Course Design for the Essentials of Investments English 10thEditionInvesting is an important aspect of finance that has the potential to generate significant returns over time. Understanding the key concepts and principles behindinvesting is critical to making informed decisions in the financial markets. The Essentials of Investments by Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, and Alan J. Marcus is a comprehensive introduction to the world of investing that covers various investment vehicles such as stocks, bonds, options, and real estate. The 10th edition of this book provides a modern and relevant overview of the financial markets and their dynamics. This course design outlines the key concepts and topics covered in this book and provides a framework for teaching the subjectin an effective manner.Course ObjectivesKnowledge•To understand the fundamental principles of investing•To understand the financial markets and their various components•To understand the risks and rewards associated with different investment vehicles•To understand the importance of asset allocation and diversification in building a portfolio•To understand the basics of financial analysis and valuationSkills•To be able to evaluate different investment opportunities and make informed investment decisions •To be able to construct and manage a well-diversified investment portfolio•To be able to apply basic financial analysis and valuation techniques to different investment assets •To be able to interpret and analyze financial data to make informed investment decisionsCourse StructureTopics Covered1.Introduction to Investments2.Asset Classes and Financial Instruments3.Securities Markets4.Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies5.Risk and Return: Past and Prologue6.Efficient Diversification7.Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory8.The Efficient Market Hypothesis9.Behavioral Finance and Technical Analysis10.Bond Prices and Yields11.Managing Bond Portfolios12.Portfolio Analysis and Theory13.Equity Portfolio Management14.Options15.Futures16.Real Estate and Other Tangible Assets17.Alternative Investments18.Tax-Advantaged InvestmentsCourse OutlineWeek 1•Introduction to investments•Risk and return: past and prologue•Efficient diversificationWeek 2•Asset classes and financial instruments•Securities marketsWeek 3•Mutual funds and other investment companies•Capital asset pricing and arbitrage pricing theory Week 4•The efficient market hypothesis•Behavioral finance and technical analysisWeek 5•Bond prices and yields•Managing bond portfoliosWeek 6•Portfolio analysis and theory•Equity portfolio managementWeek 7•Options•FuturesWeek 8•Real estate and other tangible assets•Alternative investments•Tax-advantaged investmentsTeaching Methods•Lectures: The instructor will present the key concepts and principles of each topic through formallectures.•Class discussions: Students will be encouraged to participate in class discussions to share their opinions, insights, and questions.•Case studies: Students will analyze and discuss real-life case studies to apply the concepts covered in class to real-world situations.•Assignments: Students will be given assignments to analyze different investment opportunities, constructand manage investment portfolios, and interpretfinancial data.Assessment•Quizzes (20%): Short quizzes will be given at the end of each topic to evaluate the students’understanding of the material.•Assignments (40%): Students will be given various assignments throughout the course that will test their ability to apply the concepts covered in class to real-life scenarios.•Midterm Exam (20%): A midterm exam will be given halfway through the course to evaluate the students’understanding of the material covered up to that point.•Final Exam (20%): A final exam will be given at the end of the course to evaluate the students’ overallunderstanding of the material.ConclusionInvesting is a critical aspect of finance that requires a thorough understanding of the financial markets and their dynamics. The Essentials of Investments by Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, and Alan J. Marcus is an excellent resource that provides a comprehensive introduction to the world of investing. This course design outlines the key concepts and topics covered in this book and provides a framework for teaching the subject in an effective manner. By the end of this course, students will have developed the skills and knowledge necessary to make informed investment decisions and construct and manage well-diversified investment portfolios.。
《博迪 投资学 第9版 笔记和课后习题详解》读书笔记思维导图
第9章 资本资 1
第10章 套利 定价理论与风
3 第11章 有效
4 第12章 行为
金融与技术分 析
5 第13章 证券
收益的实证依 据
9.1 复习笔 记
9.2 课后习 题详解
