Chapter 2_The neuron Science


Introduction to Artificial Intelli智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年

Introduction to Artificial Intelli智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下哈尔滨工程大学哈尔滨工程大学第一章测试1.All life has intelligence The following statements about intelligence arewrong()A:All life has intelligence B:Bacteria do not have intelligence C:At present,human intelligence is the highest level of nature D:From the perspective of life, intelligence is the basic ability of life to adapt to the natural world答案:Bacteria do not have intelligence2.Which of the following techniques is unsupervised learning in artificialintelligence?()A:Neural network B:Support vector machine C:Decision tree D:Clustering答案:Clustering3.To which period can the history of the development of artificial intelligencebe traced back?()A:1970s B:Late 19th century C:Early 21st century D:1950s答案:Late 19th century4.Which of the following fields does not belong to the scope of artificialintelligence application?()A:Aviation B:Medical C:Agriculture D:Finance答案:Aviation5.The first artificial neuron model in human history was the MP model,proposed by Hebb.()A:对 B:错答案:错6.Big data will bring considerable value in government public services, medicalservices, retail, manufacturing, and personal location services. ()A:错 B:对答案:对第二章测试1.Which of the following options is not human reason:()A:Value rationality B:Intellectual rationality C:Methodological rationalityD:Cognitive rationality答案:Intellectual rationality2.When did life begin? ()A:Between 10 billion and 4.5 billion years B:Between 13.8 billion years and10 billion years C:Between 4.5 billion and 3.5 billion years D:Before 13.8billion years答案:Between 4.5 billion and 3.5 billion years3.Which of the following statements is true regarding the philosophicalthinking about artificial intelligence?()A:Philosophical thinking has hindered the progress of artificial intelligence.B:Philosophical thinking has contributed to the development of artificialintelligence. C:Philosophical thinking is only concerned with the ethicalimplications of artificial intelligence. D:Philosophical thinking has no impact on the development of artificial intelligence.答案:Philosophical thinking has contributed to the development ofartificial intelligence.4.What is the rational nature of artificial intelligence?()A:The ability to communicate effectively with humans. B:The ability to feel emotions and express creativity. C:The ability to reason and make logicaldeductions. D:The ability to learn from experience and adapt to newsituations.答案:The ability to reason and make logical deductions.5.Which of the following statements is true regarding the rational nature ofartificial intelligence?()A:The rational nature of artificial intelligence includes emotional intelligence.B:The rational nature of artificial intelligence is limited to logical reasoning.C:The rational nature of artificial intelligence is not important for itsdevelopment. D:The rational nature of artificial intelligence is only concerned with mathematical calculations.答案:The rational nature of artificial intelligence is limited to logicalreasoning.6.Connectionism believes that the basic element of human thinking is symbol,not neuron; Human's cognitive process is a self-organization process ofsymbol operation rather than weight. ()A:对 B:错答案:错第三章测试1.The brain of all organisms can be divided into three primitive parts:forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. Specifically, the human brain is composed of brainstem, cerebellum and brain (forebrain). ()A:错 B:对答案:对2.The neural connections in the brain are chaotic. ()A:对 B:错答案:错3.The following statement about the left and right half of the brain and itsfunction is wrong ().A:When dictating questions, the left brain is responsible for logical thinking,and the right brain is responsible for language description. B:The left brain is like a scientist, good at abstract thinking and complex calculation, but lacking rich emotion. C:The right brain is like an artist, creative in music, art andother artistic activities, and rich in emotion D:The left and right hemispheres of the brain have the same shape, but their functions are quite different. They are generally called the left brain and the right brain respectively.答案:When dictating questions, the left brain is responsible for logicalthinking, and the right brain is responsible for language description.4.What is the basic unit of the nervous system?()A:Neuron B:Gene C:Atom D:Molecule答案:Neuron5.What is the role of the prefrontal cortex in cognitive functions?()A:It is responsible for sensory processing. B:It is involved in emotionalprocessing. C:It is responsible for higher-level cognitive functions. D:It isinvolved in motor control.答案:It is responsible for higher-level cognitive functions.6.What is the definition of intelligence?()A:The ability to communicate effectively. B:The ability to perform physicaltasks. C:The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. D:The abilityto regulate emotions.答案:The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.第四章测试1.The forward propagation neural network is based on the mathematicalmodel of neurons and is composed of neurons connected together by specific connection methods. Different artificial neural networks generally havedifferent structures, but the basis is still the mathematical model of neurons.()A:对 B:错答案:对2.In the perceptron, the weights are adjusted by learning so that the networkcan get the desired output for any input. ()A:对 B:错答案:对3.Convolution neural network is a feedforward neural network, which hasmany advantages and has excellent performance for large image processing.Among the following options, the advantage of convolution neural network is().A:Implicit learning avoids explicit feature extraction B:Weight sharingC:Translation invariance D:Strong robustness答案:Implicit learning avoids explicit feature extraction;Weightsharing;Strong robustness4.In a feedforward neural network, information travels in which direction?()A:Forward B:Both A and B C:None of the above D:Backward答案:Forward5.What is the main feature of a convolutional neural network?()A:They are used for speech recognition. B:They are used for natural languageprocessing. C:They are used for reinforcement learning. D:They are used forimage recognition.答案:They are used for image recognition.6.Which of the following is a characteristic of deep neural networks?()A:They require less training data than shallow neural networks. B:They havefewer hidden layers than shallow neural networks. C:They have loweraccuracy than shallow neural networks. D:They are more computationallyexpensive than shallow neural networks.答案:They are more computationally expensive than shallow neuralnetworks.第五章测试1.Machine learning refers to how the computer simulates or realizes humanlearning behavior to obtain new knowledge or skills, and reorganizes the existing knowledge structure to continuously improve its own performance.()A:对 B:错答案:对2.The best decision sequence of Markov decision process is solved by Bellmanequation, and the value of each state is determined not only by the current state but also by the later state.()A:对 B:错答案:对3.Alex Net's contributions to this work include: ().A:Use GPUNVIDIAGTX580 to reduce the training time B:Use the modified linear unit (Re LU) as the nonlinear activation function C:Cover the larger pool to avoid the average effect of average pool D:Use the Dropouttechnology to selectively ignore the single neuron during training to avoid over-fitting the model答案:Use GPUNVIDIAGTX580 to reduce the training time;Use themodified linear unit (Re LU) as the nonlinear activation function;Cover the larger pool to avoid the average effect of average pool;Use theDropout technology to selectively ignore the single neuron duringtraining to avoid over-fitting the model4.In supervised learning, what is the role of the labeled data?()A:To evaluate the model B:To train the model C:None of the above D:To test the model答案:To train the model5.In reinforcement learning, what is the goal of the agent?()A:To identify patterns in input data B:To minimize the error between thepredicted and actual output C:To maximize the reward obtained from theenvironment D:To classify input data into different categories答案:To maximize the reward obtained from the environment6.Which of the following is a characteristic of transfer learning?()A:It can only be used for supervised learning tasks B:It requires a largeamount of labeled data C:It involves transferring knowledge from onedomain to another D:It is only applicable to small-scale problems答案:It involves transferring knowledge from one domain to another第六章测试1.Image segmentation is the technology and process of dividing an image intoseveral specific regions with unique properties and proposing objects ofinterest. In the following statement about image segmentation algorithm, the error is ().A:Region growth method is to complete the segmentation by calculating the mean vector of the offset. B:Watershed algorithm, MeanShift segmentation,region growth and Ostu threshold segmentation can complete imagesegmentation. C:Watershed algorithm is often used to segment the objectsconnected in the image. D:Otsu threshold segmentation, also known as themaximum between-class difference method, realizes the automatic selection of global threshold T by counting the histogram characteristics of the entire image答案:Region growth method is to complete the segmentation bycalculating the mean vector of the offset.2.Camera calibration is a key step when using machine vision to measureobjects. Its calibration accuracy will directly affect the measurementaccuracy. Among them, camera calibration generally involves the mutualconversion of object point coordinates in several coordinate systems. So,what coordinate systems do you mean by "several coordinate systems" here?()A:Image coordinate system B:Image plane coordinate system C:Cameracoordinate system D:World coordinate system答案:Image coordinate system;Image plane coordinate system;Camera coordinate system;World coordinate systemmonly used digital image filtering methods:().A:bilateral filtering B:median filter C:mean filtering D:Gaussian filter答案:bilateral filtering;median filter;mean filtering;Gaussian filter4.Application areas of digital image processing include:()A:Industrial inspection B:Biomedical Science C:Scenario simulation D:remote sensing答案:Industrial inspection;Biomedical Science5.Image segmentation is the technology and process of dividing an image intoseveral specific regions with unique properties and proposing objects ofinterest. In the following statement about image segmentation algorithm, the error is ( ).A:Otsu threshold segmentation, also known as the maximum between-class difference method, realizes the automatic selection of global threshold T by counting the histogram characteristics of the entire imageB: Watershed algorithm is often used to segment the objects connected in the image. C:Region growth method is to complete the segmentation bycalculating the mean vector of the offset. D:Watershed algorithm, MeanShift segmentation, region growth and Ostu threshold segmentation can complete image segmentation.答案:Region growth method is to complete the segmentation bycalculating the mean vector of the offset.第七章测试1.Blind search can be applied to many different search problems, but it has notbeen widely used due to its low efficiency.()A:错 B:对答案:对2.Which of the following search methods uses a FIFO queue ().A:width-first search B:random search C:depth-first search D:generation-test method答案:width-first search3.What causes the complexity of the semantic network ().A:There is no recognized formal representation system B:The quantifiernetwork is inadequate C:The means of knowledge representation are diverse D:The relationship between nodes can be linear, nonlinear, or even recursive 答案:The means of knowledge representation are diverse;Therelationship between nodes can be linear, nonlinear, or even recursive4.In the knowledge graph taking Leonardo da Vinci as an example, the entity ofthe character represents a node, and the relationship between the artist and the character represents an edge. Search is the process of finding the actionsequence of an intelligent system.()A:对 B:错答案:对5.Which of the following statements about common methods of path search iswrong()A:When using the artificial potential field method, when there are someobstacles in any distance around the target point, it is easy to cause the path to be unreachable B:The A* algorithm occupies too much memory during the search, the search efficiency is reduced, and the optimal result cannot beguaranteed C:The artificial potential field method can quickly search for acollision-free path with strong flexibility D:A* algorithm can solve theshortest path of state space search答案:When using the artificial potential field method, when there aresome obstacles in any distance around the target point, it is easy tocause the path to be unreachable第八章测试1.The language, spoken language, written language, sign language and Pythonlanguage of human communication are all natural languages.()A:对 B:错答案:错2.The following statement about machine translation is wrong ().A:The analysis stage of machine translation is mainly lexical analysis andpragmatic analysis B:The essence of machine translation is the discovery and application of bilingual translation laws. C:The four stages of machinetranslation are retrieval, analysis, conversion and generation. D:At present,natural language machine translation generally takes sentences as thetranslation unit.答案:The analysis stage of machine translation is mainly lexical analysis and pragmatic analysis3.Which of the following fields does machine translation belong to? ()A:Expert system B:Machine learning C:Human sensory simulation D:Natural language system答案:Natural language system4.The following statements about language are wrong: ()。



