Shipper collaboration
基础知识资料目录一、基础知识1.常用船务专有名词介绍2.常用缩写简介3.解释名词4.基本单证介绍及文件基础知识5.货运代理人与无船承运人的辨识二、操作一般流程1.货物出口操作一般流程2.报关环节与报关行的配合3.报关注意事项4.OP提单制作注意事项5.与车队的合作6.危险品作业程序7.货物的理赔三、国际贸易1.国际贸易方式及运费、保险付费方式2.中国的对外贸易制度四、船公司的有关事项五、各航线主要港口六、海运有关条例1.班轮运输事物与法律2.中华人民共和国海商法(节选)基础知识内容提要:常用船务专有名词介绍常用缩写简介解释名词基本单证介绍及文件基础知识货运代理人与无船承运人的辨识常用船务专有名词介绍●AIR WAYBILL 空运提单简称AWB,有时亦写成AIRW AY BILL●ARRIV AL NOTICE 到货通知●BACK DATE 倒填日期●BASECARGO 压舱货●BASE PORT 基本港又称:MAIN PORT●BILL OF LADING 提单;载货证券●BONDER WAREHOUSE 保税仓库又称:CUSTOMS WAREHOUSE,经海关核准后发给执照,专以储存未经通关征税的进口货物仓库。
海关报关通关用日语精选一税関インボイス(ゼイカン?インボイス) 海関発票税関上屋(ゼイカンウワヤ) 海関货桟税関货物取り扱い(ゼイカンカモツトリアツカイ)报関行税関货物取り扱い报関経纪税関监査部(ゼイカンカンサブ) 海関监定検査部税関监视所(ゼイカンカンシショ) 海関货管処税関构内渡し(ゼイカンコウナイワタシ) 関桟交货税関执务时间(ゼイカンシツムジカン) 海関办公时间税関出张所(ゼイカンシュッチョウショ) 海関派出机构税関长(ゼイカンチョウ) 関长通関申告(ツウカンシンコク) 报関申告书(シンコクショ) 申报単通関许可(ツウカンキョカ) 放行通関业者(ツウカンギョウシャ) 报関行通関実绩表(ツウカンジッセキヒョウ) 报関実绩表通関书类(ツウカンショルイ) 报関単据通関代理人(ツウカンダイリニン) 海関代理人通関ベース通関统计的贸易额通関渡し(ツウカンワタシ) 海関交货関税一括引き下げ(カンゼイイッカツヒキサゲ) 一揽子降低関税谈判関税课税価格(カンゼイカゼイカカク) 対进口货征収関税的価格标准関税课税标准(ヒョウジュンカンゼイカゼイヒョウジュン) 関税征収标准関税隔差(カンゼイカクサ) 関税级别関税还付(カンゼイカンプ) 退还関税関税义务主义(カンゼイギムシュギ) 関税义务主意関税协定(カンゼイキョウテイ) 関税协定関税减免(カンゼイゲンメン) 减免関税関税互恵协定(カンゼイゴケイキョウテイ) 関税互恵协定関税及び通関费用価格(ゼイカンァ¤ビツウカンヒヨウカカク)包括関税及通関在内的进口地交货価関税込み埠头渡し価格(カンゼイコミフトウワタシカカク)目的港码头已完税交货価格関税暂定措置法(カンゼイザンテイソチホウ)関税临时措施法関税自主権(カンゼイジシュケン) 関税自主権関税譲许(カンゼイジョウキョ) 関税减譲関税障壁(カンゼイショウヘキ) 関税壁塁非関税障壁(ヒカンゼイショウヘキ)非関税壁塁関税线(カンゼイセン) 関境関税诉愿审査会(カンゼイソガンシンサカイ)関税请愿审査会関税协力理事会(カンゼイキョウリョクリジカイ)关税合作理事関税诉讼(カンゼイソショウ) 関税诉讼関税妥协(カンゼイダキョウ) 関税互譲関税担保(カンゼイタンポ) 関税押金関税调定(カンゼイチョウテイ) 调査并确定関税関税定率法(カンゼイテイリツホウ) 海関関税法関税転嫁(カンゼイテンカ) 関税転嫁(把関税転嫁给消费者)関税手持ち値段(カンゼイテモチネダン) 完税価格関税同化(カンゼイドウカ) (宗主国与殖民地之间的)関税同化関税同盟(カンゼイドウメイ) 関税同盟関税独裁(カンゼイドクサイ) 由総统或财政部长直接决定関税税率関税特别还付金(カンゼイトクベツカンプキン)特殊退还関税金额関税払い戻し申请(カンゼイハライモドシシンセイ)退还関税申请书関税払い戻し税制(カンゼイハライモドシゼイセイ) 退还関税制度関税评価制度(カンゼイヒョウカセイド)関税评定制度関税品目分类表(カンゼイヒンモクブンルイヒョウ)布鲁塞尔関税分类関税包括主义(カンゼイホウカツシュギ) 対一切进口货都征収関税的原则関税ほ脱(カンゼイ?) 逃避関税関税免除(カンゼイメンジョ) 免除関税関税率审议会(カンゼイリツシンギカイ) 関税率审议会関税率表(カンゼイリツヒョウ) 进口税则関税率変更権(カンゼイリツヘンコウケン) 関税率変更権関税领域(カンゼイリョウイキ) 関境関税割り当て制度(カンゼイワリアテセイド) 関税配额制(対一定数量范囲内的进口货征収低関税、超过范囲则征収高関事的制度エスケープ?クローズ免责条项(为了保护国内産业免除或降低関税)特恵関税(トッケイカンゼイ) 特恵関税最恵国関税(サイケイコクカンゼイ) 最恵国関税保护関税(ホゴカンゼイ) 保护関税互恵関税(ゴケイカンゼイ) 互恵関税一般税率(イッパンゼイリツ) 通常税率二重课税(ニジュウカゼイ) 双重征税従価税(ジュウカゼイ) 従価税従量税(ジュウリョウゼイ) 従量税とん税吨税特别とん税特殊吨税入港税(ニュウコウゼイ) 入港税国境通过税(コッキョウツウカゼイ) 过境税课徴金(カチョウキン) 附加税ガット関税及贸易総协定纳税证明书(ノウゼイショウメイショ) 税単比例税率(ヒリツゼイリツ) 比例税率脱税(ダツゼイ) 偸税滞纳(タイノウ) 滞纳纳税拒否(ノウゼイキョヒ) 抗税付加価値税(フカカチゼイ) 増値税徴税最低限(チョウゼイサイテイゲン) 起征点租税(ソゼイ) 租税、税款租税原则(ソゼイゲンソク) 租税原则租税収入(ソゼイシュウニュウ) 租税収入租税条约(ソゼイジョウヤク) 税収条约租税特别措置法(ソゼイトクベツソチホウ)税収特别措施法租税负担率(ソゼイフタンリツ) 税収在国民収入中所占的比率保税上屋(ホゼイウワヤ) 保税货桟保税仓库保税仓库海关报关通关用日语精选二保税加工业(ホゼイカコウギョウ)保税加工工业保税货物(ホゼイカモツ)保税货物保税期间(ホゼイキカン)保税期间保税工场(ホゼイコウジョウ)保税工厂保税工场外作业(ホゼイコウジョウガイサギョウ)保税工厂外作业保税仓库渡し(ホゼイソウコワタシ)保税仓库交货保税地域(ホゼイチイキ)保税区保税展示场(ホゼイテンジジョウ)保税展覧场所保税渡し条件(ホゼイワタシジョウケン)保税仓库交货条件保税渡し値段(ホゼイワタシネダン)保税仓库交货価简易通関制度(カンイツウカンセイド)简易通関制度基本税率(キホンゼイリツ)基本税率譲许税率(ジョウキョゼイリツ)互恵関税税率シーリング枠(シーリングワク)最高限额シーリング方式(シーリングホウシキ)最高限额制センシティブな品目(ヒンモク)限制进口或出口的物品ケネディ?ラウンド肯尼迪回合(降低関税谈判)东京ラウンド东京回合ウルグアイ?ラウンド乌拉圭回合ガット阁僚会议(カンリョウカイギ)関税及贸易総协定成员国部长会议-东京宣言(トウキョウセンゲン)东京宣言-ネガ限制性货単円の切り上げ(エンノキリアゲ)日元増値、昇値関税の前だおし引き下げ(カンゼイノマイダァ》ヒキサゲ)相杀措置(ソウサイソチ)抵销措施変动相场制(ヘンドウソウバセイ)浮动汇率制市场アクセス改善(シジョウアクセスカイゼン)促进市场自由化フレームワーク框架、结构、架构ブラッセル布鲁塞尔―関税譲许表(カンゼイジョウキョヒョウ)関税表-関税品目分类表(カンゼイヒンモクブンルイヒョウ)関税分类表ATA条约(ジョウヤク)临时进口证公约申告纳税方式(シンコクノウゼイホウシキ)纳税申报制度赋课课税方式(フカカゼイホウシキ)征収税款方式修正申告(シュウセイシンコク)修正申报纳期限延长制度(ノウキゲンエンチョウセイド)交付期限延长制度个别延长方式(コベツエンチョウホウシキ)个别延长方式包括延长方式(ホウカツエンチョウホウシキ)総括延长方式麻薬探知犬(マヤクタンチケン)毒品探知犬X线手荷物検査装置(Xセンテニモツケンサソウチ)X光携帯物品検査装置万国邮便条约(マンコクユウビンジョウヤク)万国邮政条约欧州経済委员会(ECE)(ァˇシュウケイザイイインカイ)欧洲経済委员会通関条约(TIR条约)(ツウカンジョウヤク)通関条约コンテナーヤード集装箱(货柜)集积所免税一时输入(メンゼイイチジユニュウ)免税临时进口SITC国际贸易标准分类特许権(トッキョケン)発明専利権実用新案権(ジツヨウシンアンケン)実用新型専利件意匠権(イソウケン)外観设计専利権、図案権、新式様専利権専利権(センリケン)専利権商标権(ショウヒョウケン)商标権复制権(フクセイケン)翻印复制権延べ払い金利(ノベバライキンリ)定期付款利息评価申告(ヒョウカシンコク)评定申报帐簿书类(チョウボショルイ)帐簿文件戻し税(モドシゼイ)退还関税戻税证明书(モドシゼイショウメイショ)退税证书戻し税制度(モドシゼイセイド)退还関税制度戻し税付き货物(モドシゼイツキカモツ)退税货物罚则(バッソク)罚款规则罚则条项(バッソクジョウコウ)罚款条款ポジティブ?リスト非限制性货単、特许进口货単ネガティブ?リスト不准进口的商品货単LLDC最不発达国家一般特恵関税(イッパントッケイカンゼイ)普恵関税、特恵関税荷主(ニヌシ)货主仓库业者(ソウコギョウシャ)仓库业者、経営仓库的人密输(ミツユ)走私出口(进口)麻薬(マヤク)毒品あへん鸦片けし罂粟覚醒剤(カクセイザイ)兴奋剤あへん吸烟具(アヘンキツエング)鸦片吸烟用具ヘロイン海洛因コカイン可卡因にせ札(ニセサツ)假纸币、伪钞わいせつ物品淫秽(猥亵)物品虚伪申告罪(キョギシンコクザイ)虚假申报罪重过失犯(ジュウカシツハン)重大过失犯没収追徴(ボッシュウツイチョウ)没収追征ESCAP联合国亜洲及太平洋経済和社会委员会积み戻し(ツミモドシ)退货、重新装货不服申したて(フフクモウシタテ)不服的申诉异议申したて(イギモウシタテ)提出异议审査请求(シンサセイキュウ)要求审査相谈?苦情(ソウダン?クジョウ)谘询、提意见税関相谈官(ゼイカンソウダンカン)海関谘询员市场开放问题苦情処理推进本部(シジョウカイホウモンダイクジョウショリスイシンホンブ)市场开放问题意见処理推进本部フェローシップ?プログラム特别研究员计划テクニカル?アタッシェ技术専员税関(ぜいかん)——海关パスポート——护照ビザ——签证密入国(みつにゅうこく)—秘密入境密出国(みつしゅっこく)—潜逃国外関税(かんぜい)——关税徴税(ちょうぜい)——征税免税(めんぜい)——免税免税品(めんぜいひん)——免税品脱税(だつぜい)——漏税脱税品(だつぜいひん)——走私货免疫(めんえき)——免疫通関(つうかん)——通关通関手続きをする——报关通関费用——报关费用申告书(しんこくしょ)——申报单手荷物(てにもつ)——随身行李,随身携带的物件携帯品(けいたいひん)——随身携带的物品携帯品(けいたいひん)——随身携带的物品托送(たくそう)——托运托送荷物——托运的货物ボデイチャック——搜身ボデイタッチ——(为防止劫持飞机的)搜身检查ハイジャック——劫持飞机海关报关通关用日语精选三物流関系の専门用语についてご绍介させていただきます日本语英语中国语コンテナ container 集装箱ドライコンテナ dry container 干货箱リッファコンテナ reefer container 冷藏箱オーポントップ open top container 开顶箱フラットコンテナ flat rack container 框架箱タンクコンテナ tanker container 油罐箱オープンサイドコンテナ open side container 侧开箱ハイキュープコンテナ high-cube container 高箱コンテナ船 container ship 集装箱船在来船 bulk carrier ship 散杂货船タンカー tanker ship 油轮燃料油付加费(BAF) bunker adjustment factor 燃油附加费外货差损调整料(CAF) currency adjustment factor 货币贬值调节费紧急燃料油付加费(EBS) emergency bunker surcharge 紧急燃油附加费船荷证券(B/L) bill of lading 提单オーシャンB/L ocean bill of lading 海洋提单ハォースB/L house bill of lading 联运提单スルーB/L through bill of lading 联运提单コンテナヤード container yard 集装箱堆场CHC container handling charge 集装箱操作费仓库受け渡し ex go-down warehouse 仓库交货工场车上渡しex work(fca) 工厂交货バン诘めvaning 装箱デバン(バン出し)devaning 拆箱扬げ地 discharging port 目的地送り状 invoice 发票ETA estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间ETD estimated time of departure 预计离港时间FCL full container load 整箱货オープントップコンテナ open top container 开顶箱元本(もとほん) original 正本海上哔U ocean freiget 海运费开梱 unpacking 开箱カートン carton box 纸箱木箱(きはこ) wooden case 箱风袋込み重量 gross weight 毛重クレート wooden crate 板条箱原産地证明 certificate of origin 产地证明书决済 settlement of account 决算経由 via,through 联运,经由航海(数) voyage 航海,航行.航次海关报关通关用日语精选四コンテナロードプラン container load plan 集装箱装箱单コレクト collect 到付コピー copy 副本,复印コンテナ积み stuffing (loading) 装箱コンテナ出し unstuffing(unloading) 拆箱,分拨LCL less than container load 拼箱货サイン signature 署名.签字シッピングマーク shipping mark 唛头CY ヤード CY yard 港区,集装箱堆场CFS cfs 散货仓库,货运站出航 sailing,departure 开航信用状 L/C(letter of credit) 信用证船舶代理店 shipping agent 船代パレット pallet 托盘バッグ bag 袋フォワーダー forwarder 货代船积地 loading port 发货地复合一贯输送 multimodal transportation 联运プリペイド prepaid 预付船积み书类 shipping documents 装船文件,资料フラットラックコンテナ flat rack container 框架箱复合一贯输送船荷证券 combined transport bill of lading 联合运输提单强制横持ち料疏港费港建设料 port charge保证状 L/C,letter of guaranty 保函保険 insurance policy 保险マニフェスト(积荷目録) manifest 仓单,载货清单メトリックトン M/T 估计元地回収 surrendering 原地回收ヤード通过料稳关费输出申告书 export declaration 出口货物报关单输入申告书 import declaration 进口申报单输出报告书 export report 核销单容积み measurement 体积立方メートル cubic meter 立方米,立方公尺冷冻コンテナ reefer container 冷装柜ベール bale 包総扬げ仓库前交货直取り alongside 船边交货遅延料 demurrage 冲关费,冲港费有料桥通行料 toll 过桥费通関料 clearance fee 报关费积み替え transhipment 转船积戻し return cargo 出口退货通関书类报关文件,资料通関代输入 clerancefee 清关费电信送金 telegraphic transfer 电汇伝票 slip 单据TLXリリース telex release 电放手数料 commission 佣金ドレー料金 drayage 集卡费トラック truck 卡车ドレー doray 集卡到着 arrival,arrived 抵达ドライコンテナ dry container 普通柜ドラム fibre/steel drum 铁桶荷主(にぬし) shipper 发货人荷受人(にうけにん) consignee 收货人荷役料(コンテナ积み料) handling charge 提箱费荷渡提货单在日常生活中,有很多包装箱体上有小心轻放啊之类的指示语,今天给大家推荐一些日语关于指示语的表示方法,谢谢取り扱い注意(とりあつかいちゅうい)小心轻放ガラス注意(がらすちゅうい) 小心玻璃割れ物注意(われものちゅうい) 易碎物品腐败注意(ふはいちゅうい) 小心腐烂液体につき注意(えきたいにつきちゅうい)液体货物湿気厳禁(しっきげんきん) 切勿受潮冷気注意(れいきちゅうい) 防寒热気注意(ねっきちゅうい) 防热火気厳禁(かきげんきん) 防火上方(じょうほう) 向上下方(かほう) 向下天地无用(てんちむよう) 请勿倒置手钓り无用(てづりむよう) 勿用手钩放り投げ无用(ほうりなげむよう) 切勿投掷垂直方向に(すいちょくほうこうに) 垂直方向做倾け禁止(かたむけきんし) 禁止倾斜落下注意(らっかちゅうい) 切勿坠落平らに置くな(たいらにおくな) 切勿平放加圧禁止(かあつきんし) 切勿挤压甲板积み(かんぱんづみ) 甲板装运船蔵积み(ふなぐらづみ) 船舱装运下积み厳禁(したづみげんきん) 怕压暗室开梱(あんしつかいこん) 暗室开启A.W. B(Air Way Bill) 空运提单A/C (Account) 账目A/O (Accoun Of) 入账A/S(At Sight) 见票即付A (Ad Valorem) 从价税A/W (Actual Weight) 实际重量コンテナロードプラン container load plan 集装箱装箱单コレクト collect 到付コピー copy 副本,复印コンテナ积み stuffing (loading) 装箱コンテナ出し unstuffing(unloading) 拆箱,分拨LCL less than container load 拼箱货サイン signature 署名.签字シッピングマーク shipping mark 唛头CY ヤード CY yard 港区,集装箱堆场CFS cfs 散货仓库,货运站出航 sailing,departure 开航信用状 L/C(letter of credit) 信用证船舶代理店 shipping agent 船代パレット pallet 托盘バッグ bag 袋フォワーダー forwarder 货代船积地 loading port 发货地复合一贯输送 multimodal transportation 联运プリペイド prepaid 预付船积み书类 shipping documents 装船文件,资料フラットラックコンテナ flat rack container 框架箱复合一贯输送船荷证券 combined transport bill of lading 联合运输提单强制横持ち料疏港费港建设料 port charge保证状 L/C,letter of guaranty 保函保険 insurance policy 保险マニフェスト(积荷目録) manifest 仓单,载货清单メトリックトン M/T 估计元地回収 surrendering 原地回收ヤード通过料稳关费输出申告书 export declaration 出口货物报关单输入申告书 import declaration 进口申报单输出报告书 export report 核销单容积み measurement 体积立方メートル cubic meter 立方米,立方公尺冷冻コンテナ reefer container 冷装柜ベール bale 包総扬げ仓库前交货直取り alongside 船边交货遅延料 demurrage 冲关费,冲港费有料桥通行料 toll 过桥费通関料 clearance fee 报关费积み替え transhipment 转船积戻し return cargo 出口退货通関书类报关文件,资料通関代输入 clerancefee 清关费电信送金 telegraphic transfer 电汇伝票 slip 单据TLXリリース telex release 电放手数料 commission 佣金ドレー料金 drayage 集卡费トラック truck 卡车ドレー doray 集卡到着 arrival,arrived 抵达ドライコンテナ dry container 普通柜ドラム fibre/steel drum 铁桶荷主(にぬし) shipper 发货人荷受人(にうけにん) consignee 收货人荷役料(コンテナ积み料) handling charge 提箱费荷渡提货单在日常生活中,有很多包装箱体上有小心轻放啊之类的指示语,今天给大家推荐一些日语关于指示语的表示方法,谢谢取り扱い注意(とりあつかいちゅうい)小心轻放ガラス注意(がらすちゅうい) 小心玻璃割れ物注意(われものちゅうい) 易碎物品腐败注意(ふはいちゅうい) 小心腐烂液体につき注意(えきたいにつきちゅうい)液体货物湿気厳禁(しっきげんきん) 切勿受潮冷気注意(れいきちゅうい) 防寒热気注意(ねっきちゅうい) 防热火気厳禁(かきげんきん) 防火上方(じょうほう) 向上下方(かほう) 向下天地无用(てんちむよう) 请勿倒置手钓り无用(てづりむよう) 勿用手钩放り投げ无用(ほうりなげむよう) 切勿投掷垂直方向に(すいちょくほうこうに) 垂直方向做倾け禁止(かたむけきんし) 禁止倾斜落下注意(らっかちゅうい) 切勿坠落平らに置くな(たいらにおくな) 切勿平放加圧禁止(かあつきんし) 切勿挤压甲板积み(かんぱんづみ) 甲板装运船蔵积み(ふなぐらづみ) 船舱装运下积み厳禁(したづみげんきん) 怕压暗室开梱(あんしつかいこん) 暗室开启 A/O (Accoun Of) 入账A.W. B(Air Way Bill) 空运提单 A/C (Account) 账目 A/S(At Sight) 见票即付 A (Ad Valorem) 从价税A/W (Actual Weight) 实际重量。
常见的物流专业术语1. 供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,SCM)2. 物流(Logistics)3. 运输(Transportation)4. 仓储(Warehousing)5. 供应商(Supplier)6. 客户(Customer)7. 配送(Distribution)8. 订货(Ordering)9. 采购(Procurement)10. 货物(Cargo)11. 装运(Shipment)12. 运输成本(Transportation Cost)13. 仓库管理(Warehouse Management)14. 运输方式(Mode of Transportation)15. 运输时间(Transit Time)16. 运输距离(Distance)17. 运输网络(Transportation Network)18. 物流中心(Logistics Center)19. 物料管理(Material Management)20. 资源调配(Resource Allocation)21. 库存管理(Inventory Management)22. 供应链协同(Supply Chain Collaboration)23. 海关(Customs)24. 清关(Customs Clearance)25. 国际贸易(International Trade)26. 出口(Export)27. 进口(Import)28. 海运(Ocean Freight)29. 空运(Air Freight)30. 铁路运输(Rail Transportation)31. 公路运输(Road Transportation)32. 仓储设施(Warehousing Facility)33. 仓储系统(Warehousing System)34. 包装(Packaging)35. 集装箱(Container)36. 货运代理(Freight Forwarder)37. 物流服务商(Logistics Service Provider)38. 运输安全(Transportation Security)39. 危险品运输(Hazardous Materials Transportation)40. 配送中心(Distribution Center)41. 装卸设备(Material Handling Equipment)42. 拣货(Picking)43. 装载(Loading)44. 卸货(Unloading)45. 中转(Transshipment)46. 运输保险(Transportation Insurance)47. 供应链可视化(Supply Chain Visibility)48. 物流效率(Logistics Efficiency)49. 物流成本(Logistics Cost)50. 逆物流(Reverse Logistics)51. 供应链优化(Supply Chain Optimization)52. 库存周转率(Inventory Turnover)53. 入库(Receiving)54. 出库(Shipping)55. 货运费用(Freight Charges)56. 运输路线(Transportation Route)57. 运输计划(Transportation Plan)58. 交付时间(Delivery Time)59. 运输管理系统(Transportation Management System,TMS)60. 仓储管理系统(Warehouse Management System,WMS)61. 托盘(Pallet)62. 货架(Rack)63. 供应商管理(Supplier Management)64. 货主(Shipper)65. 分销中心(Distribution Center)66. 订购点(Order Point)67. 定期订购(Regular Order)68. 经济订购数量(Economic Order Quantity,EOQ)69. 货运成本(Freight Cost)70. 运输效率(Transportation Efficiency)71. 供应链合作伙伴(Supply Chain Partner)72. 物流战略(Logistics Strategy)73. 货物跟踪(Cargo Tracking)74. 物流网络设计(Logistics Network Design)75. 全球物流(Global Logistics)76. 城市物流(Urban Logistics)77. 网络优化(Network Optimization)78. 成本控制(Cost Control)79. 风险管理(Risk Management)80. 总部仓库(Central Warehouse)81. 分布式仓库(Decentralized Warehouse)82. 跨境电商(Cross-border E-commerce)83. 供应商评估(Supplier Evaluation)84. 交货期(Delivery Date)85. 物流流程(Logistics Process)86. 物流组织(Logistics Organization)87. 物流规划(Logistics Planning)88. 跟踪系统(Tracking System)89. 订单处理(Order Processing)90. 门到门服务(Door-to-Door Service)91. 配送路线优化(Route Optimization)92. 冷链物流(Cold Chain Logistics)93. 单一窗口(Single Window)94. 联合运输(Intermodal Transportation)95. 快递(Express Delivery)96. 无人机配送(Drone Delivery)97. 末端配送(Last Mile Delivery)98. 供应链可持续性(Supply Chain Sustainability)99. 供应链风险(Supply Chain Risk)100. 货运容量(Freight Capacity)101. 系统集成(System Integration)102. 自动化仓库(Automated Warehouse)103. 运输需求管理(Transportation Demand Management)104. 配送计划(Distribution Plan)105. 订货周期(Order Cycle)106. 供应商协调(Supplier Coordination)107. 物流监控(Logistics Monitoring)108. 物流协同(Logistics Collaboration)109. 物流效益(Logistics Performance)110. 包装材料(Packaging Material)111. 拖车(Trailer)112. 仓储面积(Warehousing Space)113. 库存周转时间(Inventory Turnaround Time)114. 批次(Batch)115. 供应商评估指标(Supplier Evaluation Metrics)116. 运输分析(Transportation Analysis)117. 订单管理(Order Management)118. 运输优化(Transportation Optimization)119. 分销网络(Distribution Network)120. 多式联运(Multimodal Transportation)121. 物流策略(Logistics Strategy)122. 库存控制(Inventory Control)123. 物流信息系统(Logistics Information System)124. 运输监控(Transportation Monitoring)125. 物流效果评估(Logistics Performance Evaluation)126. 运输管理(Transportation Management)127. 收货确认(Receipt Confirmation)128. 配送时间窗口(Delivery Time Window)129. 物流外包(Logistics Outsourcing)130. 货运合同(Freight Contract)131. 运输文件(Transportation Documents)132. 物流安全(Logistics Security)133. 运输节点(Transportation Node)134. 物流地图(Logistics Map)135. 托运人(Consignor)136. 承运人(Carrier)137. 运输协议(Transportation Agreement)138. 物流审计(Logistics Audit)139. 运输成本分摊(Transportation Cost Allocation)140. 供应链可控性(Supply Chain Controllability)141. 仓储设备(Warehousing Equipment)142. 仓库布局(Warehouse Layout)143. 库位管理(Location Management)144. 入库管理(Receiving Management)145. 出库管理(Shipping Management)146. 发货通知(Shipment Notification)147. 配送费用(Distribution Costs)148. 运输分配(Transportation Allocation)149. 手工作业(Manual Operation)150. 电子商务物流(E-commerce Logistics)151. 航空货运(Air Cargo)152. 陆运(Land Transportation)153. 运输容量(Transportation Capacity)154. 环保物流(Green Logistics)155. 同城配送(Same-day Delivery)156. 订购量(Order Quantity)157. 装载率(Loading Rate)158. 卸载率(Unloading Rate)159. 损耗率(Loss Rate)160. 物流效能(Logistics Effectiveness)161. 供应链可靠性(Supply Chain Reliability)162. 物流合同(Logistics Contract)163. 仓库效率(Warehouse Efficiency)164. 计划运输(Planned Transportation)165. 非计划运输(Unplanned Transportation)166. 运输提单(Transportation Bill of Lading)167. 全程运输(Door-to-Door Transportation)168. 物流优化模型(Logistics Optimization Model)169. 仓储操作(Warehousing Operation)170. 运输过程(Transportation Process)171. 分销商(Distributor)172. 发货人(Consignor)173. 制造商(Manufacturer)174. 销售商(Retailer)175. 中转仓(Transit Warehouse)176. 集配中心(Consolidation and Distribution Center)177. 多渠道物流(Multichannel Logistics)178. 供应链整合(Supply Chain Integration)179. 物流服务水平(Logistics Service Level)180. 交货条件(Delivery Terms)181. 出口商(Exporter)182. 进口商(Importer)183. 港口(Port)184. 集装箱码头(Container Terminal)185. 干线运输(Trunk Transportation)186. 短途运输(Short-haul Transportation)187. 跨境物流(Cross-border Logistics)188. 拼箱(Less than Container Load,LCL)189. 整箱(Full Container Load,FCL)190. 物流外包商(Logistics Outsourcer)191. 物流执行系统(Logistics Execution System,LES)192. 物流规模化(Logistics Scaling)193. 货运管理(Freight Management)194. 物流数据分析(Logistics Data Analysis)195. 供应商协同计划(Supplier Collaboration Planning)196. 仓储容量规划(Warehousing Capacity Planning)197. 