1_Computer Evaluation of Indexing and Text Processing






《计算机科学》ccf等级英文回答:The Chinese Computer Federation (CCF) classifies academic journals in computer science into three levels: A, B, and C. The classification is based on factors such as the journal's impact factor, citation index, and editorial board.A-level journals are the most prestigious andinfluential journals in computer science. They publishhigh-quality research papers that make significant contributions to the field. Examples of A-level journals include the Journal of the ACM, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, and the Communications of the ACM.B-level journals are also reputable journals that publish high-quality research papers. However, they are not as prestigious as A-level journals. Examples of B-leveljournals include the ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, the IEEE Transactions on Computers, and the Journal of Computer and System Sciences.C-level journals are less prestigious than A-level andB-level journals. They typically publish papers that are more focused on practical applications of computer science. Examples of C-level journals include the ACM Computing Surveys, the IEEE Software, and the Journal of Object Technology.中文回答:中国计算机学会(CCF)将计算机科学领域的学术期刊分为A、B、C三级。



信息检索关键词部分Key word第1章信息检索(Information Retrieval, IR)数据检索(data retrieval)相关性(relevance)推送(Push)超空间(hyperspace)拉出(pulling)⽂献逻辑表⽰(视图)(logical view of the document)检索任务(retrieval task 检索(retrieval )过滤(filtering)全⽂本(full text)词⼲提取(stemming)⽂本操作(text operation)标引词(indexing term)信息检索策略(retrieval strategy)光学字符识别(Optical Character Recognition, OCR)跨语⾔(cross-language)倒排⽂档(inverted file)检出⽂献(retrieved document)相关度(likelihood)信息检索的⼈机交互界⾯(human-computer interaction, HCI)检索模型与评价(Retrieval Model & Evaluation)⽂本图像(textual images)界⾯与可视化(Interface & Visualization)书⽬系统(bibliographic system)多媒体建模与检索(Multimedia Modeling & Searching)数字图书馆(Digital Library)检索评价(retrieval evaluation)标准通⽤标记语⾔(Standard Generalized Markup Language, SGML)标引和检索(indexing and searching)导航(Navigation)并⾏和分布式信息检索(parallel and distribution IR)模型与查询语⾔(model and query language)导航(Navigation)有效标引与检索(efficient indexing and searching)第2章特别检索(ad hoc retrieval)过滤(filtering)集合论(set theoretic)代数(algebraic)概率(probabilistic 路由选择(routing)⽤户需求档(user profile)阙值(threshold)权值(weight)语词加权(term-weighting)相似度(similarity)相异度(dissimilarity)域建模(domain modeling)叙词表(thesaurus)扁平(flat)⼴义向量空间模型(generalized vector space model)神经元(neuron)潜语义标引模型(latent semantic indexing model)邻近结点(proximal node)贝叶斯信任度⽹络(Bayesian belief network)结构导向(structure guided)结构化⽂本检索(structured text retrieval, STR)推理⽹络(inference network)扩展布尔模型(extended Boolean model)⾮重叠链表(non-overlapping list)第3章检索性能评价(retrieval performance evaluation)会话(interactive session)查全率(R, Recall Ratio) 信息性(Informativeness)查准率(P, Precision Ratio) ⾯向⽤户(user-oriented)漏检率(O, Omission Ratio) 新颖率(novelty ratio)误检率(M, Miss Ratio) ⽤户负担(user effort)相对查全率(relative recall)覆盖率(coverage ratio)参考测试集(reference test collection)优劣程度(goodness)查全率负担(recall effort)主观性(subjectiveness)信息性测度(informativeness measure)第4章检索单元(retrieval unit)字母表(alphabet)分隔符(separator)复合性(compositional)模糊布尔(fuzzy Boolean)模式(pattern)SQL(Structured Query Language, 结构化查询语⾔) 布尔查询(Boolean query)参照(reference)半结合(semijoin)标签(tag)有序包含(ordered inclusion)⽆序包含(unordered inclusion)CCL(Common Command Language, 通⽤命令语⾔) 树包含(tree inclusion)布尔运算符(Boolean operator) searching allowing errors容错查询Structured Full-text relevance feedback 相关反馈Query Language (SFQL) (结构化全⽂查询语⾔) extended patterns扩展模式CD-RDx Compact Disk Read only Data exchange (CD-RDx)(只读磁盘数据交换)WAIS (⼴域信息服务系统Wide Area Information Service)visual query languages. 