

便携式阀门执行机构Green Power Line系列说明书

便携式阀门执行机构Green Power Line系列说明书

GREEN POWER LINE includes the full set of Portable Actuation devices for valves, penstocks and sluice gates equipped with a Li-ion battery engine, offered in two versions: APB120N and APB160N. The output torque (in Nm) and the related output speed (in RPM) of the APB devices are adjustable according to the finger pressure on the accelerator button: when fully pressed, the units operate at their continuous torque value, further reaching their maximum torque when facing resistance during the operation; above these values, a thermal circuit breaker will stop the engine until the next manual ‘reset’. Very simple and easy to use, these devices are the ultimate tool for water operators looking for power on particular sites, such as underground chambers, or in cas e of multiple ‘short’ daily i nterventions on valves and gates, as well as representing a valuable alternative to the ‘classic’ electrified fixed actuation systems.APB120N – Hikoki 36V Brushless engineTechnical dataMax torque : 137 Nm / 101,05 Ft/lbContinuous torque : 95 Nm / 70,06 Ft/lbOutput speed : 114 RPMEngine speed : 25000 RPMReduction ratio : 4,8/1+50/1Engine power : 1000 WBattery : Hikoki 18-36V 4,0 AhDimensions : 340x220x(h)360 mmWeight : 7,2 KgConnection : Q24x24x(h)5 mmAPB160N – Hikoki 36V Brushless engineTechnical dataMax torque : 176 Nm / 129,81 Ft/lbContinuous torque : 168 Nm / 123,91 Ft/lbOutput speed : 78 RPMEngine speed : 25000 RPMReduction ratio : 4,8/1+70/1Engine power : 1000 WBattery : Hikoki 18-36V 4,0 AhDimensions : 340x220x(h)360 mmWeight : 7,2 KgConnection : Q24x24x(h)5 mmAPB120N / APB160N features:(1) Hikoki 36V engine: based on ‘Brushless’ technology, it offers maximum efficiency, power and reliability in an 'eco-friendly' way, guaranteeing a very reduced energy consumption.(2) Gear case: composed by a primary bevel gear in Ergal alloy coupled in axis to a secondary micro-reducer, with the goal to ensure the APB device with sturdiness and high reliability over time.(3) Control Handle: with a practical and soft-grip anatomical shape, it includes the accelerator button and the selectable lever for the rotation on Left/Block/Right positions.(4) Hikoki 36V Battery connection: with a renewed design that makes everything very compact, ergonomic and balanced, it includes also an automatic LED light for night work.(5) Protection cover: made of painted stainless steel, it ensures strength and solidity to the APB device; at the same time, it guarantees the correct ventilation of all the internal electrical parts.(6) Side Handle: mountable on both left/right side of the tool, it facilitates the use of the APB tool to both left and right-handed operators.(7) Thermal circuit breaker: it’s the electrical protection of the tool against any overloads. In case of absorption higher than 16A, the breaker turns off the APB device (un til the manual ‘reset’ of the operator)(8) Anti-rotation Pin:adjustable in its plate, it guarantees a quick, safe and stable fixing of the pin itself during the connection between the APB actuator and the gate/valve.(8) Safety Split:galvanized and with its steel cable, it allows and easy and safe coupling between the APB device and the gate/valve to be moved.(9) Spindle: made of steel, it’s the point where the operator must install the proper bushing in order to transmit the rotation movement from the Portable Actuator to the bevel gear on the gate/valve.APB120N / APB160N Standard supply:(A) Plastic case : with internal shockproof foam padding on the inside, for an easy and safe transport of the APB device to the sites of the daily interventions.(B) N. 02 Hikoki Multivolt 18-36V li-ion batteries : from the latest generation series, they include triple power output (if compared to the previous models) and the convenient LED charge status indicator.The batteries are supplied along with the Hikoki Charger, including features as: fast charging system, USB connection, cooling fan and LED system indicating charging and/or any failure.(C) Shoulder Belt : it must be connected at the support bracket and it allows the operator to easily transport and handle the APB unit during the various stages on the intervention sites.(D) Anti-rotation Pin Set : in three different sizes and interchangeable, they always guarantee the correct and safe ‘block’ of the Portable Actuator to the gate/valve.Usage of the APB/APS Portable Valve Actuators on gates/valvesIn order to transfer the ‘rotation ’ from the Portable Actuator to a bevel gear installed on a gate/valve, it is necessary to install a Bushing (photo 1) on the actuator ’s spindle using the four screws supplied.After that, in consideration of the fact that the APB/APS devices produce a huge Nm output force, it is also necessary to install an Anti-Rotation Flange (photo 2) on the bevel gear of the gate/valve. This avoids the ‘snatch’ rot ation of the APB/APS tool while in operation and prevents any potential injuries to the operator.The safety system is completed by the Anti-Rotation pin and its Safety Split that allow to keep the actuator ‘locked in position’ whil e operating. This is a safety mechanism required by law. The manufacturing company is not responsible for any damage to people (o properties) resulting from its failure or incorrect use.Therefore, once the correct bushing has been installed on the APB/APS and the proper A-R flange on the bevel gear, all that’s left to do is to connect the bushing to the reducer’s shaft, make sure that the A-R pin enters the A-R flange, then close it using its safety split. Now, you are 100% ready to operate.Photo 3 shows this connection phase (this procedure is the same for both sluice gates/penstocks/valves)1. Bushings (to mount on the APB/APS)2. A-R Flanges (to mount on the bevel gear)3. Connection of the APB/APS to the gearbox shaftAbout interventions on multiple series of gates/valvesWhen planning to operate on several gates/valves with bevel gear shafts of different diameters, it is necessary to standardize them all by installing a series of Adaptors with male square 24x24mm that fits the ‘standard’ square 24x24mm female bushing on the APB/APS tool.All the Adaptors (photo 4) have a 24x24mm square male connection and a cylindrical female part of different sizes. It is therefore necessary to identify in advance which types are necessary, and then proceed with their installation along with the corresponding anti-rotation flange; after this installation work, it will be possible to operate on all gates/valves without continuous changes of bushing (photo 5). However, at this point it will no longer be possible to use the original hand-wheels. So, in order to perform manual interventions again, it will be necessary to use the Square 24mm Hand Crank , that combined with the Padlocking Kit allows also to lock the bevel gear on the gate/valve (photo 6) in order to avoid unauthorized movements.4. Q24x24 adaptor mounted on the bevel gear5. Connection of APB/APS to A-RFlange+Q24 adaptor6. Q24 hand crack + locking system on bevel gearManual emergency interventions on electric actuators‘Emergency operations’ are all those manual interventions, performed on Electrified Actuators in absence of electricity, using the small manual hand-wheel on the body of the actuator itself.With the aim of providing a full service to its Customers, Scapin has designed and created a series of custom kits to install on the emergency of the most common models of AUMA / BIFFI / DREHMO / ROTORK electrical actuators.The installation of these Emergency Kits is very simple: once the hand-wheel has been removed from the electric actuator, it will be sufficient to mount the adaptor and the anti-rotation flange using the supplied screws. After that, the emergency can be performed using an APB/APS device.Once the intervention has been completed and the Portable Actuator disconnected, it is possible to both remove the Emergency Kit, or leave it installed. On this last situation, it is possible to restore the manual hand-wheel as it was originally by mounting an appropriate Q24 adaptor (supplied with the kit) on it and then, if necessary, lock it using a removable padlock (see the photos below).The usage of the APB devices is highly recommended on Drehmo electric actuators, in order to not burden its emergency output shaft with excessive weight. On the other hand, Auma and Biffi actuators can be easily handled with all the APS devices.Emergency Kit on AUMA Electrict Actuator Emergency Kit on BIFFI Electrict Actuator Emergency Kit on DREHMO Electric ActuatorAPB/APS tool on AUMA Electrict Actuator APB/APS tool on BIFFI Electrict Actuator APB/APS tool on DREHMO Electric ActuatorVisit our YouTube Channel to see our HD videos showing the APB/APS devices at work。














1.3.1远程开关量控制在菜单H-01中,设定远控方式为开关量控制方式(=0,该值为出厂时的缺省值),详细的设定步骤见2.4.3使用菜单设定执行器工作参数之远控方式设定远程开关量控制方式的操作:见3-2远程开关量控制1.3.2 远程自动控制在菜单H-01中,设定远控方式为模拟量控制方式(=1),详细的设定步骤见2.4.3使用菜单设定执行器工作参数之远控方式设定远程模拟量控制方式的操作:见3-3远程模拟量控制二、执行器的工作参数设置2.1按键定义1、方式钮代表的按键:确认键:方式钮从“停止”位置—>“就地”位置,以下简称按下确认键;返回键:方式钮从“停止”位置—>“远程”位置,以下简称按下返回键;2、操作钮代表的按键下移键或减键:操作钮—>“关闭”位置,以下简称按下下移键或减键;上移键或加键:操作钮—>“打开”位置,以下简称按下上移键或加键;2.2液晶显示该执行器的电气罩上配有一字段式液晶显示屏。