10.1 复习笔 记
10.2 课后习 题详解
11.1 复习笔 记
11.2 课后习 题详解
第一部分 绪 论
第1章 投资环境
第2章 资产类别 与金融工具
第3章 证券是如 何交易的
第4章 共同基金 与其他投资公司
1.1 复习笔 记
1.2 课后习 题详解
2.1 复习笔 记
2.2 课后习 题详解
3.1 复习笔 记
3.2 课后习 题详解
4.1 复习笔 记
4.2 课后习 题详解
第二部分 资产组合理论与实 践
第24章 投资 1
第25章 投资 2
3 第26章 对冲
4 第27章 积极
第28章 投资 政策与注册金
24.1 复习笔 记
24.2 课后习 题详解
25.1 复习笔 记
25.2 课后习 题详解
26.1 复习笔 记
26.2 课后习 题详解
27.1 复习笔 记
27.2 课后习 题详解
28.1 复习笔 记
28.2 课后习 题详解
最 新
《博迪 投资学 第9版 笔记和课后 习题详解》
【30 本书目简介】目录 :第 1 部《聪慧地投资者》第 2 部《金融炼金术》第3 部《闲步华尔街》第 4 部《克罗淡投资策略》第 5 部《艾略特波浪理论》第 6 部《如何选择成长股》第 7 部《投资学精要》第 8 部《金融学》第9 部《投资艺术》第 10 部《华尔街 45 年》第 11 部《股市趋向技术剖析》第 12 部《笑傲股市》第 13 部《期货市场技术剖析》第 14 部《资本市场所混沌与次序》第 15 部《华尔街股市投资经典》第16 部《战胜华尔街》第 17 部《专业谋利原理》第 18 部《巴菲特:从 100 元到 160 亿》第 19 部《交易冠军》第 20 部《股票作手回想录》第 21 部《罗杰斯全世界投资旅游》第 22 部《世纪炒股赢家》第 23 部《一个谋利者地告白》第 24 部《逆向思虑地艺术》第 25 部《通向金融王国地自由之路》第 26 部《泥鸽靶》第 27 部《贼巢》第 28 部《非理性繁华》第 29 部《伟大地博弈》第 30 部《散户至上》《聪慧地投资者》介绍度:★★★★★作者:本杰明·格雷厄姆( Benjamin Graham ): 证券剖析之父初次第一版:1949 年全书名:《聪慧地投资者》又译作《智慧型股票投资人》被誉为:投资界地金科玉律 ,有史以来最伟大地投资著作!格雷厄姆地“投资指南”是每一位华尔街人士地“圣经”,它对全世界金融产生了深远地影响 ,并为证券市场造就了 ,包含此刻世界首富 .被称为“股神”地沃特 .巴菲特在内陆一批亿万富豪 .本书是“证券剖析”理论创办者本杰明 .格雷厄姆地代表作 .该理论不鼓舞投资者短期地谋利行为 ,而更着重公司内在价值地发现 .本书初版于 1949, 此后不停订正 ,一版重版 ,到现在仍对全世界金融业产生着深远地影响 ,并为证券市场造就了一批亿万富豪 , 包含格雷厄姆地学生 .有名地世界证券业首富沃伦 .巴菲特 .《金融炼金术》作者:乔治·索罗斯( George Soros ): 金融杀手初次第一版:1999 年全书名:《金融炼金术》 (The Alchemy of Finance)被誉为:投资者地投资指南 ,金融市场两部永久地指导手册之一乔治·索罗斯这位金融奇才,堪称当前全世界最具实力且盈利最高地投资人,他地《金融炼金术》一书被民众当作投资指南 .《金融炼金术》是自《股票作手回想录》以后又一部拥有永久价值地投资指南 .索罗斯不单是金融家,也是思想家, 他地充满哲学看法地著作《金融炼金术》被民众当作投资指南 .该书是索罗斯地投资日志 . 读者能够从中赏识到索罗斯如何剖析个股 .如何掌握市场转变地机遇 .如何面对不利地市场行情并实时调整对策 ,进而在风云变化地金融市场中立于不败之地地出色艺术 .索罗斯是大师中地大师 , 在《金融炼金术》一书中这位优秀人士流露了使他受封为“基金经理超级巨星”地投资策略 ,还表露了最近几年来金融市场所游戏规则 ,只有索罗斯才能就这样复杂地局势作出透辟地剖析 .1997 年从东南亚开始地金融风暴使国际金融大炒家乔治·索罗斯声名大噪 , 他地著作和理论一下子遇到了宽泛地关注 . 学习索罗斯成为许多人地追乞降梦想 ,而索罗斯多年投资地经验在他地代表作《金融炼金术》里获取了完好地显现 .《金融炼金术》是资本市场所经典作品 ,不单为投资者人手必备之书 ,并且此中传奇式地主人公也为投资者所敬慕和歌颂 .《闲步华尔街》介绍度:★★★★★作者:伯顿·马尔基尔( BurtonccMalkiel ):华尔街专业投资人 .经济学者.个人投资者初次第一版:1973 年全书名:《闲步华尔街:股市恒久弥新地成功投资策略》 (A Random Walk Down Wall Street)被誉为:70 年月到现在世界股票投资界最畅销地好书 ,亚马逊评为 2001 年度地最正确畅销书本 ,美国 MBA 学生地必读教学设计参照书本 .《闲步华尔街》一书自 1973 年第一版以来 ,到现在已经过 8 次订正 , 畅销 30 余年仍持久不衰 .事实证明 , 自 20 世纪 70 年月以来 ,《闲步华尔街》是继本书格雷厄姆地经典之作《聪慧地投资人》(The Intelligent Investor )以后 ,最畅销地股票书本 ,被视为 30 年来最经典地金融投资入门读物 .作为畅销书 ,在时隔近 30 年以后 , 《闲步华尔街》依旧被全世界最大地网上书店——亚马逊——评为 2001 年度地最正确畅销书本 Best Seller ;作为“复习课程”,该书亦被列为美国 MBA 学生地必读教学设计参4/28《克罗谈投资策略》作者:斯坦利·克罗 (Stanley Kroll)全书名:《克罗谈投资策略: 奇异地墨菲法例》(Kroll on Profitable Investment Strategies)《克罗谈投资策略》是作者地第六本专著 .斯坦利·克罗先生堪称期货市场上地一位传奇式人物 ,1960 年斯坦利先生进入了全世界金融中心华尔街 .他在华尔街地 33 年之中 ,向来在期货市场上从事商品期货交易 , 累积了大批地经验 . 斯坦利先生专注研究经济理论及金融 . 投资理论 , 并先后第一版了五本专著 .期货 . 股票行业当前在我国还处于刚才起步地阶段 , 与拥有上百年期货 . 股票市场历史地美国比起来 ,还有不小地差距 ,特别是期货 .股票投资策略问题 ,对广大投资人员来讲还处于模糊状态 .在该书中斯坦利先生总结了他几十年地投资经验 ,自成一套剖析系统 ,对诸多状况下地投资策略都有其独到地看法 ,实为一本屈指可数地投资工具书 .《艾略特波浪理论》作者:普莱切特全书名:《艾略特波浪理论:市场行为地重点》(Elliott Wave Principle- Key to Market Behavior)《艾略特波浪理论》是这样一本重要地 . 迷人地 .甚至引人喜悦地著作 , 我们相信全部谨慎地市场学者——不论是基本剖析人士仍是技术剖析人士 ,在办理股票 .债券和商品期货时都应当读一读 .《艾略特波浪理论》出生于 1978 年 11 月,当时道指处于790 点.只管议论家们马上认定这是一本对于波浪理论伯威望教科书 ,但它仍是因为几千当地差距与畅销书排行榜当面错过 .可是,因为对这本内容令人着迷地书地兴趣螺方式地增添 , 及其成功地长久展望 ,所以该书地销量年年递加 ,获取了华尔街经典著作地地位 .《如何选择成长股》作者:菲利普 .A. 费雪 (PhilipA.Fisher)初次第一版:1959 年全书名:《如何选择成长股》(Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits)本书作者广受美国华尔街尊崇和恭敬 , 是最具影响力地投资专家之一他地投资哲学约四十年前提出 , 今日 ,不仅金融专业人士仍详加研读并付诸实践 ,并且被很多人奉为投资理财方面地经典之作 .这些哲学收录在本书中 .本书所说“15重点”,等于在现实生活中 , 一而再 ,再而三 ,找人“闲谈”——目地是在这里研究某支股票 , 在那边研究另一支股票 . 它真地管用 . 我不打算在此重述从前地事业生涯中 , 它如休帮助我成功 . 我地确因为发现一些股票 , 事业才能日新月异 ,这些股票 ,只好靠闲谈和“15 重点”找到 . 我能够大概研判一家公司能在这个世界地哪个地方获得一席之地 ,以及它会不会繁华壮大 .假如不可以 ,可能地病因在哪里?我马上便知道 ,为何我地同事试用“15重点”会失败 .《投资学精要》介绍度:★★★★★作者 : 兹维·博迪(Zvi Bodie).亚历克斯·凯恩(Alex Kane).艾伦·J·马科斯( Alan J Marcus)三位作者都是此刻金融领域极具影响力地金融学巨匠初次第一版:1992 年全书名:《投资学精要》 (Essentials of Investments) or (Investment) 被誉为:投资学领域地绝对经典之作,美国商学院和经管学院地首选教材兹维·博迪(Zvi Bodie). 亚历克斯·凯恩(Alex Kane) 和艾伦·J ·马科斯(Alan J.Marcus) 地《投资学精要》是金融教科书领域地经典之作, 自1992 年初版到现在已经有六个版本,成为美国以及世界众7/28本科生教科书 ,连续 14 年流行不衰 ,在投资学类地书本销售中长久居于榜首 ,被称为投资学领域地绝对经典佳作 .本书详细解说了投资领域中地风险组合理论 .资本财产订价模型 . 套利订价理论 .市场有效性 .证券评估 .衍生证券 .财产组合经管等重要内容 . 本书看法威望 , 论述详细 , 构造清楚 ,设计独到 ,语言生动易懂 ,内容上着重理论与实践地相合 .本书合适作为金融专业高年级本科生 .研究生 .MBA 教材 ,也可供金融领域地研究人员 .从业人员参照 .《金融学》作者:兹维·博迪( Zvi Bodie ),罗伯特·C·莫顿( Robert C.Merton )全书名:《金融学》(Finance)金融学作为一门学科 , 主要研究如安在不确立地条件下稀缺资源进行跨期间地分派 .金融学地剖析方法有三个“支柱”:跨期间地最优化(不一样期间地利益衡量) .财产估值 .风险经管(包含投资组合理论) .这些内容地中心是一些运用于全部分支领域地基本法例和原理.本书分为六个主要部分 .第一部分解说金融学是什么,对金融系统进行了纲要介绍,并描绘了公司财务报表地构造与运用 .第二 .三.四部分分别论述了金融学地三个理论支柱 ,并重点说明金融原理如何运用于家庭(生命周期地财务计划与投资)与公司(资本估算)地决议 . 第五部分是财产订价地理论与实践 , 解说了资本财产订价模型 ,并对期货.期权以及高风险公司债券 .贷款担保 . 杠杆融资等或有要求权地订价进行了剖析 .第六部分叙述公司财务问题:资本构造 .吞并与收买 .投资机遇地选择权剖析.《投资艺术》作者:查尔斯·艾里斯:投资经管思潮地前行者之一初次第一版:1985 年全书名:《投资艺术》 (Winning the Loser's Game)被誉为:证券投资者地必念书 ,今世最受尊崇地投资名著《投资艺术》一书仿佛是查尔斯·艾里斯用一种奇异地本事 ,把精深地现代投资组合理论转变为人们能够冷静掌握地操作知识 .