


F ig. 2 F low cha rt of m ea su rem en t system
表 1 静态测试系统标定 ( 45# 钢)
Table 1 Ca l ibra tion of sta tic m ea surem en t system ( 45# steel)
轴向应力 M Pa 泊松比 杨氏模量 105M Pa
3 数据处理和实验结果
3. 1 计算公式
据广义虎克定律 Ε x = Ε y =
图 3 试验程序
F ig. 3 Exp eri m en ta l p rogram
( Ρy + Ρz ) - Μ
( Ρz + Ρx ) - Μ
Ε z =
( Ρx + Ρy ) - Μ
本试验中, Ρx = Ρy = P c , Ε , 因此有 x = Ε y = Ε Η
( 石油大学石油工程系 东营 257062) ( 石油物探局 氵 豕州 072751)
摘要 在三轴应力下对砂、泥岩等岩芯 ( 干岩样) 进行了岩石力学参数的动、静态同步测试, 并对动静态弹性参数进行了线性回归。结果表明: 岩石的动静态杨氏模量之间存在较好的相 关性, 而动静态泊松比之间的关系不明显, 该项研究为岩石的声学性质在石油工程中的应用 提供了实验依据。 关键词 弹性参数, 杨氏模量, 泊松比, 实验研究, 动静态测试
E s = 0. 74E d -
0. 082 ( 104 M Pa ) (R = 0. 84, N = 342)
lg E s = 0. 22 + 0. 77 lg E d ( Θ E d ) (R = 0. 96, N = 76)



∋ ≅, −
一 +,
( ≅,
& ∃+

岩石 的 动态新裂 准则 Τ
岩石在 高速度 冲击 载荷 作用 下 的本构方 程 Τ
岩 石 动力 学在 工 程 上 的 应用 岩 石 动力学 与冲 击动 力 学


爆 炸 动 力学

断裂 动力 学在 相互 影响

相 互 渗透 中发展 起来
Θ Θ> > 6 % 》
. ,∗

;] 8 < ;
≅ ∃
于亚 伦 践 》
川 北稳
木 下重 教
岩石 破碎 吸 收 能 与应 变 能之 间的相 关性研 究

在岩 体 中 引起的 效
究 冲 击 载 荷对 岩 石 的 作用 及 其在 岩石 中 引起 的 效 应 炸和 高速碰 撞载 荷 应是 振 动

冲击 簌荷 指外载随 时间而迅 速变化 的爆 爆破

在矿 山 工 程 上主 要 表现 为凿 岩

振 动 和 粉碎

开 裂和 抛 掷

岩石在 承 受 诸如
岩石幼力学的研 究内容和动载荷 的分 类
于亚 伦
北 京 科 技大 学

岩石 动 力 学是 相 对静 力 学而 言 的
,ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

岩石 静力 学所研 究 的 对 象是 处于 静 力平 衡 条件 下



岩石动力学特征、含损伤本构模型及破坏机理研究1. 引言1.1 概述岩石是地壳中最基本的构成要素之一,其在地质工程、矿山开采和岩土工程等领域中具有重要的应用价值。



1.2 文章结构本文主要围绕岩石动力学特征、含损伤本构模型以及破坏机理展开,结构包括五个主要部分。






1.3 目的本文旨在系统地探讨岩石动力学特征、含损伤本构模型以及破坏机理的研究进展。



2. 岩石动力学特征研究:2.1 岩石的力学特性:岩石是一种复杂的多相介质,其力学特性对于岩石工程及地质灾害评估至关重要。













该参数决定了试验结果的精度,通常一般在 1% 以内,较高精度的设备可达到 0.5% 甚至更低。



通常以毫米为单位进行表示,较高精度的设备可以达到 0.01 毫米。






































特征值 = 极限承载力 / 承压板面积








第2 0卷 第2期2 0 1 4年4月 工程爆破ENGINEERING BLASTINGVol.20,No.2April 2014文章编号:1006-7051(2014)02-0043-11岩石动态力学参数测试综述夏开文1,2,周传波3(1.天津大学水利仿真与安全国家重点实验室及建筑工程学院,天津230027;2.多伦多大学土木工程系,加拿大多伦多M5S1A4;3.中国地质大学(武汉)工程学院,武汉430074)摘 要:岩石工程实践中,受动力荷载的作用现象比较普遍,例如工程爆破、自然地震及岩爆等。