详情访问EDI专业服务网站说明感谢您成为恩临科技产品的用户! 在使用前请详细阅读本手册及模块相关电子文件, 并始终遵守本手册及模块相关电子文件有关规定.请保存此书以备日后参考.恩临科技保留不断改进产品的权利,如有变动恕不另行通知.ELXL400-1的ELEDI 纯水处理系统Electropure EDI概述采用Electropure公司的专利产品--电去离子设备(EDI设备)可以满足日益增长的对高纯水的需求。


发布于1984年的O’Hare 专利奠定了EDI技术的基础。


与DI树脂不同的是,EDI 在更换树脂床或使用化学试剂进行树脂再生时并不需要关闭系统。

正因为如此,EDI 具有:水质不稳定因素减少到最少最少的运行成本EDI主要是从与反渗透(RO)及其它纯化设备处理过的水中去除离子。



比传统离子交换DI优越之处EDI不需要酸碱化学试剂用于再生(就像离子交换系统DI的树脂再生)EDI再生时不需要关闭设备Electropure EDI模块在市场上每单位流量中最小、最轻,因此EDI趋于紧凑产品水水质稳定一致所需能源少资金的使用经济—节约了运行费用电去离子(EDI)工艺Electropure EDI的设计包括了两个成熟的水净化技术—电渗析和离子交换树脂除盐。


Electropure EDI通过一个电势迫使离子从进水流中分离出来,再进入与进水流毗连的水流中。



1 E4 XLS 电动移液器................................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 介绍..................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 E4 XLS 移液器概述............................................................................................................................. 4 1.3 入门指南.............................................................................................................................................. 6 1.4 菜单和模式.........................................................................................................................................11 1.5 选项与设置.........................................................................................................................................12 1.6 移液器操作.........................................................................................................................................15 1.6.1 移液指南.....................................................................................................................................15 1.6.2 吸头选择与安装.........................................................................................................................15 1.6.4 吸头浸入深度.............................................................................................................................16 1.6.5 休眠模式....................................................................................................................................16 1.6.6 帮助............................................................................................................................................17 1.6.6 过滤器........................................................................................................................................17 1.7 E4 XLS 量程范围与步进量.................................................................................................................18 1.8 E4 XLS 声音提醒................................................................................................................................18 1.9 设置模式.............................................................................................................................................19 1.10 E4 XLS 操作模式................................................................................................................................19 1.11 II 级菜单.............................................................................................................................................33 1.12 服务模式.............................................................................................................................................33 1.13 电池充电.............................................................................................................................................41 1.14 更换电池 ............................................................................................................................................45 1.15 保养与维护.........................................................................................................................................46 1.16 高压灭菌.............................................................................................................................................46 1.17 吸头退出器的拆卸.............................................................................................................................46 1.18 存放....................................................................................................................................................47 1.19 漏液故障的可能原因和解决方案......................................................................................................47 1.20 服务、校准与维修...............................................................................................................................48 1.21 规格....................................................................................................................................................49 1.22 更换配件.............................................................................................................................................50


可不选配、或配4个/8个传输接点,脉冲输出频率最高为40 imps/s,可配置两个接点同时输出同一个测量值。
有功电量测量满足并优于IEC 60687及2003年的IEC62056-22标准的所有要求.



美国REXA智能型电液执行器结构及原理产品简介概述REAX Xpac是一种专用于调整服务的、微处理器控制的、成套式电液执行器和驱动器。

专利的流量配对系统(Flow Match System)被简单描述为一种用泵驱动液压油(汽车的)从双作用油缸的一端到另一端的工作方式。





















Reineke电液执行器(内部调试培训) - 中文说明

Reineke电液执行器(内部调试培训) - 中文说明

2.2 单向阀 一个双单向阀连接着伺服阀。泵产生的压力使单向阀(21 )保持打开,使得到动力活塞杆的管路畅通。当失去油压 时,2个阀都关闭,执行机构的活塞杆被液压锁定。 2.3 行程速度 行程速度取决于所安装的泵的功率。如果以后需要进行改 变,须得到工厂的建议。 3. 故障情况下动作 3.1 供油故障 当失去油压时,伺服阀停止工作,双单向阀防止液压油流 出活塞杆,即活塞杆保持在发生故障前的位置。
1.ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้技术数据 最大流量: 抗震: 灵敏度: 量程的0.4% 温度影响: 输入信号: 反馈信号: 防护等级: 油过滤器: 最大操作油压: 感应系数:
信号终值的15% 3维(25Hz和1mm)超过30分钟,最大加速度2.5g 信号终值的0.2% 环境温度的0.05% DC 0-20 mA或4-20 mA IP 00或(Ex)sG5 最大颗粒10μm 65 bar 约0.75亨利(H)(在0-20mA)
2 结构和操作方法 2.1 电液伺服阀 从控制室来的直流电信号通过电液伺服阀的线圈(7),线圈和永 磁系统(3)产生的磁场作用一个力在导向电枢(6)上,这个力与 反馈弹簧(2a)的力方向相反。由弹簧(2)和反馈弹簧(2a)引起 的导向电枢的偏置使得挡板(14)在两个喷嘴(13)之间的位置发 生变化,使得通过限流器(9)流向喷嘴(13)的油产生一个压力 差,它作用于控制活塞杆(16)的末端。此部件就像一个压力放大 器,被偏置到一侧使得液压油流进和流出液压缸(26)。从而使得 液压缸的活塞杆发生位移来驱动最终控制元件。同时通过一个机械 连接的用于直行程执行器的反馈杆(27)或用于角行程执行器的反 馈条(28),反馈弹簧(2a)的张力被改变,直到弹簧的张力和磁 力达到平衡,整个系统回到初始位置,活塞杆停止运动。活塞杆和 连接元件的位置是与输入信号成比例关系。



电液执行器(紧凑型一体化)型号:RKA内容内容 1 1总则 21.1应用 21.2代码和标准 2 2设计 22.1 技术特征 32.2推力 42.3力矩 42.4结构 52.5尺寸 52.6选择因素 6 3工作原理73.1直行程执行器73.2角行程执行器83.3液压流程图举例93.3.1马达断电保护93.3.2输入信号失效保护93.4控制元件113.4.1电气输入信号113.4.2防护等级113.5马达11 4运行方向代码124.1直行程执行器(控制阀)124.2角行程执行器(蝶阀)124.3蓄能器释放动作方向134.4电源故障或输入信号失效动作方向134.5开-关操作动作方向13 5液压油推荐145.1用油推荐/油温范围15 6代码名称16 7液压流程图17 8电液执行器选型表181 总则Reineke电液执行器“RKA”,是本公司著名的带有“Reineke机械伺服阀”控制的紧凑型一体化液压执行器系列的最新产品。