Cajal’s Contribution Cajal的贡献
Santiago Samóny Cajal 是一位组织学家与艺术家(与Golgi同时 代的西班牙人)。
但Cajal与Golgi对神经元持完全相反的论点。Golgi认为不同神经 元的突起相互熔合形成连续的网状结构,类似于循环系统中的动 脉与静脉。
这些技术的进步孕育了组织学(histology),即用 显微镜来研究组织结构。
但新鲜制备的大脑在显微镜下呈均一的奶油色。组织 没有色差,因此无法识别单个细胞。
神经组织学最后的突破是细胞染色法的发明,即选择 性地染大脑组织内的部分细胞。
19世纪后期德国神经科学家Franz Nissl发明的染色 方法一直沿用至今。
Chapter 2 Neurons and Glia
第2章 神经元和神经胶质细胞
The Golgi Stain
Cajal’s Contribution Cajal的贡献
首先是脑细胞太小了, 大部分细胞直径在0.01-0.05 mm之 间。肉眼看不到。
17世纪后叶发明复杂的显微镜之后,细胞神经科学才有进 步。
1873年,Golgi 发现,大脑组织浸泡在 称为高尔基染液的铬酸银溶液中,神经 元被完整地染成黑色。



For their discoveries regarding the functions of neurons.
神经化学解剖 (乙酰胆碱, 1936)
O.Loewi (德国.、英国, 1873~1961) 蛙心灌流实验, “迷走物质” H.Dale (英国, 1875~1968) 证实迷走神经末梢分大利,1843~1926 ) 发明神经元染色方法 R. Cajal (西班牙,1852~1934 ) 发现神经元之间无
• Camillo Golgi
• born July 7, 1843/44, Corteno, Italy died Jan. 21, 1926, Pavia Italian physician and cytologist whose investigations into the fine structure of the nervous system earned him (with the Spanish histologist Santiago Ramón y Cajal) the 1906 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. As a physician in Italy , Golgi devised (1873) the silver nitrate method of staining nerve tissue, an invaluable tool in subsequent nerve studies.
nerve impulse.
(二)神经元的电活动 生物电与突触电位(1963)
A.F.Huxley(1917~) 电压钳技术; 动作电位的离子学说; J.C.Eccles (澳大利亚,1903~1999) 突触后电位