配送路线规划(Distribution Route Planning)198. 供应链网络优化(Supply Chain Network Optimization)199. 应急物流(Emergency Logistics)200. 满足率(Fill Rate)201. 物料需求计划(Material Requirements Planning,MRP)202. 运输订单(Transportation Order)203. 运输跟踪(Transportation Tracking)204. 物流成本分析(Logistics Cost Analysis)205. 运输报告(Transportation Report)206. 供应商评估体系(Supplier Evaluation System)207. 客户满意度(Customer Satisfaction)208. 采购管理(Procurement Management)209. 配送点(Delivery Point)210. 订购周期(Ordering Cycle)211. 缺货(Stockout)212. 外包物流(Outsourced Logistics)213. 物流效益评估(Logistics Performance Assessment)214. 境内物流(Domestic Logistics)215. 全球供应链(Global Supply Chain)216. 供应链整合技术(Supply Chain Integration Technology)217. 库存周转率指标(Inventory Turnover Ratio)218. 可追溯性(Traceability)219. 销售预测(Sales Forecast)220. 仓储费用(Warehousing Cost)221. 运输费率(Freight Rate)222. 物流信息共享(Logistics Information Sharing)223. 配送中心管理(Distribution Center Management)224. 入库检验(Receiving Inspection)225. 出库检验(Shipping Inspection)226. 货运监控(Cargo Monitoring)227. 物流执行(Logistics Execution)228. 物流路线规划(Logistics Route Planning)229. 城市配送(Urban Distribution)230. 物流模拟(Logistics Simulation)231. 系统优化(System Optimization)232. 运输效益评估(Transportation Efficiency Assessment)233. 运输需求预测(Transportation Demand Forecasting)234. 物流合作关系(Logistics Cooperation)235. 物流可靠性评估(Logistics Reliability Evaluation)236. 运输成本优化(Transportation Cost Optimization)237. 物流资金流转(Logistics Fund Flow)238. 供应链协同计划(Supply Chain Collaboration Planning)239. 仓库布局优化(Warehouse Layout Optimization)240. 运输容量规划(Transportation Capacity Planning)241. 物料流动(Material Flow)242. 运输效果分析(Transportation Effectiveness Analysis)243. 物流决策支持系统(Logistics Decision Support System)244. 供应链整合管理(Supply Chain Integration Management)245. 仓库操作规范(Warehouse Operation Specification)246. 订单处理时间(Order Processing Time)247. 运输效果评估(Transportation Effectiveness Evaluation)248. 物流网络优化(Logistics Network Optimization)249. 供应链风险管理(Supply Chain Risk Management)250. 货物追踪系统(Cargo Tracking System)251. 仓储容量规划(Warehousing Capacity Planning)252. 配送中心运作(Distribution Center Operation)253. 运输需求管理系统(Transportation Demand Management System)254. 运输过程监控(Transportation Process Monitoring)255. 物流信息共享平台(Logistics Information Sharing Platform)256. 库存周转率分析(Inventory Turnover Analysis)257. 批发物流(Wholesale Logistics)258. 城市配送中心(Urban Distribution Center)259. 货物跟踪技术(Cargo Tracking Technology)260. 物流供应商选择(Logistics Supplier Selection)261. 物流运营管理(Logistics Operations Management)262. 运输效能评估(Transportation Effectiveness Assessment)263. 物流执行管理(Logistics Execution Management)264. 物流路线优化(Logistics Route Optimization)265. 物流成本控制(Logistics Cost Control)266. 物流质量管理(Logistics Quality Management)267. 运输可行性分析(Transportation Feasibility Analysis)268. 物流人力资源管理(Logistics Human Resource Management)269. 物流合作模式(Logistics Cooperation Mode)270. 供应链服务水平(Supply Chain Service Level)271. 仓库容量规划(Warehousing Capacity Planning)272. 配送中心布局优化(Distribution Center Layout Optimization)273. 运输需求预测系统(Transportation Demand Forecasting System)274. 物流过程监控系统(Logistics Process Monitoring System)275. 供应链协同管理平台(Supply Chain Collaboration Management Platform)276. 仓储操作效率评估(Warehouse Operation Efficiency Assessment)277. 订单处理周期(Order Processing Cycle)278. 运输成本效益分析(Transportation Cost Benefit Analysis)279. 物流网络可达性(Logistics Network Accessibility)280. 供应链整合策略(Supply Chain Integration Strategy)281. 物料需求计划系统(Material Requirements Planning System)282. 运输订单管理系统(Transportation Order Management System)283. 运输跟踪技术(Transportation Tracking Technology)284. 物流成本分析系统(Logistics Cost Analysis System)285. 运输报告生成系统(Transportation Report Generation System)286. 供应商评估体系建立(Supplier Evaluation System Establishment)287. 客户满意度调查(Customer Satisfaction Survey)288. 采购管理系统(Procurement Management System)289. 配送点优化(Delivery Point Optimization)290. 订购周期缩短(Ordering Cycle Reduction)291. 运输安全管理(Transportation Security Management)292. 物流执行系统优化(Logistics Execution System Optimization)293. 物流路线规划系统(Logistics Route Planning System)294. 城市配送管理(Urban Distribution Management)295. 物流模拟系统(Logistics Simulation System)296. 系统优化方法(System Optimization Method)297. 运输效益评估指标(Transportation Effectiveness Evaluation Metrics)298. 物流协同计划系统(Logistics Collaboration Planning System)299. 仓库布局规划技术(Warehouse Layout Planning Technology)300. 运输容量规划系统(Transportation Capacity Planning System)这是一个包含常见物流专业术语的列表,覆盖了供应链管理、运输、仓储、供应商管理等多个方面。
航海及海运专业英语词汇(S5)Ship's Arrival Plan船舶挂港计划ship's Use Tax船舶使用税ship 船ship 船舰ship's acoustic navigation system 船舶声响导航系统ship's acoustic navigation system 船用声学导航系统船用水声导航系统Ship's Acoustic Navigation System 船用音响导航系统ship's acoutic navigation system 船用音响导航系统ship's advanced communications 舰船先进通信Ship's Affairs Endorsement 船舶事务签证ship's agency service 船舶代理业务ship's agent 船舶代理人ship's agent 船舶运输代理人ship's agent 船东代理人ship's air bottle 潜水储气罐ship's alternation 船改装ship's and crafts 大小船只Ship's Apparels 船舶属具ship's apparels 船具ship's apparent time 地方视时ship's articles 船舶物品ship's articles 船员雇用合同ship's authentication committee 船舶鉴定委员会ship's badge 船标记牌ship's bag 船上邮包ship's barometer 船用气压仪ship's bearing transmitter 船舶航向发送器ship's bell book 机舱传令记录簿ship's bell 船钟ship's bill of lading 货物)随船提单ship's bill of lading 随船提单Ship's Black Box 船舶黑匣子ship's boat 船载小艇ship's boats' charts 救生艇用海图ship's boiler 船用锅炉ship's bread 压缩饼干ship's bread 压缩饼干压缩饼干Ship's Buoyancy 船舶浮性ship's bureau 船舶局ship's business 船舶业务ship's certificate 船舶证书ship's class 船级ship's classification 船级ship's clearance permit 海关结关单ship's clerk 船舶货运员ship's clock 船钟ship's computer system 船用电子计算机系统Ship's Container 船用集装箱ship's control and navigation 操纵和导航ship's control center 船舶操纵中心ship's control center 船舶控制中心ship's crane 船用起重机ship's crew 船员ship's data book 船舶技术数据簿ship's days 装卸天数ship's degauss 船舶消磁Ship's Dimension 船舶尺度Ship's Displacement 船舶排水量ship's distinguishing signals 船名呼号ship's distress signal 船舶呼救信号ship's doctor 船舶医生ship's doctor 船上医务人员ship's document 船舶文书ship's documents 船舶文件ship's effective life 船舶有效使用期限ship's engine 主机ship's entry notice 船舶入港通知书ship's entry 船进港ship's fitments 船舶附件ship's fitting 船舶设备ship's fitting 船舶装备ship's form 船体线型ship's gear 船舶装备ship's gear 船用仪表和设备ship's general arrangement 船舶总布置ship's habitability 船舶适居性ship's head flashing 首向标志辉线ship's head 船首向ship's head 首向ship's heading marker 船首标志ship's heading marker 船首线标志ship's heading 船首向ship's holiday 船上假日ship's husband 船舶代理人ship's in operation 营运船舶ship's in possession 船舶保有量ship's induced magnetism 船舶感应磁性ship's inertial navigation system 船舶惯性导航系统ship's inertial navigation system 船舶惯性导航系统船用惯性导航系统ship's initial magnetic field 船舶初始磁场ship's inspection 船舶检验ship's inspector 船舶监造员Ship's Insubmeribility 船舶抗沉性ship's integrated electronic system 船舶综合电子系统ship's integrated electronics system 船舶综合电子设备系统ship's integrated power system 船舶综合电力系统ship's inventory 船上用品清册ship's island 船上的上层建筑ship's island 船中部上层建筑ship's journal 船舶日志Ship's Legal Nature 船舶的法律性质ship's life 船舶寿命ship's lines 船舶型线ship's lines 船舶型线图ship's lines 船体型线ship's loading computer 船舶配载计算机ship's log 航海日志ship's log 船舶航海日志ship's log 航海日志ship's log(book 航海日志ship's logbook 船舶记事簿ship's machiner 船用设备ship's machinery committee 船舶机械委员会ship's machinery 船用机器ship's machinery 船用机器船用设备ship's machinery 船用设备ship's magnetism 船磁ship's mains 船舶电力网ship's maintenance plan 船舶维修计划ship's maintenance project 船舶维修计划ship's maintenance project 船舶维修明细表ship's mean time 地方平时ship's medical officer 船上医务人员ship's motion simulator 船舶运动模拟器ship's name 船名ship's number 船舶呼号ship's number 船号ship's number 船名呼号ship's official number 船舶正式数字Ship's Operating Trade 船舶经营业ship's option 承运船的选择权ship's option 船方选择ship's original magnetic field 船舶原始磁场ship's outfit 船舶舾装件Ship's Owner's Mutual Insurance Association 船东互保协会ship's paint 船用油漆ship's paper 船舶文件ship's papers 船舶文件ship's particulars 船舶规范ship's particulars 船舶详细资料ship's parts control center 船舶部件控制中心ship's passport 船舶证书ship's passport 中立国船证明书ship's path monitor 船舶航迹监视器Ship's Personification 船舶拟人化ship's personnel on duty 船方值班人员ship's plan 船舶平面图ship's position measurement 船位测量ship's position 船位ship's power plant 船舶动力装置ship's power plant 船用动力装置ship's power station 船舶电站ship's powerplant 舰船动力装置Ship's Principal Dimensions 船舶主尺度ship's protest 海事报告ship's protest 海事声明ship's pump 船用泵ship's receipt 船方收据ship's receipt 船上收货单ship's register 船舶登记ship's register 船名录ship's registry office 船舶登记局ship's registry 船舶登记ship's release 提货单Ship's Repair 船舶修理ship's repairs & maintenance facilities 船舶设施ship's report 船舶报告ship's routeing 船舶定线ship's routeing 船舶定线制ship's routing 船舶定线制Ship's Seaworthiness 船舶适航ship's self-contained navigation system 船舶自主式导航系统ship's service air 船用空气系统ship's service diesel generator 船用柴油机发电机ship's service generator 全船性服务发电机ship's service lighting 船舶照明ship's service store 船上小卖部ship's service telephone 船内日用电话ship's service 全船性服务ship's signal letters 船名呼号Ship's Sinking 船舶沉没ship's special survey with date 船舶特殊检验日期ship's speed 船舶航速ship's speedometer 船舶速度表ship's speedometer 船速计ship's staff 船员ship's station 船舶电台ship's stores and equipment 船舶物料与设备ship's stores 船舶贮备品ship's surgeon 船上医务人员ship's surve 船舶检验ship's survey 船舶检验ship's survival craft station 船舶救生艇筏电台ship's sweat 舱壁汗湿ship's tackle 船舶索具ship's tackling 装备船舶索具ship's telegraph 机舱传令钟ship's test readiness evaluation procedure 船舶试验准备情况鉴定程序Ship's Time Schedule 船期ship's time 船时ship's tonnage 船舶吨位Ship's Trading Certificates 船舶营运证书ship's ventilation supply and exhaust system 全船通风进排气系统ship's ventilation 全船通风ship's wake 船舶伴流ship's watch 船钟ship's wave-region 船舶浪区ship's weather instrument 船舶气象仪ship's weather report 船舶天气报告ship's 船舶的ship'ssupply 船用电源ship) movement reporting system 船舶动态报告系统ship-aircraft search pattern 海空协作搜寻方式ship-assembly yard 船舶装配厂ship-based telephone 船上的电话ship-borne weather instrument 船用气象仪ship-borne weather instruments 船舶气象仪ship-caisson 坞门ship-chandler 船具商ship-chandlery 船具船具买卖ship-control line 船舶操纵线路ship-controllability 船舶驾驶性能ship-design data 船舶设计数据ship-directional quay 引船码头ship-feeder 供应船ship-handling 船舶驾驶ship-house 造船棚ship-hull design 船体设计ship-jack 升船起重机ship-length 船长ship-lifter 升船机ship-lighting plant 船舶照明装置ship-lines 船体型线ship-lofting 船体型线放样ship-plant 造船工场ship-repairing industry 修船工业ship-rig 船舶索具ship-shape barge 船型驳ship-stabilizing gear 舰船减摇装置ship-staff maintenance 船员维修ship-to surface vessel 搜索海面舰船的船用ship-to-shore radio 船对岸无线电台ship-to-shore submarine line 船-岸水下管道ship-to-surface vessel radar 舰艇对水面舰船雷达ship-to-surface vessel 搜索海面的船用ship-wave interaction 船-波相互作用shipaircraft search pattern 海/空协作搜寻方式shipboard antenna pedestal 舰船天线站shipboard automation 船舶自动化shipboard communication equipment & test station 船舶通信设备试验站shipboard communication equipment test station 船舶通信设备试验站shipboard communication 船上通信shipboard data display unit 船用数据显示器shipboard data display unit 船用数据显示装置shipboard equipment 船上设备shipboard gantry crane 船上桥式吊运车shipboard ice navigation support system 船舶冰区航行支持系统shipboard integrated maintenance program 船上综合维修计划shipboard integrated man machine system 船用综合人-机系统shipboard integrated man-machine system 船用综合人—机系统shipboard integrated men-machine system 船用综合人机系统shipboard machinery system 船舶动力装置shipboard management 船上管理shipboard oceanographic survey system 船载海洋调查系统Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan 船上油污应急计划Shipboard Oil Spill Response Plan 船上溢油反应计划shipboard operation 船上作业shipboard repair 船上修理shipboard satellite communications system 船用卫星通信系统shipboard search 船上搜索shipboard sewage treatment system 船上污水处理系统shipboard sonar 船载声纳shipboard supervision 船上监督shipboard use 船上使用shipboard utensil design 船用型器具设计shipboard wave meter 船舷测波仪shipboard wave meter 船舷测波仪随船测波仪船载测波计shipboard wave meter 随船测波仪shipboard 船船上船舷shipboard 船船上船舷舷侧shipboard 舷侧shipboard 舷侧船shipboard 在船上shipboard-type 船用式的shipborne barge 船载驳shipborne barge 船载驳船shipborne expendable bathythermograph 船载舍弃式深度温度计shipborne guide stud 船用导子shipborne navigational aid 船载导航设备shipborne navigational equipment 船载航行设备shipborne radar 船用雷达shipborne radio equipment 船载无线电设备shipborne service 船舶运输业务shipborne system 船载系统shipborne trainer 船用练习器shipborne VHF radio installation 船载甚高频无线电设备shipborne wave recorder 船用浪高仪shipborne 船用的shipborne 设在船上的shipbreaker 拆废船人shipbreaker 废船包拆人;拆船商shipbreaking company 拆船公司shipbreaking industry 拆船工业shipbreaking 拆废船shipbreaking 船舶破损shipbreaking 船舶破损船舶解体shipbroker 船舶经纪人Shipbroker 船舶经纪人船舶经纪商Shipbroker 船舶经纪人租船经纪人shipbroker 船舶中间商shipbroking firm 船舶经纪商Shipbuilder association 船厂联合会shipbuilder 造船厂shipbuilder 造船厂船舶建造人员shipbuilder 造船工作者shipbuilder's computing center 船厂计算中心Shipbuilder's Council of America 美国造船商委员会shipbuilder's draft 船舶型线图shipbuilder's tube 尾轴管shipbuilder's 造船厂的船舶建造人员的Shipbuilders and Repairers National Association 全国造船与修船商协会shipbuilding allowance 造船公差shipbuilding and engineering 造船工程业Shipbuilding and shipping Record 《船舶制造与航运》shipbuilding and trading department 船舶贸易所Shipbuilding Contract 造船合同shipbuilding crane 船厂起重机shipbuilding crane 船台起重机shipbuilding depression 造船不景气shipbuilding division 造船部门shipbuilding dock 船坞shipbuilding drydock 造船坞shipbuilding facilities 造船厂shipbuilding facilities 造船厂家shipbuilding facilities 造船设施shipbuilding hall 造船车间Shipbuilding Industry Board 造船工业委员会shipbuilding industry 造船工业Shipbuilding Insurance 船舶建造险shipbuilding lien 造船留置权shipbuilding materials 造船材料shipbuilding method with allowable tolerences 公差造船法shipbuilding n. 