查询语⾔的可视化查询语法树(query syntax tree)第5章query reformulation 查询重构 query expansion 查询扩展 term reweighting 语词重新加权相似性叙词表(similarity thesaurus)User Relevance Feedback⽤户相关反馈 the graphical interfaces 图形化界⾯簇(cluster)检索同义词(searchonym) local context analysis局部上下⽂分析第6章⽂献(document)样式(style)元数据(metadata)Descriptive Metadata 描述性元数据 Semantic Metadata 语义元数据intellectual property rights 知识产权 content rating 内容等级digital signatures数字签名 privacy levels 权限electronic commerce电⼦商务都柏林核⼼元数据集(Dublin Core Metadata Element Set)通⽤标记语⾔(SGML,standard general markup language)机读⽬录记录(Machine Readable Cataloging Record, MARC)资源描述框架(Resource Document Framework, RDF) XML(eXtensible Markup Language, 可扩展标记语⾔) HTML(HyperText Markup Language, 超⽂本标记语⾔)Tagged Image File Format (TIFF标签图像⽂件格式)Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) Portable Network Graphics (PNG新型位图图像格式)第7章分隔符(separator)连字符(hyphen)排除表(list of stopwords)词⼲提取(stemming)波特(porter)词库(treasury of words)受控词汇表(controlled vocabulary)索引单元(indexing component)⽂本压缩text compression 压缩算法compression algorithm注释(explanation)统计⽅法(statistical method)赫夫曼(Huffman)压缩⽐(compression ratio)数据加密Encryption 半静态的(semi-static)词汇分析lexical analysis 排除停⽤词elimination of stopwords第8章半静态(semi-static)191 词汇表(vocabulary)192事件表(occurrence)192 inverted files倒排⽂档suffix arrays后缀数组 signature files签名档块寻址(block addressing)193 索引点(index point)199起始位置(beginning)199 Vocabulary search词汇表检索Retrieval of occurrences 事件表检索 Manipulation of occurrences事件表操作散列变换(hashing)205 误检(false drop)205查询语法树(query syntax tree)207 布鲁特-福斯算法简称BF(Brute-Force)故障(failure)210 移位-或(shift-or)位并⾏处理(bit-parallelism)212顺序检索(sequential search)220 原位(in-place)227第9章并⾏计算(parallel computing) SISD (单指令流单数据流)SIMD (单指令流多数据流) MISD (多指令流单数据流)MIMD (多指令流多数据流)分布计算(distributed computing)颗粒度(granularity)231 多任务(multitasking)I/O(input/output)233 标引器(indexer)映射(map)233 命中列表(hit-list)全局语词统计值(global term statistics)线程(thread)算术逻辑单元(arithmetic logic unit, ALU 中介器(broker)虚拟处理器(virtual processor)240分布式信息检索(distributed information retrieval)249⽂献收集器(gatherer)主中介器(central broker)254第10章信息可视化(information visualization)图标(icon)260颜⾊凸出显⽰(color highlighting)焦点+背景(focus-plus-context)画笔和链接(brushing and linking)魔术透镜(magic lenses)移动镜头和调焦(panning and zooming)弹性窗⼝(elastic window)概述及细节信息(overview plus details)⾼亮⾊显⽰(highlight)信息存取任务(information access tasks)⽂献替代(document surrogate)常见问题(FAQ, Frequently Asked Question) 群体性推荐(social recommendation)上下⽂关键词(keyword-in-context, KWIC)伪相关反馈(pseudo-relevance feedback)重叠式窗⼝(overlapping window)⼯作集(working set)第11/12章多媒体信息检索(Multimedia Information Retrieval, MIR)超类(superclass)半结构化数据(semi-structured data)数据⽚(data blade)可扩充型系统(extensible type system)相交(intersect)动态服务器(dynamic server)叠加(overlaps)档案库服务器(archive server)聚集(center)逻辑结构(logical structure)词包含(contain word)例⼦中的查询(query by example)路径名(path-name)通过图像内容查询(Query by Image Content, QBIC)图像标题(image header)主要成分分析(Principal Component Analysis, PCA)精确匹配(exact match)潜语义标引(Latent Semantic Indexing, LSI)基于内容(content-based)范围查寻(Range Query)第13章exponential growth指数增长 Distributed data 数据的分布性volatile data 不稳定数据 redundant data 冗余数据Heterogeneous data异构数据分界点(cut point)373Centralized Architecture集中式结构收集器-标引器(crawler-indexer)373 Wanderers 漫步者 Walkers 步⾏者 Knowbots 知识机器⼈Distributed Architecture分布式结构 gatherers 收集器brokers 中介器 the query interface 查询界⾯the answer interface响应界⾯ PageRank ⽹页级别Crawling the Web漫游Web breadth-first ⼴度优先depth-first fashion 深度优先 Indices(index pl.)索引Web Directories ⽹络⽬录 Metasearchers元搜索引擎Teaching the User⽤户培训颗粒度(granularity)384超⽂本推导主题检索(Hypertext Included Topic Search, HITS)380 Specific queries专指性查询 Broad queries 泛指性查询Vague queries模糊查询 Searching using Hyperlinks使⽤超链接搜索Web Query Languages查询语⾔ Dynamic Search 动态搜索Software Agents 软件代理鱼式搜索(fish search)鲨鱼搜索(shark search)拉出/推送(pull/push)393门户(portal)395 Duplicated data 重复数据第14章联机公共检索⽬录(online public access catalog, OPAC)397化学⽂摘(Chemical Abstract, CA)399 ⽣物学⽂摘(Biological Abstract, BA)⼯程索引(Engineering Index,EI)国会图书馆分类法(Library of Congress Classification)408杜威⼗进分类法(Dewey Decimal Classification)408联机计算机图书馆中⼼(Online Computer Library Center, OCLC)409机读⽬录记录(Machine Readable Cataloging Record, MARC)409第15章NSF (National Science Foundation, 美国国家科学基⾦会)NSNA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration,美国航空航天局)数字图书馆创新项⽬(Digital Libraries Initiative, DLI)4155S(stream,信息流structure,结构space, 空间scenario, 场景society社会)416基于数字化对象标识符(Digital Object Identifier, DOI)420都柏林核⼼(Dublin Core, DC)430 数字图书馆(Digital Library, DL)资源描述框架(Resource Document Framework, RDF)431text encoding initiative (TEI) (⽂本编码创新项⽬)431v。







