on the Modern city with camera
Japan has absorbed many ideas from other countries over the course of its history, including technology, customs, and forms of cultural expression, and has developed its unique culture while integrating these imports. The Japanese lifestyle today is a rich blend of Asianinfluenced traditional culture and Western-influenced modern culture.
Nowadays, sushi bars are everywhere.
Japanese cuisine
Japanese food mostly consists of fish instead of meat, and also soybeans, so it is good for the health. Foods that are most well received by foreigners are tempura 「tem'purə」天妇罗, sukiyaki [suki:'jɑ:ki:] 鸡 素烧, sushi ['su:ʃi:] 寿司, sashimi [sɑ:'ʃi:mi]生 鱼片, buckwheat noodles荞麦面条, and soybean curd
on the Modern city with camera
Japan has absorbed many ideas from other countries over the course of its history, including technology, customs, and forms of cultural expression, and has developed its unique culture while integrating these imports. The Japanese lifestyle today is a rich blend of Asianinfluenced traditional culture and Western-influenced modern culture.
Nowadays, sushi bars are everywhere.
Japanese cuisine
Japanese food mostly consists of fish instead of meat, and also soybeans, so it is good for the health. Foods that are most well received by foreigners are tempura 「tem'purə」天妇罗, sukiyaki [suki:'jɑ:ki:] 鸡 素烧, sushi ['su:ʃi:] 寿司, sashimi [sɑ:'ʃi:mi]生 鱼片, buckwheat noodles荞麦面条, and soybean curd
上古史分: 旧石器时代 绳文时代 弥生时代 古坟时代
关于日本列岛上被确认过的人类历史, 大约可追溯到10万年乃至3万年前。 约3万4千年前,从华北地区传来被称 呼为小刀型石器的石器,在列岛全区 被广泛的使用,但在约2万年前由西 伯利亚过来新的称呼为细石刀片的石 器主要在东日本传开。一段时间里, 东日本细石刀片文化与西日本的小刀 型石器文化并存,不久细石刀片也在 西日本传开,约1万5千年前左右,小 刀型石器的踪影急速消失。
就是现在的平成 时代
昭和天皇于昭和64年(1989年)1月7 日驾崩,子明仁继位,驾崩隔日起(1 月8日)改元平成,称为平成时代 (1989年至今)。1993年,由于自民 党未能实现政治改革,羽田派在不信 任案中造反引致大选。在羽田派、武 村正义等人离党竞选下,自民党失去 了国会过半的席位。以羽田派的核心 人物小泽一郎的奔走下,成功拉拢日 本新党的细川护熙。组成非自民非共 产党的细川护熙八党联合内阁。五五 年体制宣告瓦解,宫泽喜一辞去自民 党总裁,由河野洋平接任。
飞鸟时代 奈安时代 平安时代
镰仓幕府 南北朝时代代史分为:
明治时代 大正时代 昭和时代前,中, 后期
1. cultural deposits 文化
2. Political culture 政治
3. Historical culture 历史
4.Japanese food 日本美食
上古史分: 旧石器时代 绳文时代 弥生时代 古坟时代
关于日本列岛上被确认过的人类历史, 大约可追溯到10万年乃至3万年前。 约3万4千年前,从华北地区传来被称 呼为小刀型石器的石器,在列岛全区 被广泛的使用,但在约2万年前由西 伯利亚过来新的称呼为细石刀片的石 器主要在东日本传开。一段时间里, 东日本细石刀片文化与西日本的小刀 型石器文化并存,不久细石刀片也在 西日本传开,约1万5千年前左右,小 刀型石器的踪影急速消失。
就是现在的平成 时代
昭和天皇于昭和64年(1989年)1月7 日驾崩,子明仁继位,驾崩隔日起(1 月8日)改元平成,称为平成时代 (1989年至今)。1993年,由于自民 党未能实现政治改革,羽田派在不信 任案中造反引致大选。在羽田派、武 村正义等人离党竞选下,自民党失去 了国会过半的席位。以羽田派的核心 人物小泽一郎的奔走下,成功拉拢日 本新党的细川护熙。组成非自民非共 产党的细川护熙八党联合内阁。五五 年体制宣告瓦解,宫泽喜一辞去自民 党总裁,由河野洋平接任。
飞鸟时代 奈安时代 平安时代
镰仓幕府 南北朝时代代史分为:
明治时代 大正时代 昭和时代前,中, 后期
1. cultural deposits 文化
2. Political culture 政治
3. Historical culture 历史
4.Japanese food 日本美食
become adults.
zōri sandals
Kimono a piece of cloth
Furisode 振袖和服
Ocassion Ceremony of coming of age Graduation ceremony Banquet Visiting
A full set of formal clothing is expensive, so it is usually either borrowed from a relative or rented rather than bought especially for the occasion.
New Year
Preperation:December 13th ~30th New year's eve:December 31th New Year :January 1st ~3rd
round rice cake
镜 饼
New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve
年 賀 状
Fortune Bags
It is held in order to
congratulate and
encourage all those who
have reached 20 years
old ,and to help them
realize that they have
At last ,I wish that every one can try his or her best to arrive the top of your life .
Japan - Obon
Obon Festival
August 13–16
Honor the spirits of ancestors Family gathering
Filial piety
Obon dance
Cherry Blossom Festivals
Hanami 花見
New Year
Preperation:December 13th ~30th New year's eve:December 31th New Year :January 1st ~3rd
round rice cake
镜 饼
New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve
年 賀 状
Girl's Day(Doll‘s Day) March 3rd
Boy's Day May 5th
like a carp leaping into the Dragon's Gate
calamus leaf cake rice cake
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Crane&turtel longevity Red &white lolipops good luck
become adults.
zōri sandals
Kimono a piece of cloth
Furisode 振袖和服
Ocassion Ceremony of coming of age Graduation ceremony Banquet Visiting
A full set of formal clothing is expensive, so it is usually either borrowed from a relative or rented rather than bought especially for the occasion.
Traditional Japanese homes are made of wood and supported by wooden pillars, but today‘s homes usually have Western-style rooms with wooden flooring and are often constructed with steel pillars. More and more families in urban areas, moreover, live in large, ferroconcrete(钢筋 混凝土的)apartment buildings.
Lifestyles in Japan changed dramatically after World War II, when large numbers of people moved from the countryside to the cities to make their livings as office workers. As cities grew in both size and population, more and more people commuted from their apartments or houses in the suburbs to their workplaces in central areas. While a traditional Japanese household consists of three or more generations of the same family living under one roof, urban households today tend to consist of parents and children, with grandparents living elsewhere.
The kimono pattern consists of four main strips of fabric. Two patterns form the panels covering the body and two panels for the sleeves. Additional smaller strips form the narrow front panel and collar.
e t i q u e t
d i n i n g
a n d
k i o n o
t r d i t i
J a p a n e s
m a
n a
What Kimono Is The Kimono Pattern Parts
Kimono in History
What Is Kimono
Kimono means something to wear in Japanese. Specifically, kimono refers to traditional Japanese clothes (kimono dresses).
The Kimono Pattern Parts
Jomon Period (Before 300 AD) 縄文時代
Yamato Period (300-550-710 A.D.)飛鳥時代
Nara Period (710-792 A.D.) 奈良時代
Heian Period (792-1192 A.D.) 平安時代
Kimono in History
The illustration to the right shows how kimono design has changed over the centuries.
e t i q u e t
d i n i n g
a n d
k i o n o
t r d i t i
J a p a n e s
m a
n a
What Kimono Is The Kimono Pattern Parts
Kimono in History
What Is Kimono
Kimono means something to wear in Japanese. Specifically, kimono refers to traditional Japanese clothes (kimono dresses).
The Kimono Pattern Parts
Jomon Period (Before 300 AD) 縄文時代
Yamato Period (300-550-710 A.D.)飛鳥時代
Nara Period (710-792 A.D.) 奈良時代
Heian Period (792-1192 A.D.) 平安時代
Kimono in History
The illustration to the right shows how kimono design has changed over the centuries.
Japan Introduction 日本的英文介绍 PPT
Tokyo Animation Fair (for short: TAF) 东京动漫展
Tokyo Animation Fair
•Tokyo Animation Fair is the most influential anime conventions in the world.
•You can see cosplayers strut their stuff every where.
by 张莹
Tokyo is the capital of Japan. It is both the largest city in Asia and the second largest city in the world. It’s one of the biggest global economy center.
