Session 3- The Marketing Audit


LSEG World-Check One 客户对手风险识别系统说明书

LSEG World-Check One 客户对手风险识别系统说明书

of Politically Exposed Person (PEP) relationships and networks, and is customisable to identify a variety of specific third-party risks.The platform enables:−Advanced name-matching algorithms−Rich data−Secondary matching−Fewer false positives−Faster match resolution−Batch upload−Ongoing rescreening−Superior relevant media content screening Leverage LSEG World-Check, software and servicesWorld-Check One combines World-Check with the next generation of screening software. The software is built to maximise our proprietary World-Check data, capitalising on the powerof multiple secondary identifiers and additional information fields. With Enhanced Due Diligence reports and our Screening Resolution Service, organisations can focus on the recordsthat matter most.Screening software designed for World-Check−LSEG World-Check−Single name checks for manual name checking−Initial and ongoing screening of millions of records−Batch Screening−API with Zero Footprint Screening−A user interface available in multiple languages−Watchlist Screening that enables the user to upload in-house and third-party lists to screen against −Media Check AI-powered negative media screening tool, which pinpoints the media content most relevant to helping you meet your regulatory and legislative compliance requirements also available as an optional add-on via the World-Check One API−Identify Ultimate Beneficial OwnershipPowered by market-leading Dun & Bradstreet UBO data, our opt-in feature UBO Check lets you search and screen for regulatory and reputational risk with World-Check Risk Intelligence, all on one platform−Improved workflowOur enhanced case management functionality facilitates better visibility and improved breakdownof records, to help speed up the remediation process−Vessel due diligenceWith IHS Maritime data, check vessels for ownership structure and IMOs, and screen for any sanction and/or regulatory risk with World-Check all on our Vessel Check feature−Identity VerificationIdentity Check enables organisations to verify the identity of individuals and businesses through adata-based identity verification approach, utilising independent and authoritative identity data sources.World-Check One benefits More precision World-Check One enables greater customisation and control at name-matching level to screen against specific lists and data sets, or specific fields within those data sets, such as gender, nationality and date of birth.Lowering false positives When combined with the configurable name-matching algorithms and filtering technology in World-Check One, multiple secondary identifiers in World-Check help to reduce false positives.Intelligent teamwork The case management tool enables managers to define customised workflow to route cases to the right individuals and specialist teams, thereby reducing cycle times, promoting speed and efficiency, and giving teams more time to focus on investigations of the highest concern.Get more done with less World-Check One is designed to reduce the burden of daily customer screening. Its customisable searches, reduced false positives, ongoing screening capability and improved workflow reduce cycle times.Streamline the screening processOur World-Check One API facilitates the integration oflarge volumes of information and advanced functionalities into existing workflows and internal systems. Thisincreases the operational efficiency of the screeningprocess for onboarding, Know Your Customer (KYC) and third-party risk due diligence.One solution to screen multiple listsWatchlist Screening allows users to upload internaland third-party lists to World-Check One and apply thematching logic to all data sets, ensuring minimisation offalse positives and consistency of results.More precise media screeningNegative media forms part of a best practice approach to customer due diligence and ongoing risk assessment. AI delivers next-generation media screening of unstructured media, along with improved relevancy of results andworkflow integration, to enable better decision-making.Audit trail* and reporting capabilitiesWorld-Check One provides an extensive auditingcapability, with date-stamped actions for the matchresolution process. It includes detailed reports that canbe used as part of management reporting and regulatory proof of due diligence.World-Check One delivers a more efficient approachBalancing the regulatory and operational burden requires organisations to take a more targeted approach towards customer due diligence. Firms often have to do more with less. They require moreefficiency from the tools, technology and operations that support customer due diligence.*Not applicable for clients that do not require an audit trail.World-Check One leveragesWorld-CheckFind hidden risk in business relationships and human networks.World-Check provides trusted information to help businesses comply with regulations and identify potential financial crime. Since its inception, World-Check has served the KYC and third-party screening needs of the world’s largest firms, simplifying day-to-day onboarding and monitoring decisions, and helping businesses comply with anti-money laundering and countering financing of terrorism legislation. World-Check data is sourced from the public domain, deduplicated, structured into individual reports and linked to associations or human networks. Each action is underpinned by a meticulous, regulated research process.In addition to 100 percent sanctions coverage, additional risk-based information is sourced from extensive global media research by more than 400 research analysts working in over 65 languages, covering 240 countries. Information is collated from an extensive network of thousands of reputable sources, including 700+ sanction, watch, regulatory and law enforcement lists, local and international government records, country-specific data sources, international adverse electronic and physical media searches, and English and foreign language data sources.Sophisticated softwareA unified platform approach to customer due diligence.Our highly scalable solution is built for single users or large teams to support a carefully targeted approach to screening during KYC onboarding, ongoing monitoring and rescreening cycles. The system makes remediation quicker and more intelligent, and is adaptable to meet regulation changes.Additional servicesWe help organisations to optimise their resources and reduce operational cost.Screening Resolution Service – Our service highlights positive and possible matches for any customer identification programme detecting heightened risk individuals and entities, screened againstWorld-Check.By using a managed service like Screening Resolution Service, you can reduce your cost of compliance and free up departments to focus their efforts on activities such as tracking and implementing regulatory change. LSEG Due Diligence Reports – Use our Due Diligence reports to help you comply with anti-money laundering, anti-bribery and corruption regulations, or ahead of a merger, acquisition or joint venture. Y ou can also use them for third-party risk assessment, onboarding decision-making and identifying beneficial ownership structures.Using only ethical and non-intrusive research methods, LSEG is committed to principles of integrity and accountability. Subjects are not aware when we carry out an investigation, and we never misrepresent our activities. LSEG has a dedicated risk and control team that performs regular audits of the service, and external accreditation to ISAE 3000 standard through Schellman & Company, LLC.LSEG World-Check One for Salesforce – World-Check One for Salesforce connects your customer and third-party data from Salesforce with our proprietary World-Check to help you decide whether to onboard the vast majority of entities being screened or use further due diligence.Collaboration toolsEnhanced enterprise-level case management capabilities facilitate work on cases with assigned colleagues and teams when investigating risk, to ensure all decisions and discussions are captured as part of your audit trail. Secondary matchingApply secondary matching rules at list level based on your approach. Greater control enables reduced false positives. User experienceProven user interface promotes minimum user interaction.Cross-team communicationLanguage capabilities, ideal for multinational companies and team remediation.Prove due diligenceEach step of the screening process is tracked and saved for auditing purposes. T o satisfy regulatory demands, organisations can retrieve a detailed report showing the decision-making process and the individuals involved during every stage of the remediation process.World-Check One’s easy-to-use interface helps compliance teams work more efficiently.454312LDA3267049/10-23。


T ongT ech ®
TongWeb 5.0 用户使用手册
T ongT ec......................................................................................... 1
第1章 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 第2章 2.1 TongWeb5.0 应用服务器概述 ...................................................................................... 12 概述 ............................................................................................................................... 12 JavaEE 5 的新特性....................................................................................................... 12 TongWeb5.0 的体系结构 .............................................................................................. 12 TongWeb5.0 的特性 ...................................................................................................... 14 集成的第三方产品...........


superficial analysis. • But - if applied well, SWOT is an
extremely powerful tool to generate strategies, which is what we’re after.
MKTM003 Marketing: Principles and Management
MKTM003 Marketing: Principles and Management
Perceived position
MKTM003 Marketing: Principles and Management
The Marketing Audit
A marketing audit is a: * comprehensive * systematic * independent, and * periodic examination of the marketplace environment and the company’s marketing strategy and operations to:
So what goes wrong?
• Opportunities exist externally to the company, in the marketplace.
• Opportunities are not potential strategy options.
• An opportunity is represented by a sector of the market in which we could enjoy a competitive advantage.