这使得《投资艺术》一书在证券书海中标新立异,特别对于一名长线投资者, 这是一本能让财产最大化地不行或缺地读物 .《投资艺术》一书给了我们好多出乎直觉地看法和想法 .对于投资限期 ,投资机遇 ,投资品种 , 投资花费 , 投资经管人以及投资者自己等各个方面出乎常理而又通情达理地出色论述都为我们供应了证明 .书中多次重复地一个看法就是 ,试图“击败市场”是一种输家地游戏 , 最好地对策就是不参加这类游戏.《华尔街 45 年》作者:威廉·戴尔伯特·江恩全书名:《华尔街 45 年》(45 Years in Wall Street )江恩 ,一个有天分地数学家 , 对数字有着非凡地记忆力 ,并且他仍是一位专业地行情解读者 .撇开他地科学 ,他能仅凭解读行情地直觉战胜市场 .江恩 , 传奇式证券交易巨匠 ,20 世纪初最伟大地市场炒家 ,开创独到而又神奇地证券剖析理论和方法 ,匪夷所思地精确展望 .本书是传奇式地证券交易巨匠江恩多年来在证券交易中所获取地交易经验和研究心得地总结.此中谈到了时间循环规则,3 日走势图和 9 点摇动图 , 如何交易看涨期权 .看跌期权 .股权和权证 ,以及以小风险获取大利润 .在这本著作中 ,对于短期价风格整地规则对任何投资者都是一种难得地规则 .本书是第一本被译成中文正式第一版地江恩地著作,总结了其在 45 年交易生涯中累积地难得经验 ,有着十分重要地借鉴意义 .10/28《股市趋向技术剖析》作者:约翰·麦吉全书名:《股市趋向技术剖析》(Technical Analysis of Stock Trends )被誉为:史上最威望地股市趋向剖析经典这地确是一本历史悠长地著作 ,50 年长销不衰 . 由本书两位合著之一罗伯特·D·爱德华先生撰写前言地该书初版第一版于 1948 年,而此刻在我们手中地是 1992 年地第六版 ,此时本书地另一合著者约翰·迈吉已于 1987 年辞世 .罗伯特·D·爱德华先生早在 60 年月就已故去,第六版是由约翰·迈吉公司于 1991 年为纪念约翰·迈吉而加以订正与编写而成 .《金融市场技术剖析》作者:约翰·墨菲全书名:金融市场技术剖析(Technical Analysis of Financial Markets )本书是美国迄今以来最威望地技术剖析地经典著作 , 被投资领域内很多人士称作技术剖析地《圣经》 ,初版于 80 年月末 ,以后多次重印,本次订正达成于 1999 年,增添了很多新地内容 .本书较为全面地介绍了技术剖析地主要方法和工具 ,所以称为“大全”.其最大地特色是深入浅出 .清楚易懂 ,并且在介绍各样方法和工具时指出其限制性 , 以及防止这类限制性地手段 .同时 , 作者要求读者不要把眼界限制在某个市场,而是要注意各市场间地联系 . 作者有特别丰富地实战经验 ,他选择了 400 余幅走势图 ,对这些走势图地解说常常是特别出色和精粹地 ,对读者理解技术剖析特别实用 .《笑傲股市》作者:威廉·欧奈尔:华尔街最顶尖地资深投资人初次第一版:1998 年全书名:《笑傲股市》(How To Make Money In Stocks )被誉为:最近几年来最实用地股市投资指导书《笑傲股市》一书欧奈尔于 1998 年撰写地畅销书 , 一第一版即成为当年度全美畅销地投资类书本 ,并于 2002 年订正第一版第三版 .不论是初涉股市地生手 ,仍是久经疆场所老将 ,都能从欧奈尔那边获取特别有利地指导 .《资本市场所混沌与次序》作者:彼得斯全书名:《资本市场所混沌与次序》(Chaos and Order in the Capital Markets )《资本市场所混沌与次序》是介绍和推行混沌理论在金融领域中地应用地第一本书 ,并被奉为这方面地经典论著 .此次新版在内容长进行了全面地更新 , 加入了一些新地章节和混沌理论地最新进展进行了论述 . 这些最新进展都是与此刻地创新热门密切联系地 ,如模糊逻辑 . 神经网络和人工智能 .第二版全面论述了混沌理论在金融领域地作用 . 它所利用地都是此刻市场所最新例证并对技术地最新进展-包含遗传算法 .小波和复杂理论-进行了描绘 .《华尔街股市投资经典》作者:詹姆斯·P·奥肖内西全书名:《华尔街股市投资经典》(What Works on Wall Street)被誉为:历史上最正确投资策略指南在中国金融人地心目中 ,华尔街无疑是一个惊心动魄地词汇 . 华尔街地真切面终究是怎么样地?这仿佛已经成为中国金融人地现实问题了 . 我们像收集所罗门地咒语书同样 ,专心地组织了这套丛书 . 在这套丛书里 ,你能够在华尔街教头们地战略战术里 ,挑战华尔街;你能够在华尔街因特网地围城里 , 畅游华尔街;你甚至能够在华尔街交易商地交接耳里 ,搞笑街⋯⋯完些咒吧 , 街已无安身;完些咒后 ,所王地黄金面具就会自行零落 .本地最大特色就在于通篇充了特别地色彩 . 作者点精当且言之有据 ,拥有高地用价 .透看似地券投策略 ,我能够看到投大人地智慧 .扎地理功底以及市近乎崇敬地信 .走向成熟地中国券市和券投者来,不无借意 .《街》作者:彼得·林奇全名:《街》(Beating the Street )本主要由“ 史上最具奇色彩地基金理”彼得·林奇撰著 .彼得·林奇于 1977 年景麦哲基金理人 .到 1990 年 5 月辞去基金理人地止地 13 年 ,麦哲基金管地由 2000 万美无成至 140 美元 ,成富达地旗基金 ,是当全世界管金最大地基金 ,其投效也名列第一!和大部分成熟市地投者一 , 彼得·林奇推行价投哲学 .《街》一就是彼得·林奇投哲学地详细体 . 别的 ,本介了其哲学思地详细方法 . 思想 ,是前行地灯塔;理 ,是行地指南 .投者无疑将会从街彼得·林奇地这部作品中 ,汲取其特立独行地精髓 .《专业谋利原理》作者:维克多·斯波朗迪全书名:《专业谋利原理》(Trader Vic)被华尔街金融界人士戏称为“操盘手维克”和被《 BARRON》杂志誉为“华尔街地终结者”地本书作者维克多·斯波朗迪是华尔街地风云人物 ,在华尔街创下了从 1978 年到 1989 年连续 12 年投资盈利 , 没有任何一年损失地战绩 . 那么 ,他是如何做到常盛不衰地呢?来自“华尔街地终结者”维克多地专家建讲和回答就全在这本 1992 年被《商业周刊》评为“年度最正确商业图书”地《专业谋利原理》里面了 .市场生手或专业老手都经过试试错误地门路 ,花销无数地难得时间学习市场所知识 ,或试图将某种方法运用在市场中 .作者希望找寻一本能够防止上述无谓浪费地书本 ,它包含全部地市场基本看法与盈利知识 .假如 ,他找不到一本合适地书 ,所以决定自己写一本 .此外 ,他也希望供应给读者对市场所察看与发现 .《巴菲特:从 100 元到 160 亿》作者:沃伦·巴菲特( Warren E. Buffett ):股神初次第一版:1997 年全书名:《巴菲特致股东地信:美国股份公司教程》(The Essays of Warren Buffett : Lessons for Corporate America)被誉为:百万富豪十本必念书之一 ,历史上最成功地投资人地投资策略精髓巴菲专门这本书第一版两年以来 ,遇到了美国读者及其余国家英语读者地宽泛好评 .绝不奇异 ,大部分读者都是股票市场所投资者 .毕竟 , 巴菲专门伯克夏·哈撒韦公司地股票在 1964 年地账面面值仅为每股 19.46 美元 .而到 1999 年末 ,每股交易价钱达到了 51000 美元 .1998 年6 月,其每股价钱更达到历史记录地80900 美元 .只管当前有所下跌, 能让一只股票在 35 年内上升 2500 倍决非一般技艺 .沃伦·巴菲特仍旧当之无愧是历史上最成功地投资家之一 .巴菲特是第一位靠证券投资成为拥有几百亿美元财产地世界富豪.在过去地 35 年中 , 他执掌地伯克希尔地每股账面价值从 19 美元上升至 37,987 美元 ,年复合增添率高达 24%特别难能难得地是 , 伯克希尔已经是一家财产总数高达 1,300 多亿美元地巨型公司 . 没有哪个人地成功是有时地 .读者看完这本书以后 ,想必会对巴菲专门投资理念有深入全面地认识 ,也就不难想像他为何会获得这样惊人地业绩 .此刻地这本书中萃取了巴菲特在运用这类投资方法时所累积地经验之精髓 .这类投资方法事实上是由他地导师 , 以前写出《证券剖析》这本经典之作地本·格雷厄姆和戴维·多德创始地 .这些书中所表现地思想是没有时限地 ,它们可产帮助任何一位投资者在今日波浪汹涌地市场中确立航向 . 特别是巴菲特对于他自己投资历程地反省可产为我国供应重要地经验和教训 .《交易冠军》作者:马丁·舒华兹全书名:《交易冠军》(Pit Bull )《股票作手回想录》作者:爱德温·李费弗全书名:《股票作手回想录》 (Reminiscences of a Stock Operator)“《交易冠军》是《股市作手回想录》这本由爱德温·李费佛所著相关金融操作经典之作地现代版 ,让我们能够透视这位今世伟大操作者地传奇一世 .任何对金融操作有兴趣地人 ,都能津津乐道地从阅读此书中深解义趣 .”——杰克·史瓦格股不下“这是一本内容令人发噱而又耳目一新地书 .《交易冠军》中说了然华尔街生活地真切相貌 , 并且告诉你如安在那边赚到钱 .”——马丁·崔格“这是自从《骗徒地扑克牌戏》以后 ,最能以娱乐性和洞察力地目光透视华尔街地一本书 .”——保罗·都铎琼斯二世“内容风趣 ,具洞察力 ,而又富裕教育性地一本书 .我对于《交易冠军》赐予激烈地‘买进’建议!”——史丹·温斯坦《罗杰斯全世界投资旅游》作者:吉姆·罗杰斯全书名:《罗杰斯全世界投资旅游》(On the Road with Jim Rogers Investment Biker )吉姆·罗杰斯现任哥伦比亚大学金融学教授, 并常年担当美国全国广播有线电视网金融类节目主持人.本书是他在1990 年地摩托车环球旅游中 , 用一个西方金融家敏锐地目光对世界各地地投资机遇进行地剖析与记录 .它教给生活在市场经济环境中地人发现市场机遇地方法.面对市场经济应有地看法和思想方式以及资本市场投资地捷径.《世纪炒股赢家》作者:罗伊·纽伯格全书名:《世纪炒股赢家》(So Far So Good the First 94 Years)被誉为:共同基金之父本书以自述体形式叙述了罗伊·纽伯格地整个人生历程和追求事业地生涯 .Neuberge 是华尔街地传怪杰物 ,他生于 20 世纪初 ,在 1929年经济大冷清几个月以行进入华尔街地Halle & Stieglitz 公司开始交易生涯 .本书详细描绘了他如安在他人一筹莫展时使自己地财产免受重要损失 ,以及 Neuberge & Berman 公司创办细节 , 首批无附带费地合资投资公司“保护人”地发展历程 ,以及他在 1987 年股市大崩溃中非凡地成功经营 .本书还叙述了他对艺术地热爱 ,他创办地 Neuberge 博物馆以及在 94 岁时依旧进行交易地传奇经历 .《一个谋利者地告白》作者:安德烈·科斯托兰妮全书名:金钱游戏 ---- 一个谋利者地告白谋利证券 .洞悉经济 , 顿悟人生 ,你必读地一本书 ,有钱地人 ,能够谋利,钱少地人 ,不行谋利 ,根本没钱地人一定谋利 ,声速获取金钱地方法有三种;一是带来财产地婚姻,二是好运地商业点子;三是谋利, 经历80年谋利和涯 ,一世富饶 ,优雅 ,冷静地安德烈·科斯托尼教给你如安在金钱游戏中胜券在握地绝窃 .