Introduction to bone and joint imaging






以下是具体的内容:【1. 引言】种植体周围炎是指植入体内的人工器械(如心脏起搏器、关节假体等)周围的组织发生感染症状的一种疾病。


【2. 病因】种植体周围炎的病因复杂多样,主要包括细菌感染、手术风险、免疫抑制及其他宿主因素。



【3. 临床表现】种植体周围炎的临床表现多样,包括局部疼痛、红肿、渗液等,但有时也可无明显症状。


【4. 诊断和鉴别】种植体周围炎的诊断主要基于病史、临床表现、实验室检查和影像学表现。




【5. 治疗】种植体周围炎的治疗包括抗生素治疗和手术干预。



【6. 个人观点和理解】种植体周围炎作为一种常见疾病,尽管诊断和治疗方法已有显著进展,但我们仍需加强对其认识。


【7. 总结回顾】种植体周围炎是一种常见但容易被忽视的感染性疾病。




Normal Bone and Joint Imaging
西安交大一附院影像学教研室 王 斐
课理论:理论为主,图像为辅; 实习课:图像为主,理论为辅;
理论课:打开影像图库的金钥匙; 实习课:寻找影像图库的宝藏。
抓住重点看图像,学习简单又顺畅; 天马行空看图像,学习艰难又困惑。
2.脊椎: 骶椎腰化/腰椎骶化/椎体融合/脊柱裂
第三部分 骨关节系统影像学方法比较
是骨关节系统最常用的检查方法。优点: 1)软组织与骨,骨松质与骨皮质间有良好的对比 度, 可清楚显示骨结构和病变; 2)X 线片包含范围大,空间分辨率高,观察病变整体性 好; 3)检查方法简便,费用低; 4)临床使用时间长,诊断经验积累多; 5)有的病变在X 线上有特征性表现,可定性诊断。
二次骨化中心出现和骺线消失时的年 龄为骨龄(bone age),骨龄判断可估计骨 发育情况。
临床应用:内分泌系统疾病的诊断,法医 学的应用,应注意种族地区及性别的差异。
1.四肢: 副骨(accessory bone):由于骨骼的多个骨 化中心在发育过程中没有融合形成多块骨骼。 在腕骨和跗骨中多见并且两侧对称。 籽骨(sesamoid bone):发生于肌腱及韧带 内的小骨。髌骨是人体内最大的籽骨。
缺点: 1) 密度分辨率低,重叠影像,对软组织病变、 早期病变及复杂部位病变不易显示; 2)弥漫性骨髓病变不易显示。
总结: 对骨关节外伤、各种骨关节病的检查,应 首选X线检查。
1)密度分辨率高,没有影像重叠; 2)对细小病变显示较X线好; 3)显示钙化敏感; 4)显示复杂部位病变更清楚; 5)薄层扫描及重建技术使诊断更清楚准确; 6)可测CT值,明确病变组织成分; 7)增强扫描可显示病变血供,有助定性诊断; 8)对软组织病变, CT比X线好,但不如MRI; 9) CT不受外固定石膏影响,可清楚显示石膏遮盖的骨骼 和软组织。







1 材料与方法1.1诊断标准及临床表现采用美国风湿病学学会1987年修订的标准,其分类如下:1)晨僵至少1小时(≥6周)。










1.3 X线检查全部病例均作多关节照片,以手、足、腕小关节、膝关节、肘关节及肩关节和肩锁关节为主。

2 结果X线表现 X线平片是类风湿性关节炎患者诊断、分期及随访的传统影像学检查方法。


3 讨论类风湿性关节炎的发病原因尚未完全明确,与多种因素有关,有遗传易感性,与环境、细菌、病毒、性激素及神经精神状态等因素密切相关。



一个椎体单位=椎间隙上、下的半个椎 评分系统
骨髓水肿(STIR/+C) 其它骨侵蚀
活动性评分 0 正常,没有发现病变 1 少量骨髓水肿 25% 2 中等量骨髓水肿 50% 3 重度骨髓水肿 50% 4 少量骨侵蚀 伴骨髓水肿(25%) 5 中等量骨侵蚀伴骨髓水肿 (25% but 50%) 6 重度骨侵蚀伴骨髓水肿 (50%) 结构破坏评分 0 正常 1 硬化 少量骨硬化/可疑 2 硬化/方椎/韧带性骨赘 3 1–2 ,韧带性骨赘/骨质侵蚀 4 2 ,韧带性骨赘/脊椎椎间盘炎/严重骨侵蚀 5 椎体骨桥 6 椎体融合,竹节椎
是可复性的病变 非特异性,亦可见于炎症、创伤、肿

MR:43154 X:689392
男,51岁 腰痛 10年,加重 2年。曾在外院 诊断为胸椎结核
MR:43154 X:689392
强直性脊柱炎 – 骨水肿
8. “深度”评分:每层的每个SJ关节信号增高超过距关节边缘1cm以
9. 治疗前、后 MR 图像分别按时间顺序分别评分
部位 脊柱炎(累及椎体)
椎骨椎间盘炎(累及椎间盘) 椎间关节突关节炎(椎间 小 关节炎)