2023年 DCA考试题库

2023年 DCA考试题库

达梦DCA 题库第一章达梦数据库简介1. DM数据库由哪三大结构组成?(多选)A.内存结构B. 线程结构C.存储结构D. 物理结构2. DM内存结构中包含哪三个部分?(多选)A. 数据缓冲区B.日记缓冲区C.块缓冲区D. 共享内存池3. DM日记缓冲区的作用?A. 存储数据块B. 解决内存的申请与释放C.用于存放重做日记的内存缓冲区D. 用千存放回滚日记的内容缓冲区4. DM共享内存池的作用?A.提高系统运营效率B. 实现数据共享C.减少数据I/ 0 带来的资源消耗D. 解决DM Ser ver 对于小片内存的申请与释放问题5.下列属千DM线程结构的是?(多选)A. 用户线程B.日记线程C.服务器线程D. 后台线程6. DM用户线程的启动时间是?A. 启动OM 服务器时B. 启动OM 实例时C.用户请求连接到服务器时D. 新用户创建成功时7. 关千DM服务器线程说法错误的是?A. 在用户建立会话时启动。

B. 在启动O M 实例时启动。

C. 调用应用程序或OM 工具时,OM 服务器会通过创建服务器进程来执行应用程序发出的命令。

D. DM服务器还会针对一个实例创建一组后台进程。

8. 下列不属千DM服务器线程的是?A. 监听线程B.工作线程C.存储线程D. 检查点线程9.监听线程的作用是?A. 监听服务器的启动情况。

B. 监听系统故障并发出警报。


D. 监听用户的连接请求,在客户端和服务器之间建立一个连接。

10.下列不属于DM数据库基本文献的是?A.控制文献B. 数据文献C.备份文献D. 回滚日记文献11. 成功运营DM数据库所需的附加文献涉及哪些?(多选)A. 配置文献B. 备份文献C.预警日记文献D. 归档日记文献12.关千数据库、文献组与数据文献的关系说法对的的是?(多选)A. 一个数据库包含多个文献组B. 一个文献组只能包含一个数据文献C.一个文献组包含—个或多个数据文献D. 一个数据文献仅属千—个数据库13. 关千SYSTEM数据库说法错误的是?A. 是必须存在的库B. 可以脱机存在C.用千核心功能D. 是创建数据库时自动创建的14.关千段、簇与页的说法错误的是?A.段可以跨越多个物理文献B. 段由簇组成C.簇是磁盘块的集合D. 簇是数据页的集合15.下列属于物理数据库结构的是?A.模式B.数据库C.文献组D. 数据文献第二章安装及卸载DM 软件l.不属千数据库管理员职责的是?A.拟定数据库服务器的硬件设备B. 安装DM软件C.DM设计与实现D. 创建、移植、打开和备份数据库E. 登记系统用户和制定用户访问DM的计划2.关千DM数据库工具说法错误的是?A. DM管理工具是管理DM数据库系统的图形化工具。



CCAA《审计学》测试题及解答英文版CCAA "Auditing" Test Questions and Answers1. What is the purpose of an audit?The purpose of an audit is to provide an independent assessment of an organization's financial statements to ensure they are free from material misstatement.2. What are the main types of audit evidence?The main types of audit evidence include physical examination, confirmation, documentation, observation, analytical procedures, and inquiries.3. What are the key components of the audit process?The key components of the audit process include planning, risk assessment, testing of controls, substantive procedures, and reporting.4. Explain the concept of materiality in auditing.Materiality in auditing refers to the significance of an item or an error in the financial statements that could influence the decisions of users. Auditors consider materiality when planning and performing an audit.5. What is the role of internal controls in an audit?Internal controls are processes implemented by management to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the effectiveness and efficiency of operations. Auditors assess the effectiveness of internal controls to determine the nature, timing, and extent of audit procedures.6. Describe the difference between a compliance audit and a financial statement audit.A compliance audit focuses on verifying whether an organization is following specific laws, regulations, or policies, while a financial statement audit examines the accuracy and completeness of an organization's financial statements.7. How do auditors assess audit risk?Auditors assess audit risk by considering inherent risk, control risk, and detection risk. The combination of these risks determines the overall risk of material misstatement in the financial statements.8. Explain the concept of independence in auditing.Independence in auditing refers to the auditor's ability to perform an audit without being influenced by relationships or conflicts of interest. It is essential for auditors to maintain independence to ensure the integrity and credibility of the audit process.9. What are the different types of audit reports?The different types of audit reports include unmodified (clean), qualified, adverse, and disclaimer of opinion. The type of report issued by auditors depends on their findings during the audit.10. How do auditors communicate audit findings to stakeholders?Auditors communicate audit findings through the audit report, which includes the auditor's opinion on the financial statements, key audit matters, and any significant issues identified during the audit.Stakeholders use this information to make informed decisions about the organization.These are some of the key concepts and topics related to auditing that are often covered in the CCAA "Auditing" test. Understanding these concepts can help prepare you for the exam and enhance your knowledge of auditing principles and practices.。



Integrated customer focus
Push! Push! Sell! Sell! by promotion
Sales Orientation
Short term gains in profit via sales increases
Production & assembly line refinement
Relationship Marketing
Relationship Marketing
Transactional Marketing
Focus on single sales
Emphasis upon product features
Short timescales Low emphasis on customer retention Limited customer commitment Moderate customer contact Quality is essentially the concern of production and no one else
High customer commitment and contact that uses information to build the relationship
Quality is the concern of all - failure to recognise this create minor mistakes which lead to major problems
Develop Marketing Products and Services Market to Customers Feedback


1. Executive summary 2. Mission Statement 3. Financial Summary of revenue, expenses and
earnings 4. Marketing audit 5. SWOT analysis 6. Assumption of key determinants 7. Overall marketing objectives and strategies 8. Expected results 9. Alternatives (contingency plan) 10. Budget
Tactically Oriented Company
Senior Management
Middle Management
Strategic Oriented Company
Senior Management
Middle Management
priorities 6. To obtain resources needed to implement plans 7. To engage organizational support at all levels,
form the bottom to the top of the organization 8. To set objectives and strategies 9. To gain commitment towards goals
Marketing Planning Process
1. Performing a situation analysis 2. Formulating basic assumptions 3. Setting objectives for what is being