2 设计Reineke公司的RKA电动液压执行器是一体化的形式。




NUTORK CORPORATIONNTE Series Quarter Turn Electric ActuatorActuators & ValvesVisual Indicator +Handwheel (Option)NTE - 02L ABS EnclosureNTE - 02S TypeInternal MagnetContactor For 24VDC(Option)Modulating TypeStandard TypeApproved by:Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/EC5. The captive cover bolt prevents bolt from dropping when cover is opened.1. Due to characteristics of valve, the electric actutor must be able to provide high start up torque with full load whenever the valve is at open, closed or any other position. NUTORK NTE series electric actuators are designed for such working requirement.2. Gear driving unit is made of alloy steel with heat treatment featuring high strength, excellent wear resistance and long term fatigue load impact.3. The crank handle is designed as detachable to minimize the dimension of the actuator.4. The integral construction of the wormgear and drive shaft provides long term dependable operation with high output torque.6. The stainless steel stroke bolt and cam provide 0 - 90° adjustability.7. The tempered glass visual position indicator provides anti-aging, temperature resistance and anti-deformation.8. The epoxy encapsulated control servo unit provides heat insulation, moisture and dust proofing, thus suitable for various industrial process requirements.Electric Actuator – Featuresw w w.n u t o r k.c o m112345678Wiring Diagram18/1609/8018/1609/801261260.28 0.151.2/2.65Weight(Kg/Lbs)Enclosure Mounting DirectionAmbient Temp.Valve ConnectionDimension(mm)ModelPowerOutput Torque(Nm/in.lbs)Operation Speed(sec.)Power Consumption(W)Rated Current(A)Insulation ResistanceWithstand Voltage1.10100M Ω@500VDC Ω100M @250VDC Die-casting aluminum alloy72(W) x 75(L) x 120(H)NTE-02S110/220VAC 24VDC 861500VAC@1 Min.550VAC@1 Min.IP68All directions -30°C ~ +60°CISO5211,9/11mm x F03/F04/F05Housing Material standard accessory, built-in,auto-reset typeThermal Protection w w w.n u t o r k.c o m210235.55016.53638.5729x9 11x11Crank HandleG1/4" with cable gland & 30cm lead wire4-M 68-M5503642Depth:17mmBottom ViewBottom ViewModel : NTE-02S Power Supply 200VAC Rated Current : 0.15A Frequency 50/60Hz Amb Temp : 30℃~60℃Output Torque 18NM Operation Time : 12S Enclosure : IP168Manual OperationCD V 42B: e p y T B :e p y T A :e p y T OLSK CCLSPEMLNBlueRed Black BrownCloseOpnenGreyY&GFull-close signalFull-open signal COM OLS K CCLSPEMLN BlueRed Black WhiteBrown Grey CloseOpen Y&G Full-close signal Full-open signal Full-open signal Full-close signal COMOLS CLSPE MRedBlack White Brown Grey Close OpenY&G D1D2Wiring DiagramType: B 10987654321MACPE NO NCNO NCOLSCLSYellow Green Purple Orange Grey Brown WhiteBlackRedBlueOpenStop Close Type: B1Model Power Output Torque Operation Speed(sec.)Power Consumption(W)Rated Current(A)Insulation Resistance Withstand Voltage Thermal Protection Mounting Direction Ambient Temperature Valve Connection Dimension(LxWxH),mm Enclosure Housing Material Weight(Kg)NTE-02L 24VAC25Nm(222in.lbs)100M Ω@500VDC 1500VAC @ 1 minStandard accessory ,built-in ,auto-reset typeAll Direction -30°C ~ +60°C12x12x12mm square drive shaft x F05160(L)x100(W)x133(H)mmIP65ABS 1.4Kg10 sec.20W 1.118W 0.218W 0.1110VAC 220VACFull-open signal EarthFull-closed signal COM1Full-open signal Full-closed signal COM2COMCrank Handle100351235124M516011013303w w w.n u t o r k.c o mw w w.n u t o r k.c o m4NTE-03NTE-05NTE-10NTE-20NTE-40NTE-60NTE-100NTE-160NTE-200NTE-400NTE-6003015/30/5050/60/10080/100/150/200150/250/300/400600300/800/100016002000400060002010/20/30(std.)15/20/30(std.)9/15/20/30(std.)9/15/20/30(std.)3015/30/50(std.)881001001500-360°0-360°0-90°0-90°0-90°0-90°0-90°0-90°0-90°0-90°0-90°◇14/17-F05/F07◇17/22-F07/F10DC motor 202040409090..............................AC motor 10102340909010010010020020024VDC22 2.48.511.511.811.5........................110VAC 0.480.480.640.92 2.06 2.2 2.2 2.2 4.10 4.10220VAC 1.20 1.20 1.20 2.10 2.10380VAC0. Torque(Nm)Operation Speed (Sec.)@0-90°/ 50Hz Operation Angel(Max.)Power (Watts)Valve Conn./ ISO5211◇9/11-F03/F05or ◇14-F05/F07◇17/22/27-F07/F10◇22/27 - F10/F12or ◇36 - F14/F16Rated Current 50HZ(A)Weight-(Kg)Duty Cycle (ON/OFF)Duty Cycle (Modulating)S4 : 30~50%, 300~1200 Start/HourPower Supply 1 Phase:110/220VAC±10%@50/60Hz, 3 Phase:380/440VAC±10%@50/60Hz, 12VDC.24VDC/VAC S2 : 35%,10min. ~ 30min.Stall Protection standard accessory , built-in , auto-reset type Anti-Vibration XYZ 10g , 0.2~34Hz , 10 minutes Ambient Humidity90%RH Max.(non-condensing)Ambient Temperature -30ºC ~ +60ºC Mounting Direction All DirectionsElectrical Conduit M20×1.5 with cable gland for standard type(2 - M20×1.5 with cable gland for modulating type)7. H : Space heater 8. Torque switches(2 units)9. Various mounting bracketsManual Operation Detachable Crank Allen-Key (standard accessory)StopperIn operation : limit switches at full & closed position ; manual operation:mechanical stopper Housing MaterialDie-casting aluminum alloy Bare Shaft Enclosure Rating IP67(standard), IP68(option)Various Option1. Type A standard type2. Type B additional limit switches (2xSPST) or Type B1 additional limit switches(2xSPDT)3. Type C potentiometer unit (1K Ω or 5K Ω)4. Type D potentiometer unit (1K Ω or 5K Ω) with additional limit switches (2xSPST)5. Type E modulating controller (input signal : 4-20mA or 1-5VDC.output signal : 4-20mA )6. Type F current position transmitter(output signal : 4-20mA)Techanical Data(NTE Series Electric Actuator)Type A: Standard TypeOutput Signal:2xSPST(NO) with line power switchInput Signal:4-20mDC or 0-5VDC Output Signal: 4-20mADCOutput Signal: 4-20mADCOutput Signal: 1xSPST(NO)micro-switch each at open & close position.Output Signal: 1xSPST(NO)micro-switch each at open & close position.Output Signal: 1xSPST(NO)micro-switch each at open & close position.Output Signal: 1xSPDT(NC/NO) micro-switch each at open & close positionOutput Signal:0-500Ω or 0-1000ΩType B: 2xSPST(NO)w w w.n u t o r k.c o m5Type E: Modulating ControlType F: R/I ConverterDC Motor with 2xSPST(NO)3 Phase, 380/415/440VAC Motor with 2xSPST(NO)Type C: PotentiometerType B1: 2xSPDT(NO/NC)blue yellow redbrownblack brown greenwhite brown green RHOXSCXSols cls MTPOPEN-SIGNAL SHUT-SIGNAL NC1NC2COM1COM2OPEN STOPSHUTElectric Actuator - Dimension Tablew w w.n u t o r k.c o m6Model NTE-03NTE-05NTE-10NTE-20NTE-40NTE-60NTE-100NTE-160NTE-200NTE-400NTE-600A A1MMNUTORKRso8-M10soO PTU KAA1HH 1ETNUTORKRsoLBDØFDØGXV 4-Z4-S XV 4-Z4-S PBracket + CouplerBare ShaftBare ShaftBare ShaftISO5211NUTORKRE H H1TK L B X V PSZØG ØF D115221**********12686013836509/11/144-M54-M67028F o l l o w e d b y V a l v e115221**********12686013836509/11/144-M54-M67028123222081241915*15827010550709/11/144-M64-M89035148222581482223*2311884178701024-M84-M101254814/17148222581482223*2311884178701024-M84-M101254817/22148222581482223*2311884178701024-M84-M101254817/2215627.52801592530*30148841871021254-M101356522/2715627.52801592530*30148841871021254-M101356522/2715627.52801592530*30148841871401654-M1617565362664391794852*521801802661592544-M18522664391794852*521801802661592544-M1852NTE Series Quarter Turn Electric Actuatorw w w.n u t o r k.c o m7Ordering InformationA. Output Torque / Operation Time1.Code:02S,(18Nm)-12 sec.8.Code:60,(600Nm)- 30 sec.2.Code:02L,(22Nm)-15 sec.9.Code:100,(1000Nm)-50 sec.3.Code:03,(30Nm)-20 sec.10.Code:160,(1600Nm)-88 sec.4.Code:05,(50Nm)-30 sec.11.Code:200,(2000Nm)-100 sec.5.Code:10,(100Nm)-30 sec.12.Code:400,(4000Nm)-100 sec.6.Code:20,(200Nm)-30 sec.13.Code:600,(6000Nm)-150 sec.7.Code:40,(400Nm)-30 sec.14.Code:XX (the other output Torque & Operation Time)Note: 1. The quick operation speed is available upon request.B. Type(Control function)2.Code B: 1xSPST(NO) micro switch for each at open & close3.Code B1: 1xSPDT micro switch for each at open & close4.Code C: 1K Ω potentiometer5.Code D: 1xSPST,NO micro-switch+ 1K Ω potentimeter C. Power Voltage:1.Code A:24VDC 5.Code E:380VAC 2.Code B:24VAC6.Code F:440VAC 3.Code C:110~120VAC7.Code X: others4.Code D:220~240VACNote: 02S only available in 24/120/240VAC, 24VDC 02L only available 240VACD. Accessories:1.Code: H - Heater(02S is not available)E. Enclosure1.Code:IP67, IP67 enclosure(standard)2.Code IP68: IP68 enclosureNote: 1. 02S only available in type A & B control function 2. 02L only available Type B control function 7.Code F: position transmitter (output signal:4-20mADC)NTEOutput TorqueControlType Power AccessoriesEnclosure6.Code E: modulating control (input/output singal:4-20mADC)1.Code A: StandardNUTORK CORP. manufactures a wide range of pneumatic actuators, electric actuators and theaccessories of pneumatic actuator (limit switchbox, solenoid valve, manual override ---etc.) for quarter turn valvesNutork Corp. supply the following product range:NUTORKNK series rack & pinion type (CE-ATEX certified and PED compliant)14 models, the output torque from 9Nm(80in.lbs) to 3,920Nm(34,660in.lbs) at 6 bar air supply.ISO5211/DIN3337 for valve connection, VDI/VDE 3845(Namur) standard connection for solenoid valve and shaft top end(limit switchbox or E/P positioner), +/-5 degree stroke adjustment. 25~30um standard hard anodizedtreatment on actuator body and over 120um epoxy coated on end caps which meet ASTM B117 qualification(salt spread test over 1,000 hours and no corrosion.PTFE, Polyester, Nickel, Ceramic and Epoxy coated are available on request.NSF series scotch yoke type pneumatic and hydraulic actuators (CE-ATEX certified and PED compliant)The output torque from 978Nm(8,656in.lbs) to 226,200Nm (2,001,870in.lbs) at 6 bar air supply.Anti-corrosion painting on outer body and cylinder as standard. VDI/VDE 3845(Namur) standard connection for shaft top end(limit switchbox or E/P positioner), +/-10 degree stroke adjustment. ISO5211 standard for valve connection. PTFE coated on inner cylinder surface. Hydraulic manual override is available for big size actuator.NTE series electric actuator, CE approval13 models and the output torque from 18Nm(159in.lbs) to 6000Nm(53,106in.lbs), compact design, die-casting aluminum alloy housing, alloy steel with heat treatment gear driving unit, integral wormgear & drive shaft, 30% duty rating, detachable crank handle, ISO5211(option), IP67 enclosure.IP68 for option.NTQ electric actuator, CE approval(IP67 & EExdIIBT4 enclosure)13 models, the output torque from 100Nm(885in.lbs) to 6,000Nm(53,106in.lbs), de-clutchable manual override, 2xSPDT each for open & close, torque switch: 1xSPDT each for open & close. space heater, self-lock, IP67 & EExdIIBT4 enclosure.The fully range accessories(Limit Switchbox, Solenoid Valve,Declutchable Manual Override, Air Filter regulator, E/P Positioner ---etc).NTE-02L Quarter Turn Electric ActuatorOutput torque 25Nm(222in.lbs),operation time 10Sec;voltage 24VAC,110VAC & 220VAC for option,ABS housing,30% duty rating,IP65 enclosure.NUTORK Corp.China Office:No.10,Lane 899, Zhuguang Road, Qingpu Area, Shanghai,ChinaTel*************/59888463/59888436Fax*************Email:*****************USA Office:5010 Wright RD. Suite 200B Stafford, TX 77478Tel: +1-281-222-0018 Email:*********************Website: 。