力学生物的英文Biomechanics is a fascinating field that combines the principles of physics and engineering with the study of living organisms. It explores the mechanical properties and functions of biological systems, providing insights into how living beings move, interact with their environment, and adapt to various challenges.At its core, biomechanics examines the forces and stresses that act on the body, and how the body responds to these forces. This includes understanding the mechanics of muscle contraction, bone and joint structure, and the dynamics of movement. By applying the laws of mechanics, biomechanists can analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of biological processes, from the microscopic level of cells and tissues to the macroscopic level of entire organisms.One of the primary areas of biomechanics is the study of human movement. Researchers in this field investigate the biomechanics of walking, running, jumping, and other physical activities, with the goal of improving athletic performance, preventing injuries, and enhancing the quality of life for individuals with physical disabilities or impairments. By understanding the biomechanical principles that govern human movement, scientists can develop better trainingmethods, design more effective prosthetic devices, and optimize the design of sports equipment.Beyond human movement, biomechanics also plays a crucial role in understanding the structure and function of other living organisms. For example, biomechanists study the locomotion of animals, such as the swimming of fish or the flight of birds, to gain insights into the evolutionary adaptations that have enabled these creatures to thrive in their respective environments. Similarly, biomechanics is essential for understanding the mechanical properties of plant tissues, which are essential for their growth, survival, and reproduction.In the field of medicine, biomechanics has numerous applications. Orthopedic surgeons use biomechanical principles to design and develop more effective prosthetic limbs, joint replacements, and other medical devices. Biomechanics also contributes to the understanding of injury mechanisms, allowing for the development of better protective equipment and rehabilitation strategies. Additionally, biomechanics plays a role in the design of medical imaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans, which provide valuable information about the structure and function of the human body.The applications of biomechanics extend beyond the realm of human health and performance. In the field of engineering, biomechanics isincreasingly being used to inspire the design of innovative technologies. Researchers are studying the remarkable abilities of various organisms, such as the adhesive properties of gecko feet or the efficient flight patterns of birds, to develop biomimetic solutions for a wide range of engineering challenges. These bioinspired designs have the potential to revolutionize fields like robotics, materials science, and energy production.As the field of biomechanics continues to evolve, it is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary, drawing on expertise from fields such as biology, physics, computer science, and mathematics. This collaborative approach allows for the development of more comprehensive and sophisticated models of biological systems, leading to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in our understanding of the natural world.In conclusion, biomechanics is a dynamic and rapidly advancing field that has far-reaching implications for our understanding of living organisms and our ability to engineer innovative solutions to complex problems. By unraveling the mechanical principles that govern biological systems, biomechanists are paving the way for new breakthroughs in fields as diverse as medicine, sports science, and engineering. As we continue to explore the fascinating world of biomechanics, we can expect to witness even more remarkablediscoveries and applications that will shape the future of our understanding of the natural world.。



CT数据髋部骨骼3D模型重建技术在髋关节置换术中的作用*胡华平① 彭炳龙① 文毅英① 敖沸① 贾芝和① 杨慧文① 何敏① 【摘要】 目的:分析CT数据髋部骨骼3D模型重建技术在髋关节置换术中的作用。







【关键词】 髋关节发育不良 CT 髋部骨骼3D模型 髋关节置换术 The Role of CT Data Hip Bone 3D Model Reconstruction in Hip Replacement/HU Huaping, PENG Binglong, WEN Yiying, AO Fei, JIA Zhihe, YANG Huiwen, HE Min. //Medical Innovation of China, 2023, 20(17): 108-111 [Abstract] Objective:To analyze the role of of CT data hip bone 3D model reconstruction in hip replacement. Method: A total of 80 patients with hip arthroplasty admitted to the Department of Bone and Joint Surgery of Pingxiang People's Hospital from January 2020 to January 2022 were selected and divided into two groups with 40 patients in each group by random number table method. The 2D group was evaluated by traditional 2D image before and after surgery, and the 3D group was evaluated by 3D image reconstruction of hip bone based on CT data before and after surgery. Imaging measurements (proximal femur matching degree, femoral offset, anteversion angle, abduction angle) before and after surgery, surgical indicators, excellent and good rate of postoperative hip function, and total incidence of complications were compared between the two groups. Result: Six months after surgery, anteversion angle and abduction angle of the 3D group were lower than those of the 2D group, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The matching degree and femoral offset of proximal femur in the 3D group were higher than those in the 2D group, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). All surgical indexes in the 3D group were better than those in the 2D group, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Three months after surgery, the excellent and good rate of hip joint function in 3D group (95.00%) was higher than that in 2D group (80.00%), the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). One months after surgery, the total complication rate of the 3D group (2.50%) was lower than that of the 2D group (20.00%), the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: The introduction of hip bone 3D model reconstruction technology based on CT data before and after hip replacement can effectively improve hip joint function, reduce blood loss and drainage volume, shorten operation and recovery time, reduce the incidence of complications, and improve surgical safety. [Key words] Hip dysplasia CT Hip bone 3D model Hip replacement First-author's address: Pingxiang People's Hospital, Jiangxi Province, Pingxiang 337000, China doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-4985.2023.17.025*基金项目:江西省卫生健康委普通科技计划项目(20204410)①江西省萍乡市人民医院 江西 萍乡 337000通信作者:胡华平 髋关节发育不良是指在出生之后髋关节存在缺陷,未及时给予有效治疗,病情持续性恶化,最终引发软骨退变、股骨头脱位等,对患者身心健康造成了严重不良影响[1-2]。



