The role of optic nerve ultrasonography in the diagnosis of elevated intracranial pressure

甲状腺相关眼病TAOthyroid associated ophthalmology
电光性眼炎electric ophthalmia
穿通伤penetrating injury
钝挫伤blunt trauma
并发性白内障complicated cataract
糖皮质激素性青光眼corticosteroidinduced glaucoma
单眼运动monocular rotation
被动牵拉试验Forced duction test
神经等量支配定律herring’s law
Retinal Detachment

Retinal Detachment视网膜脱离Caryn Plummer, DVM, DACVO, University of FloridaJANUARY 2016 OPHTHALMOLOGY PEER REVIEWEDRetinal detachments (RDs) may develop secondary to a variety of systemic and/or local (ocular) conditions.视网膜脱落(RDs)可能继发于多种系统性和/或局部性(眼部)疾病。
Two Types of Retinal DetachmentsComplete: The entire retina becomes detachedPartial: A portion of the retina remains attached in its normal anatomic location while another section has detached视网膜脱落的两种类型完全型:整个视网膜完全脱落部分型:部分视网膜还在正常位置,其他部分脱落In the normal state, the retina sits directly adjacent to the concave contour of the posterior globe to receive oxygen and nutrients from the choroid, with which it is intimately associated. When the retina detaches, it floats anteriorly within the vitreal chamber and is evident as a thin grey veil with visible vasculature (Figures 1 and 2).正常情况下,视网膜位置是在眼球后方的凹痕里,同时从脉络膜那里获得氧气和养分。

光学显微镜英语作文Title: The Marvels of the Optical Microscope。
The optical microscope, a marvel of scientific ingenuity, has revolutionized our understanding of the microscopic world. Its development, spanning centuries, represents a fusion of optical principles, engineering prowess, and scientific curiosity. In this essay, we delve into the intricate workings of the optical microscope, its historical significance, contemporary applications, and the profound impact it has had on various fields of study.Historical Evolution:The origins of the optical microscope can be traced back to the late 16th century, with the pioneering work of Dutch spectacle makers such as Hans Jansen and his son Zacharias. Their invention of the compound microscope laid the foundation for subsequent advancements in microscopy. However, it was Antony van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch tradesmanand amateur scientist, who made significant strides in improving the design and magnification capabilities of the microscope. His observations of microorganisms through simple microscopes opened new frontiers in biology and medicine.Throughout the following centuries, the optical microscope underwent numerous refinements and enhancements, propelled by the contributions of notable scientists and inventors. The development of achromatic lenses in the 18th century by John Dollond mitigated color aberrations, vastly improving image clarity. In the 19th century, the introduction of the condenser and objective lenses with higher numerical apertures further enhanced resolution and contrast, enabling the visualization of finer details.Working Principles:At its core, the optical microscope operates on the principles of optics and magnification. Light from a source, typically an adjustable condenser, passes through the specimen mounted on a slide. The objective lens, positionedbeneath the specimen, magnifies the image formed by the transmitted light. This magnified image is then further enlarged by the eyepiece, allowing for visual observationor photographic documentation.Key factors influencing the performance of an optical microscope include magnification, resolution, and contrast. Magnification refers to the degree of enlargement of the specimen, while resolution determines the level of detail that can be discerned. Contrast, on the other hand, influences the clarity and visibility of structures within the specimen. By optimizing these parameters, researchers can obtain clear and detailed images for analysis.Contemporary Applications:The optical microscope remains an indispensable tool in various scientific disciplines, including biology, medicine, materials science, and forensics. In biology, itfacilitates the study of cellular structures, tissues, and microorganisms, elucidating fundamental processes of life. Medical professionals rely on microscopes for the diagnosisof diseases, analysis of blood samples, and examination of pathological tissues.In materials science, optical microscopy enables the characterization of materials at the microstructural level, aiding in the development of new materials and quality control processes. Forensic scientists utilize microscopes to examine trace evidence such as fibers, hairs, and fingerprints, assisting in criminal investigations andlegal proceedings.Impact and Future Prospects:The impact of the optical microscope on scientific advancement cannot be overstated. It has played a pivotal role in unraveling the mysteries of the microscopic realm, leading to groundbreaking discoveries and technological innovations. From the elucidation of cell biology to the development of life-saving medical treatments, its contributions are immeasurable.Looking ahead, advancements in microscopy technologycontinue to push the boundaries of what is possible. Emerging techniques such as confocal microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, and super-resolution microscopy offer unprecedented capabilities for imaging and analysis at the nanoscale. These advancements hold promise for further insights into complex biological processes, the development of novel therapeutics, and the exploration of new frontiers in science and technology.In conclusion, the optical microscope stands as a testament to human curiosity, ingenuity, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. From its humble beginnings to its contemporary applications, it remains a cornerstone of scientific inquiry and discovery. As we venture into the future, the optical microscope will undoubtedly remain an indispensable tool in our quest to unlock the mysteries of the microscopic world.。

眼部b超描述流程Eye ultrasound, also known as ocular ultrasonography or ocular ultrasound, is a non-invasive imaging technique used to visualize the internal structures of the eye. It is particularly useful when traditional imaging methods such as MRI or CT scans are not feasible or contraindicated. Here's an overview of the process:1.Preparation: The patient is positioned comfortably,typically lying down or sitting upright. A water-based gel isapplied to the eyelid to facilitate the transmission of ultrasoundwaves and reduce friction during the examination.2.Probe Placement: A small ultrasound probe, called atransducer, is placed gently on the closed eyelid or directly on the surface of the eye. The transducer emits high-frequency soundwaves into the eye, which then bounce off the internal structuresand return to the transducer, creating echoes.3.Image Formation: The echoes generated by theultrasound waves are converted into a real-time image on acomputer screen. The ophthalmologist or technician can thenvisualize and assess various structures within the eye, includingthe lens, retina, vitreous humor, optic nerve, and surroundingtissues.4.Assessment: The ultrasound images provide valuableinformation about the anatomy, pathology, and integrity of theeye structures. It can help diagnose conditions such as retinaldetachment, intraocular tumors, vitreous hemorrhage, andforeign bodies in the eye.5.Interpretation: The ophthalmologist interprets theultrasound images and correlates them with the patient'ssymptoms, medical history, and other diagnostic findings to makea comprehensive assessment and formulate a treatment plan ifnecessary.Chinese Explanation: 眼部超声波,也称为眼部超声检查或眼部超声,是一种无创成像技术,用于可视化眼睛的内部结构。

光学英语作文Title: The Wonders of Optics。
Introduction:Optics, the branch of physics that deals with the behavior and properties of light, holds immense significance in various fields ranging from telecommunications to medicine. In this essay, we will delve into the fascinating world of optics and explore its applications, advancements, and implications.Fundamentals of Optics:At its core, optics encompasses the study of how light interacts with matter. Light, which behaves both as a wave and a particle, undergoes reflection, refraction, diffraction, and absorption when it encounters different mediums. These fundamental principles form the basis for understanding various optical phenomena.Applications in Telecommunications:One of the most prominent applications of optics liesin the field of telecommunications. Fiber-optic communication systems, which transmit data through optical fibers using pulses of light, have revolutionized global connectivity. The high bandwidth and low attenuation of optical fibers make them indispensable for long-distance communication, internet connectivity, and cable television transmission.Medical Imaging and Diagnostics:Optics plays a crucial role in modern medicine, particularly in imaging and diagnostics. Techniques such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and confocal microscopy enable high-resolution imaging of biological tissues with minimal invasiveness. These tools aid in early disease detection, precise surgical interventions, and monitoring of treatment outcomes, thus significantly improving patient care.Advancements in Optical Materials:Recent advancements in materials science have led to the development of novel optical materials with extraordinary properties. Metamaterials, engineered to exhibit properties not found in natural materials, offer unprecedented control over light propagation. Applications of metamaterials range from invisibility cloaks to ultra-efficient solar cells, promising groundbreaking innovations in various industries.Optics in Astronomy and Space Exploration:The study of optics is essential for exploring the vast cosmos and understanding the universe's mysteries. Telescopes, equipped with advanced optical systems, allow astronomers to observe distant celestial objects with remarkable clarity and detail. Furthermore, optics plays a vital role in space exploration missions, facilitating precise navigation, imaging of planetary surfaces, and communication with spacecraft.Challenges and Future Directions:Despite the remarkable progress in optics, several challenges lie ahead. The miniaturization of optical components, enhancement of efficiency, and reduction of costs remain ongoing pursuits in the field. Moreover, addressing issues such as optical losses, dispersion, and environmental factors is essential for optimizing optical systems' performance across diverse applications.Looking ahead, the future of optics holds immense promise. Emerging technologies such as quantum optics, photonics, and nanophotonics are poised to unlock new frontiers in communication, computing, sensing, and beyond. By harnessing the power of light, researchers continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, paving the way for a brighter and more interconnected world.Conclusion:In conclusion, optics stands as a cornerstone of modernscience and technology, enabling innovations that have transformed our lives in profound ways. From telecommunications to healthcare, from astronomy to materials science, the applications of optics are vast and diverse. As we journey further into the realm of light, let us embrace the endless possibilities that optics offers and strive to harness its potential for the betterment of humanity.。

皮肤光学成像用途的英语作文1、Experiment Research On Optical Coherence Tomography Of Human Skin。
2、Cancer Tissues In The Body Lined With Epithelial Cells Like The Ones Forming The Outer Layer Of Skin。
3、The Setting Up Of Reflectance Confocal Microscope And Its In Vivo Application In Skin Tissue Imaging。
4、With Skin Tanned To A Deep Mahogany。
5、Get A Good Sun-Tan。
6、Betty's Portrait Is Now In Its Eighth Incarnation Since The First Composite Painting Debuted In 1936 With Pale Skin And Blue Eyes。
7、Her Skin Looks As Green As An Old Cheese。
8、It Was As Though She Had Got Into The Texture Of His Skin。
9、The Baby's Skin Is As Smooth As Satin。
10、Her Skin Is As Smooth As Satin。

OCT allows both qualitative and quantitative analysis of the retina Qualitative analysis includes description by location, a description of form and structure, identification of anomalous structures, and observation of the reflective qualities of the retina
Quantitative analysis involves measurements of the retina, specifically retinal thickness and volume, and nerve fiber layer thickness. This is possible because the OCT software is able to identify and "trace" two key layers of the retina, the NFL and RPE
The pre-retinal profile
A normal pre-retinal profile is black space Normal vitreous space is translucent The small, faint, bluish dots in the preretinal space is "noise" This is an electronic aberration created by increasing the sensitivity of the instrument to better visualize low reflective structures.