Contents Intro..................................Introduction to data management reference manualData management............................Introduction to data management commands append............................................................Append datasets assert..........................................................Verify truth of claim assertnested...................................................Verify variables nestedbcal...............................................Business calendarfile manipulation by........................................Repeat Stata command on subsets of the data cd................................................................Change directory pare two datasets changeeol.....................................Convert end-of-line characters of textfile checksum..................................................Calculate checksum offile clear................................................................Clear memory clonevar......................................................Clone existing variable codebook.....................................................Describe data contents collapse............................................Make dataset of summary statistics pare two variables press data in memory contract....................................Make dataset of frequencies and percentages copy....................................................Copyfile from disk or URL corr2data...............................Create dataset with specified correlation structure count.................................Count observations satisfying specified conditions cross...................................Form every pairwise combination of two datasets Data types.............................................Quick reference for data types datasignature.....................................Determine whether data have changed Datetime............................................Date and time values and variables Datetime business calendars.........................................Business calendars Datetime business calendars creation...........................Business calendars creation Datetime conversion....................................Converting strings to Stata dates Datetime display formats.............................Display formats for dates and times Datetime durations................................Obtaining and working with durations Datetime relative dates................Obtaining dates and date information from other dates Datetime values from other software...........Date and time conversion from other software describe..........................................Describe data in memory or in afile destring.......................Convert string variables to numeric variables and vice versa dir...............................................................Displayfilenames drawnorm..............................Draw sample from multivariate normal distribution drop..................................................Drop variables or observations pactly list variables with specified properties duplicates....................................Report,tag,or drop duplicate observations dyngen....................................Dynamically generate new values of variables edit..............................................Browse or edit data with Data Editor egen.........................................................Extensions to generate encode.......................................Encode string into numeric and vice versaiii Contents erase..............................................................Erase a diskfile expand.......................................................Duplicate observations expandcl..............................................Duplicate clustered observations export...........................................Overview of exporting data from Stata filefilter.......................................Convert ASCII or binary patterns in afile fillin.........................................................Rectangularize dataset format....................................................Set variables’output format fralias..............................................Alias variables from linked frames frames intro...................................................Introduction to frames frames................................................................Data frames frame change.................................Change identity of current(working)frame frame copy..................................................Make a copy of a frame frame create.....................................................Create a new frame frame drop................................................Drop frames from memory frame prefix...............................................The frame prefix command frame put..........................Copy selected variables or observations to a new frame frame pwf....................................Display name of current(working)frame frame rename..................................................Rename existing frame frames describe..................................Describe frames in memory or in afile frames dir......................................Display names of all frames in memory frames reset.............................................Drop all frames from memory frames save..............................................Save a set of frames on disk frames use.............................................Load a set of frames from disk frget................................................Copy variables from linked frame frlink.................................................................Link frames frunalias.........................................Change storage type of alias variables generate..........................................Create or change contents of variable gsort..................................................Ascending and descending sort hexdump...........................................Display hexadecimal report onfile icd...................................................Introduction to ICD commands icd9.....................................................ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes icd9p....................................................ICD-9-CM procedure codes icd10.......................................................ICD-10diagnosis codes icd10cm.................................................ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes icd10pcs................................................ICD-10-PCS procedure codes import...........................................Overview of importing data into Stata import dbase............................................Import and export dBasefiles import delimited...................................Import and export delimited text data import excel.............................................Import and export Excelfiles import fred.............................Import data from Federal Reserve Economic Data import haver................................Import data from Haver Analytics databases import sas.........................................................Import SASfiles import sasxport5..................Import and export data in SAS XPORT Version5format import sasxport8..................Import and export data in SAS XPORT Version8format import spss.............................................Import and export SPSSfiles infile(fixed format).......................Import text data infixed format with a dictionary infile(free format).........................................Import unformatted text data infix(fixed format).....................................Import text data infixed format input......................................................Enter data from keyboardContents iii insobs.....................................................Add or insert observations inspect.....................................Display simple summary of data’s attributes ipolate.........................................Linearly interpolate(extrapolate)values isid......................................................Check for unique identifiersjdbc...........................Load,write,or view data from a database with a Java API joinby.....................................Form all pairwise combinations within groupslabel.............................................................Manipulate labels label bels for variables and values in multiple languages bel utilities list.........................................................List values of variables lookfor....................................Search for string in variable names and labelsmemory.......................................................Memory management merge..............................................................Merge datasets Missing values.......................................Quick reference for missing values mkdir.............................................................Create directory mvencode.........................Change missing values to numeric values and vice versa notes............................................................Place notes in data obs.....................................Increase the number of observations in a dataset odbc.....................................Load,write,or view data from ODBC sources order.....................................................Reorder variables in dataset outfile...................................................Export dataset in text format pctile............................................Create variable containing percentiles putmata....................................Put Stata variables into Mata and vice versa range.....................................................Generate numerical range recast................................................Change storage type of variable recode...................................................Recode categorical variables rename............................................................Rename variable rename group..............................................Rename groups of variables reshape..............................Convert data from wide to long form and vice versa rmdir............................................................Remove directory sample........................................................Draw random sample save.............................................................Save Stata dataset separate....................................................Create separate variables shell.............................................Temporarily invoke operating system snapshot..............................................Save and restore data snapshots sort.....................................................................Sort data split..................................................Split string variables into parts splitsample.............................................Split data into random samples stack...................................................................Stack data statsby..................................Collect statistics for a command across a by list e shipped dataset type.......................................................Display contents of afile unicode............................................................Unicode utilities unicode nguage-specific Unicode collators unicode convertfile...........................Low-levelfile conversion between encodingsiv Contentsunicode encoding...........................................Unicode encoding utilities unicode locale.................................................Unicode locale utilities unicode translate............................................Translatefiles to Unicode use.............................................................Load Stata datasetvarmanage...........................Manage variable labels,formats,and other properties vl............................................................Manage variable lists vl create....................................Create and modify user-defined variable lists vl drop................................Drop variable lists or variables from variable lists vl list...................................................List contents of variable lists vl rebuild......................................................Rebuild variable lists vl set................................................Set system-defined variable listse dataset from Stata websitexpose...........................................Interchange observations and variableszipfipress and uncompressfiles and directories in zip archive formatGlossary.........................................................................Subject and author index...........................................................Contents v Stata,Stata Press,and Mata are registered trademarks of StataCorp LLC.Stata andStata Press are registered trademarks with the World Intellectual Property Organization®of the United Nations.Other brand and product names are registered trademarks ortrademarks of their respective companies.Copyright c 1985–2023StataCorp LLC,College Station,TX,USA.All rights reserved.。


•Betty Simkins: Good afternoon. Vm Betty Simkins, co-editor of the Journal of Applied Finance and moderator of this roundtable. In this session, we will talk about the current initiatives and issues in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). I view ERM as a natural evolution of risk management that looks at ail risks across the organization, not just narrow "silos" of risk as viewed in the past. ERM is an important discipline that is gaining popularity and
Bruce Branson is an Associate Director of the Enterprise Risk Management Initiative and Ptvfessor in the Department of Accounting at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. North Carolina 27695. Pal Conce.ssi is a Partner in Global Energy Markets with Deloitte and Touche. LLC, Toronto. Canada M5H 3T9. John RS. Fraser is the Chief Risk Officer and the Vice President of Internal Audit at Hydro One Inc. in Toronto. Ontario M5G 2P5 Canada. Michael Hofmann is a Vice President and the Chief Risk Officer at Koch Industries. Inc. in Wichita. Kansas 67220. Robert (Boh) Kolb ix the Frank W. Considine Chair in Applied Ethics at Loyola University Chicago in Chicago. Illinois 60626. Todd Perkins is the Director of Enterprise Risk at Southern Company, ¡nc. in Atlanta, Georgia 30308. Joe Rizzi is now the Senior Investment Strategist at CapGen Financial in New York. New York ¡0017. At the lime of the ' See page 2 of Enterprise Risk Management - Integrated Framework, roundtable discu.ssion. he was the Managing Director of Enterprise Risk Executive Summary, by COSO. September 2004. Management at Bank of America and La Satte Bank in Chicago. Illinois. Betty J. Simkins is the Wiltiams Companies Professor of Business and an ' See The 360'' View of Risk: Excellence in Risk Management IV by the Associate Professor of Finance in the Spears School of Business at Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) and Marsh: New York, Oklahoma State University- in Stillwater. Oklahoma 74078. 2007, 115



