



208PROJECT9 PointerAHanger HHelicalspringLoad (m)Rigid support12345SPFig. P 9.1:Measurement of extension ofa helical spring due to a load(P 9.1)A IMTo study of the spring constant of a helical spring from itsload-extension graph.A PPARATUS AND MATERIAL REQUIREDHelical spring with a pointer attached at its lower end and a hook/ring for suspending a hanger; a rigid support/clamp stand; five or sixslotted masses (known) for hanger; a metre scale.P RINCIPLEWhen an external force is applied to a body,the shape of the body changes or deformationoccurs in the body. Restoring forces (havingmagnitude equal to the applied force)are developed within the body which tendto oppose this change. On removingthe applied force, the body regains itsoriginal shape.For small changes in length (or shape/dimensions) of a body (wire), within the elasticlimit, the magnitude of the elongation orextension is directly proportional to the appliedforce (Hooke’s law).Following Hooke’s law, the spring constant (orforce constant) of a spring is given bySpring constant, =Restoring force,Extension,FKxThus, the spring constant is the restoring force per unit extension inthe spring. Its value is determined by the elastic properties of the spring.A given load is attached to the free end of the spring which is suspendedfrom a rigid point support (a nail fixed to a wall). A load (slotted weight)is placed in the hanger and the spring gets extended/elongated dueto the applied force. By measuring the extensions, produced by theforces applied by different loads (slotted mass) in the spring and209PROCEDURE1.Suspend the helical spring, SA, having a pointer, P, at itslower free end, A, freely from a rigid point support, as shown in Fig. P 9.1.2.Set the metre scale close to the spring vertically. Take care thatthe pointer moves freely over the scale without touching it and the tip of the pointer is in front of the graduations on the scale.3.Find out the least count of the metre scale. It is usually 1 mm or0.1 cm.4.Record the initial position of the pointer on the metre scale,without any slotted mass suspended from the hook.5.Suspend the hanger, H (of known mass, say 20 g) from the lowerfree end, A, of the helical spring and record the position of the pointer, P on the metre scale.6.Put a slotted mass on the hanger gently. Wait for some time forthe load to stop oscillating so as to attain equilibrium (rest)position, or even hold it to stop. Record the position of the pointer on the metre scale. Record observations in a table with proper units and significant figures.7.Put another slotted mass on the hanger and repeat Step 6.8.Keep on putting slotted masses on the hanger and repeat Step 6.Record the position of the pointer on the metre scale every pute the load/force F ( = mg ) applied by the slotted mass,M and the corresponding extension (or stretching), x in the helical spring. Here g is the acceleration due to gravity at the place of the experiment.10.Plot a graph between the applied force F along x-axis and thecorresponding extension x (or stretching) on the y-axis. What is the shape of the curve of the graph you have drawn?11.If you find that the force-extension graph is a straight line, findthe slope (F /x ) of the straight line. Find out the spring constant K of helical spring from the slope of the straight line graph.OBSERVATIONSLeast count of the metre scale= ... mm= ... cm Mass of the hanger = ... g210Mean Spring constant K = ... N/mPlotting load - extension graph for a helical springTake force, F along the x-axis and extension, x along the y-axis.Choose suitable scales to represent F and x . Plot a graph between F and x (as shown in Fig. P 9.2). Identify the shape of the load-extension graph OA.CALCULATIONSChoose two points, O and A, wide apart on the straight line OA obtained from load extension graph, as shown in Fig. P 9.2. Fromthe point A, draw a perpendicular AB on x-axis. Then, from the graph,Slope of the straight line graph = tan θ =ABOB= x /F Spring constant, K = Fx=1(slope of the graph)Spring constant, −===−–1B O A BOB ...Nm AB F F K x x where x A and x B are the corresponding extensions at points A and B (or O) respectively where F B and F O are the loads (forces) at points B and O.yOxAE x t e n s i o n (m )F (N)BS.No.Mass suspended from the spring, MForce,F = mgPosition of the pointerExtension,x Springconstant, K(= F /x )(10–3 kg)(N)(cm)(10–2 m)(N m –1)102203.4.5.6.........Fig. P 9.2: Load-extension graphfor a helical spring211R ESULTThe spring constant of the given helical spring = ... Nm –1PRECAUTIONS1.The spring should be suspended from a rigid support and itshould hang freely so that it remains vertical.2.Slotted weights should be chosen according to elastic limit ofthe spring.3.After adding or removing the slotted weight on the hanger, waitfor sometime before noting the position of the pointer on the scale because the spring takes time to attain equilibrium position.SOURCES OF ERROR1.If support is not perfectly rigid, some error may creep in due tothe yielding of the support.2.The slotted weights may not be standard weights.DISCUSSION1. A rigid support is required for suspending the helical spring withload (or slotted mass) from it. The slotted masses may not have exact values engraved on them. Some error in the extension is likely to creep in due to the yielding (sometimes) of the support and inaccuracy in the values of the masses of loads.2.The accuracy of the result depends mainly on the measurementof extension produced by the force (load) within the elastic limit.Take special care that the slotted mass is put gently on the hanger as the wire of the helical spring takes sometime to attain its new-equilibrium position.3.If the elastic limit is crossed slightly, what changes will you expectin the spring and your result?SELF ASSESSMENT1.Two springs A (of thicker wire) and B (of thinner wire) of the samematerial, loaded with the same mass on their hangers, are suspended from a rigid support. Which spring would have more value of spring constant?2.Soft massive spring of mass M s and spring constant K hasextension under its own weight. What mass correction factor for212attached at its lower end would be =+sm()()2MF gX MK K]3.What other factors affect spring constant, e.g. length.SUGGESTED ADDITIONAL EXPERIMENTS/ACTIVITIES1.Take spring of the same material but of different diameters of thewires. See how the spring contant varies.2.Take springs of the same diameters of the wires but of differentmaterials. See how the spring constant varies. What inference doyou draw from your result?。


Байду номын сангаас
表示定义 Spring 的核心配置文件,文件名称一般都默认为:applicationContext.xml,此名 称可以修改,但是不建议这样使用。 例如:定义以下的一个接口: package org.lxh.simple; public interface Hello { public String sayHello() ; } 有接口之后应该定义子类,子类要实现此接口 例如:定义接口的子类 —— 得到大写的内容 package org.lxh.simple.impl; import org.lxh.simple.Hello; public class HelloUpperImpl implements Hello { public String sayHello() { return "HELLO WORLD!!!"; } } 例如:定义接口的子类 —— 得到小写的内容 package org.lxh.simple.impl; import org.lxh.simple.Hello; public class HelloLowerImpl implements Hello { public String sayHello() { return "hello world!!!"; } } 如果按照之前的做法,此时应该定义的是一个工厂类,但是现在有了 Spring 之后不用再单 独定义工厂类了, 所有的内容通过 Spring 的配置文件 —— applicationContext.xml 进行统一 的管理。 <bean id="hello" 注册一个 bean 的名称 class="org.lxh.simple.Hello" 此 bean 对应的包.类名称 abstract="true"></bean> 此 bean 是一个抽象的是不能被实例化的 <bean id="hellolower" 注册一个 bean 的名称 class="org.lxh.simple.impl.HelloLowerImpl"



Spring部分学习笔记讲师:梁建全liangjq@目录Spring部分学习笔记 (1)DAY01 (5)一、Spring框架的作用和好处 (5)二、Spring框架对Bean组件的管理 (5)1、使用方法: (5)2、Spring容器对Bean组件的管理 (5)3、Spring框架的IoC机制 (6)A.DI (依赖注入) (6)B.各种类型数据的注入 (7)C.IoC(Inverse of Controller,控制反转) (9)三、AOP概念 (9)1、什么是AOP? (9)2、AOP基本应用 (9)A.引入AOP开发包 (9)B.定义一个Bean组件(方面组件),封装共通处理 (9)C.在applicationContext.xml中定义AOP配置 (9)3、AOP相关概念 (10)4、通知类型 (10)5、切入点表达式 (11)6、AOP练习完成记录用户操作日志示例。

(11)7、编写一个AOP示例,异常处理方面 (13)DAY02 (14)一、Log4j工具介绍 (14)1、体系结构 (14)2、消息级别 (14)二、Spring注解配置 (15)1、组件的自动扫描 (15)2、AOP注解标记 (15)3、(异常处理)案例重构 (15)4、XML和注解两种配置形式 (16)DAY03 (17)一、Spring对数据访问层的支持 (17)1、提供了事务管理 (17)2、提供了DAO实现支持 (17)3、如何整合JDBC技术 (17)4、如何整合Hibernate技术 (19)5、Spring整合Hibernate后,如何使用Hibernate中的Session对象 (21)二、Spring如何与Struts2框架整合 (22)1、添加Struts2框架 (22)2、编写Action,需要使用DAO组件采用DI方式注入 (22)3、Spring容器中定义Action组件,注入DAO (22)4、在struts.xml中定义Action组件和请求配置 (22)5、在web.xml中添加配置,在启动tomcat时,实例化Spring容器 (23)DAY04 (24)一、Spring与Struts2、Hibernate 整合 (24)1、SSH工作流程 (24)二、ssh开发步骤 (25)1、引入开发包 (25)2、编写实体类和映射文件hbm.xml(可以利用MyEclipse工具) (25)3、编写DAO组件 (26)4、在Spring配置文件中定义DAO,SessionFactory,DataSource按以下关系注入 (26)5、添加Struts2配置文件及控制器配置 (27)6、编写Action组件,需要使用Service或DAO时,采用名称匹配规则注入 (27)7、在struts.xml中添加Action组件配置(代码在5、中) (27)8、修改jsp,利用struts2标签完成显示 (27)9、修改web.xml,添加Listener配置,实例化Spring容器 (27)10、按ssh-2图示检查一下流程。



spring为题的英语作文写春天的变化English:Spring is a season of transformation, marked by a series of noticeable changes in nature. As winter fades away, the vibrant colors of fresh blooms start to appear, bringing life back to the once bleak landscape. The air turns warmer and the days become longer, creating the perfect conditions for new growth and budding life. Animals emerge from hibernation, filling the air with the sounds of birds chirping and bees buzzing. Trees regain their lush greenery as leaves sprout and the whole world seems to come alive once again.It's a time of renewal and rejuvenation, as we shed our winter coats and embrace the warmth and energy that spring brings.Translated content:春天是一个变化的季节,以一系列明显的自然变化为特征。






课程内容---…详细包括整合struts hibernate------------------------------------1.面向接口(抽象)编程的概念与好处2.IOC/DI的概念与好处a)inversion of controlb)dependency injection3.AOP的概念与好处4.Spring简介5.Spring应用IOC/DI(重要)a)xmlb)annotation6.Spring应用AOP(重要)a)xmlb)annotation7.Struts2.1.6 + Spring2.5.6 + Hibernate3.3.2整合(重要)a)opensessionInviewfilter(记住,解决什么问题,怎么解决)8.Spring JDBC面向接口编程…(面向抽象编程)1.场景:用户添加2.Spring_0100_AbstractOrientedProgramminga)不是AOP:Aspect Oriented Programming3.好处:灵活什么是IOC(DI),,,有什么好处1.把自己new的东西改为由容器提供a)初始化具体值b)装配<?xml version="1.0"?>-<beans><bean class="erDAOImpl" id="u"/>(class 是个类。

Id就等于构造了一个对象)<bean class="erService" id="userService"><property bean="u" name="userDAO"/> </bean>(把u这个对象注入到UserService这个类的一个userDAO的一个属性里)-</beans>2.好处:灵活装配Spring简介包括整合struts hibernate------------------------------------1.项目名称:Spring_0200_IOC_Introduction2.环境搭建a)只用IOCi.spring.jar , jarkata-commons/commons-loggin.jar3.IOC容器a)实例化具体beanb)动态装配4.AOP支持a)安全检查b)管理transactionSpring IOC配置与应用1.FAQ:不给提示:a)window – preferences – myeclipse – xml – xml catalogb)User Specified Entries – addi.Location: D:\share\0900_Spring\soft\spring-framework-2.5.6\dist\resources\spring-beans-2.5.xsdii.URI:file:///D:/share/0900_Spring/soft/spring-framework-2.5.6/dist/resources/spring-beans-2.5.xsd iii.Key Type: Schema Locationiv.Key: /schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd2.注入类型a)Spring_0300_IOC_Injection_Typeb)setter(重要)c)构造方法(可以忘记)d)接口注入(可以忘记)3.id vs. Name(可以把Id换成name,没什么区别!)a)Spring_0400_IOC_Id_Nameb)name可以用特殊字符4.简单属性的注入a)Spring_0500_IOC_SimplePropertyb)<property name=… value=….>在配置文件里直接赋值!(在此简单属性为int和string,会自动转换)5.<bean 中的scope属性a)Spring_0600_IOC_Bean_Scopeb)singleton 单例(无论去多少次都是同一个bean)c)proptotype 每次创建新的对象6.集合注入a)Spring_0700_IOC_Collectionsb)很少用,不重要!参考程序7.自动装配a)Spring_0800_IOC_AutoWireb)byNamec)byTyped)如果所有的bean都用同一种,可以使用beans的属性:default-autowire-<bean class="erDAOImpl" name="userDAO"><property name="daoId" value="1"/> </bean><bean class="erDAOImpl" name="userDAO2"><property name="daoId" value="2"/> </bean><bean class="erService"autowire="byType" scope="prototype" id="userService"></bean> </beans>(这里会报错,因为有两个userDAO和UserDAO2都是int类型!)(如果说byname则会显示第一个的内容“1”!,因为UserService类里面的userDAO属性与第一个的名字一样!)8.生命周期a)Spring_0900_IOC_Life_Cycleb)lazy-init (不重要)c)init-method与destroy-methd 不要和prototype一起用(了解)<bean class="erDAOImpl" id="u"></bean><bean class="erService" id="userService" scope="prototype"destroy-method="destroy" init-method="init"></bean></beans>9.Annotation第一步:a)修改xml文件,参考文档<context:annotation-config />b)默认按类型by typec)如果想用byName,使用@Qulifierd)写在private field(第三种注入形式)(不建议,破坏封装)e)如果写在set上,@qualifier需要写在参数上f)10.@Resource(重要)a)加入:j2ee/common-annotations.jarb)默认按名称,名称找不到,按类型c)可以指定特定名称d)推荐使用e)不足:如果没有源码,就无法运用annotation,只能使用xml11.@Component@Service @Controller @Repository(四个一样的功能!!)a)初始化的名字默认为类名首字母小写b)可以指定初始化bean的名字首先先加载ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml"); 即读beans.xml里面的内容,然后通过找从com.bjsxt开始“scan”含@component的类,找到之后就初始化对象,结果在其一个属相的set方法上找到一个源为“u”的一个bean,于是就加载那个bean!12.@Scope13.@PostConstruct = init-method;(在构造对象后执行此方法)@PreDestroy = destroy-method;(在容器销毁前执行此方法)什么是AOP1.面向切面编程Aspect-Oriented-Programminga)是对面向对象的思维方式的有力补充2.Spring_1400_AOP_Introduction3.好处:可以动态的添加和删除在切面上的逻辑而不影响原来的执行代码a)Filterb)Struts2的interceptor4.概念:a)JoinPoint 释意:切面与原方法交接点即切入点b)PointCut 释意:切入点集合是com.xyz.someapp.service.下面的任何类,任何方法,任何返回值的一个切入点的集合。

Spring 开发指南

Spring 开发指南

OpenDoc Series’Spring开发指南V0.8 预览版作者:夏昕xiaxin(at) So many open source projects. Why not Open your Doc uments? J文档说明参与人员:作者联络夏昕xiaxin(at)(at) 为email @ 符号发布记录版本日期作者说明0.5 2004.6.1 夏昕第一预览版0.6 2004.9.1 夏昕补充“持久层”内容。

0.7 2004.9.10 夏昕追加: Webwork / Struts in Spring增加PDF格式文档书签。

修订“依赖注入实现类型”0.8 2004.9.20 夏昕增加AOP部分OpenDoc版权说明本文档版权归原作者所有。





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关于春天的翻翻书英语Title: The Magic of Spring: A Flipbook Adventure.Spring, the season of new beginnings, blossoms, and renewal, is a time of hope and vitality. It's as if nature takes a deep breath and awakens from a winter slumber, ready to unfold its beauty and warmth. This flipbook, dedicated to the enchantment of spring, is a journey through the senses, filled with the colors, sounds, and scents of the season. Turn the pages and embark on a magical adventure.On the first page, we find ourselves in a wintry landscape, covered in snow and ice. But as you flip the page, the ice begins to crack, and the snow melts away, revealing a fresh layer of green grass. The air is filled with the scent of moist earth and blooming flowers. Flip again, and the trees are adorned with delicate flowers, welcoming the sun with open arms.The next page brings us to a vibrant meadow, where butterflies flutter and birds sing. The sound of running streams and chirping birds creates a symphony of nature. Turn the page, and you'll see flowers blooming in every color of the rainbow, attracting bees and butterflies with their sweet scents.As you continue to flip, the scenery changes to a blooming orchard, where cherry blossoms and apple flowers bloom in clusters. The air is filled with the sweet aroma of flowers and the promise of a bountiful harvest. The sense of taste comes alive with the thought of fresh, juicy fruits ripening in the sun.The flipbook then takes us to a rural village, where children play in the fields and families gather for outdoor picnics. The laughter and joy of the people reflect the happiness and vibrancy of the season. Flip one more time, and you'll see a family planting a tree, symbolizing growth and hope for the future.The final pages of the flipbook are dedicated to theevening of a spring day. The sun sets, casting a warm glow over the landscape. The flowers and trees are silhouetted against the sky, creating a beautiful and peaceful scene. The sense of touch comes alive as you imagine the softness of the flowers and the warmth of the evening breeze.Throughout this flipbook adventure, we have experienced the senses of spring: the sight of blooming flowers and green landscapes, the sound of birds singing and running streams, the scent of fresh flowers and moist earth, the taste of ripe fruits and the touch of soft petals. This magical journey has brought us closer to nature and reminded us of the beauty and hope that spring brings.As you close the flipbook, take a moment to appreciate the wonders of spring. Notice the changes in your own backyard or neighborhood, and let the season inspire you to appreciate the beauty of nature and the opportunities for growth and renewal that it brings. Spring is not just a season, but a symbol of hope and a reminder that every ending brings a new beginning. Flip open your heart to themagic of spring and embark on a journey of discovery and wonder.。



春天来了我们在摘荼英语作文Spring's Arrival: A Time of Renewal and Refreshment.As winter's icy grip loosens and the days grow longer, a palpable sense of anticipation fills the air. Nature, awakening from its slumber, bursts forth in a vibrant display of color and life. It is springtime, a season of rebirth and renewal, when the earth's bounty beckons us to rejoice and embrace its wonders.Among the many pleasures that spring offers, the opportunity to partake in the time-honored tradition of tea picking holds a special allure. Tea, a beverage steeped in history and culture, is not merely a drink but an embodiment of tranquility, contemplation, and the pursuit of inner harmony.In many parts of the world, the arrival of spring heralds the start of the tea harvest. From the verdanthills of Darjeeling to the ancient tea gardens of China,skilled tea pluckers descend upon the fields, their hands deftly moving among the delicate leaves.The process of tea picking is both an art and a science. The pluckers, armed with years of experience and anintuitive understanding of the tea plant, meticulouslyselect the highest quality leaves. They seek out the youngest and tenderest shoots, ensuring that the resulting tea will possess an exceptional flavor and aroma.As the tea leaves are gently plucked and placed into baskets, the air fills with a heady fragrance that permeates the surroundings. The scent is both invigorating and soothing, a testament to the life force that courses through the tea plants.The harvested leaves are then transported to processing facilities, where they undergo a series of transformations. They are withered, rolled, and oxidized, each stepcarefully controlled to draw out the tea's unique characteristics.Once the processing is complete, the tea is ready to be enjoyed. Whether brewed as a refreshing afternoon pick-me-up or savored as a meditative experience in the evening, tea offers a myriad of health benefits and a deeply satisfying sensory experience.Spring, with its promise of renewal and rejuvenation, is an ideal time to appreciate the art of tea making and the profound benefits that this ancient beverage has to offer. By participating in the tea harvest or simply indulging in a cup of freshly brewed tea, we can connect with the rhythms of nature and find harmony within ourselves.In addition to the physical and emotional benefits that tea provides, the tea harvest also has a significant socio-economic impact. In many tea-growing regions, tea production is a vital source of income for local communities. The seasonal influx of work associated with the harvest creates jobs and stimulates economic activity.Moreover, the tea harvest plays an integral role inpreserving cultural traditions and promoting sustainable practices. By supporting tea farming, we help to ensure that these traditions continue to be passed down through generations and that the environment is protected.As we sip our tea and savor its delicate flavors, let us reflect on the journey that the tea leaves have taken from the fields to our cups. Let us appreciate the hard work and dedication of the tea pluckers and processors who have brought us this gift of nature. And let us be mindful of the importance of sustainability and cultural preservation that the tea harvest represents.In the spirit of spring's renewal, let us embrace the joy of tea picking and the many benefits that tea has to offer. May this season be filled with moments of tranquility, connection, and the appreciation of life's simple pleasures.。



spring为题的英语作文写春天的变化Spring is a season of change, a time when nature comes alive after the long, cold winter. The transition from winter to spring brings about a multitude of changes, both in the natural world and in our own lives.First and foremost, the most noticeable change in spring is the weather. As the days get longer and the sun shines brighter, temperatures begin to rise, and the snow and ice of winter melt away. The air becomes warmer and more pleasant, and people start shedding their heavy coats and scarves in favor of lighter, more colorful clothing. The change in weather also brings about the blooming of flowers and the budding of trees, filling the air with the sweet scents of spring.Another significant change that comes with spring is the awakening of wildlife. Animals that have been in hibernation or dormant during the winter months begin to emerge, searching for food and mates. Birds return from their winter migrations, filling the skies with their songs and building nests for their young. The sight of baby animals and the sound of birdsong are a sure sign that spring has arrived.In addition to changes in the natural world, spring alsobrings about changes in our own lives. Many people feel a renewed sense of energy and motivation in the spring, making it a popular time for starting new projects, setting new goals, or making changes in their lives. The idea of "spring cleaning" is a common practice, as people take the opportunity to freshen up their homes and declutter after the long winter months.Furthermore, spring is a time for celebration and renewal in many cultures. Various holidays and festivals are celebrated around the world to mark the arrival of spring, often with traditions that involve flowers, colorful decorations, and feasting. For example, the Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, with dragon dances, fireworks, and family gatherings. In Japan, the cherry blossom season is a time for hanami, or flower viewing, where people gather under the blooming cherry trees to appreciate their beauty.Overall, spring is a season of change and renewal, bringing about transformations in the natural world and in our own lives. It is a time of joy, growth, and new beginnings, and a reminder that change can bring about beauty and hope.春天是一个变化的季节,是自然在经过漫长寒冷的冬天后重新焕发生机的时候。



春天的书签英文怎么写作文Springtime is a time of renewal and growth, with flowers blooming and trees regaining their leaves. It's a season of new beginnings and fresh starts, where everything feels vibrant and alive.The weather starts to warm up, and people begin to shed their winter coats and embrace the sunshine. It's a timefor outdoor activities like picnics, hikes, and bike rides, as people take advantage of the longer days and milder temperatures.Spring is also a time for cleaning and decluttering, as people open their windows and let the fresh air in. It's a chance to clear out the old and make way for the new, both physically and mentally.The arrival of spring also brings with it the anticipation of summer, with its promise of vacations, beach days, and lazy afternoons. It's a time to startplanning for the future and looking forward to all the adventures that lie ahead.As the days get longer and the world comes back to life, there's a sense of optimism and hope in the air. It's a reminder that no matter how cold and dark the winter may have been, spring always comes around again, bringing withit a sense of joy and renewal.。



描写春天的反问句英语作文When nature awakens from its slumber, heralding the arrival of spring, its vibrant hues and invigorating scents paint a breathtaking canvas that stirs the soul. As thefirst rays of sunshine pierce through the misty veil, casting a golden glow upon the earth, who can deny the resurgence of life that accompanies this season of renewal?From the languid meadows to the verdant forests,spring's gentle touch transforms the landscape into a symphony of colors. The emerald green of newly sprouted leaves dances in the breeze, while delicate wildflowers burst forth in an array of vibrant hues. Crimson poppies, azure bluebells, and golden daffodils adorn the fields like a vibrant tapestry, creating an ethereal spectacle that captivates the senses.The air, once cold and unforgiving, now carries the sweet fragrance of blooming blossoms. Lilac bushes, with their soft purple clusters, release an intoxicating perfumethat lingers in the air, tantalizing the nostrils and evoking memories of warm spring days. Honeysuckle entwines around trellises, its delicate white flowers exuding a heady aroma that attracts hummingbirds and butterflies, adding a touch of whimsy to the surroundings.As the sun ascends higher in the sky, casting its warm rays upon the earth, who can resist the urge to venture outdoors and revel in the beauty of spring? The gentle breeze whispers secrets through the rustling leaves, carrying the promise of new beginnings and endless possibilities. Birdsong fills the air, a chorus of melodious tunes that celebrates the return of life and fertility. From the cheerful chirping of sparrows to the haunting calls of cuckoos, the avian symphony paints a harmonious soundtrack to the season.In the gardens, a flurry of activity unfolds as insects buzz and flutter amidst the blooming flowers. Bees, with their unwavering diligence, collect precious nectar, their rhythmic hum contributing to the symphony of spring. Ladybugs, with their cheerful red and black coats, patrolthe leaves, searching for aphids to devour, ensuring the delicate balance of nature.As dusk descends, the sky transforms into a canvas of soft hues. The setting sun paints the horizon in shades of gold, pink, and lavender, creating a breathtaking spectacle that sets the heart aglow. The air cools slightly, carrying the lingering scent of wildflowers and the gentle sound of crickets chirping. It is in these twilight hours that spring's enchantment reaches its peak, captivating the soul and leaving an enduring imprint on the memory.Oh, spring, with your vibrant colors, intoxicating scents, and enchanting melodies, who can deny your allure? Your arrival marks a time of renewal, rebirth, and boundless hope. As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, so too do our spirits soar, filled with the promise of new beginnings and the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.。



作文植物备忘录写四个季节英文回答:Spring:In spring, the plants start to wake up from their winter slumber. The temperature rises, and the days become longer. This is the time when many plants start to bloom, showing off their beautiful flowers and vibrant colors. It is also the time for new growth, as many plants begin to sprout new leaves and stems. Spring is a season of renewal and rejuvenation for the plant world.Summer:Summer is the peak growing season for most plants. The warm temperatures and abundant sunlight provide the perfect conditions for plants to thrive. Many plants are in full bloom during the summer months, attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies. This is also the time when fruitsand vegetables ripen, providing a bountiful harvest for both humans and animals. However, the hot and dry conditions can also be challenging for some plants, requiring them to adapt to the changing environment.Fall:As summer transitions into fall, the days become shorter and the temperatures begin to cool. This signals to the plants that it is time to start preparing for the colder months ahead. Many trees and shrubs start to change color, creating a beautiful display of red, orange, and yellow foliage. Some plants produce seeds and fruits during this time, ensuring the continuation of their species in the coming year. Fall is a time of transition and preparation for the dormant season.Winter:Winter is a challenging time for plants, especially in colder climates. Many plants go into dormancy during the winter months, conserving their energy and resources tosurvive the harsh conditions. Some plants, such as evergreens, continue to photosynthesize and remain green throughout the winter. Snow and ice can provide insulation for some plants, while others may need to rely on their deep roots to access water. Winter is a time of rest and resilience for the plant world.中文回答:春季:春天,植物开始从冬眠中苏醒。



用英语作文春天的书签做The Spring Bookmark.In the whispers of the morning breeze and the melodies of birdsong, a unique tale of spring unfolds. This story, encapsulated in the form of a bookmark, is a celebration of life, renewal, and the beauty that nature offers in its most vibrant season.The bookmark itself is a canvas of subtle hues, reminiscent of the gentle transition from winter's grays to spring's greens. The base is a soft, almost translucent ivory, symbolizing the purity of a new beginning. Upon this canvas, intricate designs are etched, each line and curve a representation of the dynamic nature of spring.At the center, a budding flower is carefully crafted, its petals unfolding layer by layer in a subtle gradation of pink to white. It's as if the bookmark captures the very moment when a flower first breaks through the soil, itsdelicate beauty a promise of the abundance that awaits. Around this central motif, delicate vines and leaves curl and twine, forming a pattern that mimics the intricate web of life in a spring forest.The bookmark's edges are adorned with tiny flowers and buds, each one a different species, reflecting the diversity of spring'。



春天的英语作文带批注长英文回答:Spring is a season of renewal and rebirth. After the long, cold winter months, the arrival of spring is a welcome sight. The days grow longer, the temperatures rise, and the plants start to bloom.春天是新生和再生的季节。



One of the most noticeable signs of spring is the return of birds. After spending the winter in warmer climates, birds migrate back to their breeding grounds in the spring. They fill the air with their songs, and their presence is a sure sign that spring has arrived.春季最明显的标志之一是鸟类的回归。



Another sign of spring is the appearance of flowers. After the long, cold winter months, flowers are a welcome sight. They add color and beauty to the landscape, andtheir fragrance fills the air.春季的另一个标志是花朵的出现。



The arrival of spring is a time of renewal and awakening, a season that has inspired countless poets, artists, and writers. It is a time when the world seems to burst into color and life, and its the perfect backdrop for a book that captures the essence of this vibrant season. Heres a personal narrative of how I created a springthemed bookmark, a small token to keep the spirit of spring close as I delve into the pages of my favorite books.It all started on a warm, sunny day in early April when the first signs of spring were evident everywhere. The snow had melted, the trees were budding, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers. I was sitting in my room, surrounded by books that I had yet to read or revisit. As I looked at the pile, I realized that I needed something to mark my place, something that would remind me of the beauty of spring even when I was lost in the pages of a different world.I decided to make a bookmark that would reflect the essence of spring. I wanted it to be more than just a piece of paper I wanted it to be a piece of art that would inspire me every time I opened a book. I started by gathering materials. I chose a sturdy cardstock for durability and a vibrant green color to symbolize the lushness of spring. I also collected some dried flowers and leaves that I had collected during a walk in the park, intending to press them between the pages of an old book to preserve their beauty.With my materials ready, I began to design the bookmark. I cut the cardstock into a long, narrow strip, just the right size to fit comfortablybetween the pages of a book. On one end, I made a small hole where I could thread a ribbon or string to add a personal touch. I then carefully arranged the dried flowers and leaves on the cardstock, creating a miniature garden that would be forever captured in time.As I worked, I thought about the symbolism of each element. The flowers represented the beauty and fragility of life, while the leaves symbolized growth and change. I carefully glued each piece in place, making sure that they were secure but still looked natural. Once the glue had dried, I added a few finishing touches. I used a finetip pen to write a quote from one of my favorite spring poems, A years at the spring, and days at the morn, by John Dryden. This quote, I felt, captured the essence of spring and the hope it brings.The final step was to protect the bookmark and make it more durable. I applied a clear, protective sealant over the entire bookmark, ensuring that the colors would not fade and the dried flowers would remain intact. Once the sealant had dried, I threaded a delicate ribbon through the hole, adding a touch of elegance to my springthemed bookmark.As I held the finished bookmark in my hands, I felt a sense of accomplishment and joy. It was more than just a tool to mark my place in a book it was a reminder of the beauty and promise of spring. Each time I used it, I was transported back to that moment of creation, and the hope and renewal that spring represents.Now, every time I pick up a book, I use this bookmark. Its a small, yetsignificant reminder of the season that never fails to bring a smile to my face. Its a testament to the power of creativity and the joy that can be found in simple, handmade creations. And as I turn the pages, I am reminded that just like spring, there is always a new beginning waiting for me in the next chapter of my life.。




Spring教程 (1)Spring框架概述 (3)Spring是什么? (3)Spring的历史 (4)Spring的使命(Mission Statement) (4)Spring受到的批判 (4)Spring包含的模块 (5)总结 (6)Spring的IoC容器 (6)用户注册的例子 (7)面向接口编程 (8)(用户持久化类)重构第一步——面向接口编程 (9)重构第二步——工厂(Factory)模式 (9)重构第三步——工厂(Factory)模式的改进 (10)重构第四步-IoC容器 (11)控制反转(IoC)/依赖注入(DI) (11)什么是控制反转/依赖注入? (11)依赖注入的三种实现形式 (12)BeanFactory (14)BeanFactory管理Bean(组件)的生命周期 (15)Bean的定义 (16)Bean的之前初始化 (20)Bean的准备就绪(Ready)状态 (22)Bean的销毁 (22)ApplicationContext (22)Spring的AOP框架 (22)Spring的数据层访问..................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Spring的声明式事务..................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Spring对其它企业应用支持......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。


........................................................................................................................ 18 第三章 SPRING 的 AOP..................................................................................................................... 18 一、AOP 的概念 ............................................................................................................................... 18 1、什么是 AOP ............................................................................................................................. 18 2、AOP 编程的好处 ..................................................................................................................... 19 二、AOP 相关概念 ........................................................................................................................... 19 三、AOP 基本原理 ........................................................................................................................... 19 四、SPRING 的通知(具体的业务逻辑)........................................................................................ 20 1、Spring 的通知类型 .................................................................................................................. 20 五、切入点(POINTCUT) ................................................................................................................ 22 1、pointcut..................................................................................................................................... 22























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Chapter 7 Ethics and Business Decision Making
Ethics = moral principles and values applied to human behavior
Business Ethics = Ethical standards applied in a business context.
Lowest level of Business Ethics = moral minimum = just do not break the law
Role of Short- vs. Long- Run Profit Maximization in Business Ethics
Short Run Profit Maximization only sees things in the short run, therefore will tend to be more focused on the here and now and not long term impact of conduct ( tends to decease business ethics )
Long Run Profit Maximization sees things in the long term, therefore will see long term impact of what is done now and tends to increase business ethics either for moral or strategic reasons.
There will always be gray areas in the law, gaps between what is clearly illegal and what is clearly legal, so a company has to protect itself by being able to show that, at least, it has done its best to be both legal and ethical.
Corporate Leadership can best show an ethical focus by being able to show:
1. Zero tolerance for unethical behavior or conduct
2.Effort to create ethical codes of conduct
3.Training in ethical conduct such as workshops, seminars, role plays etc.
4.Sarbanes Oxley ( SOX ) type anonymous reporting systems
Approaches to Ethical Reasoning
1.Based on Duty….Religious Ethical Standards
Kant…..Categorical Imperative…what if all did that in that case?
Principle of Rights……….how affects others’ rights?
Usually determine which right is stronger wins
2.Based on Outcome… Utilitarianism ( Bentham).. most good for most people
Cost/Benefit…………………… negative vs. positive
Corporate Social Responsibility…Corp has a duty to be a good citizenship and should create an ethical environment conducive to and enforcing of ethical business conduct.。