一、先进的设计 RA 系列阀门电动装置是我公司推出的一种适用于一般场合的经济型 产品,尽管如此,该产品许多独特的功能仍是其它同类产品无法比拟的。
非入侵式设计:采用磁感应控制旋钮,没有穿过控制箱的贯通轴; 非接触式调试:采用红外线手持式设定器对电动装置进行工作设定,真正
双密封结构: 在安装调试阶段接线盒打开时,电动装置内部仍得到很好
力 驱 带 润滑 承 确 力 会 结构上 型推 型输出的 动套 有全封闭 的止推轴 装置, 保推 不 作用在内部

1.1 主要技术参数:
380VAC/50Hz 220VAC/50Hz
防护等级ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ IP68
2.3 与齿轮箱配套操控 0~90°旋转阀门....... .................... ....................…………………………………….. 2
三、 选型参数.................................................……………………………………………………….……………….
4.1 标准型(接线图号 301)................................................. ........................ .................... ......................... 12
4.2 扩展型(接线图号 302)...................................................................................………………………… 12



请确保完整阅读和理解本手册Array埃柯特智能型电动执行机构INQ系列安装和维护手册出版物编号 E201C3出版日期 2013.1定,同时埃柯特的全系列电动执行机构均可以采用磁控旋钮完成和遥控器一样的操作。




埃柯特设定器本手册提供如下指导:* 手动和电动(现场和远方)操作。

* 执行器的准备和安装。

* 为了正确操作阀门,需要对执行器进行的基本设定。

* 根据现场具体控制和指示的要求,对执行器进行组态设定。

* 维护 – 故障排除。

* 销售和服务。







1目 录1 安全 (4)2 保存 (4)3 IN执行器的操作 (5)3.1 手轮操作 (5)3.2 电动操作 (5)3.3 显示—现场显示 (6)3.4 控制方式显示 (7)3.5 故障报警显示 (7)3.6 操作-磁控旋钮 (8)3.7 红外遥控器 ............................................................. 9 4 执行器安装. (9)5 电气接线 (10)5.1 地线的连接 (10)5.2 卸下接线端子箱盖 (10)5.3 电缆入口 (10)5.4 连接至端子 (10)5.5 重新安装接线端盖 (10)6 调试 (11)6.1 设定程序 (11)6.2 红外遥控器 (11)6.3 参数设定菜单结构图 (12)6.4 进入参数设定程序 (13)26.5 设定—“确认” (14)6.6 设定—“取消” (14)6.7 设定模式—“下移”/“加一”操作 (14)6.8 设定—“上移”/“循环右移” (15)6.9 设定—“退出” (15)7 调试—详细组态设定 (16)7.1 调试主菜单 (16)7.2 基本设定 (16)7.3 控制方式 (17)7.4 触点组态 (18)7.5 双速设定 (18)7.6 其它设定 (19)7.7 工厂设定 (20)7.8 调节参数 (21)8 重量和润滑油 (22)9 其余说明 (23)10 维护监视及故障排除 (23)31安全本手册是为能胜任的用户安装、操作、调试及检查埃柯特 INQ系列执行器而出版的。

EMG imatic操作手册最新版

EMG imatic操作手册最新版
这个符号表示“警告!”。 未能遵照执行可能会导致维护人员和设备损害。
技术服务 如需技术支持和服务,请联系德瑞中国办事处或负责该项目的相应代理商。
如您的产品未从德瑞中国办事处或授权代理商处采购,德瑞中国将不提供质量保证,并且只能提供有偿 的售后服务及技术支持。”
本手册的说明是针对软件版本 物(执行器可能具有高达 100kg 的重量)危险和吊车知识的人员进行。 执行器安装到阀门上必须由具有执行器和阀门机械相互连接知识的人员进行。 执行器的电气连接必须由具有电气危险知识的人员进行。接线时接触非绝缘连线,这些连线可能带有危 险电流。另外,还必须遵守电气安装的相关有效规程。
DREHMO® -i-matic
该操作手册适用于 i-matic 系列开关型、步进型和调节型电动执行机构
齿轮单元 输出驱动
安装说明 操作说明 维护说明 适用于多回转、角行程和直行程电动执行器
注意: 本手册是供货的一部分,请妥善保存以备将来使用.
DREHMO®电动执行器供货时包含下列文件: (取决于供货时设备的不同选项)
• 本安装、调试、维护手册 • 接线图 imxxx-xx-xx-xxx • 用于现场总线接口(PROFIBUS,Modbus)的附加操作手册
这个符号代表 “附加信息”。 未能遵照执行可能会产生损害。
这个符号表示“注意”。 未能遵照执行可能会导致人员和设备损害。
第 4 页,共60页
DREHMO-i-matic 操作手册
1 执行器技术数据................................................................................................... 6





