Introduction:July is a crucial month for us to solidify our progress and set the stage for the remainder of the year. This work plan outlines the key objectives, tasks, and timelines for the month of July. It is designed to ensure that we stay focused, productive, and aligned with our overall goals.Objective 1: Project Completion and Review- Objective: To complete all ongoing projects and conduct thorough reviews to ensure quality and alignment with business objectives.- Key Tasks:1. Finalize the design and development of the new website.2. Complete the data analysis for the quarterly report.3. Review and finalize the marketing campaign strategies.4. Ensure all team members are up-to-date with project progress and deadlines.- Timeline:- Week 1-2: Complete design and development of the new website.- Week 3-4: Conduct data analysis and finalize the quarterly report.- Week 5-6: Review marketing campaign strategies and finalize the plan.- Week 7: Conduct project reviews and document lessons learned.Objective 2: Team Development and Training- Objective: To enhance the skills and knowledge of the team members through training and development initiatives.- Key Tasks:1. Organize a two-day training session on advanced Excel techniques.2. Conduct a workshop on effective communication skills.3. Provide individualized feedback and development plans for each team member.4. Encourage team members to attend external seminars and workshops relevant to their roles.- Timeline:- Week 1: Schedule and coordinate the training sessions and workshops.- Week 2: Implement the advanced Excel training.- Week 3: Conduct the communication skills workshop.- Week 4-5: Provide individual feedback and development plans.- Week 6-7: Monitor and encourage external training participation.Objective 3: Sales and Marketing Initiatives- Objective: To boost sales and increase market share through targeted marketing efforts.- Key Tasks:1. Launch a new promotional campaign targeting our core customer base.2. Analyze customer feedback to refine our product offerings.3. Strengthen partnerships with key industry players.4. Monitor and adjust marketing strategies based on performance metrics.- Timeline:- Week 1-2: Develop and launch the new promotional campaign.- Week 3-4: Analyze customer feedback and refine product offerings.- Week 5-6: Strengthen partnerships and attend industry events.- Week 7: Review marketing strategies and adjust as necessary.Objective 4: Financial Management and Budgeting- Objective: To maintain financial stability and optimize budget allocation.- Key Tasks:1. Review and adjust the annual budget to reflect current business needs.2. Conduct a financial audit to identify cost-saving opportunities.3. Monitor cash flow and ensure timely payment of invoices.4. Prepare financial reports for management review.- Timeline:- Week 1: Review and adjust the annual budget.- Week 2: Conduct a financial audit.- Week 3-4: Monitor cash flow and manage invoices.- Week 5: Prepare financial reports.- Week 6-7: Review financial reports and discuss with management.Conclusion:July is a month of consolidation, growth, and strategic planning. By focusing on these key objectives, we aim to achieve significant milestones that will contribute to our overall success. This work plan will serve as a guide to ensure that we stay on track and make the most of the opportunities that July brings.。

产品开发流程 PDP知识体系 通行证制度

产品开发流程 PDP知识体系 通行证制度

Phase III Roll-Out & Process Upgrades
Roll-Out Planning
Web Enable Process Tools & Guidelines Support Process Linkages
Feedback & Improvement Pilot Program Kickoff &
21% shorter 21% shorter
Source: Performance Measurement Group 1997 Product Development Benchmarking Series, based on 288 companies
15% higher
对于产品开发流程(包括通行证系统)的改进直接支持了OO的 成功模式
Functional orientation hinders crossfunctional coordination
Decision process is cross-functional with well established guidelines
Level 3
Fully Capable
Continuous Improvement
PRB Training Development
Metrics Deployment
Selection of Process Process Coach
Oct 2 Steering



商务英语听力试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. What is the main topic of the business meeting discussed in the audio?A. Marketing strategiesB. Financial reportsC. Product developmentD. Staff training2. According to the speaker, what is the current status of the project?A. DelayedB. On scheduleC. CancelledD. Postponed3. What does the manager suggest to improve customer satisfaction?A. Reducing pricesB. Enhancing product qualityC. Offering discountsD. Providing after-sales service4. What is the purpose of the training session mentioned in the audio?A. To teach new skillsB. To update company policiesC. To introduce new team membersD. To review past performance5. What is the speaker's opinion on the new business proposal?A. It's innovative but riskyB. It's practical and feasibleC. It's too expensiveD. It's not well-researched6. Why does the speaker recommend outsourcing the production?A. To reduce costsB. To focus on core businessC. To increase production capacityD. To improve product quality7. What does the speaker plan to do after the meeting?A. Prepare a reportB. Meet with clientsC. Review the budgetD. Attend a conference8. What is the speaker's concern regarding the upcoming trade show?A. The cost of participationB. The selection of products to displayC. The logistics of transportationD. The competition from other companies9. What is the speaker's role in the company?A. Sales managerB. Marketing specialistC. Financial analystD. Human resources officer10. What is the main reason for the company's recent success?A. Strong marketing campaignsB. Effective cost controlC. Expansion into new marketsD. Improved customer service二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The company's annual revenue has increased by ________ percent compared to last year.12. The speaker emphasizes the importance of ________ in the business negotiation process.13. The new marketing campaign is expected to ________ the company's brand awareness.14. The speaker mentions that the company's market share has ________ in the past quarter.15. The company is planning to ________ its product line to meet customer demands.三、简答题(每题2分,共10分)16. What are the key factors that the speaker considers when evaluating a potential business partner?17. How does the speaker describe the current economic climate and its impact on the company's operations?18. What are the main challenges the company faces in expanding its international market?19. What strategies does the speaker propose to enhance the company's competitive edge in the market?20. What is the speaker's view on the importance of innovation in maintaining a company's long-term success?四、听力理解题(每题3分,共15分)21. Summarize the main points discussed in the audio regarding the company's financial performance.22. Explain the speaker's perspective on the role of technology in business growth.23. Describe the steps the company is taking to address the environmental concerns raised in the audio.24. What are the speaker's suggestions for improving team collaboration and communication within the company?25. Discuss the speaker's view on the balance between work and personal life for employees.五、听力填空题(每空2分,共20分)26. The company's new product launch is scheduled for________.27. The speaker mentions that the company has recently signeda contract with a ________.28. The speaker highlights the need for ________ in the company's supply chain management.29. The company is considering ________ its production facilities to reduce costs.30. The speaker believes that ________ is a crucial skill for employees in the current business environment.六、听力短对话理解题(每题5分,共20分)31. In the dialogue, what is the main reason the client is dissatisfied with the service provided?32. What is the salesperson's response to the client's complaint about the product quality?33. What does the manager suggest as a solution to the issuediscussed in the meeting?34. What is the team leader's opinion on the effectiveness of the current marketing strategy?七、听力长对话理解题(每题5分,共15分)35. Summarize the main discussion points in the long dialogue between the CEO and the CFO regarding the company's financial health.36. What are the key strategies the CEO proposes。