关键词:岩石动力学性质;霍普金森杆;岩石动态强度;动态测试标准中图分类号:TU452 文献标识码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7051.2014.02.012REVIEW OF TESTING METHODS FOR DYNAMICROCK MECHANICAL PROPERTIESXIA Kai-wen1,2,ZHOU Chuan-bo3(1.State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety,School ofCivil Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin230027,China;2.Department of Civil Engineering,University of Toronto,Toronto,ON.M5S1A4,Canada;3.Faculty of Engineering,China University of Geosciences(Wuhan),Wuhan 430074,China)ABSTRACT:It is common for rocks subjected to dynamic loadings in various rock engineering practices,such as blasting,earthquakes and rock bursts.In order to ensure safety and to maximize benefit in theseapplications,it is crucial to use accurate dynamic strength and fracture properties of rocks during both de-sign and operation stages.Due to complexities in experimental design,instrumentation and data interpreta-tion,it is not until 2012that the International Society for Rock Mechanics-Commission on Rock Dynamics(ISRM-CRD)proposed the first ever three dynamic testing methods,including dynamic compression,dy-namic Brazil test,and dynamic notched semi-circular bend test.Kaiwen Xia has conducted a series of dy-namic rock tests,which has been recognized by the international community of rock mechanics.He thuswas in charge of writing these new ISRM suggested methods for rock dynamic tests.As the president ofthe new ISRM-CRD,Kaiwen Xia is responsible for proposing more ISRM suggested methods for rock dy-namic tests.In this review,several accurate and reliable rock dynamic test methods were discussed.It ishoped that these methods will be used by blasting engineering in China and the measurement results will bewidely used in blasting designs to improve the efficiency and safety of blasting in China.KEY WORDS:Rock dynamic properties;Hopkinson bar;Dynamic strength of rock;ISRM suggestedmethods for rock dynamic tests收稿日期:2014-02-19基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41372312;51228902)。








▪ 1.5岩石变形性质的几个基本概念▪1)弹性(elasticity):物体在受外力作用的瞬间即产生全部变形,而去除外力(卸载)后又能立即恢复其原有形状和尺寸的性质称为弹性。









▪ 1.7岩石变形指标及其确定▪岩石的变形特性通常用弹性模量、变形模量和泊松比等指标表示。










常见的测试方法包括:1. 压缩试验:通过施加垂直载荷,测量岩石的应力应变关系,得到岩石的强度和变形特性。

2. 剪切试验:应用垂直和水平剪应力,测量岩石的剪切应变和摩擦特性,推导出内摩擦角和黏聚力。

3. 拉伸试验:适用于构成岩石破坏准则的参数,如抗拉强度和韧度。

4. 动态试验:通过施加冲击力或振动载荷,模拟地震作用,研究岩石的振动特性和强度。


常用的分析方法包括:1. 图形法分析:通过绘制应力与应变曲线,确定岩石的强度特征和破坏模式。

2. 统计学方法:将大量数据进行统计处理和分析,建立岩石力学参数的概率分布模型,提供可靠的工程设计依据。

3. 数值模拟:采用有限元法或边界元法等数值方法,建立岩石的数学模型,模拟各种工况下的应力场和变形特征。

4. 统计学回归分析:通过多元回归等统计学方法,分析影响岩石力学参数的主要因素和相互关系,提高参数测试的准确性。

三、岩石力学参数研究的现状和挑战岩石力学参数的研究是岩石力学领域的重要课题,目前存在以下现状和挑战:1. 数据不一致性:岩石力学参数受到岩石样本的大小、形状、水分等因素的影响,导致不同实验条件下参数结果有较大差异。

