










第一部分选择题(共 50 分)一.单项选择题,每题2分,共50分北京时间2010年10月1日18时59分57秒,搭载着我国探月卫星“嫦娥二号”的长征三号丙运载火箭在西昌(102°E,28.2°N)卫星发射中心点火升空。


1.“嫦娥二号”卫星发射之时,世界时为A.10时59分57秒 B.2时59分57秒C.5时59分57秒 D.7时59分57秒2.读“某山地南北坡降水量”图,该山地降水量最大的位置海拔高度是多少米()、A.1800M B. 1200M C.800M D.400M上海世博会自2010年5月1日开园,10月31日结束。


3. 在上海世博会期间,不可能出现的天气现象是()A.雷暴B.台风C.伏旱D.沙尘暴4. 世博会期间,海陆间热力环流说法正确的是()A.夏季风从陆地吹向海洋B.夏季风从海洋吹向陆地C.陆地比海洋气温低D.陆地比海洋气压高在两个相同的长方形塑料盒子的一端用潮湿的土壤分别搭起一座相同坡度的“小山”,从盒子的另一端倒入等量的水,形成“湖泊”;不同的是在其中一个盒子内,将一块微湿的海绵压入“小山”底端的土壤里(见图)。



高一地理会考总复习——2011 会考试卷2011 年上海市普通高中学业水平考试地理试卷考生注意:1 、试卷满分120分,考试时间90分钟。

2 、本考试分设试卷和答题纸。





一、选择题(共 50 分,每小题 2 分。

每小题只有一个正确答案)1.宇宙的各类天体中最基本的是()A .恒星和行星B .行星和卫星C.恒星和星云D .行星和流星2.发生在光球层上的太阳活动是()A .耀斑B.黑子C.日珥D .太阳风3.下列水体中,水更新周期最短的是()A .河流B.湖泊C.地下水D.冰川4.世界中大渔场中,成因有别于其它三大渔场的是()A .北海道渔场B .北海渔场C.纽芬兰渔场D .秘鲁渔场5.《联合国海洋法公约》规定的领海宽度为()A. 12 海里B. 22 海里C. 100 海里D. 200 海里6.通常衡量一个地区水资源数量的主要指标是()1更好的辅导,更美好的人生!400-018-7099A .多年平均降水总量B.多年平均蒸发总量C.多年平均补给总量D .多年平均径流总量7.世界上淡水资源最丰富的国家是()A .巴西B.中国C.俄罗斯D .加拿大8.对沿岸荒漠环境有影响的洋流是()A .西澳大利亚寒流B.北大西洋暖流C.日本暖流D.西风漂流9.美国东北部大西洋沿岸城市群的中心城市是()A .华盛顿B .纽约C.费城D.芝加哥10.下列岩石中,属于变质岩的是()A .花岗岩B .玄武岩C.石灰岩D .大理岩11. 2011 年国务院将《徐霞客游记》中首篇的撰写日期(5 月 19 日)定为中国旅游日,徐霞客在游历中考察最多的是喀斯特地貌,我国四大高原中喀斯特地貌广泛分布的是()A .黄土高原B .云贵高原C.内蒙古高原D.青藏高原12.全世界海底油气资源大部分集中在()A .海岭B.海沟C.大陆架D.海岸带13.下列属于资源密集型重工业区的是()A .亚洲东部沿海工业区B.西欧工业区C.日本太平洋沿岸工业区D.东欧工业区14.我国沿海工业区中规模最大、技术和效益最好的综合性工业区是()A .珠江三角洲区C.长江三角洲区B.辽中南工业区 D .京津唐工业区15.上海市郊的许多现代农业园区采用大棚种植蔬菜、花卉,这种种植方式改变的是农业区位条件中()2更好的辅导,更美好的人生!400-018-7099①水热条件②地形条件③市场条件④光照条件A .①②B.②③C.③④D.①④16.我国地域文化区中,传统民居以四合院为特色的是()A .云贵高原文化区C.华北平原文化区B .江南水乡文化区D.东北黑土文化区17.下列需要利用卫星技术实时提供全天候、全球性定位服务的是()A .小麦产量估算B.污染程度检测C.汽车导航D .虫害检测18.长江上、中、下游各河段水流特征差异明显,河床特征也各不相同,其中曲流主要发育于长江的()A .河源区B .上游C.中游D .下游19. 6 月 29 日,太阳直射点的位置及移动方向是()A .在北半球,并向北移动B.在北半球,并向南移动C.在南半球,并向北移动D.在南半球,并向南移动20. 2011 年迪士尼乐园正式落户上海,这主要是由于上海()①交通通达性好②土地价格适中③科技水平高④消费市场大A .①②B .②③C.②④D.①④21.导致北印度洋海区洋流呈顺时针方向流动的盛行风是()A .东南风B .西南风)22.下列示意图中,正确描述2011 C.东北风D.西北风年影响我国的热带风暴“艾利”气流运动特征的是(①极地东风与中纬西风辐合而成②东北信风与上纬西风辐合而成③冷暖气流交汇上升④冷暖气流交汇下沉A .①③B .①④C.②③ D .②④23.从气压带、风带的成因看,北半球副极地低气压带是( B )3更好的辅导,更美好的人生!400-018-709924.对流层厚度因纬度和季节的不同而不同。