新疆部分名校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中联合考试英语试题一、阅读理解Four Genius New InventionsA brain implantAdvances in technology are bringing hope to those with spinal (脊骨的) injuries. One man can probably walk again simply by thinking about it, thanks to a digital brain-spine device, which boosts nerve signals damaged by the injury. Electronic implants in his brain allow him to transmit his silent intentions to a receptor implanted in his spine. The implant then enlarges and sends signals to his legs and feet through his nerve cells.Extract from mushroomsDavid Brown and Natasha Jean, two chemists, were aware of how bad for our bodies the chemicals to prevent foods in supermarkets from going bad can be. With a goal of developing a chemical-free alternative, they bought mushroom stems from farmers who would otherwise throw them out and released mushroom-fibre extract that helps ensure food safety, helping reduce food waste emissions.Paint that coolsXiulin Ruan, a professor, has come up with a special formula that boosts the reflective power of white paint, reducing the temperature of the roof’s surface by up to 13℃ at midday. Ruan’s paint could reduce air conditioning needs by up to 40 per cent. While typical white paint will help keep things cool by reflecting 80 to 90 per cent of sunlight, this formulation reflects 98 per cent.A trash-catcher for oceansThere are as many as 171 trillion pieces of plastic floating around in our oceans. What can be done to stop this flow of trash, most of which comes from rivers polluted by communities? German industrial designer Mauritz Schulz has designed a kind of floating barrier, which stretches the width of a river and acts as a net, blocking throw-away bottles and bags before they can drift out to sea.1.Who will benefit from the brain implant according to the text?A.People with brain nerve injuries.B.People with nerve damage to the spine.C.People whose feet can’t pick up nerve signals.D.People whose legs can’t transmit nerve signals.2.What is the function of the extract from mushrooms?A.Improving the taste of food.B.Increasing mushroom production.C.Extending shelf life of food.D.Reducing chemicals in mushrooms. 3.What do the last three inventions have in common?A.They contribute to food safety.B.They prevent environmental pollution.C.They help fight against climate change.D.They protect people’s living environment.A grey-headed flying fox is back gliding through the night after life-saving surgery on a broken wing. The female flying fox’s wing was badly injured when it was twisted in a net placed over fruit trees in Geelong, Victoria. It was rescued and taken to Werribee Open Range Zoo’s veterinary hospital where it needed two operations to repair the wing.Paul Eden, doctor of the hospital, said, “The flying fox was in a very serious condition when it arrived.” Flying foxes are highly dependent on their wings for many purposes. They can fly an astonishing 6,000 km in a year to search for food and pollinate a wide range of plants. They also use their wings to help capture insects, regulate body temperature and attract other flying foxes during mating season, So, it was extremely important that we did everything we could to help this animal make a full recovery. Vets operated to remove some of the flying fox’s damaged wing tissue and also gave it antibiotics (抗生素) and pain relief medication.Following the successful procedure, the flying fox was transferred to a wildlife carer to prepare it for release back into where it belonged. Dr Eden said, “It is very rewarding to see the flying fox recover fully and safely return home.” According to researchers from Werribee Open Range Zoo, flying foxes played a critical role in Australia’s ecosystem, not only for the survival of other native animals but also humans. Our ecosystem would be dramatically different without flying foxes.Dr Eden noted that there were some simple actions people could take to keep flying foxes safe, including reducing the risk of twisting by using nets with a size no bigger than 5 mm×5 mm when fully stretched over vegetable gardens or fruit trees. “If you encounter a flying fox that issick or in distress, for the safety of everyone, don’t attempt to rescue the animal yourself. Instead, contact Wildlife Victoria who will send a trained officer to rescue the animal,” Dr Eden said. 4.How did the flying fox get injured in the wing?A.It was stuck in the net.B.It was hit by the fruits.C.It was hunted while flying.D.It was twisted in the branches.5.What is paragraph 2 intended to do?A.Analyse the reason.B.Draw a conclusion.C.Present a problem.D.Add some backgrounds.6.How will the flying fox be dealt with after recovery?A.It will be raised in a reserve.B.It will be adopted by D Eden.C.It will be set free back to nature.D.It will be tended in a wildlife carer. 7.What did Dr Eden advise us to do while coming across an injured flying fox?A.Rescue it on the spot.B.Seek professional aid.C.Send it to Wildlife Victoria in person.D.Drive it to hospital as soon as possibleWhen patients are discharged (出院) from the hospital, effective summaries from doctors’ notes are essential to capture their health status in the medical record. Whereas, most are filled with technical languages that are hard to understand and increase patients’ anxiety.To address the problem, researchers from New York University (NYU) Langone Health have been testing the capabilities of generative artificial intelligence (AI). It tries to develop likely options for the next word in any sentence based on how most people use words in context on the Internet.NYU Langone Health received access to the latest tool from a famous tech company to explore generative AI. One of the studies by the researchers published in JAMA Network Open, looked at how well the tool could convert (转换) the text in 50 patient discharge notes into patient-friendly language. Specifically, generative AI made the discharge notes drop from 11th-grade reading level on average to a 6th-grade level.Two physicians were asked to review the AI discharge summary based on a 6th-grade level. The reviewing physicians awarded 54 percent of the AI-generated discharge notes the best-possible accuracy rating. They also found that 56 percent of notes created by AI were entirelycomplete. The result signified that even at the current performance level, providers of discharge notes would not have to make a single change in more than half of the AI summaries reviewed.“That more than half of the AI reports generated are accurate and complete is an amazing start,” said Jonah Zaretsky, associate chief of medicine at NYU Langone Hospital — Brooklyn. “Even at the current level of performance, which we expect to improve shortly, the achievement of the AI tool suggests that it can be taught to recognize subtleties (微妙之处).”Within the following years, the team expects to launch a pilot program to provide lay language discharge summaries that have been generated by AI and reviewed by physicians to patients on a larger scale.8.What is generative AI used for by the researchers?A.Submitting discharge summaries.B.Accessing patients’ health status.C.Making discharge notes clear to patients.D.Offering technical languages to doctors. 9.What is generative AI’s function based on?A.Probable predicting.B.Actual thinking.C.Free imagining.D.Strict instructing.10.Why were the two physicians asked to review the AI discharge summaries?A.To correct their mistakes.B.To measure their accuracy.C.To compete with the AI tool.D.To make up the missing parts.11.How did Jonah Zaretsky find the performance of AI in dealing with discharge summaries?A.Misleading.B.Dismissive.C.Challenging.D.Promising.On one side of the room sits the cutest life-size stuffed animal (填充玩具) you’ve ever seen. On the other side rests a real dog — the same size, shape and even the same name as the stuffed version. You get to sit next to both of these furry friends and pet their fur. Guess which one will make your brain light up?If you guessed the real dog, you’re right. Stuffed animals, as cute and lovely as they may be, just don’t effectively activate our frontal cortex (额叶皮层), the part of the brain overseeing how we think and feel, according to a new study published in the journal PLOSONE. The study found an even stronger rise in brain activity when the person petted the fur of a real dog versus a stuffed animal.“We chose to research the frontal cortex because this brain area is involved in several executive (执行) functions, such as attention, working memory, and problem-solving. But it is also involved in social and emotional processes,” said study lead author Rahel Marti, a doctoral student in the division of clinical psychology at the University of Basel in Switzerland.Why is this finding important? It provides additional evidence that live human-animal interaction therapy (疗法) may promote cognitive and emotional activity in the brain. Marti said, “If patients with deficits in motivation, attention, and socioemotional functioning show higher emotional involvement in activities connected to a real dog, then such activities could increase the chance of learning and of achieving treatment aims.”“This is an interesting, seriously conducted study that provides new insight into associations between human-animal interaction and regional prefrontal brain activity in healthy adults. We found that brain activity increased when the contact with a real dog or a stuffed animal became closer. This confirms previous studies relating closer contact with animals to increased brain activity,” Marti said.12.How does the author introduce the subject of the text?A.By listing some figures.B.By giving an example.C.By setting a situation.D.By analyzing a phenomenon.13.Why did the researchers choose to study frontal cortex?A.It is involved in several body parts.B.It is the most important part of the brain.C.It plays a key part in performing functions.D.It provides evidence for live human-animal therapy.14.What does the underlined word “deficits” in paragraph 4 probably mean?A.Styles.B.Faults.C.Adventures.D.Sources. 15.What may be a suitable title for the text?A.What Petting A Dog Can Do For Your Brain?B.Why A Pet Dog Is Important To A Person?C.Which Part Of The Brain Is Involved In Emotion?D.How Can A Patient Benefit From Petting A Dog?Lose Weight in a Healthy WayIf you’re not fat, don’t lose weight. If obesity affects your health, you can lose weight in a healthy way. Hundreds of weight-loss programs promise quick and easy weight loss. However, the foundation of successful weight loss remains a healthy, calorie-controlled diet combined with increased physical activity. 16 Consider the following for weight-loss success.●Make sure you’re ready. 17 So first you should make sure you’re ready to make permanent changes to eating and activity habits. Talk to your doctor if you need help address stressors or emotions that seem like barriers to your readiness. When you’re ready, you’ll find it easier to set goals, keep trying, stay committed and change habits.● 18 No one else can make you lose weight. You are responsible for your own behavior for successful weight loss. What’s going to give you the burning drive to stick to your weight-loss plan? Make a list of what’s important to you to help you stay motivated and focused.●Set realistic goals. It may seem obvious to set realistic weight-loss goals. But do you really know what’s realistic? Set a goal of losing a little weight at a time. 19 Generally, you can achieve the goal through a lower calorie diet and regular physical activity.●Enjoy healthy foods. Adopting a new eating style that promotes weight loss must include lowering your total calorie intake. 20 One way you can lower your calorie intake is by eating more plant-based foods—fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Strive for variety to help you achieve your goals without quitting flavour or nutrition.A.Do it gradually.B.But how can you make it?C.Find your inner motivation.D.Focus on your weight-loss goals.E.But it does not mean giving up taste.F.You should always keep your previous lifestyle.G.Long-term weight loss takes time, effort and commitment.二、完形填空Rodney started mowing (割草) yards for free in 2015 to help neighbors in his community,including senior citizens, single parents and individuals with disabilities. The idea 21 him when he drove past an elderly neighbor 22 to mow his lawn. Rodney 23 and offered to finish the job for his neighbor. He soon set a goal of mowing 40 lawns by the end of that winter, but increased that goal to 100 lawns as he quickly surpassed his 24 target.“I’m 25 of cutting grass because I’m young and strong,” explained Rodney. Once he reached his 100-lawn goal, he realized he could 26 more people by creating a program that included youths as 27 . He founded the Raising Men Lawn Care Service and began recruiting (招募) local youths aged 7 to 17, as he said, “Show them the importance of 28 their community.”Rodney started the nonprofit lawn program while still in college. He now holds a master’s degree in social work and 29 his nonprofit organization full time. Children can get 30 by sending in a photo of themselves holding a sign that reads, “I accept the 50-yard challenge.” 31 participation, the organization will send the child a shirt, safety glasses and ear protection. Once the child completes the 32 , the organization delivers them a brand-new lawn mower.The program provides a valuable service for community members who have difficulty 33 mowing their own yards. The lawn challenge also provides an opportunity for youths to build a 34 with neighbors. The service is a 35 for the youth volunteers and community members.21.A.terrified B.struck C.impacted D.navigated 22.A.managing B.pretending C.struggling D.guaranteeing 23.A.turned around B.came down C.walked away D.pulled over 24.A.initial B.immediate D.sudden 25.A.afraid B.tired C.capable D.aware 26.A.disturb B.serve C.refresh 27.A.volunteers B.captains C.employees D.inspectors 28.A.forming B.restricting C.advertising D.repaying 29.A.witnesses B.joins C.runs D.admires 30.A.trapped B.organized C.permitted D.involved 31.A.In return for B.On behalf of C.In charge of D.In contact with32.A.assessment B.commitment C.surgeon D.reform 33.A.mentally B.socially C.physically D.financially B.defence C.model D.system 35.A.motivation B.reflection三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。