骨头的英语介绍作文Title: A Comprehensive Introduction to Bones。

Bones are integral components of the human body, serving as the framework that supports our structure and facilitates movement. Composed primarily of calcium phosphate and collagen, bones exhibit remarkable strength and resilience. In this discourse, we delve into the intricate world of bones, exploring their structure, functions, and significance in human physiology.Structure of Bones:At a macroscopic level, bones are classified into four main types: long, short, flat, and irregular. Long bones, such as the femur and humerus, are characterized by their elongated shape and serve as levers for movement. Short bones, like those found in the wrists and ankles, provide support and stability. Flat bones, such as the skull and sternum, offer protection to vital organs, while irregularbones, like the vertebrae, have complex shapes and fulfill specialized functions.Microscopically, bones consist of a dense outer layer called compact bone and a porous inner network known as cancellous or spongy bone. Compact bone provides strength and durability, while spongy bone facilitates nutrient exchange and houses bone marrow, where blood cells are produced.Functions of Bones:Bones perform various crucial functions essential for human survival and well-being:1. Support: Bones form the structural framework of the body, providing support and maintaining posture.2. Protection: Bones safeguard delicate organs such as the brain, heart, and lungs from injury and trauma.3. Movement: Skeletal muscles, attached to bones viatendons, enable movement by exerting force on the skeletal system.4. Mineral Storage: Bones store minerals like calcium and phosphorus, which are vital for numerous physiological processes, including muscle contraction and nerve function.5. Blood Cell Formation: Within the bone marrow, hematopoietic stem cells produce red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets through a process called hematopoiesis.6. Fat Storage: Yellow bone marrow, found in the shafts of long bones, serves as a site for fat storage and energy reserves.Significance in Human Physiology:The importance of bones in maintaining overall health cannot be overstated. Apart from their mechanical functions, bones play a crucial role in metabolic processes, hormonal regulation, and immune function. For instance, boneremodeling, the continuous process of bone resorption and formation, ensures the structural integrity of bones and regulates calcium levels in the bloodstream. Additionally, bones produce osteocalcin, a hormone that influences glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, thereby impacting overall metabolic health.Furthermore, bones interact with other systems in the body, such as the endocrine and immune systems. For instance, the hormone calcitonin, secreted by the thyroid gland, regulates calcium levels in the blood by promoting calcium deposition in bones. Moreover, bone marrow hosts immune cells like lymphocytes and macrophages, contributing to the body's defense against infections and diseases.Clinical Implications:Disorders affecting the skeletal system, such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and fractures, can have profound consequences on an individual's health and quality of life. Osteoporosis, characterized by low bone density and increased susceptibility to fractures, is particularlyprevalent among the elderly population, leading to increased morbidity and mortality. Similarly, osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease, results in pain, stiffness, and impaired mobility, significantly impacting daily activities.Understanding the structure and function of bones is essential for healthcare professionals in diagnosing and managing skeletal disorders effectively. Diagnostic modalities such as X-rays, bone density scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) play a crucial role in assessing bone health and detecting abnormalities. Treatment strategies may include pharmacological interventions, lifestyle modifications, and surgical procedures aimed at restoring skeletal integrity and alleviating symptoms.In conclusion, bones serve as the architectural backbone of the human body, providing support, protection, and mobility while actively participating in metabolic and regulatory processes. Their intricate structure and multifaceted functions underscore their significance in human physiology and health. Through ongoing research andadvancements in medical science, we continue to unravel the complexities of bones, paving the way for improved diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of skeletal disorders.。



介绍身体构成英文作文英文回答:The human body is a complex and fascinating system composed of various organs, tissues, and cells. Let me introduce the different components of the body.Firstly, let's talk about the skeletal system. It provides structure and support to the body, consisting of bones, joints, and cartilage. The bones protect our vital organs and allow us to move. For example, the ribcage protects the heart and lungs, while the joints in our knees and elbows enable us to bend and flex.Next, we have the muscular system. It is responsiblefor movement and locomotion. Muscles are made up of muscle fibers that contract and relax to generate force. They allow us to perform everyday tasks like walking, running, and lifting objects. For instance, when we lift weights at the gym, our biceps and triceps muscles are activated.Moving on to the circulatory system, it includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The heart pumps oxygenated blood throughout the body, delivering nutrients and removing waste products. The blood vessels, such asarteries and veins, transport the blood. An interesting idiom related to the circulatory system is "to have someone's heart in the right place," which means that someone is kind and compassionate.Now, let's discuss the respiratory system. It enablesus to breathe and exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. The main organs involved are the lungs, trachea, and bronchi. When we inhale, oxygen enters the lungs, and when we exhale, carbon dioxide is expelled. A common phrase related to breathing is "to catch one's breath," which means to pause and recover after physical exertion.Another important system is the digestive system. It processes food and absorbs nutrients. The digestive organs include the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines. The mouth chews and breaks down food, while the stomach andintestines further digest and absorb nutrients. An example of a common idiom is "to have a gut feeling," which means to have a strong intuition about something.Moving on to the nervous system, it controls and coordinates the body's activities. It includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The brain is the command center, and the spinal cord relays messages between the brain and the rest of the body. An interesting phrase related to the nervous system is "to have butterflies in one's stomach," which means to feel nervous or excited.Lastly, we have the reproductive system, which is responsible for the production of offspring. It differs between males and females. In males, the reproductive organs include the testes, which produce sperm, and the penis. In females, the reproductive organs include the ovaries, which produce eggs, and the uterus. An idiomatic expression related to reproduction is "the birds and the bees," which is a euphemism for explaining sexual reproduction.中文回答:人体是一个复杂而奇妙的系统,由各种器官、组织和细胞组成。