2. 复杂多变的地质条件:岩石力学参数的测试和分析需要考虑多种地质条件,如应力状态、温度、湿度等,增加了测试的难度和复杂性。

3. 岩石力学模型的不完善性:目前对于岩石力学行为的理解还存在一定的缺陷,岩石力学模型的建立仍然需要进一步研究和改进。

4. 桥梁效应的挑战:岩石力学参数的测试往往是在小尺度的实验室环境中进行的,如何将实验结果应用到实际工程中,需要克服桥梁效应的挑战。





























应变率在10−2~104 s −1的荷载,属于岩石动力学的研究范畴。




在国际上,在20世纪50~60年代,美国进行了多次核试验,开展了大量与岩石动力学相关的研究,成果主要以AD 报告的形式发表。

Josef Henrych 撰写的《The dynamics of explosion and its use 》(1979年)、George B Clark 撰写的《Principles of rock fragmentation 》(1987年)等著作,对岩石动力学研究发展有重大影响。




















单轴荷载下饱水岩石静态和动态抗压强度的细观力学分析王斌;李夕兵【摘要】Dynamic mechanical properties of water-saturated rock under uniaxial load are highly different from its static mechanical properties, the reasons of which can not be explained well based on macro-mechanics. According to meso-mechanism of rock complete stress-strain curve under uniaxial compression, crack propagation of water-saturated rock influenced by pore water under dynamic load is analyzed as well as under static load. When initial fractures are subjected to static uniaxial compression load, it can cause free water to appear pore water pressure, which can promote the expansion of winged crack due to its extruding winged crack outwards. In the condition of dynamic uniaxial compression loads, free water appear cohesive force to hinder the propagation of winged crack. Based on compressive wing crack propagation mechanism, calculation formulas of static compressive strength and dynamic compressive strength with water under uniaxial load are obtained. With the same fracture toughness, static compressive strength of water-saturated rock is even lower than that of dry rock. Both of them are lower than dynamic compressive strength of water-saturated rock. Static and impact compressive experiments on air-dried and water-saturated sandstone are conducted, the experiment results are in agreement with the ones from theoretical models.%由于单轴荷载下饱水岩石的动态力学特性与静态力学特性存在很大差异,从宏观上进行力学分析存在局限性.根据岩石受压全应力应变曲线的细观机制,分析了静态及动态单轴荷载条件下孔隙水影响饱水岩石裂纹扩展的情况.在静态单轴压缩条件下,初始裂隙受压使自由水产生孔隙水压力,自由水对翼裂纹有向外挤压的应力,促进裂纹扩展.在动态单轴压缩条件下,自由水会产生粘结力,抑制裂纹扩展.根据翼裂纹受压扩展原理,推导出饱水单轴条件下动态抗压强度、静态抗压强度的计算公式,在相同断裂韧度下,饱水岩石静态抗压强度<风干岩石静态抗压强度<饱水岩石动态抗压强度.对自然风干和饱水砂岩进行单轴静态、动态压缩实验,结果与理论模型的结果相符.【期刊名称】《爆炸与冲击》【年(卷),期】2012(032)004【总页数】9页(P423-431)【关键词】固体力学;动态抗压强度;细观力学;饱水岩石;裂纹扩展【作者】王斌;李夕兵【作者单位】湖南科技大学能源与安全工程学院,湖南湘潭411201;煤矿安全开采技术湖南省重点实验室,湖南湘潭411201;中南大学资源与安全工程学院,湖南长沙410083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O346自然界中的岩石是一种存在着大量微观裂隙等缺陷的非均质不连续体,由于这些裂隙的存在,在水压力的作用下,水会渗透到岩石裂隙中成为孔隙自由水,水成为影响岩石力学性质的重要因素。