便携式阀门执行器Green Power Line系列说明书

便携式阀门执行器Green Power Line系列说明书

GREEN POWER LINE includes the full set of Portable Actuation devices for valves, penstocks and sluice gates equipped with a Li-ion battery engine, offered in two versions: APB120N and APB160N. The output torque (in Nm) and the related output speed (in RPM) of the APB devices are adjustable according to the finger pressure on the accelerator button: when fully pressed, the units operate at their continuous torque value, further reaching their maximum torque when facing resistance during the operation; above these values, a thermal circuit breaker will stop the engine until the next manual ‘reset’. Very simple and easy to use, these devices are the ultimate tool for water operators looking for power on particular sites, such as underground chambers, or in cas e of multiple ‘short’ daily i nterventions on valves and gates, as well as representing a valuable alternative to the ‘classic’ electrified fixed actuation systems.APB120N – Hikoki 36V Brushless engineTechnical dataMax torque : 137 Nm / 101,05 Ft/lbContinuous torque : 95 Nm / 70,06 Ft/lbOutput speed : 114 RPMEngine speed : 25000 RPMReduction ratio : 4,8/1+50/1Engine power : 1000 WBattery : Hikoki 18-36V 4,0 AhDimensions : 340x220x(h)360 mmWeight : 7,2 KgConnection : Q24x24x(h)5 mmAPB160N – Hikoki 36V Brushless engineTechnical dataMax torque : 176 Nm / 129,81 Ft/lbContinuous torque : 168 Nm / 123,91 Ft/lbOutput speed : 78 RPMEngine speed : 25000 RPMReduction ratio : 4,8/1+70/1Engine power : 1000 WBattery : Hikoki 18-36V 4,0 AhDimensions : 340x220x(h)360 mmWeight : 7,2 KgConnection : Q24x24x(h)5 mmAPB120N / APB160N features:(1) Hikoki 36V engine: based on ‘Brushless’ technology, it offers maximum efficiency, power and reliability in an 'eco-friendly' way, guaranteeing a very reduced energy consumption.(2) Gear case: composed by a primary bevel gear in Ergal alloy coupled in axis to a secondary micro-reducer, with the goal to ensure the APB device with sturdiness and high reliability over time.(3) Control Handle: with a practical and soft-grip anatomical shape, it includes the accelerator button and the selectable lever for the rotation on Left/Block/Right positions.(4) Hikoki 36V Battery connection: with a renewed design that makes everything very compact, ergonomic and balanced, it includes also an automatic LED light for night work.(5) Protection cover: made of painted stainless steel, it ensures strength and solidity to the APB device; at the same time, it guarantees the correct ventilation of all the internal electrical parts.(6) Side Handle: mountable on both left/right side of the tool, it facilitates the use of the APB tool to both left and right-handed operators.(7) Thermal circuit breaker: it’s the electrical protection of the tool against any overloads. In case of absorption higher than 16A, the breaker turns off the APB device (un til the manual ‘reset’ of the operator)(8) Anti-rotation Pin:adjustable in its plate, it guarantees a quick, safe and stable fixing of the pin itself during the connection between the APB actuator and the gate/valve.(8) Safety Split:galvanized and with its steel cable, it allows and easy and safe coupling between the APB device and the gate/valve to be moved.(9) Spindle: made of steel, it’s the point where the operator must install the proper bushing in order to transmit the rotation movement from the Portable Actuator to the bevel gear on the gate/valve.APB120N / APB160N Standard supply:(A) Plastic case : with internal shockproof foam padding on the inside, for an easy and safe transport of the APB device to the sites of the daily interventions.(B) N. 02 Hikoki Multivolt 18-36V li-ion batteries : from the latest generation series, they include triple power output (if compared to the previous models) and the convenient LED charge status indicator.The batteries are supplied along with the Hikoki Charger, including features as: fast charging system, USB connection, cooling fan and LED system indicating charging and/or any failure.(C) Shoulder Belt : it must be connected at the support bracket and it allows the operator to easily transport and handle the APB unit during the various stages on the intervention sites.(D) Anti-rotation Pin Set : in three different sizes and interchangeable, they always guarantee the correct and safe ‘block’ of the Portable Actuator to the gate/valve.Usage of the APB/APS Portable Valve Actuators on gates/valvesIn order to transfer the ‘rotation ’ from the Portable Actuator to a bevel gear installed on a gate/valve, it is necessary to install a Bushing (photo 1) on the actuator ’s spindle using the four screws supplied.After that, in consideration of the fact that the APB/APS devices produce a huge Nm output force, it is also necessary to install an Anti-Rotation Flange (photo 2) on the bevel gear of the gate/valve. This avoids the ‘snatch’ rot ation of the APB/APS tool while in operation and prevents any potential injuries to the operator.The safety system is completed by the Anti-Rotation pin and its Safety Split that allow to keep the actuator ‘locked in position’ whil e operating. This is a safety mechanism required by law. The manufacturing company is not responsible for any damage to people (o properties) resulting from its failure or incorrect use.Therefore, once the correct bushing has been installed on the APB/APS and the proper A-R flange on the bevel gear, all that’s left to do is to connect the bushing to the reducer’s shaft, make sure that the A-R pin enters the A-R flange, then close it using its safety split. Now, you are 100% ready to operate.Photo 3 shows this connection phase (this procedure is the same for both sluice gates/penstocks/valves)1. Bushings (to mount on the APB/APS)2. A-R Flanges (to mount on the bevel gear)3. Connection of the APB/APS to the gearbox shaftAbout interventions on multiple series of gates/valvesWhen planning to operate on several gates/valves with bevel gear shafts of different diameters, it is necessary to standardize them all by installing a series of Adaptors with male square 24x24mm that fits the ‘standard’ square 24x24mm female bushing on the APB/APS tool.All the Adaptors (photo 4) have a 24x24mm square male connection and a cylindrical female part of different sizes. It is therefore necessary to identify in advance which types are necessary, and then proceed with their installation along with the corresponding anti-rotation flange; after this installation work, it will be possible to operate on all gates/valves without continuous changes of bushing (photo 5). However, at this point it will no longer be possible to use the original hand-wheels. So, in order to perform manual interventions again, it will be necessary to use the Square 24mm Hand Crank , that combined with the Padlocking Kit allows also to lock the bevel gear on the gate/valve (photo 6) in order to avoid unauthorized movements.4. Q24x24 adaptor mounted on the bevel gear5. Connection of APB/APS to A-RFlange+Q24 adaptor6. Q24 hand crack + locking system on bevel gearManual emergency interventions on electric actuators‘Emergency operations’ are all those manual interventions, performed on Electrified Actuators in absence of electricity, using the small manual hand-wheel on the body of the actuator itself.With the aim of providing a full service to its Customers, Scapin has designed and created a series of custom kits to install on the emergency of the most common models of AUMA / BIFFI / DREHMO / ROTORK electrical actuators.The installation of these Emergency Kits is very simple: once the hand-wheel has been removed from the electric actuator, it will be sufficient to mount the adaptor and the anti-rotation flange using the supplied screws. After that, the emergency can be performed using an APB/APS device.Once the intervention has been completed and the Portable Actuator disconnected, it is possible to both remove the Emergency Kit, or leave it installed. On this last situation, it is possible to restore the manual hand-wheel as it was originally by mounting an appropriate Q24 adaptor (supplied with the kit) on it and then, if necessary, lock it using a removable padlock (see the photos below).The usage of the APB devices is highly recommended on Drehmo electric actuators, in order to not burden its emergency output shaft with excessive weight. On the other hand, Auma and Biffi actuators can be easily handled with all the APS devices.Emergency Kit on AUMA Electrict Actuator Emergency Kit on BIFFI Electrict Actuator Emergency Kit on DREHMO Electric ActuatorAPB/APS tool on AUMA Electrict Actuator APB/APS tool on BIFFI Electrict Actuator APB/APS tool on DREHMO Electric ActuatorVisit our YouTube Channel to see our HD videos showing the APB/APS devices at work。