ReviewOptical advances in skeletal imaging applied to bone metastasesT.J.A.Snoeks a ,⁎,A.Khmelinskii b ,B.P.F.Lelieveldt b ,E.L.Kaijzel a ,C.W.G.M.Löwik a ,⁎a Department of Endocrinology,Leiden University Medical Center,Leiden,The NetherlandsbDepartment of Image Processing,LKEB,Leiden University Medical Center,Leiden,The Netherlandsa b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 6July 2010Accepted 28July 2010Available online 3August 2010Edited by:T.Jack MartinOptical Imaging has evolved into one of the standard molecular imaging modalities used in pre-clinical cancer research.Bone research however,strongly depends on other imaging modalities such as SPECT,PET,x-ray and μCT.Each imaging modality has its own speci fic strengths and weaknesses concerning spatial resolution,sensitivity and the possibility to quantify the signal.An increasing number of bone speci fic optical imaging models and probes have been developed over the past years.This review gives an overview of optical imaging modalities,models and probes that can be used to study skeletal complications of cancer in small laboratory animals.©2010Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.ContentsIntroduction ................................................................106Whole body optical imaging —tools and techniques ..............................................107(a)Bioluminescence imaging.......................................................107(b)Fluorescence imaging ........................................................107(c)Whole body optical imaging instruments ...............................................108Optical imaging of bone metastasis .....................................................108(a)Optical imaging of the skeleton....................................................108(b)Optical imaging of the tumor.....................................................110Functional imaging of biological processes involved inbone metastases ....................................111(a)Matrix degradation and in flammation.................................................111(b)Angiogenesis ............................................................112Conclusion and future directions ......................................................112Acknowledgments .............................................................113References ............................. (113)IntroductionX-rays dominated the field of skeletal imaging ever since Rontgen's publication of a photo of his wife's hand and various other shadow images in Science back in 1896[1–3].The subsequent work of people like Alessandro Vallebona and William Watson formed the basis of x-ray tomography.It is during the 1970s that X-ray-based imaging underwent revolutionary changes after advances in digital comput-ing enabled the development of computerized tomography (CT)by Godfrey Houns field [4,5].Nowadays,even specialized micro-CT scanners are available for small laboratory animals with resolutions up to 9μm per pixel.X-ray photos and μCT provide only structural information on calci fied tissue.Structural changes are often abundant in and around bone metastases.However,during metastatic tumor growth other processes such as angiogenesis,tumor –stroma interactions and the host immune response,are of great importance.In pre-clinical cancer research optical imaging modalities rapidly emerged and became a standard research tool over the past decade.There are a number of reasons why optical imaging gained so much importance,amongst which the fact that it provides real time functional and quantitative information on ongoing biological processes.These processes include tracking of tumor growth and metastasis,gene expression,angiogenesis,Bone 48(2011)106–114⁎Corresponding authors.T.J.A.Snoeks is to be contacted at Department of Endocrinol-ogy,Leiden University Medical Center,Building 1,C4-R67,Albinusdreef 2,2333ZA Leiden,The Netherlands. C.W.G.M.Löwik,Department of Endocrinology,Leiden University Medical Center,Building 1,C4-R86,Albinusdreef 2,2333ZA Leiden,The Netherlands.E-mail (T.J.A.Snoeks), (C.W.G.M.Löwik).8756-3282/$–see front matter ©2010Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.bone.2010.07.027Contents lists available at ScienceDirectBonej o u r n a l h o me p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c om /l o c a t e /bo n ebacterial infection,local enzymatic activity(reviewed in[6–8]).Recent developments in optical imaging probes and models include tools to image bone and bone related processes.These developments introduced optical imaging as a new imaging platform to perform research on bone and bone related processes,providing functional information alongside the structural information acquired with x-ray-based techniques.All optical imaging is based on the detection of photons emitted from living cells,tissues or animals.Optical imaging can be divided in: bioluminescence imaging(BLI)andfluorescence imaging(FLI). Despite the similarities in their applications,each modality has its own characteristics with its strengths and weaknesses like differences in sensitivity,signal to noise ratio(SNR)and background emission from tissues.With the development offluorescence molecular tomography(FMT)and other3Dfluorescence and bioluminescence data capturing methods,it became not only possible to acquire3D optical data,but also to backproject these3D optical data sets on scans of different modalities(e.g.