extract inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators from LPS-stimulated mouse macrophages




2021年第42卷第3期云南中医中药杂志15•论著・基于网络药理学方法探讨荆芥-防风配伍治疗特应性皮炎的作用机制研究**基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81903968);江苏省自然科学基金(BK20191088)第一作者简介:施建新(1987 - ),男,主治医师,研究方向:皮肤美容与皮肤肿瘤。

△通信作者:李红敏,E - mail :lihongminl983@ 163. com施建新1,赵iff 2,闵仲生1,谭 城1,李红敏仏(1.江苏省中医院,江苏南京210029; 2.中国人民解放军东部战区总医院,江苏南京210000)摘要:目的 采用网络药理学和生物信息学方法筛选荆芥-防风配伍治疗特应性皮炎的作用靶点,探讨治疗特应性皮炎作用机制。

方法利用TCMSP 数据平台,以口服利用度和类药性分别筛选本配伍的有效活性 成分同时预测作用靶点、;从Uniprot 数据库检索中药靶点、所对应的人类基因,检索Genecard 和0MIM 数据库中 特应性皮炎相对应的基因,再将疾病基因与中药预测的靶点取交集,使用在线String 工具对疾病基因与中药的靶点交集进行PPI 互作分析。

采用Cytoscape 软件构建药物-成分-靶点-疾病调控网,将药物-疾病关键靶点蛋白进行GO 功能和KEGG 通路富集分析。

结果IL6、AKT1、TNF 等是荆芥-防风配伍治疗特应性皮炎的关键靶点,GO 富集分析分析显示荆芥-防风配伍治疗特应性皮炎关键靶点设计生物过程条目多条,KEGG 通 路分析显示IL17及TNF 信号通路是荆芥-防风配伍治疗特应性皮炎的主要机制通路。

结论 荆芥-防风药 对治疗特应性皮炎的机制可能与其干扰NF-k B 在IL17及TNF 信号通路中转录,影响炎症因子IL-6等相关。

关键词:网络药理学;荆芥-防风配伍;特应性皮炎;作用机制中图分类号:R285文献标志码:A文章编号:1007 - 2349(2021)03 - 0015 - 07Study on the Mechanism of Schizonepeta and Saposhnidoviae Campibility in the Treatmentof Atopic Dermatitis Based on the Method of Network PharmacologySHI Jian - xin 1, ZHAO Heng 2 , MIN Zhong - sheng 1, TAN Cheng 1, LI Hong - min 1(7. Jiangsu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Nanjing 210029, China ;2. General Hospital of Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People * s Liberation Army , Nanjing 210000, China)[Abstract] Objective : To explore the mechanism of Schizonepeta 一 Saposhnidoviae campibility in the treatment ofatopic dennatitis by using network pharmacology and bioinformatics methods to screen the targets. Methods : Based on the TCMSP data platform , the effective active ingredients of this compatibility were screened by oral availability anddrug 一 like properties and the targets were predicted at the same time. The corresponding human gene was searched for the target of traditional Chinese medicine from the Uniprot database , and the specificity of the corresponding genes todermatitis was searched in the Genecard and OMIM databases , and then the disease genes and the predicted targetswere taken to intersect , and the intersection of the disease genes and the targets were used to perform PPI interaction a-nalysis by the online String tool. Cytoscape software was used to construct a drug - component - target - disease regula ­tion network , and the drug 一 disease key target protein was analyzed for GO function and KEGG pathway enrichment.Results : IL6, AKT1, TNF , etc. were the key targets of Schizonepeta 一 Saposhnidoviae campibility in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. The GO enrichment analysis showed the key targets of Schizonepeta 一 Saposhnidoviae campibility in the treatment of atopic dermatitis were designed with multiple biological process items. KEGG pathway analysis showed the IL17 and TNF signaling pathways were the main mechanism pathways for the treatment of atopic dermatitis with16云南中医中药杂志2021年第42卷第3期Schizonepeta-Saposhnidoviae campibility.Conclusion:The mechanism of Schizonepeta-Saposhnidoviae campibility drugs in the treatment of atopic dermatitis may be related to its interference with the transcription of NF一k B in the IL17and TNF signaling pathways and the influence of the inflammatory factor IL-6.[Key words]Network pharmacology;Schizonepeta-Saposhnidoviae campibility;Atopic dermatitis;Mechanism of action特应性皮炎(atopicdermatitis,AD)是一种慢性瘙痒性且儿童发病率较高的皮肤病⑷o国外研究表明,在高收入国家中儿童AD发病率为15%-20%,成人AD发病率为1%~3%[2-3]o研究指出,AD发病的时间有可能会影响患者的临床病程和持续时间,所以2岁之前发病的患者,他们的症状改善及病程控制通常好于发病较晚的患者,但此结论仍需要进一步的调查证实⑷。



辛伐他汀治疗扩张型心肌病国外医学?心血管疾病分册辛伐他汀治疗扩张型心肌病符明龙卢竞前367【摘要】目的:探讨他汀类药物对非缺血性心力衰竭的治疗作用.方法:将36例特发性扩张型心肌病患者随机分为辛伐他汀组(一17)和安慰剂组(一19).在常规治疗的基础上,辛伐他汀组加用辛伐他汀,起始卉4量为5mg/d,4周后增至10mg/d.结果:治疗12后周,辛伐他汀组较安慰剂组血浆总胆固醇和低密度脂蛋白水平降低,心功能改善,左室射血分数提高,为(38.59±3.47)对(34.11±3.16)oA,P<0.01.血浆肿瘤坏死因子一a(TNF—a)和白介素(IL)一6水平在辛伐他汀组显着降低(P<0.01).结论:辛伐他汀可以显着改善扩张型心肌病心衰患者的心功能和血管内皮功能,提示他汀类药物可用于治疗非缺血性心力衰竭.【关键词】扩张型心肌病心力衰竭辛伐他汀炎症中图分类号:R542.2文献标识码:A文章编号:1001—0998(2005)06—0367—03 Simvastatinintreatmentofdilatedcardiomyo-inflammationandvascularprote ctiveeffects, wehypothesizedthatstatintherapyhasbeneficialeffectsinpatientswithnonisc hemicheartfailure.Methods: Thirtysixpatientswithnonischemicdilatedcardiomyopathywererandomlydi videdintotwogroups.Onegroup(n:17)receivedstatin(simvastatin),theothergroup(n~19)receivedplace boTheinitialdoseofsimv—astatinwas5mg/d.andincreasedto10mg/dafter4weeks.Results:After12week s,thegroupreceiving simvastatinexhibitedflreductioninplasmachlolesterolandLDLcomparedtop lacebogroup.NYHAcardiac functionclassinsimvastatingroupwasdecreasedascomparedwiththeplacebo group(P<O.05)andleftyen—tricularejectfraction(LVEF)wasimprovedinpatientstreatedwithsimvastatin butnotinplacebogroup.(38.59±3.47)%VS.(34.11±3.16)0A.TheplasmaconcentrationofTNF_aandI L_6weresignificantde—creasedinsimvastatingroup(P<0.O1).Conclusions:Simvastatincanimpro vecardicfunctionandendotheliumfunctioninpatientswithnonischemiccardiomyopathy.Itsuggeststhatstatinma yhavetherapeuticbenefitsinnonis-chemicheartfailure.[Keywords]DilatedcardiomyopathyHeartfailureSimvastatinInflammation 扩张型心肌病的联合药物治疗包括洋地黄类,血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI),钙拮抗剂,8受体阻滞剂和利尿剂L1],慢性心力衰竭(CHF)是其主要死亡原因之一.他汀类药物可以降低冠心病和高脂血症患者的a一肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-a)水平,改善血管内皮作者单位:650000昆明医学院附属第一医院心内科功能,通过降脂,减少缺血性心脏事件而降低CHF的发生率[2].由于他汀类药物可以改善血管内皮功能和抑制全身炎症反应[3],因此,我们推测他汀类药物可能可以改善非缺血性心肌病患者的心功能.1对象和方法1.1研究对象人选特发性扩张型心肌病患者36例,其中男368性21例,女性15例,平均年龄(50±3.5)岁,NY—HA心功能分级Ⅱ~Ⅲ级.所有患者均有CHF症状,且左室射血分数(LVEF)%409/6.排除缺血性心脏病以及瓣膜疾病引起的CHF,慢性阻塞性肺病,高血压,风湿性关节炎,败血症和严重的肝病. 1.2方法36例患者随机分为辛伐他汀组(72=17)和安慰剂组(,z一19),所有患者均接受常规药物治疗. 辛伐他汀组加用辛伐他汀,起始剂量为5mg/d,4周后增至10mg/d,至12周试验结束.1.2.1血浆TNF—a和白介素(IL)一6测定两组患者在试验前后分别取静脉血液标本.采血前患者至少平卧30min.血标本装在EDTA抗凝管内,离心分离血浆冻存在一70℃至待用.血浆TNF—a和IL一6用ELISA法检测.1.2.2LVEF测定两组患者于试验前后接受二维超声检查,测定LVEF,以评价治疗前后的心功能变化.2005年11月第32卷第6期1.2.3血管内皮功能评价血管内皮功能通过缺血一再灌注后肱动脉内径的变化来间接评价. 利用10一MHz线阵获得右侧肱动脉内径后,以血压表袖袋加压至200mmHg以上,持续5min,松开袖袋使血流再通,于1min后再次观测肱动脉内径.比较缺血一再灌注后肱动脉内径的增加程度.1.3统计学处理计量资料用t检验,等级资料用X检验,P<0.05有统计学意义.2结果2.1治疗前后两组患者的基本情况两组患者的年龄,性别构成,NYHA心功能分级,血液动力血参数及血脂水平均元统计学差异.用药12周后,辛伐他汀组的总胆固醇,低密度脂蛋白(LDL)降低,NYHA分级改善,LVEF增加;甘油三酯(TG),高密度脂蛋白(HDL)及血压,心率两组元差异(见表1).表1治疗前后两组患者的基本情况与治疗前相比,’:Pd0.05;△:Pd0.012.2治疗前后血浆TNF—a和IL-6的变化安慰剂组的血浆TNF—a和IL一6在治疗前后元变化.辛伐他汀组的血浆TNF—a和IL一6在治疗后显着降低(见表2).表2治疗前后血浆TNF-Ix和IL一6(pg/m1) TNF_aIL.6治疗前治疗后治疗前治疗后辛伐他汀组2.84±0.442.32±±0.332.32±0.29 安慰剂组2.74±0.402.98±0.272.82±0.282.93±0.23# 治疗前后组内比较,:P<0.O1;治疗后两组问比较,#:P<0.O12.3治疗前后血管内皮功能的变化辛伐他汀组的血管内皮功能在治疗后显着改善,而在安慰剂组元差异(见表3).表3治疗前后两组患者右侧肱动脉缺血一再灌注后内径的增加程度()肱动脉内径增加治疗前治疗后治疗前后组内比较,.:P<0.01;治疗后两组间比较, △.P<0.013讨论在本研究中,辛伐他汀组心功能的改善可以部分用降低全身炎症反应状态解释.他汀类药物减少TNF—a和IL一6的释放,减轻这些细胞因子对心肌收缩的抑制作用,改善心功能.他汀类药国外医学?心血管疾病分册物还可以减少缺血一再灌注时的心肌细胞凋亡L4j. 他汀类药物减少基质金属蛋白酶(MMPs)的合成],平衡MMPs/基质金属蛋白酶组织抑制因子(TIMPs)的相互作用,调节细胞外基质的合成和降解,调节心衰的重构过程.动物实验表明,敲除MMP一9基因可以减少心梗后的左室扩张L7]. 他汀类药物还可以通过减少蛋白酪氨酸的硝基化,抑制心脏的重构.辛伐他汀可以改善血管内皮功能.他汀类药物抑制TNF_a诱导的Rho活性,上调内皮一氧化氮合物(eNOs),增加血管内皮NO的合成,同时减少内皮素(ET)一1的生成.他汀类药物抑制血管紧张素Ⅱ诱导的P’ras的类异戊二烯化,而P’ras的类异戊二烯化是组装NADPH氧化酶的关键步骤门;他汀类药物抑制Nox4和p47phox的表达,降低NADPH氧化酶活性L12];还可以通过活化硫氧还原蛋白,减少HO的形成.总之,其净效应为血管组织NO含量增加,内皮依赖的血管舒张功能改善.他汀类药物可以改善扩张型心脏病心衰者的心功能和血管内皮功能,可能在非缺血性心衰中有治疗作用.234参考文献BraunwaldE,BristowMR.Congestiveheartfailurelfiftyyears ofprogress.Circulation,2000;1O2(1):14~23FerroD,ParrottoS,BasiliS,eta1.Simvastatininhibitsthe monocyteerpressionofproinflammatorycytokinesinpa—tientswithhypercholesterolemia.JAmCollCardiol,2000}36(2):427431AlbertMA,DanielsonE.RifaiN,eta1.Effectofstatin therapyonC—reactiveproteinlevels:thepravastatininflam—mation/CRPevaluation(PRINCE).Arandomizedtria1and 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马齿苋中抗炎活性物质的提取、分离及结构鉴定张会敏1,邢岩2,仇润慷1,张丽梅2,倪贺3,赵雷1*(1.华南农业大学食品学院,广东广州 510642)(2.国珍健康科技(北京)有限公司,北京 100000)(3.华南师范大学生命科学学院,广东广州 510640)摘要:以活性物质示踪为导向,建立脂多糖诱导的RAW264.7巨噬细胞炎症模型对马齿苋中的抗炎物质进行跟踪,采用柱层析提取法、硅胶柱色谱分离法、制备液相色谱法及气相色谱-质谱联用技术对抗炎物质进行提取分离和结构鉴定。