下列说法不正确的是()答案:利用价值密度最大的贪婪准则时,选物品1,这种方案的总价值为606.硬盘属于哪类设备()答案:既属于输入设备,又属于输出设备7.如果一个指令系统有20条指令,操作码最少应该设置为()答案:5位8.下列有关虚拟机的说法,不正确的是()答案:虚拟机是一个抽象的计算机,不同于实际机器一样,不具有一个指令集并可以使用不同的存储区域9.设,下面是求解e的近似值的算法伪代码,请选择正确的选项填写在空白处()伪代码:eRes = 0eCur = 1k = 1i = 1While ( abs(eRes - eCur) >= 1.0E-10 ){eRes = eCureCur = eCur + 1.0 / ki = i + 1}Print eRes答案:k = k * i10.下列关于线性表、栈和队列的操作规则正确的是()答案:线性表可以在任意位置插入和删除,栈只能在栈顶插入和删除,队列只能在尾部插入头部删除11.假设一仅含数值8A的队列,8B和2C依次入队,然后执行一次出队操作,最后数据7D和6E依次入队。



计算机学报审稿结果英文回答:Nature Index.The Nature Index is a database of author affiliations and institutional relationships. It is compiled from author information in research papers published in 82 high-quality natural science journals, including Nature, Science, and Cell. The index provides a way to track the global distribution of research output and collaboration.Nature Index for Computer Science.The Nature Index for Computer Science is a subset of the Nature Index that focuses on research in computer science. It includes papers published in 25 top computer science journals, including ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, and Journal of the ACM.China's Performance in the Nature Index for Computer Science.China has been performing well in the Nature Index for Computer Science. In 2023, China ranked second in the world in terms of the number of publications in top computer science journals. Chinese institutions also accounted for a significant share of the global research output in computer science.Factors Contributing to China's Success.There are several factors that have contributed toChina's success in computer science research. These include:Increased investment in research and development.A growing pool of talented researchers.Strong collaboration between academia and industry.Government support for the development of computer science.Challenges Facing China in Computer Science Research.Despite its success, China still faces some challenges in computer science research. These include:The need to improve the quality of research output.The need to attract and retain top researchers.The need to foster greater collaboration between academia and industry.Conclusion.China is a major player in computer science research. The country has made significant progress in recent years, and it is likely to continue to play a leading role in the field in the future.中文回答:自然指数。



现代信息检索与利用教程第三版English Answer:Modern Information Retrieval and Utilization (3rd Edition) Tutorial is a comprehensive guide to theprinciples and practices of information retrieval. It provides an overview of the field, including the history of information retrieval, the different types of information retrieval systems, and the evaluation of information retrieval systems. The tutorial also covers the core concepts of information retrieval, including indexing, searching, and ranking.In addition to the core concepts, the tutorial also covers a variety of advanced topics, such as natural language processing, machine learning, and big data. The tutorial is written in a clear and concise style, and it is packed with examples and exercises to help students understand the material.Overall, Modern Information Retrieval and Utilization (3rd Edition) Tutorial is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn about information retrieval. It is a well-written and comprehensive guide to the field, and it is packed with valuable information.中文回答:现代信息检索与利用(第 3 版)教程是一本关于信息检索原则和实践的综合指南。



Evaluating Information Retrieval (2)
查准率,P = a/(a+b) 查全率(召回率),R = a/(a+c) 精度,Accuracy = (a+d)/(a+b+c+d) F1 = 2PR/(P+R) Miss = c/(a+c) = 1 - R
(false negative,该得的没得到) F/A = b/(a+b+c+d)
Salton’s Tf*IDf
Tf = term frequency in a document 在一篇文档中出现的次数
Df = document frequency of term = # documents in collection with this term 在ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้档集合中涉及的文档数
(false positive,得到了不该得的)
Evaluating Information Retrieval (3)
11-point precision curves(常用表达方法) • IR system generates total ranking • Plot precision at 10%, 20%, 30% ... ,100%
利用稀疏性 • 在计算向量点乘(cosin)的时候只考虑
• 看都不看那些零元素 (how?)
– 用非停用词(non-stop words)来索引文档
倒排索引(Inverted Indexing) • Find all unique [stemmed] terms in document



gcaps评价摘要:1.GCAPS 的概述2.GCAPS 的评价标准3.GCAPS 的评价方法4.GCAPS 的实际应用5.GCAPS 的优缺点分析正文:GCAPS(Guidelines for Computer Assessment in Primary and Secondary Schools)是针对中小学计算机评估的指导原则。