μCT,PET,SPECT,MRI).This review gives an overview of optical-based imaging models starting with an outlook at fluorescent and bioluminescent imaging.This is followed by a description of the tools and techniques used for preclinical imaging of the whole.We describe also how optical imaging may be used for the functional imaging of biological processes,such as angiogenesis and inflammation,that are involved in the development and growth of skeletal metastases.The articlefinishes with a summary and an outlook for future directions in skeletal imaging as applied to bone metastases.Whole body optical imaging—tools and techniquesOptical imaging of cancer presents a challenge because tumor cells usually do not have a specific optical quality that clearly distinguishes them from normal tissue.However,thefield of whole body optical imaging has been transformed over the last5years by improvements in camera detection systems as well as better tools for making clonal cell lines or transgenic animal models with light-generating capabilities.The choice of tools,such as whether to usefluorescence(FLI)or bioluminescence(BLI),is determined by the questions needing to be addressed,e.g.FLI allows total cells in vivo to be measured as well as in vitro and ex vivo analysis to be performed whereas BLI gives an indication of metabolizing cell activity.(a)Bioluminescence imagingAll bioluminescent reporter systems are based on the detection of photons produced in an enzymatic reaction in which a substrate,like luciferin or coelerentarazin,is oxidated by an enzyme,luciferase.There are many different kinds of luciferases occurring in nature and being adapted for research.The most commonly used luciferase for biolumi-nescence imaging purposes is the one extracted from the North Americanfirefly(e.g.Photinus pyralis;FLuc)emitting light with a broad emission spectrum and a peak around560nm.Other useful luciferases have also been cloned from corals(e.g.Tenilla),jellyfish(e.g. Aequorea),several bacterial species(e.g.Vibriofischeri and V.harveyi) and red or green click beetle(e.g.Pyrophorus plagiophthalamus).The green and red click beetle luciferases have been optimized to produce green-orange(544nm)or red(611nm)light after oxidizing luciferin[9].Recently,thermostable red and green mutants offirefly and click beetle luciferase have been developed as well.It has been demonstrated that it is possible to resolve the red and the green signal of these luciferase mutants both in vitro[10,11]as well as in vivo[12].All of the aforementioned luciferases are ATP dependent.Luciferases from the anthozoan sea pansy(e.g.Renilla reniformis)and the marine copepod(e.g.Gaussia princeps)react with coelenterazin in an ATP-independent manner to produce blue light with peak emission at approximately480nm.Despite the short emission wavelength of these enzymes,the limited biodistribution and rapid kinetics of coelerentar-azin in small animals,these luciferases have been proven very useful for in vivo applications for molecular imaging[13–16].Because the substrates luciferin and coelentarazin forfirefly luciferase(FFluc)and Gaussia luciferase(Gluc),respectively,show no crossreactivity,con-comitant imaging of distinct cell populations that either expresses FFluc or Gluc can be performed within the same animal.Gluc is secreted when expressed in cells,this in contrast to the other luciferases.This property can be used to follow the total tumor burden of an animal by biochemical analysis of a small volume of whole blood[17].Bioluminescent imaging has been used to follow metastatic spread of tumor cells after intracardiac injection.Minn et al.identified cell populations with a preference to spread to lung,bone or adrenal medulla using whole body BLI.They compared clonal subpopulations with different metastatic preferences using micro arrays.Doing so, several gene expression patterns were identified that correlated with organ specific metastatic spread[18].In conclusion,BLI reporter systems are especially suitable for biomedical research purposes due to the low background signal,high SNR,non-invasive character,short acquisition time(seconds to minutes)and the possibility to measure more animals at once(high throughput).(b)Fluorescence imagingIn contrast to BLI,FLI is not based on the production of photons by an enzymatic reaction.Instead,afluorescent compound(fluorophore) can be exited by photons of a certain wavelength from an external light source.Upon relaxation to its ground state,thefluorophore emits photons at a different wavelength.These emitted photons are the signal which is used for imaging.There is panoply offluorophores available,ranging fromfluores-cent dyes and nanoparticles,like quantum dots,tofluorescent pro-teins which can be expressed in transgenic models.Eachfluorophore has several characteristics amongst which the excitation wavelength, emission wavelength,quantum yield and brightness.The excitation wavelength is the optimal wavelength of external light to bring the fluorophore to its exited state.The emission wavelength is the wavelength of the photons emitted upon ually,the emitted photons have a longer wavelength than the photons used for excitation and thus,the emitted photons have a lower energetic value. The brightness or quantum yield of afluorophore is defined by the fraction of molecules that emit a photon after direct excitation by the excitation light source.In most cases this value is nearly the same value as the ratio between the number of photons emitted from a bulk sample and the total number of absorbed photons[19].All three of these properties,excitation wavelength,emission wavelength and quantum yield,have important implications for the use of a certain fluorophore for imaging[20].When usingfluorescence for in vivo imaging,tissue absorbance, scattering and auto-fluorescence can become a problem especially when imaging structures that are located deeper in the animal.Most auto-fluorescence occurs in the green part of the spectrum[20,21]. The amount