英语词汇广告术语杂志广告及版式术语必备英文词汇规格 Specification黑白:B&W整版 Full page跨页 Spread竖1/2版Vertical 1/2 page横1/2版Horizontal 1/2 page竖1/3通版Vertical 1/3 page横1/3通栏Horizontal 1/3 page竖1/4版Vertical 1/4 page横1/4版Horizontal 1/2 page1/4通栏Extension 1/4 page竖1/8版Vertical 1/8 page横1/8版Horizontal 1/8 page版花Floret彩版:Color整版封面 Front cover整版封二 Inside front封二位 Inside front整版封三 Inside back整版封底 Back cover封三位 Inside back中心跨页 Spread彩色整版 Full page彩色1/2版 1/2 page彩色1/3版 1/3 page彩色1/4版 1/4 page彩色内插(商家自印) 文字广告刊登次数 Frequency优惠比率 Discount规格版面Specification尺寸(高X宽)mm新闻纸黑白B&W(元)新闻纸彩色Color(元)轻涂纸彩色Color(元)整版封面 Front cover整版封二 Inside front整版封三 Inside back整版封底 Back cover报眼中心跨页 Spread封二位 Inside front封三位 Inside back内页整版 Full page版花Floret优惠方式 Preferential刊登次数 Frequency优惠比率 Discount彩色外封:Colour front covers封面Frong cover 240mm×280mm封二inside front 240mm×340mm封三inside back 240mm×340mm封四Back cover 240mm×340mm彩色内封:Colour inside covers内封一Title page 240mm×340mm内封二Back title page 240mm×340mm内封三Second page from bottom 240mm×340mm内封四Back second page from bottom 240mm×340mm 彩色内页:Colour insde pages全版Full page 240mm×340mm通版Central spread 510mm×340mm彩色插页Colour insert(doutle sided)中封一Front medium quarto 210m m×285mm中封二Inside front medium 210mm×285mm中封三Back medium quarto 210mm×285mm中封四Inside back medium广告英语术语——创作用语广告讯息advertising message艺术art艺术方向art direction艺术家artist美术总监art director大创意big idea头脑风暴法brainstorming传播媒介munications media概念化conceptualization文案人员copywriter创意纲要creative brief创意总监creative director创意过程creative process创意金字塔creative pyramid创意creative创造creativity感性诉求emotional appeals控险家explorer事实型思维fact-based thinking 信息性informational法官judge指定mandatories讯息战略message strategy非文字nonverbal产品概念product concept理性诉求rational appeals目标受众target audience技巧technical转换性transformational价值型思维value-based thinking 文字的verbal形象化visualization战士warrior样片animatic动画技法animation techniques声频audio艾耶1号式Ayer No.1利益式标题benefit headlines正文body copy粗体boldface照相制版camera-ready art表演纲要casting brief结尾close命令式标题mand headlines末稿prehensive layout/p演示demonstration设计design技巧式正文device copy对白/独白式正文dialog/monolog copy 旁白donut标题headline吸引技巧hook图标icon插图画家illustrators企业形象式正文institutional copy 整合广告integrated mercial内容段落interior paragraphs斜体italic歌谣式jingles肩题kicker布局图layout预备段落lead-in paragraph生活方式式技法lifestyle techniques标志logotypes助记手段mnemonic device音乐式广告musical mercials音乐标志musical logo表达式正文narrative copy新闻/信息式标题news/information headlines 出镜头on camera 拼版paste up摄影师photographers图片说明式正文picture-caption copy方框图片式布局picture-window layout招贴式格式poster-style format主持人式广告presenter mercial启发式标题provocative headlines疑问式标题question headlines播送人物radio personality脚本script印签seal签名signature cuts生活片段slice of life口号slogans故事板storyboard故事板草图storyboard roughs直截了当式straight announcement 直接推销式正文straight-sell copy 副标题subhead标题句taglines证言testimonial正文text主题句theme lines小样thumbnail收尾trial close图形局部visuals旁白voiceover模拟校样analog proof动画animation合成片answer print光圈aperture音控台audio console底片base art出血版bleeds蓝线blueline照相排版术camera-ready art字符计算式character-count method电影摄影师cinematographer截止期closing date色基color key分色color separation连续调continuous tones控制室control room组排copy cast封面纸cover paper青、黄、红、黑印刷CYMK printing 数字媒介digital media数字校样digital proof数码视频效应装置DVE units导演director特排字体display type复制带dubs拷贝dupes电子制作electronic production 晒版台纸flats一套铅字font四色印刷four-color process网目凸版halfone plate网屏halftone screen互动电视interactive TV任务夹job jacket出格kerning电脑亭kiosk加空铅leading硬性软片line film线画版line plate实景真人live action外景地location制片场lot指令mandatories公共场所mass audience venue母带master tape合成样片mixed interlock助记手段mnemonic device多媒体演示multimedia presentation正色投影胶片orthographic film透明塑料膜overlay个人场所personal audience venue平台使用费platform licensing后期制作阶段postproduction phase开印前阶段prepress phase预备阶段preproduction phase印刷制作经理print production manager 印刷制作过程print production process 非公开场所private audience venue制片人producer制作阶段production phase复映复播追加酬金residual fee 反差套印reverse knockout无衬线字体sans serif最低合同工资scale衬线字体serif一场session特技special effects插播广告spots剥版stripping叠supers演播人员talent自动台词提示器teleprompter 课本纸text paper正文字体text type合套trap字系type families排印工艺typography网页Web page单词计算式word-count method 工作样片work print书写纸writing paper广告英语术语——公共关系用语社论式广告advertorial倡导广告advocacy advertising 伏击式营销ambush marketing视听材料audiovisual materials公告牌bulleting boards社会参与munity involvement企业广告corporate advertising企业识别广告corporate identity advertising 危机管理crisis management娱乐entertainment展品exhibits特写feature articles内部通报house organ以货代款in kind机构广告institutional advertising游说lobbying前期市场企业广告market prep corporate advertising 营销公关marketing public relation新闻简报news/press release意见抽样opinion sampling慈善行为philanthropy招贴posters传媒炒作press agentry传媒工具press/media kit公共事务public affairs广告术语中英文对照aaa(美国广告院校协会) american academy of advertisingaaaa, 4a’s (美国广告代理商协会) american association of advertising agencies abc (广揭发行量稽查会) audit bureau of circulationsama (美国市场营销协会) american marketing associationaio (行为、兴趣、观点数据库) activity, interesting, opinion iaa (国际广告协会)international advertising association pop 广告 point of purchasesswot分析、优劣势分析 strength, weakness, opportunity, threat 案头研究 desk research版权 copyright包装 package保存率keeping rate报价 quotation, cost estimate备忘录memo边际效用 marginal utility标题 headline标志 logo, mark草稿 rough草图 sketch插图 illustration差异性(策略) differentiation蒙太奇montage赠品 give away命名 naming模仿 copy模型 model, pattern目标对象target audience尼尔逊电视调查报告nielsen television index 频率frequency brand品牌策略 brand strategy 品牌个性(人格化)brand personality 品牌购置趋势brand momentum 品牌管家 brand steward品牌经理 brand manager 品牌联想 brand linkage品牌识别 brand identity 产品核心概念product concept产品名称测试name test产品效用 benefit产品形象 product image产品原型 product prototype产品原型测试prototype test产品周期 product life-cycle产品属性 product attribute陈列 display冲击力impact出口广告 export advertising创意 creative创意草图 idea sketch创意策略 creative strategy创意概念 creative concept创意提案 creative presentation创意总监 creative director (cd)从众 follow促销活动 promotion打样 color proof打字照排 typesetting代理商agent导演 director到达率reach到达频率 frequency第一知名度 top of mind (tom)点子 idea调查 telephone interview电视媒体 tv media调查员interviewer定量研究 quantitative research定位 positioning定性研究 quality research动画 animation动机 motivation, motion动机分析 motivation analysis动机强度 motivation intension独家赞助 sponsored event独特销售理论unique selling proposition (usp) 发行量circulation菲林,胶片 film分类广告 classified advertising分散式媒体组合assorted media mix分色 color separation分销 distribution风险知觉 perceived risk效劳质量 serve quality负片 negative覆盖率coverage概念 concept概念测试 concept test感觉 sense个人收视率 personal audience rating 个性,性格 personality 工作进度报告公共关系 public relations购置 purchase, buy购置后分析 post-buy-analysis购置环境 shopping environment购置决策 purchase decision购置决定因子购置率purchase rate购置模型 purchase model购置频率 purchase frequency购置者buyer购置周期 purchase period购置准备 purchase preparation关键词keyword观察法observe method播送电视网 work播送媒体 broadcast mediastatus report purchase decision factor广告 advertising (ad)广告标语 advertising slogan广告测试 advertising test广告策略 advertising strategy广告创意 advertising creative广告创作人员creator广告对象 advertising target广告概念 advertising concept广告稿效果调查 copy test广告代理商,广告公司广告管理 advertising management 广告方案 advertising plan 广告监测 advertising monitor, advertising track 广告精读率attentive readership score 广告客户 client广告目标 advertising goal广告目的 advertising objective 广告牌 billboard广告认知效果advertising recognition effect 广告时代advertising age (ad age) 广告诉求 advertising appeal广告文案 advertising copy广告效果advertising effect, advertising impact 广告效果监测 advertising impact track广告音乐 jingle广告占有率 share of voice广告招贴 poster广告作品 advertisement国际广告媒体international mediaadvertising agency篇二:主要广告术语中英对照aadvertising广告广告活动ads 广告物aount executive 客户主管aount 客户工程aount planning 客户筹划aount services 客户部aount service 客户效劳art director美术指导advertising campaign 广告活动advertising agency 广告代理商4a ( american association of advertising agencies) 美国广告代理商协会above-the-line advertising 线上广告。