糖链:与化学信息 的识别、细胞粘连、 膜抗原和抗体有关
① 1~2个,大小3 ~18um, 球形,有的可能凹陷或分 叶,如脑的浦肯野细胞
② 正常情况下位于细胞质的 中央,个别偏于一侧(如 脊髓的Clarke背核神经元)
③ 如发生偏位,意味神经元 已处于开始变性的状态, 表明神经元受到损伤
3. 高代谢、高耗氧细胞,因此线粒体含量丰富
假单极神经元 双极神经元 多极神经元
Golgi Ⅰ型—轴突长而粗,外被髓鞘;胞体大;有树 突棘,树突野范围广。eg.大脑皮质锥体细胞
Golgi Ⅱ型—轴突短而细,通常无髓鞘;胞体小;无 或少量树突棘,树突分支无定型。eg.大多数中间神经 元
突触素(synapsin): --有调节神经递质释放的作用
小泡相关膜蛋白(vesicle associated membrane protein, VAMP): --是突触小泡膜的结构蛋白,可能对突触小泡代谢有重要作用
2.突触后部(postsynaptic element)
多为突触后神经元的胞体膜或 树突膜,与突触前膜相对应部分 增厚形成
电镜下可见小棘含有数个扁平囊状平行并置 结构,囊内含有电子致密物质,呈板状,称棘 器;
1.形态:细而长,粗细均匀,表面 光滑,分支少,可有侧枝
2.轴丘:起始处的膨大部,无尼氏 体