本文将从GCAPS 的概述、评价标准、评价方法、实际应用以及优缺点等方面进行详细阐述。

一、GCAPS 的概述GCAPS 是由教育部门制定的,旨在为中小学计算机教育提供一套科学的评估体系。


二、GCAPS 的评价标准GCAPS 的评价标准主要包括以下几个方面:1.计算机基础知识:包括计算机硬件、软件、操作系统、网络等方面的基本概念和原理。





三、GCAPS 的评价方法GCAPS 的评价方法分为定量评价和定性评价。



四、GCAPS 的实际应用GCAPS 在我国中小学计算机教育中得到了广泛应用。

通过GCAPS 评价,学校和教师可以全面了解学生的计算机学习状况,为学生提供针对性的指导;同时,教育部门可以根据评价结果,制定和调整计算机教育政策,推动我国中小学计算机教育的发展。

五、GCAPS 的优缺点分析GCAPS 的优点主要表现在:1.科学、全面地评价学生的计算机能力;2.促进学生全面发展,提高我国中小学计算机教育质量;3.为教育部门提供决策依据,推动计算机教育改革。







第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.Molly finally agreed, _____ reluctantly, to go and see a doctor.A.afterwards B.almostC.otherwise D.somewhat2.—Mike, it’s really impossible for us to get to the railway station in time!—How I wish I could stop the train ________ it.A.catch B.to catch C.catching D.caught3.A grand banquet w as held by Elizabeth II _____ President Xi’s current state visit to the UK.A.in terms of B.in honor ofC.in favor of D.in memory of4.The news was a terrible blow to her, but she ______the shock soon.A.got out B.got over C.got off D.got through5.______, his ideas was accepted by all the people at the meeting.A.Strange as might it sound B.As it might sound strangeC.As strange it might sound D.Strange as it might sound6.Various efforts ________ in the past decades to protect the environment.A.had made B.have madeC.were made D.have been made7.—What’s up? Y ou look worried.—Well, I ______ on the problem for 5 hours but I haven’t got a single clue.A.have worked B.workedC.will work D.have been working8.--- Is there any chance of my being promoted?--- If you want a promotion, you’d better rather than get your way.A.play the game B.cross your fingersC.raise the red flag D.kill the fatted calf9.When was _____ you last met Jennifer? I haven’t seen her for ages.A.it that B.it C.it what D.what 10.My friend warned me ______ going to the East Coast because it was crowded with tourists.A.by B.against C.on D.for11.— Are you still thinking about the email Tony sent you yesterday?— Oh,to tell the truth,that’s makes me feel excited.A.What B.how C.that D.why 12.When I said someone broke the school regulations, I ______ you. Why did you get that angry?A.don’t refer to B.haven’t referred to C.wasn’t referring to D.hadn’t referred to 13.The post office is closed ______ Saturday afternoon.A.on B.in C.of D.at14.—Do you like the mobile game Traveling Frog?—Yes, the posts about the virtual green frog ________ over 4 million times.A.have read B.have been readC.would be read D.are reading15.He liked the lovely dog so much that he ________ his book and played with it immediately.A.gave off B.set asideC.took over D.turned down16._____ the plant once a week if you are to get fruit in the autumn.A.Watered B.Watering C.To water D.Water17.She doesn’t speak our language, _____ she seems to understand what we say.A.for B.and C.yet D.or18.It was not until she got home____Jennifer realized she had lost her keys. A.when B.thatC.where D.before19.Yet _______ in the process of development did they stop to consider the impact of their “progress” on nature.A.in no time B.at no pointC.as likely as not D.more often than not20.– Which driver was to blame?-- Why, ______! It was the child’s fault, clear and simple. He suddenly came out between two parked cars.A.both B.eachC.either D.neither第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。




最早的数学文献是:美索不达米亚泥版的楔形文,公元前1800 年的埃及纸草书、莫斯科纸草书、莱茵德纸草书著名的数学文献检索工具有SCI(科学引文索引)、 EI( 工程索引)、 ISTP( 科技会议录索引)参考文献:列出作者在研究范围内所看过的国内外文献。


数量不可过少,例如中国科协期刊优秀论文评选要求研究性学术论文参考文献不少于20 篇。






论文参考文献的格式期刊: [编号 ] 作者.题目.期刊名(外文可缩写),出版年,卷号(期号);起止页码。

著作: [编号 ] 作者.书名.版次(初版不写).出版地:出版者,出版年,起止页码。

论文集: [ 编号 ]作者.题目.见(英文用 In)主编姓名.论文集名.出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页码。

选择题1.( B) 的主要功能是检索、通报、控制一次文献,帮助人们在较短时间内获取较多的文献信息。

A .零次文献B.二次文献C.一次文献 D .三次文献2.一次文献、二次文献、三次文献是按照( A )进行区分的。

A .加工深度B.原创的层次C.印刷的次数D.评论的次数3.从文献的 ( B)角度区分,可将文献分为印刷型、缩微型等。







A.(rear+1)MOD n=frontB.rear=frontC.rear+1=frontD.(rear-1)MOD n=front6、若元素a,b,c,d,e,f依次进栈,允许进栈、退栈操作交替进行,但不允许连续三次进行退栈操作,则不可能得到的出栈序列是()。


Ⅰ.所有的顶点的度之和为偶数Ⅱ.边数大于顶点个数减1 Ⅲ.至少有一个顶点的度为1A.只有Ⅰ B.只有Ⅱ C.Ⅰ和Ⅱ D.Ⅰ和Ⅲ8、一棵哈夫曼树共有215个结点,对其进行哈夫曼编码,共能得到()个不同的码字。