安德烈·科斯徒工兰尼是德国最负盛名地投资大师,被誉为“二十世纪地股票目睹人”.“本世纪金融史上最成功地投资者之一”.他在德国投资界地地位 ,如同美国地沃伦·巴菲特 .他地成功 , 被视为欧洲为以威地象征 .安德烈·科斯托兰尼是德国股市地无冕之王 . 德国地投资人 , 专家及媒体记者 ,常常以他对股市地建议为依照 ,决定自己地行动方向 , 或发布剖析文章 .在这里,我们以第一人称地表达方式让安德·科斯托兰尼先生回首他八十年地股市人生 . 请读者倾听这位一世富饶 . 优雅 .冷静地老先生教给你如安在纷众多变地金钱游戏中胜券在握地窍门!《逆向思虑地艺术》作者:汉弗莱·B·尼尔全书名:逆向思虑地艺术 (the Art of Contrary Thinking)“当全部人想得都同样时 ,可能每一个人都错了 .”依据汉弗莱·B·尼尔地思想 ,上边引用地这段话揭露了一项重要要素 ,正是这项要20/28地驱动着经济繁华和冷清地更替,困扰着我们地文明 .密西西比地地产泡沫 .荷兰令人难以置信地郁金香球茎浪潮;1929 年纽约股市地崩溃 ,都是灾害性地历史教训,这些灾害地发生无不经由众心理地作用而扩大.加快 . 也有正好相反地例子,在紧随第二次世界大战以后地几年中,各处流行经济马长进入衰败地预知,但是 ,实质状况恰好相反,真切到来地是商业地繁华,而不是衰败 . 不论谁 ,只需熟知逆向思虑方法——尼尔相反建议理论地详细应用, 对于上述事件发生地原委就不会感觉疑惑了 .这一理论最先发端于一人地独立工作,他努力探究揭开经济趋势谜底地门路 ,此刻 ,不论从应用范围上 , 仍是从其重要性上来看,这项理论都已经有了巨大发展. 《相反建议理论通信》地订户已经领会到如何将相反建议理论应用于商业趋向之外处领域.在《逆向思虑地艺术》一书中 ,您将发现下边这个问题地答案,那些忙于买卖地人士和有影响地人士愈来愈多地提出这个问题:相反建议理论——什么意思?对我有什么用途?《通向金融王国地自由之路》作者:范·K·撒普全书名:《通向金融王国地自由之路》(Trade Your Way to Finacial Freedom )《通向金融王国地自由之路》是一本十分合适投资者地书,它具。
A、阿尔法为正则证券价格被高估B、阿尔法为零应买入C、阿尔法为负应买入D、阿尔法为正则证券价格被低估5、无风险收益率为0 . 0 7,市场期望收益率为0 . 1 5。
证券A期望收益率为0 . 1 2,贝塔值为1 . 3。
A、买入A,因为它被高估了B、卖空A,因为它被高估了C、卖空A,因为它被低估了D、买入A,因为它被低估了6、证券A 期望收益率为0 . 1 0,贝塔值为1 . 1。
无风险收益率为0 . 0 5,市场期望收益率为0 . 0 8。
A、1.7%B、-1 . 7%C、8.3%D、5.5%7、零贝塔值证券的期望收益率为()。
《50部必读的投资经典》书目:第1部《聪明的投资者》[美国] 本杰明·格雷厄姆(1894-1978)第2部《巴菲特:从100元到160亿》[美国] 沃伦·巴菲特(1930-)第3部《战胜华力二街》[美国] 彼得·林奇(1944-)第4部《金融炼金术》[美国] 乔治·索罗斯(1930-)第5部《一个投机者的告白》[德国] 安德烈·科斯托拉尼(1906-1999)第6部《证券分析》[美国] 本杰明·格雷厄姆(1894-1976)第7部《漫步华尔街》[美国] 伯顿·麦基尔(1933-)第8部《华尔街45年》[美国] 威廉·戴尔伯特·江恩(1878-1955)第9部《怎样选择成长股》[美国] 菲利普·A·费舍(1908-2004)第10部《克罗谈投资策略》[美国] 斯坦利·克罗(1928-)第11部《艾略特波浪理论》[美国] 小罗伯特·鲁格劳特·普莱切特(1949-)第12部《投资学精要》[美国] 兹维·博迪(1943-)第12部《金融学》[美国] 罗伯特·C·莫顿(1944-)第14部《投资艺术》[美国] 查尔斯·艾里斯(1941-)第15部《股市趋势技术分析》[美国] 约翰·迈吉(1912-1987)第16部《笑傲股市》[美国] 威廉·欧奈尔(1933-)第17部《金融市场技术分析》[美国] 约翰·墨菲(1934-)第18部《资本市场的混沌与秩序》[美国] 埃德加·E·彼得斯(1952-)第19部《华尔街股市投资经典》[美国] 詹姆斯·P·奥肖内西(1931-)第20部《专业投机原理》[美国] 维克多·斯波朗迪(1952-)第21部《交易冠军》[美国] 马丁·舒华兹(1945-)第22部《罗杰斯环球投资旅行》[美国] 吉姆·罗杰斯(1942-)第23部《世纪炒股赢家》[美国] 罗伊·纽伯格(1903-1999)第24部《逆向思考的艺术》[美国] 汉弗莱·B·尼尔(1904-1978)第25部《通向金融王国的自由之路》[美国] 范·K·撒普(1945-)第26部《泥鸽靶》[美国] 弗兰克·帕特诺伊(1967-)第27部《伟大的博弈》[美国] 约翰·斯蒂尔·戈登(1944-)第28部《散户全上》[美国] 阿瑟·莱维特(1931-)第29部《非理性繁荣》[美国] 罗伯特·J·希勒(1946-)第30部《贼巢》[美国] 詹姆斯·B·斯图尔特(1951-)第31部《股票作手回忆录》[美国] 爱德温·李费佛(1877-1940)第32部《统计陷阱》[美国] 达莱尔·哈夫(1913-2001)第33部《1929年大崩盘》[美国] 约翰·肯尼斯·加尔布雷思(1908-2006)第34部《说谎者的扑克牌》[美国] 迈克尔·刘易斯(1960-)第35部《对冲基金风云录》[美国] 巴顿·比格斯(1932-)第36部《客户的游艇在哪里》[美国] 小弗雷德·施维德(1901-1966)第37部《共同基金常识》[美国] 约翰·鲍格尔(1929-)第38部《投资者的未来》[美国] 杰里米·J·西格尔(1945-)第39部《股市晴雨表》[美国] 威廉·彼得·汉密尔顿第40部《股市潜规则》[美国]迈克尔·帕内斯(1965-)第41部《与天为敌》[美国]彼得·伯恩斯坦(1919-)第42部《以交易为生》[美国]亚历山大·埃尔德(1950-)第43部《操纵金钱》[美国]安迪·凯斯勒(1958-)第44部《我如何在股市赚了200万》[美国]尼古拉斯·达瓦斯(1920-1977)第45部《股市真规则》[美国]帕特·多尔西(1950-)第46部《投资圣经:巴菲特的真实故事》[美国]安迪·基尔帕特里克(1945-)第47部《彼得·林奇的成功投资》[美国]彼得·林奇(1944-)第48部《安德烈·科斯托拉尼最佳金钱故事》[美国]安德烈·科斯托拉尼(1906-1999)第49部《向格雷厄姆学思考,向巴菲特学投资》[美国]劳伦斯·克尼厄姆(1962-)第50部《债券之王:比尔·格罗斯的投资秘诀》[美国]蒂莫西·米德尔顿(1944-)附录1:50部必读的投资经典中外文书名对照表附录2:Value杂志推荐阅读的55部投资理财经典书目附录3:《财富》推荐的75本经典读物书目附录4:里奥·高夫《一次读完25本投资经典》书目Value建议阅读的投资经典55本大半年前,读书周报的一位编辑约我写一篇推荐各类投资理财书籍的文章,被我谢绝了。
第1部《聪明的投资者》本杰明·格雷厄姆(美国1894—1976)第2部《金融炼金术》乔治·索罗斯(美国1930—)第3部《漫步华尔街》伯顿·马尔基尔(美国1933—)第4部《克罗淡投资策略》斯坦利·克罗(美国1928—)第5部《艾略特波浪理论》小罗伯特·R·普莱切特(美国1949—)第6部《怎样选择成长股》菲利普·A·费雪(美国1908—2004)第7部《投资学精要》兹维·博迪(美国1943—)第8部《金融学》罗伯特·C·莫顿(美国1944—)第9部《投资艺术》查尔斯·艾里斯(美国1941—)第10部《华尔街45年》威廉·戴尔伯特·江恩(美国1878—1955) 第11部《股市趋势技术分析》约翰·迈占(美国1912—1987)第12部《笑傲股市》威廉·欧奈尔(美国1933—)第13部《期货市场技术分析》约翰·墨菲(美国1934—)第14部《资本市场的混沌与秩序》埃德加·E·彼得斯(美国1952—) 第15部《华尔街股市投资经典》詹姆斯·P·奥肖内西(美国1931—) 第16部《战胜华尔街》彼得·林奇(美国1944—)第17部《专业投机原理》维克多·斯波朗迪(美国1952—)第18部《巴菲特:从100元到160亿》沃伦·巴菲特(美国1930—) 第19部《交易冠军》马丁·舒华兹(美国1945—)第20部《股票作手回忆录》爱德温·李费佛(美国1877—1940)第21部《罗杰斯环球投资旅行》吉姆·罗杰斯(美国1942—)第22部《世纪炒股赢家》罗伊·纽伯格(美国1903—1999)第23部《一个投机者的告白》安德烈·科斯托兰尼(德国1906—1999) 第24部《逆向思考的艺术》汉弗菜·B·尼尔(美国1904—1978)第25部《通向金融王国的自由之路》范·K·撒普(美国1945—)第26部《泥鸽靶》弗兰克·帕特诺伊(美国1967—)第27部《贼巢》詹姆斯·B·斯图尔特(美国1951—)第28部《非理性繁荣》罗伯特·希勒(美国1946—)第29部《伟大的博弈》约翰·斯蒂尔·戈登(美国1944—)第30部《散户至上》阿瑟·莱维特(美国1931—)。
A.买入一定量的看涨期权B.卖出一定量的看涨期权C.买入一定量的看跌期权D.卖出一定量的看跌期权3.甲购买了A公司股票的欧式看涨期权,协议价格为每股20元,合约期限为2个月,期权价格为每股1.5元,若A公司股票市场价格在到期日为每股21元, 甲应该()。
A.期货合约的价格B.期权的执行价格C.现货合约的价格D.期权的期权费□.交易者拥有一个执行价格为3. 40美分/蒲耳的玉米看跌期权,此时,玉米期货合约价格为3. 30美分/蒲耳时,该交易者拥有的是()期权。
A.增加;增加B.减少;增加C. 增加;减少D.减少;减少7.对于期权的水平套利组合,下列要素中()是正确的。
A.看跌期权的价格B. 执行价格C.股价减去看跌期权价格D.执行价格减去看跌期权价格9.看涨期权的卖方预期该种金融资产的价格在期权有限期内将会()。
A.± 涨B.下跌C.不变D.难以判断10.以下关于期权特点的说法不正确的是()。
A.交易的对象是抽象的商品一执行或放奔合约的权利B.期权合约不存在交易对手风险C.期权合约赋予交易双方的权利和义务不对等D.期权合约使交易双方承担的亏损及获取的收益不对称11.-张股票的裸露看涨期权的卖方潜在的损失是____________ o a.有限的b.无限的c.股价越低损失越大d.与看涨期权价格相等12.-张处于虚值状态的看涨期权的内在价值等于_________ o a.看涨期权价格b.零c.股价减去执行价格d.执行价格13.-张处于实值状态的看跌期权的内在价值等于_________ o a.股价减去执行价格b.看跌期权价格c.零d.执行价格减去股价14.看涨期权的持有者 ___________ 交纳保证金,看跌期权的出售者 __________ 交纳保证金。
第27部 《贼巢》
第28部 《非理性繁荣》Irrational Exuberance