H-Track H-Track – A Compact Hybrid of Superior PerformanceMore Power in Less SpaceH-Track electro-hydraulic actuators feature the smallest mounting envelope in their class with a patented valve and reservoir design that provides significant space savings compared to competitive models. H-Track is a robust linear actuator providing force up to 4800 lbf (21350 N) and travel speeds near 4 in (100 mm) per second. With stroke lengths up to 16 in (406 mm), end switch options and multiple configurations available, the H-Track offers a unique set of options for machine designers.Made for Tough ConditionsH-Track actuators are weatherproof, dust tight, corrosion resistant, and IP67 static (temporary submersion) and IP69K (high-pressure washdown) tested. The H-Track offers an optional operation temperature as low as -40°F (-40°C) to as high as 180°F (82°C), making it an ideal option for use in demanding conditions.H-Track electro-hydraulic actuators provide the high-load performance of hydraulics without the expansive space requirements nor the prohibitive cost of full-sized, fluid-based systems.H-Track Completely Self-ContainedThe motor, pump and valves are contained in one mini power pack mounted directly to the combined cylinder/fluid tank. This means that the inner workings are completely sealed from the outside, allowing this unique arrangement to minimize parts and improve performance. Unlike hydraulic cylinders, there is no need for external hoses, valves, reservoirs or hydraulic connectors that can break or leak. The operation is as simple as with a traditional electric actuator - just turn the supply voltage onto move and change polarity to reverse direction.If necessary, the actuator extension tube can be manually overridden, allowing the tube to float foroperating in emergency situations.3Electro-Hydraulic AdvantagesThe best features from the electric and hydraulic actuator worlds have been chosen to power the H-Track linear actuator, giving it a unique set of capabilities that allow it to be used in applications that otherwise might be too difficult for other solutions to take on.Compact DesignH-Track actuators have a mounting length that is shorter than any other electromechanical actuator on the market. It can fit into applications with a pin-to-pin length as small as 4.8 in (122 mm) plus its stroke, and still provide up to 4800 lbf (21350 N) of force.Superb Load Holding PowerH-Track actuators operate in both tension and compression and will hold a load stationary without power in either direction. Static load holding capability will always exceed the dynamic load moving capability.Vibration and Shock Load ResistantH-Track actuators are immune to vibrational drifting, hydraulically self lock and safely absorb shocks. Energy EfficientElectric control provides clean, smooth linear motion without hydraulic plumbing or other expensive componentry. The H-Track’s power demands are significantly less than those of a full hydraulic system as the actuators require power only when in motion. Solid Extension TubeSince the extension tube is solid, it allows for increased resistance to buckling compared to a hollowextension tube of the same size.5H-Track Hydraulics Isolated from the Atmosphere The fluid reservoir is vented and isolated from the atmosphere with a flexible lid, allowing actuator and pump operation in any orientation without entraining or cavitation.Maintenance-FreeH-Track actuators require no lubrication, hydraulic fluid fillup, or any other type of maintenance or adjustments for their entire lifecycle.Contamination-FreeThe H-Track pump is burnished, cleaned, flushed and vacuum filled with degassed hydraulic fluid. The system is completely sealed with no hoses to leak. This ensures you enjoy contaminant-free performance for the life of the actuator.Thoroughly TestedThroughout their entire development process, H-Track actuators are rigorously tested to ensure they meet all relevant standards and performance specifications prior to leaving the factory. Please contact Thomson customer support to learn more about which standards H-Track meets and how our testing is carried out.CustomizationAs with most Thomson products, H-Track actuators can be customized. Our engineers will work with you to determine the modifications needed – from a simple color change to a complete overhaul of the design. Thomson is a global leader in custom actuator production and takes pride in supplying the optimal solution to each customer.6Built to PerformH-Track is one of the strongest actuators for its size without compromising life expectancy or the ability to withstand the elements.1Compact and strong power pack unit, containing pump, valve and motor 2Fluid tank integrated into the cover tube3Solid small-diameter, buckling-resistant extension tube312Get the best from the electric and hydraulic worlds in one package. H-Track is powerful, tough, and vibration and shock load resistant.Yet it only needs a battery and a switch to run, requires no maintenance, and minimizes the risks and hazards associated with hydraulic fluid leaks.4Power pack unit completely sealed from the outside 5Two-wire operationLarge number of power pack and cylinder configurations allow for great design flexibility4 685H-Track is built from the outside in to excel in situations where many otheractuators are forced to bow out. The unique electro-hydraulic design combines the best features from two distinct systems and opens up new application possibilities for linear actuators.7H-Track 410H-Track is designed and tested to operate under the harshest conditions without failure or the need for maintenance.10IP69K/IP67 protection class 13Large operating temperature range 11Chrome finished steel extension tube 14High shock load and vibration resistance 12Salt spray tested for 200 hoursAnodized aluminum alloy housing1912101178211976Built for the Toughest ApplicationsWith a self-contained electro-hydraulic system, H-Track actuators meet the growing demand for power-dense performance used in a variety of industrial applications, including agricultural sprayer booms, snow plow blades and mower deck lifts.Designed to Withstand Life on the FieldsWith agricultural sprayers becoming larger and boom lengths reaching up to 177 ft (54 m), strain on the actuators has increased exponentially. Actuators are used to fold the long sprayer booms from an extended position to a stowed position for transport. The folding and unfolding of these booms apply very high loads on the actuators. The strain on the units is dramatically increased when the sprayeris in motion and the bouncing of the booms causes even more extreme loads. These combined loads create tremendous impact force that can easily destroy most other electric actuators. The H-Track is designed to handle this type of loading with ease.8H-Track Ideal for Demanding Outdoor ApplicationsWhere the often harsh outdoor environmentcreates conditions that can be fatal for mostactuators, the H-Track thrives. A snow plowbattling icy roads and striking a stationary, concreteobject is an example that would quickly destroymost linear actuators. The H- T rack’s unique valveand reservoir design gives it the ability to cushionthese blows and continue operating without issue.The optional ability to operate in temperatures aslow as -40°F (-40°C) makes it a perfect fit for eventhe coldest climates. Mower deck lifts are typicallywhere electric actuators shine, but with increasingdeck sizes and ground speeds, the limits of thesetraditional actuators are being exceeded. Withits reliable, load-holding capabilities, enhanceddurability for higher transport speeds, and ability towithstand high-pressure washdowns, the H-Trackis a perfect choice for the next generation of larger,faster mowers.9Technical FeaturesH-Track Electro-Hydraulic Linear Actuator • Combines the best from the hydraulic and electric worlds.• High power density.• Very compact and short pin-to-pin versus stroke length relationship.• Solid extension tube allows for increased resistance to buckling.• Immune to vibrational drifting and hydraulically self locks.• High shock load and vibration resistance.• Fluid reservoir is vented and isolated from the atmosphere with a flexible lid, allowing actuator and pump operation in any orientation withoutentraining or cavitation.• Standard strokes up to 16 in (406 mm).• Designed for harsh outdoor conditions.•Reliable and maintenance free.H-TrackTechnical SpecificationsElectrical ConnectionsF FuseS1 Double pole double throw switchTo extend the actuator, apply +Vdc to black (white) and -Vdc to grey (green/white). To retract, apply-Vdc to black (white) and +Vdc to grey (green/white). Colors in between brackets are valid for the 560 W motor. Avoid running the actuator in to the ends.DimensionsH-Track DimensionsWeightbut at temperatures below 40°F (4°C), force and current begin to increase, while speed decreases. At temperatures above 120°F (50°C), speed will decrease slightly. The exact amount of performance change is difficult to calculate. Also, when it comes to the lower temperature span, the performance will move towards what is stated above as the temperature rises in the actuator due to the heat generated by its work. Please consult Thomson customer service for more information.Performance MatrixH-Track Ordering KeySizing and SelectionIn order to choose the optimal H-Track actuator for your application, please follow the sizing and selection process as described below. Do not hesitate to contact Thomson customer support if you need assistance.Step 1. Determining Load ConfigurationDetermine which load configuration (C, H, N or B) is valid for your application. Also see page 18.Example: Assuming that the load needs to be pushed horizontally, and the extenson tube will not be affected by gravity when pushing or pulling, then the application corresponds to load configuration N.Step 2. Bore and Extension Tube SizingDetermine which bore size is needed for your load and stroke. Also see page 19.Example: Assuming the application requires 16-in stroke, and that load is 2500 lbf at extension (red dot) and 500 lbf at retraction (yellow dot), then the Stroke vs. Load and Bore Size diagram below shows, that only the blue curve is above both points. Therefore, bore size H3 is the only possible choice in this case.Stroke vs. Load and Bore SizeStroke [in]Bore SizeH1H2H3L o a d [l b f (N )]0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 245500 (24464)5000 (22240)4500 (20016)4000 (17792)3500 (13344)3000 (13344)2000 (8896)1500 (6672)1000 (4448)500 (2224)H-TrackStep 3. Sizing of Motor, Pump and Power Supply Determine the size of the actuator motorand pump for your application, as wellas the current draw by referring to the diagrams on pages 20 - 22.Example: Since the load configuration in step 1 was determined to be of type N, refer to the diagrams on page 22.In the Load vs. Speed diagrams for load configuration N, the maximum extension and retraction loads that were assumed in step 2 are shown by the vertical lines. In this example, we also assume that a travel speed of 0.25 in/s is required when extending and 1 in/s when retracting. The only H3 bore size of the four that can deliver that speed when extending at 2500 lbf and retracting at 500 lbf is model H3N-xx-2B23.In order to size the power supply, you must decide which voltage to use and themaximum load currect draw at extensionand retraction. To do that, first determine the percentage of the maximum permissible load that is used in each direction.According to the Load vs. Speed diagram, H3N-xx-2B23 has a maximum load of about 2700 lbf at extension and 2000 lbf at retraction (the exact max. load values can be found in the Performance Matrix on page 14). The assumed maximum loads needed in the application, which requires 2500 lbf at extension