计算机与人工智能专业重要性的英文作文Title: The Importance of Computer and Artificial Intelligence MajorIn today's fast-paced and tech-driven world, the field of computer and artificial intelligence has become increasingly important. With the advancements in technology and the increasing reliance on computers and AI, professionals in this field play a critical role in shaping the future. In this essay, we will explore the importance of the computer and artificial intelligence major and its impact on society.First and foremost, the computer and artificial intelligence major equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to work in various industries. From programming and software development to data analysis and machine learning, professionals in this field are in high demand across multiple sectors. They are responsible for developing innovative solutions, creating cutting-edge technologies, and driving digital transformation in organizations.Furthermore, the computer and artificial intelligence major plays a crucial role in driving economic growth and development. As businesses increasingly rely on technology to streamlineprocesses, improve efficiency, and gain a competitive edge, professionals in this field are essential for driving innovation and driving productivity. They help businesses leverage data and analytics to make informed decisions, automate processes to reduce costs, and develop new products and services to meet evolving customer demands.Moreover, the computer and artificial intelligence major is also vital for addressing societal challenges and driving positive change. From healthcare and education to transportation and sustainability, professionals in this field are leveraging the power of technology to solve complex problems, improve quality of life, and create a more sustainable future. They are developingAI-powered solutions to enhance patient care, personalize learning experiences, optimize transportation systems, and promote environmental conservation.In addition, the computer and artificial intelligence major is also crucial for shaping the future of work. As automation and AI continue to disrupt industries and change the way we work, professionals in this field are at the forefront of this transformation. They are developing AI-powered tools and systems to augment human capabilities, automate repetitive tasks, and revolutionize how we work. By embracing andharnessing the power of technology, professionals in this field can drive innovation, enhance productivity, and create new opportunities for growth and advancement.In conclusion, the computer and artificial intelligence major is of paramount importance in today's digital age. Professionals in this field are driving innovation, driving economic growth, addressing societal challenges, and shaping the future of work. As technology continues to advance and shape our world, individuals with the skills and knowledge in computer and artificial intelligence will play a crucial role in driving positive change and creating a more connected and intelligent future. It is therefore essential to recognize the importance of this major and the vital role it plays in shaping our society and the world at large.。

高考 专业 英语 词汇

高考 专业 英语 词汇

高考专业英语词汇一、计算机专业词汇1. Algorithm(算法): A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end, especially by a computer.2. Database(数据库): A structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various ways.3. Programming(编程): The process of writing computer programs.4. Debugging(调试): The process of finding and fixing errors or bugs in a computer program.5. Artificial Intelligence(人工智能): The theory and development of computer systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence.6. Networking(网络): The practice of connecting computers and other devices together to share information and resources.7. Encryption(加密): The process of converting information or data into a code to prevent unauthorized access.8. Firewall(防火墙): A network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic.9. Interface(界面): The point at which two systems, subjects, organizations, etc., meet and interact.10. Operating System(操作系统): The software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs.二、医学专业词汇1. Diagnosis(诊断): The identification of the nature and cause of a certain disease or condition.2. Surgery(外科手术): The branch of medicine that uses operative methods for treatment or investigation.3. Anatomy(解剖学): The branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and otherliving organisms.4. Radiology(放射学): The branch of medicine that uses imaging techniques, such as X-rays and ultrasound, to diagnose and treat diseases.5. Pharmacology(药理学): The branch of medicine that deals with the study of drugs and their interactions with living organisms.6. Pathology(病理学): The study of the nature and cause of diseases.7. Immunology(免疫学): The branch of medicine that deals with the immune system and its responses to pathogens and other foreign substances.8. Genetics(遗传学): The study of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms.9. Anesthesia(麻醉): The use of drugs to induce a loss of sensation or consciousness in a patient.10. Cardiology(心脏病学): The branch of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of heart diseases.三、法学专业词汇1. Constitution(宪法): A set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or organization is governed.2. Criminal Law(刑法): The body of law that relates to crime and its punishment.3. Civil Law(民法): The system of law concerned with private relations between members of a community rather than criminal, military, or religious affairs.4. Contract(合同): A legally binding agreement between two or more parties that creates an obligation to do or not do a particular thing.5. Tort(侵权行为): A wrongful act or an infringement ofa right (other than under contract) leading to civil legal liability.6. Evidence(证据): The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.7. Trial(审判): A formal examination of evidence beforea judge, and typically before a jury, in order to decideguilt in a criminal case or liability in a civil case.8. Appeal(上诉): A request made to a higher court to review a decision made by a lower court.9. Legal Aid(法律援助): Assistance provided to people who are unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system.10. Jurisdiction(管辖权): The official power to make legal decisions and judgments within a particular area or territory.。


• 这一轮编码的主要目的是开放对资料的探 究,所有的解释都是初步的、 未定的,相 应的NVIVO中有一个Free Node的选项。
• 研究者要求以一种开放的心态,尽量“悬 置”个人的“偏见”和研究界的“定见”, 将所有的资料按其本身所呈现的状态进行 编码。
• 阅读所有的现场笔记或其他数据,给资料赋予初步的 编码标签。
content evaluation technical other positive troubleshooting
编码举例(3) Statements or Descriptors
General comments
Asking questions
Advice and suggestions Giving help RECEIVING FEEDBACK
定性数据分析、NVIVO的使 用流程
• 量的研究
–采取自然科学研究模式,对研究问题或假设,以问卷、量表、 测验或实验仪器等作为研究工具,搜集研究对象有数量属性的 资料,经由资料处理与分析之后,提出研究结论,藉以解答研 究问题或假设的方法。
Generally reference ideas and questions in a thread – provides information or explanation; may be reflective
Evidence that modifications have been made, asking new questions Worries, personal statements, problems