网络出版时间:2021-5-2810:11 网络出版地址:内侧前额叶皮层与神经精神疾病关系的研究进展亓思豪,洪 浩(中国药科大学药学院药理系,江苏南京 211198)doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-1978.2021.06.002文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-1978(2021)06-0745-04中国图书分类号:R 05;R322 81;R338 1;R338 64;R749 42;R749 72摘要:内侧前额叶皮层(medialprefrontalcortex,mPFC)接收多个皮层和皮层下区域的输入,并整合相关信息传送至其他皮层和皮层下脑区。



关键词:内侧前额叶皮层;神经精神疾病;神经环路;分子表达收稿日期:2021-03-04,修回日期:2021-04-06基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(No81773714,82071202)作者简介:亓思豪(1996-),男,硕士生,研究方向:神经精神药理,E;洪 浩(1962-),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:神经精神药理,通讯作者,E开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID): 内侧前额叶皮层(medialprefrontalcortex,mPFC)是一个具有多种细胞类型的皮层区域,既能接收来自不同脑区的输入信息,又能整合信息并传送至其他皮层和皮层下区域,在脑功能调节中发挥重要作用。



机器视、听、触、感觉及思维方式的模拟:指纹识别,人脸识别,视网膜识别, 虹膜识别,掌纹识别,专家系统,智能搜索,定理证明,逻辑推理,博弈,信 息感应与辨证处理。
基于逻辑不像艾伦 纽厄尔和赫伯特 西蒙,JOHN MCCARTHY认为机器不需要模拟 人类的思想,而应尝试找到抽象推理和解决问题的本质,不管人们是否使用同样的 算法。他在斯坦福大学的实验室致力于使用形式化逻辑解决多种问题,包括知识表 示,智能规划和机器学习。致力于逻辑方法的还有爱丁堡大学,而促成欧洲的其他 地方开发编程语言PROLOG和逻辑编程科学。“反逻辑”斯坦福大学的研究者 (如 马文 闵斯基和西摩尔 派普特)发现要解决计算机视觉和自然语言处理的困难问题, 需要专门的方案-他们主张不存在简单和通用原理(如逻辑)能够达到所有的智能行 为。ROGER SCHANK 描述他们的“反逻辑”方法为 "SCRUFFY" 。常识知识库 (如DOUG LENAT的CYC)就是"SCRUFFY"AI的例子,因为他们必须人工一次编写一 个复杂的概念。
主条目:控制论和计算神经科学 20世纪40年代到50年代,许多研究者探索神经病学,信息理论及控 制论之间的联系。其中还造出一些使用电子网络构造的初步智能, 如W. GREY WALTER的TURTLES和JOHNS HOPKINS BEAST。这 些研究者还经常在普林斯顿大学和英国的RATIO CLUB举行技术协 会会议。直到1960,大部分人已经放弃这个方法,尽管在80年代再 次提出这些原理。 符号处理
智能AGENT范式智能AGENT是一个会感知环境并作出行动以达致目标的系统。最简单的智能AGENT是 那些可以解决特定问题的程序。更复杂的AGENT包括人类和人类组织(如公司)。这些范式可以让研究 者研究单独的问题和找出有用且可验证的方案,而不需考虑单一的方法。一个解决特定问题的AGENT可 以使用任何可行的方法-一些AGENT用符号方法和逻辑方法,一些则是子符号神经网络或其他新的方法。 范式同时也给研究者提供一个与其他领域沟通的共同语言--如决策论和经济学(也使用ABSTRACT AGENTS的概念)。90年代智能AGENT范式被广泛接受。AGENT体系结构和认知体系结构研究者设计出 一些系统来处理多ANGENT系统中智能AGENT之间的相互作用。一个系统中包含符号和子符号部分的系 统称为混合智能系统,而对这种系统的研究则是人工智能系统集成。分级控制系统则给反应级别的子符号 AI和最高级别的传统符号AI提供桥梁,同时放宽了规划和世界建模的时间。RODNEY BROOKS的 SUBSUMPTION ARCHITECTURE就是一个早期的分级系统计划。



With electricity demand growth and technology progress, power grid has become larger and more complex. Due to the formation of large power grids, the quality of electricity supply and electric security improves, also, resources complementary has been strengthened. Once fault occurs, however, it will spread to a wider area with a faster speed. For these merits, this study focuses on the fault diagnosis for power network based on support vector machine. By analyzing relative literatures and building a simulation model, this thesis finishes the analyzing of fault waveforms and harmonic distribution, and studies fault characteristics from the perspective of signal synthesis. To extract fault features submerged in original fault data, this thesis deeply studies the fuzzy processing method, the value detection of instantaneous current and the common fault feature extraction method based on wavelet singular entropy. For the error-prone of instantaneous current detection, fuzzing set ideas is drew to optimize the training samples and by modifying diagnostic strategies, the shortcoming is overcame. To reduce the elapsed time of the common fault feature extraction method based on wavelet singular entropy, a new fault feature combination is proposed by comparing the method with instantaneous current detection. This new combination can inspect faults rapidly when current has a sharp rise such as no- load line closing serious short circuit and improve the diagnostic accuracy when fault current rise is more gentle by taking advantage of wavelet transform which has a wealth of information. Under the condition that the fault features are extracted entirely, artifirt vector machine are used to diagnose power network faults. On one hand, a comparison of the two methods and a study on kernels, multi-class classification methods and SVM training algorithms are carried out. On the other hand, for a figurative expression of the diagnostic results, two dimensions are constructed from the training samples and a twodimensional optimal hyperplane is established by analyzing simulation system structure and data characteristics. Finally, by analyzing the spatial distribution of sample points, the three-dimensional optimal hyperplane is explored. -III-

chapter 2跨文化交际贾玉新

chapter 2跨文化交际贾玉新
• take care of the interest of other (strange other)
The process of learning to be an anthropocosmic person
What do we need under today’s multi linguistic society? P28
intercultural communications
intercultural communications

a commonly shared future
a commonly shared future
a global communicative and dialogic ethic
genuine intercultural dialogue
anybody • dynamic:rather than static
“Learning to be human” process
self-as-center relationship
• the human self embraces social and moral responsibilities and obligations for other, the world,and the cosmos.
• independence • autonomy • dichotomy
仁: a continuous, holistic and dynamic way of learning to be human P24-25
• continuous: always on the way of learning to be human • holistic: embracing the whole of humanity, do not exclude