and 500 lbf at retraction, are about 92% (red line) and 25% (yellow line) of the maximum permissible loads. The current forH3N-xx-2B23 equipped with a 24 Vdc motor (model H3N-24-2B2) would, in this case, follow the dotted red line and be about 20 A at extension and 40 A at retraction. Be sure to size your power supply with some margin.Step 4. Finishing the Ordering CodeAt this point, the ordering code is H3N-24-2B23-xxxx. In order to complete it, the type of extension tube front adapter, the stroke length and the rear adapter orientation need to be determined. Also see page 15.Example: In step 2, it was assumed the application required a 16-in stroke, which means the code becomes H3N-24-2B23-x16x. If we assume a standard front adapter and a 90° rear adapter orientation are required, the complete ordering code would be H3N-24-2B23-A16R.Load vs. Speed @ Extension Load vs. Speed @ RetractionC u r r e n t [A ]S p e e d [i n /s (m m /s )]Load [lbf (N)]12 Vdc Actuators Bore Size H124 Vdc Actuators Bore Size H248 Vdc ActuatorsBore Size H3Percent of Maximum Permissible Load [%]H1N-xx-1B11 H1N-xx-1B41H1N-xx-2B11H1N-xx-2B41HxN-12-1xxx HxN-12-2xxx HxN-24-1xxx HxN-24-2xxx HxN-48-1xxxHxN-48-2xxx H2N-xx-1A12 H2N-xx-1B42H2N-xx-2A22H2N-xx-2B32H3N-xx-1A13 H3N-xx-1B23H3N-xx-2A13H3N-xx-2B23Load vs. CurrentDetermining Load ConfigurationThere are four main types of load and gravity configurations, which will determine the performance of the actuator. Please refer to the configurations below and choose the one that best corresponds to your application. Contact Thomson customer support if you are unable to determine a valid configuration for your application.Configuration CThe gravity resists the load being moved when the actuator extends and helps it when retracting. Configuration NThe gravity does not affect the load in any direction.Configuration HThe gravity helps the load being moved when the actuator extends and resists it when retracting.Configuration BThe gravity both helps and resists the load being moved in both directions except at one point where the load is not affected by the gravity at all. If this is your configuration, try to re-design the mechanical linkage so that the result is a C, H or N configuration. Please contact Thomson customer support if that is not possible.H-TrackSizing of Bore and Extension TubeStroke vs. Load and Bore SizeStroke [in]Bore SizeH1H2H3L o a d [l b f (N )]0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 245500 (24464)5000 (22240)4500 (20016)4000 (17792)3500 (13344)3000 (13344)2500 (11120) 2000 (8896)1500 (6672)1000 (4448)500 (2224)The maximum load in each direction and the required stroke length determine the minimum bore and extension tube size needed for the actuator. Refer to the diagram below todetermine which bore size your application requires. If no solution exists, the stroke and/or load must be reduced. Contact Thomson customer support if you are unable to determine a valid combination for your application.Sizing of Motor, Pump and Power SupplyLoad vs. Speed @ ExtensionLoad vs. Speed @ RetractionC u r r e n t [A ]S p e e d [i n /s (m m /s )]Load [lbf (N)]12 Vdc ActuatorsBore Size H124 Vdc ActuatorsBore Size H248 Vdc ActuatorsBore Size H3Percent of Maximum Permissible Load [%]H1C-xx-1B11 H1C-xx-1B41H1C-xx-2B11H1C-xx-2B41HxC-12-1xxx HxC-12-2xxxHxC-24-1xxx HxC-24-2xxxHxC-48-1xxx HxC-48-2xxxH2C-xx-1A12 H2C-xx-1B32H2C-xx-2A22H2C-xx-2B32H3C-xx-1A13 H3C-xx-1B23H3C-xx-2A13H3C-xx-2B23Load vs. Current21H-TrackSizing of Motor, Pump and Power SupplyLoad vs. Speed @ ExtensionLoad vs. Speed @ RetractionC u r r e n t [A ]S p e e d [i n /s (m m /s )]Load [lbf (N)]12 Vdc ActuatorsBore Size H124 Vdc ActuatorsBore Size H248 Vdc ActuatorsBore Size H3Percent of Maximum Permissible Load [%]H1H-xx-1B11 H1H-xx-1B41H1H-xx-2B11H1H-xx-2B41HxH-12-1xxx HxH-12-2xxxHxH-24-1xxx HxH-24-2xxxHxH-48-1xxx HxH-48-2xxxH2H-xx-1A12 H2H-xx-1B32H2H-xx-2A22H2H-xx-2B32H3H-xx-1A13 H3H-xx-1B23H3H-xx-2A13H3H-xx-2B23Load vs. Current22Sizing of Motor, Pump and Power SupplyLoad vs. Speed @ ExtensionLoad vs. Speed @ RetractionC u r r e n t [A ]S p e e d [i n /s (m m /s )]Load [lbf (N)]12 Vdc ActuatorsBore Size H124 Vdc ActuatorsBore Size H248 Vdc ActuatorsBore Size H3Percent of Maximum Permissible Load [%]H1N-xx-1B11 H1N-xx-1B41H1N-xx-2B11H1N-xx-2B41HxN-12-1xxx HxN-12-2xxxHxN-24-1xxx HxN-24-2xxxHxN-48-1xxx HxN-48-2xxxH2N-xx-1A12 H2N-xx-1B32H2N-xx-2A22H2N-xx-2B32H3N-xx-1A13 H3N-xx-1B23H3N-xx-2A13H3N-xx-2B23Load vs. Current23H-Track Thomson offers a wide variety of online tools to help you in the sizing and selection process. An experienced team of engineers is also available to help size and select an H-Track model to best fit your application needs. To explore additional technical resources and options, contact customer support at /cs.Online ResourcesInteractive 3D CAD ModelsDownload free interactive 3D CAD models in the most common CAD formats./H-Track-cadH-Track on the WebGet additional information and learn more about H-Track on this content-rich web page. /h-trackH-Track Overview VideoLearn about this electro-hydraulic actuator with this brief, informative video./H-Track-video24Is H-Track suitable for tough environments such as washdown or extreme temperatures? Yes. H-Track actuators are designed for washdown and have passed 200 hours of salt spray tests. They can operate in temperatures ranging from -20 to +65°C (-20 to +150°F).How is the duty cycle determined?The duty cycle = on time / on time + off time. For example, if H-Track is powered for 15 seconds and then off for 45 seconds, the duty cycle for that minute would be 25%. All models are rated to 25% at full load, and an ambient temperature of 25°C (77°F). If load and/or ambient temperature are lower, then the duty cycle can exceed 25%. At higher temperatures, the duty cycle will be lower. Can H-Track be side loaded?No. A proper design of the application should eliminate any side loads.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is the typical life of an actuator?Life is a function of load and stroke length. Please contact customer support for more information.What are the most common reasons for premature actuator failure?Side load due to incorrect mounting, shock loading, exceeding the duty cycle and incorrect wiring are the most prominent causes of premature failure.Is H-Track maintenance free?Yes, it never requires lubrication, maintenance or adjustment for wear.What are IP ratings?Ingress Protection (IP) ratings are commonly referenced standards that classify electrical equipment using standard tests to determineresistance to ingress of solid objects (first digit) and liquids (second digit). See the IP Ratings table below.25H-Track Is it possible for a load to back-drive the extension tube?H-Track is self locking up to at least the maximum static load. Higher static load may result in damage and back driving.What is the difference between a tension and a compression load?A tension load tries to stretch the actuator, while a compression load tries to compress it. With bi-directional loads, the end play of the actuator extension tube may need to be taken into consideration when using the actuator for positioning tasks.What is the range of input voltage an H-Track can operate with?A 12 Vdc version will accept 9 – 16 Vdc, a 24 Vdc 18 – 32 Vdc and a 48 Vdc 36 – 64 Vdc. Outside of these limits, operation may be erratic and the actuator permanently damaged.Is H-Track protected against overheating? Yes, the motor incorporates a thermal switch in the windings to shut off the actuator motor in case of overheating or high overcurrent.Can the speed of an H-Track be adjusted by changing the input voltage?Yes, as long as the voltage is within the acceptable input voltage limits.What is the inrush current?The inrush current is a short current peak that appears at the start of an actuator as the motor tries to get the load moving. Typically, the inrush current will last between 75 – 150 milliseconds and can be up to three times higher than the current for the actuator and load. Batteries have no problem delivering the inrush current, but if using an AC power supply, it is important to size it to handle the inrush current.What special mounting considerations does the H-Track require?There is no restraining torque that needs to be considered as H-Track is internally restrained. However, the actuator must be mounted so that there are no side loads acting on the extension tube. What is the maximum travel speed?The travel speed of an H-Track actuator is a linear function of the load. To determine the speed at a certain load and direction, consult the load vs. speed diagrams on pages 18 - 20. If a higher linear travel speed is required, a simple mechanical linkage canbe employed.Tension CompressionH-Track27H-Track_BREN-0035-03 | 20230125TJSpecifications are subject to change without notice. It is the responsibility of the product user to determine the suitability of this product for a specific application. All trademarks property of their respective owners. © 2023 Thomson Industries, Inc.USA, CANADA and MEXICO Thomson203A West Rock Road Radford, VA 24141, USA Phone: 1-540-633-3549Fax: 1-540-633-0294E-mail:*************************Literature: EUROPEUnited Kingdom ThomsonOffice 9, The BarnsCaddsdown Business Park Bideford, Devon, EX39 3BT Phone: +44 1271 334 500E-mail:******************************Germany ThomsonNürtinger Straße 7072649 Wolfschlugen Phone: +49 7022 504 403Fax: +49 7022 504 405E-mail:******************************France ThomsonPhone: +33 243 50 03 30E-mail:******************************Italy ThomsonVia per Cinisello 95/9720834 Nova Milanese (MB)Phone: +39 0362 366406Fax: +39 0362 276790E-mail:*****************************Sweden Thomson Estridsväg 1029109 Kristianstad Phone: +46 44 590 2400Fax: +46 44 590 2585E-mail:******************************ASIAAsia Pacific ThomsonE-mail:****************************China ThomsonRm 805, Scitech Tower 22 Jianguomen Wai Street Beijing 100004Phone: +86 400 606 1805Fax: +86 10 6515 0263E-mail:*****************************IndiaKollmorgen – Div. of Altra Industrial Motion India Private LimitedUnit no. 304, Pride Gateway,Opp. D-Mart,Baner Road, Pune, 411045MaharashtraPhone: +91 20 67349500E-mail:**************************South Korea Thomson3033 ASEM Tower (Samsung-dong) 517 Yeongdong-daeroGangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea (06164)Phone: + 82 2 6001 3223 & 3244E-mail:*****************************SOUTH AMERICA Brazil ThomsonAv. 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Instruction Manual用户手册项目:7.63米焦炉位号:CP013PV应用:焦炉煤气电液执行机构RKA手册内容描述图号/技术数据1 危险和警告信号BE-31-33/012 液压执行机构功能和概述BE-31-33/1执行机构结构图4ST-31-40 尺寸图3MA-31-620 液压流程图3HP-31-7237 液压流程图3HP-31-7238 液压流程图3HP-31-7239 液压功能4HP-31-7237/39三相标准尺寸马达的接线端标记4F-MOT-83 铭牌信息和额定参数BE-31-33/24 控制单元(伺服阀)BE-31-33/3结构图4ST-24-31 电路图4ES-24-375 手动操作BE-31-33/56 液压蓄能器BE-31-33/6 4MA-31-487 组合压力截止阀BE-21-62/78 电子位置变送器BE-31-33/7e 3ST-31-589 限位开关BE-31-33/8 4MA-31-1484F-STA-210 压力开关BE-72-13-78尺寸图4F-HY-1411 矿物基液压油BE-72-01-212 动作方向BE-31-33/1113 角行程执行器安装指导BE-31-33/13框架4MA-31-29 摇臂4MA-31-47a14 开车BE-31-33/1415 一般维护指导BE-31-33/1516 故障及排除BE-31-33/1617 3/2和4/2方向控制阀,NG6 BE-72-06-35Instruction Manual用户手册电液执行机构RKA手册内容描述图号/技术数据1 危险和警告信号BE-31-33/012 液压执行机构功能和概述BE-31-33/1执行机构结构图4ST-31-40 尺寸图3MA-31-620 液压流程图3HP-31-7237 液压流程图3HP-31-7238 液压流程图3HP-31-7239 液压功能4HP-31-7237/39三相标准尺寸马达的接线端标记4F-MOT-83 铭牌信息和额定参数BE-31-33/24 控制单元(伺服阀)BE-31-33/3结构图4ST-24-31 电路图4ES-24-375 手动操作BE-31-33/56 液压蓄能器BE-31-33/6 4MA-31-487 组合压力截止阀BE-21-62/78 电子位置变送器BE-31-33/7e 3ST-31-589 限位开关BE-31-33/8 4MA-31-1484F-STA-210 压力开关BE-72-13-78尺寸图4F-HY-1411 矿物基液压油BE-72-01-212 动作方向BE-31-33/1113 角行程执行器安装指导BE-31-33/13框架4MA-31-29 摇臂4MA-31-47a14 开车BE-31-33/1415 一般维护指导BE-31-33/1516 故障及排除BE-31-33/1617 3/2和4/2方向控制阀,NG6 BE-72-06-35危险和警告信号Reineke公司的紧凑型电液执行机构及其部件的技术水平符合最新的安全规定。







目前市场上使用最多的电液执行器一般可分为两种:一种是伺服阀控制式电液执行器,即传统的电液伺服执行器,通常采用开式循环液压系统,通过控制伺服阀调节液压油流动方向及流量大小,实现对被控对象的调节,如德国的Reineke电液执行器;另一种是电动机控制式电液执行器,采用闭式循环液压系统,通过调节步进电动机或伺服电动机的转向和转速来控制双向泵压力油输出方向和流量,对被控对象进行精确调控,如韩国RPM、美国REXA 等电液执行器。

1 电液执行器与气动及电动执行器的比较气动执行器的执行机构和调节机构是统一的整体,其执行机构有薄膜式、活塞式、拨叉式和齿轮齿条式。








4-way digital manifold be cool M4be cool M4 is the digital manifold with four-way valve block, equipped with a rechargeable battery. The execution of measurements on refrigeration and air conditioning systems and on heat pumps are facilitated by pre-configured parameters, such as superheating and subcooling, in addition to the possibility to reverse pressures on the instrument. The instrument can be remotely controlled and managed with Seitron be cool Mobile App.Pressure reversal set by the user on the instrumentSelection from more than 80 refrigerant gases (included R410, R32, R404) Intuitive and simple interface on a 5’’ touchscreen color display Real-time data analysis, also with mobile App Possibility to read and export data via USBIdeal for commissioning, servicing and maintenance of refrigeration and air conditioning systems and heat pumpsseitron be cool TECHNICAL FEATURESPressure working range: -1.0...+55.2 barVacuum measurement range: 0...19.000 micronSettable measurement units: psi, kg/cm2, cmHg, inHg, bar, kPa, MPaRefrigerant gases included: 88 (included R410, R32, R404)Power supply: Rechargeable battery (5000 mAh)Display: 5’’ touchscreen colors displayDimensions (LxWxH): 10 x 8.5 x 2.8“ (254 x 215 x 71 mm)Control your Manifold directly from theseitron be cool AppThe kit includes:-4-way digital manifold--Vacuum Probe-Flexible hoses (4 units)-Portable hard caseREFRIGERATION RANGERefrigerant Scale (up to 100 kg / 220 lb)be cool B100The be cool B100 wireless refrigerant scale allows you to weight refrigerant gases (up to 100 kg / 220 lb) in a simple, accurate and fast way.Management and display of measured values c an be done with the Seitron “be cool mobile App”.Stable and accurate sensor for a reliable measurementRobust aluminum scale, with impact-resistant rubber corners, easy to transport in the handy case Scale measurement with handheld controller or via smartphoneTECHNICAL FEATURES Working range: 0..100 kg / 220 lb Resolution: 5g Accuracy:±0.05% rdg+10gSettable measurement units: k g, lb Dimensions (LxWxH):10.5 x 10.5 x 3“ (271 x 271 x 74 mm)seitron be coolControl the refrigerant scale gases directly from seitron be cool App- Disposable batteries - Transport bag - Quick GuideREFRIGERATION RANGEHeated diode refrigerant leak detectorbe cool R1The be cool R1 refrigerant leak detector is the essential tool to reliably detect all common refrigerants, thanks to the heated diode sensor. Different sensitivity levels allow the user to detect also the smallest leaks, with indication on the display or with an alarm.Highly sensitive, responsive and long-lasting sensorReliable and easy detection of refrigerant leaks, with Automatic or Manual modes Detection of most common refrigerants: CFCs, HFCs, HCFCs, HFOs and blendsTECHNICAL FEATURESSensor: with heated diodeMinimum sensitivity: 3 g/yearDisplay: LCDRefrigerants available: CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs, HCs and HFOsFlexible probe length: 16.5” (420 mm)Smart Vacuum Gauge be cool V1The be cool V1 digital vacuum gauge with rechargeable batteries allows you, to measure the vacuum of refrigeration systems and heat pumps in a precise and easy way. Seitron be cool mobile app allows you to monitor and transmit data in real time.Simple data visualization on wide displayReal-time data monitoring and transfer via mobile App Offline data recordingTECHNICAL FEATURES Working Range:0..19,000 micronResolution: 1..400 1 µ 401..3,000 10 µ 3,001..10,000 100 µ 10,001..19,000 250 µOverload Vacuum27,5 barAccuracy: ±10% rdg ±10 µ (1...10,000 µ) ±20% rdg (10,000...19,000 µ)Settable measurement units: µ, mTorr, in/hg, Pa, Torr, KPa, mbar and psiaseitron be coolControl the vacuum gauge directly from the seitron be cool AppREFRIGERATION RANGESEITRON AMERICAS INC. 4622 E. Street Road Trevose, PA 19053 - USA Phone (215) 660-9777Fax (215) 660-9770************************ 。

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Instruction Manual
1 危险和警告信号BE-31-33/01
2 液压执行机构功能和概述BE-31-33/1
执行机构结构图4ST-31-40 尺寸图3MA-31-620 液压流程图3HP-31-7237 液压流程图3HP-31-7238 液压流程图3HP-31-7239 液压功能4HP-31-7237/39
3 铭牌信息和额定参数BE-31-33/2
4 控制单元(伺服阀)BE-31-33/3
结构图4ST-24-31 电路图4ES-24-37
5 手动操作BE-31-33/5
6 液压蓄能器BE-31-33/6 4MA-31-48
7 组合压力截止阀BE-21-62/7
8 电子位置变送器BE-31-33/7e 3ST-31-58
9 限位开关BE-31-33/8 4MA-31-148
10 压力开关BE-72-13-78
11 矿物基液压油BE-72-01-2
12 动作方向BE-31-33/11
13 角行程执行器安装指导BE-31-33/13
框架4MA-31-29 摇臂4MA-31-47a
14 开车BE-31-33/14
15 一般维护指导BE-31-33/15
16 故障及排除BE-31-33/16
17 3/2和4/2方向控制阀,NG6 BE-72-06-35。