ArcSight Logger用户指南说明书

ArcSight Logger用户指南说明书
Session 38 – Support IT Operations with Log Management
Ansh Patnaik Director, Product Marketing
September 2008

© 2008 ArcSight Confidential
– Continuous alerting
} Slow access to logs
– Very high-performance analysis (v3.0)
} Limiting access to users by role
– Granular role-based access controls by device, term etc
} Monitoring of critical systems in remote locations
– Easily managed distributed collection architecture
– Transaction assurance

© 2008 ArcSight Confidential
Homegrown & Point Solutions Fall Short
Ineffective Log Analysis Tools Questionable Audit Quality Incomplete Log Collection Non-Scalable Architecture

© 2008 ArcSight Confidential
What It Means For IT Operations
} Helpdesk users manually access numerous hosts, open and sift through multiple log files per host individually


• Transparency puts pressure on margins leading to predominance of global brands that can best survive these pressures - standard global products emerge
2. Use financial resources to acquire other companies or increased production capacity
1. High costs 2. Venturing into unrelated areas 3. Org diversity 4. Reliance on past success and bureaucracy 5. NPD times 6. Weak position in Japan
Global Standardisation
• Internet fails to impact globally but alerts consumers to differential pricing i.e. market becomes more perfect
• As prices drop firms gain economies of scale and scope and global standardisation prospers
and threats while taking into account the organisation strengths and weaknesses
Strategic Fit
Drawing upon the strategic analysis undertaken previously, strategic managers have to:



经贸管理英⽂词汇(M0)money in circulation 流通中的现⾦(M1) narrow money 狭义货币(M2) broad money ⼴义货币a minimum living standard system 最低⽣活保障系统Account 帐户Accounting equation 会计等式Accounting system 会计系统All Risks ⼀切险American Accounting Association 美国会计协会American Institute of CPAs 美国注册会计师协会Articulation 勾稽关系Assets 资产Audit 审计bad account 坏帐Balance sheet 资产负债表bear market 熊市blank endorsed 空⽩背书Bookkeepking 簿记bull market ⽜市Business entity 企业个体Capital stock 股本cargo receipt 承运货物收据Cash flow prospects 现⾦流量预测catalogue 商品⽬录Certificate in Internal Auditing内部审计证书Certificate in Management Accounting 管理会计证书Certificate Public Accountant 注册会计师China Securities Regulatory Commission 中国证监会China's "Big Four" commercial banks中国四⼤商业银⾏close-ended fund 封闭式基⾦commission 佣⾦consignee 收货⼈Corporation 公司Cost accounting 成本会计cost and freightCFR 成本加运费价格cost insurance and freightCIF 成本加运保费Cost principle 成本原则Creditor 债权⼈cut a melon 分红dead account 呆帐Deflation 通货紧缩delivery 交货Disclosure 批露dividend,bonus stock 股息,红利downturn 低迷时期endorsed 背书enforce stockholding system 实⾏股份制Expenses 费⽤export department 出⼝部External users 外部使⽤者F.P.A.(Free from Particular Average) 平安险F.W.R.D.(Fresh Water Rain Damage) 淡⽔⾬淋险face value ⾯值fees-for-tax reFORM 费改税Financial accounting 财务会计Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计准则委员会Financial activities 筹资活动Financial forecast 财务预测Financial statement 财务报表foreign exchange reservers 外汇储备futures market 期货市场Generally accepted accounting principles 公认会计原则General-purpose inFORMation 通⽤⽬的信息genetically-modified products 基因改良产品Going-concern assumption 持续经营假设Government Accounting Office govern会计办公室Hook Damage 钩损险import department 进⼝部Income statement 损益表income tax 所得税indicative price 参考价格Inflation 通货膨涨Inquiry 询盘Institute of Internal Auditors 内部审计师协会Institute of Management Accountants管理会计师协会Integrity 整合性Internal auditing 内部审计Internal control structure 内部控制结构Internal Revenue Service 国内收⼊署Internal users 内部使⽤者Investing activities 投资活动knowledge-based economy 知识经济labour-intensive economy 劳动密集型经济Liabilities 负债Management accounting 管理会计marine bills of lading 海运提单national bonds 国债nationalize;nationalization 国有化Negative cash flow 负现⾦流量non-perFORMing loan 不良贷款non-work income ⾮劳动收⼊notify 被通知⼈open-ended fund 开放式基⾦Operating activities 经营活动order 订货outstanding of deposits 存款余额Owner's equity 所有者权益partial shipment 分批装运Partnership 合伙企业Positive cash flow 正现⾦流量press conference 记者招待会price list 价⽬表privatize;privatization 私有化proactive fiscal measures 积极的财政政策promote independent decision-making by state-owned enterprises 提⾼企业⾃主权public relations department公关部publicly owned economy 公有经济recession 衰退时期rectify the market order 整顿市场秩序reduce state's stake in listed companies 国有股减持restraint of trade 贸易管制Retained earning 留存利润Return of investment 投资回报Return on investment 投资报酬Revenue 收⼊Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混杂、玷污险Risk of Leakage 渗漏险Risk of odor 串味险Risk of Rust 锈蚀险sales terms and conditions销售条件Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会shareholding system; joint-stock system 股份制shipping order 托运单Shortage Risk 短缺险Sole proprietorship 独资企业Solvency 清偿能⼒specification 规格Stable-dollar assumption 稳定货币假设state stock reduction 国有股减持Statement of cash flow 现⾦流量表Statement of financial position 财务状况表steady monetary policies 稳健的货币政策Stockholders 股东Stockholders' equity 股东权益streghten the government's macro - regulatory functions 加强govern宏观调控作⽤Strikes Risk 罢⼯险T.P.N.D.( Theft,Pilferage & Non-delivery) 偷窃提货不着险Tax accounting 税务会计technology-intensive economy 技术密集型经济the Dow Jones industrial average 道琼斯⼯业平均指数the first majority shareholder 第⼀⼤股东the Hang Seng index 恒⽣指数thin trade 交易薄弱to become the majority shareholder/to take a controlling stake 控股to expand domestic demand 扩⼤内需value-added tax 增值税W.A./W.P.A(With Average or With Particular Average) ⽔渍险War Risk 战争险Window dressing 门⾯粉饰year-on-year 与去年同期数字相⽐的bull market: ⽜市,多头市场bear market :熊市,空头市场股息,红利 dividend or bonus stock国民⽣产总值 GNP (Gross National Product)⼈均国民⽣产总值 per capita GNP产值 output value⿎励 give incentive to投⼊ input宏观控制 exercise macro-control优化经济结构 optimize the economic structure输⼊活⼒ bring vigor into改善经济环境 improve economic environment整顿经济秩序 rectify economic order有效地控制通货膨胀 effectively control inflation⾮公有成分 non-public sectors主要成分 dominant sector实在的 tangible全体会议 plenary session解放⽣产⼒ liberate/unshackle/release the productive forces引⼊歧途 lead one to a blind alley举措 move实事求是 seek truth from facts引进、输⼊ importation和平演变 peaceful evolution试⼀下 have a go (at sth.)精华、精粹、实质 quintessence家庭联产责任承包制 family-contract responsibility system搞活企业 invigorate enterprises商品经济 commodity economy基⽯ cornerstone零售 retail发电量 electric energy production有⾊⾦属 nonferrous metals⼈均收⼊ per capita income使负担 be saddled with营业发达的公司 going concerns被兼并或挤掉 annexed or forced out of business善于接受的 receptive增额、增值、增长 increment发展过快 excessive growth抽样调查 data from the sample survey扣除物价上涨部分 price increase are deducted(excluded)实际增长率 actual growth rate国际收⽀ international balance of payments流通制度 circulation system总⼯资 total wages分配形式 FORMs of distribution风险资⾦ risk funds管理不善 poor management⼀个中⼼、两个基本点one central task and two basic points以经济建设为中⼼,坚持四项基本原则(1)社会主义道路(2)党的领导(3)⼈民民主专政(4)马列主义\*\*\*思想、坚持改⾰开放the central task refers to economic construction and two basic points are the four cardinal principles - adherence to the socialist road, to Communist Party leadership, to the people's democratic dictatorship and to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought - and persisting in reFORM and opening.改⾰是"社会主义制度的⾃我完善和⾃我发展"。