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• Axon: Longest process transmits messages
away from cell body
• Dendrites: Multiple processes off cell
body – receive messages
What are inside of a neuron?
• Cell body (soma; perikaryon) • Axon : only one (branches are collaterals;
terminals are end feet) • Dendrites : much shorter; one or more than
one; branch extensively into dendritic trees
2. Golgi type II Neurons • Short axons (shortest axons terminate only a few micron from cell body, interneurons)
3. Amacrine Neurons • An unusual cell type, lack axons
Cellular Components
• Neurons: Excitable cells – “wiring” “Signal Senders”
• Neuroglia: Support, Nurturing, Insulation
Nerve Cells
Structure of Neurons
No myelin insulation Branch near the cell body



第 54 卷第 7 期2023 年 7 月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.54 No.7Jul. 2023基于VOF 方法的可调参数对气泡聚并过程计算精度与成本的影响周萍1,蒋怡1,廖义香2,李家栋1(1. 中南大学 能源科学与工程学院,湖南 长沙,410083;2. 亥姆霍茨德累斯顿−罗森多夫研究中心,德国 德累斯顿,01328)摘要:气泡聚并通过改变气液两相间界面面积,影响相间的传热和传质,而聚并时间和液膜厚度是描述2个气泡聚并过程的重要物理参数。


因此,本文基于OpenFOAM 开源软件,采用VOF 方法与自适应网格相结合的方法,以同轴两气泡聚并过程为例,探究最大库朗数Co max 、相方程循环次数n α和控制方程循环次数n pimple 这3个参数对气泡聚并过程数值模拟的计算量与计算精度的影响,同时,得到气泡间液膜厚度在可调参数不同取值时随时间的变化规律。

研究结果表明:气泡间液膜的变薄速度与最大库朗数Co max 成反比,与相方程循环次数n α和控制方程循环次数n pimple 成正比,这主要是由于减小最大库朗数Co max 以及增大相方程循环次数n α和控制方程循环次数n pimple 提高了计算精度,改善了流体在网格单元上移动滞后的现象,加快了两气泡聚并以及液膜减薄过程;综合考虑计算精度与计算成本,得到了基于VOF 方法的气泡聚并数值模拟较优的可调参数组合,即(Co max ,n α,n pimple )=(0.05,3,8)。

关键词:OpenFOAM ;气泡聚并;流体体积方法;自适应网格;可调参数;计算精度;计算成本中图分类号:TP391.9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2023)07-2867-11The influence of adjustable parameters based on VOF method on the computational accuracy and cost of bubble coalescence processZHOU Ping 1, JIANG Yi 1, LIAO Yixiang 2, LI Jiadong 1(1. School of Energy Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;2. Helmholtz Dresden −Rosendorf Research Center, Dresden 01328, Germany)Abstract: Bubble coalescence affects the interphase heat and mass transfer by changing the interfacial area of gas收稿日期: 2022 −07 −25; 修回日期: 2022 −09 −11基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金资助项目(51676211) (Project(51676211) supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China)通信作者:李家栋,博士,从事多相流数值模拟研究;E-mail :*************.cnDOI: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2023.07.030引用格式: 周萍, 蒋怡, 廖义香, 等. 基于VOF 方法的可调参数对气泡聚并过程计算精度与成本的影响[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 54(7): 2867−2877.Citation: ZHOU Ping, JIANG Yi, LIAO Yixiang, et al. The influence of adjustable parameters based on VOF method on the computational accuracy and cost of bubble coalescence process[J]. Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology), 2023, 54(7): 2867−2877.第 54 卷中南大学学报(自然科学版)and liquid phases. The coalescence time and liquid film thickness are important physical parameters to describe the bubble coalescence process. When simulating the bubble coalescence with volume of fluid(VOF) method, reasonable settings of adjustable parameters(such as mesh size, maximum Courant number and equation cycle times, etc.) can improve the convergence of the solution and save the computational time. The aim of this paper is to investigate the coalescence process of two coaxial bubbles combining the VOF method with the adaptive mesh refinement technology based on OpenFOAM. The influence of the maximum Courant number Co max , the cycle times of phase equation n α and the cycle times of governing equation n pimple on the computational efficiency and accuracy of numerical simulation of bubble coalescence process was explored. Meanwhile, the time evolution of the liquid film thickness among bubbles was obtained for different adjustable parameters. The results show that the thinning speed of the liquid film between two bubbles is proportional to n α and n pimple , while is inversely proportional to Co max . This is because the computational accuracy is promoted by the decrease of Co max and the increase of n α and n pimple . The transport lag of the fluid on the grid element is therefore improved, and the bubble coalescence and liquid film thinning is accelerated. Considering the computational accuracy and cost, a set of better adjustable parameters for simulating bubble coalescence with VOF method is obtained, i.e., (Co max , n α, n pimple )=(0.05, 3, 8).Key words: OpenFOAM; bubble coalescence; VOF method; adaptive mesh refinement; adjustable parameters; computational accuracy; computational cost气泡聚并现象广泛存在于自然界中,并且在石油、化工、冶金、生物制药以及食品加工等行业中得到广泛应用[1]。