船舶建造shipbuilding period 造船周期shipbuilding press 造船用压力机shipbuilding program 造船计划shipbuilding recession 造船衰退Shipbuilding Research Association of Japan 日本造船研究协会Shipbuilding Research Center of Japan 日本造船研究中心shipbuilding research laboratory 造船研究试验室shipbuilding sections 船用型材shipbuilding shapes 造船型材shipbuilding specification 造船说明书shipbuilding standardization research institute 船舶标准化研究所shipbuilding subsidy 造船补贴费shipbuilding Technology Research Institute 船舶工艺研究所shipbuilding technology 造船工艺shipbuilding tower crane 船台塔式起重机shipbuilding yard 造船厂shipbuilding 船舶建造shipbuilding 造船shipbuilding 造船业shiped quality 装货质量shipfitter 船体装配工shipfitter 船体装配工人shipfitter 造船号料工shipfitting 船舶装配shipform 船舶形状shipform 船体线型shipform 船体线型;舰船形状shiphoard automation 船舶自动化shiphoard flexible coaxial cable 船用同轴电缆shiphoard gantry crane 船舶高架移动式起重机shiphoard integrated man-machine system 船用综合机-机系统shiphoard machinery system 船用动力装置shiphoard measurement 实船测试shiphoard radiofrequency cable 船用射频电缆shiphoard repair 船上修理shiphoard sewage treatment system 船上污水处理系统shiphoard 舷侧shiphoard 舷侧船shipkeeper 看船人shiplift 升船机shiplike 船样shipload 船舶装货量shipload 船货shipload 船货船舶装载量shiploader 装船机shipman 船员shipmaster 船长shipmaster 船长船主shipmaster's lien 船长的留置权shipmate 同船船员shipmate 同船水手shipmen 上船工作的装卸工人shipment detail card 货运明细卡shipment distance 运输距离shipment offered for carriage 交付运输的货物shipment policy 装运保险单shipment request 装货申请shipment request 装货申请装货申请shipment 装船shipment 装货装载量shipment 装运shipment 装运;装载的货物shipment 装运装载的货物shipmodel 船模shipowher's mutual protection & indemnity association 船东互保与保赔协会shipowner approval 船东认可Shipowner association 船东联合会Shipowner 船舶所有人船东Shipowner 船舶所有人船东船主shipowner 船东shipowner 船东船主shipowner 船主shipowner's agent 船东代理人Shipowner's Lawful Identity Document 船舶所有人合法身份证明shipowner's liability 船舶所有人的义务shipowner's liability 船舶所有人义务shipowner's liability 船舶所有人责任Shipowner's Liability 船东义务shipowner's liability 船东责任Shipowners Claims Bureau 船东索赔部Shipowners Mutual Association 船东互保协会Shipowners 出租人Shipowners' Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association 船东互相保与保赔协会shipowners'association 船东协会shippable 便于船运的shipped bill of lading 货物)已装船提单已装船提单shipped bill of lading 已装船提单shipped in good condition 装载良好shipped in the hold 装在船舱内shipped on deck at shippers' risk 甲板货托运人自负风险shipped on deck 装在甲板shipped quality terms 装船质量条款shipped weight terms 装船重量条款shipped weight 装船重量shipped 装船的shipper and carrier 托运人与承运人shipper loaded container 货主自装集装箱shipper pays taxes 由托运人付税金shipper service 货运业务shipper 发货人shipper 托运人shipper's copy 给货主的副本shipper's export declaration 托运人出口报关清单shipper's guarantee 托运人保证书shipper's guarantee 托运人担保书shipper's load and count 发货人装载和计数Shipper's load and count 发货人自装自理shipper's load and count 货主自装自理shipper's load and tally 发货人装船与理货shipper's load and tally 发货人装船与理货发货自装自理shipper's load and tally 发货自装自理shipper's manifest 托运人出口报关清单shipper's option 发货人选择托运人选择shipper's option 托运人意见shipper's own container 发货人备集装箱shipper's papers 货运文件运货文件shipper's papers 托运文件shipper's protest 托运人的抗议书shipper's risk 货主自负风险shipper's weight 发货人报的货重shipper's weight 发货人报的货重发货人报的重量货方重量shipper's weight 发货人提出的重量shipper's weight 货方重量shipper-receiver 发货—收货人Shippers Certificate or Declaration for the Transport of Dangerous Goods 危险货物托运人证书Shippers Liability for Carriers Container Used 货主使用承运人集装箱责任Shippers Liability When His Own Container Used 货主使用自有箱责任Shippers Load and Count 托运人装箱点数Shippers Own Containers 货主箱Shippers Packed Container 托运人装箱shipping agent 海运代理人shipping & forwarding agents 船舶运输代理行shipping & forwarding agents 水运代理行shipping accumulation number 装船累积数shipping accumulation numbers 装载累积数Shipping Act 1984 1984年航运法shipping activity 航运活动shipping administration 航运主管机关shipping advice 货运单Shipping Advice 装船通知shipping advice 装货通知书shipping advice 装运通知shipping agency 船舶代理公司shipping agency 代理公司shipping agency 航运公司shipping agent 船舶业务代理人shipping agent 船舶运输代理人装船代理人Shipping Agent 装船代理人Shipping Agents and Brokers Association of Singapore 新加坡航运代理与经纪人协会Shipping and Forwarding Agent 海运和转运代理行shipping application 货运舱位申请shipping application 托运单shipping application 装运申请书shipping articles (船员雇用合同shipping articles 船员雇用合同shipping authority 海运当局shipping belt 装货用皮带shipping bill 船货清单shipping bill 货物装船准单shipping board 航运局Shipping Business 船舶营运shipping business 航运业务shipping capacity 装货容量shipping case 装运箱shipping casualties 船舶海事shipping charge 装船费用shipping clause 装船条款shipping clerk 运输业务办事员shipping commissioner 海员契约监护官shipping community 航运界shipping company 船运公司shipping company 航运公司Shipping Conference Law 海运组合法韩shipping conference 航业协会shipping container 船运集装箱shipping container 海运集装箱shipping contract 货运合同shipping country 海运国shipping country 航运国家shipping cover 运输防雨罩shipping custom 航运习惯Shipping Customs and Usages 航运惯例shipping customs 航运习惯shipping data 船舶资料shipping data 船舶资料船运数据shipping data 船运数据shipping date 船期shipping date 装船日期Shipping Development Fund Committee 航运发展基金委员会Shipping Developments Corporation S.A. v. VO Sojuzneft Export 航运发展公司诉VO索米内夫特出口公司案shipping disaster 航运灾难shipping dispatching work 航运调度工作shipping distance 运程shipping dock 装船shipping dock 装卸码头shipping document 货运单据Shipping Documents of Dangerous Goods 危险货物装运文件Shipping Documents 航运单证货运单证装运单据shipping documents 运货文件shipping documents 装船凭证shipping economics 航运经济学shipping environment 航运环境shipping exchange 航运交易所shipping federation 航业协会shipping field 航运领域shipping finance and accounting 水运财务会计shipping forecast 航运行情预测shipping freight 运费shipping guarantee 船货保证shipping income 海运收入shipping index 航运指南shipping industry 海运业shipping industry 航运业shipping information service 航运情报服务shipping inspection 航运检查shipping instruction 装货说明shipping instruction 装货指令shipping instruction 装载说明shipping instructions 装船须知shipping instructions 装运指示shipping insurance 船运保险shipping interests 海运业者shipping invoice 装货发票shipping invoice 装货发票shipping invoice 装货清单shipping lane 船运航线shipping lane 大洋航线shipping law 航运法shipping law 航运法规shipping legislation 航运法观shipping line 航线shipping list 装货单shipping management 航运管理shipping manifest 装船舱单shipping mark 发货标记shipping marks 装运唛头shipping maser 海员契约监护官shipping master 船东shipping master 船东海员契约监护官shipping memo 装货通知书shipping memorandom 装运备忘录shipping memorandum 装运备忘录shipping note 装船通知单shipping note 装船通知装船通知单shipping note 装船通知装船通知单货运通知单装货通知书shipping number 船运编号shipping number 装船序号shipping of green water 甲板上浪shipping office 运输事务所shipping order 运货单shipping order 装货单shipping ordinance 海运条例shipping ordinance 航运条例Shipping Package 运输包装shipping papers 货运文件shipping papers 货运文件托运文件shipping permit 装船通知单准运单shipping permit 准运单shipping plan 运输计划shipping policy 海运政策shipping policy 航运政策shipping pool 航业联营shipping port 航运港shipping port 装货港shipping receipt 货运收据装货收据shipping receipt 装货收据shipping recession 航运衰退shipping register 船舶登记shipping registrar 船舶登记主管人shipping registrationact 航运登记法shipping regulation 航运规定shipping ring 航业公会shipping route chart 航运路线图shipping route 航线Shipping Sack 集装袋shipping sample 装船货样shipping season 通航季节shipping sector 航运部门shipping space 舱位shipping specification 装载明细表shipping state 航运国家Shipping Statute 航海过失免责shipping tag 货运标签shipping tax 船舶税shipping tax 航运税shipping terminal 航运基地shipping ticket 海运票签海运货物票shipping ton 货运吨shipping track 航线shipping traffic control signal station 船舶交通指挥信号台shipping tribunal 航运法庭shipping unit 货运单位shipping unit 运输容器shipping value 货运价值shipping value 货运价值(包括货物价值shipping water elevation 甲板上积水高度shipping water 甲板淹湿shipping weight terms 装货重量条款shipping weight 离岸重量shipping weight 启运重量shipping weight 装运重量Shipping World and Shipbuilder 《世界航运与造船师》shipping 船舶shipping 航运shipping 装货;起运shipping 装运shipping-trade 航运业ships afloat and building 现有的和建造中的船舶Ships Agency 船舶代理Ships Agent 船舶代理人Ships Call Sign 船舶呼号ships cost analysis 船舶价格分析Ships Information Card 单船作业卡ships loading computer 船舶配载计算机Ships Materials and Stores Burnt for Fuel 当作燃料烧掉的船用材料、物料ships navigation and aircraft inertial alignment system 船舶导航与飞机惯性调整系统Ships of Neutral States 中立国船舶ships position report 船位报告ships radio service 船舶无线电业务Ships Surveys 船舶检验ships tackle 船吊钩Ships Turning Ability 回转性Ships Value and Freight System 船价加运费制度Ships Value System 船价制度ships without nationality 无国籍船舶ships' repair party 船舶抢修队ships'service 船用shipshape vessel 船形容器shipshape 整齐的shipshore safety check list 船岸安全核查表shipside 船边shipway crane 船台吊车shipway 船台shipway 造船台shipworker 装卸组长shipworm 船蛆shipworm 船蛀shipwreck 失事船;沉船;船舶失事shipwreck 遇难船shipwreck 遇难船船舶失事shipwrecked crew 失事船船员shipwright officer 军舰建造师shipwright 船木工shipwright 船木工船体装配工造船木工shipwright 船体装配工造船木工shipwright 造船木工shipwright's working 造船木工工场shipyard combined plate bending and flanging machine 船厂钢板弯曲折边两用机shipyard crane 船台起重机shipyard layout 船厂布置shipyard noise 船厂噪声shipyard operation 船厂工作shipyard roll press 船厂滚压两用机shipyard 船厂shipyard 船坞造船厂shipyard 造船厂shoal area 浅滩区shoal indicator 浅滩标志shoal mark 浅滩标志shoal of fish 鱼群shoal patch 点滩shoal sounding 浅水shoal water 浅水shoal water 浅水;浅水区shoal 浅;浅滩(水深20米以内shoal 浅的-n.浅滩shoal 浅的浅滩(水深20米以内shoal 浅滩shoal 浅滩沙滩shoaler 沿海船;沿海船船员shoaling water 浅水区shock mount 防震座shock absorber expander 减震器伸长器shock absorber rubber 减震器橡胶shock absorber spring 减震弹簧shock absorber 减震器shock absorbing suspension 减震弹簧支承shock absorption device 减震装置shock absorption 减震shock attenuation 减震shock bending test 冲击弯曲试验shock crack 冲击裂缝shock damper 减震器shock discharge 冲击卸料shock eliminator 减震器shock excited oscillator 冲击激励振荡器shock front measurement 激波波前测量shock impingement 冲击波撞击shock isolator 冲击隔离器shock line 激波线shock load 冲击负载shock loss 激波损失shock mitigating device 减震装置shock mitigation ring 减震环shock motion 激震运动shock mount 减震架shock mount 减震器shock overpressure 冲击波超压shock pressure 冲击压力shock proof electric apparatus 防震电气设备shock proof mount 防震座shock proof socket 防震管座shock proof switch 抗冲击开关shock proof 防震的shock reducer 减震器shock resistant 抗震的shock ring 减震环shock speed measurement 激波速率测定shock spring 减震弹簧shock strength 抗震强度shock stress 冲击应力shock suppressor 冲击抑制器shock test 冲击试验shock wave attenuation 激波衰减shock wave 冲击波shock 冲击shock 电震shock-absorber 减震器shock-mitigating device 减震装置shock-proof braiding knot 鱼网结shock-simulating machine 冲击模拟试验机shock-testing machine 冲击试验机shock-wave amplitude 激波强度shock-wave envelope 激波系包络面shockproof mount 减震座shockproof 防震的shocks received during transit 运输途中受震shod 滑锚(锚爪抓底处泥土崩裂shoe an anchor 锚尖加板shoe block 靴形滑车(提琴式滑车的一种shoe brake 块闸shoe piece 尾框底部shoe piece 尾柱底骨shoe plate 龙骨端包板shoe plate 龙骨尾端包板shoe 单螺旋桨船尾柱底部与舵柱底之间的水平连接部分;鞋;插座;底板shoe 垫块shoe 靴shole 撑柱垫板shooks 成捆桶板材shoot knot 鱼网结shoot loose 散卸shoot the sun 测太阳shoot 滑槽shoot 滑槽出管shoot 射击;投掷shooting star = meteor 流星shooting star 流星shooting 投掷shooting-in piece 直角堵漏垫shop drawing 车间图纸shop drawing 工作图shop equipment 工厂设备shop fabrication 预制shop fabrication 预装shop gauge 车间量规shop instructions 出厂说明书shop order 工作单shop order=shoporder 工作单shop primer 预涂底漆shop print 生产图shop test 车间试验shop trial 车间试车shop trial 车间试验shop trial 出厂试车shop 车间shop 店铺shop 木工车间shopcoating 车间涂底漆shoporder 工作单shoran 肖兰shoran 肖兰近程无线电导航系统shore ambient noise 沿岸环境噪声shore anchor 岸侧锚shore anchor 双锚泊时在近岸一侧的锚shore and terminal operating cost 港口费用shore board 登陆跳板shore boat 摆渡shore bridge 横栈桥shore clearance 沿岸冰间航路shore clearing 沿岸冰间航路shore cleat 岸上挽缆柱shore connecting cable 岸电电缆shore connection box 岸电接线箱shore connection cable 岸电电缆shore connection 岸(电shore connection 岸电连接;油船管路与陆上管路连接shore container crane 岸壁集装箱装卸桥shore container crane 岸边集装箱起重机shore control system 岸控系统shore cover 岸到岸全程保险shore current 沿岸流shore deposit 海滨沉积shore drift 沿岸漂积物shore effect 电磁波)海岸效应shore effect 海崖效应shore end of submarine cable 海底电缆接岸的一端shore fast 系船索shore feedwater 岸上给水shore floe 贴岸冰shore floe 贴岸冰shore floe(belt 贴岸冰shore gantry crane 岸边高架移动起重机shore gear 岸上装卸设备Shore hardness tester 肖氏硬度计Shore hardness 肖氏硬度shore ice belt 岸冰区shore ice 贴岸冰shore ID 岸站识别码;带站标识shore installation hose 输油软管shore installation 岸上装置shore lead 沿岸冰间航路shore lead 沿岸冰间航路沿岸冰间航路shore leave 登岸假shore mile 英里shore object 陆标shore patrol 沿岸巡逻艇shore pipe line 海滨管道shore pipe 排泥管shore polynya 岸边冰湖shore power connection box 岸电接线箱shore power connection 岸电接头shore power connector 岸电接头shore power 岸电shore radar television 海岸雷达电视shore reef 岸边礁石Shore scleroscope hardness test 肖氏硬度试验Shore scleroscope 肖氏硬度计shore sest facilties 岸上试验设备shore signal service 海岸通信业务shore spur 船坞舷侧撑柱shore station 岸上信号台shore station 岸上信号台;海岸电台shore steam supply connection pipe 岸接供汽管shore supply 岸电shore tackle 岸吊shore to ship 岸到船shore to shore clause 岸到岸全程保险shore trial 岸上试车shore trials 陆上试验shore up 有支柱撑住shore weir 岸边拦鱼堰shore 岸shore 海岸Shore 肖氏shore 斜撑柱shore-based aids to navigation 岸上导航设备shore-based communications station 海岸基通信站shore-based direction-finding system 岸上测向系统shore-based ferry radar 岸基渡船雷达shore-based maintenance 岸上保养shore-based radar 岸基雷达shore-based radar 岸上雷达站shore-based telephone 岸上的电话shore-based 岸基的shore-based 设在岸上的shore-connected breakwater 突堤shore-fast 系船缆shore-side operator 岸上操作员shore-to-ship communication 岸对船通信shoreface 滨面shoregangway 码头跳板shoreline unsurveyed 未精测的海岸线shoreline 滨线shoreline 海岸线shoreward 向岸shoreward 向海岸shoreward 向海岸的shorewards 向海岸shoring 较弱的舱壁甲板或船壳部分的)支撑shoring 支撑shoring 支撑;横支梁short frequency 短波频率short base line 短基线short baseline sonar 短基线声纳short beam 半梁short beam 短梁short bill 短期期票short blade 短叶片short blast 短笛short blast 短声short board 短程掉抢short bossing 短轴包套short bridge 短桥楼short bunker 燃料不足short burst 短脉冲short circuit brake 短路制动器short circuit breaking capacity 短路载流容器short circuit characteristic curve 短路特性曲线short circuit coil 短路线较圈short circuit current protection 短路电流保装置short circuit current 短路电流short circuit impedance 短路阻抗short circuit making capacity 短路接通容量short circuit n. 短路short circuit plug 短接插塞short circuit power factor 短路功率因数short circuit protection 短路保short circuit rating 短路功率short circuit ratio 短路比short circuit relay 短路继电器short circuit shock 短路击震short circuit spark 短路火花short circuit terminals 短路接头short circuit test 短路试验short circuit voltage 短路电压short circuit winding 短路绕组short circuit 短路short circuit 短路短接short circuited armature 短路电枢short circuited line 短路线路short circuited resistance 短路电阻short circuited rotor 鼠笼式转子short circuited 短路的short circuiter 短路器short circuiting contact 短路触头short circuiting device 短路装置short circuiting switch 短路开关short circuiting transfer 短路转移short code 短码short contract 卖空合同short course 短期班short cut calculation 简便计算short cut calculation 简化计算short cut method 简捷法short cut 短路short cycle 短周期short damping 快速蒸熏short dash line 短虚线short delivery 短交short delivery 短交短卸短卸short distance carrier telephone 短距离载波电话short distance navigation 短距离航行short distance navigational aid 近程导航设备short distance reception 近距离接收short distances transportation 短途运输short driven bolt 无头螺栓short duration failure 短期故障short element 短单元short end link 链节末端短链环short fall freight 亏舱运费short flaming coal 短焰煤short flashing 短闪光short flashing 短闪光(闪光持续时间在2秒以下short forecastle 短船首楼short forecastle 短首楼Short Form Bill of Lading 简式提单略式提单short handed 缺员short hands 缺乏人手。
加勒比 海盗船员 职位
1. 船长(Captain)- 负责指挥整艘船的航行和作战,有权做出决策并颁布命令。
2. 甲板长(First mate)- 负责协助船长管理船上的各项工作,包括指挥船员、维护船舶设备、制定作战计划等。
3. 航海士(Navigator)- 负责确定船只的航向和位置,研究地图、星空等导航工具,帮助船长制定航行路线。
4. 炮手(Gunner)- 负责操作船上的火炮,参与船只的防御和攻击。
5. 船工(Carpenter)- 负责船只的修理和维护工作,保证船只的航行安全。
6. 水手(Sailor)- 负责操作船帆,调整船的速度和航向。
7. 枪手(Gunner)- 负责使用火枪和其他远程武器进行战斗。
8. 搜寻者(Lookout)- 负责观察海上的动静,警戒敌人的接近和其他危险。
9. 厨师(Cook)- 负责为船员们提供食物,保证他们的体力和精神状态。
10. 航海员(Seaman)- 负责各项航海工作的辅助,如维护航
11. 医护员(Medic)- 负责船员的医疗保健,处理伤病和应急情况。
12. 美酒师(Rum runner)- 负责管理船上的酒水供应,维持船员们的士气。
13. 战利品管理员(Plunderer)- 负责管理船上掠夺来的财富和战利品,保证公平分配。
14. 制图员(Cartographer)- 负责制作和更新海图,提供航行指引。
15. 舞者(Dancer)- 负责在船上为船员们提供娱乐和欢乐。