第29部 《伟大的博弈》
第30部 《散户至上》
第31部 《金融市场技术分析》
作者:本杰明·格雷厄姆(Benjamin Graham):证券分析之父
第21部 《罗杰斯环球投资旅行》
第22部 《世纪炒股赢家》
第23部 《一个投机者的告白》
第24部 《逆向思考的艺术》 Art.of.Creative.Thinking
第25部 《通向金融王国的自由之路》Trade.Your.Way.to.Financial.Freedom
全书名:《投资艺术》(Winning the Loser's Game)
第16部 《战胜华尔街》Beating.the.Street.pdf
第17部 《专业投机原理》Trader.Vic
Investment Essentials: 10th Edition English Teaching Design IntroductionInvestment Essentials is a comprehensive textbook that covers all the essential topics related to investments. The tenth edition of this book is an updated version, which incorporates the latest trends and developments in the field of investments. As an instructor, designing a teaching plan for this book requires careful planning and consideration. This document outlines a teaching design for the Investment Essentials textbook, which covers the mn topics and concepts in the book.Learning ObjectivesThe primary goal of this teaching plan is to equip learners with the knowledge and skills required to understand investments. The following are the learning objectives for the course:1.Define and describe the mn types of investments2.Evaluate and analyze investment opportunities3.Understand the risks associated with differenttypes of investments4.Develop a portfolio of investments5.Understand the role of financial markets ininvestment decision makingTeaching StrategiesThe teaching strategies for this course are designed to be interactive and engaging. The strategies are as follows:1.Lectures: This will be the primary mode of deliveryfor the course. Lectures will introduce and expln keyconcepts, theories and models.2.Case Studies: In addition to lectures, learnerswill be presented with real-life scenarios and casestudies that require them to apply the concepts learnedin class. This will enable learners to appreciate thecomplexities of investment decision-making.3.Group Work: Group work will be used to providelearners with an opportunity to collaborate with othersand discuss investment opportunities, risks and returns.This will enable learners to learn from each other anddevelop critical thinking skills.4.Presentations: Learners will be required to prepareand make presentations on investment opportunities. This will enable learners to develop communication skills andpresent complex information in a clear and concisemanner.5.Empirical Exercises: To supplement lectures,learners will be required to conduct empirical exercises such as analyzing financial statements and interpreting market data. This will enable learners to developanalytical skills and apply theoretical concepts. Course StructureThe course will be divided into the following units:1.Introduction to Investments•Types of Investments•Investment Philosophy2.Asset Allocation and Portfolio Construction•Risk and Return•Diversification3.Financial Markets•Types of Financial Markets•Market Efficiency4.Securities Analysis•Fundamental Analysis•Technical Analysis5.Fixed-Income Securities•Bond Valuations•Bond Ratings6.Equity Valuations•Dividend Discount Model•Price-Earnings Ratio7.Derivative Instruments and Alternative Investments•Futures and Options•Hedge Funds and Private EquityAssessmentAssessment will be based on a combination of coursework and exams. The following are the assessment components:1.Midterm Exam (30%)2.Group Presentations and Reports (30%)3.Final Exam (40%)ConclusionInvestment Essentials is an essential textbook for learners interested in investments. This teaching design outlines a comprehensive plan for delivering the course content to learners in an interactive and engaging manner. The learning objectives, teaching strategies, coursestructure, and assessment components will enable learners to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence required to understand investments and make informed investment decisions.。
目录一、金融学进阶教材及方法 (1)1.入门进阶教材及注意事项 (1)2.继续研究进阶教材及注意事项 (1)二、投资实务之三十部著作 (8)三、金融学应了解的知识(四川大学) (10)四、金融联考大纲必备 (13)五、应用金融硕士研究生精读书目 (15)六、投行阅读书目 (15)一、金融学进阶教材及方法1.入门进阶教材及注意事项(1)入门书籍《Finance》,Zvi Bodie,Robert C.Merton。
(2)中级教材a. Investments:<Essentials of Investments>,Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus.<Investments>,William F.Sharpe, Gordon J.Alexander, Jeffrey V.Bailey第一本书行文更流畅易懂,第二本较学术化,但两者选一即可。
b. Corporate Finance< Principles of Corporate Finance >, Richard A.Brealey, Stewart C.Myers<Corporate Finance>, Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Jeffrey F. Jaffe 第一本通俗些,例子写的非常漂亮,第二本学术化色彩较浓,也是两者选一即可。
c. Derivatives< Options, Futures and other Derivatives >, John C. Hull如果简单的了解,a中任何一本书相关的部分就足够了。
Net asset value =
= 10.49
8. a. Start of year price = $12.00 × 1.02 = $12.24
End of year price = $12.10 × 0.93 = $11.25
Although NAV increased, the price of the fund fell by $0.99.