of auto-fluorescence rapidly decreases when shifting towards a longer excitation wavelength,the red parts of the spectrum. Near infrared(IR)light causes hardly any auto-fluorescence[21–23]. Moreover,light penetration,tissue absorption and scattering are greatly reduced at the near infrared end of the spectrum compared to green light(Fig.1)[20,24].Fluorescent proteins with increasingly longer emission maxima (up to649nm)have been developed over the past years to reduce background auto-fluorescence and substantially increase tissue pen-etration.Examples of such proteins are the series of red shifted proteins obtained by mutating dsRed,i.e.,mFruits like mCherry, mTomato and mPlum[25,26],and the red-shifted proteins derived from the anemone Entacmaea quadricolor like Katushka and mKate [23].Moreover,the newest generation of mammalian expressed107T.J.A.Snoeks et al./Bone48(2011)106–114fluorescent proteins,based on bacterial phytochromes,enters the near infrared with emission spectra exceeding wavelengths of 700nm [27].The various fluorescent proteins and luciferases for BLI can be expressed in cells or animals using speci fic promoters to drive re-porter gene expression.Thus,these imaging modalities can be used not only for localization but can also provide functional information on gene activity.A fluorophore,quantum dot or fluorescent protein,can also be targeted by attaching it to a target speci fic ligand or antibody.This method is suitable for in vitro use,but can be used in vivo as well.In general these targeted active fluorescent probes tend to give a relatively high background signal in vivo due to circulating,unbound probe.The level of background signal is dependent on the af finity of the probe for its target.The SNR can be improved by prolonging the time between administering the probe and performing the actual imaging,due to clearance of the probe from the circulation.In contrast to targeted probes,enzyme activated probes or activity based “smart probes ”provide functional information on local enzymatic activity.These enzyme-activated probes consist of a peptide backbone structure with multiple fluorophores in close proximity to each other.Due to the structure and location of the fluorophores,the fluorophores are quenched and the substrate itself is not fluorescent.Once cleaved by proteases such as cathepsins and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs),the fluorophores become active and can be detected.Thus,these probes provide functional informa-tion on local protease activity.These probes give a very speci fic signal and very low background activity resulting in a favorable SNR [28].(c)Whole body optical imaging instrumentsIn the last decade there has been a rapid growth of optical imaging applications in small animal models driven by creative approaches to apply these techniques in biomedical research and also by the availability of innovative instruments.Most of the BLI imaging systems provide 2-dimensional planar information in small animals,showing the locations and intensity of light emitted from the animal in pseudo-color scaling.Nowadays,there are many commercial whole-body pre-clinical BLI systems on the market.BLI imaging systems that are able to image moving objects have been developed for experiments in which anesthesia is a problem.Examples of such real time imaging systems are the IVIS Kinetic (Caliper®Life Sciences)and the Photon Imager (Biospace Lab).These real time imaging setups require much higher signal strength and quanti fication is more dif ficult compared to BLI of anesthetized animals [29,30].In its planar projection form,BLI is semi-quantitative at best and its spatial resolution is relatively poor.Interestingly,recent develop-ments in bioluminescence tomography promise to provide three dimensional quantitative source information with improved spatial resolution [31–33].In analogy with BLI technology,the vast majority of applications of in vivo small animal fluorescence imaging are based on planar epi-illumination imaging.An important part of the research conducted in whole-body small animal imaging is concerned with the development of novel fluorescence tomography approaches pushing further the limits of the modality in terms of sensitivity,quanti fication and spatial resolution [34].Both the advances in 3D BLI and 3D FLI data capturing and subsequent reconstructions enable true multimodality approaches where datasets with detailed anatomical information (e.g.MRI and μCT)can be projected over datasets con-taining functional and molecular information (e.g.PET,SPECT,BLI and FLI).A recent example of multi-modality imaging is the work of Nahrendorf et al.on colon carcinoma.They showed that it is possible to combine PET,μCT and 3D FLI in order to image skeletal structures and tumoral integrins,cathepsin activity and macrophage content simultaneously [35].New FLI systems are able to capture spectral information of each pixel of an image.The spectral information can be umixed to reveal all the different spectra that,taken together,form the actual image.By doing so,it is possible to identify multiple fluorescent labels within an image and to remove background (auto-)fluorescence.This way of analyzing spectral data within fluorescence datasets is called spectral unmixing [36,37].Table 1gives an overview of the commercially available in vivo whole body fluorescence imaging systems and their main technical features.Optical imaging of bone metastasisThere are several processes that are crucial during the growth of bone metastases.These processes include tumor growth and tumor –stroma interactions (reviewed in [38,39]).The interactions and signaling between the tumor and its direct surroundings results in local pro-angiogenic signaling (reviewed in [40,41]),local activation and in filtration of the innate immune system and local suppression of the adaptive immune system (reviewed in [42]).All of these processes have a positive feedback on tumor growth.In addition,the skeletal metastatic sites are often characterized by a distortion of the delicate balance in bone turnover leading to osteolytic and/or osteoblastic lesions at the metastatic tumor site.This local increase and imbalance in bone turnover lead to a favorable environment for the growing metastatic tumor,a process well described as the vicious cycle of bone metastasis [43].Bone,tumor cells and tumor –stroma interactions,angiogenesis and pro-angiogenic signaling can all be studied using various speci fic optical imaging tools.