1ShipstructureandEquipment船舶结构与设备generalcargoship杂货船bulk carrier散货船oiltanker油船Containership集装箱船orecarrier冷藏船timber木材船bargecarrier载驳船rollon/rolloff滚装船lifeon/lifeoff吊装船passengership客船liquefiednaturegas天然气船frame内骨compartment舱室,货舱,间舱designandscantlings设置与布置onus努力top rail舱口上的导轨topsidetank顶边压载舱topsidetankslopingbulkhead plating顶边压载舱底板sideshell船壳板ballasttrunk压载管舱hoppertank slopingplating底边压载舱底板hatchendcoamming舱口端围板hatch舱口bulkheadupperstool横舱壁上梁corrugatedholdbulkhead波纹横舱壁fore andafthatchcoamming舱口边围板hatchcoammingbracket舱口围板座longitudinalbulkhead纵向舱壁transversebulkhead横舱壁2decklongitudinal甲板纵梁keelplate龙骨板sideshelllongitudinal边板纵梁transversewebframe横向网状内骨bilgelongitudinal比纵梁bilge舱部舱底污水sideshellframes边内骨bottomshelllongitudinal底纵梁longitudinalsidegirderofductkeel箱型龙骨边纵梁doublebottomtank双层底舱ductkeel箱型龙骨innerbottomplating内底板longitudinal内底板纵梁longitudinalgirder边压载舱纵梁bilgestrake舱比列板bilgekeel舱比龙骨hoppersidegirder边压载舱纵梁longitudinalgirder纵梁stiffener加强筋portbow左舷船首bow船首starboardbow右舷船首portside左舷starboardside右舷portquarter左舷船尾stern船首starboardquarter右舷船尾3structuralarrangement结构布局hoppertanks底边压载舱hatchways舱口deadweighttonnage载重吨nettonnage净吨ginder大梁foreend首部midships中部afterend尾部hull船体bottom船底watertightcompartments水密舱室bulkheads舱壁cargospace货舱tweendecks双层甲板,二层舱,甲板间舱hold干货舱tank液货舱forepeaktanks首间舱after peaktank尾间舱waterballast压载水doublebottomtanks双层底舱solid bulkcarrier固体散货船poopdeck尾楼甲板forecastledeck首楼甲板chain locker锚链舱steeringgearcomportment机舱slop污水舱4lengthbetweenperpendiculars型长,船长(LBP)overalllength总长(LOA) registeredlength登记长度registereddepth登记深度registeredbreadth登记宽度loadline载重线长mouldeddepth型深extremebreath全宽bridge superstructure上层建筑foreandaftline首尾线ahead向船首astern向船尾beam正横abeam位于正横designlimitations设计限度operability操纵性能maintained保持维修loadingmanual装修手册loadinginstrument装载仪shearforces剪力bending弯矩motorvessel机动船maneuver操纵驾驶departuretime离港时间ETA预计到港时间ETD预计离港时间4unloading=discharging卸货loading装货shearforces剪力bending弯矩servicelife服役年限outfit舾装Hydrostaticpressure净水压力slamming sloshingloads摇动拍溅inadverseseaconditions在恶劣的条件下strength capability强度能力5pitching纵摇Rolling横摇Heaving上下起伏Surging纵荡Swaying横荡Yawing偏荡Beafloat漂浮Beunderway在航moored系泊Makingleeway偏航leeside下风TOoverhaul追越,检修overtake追越Tofallastern落在后面Tobehoveto顶风停船beadrift漂移,漂流Beaground搁浅,触礁Tobearaway避风改向Tomovebroadsideon侧舷航行weighinganchor起锚letgo抛锚dropanchor抛锚haveupanchor起锚anchorisaweigh锚已离地6:windlass锚机spurlingpipe锚链管bowstopper制链器Devil’claw锚链制anchorchain/cable锚链cable电缆hawsepipe锚链筒cargohandinggear装卸货设备cargohandling装卸货作业ropesling吊货锁canvassling吊货链canvassling帆布吊兜chainsling吊货链logs原木,计程仪,航海日志ironrails铁轨plateclamps钢板铁钳steelplates钢板canhooks吊桶钩carsling吊车锁lorry卡车Heavyliftbeam重吊杆mooringlines系泊缆绳headline首缆forwardbreastline首横缆spring倒绳forwardbackspring首倒缆afterbreastline尾横缆sternline尾缆backspringaft尾横缆madefastto挽捞eyespliced眼环bollard系缆桩(岸上的)bitt系缆桩(船上的)7:airdraft净空高度draft吃水freeboards干舷under-keelclearance富余水深initial原始的Irnationloadlineconvention国际船舶载重线公约subdivision分舱floatablity浮性maximumdraught最大吃水heavylift重件货stowagerate积载率Mtacentricheight稳性高度(GM)centreofgravity重心stiffship稳性好的船orecargoes矿沙船alternateholds交替货舱trim平舱,纵倾(度),吃水差,调整draughtforward首吃水propeller螺旋桨airdraught净空高度list横倾(内部力量导致的横倾)heel横倾(外部力量导致的横倾)sectionmodulus剖面系数highertensilesteel可拉伸的钢材cross deckstrips甲板上的横贯带7:tender稳性很小的,易倾斜的primaryandsecondarybarrier主次要保护层primarybarrier主要保护层,第一保护层secondarybarrier次要保护层,第二保护层verticallycorrugated垂直波纹corrosion腐蚀grab抓bulldozer平舱机greenseaondeck甲板上浪collision碰撞collide碰撞cracking破裂buckling变曲weldgrooving焊槽navalarchitecture船舶原理castoff抛锚shackle卸扣dredgeanchor脱锚draganchor走锚attheintervalof美格tug拖轮pontoon箱型舱盖板weatherdeck露天甲板bulwark舷墙on seagoingvessels远洋船只Dunage垫舱物料lashing绑扎件tarpaulin防水油布8:ventingsystem通风系统emissionofflammablevapours排放易燃蒸汽enclosedspaces密闭舱室sourceofignition燃烧源pressure-vacuumvalves压力真空阀valves阀vapour蒸汽inertgas惰性气体thermalvariations温度变化outlet通气口airintakes吸气口indicator显示器in accordancewith按照,根据velocity速度gangway=accommodationladder舷梯rig安装groupoftanks组合液货舱stopvalves截流阀isolation隔离flame火焰flamearresters阻火器upright正浮drainage排水overflow controlsystems溢油控制系统bitumastic沥青ultrasonicinstrument超声仪grating格栅rudderbearings轴承8:gauges测量仪isolation隔离sloptanks污水舱oilresidue油渣blankflanges盲法兰supplyairsystem供气系统makeupair供气系统exhaustsystem排气系统assemblystation集合点abandonvessel弃船jettion弃货acompanionway升降口aboatbucket水孔echo-sounders回声测深仪t hetowingbridle拖锁cargoboom=cargoderrick吊货杆l ightloadline轻载重线docking进坞d erusting除锈disposeof处理fullloadline重载重线rudder舵sand-blasted喷沙除锈patch刷漆bottomprimer底漆baremetalsurface裸金属表面,粗白部分applywith刷志漆anticorrosive防锈漆boottopping水线带p limsollmarks载重线标portofregistry船级港s capper出水孔bottombaseline船底基线zincplate锌板b ottomplug船底塞dismantle拆卸rudderbearings轴承s tormvalve风浪阀tailshaft尾环stud撑挡kenterjoiningshackle连接轴sterntube尾管seachest海底阀箱hydro-statictest静水压力测试deeptank深舱cargobatten舱壁护条lowerhold底舱rubberpacking橡胶填料9:dented凹陷的refrigerator冰机,冰箱tropicalanti-foulingpaintdeformc argogear货舱设备derrick吊杆boom吊杆变形w atertightdoor水密门t oppingliftblock千斤滑车c argo heavyderrick重吊杆govseheck鹅颈销block吊货滑车h eelblock根部滑车l oadtest负荷在试验safetyworka lleyway走廊load安全工作负荷spantackle复式滑车10:fireextingwishingsystem灭火系统l eakage泄露smokerdetectors烟雾探测系统l ifeboat救生艇liferaft救生筏inflatablelifeboat气胀式救生筏11:mast大桅,桅scupperpipes排水管masthouse桅屋soundingpipe测声管wheelhouse驾驶室stevedoring装卸作业n aturalfiber天然纤维synthetic合成纤维fender防碰撞inroughwhether在恶劣天气low则launch下水,释放,发射visibility低能见度avoidingcdlisiens避碰规bearing方位cross-bearing交叉方位runningfix移线方位tideandcurrent tablerigging安装fittingberesistantto耐。
3. 进入“eBooking”主页eBooking”电子订舱系统提供两种在线订舱方式:单票订舱和EDI订舱;单票订舱主要针对基于WEB的单票订舱,由“单票订舱”和“加拼订舱”两个选项组成;EDI订舱主要针对基于EDI报文的多票订舱,由“EDI订舱”选项组成。
3.1.1点击“单票订舱”,进入订舱界面, 填写订舱信息。
如:04SAU00015)S/C No.:客户与船东签订的运输服务合同号(约号)。
12)接货地:Place of Receipt,从弹出窗口中选择网上标准港口输入。
主要海运、货代术语(缩略语)Transportn. 传送器, 运输, 运输机vt. 传送, 运输運,移徙也。
——《庄子·天运》前缀trans- 表示“横过,贯穿”之义Ship 或Vessel船, 海船, 货船,舰Port 或Harbour口岸Port Particulars口岸细则A/W All Water全水路Vessel(Ship’s) Particulars船舶规范Certificate of S hip’s NationalityFlag of Convenience (FOC)方便旗Shipping Document船务文件Dead Weight(Dead Load)载重量(吨)Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage (DWCT)净载重吨Gross Dead Weight Tonnage (GDWT)总载重吨位Gross (Total)Dead Weight (GDW,TDW)总载重量Full Container Ship全集装箱船舱内设有固定式或活动式的格栅结构,舱盖上和甲板上设置固定集装箱的系紧装置,便于集装箱作业及定位的船舶。
[GB/T [GB/T 17271-1998中3.1.1.1]Semi Container ShipGeneral Cargo Ship杂货船Handy-Sized Bulker小型杂货船Ship’s Management船舶管理Captain船长Chief Officer (C/O)大副Mate’s Receipt(M/R)大幅收据Chief Engineer (C/E)总工程师轮机长Crew List船员名册Crew Member(Sailor)船员Annual Survey年度查验(年检)Knot航速单位(节、海里) 1节(海里)=1.852千米是船舶航速的计算单位。
船用涂装术语救助打捞船salvage vessel船东owner潜水器submersible机务superintendent破冰船ice-breaker主管supervisor渔业船fishery vessel船长captain拖网鱼船trawler大副chief mate/first officer 围网鱼船seine netter二副second officer港务船harbour boat三副third officer供应船supply ship水手长boson游艇pleasure yacht木匠carpenter水翼船hydrofoil craft大管轮chief engineer气垫船air-cashion vehicle电机员electrical engineer全垫升气垫船hovercraft铜匠fitter双体船catamaran修理工repairer水泥船concrete ship厨师cooker玻璃钢船fiberglass reinfored boat船员crew特种船special-purpose ship工人worker渡船ferry boat工头foreman液体散货船liguid bulk/cargo carrier承包商subcontractor混装散货船combination bulk carrier原始资料initial date远洋矿砂船ocean-going ore carrier冲击/碰撞impact油船oil tanker 港籍home port客货船passenger-cargo ship载重标志draft marks运输船transport ship引水标志pilot marks杂货船general cargo ship 泊位berth冷藏船refrigerated ship港务局port authority工程船working ship 船台slipway海洋开发船ocean development ship舾装outfitting挖泥船dredger海试sea-trial起重船floating crane/derrick ship测爆gas checking集装箱船container ship焊接welding滚装船roll-on / roll-off ship气焊gas welding拖车运输船trailer ship焊缝weld seam火车渡轮sea train ferry大接缝master butt军用车辆运输船military vehicle carrier组装/装配assembly载驳船barge-carrying ship 小合拢装配prefabrication(港)驳船lighter船台building berth/slipway 驳船barge-carrying ship 船台装配erection散装货船bulk carrier船台开工/铺龙骨keel laid驱逐舰destroyer对讲机walkie-talkie钻井船drilling ship图表diagram件杂货船dreak-bulk cargo ship船长length over all/LOA堵塞chock up船宽breadth molded测深仪echo sounder型深depth molded计程仪speed log重载水线 D.L.L.(design limit load)防鼠挡扳rat-guardbilge轻载水线L.L.L.(light load line)舭(船底弯曲部)吃水draft舭龙骨bilge keel船体hull舷墙bulwark船壳outside shell plate舷墙排水孔wash port干舷topside舷梯gangway水线区boottop舷边栏杆gunwale rail直底vertical bottom舷墙立柱walk stay平底flat bottom舷窗porthole主甲板main deck船首防浪板wave break遮阳甲板shade deck上层建筑superstructure罗径甲板compass deck生活区accommodation驾驶甲板navigation deck栏杆rail/railing桥楼甲板bridge deck天蓬awing(boom)登艇甲板embarkation deck烟囱funnal/stack居住甲板mess deck扶梯ladder/laddre trumk(梯道)游步甲板promenade deck旋梯winding stait艏楼甲板forecastle deck桅杆mast艉楼甲板poop deck桅房(桅屋)mast house左舷portside 储物间store room右舷starboart-side雷达桅rader mast船艏bow灯桅lamp mast船艉stern吊艇臂davit arm系泊设备mooring arrangement 桅柱derrick post系缆拄bit克令吊crane导缆钳chock吊杆crane's jib绞车winch吊货杆cargo boom锚机windlass天线架aerial mast锚anchor艏柱stem post锚链anchor cabie/anchor chain艏灯桅stem light mast锚链筒hawse pipe(船)艏柱straight stem锚链舱chain locker甲板室deck house锚链孔cat hold货舱cargo hold艏侧推bow thruster上斜坡upper hopper球鼻型船艏bulbbow下斜坡lower hopper螺旋桨propeller反顶under deck舵rudder货舱盖hatch cover舵杆rudder stem frame箱型舱盖hatch pontoon海底阀箱sea chest橡皮槽rubber channel海底塞bottom plug舱口围hatch coaming舱口hatch 艏封板forecastle break bulkhead 机舱enging room艉封板poop front bulkhead舵机舱steering gear room舱壁板bulkhead油舱(柜)oil tank波形舱壁corrugated bulkhead基座foundation横隔舱壁thwarship bulkhead燃油舱fuel oil tank纵舱壁longitudinal bulkhead滑油舱lube oil tank中纵舱壁center line bulkhead污油水舱slop tank 肋骨frame污水井bilge well加强肋骨web frame舱底水limber water边肋骨side feame花(网)钢板check plate横肋骨transverse frame干隔舱(空仓)cofferdam纵肋骨longitudinal frame空仓/梯子口狗洞void space斜肋骨cant frame格栅grating梁,横梁beam管子pipe斜梁cant beam管弄pipe tunnel加强绗stiffening girder油盘oil pan/oil trough加强板stiffener/stiffening plate 边舱wing tank 加强筋stiffening rib压载水舱ballast water tank水沟(槽)gutter water wey顶边水舱top ballast /wing tank甲板排水孔deck drain淡水舱fresh water tank实肋板人孔manhole of soild floor饮用水舱potable water tank人孔access hole艉尖舱after peak tank排水孔drain hole/scupper艏尖舱fore peak tank挡水板scupper boart深水舱deep tank 角孔angle hole双层底double bottom小孔orifice游泳池swimming pool R孔scalloper舾装fitting花铁板floor plate底座foundation球扁钢bulb plate平台platform扁钢steel flat通道passage槽钢channel bar通风筒ventilator角钢angle bar边翼/侧面wing 工字钢H-beam浮船坞floating dock新钢板new steel plate坞门caisson镀锌galvanizing/zincing坞底dock bottom镀锌板galvanized steel plate进坞docking镀锌铁板galvanized iron出坞undocking配件attachment跳板foot boart 纵(接)缝longitudinal分段/墩木block边(缘)edge龙骨墩keel block开口边缘eye edge托架pedestal下陷/咬边under cut水密watertight切割边(缘)cuttinh edge船体车间hull shop等级grade涂装车间coating shop除湿机dehumiditifier仓库wear house空调机aie conditioner 施工application压缩空气compressed air 脚手架staging/scaffoling压缩机compressor脚手架踏板stage plant热风炉air oven表面处理surface preparation红外线炉infrared oven表面处理surface treatment水分离器water-seperator 钢板表面steel surface吸砂机vaccum recovery 外部external 集尘器dust collector内部internal 绝缘illumination高压淡水冲洗HPFW油/黄油grease酸洗picking抹布rag酸洗池picking tub(both)砂sand /grit脱脂degreasing锤子hammer除油oil removing铲刀scaper化学清洗chemical cleaning水泥cement去油剂detergent平方米square meter锈rusting 冰冻freeze返锈rerusting搅拌agitation点蚀pitting搅拌器agitator/mixer麻点/点蚀pocking喷漆泵spray pump锌盐zinc salt/white dust喷枪spray gun喷溅麻点spatting抢嘴spray nozzle熔块/金属渣regulus刷子brush飞溅spattering滚刷roller灰尘dust高架车cherry picker粉尘ash砂斗container喷砂sand blasting门机gantry crane扫喷砂sand sweeping汽车吊truck crane点喷砂spot blasting叉车fork lifter湿喷砂wet blasting口罩mask棱角钢砂喷砂grit blasting手套gloveanti-heeling tank 打磨grinding深仓(集装箱舱)敲/铲chipping/scraping尾甲板反顶deck head氧化皮mill scale砂纸打磨sanding钢丝盘刷wire brush钢丝盘wire wheel砂皮纸sand paper盘型砂纸disc-sand斜面,有坡度sloping粗糙度roughness空气喷涂air spray底漆primer无气喷涂aieless spray面漆topcoat满涂full coat荧光漆luminescent paint预涂stripe coat车间底漆shop priming修补touch up磷化底漆wash primer局部修补settling防锈漆anti-corrosive paint 刷涂brushing防污漆anti-fouling paint漏涂holidays厚膜涂料high-build coating 复涂overcoating环氧漆epoxy-paint光泽gloss焦油环氧caol tar epoxy开裂cracking氯化橡胶chlorination rudder 开裂checking醇酸漆alkyd paint失光loss of gloss沥青bitumen流挂sagging/running基料base出汗sweating/perspiration固化剂curing agent起泡blisting旧油漆previous paint缩孔/露底crater已涂油漆present paint色差color differnce将涂油漆subsequent paint收缩/起皱shrinking树脂resin发花(漆病)floating有机的organic遮盖力hiding power多余的excess咬底lifting挥发evaporate桔皮orange peel雾化atomization附着力adhesion粉化chalking针孔pinhole风化winding发白blushing腻子filler色斑staining漆雾spray dust剥落peeling干喷漆雾dry spray/over spray 翘皮peeling off污染contamination结皮skinning海生物遮盖力弱lack of hiding盐渗色bleeding污泥结露condensation/dewing油污流平性flowing粘土粘度viscosity海藻刷痕blush mark藤壶烧损burn damage管虫机械损伤mechanical damage水解层预热preaction淤积物熟化ripening口头地沉淀pocking mark便条半光semi-gloss光滑glossy温度计湿度计测厚仪湿膜仪调整/校对干膜厚度湿膜厚度受热面风向风力自然干燥绝缘筛网牺牲阳极阳极保护阴极保护慢挥发溶剂稀料溶剂油漆配套指触干硬干涂布率复涂间隔露点湿度氧气渗漏。
在全球被称为第三方物流的运输管理模式 翻译
Applyincollaborative transportation management models in global third-party logisticsJ. C. TYAN, F. K. WANG and T. DUAbstract. With the trends of e-commerce and globalizationoccurring in the economy, an effective global supply chain(GSC) management has become a business necessity for amultinational corporation seeking to secure market share.Although there has been much discussion on how a companygains competitive advantages through GSC management, thephysical distribution of order fulfilment is less discussed in theliterature. Global third-party logistics (3PL) has developedinto an alternative for the needs of global distribution. In thispaper, the authors present a new application of collaborationin GSC execution, namely collaborative transportation management(CTM), which can be used to reduce delivery timeand improve delivery reliability. A case study is illustrated: theapplication of CTM by a 3PL provider in a notebookcomputer GSC. The implementation results show that thedelivery cycle time and the total cost are simultaneouslyreduced.1. IntroductionOwing to escalating global competition and a decline in profit margins, most multinational corporationspursue global sourcing through a global supply chain (GSC) in order to secure market share and improve profits. The practice of e-commerce and thebusiness trend of mass customization force both manufacturers and retailers to shorten cycle time bymanaging GSCs more effectively. Successfulof GSCs, such as that by Dell, have been widely discussed and publicized in the literature. However, thephysical distribution of GSC execution is recognized asits weakest link and can result in inefficient and unreliable product delivery. Traditional internationaltransportation by consolidated freight takes 8 to 14days, excluding manufacturing lead-time. The integratedglobal third-party logistics (3PL) provider can act as a virtual distributor to form an alliance with GSCparticipants in order to compress the delivery cycle timeto two to four days.This paper introduces a new shipper –carrier partnership strategy—collaborative transportationmanagement (CTM)—as an application of GSC physical distribution. CTM is a new business modelthat includes the carrier as a strategic partner for information sharing and collaboration in a supplychain. The application of CTM promises to reducetransit times and total costs for the retailer and itssuppliers while increasing asset utilization for thecarriers. The program benefits all three parties involved: the retailer, the supplier and the carrier.This paper is organized as follows. In the next section, the development of 3PL in GSC is discussed.The development of CTM and its business model andobject model are presented in section 3. An illustrated case study is provided in section 2. Thefinal section summarizes our conclusion.2. The development of 3PL in GSC Owing to increasing global competition and volatilemarket demand, effective GSC management is indispensablewhen it comes to securing market share and improving profits. The key reasons for the trend ofglobalization are overcapacity in highly industrializedcountries, significant disadvantages with respect tolabour costs, and the emergence of worldwide informationnetworks that connect the information systems offirms (Arnold 1999). An increasing number of firms arecombining domestic and international sourcing through GSCs as a means of achieving a sustainablecompetitive advantage (Bonarth et al. 1998). A GSC iscurrently viewed as a strategic weapon in the quest forimproved performance and profitability through greateravailability, quality, delivery and price advantage(Smith 1999, Lee 2000).The principle and methodology of GSC managementare similar to those of traditional supply chain management (SCM), except that multiple countries aretaken into consideration. Traditional SCM is the integration of functions from the procurement of rawmaterials to final customer delivery. The GSC model ismore complex than SCM as it includes different taxesand duties, differential exchange rates, trade barriers,customs clearance, and a sophisticated internationaltransportation network (Vidal and Goetschalckx 1997).Most enterprises establish a virtual integrated companywith their suppliers by implementing an e-businessmodel in order to address the information flow and thefinance flow of a GSC. However, the integration of aphysical distribution in a GSC appears to be the weakestlink due to the high level of investment needed toconstruct a global distribution network.The trends of e-commerce and mass customizationvia the Internet have challenged enterprises to delivertheir finished goods within one week, as with DellComputer’s five-business-days online model. The traditionalinternational shipping practice with extensive consolidation operations (Crainic 2000) takes 8 to 14business days exclusive of manufacturing cycle time, asshown in figure 1. The new economy calls for alliancesto be made with 3PL providers in order to manage GSCseffectively by focusing on each player’s core competency(Lieb and Randall 1999, Aichlymayr 2000b). Most hightechcompanies select global