Distributions + ∆(Price) $1.50 – $0.99 Rate of return = Start of year price = $12.24 = .042 = 4.2%
b. An investor holding the same portfolio as the manager would have earned a rate of return based on the increase in the NAV of the portfolio:
$1000 × (1.095)4 = $1,437.66,
which after paying the exit fee will leave you with: $1,437.66 × .99 = 1423.28.
Class B is better if your horizon is 4 years.
Chapter 4:
2. The offer price includes a 6% front-end load, or sales commission, meaning that every dollar paid results in only $.94 going toward purchase of shares. Therefore,
Essentials of Investments (BKM 5th Ed.Answers to Selected Problems – Lecture 60 –300Purchase of three shares at $100 each. 1 –208Purchase of two shares at $110 less dividend income on three shares held. 2 110 Dividends on five shares plus sale of one share at price of $90 each. 3 396Dividends on four shares plus sale of four shares at price of $95 each. 396|||110 |Date: 1/1/96 1/1/97 1/1/98 1/1/99| || || || 208300The Dollar-weighted return can be determined by doing an internal rate of return (IRRcalculation. In other words, set the present value of the outflows equal to the presentvalue of the inflows (or the net present value to zero: %1661. 0001661. 01(396 1(110 1(208300321−=−=+++=++R R R3. b.5. We need to distinguish between timing and selection abilities. The intercept of the scatterdiagram is a measure of stock selection ability. If the manager tends to have a positive excess return even when the market’s performance is merely ‘neutral’ (i.e., has zero excess return, then we conclude that the manager has on average made good stock picks – stock selection must be the source of the positive excess returns.Timing ability is indicated by curvature in the plotted line. Lines that become steeper as you move to the right of the graph show good timing ability. An upward curvedrelationship indicates that the portfolio was more sensitive to market moves when the market was doing well and less sensitive to market moves when the market was doingpoorly -- this indicates good market timing skill. A downward curvature would indicate poor market timing skill.We can therefore classify performance ability for the four managers as follows:a. Bad Goodb. Good Goodc. Good Badd. Bad Bad9. The manager’s alpha is:10 - [6 + 0.5(14-6] = 010. a α(A = 24 - [12 + 1.0(21-12] = 3.0%α(B = 30 - [12 + 1.5(21-12] = 4.5%T(A = (24 - 12/1 = 12T(B = (30-12/1.5 = 12As an addition to a passive diversified portfolio, both A and B are candidates because they both have positive alphas.b (i The funds may have been trying to time the market. In that case, the SCL of the funds may be non-linear (curved.(ii One year’s worth of data is too small a sample to make clear conclusions.(iii The funds may have significantly different levels of diversification. If both have the same risk-adjusted return, the fund with the less diversified portfolio has a higher exposure to risk because of its higher firm-specific risk. Since the above measure adjusts only for systematic risk, it does not tell the entire story.11. a Indeed, the one year results were terrible, but one year is a short time period from whichto make clear conclusions. Also, the Board instructed the manager to give priority to long-term results.b The sample pension funds had a much larger share in equities compared to Alpine’s. Equities performed much better than bonds. Also, Alpine was told to hold down risk investing at most 25% in equities. Alpine should not be held responsible for an asset allocation policy dictated by the client.c Alpine’s alpha measures its risk-adjusted performance compared to the market’s:α = 13.3 - [7.5 + 0.9(13.8 - 7.5] = 0.13%, which is actually above zero!d Note that the last five years, especially the last one, have been bad for bonds – and Alpine was encouraged to hold bonds. Within this asset class, Alpine did much better than the index funds. Alpine’s performance within each asset class has been superior on a risk-adjusted basis. Its disappointing performance overall was due to a heavy asset allocation weighting toward bonds, which was the Board’s –not Alpine’s – choice.e A trustee may not care about the time-weighted return, but that return is moreindicative of the manager’s performance. After all, the manager has no control over the cash inflow of the fund.。
Essentials of Investments (BKM 5th Ed.) Answers to Suggested Problems – Lecture 7 Bond Pricing Examples for Exam 3: Problem 9(a) in Chapter 9 provides an example of a bond price calculation (answer shown below). As additional examples, page 69 in your course packet provides several bond pricing problems for bonds with various maturity, yield, and coupon characteristics. The bond prices for these examples are as follows (note all bonds pay coupons semi-annually): 8% coupon, 8% market yield, 10 years to maturity: B = $1,000.00 10% market yield, 10 years to maturity: , 10 years to maturity: B = $875.38 8% coupon, 10% market yield, 10 years to maturity: B = $1,148.77 8% coupon, 6% market yield6% market yield, 10 years to maturity: 20 years to maturity: B = $1,000.00 8% coupon, 8% market yield, 10% market yield, , 20 years to maturity: B = $828.41 8% coupon, 10% market yield6% market yield, , 20 years to maturity: B = $1,231.15 8% coupon, 6% market yield6% coupon, 8% market yield, 10 years to maturity: B = $864.10 , 10 years to maturity: B = $750.76 6% coupon, 10% market yield, 10 years to maturity: 6% coupon, 6% market yield, 10 years to maturity: , 10 years to maturity: B = $1000.00 Chapter 9: C hapter 9: 4. Lower. Interest rates have fallen since the bond was issued. Thus, the bond is selling at a premium and the price will decrease (toward par value) as the bond approaches maturity. 5. True. Under the Expectations Hypothesis, there are no risk premia built into bond prices. The only reason for an upward sloping yield curve is the expectation of increased short-term rates in the future. 7. Uncertain. Liquidity premium will increase long-term yields, but lower inflation expectations will reduce long-term yields compared to short-term rates. The net effect is uncertain. 8. If the yield curve is upward sloping, you cannot conclude that investors expect short-term interest rates to rise because the rising slope could either be due to expectations of future increases in rates or due to a liquidity premium. 9. a) The bond pays $50 every 6 months Current price = $1052.42 Assuming that market interest rates remain at 4% per half year: the price 6 months from now = $1044.52 b) Rate of return = [1044.52 - 1052.42 + 50]/1052.42 = .04 or 4% per 6 months 14.Zero 8% coupon 10% coupon a) Current prices $463.19 $1,000 $1,134.20b) Price in 1 year $500.25 $1,000 $1,124.94 Price change $37.06 $0.00 $-9.26 Coupon income$0.00 $80.00 $100.00 Total Total income income $37.06 $80.00 $90.74 Rate of return8.00% 8.00%8.00%33. a)The forward rate, f, is the rate that makes rolling over one-year bonds equally attractive as investing in the two-year maturity bond and holding until maturity:(1.08)(1 + f) = (1.09)2which implies that f = 0.1001 or 10.01%b) According to the expectations hypothesis, the forward rate equals the expected short rate next year, so the best guess would be 10.01%.c) According to the liquidity preference (liquidity premium) hypothesis, the forward rate exceeds the expected short-term rate for next year (by the amount of the liquidity premium), so the best guess would be less than 10.01%.35. a. We obtain forward rates from the following table: Maturity (years) YTMForward ratePrice (for part c)1 10.0%$909.09 $909.09 ($1000/1.10) ($1000/1.10) 2 11.0% 12.01% 12.01% [(1.11[(1.112/1.10) – 1] $811.62 ($1000/1.112) 3 12.0%14.03% 14.03% [(1.12[(1.123/1.112) – 1] $711.78 ($1000/1.123)b. We obtain next year’s prices and yields by discounting each zero’s face value at theforward rates derived in part (a):Maturity (years) PriceYTM 1$892.78 [ = 1000/1.1201]12.01%2$782.93[ = 1000/(1.1201 x 1.1403)] 13.02%Note that this year’s upward sloping yield curve implies, according to the expectations hypothesis, a shift upward in next year’s curve.