(a)Optical imaging of the skeletonThere is a multitude of commercially available bone speci fic probes;OsteoSense ™(VisEn®Medical)[44],fluorescently labeled alendronate (Caliper®Life Sciences)and BoneTag ™(LI-COR®Biosciences)[45].Both OsteoSense and the fluorescently labeled alendronate are bispho-sphonates (pamidronate and alendronate,respectively)coupled to a fluorescent label whereas BoneTag consists of a fluorescently labeled tetracycline derivative.These bone probes are available with several different excitation (λex )and emission (λem )wavelengths:OsteoSense-680(λex 680nm –λem 700nm),OsteoSense-750(λex 750nm –λem 780nm),OsteoSense-800(λex 780nm –λem 805nm),Alendronate-680Fig.1.Main tissue constituents absorbing in the 600–1000nm spectral range.The curves refer to 100%water (▲),and lard (Δ),and to 100μM of oxy-(□)and deoxy-(■)haemoglobin.The near infrared optical window (λbetween 720nm and 920nm)with a relatively low absorption coef ficient is mainly de fined by the haemaglobin (λb 620nm)and water (λN 920nm)absorption spectra.Adapted with permission from Taroni et al.Photochem Photobiol Sci 20032:124–129[24].108T.J.A.Snoeks et al./Bone 48(2011)106–114(λex680nm–λem700nm),Bonetag-680(λex680nm–λem705nm)and BoneTag-800(λex774nm–λem789nm).Comparable with various radioactive bone tracers,all three of thesefluorescent bone probes are incorporated in the calcified bone matrix at spots with a high bone turnover.These active hotspots are, for instance,the basic multicellular units involved in normal physiological bone remodeling,sites of bone damage such as fractures and cancer induced osteolytic/-blastic lesions[46].The probes will remain incorporated in the bone matrix for days or weeks while the unbound fraction of the probes is cleared from the circulation within 24h.The result of these kinetic properties is a specificfluorescence signal at the active sites within the bone with a high bone turnover, which can be used for imaging.However,the long half-life of the probe bound to the bone matrix limits the possibility of repeated quantitative measurements.To demonstrate the linear uptake of OsteoSense-750in vivo, Kozloff et al.injected mice with various doses of OsteoSense.The meanfluorescence of the distal femur was linear from approximately 1/8th to1.5times the recommended imaging dose of100nmol/kg (Fig.2)[47].Major advantages of usingfluorescent probes over radioactive approaches are the shorter scan time possibility of storing the probe without deterioration of the probe quality due to radioactive decay and the fact that one does not need a hot lab and infrastructure for handling radioactive materials[46].(b)Optical imaging of the tumorAnimal models of metastasis are important tools for the identifi-cation of new drug targets and the development of new drugs[48–51].In vivo growth of luciferase positive cell lines can be followed and quantified at multiple time points with whole body BLI.BLI-based models allow regular monitoring of the development and progression of experimental bone metastases in living animals with high sensitivity[52–54].Wetterwald et al.estimated that the lowest detectable number of luciferase positive cells in the marrow cavity of the femur of mice is2×104cells with a total volume of the estimated lesion of0.5mm3[52].This study was published in2002;several technical advances have been made since.Nowadays,it is possible to image single,sub-cutaneous tumor cells due to new camera systems with increased sensitivity and the development of the improved,codon optimized,firefly luciferase Luc2[55,56].Most likely,this increased sensitivity will hold true for tumor cells located in the bone as well.The most straightforward method to obtain local tumor growth in bone marrow is the intra-tibial injection of tumor cells[52,57].This leads to immediate intra-osseous growth of tumor cells.BLI detectable tumors appear within a week after intra-osseous injection with the osteolytic MDA-MB231breast cancer cells(MDA-MB231-luc+), preceding the appearance of a radiological evident osteolytic lesions which are detectable after~2weeks[52].A3D reconstruction of BLI data combined with uCT of a typical tibial osteolytic lesion is depicted in Fig.3.Tumor cells can also be injected into the systemic circulation in order to develop distant metastases throughout the animal body.The site of injection largely defines the site to which metastases develop. Animals receiving lateral tail-vein injection with tumor cells will develop primarily pulmonary metastases.When tumor cells are injected via the portal vein or spleen,the animals will develop liver metastases.Finally,tumor cell injection into the left heart ventricle is a standard technique to induce bone metastasis.Introducing tumor cells to the arterial circulation leads to the colonization of cells to specific sites of the skeleton such as the spine and the upper part of the tibia[48].After intracardiac