结果表明,石油醚-乙醇、无水乙醇和纯水溶剂依次对马齿苋样品进行提取,三种粗提物将细胞中一氧化氮(Nitric Oxide,NO)的分泌量分别减少至33.13、25.83和20.53 μmol/L,其中石油醚相粗提物的抑制效果最强(P<0.05)。


Fr.3组分经硅胶柱分离得到三个组分,Fr.3.1组分表现出最强的抑制NO的分泌量效果(11.80 μmol/L)。



关键词:马齿苋;抗炎活性;提取分离;鉴定文章编号:1673-9078(2024)03-191-199 DOI: 10.13982/j.mfst.1673-9078.2024.3.0324Extraction, Separation and Structural Identification of Anti-inflammatory Active Substances from Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.)ZHANG Huimin1, XING Y an2, QIU Runkang1, ZHAGN Limei2, NI He3, ZHAO Lei1*(1.College of Food Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China)(2.Guozhen Health Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd., Beijing 100000, China)(3.College of Life Sciences, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510640, China)Abstract: To track the anti-inflammatory substances in purslane, the lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW264.7 macrophage inflammation model was established, which was guided by the tracer of active substances. The extraction, separation and structural identification of anti-inflammatory substances in purslane were performed by column chromatography (for extraction), silica gel column chromatography (for separation), and preparative high performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (for analyses). The results showed that the three crude extracts obtained from purslane through sequential extractions with petroleum ether-ethanol, anhydrous ethanol and pure引文格式:张会敏,邢岩,仇润慷,等.马齿苋中抗炎活性物质的提取、分离及结构鉴定[J] .现代食品科技,2024,40(3):191-199.ZHANG Huimin, XING Yan, QIU Runkang, et al. Extraction, separation and structural identification of anti-inflammatory active substances from purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) [J] . Modern Food Science and Technology, 2024, 40(3): 191-199.收稿日期:2023-03-16基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(31771980);广东省自然科学基金(2023A1515012599)作者简介:张会敏(1996-),女,硕士研究生,研究方向:活性物质分离提取,E-mail:;共同第一作者:邢岩(1981-),女,博士,助理研究员,研究方向:抗氧化与抗衰老,E-mail:通讯作者:赵雷(1982-),男,博士,教授,研究方向:天然产物绿色修饰及热带水果加工,E-mail:191water solvents reduced the secretion of nitric oxide (NO) in the cells to 33.13, 25.83 and 20.53 μmol/L, respectively, with the crude petroleum ether extract exhibiting the strongest inhibitory effect (P<0.05). The petroleum ether phase was further separated into four fractions, with the Fr.1, Fr.2 and Fr.3 fractions had stronger anti-inflammatory effects, though the Fr.1 and Fr.2 fractions contained potential toxic components. Therefore, the Fr.3 fraction was selected for further separation. The Fr.3 fraction was separated through a silica gel column to obtain three fractions. The Fr.3.1 subfraction exhibited the strongest inhibitory effect against the NO secretion (11.80 μmol/L). The Fr.3.1 subfraction was further purified by the preparative liquid chromatography and GC-MS analysis, and the main components of the Fr.3.1 subfraction were identified as stearic acid (47.09%), di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (13.21%) and other components. This study established a method for separating and purifying anti-inflammatory substances from purslane, and provides a theoretical reference for the development and utilization of purslane.Key words: Portulaca oleracea L.; anti-inflammatory activity; extraction and isolation; identification炎症是机体受到外部刺激时做出的一种保护性生理反应,能够及时清除体内受损或死亡的细胞,帮助机体恢复内部平衡[1] 。


摘 要: 以低温脱脂大豆粕为原料提取大豆分离蛋白,在碱提和酸沉等不同过程中加入适当比例的葡萄糖,利用喷雾 干燥法促使大豆分离蛋白与葡萄糖发生美拉德反应。 在确定最佳提取条件与喷粉进风温度基础上对大豆蛋白的溶解 性、乳化性等功能性质的影响进行研究。结果表明,在碱提阶段和 pH 回调阶段加入葡萄糖,大豆分离蛋白的溶解性都 会随葡萄糖比例升高而降低。 当豆粕与葡萄糖质量比为 1 ∶ 2、 大豆分离蛋白与葡萄糖质量比为 2 ∶ 1 时溶解度最低,为 20 %,相反,对它的乳化性有促进作用。 关键词: 大豆分离蛋白;葡萄糖;喷雾干燥法;美拉德反应;改性
Food Research And Development
2017 年 5 月 第 38 卷第 9 期
葡萄糖对提取过程中大豆分离蛋白性质的 影响
王天宇 (青岛市产品质量检验技术研究所,山东 青岛 266000)
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山东医药2023 年第 63 卷第 17 期岩白菜素对脂多糖诱导小胶质细胞炎症反应的抑制作用及其分子机制高佳,宋晓东,王敏蚌埠医学院第一附属医院康复医学科,安徽蚌埠233004摘要:目的 探讨岩白菜素对脂多糖(LPS )诱导的BV2小胶质细胞炎症反应模型的影响以及其机制是否与调控小胶质细胞M1/M2表型极化相关。

方法 BV2小胶质细胞分为对照组、LPS 组、LPS+低剂量岩白菜素组、LPS+高剂量岩白菜素组,LPS+低剂量岩白菜素组、LPS+高剂量岩白菜素组分别加入10 µmol /L 、100 µmol /L 的岩白菜素预处理2 h 后与LPS 组一起加入LPS 刺激诱导炎症反应模型,对照组正常培养不做任何处理。

各组置于倒置显微镜下观察细胞形态变化,Western blotting 法检测细胞M1型小胶质细胞分泌型标志物一氧化氮诱导合酶(iNOS )、M2型小胶质细胞分泌型标志物精氨酸1(Arg -1)蛋白表达。

结果 对照组细胞呈梭形,胞体小,有较少的分支形成;LPS 组细胞胞体变大,细胞分支增多,呈阿米巴样;LPS+低剂量岩白菜素组、LPS+高剂量岩白菜素组细胞形态均较LPS 组有改善,胞体变圆,分支减少。

细胞iNOS 蛋白表达对照组、LPS+高剂量岩白菜素组、LPS+低剂量岩白菜素组>LPS 组;细胞Arg -1蛋白表达LPS 组>iNOS 蛋白表达对照组、LPS+高剂量岩白菜素组、LPS+低剂量岩白菜素组(P 均<0.05)。

结论 岩白菜素可抑制LPS 诱导的小胶质细胞炎症反应,该作用可能通过促进小胶质细胞向M2表型极化实现。

关键词:岩白菜素;小胶质细胞;脂多糖;一氧化氮诱导合酶;精氨酸1;炎症反应doi :10.3969/j.issn.1002-266X.2023.17.006中图分类号:R285 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-266X (2023)17-0026-03Inhibitory effect of bergenin on LPS -induced inflammatory response of microglia and its molecular mechanismGAO Jia , SONG Xiaodong , WANG MinDepartment of Rehabilitation Medicine , The First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College , Bengbu 233004, ChinaAbstract : Objective To investigate the effect of bergenin (BGN ) on the lipopolysaccharide (LPS )-induced inflam‐matory response model of BV2 microglia and whether its mechanism is related to the regulation of M1/M2 phenotype polar‐ization of microglia. Methods BV2 microglial cells were divided into the control group , LPS group , LPS+ low -dose BGN group , and LPS+ high -dose BGN group. Cells in the LPS+ low -dose and LPS+ high -dose BGN groups were pretreated with 10 µmol /L and 100 µmol /L bergenin for 2 h , respectively , and cells in the LPS group , LPS+ low -dose BGN group and LPS+ high -dose BGN group were added with LPS to stimulate and induce inflammatory response models. Cells in thecontrol group were cultured normally without any treatment. The morphological changes of cells in each group were ob‐served under an inverted microscope. The expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS ) in M1 microglia and argi‐nine 1 (Arg -1) in M2 microglia were detected by Western blotting. Results In the control group , the cells were fusi‐form , with small cell bodies and fewer branches. The cell body of the LPS group was enlarged and the cell branches in‐creased. Compared with the LPS group , the cell morphology of the LPS+ low -dose BGN group and LPS+ high -dose BGN group was improved , and the cell bodies became round and the branches were reduced. The iNOS protein expression was higher in the control group , LPS+ high -dose BGN group , and LPS+ low -dose BGN group than in the LPS group ; and theArg -1 protein expression was higher in LPS group than in the control group , LPS+ high -dose BGN group and LPS+ low -基金项目:安徽省中医药领军人才建设项目[康复(2018-23-1)];蚌埠医学院2022年度研究生科研创新计划立项项目(Byycxz22013);袁祖华名老中医工作室项目[皖中函(2013)56号]。



白藜芦醇减轻脂多糖诱导的小鼠急性肺损伤粟青;李文浩;朱爱萍;曾晓凤;陈磊;刘佳贝;孙国瑛【摘要】目的观察白藜芦醇在脂多糖(LPS)诱导的急性肺损伤(ALI)小鼠中的作用,以及白藜芦醇对小鼠肺组织NOD样受体蛋白3(NLRP3)表达的影响.方法将小鼠分为对照组,ALI模型组(经气管滴注5 mg/kg的LPS建立小鼠ALI模型),白藜芦醇干预组(经腹腔注射30 mg/kg白藜芦醇,2 h后,经气管滴注5 mg/kg的LPS).检测小鼠呼吸功能;HE染色及病理评分观察小鼠肺组织形态的变化;检测支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中总蛋白、总细胞数及中性粒细胞数目,并观察中性粒细胞的活化;ELISA检测BALF中IL-1β和IL-18的蛋白水平;real-time PCR检测小鼠肺组织IL-1β、IL-18、nlrp3、asc及pro-caspase-1 mRNA的表达;Western blot检测肺组织IκB的蛋白表达.结果白藜芦醇可改善ALI小鼠的呼吸功能;减轻LPS诱导的肺部病理损伤;降低ALI小鼠BALF中IL-1β和IL-18的蛋白水平(P<0.05);减少ALI 小鼠肺组织NLRP3、ASC、pro-caspase-1的表达,增加IκB的蛋白表达(P<0.05).结论白藜芦醇可能抑制NLPR3炎性反应小体活化后产物的表达,最终可减轻LPS 诱导的小鼠ALI.【期刊名称】《基础医学与临床》【年(卷),期】2019(039)008【总页数】6页(P1125-1130)【关键词】白藜芦醇;急性肺损伤;脂多糖;炎性反应小体【作者】粟青;李文浩;朱爱萍;曾晓凤;陈磊;刘佳贝;孙国瑛【作者单位】湖南师范大学医学院基础医学系, 湖南长沙410013;中南大学基础医学院, 湖南长沙410078;湖南师范大学医学院临床专业本科生,湖南长沙410013;湖南师范大学医学院基础医学系, 湖南长沙410013;湖南师范大学医学院临床专业本科生,湖南长沙410013;湖南师范大学医学院临床专业本科生,湖南长沙410013;湖南师范大学医学院临床专业本科生,湖南长沙410013;湖南师范大学医学院基础医学系, 湖南长沙410013;中南大学基础医学院, 湖南长沙410078【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R392.8急性肺损伤 (acute lung injury,ALI) 是由中性粒细胞和促炎细胞的聚集、炎性介质产生引起的肺内炎性反应和气体交换受损的临床急危重。



依卡倍特钠对反流性食管炎大鼠食管黏膜的保护作用及可能机制中国医科大学附属第一医院(沈阳110001)杨柳孙明军黄玉红△摘要目的:探讨依卡倍特钠(E S)对反流性食管炎大鼠食管黏膜病变的保护作用及其机 制。

方法:采用食管十二指肠吻合术建立大鼠R E模型,进行药物干预。

H E染色检测各组大鼠食 管黏膜损伤情况;E L ISA检测各组大鼠血清炎症因子水平;Real-time P C R检测食管内TN Fa、IL-1、Cox2 m R N A表达;W estern b lo t检测食管内E R K及P38通路活化。

结果:E S低、中、高浓度干 预不同程度缓解了食管黏膜病变,降低血清中TN Fa、IL-ip水平及食管中TN Fa、IL-l、C〇x2表达 (P<0. 05),抑制E R K及P38通路的异常活化(P<0. 05)。

结论:E S通过抑制M A PK信号通路抑 制TN Fa、IL-l、C〇x2的表达,影响炎症因子的释放和炎症发生,从而缓解食管黏膜病变。

主题词食管炎/药物疗法黏膜保护剂/药理学胃食管反流@M A PK信号通路大鼠【中图分类号】R392.5 【文献标识码】A doi:10.3969/j.issn.l000-7377.2016.11.0(M Esophageal mucosa protective effects and its mechanism ofEcabet sodium in rat reflux esophagitisThe First Hospital of China Medical University(Shenyang 110001) Yang Liu Sun Mngjun Huang Yuhong ABSTRACT O bjective:To inquire into the esophageal m ucosa protective effects of Ecabet sodium(E S) in rat reflux esophagitis (R E) and its possible m echanism. M ethods:T he operation of end-to-side anastom osis of the e­sophagus and duodenum was perform ed to establish rat RE model. Esophageal m ucosa lesion was examined by H E stain. T he level of T N Fa and IL-1(3 in sera was determ ined by ELISA. T he level of TN Fa? IL-1 and Cox2 in esopha­geal tissues were detected by Real-tim e PCR. T he activation of ERK and P38 was detected by w estern blot. R esults:L ow,middle and high concentration ES intervention showed different levels of alleviation of esophageal m ucosa dis­ease, decreased the level of T N Fa and IL-1(3 in serum and TN Fa? IL-1,Cox2 in esophagus (P〈0. 05). O therw ise, ES inhibited the abnorm ality activation of ERK and P38(P<C〇. 05). C onclusion:By inhibiting the M A PK signaling pathw ays and suppress the expression of TN Fa? IL-1 and C ox2, ES thereby inhibits the release of inflam m atory cy­tokines and inflam m ation, and as a result reduces esophageal m ucosal lesions in RE model.KEY WORDS Ecabet sodium Reflux E sophagitis/drug therapy D em ullents/pharm acology G astroe­sophageal reflux @M A PK signaling pathw ay R ats胃食管反流病(Gastroesophageal reflux disease,G E R D)严重时可导致Barrett食管及食管癌[1]。



白扁豆提取工艺流程英文回答:White kidney bean extraction is a process that involves extracting the active compounds from white kidney beans for various purposes, such as dietary supplements or food additives. The process typically consists of several steps, including cleaning, soaking, grinding, and extracting.Firstly, the white kidney beans need to be cleaned to remove any impurities or foreign materials. This can be done by rinsing the beans with water and removing any damaged or discolored beans.After cleaning, the beans are soaked in water for a certain period of time. Soaking helps to soften the beans and loosen the outer skin, making it easier to extract the desired compounds. The soaking time can vary depending on the specific extraction method and desired outcome.Once the beans are soaked, they are ground into a fine powder. This can be done using a grinder or a milling machine. Grinding the beans increases the surface area, allowing for better extraction of the active compounds.After grinding, the next step is extraction. There are different methods of extraction that can be used, such as solvent extraction or water extraction. Solvent extraction involves using a solvent, such as ethanol or methanol, to dissolve the active compounds from the powdered beans. Water extraction, on the other hand, involves using water as the solvent to extract the desired compounds. The choice of extraction method depends on the specific requirements and intended use of the extracted compounds.Once the extraction is complete, the extract is typically filtered to remove any solid particles or impurities. This can be done using a filtration system or by using filter paper.The final step is drying the extract. This can be done by evaporating the solvent or by using a drying machine.The dried extract can then be further processed or used as is, depending on the intended application.Overall, the process of white kidney bean extraction involves cleaning, soaking, grinding, extracting, filtering, and drying. Each step is important in ensuring the quality and purity of the extracted compounds.中文回答:白扁豆提取是一个涉及从白扁豆中提取活性化合物的过程,用于各种目的,如膳食补充剂或食品添加剂。







[关键词]质子泵抑制剂;应激性溃疡[中图分类号]R969.3[文献标志码]B[文章编号]1008-9926(2015)5-0446-03[DOI]10.3969/j.issn.1008-9926.2015.05.025Rational Use of Proton Pump Inhibitor Injection for Preventing Stress Gastric UlcerLI Dong-mei,LI Xiao-yun,YIN Xiao-feiDepartment of Pharmacy,the251st Hospital of PLA,Zhangjiakou075000,China[Abstract]Objective To introduce methods and effects of rational use of proton pump inhibitor injection for preventing stress gastric ulcer.Methods Management standards were formulated,specific prescription evaluation was conducted and strict measures of punishment were taken.Results Irrational use of proton pump inhibitor injection for preventing stress gastric ulcer was curbed effectively.Conclusion These measures for rational use of drugs have achieved good effects.[Key words]proton pump inhibitor injection;stress gastric ulcer质子泵抑制剂(Proton pump inhibitors,PPIs)是一类抑制胃酸分泌的新型药物,由于其制酸效果好,安全性高而广泛用于胃肠道溃疡出血的治疗和预防,但在合理用药监测中发现,PPIs在预防应激性溃疡(Stress ulcer,SU)使用中存在着无指征用药、溶媒及溶媒量错误、不注意使用时限、剂量偏大、疗程偏长等不合理现象。



苦荞黄酮提取物通过抑制NF -κB 信号通路减轻蛛网膜下腔出血模型大鼠神经炎症和氧化应激①艾奇渊 王勇② 徐瑞春 彭臻 李劲松 (贵州医科大学第三附属医院神经外科,都匀 558000)中图分类号 R285.5 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1000-484X (2023)10-2132-06[摘要] 目的:探索苦荞黄酮提取物减轻蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH )模型大鼠神经炎症和氧化应激的作用机制。


Longa 分级评估神经功能缺损;干湿重法测定脑含水量;伊文思蓝染料外渗实验检测大脑血脑屏障通透性;ELISA 检测血清TNF -α、IL -6、IL -1β水平和脑组织中上述炎症因子及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD )、丙二醛(MDA )和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH -Px )水平;Western blot 检测大鼠脑皮质中细胞外调节蛋白激酶/核转录因子κB (ERK/NF -κB )信号通路蛋白表达。

结果:与模型组相比,尼莫地平组和苦荞黄酮提取物中、高剂量组大鼠神经功能缺损评分、脑含水量、伊文思蓝渗出量、血清及脑组织TNF -α、IL -6和IL -1β水平、脑组织MDA 水平及MMP -9、p -ERK/ERK 和p -NF -κB P65/NF -κB P65蛋白量明显下降,脑组织中SOD 和GSH -Px 水平明显上升(P <0.05)。

结论:苦荞黄酮提取物通过抑制ERK/NF -κB 信号通路蛋白表达,减缓大鼠神经炎症和氧化应激反应,发挥对SAH 造成的脑损伤的治疗作用。

[关键词] 苦荞黄酮提取物;蛛网膜下腔出血;神经炎症;氧化应激;NF -κB 信号通路Mechanism of fagopyrum tataricum flavonoids extract on alleviating neuro -inflammation and oxidative stress in rats with subarachnoid hemorrhage byinhibiting NF -κB signaling pathwayAI Qiyuan , WANG Yong , XU Ruichun , PENG Zhen , LI Jinsong. Department of Neurosurgery , the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University , Duyun 558000, China[Abstract ] Objective :To explore the mechanism of fagopyrum tataricum flavonoids extract on alleviating neuroinflammationand oxidative stress in rats with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH ). Methods :A total of 60 rats were randomly divided into sham opera‑tion group , model group , nimodipine group , low -dose , medium -dose and high -dose fagopyrum tataricum flavonoids extract groups , with 10 cases in each group. Neurological deficits were evaluated by Longa grading. Water content of brain was measured by wet -dry weighting method. Permeability of blood -brain barrier was tested by Evans blue dye extravasation assay. Levels of TNF -α, IL -6 and IL -1β in serum and brain tissues , and levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD ), malondialdehyde (MDA ) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH -Px ) in brain tissues were detected by ELISA. Expressions of extracellular regulatory protein kinase/nuclear factor κB (ERK/ NF -κB ) signaling pathway proteins in brain cortex were detected by Western blot. Results :Compared with model group , scores of neu‑rological deficits , water content of brain , exudation volume of Evans blue dye , levels of TNF -α, IL -6 and IL -1β in serum and brain tissues , MDA level in brain tissues , MMP -9, p -ERK/ERK and p -NF -κB P65/NF -κB P65 were significantly decreased , while levels of SOD and GSH -Px in brain tissues were significantly increased in nimodipine group , medium -dose and high -dose fagopyrum tataricum flavonoids extract groups (P <0.05). Conclusion :Fagopyrum tataricum flavonoids extract can alleviate neuroinflammation and oxida‑tive stress in rats by inhibiting expressions of ERK/NF -κB signaling pathway proteins , thus exerting curative effect on SAH -inducedbrain injury.[Key words ] Fagopyrum tataricum flavonoids extract ;Subarachnoid hemorrhage ;Neuroinflammation ;Oxidative stress ;NF -κBsignaling pathway蛛网膜下腔出血(subarachnoid hemorrhage ,SAH )指脑底部或表面病变血管破裂,血液直接流入蛛网膜引起的临床综合征,虽然血管介入技术等治疗方法已取得很大进展,但SAH 患者预后仍不乐观,早期脑损伤是SAH 患者死亡的主要原因[1-2]。



黄酮类中药单体对肺纤维化信号通路调控作用的研究进展Δ蒙建华 1*,刘锐 2,潘玲 2 #,罗珍贞 2,宋伟贤 1,陆珏 1(1.广西中医药大学研究生院,南宁 530004;2.广西中医药大学附属瑞康医院呼吸与危重症医学科,南宁 530001)中图分类号 R 96;R 285 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-0408(2023)18-2293-06DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2023.18.22摘要 肺纤维化是一种慢性、进行性、不可逆的间质性肺疾病,目前尚无治疗肺纤维化的特效药。


黄芪总黄酮、灯盏花乙素等可通过干预转化生长因子-β/果蝇MAD 蛋白信号通路减轻炎症细胞浸润,减轻肺损伤和细胞外基质(ECM )沉积;镰形棘豆总黄酮、红景天苷可通过介导JAK/信号转导及转录激活因子信号通路抑制肺组织炎症反应,阻止上皮间质转化(EMT )进程;槲皮素、银杏叶提取物等可通过抑制核因子κB 信号通路来减少巨噬细胞凋亡,发挥抗肺纤维化作用;漆黄素、原花青素可通过磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶/蛋白激酶B/哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白信号通路,促使肌成纤维细胞形态学恢复,减少ECM 沉积;柚皮素、木犀草素可通过NOD 样受体热蛋白结构域相关蛋白3信号通路抑制巨噬细胞焦亡和炎症反应,改善肺功能及肺组织损伤;余甘子醇提物、毛蕊异黄酮可通过激活核转录因子红系2相关因子2/抗氧化响应元件信号通路,改善肺组织炎症损伤和纤维化;异甘草素则可通过抑制胞外信号调节激酶信号通路阻止上皮细胞表型转化,逆转EMT 进展。


关键词 肺纤维化;黄酮类;中药单体;作用机制;信号通路Research progress of the regulation effect of traditional Chinese medicine monomer of flavonoids on the pulmonary fibrosis signaling pathwayMENG Jianhua 1,LIU Rui 2,PAN Ling 2,LUO Zhenzhen 2,SONG Weixian 1,LU Jue 1(1. Graduate School , GuangxiUniversity of Chinese Medicine ,Nanning 530004,China ;2. Dept. of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine ,Ruikang Hospital Affiliated to Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine , Nanning 530001, China )ABSTRACTPulmonary fibrosis is a chronic , progressive and irreversible interstitial lung disease. At present , there is no specificdrug for the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis , and many TCM monomers have potential therapeutic value for pulmonary fibrosis , among which flavonoids are the main representative. For example , total flavones of Astragalus memeranaceus and scutellarin can reduce inflammatory cell infiltration , lung injury and extracellular matrix (ECM ) deposition by interfering with transforming growth factor-β1/drosophila MAD protein signaling pathway. Total flavonoids of Oxytropis falcata Bunge and salidroside can inhibit lung inflammation by mediating JAK/signal transduction and transcriptional activator signaling pathway , and prevent the epithelial interstitial transition (EMT ) process. Quercetin and Ginkgo biloba leaf extract can reduce the apoptosis of macrophages by inhibiting the nuclear factor-κB signaling pathway and play an anti-pulmonary fibrosis role. Urushetin and proanthocyanidins can promote the morphological recovery of myofibroblasts and reduce ECM deposition through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B/mammalian target protein of rapamycin signaling pathway. Naringin and luteolin can inhibit scorch death of macrophage and inflammation response , and improve lung function and lung tissue injury through NOD-like receptor heat protein domain related protein 3 signaling pathway. The ethanol extract of Phyllanthus emblica and calycosin can improve the inflammatory injury and fibrosis of lung tissue by activating the signaling pathway of nuclear transcription factor erythro 2-related factor 2/antioxidant response element. Isogliquiritin can inhibit the phenotypic transformation of epithelial cells and reverse EMT progression by inhibiting extracellular signal-regulating kinase signaling pathway. In the future , scholars should consider developing appropriatedrug carriers to improve their bioavailability and further study drug targets and pathways , to provide evidence for the development of traditional Chinese medicine monomers of flavonoids into clinical practice.KEYWORDSpulmonary fibrosis ; flavonoid ; traditionalChinese medicine monomer ; mechanism ;signaling pathwayΔ 基金项目国家自然科学基金项目(No.81860829);广西自然科学基金项目(No.2020GXNSFAA 297158);广西中医药大学自然科学研究项目(No.2019MS 031)*第一作者硕士研究生。



cGAS-STING 信号通路调节剂在免疫治疗中的研究进展娄方宁1,郑明月2,陈凯先1,2*,张素林2**(1中国药科大学药学院, 南京211198;2中国科学院上海药物研究所, 原创新药研究全国重点实验室,药物发现与设计中心, 上海 201203)摘 要 环鸟嘌呤-腺嘌呤核苷酸合成酶(cGAS )-干扰素基因刺激蛋白(STING )信号通路感知细胞质中的异常双链DNA 后,诱导Ⅰ型干扰素(IFN- Ⅰ )和促炎细胞因子表达,从而激活宿主的免疫应答,增强机体抗肿瘤免疫反应和抗病原体感染。

但是,cGAS-STING 信号通路的持续激活会驱动自身免疫性疾病、衰老相关炎症和神经退行性病变等疾病。

本文阐述了cGAS-STING 信号通路参与调控多种免疫相关性疾病发生发展的机制,重点回顾了STING 激动剂、cGAS 抑制剂以及STING 抑制剂的研发进展,为cGAS-STING 调节剂的研发提供更多理论参考。

关键词 cGAS-STING 信号通路;STING 激动剂;cGAS 抑制剂;STING 抑制剂;免疫治疗中图分类号 R914.2 文献标志码 A文章编号 1000−5048(2024)01−0015−11doi :10.11665/j.issn.1000−5048.2023112402引用本文 娄方宁,郑明月,陈凯先,等. cGAS-STING 信号通路调节剂在免疫治疗中的研究进展[J]. 中国药科大学学报,2024,55(1):15 −25.Cite this article as: LOU Fangning, ZHENG Mingyue, CHEN Kaixian, et al . Research progress of cGAS-STING signaling pathway modulators in immunotherapy[J]. J China Pharm Univ , 2024, 55(1): 15 − 25.Research progress of cGAS-STING signaling pathway modulators in immunotherapyLOU Fangning 1, ZHENG Mingyue 2, CHEN Kaixian 1,2*, ZHANG Sulin 2**1School of Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 211198; 2Drug Discovery and Design Center, State KeyLaboratory of Drug Research, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, ChinaAbstract Upon monitoring cytoplasmic aberrant double-stranded DNA, cGAS-STING signaling pathway induces the expression of type I interferons and pro-inflammatory cytokines, which activates the host immune response and enhances anti-tumor immune response and resistance to pathogen infection. However, sustained activation of the cGAS-STING signaling pathway drives diseases such as autoimmune diseases, aging-associated inflammation, and neurodegenerative pathologies. Herein, we describe the mechanism by which cGAS-STING signaling pathway participates in regulating the development of various immune-related diseases, with a particular review of the research and development progress of STING agonists, cGAS inhibitors, and STING inhibitors, aiming to provide some theoretical reference for the future development of cGAS-STING modulators.Key words cGAS-STING signaling pathway; STING agonist; cGAS inhibitor; STING inhibitor; immunotherapyThis study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. T2225002, No.82273855); the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2022YFC3400504); CAS Youth Innovation Promotion Association (No.2023296); and the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai (No. 22ZR1474300)收稿日期 2023-11-24 通信作者 *Tel :************ E-mail :**************.cn**Tel :************ E-mail :***************.cn基金项目 国家自然科学基金项目(No. T2225002;82273855);国家重点研发计划项目(No. 2022YFC3400504);中国科学院青年创新促进会资助项目(No. 2023296);上海市自然科学基金项目(No. 22ZR1474300)学报 2024, 55(1): 15 − 2515先天免疫系统依靠模式识别受体(pattern recognition receptors, PRRs ),如细胞膜上的Toll 样受体(Toll-like receptors, TLRs ),以及细胞内的DNA 感受器等[1],监测细胞外危险信号和细胞内的一些自我或非我成分,从而快速激活宿主免疫系统,产生针对入侵病原体、凋亡或受损组织细胞的免疫反应[2]。



甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑对老年全身麻醉诱导期血流动力学的影响杜晨,田刚 (十堰市人民医院/湖北医药学院附属人民医院麻醉手术中心,湖北十堰 442000)[摘要] 目的 探讨甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑对老年患者全身麻醉诱导期血流动力学的影响。

方法 选择于我院行气管插管全身麻醉的非心脏手术老年患者90例,随机均分为甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑组(R组)和依托咪酯组(E组)。

麻醉诱导时,给予R组患者甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑0.3 mg/kg,给予E组患者依托咪酯0.3 mg/kg。


统计2组患者诱导时间、拔管时间、拔管后5 min时的Ramsay镇静评分、出麻醉后恢复室(PACU)时间、手术时间、麻醉时间及不良反应发生率。

结果 2组患者T0时MAP、HR、BIS比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);R组患者T1、T2时MAP高于E组患者(P<0.05),T2时HR低于E组患者(P<0.05);与T0时比较,R组患者T1、T2时的HR、MAP和BIS均降低,E组患者T1、T2时MAP和BIS均降低,T1时HR下降,T2时HR升高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。




结论 相较于依托咪酯,甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑用于老年患者全身麻醉诱导血流动力学更稳定,不良反应更少。

[关键词]甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑;依托咪酯;老年患者;麻醉诱导;血流动力学[中图分类号]R614 [文献标志码]A [收稿日期]2023-01-31Effect of remimazolam tosylate on hemodynamics during the induction of general anesthesia in the elderly DU Chen,TIAN Gang (Department of Anesthesiology Surgery Center,Shiyan People´s Hospital/Affiliated People´s Hospital of Hubei University of Medicine,Shiyan Hubei 442000,China)Abstract: Objective To investigate the effect of rimimazolam tosylate on hemodynamics during the induction of general anesthesia in elderly patients.Methods A total of 90 elderly patients who received non-cardiac surgery under tracheal intubation general anesthesia in our hospital were selected,and randomly divided into the remimazolam tosylate group (group R) and the etomidate group (group E).During doi:10.11659/jjssx.01E023105·临床研究·[通信作者]田刚,E-mail:tiangang771020@[10]杨波,杨洁,傅自力,等.长链非编码RNA MYC诱导的长链非编码RNA靶向miR-584-3p对类风湿关节炎滑膜成纤维细胞增殖侵袭和迁移能力的影响[J].中华风湿病学杂志,2021,25(10):669-675.doi:10.3760/141217-20210429-00160.[11]宋蕾,张建国,刘英勋.LncRNA SNHG3通过调控miR-410-3p对脓毒症血管内皮细胞增殖、凋亡的影响[J].广西医科大学学报,2021,38(10):1921-1926.doi:10.16190/ki.45-1211/r.2021.10.016.[12] Liu D,Zhang N,Zhang J,et al.miR-410 suppresses the expression of interleukin-6 as well as renal fibrosis in the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis[J].Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol,2016,43(6):616-625.doi:10.1111/1440-1681.12576.[13] Zhang L,Pang Y,Cui X,et al.MicroRNA-410-3p upregulation suppresses proliferation,invasion and migration,and promotes apopto⁃sis in rhabdomyosarcoma cells[J].Oncol Lett,2019,18(1):936-943.doi:10.3892/ol.2019.10345.[14] Brodzikowska A,Gondek A,Rak B,et al.Metalloproteinase 14 (MMP-14) and hsa-miR-410-3p expression in human inflamed dental pulp and odontoblasts[J].Histochem Cell Biol,2019,152(5):345-353.doi:10.1007/s00418-019-01811-6.[15]申利平,彭薇,郑戈.lncRNA DLEU2通过调节miR-410-3p表达对类风湿关节炎滑膜成纤维细胞增殖及迁移、侵袭的影响[J].西部医学,2020,32(10):1447-1453.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-3511.2020.10.009.[16] Wang Y,Xu N,Zhao S,et al.miR-410-3p suppresses cytokine release from fibroblast-like synoviocytes by regulating NF-κB signaling in rheumatoid arthritis[J].Inflammation,2019,42(1):331-341.doi:10.1007/s10753-018-0896-2.[17]范文强,马玲,吴洁,等.miR-708-5p对类风湿关节炎滑膜成纤维细胞凋亡、炎症因子分泌和TLR4/NF-κB信号通路的影响[J].郑州大学学报(医学版),2020,55(5):705-710.doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6825.2019.07.163.[18] Fan W,Xu Z,Liang S,et al.MLL3 inhibits apoptosis of rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes and promotes secretion of inflam⁃matory factors by activating CCL2 and the NF-κB pathway[J].Inflam⁃mation,2021,44(5):1803-1814.doi:10.1007/s10753-021-01459-2.[19] Lin J,He Y,Wang B,et al.Blocking of YY1 reduce neutrophil infiltration by inhibiting IL-8 production via the PI3K-Akt-mTOR signaling pathway in rheumatoid arthritis[J].Clin Exp Immunol,2019,195(2):226-236.doi:10.1111/cei.13218.(编辑:龙小芬)anesthesia induction,patients in the group R were given 0.3 mg/kg of remimazolam tosylate,and patients in the group E were given 0.3 mg/kg of etomidate. The heart rate (HR),mean arterial pressure (MAP),and bispectral index (BIS) before the induction of anesthesia (T0),after the induction of anesthesia (T1),and after tracheal intubation (T2)of patients in the two groups were compared.The induction time,extubation time,Ramsay sedation score 5 minutes after extubation,time out of the postanesthesia care unit (PACU),operation time,anesthesia time and incidence of adverse reactions in the two groups were counted.Results There was no significant difference in the MAP,HR or BIS of patients at T0 between the two groups (P>0.05); the MAP of patients at T1 and T2 in the group R were higher than those in the group E (P<0.05),and the HR of patients at T2 was lower than that in the group E (P<0.05). Compared with T0,the HR,MAP and BIS of patients at T1 and T2 in the group R were decreased;the MAP and BIS of patients at T1 and T2 in the group E were decreased,HR of patients was decreased at T1 and increased at T2,with statistically significant differences(P<0.05).The induction time and extubation time of patients in the group R were shorter than those in the group E (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the Ramsay sedation score,time out of the PACU,operation time oranesthesia time of patients between the two groups (P>0.05).The incidences of myoclonus and hypotension of patients in the group E were higher than those in the group R,and the total incidence of adverse reactions in the group E was higher than that in the group R,with statistically significant differences (P<0.05).Conclusion Compared to etomidate,remazolam tosylate is more stable in inducing hemodynamics and has fewer adverse reactions in elderly patients under general anesthesia.Keywords: rimimazolam tosylate; etomidate; elderly patients; anesthesia induction; hemodynamics老年患者自身调节和应激能力较差,且往往合并心血管疾病,易在全身麻醉诱导期间出现血流动力学不稳定[1],包括气管插管引起的严重循环波动和麻醉诱导后的低血压。



第2 3卷第2期2U21年2月辽宁中医药大学学彡艮JOURNAL OF LIAONING UNIVERSITY OF TCMVol.23 No.2Feb.,2021DOI: 10.13194/j.issn.1673-842x.2021.02.007地龙有效成分对高糖下HMC细胞炎症因子分泌影响韩宇博1’2,冯天甜1,田苗1,车艳玲马艳春1(1.黑龙江中医药大学,黑龙江哈尔滨丨50040;2.黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院,黑龙江哈尔滨150040)摘要:目的观察地龙有效成分含药血清对H M C细胞炎症因子分泌的影响,并探讨其可能的作用机制方法地龙有效成分及福辛普利干预高糖刺激H M C模型细胞,并设立正常组和高汤刺激组进行对照,应用M T T法检 测H M C细胞生长抑制水平,酶联免疫法检测细胞培养液中T N F-ot、IL-6和M CP-1的含量,应用R T-qPCR技术 检测细胞样本的T N F-a、IL-6和M CP-1 m R N A表达水平:结果地龙有效成分组、福辛普利组H M C细胞生长 平均抑制率下降(P<〇.〇5 );地龙有效成分、福辛普利干预后,细胞培养液中的T N F-a、IL-6和M CP-1含量均有下 降趋势,与高糖刺激组比较,地龙^■效成分组培养液中细胞T N F-a niR N A表达水平下降,M CP-1 m R N A表达水 平上斗,福辛普利组T N F-a、IL-6 m R N A表达水平明显下降结论地龙者效成分对高糖下H M C细胞的干预作 用可能是抑制细胞炎症因子分泌。

关键词:地龙;蚓激酶;人肾小球系膜细胞;炎症因子;糖尿病肾脏疾病中图分类号:R285.5 文献标志码:A文章编号:1673-842X(2021) 02-0025-04Effect of Effective Components of Dilong ( Pheretima ) on Secretion ofInflammatory Factors in Human Mesangial Cell Under High GlucoseH AN Y u h o1,2,F E N G T iantian1,T IA N M iao1,C H E Y a n lin g1 2,MA Y a n rh u n1(1 .H eilongjiang U niversity o f Chinese Medit'in e,H arbin 150040, H eilo n gjian g,C h in a;2.First A ffiliatedH osp ital,H eilongjiang University of C hinese M ed icin e,Harbin 150040, H eilo n gjian g,China )A bstract: O b je c tive T o o b se rv e the e ffe c t o f m ed icate d seru m o f D ilo n g (P h eretim a )a c tiv eingredien ts on the secretion of inflam m atory factors in hum an m esan gial c e l l,and explore its p o ssib le m echanism.Methods The effective com ponents o f D ilong (Pherelim a)cinrl fosinopril interfered with high基金项目:黑龙江省肖然科学基金面上项目(H2016059 );黑龙江省博士后资助经费项H(LBH-Z18253 )作者简介:韩宇博(丨989-),男,黑龙江哈尔滨人,主治医师,博士,研究方向:中两医结合临床与基础研究通讯作者:马艳春(1972-),女,黑龙江哈尔滨人,教授,博士,研究方向:中医临床、科研和教学T.作:Circu lation Journal,2010,74( 7): 1479-1487.[13] H世金,沈自尹,俞卓伟,等.基于基因表达谱研究淫羊藿总黄酮干预老年大鼠海马炎性衰老的效果与机制丨j ].实用老年医学,2010,24 ( 1):24-27.丨14]徐佳杨,董晓蕾,郁郁.淫羊藿总黄酮对高脂血症大鼠氧化 应激水平的相关研究[J】.河北中医,2012,1 (34): 111-114. 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Conclusion The intervention effect of effective ingredients of Dilong (Pheretim a )on HMC cells under high glucose may inliihit the serretion of infliimmatoiy factors.Keywords: Dilong( Pheretim a); lunil)ro k in a se;human m esangial c e ll;innam m atoiy factors;dial>etic kidney disease糖塚柄肾脏疾病(丨)iahetir ki(丨ney disease,DKI))是一种常见的糖尿病微血管病变,2007年由美国肾脏病基金会提出并代替了 “糖尿病肾病”的表述,强调了人们对肾脏结构损害和肾功能障碍的认识。



超声波提取金银花绿原酸流程Ultrasonic extraction is a popular method forextracting bioactive compounds from various plant materials, including the flowers of Lonicera japonica, commonly known as Jin Yin Hua or Japanese honeysuckle. One of the key bioactive compounds found in this plant is chlorogenic acid, which possesses several health benefits. In this context, I will discuss the process of ultrasonic extraction of chlorogenic acid from Jin Yin Hua flowers, highlighting its significance, steps involved, and the advantages it offers.Firstly, it is important to understand the significance of chlorogenic acid and its potential health benefits. Chlorogenic acid is a phenolic compound known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been extensively studied for its potential role in preventing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Extracting chlorogenic acid from Jin Yin Hua flowers can provide a natural and sustainable source of this bioactive compound, which can befurther utilized in the development of functional foods, nutraceuticals, and pharmaceuticals.The process of ultrasonic extraction involves the use of high-frequency sound waves to disrupt the plant material and facilitate the release of bioactive compounds. In the case of Jin Yin Hua flowers, the extraction of chlorogenic acid can be achieved by following a few key steps. Firstly, the flowers need to be cleaned and dried to remove any impurities. Once dried, the flowers are typically ground into a fine powder, which increases the surface area for extraction.The powdered flowers are then mixed with a suitable solvent, such as ethanol or water, in a specific ratio to optimize the extraction efficiency. The solvent acts as a medium to solubilize the chlorogenic acid and other bioactive compounds present in the plant material. The mixture is then subjected to ultrasonic waves, which create cavitation bubbles that implode near the plant material surface. This implosion generates localized high temperatures and pressures, resulting in the disruption ofplant cells and the release of chlorogenic acid into the solvent.The extraction process is typically carried out at controlled temperatures and durations to avoid degradation or loss of the bioactive compounds. After the ultrasonic treatment, the mixture is usually filtered to separate the liquid extract from the solid residue. The extract can then be concentrated, purified, and further characterized to determine the concentration of chlorogenic acid and other desired compounds.Ultrasonic extraction offers several advantages over traditional extraction methods. Firstly, it is a rapid and efficient process, allowing for a higher extraction yieldin a shorter time compared to conventional methods. The use of ultrasound also reduces the solvent consumption, making it a more environmentally friendly approach. Additionally, ultrasonic extraction is a non-thermal process, which helps in preserving the integrity and bioactivity of the extracted compounds.In conclusion, the ultrasonic extraction of chlorogenic acid from Jin Yin Hua flowers is a promising method to obtain this valuable bioactive compound. It involves several steps, including cleaning, drying, grinding, mixing with a solvent, and subjecting to ultrasonic waves. This process offers numerous advantages, such as higher extraction efficiency, reduced solvent consumption, and preservation of bioactivity. By utilizing this extraction method, researchers and industries can harness thepotential of chlorogenic acid for various applications in the fields of food, health, and medicine.。



中药农药残留量的实验流程英文回答:The experimental procedure for determining the residual levels of pesticides in traditional Chinese medicine involves several steps. Firstly, a representative sample of the herbal medicine is selected. This sample should accurately reflect the composition and quality of theentire batch of medicine. The sample is then ground or crushed to increase the surface area available for extraction.Next, the extraction of the pesticides from the sample is carried out. This is typically done using a suitable solvent, such as methanol or acetonitrile. The sample is soaked or sonicated in the solvent to allow for thetransfer of the pesticides from the herbal material to the solvent. This step may be repeated multiple times to ensure complete extraction.Once the extraction is complete, the solvent containing the pesticides is separated from the herbal material. This can be done through filtration or centrifugation. The resulting extract is then concentrated to reduce the volume and remove any impurities that may interfere with the subsequent analysis.The final step is the analysis of the pesticideresidues in the extract. This is typically done using analytical techniques such as gas chromatography (GC) or liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS). These techniques allow for the identification and quantification of specific pesticides present in the extract. The results are usually reported as the concentration of each pesticide in the sample.中文回答:中药农药残留量的实验流程包括几个步骤。



从葛根中提取葛根素的提取分离流程英文版Extraction and Isolation Process of Puerarin from Pueraria lobataAbstract:This article presents a detailed extraction and isolation process for obtaining puerarin from Pueraria lobata, commonly known as kudzu. The process involves multiple steps, including grinding, soaking, filtering, concentrating, and purifying, to ensure the highest purity and yield of puerarin.Introduction:Pueraria lobata, a plant native to Asia, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. One of its active components, puerarin, has shown various pharmacological activities, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects. This article outlines the steps involved in extracting and isolating puerarin from Pueraria lobata.Materials and Methods:Harvesting and Preparation of Plant Material: Collect fresh Pueraria lobata roots and clean them thoroughly to remove any dirt or impurities.Grinding and Soaking: Grind the cleaned roots into a fine powder and soak them in an appropriate solvent (such as ethanol or water) for a specified period to allow for the extraction of puerarin.Filtering: Separate the solid and liquid phases by filtering the soaked material. The filtrate contains the extracted puerarin.Concentration: Concentrate the filtrate using methods like evaporation or distillation to obtain a concentrated extract.Purification: Purify the concentrated extract using techniques like chromatography or precipitation to isolate puerarin.Results and Discussion:The described process effectively extracts and isolates puerarin from Pueraria lobata roots. The purity and yield ofpuerarin can be optimized by adjusting various parameters, such as soaking time, solvent type, and purification methods.Conclusion:The extraction and isolation process outlined in this article provides a reliable method for obtaining puerarin from Pueraria lobata. This process can be further optimized to increase puerarin purity and yield, making it more suitable for pharmaceutical and nutritional applications.中文版从葛根中提取葛根素的提取分离流程摘要:本文详细介绍了从葛根(Pueraria lobata)中提取葛根素的过程。

Microbial DNA Extract

Microbial DNA Extract

Microbial DNA ExtractMicrobial DNA extraction is a crucial process in the field of microbiology and genetics. It involves isolating and purifying the genetic material from microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi for further analysis and research. The extracted DNA can be used for various applications, including sequencing, PCR (polymerase chain reaction), and genetic engineering. However, microbial DNA extraction can be a challenging and time-consuming task, as it requires careful handling of samples and the use of specialized reagents and equipment. One of the main challenges in microbial DNA extraction is the presence of contaminants that can interfere with the purity and quality of the extracted DNA. Contaminants such as proteins, polysaccharides, and other cellular debris can co-purify with the DNA, leading to inaccurate results in downstream applications. Therefore, it is essential to use proper techniques and reagents to minimize contamination and ensure the integrity of the extracted DNA. Another challenge in microbial DNA extraction is the variability in the cell wall and membrane structures of different microorganisms. Bacteria, for example, have diverse cell wall compositions, with some species having thick peptidoglycan layers, while others have outer membranes containing lipopolysaccharides. These differences can affect the efficiency of cell lysis and DNA release, requiring the use ofdifferent lysis methods and enzymes for optimal DNA extraction. In addition to the technical challenges, microbial DNA extraction can also be emotionally taxing for researchers, especially when working with complex or difficult-to-culture microorganisms. The frustration of failed extractions or low DNA yields can be disheartening, leading to feelings of disappointment and discouragement. However, perseverance and determination are essential qualities in overcoming these challenges and optimizing the DNA extraction process. Furthermore, the cost of reagents and equipment for microbial DNA extraction can be a barrier for researchers with limited funding. High-quality DNA extraction kits andpurification systems can be expensive, making it difficult for some labs to afford the necessary materials for their research. This financial constraint can hinder the progress of scientific discoveries and limit the accessibility of advanced genetic studies in microbiology. Despite these challenges, advancements intechnology and methodologies have improved the efficiency and reliability of microbial DNA extraction. The development of novel lysis buffers, enzymatic treatments, and purification techniques has facilitated the extraction of high-quality DNA from a wide range of microorganisms. Moreover, the availability of commercial DNA extraction kits and automated systems has streamlined the process, making it more accessible to researchers with varying levels of expertise. In conclusion, microbial DNA extraction is a fundamental step in microbiology and genetics, enabling researchers to study the genetic makeup of microorganisms and unravel their biological functions. While it presents technical, emotional, and financial challenges, the continuous innovation and determination of scientists have paved the way for improved methods and technologies in DNA extraction. Overcoming these challenges is essential for advancing our understanding of microbial diversity and harnessing the potential of microbial DNA in various scientific and industrial applications.。