∆∆D=−⋅c) We need a bond position with a present value of $17,832.65. Thus, the face value of thebond position must be:$17,832.65*(1.08)1.4808= $19,985.26If interest rates increase to 9%, the value of the bond would be:$19,985.26/((1.09) 1.4808) = $17,590.92The tuition obligation would be:10,000/1.09 + 10,000/((1.09)2) = $17,591.11or a net position change of only $0.19.If interest rates decrease to 7%, the value of the bond would be:$19,985.26/((1.07)1.4808) = $18,079.99The tuition obligation would be:10,000/(1.07) + 10,000((1.07)2) = $18,080.18or a net position change of $0.19.**The slight differences result from the fact that duration is only a linear approximationof the true convex relationship between fixed-income values and interest rates.11. a) The duration of the perpetuity is 1.05/.05 = 21 years. Let w be the weight of the zero-coupon bond. Then we find w by solving:w × 5 + (1 – w)×21 = 1021 – 16w = 10w = 11/16 or .6875Therefore, your portfolio would be 11/16 invested in the zero and 5/16 in theperpetuity.b) The zero-coupon bond now will have a duration of 4 years while the perpetuity willstill have a 21-year duration. To get a portfolio duration of 9 years, which is now theduration of the obligation, we again solve for w:w × 4 + (1 – w)× 21 = 921 – 17w = 9w = 12/17 or .7059So the proportion invested in the zero has to increase to 12/17 and the proportion in the perpetuity has to fall to 5/17.12. a) The duration of the perpetuity is 1.1/.1 = 11 years. The present value of the payments is$1 million/.10 = $10 million. Let w be the weight of the 5-year zero-coupon bond andtherefore (1 – w) will be the weight of the 20-year zero-coupon bond. Then we find w by solving:w ×× 5 + (1 – w)× 2020 = 1120 – 15w = 11w = 9/15 = .60Therefore, 60% of the portfolio will be invested in the 5-year zero-coupon bond and 40% in the 20-year zero-coupon bond.Therefore, the market value of the 5-year zero must be$10 million ×.60 = $6 million.Similarly, the market value of the 20-year zero must be$10 million ×.40 = $4 millionb) FaceFace value of the 5-year zero-coupon bond will be$6 million × (1.10)5= $9.66 million.Face value of the 20-year zero-coupon bond will be$4 million ×× (1.10)20= $26.91 million.18. a) 4b) 4c) 4d) 221. Note that we did not discuss swaps in detail. For that reason, I would not expect you to beable to answer this type of question on the exam. The question is meant to provide youwith a brief summary of some potential motivations for swaps.a) a. This swap would have been made if the investor anticipated a decline in long-terminterest rates and an increase in long-term bond prices. The deeper discount, lowercoupon 6 3/8% bond would provide more opportunity for capital gains, greater callprotection, and greater protection against declining reinvestment rates at a cost of only amodest drop in yield.b. This swap was probably done by an investor who believed the 24 basis point yield spreadbetween the two bonds was too narrow. The investor anticipated that, if the spreadwidened to a more normal level, either a capital gain would be experienced on theTreasury note or a capital loss would be avoided on the Phone bond, or both. Also, thisswap might have been done by an investor who anticipated a decline in interest rates, andwho also wanted to maintain high current coupon income and have the better callprotection of the Treasury note. The Treasury note would have unlimited potential forprice appreciation, in contrast to the Phone bond which would be restricted by its callprice. Furthermore, if intermediate-term interest rates were to rise, the price decline ofthe higher quality, higher coupon Treasury note would likely be “cushioned” and thereinvestment return from the higher coupons would likely be greater.c. This swap would have been made if the investor were bearish on the bond market. Thezero coupon note would be extremely vulnerable to an increase in interest rates since theyield to maturity, determined by the discount at the time of purchase, is locked in. This isin contrast to the floating rate note, for which interest is adjusted periodically to reflectcurrent returns on debt instruments. The funds received in interest income on the floatingrate notes could be used at a later time to purchase long-term bonds at more attractiveyields.d. These two bonds are similar in most respects other than quality and yield. An investorwho believed the yield spread between Government and Al bonds was too narrow wouldhave made the swap either to take a capital gain on the Government bond or to avoid acapital loss on the Al bond. The increase in call protection after the swap would not be afactor except under the most bullish interest rate scenarios. The swap does, however,extend maturity another 8 years and yield to maturity sacrifice is 169 basis points.e. The principal differences between these two bonds are the convertible feature of the Zmart bond and the yield and coupon advantage, and the longer maturity of the LuckyDucks debentures. The swap would have been made if the investor believed somecombination of the following: First, that the appreciation potential of the Z martconvertible, based primarily on the intrinsic value of Z mart common stock, was nolonger as attractive as it had been. Second, that the yields on long-term bonds were at acyclical high, causing bond portfolio managers who could take A2-risk bonds to reach forhigh yields and long maturities either to lock them in or take a capital gain when ratessubsequently declined. Third, while waiting for rates to decline, the investor will enjoyan increase in coupon income. Basically, the investor is swapping an equity-equivalentfor a long- term corporate bond.23. Choose the longer-duration bond to benefit from a rate decrease.a) The Aaa-rated bond will have the lower yield to maturity and the longer duration.and more de facto call protection.b) The lower-coupon bond will have the longer durationc) Choose the lower coupon bond for its longer duration.30. The price of the 7% bond in 5 years is:PVA(C=$70, N=25, r=8%) + PV($1000, N=25, r=8%) = $893.25You also get five $70 coupon payments four of which can be reinvested at 6% for a total of $394.59 in coupon income.HPR = ($893.25 - 867.42 + 394.59)/867.42 = 48.47%The price of the 6.5% bond in 5 years is:PVA(C=$65, N=15, r=7.5%) + PV($1000, N=15, r=7.5%) = $911.73You also get five $65 coupon payments four of which can be reinvested at 6% for a total of $366.41 in coupon income.HPR = ($911.73 - 879.50 + 366.41)/879.50 = 45.33%**The 7% bond has a higher 5-year holding period return.。