Neuron overload and the juggling physician

Neuron overload and the juggling physician

Neuron overload and the juggling physicianDanielle Ofri aPatients often complain that their doctors don't listen. Although there are probably a few doctors who truly are tone deaf, most are reasonably empathic human beings, and I wonder why even these doctors seem prey to this criticism. I often wonder whether it is sheer neuron overload on the doctor side that leads to this problem. Sometimes it feels as though my brain is juggling so many competing details, that one stray request from a patient—even one that is quite relevant—might send the delicately balanced three-ring circus tumbling down.One day, I tried to work out how many details a doctor needs to keep spinning in her head in order to do a satisfactory job, by calculating how many thoughts I have to juggle in a typical office visit. Mrs Osorio is a 56-year-old woman in my practice. She is somewhat overweight. She has reasonably well-controlled diabetes and hypertension. Her cholesterol is on the high side but she doesn't take any medications for this. She doesn't exercise as much as she should, and her last DEXA scan showed some thinning of her bones. She describes her life as stressful, although she's been good about keeping her appointments and getting her blood tests. She's generally healthy, someone who'd probably be described as an average patient in a medical practice, not excessively complicated.Here are the thoughts that run through my head as I proceed through our 20-min consultation.Good thing she did her blood tests. Glucose is a little better. Cholesterol isn't great. May need to think about starting a statin. Are her liver enzymes normal?Her weight is a little up. I need to give her my talk about five fruits and vegetables and 30 min of walking each day.Diabetes: how do her morning sugars compare to her evening sugars? Has she spoken with the nutritionist lately? Has she been to the eye doctor? The podiatrist?Her blood pressure is good but not great. Should I add another BP med? Will more pills be confusing? Does the benefit of possible better blood pressure control outweigh the risk of her possibly not taking all of her meds?Her bones are a little thin on the DEXA. Should I start a bisphosphonate that might prevent osteoporosis? But now I'm piling yet another pill onto her, and one that requires detailed instructions. Maybe leave this until next time?How are things at home? Is she experiencing just the usual stress of life, or might there be depression or anxiety disorder lurking? Is there time for the depression questionnaire?Health maintenance: when was her last mammogram? PAP smear? Has she had a colonoscopy since she turned 50? Has she had a tetanus booster in the past 10 years? Does she qualify for a pneumonia vaccine?Ms Osorio interrupts my train of thought to tell me that her back has been aching for the past few months. From her perspective, this is probably the most important item in our visit, but the fact is that she's caught one of my neurons in mid-fire (the one that's thinking about her blood sugar, which is segueing into the neuron that's preparing the diet-and-exercise discussion, which is intersecting with the one that's debating about initiating a statin). My instinct is to put one hand up and keep all interruptions at bay. It's not that I don't want to hear what she has to say, but the sensation that I'm juggling so many thoughts, and need to resolve them all before the clock runs down, that keeps me in moderate state of panic. What if I drop one—what if one of my thoughts evaporates while I address another concern? I'm trying to type as fast as I can, for the very sake of not letting any thoughts escape, but every time I turn to the computer to write, I'm not making eye contact with Mrs Osorio. I don't want my patient to think that the computer is more important than she is, but I have to keep looking toward the screen to get her lab results, check her mammogram report, document the progress of her illnesses, order the tests, refill her prescriptions.Then she pulls a form out her of bag: her insurance company needs this form for some reason or another. An innocent—and completely justified—request, but I feel that this could be the straw that breaks the camel's back, that the precarious balance of all that I'm keeping in the air will be simply unhinged. I nod, but indicate that we need to do her physical examination first. I barrel through the basics, then quickly check for any red-flag signs that might suggest that her back pain is anything more than routine muscle strain. I return to the computer to input all the information, mentally running through my checklist, anxious that nothing important slips from my brain's holding bay.I want to do everything properly and cover all our bases, but the more effort I place into accurate and thorough documentation, the less time I have to actually interact with my patient. A glance at the clock tells me that we've gone well beyond our allotted time. I stand up and hand Mrs Os orio her prescriptions. “What about my insurance form,” she asks. “It needs to be in by Friday, otherwise I might lose my coverage.” I clap my hand against my forehead; I've completely forgotten about the form she'd asked about just a few minutes ago.Studies have debunked the myth of multitasking in human beings. The concept of multitasking was developed in the computer field to explain the idea of a microprocessor doing two jobs at one time. It turns out that microprocessors are in fact linear, and actually perform only one task at a time. Our computers give the illusion of simultaneous action based on the microprocessor “scheduling” competing activities in a complicated integratedalgorithm. Like microprocessors, we humans can't actually concentrate on two thoughts at the same exact time. We merely zip back and forth between them, generally losing accuracy in the process. At best, we can juggle only a handful of thoughts in this manner. The more thoughts we juggle, the less we are able to attune fully to any given thought. To me, this is a recipe for disaster. Today I only forgot an insurance company form. But what if I'd forgotten to order her mammogram, or what if I'd refilled only five of her six medicines? What if I'd forgotten to fully explain the side-effects of one of her medications? The list goes on, as does the anxiety.At the end of the day, my mind spins as I try to remember if I've forgotten anything. Mrs Osorio had seven medical issues to consider, each of which required at least five separate thoughts: that's 35 thoughts. I saw ten patients that afternoon: that's 350. I'd supervised five residents that morning, each of whom saw four patients, each of whom generated at least ten thoughts. That's another 200 thoughts. It's not to say that we can't handle 550 thoughts in a working day, but each of these thoughts potentially carries great risk if improperly evaluated. If I do a good job juggling 98% of the time, that still leaves ten thoughts that might get lost in the process. Any one of those lost thoughts could translate into a disastrous outcome, not to mention a possible lawsuit. Most doctors are reasonably competent, caring individuals, but the overwhelming swirl of thoughts that we must keep track of leaves many of us in a perpetual panic that something serious might slip. This is what keeps us awake at night.There are many proposed solutions—computer-generated reminders, case managers, ancillary services. To me, the simplest one would be time. If I had an hour for each patient, I'd be a spectacular doctor. If I could let my thoughts roll linearly and singularly, rather than simultaneously and haphazardly, I wouldn't fear losing anything. I suspect that it would actually be more efficient, as my patients probably wouldn't have to return as frequently. But realistically, no one is going to hand me a golden hour for each of my patients. My choices seem to boil down to entertaining fewer thoughts, accepting decreased accuracy for each thought, giving up on thorough documentation, or having a constant headache from neuronal overload.These are the choices that practising physicians face every day, with every patient. Mostly we rely on our clinical judgment to prioritise, accepting the trade-off that is inevitable with any compromise. We attend to the medical issues that carry the greatest weight and then have to let some of the lesser ones slide, with the hope that none of these seemingly lesser ones masks something grave.Some computers have indeed achieved the goal of true multitasking, by virtue of having more than one microprocessor. In practice, that is like possessing an additional brain that can function independently and thus truly simultaneously. Unless the transplant field advances drastically, there is little hope for that particular deus ex machina. In some cases,having a dedicated and competent clinical partner such as a one-on-one nurse can come close to simulating a second brain, but most medical budgets don't allow for such staffing indulgence.As it stands, it seems that we will simply have to continue this impossible mental high-wire act, juggling dozens of clinical issues in our brains, panicking about dropping a critical one. The resultant neuronal overload will continue to present a distracted air to our patients that may be interpreted as us not listening, or perhaps not caring.When my computer becomes overloaded, it simply crashes. Usually, I reboot in a fury, angry about all my lost work. Now, however, I view my computer with a tinge of envy. It has the luxury of being able to crash, and of a reassuring, omniscient hand to press the reboot button. Physicians are permitted no such extravagance. I pull out the bottle of paracetamol tablets from my desk drawer and set about disabling the childproof cap. It's about the only thing I truly have control over.。