中国社会科学引文索引的英文全称和简称全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Introduction to China Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI)China Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) is a comprehensive index of Chinese academic journals in the social sciences field. It is managed by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and was first launched in 1999. CSSCI aims to promote the development of social sciences research in China by providing a platform for researchers to disseminate their work and for scholars to access high-quality academic publications.CSSCI covers a wide range of disciplines within the social sciences, including sociology, political science, economics, law, education, management, and more. It indexes academic journals that meet certain criteria for quality and relevance, ensuring that researchers have access to reliable and reputable sources of information.In order to be included in the CSSCI, journals must undergo a rigorous evaluation process. This evaluation is based on severalcriteria, including the academic quality of the content, the reputation of the journal among scholars in the field, the editorial process, and the overall impact of the journal on the academic community. Journals that meet these criteria are included in the CSSCI, making them more visible and accessible to researchers and scholars.The CSSCI is an important tool for researchers and scholars in China, as well as for those outside of China who are interested in Chinese social sciences research. By indexing high-quality academic journals in the social sciences field, CSSCI provides a valuable resource for researchers to discover new research, stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their field, and connect with other scholars in their area of study.The CSSCI is also used as a measure of the impact and influence of academic journals in the social sciences field. Researchers often look to CSSCI to determine which journals are considered reputable and influential in their field, which can help them make decisions about where to submit their own research and which journals to cite in their own work.Overall, the China Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) plays a critical role in promoting the development of social sciences research in China and connecting researchers andscholars in the field. By indexing high-quality academic journals in the social sciences field, CSSCI provides a valuable resource for researchers to access reliable and reputable sources of information, stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their field, and connect with other scholars in their area of study.篇2Title: China Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) – OverviewIntroductionChina Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) is an authoritative and comprehensive academic citation database in the field of social sciences in China. It is a vital resource for scholars, researchers, and students who are interested in Chinese social sciences research. This document will provide an overview of CSSCI, including its full name, abbreviation, coverage, features, and importance.Full Name and AbbreviationThe full name of this citation index is China Social Sciences Citation Index, and the abbreviation is CSSCI. It is also known as 中国社会科学引文索引in Chinese.CoverageCSSCI covers a wide range of disciplines within the field of social sciences, including sociology, economics, political science, psychology, education, anthropology, cultural studies, and more. It indexes a variety of scholarly journals, academic papers, conference papers, and research reports published in China. CSSCI aims to promote the visibility and impact of Chinese social sciences research on a global scale.FeaturesCSSCI offers several key features that make it a valuable resource for researchers and scholars. Some of the main features of CSSCI include:1. Indexing and Abstracting: CSSCI provides comprehensive indexing and abstracts of academic papers, enabling users to quickly find relevant research in their field of interest.2. Citation Analysis: CSSCI allows users to track citations and references to specific articles, providing insights into the impact and influence of research publications.3. Search Functionality: CSSCI offers advanced search capabilities, including keyword search, author search, title search, and more, to help users easily find the information they need.4. Multilingual Support: CSSCI supports multiple languages, including Chinese and English, making it accessible to a global audience of researchers and scholars.ImportanceCSSCI plays a crucial role in advancing Chinese social sciences research and increasing its global visibility. By indexing and promoting high-quality research publications, CSSCI helps to enhance the reputation and impact of Chinese scholars and institutions in the international academic community. Furthermore, CSSCI serves as a valuable tool for researchers to discover and access the latest research findings, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and understanding in the field of social sciences.ConclusionIn conclusion, China Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) is a valuable resource for researchers, scholars, and students interested in Chinese social sciences research. With its comprehensive coverage, advanced features, and global impact, CSSCI plays a vital role in promoting and enhancing the quality and visibility of Chinese social sciences research. Researchers and institutions in China and around the world can benefit greatlyfrom using CSSCI as a tool for discovering and accessinghigh-quality academic publications in the field of social sciences.篇3Title: Introduction to CSSCI (Chinese Social Science Citation Index)Introduction:The Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI) is a comprehensive database of scholarly articles published in Chinese social science journals. It is maintained by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and is considered one of the most authoritative and influential indexes in the field of social sciences in China. CSSCI covers a wide range of disciplines, including economics, sociology, political science, psychology, education, and more.Full Name and Acronym:The full name of CSSCI is the Chinese Social Science Citation Index. The acronym CSSCI is widely used to refer to this index in academic and research circles in China.History and Development:CSSCI was first launched in 1999 as a pilot project by the CASS to provide researchers in China with access to high-quality scholarly research in the social sciences. Since then, it has grown significantly in scope and coverage, now including over 2,000 academic journals and millions of indexed articles. CSSCI is constantly updated and expanded to keep up with the rapidly evolving landscape of social science research in China.Features and Benefits:CSSCI provides researchers with a valuable tool for discovering and accessing relevant scholarly literature in their field of study. By indexing articles from a wide range of reputable Chinese social science journals, CSSCI offers comprehensive coverage of research findings and academic discussions in various disciplines. Researchers can use CSSCI to search for specific articles, authors, topics, or keywords, making it easier to stay informed about the latest developments in their area of interest.In addition to facilitating access to scholarly articles, CSSCI also plays a crucial role in evaluating the quality and impact of academic publications in China. Articles indexed in CSSCI are considered to be of high academic quality and rigor, making them important sources for researchers looking to build onexisting knowledge and contribute to the advancement of their field.Usage and Significance:CSSCI is widely used by researchers, educators, policymakers, and students in China to access scholarly information and support their research and academic endeavors. The index is an indispensable tool for conducting literature reviews, writing research papers, developing research proposals, and stayingup-to-date with the latest trends and debates in the social sciences.Furthermore, CSSCI is recognized as a key indicator of academic excellence and research productivity in China. For scholars and institutions, having articles published in journals included in CSSCI is a mark of prestige and quality, demonstrating their contribution to the advancement of knowledge and scholarship in the social sciences.Conclusion:The Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI) is a vital resource for researchers and scholars in China seeking to access and engage with high-quality scholarly literature in the social sciences. With its comprehensive coverage of academic journalsand rigorous indexing standards, CSSCI plays a central role in facilitating research, promoting academic excellence, and advancing knowledge in the field of social sciences in China.。