AV Patterns AV 型斜视AC/A 比率accommodative convergence/accommodation ratio AC/A ratioA型超声检查A-scan ultrasonographyB-型超声检查B-scan ultrasonographyBehcet 病Behcet’diseaseDNA甲基化DNA methylationDuane 眼球后退综合征Duane’retraction syndrome DRSFarnsworth D-15色调检测法Farnsworth D-15 Hue TestFarnsworth-Munsell FM)-100色调检测法Farnsworth-Munsel 100 Hue Test Fuchs 角膜内皮营养不良Fuchs’endothelial dystrophyFuchs 综合征Fuchs’syndromeGoldmann压平眼压计Goldmann applanation tonometerGullstrand 精密模型眼Gullstrand exact model eyeHertel眼球突度计Hertel exophthalmometerLeber 遗传性视神经病变Leber hereditary optic neuropathySchirmer 试验Schirmer testStevens-Johnson综合征Stevens-Johnson syndrome SSTerrien边缘变性Terrien marginal degenerationThygeson 浅层点状角膜炎superficial punctuate keratitis of ThygesonVogt-小柳原田综合征Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome VKH综合征Wagner 玻璃体视网膜变性Wagner vitreoretinal degenerationWernicke 偏盲性瞳孔强直Wernicke hemianopic papillary reactionA阿托品atropine安慰剂placebo暗点scotoma暗适应dark adaptationB白内障cataract白内障囊内摘除术intracapsular cataract extraction ICCE 白内障囊外摘除术extracapsular cataract extraction ECCE白内障手术率cataract surgical rate白内障针拔术couching of lens白瞳症leukocoria瘢痕性睑内翻cicatricial entropion瘢痕性睑外翻cicatricial ectropion瘢痕性类天疱疮cicatricial pemphigoid半乳糖性白内障galactose cataract包涵体性结膜炎inclusion conjunctivitis暴露性角膜炎exposure keratitis杯凹optic cup被动牵拉试验forced duction test鼻睫状神经nasociliary nerve鼻泪管nasolacrimal duct闭合小带zonula occludens边缘性角膜变性marginal degeneration扁平部pars plana扁平角膜applanation表层巩膜炎episcleritis表皮外胚叶surface ectoderm表型模拟pheoncopy并发性白内障complicated cataract病毒性结膜炎virus conjunctivitis病毒性眼睑皮炎virus palpebral dermatitis病理性近视pathologic myopia玻璃膜Bruch membrane玻璃膜疣drusen玻璃体vitreous body玻璃体后脱离posterior vitreous detachment PVD玻璃体积血vitreous hemorrhages玻璃体基底部vitreous base玻璃体劈裂vitreoschisis玻璃体脱出vitreous loss玻璃体纸样黄斑病变cellophane maculophthy不等像aniseikonia不规则散光irregular astigmatism部分调节性内斜视partially accommodative esotropia 彩色超声多普勒成像color Doppler imaging蚕蚀性角膜溃疡mooren ulcer常年性过敏性结膜炎perennial allergic conjunctivitis超级性细菌性结膜炎hyperacute bacterial conjunctivitis 穿通伤penetrating injury超声ulrtasoud超声生物显微镜ultrasound biomicroscopy UBM超声乳化白内障吸除术phacoemulsification垂直分离性斜视dissociated vertica deviation DVD垂直性斜视hypertropia春季角结膜炎vernal keratoconjunctivitis VKC春季结膜炎vernal conjunctivitis磁共振成像magnetic resonance imaging ,MRID大角膜megalocornea大泡性角膜病变bullous keratopathy带状光检影镜streak retinoscopes带状角膜病变band-shaped keratopathy单纯近视散光simple myopic astigmatism单纯疱疹病毒herpes simplex virus,HSV单纯疱疹病毒性角膜炎herpes simplex keratitis HSK单纯性表层巩膜炎simple episcleritis单纯远视散光simple hyperopic astigmatism单眼运动monocular rotation ,dunction倒睫trichiasis滴眼液eyedrops地图-点状-指纹状营养不良map-dot-finger print dystrophy 第二玻璃体secondary vitreous第二斜视角secondary deviation第二眼位secondary positions第三玻璃体tertiary vitreous第一斜视角primary deviation第一眼位primary position点状光检影镜spot retinoscopes电光性眼炎electric ophthalmia动脉硬化性视网膜病变arteriosclerotic retinopathy 动态视野检查kinetic perimetry动眼神经麻痹third crania nerve/oculomotor palsy 对比敏感度contrast sensitivity钝挫伤blunt trauma多焦ERG multifocal ERG多形性腺癌pleomorphic adenomasE恶性黑色素瘤malignant melanoma儿童盲children blindness恶性青光眼malignant glaucomaF发病率incidence房角后退性青光眼angle-recession glaucoma房角切开术goniotomy房角粘连goniosynechia房水aqueous humor房水引流装置植入术implantation drainage device放射状角膜切开术Radial keratotomy ,RK非编码RNA noneoding RNA非穿透性小梁手术nonpenetrating trabecular surgery非调节性内斜视nonaccommodative esotropia非共同性内斜视incomitant esodeviation非接触眼压计non-contact tonometer非正视ametropia分开divergence分析性研究analytic study负相对调节negative relative accommodation,NRA复合近视散光compound myopic astigmatism复合远视散光compound hyperopic astigmatism复视diplopiaG干眼dry eye感觉剥夺性内斜视sensory deprivation esodeviation感觉融合sensory fusion感觉性外斜视sensory exotropia高AC/A型调节性内斜视high AC/A ratio accommodative esotropia 高血压性视神经视网膜病变hypertensive neuroretinopathy高血压性视网膜病变hypertensive retinopathy HRP高眼压症ocular hypertension巩膜sclera巩膜葡萄肿sclera staphyloma巩膜炎scleritis骨性眼眶bony orbit贯通伤perforating injury光动力疗法photodynamic therapy,PDT光损伤photic damage光学相干断层扫描optical coherence tomography光晕halo规则散光regular astigmatism过敏性结膜炎allergic conjunctivitisH海绵窦血栓cavernous sinus thrombosis海绵状血管瘤cavernous hemangioma核性白内障nuclear cataract恒定性外斜视constant exotropia红色盲protanopia虹膜iris虹膜后粘连posterior synechia of the iris虹膜夹型iris-claw虹膜角膜内皮综合征iridocorneal endothelial syndrome ,ICE 虹膜囊肿iris cyst虹膜膨隆iris bombe虹膜前粘连anterior synechia of the iris虹膜缺损coloboma of the iris后弹力层膨出descementocele后房posterior chamber后发性白内障after cataract后巩膜加固术posterior sclera reinforcement,PSR 后巩膜炎posterior scleritis后囊膜混浊posterior capsular opacification后囊下白内障posterior subcapsular cataract 后葡萄膜炎posterior uveitis坏死性前巩膜炎necrotizing anterior scleritis患病率prevalence黄斑macula lutea黄斑部视网膜前膜macular epiretinal membrane 黄斑分裂macular splitting黄斑格栅样光凝grid pattern photocoagulation 黄斑回避macular sparing黄斑裂孔macular hole黄斑囊样水肿cystoid macular edema,CME黄斑中心凹fovea centralis黄色瘤xanthelasma混合散光mixed astigmatism混合型调节性内斜视mixed accommodative esotropia混淆视confusion活性氧reactive oxygen species ,ROS获得性上斜肌麻痹acquired superior oblique muscle palsy,ASOP J肌炎myositis基本型内斜视basic esotropia基底细胞癌basal cell carcinoma激光虹膜造瘘术laser sclerostomy激光虹膜切开术laser eridotomy激光扫描拓扑仪scanning laser topography急性闭角型青光眼acute angle-closure glaucoma急性共同性内斜视acute comitant esotropia急性泪囊炎acute dacryocystitis急性泪腺炎acute dacryoadenitis急性视网膜坏死综合征acute retinal necrosis syndrom ,ARN棘阿米巴角膜炎acanthamoeba keratitis集合convergence集合近点检查near point of convergence计算机体层成像computerized tomography,CT季节性过敏性结膜炎seasonal allergic conjunctivitis继发性青光眼secondary glaucoma继发性视神经萎缩secondary optic atrophy继发性外斜视consecutive exotropia家族性渗出性玻璃体视网膜病变familial exudative vitreoretinopathy,FEV甲状腺相关免疫眼眶病变thyroid related immune orbitopathy,TRIO 甲状腺相关眼病thyroid associated ophthalmopathy TAO假同色图pseudoisochromatic plate假性视盘水肿pseudo-papilledema假性视盘炎pseudo-papollitis间隙性外斜视intermittent exotropia睑板腺功能障碍Meibomian gland dynfunction,MGD睑板腺囊肿chalazion睑结膜palpebral conjunctiva睑结膜瘢痕tarsal conjunctival scarring睑裂palpebral fissure睑裂斑pinguecula睑内翻entropion睑外翻ectropion睑腺炎hordeolum睑缘palpebral margin睑缘炎blepharitis简略眼reduced eye渐变多焦点镜片progressive addition lens交叉柱镜Jackson cross cylinder,JCC交感性眼炎sympathetic ophthalmia交替遮盖法alternate cover test胶原盾collagen cornea shield椒盐状眼底salt and pepper fundus角结膜干燥症keratoconjunctivitis sicca角膜cornea角膜白斑corneal leucoma角膜斑翳corneal macula角膜变性corneal degeneration角膜云翳corneal nebula角膜穿孔corneal perforation角膜地形图检查corneal topography角膜共焦显微镜corneal confocal microscopy角膜后沉着物keratic precipitate ,KP角膜混浊corneal opacification角膜基质环植入术Intrastromal corneal ring segments,ICRS 角膜基质炎interstitial keratitis角膜胶原交联术Corneal collagen cross-linking ,CXL角膜浸润corneal infiltration角膜溃疡corneal ulcer角膜老年环cornea arcus senilis角膜鳞状细胞癌corneal squamous cell carcinoma角膜瘘corneal fistula角膜内皮镜corneal specular microscopy角膜皮样癌corneal dermoid tumor角膜葡萄肿corneal staphyloma角膜曲率计keratometer角膜屈光手术keratorefractive surgery角膜软化症keratomalacia角膜塑形镜orthokeratology ,OK角膜炎keratitis角膜营养不良corneal dystrophy角膜映光法Hischberg test角膜缘limbus角膜缘干细胞功能障碍limbal stem cell deficiency,LSCD 角膜脂质变性lipid degeneration接触镜contact lens接触性睑皮炎contact dermatitis of lids拮抗肌antagonist结节性表层巩膜炎nodular episcleritis结节性前巩膜炎nodular anterior scleritis结膜conjunctiva结膜结石conjunctival concretion结膜滤泡follicular conjunctival inflammation结膜囊conjunctival sac结膜囊肿conjunctival inclusion cyst结膜皮样瘤dermoid tumor结膜乳头状瘤conjunctival papilloma结膜色素痣conjunctival nevi结膜血管瘤conjunctival angioma结膜炎conjunctivitis睫状长神经long ciliary nerve睫状短神经short ciliary nerve睫状冠pars plicata睫状后长动脉long posterior ciliary artery睫状后短动脉short posterior ciliary artery睫状环阻塞性青光眼ciliary-bolck glaucoma睫状肌麻痹验光cycloplegic refraction睫状前动脉anterior ciliary artery睫状前静脉anterior ciliary vein睫状神经节ciliary ganglion睫状视网膜动脉阻塞cilioretinal artery occlusion 睫状体ciliary body睫状体光凝术cyclophotocoagulation睫状体冷凝术cyclocryotherapy睫状体透热术cyclodiathermy睫状突ciliary processes近点near point近视myopia近视性黄斑变性myopic macular degeneration经瞳孔温热疗法transpupillary therapy ,TTT晶状体lens晶状体板lens placode晶状体泡lens vesicle痉挛性睑内翻spastic entropion静态视野检查static perimetry巨乳头性结膜炎giant papillary conjunctivitis,GPC巨细胞动脉炎giant cell arteritis,GCA锯齿缘ora serrataK颗粒状角膜基质营养不良granular dystrophy空蝶鞍综合征empty sella syndrome孔源性视网膜脱离rhegmatogenous retinal detachment 枯草热性结膜炎hay fever conjunctivitis框架眼镜spectacles眶隔orbital septum眶隔前蜂窝织炎preseptal cellulitis 眶上裂superior orbital fissure眶深部蜂窝织炎deep orbital cellulite 眶下裂inferior orbita fissure溃疡性睑缘炎ulcerative blepharitis蓝色盲tritanopia老年性白内障senile cataract老年性睑外翻senile ectropion老视presbyopia泪道lacrimal passages泪点lacrimal puncta泪膜破裂时间breaking up time ,BUT 泪囊lacrimal sac泪器lacrimal apparatus泪腺Lacrimal gland泪腺脱垂lacrimal glands prolapsed泪腺炎dacryosdenitis泪小管lacrimal canaliculi泪液分泌过多lacrimal hypersecretion 泪液分泌过少lacrimal huposecretion 泪液分泌器secretory apparatus泪液排出器excretory apparatus泪溢epiphora棱镜度prismatic diopter立体视检查stereopsis testing立体视觉stereoscopic vision裂伤laceration裂隙灯活体显微镜slit-lamp biomecroscope临床试验clinical trial鳞屑性睑缘炎squamous blepharitis鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma流泪lacrimation流行性出血性结膜炎epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis 流行性角结膜炎epidemic keratoconjunctivitis绿色盲deuteranopia乱睫aberrant lashesM麻痹性睑外翻paralytic ectropion马凡综合征Marfan syndrome马切山尼综合征Marchesani syndrome埋藏性玻璃膜疣buried drusen脉络膜choroid脉络膜恶性黑色素瘤malignant melanoma of the choroid脉络膜骨瘤choroidal osteoma脉络膜缺损coloboma of the choroid脉络膜新生血管膜choroidal neovascularization CNV脉络膜血管瘤choroidal hemangioma脉络膜转移癌metastatic carcinoma of the choroid慢性闭角型青光眼chronic angle-closure glaucoma慢性泪腺炎chronic dacryoadenitis慢性滤泡性结膜炎chronic follicular conjunctivitis慢性细菌性结膜炎chronic conjunctivitis盲法blind trial毛细血管瘤capillary hemangioma弥漫性层间角膜炎diffuse lamellar keratitis,DLK弥漫性结膜感染diffuse conjunctival inflammation弥漫性前巩膜炎diffuse anterior scleritis弥漫性眼眶炎症diffuse orbital inflammation棉绒斑cotton-wool spots免疫性结膜炎immunologic conjunctivitis描述性研究descriptive studyN内镜下泪囊鼻腔吻合术endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy EDCR 内斜视esotropis,ET内转adduction内眦赘皮epicanthus难治性青光眼refractory glaucoma脑膜脑膨出meningoencephalocele逆规散光astigmatism against the rule年龄相关性白内障age-related cataract年龄相关性黄斑变性age-relate macular degeneration,ARMD 颞侧偏盲temporal hemianopsia脓毒性视网膜炎septic retinitisP旁中心注视eccentric fixation泡性角结膜炎phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis胚裂embryonic fissure胚眼embryonic eye配偶肌yoke muscles皮痒脂肪瘤dermolipoma皮脂腺癌sebaceous gland carcinoma皮质盲cortical blindness皮质性白内障cortical cataract葡萄膜uvea葡萄膜炎uveitisQ牵拉性视网膜脱离tractional retinal detachment TRD牵牛花综合征morning-glory gyndrome前部缺血性视神经病变anterior ischemic optic neuropathy,AION 前房anterior chamber前房积血hyphema前房角anterior chamber angle前房角镜gonioscope前房闪辉anterior chamber flare前房细胞anterior chamber cell前巩膜炎anterior scleritis前葡萄膜炎anterior uveitis浅层点状角膜炎superficial punctuate keratitis,SPK强制性脊椎炎ankylosing spondylitis青光眼glaucoma青光眼睫状体炎综合征glacuomatocyclitic crisis青年性视网膜劈裂症juvenile retionschisis青少年型青光眼juvenile glaucoma穹窿结膜fornical conjunctiva球后视神经炎retrobulbar optic neuritis球结膜bulbar conjunctiva球结膜下出血subconjunctival hemorrhage球镜度数diopter of spherical power曲安奈德triamcinolone acetonide,TA屈光refraction屈光不正refractive error屈光参差anisometropia屈光度diopter屈光力refractive power屈光性调节性内斜视refractive accommodative esotropia 屈光状态refractive status全葡萄膜炎generalized uveitis全色盲monochromasia全视网膜光凝panretinal photocoagulation,PRPR染色质重塑chromosome remodeling人工晶状体植入术intraocular lens implantation日常生活视力presenting vision溶血性青光眼hemolytic glaucoma融合fusion融合储备力检查fusion potential融合交叉柱镜fused cross cylinder,FCC乳头状瘤papilloma软镜soft contact lens弱视amblyopiaS三棱镜度prism diopter,PD三棱镜加角膜映光法Krimsky test三棱镜加遮盖试验prism plus cover testing散光astigmatism散光性角膜切开术Astigmatic keratotomy ,AK扫描激光偏振仪scanning laser polarimetry色盲镜anomaloscope色素性青光眼pigmentary glaucoma色素痣nevus沙眼trachoma沙眼衣原体Chlamydia trachomatis闪光ERG Flash ERG上睑下垂ptosis上皮基底膜营养不良epithelial basement membrane dystrophy 上皮内上皮癌intraepithelial epithelioma上斜肌肌鞘综合征Brown syndrome上斜肌麻痹superior oblique muscle palsy上转supraduction ,elevation神经等量支配定律Hering’s law神经交互支配定律Sherrington‘s law神经麻痹性角膜炎neuroparalytic keratitis神经外胚叶neuroectodem神经褶neural fold渗出性视网膜脱离exudative retinal detachment ERD 实验研究experimental study世界卫生组织World Heslth Organization,WHO视杯optic cup视放射optic radiation视光学optometry视沟optic sulcus视觉科学vision science视交叉optic chiasm视交叉综合征chiasmatic syndrome视茎optic stalk视觉诱发电位visual evoked potential ,视力表vision chart视力损伤visual impairment视路visual pathway视能矫正训练orthoptics视盘optic disc视盘玻璃膜疣optic disc drusen视盘黑色素细胞瘤melanocytoma of the optic disc视盘静脉炎papilla phlebitis视盘损伤coloboma of optic disc视盘水肿optic disc edema,papilloedema 视盘小凹optic pit视盘血管瘤hemangioma of the optic disc 视盘血管炎optic disc vasculitis视盘炎papillitis视泡optic vesicle视皮质visual cortex视锐度visual acuity视神经optic nerve视神经发育不全optic nerve hypoplasia视神经管optic canal视神经脊髓炎neuromyelitis optica视神经胶质瘤glioma of optic nerve视神经孔optic foramen视神经脑膜瘤meningioma of optic nerve 视神经乳头optic papilla视神经视网膜炎neuroretinitis视神经撕脱avulsion of the optic nerve视神经头部optic nerve head视神经萎缩optic atrophy视神经炎optic neuritis视神经周围炎optic perineuritis视束optic tract视网膜retina视网膜电图electroretingogram,ERG视网膜对应retinal correspondence视网膜分支静脉阻塞branch retinal artery occlusion,BRAO 视网膜静脉周围炎retinal periphlebitis视网膜静脉阻塞retinal vein occlusion,RVO视网膜毛细血管扩张症retinal telangiectasia视网膜母细胞瘤retinoblastoma,RB视网膜前膜epiretinal membrane视网膜色素上皮retinal pigment epithelium,RPE视网膜神经感觉层neurosensory retina视网膜脱离retinal detachment,RD视网膜血管瘤retinal angiomatosis视网膜血管炎retinal vasculitis视网膜震荡commotio retinae视网膜中央动脉central retinal artery,CRA视网膜中央动脉阻塞central retinal artery occlusion,,CRAO 视网膜中央静脉central retinal vein,CRV视网膜中央静脉阻塞central retinal vein occlusion,CRVO视窝optic pit视野visual field视野计perimeter视紫蓝质iodopsin视紫红质rhodopsin手足抽搐性白内障tetany cataract双目间接检眼镜binocular indirect ophthalmoscope双上转肌麻痹double elevator palsy双行睫distichiasis双眼颞侧偏盲binocular temporal hemianopsia双眼视觉binocular vision双眼同向运动conjugate movement,version双眼异向运动disjunctive movement,vergence水平视差horizontal visual disparity水平斜视horizontal strabismus水液缺乏性干眼aqueous tear deficiency,ATD顺规散光astigmatism with the rule丝状角膜炎filamentary keratitis随机点立体图random-dot stereogramT糖尿病diabetic mellitus糖尿病性白内障diabetic cataract糖尿病性视网膜病变diabetic retinopathy,DR糖皮质激素性青光眼corticosteroid-induced glaucoma调节accommodation调节幅度amplitude ,AMP调节性内斜视accommodative esotropia 调整缝线adjustable sutures铁质沉着症siderosis同侧偏盲homonymous hemianopsia 同视机法synoptophore同型胱氨酸尿症homocystinuria铜质沉着症chalcosis瞳孔pupil瞳孔闭锁seclusion of pupil瞳孔残膜persistent pupillary membrane 瞳孔光反射light reflex瞳孔近反射pupil near reflexW歪头试验Bielschowsky head tilt test 外侧膝状体lateral geniculate body外伤性白内障traumatic cataract外斜视exotropia,XT伪盲malingering blindness伪装综合征masquerade syndrome涡静脉vortex vein无虹膜aniridiaX细菌性角膜溃疡bacterial corneal ulcer 细菌性角膜炎bacterial keratitis细菌性结膜炎bacterial conjunctivitis 下颌瞬目综合征jaw-winking syndrome 354。

Fourier Optics Introduction Teaching Design - EnglishVersionIntroductionFourier optics is a branch of optics that deals with the mathematical analysis of light propagation. It is an essential subject for students pursuing a degree in optics, physics, or engineering. This teaching design ms to provide an overview of Fourier optics for undergraduate and graduate students.Course ObjectivesThe course objectives are as follows:•Introduce students to the foundations of Fourier optics•Teach students how to apply Fourier transforms and diffraction theory in optics•Demonstrate how Fourier optics is used in real-life applications such as holography and image processingCourse OutlineWeek 1: Introduction to Fourier Optics•Review of Maxwell’s equations•Overview of Fourier transforms and their applications in optics•Introduction to the fundamental principles of diffraction theoryWeek 2: Diffraction Theory•Detled discussion of diffraction phenomena and their mathematical models•Analysis of diffraction patterns and image formation using the transfer function concept•Introduction to coherence theory and its role in optical imagingWeek 3: Fourier Transform Optics•Laplace transform and its applications in optical system analysis•Fourier transform properties and their applications in optical signal processing•Introduction to imaging systems based on Fourier transform conceptsWeek 4: Holography and Applications•Principles of holography and holographic recording•Fourier optics analysis of holographic image formation•Applications of holography in imaging, non-destructive testing, and data storageWeek 5: Image Processing•Fourier analysis of image processing operations•Image filtering, restoration, and enhancement using Fourier optics techniques•Overview of modern image processing techniques based on Fourier transform conceptsWeek 6: Review and Assessment•Course review and discussion of open research questions in Fourier optics•Final examCourse Materials•Textbook: Goodman, J. W. Introduction to Fourier Optics.Roberts & Company Publishers, 2005.•Lecture notes and course handouts•MATLAB and Mathematica software for signal analysis and simulationTeaching MethodologyThe course will be taught using a combination of lectures, problem-solving sessions, and laboratory experiments. Students will be encouraged to participate in discussions and ask questions about course content and concepts. The course will be assessed through problem assignments, a mid-term exam, and a final exam.ConclusionFourier optics is a complex but essential subject in optics and physics. This teaching design provides a comprehensive overview of Fourier optics for undergraduate and graduate students. The course materials and teaching methodology are designed to help students develop a deep understanding of Fourier optics and its applications in real-life situations.。

赵梓森作文素材(中英文版)Task Title: Zhao Zisen Writing MaterialEnglish:Zhao Zisen, a renowned Chinese optical engineer, is an inspiring figure for his groundbreaking contributions to the field of fiber optics.Born in 1923, he developed the first glass fiber in China, which laid the foundation for the country"s telecommunications industry.Throughout his career, Zhao"s unwavering dedication and passion for innovation have earned him numerous accolades, including being named a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.His story exemplifies the transformative power of perseverance and ingenuity in the pursuit of scientific advancements.中文:赵梓森,一位著名的我国光学工程师,以其在光纤光学领域的前瞻性贡献而成为令人敬仰的典范。

v眼科词汇中英文对照A型超声图A-scan ultrasonographyB型超声图Maddox杆测验白内障Nd:Y AG激光囊切开术SRK公式,人工晶体状体度数测定二期人工晶状体植入术人工晶状体(IOL)上皮上皮水肿子午线晶状体干燥性角结膜炎无前房或浅前房无晶状体无晶状体眼镜无缝线白内障手术毛果芸香碱出血外伤性白内障外眼病外眼检查对比敏感度平坦部玻璃体切除术白内障手术白内障囊内摘除术(ICCE)白内障囊外摘除术(ECCE)皮质皮质性白内障皮质类固醇先天性白内障全身麻醉关节炎后房后房型人工晶状体后囊混浊地塞米松异物成熟期白内障红光反射老年性白内障冷冻器B-scan ultrasonographymaddox rod testingcataractNd: Y AG laser capsulotomySRK formula, for IOL power secondary intraocular lensintraocular lensesepitheliumepithelial edemameridianslenskeratoconjunctivitis siccaflat or shallow anterior chamber AphakiaAphakic spectaclesNo-stitch cataract surgerypilocarpinehemorrhagetraumatic cataractsexternal eye diseaseexternal eye examinationcontrast sensitivitypars plana lensectomycataract surgeryintracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE) extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) cortexcortical cataractscorticosteoridscongenital cataractsgeneral anesthesiaArthritisposterior chamberposterior chamber intraocular lenses posterior capsular opacification dexamethasoneforeign bodiesmature cataractsred reflexAge-related cataractsCryoprobe局部麻醉折叠式人工晶状体角巩膜切口角膜角膜水肿角膜曲率计角膜病变赤道周边部虹膜切除术屈光屈光不正表面麻醉视力视网膜色素变性视网膜脱离视轴青光眼青光眼斑点前房前房积血复视,单眼性玻璃体穿孔伤穿通伤结合膜瓣结膜切口脉络膜上腔出血脉络膜脱离虹膜虹膜切除术剥脱综合症(假性剥脱)恶性青光眼核核性白内障缺血性调节调节幅度透明质酸钠高度近视眼婴儿期白内障接触镜检眼镜检查球后麻醉球旁(周)麻醉local anesthesiafoldable intraocular lensescorneal-scleral incisioncornealcorneal edemakeratomtrykeratoplastyequatorperipheral iridectomyrefractionrefraction errortopical anesthesiavisual acuityretinitis pigmentosaretinal detachmentoptic axisglaucomaglaukomfleckenanterior chamberhyphemadiplopia, monocularvitreousperforating injurypenetrating injury, see also Trauma conjunctival flapconjunctical incisionsuprachoroidal hemorrhagechoroidal detachmentirisiridectomyexfoliation syndrome (pseudoedfoliation) malignant glaucomanucleusnuclear cataractischemiaaccommodationamplitude of accommodationsodium hyaluronatehigh myopiainfantile cataractscontact lensesophthalmoscopyretrobulbar anesthesiaperibulbar anesthesia眼内压升高眼内异物眼内炎眼压增高眼底粘弹剂维生素缺乏黄斑功能黄斑变性黄斑囊样水肿睑板腺炎睑缘炎裂隙灯检查超声晶状体乳化术睫状阻滞睫状麻痹剂解剖碱性烧伤缩瞳剂糖尿病阿托品,弱视治疗AC/A比率,比值,调节性复辏/调节比值弱视病因极性白内障手术杯/盘比眼外肌鼻泪道系统结膜炎新生儿眼炎眼眶早产儿视网膜病变视网膜母细胞瘤剥夺性弱视视神经萎缩角膜映光法垂直肌下斜上斜视力评估垂直性偏离下直肌不全麻痹elevated intraocular pressureintraocular foreign bodies endophthalmitisincreased intraocular pressurefundusviscoelasticsvitamin deficienciesmacular functionmacular degenerationcystoid macular edemameibomianitisblepharitisslit-lamp examinationultrasound for phacoemulsificationciliary blockciliary-block glaucomaanatomyalkali injuriesmioticsdiabetes mellitusatropine in amblyopia treatmentAC/A ratio, See accommodative convergence/accommodation ratio amblyopiaetiologypolarcataract surgerycup/disc ratioextraocular musclesnasolacrimal systemconjunctivitisophthalmia neonatorumorbitalretinopathy of prematurityretinoblastomadeprivation amblyopiaoptic atrophycorneal light reflexvertical rectus muscleshypotropiahypertopiavisual assessmentvertical deviationsinferior rectus muscle上斜肌垂直性非共同性同视机单眼剥夺单眼抑制单眼运动麻痹不全麻痹调节性幅辏调节性内斜对侧的复视对抗肌E图表房角切开分离性垂直性偏离幅辏,集合分散下直肌异侧一致性,同侧复视检查巩膜巩膜扣带固视(视觉)光凝硅胶管植入过敏反应脉络膜葡萄膜虹膜炎虹膜睫状体炎后马托品后葡萄膜炎后退后粘连化脓性化学烧伤黄斑变性Hering运动一致法则Hess屏法Horner综合症眼压superior obliqueverticalinconitancyamblyoscopemonocular deprivationmonocular suppressionmonocular eye movementspalsy, paralysisparesisaccommodative convergence accommodative esotropia contralateraldiplopiaagonist musclesIlliterate Egoniotomydissociated vertical deviation convergencedivergenceinferior rectus muscles heteronymoushomonymousdipiopiasclerascleral bucklingfixation (visual) photocoagulationsilicon intubationallergic reactionchoroidsuvealiritisiridocyclitishomatropineposterior uveitisrecessionposterior synechiaepyogenicchemical burnsmacular degengrationHering’s law of motor correspondence Hess screen testHorner’s syndromeintraocular pressureGraves(甲状腺)眼病激光治疗(激光手术)营养障碍假性外斜假性斜视间歇性睑外翻睑下垂交替抑制角膜角膜病变角膜曲率计角膜炎角膜移植术拮抗肌睫状肌麻痹性睫状体近点近点集合近点联合运动反射痉挛泪点泪囊泪囊鼻腔吻合术泪小管类风湿性关节炎棱镜眼球震颤棱镜检查立体感觉立体视觉立体视觉检查眼睑协同肌内毗赘皮内斜屈光性后天性共同性非调节性假性内斜内旋内隐斜皮质类固醇Graves (thyroid) eye disease laser therapy (laser surgery) dystrophy pseudoexotropia pseudostrabismus intermittentectropion blepharoptosis alternating suppression corneakeratopathykeratometrykeratitiskeratoplastyantagonist muscles cycloplegicciliary bodynear point ofnear point of convergence near synkinetic reflex spasm oflacrimal punctalacrimal sac dacryocystorhinostomy canaliculirheumatoid arthritis prismsnystagmusprism teststereoscopic perception stereopsisstereo acuity testing eyelidssynergistsepicanthusesotropiarefractiveacquiredcomitant nonaccommodative pseudoesotropiaincycloesophoria corticosteroids偏中心固视交感性眼炎前房角镜强的松角膜混浊发生率青光眼植入阀青霉素眼部护理穹窿部切口球筋膜屈光不正屈光参差性热烧伤融合感觉性和运动性双眼视觉融合性集合融合性散开沙眼上睑下垂上直肌失明视交叉视力评估视盘视神经萎缩视神经炎视网膜遗传性全身病视网膜出血视网膜对应视网膜竞争视网膜色素变性同向运动瞳孔瞳孔光反射瞳孔散大瞳孔缩小托品卡胺外斜外侧直肌外伤eccentric fixation sympathetic ophthalmia gonioscopyprednisonecorneal opacityincidenceglaucoma implant procedures pencillinophthalmic carefornix incisionfascia bulbiisoametropic anisometropicthermal burnsfusionsensory and motor binocular visionfusional convergence fusional divergence trachomaptosissuperior rectusblindnessoptic chiasmvisual assessmentoptic discoptic atrophyoptic neuritisretinahereditarysystemic diseaseretinal hemorrhagesretinal correspondence retinal rivalrypigmentosaversionspupilspapillary light reflex mydriasismiosistropicamideexotropialateral rectus muscle trauma外旋外旋转外隐斜外展Worth四点检查法下斜肌下斜视下直肌霰粒肿新生儿淋球菌眼炎小梁切除术A型垂直肌无力调节缝线切口适应症新生儿眼炎眼镜调节性内斜结缔组织恶性色素上皮分离性眼位异常视网膜对应隐斜拥挤现象圆锥角膜YAG激光正位眼痣肿瘤眼球表面周边的轴长注视位置配偶肌板层角膜移植术表层角膜切除术带状疱疹单纯疱疹病毒干眼巩膜炎过敏性反应Excyclo-Extorsion (excycloduction)ExophoriaAbductionWorth’s four-dot testInferior oblique muscleHypotropiaInferior rectuschalaziagonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum trabeculotomyA patternmyasthenia gravisadjustable suturesincisionindicationophthalmic neonatorumspectacleaccommodative esotropiaconnective tissuemalignantpignent epithelialdissociatedalignmentabnormal (anomalous) retinal correspondence phoria, heterophoriacrowding phenomenonkeratoconusYAG laserorthophorianevitumorsepibulbarperipheralaxial lengthgazeyoke musclelamellar keratoplastysuperficial keratectomyherpes zosterherpes simplex virusdry eyesscleritisallergic reaction虹膜切除术虹膜脱出红霉素化学烧伤环丙沙星间断缝合法碱性化学烧伤角膜磨削术角膜切开术角膜咬切器角膜移植术接触镜结膜瓣结膜结石金霉素,氯化四环素局部异体植片排斥片泪囊炎泪腺炎利福平睑板腺睑板腺炎氯霉素绿脓杆菌麦粒肿前房积血前房消失前房蓄脓强的松龙青霉菌属霰粒肿三叉神经散光色素沉着沙眼新生血管形成血管翳远视眼真菌翳状赘肉Goldmann眼底接触镜Goldmann压平眼压计Humphrey视野分析仪Maddox杆阿熙提iridectomyprolapse of iriserythromycinchemical burnsciprofloxacininterrupted suture closure technique alkaline burnkeratomileusiskeratotomycorneal puncheskeratoplastycontact lensconjunctival flapconjunctival concretions chlortetracyclineallograft rejection dacryocystitisdracyoadenitisrifampinmeibomian glandsmeibomitischloramphenicolpseudomonas aeruginosa hordeolumhyphemaflat anterior chamberhypopyonprednisolonepenicilliumchalaziontrigeminal nerveastigmatismpigmentationtrachomaneovasculariationpannushyperopiafungipterygiumGoldmann fundus contact lens Goldmann applanation tonometer Humphrey vision analyzer Maddox rodapostib等效镜度低视力助视器地形图第一焦点调节调节不足调节的近点调节反应调节X围调节X围(域)调节幅度调节痉挛调节麻痹对比敏感度干涉滤片光轴几何光学假性老视检眼镜检影镜检影镜法交叉柱镜法焦点焦度计角膜曲率计角膜移植术内皮细胞睫状肌麻痹验光界面近视近视力助视器老花棱镜棱镜度内皮细胞镜检查内皮显微镜逆动逆规散光前房角镜屈光参差屈光度屈光度人工晶体(IOL)人工晶体计算equivalent powerlow-vision aids topographyprimary focal point accommodation insufficiencynear point of accommodation responserangerange of accommodation amplitude of accommodation spasmparalysiscontrast sensitivity interferenceoptical axisgeometrical optics pseudopresbyopia ophthalmoscopy shiascopyretinoscopycross cylinderfocal pointsfocimeterkeratometerkeratoplastyendothelialcycloplegic refraction interfacesmyopianear-vision aids presbyopiaprismsprism diopterspecular microscopy specular microscopy against motionagainst-the-rule astigmatism gonioscopy anisometropiadiopteroptical powerintraocular lensesIOL calculation人工晶体曲率计算散光镜片色差试验镜片,镜片箱双眼调节雾视氩激光眼底照相机眼镜处方隐斜视主观验光柱镜柱镜度闭角型青光眼玻璃体后脱离玻璃体牵引玻璃体前脱离,挫伤性玻璃体切除术玻璃体视网膜手术巩膜加压巩膜扣带光损伤硅油激光光凝术激光治疗(激光手术)旁中心凹区色觉色盲视网膜出血视网膜色素变性视网膜色素上皮视网膜水肿视网膜脱离视网膜中央动脉视网膜中央动脉阻塞视网膜中央静脉阻塞眼科仪器眼内异物低眼压光凝术虹膜结节脉络膜脱离皮质类固醇眼内炎calculation, IOL powerastigmatic lenseschromatictrial lensesbinocular amplitudefoggingargon laserfundus cameraprescribing glassesheterophoria correctionsubjective refractioncylindrical lenscylinder axisangle-closure glaucomaposterior vitreous syndromevitreous tractionanterior vitreous detachment contusion vitrectomyvitreoretinal surgerysclera indentationsclera bucklephotic damagesilicone oillaser photocoagulationlaser therapy (laser surgery) parafoveal areacolor visionachromatopsia, color blindness retinal hemorrhagesretinitis pigmentosaretinal pigment epithelium (RPE) retinal edemaretinal detachmentcentral retinal arterycentral retinal artery occlusion central retinal vein occlusion ophthalmic instrumentation intraocular foreign bodieshypotonyphotocoagulationnodules of irischoroidal detachment corticosteroidendophthalmitisCT扫描,计算机断层摄影重建术眦角倒睫眶骨折睑下垂交感性眼炎甲状腺相关性眶病变眶减压术眶内容切除术泪囊鼻腔吻合术内翻瘢痕性内眦赘皮外翻眼球摘除术眼球突出内皮营养障碍溃疡穿刺术地塞米松发育性青光眼房水甘露醇甘油高渗剂假性剥脱角巩膜撕裂伤角膜擦伤角膜穿通伤角膜异物冷冻摘出术冷冻治疗盲点毛果芸香碱囊膜切除术囊膜切开术前房角切开术青光眼斑全视网膜光凝术视神经萎缩视网膜电图视网膜中央阻塞视野检查computed tomography (CT scan) reconstructioncanthaltrichiasisorbital fracturesptosissympathetic ophthalmia thyroid related orbitopathy decompressionexenterationdacryocystitisentropioncicatricialepicanthusectropionenucleationexopthalmosendothelial dystrophyulcerparacentesis dexamethasone developmental glaucoma aqueousmannitolglycerinhyperosmotic agent pseudoexfoliation corneoscleral laceration corneal abrasionpenetrating injury of cornea cornea foreign body cryoextractioncryotherapyblind spotpilocarpinecapsulectomycapsulotomygoniotomyglaukomfleckenpanretinal photocoagulation optic atrophy electroretinogram (ERG) central retinal vein occlusion perimetry视诱发电位酸烧伤缩瞳剂碳酸酐酶抑制剂通知同意书瞳孔瞳孔放大瞳孔缩小瞳孔阻滞小梁成形术小梁切除术小梁切开术小梁网眼前段巩膜外的巩膜环扎术视网膜前膜剥离视网膜切除术视网膜切开术娩核翼状胬肉visual evoked potential VEP (evoked response)acid burnsmiotics agentcarbonic anhydrase inhibitorinformed consentpupilmydriasismiosispapillary blocktrabeculoplastytrabeculectomytrabeculomytrabecular meshworkanterior segmentepiscleralscleral encircling operationpreretinal membrane peelingretinectomyretinotomynucleus deliverypterygium。

与激光有关的英文文献 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】L a s e r t e c h n o l o g y R. E. Slusher Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 Laser technology during the 20th century is reviewed emphasizing the laser’s evolution from science to technology and subsequent contributions of laser technology to science. As the century draws to a close, lasers are making strong contributions to communications, materials processing, data storage, image recording, medicine, and defense. Examples from these areas demonstrate the stunning impact of laser light on our society. Laser advances are helping to generate new science as illustrated by several examples in physics and biology. Free-electron lasers used for materials processing and laser accelerators are described as developing laser technologies for the next century.[S0034-6861(99)02802-0]1. INTRODUCTIONLight has always played a central role in the study of physics, chemistry, and biology. Light is key to both the evolution of the universe and to the evolution of life on earth. This century a new form of light, laser light, has been discovered on our small planet and is already facilitating a global information transformation as well as providing important contributions to medicine, industrial material processing, data storage, printing, and defense. This review will trace the developments in science and technology that led to the invention of the laser and give a few examples of how lasers are contributing to both technological applications and progress in basic science. There are many other excellent sources that cover various aspects of the lasers and laser technology including articles from the 25th anniversary of the laser (Ausubell and Langford, 1987) and textbooks ., Siegman, 1986; Agrawal and Dutta, 1993; and Ready, 1997).Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (LASER) is achieved by exciting the electronic, vibrational, rotational, or cooperative modes of a material into a nonequilibrium state so that photons propagating through the system are amplified coherently by stimulated emission. Excitation of this optical gain medium can be accomplished by using optical radiation, electrical current and discharges, or chemical reactions. The amplifying medium is placed in an optical resonator structure, for example between two high reflectivity mirrors in a Fabry-Perot interferometer configuration. When the gain in photon number for an optical mode of the cavity resonator exceeds the cavity loss, as well as loss from nonradiative and absorption processes, the coherent state amplitude of the mode increases to a levelwhere the mean photon number in the mode is larger than one. At pump levels above this threshold condition,the system is lasing and stimulated emission dominates spontaneous emission. A laser beam is typically coupled out of the resonator by a partially transmitting mirror. The wonderfully useful properties of laser radiation include spatial coherence, narrow spectral emission, high power, and well-defined spatial modes so that the beam can be focused to a diffraction-limited spot size in order to achieve very high intensity. The high efficiency of laser light generation is important in many applications that require low power input and a minimum of heat generation.When a coherent state laser beam is detected using photon-counting techniques, the photon count distribution in time is Poissonian. For example, an audio output from a high efficiency photomultiplier detecting a laser field sounds like rain in a steady downpour. This laser noise can be modified in special cases, ., by constant current pumping of a diode laser toobtain a squeezed number state where the detected photons sound more like a machine gun than rain. An optical amplifier is achieved if the gain medium is not in a resonant cavity. Optical amplifiers can achievevery high gain and low noise. In fact they presently have noise figures within a few dB of the 3 dB quantum noise limit for a phase-insensitive linear amplifier, ., they add little more than a factor of two to the noise power of an input signal. Optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs), where signal gain is achieved by nonlinear coupling of a pump field with signal modes, can be configured to add less than 3 dB of noise to an input signal. In an OPA the noise added to the input signal can be dominated by pump noise and the noise contributed by a laser pump beam can be negligibly small compared to the large amplitude of the pump field.2. HISTORYEinstein (1917) provided the first essential idea for the laser, stimulated emission. Why wasn’t the laser invented earlier in the century Much of the early work on stimulated emission concentrates on systems near equilibrium, and the laser is a highly nonequilibrium system. In retrospect the laser could easily have been conceived and demonstrated using a gas discharge during the period of intense spectroscopic studies from 1925 to 1940. However, it took the microwave technology developed during World War II to create the atmosphere for thelaser concept. Charles Townes and his group at Columbia conceived the maser (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) idea, based on their background in microwave technology and their interest in high-resolution microwave spectroscopy. Similar maser ideas evolved in Moscow (Basov and Prokhorov, 1954) and at the University of Maryland (Weber, 1953). The first experimentally demonstrated maser at Columbia University (Gordon et al., 1954, 1955) was based on an ammonia molecular beam. Bloembergen’s ideas for gain in three level systems resulted in the first practical maser amplifiers in the ruby system. These devices have noise figures very close to the quantum limit and were used by Penzias and Wilson in the discovery of the cosmic background radiation.Townes was confident that the maser concept could be extended to the optical region (Townes, 1995). The laser idea was born (Schawlow and Townes, 1958) when he discussed the idea with Arthur Schawlow, who understood that the resonator modes of a Fabry-Perot interferometer could reduce the number of modes interacting with the gain material in order to achieve high gain for an individual mode. The first laser was demonstrated in a flash lamp pumped ruby crystal by Ted Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories (Maiman, 1960). Shortly after the demonstration of pulsed crystal lasers, a continuouswave (CW) He:Ne gas discharge laser was demonstrated at Bell Laboratories (Javan et al., 1961), first at mm and later at the red nm wavelength lasing transition. An excellent article on the birth of the laser is published in a special issue of Physics Today (Bromberg, 1988).The maser and laser initiated the field of quantum electronics that spans the disciplines of physics and electrical engineering. For physicists who thought primarilyin terms of photons, some laser concepts were difficult to understand without the coherent wave concepts familiar in the electrical engineering community. For example, the laser linewidth can be much narrower than the limit that one might think to be imposed by the laser transition spontaneous lifetime. Charles Townes won a bottle of scotch over this point from a colleague at Columbia. The laser and maser also beautifully demonstrate the interchange of ideas and impetus between industry, government, and university research.Initially, during the period from 1961 to 1975 there were few applications for the laser. It was a solution looking for a problem. Since the mid-1970s there has been an explosive growth of laser technology for industrial applications. As a result of this technology growth, a new generation of lasers including semiconductor diode lasers, dye lasers, ultrafast mode-locked Ti:sapphire lasers, optical parameter oscillators, and parametric amplifiers is presently facilitating new research breakthroughs in physics, chemistry, and biology.3. LASERS AT THE TURN OF THE CENTURYSchawlow’s ‘‘law’’ states that everything lases if pumped hard enough. Indeed thousands of materials have been demonstrated as lasers and optical amplifiers resulting in a large range of laser sizes, wavelengths, pulse lengths, and powers. Laser wavelengths range from the far infrared to the x-ray region. Laser light pulses as short as a few femtoseconds are available for research on materials dynamics. Peak powers in the petawatt range are now being achieved by amplification of femtosecond pulses. When these power levels are focused into a diffraction-limited spot, the intensities approach 1023 W/cm2. Electrons in these intense fields are accelerated into the relativistic range during a single optical cycle, and interesting quantum electrodynamic effects can be studied. The physics of ultrashort laser pulses is reviewed is this centennial series (Bloembergen, 1999).A recent example of a large, powerful laser is the chemical laser based on an iodine transition at a wavelength of mm that is envisioned as a defensive weapon (Forden, 1997). It could be mounted in a Boeing 747 aircraft and would produce average powers of 3 megawatts, equivalent to 30 acetylene torches. New advances in high quality dielectric mirrors and deformable mirrors allow this intense beam to be focused reliably on a small missile carrying biological or chemical agents and destroy it from distances of up to 100 km. This ‘‘star wars’’ attack can be accomplished during the launch phase of the target missile so that portions of the destroyed missile would fall back on its launcher, quite a good deterrent for these evil weapons. Captain Kirk and the starship Enterprise may be using this one on the Klingons!At the opposite end of the laser size range are microlasers so small that only a few optical modes are contained in a resonator with a volume in the femtoliter range. These resonators can take the form of rings or disks only a few microns in diameter that use total internal reflection instead of conventional dielectric stack mirrors in order to obtain high reflectivity. Fabry-Perot cavities only a fraction of a micron in length are used for VCSELs (vertical cavity surface emitting lasers) that generate high quality optical beams that can be efficiently coupled to optical fibers (Choquette and Hou, 1997). VCSELs may find widespread application in optical data links.4. MATERIALS PROCESSING AND LITHOGRAPHYHigh power CO2 and Nd:YAG lasers are used for a wide variety of engraving, cutting, welding, soldering, and 3D prototyping applications. rf-excited, sealed off CO2 lasers are commercially available that have output powers in the 10 to 600 W range and have lifetimes of over 10 000 hours. Laser cutting applications include sailclothes, parachutes, textiles, airbags, and lace. The cutting is very quick, accurate, there is no edge discoloration, and a clean fused edge is obtained that eliminatesfraying of the material. Complex designs are engraved in wood, glass, acrylic, rubber stamps, printing plates, plexiglass, signs, gaskets, and paper. Threedimensional models are quickly made from plastic or wood using a CAD (computer-aided design) computer file.Fiber lasers (Rossi, 1997) are a recent addition to the materials processing field. The first fiber lasers were demonstrated at Bell Laboratories using crystal fibers in an effort to develop lasers for undersea lightwave communications. Doped fused silica fiber lasers were soon developed. During the late 1980s researchers at Polaroid Corp. and at the University of Southampton invented cladding-pumped fiber lasers. The glass surrounding the guiding core in these lasers serves both to guide the light in the single mode core and as a multimode conduit for pump light whose propagation is confined to the inner cladding by a low-refractive index outer polymer cladding. Typical operation schemes at present use a multimode 20 W diode laser bar that couples efficiently into the large diameter inner cladding region and is absorbed by the doped core region over its entire length (typically 50 m). The dopants in the core of the fiber that provide the gain can be erbium for the mm wavelength region or ytterbium for the mm region. High quality cavity mirrors are deposited directly on the ends of the fiber. These fiber lasers are extremely efficient, with overall efficiencies as high as 60%. The beam quality and delivery efficiency is excellent since the output is formed as the single mode output of the fiber. These lasers now have output powers in the 10 to 40 W range and lifetimes of nearly 5000 hours. Current applications of these lasers include annealing micromechanical components, cutting of 25 to 50 mm thick stainless steel parts, selective soldering and welding of intricate mechanical parts, marking plastic and metal components, and printing applications.Excimer lasers are beginning to play a key role in photolithography used to fabricate VLSI (very large scale integrated circuit) chips. As the IC (integrated circuit) design rules decrease from mm (1995) to mm (2002), the wavelength of the light source used for photolithographic patterning must correspondingly decrease from 400 nm to below 200 nm. During the early 1990s mercury arc radiation produced enough power at sufficiently short wavelengths of 436 nm and 365 nm for high production rates of IC devices patterned to mm and mm design rules respectively. As the century closes excimer laser sources with average output powers in the 200 W range are replacing the mercury arcs. The excimer laser linewidths are broad enough to prevent speckle pattern formation, yet narrow enough, less than 2 nm wavelength width, to avoid major problems with dispersion in optical imaging. The krypton fluoride (KF) excimer laser radiation at 248 nm wavelength supports mm design rules and the ArF laser transition at 193nm will probably be used beginning with mm design rules. At even smaller design rules, down to mm by 2008, the F2 excimer laser wavelength at 157 nm is a possible candidate, although there are no photoresists developed for this wavelength at present. Higher harmonics of solid-state lasers are also possibilities as high power UV sources. At even shorter wavelengths it is very difficult for optical elements and photoresists to meet the requirements in the lithographic systems. Electron beams, x-rays and synchrotron radiation are still being considered for the 70 nm design rules anticipated for 2010 and beyond.5. LASERS IN PHYSICSLaser technology has stimulated a renaissance in spectroscopies throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. The narrow laser linewidth, large powers, short pulses, and broad range of wavelengths has allowed new dynamic and spectral studies of gases, plasmas, glasses, crystals, and liquids. For example, Raman scattering studies of phonons, magnons, plasmons, rotons, and excitations in 2D electron gases have flourished since the invention of the laser. Nonlinear laser spectroscopies have resulted in great increases in precision measurement as described in an article in this volume (Ha¨nsch and Walther 1999).Frequency-stabilized dye lasers and diode lasers precisely tuned to atomic transitions have resulted in ultracold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensates, also described in this volume (Wieman et al., 1999). Atomicstate control and measurements of atomic parity nonconservation have reached a precision that allows tests of the standard model in particle physics as well as crucial searches for new physics beyond the standard model. In recent parity nonconservation experiments (Wood et al., 1997) Ce atoms are prepared in specific electronic states as they pass through two red diode laser beams. These prepared atoms then enter an optical cavity resonator where the atoms are excited to a higher energy level by high-intensity green light injected into the cavity from a frequency-stabilized dye laser. Applied electric and magnetic fields in this excitation region can be reversed to create a mirrored environment for the atoms. After the atom exits the excitation region, the atom excitation rate is measured by a third red diode laser. Very small changes in this excitation rate with a mirroring of the applied electric and magnetic fields indicate parity nonconservation. The accuracy of the parity nonconservation measurement has evolved over several decades to a level of %. This measurement accuracy corresponds to the first definitive isolation of nuclear-spin-dependent atomic parity violation.。

脑血管疾病、颅内炎症、颅内占位、颅脑损伤等均是导致颅内压增高十分常见的原因,在出现颅内压增高时,视神经鞘直径(optic nerve sheath diameter,ONSD)会出现增粗,所以,床旁超声检查视神经鞘直径可以无创性地评估颅内压增高。
[关键词]床旁超声;视神经鞘直径;颅内压[中图分类号]R74[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-0742(2021)04(c)-0192-04Research Progress of Bedside Ultrasound Measurement of Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter(ONSD)in Predicting Intracranial Pressure IncreaseLI DaDepartment of Neurology,Baise City People's Hospital,Baise,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,533000China[Abstract]For the optic nerve sheath,it is a tumor that extends between the sheath surrounding the optic nerve and the meninges.When it grows up,it is very likely to compress the optic nerve and cause visual impairment.Cerebrovascular diseases,intracranial inflammation,intracranial space—occupying,and craniocerebral injury are very common causes of increased intracranial pressure.When intracranial pressure increases,the optic nerve sheath diameter(ONSD)will thicken, so bedside ultrasound examination of the diameter of the optic nerve sheath can non-invasively assess the increase in intracranial pressure.Regarding research in related fields at home and abroad,there are certain differences in the optimal cut-off value of ONSD for the diagnosis of high intracranial pressure.For this reason,we suggest that when applying this technique in clinical evaluation of increased intracranial pressure,ethnic differences should be taken into consideration,and establish diagnostic criteria suitable for different races.In short,ultrasound detection of ONSD has very broad clinical application value and research prospects.This study specifically reviewed the application of bedside ultrasound to the diagnosis of optic nerve sheath diameter(ONSD)to predict increased intracranial pressure.[Key words]Bedside ultrasound;Optic nerve sheath diameter;Intracranial pressure对于颅内压(intracranial pressure,ICP)增咼而言,其在重症医学科中是一种十分普遍的综合征,还是使[作者简介]李达(1981-),男,壮族,本科,副主任医师,研究方向为重症医学科(重症感染、呼吸机、休克、血液净化、重症超声等)。

建议信关于介绍古代科学家英语作文Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to recommend some ancient scientists who made significant contributions to the field of science. As we all know, science is an integral part of human civilization and has played a crucial role in shaping our world today.Firstly, I would like to introduce Archimedes, a Greek mathematician, physicist, and engineer who lived in the 3rd century BC. He is famous for his discovery of theprinciples of buoyancy and the law of hydrostatics, which have significant applications in modern engineering. He also made important contributions to the field of optics and developed the concept of the lever.Secondly, I would like to mention Galileo Galilei, an Italian physicist, mathematician, and astronomer who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries. He is known for his work in physics, particularly his experiments with falling objects and his discovery of the law of motion. He also made significant contributions to the field of astronomy,including the discovery of the four largest moons of Jupiter and the observation of the phases of Venus, which supported the heliocentric model of the solar system.Thirdly, I would like to introduce Ibn al-Haytham, an Arab physicist, mathematician, and astronomer who lived in the 10th and 11th centuries. He is known for his work on optics, including the discovery of the laws of reflection and refraction. He also wrote a comprehensive treatise on optics, which was later translated into Latin and influenced the development of optics in Europe.In conclusion, these ancient scientists have left a lasting legacy in the field of science and have paved the way for future scientific discoveries. Their contributions have had a significant impact on our understanding of the world and have helped to shape the modern world we live in today.尊敬的先生/女士,我写信向您介绍一些古代科学家,他们对科学领域做出了重大贡献。

健康成年人视神经鞘直径的影响因素分析王蕾;朱保锋;张毅;王颖【摘要】目的探讨健康成年人视神经鞘直径(ONSD)的正常值范围及其影响因素.方法选取60名健康成年体检者,记录受试对象年龄、性别、体质量指数(BMI)、血压等指标;用普通超声检测不同体位下ONSD值,分析影响ONSD的因素.结果正常成年人的ONSD为(3.56±0.13)mm,95%可信区间为3.53~ 3.60.多因素分析结果显示,BMI是ONSD的影响因素(P<0.05).结论 BMI可能是健康成年人ONSD值的影响因素.%Objective To explore the influencing factors and normal range of optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) in healthy adults.Methods Sixty healthy adults who received physical examination wereenrolled.Age,gender,body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure of the subjects were recorded.ONSDs in different positions were measured by conventional B-scan ultrasonography,and the influencing factors of ONSD were analyzed.Results ONSD of healthy adults was 3.56 ± 0.13 mm,with 95 %confidence interval of 3.53 to 3.60.The result of multivariate analysis showed that BMI was the influencing factor of ONSD (P <0.05).Conclusion BMI might be an influencing factor of ONSD in healthy adults.【期刊名称】《广西医学》【年(卷),期】2017(039)012【总页数】4页(P1862-1864,1874)【关键词】视神经鞘直径;颅内压增高;影响因素;超声检查【作者】王蕾;朱保锋;张毅;王颖【作者单位】江苏省南通市第一人民医院急诊科,南通市226001;江苏省南通市第一人民医院急诊科,南通市226001;江苏省南通市第一人民医院神经外科,南通市226001;江苏省南通市第一人民医院重症监护病房,南通市226001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R651颅内压增高(intracranial hypertension,ICP)是临床常见的病理综合征,是导致很多颅内疾病如颅脑损伤、脑肿瘤、脑卒中等疾病病情恶化、预后不良的常见原因。

分别以ONSD≥5.0 mm及ONSD≥5.3 mm为阈值判断患者ICP是否升高,并将该方法所得结果与临床/CT评分法相比较。
取ONSD≥5.0 mm为阈值,敏感度为100%(25/25)、特异度为80.5%(33/41)、准确度为89.4%(59/66)、阳性预测值为78.1%(25/32)、阴性预测值为100%(34/34);取ONSD≥5.3 mm为阈值,敏感度为100%(25/25)、特异度为90.2%(37/41)、准确度为93.9%(62/66)、阳性预测值为86.2%(25/29)、阴性预测值为100%(37/37)。
%Objective To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography of optic nerve sheath Diame-ter (ONSD) for assessment of intracranial hypertension in patients with traumatic brain injury. Methods A 6-month prospective blinded observational study was performed. One hundred and one adult patients (>18 years old) in the De-partment of Emergency with traumatic brain injury underwent bedside ultrasound for measuring optic nerve sheath di-ameter. Then, CT scans were performed for signs of raised intracranial pressure (ICP) and signs of acute pathology. The patients were graded tothree groups according to clinical manifestations and CT results. Optic nerve sheath diam-eter among the three groups was compared.ONSD≥5.0 mm and ONSD≥5.3 mm were taken as positive to predict the presence of raised ICP respectively. Clinical manifestations and CT results scores were used to evaluate the accura-cy of ONSD. Results ONSD of three groups were significantly different (P<0.01). The accuracy of ONSD was eval-uated in patients with scores of 0 and those with scores≥2. Taking ONSD≥5.0 mm as the efficacy evaluation, the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value, negative predictive value were 100% (25/25), 80.5%(34/41), 89.4%(59/66), 78.1%(25/32) and 100%(34/34), respectively. Taking ONSD≥5.3 mm as the efficacy evaluation, the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value, negative predictive value were 100%(25/25), 90.2%(37/41), 93.9%(62/66),86.2%(25/29) and 100%(37/37), respectively. Conclusion ONSD can predict the level of intra-cranial pressure. Bedside ultrasound for measuring ONSD is a sensitive test for evaluating ICP in adult head injury.【期刊名称】《海南医学》【年(卷),期】2014(000)008【总页数】3页(P1124-1126)【关键词】视神经鞘直径(ONSD);颅内压(ICP);视神经超声;颅脑损伤【作者】黎君彦;谭鸿;姜伟;何顶秀;鄢涛;苏文成;马春【作者单位】德阳市人民医院急诊科四川德阳 618000;德阳市人民医院急诊科四川德阳 618000;德阳市人民医院急诊科四川德阳 618000;德阳市人民医院急诊科四川德阳 618000;德阳市人民医院急诊科四川德阳 618000;德阳市人民医院眼科四川德阳 618000;德阳市人民医院CT室四川德阳 618000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R651.1+5颅脑损伤是最常见的急危重症之一,其最主要的威胁为颅内压(ICP)升高脑疝形成,因此如何快速判断ICP升高并适时干预与患者的死亡率直接相关。

无创颅内压监测张哲;濮月华;米东华;魏娜;刘丽萍;温淼【摘要】无创颅内压监测是神经危重症研究的重要方面,有助于指导疾病诊治,同时避免传统有创监测的风险和不足.目前无创颅内压监测主要通过脑血流监测、颅内压间接传导检测、神经电生理监测、脑代谢监测等方法实现,本质是检测颅内压变化引起的间接表现,如脑血流、组织结构形态、神经元电活动的改变.目前这些方法均无法准确可靠地测量颅内压,更理想的无创监测手段还需要进一步探索.【期刊名称】《临床荟萃》【年(卷),期】2018(033)004【总页数】4页(P282-285)【关键词】颅内压;超声检查,多普勒,经颅;电生理学;脑疾病,代谢性【作者】张哲;濮月华;米东华;魏娜;刘丽萍;温淼【作者单位】首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经重症医学科,北京 100050;首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经重症医学科,北京 100050;首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经重症医学科,北京 100050;首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经重症医学科,北京 100050;首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经重症医学科,北京100050;首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经重症医学科,北京 100050【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R741.04温淼,医学硕士。
肾动脉狭窄的诊断和治疗的中国专家共识(Chinese expert consensus on the

肾动脉狭窄的诊断和治疗的中国专家共识(Chinese expert consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of renal arterystenosis)Chinese expert consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of renal artery stenosis1. PrefaceRenal artery stenosis (RAS) is one of the most common causes of secondary hypertension. Takayasu arteritis, atherosclerosis, and muscle fiber dysplasia are the common causes of RAS. Prior to 1990s, Takayasu arteritis was the leading cause of renal artery stenosis in china. But over the past ten years, atherosclerotic RAS has replaced Takayasu arteritis as the leading cause of RAS. In recent years, the incidence of atherosclerotic disease in China has been increasing.2. epidemiologyThe total diagnostic value of 65 years of age or older in the crowd RAS rate is about 6.8%, higher in male than in female. RAS has a higher incidence in high-risk groups (such as coronary heart disease patients and peripheral arterial disease patients). Accept renal artery angiography found that significant renal artery stenosis in undergoing cardiac catheterization (more than 50%) and the incidence rate is about 11%~18%.Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis is a progressive disease.Renal artery occlusion is more common in patients with severe stenosis and those with diabetes or severe hypertension.Consequences of 3.RAS(1) renovascular hypertensionRenovascular hypertension is the second leading cause of secondary hypertension. Although hypertension is a major clinical manifestation of RAS, the extent of anatomic renal artery stenosis is not linearly related to hypertension.(2) end-stage renal disease (ESRD);A total of 683 patients with ESRD undergoing dialysis at the end of the last 20 years were studied, of whom 83 (12%) were diagnosed with RAS caused by ESRD. However, according to the current data, we can not fully define the impact of RAS on ESRD. There is no data to show how many RAS patients eventually need dialysis because of RAS.(3) renal atrophy;Atrophy of the kidney is a direct consequence of RAS and is associated with the severity and progression of the disease. The patient with progressive renal failure is clinically progressive. The clinical prognosis of patients with advanced RAS is poor (e.g., renal failure, reduced renal volume, and reduced survival)(4) recurrent pulmonary edemaPatients with RAS may develop recurrent or recurrent pulmonary edema. Patients with severe bilateral or unilateral RAS with hemodynamic significance may exhibit capacity overload. Patients with unilateral RAS may also experience increased pulmonary edema due to an increase in left ventricular afterload due to angiotensin mediated vasoconstriction.(5) the risk of cardiovascular events increasesThe high risk of cardiovascular events in patients with RAS may be due to a greater burden of systemic atherosclerosis. In patients with severe RAS, coronary artery ischemia is induced by higher levels of angiotensin II, which cause vasoconstriction of the surrounding arteries.(6) asymptomatic RASAsymptomatic asymptomatic RAS is also a clinical manifestation of RAS in patients undergoing coronary angiography and peripheral angiography, and asymptomatic RAS. Compared with people without RAS, the prognosis of asymptomatic RAS patients is poor, and the prognosis is related to the degree of RAS. A study found that the accidental discovery of cardiac catheterization in asymptomatic and severe RAS (more than 75%) of the 4 year survival rate was 57%, and 89% patients with severe RAS.There is no research prospective, randomized controlled comparison good to evaluate therapy in patients with symptoms of renal artery disease (or related drugs) the relative risksand benefits, so the effect of these interventions remains controversial.4. indicate the clinical condition of RASThe following situations may indicate a RAS(1) the following kinds of hypertension:A) hypertension before age 30 or severe hypertension after 55 years of age;Malignant hypertension (b) of sudden worsening hypertension can control the past);(c) resistant hypertension (which is still difficult to achieve when target blood pressure is used when combined with adequate amounts of 3 antihypertensive drugs, including diuretics);(d) associated with malignant hypertension including acute renal failure, acute decompensated congestive heart failure or new onset of optic nerve or other brain lesions and III~IV retinopathy and acute hypertension target organ damage).(2) when the use of ACEI or ARB drugs occurs, the onset of new onset of hypoxemia or deterioration of renal function (elevated serum creatinine is greater than 50%)(3) there is unexplained renal atrophy or bilateral kidney size difference greater than 1.5cm(4) sudden unexplained pulmonary edema5. diagnostic toolsRecommend the use of duplex ultrasound, computed tomography angiography (CTA), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) diagnosis of three noninvasive methods of RAS images, when the clinical suspicion and non-invasive examination cannot draw reliable conclusions, can be used to diagnose RAS angiography. At present, indications for transcatheter angiography are clinical manifestations of RAS, and no noninvasive examination, or clinical symptoms, and patient consent, and ready for peripheral artery or coronary angiography.The accuracy of dual arterial duplex ultrasonography depends on the level of the operator and is affected by the size of the patient and whether or not he has flatulence, but it is simple and convenient. CTA is now more space efficient and easier to operate than MRA, but its use in patients with impaired renal function is limited by the need for iodinated contrast agents. For the MRA developer with gadolinium in less kidney damage on the renal artery, peripheral vascular, renal parenchyma and renal function is to provide even better results, but the cost is higher, cannot imaging on the metal stent implantation patients. Compared with the transcatheter DSA, the sensitivity (above 90%) and diagnostic value of MRA and CTA were not significantly different in most vascular segments, and the consistency between the observers and the different morphological lesions was good.Kato Pury renal scintigraphy, selective renal venous reninlevels, plasma renin activity, and Kato Pury test, renin activity assay, are not recommended for the diagnosis of RAS. Kato Pury radionuclide imaging is applicable to the majority of the population but its significance for smaller subgroups of renal vascular disease, in severe azotemia, bilateral renal artery stenosis or only unilateral renal functional RAS restricted its application value.6. drug therapyACE inhibitors and calcium antagonists are effective in controlling hypertension in RAS patients and delaying the progression of renal disease. There is also evidence that diuretics and beta blockers can also lower blood pressure in RAS patients to target levels.But the benefits of drug therapy for advanced atherosclerotic renal artery disease include cessation of smoking, treatment of dyslipidemia and a combination therapy with aspirin. Angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) can also reduce blood pressure in RAS patients, but the effect needs to be confirmed by large-scale randomized trials. Hypertensive patients with RAS should be treated according to the guidelines for hypertension in china.Beta blocker is an effective drug in the treatment of hypertension caused by RAS. ACE inhibitors and ARB may be effective in the treatment of unilateral RAS induced hypertension. In patients with bilateral RAS or solitary kidney RAS or decompensated congestive heart failure, the use of ACE inhibitors or ARB may lead to acute renal failure. Transientchanges in renal function may be caused by many factors.Some patients may be a slight rise in the first two months, serum creatinine ACE inhibitors or ARB (or <30%), is a normal reaction, without stopping; but if the serum creatinine increases during the medication for >50%, abnormal reaction, renal ischemia. At this point, the ACE inhibitor or ARB should be deactivated, with the exception of the presence of RAS or other conditions. If the cause of renal ischemia is found and managed to be relieved, then the ACE inhibitor or ARB may be used again, otherwise it should not be reused.7. revascularization(1) indications of interventional therapySuitable for interventional therapy: a significant hemodynamic abnormalities, with the following RAS: Patients with malignant hypertension, hypertension, malignant hypertension, with unexplained renal hypertension and reduce intolerance of drug treatment of hypertension; the progress of chronic kidney disease complicated with bilateral RAS or solitary kidney of RAS patients; patients with sudden pulmonary edema to have significant hemodynamic significance in patients with RAS and RAS, with unexplained recurrent congestive heart failure or unexplained; when combined with unstable angina, blood flow mechanics in patients with RAS.(2) surgical treatmentSurgical revascularization is suitable for patients withatherosclerotic RAS who need simultaneous renal aortic reconstruction (for the treatment of aortic aneurysms or severe primary iliac artery occlusive disease). Patients with complex lesions extending into segmental arteries, and atherosclerotic RAS or FMD patients with huge aneurysms, or multiple small renal artery involvement or main branches of the main renal artery are involved.8. clinical evaluation of angioplasty(1) clinical eventsCardiovascular mortality in patients with renovascular hypertension is higher than in patients with primary hypertension. The increased risk of hypertension is unknown. It's probably because of atherosclerotic lesions all over the body, along with coronary and cerebrovascular diseases, not just hypertension. The improvement of hypertension and renal function after renal artery angioplasty can only be used as an alternative marker of cardiovascular events. To determine the outcome of renal artery intervention, clinical events should be considered the gold standard". Clinical events such as patient mortality, cardiovascular death, and nonfatal cardiovascular events should be treated as the ultimate goal of treatment.(2) hypertensionEach time the blood pressure is measured, the antihypertensive drugs and dosages that the patient is taking must be recorded.(3) evaluation of renal functionThere are many definitions of renal function benefits after renal artery stenting, and most of the reports looked at changes in serum creatinine as a parameter to evaluate success. After treatment with creatinine clearance (GFR) as a starting point, the defined prognostic indicators are failure and gains". However, it is important to recognize that the intervention is not only manifested in changes in GFR absolute values, but also in patients with progressive GFR decline with slower or slower renal function. In other words, evaluation in different time periods after the intervention with renal function, renal function and evaluate the therapeutic effect with the change trend of equally effective and valuable, changing trend of decline in renal function assessment before and after intervention. Since the measurement of serum creatinine immediately after angioplasty is influenced by contrast agents or perioperative dehydration, the assessment of early renal function with creatinine should be performed more than 1 weeks after intervention.After the discovery of RAS, it is necessary to perform sequential GFR assay before and after intervention and to observe the changes of renal function. Patients should have at least >5 times of valid GFR data at least 3 months prior to randomization. Follow up data should be obtained within the prescribed period of 1 weeks after treatment than in the observation period, at least 3 months to record sufficient data to evaluate the therapeutic effect. During the trial, additional GFR (or serum creatinine) should be added to the patient over a longer period of time if the patient's renalfunction deteriorates. Long term follow-up and advanced data are reported whenever possible.9. conclusionAlthough a lot of research has been conducted in this field in recent years, there are still a lot of questions about it, especially the treatment. The treatment of renal artery stenosis requires evidence that RAS causes or aggravates hypertension and renal insufficiency. In coronary angiography, the findings of RAS are only an imaging manifestation with no pathophysiological significance, and follow-up or functional evaluation is needed to determine if there is an indication of intervention. For this part of the patient, we need a prospective trial to assess what kind of treatment the patient should take and what risk stratification should be performed to better treat the patient. Before this test results, each specific patient how decisions are still is the doctor's challenge, but should be carefully weighed against the vascular lesions based on the overall situation of the patients, including age, atherosclerosis, hypertension, cardiac involvement and kidney failure, and to evaluate the risk and benefit. As for the occasional discovery of RAS in angiography, there is no evidence that it will develop into end-stage renal disease, and there is no theoretical basis for angioplasty to prevent the decline of renal function.。

第一章绪论opthalm ia ophthalm ic ophthalm ologist ophthalm ology眼炎,眼球炎眼的,眼科的,患眼炎的眼科医师眼科学第二章眼科学基础eye ballcorneascleratenon capsulecorneoscleral limbusvascular tunicuveairispupilciliary bodycorona ciliarisciliary processespars planaora serratechoroidretinamacula luteafovea centralisoptic discoptic cuppapillaretinal pigment epithelium , RPE rhodopsiniodopsinanterior chamberanterior chamber angleposterior chambervitreous cavityvitreousaqueous hum orlensvisual pathwayoptic nerveoptic chiasmoptic tractlateral geniculate body 眼球角膜巩膜眼球筋膜角巩膜缘血管膜葡萄膜虹膜瞳孔睫状体睫状冠睫状突睫状体平部锯齿缘脉络膜视网膜黄斑黄斑中心凹视盘视杯视乳头视网膜色素上皮视紫红质视紫蓝质前房前房角后房玻璃体腔玻璃体房水晶体视路视神经视交叉视束外侧膝状体optic radiationlight reflexnear reflexeye lidspalpebral marginpalpebral fissureconjunctivaconjunctival sacpalpebral conjunctivabulbar conjunctivafornical conjunctivalacrimal apparatuslacrimal glandlacrimal passageslacrimal punctalacrimal canaliculilacrimal sacnasolacrimal duct extraocular m usclesrectusoblique m usclesorbitoptic foramenoptic canalsuperior orbital fissure inferior orbital fissurecentral retinal arteryshort posterior rciliary artery long posterior ciliary artery anterior ciliary arterycentral retinal veinvortex veinanterior ciliary vein nasociliary nervelong ciliary nerveshort ciliary nerve 视放射光反射近反射眼睑睑缘睑裂结膜结膜囊睑结膜球结膜穹隆结膜泪器泪腺泪道泪点泪小管泪囊鼻泪管眼外肌直肌斜肌眼眶视神经孔视神经管眶上裂眶下裂视网膜中央动脉睫状后短动脉睫状后长动脉睫状前动脉视网膜中央静脉涡静脉睫状前静脉鼻睫状神经睫状长神经睫状短神经第三章眼科检查visal acuityvisual fielddark adaptation stereoscopic vision electrooculogram , EOG electroretinogram , ERG 视力(视锐度)视野暗适应立体视觉(深度觉/空间视觉)眼电图视网膜电图visual evokedpotential , VEPbreaking up time , BUTslit lamp microscopekeratom etercorneal topographygonioscopegonioscopytonom etrytonom eterultrasonographyfundus fluoresceine angiography , FFA com puter tom ography , CTmagnetic resonance im age , MRI optical coherence tom ography , OCT ultrasound biomicroscophy , UBM eyedropsointm entsperiocular injectionsintrocular injectionsoculus dexter , O.D.oculus senister , O.S. 视觉诱发电位泪膜破裂时间裂隙灯显微镜角膜曲率计角膜地形图前房角镜前房角镜检查眼压测量眼压计超声眼底荧光血造影电子计算机体层扫描磁共振成像干涉光断层扫描超声生物显微镜滴眼液眼膏眼周注射眼内注射右眼左眼第四章眼睑病ontact dermatitishordeolumchalazionblepharitissquam ous blepharitisulcerative blepharitisangular blepharitisherpes simplex palpebral dermatitis herpes zoster palpebral dermatitis hem angiomanevusxanthelasmabasal cell carcinom asquam ous cell carcinomacarcinom a of Meibom ian glands entropionlagophthalm osptosisepicanthusepiblepharon of lower lid epicanthus inversus 接触性皮炎麦粒肿霰粒肿睑缘炎鳞屑性睑缘炎溃疡性睑缘炎眦部睑缘炎单纯疱疹性睑皮炎带状疱疹睑缘炎血管瘤色素痣黄色瘤基低细胞癌鳞状细胞睑板腺癌睑内翻兔眼(眼睑闭合不全)上睑下垂内眦赘皮下睑赘皮逆向内眦赘皮distichiasiscongenital blepharophim osis syndrom e congenital colobom a of upper eye lid 双行睫先天性睑裂狭窄综合症先天性上睑缺损第五章泪器病watering eyes epiphoralacrimationdry eyeneonatal dacryocystitis chronic dacryocystitis acute dacryocystitis dacryoadenitis流眼泪泪溢流泪干眼症新生儿泪囊炎慢性泪囊炎急性泪囊炎泪腺炎第六章结膜病conjunctivaconjunctivitisacute catarrhal conjunctivitischronic catarrhal conjunctivitis gonococcal conjunctitistrachom achronic follicular conjunctivitis conjunctival folliculosisinclusion conjunctitisepidemic keratoconjunctitisepidemic hem orrhagic conjunctitis vernal conjunctitisallergic conjunctitisphlyctenular keratoconjunctitis fascicular keratitistear filmxerophthalm iaxerosis conjunctivae parenchymatosa keratoconjunctivitis siccapterygiumpingueculasubconjunctival haem orrhage conjunctival concretionconjunctival angiom aplasm omaderm olipom aepithelial xerosisxerosis of conjunctiva 结膜结膜炎急性卡他性结膜炎慢性卡他性结膜炎淋菌性结膜炎沙眼慢性滤泡性结膜炎结膜滤泡症包涵体性结膜炎流行性角结膜炎流行性出血性结膜炎春季结膜炎过敏性结膜炎泡性角结膜炎束状角膜炎泪膜眼干燥症实质性眼干燥症干燥性角结膜炎翼状胬肉睑裂斑球结膜下出血结膜结石结膜血管瘤浆细胞瘤皮样脂肪瘤上皮性结膜干燥症结膜干燥症第七章角膜病keratitiscorneal ulcercorneal nebulacorneal m aculacorneal leucom adescem etocelecorneal fistulaadherent leucom acorneal staphylom abacterial keratitisfungal keratitisherpes simplex keratitisacantham oeba keratitisinsterstitial keratitisneuroparalytic keratitisexposure keratitisrodent ulcer / Mooren ulcerkeratom alaciacornea arcus senilisBand-shaped keratopathyTerrien marginal degenerationcorneal dystrophiesmap – dot – finger print dystrophy granular dystrophyFuch endothelial dystrophyBullous keratopathyderm oid tum or of the cornea carcinom a in sitekeratoconusmacrocorneamicrocorneawedge resectionepikeratophakiaexcim er laserradial keratotom y ,RKphotorefractive keratectom y , PRK autom ated lam ellar keratoplasty , ALK laser in situ keratom ileusis , LASIK phototherapeutic keratotom y , PTK 角膜炎角膜渍疡角膜云翳角膜斑翳角膜白斑后弹力层角膜瘘粘连性角膜白斑角膜葡萄肿细菌性角膜炎真菌性角膜炎单纯疱疹性角膜炎棘阿米巴角膜火角膜基质炎神经麻痹性角膜炎暴露性角膜炎蚕蚀性角膜炎角膜软化症角膜老年斑带状角膜病变边缘性角膜变性角膜营养不良地图点状指纹状营养不良颗粒状角膜营养不良Fuch角膜内皮病变大泡性角膜病变角膜皮样瘤原位癌圆锥角膜大角膜小角膜角膜楔形切除术表面角膜镜片术准分子激光放状角膜切开术准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术自动板层角膜成形术准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术准分子激光治疗性角膜切削术第八章巩膜病episcleritis 表层巩膜炎nodular episcleritisperiodic episcleritisscleritisanterior scleritisposterior scleritisanular scleritissclerosing keratitisscleral staphylom anacrotizing scleritispigmentary patches of sclera sclera m elanosisblue sclera 结节性表层巩膜炎周期性表层巩膜炎巩膜炎前巩膜炎后巩膜炎环状巩膜炎硬化巩膜炎巩膜葡萄肿坏死性巩膜炎巩膜色素斑巩膜黑变症蓝色巩膜第九章晶体病cataractsenile cataractage related cataract cortical cataract incipient stageintum escent stage immature stagemature stgehyperm ature stage nuclear cataract subcapsular cataract congenital cataract anterior polar cataract posterior polar cataract coronary cataract punctat cataract perinuclear cataractlam ellar cataract zonular cataractnuclear cataracttotal cataract membrane cataract sutual cataractfusiform cataract coralliform cataract traumatic cataract penetrating cataract contusive cataract radiating cataractinfra – red cataract 白内障老年性白内障年龄相关性白内障皮质性白内障初发期肿胀期未熟期限成熟期过熟期核性白内障囊下白内障先天性白内障前极白内障后极白内障冠状白内障点状白内障绕性白内障板层白内障板层小带白内障核性白内障全白内障膜性白内障缝性白内障纺锤形白内障珊瑚状白内障外伤性白内障眼球穿通伤性白内障眼球钝挫伤性白内障辐射性白内障红外线性白内障ionizing radiation cataract microwave cataract electric cataractdiabetic cataract galactose cataracttetany cataractcom plicated cataract corticosteroid cataract miotic cataractchlorprom azine cataract trinitrotoluene cataractafter cataract spherophakialenticonuscolobom a of lensum bilication of lens电离辐射性白内障微波性白内障电击性白内障糖尿病性白内障半乳糖性白内障手足搐白内障并发性白内障皮质类固醇性白内障缩瞳剂性白内障氯丙嗪性白内障三硝基甲苯性白内障后发性白内障球形晶状体圆锥形晶状体晶状体缺损晶状体脐状缺损第十章玻璃体病synchysis senilisposterior vitreous detachm entmuscae volitantsvitreous floatersasteroid hyalosissynchysis scintillansproliferative vitreoretinopathy , PVR cysticercosis cellulosaepersistent hyaloid arteypersistent hyperplasia ofprimary vitreous 老年玻璃体液化玻璃体后脱离飞蚊征飞蚊征星状玻璃体变性闪辉性玻璃体液化增殖性玻璃体视网膜病变玻璃体猪囊尾蚴病玻璃体动脉残留永存原始玻璃体增生症第十一章青光眼glaucom aacute angle – closure glaucom a pilocarpinediam oxtim ololchronic angle – closure glaucom a plateau irisprimary open – angle glaucoma norm al tension glaucom a secondary glaucom aglaucom atocyclitic crisis corticosteroid - glaucom ahem olytic glaucom a 青光眼急性闭角性青光眼匹鲁卡品醋氮酰氨噻马咯尔慢性闭角性青光眼虹膜高褶型青光眼原发性开角性青光眼正常眼压青光眼继发性青光眼睫状体炎青光眼综合征皮质类固醇性青光眼溶血性青光眼ghost – cell glaucom aangle – recession glaucoma neovascular glaucom aciliary block glaucom amalignant glaucom acongenital glaucom ainfantile glaucomajuvenile glaucom alate – developing infantile glaucom a 血影细胞性青光眼房角后退性青光眼新生血管性青光眼睫状环阻塞性青光眼恶性青光眼先天性青光眼婴幼儿性青光眼青少年型青光眼迟发性婴幼儿性青光眼第十二章葡萄膜病uveitisiridocyclitisciliary injectionmixed injectionaqueous flarehypopyonhyphem akeratic precipitates , KPperipheral anterior synechia of the iris goniosynechiaposterior synechia of the irisseclusion of pupiliris bom beocllusion of pupilintermediate uveitisposterior uveitischoroiditissym pathetic ophthalmiasym pathizing eyeVogt – Koyanagi – Harada syndrom e , VKH acute retinal necrosis syndrom eFuchs heterochronic iridocyclitisiris nevusiris cystchoroidal hem angiom amalignant melanoma of the choroids choroid osteom acongenital aniridiacolobom a of the iris and choroid congenital persistent papillary m embrane 葡萄膜炎虹膜睫状体炎睫状充血混合充血房水闪辉前房积脓前房积血角膜后沉着物虹膜周边前粘连房角粘连虹膜后粘连瞳孔闭锁虹膜膨隆瞳孔膜闭中间葡萄膜炎后葡萄膜炎脉络膜炎交感性眼炎交感眼Vogt-小柳-原田综合症急性视网膜坏死综合症Fuchs-异色性虹膜睫状体炎虹膜痣虹膜囊肿虹膜血管瘤脉络膜恶性黑色素瘤脉络膜骨瘤先天性无虹膜虹膜和脉络膜缺损先天性瞳孔残膜第十三章视网膜病cotton – wool spot 棉绒斑angiogenic factorretinal artery occlusionretinal vein occlusioncentral retinal artery occlusion , CRAO branch retinal artery occlusion , BRAO central retinal vein occlusion , CRVO branch retinal vein occlusion , BRVO nonischem ic retinal vein occlusion venous stasis retinopathyischem ic retinal vein occlusionhem orrhagic retinopathyrubeosisretinal periphlebitisretinal vasculitisretinal telangiectasisdiabetic retinopathy , DRPretinopathy of prematurity , ROP hypertensive retinopathycentral serous chorioretinopathy , CSC age – related macular degeneration cystoid m acular edema , CMEdrusenmacular holeretinoblastom a , RBsubretinal neovascular m embranes epiretinal m embrane , ERMretinal detachm ent , RDnonrhegm atogenous retinal detachment serous retinal detachm ent rhegmatogenous retinal detachm ent retinitis pigmentosa , RPhem angioma of the retinatraction retinal detachm ent 血管生长因子视网膜动脉阻塞视网膜静脉阻塞视网膜中央动脉阻塞视网膜分支动脉阻塞视网膜中央静脉阻塞视网膜分支静脉阻塞非缺血型视网膜静脉阻塞静脉淤滞性视网膜病变缺血型视网膜静脉阻塞出血性视网膜病变虹膜红变视网膜静脉周围炎/Eales病视网膜血管炎视网膜毛细血管扩张症糖尿病性视网膜病变早产儿视网膜病变高血压性视网膜病变中心性浆液性视网膜病变年龄相关性黄斑变性 , AMD 黄斑囊样水肿玻璃膜疣黄斑裂孔视网膜母细胞瘤视网膜下新生血管膜视网膜前膜视网膜脱离非裂孔性视网膜脱离浆液性视网膜脱离裂孔性视网膜脱离视网膜色素变性视网膜血管瘤牵引性视网膜脱离第十四章视神经及视路病optic neuritispapillitisrelative afferent pupillary defect neurorenitisretrobulbar neuritisaxial optic neuritisoptic perineuritistransverse optic neuritisacute retrobulbar neuritis 视神经炎视乳头炎相对性传入性瞳孔障碍视神经视网膜炎球后视神经炎轴性视神经炎视神经束膜炎横断性视神经炎急性球后视神经炎alternating light testchronic retrobulbar neuritis papilledemaischem ic optic neuropathyanterior ischemic optic neuropathy optic atrophyprimary optic atrophydescending optic atrophy secondary optic atrophyascending optic atrophyretinitic optic atrophyconsecutive optic atrophygliom a of optic nerve meningioma of optic nerve Phakom atosisneurofibromatosisalexiaoptic agnosiacortical blindness 交替手电光试验慢性球后视神经炎视乳头水肿缺血性视神经病变前部缺血性视神经病变视神经萎缩原发性视神经萎缩下行性视神经萎缩继发性视神经萎缩上行性视神经萎缩视网膜视神经萎缩连续性视神经萎缩视神经胶质瘤视神经脑膜瘤斑痣性错构瘤 / 母斑病视神经纤维瘤病失读视觉性认识不能皮质盲第十五章眼的屈光和调节reduce eyeemm etropiaaccomm odation convergencemeter angleam etropiaerror of refraction m yopiahyperopia astigmatismanisom etropia presbyopia retinoscopy skiascopyautom ated refractor简化眼正视眼调节集合米角非正视眼屈光不正近视眼远视眼散光屈光参差老视视网膜检影法 / 视网膜镜检查视网膜检影法 / 视网膜镜检查自动验光仪第十六章眼外肌病binocular single vision synergistyoke m uscles antagonistorthophoriastrabismus 双眼单视协同肌配偶肌拮抗肌正位眼斜视heterophoriaconcom itant strabismusaccomm odative convergence /accomm odative , AC / A concom itant exotropiaphotalgiaconcom itant hypertropianon – concom itant strabismusam blyopianystagm ussensory defect nystagm usm otor defect nystagm usnull pointneutral zoneoscillopsialatent nystagm us 隐斜共同性斜视调节性集合 / 调节共同性外斜视光痛共同性内斜视非共同性斜视弱视眼球震颤(眼震)知觉缺陷型眼震运动缺陷型眼震无眼震点中和区振动幻视隐性眼震第十七章眼眶病exophthalm osenophthalm osthyroid–related immune orbitopathy , TRIO orbital cellulitesinflammatory pseudotum orGraves ophthalm opathyophthalm ic Graves diseasederm oid cystcavernous hem angiom ameningioma of the orbitrhabdom yosarcom a 眼球突出眼球内陷甲状腺相关性免疫眼眶病眶蜂窝织炎炎性假瘤Graves眼病眼型Graves病皮样囊肿海绵状血管瘤眼眶脑膜瘤横纹肌肉瘤第十八章眼外伤ocular traumablunt traumahyphem aintraocular foreign body siderosischalcosis 眼外伤钝挫伤前房积血球内异物铁质沉着铜屑沉着第十九章常见全身病的眼部表现microaneurysmbackground diabetic retinopathy nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy proliferative diabetic retinopathy微动脉瘤单纯型糖尿病性视网膜病变非增殖型糖尿病性视网膜病变增殖型糖尿病性视网膜病变11。
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The role of optic nerve ultrasonography in the diagnosis of elevated intracranial pressure视神经超声在颅内压增高诊断中的角色Abdullah SadikGirisgin, ErdalKalkan, [...], and Mustafa SemizAdditional article informationAbstractObjectiveTo evaluate the convenience and utility of optic nerve ultrasonography (ONUS) in the evaluation of emergency patients with elevated intracranial pressure (EICP) due to traumatic or non‐traumatic causes.MethodsThis study was conducted between May 2005 and December 2005 in the emergency department of Meram Faculty of Medicine, Selcuk University. Patients with traumatic or non‐traumatic EICP were included in the study. Among these, 28 patients with EICP determined on cranial computed tomography (CCT) and a control group of 26 patients with no disease had the vertical and horizontal diameters of the optic nerves (ONs) of both eyes measured by ultrasonography (US). The measurements were done by wetting the closed eyelids and using a 7.5‐MHz linear probe.ResultsHorizontal and vertical diameters of both ONs of the 54 patients were measured and the averages calculated. The mean (SD) ON diameter for the group suspected of having EICP was found to be 6.4 (0.7) mm, and that for the control group to be 4.6 (0.3) mm. In the statistical analysis carried out between these two groups (t test), the difference was found to be significant at p<0.001.ConclusionsIn detection and follow‐up of EICP cases, such as cerebrovascular accident and trauma, ONUS is a practical, risk‐free, inexpensive, convenient and, if performed by experts, reliable method. As a result, although CCT may be more useful in diagnosis, ONUS may be more efficient in detecting EICP. In those cases where CCT and other conventional imaging methods are not available, ONUScan facilitate the diagnosis and help in treatment.Owing to the increased burden faced by emergency services, monitoring methods have become more extensively used to accelerate patient circulation both in diagnosis and treatment. Ultrasonography (US) in particular has become an inseparable component of the emergency services.1由于急诊负担较重,超声已经成为急诊不可或缺的部分。
Patients with brain damage, which is most frequently based on traumatic and vascular causes and less frequently on intracranial mass or obstruction in the cerebrospinal fluid circulation, present to emergency services. Treatment in these patients depends on early diagnosis and hence on radiological monitoring, at the forefront of which is cranial computed tomography (CCT). Tomography, however, may not help in the early period in patients with elevated intracranial pressure (EICP), especially that resulting from vascular and traumatic causes. Furthermore, tomography is not available in every hospital, or this examination may sometimes not be performed because of instability in the patient's vital findings. In cases with EICP, dilation in optic nerve (ON) diameter and optic disc occurs, which may sometimes be observed during ophthalmoscopic evaluation.2,3,4 However, in most of these patients, the ophthalmoscopic evaluation is impossible or extremely difficult. As a result, in the last few years, optic nerve ultrasonography (ONUS) has been used more often in emergency services.5,6 In this study, the convenience and utility of ONUS were investigated in cases in whom EICP was likely to develop.病人的脑损伤,常常是由于严重脑外伤,血管意外,少数由于颅内占位或脑脊液循环障碍引起。
EICP may be present in emergency department patients with head trauma, hypoxia, intracranialhaemorrhage and tumour complications. All of these groups may require rapid intervention.7,8 Early diagnosis of acute intracranial hypertension is essential to enable prompt, optimal treatment. The optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) is increased in EICP, and its measurement can be used to indirectly monitor increased intracranial pressure (ICP). 2,9颅内压升高在急诊脑创伤,脑缺氧,脑出血,肿瘤病人出现,这些都需要快速介入。
Although CCT may be available in most emergency departments, it may be unavailable for the detection of early EICP.5 CT uses ionising radiation. Initial head CT scan characteristics show a linear relationship to baseline ICP.10有时CT对于早期的颅内压增高并不十分有用。