2.1 神经元模型2.1.1 大脑神经细胞1)神经细胞组成神经细胞又称为神经元(neuron),是大脑神经组织的主要成分。






其中细胞膜是一个敏感而易兴奋的膜,在膜上有各种受体(receptor)和离子通道(ionic chanel)。











突触可分两类,即化学性突触(chemical synapse)和电突触(electrical synapsse)。



The importance of science 科学的力量四川 熊润莲1Science undoubtedly rules the world. Moreover,it has a great impact on our lives. So, it is vital to know why science is important for students. That swhy most schools are now paying more attention to science education.2Science deals with observations of the things around the world and the understandingof them. Science helps students understand various observations. This type of thinking skillhelps students develop problem­solving skills. Students with problem­solving skills can deal with many challenges in their academic and personal life. Thus, we can understandthe great importance of science in our daily life.3Science encourages everyone to develop thinking skills. Any type of thinking canboost students creativity. The more they think, the better becomes their vision. Moreover, learning science also makes students think out of box. Thus, it helps students to find more than one solution to one problem. So, making students create is also one of the scientific benefits.4There is a great importance of science in educating children. Science encouragesstudents to learn about various things around them. This increases their interest in knowing科学对于孩子发展的推动,开始了。

neuronscience bulletin影响因子

neuronscience bulletin影响因子

neuronscience bulletin影响因子摘要:一、引言1.神经科学简述2.神经科学通报(Neuron Science Bulletin)简介3.影响因子在学术评价中的重要性二、神经科学通报的影响因子概述1.神经科学通报的创刊背景与历史2.神经科学通报的影响因子走势3.神经科学通报与其他神经科学领域期刊的影响因子比较三、影响因子背后的因素1.神经科学通报的办刊宗旨与目标读者2.神经科学通报的审稿制度与质量控制3.神经科学通报的作者与读者群体分析四、影响因子对神经科学发展的意义1.神经科学通报对神经科学研究者的学术影响2.神经科学通报对神经科学领域的推动作用3.神经科学通报在神经科学国际合作中的地位五、结论1.神经科学通报影响因子的稳定性和成长性2.神经科学通报在神经科学领域的未来展望3.影响因子对神经科学发展的重要性及启示正文:一、引言神经科学作为一门研究神经系统结构、功能、发育及其疾病的学科,近年来在我国取得了长足的发展。

神经科学通报(Neuron Science Bulletin)是我国神经科学领域的重要学术期刊,致力于为神经科学研究者提供学术交流的平台。

影响因子(Impact Factor, IF)是衡量学术期刊影响力的一个重要指标,对于评价期刊质量、科研人员成果及学术地位具有重要意义。


二、神经科学通报的影响因子概述神经科学通报创刊于1986 年,是由中国科学院主管、中国科学院神经科学研究所主办的神经科学领域专业学术期刊。




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The Structure of a Neuron

How neurons communicate
Neurons communicate by means of an electrical signal called the Action Potential (动作电位) , which is based on movements of ions (离子) between the outside and inside of the cell
K+ Na+ ClOutside of Cell
Cell Membrane at rest
K+ Na+ ClInside of Cell
Potassium (K+) can pass through to equalize its concentration Sodium and Chlorine cannot pass through Result - inside is negative relative to outside
- 70 mv

Resting Potential 静息电位
At rest the inside of the cell is at -70 millivolts 毫伏
With inputs to dendrites inside becomes more positive if resting potential rises above threshold, an action potential starts to travel from cell body down the axon 14

Normal Function:
Serotonin 5-羟色胺
Regulates sleep and dreaming, mood, pain, aggression, appetite and sexual behavior
The brain on the left with an abundance of red is the healthy, active brain.

Do Blind People See in Their Dreams?
People born without the ability to see report no visual imagery in their dreams, but they do experience a heightening of taste, touch and smell.
People going blind before age 5 rarely experience visual imagery in their dreams. But those who lose their vision after age 5 often continue to see in their dreams, though the frequency and clarity diminish over time.
CNS: central nervous system
Motor neurons (carry messages from CNS toward muscles and glands) Interneurons (carry messages between nerve cellsefractory period (不应期)

Chemical messengers that relay neural messages across the synapse
Dopamine Serotonin Acetylcholine Endorphins
Warren, Cai. QQ: 4762 91626 3

Chapter 2 Neuroscience and Behavior
The Nervous System The Brain Session Work

Neurons 神经元

Normal Function:
Dopamine Serotonin Acetylcholine
Primary transmitter used by neurons carrying messages from CNS; involved in some kinds of learning and memory

Repolarization follows
After depolarization potassium (K+) moves out restoring the inside to a negative voltage. This is called repolarization

Warren QQ: 4762 91626
Warren QQ: 4762 91626
Warren QQ: 4762 91626
Types of Neurons
Sensory neurons (carry messages from sense receptors towards the CNS)
Carlsson was awarded the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for showing that dopamine is not just a precursor of norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and epinephrine (adrenaline), but a neurotransmitter as well.
Human Brain, a Miracle!
Warren, Cai. QQ: 4762 91626

As we look at side-by-side PET scans of a person who has never used cocaine compared with a cocaine addict, can you tell which brain is more active and healthy? Take a guess.
1. Types of Neurons 2. The structure of the neuron 3. How neurons fire

4. Where neurons meet: Synapse 突触 5. Neurotransmitters 神经递质
Warren QQ: 4762 91626

Depolarization (去极化)
AP opens cell membrane to allow sodium (NA+) in
Inside of cell rapidly becomes more positive than outside This depolarization travels down the axon as leading edge 15 of the AP

Dopamine 多巴胺 Serotonin Acetylcholine
Normal Function:
Produces sensations of pleasure and reward; used by CNS neurons in voluntary movement

多巴胺(Dopamine) (C6H3(OH)2-CH2-CH2-NH2)
In 1957 Carlsson demonstrated that dopamine was a neurotransmitter in the brain.
He is also known for his work on dopamine’s effects in Parkinson's disease.

Ion concentrations
Outside of Cell
potassium ion K+
Cell Membrane in resting state
sodium ion
Inside of Cell

The Cell Membrane is Semi-Permeable

Finally, Hyperpolarization
Repolarization leads to a voltage below the resting potential, called hyperpolarization
Now neuron cannot produce a new action potential
Problems with Imbalance:
Schizophrenia 精神分裂症 more dopamine, Parkinson’s disease
Substances that Affect:
Cocaine, amphetamines, Ritalin, alcohol The 2000 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine