SIBO Association with Nutrition Intake
矿物质美国参议院《第264号文件》第74次代表大会 (2d会议)美国参议院英文网址 (1-800-943-1123) 原文摘录您知道吗? 我们每天都处于营养饥饿之中,因为我们已不能从食物之中摄取人体每天所需要的矿物质营养。
“…水果、蔬菜和谷类已不足以供给人体每天所需要的矿物质营养成份, 不管我们每天吃进多少”。
因此, 进一步深入研究与认知矿物质营养的重要性是非常重要和必要的。
如果您眼前出现两个外型和味道完全相似的胡萝卜, 从营养的角度来看您也许会认为这两个胡萝卜是完全相同的,事实上这两株胡萝卜也许只有一株拥有胡萝卜应有的矿物质和维生素群来符合人类生命系统的需求,而另外一株会因为生长环境的不同而缺少它应有的营养价值。
我们的祖先为我们选择了营养丰富的食物,如蔬菜、水果、谷类、肉类、牛奶等, 但是却为我们留下了贫脊的土壤, 致使生长出的食物之中、矿物质营养的含量已经大大降低。
“今天没有一个人能从吃水果、蔬菜、谷类之中达到每天人体所需的数十种矿物质营养, 即使可以摄取到, 但是您没有那么大的胃来盛下这些食物…”。
“…缺乏矿物质, 维生素就失去了它的功效…”。
他们比来的研究结果颁发在《食品和化学毒理学》上,文章标题为“ 来自咖啡副产物的酚类化合物通过胰岛素/ PI3K / AKT信号通路调节脂肪细胞中与脂肪形成相关的炎症,线粒体功能障碍和胰岛素抵抗。
“在我们的实验室中,我们研究了各种食品中的生物活性化合物,并看到了预防慢性病的益处,”农业,消费者与环境科学学院食品科学教授Elvira Gonzalez de Mejia博士解释说。
Yogurt has become a popular dietary choice for many people looking to lose weight, and for good reason. It is a versatile food that can be easily incorporated into various meals and snacks. However, like any food, there are pros and cons to consuming yogurt as part of a weight loss regimen.Pros of Drinking Yogurt for Weight Loss:1. High in Nutrients: Yogurt is packed with essential nutrients like calcium, protein, and probiotics. These nutrients are not only beneficial for bone health and gut health but also support a healthy metabolism.2. Protein Content: The protein in yogurt can help you feel fuller for longer periods, reducing the likelihood of overeating. This satiety effect can be particularly helpful in managing hunger pangs throughout the day.3. Probiotics: The live bacteria in yogurt, known as probiotics, can improve gut health, which is linked to better digestion and absorption of nutrients. A healthy gut may also influence weight management by affecting how your body processes food.4. Low in Calories: Plain yogurt is relatively low in calories compared to many other snacks and desserts. This makes it an ideal choice for those trying to reduce their overall calorie intake.5. Versatility: Yogurt can be mixed with fruits, nuts, or granola to create a satisfying and healthy meal replacement or snack without adding too many extra calories.Cons of Drinking Yogurt for Weight Loss:1. Added Sugars: Many commercial yogurts are loaded with added sugars, which can negate the health benefits and contribute to weight gain. Its important to choose plain, unsweetened yogurt or those with naturally occurring sugars from fruits.2. Portion Sizes: Even though yogurt is nutritious, consuming large quantities can lead to excessive calorie intake. Its crucial to watch portion sizes and not to overindulge.3. Dairy Intolerance: Some individuals are lactose intolerant or have a sensitivity to dairy products, which can cause digestive issues and discomfort, making yogurt an unsuitable choice for them.4. High in Fat: Fullfat yogurts can be high in calories due to their fat content. While somefats are necessary for health, choosing lowfat or nonfat options may be more appropriate for weight loss goals.5. Misleading Labels: Some yogurts labeled as lowfat or diet may contain artificial sweeteners or other additives that could impact weight loss efforts or overall health.In conclusion, while yogurt can be a beneficial addition to a weight loss diet due to its nutrient density and satiating properties, its essential to choose the right type and manage portion sizes. Opting for plain, unsweetened yogurt and combining it with other healthy ingredients can maximize its benefits while supporting a weight loss journey.。
ASAP与前列腺微小癌 (m inimal volume p rostatic adeno2 carcinoma,癌占活检组织总量的 5%以下 )之间的鉴别标准 中 ,腺泡数目和病灶大小是最主要的一条 , ASAP腺泡的数目 是癌腺泡数目的 2 /3 (11、17) , ASAP病灶比癌性病灶小一半 (014 mm、018 mm ) 。核增大 、明显的核仁 、核分裂象 、腔内蓝 色黏液及并存 P IN等形态特征在前列腺微小癌中更明显 ,但 核深染及中 ~重度萎缩在 ASAP 比癌中更为常见 (分别为 44%、9%和 59%、35% ) 。 100%前列腺微小癌呈浸润性生 长 ,但浸润性的生长方式也存在于 75%的 ASAP病例中 。嗜 酸性颗粒性分泌物与类晶体在两者无明显差异 [12 ] 。
前列腺癌占男性恶性肿瘤的第 2位 ,在发达国家 ,前列 腺癌占全部恶性肿瘤的 19% ,在发展中国家为 513% [1 ] 。前 列腺穿刺活检是发现和确诊前列腺癌的重要手段 ,但穿刺标 本中经常会遇到少量不典型腺泡 ,疑似癌却又不能确定为 癌 ,这便是前列腺不典型小腺泡增生 ( atyp ical small acinar p roliferation, ASAP) 。现将 ASAP形态特征 、诊断标准 、发病 率 、临床意义以及对发现前列腺癌的预测价值等作一综述 。
1 A SA P的病理特征及应用现状
ASAP也称不典型腺体 ( atyp ia / atyp ical glands) [2 ] ,是由 Bostw ick等 [3 ]于 1993年首次提出的一个描述不典型腺样前 列腺增生的诊断术语 。4 年后这一诊断的临床意义得到首 次阐述 [4 ] 。
ASAP为不典型腺泡病变 ,表现为排列紧密的灶性增生 的小腺泡集落 。这些小腺泡被覆一层几近透明的分泌细胞 上皮 ,而基底细胞呈断片状或消失 (可经 34βE12 免疫组化 证实 ) 。组织特点为 : ①有限数量的腺体 ; ② 极少腺体出现 细胞不典型性 ,包括核增大 、核仁增大 ; ③ 组织异型 :缺乏核 异型的小腺泡杂乱无章地排列 ; ④ 腔内可见蓝色黏液 、结晶 体或粉红色蛋白样分泌物 [5 ] 。这些腺泡的结构形态和 /或细 胞形态类似于分化较好的前列腺癌 ,但数量太少 ,只是怀疑 为癌但不能明确诊断 。不足以诊断为癌而做出 ASAP这一 诊断主要见于两种情况 [6 ] : ①质的方面 ,缺乏足够的前列腺 癌细胞和组织结构特点 。例如一个病灶可能包括 12 个腺 泡 ,腺泡缺乏基底细胞层 ,呈浸润性生长 ,但细胞形态和组织 结构上尚未达到癌的诊断标准 (如缺少明显的核仁和明显 的核增大 ) ; ②量的方面 ,包含的腺泡数量太少 ,腺泡的细胞 和组织结构方面已经达到癌的诊断标准 ,但病灶的大小是其 主要限制 (如 1~3个腺泡 ) 。
肠-脑-皮肤轴与特应性皮炎王晓萌;张玉环;张理涛【摘要】特应性皮炎作为世界范围内常见的皮肤病,病因不明,临床上具有慢性、复发性等特点,严重影响患者的生活质量.目前发现慢性皮肤病和心理疾病共病率逐年上升,且跨学科研究表明肠道、肠道微生物异常以及心理疾病与皮肤疾病之间存在着关联性的通信轴,例如既往已经证实的肠-脑轴、脑-皮肤轴.因此肠道功能的完整性和肠道茵群的平衡状态可能在皮肤炎症和情绪行为中起到中介作用,即存在肠-脑-皮肤轴.本文探讨了肠道茵群和心理因素对特应性皮炎发病及病情发展的影响,以及肠-脑-皮肤轴对特应性皮炎的作用机制,并以中医理论进行阐述,拟利用16SrRNA 测序法从“健脾”的方面观察中医药通过作用该通信轴治疗特应性皮炎远期疗效.【期刊名称】《中国中西医结合皮肤性病学杂志》【年(卷),期】2018(017)001【总页数】4页(P83-86)【关键词】特应性皮炎;肠道菌群;心理疾病;肠-脑-皮肤轴【作者】王晓萌;张玉环;张理涛【作者单位】天津中医药大学,天津300100;天津市中医药研究院附属医院,天津300120;天津市中医药研究院附属医院,天津300120【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R758.3特应性皮炎是一种病程漫长且易复发的常见皮肤病,在高度工业化社会及在社会经济上占优势的阶层中患病率更高。
以湿疹为主要表现,一般有明显的家族史,患者常出现皮肤干燥,以及特应性体质如出现哮喘、过敏性鼻炎等,并且可能出现IgE 介导的系统表现。
2009 年国外学者[2]提出肠-脑-皮肤轴(Gutbrain-skin axis)的假说。
WHO 成人儿童糖摄入量指南
Annex 8 Management of conflict of interest
R e ferences
WHO| Guideline
vi Sugars intake for adults and children
Sugars intake for adults and children
WHO| Guideline
i Sugars intake for adults and children
Sugars intake for adults and children
WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Guideline: sugars intake for adults and children.
1.Carbohydrates. 2.Dietary Sucrose – administration and dosage. 3.Dental Caries – prevention and control. 4.Obesity – prevention and control. 5.Chronic Disease – prevention and control. 6.Energy Intake. 7.Food Habits. 8.Recommended Dietary Allowances. 9.Guideline. 10.Adult. 11.Child. I.World Health Organization.
二、材料与方法2.1 材料INS-1细胞、丝胶蛋白、STZ、相关试剂等。
2.2 方法(1)INS-1细胞培养及STZ损伤模型建立;(2)丝胶蛋白处理INS-1细胞;(3)检测细胞糖酵解功能、氧化应激水平等指标;(4)Western blot检测Akt1等相关蛋白表达;(5)统计分析。
三、结果3.1 丝胶蛋白对INS-1细胞糖酵解功能的影响本研究发现,丝胶蛋白处理后的INS-1细胞糖酵解功能得到显著改善,其葡萄糖消耗量和乳酸生成量均有所增加。
3.2 丝胶蛋白对INS-1细胞氧化应激水平的影响丝胶蛋白能够降低INS-1细胞的氧化应激水平,表现为活性氧(ROS)生成减少,抗氧化酶活性增强。
3.3 丝胶蛋白对STZ致损伤的INS-1细胞的保护作用STZ能够导致INS-1细胞损伤,表现为细胞活力降低、凋亡增加等。
3.4 丝胶蛋白对Akt1信号通路的影响丝胶蛋白能够靶向Akt1信号通路,促进Akt1的磷酸化,进而激活下游的相关信号分子,如糖原合成酶等,从而改善糖酵解功能。
龙源期刊网 美国乳清蛋白健康论坛召开作者:陈金昌来源:《农产品市场周刊》2011年第29期近日,由美国乳品出口协会主办、北京大学第三医院营养生化研究室主任常翠青博士及北京医院营养科王璐主任分别担任主讲嘉宾的美国乳清蛋白健康论坛在京举行。
奥特奇总裁Lyons博士、奥特奇研发总监Ronan Power博士、瑞士农业学院的Peter Spnng教授以及英国敏斯特兽医院的A.Johnston医生分别做了《变化的时代,一体化的时代,提高动物生产性能的时代》《通过营养手段提高胃肠道的天然屏障功能》《维护胃肠道健康来自兽医的实际解决方案》《增强肠道防御功能-糖
1.奥特奇第20届亚太地区巡回演讲(APLT)成功举办 [J],
2.奥特奇第19届亚太地区巡回演讲成功举办 [J],
3.奥特奇2007年第21届亚太地区巡回演讲成功举办 [J],
4.奥特奇成功举办第20届亚太地区巡回演讲会该公司亚太地区业务发展提速领航[J], 吴荣富
5.奥特奇第20届亚太地区巡回演讲(APLT)成功举办 [J],
【摘要】2022年8月16日,加拿大发布NOP/ADPSI-002参考文件,提议將葡萄籽提取物(低聚原花青素)用于膳食补充剂,使用限量为100 mg,并纳入“允许的膳食补充剂成分清单”。
在养分学抢先的新西兰,闻名乳品科学家Rod Claycomb博士发现了牛奶活性蛋白-IDP(Immune Defence Protein)爱提力,Rod博士及其团队成员发现IDP活性蛋白针对人体的抵抗力差、免疫力低下、抗菌消炎等均有较好的作用。
IDP具有国际3大专利,是绝无仅有的产品,也是受新西兰政府维护的产品,在英国、墨西哥、日本、台湾、新西兰当地均有出售,正是因其在健康范畴的杰出体现,2018年IDP爱提力荣获了新西兰健康品范畴的最高荣誉-天然健康产品至高奖(Natural Health Products NZ Supreme Award)。
1.牛乳酪蛋白源生物活性肽研究进展 [J], 卢姗姗;张少辉;付丽娜;高艳玲;钱炳俊
2.β-酪啡肽-7生物活性肽的检测研究 [J], 孙勇民
3.水产蛋白源生物活性肽研究进展 [J], 林善婷;胡晓;李来好;杨贤庆;吴燕燕;陈胜军;赵永强;李春生;潘创
4.水产蛋白源生物活性肽研究进展 [J], 林善婷;胡晓;李来好;杨贤庆;吴燕燕;陈胜军;赵永强;李春生;潘创
5.高效乳蛋白源“金乃酪”饲喂乳猪的研究 [J], 王碧莲;周围华
【总页数】1页(P57-57)【关键词】惠氏公司;临床药物;研发中心;早期;合作;中国医学科学院;医疗机构;研究中心;党委书记;北京协和医院【作者】刘侃【作者单位】【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R197.3;F407.7【相关文献】1.北京协和医院与惠氏公司合作成立早期临床药物研发中心 [J], 罗辉2.美国研制沙门氏菌新疫苗◎盈泰信得养殖管理中心开业,开辟肉鸡养殖业管理新模式◎美国利用农作物发酵物生产牛奶瓶◎火鸡呼吸道疾病诊断新技术◎美国今年的农业出口将创近六年新高◎诺华国际成立新的营养研发中心 [J],3.赛默飞扩建临床试验(苏州)工厂,并与前沿生物达成战略合作扩大投资,助力临床客户加速药物上市;携手合作,推动药物研发惠及广大患者 [J],4.鲁抗集团获"商务部重点培育和发展的出口名牌"证书/华北制药获"全国医药保健品行业出口十强"称号/协和与惠氏合作成立早期临床药物研发中心 [J],5.惠生与天津大学合作成立“天津大学-惠生能源化工联合研发中心”加快合成气制乙醇等新型煤化工技术的研究和产业化进度 [J], Grace因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
1.乳酪蛋白源抗高血压活性肽的制备及其生理活性 [J], 宫霞;凌庆芝
2.牛乳酪蛋白源生物活性肽研究进展 [J], 卢姗姗;张少辉;付丽娜;高艳玲;钱炳俊
ctobacillus helveticus 9制备酪蛋白源活性肽工艺的研究 [J], 王立平;廖铃;
4.胰蛋白酶水解法生产酪蛋白源活性肽的条件研究 [J], 周根来;方希修;方波
5.酪蛋白源七肽AVPYPQR在不同体系中抗氧化活性的构效关系比较 [J], 王晨阳;赵谋明;郑淋
1.山葡萄籽:可供开发的抗衰老天然产物 [J], 刘国信
2.美国未来天然气的生产、利用和贸易前景——在美国,随着天然气勘探开发技术不断创新,经济发展对天然气的依赖程度必将提高 [J], Sergy Paltsev(等)
被中国科学引文数据库收录为来源期刊 [J],
开始被中国科学引文数据库收录为来源期刊 [J],
5.《天然产物研究与开发》荣获四川省首届优秀期刊评选《天然产物研究与开发》杂志入选1992年美国《化学文摘》千名表《天然产物研究与开发》从1996年开始被中国科学引文数据库收录为来源期刊 [J],
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JAGS 51:768–773, 2003© 2003 by the American Geriatrics Society 0002-8614/03/$15.00Prevalence of Small Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth andIts Association with Nutrition Intake in NonhospitalizedOlder AdultsAlexandr Parlesak, PhD,* Birgit Klein, MD, † Kerstin Schecher, MSc,*J. Christian Bode, MD, † and Christiane Bode, PhD*OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of small bowelbacterial overgrowth (SBBO) in older adults and to assesswhether SBBO is associated with abdominal complaintsand nutrient intake.DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey.SETTING: Eight senior residence sites in Stuttgart,Germany.PARTICIPANTS: Older adults living independently in se-nior residence houses.MEASUREMENTS: The prevalence of SBBO was mea-sured in 328 subjects, of whom 294 were aged 61 andolder, by measuring hydrogen concentration (parts permillion; ppm) in exhaled air after ingestion of 50 g glu-cose. Anthropometric data were obtained and nutritionalstatus was recorded with a computer-aided diet history.RESULTS: The prevalence of a positive hydrogen breathtest ( Ͼ 10 ppm increase) was 15.6% in older adults, com-pared with 5.9% in subjects aged 24 to 59. The intake ofinhibitors of gastric acid production contributed signifi-cantly to the high prevalence of a positive breath test inolder adults, which was associated with lower bodyweight, lower body mass index, lower plasma albuminconcentration, and higher prevalence of diarrhea. Subjectswith a positive hydrogen breath test consumed signifi-cantly less fiber, folic acid, and vitamins B 2 and B 6 thanthose without. No difference was observed in the intake ofenergy, protein, fat, or carbohydrates.CONCLUSION: Prevalence of SBBO is associated withreduced body weight, which is paralleled by reduced in-take of several micronutrients. Malabsorption resultingfrom diarrhea might be an aggravating factor contributingto weight loss in these subjects. J Am Geriatr Soc 51:768–773, 2003.Key words: small bowel bacterial overgrowth; hydrogen breath test; older adults; nutritional status mall bowel bacterial overgrowth (SBBO) has been found to be associated with a large number of anatomic dis-orders leading to stasis of intestinal contents. 1,2 Two de-cades ago, SBBO was observed in studies of small numbers of selected older patients with anatomically normal bowels and was assumed to be an important cause of occult or overt malabsorption in this age group. 3,4 In consecutive studies, the prevalence of SBBO in healthy older people was found to be higher than in healthy young subjects, 4–8 but the reported prevalence varied, with values ranging from 20% 7 to 56%. 8 The varying prevalence may be related to small sample numbers, selected groups of older adults, and, perhaps more importantly, different methods used to identify SBBO, such as 14 carbon (C)-bile acid breath test, hydrogen (H 2 ) breath test using glucose or lactulose as substrate, and cultures of aspirates from the duodenum or upper jejunum. 5–8 The aim of the present study was to assess the preva-lence of SBBO using glucose/H 2 breath test in a large group of older adults living in residential care homes and to inves-tigate whether SBBO is associated with signs of abdominal complaints. The association between the prevalence of SBBO and the intake of nutrients was also studied. SUBJECTS AND METHODS The study was performed in accordance with the ethical guidelines of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the local ethics committee. Written informed consent was received from all participants. Subjects Older adults of both sexes (aged 61–94; mean Ϯ standard deviation (SD) ϭ 76.9 Ϯ 7.3) from eight senior residence sites in Stuttgart were invited to participate in the study. In these senior residences, subjects lived in their own apart-ments and did not receive assistance with activities such as From the *Hohenheim University (140), Department of Physiology ofNutrition, Stuttgart, Germany; and† Department of Internal Medicine I,Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus, Stuttgart, Germany.The work was generously supported by Nestlé Ltd.Address correspondence to Alexandr Parlesak, Ph. D., HohenheimUniversity (140), Department of Physiology of Nutrition, Garbenstraße 28,D-70593 Stuttgart, Germany. E-mail: SJAGS JUNE 2003–VOL. 51, NO. 6SMALL BOWEL BACTERIAL OVERGROWTH IN THE OLDER ADULT769toileting, dressing, and bathing and were all able to walk and to eat without help. Meal and laundry services were of-fered, but none of the study participants required skilled nursing care on a regular basis. Most of the participants were living in the residences, but nonresidents were in-cluded in the study upon request if they did not require skilled nursing care or hospitalization (n ϭ 42). People younger than 60 (24–59; mean Ϯ SD ϭ 33.6 Ϯ 11.2), weight 70.1 Ϯ 15.0 kg and body mass index (BMI) ϭ 23.0 Ϯ3.9 kg/m2, were recruited using notices in public places. Ex-clusion criteria were bacterial or viral infections or anti-biotic treatment during the preceding 3 weeks; any type of acute or chronic inflammatory disease; any form of gastric or intestinal surgery; malignancies; and significant meta-bolic, hepatic, pancreatic, or renal disease. Detailed data on age and sex distribution of volunteers recruited for this study are given in Table 1.H2 Breath TestSubjects were asked to refrain from smoking for 24 hours and during the test. Those subjects who regularly took lactulose or other laxatives were asked to omit these com-pounds for 24 hours before the test. Subjects fasted over-night (12 hours) and during the test. The breath tests were performed between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. Subjects remained sedentary throughout the test period and were asked to avoid hyperventilation. Two mouthwashes were per-formed 10 minutes before testing with 40 mL chlorhexi-dine solution (0.2% weight/vol).End-expiratory breath samples were collected 10 min-utes and 5 minutes before and every 10 minutes for 1 hour after the ingestion (within 3–5 minutes) of 50 g glucose dissolved in 200 mL of water. Thereafter, one additional breath sample was taken after 15 minutes. H2 gas concen-tration in exhaled air was measured with a portable monitor (Micro H2, DEGO, Nagold, Germany). The monitor was cal-ibrated before each measurement with a standard hydrogen gas concentration of 103 parts per million (ppm) (DEGO).A pathologic result of the H2 breath test was taken as a rise of more than 10 ppm over baseline within 75 minutes. As a second measure, area under the H2 curve (AUC) for the period 0 to 75 minutes was calculated using the formula:In this formula, c(H2) assigns the concentration (ppm) ofhydrogen in exhaled air, and t represents the time (min-utes) passed since the ingestion of glucose.Assessment of Nutritional IntakeTo assess the nutritional intake, a trained nutritionistinterviewed subjects using a shortened version of acomputerized method of a diet history (EBIS software,EϩD Partner, Neu-Aspach, Germany). The program is based on the G erman Food and Nutrient Data Base,which includes 11,000 food items and recipes. The in-terview method has been validated against observednutritional intake.9 The interview included questionsabout the frequency and amount of alcohol consump-tion and the amount of liquid consumed daily. All sub-jects were asked about their smoking habits and intakeof drugs or vitamin supplements. All additional supple-mentations were noted in the evaluation of the nutri-tional intake.Demographic and Clinical CharacteristicsIn addition to age and sex, information about weight,height, BMI, complete list of diagnoses, bowel habits (di-arrhea, constipation), dyspeptic symptoms, known aller-gies, physical exercise (frequency, intensity), and subjec-tive rating of state of health was collected from allsubjects.Hematology and Clinical ChemistryVenous blood samples were taken after an overnight fastbetween 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. on the day the breath test wasperformed on 68 subjects (40 without SBBO, 28 withSBBO). The following parameters were measured: erythro-cyte sedimentation rate; numbers of leukocytes, erythrocytesand platelets; hemoglobin; mean corpuscular volume; andserum concentrations of C-reactive protein, albumin, trans-ferrin, creatinine, transaminases (alanine-amino transferase,aspartate-amino transferase), ␥-glutamyltranspeptidase, and alkaline phosphatase.StatisticsIf not indicated otherwise, values are given as mean Ϯ SD. Values were compared with the Student t test or with the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test, if data were not normally distributed or homogeneity of variances was not given. If appropriate, a multiple regression analysis was used to distinguish the influence of different variables on certain parameters. Significances of correlation were cal-culated with the Spearman rank sum test. Cross tabulation tables were evaluated with Pearson chi-square test or the Fisher exact test (2 ϫ 2 tables).RESULTSIf a positive result of the glucose H2 breath test (positive breath test (PBT)) was taken as a rise of more than 10 ppm over the baseline in all subjects investigated, the prevalence of a PBT was 14.6% (Table 1). In all volunteers with a PBT, theAUC c H2()t()dttϭ075ΎϭTable 1. Effect of Age and Sex on the P revalence of a Positive Breath Test OutcomeϾ10 ppm H2*Ͼ20 ppm H2†Characteristic n n (%)Total group32848 (14.6)36 (11.0) Female24336 (14.8)27 (11.1) Male8512 (14.1)9 (10.6) Age20–5934 2 (5.9) 2 (5.9)61–9429446 (15.6)34 (11.6) 61–73959 (9.4) 6 (6.3)74–7910417 (16.3)14 (13.5) 80–94 9520 (21.1)14 (14.7) Note: Maximum increase in hydrogen (H2) concentration in exhaled air after glu-cose ingestion exceeded *10 parts per million (ppm)) and †20 ppm.770PARLESAK ET AL.JUNE 2003–VOL. 51, NO. 6JAGS increase of at least 11 ppm H2 in exhaled air occurred before50 minutes after glucose ingestion. The values for womenand men did not differ. The prevalence for the older adults(Ն61) was more than twice that observed in the youngergroup (15.6% vs 5.9%; Pϭ .095) (Table 1). Within thegroup of adults aged 61 and older, a PBT was more thantwice as frequent (Pϭ .048) in volunteers aged 80 to 94(upper tertile) than in those aged 61 to 73 (lower tertile). Theprevalence of a PBT in the oldest adults (Ն80) was more than3.4 times higher than that of the group of the study partici-pants younger than 60 (21.1% vs 5.9%, Pϭ .033).If a positive result of the test was taken as a rise of 20ppm over the baseline, the prevalence for the total groupwas only moderately smaller (n ϭ 36: 11.0%) than the valueif a positive test was taken as an increase of more than 10ppm over the baseline. Moreover, the relative increase in theprevalence of a PBT with increasing age in adults aged 61and older persisted with the 20 ppm H2 criteria (Pϭ .048).In the group with a PBT, the basal H2 values, the max-imum increase of H2 concentration within 75 minutes, and the total amount of exhaled hydrogen over 75 minutes (represented by the AUC) were markedly higher than those of the group without a PBT (Table 2; Figure 1). The age of the study participants correlated significantly with the maximum increase in H2 concentration in exhaled air (Spearman rϭ 0.166, Pϭ .003) and to the AUC values (rϭ 0.175, Pϭ .001). Multiple regression analysis for po-tentially relevant factors for PBT prevalence (sex, intake of drugs inhibiting gastric acid production, smoking, BMI, body weight) revealed a moderate correlation between the maximum increase and age (ϭ 0.131, Pϭ .030) and a pronounced one with the intake of drugs inhibiting gastric acid production (ϭ 0.188, PϽ .001). In the subgroup of volunteers taking drugs that block gastric acid production (H2-receptor antagonists, n ϭ 9, or proton pump inhibi-tors, n ϭ 3), a significantly higher prevalence of PBT was found (6/12 ϭ 50% vs 39/278 ϭ 14.0%; Pϭ .004). There was no association between a PBT and the intake of other drugs such as aspirin, pain killers, or sedatives.Subjects with a PBT more frequently reported loose stool/diarrhea than those without (21.7% vs 10.7%, re-spectively; Pϭ .024), but no significant differences were found with respect to constipation (26.7% vs 21.4%, re-spectively; Pϭ .272) and dyspeptic complaints (73.9% vs 67.3%, respectively; Pϭ .242). The regular intake of lax-atives had no influence on the outcome of the H2 breath test (26.1% with a PBT vs 26.7% without, Pϭ .544). The occurrence of a PBT was associated with lower mean body weight and lower values of BMI (Table 3). No significant differences were found regarding other complaints or clin-ical findings as listed in detail in the Methods section.A PBT was associated significantly more frequently with average intake of less than three cups/glasses liquid per day than with consumption of three glasses or more (46% vs 14%, Pϭ .008). Other data on the nutritional in-take of older subjects with and without a PBT are summa-rized in Table 4. The occurrence of a PBT was associated with a significantly lower intake of fiber, folate, and vita-mins B2 and B6. The mean consumption of micronutrients was always lower in subjects with a PBT than in those without. Although the differences in the intake of most mi-cronutrients in these subjects (Ϫ3.8 to Ϫ15.8%) did not reach significance, they were more pronounced than those of macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates: Ϫ0.2 to Ϫ4.0%). Older adults without a PBT were consuming vi-tamin supplements in moderation more frequently than those with a PBT, but the difference was not significant (55.7% vs 43.5%, respectively; Pϭ .087).No significant differences in hematological values be-tween subjects with and without a PBT were found. The concentration of serum albumin in older subjects was sig-nificantly lower in subjects with a PBT than in subjects without (Table 3). No significant differences were found for any other clinical-chemical values, which were all within the normal range.DISCUSSIONJejunal cultures have been proposed as the criterion stan-dard in the detection of SBBO.1,10,11 The reliability of thisapproach in diagnosing SBBO has been questioned be-Figure 1. Time course of hydrogen (H2) concentration in ex-haled air in elderly subjects from groups with (᭹; n ϭ 46) and without (᭺; n ϭ 248) small bowel bacterial overgrowth after glucose ingestion; values are given as mean Ϯ standard error of the mean.Table 2. Values of Hydrogen Concentration in Exhaled Air in Subjects with and without a P ositive Hydrogen Breath Test (⌬c(H2) Ͼ10 parts per million)Positive HydrogenBreath TestNo (n ϭ 248)Yes (n ϭ 46)Value Mean Ϯ Standard Deviation P-value Basal value, ppm 6.3 Ϯ 8.614.2 Ϯ 17.5Ͻ.001 Mean increase, ppm 3.0 Ϯ 2.842 Ϯ 31Ͻ.001 Area under the curve,ppm ϫ minutes170 Ϯ 1671,499 Ϯ 1,075Ͻ.001Note: Subjects aged 61 and older.ppm ϭ parts per million.JAGS JUNE 2003–VOL. 51, NO. 6SMALL BOWEL BACTERIAL OVERGROWTH IN THE OLDER ADULT 771cause of bacterial contamination derived from saliva 12 anddiffering results obtained if jejunal samples are taken atdifferent times or from different sites.13 Despite thesepoints of criticism, bacteriological analysis of aspirated intes-tinal fluid has widely been used to estimate specificity andsensitivity of indirect techniques to diagnose SBBO.5,6,10,14,15The discomfort of intubation markedly hampers the bacteri-ological analysis of aspirated intestinal fluid for studies inhealthy subjects. To overcome this problem, indirect meth-ods such as measurement of 14carbon dioxide (CO 2) in ex-pired breath samples after intake of 14C-labeled bile saltsor xylose to detect SBBO were proposed.1,2,14 To avoid theuse of radioactive isotopes, H 2 breath tests have been de-veloped that rely on the production of hydrogen gas afterexposure of fermentable substrate to high numbers of bac-teria in the small intestine.16 Glucose has become the pre-ferred substrate for H 2 breath tests to diagnose SBBO,mostly using a 50-g glucose challenge.6,12,16,17 If an increaseof more than 10 ppm within 1 to 2 hours is taken as an in-dicator for the diagnosis of SBBO, the specificity of the testis sufficient for screening studies (77–100%).6,10,12,14,16,18 Alow specificity of this version of the H 2 breath test was re-ported in only one study with 30 older patients, 20 of whom had increased bacterial counts in aspirates of the upper small intestine.19 Most authors found the sensitiv-ity of the glucose H 2 breath (67–98%) test to be accept-able for screening studies 12,14,16,18 but to be only 62%10 and even less 6 by others.The test conditions (dose of glucose, duration of test period, and cutoff point) used in the present study were comparable with those of recent other reports.14,18 The early onset of the increase of hydrogen concentration in exhaled air in all volunteers with a PBT (within 50 min-utes after glucose ingestion) makes the occurrence of false-negative results as a consequence of delayed gastric empty-ing unlikely. Several authors have set a cutoff for the in-crease in H 2 concentration to diagnose SBBO of 10ppm.10,14,17,19 Others suggested a cutoff of 20 ppm.6,16,18 In the present study, the prevalence of the PBT did not differ significantly if a cutoff value of 20 ppm was used, com-pared with the values obtained for a cutoff of 10 ppm (11.0% vs 14.6% in the total group, respectively). Table 4. Mean Daily Nutrient Intake in Subjects with and without a Positive Hydrogen Breath Test (⌬c(H 2) Ͼ10 parts per million)Positive Hydrogen Breath TestDRI Women/Men No Yes NutrientMean Ϯ Standard Deviation P -value Energy, kcal1,948 Ϯ 3751,906 Ϯ 402.499Protein, g70.0 Ϯ 15.367.7 Ϯ 18.2.384Fat, g81.9 Ϯ 22.381.8 Ϯ 22.7.961Carbohydrates, g217 Ϯ 51.1209 Ϯ 54.7.310Fiber, g24.1 Ϯ 7.721.4 Ϯ 8.4.037Alcohol, g5.5 Ϯ 8.66.4 Ϯ 11.0.584Vitamin C, mg75/90134 Ϯ 79115 Ϯ 67.123Vitamin B 1, mg1.1/1.2 1.09 Ϯ 0.29 1.05 Ϯ 0.30.376Vitamin B 2, mg1.1/1.3 1.42 Ϯ 0.28 1.29 Ϯ 0.29.047Vitamin B 6, mg1.5/1.7 1.56 Ϯ 0.45 1.40 Ϯ 0.44.032Folic acid, g400/400111 Ϯ 3799 Ϯ 32.043Vitamin E, mg15/1511.7 Ϯ 6.29.9 Ϯ 5.8.067Vitamin A, mg 0.70/0.901.17 Ϯ 0.42 1.11 Ϯ 0.43.386Note: Subjects aged 61 and older. DRI ϭ dietary reference intakes (daily recommended intakes released for adults aged 50 and older by the Food and Nutrition Board, In-stitute of Medicine.39–41Table 3. Characteristics of Subjects with and without a Positive Hydrogen Breath Test (⌬c(H 2) Ͼ10 parts per million)Positive Hydrogen Breath TestWithout (n ϭ 248)With (n ϭ 46)CharacteristicMean Ϯ Standard Deviation P -value Body weight, kg67.9 Ϯ 12.163.5 Ϯ 13.7.025Body mass index, kg/m 224.9 Ϯ 3.823.4 Ϯ 3.6.014Serum albumin, g/dL3.98 Ϯ 0.40 3.61 Ϯ 0.55.003Transferrin, mg/dL247 Ϯ 41244 Ϯ 73.832Total leukocyte count ϫ109/L2.01 Ϯ 0.611.95 Ϯ 0.59.756Note: Subjects aged 61 and older.772PARLESAK ET AL.JUNE 2003–VOL. 51, NO. 6JAGSThe mean basal H2 exhalation was significantly higher in subjects classified as having SBBO than in those with-out. Other authors reported similar observations.10,20 Using a highly standardized protocol (diet, refrain from smok-ing, oral hygiene), the basal H2 value was even proposed as an adequate measure for the diagnosis of SBBO,20 but others have not confirmed the validity of this simple test to detect SBBO.14,19The results of the present study confirmed an in-creased prevalence of SBBO in older subjects described in earlier reports,4–8,19,21,22 but the prevalence of SBBO in older adults in most earlier reports was markedly higher than in the present study if SBBO can be assumed to be present by a PBT. Small numbers of subjects studied4–6,19,22 and the fact that patients in hospitals were studied who had more or less pronounced gastrointestinal symptoms5,6,19,21,22 might explain the higher prevalence of SBBO in these ear-lier studies. In other studies, lactulose H2 breath test22 or a combination of lactulose H2 breath test and 14C-bile acid-breath test7 were used, which may cause false-positive re-sults because of accelerated passage of substrate into the colon, even in normal subjects.In a recent study using a similar protocol to that of the present study, the prevalence of SBBO was comparable to the present results. In that study, in 62 older adults living in residential care homes, the prevalence of SBBO was found to be 14.5% when a cutoff for H2 of 20 ppm was used.23 On the basis of the latter findings and the results of the present study, it seems likely that the prevalence of SBBO in unselected older subjects has been overestimated in some of the earlier studies.Gastric acid is an important barrier to bacterial over-growth in the small intestine. Hypochlorhydria, induced by H2-receptor antagonists or proton pump inhibitors, re-sults in bacterial proliferation in the stomach and upper small intestine.1,2,24–27 No increase in the number of positive glucose-H2 breath tests was observed in one study of a small group of older patients in which 59% of the 22 control sub-jects without omeprazole treatment had a positive test.28 In the present study in normal older volunteers, prolonged pharmacological suppression of acid production distinctly increased the prevalence of pathological breath tests.Potential risk factors for SBBO in older adults remain poorly defined. Reduced gastric acid secretion due to the increased prevalence of atrophic gastritis in the elderly has been assumed to contribute to the increased prevalence of SBBO,29 but it has been reported that most healthy older people actually maintain normal gastric acid secretion.30 Impaired gastrointestinal motility is also a risk factor for the development of SBBO. Although constipation is a common symptom in older adults,31,32 little is known about changes in motility of the small bowel in the older adults. The reduced liquid intake and the lower consump-tion of fiber by subjects with SBBO observed in this study might be a risk factor for SBBO development by reducing gut motility. These risk factors might be of special impor-tance for adults aged 80 and older because the prevalence of SBBO in these subjects is twice as high as in persons aged 61 to 73. Alcohol abuse, which has been shown to be associated with a marked risk in developing SBBO,33,34 was not observed in this study population.In the subjects included in this study who were inde-pendently living, normal older persons, SBBO was associ-ated with lower mean body weight and BMI and increased occurrence of diarrhea. Subjects with SBBO consumed in the average significantly less folic acid, vitamin B2, and vita-min B6 than those without SBBO. The difference in the in-take of micronutrients was more pronounced than the dif-ference in energy and macronutrient consumption, which may indicate differences in the quality of food consumed by both groups.Noteworthy in this context is the low intake of folate in both groups (25–28% of the recommended drug intake value) (Table 4). From the results of the present study, it cannot be determined whether the lower nutrient intake is a cause or a consequence of SBBO. A high prevalence of deficiency for some of the micronutrients mentioned above (folate and vitamins B2/B6) has been reported in the el-derly.35,36 A lowered intake of folate37 and vitamin B638 might affect T-cell and immune function, which in turn might weaken host defenses against SBBO. Malabsorption that is frequently associated with SBBO might enhance a deficiency in these micronutrients as well as macronutri-ents and might be the predominant cause of diarrhea in these subjects. Although symptomatic subjects received the advice to undergo further diagnostic procedures, the pro-tocol and setting of the study did not enable us to further clarify the extent and frequency of malabsorption.Because of their motivation to improve their health, the volunteers in this study may be unique and not repre-sentative of most older adult populations. Nevertheless, the results of this study suggest that SBBO may be com-mon in older adults and frequently underdiagnosed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe are indebted to Mrs. A. Bleher and S. Berhard for sup-port in recording the diet histories and instructing the study participants during the breath tests. REFERENCES1.Simon GL, Gorbach SL. Intestinal flora in health and disease. Gastroenterol-ogy 1984;86:174–193.2.Banwell JG, Kistler LA, Giannella RA et al. Small intestinal bacterial over-growth syndrome. Gastroenterology 1981;80:834–845.3.Roberts SH, James O, Jarvis EH. 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