[推荐学习]高考英语 配套测评总复习卷 外研版必修1

[推荐学习]高考英语 配套测评总复习卷 外研版必修1

《金版新学案》高考总复习(新课标)配套测评卷——高三一轮[W 研]英语卷(一)必修1学校:___________班级:___________姓名:____________考号:____________第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共105分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1.When should Lucy return the bike?A.Before 5∶00.B.Around 6∶30.C.After 6∶30.2.Why is the man upset?A.He wanted to meet the woman’s parents.B.He wouldn’t be able to take a vacation.C.He didn’t know the woman’s plan.3.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In an office. B.In the kitchen. C.Over the phone.4.What does the man advise the woman to do?A.Take the dictionary away.B.Buy a dictionary for herself.C.Use the dictionary at home.5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.The spring. B.The weather. C.The temperature.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段对话,回答第6至8题。

6.What was the weather like last week?A.Nice and sunny. B.Hot. C.Neither hot nor cold. 7.What season is it now?A.Summer. B.Winter. C.Autumn.8.What does the man think the weather will be like this weekend?A.Rainy. B.Sunny. C.Cloudy.听第7段对话,回答第9至11题。











9、在SQL Server 2000中,数据页的大小是8KB。















%Objective To investigate trastuzumab combined with SOX neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the treatment of unresectable efifcacy of advanced gastric cancer.Methods In our hospital from January 2013 to December 2015 in patients with advanced gastriccancer were treated unresectable admitted 40 patients as research subjects, FISH detected 40 cases of advanced (IV stage) patients with gastric cancer gene Her-2 were amplified , according to the different treatment methods are divided into two groups: a control group of 20 patients, the use of SOX neoadjuvant chemotherapy treatment, observation group, 20 patients were treated with trastuzumab combined with SOX neoadjuvant chemotherapy. All patients completed at least two cycles oftreatment,&nbsp;according to RECIST1.1 standards for efficacy evaluation, according to WHO toxicity of anticancer drugs prescribed reaction indexing evaluation of adverse reactions.Results The total effective rate was 60.0% in the control group, the total effective rate was 35.0%, the observation group than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05), the observation group, 12 patients underwent surgery, wherein the ratio of the standard D2 surgery 83.3% (10/12), R0 resection rate was 83.3% (10/12). Were higher proportion of patients with standard D2 surgery was 57.1% (4/7), R0 resection rate was 71.4%(5/7), and the difference was statistically signiifcant (χ2=6.027, 4.128, P<0.05) , two groups of patients after adverse reactions were mild, mainly as I~II degree of bone marrow suppression, nausea, vomiting, and neurotoxicity. Wherein myelosuppression 26 cases (65.0%), nausea, vomiting, 18 cases (45.0%), neurotoxicity 19 cases (47.5%), diarrhea in 10 cases (25.0%), liver dysfunction 7 cases (17.5%), cardiac toxicity 1 case (2.5%). Two groups of patients adverse reactions was no signiifcant difference(P>0.05).Conclusion Trastuzumab combined with SOX neoadjuvantchemotherapy for unresectable advanced gastric cancer is effective, safe and feasible.【期刊名称】《中国继续医学教育》【年(卷),期】2016(008)015【总页数】3页(P149-151)【关键词】曲妥珠单抗;卡培他滨;奥沙利铂;进展期胃癌【作者】陈新平;韩毓;柴宇啸;王炳;张怡;曲兴龙【作者单位】上海博爱医院外科,上海 200031;复旦大学附属肿瘤医院闵行分院肿瘤外科,上海 200240;复旦大学附属肿瘤医院闵行分院肿瘤外科,上海 200240;复旦大学附属肿瘤医院闵行分院肿瘤外科,上海 200240;复旦大学附属肿瘤医院闵行分院肿瘤外科,上海 200240;复旦大学附属肿瘤医院闵行分院肿瘤外科,上海 200240【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R735胃癌是世界上常见的恶性肿瘤之一。