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Available online at Journal of Ethnopharmacology114(2007)439–445Wen-Pi-Tang-Hab-Wu-Ling-San extract inhibits the release ofinflammatory mediators from LPS-stimulated mouse macrophagesHyo Won Jung a,Cheol-Ho Yoon b,Young Ho Kim c,Yong Chool Boo d,Kwon Moo Park e,Yong-Ki Park a,∗a Department of Herbology,College of Oriental Medicine,Dongguk University,Gyeongju780-714,Republic of Koreab Department of Internal Medicine,College of Oriental Medicine,Dongguk University,Gyeongju780-714,Republic of Koreac College of Pharmacy,Chungnam National University,Daejeon305-764,Republic of Koread Department of Molecular Medicine,School of Medicine,Kyungpook National University,Daegu700-422,Republic of Koreae Department of Anatomy,School of Medicine,Kyungpook National University,Daegu700-422,Republic of KoreaReceived30November2006;received in revised form17August2007;accepted22August2007Available online25August2007AbstractAim of the study:Wen-Pi-Tang is a traditional herbal prescription that has been used traditionally for the treatment of various inflammatory diseases, including chronic renal failure,renal injury,renal tubular cell damage and diabetic nephropathy.In this study,we investigated the pharmacological activity of modified Wen-Pi-Tang,Wen-Pi-Tang-Hab-Wu-Ling-San(WHW)extract.Materials and methods:Production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-␣),interleukin-1beta(IL-1␤),IL-6and NO in supernatant,mRNA expression of TNF-␣,IL-1␤,IL-6and iNOS,protein expression of iNOS,phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases(MAPKs)and activation of nuclear factor-kappa B in the extract were assayed.Results:We found that WHW extract had potent anti-inflammatory effects in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7cells and primary peritoneal macrophages. WHW extract strongly inhibited the excessive production of inflammatory mediators,nitric oxide(NO),TNF-alpha(TNF-␣),interleukin1-beta (IL-1␤)and IL-6in LPS-stimulated macrophages.The inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase(iNOS)and these cytokines resulted from the reduced expressions of mRNAs of iNOS and these cytokines,respectively.WHW extract attenuated the phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases(MAPKs),extracellular signal-regulated kinases1and2(ERK1/2)and c-Jun N-terminal kinase(JNK),as well as the activation of nuclear factor-kappa B(NF-␬B)in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7cells.Conclusions:These data suggest that WHW extract may exhibit anti-inflammatory effects through the modulation of MAPK and the NF-␬B-dependent pathway involved in inflammation.©2007Elsevier Ireland Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Anti-inflammation;Herbal medicine;Inflammatory cytokines;Macrophages;Mitogen-activated protein kinases;Nuclear factor-kappa B1.IntroductionInflammation is a multi-step process that is mediated by acti-vated inflammatory and immune cells,including macrophages/ monocytes(Minagar et al.,2002).In the presence of stimuli such as TNF-␣,interferon-gamma(IFN-␥)and lipopolysaccha-ride(LPS),activated macrophages induce the overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-␣,IL-1,macrophage inflammatory proteins(MIP)-1␣,and inflammatory media-∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+82547702661;fax:+82547702661.E-mail address:yongki@dongguk.ac.kr(Y.-K.Park).tors such as oxygen species(ROS),nitric oxide(NO),and prostaglandin E2(PGE2),and mediate many inflammatory diseases(Nathan,1992;Guha and Mackman,2001).The devel-opment of effective herbal medicines has recently sparked renewed interest in the development of novel therapeutic strate-gies to suppress the production of proinflammatory cytokines and NO using macrophages(Chi et al.,2003;Barak et al.,2004; Genovese,2005).Wen-Pi-Tang(On-Pi-To)is a traditional herbal prescrip-tion that is used to treat a variety of inflammatory diseases, including moderate/chronic renal failure(Yokozawa et al., 1996;Takizawa et al.,2005),renal injury(Rhyu et al.,2002), renal tubular cell damage(Yokozawa et al.,2003),diabetic0378-8741/$–see front matter©2007Elsevier Ireland Ltd.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2007.08.035440H.W.Jung et al./Journal of Ethnopharmacology114(2007)439–445nephropathy(Yokozawa et al.,2006)and lung damage resulting from infection with the influenza virus(Yokozawa et al.,2004). It has been suggested that Wen-Pi-Tang could be a useful therapeutic approach to the treatment of inflammatory diseases, but its actual role in the inflammatory process remains unclear. Wen-Pi-Tang is used with Wu-ling-san to treat the patients with chronic renal failure(Lee et al.,2007)in Korean clinics;this combination is referred to as Wen-Pi-Tang-Hab-Wu-Ling-San (WHW).Recently,we reported that WHW extract inhibits the renalfibrosis in kidney cells(Lee et al.,2007),and protects kidney against ischemia/reperfusion injury in mice and(Seok et al.,2007).In this study,we evaluated the potential of WHW as a therapeutic modality for inflammation in RAW264.7 mouse macrophage cells and primary peritoneal macrophages. Our results showed that WHW extract largely inhibited the excessive production of inflammatory mediators such as NO, TNF-␣,IL-1␤and IL-6through the down-regulation of their transcription factors and through the modulation of the MAPK and NF-␬B-dependent pathway.2.Materials and methods2.1.Preparation of WHW extractThe voucher specimens(OB05-1)in the Herbarium of DUCOM,and method used for the WHW extract have been described previously(Lee et al.,2007;Seok et al.,2007).The lyophilized powder of WHW was dissolved in saline prior to use.2.2.Cell cultureRAW264.7mouse macrophage cells(American Type Culture Collection)were maintained in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium(DMEM)supplemented with10%heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum(FBS;HyClone,Rogan,HT),100U/mL of penicillin and100␮g/mL of streptomycin(GibcoBRL,Grand Island,NY)at37◦C in a5%CO2incubator.Primary macrophages were collected from the peritoneal cavities of mice(8-week-old female C57BL/6)after an intraperi-toneal(i.p.)injection of3mL of1%thioglycolate broth(Sigma, St.Louis,MO)3days before harvesting.The peritoneal macrophages were washed with1×PBS(Ca2+-and Mg2+-free) and plated with RPMI-1640containing10%FBS,100U/mL of penicillin and100␮g/mL of streptomycin overnight for the experiments.2.3.MTT assayA commercially-available cell viability assay was employed to evaluate the cytotoxic effect of WHW extract using the MTT-based colorimetric assay(Roche,Mannheim,Germany). RAW264.7cells(5×104cells/well)and primary macrophages (1×105cells/well)were plated with a variety of concentrations of WHW extract in96-well microtiter plates(Nunc,Roskillde, Denmark),and were then cultured for24h at37◦C in a5%CO2 incubator.At the termination of cultures,10␮L of the MTT solu-tion was added to each well,and the cells were then cultured for4h at37◦C in a5%CO2incubator.One hundred micro-liters of solubilized solution was added to each well;the plate was allowed to stand overnight in the incubator after evalua-tion for complete solubilization of the purple formazan crystals and the measurement of the optical density(OD)at550nm by a microplate reader(GENios,TEKAN Instruments,Inc.,Austria).2.4.Measurement of nitric oxide productionAfter pre-incubation of the RAW264.7cells(1×105cells/ mL)and primary macrophages(5×105cells/mL)for16h,a variety of concentrations of WHW extract,either with or with-out LPS(1␮g/mL),were incubated for24h at37◦C in a5%CO2 incubator.Nitric oxide was measured in culture supernatant by reaction with Griess reagent(1%sulfanilamide and0.1%%N-[1-naphthy]-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride in5%phosphoric acid;Roche)to100␮L of culture supernatant for15min at room temperature in the dark.The absorbance at540nm was deter-mined using a Spectramax250microplate reader(GENios).A standard curve was generated in the same fashion using NaNO2.2.5.Measurement of cytokine levelsRAW264.7cells(1×105cells/mL)and primary macro-phages(5×105cells/mL)were pretreated with a variety of concentrations of WHW extract for30min,and were then stim-ulated with1␮g/mL of LPS.The culture supernatants were collected at24h after LPS stimulation,and the concentrations of TNF-␣,IL-1␤and IL-6were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)according to the protocol of the manufacturer(eBioscience,California,CA).2.6.Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)RAW264.7cells(1×105cells/mL)and primary macro-phages(5×105cells/mL)were pretreated with0.5mg/mL of WHW extract for30min,and were then stimulated with 1␮g/mL of LPS or without LPS for2h.Total RNA from each cell was prepared by adding TRIzol reagent according to the pro-tocol of the manufacturer(GibcoBRL).The total RNA solution was stored at−70◦C until use.Total RNA was incubated with oligo-dT primer at70◦C for 5min,mixed with a5×first-strand buffer(Promega,Madison, USA),0.5mM of dNTP,3mM MgCl2,RNase inhibitor and Improm-II TM reverse transcriptase(2U),and further incubated at25◦C for5min and42◦C for1h.The reaction was termi-nated after10min at70◦C,and total RNA was depleted by the addition of RNase H.The PCR reaction was conducted with the incubation mixture[2␮L cDNA,4␮M5 and3 primers,a10×buffer(10mM Tris–HCl,pH8.3,50mM KCl,0.1%Triton X-100,25mM MgCl2;Takara Bio Ltd.,Shiga,Japan),250␮M of dNTP and1U of Tag polymerase under the following incuba-tion conditions:30s at94◦C for denaturation,30s at60◦C for annealing,1min for extension and10min forfinal extension at the end of35cycles.The primers used in this experiment were: iNOS[Fw;5 -GAC CAG TAT AAG GCA A GC AC-3 ;and Rv;5 -CTT GTC TTT GAC CCA GTA GC-3 ],TNF-␣[Fw;5 -H.W.Jung et al./Journal of Ethnopharmacology114(2007)439–445441TTC TGT CTA CTG AAC TTC GGG GTG ATC GGT CC-3 ; and Rv;5 -GTA TGA GAT AGC AAA TCG GCT GAC GGT GTG GG-3 ],IL-1␤[Fw;5 -GAA GCT GTG GCA GCT ACC TAT GTC T-3 ;and Rv;5 -CTC TGC TTG TGA GGT GCT GAT GTA C-3 ],IL-6[Fw;5 -GAG GAT ACC ACT CCC AAC AGA CC-3 ;and Rv;5 -TTC ACA GAG GAT ACC ACT CC-3 ],and GAPDH[Fw;5 -C TCG TGG AGT CTA CTG GTG T-3 ;and Rv;5 -GTC ATC ATA CTT GGC AGG TT-3 ].GAPDH was used as an internal control to evaluate the relative expressions of iNOS,TNF-␣,IL-1␤and IL-6.2.7.Western blot analysisRAW264.7cells(1×105cells/mL)and primary macro-phages(1×105cells/mL)were pretreated with0.5mg/mL of WHW extract for30min and stimulated with1␮g/mL of LPS or without for24h.Cells were lysed with0.1mL of50mM Tris–HCl,pH7.2,containing1%sodium deoxycholate,0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS),0.15M NaCl and1%NP-40. The cell lysates were assayed for protein concentration by the Bradford staining method,and equal amounts of protein (20␮g/mL)were then electrophoresed on8–10%density SDS-acrylamide gels.After electrophoresis,the proteins were transferred from the gel to a nitrocellulose(NC)membrane using an electric transfer system.Non-specific binding was blocked with3%skim milk in TBS-T buffer(5mM Tris–HCl, pH7.6,136mM NaCl,0.1%Tween-20)for1h.Blots were incubated at room temperature for1h each with primary anti-body against iNOS(1:3000dilution;Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz,CA),actin(1:8000;Sigma),and phosphor-forms of pERK1/2,p38MAPK and JNK(1:1000;Cell Signaling Technology,Charlottesville,V A)added,and were then washed three times with1×TBS-T.Blots were incubated for1h at room temperature(RT)with a1:10,000dilution of horseradish peroxidase(HRP)-labeled anti-mouse IgG(1:1000,Santa Cruz Biotechnology),and were then washed three times with1×TBS-T.Blots were developed with the ECL Western detection reagents(Amersham Bioscience,Piscataway,NJ).2.8.DNA binding assay of nuclear factor-κB(NF-κB)RAW264.7cells(1×105cells/mL)and primary macro-phages(5×105cells/mL)were pretreated with0.5mg/mL of WHW extract for30min and stimulated with1␮g/mL of LPS or without LPS for30min.Nuclear extracts were prepared by NE-PER nuclear and cytoplasmic extraction reagents(Pierce Biotechnology,Inc.,Rockford,IL)according to the protocol of the manufacturer.In brief,the cells in six wells were washed with ice-cold PBS.The cells were then scraped,transferred to micro-tubes,and allowed to swell after the addition of cytoplasmic extraction reagent(CER).The lysates were incubated for10min on ice and centrifuged at12,000rpm for5min at4◦C.Pellets containing crude nuclei were resuspended in nuclear extraction reagent(NER)solution and incubated in ice for1h.The samples were centrifuged at12,000rpm for10min to obtain nuclear frac-tions.The nuclear fractions were assayed for protein concentra-tion by using the Bradford staining method,and equal amounts of protein were then electrophoresed on10%SDS-acrylamide gels.After electrophoresis,the proteins were transferred from the gel to an NC membrane using an electric transfer system. Non-specific binding was blocked with3%skim milk in TBS-T buffer(5mM Tris–HCl,pH7.6,136mM NaCl,0.1%Tween-20)for1h.Blots were incubated at room temperature for1h each with primary antibody against p65NF-␬B(1:5000dilu-tion;Santa Cruz Biotechnology)and actin(1:8000;Sigma),and were then washed three times with1×TBS-T.Blots were incu-bated for1h at RT with a horseradish peroxidase(HRP)-labeled anti-rabbit IgG(1:1000;Santa Cruz Biotechnology),and were then washed three times with1×TBS-T.Blots were developed with ECL Western detection reagents(Amersham Bioscience).2.9.Statistical analysisStatistical analysis was performed to assess the difference between two groups under multiple experimental conditions by one-way ANOV A using PRISM statistical analysis software (GraphPad Software,Inc.,San Diego,CA).3.Results3.1.Cell toxicity of WHW extractTo exclude the possibility that reductions of the levels of NO and inflammatory cytokines from the cells were due todirect Fig.1.Cytotoxic effect of WHW extract in macrophages.The cytotoxic effects of WHW extract in RAW264.7cells(A)and primary macrophages(B)were determined MTT assay.Three independent experiments were performed,and data shown represent the mean±S.D.442H.W.Jung et al./Journal of Ethnopharmacology114(2007)439–445toxicity of WHW extract to the cells,we evaluated cell toxicity at a variety of concentrations of WHW extract(0.05–2mg/mL) using the MTT assay(Fig.1).WHW extract-induced cell tox-icity was negligible at concentrations of0.05–0.5mg/mL in both RAW264.7cells(Fig.1A)and primary macrophage cells (Fig.1B).3.2.WHW extract inhibits LPS-induced NO production in macrophagesBecause NO is known to be a proinflammatory mediator in inflammatory diseases(Nathan,1992),we investigated whether the WHW extract inhibits NO production from the macrophages that were activated with LPS.As shown in Fig.2,the production of NO was increased after LPS stimulation in both RAW264.7 cells(Fig.2A)and primary macrophages(Fig.2B).Following pretreatment with the WHW extract,the LPS-induced produc-tion of NO was significantly inhibited in both cell types in a dose-dependent manner.3.3.WHW extract inhibits LPS-induced iNOS expression in macrophagesTo ensure that WHW extract-mediated inhibition of LPS-induced NO production resulted from the inhibition of iNOS activity and not to its expression,RT-PCR and Western blot anal-ysis of iNOS mRNA and protein were performed.Pretreatment with WHW extract greatly suppressed LPS-induced mRNA and protein expression of iNOS in RAW264.7cells(Fig.3A and C)and primary macrophages(Fig.3B and D).Consistent with thefindings shown in Fig.2,WHW extract had a very strong inhibitory effect on iNOSexpression.Fig.2.Effect of WHW extract on LPS-induced NO production in macrophages. RAW264.7cells(A)and primary macrophages(B)were each incubated with different concentrations of WHW extract in the presence of LPS(1␮g/mL)for 24h.NO was measured by the Griess reaction.Three independent experiments were performed,and data represent are the mean±S.D.;*p<0.05,**p<0.01 and***p<0.001compared with LPS alone.3.4.WHW extract reduces LPS-induced production ofproinflammatory cytokines in macrophagesTo investigate the effect of the WHW extract on the produc-tion of proinflammatory cytokines,including TNF-␣,IL-1␤and Fig.3.Effect of WHW extract on LPS-induced mRNA and protein levels of iNOS in macrophages.RAW264.7cells(A and C)and primary macrophages(B and D) were incubated with WHW extract(0.5mg/mL)in the absence or presence of LPS(1␮g/mL)for2h and24h.The mRNA(A and B)and protein levels of iNOS(C and D)was determined by RT-PCR and Western blot.H.W.Jung et al./Journal of Ethnopharmacology114(2007)439–445443Fig.4.Effect of WHW extract on LPS-induced production of proinflammatory cytokines in macrophages.RAW264.7cells(A–C)and primary macrophages(D–F) were incubated with WHW extract(0.5mg/mL)in the presence of LPS(1␮g/mL)for24h.The levels of proinflammatory cytokines were measured by ELISA. Three independent experiments were performed,and data shown represent the mean±S.D.IL-6,RAW264.7cells and primary macrophages were cultured with WHW extract in the presence of LPS.The concentration of each proinflammatory cytokine was measured in culture super-natant using ELISA.Fig.4shows that treatment with the WHW extract led to a marked decrease in the increasing levels of TNF-␣,IL-1␤and IL-6from both LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells(Fig.4A–C)and primary macrophages(Fig.4D–F);these changes occurred in a dose-dependent manner.We also investigated whether WHW extract suppressed the mRNA expressions of TNF-␣,IL-1␤and IL-6in RAW264.7 cells and primary macrophages.LPS-induced mRNA expression of TNF-␣and IL-6was greatly reduced by pretreatment with WHW extract in RAW264.7(Fig.5A)and primary macrophage cells(Fig.5B).WHW extract also weakly reduced the mRNA expression of IL-1␤in both of the LPS-activated cell types. These data suggest that the WHW extract inhibits a variety of inflammatory mediators,not only NO,but also proinflam-matory cytokines,through the regulation of their transcription factors.3.5.WHW extract reduces LPS-induced phosphorylation of MAPK molecules and NF-kappa B p65in macrophages LPS-induced phosphatidylinositol3-kinase(PI3-kinase)/Ark and MAPKs can activate a variety of transcription fac-tors,including NF-␬B,which coordinates the induction of many inflammatory cytokines(Guha and Mackman,2001). We investigated whether the WHW extract modulatesthe Fig.5.Effect of WHW extract on LPS-induced mRNA expression of proinflammatory cytokines in macrophages.RAW264.7cells(A)and primary macrophages (B)were each incubated with WHW extract(0.5mg/mL)in the absence or presence of LPS(1␮g/mL)for2h.The mRNA expression of proinflammatory cytokines was analyzed by RT-PCR.444H.W.Jung et al./Journal of Ethnopharmacology114(2007)439–445Fig.6.Effect of WHW extract on LPS-induced phosphorylation of MAPK molecules and NF-␬B p65in RAW264.7cells.Cells were incubated with WHW extract(0.5mg/mL)in the absence or presence of LPS(1␮g/mL)for30min. The phosphorylation of MAPK molecules(A)and NF-␬B p65protein(B)were analyzed by Western blot.inflammation-mediated signal pathway in RAW264.7cells using Western blot analysis(Fig.6).Treatment with WHW extract inhibited the phosphorylation of the MAPK molecules, including pERK1/2and JNK in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7cells (Fig.6A).The WHW extract also attenuated the LPS-elicited nuclear translocation of NF-␬B p65protein in RAW264.7cells (Fig.6B).Thesefindings suggest that the WHW extract was associated with down-regulation or degradation of NF-␬B p65 protein in LPS-stimulated macrophages.4.DiscussionWen-Pi-Tang has previously been reported to have antioxi-dant effects in renal dysfunction(Rhyu et al.,2002),to regulate the cell cycle by G2/M phase arrest in renal tubular cells (Yokozawa et al.,2003),to improve pathological conditions of the lungs infected with influenza virus(Yokozawa et al.,2004), and to reduce the risk of the development of diabetic nephropathy (Yokozawa et al.,2006).Despite the identified effects in several diseases,the pharmacological activities of the WHW extract have not been fully explored with regard to its immunological effects.Therefore,in this study,we prepared WHW extract for treatment of the patients with inflammatory diseases,including chronic renal failure,rheumatoid arthritis and neurodegenera-tive diseases,and then identified its anti-inflammatory effects in LPS-activated mouse macrophages.NO is produced by activated macrophages as a result of induc-tion by several stimuli,including TNF-␣,IFN-␥and LPS,and may contribute to the pathological process in various acute and chronic inflammatory conditions(Kilbourn and Belloni,1990; Nathan,1992;Murakami et al.,2003).Therefore,the reduction of NO production,including inhibition of iNOS gene activity, depletion of arginine substrate by arginase,and transcriptional down-regulation of iNOS gene expression by endogenous or exogenous manipulation,may present a useful strategy for the treatment of a variety of inflammatory diseases,including some neurological disorders(Albina and Reichner,1998;Boucher et al.,1999;Lee et al.,2006).In this study,we demonstrate that WHW extract significantly inhibited NO production(Fig.2)in LPS-stimulated macrophages without showing any cell toxicity (Fig.1).Furthermore,the inhibitory action of WHW extract on LPS-induced NO production appears to involve the inhibition of iNOS gene expression(Fig.3).Recently,new approaches to the use of Chinese herbal plants to prevent and treat inflammatory responses by inhibiting inflam-matory cytokines such as TNF-␣,IL-1␤,IL-6(Kim et al.,2005) and IL-8(Barak et al.,2004)has become an important area of investigation,as have their associated complications.Here,we confirmed that WHW extract could remarkably suppress the pro-duction of inflammatory cytokines,including TNF-␣and IL-6 from LPS-activated RAW264.7cells and primary macrophages (Fig.4).Furthermore,WHW extract may inhibit the mRNA expressions of TNF-␣and IL-6at the pre-translational level in both cell types(Fig.5).Although no reports have yet addressed the anti-inflammatory effect of Wen-Pi-Tang or On-Pi-To extract through the modulation of inflammatory molecules,the WHW extract appears to have an anti-inflammatory function based on our study results.LPS stimulation of macrophages activates several extracellu-lar signaling pathways,including the I␬B kinase(IKK)-NF-␬B pathway and three MAPK pathways,ERK1/2,JNK and p38 MAPK(Kim et al.,2005).Proinflammatory cytokines that are released from macrophages are also involved in many aspects of inflammatory events,including expressions of iNOS and COX-2involved the mitogen-activated protein kinase3(MKK3)/p38 MAPK and NF-␬B pathways(Wu et al.,2004;Wang et al., 2006).These signaling pathways activate the induction of many genes that encode inflammatory mediators(Baldwin,1996). Therefore,these signaling molecules may represent novel tar-gets for the treatment of patients with inflammatory diseases (Guha and Mackman,2001).Despite several reports describ-ing the pharmacological activities of Wen-Pi-Tang in several inflammatory diseases(Rhyu et al.,2002;Yokozawa et al., 2003,2006,2004;Yokoazwa et al.,2006),little is know about its molecular mechanism.Thus,to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the suppression of NO,TNF-␣and IL-6,we investigated the effects of WHW extract on LPS-induced activation of the MAPK and NF-␬B pathways.We showed that the anti-inflammatory effect of WHW extract was associated with decreases in LPS-induced phosphorylation of pERK1/2and JNK MAPKs(Fig.6A)and nuclear transloca-tion of NF-␬B p65(Fig.6B)in activated macrophages.These results indicate the potent activity of WHW extract as a modu-H.W.Jung et al./Journal of Ethnopharmacology114(2007)439–445445lator of the LPS-mediated MAPK/NF-␬B pathway in activated macrophages.In conclusion,we demonstrate here that WHW extract is a potent suppressor of secretion of an inflammatory media-tor,NO,and proinflammatory cytokines,TNF-␣and IL-6,in LPS-activated macrophages.Thus,WHW extract may have therapeutic potential for the modulation and regulation of macrophage activation,and may provide safe and effective treat-ment options for a variety of inflammation-mediated diseases.AcknowledgmentThis study was supported by a grant of the Oriental Medicine R&D Project,Ministry of Health&Welfare,Rep.of Korea (B070044to Y.K.Park).ReferencesAlbina,J.L.,Reichner,J.S.,1998.Role of nitric oxide mediation of macrophage cytotoxicity and apoptosis.Cancer Metastasis Review17,39–53. 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