以下哪个不是下一代网络转型的主要方向?以下哪个NF不属于服务化架构0、AMF1、UPF2、SMF3、PCF答案: 1()的架构实现了核心网软件化、开放化和智能化的目标。

0、DBA1、SBA2、SOA3、SPN答案: 15G标准中FR1最大支持带宽为0、80M1、100M2、90M3、120M答案: 1在5G技术中,用于提升接入用户数的技术是()0、MssiveMIMO1、1mcTTI2、SOMA3、MassiveCA答案: 0中国5G垂直行业应用基于()的核心网架构0、SA1、LTE2、NSA3、GSM答案: 05G网络基本构架,AMF与gNB之间的接口是?0、N111、NG-C2、NG-U3、Xn答案: 15G定义的几大典型应用场景包括()0、eMBB1、NB-IOT2、mMTC3、uRLLC答案: 0,2,3MEC技术能够提供低时延、高带宽传输能力的前提条件是业务应用的本地化、近距离部署,此时MEC平台首先需要提供数据本地分流的能力。



5G网络可采用哪些方式实现本地流量卸载?0、独立DNN1、上行分类(UL CL)2、IPv6 Multi-Homing3、L2TP隧道4、IPSec隧道答案: 0,1,25G无线侧可根据E2E资源隔离度的要求,提供可支持的资源隔离方案包括以下哪些0、QOS1、频谱资源预留2、RB预留3、独立专网答案: 0,1,2,3GRE很好的解决了()数量不足的问题。

0、VLAN ID1、VPN2、VRF3、路由答案: 0根据中国移动自定义规则,切片区分符号SD数字()代表了浙江省。

0、101、112、123、13答案: 1SPN网络在承载Xn东西向接[ ]时,SR隧道的绑定策略是(0、同域的Xn流量,UPE之间利用手工指定策略绑定SR-TP隧道承载1、不同域的Xn流量,UPE之间利用路由迭代策略绑定SR-BE隧道2、同域的Xn流量,UPE之间利用路由迭代策略绑定SR-BE隧道3、不同域的Xn流量,UPE之间利用手I指定策略绑定SR-TP隧道答案: 2NB-IoT上行资源的最小调度单位是什么?0、RB1、RE2、PRB3、RU答案: 3NSA场景下,终端4、5G驻留策略描述正确的是()0、IDLE态只在LTE侧1、IDLE态只在NR侧2、IDLE态LTE和NR侧均有3、IDLE态LTE和NR侧都没有答案: 0SPN采用()架构实现跨域跨厂家传输网络统一管控,满足新业务快速上线、业务动态调整等需求0、SDN1、NFV2、NF3、PTN答案: 05G无线接入的关键技术主要包含()0、大规模天线阵列1、超密集组网(UDN)2、全频谱接入3、新型多址答案: 0,1,2,35G中的那些关键技术缩短了时延?()0、自包含帧结构1、RRC_inactive状态2、MEC 网络架构3、Grant-free答案: 0,1,2,3边缘计算适合下列哪些应用场景0、对时延不太敏感、数据的聚合分析比实时分析更重要的场景1、游戏和电子竞技应用场景2、远程手术指导场景3、现场工业机器人应用场景答案: 1,2,3账号管理及认证授权要求中认证功能主要用于确认登录系统的用户真实身份,必要时可以采取()0、保密措施1、访问控制机制2、断网3、在设备前增加防火墙答案: 14K的分辨率是0、512*10241、1920x10802、1920 ×21603、3840 ×2160答案: 3下列对于Dos攻击的描述那一个是错误的?0、DoS是英文Denial of Service的缩写1、DoS的含义就是分布式拒绝服务2、DoS攻击的目的是使计算机或网络无法提供正常的服务3、DoS攻击可以阻止合法用户获答案: 1Docker镜像的主要特点有?0、分层1、写时复制2、内容寻址3、联合挂载答案: 0,1,2,3Openstack中Nova组件的用途是什么0、为虚拟机提供块存储服务1、管理虚拟机的生命周期2、提供虚拟机镜像服务3、提供监控和计量服务答案: 1DN 和UPF 之间的接口(即连接外部PDU 和DN)是:0、N31、N42、N53、N6答案: 3以下哪项是openstack中glance组件的用途0、负责计算资源管理1、负责块存储资源管理2、负责对象存储资源管理3、负责镜像资源管理答案: 3以下哪些是openstack的组件0、keystone1、cinder2、yarn3、swift答案: 0,1,3Openstack中的Keystone组件主要提供对象存储服务0、正确1、错误答案: 1下列RAID技术的存储安全性最高的是哪一项?0、RAID 01、RAID 12、RAID 33、RAID 5答案: 1块存储是适合提供类似网络云盘服务的底层存储架构0、正确1、错误答案: 1云存储的主要特点有0、高扩展性1、高可用性2、硬件解耦性3、维护简单答案: 0,1,2,3以下哪个功能是PCF的主要功能?0、完成用户接入的身份认证功能1、支持统一的策略框架,提供策略规则2、完成不同的用户面处理3、提供统一的数据管理功能答案: 1UE创建PDU会话时,根据()选择APP对应的S-NSSAI.0、NSSP(Network Slice Selection Polilcy)1、Registration Request2、SUPI3、UDM答案: 0NSMF负责处理的业务不包括0、网络资源勘查1、切片开通2、切片停闭3、切片故障处理答案: 3CSMF实现5G切片生命周期操作调度能力的对接系统是0、政企/集客垂直行业服务平台1、NSMF平台2、BOSS系统3、局数据配置系统答案: 1NSMF分为几级架构0、11、22、33、4答案: 1CSMF主要实现网络切片哪些功能0、商品管理1、订单管理2、切片管理3、业务监控答案: 0,1,3CSMF平台对接系统包括0、政企/集客垂直行业服务平台1、NSMF平台2、BOSS系统3、局数据配置系统答案: 0,1,2业务编排系统架构包括几个层级0、41、52、63、7答案: 2省内边缘UPF、省内传输和无线的开通流程应在()中申请0、二级业务编排系统1、一级业务编排系统2、集中性能系统3、综合资源管理系统答案: 0业务编排系统配置数据使用()管理0、ehcache1、Cacheonix2、ASimpleCache3、Voldemort答案: 0业务编排系统中规则引擎在哪个层级0、数据交互层1、服务交互层2、业务平台层3、展现层答案: 2MEC可依托什么实现无线能力开放?0、CU1、DU2、AC3、DC答案: 0业务编排系统对接以下哪些系统0、业务支撑系统1、资源管理系统2、配置管理系统3、NSSMF答案: 0,1,2,3业务编排系统架构层级包括0、存储层1、数据交互层2、业务平台层3、接入层答案: 0,1,2,3边缘计算MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing) 的规范由哪个标准化组织负责制定?0、3GPP1、ETSI2、GSMA3、IETF答案: 1客户有数据不出厂区的网络需求时,UPF应如何部署0、共享UPF1、用户面(UPF)下沉厂区答案: 1以下存储技术中属于块存储的0、DAS1、SAN2、NAS3、SAS答案: 0,1,35G ToB业务开通传输切片SR隧道配置涉及哪个接口0、N21、N32、N43、N6答案: 1本地专用DNN(只能申请省开卡): 以CMIOT5G开头,如CMIOT5GXXX,本省拼音缩写作为DNN名称后缀名,如CMIOT5GXXX.GX,自定义部分为不超过()个英文字母(不含数字)。



