’and form new liposomes possibly of a different size.Refor-mation may involve fusion with other liposomes (Lasic,1988).Each freeze–thaw cycle would provide an opportunity for this process to occur, both in previously unaffected liposomes and those damaged by a previous freeze–thaw cycle.How-ever,the proportion of vesicles that are affected and the extent of the damage to each bilayer cannot be determined from size analysis. Preparations dispersed in NaCl solutions in-creased in diameter following freeze–thawing to a greater extent than those dispersed in water.It seems likely that if there was any repulsion be-tween liposomes dispersed in bi-distilled water (from hydration or electrostatic forces),it was inhibited by NaCl,resulting in increased aggrega-tion and fusion of vesicles as bilayers recovered from freeze–thaw damage.Significantly,NaCl may have caused an osmotic gradient across lipo-some bilayers resulting in areas of bilayer instabil-ity due to osmotic shrinkage of vesicles.These areas may be more susceptible to freeze–thaw damage.Poloxamers P338and P407inhibited the size increases observed during freeze–thawing for eggPC MLVs dispersed in 1.0M NaCl.This suggests that the poloxamers may have sterically stabilized the liposome formulations.Poloxamers may associate with the surface of liposomes,pos-sibly through penetration of the POP moiety into the hydrophobic region of the phospholipid bi-layer or by adsorption to the liposome surface (Castile et al.,1999).Liposomes may still have been disrupted during freeze–thawing,but the presence of strongly hydrated POE groups ex-Fig.5.Effect of poloxamer concentration on the mean distri-bution span of eggPC MLVs followingfive freeze–thaw cycles. ,P338; ,P407(n=39S.D.).J.D.Castile,K.M.G.Taylor/International Journal of Pharmaceutics188(1999)87–95 94tending from the liposome surface may have steri-cally inhibited contact between vesicles.Subse-quently aggregation and fusion associated with freeze–thawing may then be inhibited.A greater proportion of small vesicles was detected as the poloxamer concentration was increased,suggest-ing that vesicles were still disrupted by freeze–thawing,but may have been increasingly inhibited from associating with other vesicles during bilayer repair.AcknowledgementsThe authors wish to thank BBSRC forfinancial support.ReferencesBangham,A.D.,Hill,M.W.,Miller,N.G.A.,1974.Prepara-tion and use of liposomes as models of biological mem-branes.Methods Membr.Biol.1,56–57.Castile,J.D.,Taylor,K.M.G.,Buckton,G.,1999.A high sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry study of the interaction between poloxamers and dimyristoylphos-phatidylcholine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine lipo-somes.Int.J.Pharm.182,101–110.Crowe,J.H.,Crowe,L.M.,Carpenter,J.F.,Wistrom,C.A., 1987.Stabilization of dry phospholipid bilayers and proteins by sugars.Biochem.J.242,1–10.Crowe,J.H.,Crowe,L.M.,Carpenter,J.F.,Rudolph,A.S., Wistrom, C.A.,Spargo, B.J.,Anchordoguy,T.J.,1988.Interactions of sugars with membranes.Biochim.Biophys.Acta947,367–384.Elorza,B.,Elorza,M.A.,Sainz,M.C.,Chantrez,J.R.,1993.Comparison of particle size and encapsulation parameters of three liposomal preparations.J.Microencapsul.10, 237–248.Finklestein,A.,Cass,A.,1967.The effect of cholesterol on the water permeability of thin lipid membranes.Nature216, 717–718.Fransen,G.J.,Salemink,P.T.M.,Crommelin,D.J.A.,1986.Critical parameters in freezing of liposomes.Int.J.Pharm.33,27–35.Gruner,S.M.,Lenk,A.S.,Janoff,A.S.,Ostro,M.J.,1985.Novel multilayered lipid vesicles:comparison of physical characteristics of multilamellar liposomes and stable pluril-amellar vesicles.Biochemistry24,2833–2842.Henry-Michellard,S.,Ter-Minassian-Saraga,L.,Poly,P.A., Delattre,J.,Pusieux,F.,1985.Lyophilization and rehydra-tion of liposomes.Colloids Surfaces14,269–276.Hope,M.J.,Bally,M.B.,Webb,G.,Cullis,P.R.,1985.Pro-duction of large unilamellar vesicles by a rapid extrusion procedure.Characterisation of size distribution,trapped volume and ability to maintain a membrane potential.Biochim.Biophys.Acta812,55–65.Hope,M.J.,Bally,M.B.,Mayer,L.D.,Janoff,A.S.,Cullis, P.R.,1986.Generation of multilamellar and unilamellar phospholipid vesicles.Chem.Phys.Lipids40,89–107. 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Remaining useful life estimation - A review on the statistical data driven approaches
M5 4WT, UK. Tel.: +44 0161 2954124; fax: +44 0161 2954947 (W. Wang); tel.: +86 010 62794461; fax: +86 010 62786911 (D.-H. Zhou).
a Department of Automation, Xi’an Institute of Hi-Tech, Xi’an 710025, Shaanxi, China b Salford Business School, University of Salford, Salford M5 4WT, UK c Department of Automation, TNLIST, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China d School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Science and Technology, China e PHM Centre of City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
The RUL of an asset is clearly a random variable and it depends on the current age of the asset, the operation environment and the observed condition monitoring (CM) or health information. Define Xt as the random variable of the RUL at time t (age or usage), then the probability density function (PDF) of Xt conditional on Yt is
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10:43:13 77.183.937243.8 5.2-0.62010-09-23 10:53:13 8283.637043 5.2-0.62010-09-23 11:03:13 76.384.437143.6 4.9-0.72010-09-23 11:13:13 73.68437145.2 5.1-0.72010-09-23 11:23:13 73.483.937145.3 5.1-0.72010-09-23 11:33:1473.183.937044.45-0.62010-09-23 11:43:1474.284.237046.8 5.2-0.62010-09-23 11:53:14 72.983.536946.2 4.9-0.62010-09-23 12:03:14 78.984.445346.4 5.3-0.72010-09-23 12:13:14 83.284.245545.2 5.4-0.72010-09-23 12:23:15 61.782.745244.7 5.6-0.62010-09-23 12:33:15 69.583.945045.4 5.5-0.72010-09-23 12:43:1568.483.445045.6 5.6-0.62010-09-23 12:53:1569.483.645045.4 5.6-0.72010-09-23 13:03:15 74.58444945.7 5.5-0.72010-09-23 13:13:15 80.783.744846.3 5.6-0.72010-09-23 13:23:16 82.387.344746.7 5.6-0.72010-09-23 13:33:16。
摘要:本发明提供一种雄激素提示老年男性阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's Disease,AD)风险的计算方法,通过构建方程模型,拟合ROC曲线,计算诊断界值cutoff值,得出遗忘型轻度认知功能障碍(amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairm,aMCI)的雄激素实验室参考数值。
地址:050017 河北省石家庄市中山东路361号
专利名称:用于预测第一次心血管事件的硒蛋白P 专利类型:发明专利