2011年高三第二次质量检测文科综合能力测试地理参考答案及评分标准一、选择题1.A2.D3.A4.B5.A6.D7.C8.C9.D 10.C 11.D二、非选择题36.(26分)(1)(4分)东南高、西北低;(2分) 河流的流向。


(2分) 甲国地处内陆,由于海陆热力性质差异,夏季增温快,冬季降温快,冬冷夏热,气温年较差大。

(3分) 甲国为干旱的温带大陆性气候,云雨量少,白天大气对太阳辐射的削弱作用弱,夜晚大气的保温作用弱,昼夜温差大。











(2分)41.(10分)(1)(4分)气候和地势高低;(2分) 自西向东。






)1.2004年6月8日,在我国大部分地区能看到一个小黑点从太阳表面移过,人们把这一天文现象称为“金星凌日”,据此判断,金星是( )A.距离地球最近的自然天体B.八颗行星中质量最小的一颗C.位于水星与地球之间的行星D.最有可能存在地外生命的行星下图为等值线图,读图回答2—3题。

2.若该图为海平面等压线图,虚线为一锋面,且①地在未来72小时内将有一次明显的降水过程,则关于图中天气系统的叙述,正确的是()A.北半球气旋 B.北半球反气旋 C.南半球气旋 D.南半球反气旋3.若该图为我国东南某地等高线地形图,虚线附近夏季泥石流多发,则()A.①处坡度小于②处 B.①处山坡的坡面朝向东北C.①处山坡降水比②处山坡少 D.①处山坡马尾松比②处山坡马尾松(喜光)长得好右图所示的是北半球的一段纬线,M、N分别是X日的晨线、昏线与该纬线的交点。



4.一年中,O点的太阳高度最大值约为()A.23° B.43°C.47° D.57°5.X日M地的昼长为()A.6小时 B.9小时C.12小时 D.18小时下图为欧洲1月等温线分布图,读图回答6—7题。

6.图中甲、乙、丙三地等温线出现了较大的弯曲,下列原因解释不正确的是()A.洋流 B.地形C.海陆差异 D.自然带差异7.2010年12月,甲地出现了往年不常见的连续暴风雪,导致这种天气的根本原因是() A.西风带势力增强B.极地冷湿气流强烈南下C.蒙古高压控制 D.冰岛低压控制下图为“部分沿海地区及河口三角洲分布图”,阴影部分为四个农业区,读图回答第8题。










1.四个考察站中,地理坐标最接近62°S,59°W的是A.长城站 B.XX站C.昆仑站 D. 泰山站2.结合所学知识分析下列叙述正确的是A.XX站常年吹东北风B.昆仑站气压最高C.泰山站光照时间最长D.长城站降水量最大(二)下图为我国某地地形发育示意图。

3.图中甲地反映的地形主要分布在我国的A.黄土高原 B.云贵高原 C.XX高原 D.准噶尔盆地4.图中地形的发育主要受到的外力影响是A.流水侵蚀 B.风力侵蚀 C.冰川侵蚀 D.流水沉积5.在甲地建设铁路面临的主要困难最可能是A.冻土和冰川 B.地质基础不稳固 C.沼泽、软土 D.流沙和水土流失(三)读①②③三地气温与降水统计表。

1月4月7月全年气温(℃) 21.3 28 23.9 24.1 ①降水量(mm) 1 32 106 905气温(℃) 24.6 30.9 30.7 28.8 ②降水量(mm) 27 12 121 1 541气温(℃) 26.8 29.6 26 27.5 ③降水量(mm) 2 84 770 3 063 6.上表为右图中甲乙丙三地的气候资料,下列对应关系正确的是A.甲—③;乙—②;丙—①B.甲—②;乙—①;丙—③C.甲—②;乙—③;丙—①D.甲—③;乙—①;丙—②7.右图中甲乙丙三地气候的叙述,正确的是A.三地7月平均气温均高于4月B.三地4月降水量均高于7月C.甲、乙两地气候差异的主导因素是地形D.甲、丙两地气候差异的主导因素是洋流(四)俄罗斯南部城市索契是2014年冬奥会举办城市。



静安、杨浦、青浦、宝山区2013届高三4月高考模拟 英语试卷 考生注意: 1、本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。