TT 安全技术专题之“身份认证技术指南”
第 7 页 共 37 页
PKI 可以被用于双因素认证的一种。这种技术可以和其他认证设备上一起使用,然后单一 的认证方法的安全性就会增加了。 个人数字证书 为了缓解实施 PKI 的金融负担,有些企业为内部访问在内部系统中配置这种技术,而不 在外部配置。外部实施要求企业获得从成本较高的 CA 中获取公共数字证书。当在内部配置 PKI 时,数字证书不需要来自已有的 CA;他们可以通过企业的 PKI 自己标识,这是一种成本 效益比较高的方法。 对于那些决定从公司获得数字证书的人来说,它应该只是为了内部访问。个人数字证书不 能被外部识别,因为他们不是 CA 注册的。在一个大型企业中,个人证书可以被用于在员工中 进行网络访问或者用于在远程部门中的文件或者系统的用户验证。
不管是不是炒作,我们都不得不承认,云计算的时代已经到来。当然,云计算环境还有许 多问题要解决,身份认证和管理就是其中之一。那么,在云计算时代,未来认证技术会有怎样 的趋势呢?
安全认证如何选择 软件认证或取代硬件令牌? 更强的双因素认证方案
TT 安全技术专题之“身份认证技术指南”
TT 安全技术专题之“身份认证技术指南”
第 9 页 共 37 页
பைடு நூலகம்
生物认证的实行 实行生物认证很复杂,而且成本很高,要求企业在硬件和软件上的花费巨大。不同生物认 证的实行和配置过程也不相同,所以企业必须首先慎重考虑配置哪种系统,然后小心策划这一 过程。 生物认证是一种用于保护极端敏感数据的先进技术,所以应该考虑高等的敏感资料。任何 其他类型的数据使用生物认证都是对时间何资源的浪费。企业应该对他们的系统进行全面的风 险分析,并决定哪些信息需要生物认证技术的保护,例如用户的信用卡信息。 企业还必须保证生物数据的传输和存储的安全性。虽然生物认证系统被认为是最先进的认 证方式,但是他们也有一些漏洞。例如,有些人认为复制用户的生物信息是不可能的,但是当 生物信息被转换成数字数据后,它就可以在不安全的网络中被黑客窃取并重设。 就像前面说过的,企业可以通过更难以复制的数据的使用,减小黑客通过对用户生物认证 信息的可能性,但是风险依然存在。考虑一下,企业采用一些防范措施保证数据的可以适当地 传输、收集和存储很重要。 企业必须保证所有从生物读取器传输到认证服务器上的信息都汇集到了安全的设备上,而 且在加密的信道中传送,并存储到加密数据库中。Active Directory 和 LDAP 都可以执行这 些动作。最后,任何运行生物应用的系统都必须打补丁并加固。 最后,企业要决定采用哪些产品,有一点很重要就是首先在测试环境中运行产品,以除去 在使用过程中可能出现的缺陷,并指出如何使用户接受的问题最小化。
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The marketing audit is a fundamental part of the marketing planning process. It is conducted not only at the beginning of the process, but also at a series of points during the implementation of the plan. The marketing audit considers both internal and external influences on marketing planning, as well as a review of the plan itself
• A Marketing Audit is a systematic appraisal of all the external and internal factors that have affected a company’s commercial performance over a defined period.
The External Environment
• External
– Business and Economic Environment
• • • • Political/ regulatory/legal Economic Social/cultural Technological
– The market
• Market size and growth and trends • Market characterisitics /Target segments • Market Development and trends
– The Competition
• Who are the competitors • Strengths and weaknesses
Purpose of the Marketing Audit
• Investigate the potential macro- and microenvironmental factors which may affect business and marketing operations • Obtain a comprehensive description of all major marketing activities of the organisation • Provide a basis for marketing pla Internal Environment
• Own Company – structure, staffing • Sales – by geographic area, by customer, by segment • Market Share • Profit margins/costs • Marketing information/research • Marketing mix variables: product price distribution, promotions
The Marketing Audit
Session 3
The Marketing Audit
The starting point in any planning is an understanding of where you are before you decide where you want to go. To get an understanding of where the organisation wants to go involves the development of a Marketing Audit which is then analysed in a SWOT analysis. Together they provide a comprehensive analysis of : • the organisation's current market position • the nature of the opportunities and threats in the external environment • the nature and strengths in the internal environment • the organisation’s ability to perform
What can the Marketing Audit Assess?
• Key factors that impacted on the business for good or for bad • Customer satisifaction based on research • Distributor, vendor or intermediary satisfaction • Marketing knowledge, attitudes and satisfaction of people involved in the marketing function • Internal marketing programs • The performance of the advertising, promotions, sales force and marketing research programs • Whether the marketing plan achieved its stated goals and objectives
Outcome of a Marketing Audit
• The outcome of the Marketing Audit is the Situation Analysis in which the organisation develops the SWOT Analysis • It helps us to define our market and segments, determine the value and positioning of our products and services and review our current marketing plans and marketing mix. • The gathering of the information and the analysis of that information provides the basis for the Situation Analysis – the “where are we?” section.
• The Marketing Audit is a detailed examination of the company’s
– External marketing environment – Internal marketing activities – Its marketing systems
Elements of a Marketing Audit
• External
– Business and Economic Environment – The market – The Competition
• Internal
– Company Structure – Marketing Mix – Marketing Information/research
The Marketing Audit Process
Prepare for a Marketing Audit • Identify the scope of the marketing audit • Conduct an External Marketing Audit • Conduct an Internal Marketing Audit • Complete the Situation Analysis including the SWOT • Prepare a Marketing Audit Report which will form part of the Marketing Plan
Tools for an Audit
There are a number of tools that can be used in a Marketing Audit • GAP analysis – which considers the company's at the external marketing environment • PEST Analysis which looks at the external marketing environment • Competitive Analysis which helps to analyse the competitive environment. • Sales Performance Analysis- which considers the internal performance and provides a picture of recent success and failures • Product Lifecycle Analysis– considers the positioning of the product • SWOT analysis for both internal and external analysis of the strengths, weaknesses , opportunties and threats of the total marketing siutation