door-to-door 3PL providerssuch as FedEx, UPS and DHL to streamline distributionsand to reduce delivery cycle times.The typical benefits of a global door-to-door serviceare shorter delivery cycle times, more reliable transittimes, less complex customs clearance procedures, andreal-time global tracking and tracing systems (Christopher1998). While the unit transportation cost is higherthan that of a traditional consolidated airfreight service,the total logistics cost is lower as a result of inventoryand cycle time reduction throughout the GSC.Thesuccess of such integrated 3PL is determined by itsglobal transportation network, warehousing network,and information network. Figure 1 shows traditionalinternational shipping with multiple carriers, brokers,and airlines. A GSC linked by a 3PL provider (see figure2) can reduce the distribution cycle from 8 to 14 days to2 to 4 days.3. Collaborative transportation managementThe level of collaboration among all players in thechain determines the success of a GSC. Classic SCcollaboration is found in retailer and supplier partnershipprograms (Lummus and V okurka 1999), such as quick response (QR), continuous replenishment policy(CRP), and vendor managed inventory (VMI), whichaim to reduce inventory and provide quick responses toconsumer demand. The most recent developments incollaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment(CPFR) aim to improve further the retailer –supplierrelationship. However, the carrier relationship with SCplayers was not considered until the introduction ofCTM.3.1. Historical perspective of CPFR and CTMThe historical perspective of CPFR and CTM can betraced back to the early development of VMI for theAirport AirportFigure1. The traditional international consolidated airfreight model.284 J. C. Tyan et al.retailer and supplier partnership. VMI—sometimescalled rapid replenishment—is a ‘pull’replenishingpractice designed to enable a vendor to quickly respondto actual demand. The motivation behind VMI strategyis that both parties work together to maximize thecompetitiveness of the supply chain. Under the VMIsystem, the supplier decides on the appropriate inventory levels of each of the products (within previously agreed upon bounds), and the appropriateinventory policies to maintain these levels (Simchi-Leviet al. 2000). The most obvious benefits of the VMIarrangement are inventory cost reduction for the retailer and total cost reduction for the supplier. Improvements in productivity and service levels leadto larger profit margins and an increase in sales. In spite of the numerous benefits of VMI, some concerns have to be taken into account. Aichlymayr(2000a) investigated the VMI implementation andreported that out of ten VMI implementations, onlythree or four achieved great success. Another three orfour showed some benefits but not as many as anticipated,and two or three did not show any benefits at all. To the best of our knowledge, there are two majordeficiencies with the VMI system that prevent it fromenabling an efficient and agile SC. The first deficiency isthat the VMI systemplaces too much responsibility on themanufacturer. Typically, the retailer dictates the rule sothat the manufacturer does not have much choice.Furthermore, the manufacturer is responsible for anyinventory discrepancy. The second deficiency is that theVMI system does not consider the collaboration withdistribution carriers. The capacity constraints of carriersmay distort the SC efficiency by delaying the distributiontransit time. VMI causes more delay effects in the GSCdistribution of multi-airline and multi-carrier internationaltransportation systems, as depicted in figure 1. CPFR was developed by the V oluntary InterindustryCommerce Standards Association (VICS) in order toaddress the first deficiency of VMI. CPFR is a nine-stepbusiness process model for value chain partners tocoordinate sales forecasting and replenishment inorder to reduce variance between supply and demand(Aichlymayr 2000a). Under CPFR, both parties mutuallylook at information and compare calculations. Manufacturers and retailers share forecasts, includingPOS (point of sale), on-hand and delivery data. Theyreview the data together and collaborate in workingwith forecasting discrepancies (Schachtman 2000). Asub-committee under the VICS recently initiated a newshipper –carrier partnership strategy known as CTM inorder to reduce transit times and inventory-carryingcosts for the retailer and its suppliers while increasingasset utilization for motor carriers (Cooke 2000). CTMaims to resolve the second deficiency of the VMI system.3.2. CTM business modelThe make-to-order market driven by mass customizationand e-commerce is forcing retailers and manufacturersto shorten planning cycles, compress manufacturing lead time, and expedite distribution.Figure 2. The GSC linked by an integrated 3PL provider.285 Collaborative transport managementWith shorter planning windows and the overall objectiveof minimizing inventory in the value chain, transportation has become a critical area in the process.Today, transportation is reactionary. Retailers, manufacturers,and carriers constantly find themselves in conflict with each other in order to resolve shipmentlevelissues. This produces excess inventory and underutilizedcarrier equipment. CTM is an independent yet concurrent process with CPFR, building on the samerelationships between retailers and manufacturers, butincorporating new information and steps within thecarriers. It extends CPFR’s end-at-order confirmation,continues through to shipment delivery, and includespayment to the carrier. It then creates the carrier aspart of the SC player to reduce costs, increase assetutilization, improve service, increase revenue, andimprove end-customer satisfaction.CTM is a new process for carriers, involving them infive key business activities: the creation of a jointbusiness plan, order forecasting, ordergeneration,freight order confirmation, and carrier payment processes (Browning and White 2000). The CTMbusiness model was proposed by VICS and consists of14 steps. The CTM process can be further divided intothree distinct phases: planning, forecasting, and execution,as shown in figure 3.The planning phase makes up steps 1 and 2. In step1, the trading partners establish a collaborative agreementto define the relationship in terms of freight shipment, exception handling, and key performanceindicator (KPI). Step 2 involves aggregative planning todetermine resource and equipment requirements bymatching with the planned shipment. The forecastingphase includes steps 3 to 5. By sharing order and shipment forecast in step 3, the carrier gains insightinto the changes of planned volume and adjusts theequipment requirement accordingly. Exceptions due tothe manufacturer, the distributor, or the carrier aregenerated in step 4 and resolved collaboratively in step5. Unlike with the traditional one to two days’advancednotice of potential shipments; the carrier has ampletime (one to four weeks depending on the forecastinghorizon) to handle the resolved volume.The execution phase consists of four stages: shipmenttenders, distribution, payment, and a review in order to manage the whole distribution cycle. Theshipment tenders stage starts from steps 6 to 8 of CTM.Step 6 is the creation of order/shipment tenders basedon the resolved order forecast. Any exceptions based on latest equipment availability, pickup and deliveryrequirements are identified in step 7 and resolvedcollaboratively in step 8. The distribution stage —steps 9through 11—involves the physical distribution and thevisibility of the shipment status. Step 9 is the creation ofthe final shipment contracts, outlined as the results ofcollaborative tender acceptance and shipment terms.Shipment status is continually updated throughout thedistribution cycle and any exception is identified duringstep 10. Step 11 is the resolution of delivery exceptions.The payment stage involves steps 12 and 13. Invoicingdiscrepancies are greatly reduced with the communicationof shipment attributes, such as weight, freight class,and destination between carriers and shippers, in step10. Any payment exceptions identified in step 12 arecollaboratively resolved in step 13. Finally, the reviewphase involves measuring the distribution performanceagainst the KPI in step 14 and seeking opportunities forcontinuous improvement.3.3. Implementation issues of CTM CTM is a new business model for integrating transportation management with SCM. The proposedCTM model is generic and can be modified to fit aspecific SC application. We are interested in the application of CTM in GSC from the perspective of3PL providers. The primary implementation issues aretherefore discussed below.The benefits of CTM are the first issue to be addressed. The application of CTM provides individualbenefits as well as SC benefits. The most。
1. 船体和设施- 船体(Hull):指泰坦尼克号的整个船体结构,包括船体壳、甲板和各层。
- 船舱(Cabin):指船上的住宿区域,泰坦尼克号拥有多种类型的船舱,包括一等舱、二等舱和三等舱。
- 甲板(Deck):指船上的平面层次,在泰坦尼克号上有多个甲板,用于不同的功能和活动。
- 舷窗(Porthole):船舱中的小窗户,可以供客人观赏风景。
- 天桥(Bridge):指船上的驾驶室,是船员控制和操纵船只的地方。
- 餐厅(Dining Room):泰坦尼克号上设有多个餐厅,供乘客就餐。
2. 船员- 船长(Captain):泰坦尼克号的船长叫爱德华·约翰·史密斯,他在航行中尽力拯救乘客。
- 船员(Crew):指泰坦尼克号上的工作人员,包括船长、船员和服务人员。
- 乘务员(Steward):负责照顾乘客的服务人员。
- 水手(Sailor):船上的船员,帮助操纵船只并执行其他任务。
3. 航行和导航- 航行(Navigation):指船只在海洋上的行驶和导航。
- 航线(Route):指船只在航行中所遵循的特定路径。
- 航海图(Nautical Chart):用于航行中导航的地图。
- 指南针(Compass):用于确定航向的导航工具。
- 天文导航(Celestial Navigation):用星体来确定位置和航向的导航方法。
4. 事故和救援- 撞击(Collision):指泰坦尼克号与冰山碰撞的事件。
- 沉没(Sinking):指泰坦尼克号最终被水淹没下沉的情况。
- 救生艇(Lifeboat):用于紧急疏散和救援的小型船只。
- 救生圈(Lifebuoy):用于投掷给落水者并提供浮力的圆形救生装备。
- 救援(Rescue):指对遇险人员进行营救和救助的行动。
船海英语基础单词Part One Shipbuilding Contract1.witness见证证明2.assume承担3.domestic家庭的国内的4.ship-owner船东5.involve卷入涉及6.procedure手续程序7.memo(memorandum)备忘录8.violate违反违背9.terms and conditions条款10.occasion引发招致11.stipulate制定12.extract节选摘录13.standard contract标准合同14.China Shipbuilding Trading Company15.practice惯例习惯做法16.corporation公司17.registered office注册地址18.collectively共同地集体地19.covenant契约协议unch下水21.equip装备配备22.deliver交船23.trail试验24.hereof在本文件中25.purchase购买26.aforesaid上述的27.specification(spec)规格书28.general arrangement总体布置29.midship section船舯剖面30.makers list厂商表31.attach附在……上32.machinery机械机械装置33.rules and regulations规范34.authority权威35.circular通告文件36.classification society船级社37.assign派遣分配38.representative代表39.supervision监督40.fees and charges费用41.requirement(s)要求42.issue发布发行43.royalty专利费44.classification入级45.plan图纸46.workmanship工艺47.inspection检查48.final决定性的不可改变的49.binding对……有法律约束的50.principal particulars主要数据51.dimension尺寸52.length overall全长53.length between perpendiculars两柱间长54.breadth moulded型宽55.depth moulded型深 draft moulded设计吃水57.propelling machinery推进装置58.main engine主机59.trial speed试验速度60.correction校正61.nautical miles海里62.on the loaded condition在负载条件下63.wind speed风速64.shallow water浅水65.fuel oil consumption油耗66.exceed 超过67.output输出功率 trail车间试验69.calorific value热量值70.deadweight载重量71.metric tons公吨72.specific gravity比重密度73.dispute争议74.subcontract转包分包75.portion部分76.subcontractor分包商77.experienced经验丰富的78.expense费用79.acceptance接受80.warranty保证书保证担保81.furnish提供82.exclude不包括……除外83.defect缺陷84.defective 有缺陷的85.notify通知86.promptly立即及时87.deviation偏离偏差88.claim索赔89.written notice书面通知90.extent程度91.thereby由此因此92.expiry期满到期93.forthcoming即将到来或发生94.sufficient足够的充分的95.remedy弥补补救96.article条款97.replacement替换更换98.impractical不切实际的99.forward加速增进100.accomplish成就完成101.impair影响损伤102.delay延迟103.notice in writing 书面通知104.v erify证实105.rejection拒绝106.minor细小的次要的107.guarantee engineer保驾工程师108.liability责任109.expiration到期期满110.specify特别指出或说明111.guarantee period保修期112.w ear and tear磨损113.mismangement管理不善114.negligence疏忽粗心大意115.willful故意的有意的116.n eglect 忽略117.agent代理人118.crew船员119.officer高级船员120.likewise同样地121.thereupon于是随即122.whatsoever无论什么123.howsoever无论怎样124.arise发生125.save除……之外126.expressly明确地专门地127.omission遗漏疏忽128.default 违约129.consequential随即发生的130.e arnings收入131.demurrage拖延mitment义务允诺133.exclusive唯一的134.waive放弃135.fitness健康136.merchantability营销137.extend延长138.alter更改139.vary变动140.instrument正式的文件141.duly正式的142.authorize授权Part Two Principle Dimensions1.principle dimensions主尺度2.technical specification技术规格书3.code法典4.Main Group 1第一大部分5.index索引6.ship general总体7.general description概述8.material材料9.stability稳性10.classification船级11.drawing图纸12.supervision监造13.teats and trails试验与试航14.delivery交船交货15.seakeeping performance航海性能16.geometrical characteristics几何特征17.hull船体18.element要素19.cross section截面20.vertical垂直的21.longitudinal纵向的22.plane平面23.centreline中心线24.symmetrical对称的25.port左舷26.starboard右舷27.midship舯部28.transversal航向的29.horizontal水平的30.waterline水线31.the middle longitudinal cross section中纵剖面32.the midship transversal cross section舯横剖面33.the design water plane 设计水线面34.the length overall全长35.max.(maximum)最大36.bow船艏37.stern船艉38.the length B P39.perpendicular垂线40.stem船柱41.the length W L 水线长42.full-load满载线43.keel龙骨44.upper deck 上甲板45.draft(draught)吃水46.freeboard干舷47.coefficients of ship form船型系数48.the design water plane coefficient设计水线面系数49.the midship transversal cross sectioncoefficient舯横截面系数50.the displacement coefficient排水量系数51.the block coefficient方型系数52.the longitudinal prismatic coefficient纵向菱形系数53.performance性能54.light-ship displacement轻载排水量t55.full-load displacement满载排水量56.crew 船员57.spare parts备件58.spare gears备品59.provision食品60.cargo船货61.fuel燃料62.consumables消耗品plement定员64.normal displacement正常排水量65.standard displacement 标准排水量66.weight calculation重量计算67.owner船东68.personnel全体船员69.sum二数之和70.the total tonnage总吨位71.the net registered tonnage净登记吨位partment分隔舱73.space舱室74.enclose封闭Part Three Other Sea Keeping Performances1.floatability漂浮性2.roll横摇3.pitch纵摇 speed快速性5.floodability不沉性6.maneuverability操纵性7.floating positively正浮8.technical term技术术语9.reserve buoyancy储备浮力10.load line mark载重线标志11.rough sea波涛汹涌12.flood进水13.watertight水密的14.navigating zone航区15.China Classification Society中国船级社16.rules规范17.incline倾斜18.exterior force外力19.inclination倾斜20.trim纵倾21.heel横倾22.the metacentre of transversal inclination横倾稳心23.the metacentre of longitudinal inclination纵倾稳心24.transversal stability 横稳性25.small metacentric angle小倾角26.gravity centre重心27.metacentre稳心28.inclination test倾斜试验29.consumption消耗30.resistance阻力31.voyage航行32.high-speed boat高速艇33.frication resistance摩擦阻力34.swirl resistemce涡流阻力35.wave-forming resistence兴波阻力36.minimize降至最低37.bulbous bow 球鼻艏38.the rated horsepower 额定马力39.main engine (ME)主机40.the effective horsepower 有效马力41.current 洋流水流42.propeller螺旋桨43.upset倾覆44.excessive过量的45.bulk cargo散装货物46.the propulsion plant推进装置47.operation运行48.instrument仪表49.seasick晕船 stage设计阶段51.the roll period横摇周期52.initial metacentric height初稳心高53.stabilizing unit减摇装置54.bilge keel舭龙骨55.stabilizer减摇鳍56.wing buoyant tank 减摇水舱57.state说明58.sufficient足够59.sea damage海损60.bulkhead隔舱壁61.deck甲板62.intake吸入63.sea water (SW)海水64.pour涌入源源不断65.adjacent相邻的66.course航向67.pilot驾驶员68.intention意向69.directional stability航向稳定性70.turning ability回转性71.short-range短途的72.turning circle回转半径73.guarantee 保证74.steering gear操舵装置75.rudder舵ponent组成部分Part Four Hull Constructions1.hull construction船体结构2.upper deck上甲板3.continuous deck连续甲板4.bow船艏5.stern船艉6.lower deck下甲板pass deck罗经甲板8.navigatitng instrument导航仪器9.arrange布置10.navigating deck驾驶甲板11.wheelhouse驾驶室12.boat deck艇甲板救生艇14.accommodation deck起居甲板15.the living quarters生活区16.characteristics性能17.superstructure上层建筑18.main hull主船体19.space空间20.tier层21.cabin舱室22.transversal bulkhead横隔壁舱23.section总段24.bow section艏段25.midship section舯段26.stern section艉段27.bottom船底28.side船侧29.formation构成结构30.shell壳板31.structure结构 structure外板结构33.the total longitudinal bend总纵弯曲34.wave impact波浪冲击力35.squzeeze挤压 plating外壳列板37.designation名称38.bottom plate底板39.keel plate龙骨板40.side plate舷侧板41.bilge plate舭板 side plate舷侧顶板43.stand经受44.magnitude大小45.thickness厚度46.local strengthening局部加强47.inevitable不可避免的48.bottom structure底板结构49.side structure舷侧结构50.deck structure甲板结构51.bulkhead structure隔舱壁结构52.bow and stern structure艏艉结构53.single bottom单底54.double bottom双层底55.trim 纵倾56.heel横倾57.ballast water压载水58.stringer纵通材59.member构件60.the total longitudinal strength总纵强度61.side girder侧桁62.the total longitudinal bend总纵弯曲63.floor plate肋板64.inner bottom longitudinal内底纵骨65.inner bottom plate内地板66.frame肋骨67.transversal framing横向构架68.longitudinal framing纵向构架69.deck plate甲板板70.beam横梁71.deck girder甲板桁材72.deck longitudinal甲板纵骨73.hatch trunk舱口围壁74.pillar 支柱75.arc弧度76.camber梁拱77.sheer脊弧78.stiffener扶强材79.corrugated波纹状的80.oil-tight油密81.longitudinal bulkhead纵隔舱壁 hazard火灾83.poisonous gas有毒气体84.fore perpendicular艏垂线85.aft船艉86.aft peak艉尖舱87.vibration振动88.practise习惯做法89.deckhouse甲板室90.forecastle艏楼91.bridge桥楼92.poop艉楼93.long bidge长桥楼94.headroom甲板间高度Part Five Ship Equipment1.ship equipment船舶设备2.harbour港口3.rudder舵4.anchor锚救生6.cargo-lifting起货7.moor系泊8.plant设备9.turning motion回转10.streeing wheel舵轮 mechanism传动机构12.steering gear舵机13.steering mechanism操舵机构14.rudder stock舵轴15.rudder carrier舵承16.rudder stopper舵角限制器17.rudder angle indicator舵角指示器18.modus操纵法19.hydraulic液压的20.electrical-driven电动的21.electrical compass电罗经22.calibrate校正23.error误差24.drift漂移25.handle操纵26.auxiliary means辅助手段27.anchor chain锚链28.hawsepipe锚链筒29.chain stopper制链器30.chain pipe锚链管31.chain locker锚链舱32.anchor windlass起锚机33.capstan windlass锚绞机34.the integral stud anchor chain整体锚链35.integral casting整体浇铸36.welding焊接37.implication含义38.tuition学费 message无线电报40.rescue救援救生筏救生圈救生衣44.davit吊艇架45.transfer pump输送泵46.conveyor传送带47.marine craine船用起重机48.derrick 吊杆49.container集装箱nding-place码头51.anchorage buoy系泊浮筒52.rope缆索53.wire cable钢索54.bollard带缆桩55.fairlead导缆孔56.docking winch带缆绞车Part Six Workingmanship of Hull Building1.workmanship工艺byrinth迷宫3.naval architect船造设计师4.hull form船型5.lofting放样6.accurancy精度7.mould loft放样台8.projection plane投影面9.geometrical principle几何原理10.proportion比例11.model plate样板12.model rod样棒13.model case样箱14.sketch草图15.process工艺;加工16.fabrication装配17.lines plan线型图18.error误差19.hull cleanness船体光顺性20.plan图纸21.magnify放大22.lines lofting线型放样23.lines offsets型值24.material marking下料25.expansion展开图26.mark标出27.fashioned steel型钢28.symbol符号29.optics光学30.cold processing冷加工 processing热加工32.edge processing边缘加工33.shape processing成型加工34.calibration校正35.rust removal除锈36.deformation形变37.cuttinng切割38.deform形变39.plane整平40.roller machine滚床41.corrosion腐蚀42.production efficiency生产效率 automatic production line自动生产线44.steel plate pretreatment钢板预处理45.groove开坡口46.chamfer在边缘切斜面47.straight line直线48.curve曲线49.shear machine剪切机50.edger刨边机51.acetylene cutter气割机52.numerical control cutter数控切割机53.funnel烟囱54.hydraulic machine液压机55.folding machine折边机56.bending machine冷弯机 work火工58.block分段59.section总段60.assemble装配61.fabricate装配62.part fabrication部装63.block or section fabrication分段或总段装配64.berth or slipway fabrication船台装配65.division划分66.operation施工67.production procedure生产程序68.lifting capacity起重能力69.working site现场70.aforementioned前述的71.seating基座72.platform平台73.jig胎架74.pyramid method正装法75.base基准76.converse method反装法77.framing block肋骨框架分段78.tightness test密性试验79.welding seam焊缝80.water pressure test水压试验81.strength test强度试验82.X-ray photo X光照片83.pipe flange管子法兰84.cable fixture电缆夹具y敷设86.insulating material绝缘材料87.kerosene test油密试验88.water-tight test水密实验89.air-tight test气密实验unching下水91.gravity launching重力下水92.slipway taper船台斜面93.float launching 漂浮下水94.dock 船坞95.mechanical launching机械下水Part Seven Ship System1.ship system船舶系统2.service公共基础设施 system消防系统4.short circuit短路5.loop回路6.insulation绝缘7.conductor导体8.oil mist油雾9.extinguish灭火bustibility可燃性11.abolish消除12.the ambient air大气 post露天部位14.saturated steam饱和蒸汽15.inert gas惰性气体16.foam泡沫17.halogen卤素18.chain reaction连锁反应19.suck吸入 pump消防泵21.discharge排水22.the fire main消防总管23.eject喷射24.hose软管25.water head压头26.coonection接头27.water supply水源28.emergent service应急使用29.power supply电源30.lining衬垫耐火的32.abestosr石棉33.bilge system舱底水系统34.outboard向舷外35.cargo-hold货舱36.bilge舱底水37.drainage疏水38.condensation冷凝39.water vapour水蒸气40.normal shipping正常营运41.emergent discharge应急排放42.suction por t吸入口43.bilge pump舱底水泵44.ballast system压载系统45.treatment plant处理装置46.pollution污染47.water supply system供水系统48.steam &. aux. boiler system蒸汽与副锅炉系统49.ventilation & air-conditioning system通风与空调系统50.refrigerating plant制冷装置51.fresh water production plant造水装置52.ballast tank压载水舱53.ballast pump压载泵54.ballast piping压载水管系55.potable water饮用水56.sanitary water卫生水57.branch system分系统58.drinking water饮用水59.heating供暖60.galley厨房61.cargo oil货油62.forced ventilation机械同风63.ventilator通风机64.pretreat预处理65.relative humidity相对湿度66.microclimate小气候67.humidify增湿68.semi-conductor半导体储藏室70.vaporize汽化71.coolant(cooloing agent)制冷剂72.Freon氟利昂73.ammonia氨74.vacuum真空75.waste heat余热船海英语基础知识—阅读部分Part One Principle DimensionsIf you turn to a technical specification which is regarded as the code of shipbuilding, you will always find that Main Group 1 in the index is Ship General. Normally speaking, contents under Ship General will, in spite of some slight differences among individual spec ifications, include general description, materials, dimentions and tonnage, stability, classification, drawings, supervision, test and trails, delivery, etc. In this little passage, however, we would like to concentrate on the sea-keeping perfromance only. Different sea-keeping performances of vessel have much to do with principal dimensions and ship forms. So it is quite necessary to discuss the principle dimensions and geometrical characteristics of hull at the very beginning.1.Elements of Geometrical Characteristics1.1Three Cross Section of Hull Vertical to One AnotherThe middle longitudinal cross section—a longitudinal vertical plane along the centreline of ship length and a symmetrical plane between port and starboard.The midship transversal cross section—a transversal vertical plane at the midship.The design water plane—a horizontal plane through design waterline1.2Principal DimensionsThe length overall—the max. horizontal distance from bow to sternThe length B P—the horizontal distance between the two perpendiculars, i.e. stem and stern.The length W L—the length of design waterline or the length of full-load waterlineThe breadth moulded—the max. breadth at design waterlineThe depth moulded—the vertical height from the upper surface of keel to the surface of upper deck within the midship transversal cross sectionDraft—the vertical height from the upper surface of keel to design waterlineFreeboard—equal to the depth moulded minus draft1.3Coefficients of Ship FormThere are mainly four coefficients for ship form. They are the design water plane coefficient, the midship transversal cross section coefficient, the displacement coefficient(reffered to as block coefficient as well)and the longitudinal prismatic coefficient.Coefficient of ship from will help you have a better understanding of the hull shape under water and the hull varitation along ship length, and directly affect seakeeping performance of vessel. Needless to say, a choice of approprite coefficients has to be made in the light of the purpose, performance, speed and the like of different ships.2.Deadweight and Displacement2.1DisplacementDisplacement falls roughly into light-ship displacement(light-load displacement)and full-load displacement. The light-ship displacement refers to the displacement under which a vessel is loaded on board the ship with crew, crew’s personal belongings, spare parts, spare gears and provisions in the absence of cargo, fuel and other consumables; whereas the full-load displacement indicates the disolacement under which the full onboard of cargo,complement fuel and so on has reached to the fullest extent. Besides, for warships, another two concepts, normal displacement and standard displacement, are also adopted for the weight caculation.2.2DeadweightIt so happens that an owner will bargain with a yard to ask for as largest deadweight as possible because, in a case, deadweight is a matter of money. For, you see, deadweight is the max. weight of cargo and personnel a ship can carry under the condition of full-load displacement. Or, in other words, deadweight equals to full-load displacement minus the sum of light-load displacement and the weight of consumables onboard, such as water, oil, etc.In repect to the vessel volume, it is put as total tonnage or the net registered tonnage. The total tonnage, sometimes called the registered tonnage, is calculated on the basis of the total volume of all the compartments and spaces that can be enclosed; while the net registered tonnage is equal to the total tonnage minus the volume of the compartments and spaces that are not for cargos or passengers.Part Two Other Sea Keeping PerformancesApart from principal dimensions, seakeeping performances cover floatability, roll and pitch, fast speed, floodability and maneuverabbility.FloatabilityOne of the important seakeeping performances is the floatability that indicates the ability of vessel floating positively on water under the condition of a certain amount of deadweight.When we deal with floatability, we must first be clear about the following two technical terms, i.e. reserve buoyancy and loadline mark.Then, what is the resever buoyancy? As it is known to all, a ship has to obtain a certain amount of freeboard when she’s sailing at sea. That is to say, to give you a concrete idea , any vessel is to retain some volume above water for the sake of extra buoyancy so that its draft is allowed to increase without a sinking tragedy under particular but rare conditions, such as rough sea or serious flooding due to hull damage. For instance, the film, TITANIC, popular in every corner of the world and presenting a moving love story to the sentimental audience, describes the fatal hull damage owning to a huge iceberg. This extra buoyancy is called reseve buoyanc; or, to be exact, the reserve buoyancy which is measured by freeboard refers to the watertight volume of hull above load line.In respect of load –line mark, it denotes a variety of the max. drafts of vessels in different seasons and at varied navigating zones. In China, CCS has worked out“The Rules for Load Line”StabilityOne more seakeeping performance is the stability which is the ability that vessels will incline when affected by an exterior force, such as wind, wave, etc., and will restore its original position on the force removal. Stability is, of course, of great importance to shipbuilding since its failure will always lead to heavy loss of life. History has sadly witness tragic sinking of vessels so many a time by reason of poor stability.V essel inclination may be divided into trim and heel. As the metacentr of transversalincliantion is much more essential than that of longitudinal inclination, the emphasis is invariably laid on the transversal stability and discussions are often limited to the small metacentric angle underr 15 degrees.In order to obtain fine stability, precautions will normally be taken in two different ways. On one hand, gravity center is to be lowered; on the other hand, metacenter to be raised. The gravity center of a ship to be calculated by means of an inclination test. The teat is generally to be performed in calm water and with lovely weather. If you have got a drydock for the test, so much the better.Fast SpeedAnother seakeeping performance is the fast speed or rapidity which describes the ability for a ship to gain faster speed at lower consumption of power.V essels will be affected mainly by water resistance during voyage. We do not bother our brain about air resistance because it is far smaller than water resistance. Perhaps, the only expection is high-speed boats.Water resistance to be encountered by a ship consists of friction resistance, swirl resistace and wave-forming(wave-making)resistance.There are two ways to raise ship speed, namely, to minimize water resistance and to increase main engine power. To achieve this, a bulbous bow is widely used in many types of ships and the rated horsepower of main engines is generally to be over two times as big as the effective horsepower of ships.Roll and PitchWhen floating on water or sailing at sea, vessels will roll or pitch owning to wave motions as well as the influence of wind, current and propeller.The fatal results of excessive roll and pitch are follows:1.First, the ship upsetting arising from excessive inclination due to roll2.In the next place, the hull structure damage because of sharp roll and pitch as wellas the violent movement of bulk cargos, or even worse the hull might break.3.Still next, the affection on the propulsion plant, i.e. the increase of water resistanceand the reduction of speed by reason of roll and pitch.4.Then, the affection on proper operation of various kinds of machines of all, the hard working condition which causes the crew to be seasick.Therefore, we have to take roll and pitch into our consideration during the design stage, for they are closely related to the whole seakeeping performance.As you know, the roll period is greatly concerned with the initial metacentric height and, in some degree, stability is contrary to roll. It seems to be strange that violent roll, as many people might think, is not derived from poor stability.So far different stabilizing units have been invented, and found wide application to decreasing roll and pitch. Common stabilizing units now in practical use are bilge keels, stabilizers and wing buoyant tanks.FloodabilityFloodabolity states the ability for a vessel to keep afloat with sufficient floatability, stability and other seakeeping performances in case one or several compartments are flooded. Should sea damages take place, reserve buoyance would be the principal condition to keep a vessel afloat.With the help of the watertight bulkheads and decks which separate the inside of hull into a number of compartments and spaces, reserve buoyance enough is to be retained so that the intake of sea water may be confined to the damaged compartment without water pouring into the adjacent compartments.ManeuvereabilityThe last seakeeping performance that we are coming to is maneuverability, which refers to the ability for a vessel to retain or change its course in accordance with the pilot’s intention.Maneuverability is composed of two abilities, that is, the directional stability and the turning ability. The former indicates the ability for a vessel to keep to its given course, while the latter sets forth the ability for a vessel to change its course. Ocean-going vessels require strict direction stability, whereas short-range ships ask for a better turning ability. Moreover, the smaller the turning circle of vessel, the better their turning ability.In the guarantee of vessel maneuverability, a steeering gear of fine quality is to be provided, rudder being its primary component.·Part Four Ship Equipment1.The Rudder Equipment2.The Anchor Equipment3.The Life-Saving EquipmentIn the event sea damage occurs, a vessel will be in want of various life-saving means apart from a radio message for rescue so as to secure the lives of passengers and crew. Among them are life-boats, life-rafts, life-belts and life-jackets.The most important life-saving means of all is life-boats that are placed symmetrically port and starboard on the boat deck, with special davits provided for them.4.The Cargo-Lifting EquipmentThe cargo-lifting equipment consists of some special equipment for loading and unloading cargos, such as a transfer pump on board for liquid cargo, a conveyor for dry bulk cargo and a marine crane and derrick for large pieces of cargo often packed in boxes or containers.5.The Mooring EquipmentThe mooring equipment is also composed of some differential equipment which fastens a vessel to be a landing-place, the shore, an adjacent vessel or an anchorage buoy. The principle components of the mooring equipment are ropws, wire cables, bollards, fairleads, docking winches, etc.Part Five Workingmanship of Hull Building1.Lofting2.Material Marking3.Processing of Hell Members3.1Calibration and Rust Removal for Steel Plates3.2Edge Processing for Hull Members3.3Shape Processing4.Fabrication and Welding of Hull4.1Division of Sections4.2Fabrication and Welding of Parts4.3Fabrication and Welding of Blocks and Sections5.Tightness T est6.Ship LaunchingPart Six Ship System1.The Fire-fighting System2.The Bilge System3.The Ballast System4.The Water Supply System5.The Steam & Aux. Boiler System6.The Ventilation & Air Conditioning System7.The Refrigerating Plant8.The Fresh Water Producion Plant船海英语基础知识—单词部分Ⅱ--------The W ords In The Specifications以下是附加文档,不需要的朋友下载后删除,谢谢顶岗实习总结专题13篇第一篇:顶岗实习总结为了进一步巩固理论知识,将理论与实践有机地结合起来,按照学校的计划要求,本人进行了为期个月的顶岗实习。
1. Hull 船体。
2. Propeller 螺旋桨。
3. Rudder 舵。
4. Bulkhead 隔舱壁。
5. Ballast 压载水。
6. Bilge 船底积水。
7. Keel 龙骨。
8. Bow 船头。
9. Stern 船尾。
10. Draft 吃水深度。
11. Freeboard 舷高。
12. Anchor 锚。
13. Cargo 货物。
14. Deck 甲板。
15. Engine room 机舱。
16. Shipyard 造船厂。
17. Deadweight 载重量。
18. Double hull 双壳船。
19. Port 港口。
20. Starboard 右舷。
海运业务词汇(常用海运英文)1. 运输术语Bill of Lading (B/L): 提单,是海运货物交接的凭证,证明承运人已收到货物并承诺按照合同条款运输。
Container: 集装箱,用于装载货物的标准尺寸的金属箱。
Freight: 货物,泛指运输的物品。
Charter Party: 租船合同,船东与租船人之间订立的协议,规定船舶的租赁条款。
Cargo Manifest: 货物清单,列明船上所有货物的详细信息。
Customs Clearance: 清关,指货物进出口时,必须经过海关的检查和批准。
2. 船舶术语Vessel: 船舶,泛指各种水上交通工具。
Ship: 船,通常指较大的船舶。
Barge: 驳船,用于运输货物的小型船只。
Hull: 船体,指船舶的主体结构。
Deck: 甲板,船舶的上层结构。
Hold: 货舱,用于装载货物的船舱。
Bridge: 驾驶室,船舶的指挥中心。
3. 货物类型Dry Bulk: 干散货,指非液体、非包装的散装货物,如煤炭、矿石等。
Liquid Bulk: 液体散货,指液体状态的散装货物,如原油、化学品等。
General Cargo: 杂货,指各种类型的货物,通常需要包装。
Reefer Cargo: 冷藏货物,指需要冷藏运输的货物,如冷冻食品、药品等。
Dangerous Goods: 危险品,指具有易燃、易爆、有毒等特性的货物。
4. 其他常用术语ETD (Estimated Time of Departure): 预计离港时间。
ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival): 预计到港时间。
Voyage: 航次,指船舶从一个港口到另一个港口的航行。
Port of Loading: 装货港,指货物装船的港口。
Port of Discharge: 卸货港,指货物卸船的港口。
Shipper: 托运人,指将货物交给承运人运输的人或公司。
Consignee: 收货人,指从承运人处接收货物的人或公司。
9Ahmet Ergulen在2015年提出由于不断变化的环境条件,例如与产品有关的不仅限于销售的生产者责任、最终消费者消费后收集产品并使其处于可在供应链中重复使用的状态、自觉处理无法回收的产品、防止废物和建立可持续发展的基础设施,都导致了”逆向物流”的出现。
Regiani de Campos (2017)研究了逆向物流在制药机构面临的问题,提出逆向物流现在正遵循一种趋势,即它被视为一种竞争优势和潜在收入来源。
Zhifang Zhou (2018)将循环经济的价值流分析引入企业逆向物流的成本核算、分析和优化[2] 。
海运发货操作流程Shipping by sea is one of the most cost-effective and reliable ways to transport goods from one place to another. 海运是从一个地方运送货物到另一个地方最具成本效益和可靠性的方式之一。
Here is the standard operating procedure for shipping goods by sea.First, the process begins with booking the shipment with a shipping company. 首先,流程是向航运公司预订货物。
This involves providing details about the cargo, origin, destination, and any special requirements. 包括提供货物、起运地、目的地及任何特殊要求的详细信息。
Once the booking is confirmed, the shipping company will issue a Bill of Lading. 一旦确认预订,航运公司将出具一份提单。
This document serves as a receipt for the goods and a contract of carriage between the shipper and the carrier. 这份文件是货物的收据,也是托运人和承运人之间的运输合同。
The next step is for the shipper to prepare the goods for shipment.下一个步骤是托运人为货物做好出运准备。
This may include packaging,labeling, and completing any necessary documentation. 这可能包括包装、贴标签和完成任何必要的文件。
船舶建造计划英语English: The shipbuilding plan involves various stages from the initial design phase to the construction, outfitting, and delivery of the vessel. The process begins with the creation of design drawings and specifications based on the requirements provided by the client. Once the design is finalized, the construction phase commences, where the different sections of the ship are built in a designated shipyard. This involves a range of activities such as steel cutting, hull fabrication, installation of propulsion systems, electrical wiring, and outfitting of cabins and staterooms. Quality control and safety measures are implemented throughout the construction process to ensure that the vessel meets all necessary standards and regulations. Upon completion, the ship undergoes sea trials to test its performance and functionality before being delivered to the client.中文翻译: 船舶建造计划涉及从最初设计阶段到船舶的建造、配备以及交付的各个阶段。
《1910年船舶碰撞公约》:船舶碰撞双方互有过失 责任时,两船上的货物均由过失船舶各按过失比 例赔偿。 《海牙规则》: 承运人驾驶和管理船舶过失免责 美国没有参加 《1910年船舶碰撞公约》 “对半责任原则” “货物无辜原则” 凡运送货物去美国时,承运人都在与货主签订提 单或租船合同时加上“船舶互撞责任条款”,以 保护其能够按照《海牙规则》取得利益。
“船舶互撞责任”条款 (Both-to-Blame Collision Clause)
在运输合同或提单中订有“船舶互撞 责任”条款(Both-to-Blame Collision Clause)时,根据该条款规定应由货方赔偿 船方的损失,保险人可以赔偿。
针对美国关于船舶碰撞责任的法律规定 而设立。
假设本保险承保的货物装在A船上,在运输 途中,A船与B船发生碰撞,两船有过失, 应按过失比例承担责任,假设碰撞造成的 货物损失为4万美元,两船碰撞责任比例为 50:50。 赔偿流程如下:
理 赔 流 程
相 撞 、 货 损 根据运输合同或 提单的“船舶互 撞责任条款”, 向甲索赔2万美元
根据“对 半责任原 则Байду номын сангаас , 向A索回2 万美元
租约范本NYPE93中的 “双方互有责任碰撞条款”
“如船舶由于他船疏忽以及本船船长,船员,引航员或承 运人的雇佣人员在驾驶或管理船舶中的行为,疏忽或不履 行职责而与他船碰撞,则本船所载货物的所有人应补偿承 运人的一切损失或对他船亦即非载货船舶或其所有人的赔 偿责任,此种损失或赔偿责任是指已由或应由他船亦即非 载货船舶或其所有人支付给上述货物所有人的其货物灭失 或损坏的任何索赔,且已由他船亦即非载货船舶作为其向 载货船舶或承运人提出索赔的一部分,将其抵消,扣除或 追回。 当出租人,经营人或除碰撞船舶或物体以外的任何船舶或 物体的主管人员对碰撞或触碰有过失时,上述规定同样适 用。”
MARPOL 附则I—防止油污染
美国联邦油污反映计划--- VRP 美国加州油污应急计划---CANT-VCR 美国华盛顿州油污应急计划 巴拿马运河油污应急计划---PCSOPEP
MARPOL附则 I 修正案
➢ 经IMO MEPC.117(52)修订的《MARPOL公约》附则Ⅰ 于2007年1月1日生效;
➢ 该修正案重新修改了油类记录簿第I部分(机器处所的 作业)和第II部分的内容(货油/压载的作业);
➢ 2007年1月1日修正案正式生效后,船上应使用新版的油 类记录簿。
附则 I—我们面临的最大风险
• 美国(USCG)几起对非法排油事件的处罚及被美国司法部起诉的案 例:
• CARNIVAL CRUISE LINES(美国),在海上故意倾倒污油并隐藏 证据被罚款1700万美元;数位公司高级主管被开除,公司被判5年观 察期,要求公司船队强制执行环保达标计划,法院指定环保专家定期 检查,在每艘船上增加一名专门负责环保的高级官员。
• 含油垃圾焚烧或退岸处理和使用过的滤器处理应只在 垃圾记录簿中记录。
• 所有项目由负责相关操作主管填写和签字,每一页完 成记录须由船长签字。
• 连续完整项目之间不应留有任何空行。 • 如果已在油类记录簿(ORB)记录错误记录,它应该
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Shipper Collaboration¨Ozlem ErgunG¨u ltekin KuyzuMartin SavelsberghGeorgia Institute of TechnologyIndustrial and Systems EngineeringAtlanta,GA30332AbstractThe interest in collaborative logistics is fuelled by the ever increasing pressure on companies to operate more efficiently,the realization that suppliers,consumers,and even competitors,can be potential collaborative partners in logistics,and the connectivity provided by the Internet.Logistics exchanges or collaborative logistics networks use the Internet as a common computing platform to implement strategies designed to reduce “hidden costs”such as asset reposition costs.Through collaboration shippers may be able to identify and submit tours with little or no asset repositioning to a carrier,as opposed to submitting individual lanes,in return for more favorable rates.In this paper, we focus onfinding a set of tours connecting regularly executed truckload shipments so as to minimize asset repositioning.Mathematically,the truckload shipper collaboration problem translates into covering a subset of arcs in a directed Euclidean graph by a minimum cost set of constrained cycles.We formulate the lane covering problem,propose several solution algorithms,and conduct a computational study on the effectiveness of these methodologies.11IntroductionThe growing interest in collaborative logistics is fuelled by the ever increasing pressure on companies to operate more efficiently;the realization that suppliers,consumers,and even competitors,can be potential collaborative partners in logistics;and the connectivity provided by the Internet.In the trucking industry,both shippers and carriers are desperately searching for ways to operate more efficiently.Shippers are under continuous pressure from the market place to increase logistics performance while reducing costs.They have to move smaller product quantities more often to meet shorter customer lead times.Furthermore,the buffers that once protected against shortages have shrunk,as inventory volumes grow smaller. Mistakes that were once covered by excess inventory now emerge as expedited logistics costs.Carriers are facing challenges to profitability too.Margins are at an all-time low and driver turnover is at an all-time high.To make matters worse,fuel costs are surging and carrier insurance costs are on the rise as well.Traditionally shippers and carriers have focused their attention on controlling their own costs to increase profitability,i.e.,improve those business processes that the organization controls independently.The key to collaborative logistics lies in identifying and reducing “hidden costs”that all participants in a logistics system pay,but none control individually. An example of a hidden cost is asset repositioning.To execute shipments from different shippers a carrier often has to reposition its assets.Shippers have no insight in how the interaction between the various shipments affects a carrier’s asset repositioning costs.In other words,no single participant in the logistics system controls the asset repositioning costs.Asset repositioning is expensive.A recent report estimates that18%of all trucks movements every day are empty.In a$921billion U.S.logistics market,the collective loss is staggering:more than$165billion.Logistic exchanges or collaborative logistics networks,such as those offered and man-aged by Nistevo,Elogex,and Transplace use the Internet as a common computing platform to give shippers and carriers visibility to hidden costs.Through collaboration,participants of logistics networks can implement strategies specifically designed to reduce or eliminate these hidden costs.A good example that reveals the benefits of collaboration involves scheduling truckload movements of multiple shippers.Through collaboration,two members of the Nistevo net-work created and are using a dedicated2,500-mile continuous move route,reaching several Midwestern and Eastern U.S.cities,involving seven stages,and encompassing various dis-tribution centers,production facilities,and retail outlets for both companies.The route has little asset repositioning and gives the carrier’s drivers a repeatable schedule.The route resulted in a combined19%savings for both shippers.The carrier is experiencing higher margins and lower driver turnover through more regular driver schedules.When shippers consider collaborating,their goal is to identify sets of lanes that can be2submitted to a carrier as a bundle,rather than individually,in the hope that this results in more favorable rates.Carriers are often willing to provide more favorable rates for bundles when a bundle of lanes provides repeatable work for a driver and covering the lanes in the bundle involves little or no asset repositioning.The shipper collaboration problem can thus be stated as follows:given a set of lanes,find a set of tours that covers all lanes and that minimizes the asset repositioning.We will focus on the simplest variant,which is static and involves only full truckloads. This setting is relevant for companies that regularly send full truckloads,say once a week, and are looking for collaborative partners in similar situations.The underlying assumption is that shipment schedules can be adjusted so that the resulting tours can be executed in practice.Identifying tours that minimize asset repositioning costs in a collaborative logistics net-work is not easy.As the number of participants in the network,hence the number of truck-load movements,grows the number of potential routes to examine becomes prohibitively large.Optimization technology is needed to assist the logistics network provider’s analysts in identifying tours with little or no asset repositioning.In practice,there will be various restrictions limiting the set of acceptable tours such as a restriction on the maximum number of legs that can make up a tour or on the maximum length of a tour.Our initial analysis shows that such constraints make the underlying optimization problem more difficult,from a theoretical perspective,but they may make it easier to construct high quality solutions,from a practical perspective.In this paper,we study the core optimization model arising in this context with restrictions on the number of legs that can make up a tour and develop and computationally test effective and efficient algorithms to solve this optimization problem.2Problem Definition and Complexity2.1Lane Covering ProblemMathematically,the shipper collaboration problem translates to the Lane Covering Prob-lem(LCP).Given a directed Euclidean graph D=(N,A)with node set N,arc set A, arc costs c(a)for a∈A,and lane set L⊆A,find a minimum cost set of simple cycles covering L(a cycle cover of L).Note that an arc may be traversed more than once and thus may appear in multiple cycles.Theorem1LCP can be solved in polynomial time.Proof:We will present two algorithms that solve the LCP in polynomial time:1.Consider the digraph D as described above.Assign an upper bound of infinity toall the arcs in A,a lower bound of1to all the arcs in L and0for all the arcs in3A\L.Now let C be a minimum cost circulation on this graph.The subgraph D ofD induced by all the arcs with positiveflow in C is a Eulerian graph.Furthermoresince all the arcs in L have a positiveflow in C the subgraph D includes all the lane arcs.Hence theflow C on D can be decomposed into unitflow on directed cycles covering all arcs in L providing a minimum cost lane cover.2.Now we will describe another algorithm which resembles the algorithm for the Chi-nese Postman Problem[3].Let D(L)be the subgraph defined by the arcs in L and let U={v∈D(L): deg+(v)>deg−(v)}and V={v∈D(L):deg+(v)<deg−(v)}.Define a complete bipartite network N with partitions U and V.For each arc a=uv of N let the capacity be|L|and the weight be the length of the shortest di-path between u and v in D.Assign to each node v∈U a demand of deg+(v)−deg−(v)and to each node v∈V a supply of deg−(v)−deg+(v).Solve the min-costflow problem in N.Let F denote the set of arcs in N to which aflow is assigned in the optimal solution.For each arc a=uv let D(a)be the set of arcs of D corresponding to the shortestdi-path from u to v in D.Let T=a∈F D(a).In case of repetitions,keep multiplecopies.Observe that D =(N,L∪T)satisfies deg+(v)=deg−(v),∀v∈N.Hence,every component of D is a directed Euler tour.Partition the Euler tours into simple arc-disjoint directed cycles.These cycles define a minimum cost cycle cover of L.2 2.2Constrained Lane Covering ProblemsIn this section we consider two constrained variants of the lane covering problem:(i) the cardinality constrained lane covering problem(CCLCP),where the cardinality of each cycle,i.e.,the number of arcs in the cycle,is less than or equal to a prespecified number K,and(ii)the length constrained lane covering problem(LCLCP),where the length of the cycle is less than or equal to a prespecified bound B.Unfortunately,both LCLCP and CCLCP are more difficult.We will show the NP-hardness result for the LCLCP by a reduction from the three partition problem.The result for the CCLCP follows from a similar but more detailed reduction.Theorem2LCLCP is NP-hard.Proof:The proof is by reduction from3-Partitioning.43-Partitioning.Given a set S={a1,a2,...,a3n}with14B<a i<12B for i=1, (3)and B= 3ni=1a i/n decide whether there exist a partitioning of S into distinct subsets S kfor k=1,...,n such thati∈S ka i=B.Construct a directed graph D=(V,A)as follows.For each a i create three arcs e i1,e i2,e i3 with length a i.The arcs are placed in three layers,L1,L2,and L3.Every arc e ikisconnected to arc e j(k mod3)+1for all j=i for k=1,2,3by an arc of length K>>B.Observe that:•Any cycle with length less than B+3K will have at most6arcs.