3、第I卷(1—16小题,25 — 80小题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡上。







第I卷 (共105分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questionswill be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. 8:15. B. 8:45. C. 9:13.D. 9:30. 2. A. Terrible. B. Regretful.C. Exhausted.D. Satisfied. 3. A. Its quality.B. Its space.C. Its design.D. Its price. 4. A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient.C. Customer and waitress.D. Boss and employee. 5. A. At a nursery school.B. At a studio.C. In a cinema. D. In a store. 6. A. He doesn’t like living in the suburbs. B. The suburbs make lots of noise. C. He can’t afford to stay there. D. He has to pay a lot to take a taxi. 7. A. He gave the woman the wrong information. B. He added salt to the coffee. C. He put the sugar in the black container. D. He broke the two containers. 8. A. Take some medicine. B. Stay in hospital.C. Take his temperature.D. Have some soft drink. 9. A. The woman is good at maths. B. The man has problem with maths.C. The man is the cheerleader in school.D. The woman is a trouble maker. 10. A. Sam applied for the job first. B. Christina is supposed to be in charge of the department. C. Sam is capable enough of taking the responsibility. D. Christina is the right person for the job vacancy. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. In the middle of the hall. B. At the back of the room.C. Next to the gate.D. At the information desk. 12. A. Speak without permission. B. Note down the agenda (议程).C. Read the agenda carefully.D. Fill out a “Speaker Card”. 13. A. Just share the ideas with the partner in the meeting room. B. Interrupt the speaker whenever he just talks nonsense. C. Keep quiet when somebody else is giving his opinions. D. Talk on the cell phone in a low voice during the meeting. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. 6a.m.-8a.m., 9p.m.-11p.m..B. 5a.m.-7a.m., 5p.m.-7p.m..C. 5a.m.-6a.m., 5p.m.-6p.m..D. 6a.m.-7a.m., 8p.m.-9p.m.. 15. A. To make the town cleaner and better the environment. B. To reduce the amount of the waste. C. To introduce a new resource-recycling company. D. To try some new way out to decrease its negative effects. 16. A. They have to help clean the streets for a whole day. B. They have reached an agreement with the local residents. C. They travel a lot to look after family businesses. D. They come back home late and miss the waste collection time. Section C Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet. Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer. ?What is the name of the book?__17 and the Modern Age.Who asks the librarian to make sure every student can read the book?The 18 .Where is the book now?In the 19 room.Which floor can students find the book?On the 20 floor.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation. Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. ? What kind of store is Radio Shack? 21 .What is the advantage of shopping in Radio Shack besides good quality?It provides 22 .What is the disadvantage of shopping in the bookstores? 23 .What does “shopping around” mean?Going to different stores and 24__ goods at the cheapest price.? II. Grammar and vocabulary Section A Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 25. The start of a new year brings hope — hope _____ better health, more happiness and greater success.A. amongB. forC. overD. on 26. What is the man, actually? I don’t know for sure. But I think he can be _____ but a policeman.A. nothingB. somethingC. everythingD. anything 27. Do you know where David is? I couldn’t find him anywhere. Well. He _____ have gone far — his glasses are still here.A. shouldn’tB. mustn’tC. can’tD. wouldn’t 28. I suppose you are unwilling to change your idea, _____?A. aren’t youB. do IC. don’t ID. are you 29. At the moment of the car accident, Jason’s life _____ in the blink of an eye.A. changesB. had changedC. was changingD. changed 30. The law says that all public buildings must be accessible to people who have trouble _____.A. walkingB. walkC. to walkD. walked 31. Many students apply for a position at that company, but only a few _____.A. are being acceptedB. are acceptedC. have acceptedD. accept 32. Desserts made from apples, such as pies, apple pancakes and apples _____ in sugar are available for sampling.A. dippingB. dipC. dippedD. to dip 33. Tom’s resolution _____ up drinking alcohol lasted only two days.A. givenB. givingC. giveD. to give 34. The boy, one of the so-called rich second generation, forced his parents to buy a new car _____ it might cost.A. no matter howB. however highC. no matter how muchD. how much 35. A business plan should be a strategic outline of _____ you are going to do, why and how you are going to do it.A. whatB. whichC. howD. that 36. The teacher left word with our monitor _____ she would explain the problem again next time.A. whoB. whichC. asD. that 37. They will pay a visit to Europe in a couple of years _____ they have enough money.A. for fear thatB. on condition thatC. even thoughD. as well as 38. Every time Gina catches her employees _____ time, she reminds them that time is money.A. to wasteB. wastingC. wastedD. waste 39. Not until 2012 _____ to a Chinese writer for the first time. A. the Nobel Prize in literature was awarded B. was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature C. was the Nobel Prize in literature awarded D. the Nobel Prize was awarded in literature 40. BrainPOP is an educational program consisting of brief animated videos _____ a man named Tim and his robot friend Moby discuss various subjects.A. in whichB. whichC. asD. in that Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.?A. concentratedB. possibleC. revisedD. applicationsE. figuresF. connectG. benefitsH. globalI. contributeJ. topsMore than two million people in Europe now have fiber broadband(光纤宽带)direct to their home, suggests a survey. The latest __41__ on superfast broadband delivered by fiber to the home (FTTH) show 18% growth over the last survey compiled in late 2008. The continued growth suggests that the __42__ economic decline has not hit plans to build fiber networks. Sweden __43__ the list of nations applying the technology, with 10.9% of its broadband customers using fiber. Karel Helsen, president of Europe’s Fiber-To-The-Home Council, said