•The simple court proper stands out on the bluff. In Japan it is in beautiful surroundings, so it becomes the best choice for suiciders.
Okinawa 冲绳
Forth Step
Kiyomizu temple
Kiyomizu temple
•Kiyomizu was built in 1633. It is the testimony of Kyoto’s history. Four seasons have their own characteristics when you stand in the temple you’ll feel completely relaxed and happy with poetic grace.
Tokyo Animation Fair
•Tokyo Animation Fair is the most influential anime conventions in the world.
•You can see cosplayers strut their stuff every where.
by 张莹
Tokyo is the capital of Japan. It is both the largest city in Asia and the second largest city in the world. It’s one of the biggest global economy center.
•The simple court proper stands out on the bluff. In Japan it is in beautiful surroundings, so it becomes the best choice for suiciders.
Okinawa 冲绳
Forth Step
Kiyomizu temple
Kiyomizu temple
•Kiyomizu was built in 1633. It is the testimony of Kyoto’s history. Four seasons have their own characteristics when you stand in the temple you’ll feel completely relaxed and happy with poetic grace.
Now anime has become commercially profitable in western countries, as early commercially successful western adaptations of anime, such as Astro Boy, have revealed.Since the 19th century, many Westerners have expressed a particular interest towards Japan. Anime dramatically exposed more Westerners to the culture of Japan. Aside from anime, other facets of Japanese culture increased in popularity. Worldwide, the number of people studying Japanese increased.
1. Cherry blossoms
2. Japanese food
3. attractions景点
4. cartoon
1. Cherry blossoms &flower
cherry blossoms is a national flower of Japan. In the middle of every march to mid April, is Japan from the south to the north of cherry blossoms season .Every year attracts many tourists .
Japanese Zhu product Zhu is very exquisite plac e, a were held in the room every time huan, wan g will be in the first Qian chamber activities outs ide the grid kneel down to meet the guests, the first guests into Du room must be a Cha Mu sea t guests (referred to as positive guest), the other guest barium eternal happiness down room..To attend a guest treedwelling Du things different, were sitting position is different when Du testers to send "tut" sound, said to the Lord, and Du "private. After the breeding, the rest of t he guests will be able to drink it one by one, an
THANKS FOR WAtraditional Japanese manners.
Terms:陈力 杨运冬 刘美阳 黄润德 熊 海福 韩国庆
In Japan, the guests sit in the traditional way on their knees on the floor. Japanese girls accept etiquette education. Its strict requirements even detailed formal shoes placement, socks color and so on.
英文版日本文化介绍 Japanese culture
Japanese avoidance:
creamy sauces and strong smelling foods
Food & Drink in China
Chinese habits:
•always a cup, a bowl on a small dish, together with the chopsticks and table spoons •cooked food •whole plate of dishes for everyone •accompanied by tea, beer or distilled spirit •required to keep silent
Long term orientation
•See their life as a very short moment in a long history of mankind
•Live their lives guided by virtues and practical good examples
in obtrusive way complain directly
Business Etiquette in Japan
Appointments Appearance Meet & Greet Business cards Business seating order Business dealings Decisions & Contracts Giving gifts
Business Customs in Japan
Overall Situation of Japan
creamy sauces and strong smelling foods
Food & Drink in China
Chinese habits:
•always a cup, a bowl on a small dish, together with the chopsticks and table spoons •cooked food •whole plate of dishes for everyone •accompanied by tea, beer or distilled spirit •required to keep silent
Long term orientation
•See their life as a very short moment in a long history of mankind
•Live their lives guided by virtues and practical good examples
in obtrusive way complain directly
Business Etiquette in Japan
Appointments Appearance Meet & Greet Business cards Business seating order Business dealings Decisions & Contracts Giving gifts
Business Customs in Japan
Overall Situation of Japan
3Buckwheat ['bʌkwi:t] noodles荞麦 面条
• Buckwheat noodles or soba is also a typical Japanese dish. There are some people that eat soba at least once a day. Many office workers make it a habit to have soba for lunch. Soba noodles are a mixture of buckwheat, flour ['flauə] 面粉and eggs. It looks similar to spaghetti in shape. It is first boiled, and then dipped in a soup made of soy sauce, salt, sweet sake, and bonito[bə'ni:təu] shavings when it is being eaten. Because soba is long, it is considered a symbol of long life.
• This dish mostly consists of deep-fried eggplant, squash[skwɔʃ], sweet potato, and other vegetables, along with shrimp [ʃrimp] 小虾and Fish. One theory is that the word tempura came from the Spanish tempera, meaning temperature. Tempura is eaten with a special soy saucebased dip. 天妇罗主要是茄子、南瓜、甘薯等菜 类以及虾、鱼等的油炸食品。有一种说法认为 “天妇罗”的语源是西班牙语“tempera(温 度)”。吃天妇罗时要蘸着一种特制的油,这种 油的主要成'jɑ:ki:] 鸡素烧
Japan Introduction 日本的英文介绍(课堂PPT)
Hiragana (平假名)
私は学生です-----我是学生。 I am a student. わたし――――主语 / subject 学生ですーーー谓语/ predicate はーーーー提示助词,把句子里的主题提示出来,放在名词/数词/代词之后。此时读wa。 です-------是助动词,表示断定,相当于English中的"to be"
First Step
Asakusa Temple 浅草寺
Asakusa Temple
• Asakusa Temple was built in 628. •It is the most age-old temple in Tokyo. •In the Edo Age, the general Leyasu Tokugawa named here as the place for shogunates to pray.
Group members: 黄永结 吴梓燊 梅浩富 韩金天 张莹
National Flag
One of the simplest flags, as well as one of the easiest to recognize, the Japanese flag comprises a white background with a striking red disk in the center.
Japan is made up of 4 major islands
and about several thousands small islands.
Hiragana (平假名)
私は学生です-----我是学生。 I am a student. わたし――――主语 / subject 学生ですーーー谓语/ predicate はーーーー提示助词,把句子里的主题提示出来,放在名词/数词/代词之后。此时读wa。 です-------是助动词,表示断定,相当于English中的"to be"
First Step
Asakusa Temple 浅草寺
Asakusa Temple
• Asakusa Temple was built in 628. •It is the most age-old temple in Tokyo. •In the Edo Age, the general Leyasu Tokugawa named here as the place for shogunates to pray.
Group members: 黄永结 吴梓燊 梅浩富 韩金天 张莹
National Flag
One of the simplest flags, as well as one of the easiest to recognize, the Japanese flag comprises a white background with a striking red disk in the center.
Japan is made up of 4 major islands
and about several thousands small islands.
日本介绍 英文ppt
physical geography
The rivers in Japan are rich in short water energy resources. The longest river in Japan is about 367 kilometers long.The largest lake is Biwa Lake, with an area of 672.8 lans.
service industry
Japan's service sector accounts for three-quarters of the country's economic output.Banking, insurance, real estate agents, retail (department stores), passenger transport, communications, animation and other services will greatly promote the development of Japan.
Culture - Tea Ceremony
Tea ceremony, is China's song dynasty prosperous tea tea at the end of the game, in kamakura period (1185 ~ 1333) spread to Japan, localization, and gradually to the muromachi period, in the middle of the ashikaga shogunate era of political, eshoo Jackson's disciple murata pearl during the study, released the dhamma as can also be obtained from the daily food and drinks tea practice, obtain zen tea blindly.The change of tea soup to "tea soup" is the beginning of the Japanese tea ceremony. Since then, the way of tea soup, as an art of daily life, is also a form of etiquette and social norms, which directly affected the culture and civilization of Japan after the Middle Ages.
• The main islands, sometimes called the "Home Islands", are (from north to south) Hokkaidō, Honshū (the "mainland"), Shikoku and Kyūshū. There are also about 3,000 smaller islands, including Okinawa, and islets, some inhabited and others uninhabited. In total, as of 2006, Japan's territory is 377,923.1 km² , of which 374,834 km²is land and 3,091 km²water. This makes Japan's total area slightly smaller than the U.S. state of Montana, slightly bigger than the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Japan is bigger than Germany, Malaysia, New Zealand and the U.K., and is 1.7 times the (和服)
The kimono is a Japanese traditional garment worn by women, men and children. The word "kimono", which literally means a "thing to wear" (ki "wear" and mono "thing"), has come to denote these full-length robes. The standard plural of the word kimono in English is kimonos,[but the unmarked Japanese plural kimono is also sometimes used. Kimono are T-shaped, straight-lined robes worn so that the hem falls to the ankle, with attached collars and long, wide sleeves. Kimono are wrapped around the body, always with the left side over the right (except when dressing the dead for burial),[and secured by a sash called an obi, which is tied at the back. Kimono are generally worn with traditional footwear and split-toe socksToday, kimono are most often worn by women, and on special occasions. Traditionally, unmarried women wore a style of kimono called furisodewith almost floor-length sleeves, on special occasions. A few older women and even fewer men still wear the kimono on a daily basis. Men wear the kimono most often at weddings, tea ceremonies, and other very special or very formal occasions. Professional sumo wrestlers are often seen in the kimono because they are required to wear traditional Japanese dress whenever appearing in public
The blossom forecast , sakurazensen, literally cherry blossom front is announced each year by the weather bureau, and is watched carefully by those planning hanami as the blossoms only last a week or two.
The young people are always like to wear fashionable and informal dress in spare time.
The dressing of Japanese people is neat and tidy; especially the Japanese women like dressing up and make up properly. They are particular
• The kimono is the traditional costume of Japan ese nation. It was based on the costume of Tan g dynasty of China and gradually developed th rough more than 1000 years history.
nd demonstrate the importance of
costume in national history and culture.
Japanese Animation
Anime began at the start of the 20th century, when Japanese filmmakers experimented with the animation techniques also pioneered in France, Germany, the United States, and Russia. The oldest known anime in existence first screened in 1917 Early pioneers included Shimokawa Oten, Jun'ichi Kouchi, and Seitarō Kitayama.
The young people are always like to wear fashionable and informal dress in spare time.
The dressing of Japanese people is neat and tidy; especially the Japanese women like dressing up and make up properly. They are particular
• The kimono is the traditional costume of Japan ese nation. It was based on the costume of Tan g dynasty of China and gradually developed th rough more than 1000 years history.
nd demonstrate the importance of
costume in national history and culture.
Japanese Animation
Anime began at the start of the 20th century, when Japanese filmmakers experimented with the animation techniques also pioneered in France, Germany, the United States, and Russia. The oldest known anime in existence first screened in 1917 Early pioneers included Shimokawa Oten, Jun'ichi Kouchi, and Seitarō Kitayama.
One piece(海贼王)
Classic words
男子汉~即使遇到可能会杀死自己的强敌也不能倒下 !男人有时候是绝对不能逃避战斗的!尤其是当夥伴的梦想被人嘲笑的时 候!! ——海贼王 幸福若有形态,那会是怎样的呢?幸福就像玻璃,因为平时从未察觉,但他确 实存在,只要稍微改变看的角度,玻璃就会映照出光芒,仗着自己的存在,却 更显出透明的琉璃色彩。 —— 叛逆的鲁鲁修 人们之所以怀有一丝希望,是因为他们看不见死亡。 ——死神 如果我手上没有剑,我就无法保护你;如果我一直握着剑,我就无法抱紧你。 ——死神
thank you
Traditional Japanese homes are made of wood and supported by wooden pillars(柱,台柱, 核心), but today‘s homes usually have Western-style rooms with wooden flooring and are often constructed with steel pillars. More and more families in urban areas, moreover, live in large, apartment buildings.
food Building
Eating a Meal Before eating, Japanese people say "itadakimasu," a polite phrase meaning "I receive this food." This expresses thanks to whoever worked to prepare the food in the meal. After eating, people once again express their thanks for the meal by saying "gochiso sama deshita," which literally means "it was quite a feast."
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The Culture of Japan
• clothes • food • building • annual event
The traditional dress of Japan is the kimono(和 服). Kimonos, which are generally made of silk, have large sleeves and reach from the shoulders all the way down to the heels. They are tied with a wide belt . Kimonos are now usually worn only on special occasions, weddings, and graduation ceremonies.
Two big differences with Western homes are that shoes are not worn inside the house and that at least one room tends to be designed in the Japanese style with a tatami(榻榻米) floor. Shoes are taken off when entering a house to keep the floor clean.
builቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱing
Traditional Japanese homes are made of wood and supported by wooden pillars, but today‘s homes usually have Western-style rooms with wooden flooring and are often constructed with steel pillars. More and more families in urban areas, moreover, live in large, apartment buildings.
Christmas in Japan is different from western countries like the USA or Australia. The major religions in Japan are Buddhism and Shinto(佛教和神道), so Christmas is more commercial event.
Eating a Meal Before eating, Japanese people say "itadakimasu," a polite phrase meaning "I receive this food." This expresses thanks to whoever worked to prepare the food in the meal. After eating, people once again express their thanks for the meal by saying "gochiso sama deshita," which literally means "it was quite a feast."
The Japanese Dining Table
The most traditional Japanese meal is a serving of plain, white rice, along with a main dish (fish or meat), some kind of side dish (often cooked vegetables), soup and pickled(腌制的) vegetables.
Japan has absorbed many ideas from other countries over the course of its history, including technology, customs, and forms of cultural expression, and has developed its unique culture while integrating these imports. The Japanese lifestyle today is a rich blend of Asianinfluenced traditional culture and Western-influenced modern culture.
thank you
annual event
Hanami (赏花) enjoy flowers
Sakura (樱花) is the national flower of Japan.At the end of March and the beginning of April, the Japanese people like to make merry at picnics,held under Sakura trees.
Nowadays, sushi bars are everywhere.
Ramen is an obsession(使人痴迷的) in Japan.
Takoyaki stem from Osaka
Japanese-style sweets
Girls' Day
Every year on the third of March, the Japanese celebrate Girls' Day by praying for their young daughters' health and future happiness. Girls' Day is also called the Doll Festival because people arrange special dolls on a staircase-like shelf a few weeks before Girls' Day . The dolls are then promptly boxed up on the fourth of March . If not, according to superstitions, the daughters will have a hard time finding a husband.
• clothes • food • building • annual event
The traditional dress of Japan is the kimono(和 服). Kimonos, which are generally made of silk, have large sleeves and reach from the shoulders all the way down to the heels. They are tied with a wide belt . Kimonos are now usually worn only on special occasions, weddings, and graduation ceremonies.
Two big differences with Western homes are that shoes are not worn inside the house and that at least one room tends to be designed in the Japanese style with a tatami(榻榻米) floor. Shoes are taken off when entering a house to keep the floor clean.
builቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱing
Traditional Japanese homes are made of wood and supported by wooden pillars, but today‘s homes usually have Western-style rooms with wooden flooring and are often constructed with steel pillars. More and more families in urban areas, moreover, live in large, apartment buildings.
Christmas in Japan is different from western countries like the USA or Australia. The major religions in Japan are Buddhism and Shinto(佛教和神道), so Christmas is more commercial event.
Eating a Meal Before eating, Japanese people say "itadakimasu," a polite phrase meaning "I receive this food." This expresses thanks to whoever worked to prepare the food in the meal. After eating, people once again express their thanks for the meal by saying "gochiso sama deshita," which literally means "it was quite a feast."
The Japanese Dining Table
The most traditional Japanese meal is a serving of plain, white rice, along with a main dish (fish or meat), some kind of side dish (often cooked vegetables), soup and pickled(腌制的) vegetables.
Japan has absorbed many ideas from other countries over the course of its history, including technology, customs, and forms of cultural expression, and has developed its unique culture while integrating these imports. The Japanese lifestyle today is a rich blend of Asianinfluenced traditional culture and Western-influenced modern culture.
thank you
annual event
Hanami (赏花) enjoy flowers
Sakura (樱花) is the national flower of Japan.At the end of March and the beginning of April, the Japanese people like to make merry at picnics,held under Sakura trees.
Nowadays, sushi bars are everywhere.
Ramen is an obsession(使人痴迷的) in Japan.
Takoyaki stem from Osaka
Japanese-style sweets
Girls' Day
Every year on the third of March, the Japanese celebrate Girls' Day by praying for their young daughters' health and future happiness. Girls' Day is also called the Doll Festival because people arrange special dolls on a staircase-like shelf a few weeks before Girls' Day . The dolls are then promptly boxed up on the fourth of March . If not, according to superstitions, the daughters will have a hard time finding a husband.