以下陈述哪些是正确的?a.第⼀种投资2年的风险溢价和第⼆种投资相同b .两种投资两年收益的标准差相同c .第⼀种投资年化标准差更低d .第⼀种投资的夏普⽐率更⾼e .对风险厌恶的投资者来说第⼀种投资更有吸引⼒答:c 项和e 项正确。
解释如下:c 项:令σ=风险投资的标准差(年),1σ=第⼀种投资2年中的标准差(年),可得σσ?=21。
e 项:第⼀种投资更吸引风险厌恶程度低的投资者。
陈雨露、张杰、瞿强联合推荐2004-12-71、《经济学原理》N·格里高利·曼昆(N.Gregory Mankiw),中国人民大学出版社。
2、《应用经济计量学》拉姆·拉玛纳山(Ramu Ramanathan),机械工业出版社。
3、《货币金融学》弗雷德里克·S·米什金(Fredcric S.Mishkin),中国人民大学出版社。
11、《衍生金融工具与风险管理》唐·M·钱斯(Don.M.Chanc),中信出版社攻读博士学位预备生精读书目陈雨露、张杰、瞿强联合推荐2004-12-71、《经济学原理》N·格里高利·曼昆(N.Gregory Mankiw),中国人民大学出版社。
2、《应用经济计量学》拉姆·拉玛纳山(Ramu Ramanathan),机械工业出版社。
4、《货币金融学》弗雷德里克·S·米什金(Fredcric S.Mishkin),中国人民大学出版社。
第1部《聪明的投资者》The.Intelligent.Investor第2部《金融炼金术》 The.Alchemy.Of.Finance第3部《漫步华尔街》 A.Random.Walk.Down.Wall.Street第4部《克罗淡投资策略》第5部《艾略特波浪理论》第6部《怎样选择成长股》Common.Stocks.and.Uncommon.Profits.and.Other.Writings 第7部《投资学精要》Investment.6th.Edition.pdf第8部《金融学》第9部《投资艺术》Winning.the.Losers'Game第10部《华尔街45年》45.Years.In.Wall.Street第11部《股市趋势技术分析》Technical.Analysis.of.Stock.Trends第12部《笑傲股市》How.to.Make.Money.in.Stocks第13部《期货市场技术分析》Technical.Analysis.of.the.Financial.Markets.pdf 第14部《资本市场的混沌与秩序》Chaos.and.Order.in.the.Capital.Markets第15部《华尔街股市投资经典》 What.Works.on.Wall.Street第16部《战胜华尔街》Beating.the.Street.pdf第17部《专业投机原理》Trader.Vic第18部《巴菲特:从100元到160亿》The.Essays.of.Warren.Buffett第19部《交易冠军》第20部《股票作手回忆录》 Reminiscences.of.a.Stock.Operator第21部《罗杰斯环球投资旅行》第22部《世纪炒股赢家》第23部《一个投机者的告白》第24部《逆向思考的艺术》 Art.of.Creative.Thinking第25部《通向金融王国的自由之路》Trade.Your.Way.to.Financial.Freedom第26部《泥鸽靶》第27部《贼巢》第28部《非理性繁荣》Irrational Exuberance第29部《伟大的博弈》第30部《散户至上》第31部《金融市场技术分析》《聪明的投资者》推荐度:★★★★★作者:本杰明·格雷厄姆(Benjamin Graham):证券分析之父首次出版:1949年全书名:《聪明的投资者》(The Intelligent Investor: A Book of Practical Counsel)又译作《智慧型股票投资人》被誉为:投资界的金科玉律,有史以来最伟大的投资著作!格雷厄姆的“投资指南”是每一位华尔街人士的“圣经”,它对全球金融产生了深远的影响,并为证券市场造就了,包括当今世界首富、被称为“股神”的沃特.巴菲特在内的一批亿万富翁。
关键词:盈利能力,杜邦分析体系,净资产收益率,财务分析,营业利润目录一、绪论 (1)(一)研究背景 (1)(二)研究目的及意义 (2)1、研究目的 (2)2、研究意义 (2)(三)国内外研究现状 (3)1、国外研究现状 (3)2、国内研究现状 (3)(四)研究内容及方法 (5)1、研究内容 (5)2、研究方法 (5)二、相关概念及理论基础 (6)(一)财务分析的理论 (6)1、财务分析基本方法 (6)2、财务分析综合方法 (7)(二)杜邦分析体系的基本理论 (7)三、基于杜邦分析体系下昆药集团股份有限公司盈利能力分析 (9)(一)昆药集团股份有限公司基本情况 (9)1、公司简介 (9)2、经营状况 (9)(二)杜邦分析体系下昆药集团股份有限公司盈利影响因素分析 (10)2、销售净利率驱动因素分解 (13)3、总资产周转率驱动因素分解 (15)4、权益乘数驱动因素分解 (16)(三)昆药集团股份有限公司经营问题及原因分析 (17)1、原因: (17)2、问题: (18)(四)对策 (19)1、提高经营能力,加大成本费用控制力度 (19)2、提高应收账款周转率 (19)四、结论与展望 (21)(一)结论 (21)(二)未来研究展望 (21)一、绪论(一)研究背景随着经济全球化的繁荣大发展,企业盈利能力的高低决定着能否进入激烈的市场竞争中,因此如何才能保持持续稳定的盈利能力并且切实提高企业盈利水平成为了实现股东财富最大化的根本途径和主要目标。
第1部《聪明的投资者》The.Intelligent.Investor第2部《金融炼金术》 The.Alchemy.Of.Finance第3部《漫步华尔街》 A.Random.Walk.Down.Wall.Street第4部《克罗淡投资策略》第5部《艾略特波浪理论》第6部《怎样选择成长股》Common.Stocks.and.Uncommon.Profits.and.Other.Writings 第7部《投资学精要》Investment.6th.Edition.pdf第8部《金融学》第9部《投资艺术》Winning.the.Losers'Game第10部《华尔街45年》45.Years.In.Wall.Street第11部《股市趋势技术分析》Technical.Analysis.of.Stock.Trends第12部《笑傲股市》How.to.Make.Money.in.Stocks第13部《期货市场技术分析》Technical.Analysis.of.the.Financial.Markets.pdf 第14部《资本市场的混沌与秩序》Chaos.and.Order.in.the.Capital.Markets第15部《华尔街股市投资经典》 What.Works.on.Wall.Street第16部《战胜华尔街》Beating.the.Street.pdf第17部《专业投机原理》Trader.Vic第18部《巴菲特:从100元到160亿》The.Essays.of.Warren.Buffett第19部《交易冠军》第20部《股票作手回忆录》 Reminiscences.of.a.Stock.Operator第21部《罗杰斯环球投资旅行》第22部《世纪炒股赢家》第23部《一个投机者的告白》第24部《逆向思考的艺术》 Art.of.Creative.Thinking第25部《通向金融王国的自由之路》Trade.Your.Way.to.Financial.Freedom第26部《泥鸽靶》第27部《贼巢》第28部《非理性繁荣》Irrational Exuberance第29部《伟大的博弈》第30部《散户至上》第31部《金融市场技术分析》《聪明的投资者》推荐度:★★★★★作者:本杰明·格雷厄姆(Benjamin Graham):证券分析之父首次出版:1949年全书名:《聪明的投资者》(The Intelligent Investor: A Book of Practical Counsel)又译作《智慧型股票投资人》被誉为:投资界的金科玉律,有史以来最伟大的投资著作!格雷厄姆的“投资指南”是每一位华尔街人士的“圣经”,它对全球金融产生了深远的影响,并为证券市场造就了,包括当今世界首富、被称为“股神”的沃特.巴菲特在内的一批亿万富翁。
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• Typically give holder right to exchange for
common stock, regardless of market price
Figure 15.12 Value of Convertible Bond as Function of Stock Price
• Requires option writers to post margin
15.1 Option Contracts
• Other Listed Options
• Index options
• Call/put based on stock market index
• Futures options
other countries’ government bonds
15.2 Values of Options at Expiration
Figure 15.2 Payoff, Profit to Call Option at Expiration
Figure 15.3 Payoff, Profit to Call Writers at Expiration
• Currency-Translated Options
• Have either asset or exercise price
denominated in foreign currency
• Digital Options
• Have fixed payoffs that depend on price of
possible collateral for loan is total of firm’s assets
15.4 Exotic Options
• Asian Options
• Options with payoffs that depend on average
price of underlying asset during portion of option life
underlying asset
• Protective put
• Asset combined with put option that
guarantees minimum proceeds equal to put’s exercise price
• Risk management
• Strategies to limit risk of portfolio
• In the Money
• Exercise would generate positive cash flow
• Out of the Money
• Exercise would generate negative cash flow
• At the Money
• Exercise price equals asset price
exercise price and expiration date
• Spread
• Combination of two or more call options/put
options on same asset with differing exercise prices/times to expiration
• Invest entirely in at-the-money options; buy
900 calls, each selling at $10
• Buy 100 call options for $1,000; invest
remaining $8,000 in 6-month T-bills at 2% interest
• Give holders right to buy/sell futures contract
using exercise price as futures price
15.1 Option Contracts
• Other Listed Options
• Foreign currency options
Table 15.3 Payoff to Straddle
Figure 15.9 Payoff and Profit on Straddle at Expiration
Table 15.4 Payoff to Bullish Spread
Figure 15.10 Value of Bullish Spread Position at Expiration
Figure 15.4 Payoff, Profit to Put Option at Expiration
15.2 Values of Options at Expiration
• Options versus Stock Investment
• Strategies
• Invest entirely in stock, 100 shares for $90
Figure 15.3 Optionlike Securities
• Callable Bonds
• Issued with coupon rate higher than on straight
• Investor’s compensation for call option
retained by issuer
Options Markets
Bodie, Kane, and Marcus Essentials of Investments, 9th Edition
Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, I European Option
• Can be exercised only at expiration
15.1 Option Contracts
• Option Clearing Corporation
• Jointly owned by exchanges
• Arranges exercised options through member
• Collar
• Options strategy that brackets value of
portfolio between two bonds
Table 15.1 Payoff to Protective Put Strategy
Figure 15.6 Value of Protective Put Position at Expiration
• Usually includes call protection period
Figure 15.11 Values of Callable Bond Compared with Straight Bond
15.3 Optionlike Securities
• Convertible Securities
exercise price
• Limited, uniform set of securities
• Results in more competitive market
15.1 Option Contracts
• American Option
• Can be exercised on or before expiration
• Offers right to buy/sell foreign currency for
specified amount of domestic currency
• Interest rate options
• Options on Treasury notes/bonds/bills and
15.3 Optionlike Securities
Figure 15.13 Collateralized Loan
15.3 Optionlike Securities
• Leveraged Equity and Risky Debt
• Any time corporation borrows money, maximum
• Premium
• Purchase price of option
15.1 Option Contracts
• Put Option
• Right to sell asset at specified exercise price on
or before specified expiration date
Figure 15.7 Protective Put versus Stock Investment
Table 15.2 Payoff to Covered Call
Figure 15.8 Value of Covered Call Position at Expiration
15.3 Optionlike Securities