the growth matched predictions that were __44__ when the credit crisis started to make itself felt. “The numbersin 2009 are in line with the latest forecasts,” said Mr. Helsen. By 2012, the FTTH Council expects that 13 million people across 35 European nations will have their broadband delivered by fiber. Such services would start at a speed of 100 megabits per second (mbps), said Mr. Helsen. Around Europe more than 233 projects were underway to lay the fibers that would __45__ homes or buildings to the net, said Mr. Helsen. Many of those, he said, were being operated by local governments or smaller net firms. Local governments were interested in FTTH because of the economic and social __46__ it brought in its wake, said Mr. Helsen. The low delay in high-speed fiber networks made __47__ new uses of broadband, he said. “No delay is very important,” he said, “specifically if you talk about __48__ that are time-dependent such as personal communications, conference calls or video calls where delays cause a lot of trouble.” While early FTTH services were __49__ in cities, said Mr. Helsen, many more were reaching out to rural areas for e-health and e-learning projects. III. Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large. The same problem, on a smaller__50__, faces practically every company trying to __51__ new products and create new jobs. There can be little prospect of raising the sort of sums needed from friends and people we know. While banks may agree to provide short-term finance, they are generally __52__ to provide money on a permanent basis for long-term projects. So companies turn to public, inviting people to lend them money, or take a share in the business in __53__ for a share in future profits. This they do by __54__ stocks and shares in the business through the Stock Exchange. By doing so they can put into circulation the savings of __55__ and organizations, both at home and overseas. When the saver needs his money back, he does not have to go to the company with whom he originally placed it. __56__, he sells his shares through a stockbroker to some other saver who is seeking to__57__ his money. Many of the __58__ needed both by industry and by each of us are provided by the government or by local authorities. Without hospitals, electricity, telephones, railways, this country could not __59__. All these require __60__ spending on new equipment and new development if they are to serve us properly, requiring more money than is raised through taxes alone. The government, local authorities, and nationalized industries __61__ frequently need to borrow money to finance major capital spending, and they, too, come to the Stock Exchange. There is __62__ a man or woman in this country whose job or whose standard of living does not __63__ the ability of his or her employers to raise money to finance new development. In one way or anotherthis new money must come from the savings of the country. The Stock Exchange __64__ to provide a channel through which these savings can reach those who need finance. 50. A. level B. extent C. scale D. basis 51. A. programme B. provide C. develop D. prepare 52. A. unexpected B. unwilling C. unbelievable D. uncertain 53. A. search B. exchange C. value D. comfort 54. A. issuing B. allowing C. producing D. acquiring 55. A. immigrants B. investigators C. inheritors D. individuals 56. A. Indeed B. In fact C. In addition D. Instead 57. A. eliminate B. reflect C. invest D. profit 58. A. propertiesB. appliances C. foundations D. services 59. A. function B. experienceC. share D. launch 60. A. invisible B. continuous C. limited D. economical 61. A. therefore B. however C. nevertheless D. otherwise 62. A. definitely B. almost C. hardly D. probably 63. A. turn downB. depend on C. take over D. put off 64. A. releasesB. forces C. leaves D. exists Section B Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A) A voyaging ship was wrecked during a storm at sea and only two of the men aboard were able to swim to a small, desert-like island. Not knowing what else to do, the two survivors agreed that they had no alternativethan to pray to God. However, to find out whose prayers were more powerful, they agreed to divide the territory between them and stay on opposite sides of the island. The first thing they prayed for was food. The next morning, the first man saw a fruit-bearing treeon his side of the island, and he was able to eat its fruit. But the other man’s parcel of land remained barren. After a week, the first man became lonely and decided to pray for a wife. The next day, another ship was wrecked and the only survivor was a woman who swam to his side of the island. But on the other side of the island, there was nothing. Soon thereafter the first man prayed for a house, clothes and more food. The next day, like magic, all of these things were given to him. However, the second man still had nothing. Finally, the first man prayed for a ship so that he and his wife could leave the island, and in the morning he found a ship docked at his side of the island. The first man boarded the ship with his wife and decided to leave the second man on the island, considering the other man unworthy to receive God’s blessings since none of his prayers had been answered. As the ship was about to leave, the first man heard a voice from Heaven booming, “Why are you leaving your companion on the island?” “My blessings are mine alone since I was the one who prayed for them,” the first man answered.“His prayers were all unanswered and so he doesn’t deserve anything.” “You are mistaken!” the voice rebuked him. “He had only one prayer, which I answered. If not for that, you would not have received any of my blessings.” “Tell me,” the first man asked the voice, “what did he pray for that I should owe him anything?” “He prayed that all your prayers would be answered.” For all we know, our blessings are not the fruits of our prayers alone, but those of another praying for us. So what you do for others is more important than what you do for yourself. 