•Any cycle with at most6arcs can only contain a single arc from{e i1,e i2,e i3}.•A set{e i1,e i2,e i3}of arcs can be covered by three“identical”cycles.¿From these observations it follows easily that there exists a cycle cover of cost3n(B+ 3K)with cycles of length less than B+3K if and only if the instance of3-partitioning has a feasible solution.2Theorem3CCLCP is NP-hard.Proof:This follows immediately from the previous proof by replacing each arc e k i of length a i by a i copies of length1and noticing that3-Partition is strongly NP-complete. 23LiteratureWe have been unable tofind any literature on LCP,but there does exist a body of research on a related covering problem.The cycle covering problem(CCP)looks for a least cost cover of a graph with simple cycles,each containing at least three different edges.This constrained version of the Chinese Postman Problem(CPP)was shown to be NP-hard on general graphs by Thomassen[10]and to be equivalent to the CPP on planar graphs by Kesel’man[8].Itai et al.[6]provided an upper bound for CCP on2-connected unweighted graphs and gave a polynomial time algorithm whichfinds such a cover.Improvements to this bound were proposed by Bermond et al.[2],Alon and Tarsi[1],Fraisse[5],Jackson [7],and Fan[4],and a simple heuristic was proposed and tested by Labbe et al.[9].4Solution Approaches for the CCLCPWe will focus on the cardinality constrained lane covering problem in the rest of the paper.54.1Set Covering FormulationFirst we formulate the CCLCP as a set covering problem.Let C K represent the set of all directed cycles in D of cardinality less than or equal to K .We may assume that each cycle C ∈C K is such that C ∩L =∅.Let c C denote the cost of cycle C ,l C be 1if lane l is on the cycle C ,and x C be a 0-1variable indicating whether cycle C is selected or not.Then CCLCP can be formulated as the following set covering problemminC ∈C Kc C x C(1)C ∈C Kl C x C ≥1∀l ∈L(2)x C ∈{0,1}∀C ∈C K .(3)4.2Greedy AlgorithmA simple greedy algorithm can be develop based on this set covering formulation of CCLCP,where in each iteration a cycle C is chosen that maximizes the “cover factor”of a cycle,i.e.,the ratio of the length of the lanes covered by the cycle and the total length of the cycle.procedure Greedy begin U :=L ;Until U =∅do :Choose C ∈C K such that C ∩U =∅and such thate ∈C ∩Uc (e )c Cis maximal;U :=U \(C ∩L );endTheorem 4Assuming that if (i,j )∈L then (j,i )∈A and c (i,j )=c (j,i ),the greedy algorithm is a 2-approximation algorithm.Proof:The algorithm produces a solution within a factor 2of the optimum.Each lane (i,j )∈L can be covered with a trivial cycle consisting of the arcs (i,j )and (j,i ).The cover factor of such a cycle is 0.5.The greedy algorithm always has the option of choosing such a trivial 2-cycle to cover a lane.Hence the greedy will never construct a solution with value more than 2timese ∈L c (e )which is a lower bound on the optimal solution.26In fact,we conjecture that the greedy algorithm is a 1.5-approximation algorithm.Conjecture 1Assuming that if (i,j )∈L then (j,i )∈A and c (i,j )=c (j,i ),the greedy algorithm is a 1.5-approximation algorithm.There exists an instance for which this bound is tight.Consider a complete graph D =(N,A )with N ={1,2,3,1 ,2 ,3 },and let K =3.The lane set,L ,consists of six lanes L ={(1,2),(2,3),(3,1),(1,3 ),(3,2 ),(2,1 )}(Figure 1(a)),where the length of each lane arc is equal to 1and c (i,i )= for i =1,2,3.The optimal solution with cost 6+3 consists of three cycles {(1,2,1 ),(3,1,3 ),(2,3,2 )}(Figure 1(c)).However the greedy algorithm will pick the cycle (1,2,3)in the first iteration and hence has to complete the lane cover with three additional trivial cycles {(2,1 ),(1,3 ),(3,2 )}(Figure 1(b)).This solution has total cost equal to 9which becomes 1.5times the optimal value as goes to 0.(b)(c)(a)11’23’2’3Figure 1:Illustrating a 1.5-approximate solution generated by the greedy algorithm Note that for any fixed K the algorithm runs in polynomial time since |C K |=o (|L |K )and at most |L |iterations are required to reach the stopping condition.5Computational ExperimentsA key component of both solution approaches discussed above is the generation of cycles.There is an important trade-offto be made.The more cycles we generate,the better is the quality of the solution we obtain.However,even though polynomially bounded,the number of cycles becomes prohibitively large very quickly.We analyze this trade-offby generating all possible cycles,which can be very time consuming,and by generating cycles with at most one single repositioning arc,which can be done very efficiently.LCP instances are created randomly in two steps.First,a complete Euclidean digraph is created based on three parameters:number of nodes,number of clusters,and cluster7factor.Clusters are introduced to represent metropolitan areas or other geographical clusters of points.Let short arcs be arcs connecting points within a cluster and long arcs be arcs connecting points in different clusters.The cluster factor determines the radius of the cluster(with a smaller factor leading to a shorter radius).Second,the lane set is created based on two parameters:number of lanes and short percentage p.We randomly select p%arcs from the set of short arcs and the rest from the set of long arcs.The results presented below are based on three different digraphs,each with500nodes. The digraphs differ in terms of the number of clusters and cluster factor.We chose:20 clusters and cluster factor0.05for digraph1,10clusters and cluster factor0.1for digraph 2,and5clusters and cluster factor0.1for digraph3.Furthermore,in all experiments we used a short percentage of20,i.e.,20%of the lanes are short and80%of the lanes are long,and we restricted the cardinality of a cycle to be at most5.Therefore,the maximum number of repositioning arcs in a cycle is at most2since we assume that all of our digraphs are complete.All computational experiments were run on a3Ghz Pentium 4processor with1Gb of memory.Ourfirst set of computational results,presented in Table1,shows the value of working with the set of all possible cycles as opposed to working with the set of cycles containing at most a single repositioning arc.We report the number of repositioning arcs allowed (#dh),the sum of the length of the cycles selected by the Greedy algorithm(greedy), the ratio of reposition length and cycle length(ratio),and the percentage improvement in terms of total cycle length when there is no restriction on the number of repositioning arcs in the cycle.Note that a small ratio is preferred over a large ratio.There are two important conclusions that can be drawn from these results.First,as the number of lanes increases the quality of the solution increases as well(the repositioning ratio decreases).This is not surprising because the number of opportunities for cycles with little repositioning should increase with the number of lanes(note that the underlying digraph remains the same).Second,as expected,there is a significant improvement in quality(about25-30%)when we consider all cycles rather than just the cycles with a single deadhead arc.Observe too that the improvement is the largest for instances with the fewest number of lanes.Our second set of computational results,presented in Table2,demonstrates the quality of the solutions produced by the greedy heuristic by comparing it to the solution produced by solving the set partitioning problem.We have used XPRESS-MP2003for the solution of the integer programs.We have stopped at thefirst feasible integer solution because for the larger instances it took too long to solve the problem to optimality.However,we observed that in most cases thefirst feasible integer solution is actually optimal.For the largest instances,i.e.,no restriction on the number of repositioning arcs in a cycle and 1500lanes,the integer program was too large tofit into the memory available.There are two important conclusions that can be drawn from these results.First, the quality of the solution produced by the greedy heuristic is excellent,usually within8Table1:Generating cycles with a single deadhead vs.generating all cycles digraph#lanes#dh greedy ratio#dh greedy ratio% 1100110,674,528.920.4727,241,893.350.22321200119,797,922.490.44213,797,469.950.19301500144,763,006.660.36231,963,459.640.102911000183,391,224.240.32260,134,487.560.0628115001115,360,691.200.28288,152,466.220.06242100110,930,492.560.4526,872,427.220.13372200120,435,489.900.42213,163,089.150.11362500145,443,680.970.37232,170,219.780.112921000180,549,668.780.31261,359,625.850.0924215001117,287,520.870.28291,198,131.370.0722310019,669,176.320.4825,605,234.450.10423200118,159,907.330.42212,031,403.250.12343500140,116,888.680.38227,623,007.270.103131000174,816,084.920.33252,065,742.430.0430315001108,007,282.590.29280,297,771.090.0426a few percent of optimality.Second,when the number of cycles to choose from is very large,i.e.,when there is no restriction on the number of repositioning arcs in a cycle,the performance of greedy heuristic is exceptionally good(within12%of optimality).Ourfinal set of computational results,presented in Table3,shows the computational requirements of cycle generation,the greedy heuristic,and the integer program.There are two key observations that can be made.First,the number of feasible cycles increases rapidly with the number of lanes,especially if we do not limit the number of repositioning arcs in the cycles;with1500lanes the number of cycles with cardinality at most5already exceeds4,000,000.In such situations,cycle generation time become prohibitively large. Second,the computational requirements of the greedy heuristic are minimal;even when the number of cycles exceeds4,000,000the computation time is only about15seconds. Finally,the time required to solve integer program increases rapidly as the number of cycles increases.6ConclusionsThe large-scale adoption of the internet as a medium for information sharing is creating new opportunities for improved logistics performance.One of the promising opportuni-9Table2:Quality of Greedy heuristic vs.Set Partitioning digraph#lanes#dh greedy ip% 1100110,674,528.9210,657,287.670.16 1200119,797,922.4919,796,100.570.01 1500144,763,006.6643,933,356.60 1.85 11000183,391,224.2480,442,234.07 3.54 115001115,360,691.20109,195,127.20 5.34 110027,241,893.357,152,454.23 1.24 1200213,797,469.9513,485,151.01 2.26 1500231,963,459.6431,440,110.74 1.64 11000260,134,487.5659,533,223.89 1.00 11500288,152,466.22--2100110,930,492.5610,930,492.560.00 2200120,435,489.9020,415,042.130.10 2500145,443,680.9744,786,656.84 1.45 21000180,549,668.7877,691,955.13 3.55 215001117,287,520.87110,141,137.60 6.09 210026,872,427.226,733,012.72 2.03 2200213,163,089.1512,977,248.41 1.41 2500232,170,219.7831,793,064.81 1.17 21000261,359,625.8560,975,233.150.63 21500291,198,131.37--310019,669,176.329,610,905.390.60 3200118,159,907.3318,114,536.240.25 3500140,116,888.6839,843,407.610.68 31000174,816,084.9270,995,026.42 5.11 315001108,007,282.59100,383,352.007.06 310025,605,234.455,510,851.62 1.68 3200212,031,403.2511,968,537.690.52 3500227,623,007.2727,539,192.170.30 31000252,065,742.4351,963,016.610.20 31500280,297,771.09--10Table3:Number of cycles and solution timesdigraph#lanes#dh#cycles cycle cpu greedy cpu ip cpu 110011190.000.000.00 120012700.000.000.00 150011,1230.000.000.00 1100014,9660.010.000.00 11500115,9770.050.010.00 110024,1240.010.000.00 1200219,7120.060.020.00 15002219,468 3.800.44115.00 1100021,380,971155.59 4.225,719.00 1150024,426,5391654.9915.72-210011140.000.000.00 220012750.000.000.00 250011,1790.000.000.00 2100015,5070.010.000.00 21500117,5020.050.020.00 210024,0320.010.000.00 2200221,0820.060.030.00 25002220,506 3.480.44132.00 2100021,493,193177.75 4.445,784.00 2150024,653,2391812.8416.98-310011220.000.000.00 320012750.000.000.00 350011,0210.000.000.00 3100014,3100.010.000.00 31500114,0410.030.030.00 310024,4910.010.000.00 3200220,9140.060.020.00 35002194,061 2.730.36104.00 3100021,283,701131.48 3.638,244.00 3150024,246,3701494.2814.75-11ties is collaborative logistics.We have started to examine one problem in this realm: shipper collaboration.To develop effective technology to support shipper collaboration a challenging,but interesting,combinatorial optimization problem needs to be solved:the lane covering problem.We have demonstrated that efficient heuristic solution procedures can be implemented that provide high quality solutions.The key challenge in terms of future developments is to either reduce the time required to generate the cycles,or to develop methodology that does not require all cycles to be generated.We are currently pursuing the latter approach,by developing local search procedures that start from a so-lution consisting of cycles with at most a single reposition arc(which we can generate very efficiently)and improving it by allowing the creation of cycles with more than a single repositioning arc.AcknowledgementWe thank Daniel Espinoza and Marcos Goycoolea for stimulating and insightful discus-sions.References[1]N.Alon and M.Tarsi,Covering multigraphs by simple circuits,SIAM Journal onAlgorithmic and Discrete Methods6(1985)345-350.[2]J.C.Bermond,B.Jackson,and F.Jaeger,Shortest covering of graphs with cycles,Journal of Combinatorial Theory,Series B35(1983)297-308.[3]H.A.Eiselt,M.Gendreau and porte,Arc routing problems,part1:the Chinesepostman problem,Operations Research43(1995)231-242.[4]G.Fan,Covering graphs by cycles,SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics5(1992)491-496.[5]P.Fraisse,Cycle covering in bridgeless graphs,Journal of Combinatorial Theory,SeriesB39(1985)146-152.[6]A.Itai,R.J.Lipton,C.H.Papadimitriou,and M.Rodeh,Covering graphs by simplecircuits,SIAM Journal on Computing10(1981)746-750.[7]B.Jackson,Shortest circuit covers and postman tours in graphs with a nowhere zero4-flows,SIAM Journal on Computing19(1990)659-665.[8]D.Y.Kesel’man,Covering the edges of a graph by circuits,Kibernetica3(1987)16-22.12[9]bbe,porte,and P.Soriano,Covering a graph with cycles,Computers andOperations Research25(1998)499-504.[10]C.Thomassen,On the complexity offinding a minimum cycle cover of a graph,SIAMJournal on Computing26(1997)675-677.13。