心理科学进展 2004,12(4):561~ 566 Advances in Psychological Science计算机使用中的自我效能感∗ 李宏利(河北大学教育学院应用心理学系,保定 071002)摘要计算机自我效能感(computer self-efficacy,CSE)是自我效能感理论在计算机培训、计算机辅助技术使用等行为活动中的应用。






分类号 B849计算机自我效能感(computer self-efficacy,CSE)是指个体对自己使用计算机能力的一种判断[1,2]。


CSE 可能是影响计算机操作水平的一个关键变量,研究者对CSE研究给予密切关注,以至于CSE 的心理学研究成果日益丰富。

现有CSE的心理学研究成果主要包括:CSE如何影响计算机操作[3~5];影响CSE的变量[2~7,12];扩大的CSE外延 [8~10,15]。


1 CSE的影响 随着人机界面(Human-machine interface)研究的日益深入,计算机的可用性(usability)不断改善。



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2. The S M A R T System
A. BASICORGANIZATION. The SMART system is a fully automatic document retrieval system operating on the IBM 7094. The system does not rely on manu~dly assigned keywords or index terms for the identification of documents and se~trch requests, nor does it use primarily the frequency of occurrence of certain words or phrases included in the document texts. Instead, tile system goes beyo~ld simple word-matching procedures by using a variety of intellectual aids in the form of synonym dictionaries, hierarchical arrangements of subject identifiers, phrase generating methods, and the like, in order to obtain the content identifications useful for the retrieval process. The following facilities incorporated into the SMAt{T system for purposes of document analysis are of principal interest: (a) a system for separating English words into stems and affixes, which can be used to reduce incoming texts into word stem form; (b) a synonym dictionary, or thesaurus, used to replace significant word stems by concept numbers, each concept representing a class of related word stems; (c) a hierarchical arrangement of the concepts included in the thesaurus which makes it possible, given any concept number, to find its "parent" in the hierarchy, its "sons," its "brothers," and any of a set of possible cross-references; (d) statistical association methods, used to compute similarity coefficients between words, word stems, or concepts, based on co-occurrence patterns between these entities in the sentences of a document, or iu the documents of a collection; associated items can then serve as content identifiers in addition to the original ones; (e) syntactic analysis methods, which are used to generate phrases consisting of several words or concepts; each phrase serves as an indicator of document content, provided certain prespecified syntactic relations obtain between the phrase components;
AI~STRACT. Automatic indexing methods are evaluated and design criteria for modern information systems are derived. K~Y WORDS AND PtmASES: information retrieval, indexing methods, automatic retrieval, information systems, document retrieval, text analysis, document handling, retrieval effectiveness, SMART, precision, recall ca CATEGOm~S: 3.70, 3.72, 3.74, 3.79
Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, VoL 15, No. 1, January 1968, pp. 8-36.
Computer Evaluation o] Indexing-and Text Processing

The present study summarizes the results obtained with the SMART system over a two year period starting in 1964, and presents evalu~tion output based on the processing of three document collections in three different subject fields. Conclusions are drawn concerning the most likely analysis methods to be implemented in an operationM environment. The emphasis throughout is on text analysis procedures, since they form au finportant part of a document handling system. Sever~tl operational problems, including the actual network implementation of a retrieval system, are not covered; cost and timing estimates are also excluded, because these are t.ied directly to the specific environment within which a given system actually operates. The basic features of the SMART system are first described, and the design of the main experiments is outlined, including the statistical procedures used to test the significance of the evaluation output obtained. The principal ewduatiou results are then presented, and tentative conclusions are reached concerning the effectiveness of automatic text anMysis procedures as part of future information systems. The results derived from the present experiments are also briefly comp~tred with the output obtained with several other testing systems.
Computer Evaluation of Indexing and Text Processing
Cornell University,* Ithaca, New York
Harvard Universily,~ Cambridge, Massachusetts
Throughout the technical world, a growing interest is evident in the design and implementation of mechanized information systems. Over the last few years, the general feeling that something should be done to help organize and store some of the available information resources has given way to the widespread impression t h a t modern computing equipment may in fact be capable of alleviating and solving to some extent the so-called information problem. Specifically, it is believed that the required capacity exists to store m a n y data or document collections of interest, that procedures are available for analyzing and organizing the information in storage, and that real time software and hardware can be used to ensure t h a t the stored information is retrieved in response to requests from a given user population in a convenient form, and at little cost in time and effort [1-3]. Before investing the necessary resources required for the implementation o f sophisticated information services, it becomes necessary to generate the detailed system specifications and to determine which of many possible alternative design features should in fact be implemented. This, in turn, must be made to depend on experimentation in a controlled environment to test and evaluate the effectiveness of various possible search and analysis procedures. The S M A R T document retrieval system, which has been operating on an IBM 7094 for over three years, has been used extensively to test a large variety of automatic retrieval procedures, including fully automatic information analysis methods, automatic procedures for dictionary construction, and iterative search techniques based on user interaction with the system [4-7]. * Department of Computer Science. Division of Engineering and Applied Physics. This study was supported i~ part by the National Science Foundation under grants GN-36 and GN-495.