65. The first man’s wife is _____. A. a swimmer who got to the island by accident B. an angel sent by God to keep him company C. a survivor from another wrecked ship D. a native person on the desert-like island 66. The underlined word “barren” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _____.A. isolatedB. unproductiveC. fertileD. dry 67. Which of the following is true about the second man? A. He didn’t deserve any blessing from God. B. None of his prayers was answered by God. C. He is not brave enough to tell God his needs. D. His prayer helped his companion get out of trouble. 68. What’s the moral of the story? A. Never judge a person by appearance. B. Don’t lose heart in trouble. C. Helping others is helping ourselves. D. Greed is the root of all evil. (B) Stewart Island Ferry Services While most visitors spend at least one night on Stewart Island, it is also readily accessible by ferry as a day excursion from Invercargill and Bluff. Experience Foveaux Strait in comfort and style on board our express catamarans. During the one-hour crossing between Bluff and Stewart Island keep a lookout for wildlife, especially seabirds. Watching mollymawks (albatross) soaring behind the ferry is a fantastic sight. Interesting landmarks commonly seen include Dog Island Lighthouse, Ruapuke Island, Titi Islands and Mt Anglem - Stewart Island’s highest point. ? Free tea and coffee on board ? Interpretation handouts are available (English only). ? Wheelchair access available ? Personal baggage is carried free on the ferries - max. two bags per person (one stowed and one small carry-on). Additional baggage is by prior arrangement. ? Vehicle parking available at Bluff (extra cost - reservations recommended) ? ? FERRY TO STEWART ISLAND Depart Bluff All year 9:30am Sep-May 5:00pm Oct Apr 11:00am Jun Aug 4:30pm Late Dec mid Jan8:00am ?FERRY TO BLUFF Depart Stewart Island All year 8:00am Sep May 3:30pm Oct Mar 6:00pm Apr 5:00pm Jun-Aug 3:00pm Late Dec mid Jan 9:30amOther departures as locally advertised Duration 1hr Check-in 30 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. (Check-in and boarding gates are closed 10 minutes prior to times stated above.)? ?“20% Multi-Purchase REWARD” on Return Ferry Services Buy 2 or more different excursions and SAVE 20% off all lower priced!?Kids Go FREE on selected departures during NZ School Holidays! Kids Go FREE for travel 20 April - 5 May 2013. 69. If leaving a car at Bluff, a traveler had better _____.A. refer to the handouts firstB. use wheelchair accessC. make a reservationD. park it 30 minutes before departure time 70. John, who went to Stewart Island on Dec. 28th, got to the ferry dock at 7:55am. When did he most probably leave Bluff?A. At 8:00a.m..B. At 9:30a.m..C. At 11:00a.m..D. At 3:00p.m.. 71. Which of the following is false about the ferry services? A. Tea and coffee are free for passengers. B. Children go free for travel for about 15 days. C. Travelers are sure to see some seabirds during the crossing. D. Passengers have to pay extra cost for extra pieces of luggage. ? (C) Barack Obama urged congressional leaders on Monday to act quickly to pass a huge stimulus packagefor the U.S. economy. He met with a bipartisan (concerning or involving two different political parties) group of lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Later he met individually with Democratic and Republican House and Senate leaders and spoke to a bipartisan leadership gathering. In comments to reporters early on Monday, he emphasized the urgency of finalizing economic legislation (立法). “We have got an extraordinary economic challenge ahead of us,” he said, “We are expecting a sobering job report at the end of the week. Nancy Pelosi and her staff have been extraordinarily helpful in working with our team so that we can shape an economic recovery and reinvestment plan that starts putting people back to work.” Mr. Obama wants tax cuts for individual Americans and businesses to make up a significant portion ofexpected legislation. This could involve as much as $300 billion of a bill that is likely to go beyond $700 billion and include aid to cash-poor U.S. states, and money for alternative energy and a range of infrastructure (基础设施) projects. Later, Mr. Obama said he expects to be able to sign legislation as soon as the end of this month, adding that quick action is necessary to “break the drive of the U.S. economic depression”. Emerging later from bipartisan talks with Mr. Obama, Nancy Pelosi said lawmakers discussed with the president how to pass a stimulus package as quickly as possible. “An economic recovery package thatwill create jobs immediately and will grow the economy and that is what we talked about today,” said Nancy Pelosi. “How we could do this fast, deliberatively and to act upon it soon.” Just how soon that would be, Pelosi would not say. How much support Democrats can obtain from Republicans will depend on the details. But the severity of the U.S. economic depression has created considerable bipartisan backing for quick action. Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid said: “There are investments that we need to make on behalf of the American people to turn around this economy. We felt very good about the meeting; we are confident that we can do this and we have to do this.” “I think the best thing I can do is to decline to comment on what they are going to do going forward,” said Dana Perino. “Obviously, we think that tax cuts were the right way to help our economy get out of the economic depression that this president inherited and we know that tax cuts can stimulate innovation.” Asked by reporters how large the economic stimulus package might be, Senate Majority Leader Reid said Obama indicated that all but one of some 28 economists advising him had said it should range from $800 billion to $1.3 trillion. ?72. Barack Obama urged congressional leaders and met with bipartisan leaders to _____.A. take over the White HouseB. end economic declineC. understand each other betterD. negotiate political issues 73. If the stimulus package is passed quickly and successfully, it can _____.A. obtain support from RepublicansB. finalize economic legislationC. enhance America’s international positionD. provide job opportunities 74. What is the bipartisan leaders’ attitude towards this meeting?A. Uncertain.B. Hopeful.C. Disappointed.D. Indifferent. ?75. What can we infer from the passage? A. The best way out of the economic depression is tax cuts. B. The Republic Party plays the key role in coping with the economic depression. C. Democrats and Republicans will team up in the economic depression. D. When the stimulus package will be passed is known to the lawmakers. ? Section C Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need. ? A. Factors that influence reactions to pollutants B. Possible sources of indoor air pollution C. Ways to identify diseases with similar symptoms D. Long-term effects after repeated exposure E. A commonly-ignored health threat F. Immediate symptoms and regular treatment? ?76.?Most people are aware that outdoor air pollution can damage their health, but many do not know that indoor air pollution can also have significant health effects. Environmental Protection Agency studies indicate that indoor levels of pollutants may be 2-5 times, and occasionally more than 100 times, higher than outdoor levels. These levels of indoor air pollutants may be of particular concern because most people spend about 90% of their time indoors. ? 77.?There are many sources of indoor air pollution in any home. These include combustion sources such as oil, gas, coal, wood, and tobacco products; building materials and furnishings as diverse as deteriorated asbestos-containing insulation, wet or damp carpet, and cabinetry or furniture made of certain pressed wood products; products for household cleaning and maintenance, personal care, or hobbies; central heating and cooling systems and humidification devices; and outdoor sources such as radon, pesticides, and outdoor air pollution. ? 78.?Immediate effects may show up after a single exposure or repeated exposures. These include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. Such immediate effects are usually short-term and treatable. Sometimes the treatment is simply eliminating the person's exposure to the source of the pollution, if it can be identified. Symptoms of some diseases, including asthma, hypersensitivity and fever, may also show up soon after exposure to some indoor air pollutants. ? 79.?The likelihood of immediate reactions to indoor air pollutants depends on several factors. Age and pre-existing medical conditions are two important influences. In other cases, whether a person reacts to a pollutant depends on individual sensitivity, which varies tremendously from person to person. Some people can become sensitized to biological pollutants after repeated exposures, and it appears that some people can become sensitized to chemical pollutants as well. ? 80.?Certain immediate effects are similar to those from colds or other viral diseases, so it is often difficult to determine if the symptoms are a result of exposure to indoor air pollution. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to the time and place the symptoms occur. If the symptoms fade or go away when a person is away from the home and return when the person returns, an effort should be made to identify indoor air sources that may be possible causes.? Section D Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. Children and adolescents who watch a lot of television are more likely to have antisocial and criminal behavior when they become adults, according to a new University of Otago, New Zealand, study published online in the journal Pediatrics. The study followed a group of around 1,000 children born in the New Zealand city of Dunedin in 1972-1973. Every two years between the ages of 5 and 15, they were asked how much television they watched. Those who watched more television were more likely to have a criminal conviction and were also more likely to have antisocial personality traits in adulthood. The study found that the risk of having a criminal behavior by early adulthood increased by about 30% with every hour that children spent watching TV on an average weeknight. The study also found that watching more television in childhood was associated, in adulthood, with aggressive personality, an increased tendency to experience negative emotions, and an increased risk of antisocial personality disorder; a psychiatric disorder characterised by persistent patterns of aggressive and antisocial behavior. The researchers found that the relationship between TV viewing and antisocial behavior was not explained by socio-economic status, aggressive or antisocial behavior in early childhood, or parenting factors. A study co-author, Lindsay Robertson, says it is not that children who were already antisocial watched more television. “Rather, children who watched a lot of television were likely to go on to manifest antisocial behavior and personality traits.” Other studies have suggested a link between television viewing and antisocial behavior, though very few have been able to demonstrate a cause-and-effect sequence. This is the first ‘real-life’ studythat has asked about TV viewing throughout the whole childhood period, and has looked at a range of antisocial outcomes in adulthood. As an observational study, it cannot prove that watching too muchtelevision caused the antisocial outcomes, but the findings are consistent with most of the research and provides further evidence that excessive television can have long-term consequences for behavior. Antisocial behavior is a major problem for society. While we’re not saying that television causes all antisocial behavior, our findings do suggest that reducing TV viewing could go some way towards reducing rates of antisocial behavior in society,” says Associate Professor Hancox. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children should watch no more than 1 to 2 hours of quality television programming each day. The researchers say their findings support the idea that parents should try to limit their children's television use. (Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.) 81. The aim of the study is to reveal ______________________________________________. 82. The researchers chose __________________________________________ as their research subjects(研究对象). 83. What’s the shortcoming of most of the studies on this topic? __________________________________________________________. 84. What do you suppose many parents will do after reading this passage? __________________________________________________________. 第II卷 (共45分) I. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 85. 许多驾驶员对新的交通法规都感到不习惯。








其主要原因是二者的 A.质量差异B.形态差异C.自转差异D.公转差异(二)2011年5月,印度第一大信息软件服务企业印孚瑟斯技术公司在沪投资一亿多美元,建设软件园区,拓展在华业务。


























1.彗星由彗头和彗尾两个部分构成,在太阳系中,由于受到太阳风的影响,彗尾的朝向是A.背向太阳 B.朝向太阳 C.竖直向上 D.竖直向下2.太阳风不仅会影响到彗尾的朝向,英国《新科学家》网站还出现了一篇骇人听闻的文章,说“2012年地球将会遭遇超级太阳风暴,其破坏力远远超过‘卡特琳娜’飓风,届时地球上几乎所有的人都难逃其灾难性的影响。

”所以正确认识太阳风十分必要,下列有关太阳风叙述正确的是①太阳风和黑子是太阳活动的主要标志②太阳风是发生在色球层上的太阳活动③太阳风是一种高速带电粒子流④太阳风到达地球时,会在两极地区形成绚烂的极光A.①② B.②③ C.①③ D.③④(二)近年来,高温、酷寒、干旱、洪涝等极端天气时有发生,气候异常逐渐趋于常态。



宝山区2010学年度高三学科模拟测试地理试卷2011.4 本试卷共12页,满分150分。













1.下列交通工程项目中,能对国家新规划的江苏沿海开发区经济发展有力支撑的是A.杭州湾大桥B.沪京高速铁路C.崇启大桥D.沪杭高铁2.2011年初,我国与位于西亚地区的伊朗达成修建高铁的协议,在伊朗修建高铁,不可能遇到的困难是A.台风频发B.泥石流频发C. 水土流失加剧D.生态环境脆弱(二)北京时间2011年3月11日14时46分,日本发生里氏9.0级地震,震中位于宫城县以东的太平洋海域,震源深度30公里,东京有强烈震感。


3.岩石发生断裂引起地震的地方叫A.震中B.震源C.震中距D.震源深度4.下列有关地震的叙述,正确的是A.世界上有三大地震带,即:地中海地震带、喜马拉雅山地震带和太平洋地震带B.5级与8级地震相应的能量相差60倍C.地震发生,横波先于纵波到达地表D.地震是一种最严重的地质灾害,我国是世界上地震灾害最严重的国家之一5.下面有关火山的叙述,正确的是A.火山喷发是地球内部岩浆受强大的压力作用、沿着地壳的薄弱地带喷涌出地表的现象B.在人类历史时期长期熄灭,有时又突然喷发的火山,称为活火山C.火山喷发给人类带来了很大的危害,因此有百害而无一利D .火山喷发出的物质就是高温岩浆(三)图1为世界上四条著名大河入海口附近的示意图。





全卷包括两大题;第一大题为选择题;第二大题为综合 分析题,包扌舌共同部分和选择部分。

考生注意:1 •答卷前,务必用圆珠笔或钢笔在试卷和答题纸上将姓名、准考证号等填写清楚,并用2E 铅笔在答题纸上 正确涂写准考证号码。

2•第一大题由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题纸上,考生应将代表正确答案的小方格用2E 铅笔涂黑。



答案 不能涂写在试卷上 涂写在试卷上一律不给分。

7•靖二大题采fflAl 阅卷。

考生应用扁笔金圆珠笔将答案直接写在答题纸上,用铅笔答题或写在试卷上一律 不给分。

所有考生应完成本大题共同部分;选择部分分为A. B 两组,两组试题分值相同;A 组试题适合选择“地 球和月球;自然资源与自然灾害”模块的考生,E 组试题适合选择'‘地域分异规律;旅游资源“模块的考生;考 生任选一组答题,但不能交叉答题,如果考生交叉答题,只对A 组的应答进行评分。


每小题只有一个正确答案)(一)美国“猎户座”飞船于当地时间2014年12月5日07: 05分,在佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角(28° 35’N ;火星大乞压不足地球大气压的1%,自转轴与公转轨道面的夹角为 64° 49z o1 •“猎户座”飞船发射时,北京时间是12月 A ・ 4 口 12: 05E. 4 口 20:05C. 5 口 12: 05D. 5 口 20: 052.“猎户座”飞船的任务将A.脱离了太阳系B.穿过木星轨道C.受太阳辐射影响D.探测到火星生命3.与火星相比,地球上A ・昼夜温差小B ・表面温度低 C.自转轴与公转轨道面交角小 D ・正午太阳咼度角人(二)“黑烟囱”是指海水从地壳裂缝渗入地下,遇到熔岩被加热,溶解了周国岩层中的金银等金属后又从地下喷出,这些金属经过化学反应形成硫化物沉积在附近的海底,像T 因囱”形状一样堆积而成。