a)任务来源与要求; b)试验目的、试验内容与技术要求; c)试验设计; d)仪器设备; e)人员安排; f)试验进度;
g)试验成果; h)安全保障。 5.3 试验前每个岩石试样应进行地质素描或拍照,试验后要对试样做破坏特征描述或拍照。 5.4 每个岩石试样宜做波速测定。 5.5 试验设备能标定的,应按规定标定;计量设备应按规定计量或校准。 5.6 试验数据记录与整理宜参照本规程附录 A。无特殊规定,计算结果应取三位有效数字。 5.7 试验结束应及时编制和提交试验报告,报告应有审核。
图 1 岩样声波测试示意图
7.5 数据分析 7.5.1 波速计算
式中: Cp——纵波速度,单位为米每秒(m/s); Cs——横波速度,单位为米每秒(m/s); Ls ——岩样长度,单位为毫米(mm); tp——纵波在仪器中显示的到时,精度至 0.1μs; ts——横波在仪器中显示的到时,精度至 0.1μs; t0——仪器系统的零延时。 7.5.2 数据统计 在整理同组岩样测试数据时,应给出每一个岩样的测值,计算值应取有效三位数字。 7.6 成果整理 岩样声速测试记录表如表A.1所示。岩样测试成果应给出纵波波速、横波波速、典型的波形图。
8.2.2 施密特锤使用要求 施密特锤的使用应符合下列的要求: a) 水平弹击时,弹击锤脱钩的瞬间,要求施密特锤的标准能量为 L 型: 0.735 J 和 N 型: 2.207 J; b) 弹击锤与弹击杆碰撞的瞬间,弹击拉簧应处于自由状态,此时弹击锤起跳点应相应于指针指示 刻度尺上“0”处; c) 施密特锤使用时的环境温度应为-4°C ~40°C; d) 施密特锤在检测前后,应在钢砧上作率定试验。施密特锤率定试验宜在干燥、室温为 5°C ~35°C 的条件下进行。率定时,钢砧应稳固地平放在刚度大的物体上。测定回弹值时,取连续向下弹 击三次的稳定回弹平均值。弹击杆应分四次旋转,每次旋转宜为 90°。弹击杆每旋转一次的率








岩基载荷的作用机理复杂,主要有以下几个方面:1. 自重荷载:岩石体由于自身重力而产生的载荷,是一种静态荷载。


2. 地表载荷:地表载荷主要来自上部建筑物或交通荷载。


3. 水压力:水压力是岩石工程中常见的一种荷载。


4. 温度变化引起的荷载:岩石受温度变化影响会发生体积变化,从而产生温度应力。


5. 地震荷载:地震是一种动态载荷,是由于地震引起的地面振动所产生的力。






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Acta Montanistica Slovaca Ročník 10 (2005), číslo 3, 274-279Changes of the uniaxial compressive strength of rocks under the dynamicload with different frequenciesVladimír Petroš1, Vlastimil Hudeček, Petr Michalčík, Petr Žůrek and Karel Holub2Změny jednoosé tlakové pevnosti hornin při statickém a dynamickém namáhání s různou frekvencíČlánek přináší výsledky měření série horninových vzorků na testovacím zařízení MTS 816 systém. Jednoosá tlaková pevnost přidynamickém namáhání byla zjišťována s frekvencí v rozsahu 0-100 Hz. Tyto dynamické pevnostní charakteristiky jsou srovnávány spevnostními charakteristikami při statickém namáhání. Laboratorní výzkum při dynamickém namáhání by měl co nejvíce odpovídat charakteru namáhání hornin při seismických jevech v horském masivu. Z tohoto důvodu jsou v článku nejprve rozebrány seismickévlnové parametry při důlních otřesech a jiných seismických jevech v horském masivu.Key words: uniaxial rock strength, dynamic rock strength, rock burstIntroductionThe research of strength and strain characteristics of rocks under a dynamic loading is aimed at evaluating these characteristics to better identify the behaviour of rocks during anomalous geomechanical events, mainly at rockbursts.Mechanical properties of rocks were studied in the laboratory on the MTS equipment, which is a system enabling the static as well as dynamic loading of rock specimens. From the point of view of applyingof measurement results, parameters of dynamic loading similar to those during seismic events in the rockmass should be used in the laboratory to recognise the rock behaviour at anomalous geomechanical events.That is why this paper deals initially with the determination of stress on the seismic wavefront first.The dynamic loading of rock specimens in the laboratory at a similar stress amplitude then simulated similar conditions as those at the occurrence of seismic events in the rock mass.This paper describes results of the uniaxial compressive strength depending upon the frequencyof dynamic loading and compares these results with the case of static loading.The determination of stress on the seismic wavefrontThis study rests upon the results of geophysical interpreting records of rockbursts made in situ.It is mainly the case of underlying data, on the basis of which the stress of the seismic wavefrontis determined. Since 1989, a database of seismic events recorded by the local seismic network (Holub, 1999;Slavík, 1992) in the Ostrava-Karviná Coalfield (henceforth referred to as OKC) has existed and, in addition, analyses of rockbursts are made by the Department of Geomechanics and Geophysics, DPB Paskov, annually. Both the mentioned materials became the foundation for the data selection when evaluatingthe measurements in situ.With regard to the fact that the local seismic network of OKC consists prevailingly of single-componentstations equipped merely with vertical seismographs (Z component) and that for the given evaluationthe complex amplitudes are required, it was decided to use digital data of the mine seismic networkin the Lazy Mine (former A. Zápotocký Mine) (Knejzlík et al., 1992). In 1992-1995, four three-componentstations (Z, NS and EW) were in operation there, and in the years 1996-1997 five stations were operated thatby three-component registering provided required complex amplitudes of the oscillation velocity of particlesof matter.According to analyses of rockbursts from 1992 to 1997, data on rockbursts were accumulated first and, subsequently relevant seismograms were found from stations of the mine seismic network in the Lazy Mine.One criterion for the rockburst selection was the quality, i.e. the applicability of the seismograms themselves.With regard to the released seismic energy and hypocentral distances, amplitudes of induced seismic waves sometimes exceeded the dynamic range of measuring apparates, and for this reason the seismograms were inapplicable to the analyses. Altogether, 14 rockbursts by one or more stations (max. 5) were selected. Thay1 prof. Ing. Vladimír Petroš, CSc., vladimir.petros@vsb.cz,. Doc. Ing. Vlastimil Hudeček, CSc., Ing. Petr Michalčík, Ing. Petr Žůrek, CSc., Institute of Mining Engineering and Safety, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33Ostrava, Czech Republic2 RNDr. Karel Holub, DrSc., holub@ugn.cas.cz, Institute of Geonics, ASCR, Studentská 1768, 708 00Ostrava, Czech Republic(Recenzovaná a revidovaná verzia dodaná 10. 10. 2005)274Acta Montanistica Slovaca Ro čník 10 (2005), číslo 3, 274-279were evaluated then. However, it was found that greater accuracies of data entering the next calculationswould be achieved by extending the set of selected rockbursts by significant rockburst events (E ≥105 J), andconsequently the original set was enhanced by other 18 rockburst events from the years 1996-1997. In eachseismogram, particular components with the maximum amplitudes of velocity u i (m.s -1) of the first arrivalsof the groups of P waves and S waves were found, together with the maximum complex amplitudes in boththe wave groups at the given time.From the database of rockburst events mentioned above, the coordinates of foci of these events and,the coordinates of the seismic stations were known. On the basis of the knowledge of these coordinates,corresponding hypocentral distances entering the next calculations were calculated.Data interpretationThe foci of 32 mine induced events were located in various working fields of OKC approximatelyin the range of distances d ≈ 300-6000 m and, because they had an energy in the range of E ≈ 104-107 J, it was not possible to construct any graph directly from the calculated values u i taking into account boththe hypocentral distance and the energy of the given seismic event. That is why the reduced distance was introduced as a new parameter, expressed as follows:Ed =red r , (1) where r red is the reduced distance (m/ J ), d is the hypocentral distance between the focus and the point of observation (m), E is the energy parameter of the seismic event (J ).In virtue of this, the searched functional dependence accounting for the distance and the energy, maybe written as u i = f(r red ). In our case, the following limiting parameter was chosen when selecting the datafrom the given dependences:15 (m/ ≤red r J ) , (2)By using a regression, the following equations for the complex amplitudes were found:8943.0redr 11625.0=i u [m.s -1] (3) S-waves: 1093.1red r 5361.0=i u [m.s -1] (4)The presented modification of the equations enables us to determine the values u i for arbitrary values of the seismic energy of the event E (J) and the hypocentral distances between the focus and the station d (m). Graphs displaying the evaluated quantities (expressed logarithmically), including the regressionsof both the relations are given in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.Fig. 1. Graphical dependence of ui = f(rred) for P-waves Fig. 2. Graphical dependence of ui = f(rred) for S-wavesIn addition to the amplitudes of the velocity u i , the frequencies of P waves at the first arrivals werefound with the particular components as well. As shown in Fig. 3, the found frequencies changed in the rangeof 3-25 Hz; with the prevailing part of the frequencies concerned in the range of f ÷ 3-12 Hz, and the remaining part in partial frequencies f = 14, 17, 20 and 25 Hz. The presented distribution of frequenciesshowsthat in most cases the first arrival had a character of a low-frequency oscillation; however sometimesoscillations of higher frequencies (f > 14 Hz) were modulated on the carrier low-frequency oscillations.275Vladimír Petroš, Vlastimil Hude ček , Petr Michal čík , Petr Žůrek and Karel Holub : Changes of the uniaxial compressive strength of rocks under the dynamic load with different frequenciesChanges in frequencies depending on changes in the hypocentral distance or the released energy of particularevents have not been proved in the virtue of geophysical data interpretation.When calculating the stress on the seismic wavefront, the following average velocities of seismic wavepropagation are found and considered: v P = 4200 m.s -1 and v S = 2100 m.s -1 according to (Holub et al., 1987).Assessment of stress on the seismic wavefrontThe stress on the seismic wavefront is determined according to Brepta and Prokopec (1972)by the following relation:σs = ρh . v i . u i [Pa] (5)where ρh is the volume weight of rock [kg.m -3], v i is the velocity of seismic wave propagation [m.s -1], u i is the mass velocity [m.s -1].Fig. 3. Histogram of frequency rates in the first arrivalsof P wavesThe average volumeof Carboniferous surrounding rocks is about 2600 kg.m -3. The velocity of seismic longitudinal wave propagation is 4200 m.s -1. The mass velocity u i was assessed inthe previous chapter. It follows from Fig. 1that it is in the range of 0,012 – 0,26 m.s -1 withlongitudinal waves; the maximum value determined being 1,2 m.s -1. Thus, on the basis of relation (5), the stress on the longitudinalwavefront σs ranges from 0,13 to 2,8 MPa andthe maximum value of the given measurementis 19,7 MPa.512345678910111213141516171819202122232425f [Hz]N With transversal waves, the velocity of wave propagation is lower (2100 m.s -1) and the mass velocityis in the range of 0,02 – 0,5 m.s -1; the maximum value being 0,66 m.s -1. These values correspond to, stresseson transversal seismic wavefronts of 0,11 – 2,7 MPa and the maximum value of 3,6 MPa correspond.Partial conclusionWith the observed rockbursts and strong seismic events, the established values of stresses on the seismicwavefronts were prevailingly lesser than 3 MPa. The only ascertained value of 19,7 MPa is an exception.The frequency of longitudinal waves is in the range from 3 to 25 Hz; however, it is prevailingly3 – 12 Hz.This evaluation was used in the laboratory measurement of mechanical characteristics of rocks underdynamic load.Evaluation of strength properties of rocks under the static and dynamic loadingThe mechanical rock characteristic affects, to a considerable extent, the behaviour of rock mass duringthe mining activity, especially the origin of anomalous geomechanical events. Up to now, mechanicalproperties of rocks have been studied under a static loading owing to the unavailability of a testing device forthe dynamic loading. The Laboratory of Rock Mechanics at the VŠB – Technical University of Ostravais nowequipped with such a device (MTS 816 Rock Test System) that enables the static as well as the dynamic loading of rocks. Thus, it is possible to study the mechanical characteristics of rocks in conditions similar to these of the rock mass at the occurrence of seismic events, mainly of rockbursts.For studying the properties of rocks under various modes of loading, it is necessary to ensure a ratherlarge number of test specimens of the same rock. Because this study is orientated towards the conditionsof the Ostrava-Karviná Coalfield, samples from thick layers of Carboniferous surrounding rocks were taken.The device, MTS 816 Rock Test System, enables a considerable variability in loading modes. Testinghas to performed merely with a certain variable, while the other parameters should be constant.Test equipment and testing modesThe test machine, MTS 816 Rock Test System has a range of the compressive loads of up to 1015 kN,the stiffness of 26 x 108 N.m -1, the optional static or cyclic (dynamical) load, the possibility of sensing276Acta Montanistica Slovaca Ročník 10 (2005), číslo 3, 274-279the stress-strain characteristic behind the strength limit, the scanning of strains of test pieces and the possibility of measuring under the rheological mode, and others.At the static strength testing of rocks, the systems for test control either by a force gain or by a straingain are used. When controlling the test by the strain gain, we also obtain the curve of the stress-strain diagram behind the strength limit. Simultaneously, this mode of loading better corresponds to the loadingof rocks in the rock mass and for this reason it is preferred. The main control parameter of the test is thenthe set rate of strain [mm.s-1].At the cyclic loading, a control quantity must be chosen as well – a force or strain. Further, the frequency of cyclic loading, the loading curve type, the amplitude of cyclic loading and the mean valueof the control quantity, in the vicinity of which oscillations occur, are set. The following loading curves maybe chosen: sinusoidal, rectangular, triangular, and variously modulated basic curves mentioned.This machine is not equipped with the program ensuring the strength at the dynamic loading. Thismeans the program with a gradually increasing load with the acting force (strain) oscillation. Accordingto servicemen of the firm MTS, who put the machine into operation and provided training, the ensuringof strength under the cyclic loading must be separately programmed. The device enables the proper programming of any testing procedure, but the program for the strength testing under the dynamic loadingwould contain programming steps of the order of tens of thousands without any possibility of a simple modification.However, the control computer of the device enables changes in testing parameters in the courseof the test run. The parameters of the test may be entered numerically; by mouse-controlled buttons it is possible to change them continuously. In this way, a mean value of the quantity at which the oscillationoccurs may be continuously raised. The rate of this increase is adjustable as well. Thus, it is possibleto conduct the strength testing of rocks under the dynamic loading. After the setting relevant parameters,these tests are fully reproducible – they are performed under the same conditions. A disadvantage is the factthat in the whole duration of the test the button of increasing the mean value of the control quantity mustbe mouse-controlled.As a control quantity, the deformation is selected because it better corresponds to the loading of rocksin the mass. The 0,1 mm amplitude of dynamic loading was determined. With this test machine, the deformation is measured from the movement of the test cylinder piston. It means that the deformationshown covers both the deformation of the test piece and the deformation of the test device.Therefore, all measured deformations must be reduced depending upon the stiffness of the machineand the real acting force.The 0,1 mm amplitude of dynamic load was taken. According to the stiffness of the device, 0,0144 mmof it falls to the deformation of the device itself and 0,0856 falls to the deformation of the test specimenitself. From the deformation modulus of the rock and the dimensions of the testing specimen, we may calculate that a the selected deformation amplitude, the amplitude of the acting force is 32,7 kN, to whichthe amplitude of the acting stress of 18,5 MPa corresponds.Then, the selected loading corresponds, according to the Chapter 2, to the maximum values of stresson the seismic wavefront during the rockbursts assessed.With all tests, the rate of deformation was chosen so that after the reduction of the loading rate this might change within the prescribed limits of 0,5 – 1,0 MPa.s-1, i.e. of course, in the area of a roughlylinear part of the loading phase of the strain-stress diagram. The setting corresponding to the rate of deformation requires a preliminary testing of the test piece of the given sample because the keepingof the prescribed rate of stress gain related to the rate of deformation depends on the modulus of deformationof the rock and the dimensions of the test specimens.For the primary study of the mechanical characteristics of rocks under the dynamic loading we chosethe frequency ranging from 0 to 100 Hz. The shape of the oscillation curve was sinusoidal. To make parameters of comparing measurements of the static loading consistent with corresponding parametersof the dynamic loading, we selected the same mode for testing (cyclic loading) with the option of zero frequency or amplitude. In this way, the cyclic loading became the static loading. The other parameters beingcrucial to the rate of loading were not changed.Testing materialFor studying the given dependences, it is necessary to ensure a rather large number of testing specimensof the same rock. For this study, a sample from the borehole Darkov 265/01 was selected.The sample No.č.265/01-1 comes from a layer of rocks between the seam 561-35a and the seam605-33 lower bench – the Saddle Seams, at the depth ranging from 588 to 607 m below the sea level. It is thecase of light grey to grey, medium-grained subgraywacke containing coal detritus with a coal laminae whose thickness is of up to 2 mm on fractured surfaces. In the sample, muscovite flakes are visible macroscopically.The slenderness ratio of the test specimens is 1 and the diameter is about 47,5 mm.277Vladimír Petroš, Vlastimil Hude ček , Petr Michal čík , Petr Žůrek and Karel Holub : Changes of the uniaxial compressive strength of rocks under the dynamic load with different frequenciesMeasurement resultsThe modes of measurement presented in Chapter 3.1. were used. Results of measurements of the uniaxial compressive strength and the modulus of deformation under the static loading are given in Tab. 1. The results of measurements of the uniaxial compressive strength and the modulus of deformationdepending upon the frequency of loading at the amplitude of deformation 0,0856 mm, (which correspondsto about 18,5 Mpa), are shown in Tab. 2. The dependence of the uniaxial compressive strength on the frequency of dynamic loading can be seen in Fig. 4. The dependence of the modulus of deformationon the frequency of dynamic loading can be seen in Fig. 5.ConclusionFrom the Fig. 4. an increase in the uniaxial compressive strength under otherwise equal conditionsis obvious.With the modulus of deformation, any dependence on the frequency of loading cannot be observed.Tab. 1.. Tab. 2. Values of uniaxial compressive strength and modulusof deformation under static loadingSample designationUniaxial compressive strength [Mpa] Modulus of deformation [Mpa] Darkov 265/01-1-2178.9 10319 Darkov 265/01-1-2496.2 8899 Darkov 265/01-1-2796.2 8910 Darkov 265/01-1-3083.3 9609 Darkov 265/01-1-33109.2 12067 Darkov 265/01-1-36116.8 11766 Mean 96.8 10262 Values of uniaxial compressive strength and modulus of deformation depending on frequency under dynamic loading (0.1 mm amplitude) Sample designation Frequency [Hz] Uniaxial compressive strength [Mpa] Modulus of deformation (MPa) Darkov 265/01-1-1620 83.810504 Darkov 265/01-1-1930 71.2 11985 Darkov 265/01-1-2240 98.5 12745 Darkov 265/01-1-2550 82.1 9814 Darkov 265/01-1-3170 113.1 11945 Darkov 265/01-1-3480 94.9 10661 Darkov 265/01-1-3590 99.7 9847Darkov 265/01-1-40100 103.9 13607 This is a first study of the stress-strain behaviour of rocks under the dynamic load. In these first tests, some measurement problems connected with itself and the evaluation of measured parameters had Fig. 5. Dependence of the modulus of deformation on thefrequency of dynamic loading 278Acta Montanistica Slovaca Ročník 10 (2005), číslo 3, 274-279 The research continues to assess samples from various rock layers and with a higher number of test pieces.Acknowledgements: The contribution was elaboratedthanks to the financial support of the grant projectsGA CR No. 105/05/0883 and GA CR No. 205/03/0999.ReferencesBrepta, R., Prokopec, M.: Propagation of stress waves and shocks in bodies. Academia, Praha, 1972.(in Czech)Holub, K., Kořínek, J., Kalenda, P., Slavík, J., Schreiber, P.: Recent development and application of the microseismic methods under conditions of rockburst hazard in the Ostrava-Karviná Coal Basin.Proc. of the 22nd Conf. of Safety in Mine Research Institutes. Ed. 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