巴西的铁矿石具有高铁、中硅、低铝的特点,大部分铁的含量超 60%。巴西淡水河 谷公司是全球最大的铁矿石生产和出口商之一,2021 年中国铁矿市场占淡水河谷公司 净营收的 52.5%,图巴朗港是巴西最大的铁矿石输出港。中国冶金行业顶端技术、机械 设备和工程服务等正越来越多出口到巴西。
(1)巴西位于 (选填:A.南美洲 B.非洲 C.北美洲)东部,东临 (选填:A.太
试卷第 6页,共 7页
(6)科研人员利用土壤凝结剂进行实验研究,获得以下数据,分析实验数据回答问题。 土壤风蚀量表
不同风速土壤吹蚀量(g/min·m2) 7m/s 15m/s 20m/s 24m/s
0.000 4.025 8.172 11.951
0.000 0.000 1.628 3.441
试卷第 3页,共 7页
(4)根据表描述平潭风力发电量与社会用电量的变化特征。 (5)分析平潭发展风力发电产业的优势区位条件。 (6)从碳排放的角度分析平潭发展“风”产业链的意义。 3.巴西铁矿蕴藏量为世界第五,产量居世界第二,中巴铁矿贸易已有 50 多年历史。
试卷第 7页,共 7页
(2) A A
(3) A A
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1.下列交通工程项目中,能对国家新规划的江苏沿海开发区经济发展有力支撑的是A.杭州湾大桥B.沪京高速铁路C.崇启大桥D.沪杭高铁2.2011年初,我国与位于西亚地区的伊朗达成修建高铁的协议,在伊朗修建高铁,不可能遇到的困难是A.台风频发B.泥石流频发C. 水土流失加剧D.生态环境脆弱(二)北京时间2011年3月11日14时46分,日本发生里氏9.0级地震,震中位于宫城县以东的太平洋海域,震源深度30公里,东京有强烈震感。



6.关于图中四条河流的叙述,正确的是A.甲、乙、丙、丁四条大河均为外流河,虽然流向不同,但却注入相同的海洋B.乙图中的河流与其它三条河流的主要区别是汛期较短,含沙量小,有结冰期C.丙、丁两图中,河流入海口附近地区共同的气候特点是高温期与多雨期一致D.丙图中的河流航运价值大,丁图中的河流是流经国家和地区最多的河流之一7.甲、乙两图中,河流入海口附近地区未出现大城市的原因是①入海口附近,地势低平,洪水威胁大②河流入海口附近的航运价值不大③甲图所示河流入海口附近地区的气候过于湿热④乙图所示河流的入海口不断变迁A.①② B.③④ C.①④ D.②④(四)欧洲是世界经济和旅游业发达的洲,有越来越多的中国人前往旅游和商务考察。




13.图3显示的是沿海山地迎风坡成云致雨的过程,这种降水类型称为A.锋面雨 B.对流雨 C.台风雨 D.地形雨14.图4显示的是某一自然地理现象的循环过程,该过程为A.海陆间循环B.海上内循环C.夏季风环流D.冬季风环流15.图5中的阴影部分代表大陆,另一部分代表海洋,图中等值线表示A.南半球7月等温线B.南半球1月等温线C.北半球7月等温线D.北半球1月等温线(七)读世界某区域图(图6)。

16.对巴厘岛区域特征的描述可信的是A.5月到9月为干季,为旅游旺季B.地势四周低中部高,森林覆盖率高C.四季如春,降水丰沛D.气旋活动频繁,多上升气流17. 酝酿在图6克拉地峡处开凿一条运河,此计划一旦实施,下列国家经济受冲击最大的是A.泰国B.缅甸C.新加坡D.马来西亚(八)读我国渭河流域图(图7)。

18.图示地区水土流失严重的原因,叙述正确的是A. 该地区降水丰沛,属于湿润气候区B. 该地区夏季降水集中,土质疏松,流水侵蚀严重C. 该地区地形平坦,水流缓慢D. 该地区气候寒冷,冰川作用强烈19.从图7中水库分布看,修建水库的主要意义是A. 旅游B. 发电C. 养殖D. 防治水土流失20.若在图7中A处建一水电站,则对渭河的影响有①流速降低②加快泥沙淤积③水位升高,河流水面变宽④水量减少A.①②③B.①③④C.②③④D.①②④(九)为了冬季采光,我国在居住区规划设计标准中,对不同纬度带住宅间的合理间距有明确规定。


表1 我国部分城市住宅的日照间距注:北京纬度为400N ;正午太阳高度=90度—X(X是直射点的纬度和所求点间的纬度差)21.表1中的4个城市所处纬度从低到高依次是A.①②③④B.①④③②C.②①③④D.②③④①22.根据表1中信息,在北京修建南北两栋20米高的住宅楼,其日照间距约为A.23米B.28米C.37米D.40米23.表1反映出我国建筑物的日照间距A.由南向北逐渐缩小B.由南向北逐渐扩大C.由西向东逐渐缩小D.由西向东逐渐扩大(十)地理信息技术是现代地理科学的重要技术手段,同时在人类社会活动的诸多方面得到广泛运用。










32.读“某地四个月气温和降水量分布图”,某地4月气温约为℃,1月降水量约为mm 。





