injection of luciferase-expressing human MDA-231-B breast cancer cells(MDA-231-B/luc+),very small amounts of photon-emitting tumor cells can be detected in bone marrow/bone within a few days,mimicking micro-metastatic spread.Thus, monitoring of small metastatic deposits in bone marrow at a stage largely preceding tumor-induced osteolysis is feasible with BLI.This may help to better identify situations at risk for bone metastasis and develop novel therapeutic strategies that could be extended to the clinic.There are various targetedfluorescent probes that can be used to label and image tumor cells in vivo.Two tumor cell specific,but not bone specific probes are IRDye®800CW EGF(EGF-800CW)[58]and IRDye®800CW2-DG(2DG-800CW)[59].Both probes can be used for imaging of developing metastases in bone as well as other tissues (Snoeks et al.unpublished data).EGF-800CW consists of an epidermal growth factor(EGF)recom-binant polypeptide(54amino acid residues,6.2kDa)conjugated to the near infraredfluorescent dye IRDye®800CW(λex774nm–λemFig.2.In vivo OSteoSense-750dose response.A:Femoral region of interest chosen for dose response measures of OsteoSense-750(FRFP)delivery.B:Bonefluorescence is linear with administered dose of OsteoSense-750(FRFP).Fluorescence was measured using the Maestrofluorescence imager(Cambridge Research&Instrumentation,CRi).Adapted with permission from Kozloff et al.J Bone Miner Res2010J Bone Miner Res.2010Feb8.[Epub ahead of print][47].110T.J.A.Snoeks et al./Bone48(2011)106–114789nm)[58,60].This probe selectively targets cells expressing the EGF receptor (EGFR).The EGFR is over-expressed in many different tumor cell types.These,and other tumor cell speci fic probes,allow in vivo FLI of tumors that do not express any genetic reporters [58,61].2DG-800CW works via a completely different mechanism.In this case,IRDye®800CW has been bound to 2-deoxyglucose (2DG)[59,60].Similar to deoxyglucose-based radioactive traces,2DG-800CW is taken up by cells by the glucose transporter-1(GLUT-1).After uptake 2DG-800CW can neither be further metabolized nor cross the cell membrane or leave the cell.Thus,2DG-800CW remains trapped within the cell.Together,this results in a tumor speci fic uptake and accumulation of 2DG-800CW because most tumor cell types are metabolically very active and express high levels of GLUT-1[59,62].Simultaneous capturing of multiple fluorescent signals can be used to follow and analyze multiple disease processes.Fig.4shows the longitudinal follow-up of PC3M-LN4tumor growth by weekly imaging using 2DG-800CW.Skeletal elements were imaged simulta-neously using BoneTag-680.Functional imaging of biological processes involved in bone metastasesThe key advantage of optical imaging is the ability to visualize functional processes.Matrix degradation,in flammation and angio-genesis all play a crucial role in cancer progression and metastasis.Thus,blocking any of these processes is potentially a universal approach to preventing tumor establishment and metastasis.(a)Matrix degradation and in flammationTransforming growth factor β(TGF β)has various roles during tumor progression and metastatic growth [63,64].In bone metastasis,TGF βsignaling is part of a vicious cycle in which it stimulates cancer cells to produce pro-osteolytic factors [65].TGF βsignaling can be imaged,real time,in vivo by using cell lines expressing a reporter (either fluorescent of luminescent)under control of a TGF βresponse element [66–68].In a multi-modality approach,combining BLI and FLI with PET and μCT Serganova et al .showed that,in this way,TGF βsignaling can be imaged with high sensitivity and reproducibility.It thereby provides the opportunity to assess the effect of novel treatments targeting TGF βsignaling [68].Other approaches to image matrix degradation and local in flam-mation aim on detecting local enzymatic activity.ProSense ™(VisEn®Medical)is an enzyme activated fluorescent agent.It is a macromol-ecule consisting of a poly-lysine backbone with a multitude of polyethylene glycol chains and several fluorophores in close proxim-ity to each other.The small distance between the fluorophores present on the macromolecule leads to quenching of the fluorescent signal.The fluorophores are released after enzymatic digestion of the macromolecule.The released fluorophores are no longer quenched and can be detected with fluorescence imaging equipment.ProSense is activated by several cathepsins (mainly cathepsin-B)but similar probes are available that contain a slightly different backbone or linker sequence resulting in speci ficity for other proteases.Cathepsin K (CatK)is expressed by active osteoclasts and involved in the breakdown of the bone matrix.Thus,CatK is highly present at osteolytic lesions and sites of osteoclastic bone resorption [69–71].Using a cleavable CatK probe that consists of an MPEG d-poly-lysine amino acid backbone chain functionalized with Cy5.5fluorophores through the CatK-sensitive link sequence GHPG-GPQGKC [72],Kozloff et al .were the first to demonstrate non-invasive visualization of bone degrading enzymes in models of accelerated bone loss [73].A similar cleavable probe is MMPSense ™(VisEn®Medical).This probe is mainly activated by MMP 2and 9[74].MMPs are important factors associated with remodeling of the tumor micro environment and local activation of the immune system [75].MMPSense has been used to visualize local proteinase activity and macrophage activation in cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis and aneurysm devel-opment [74,76–78].In short,imaging proteinase activated fluorescentFig.3.Multi-modality visualization of bone metastasis;BLI with μCT.MDA-231-B/luc +cells (2.5×105cells)were inoculated directly into the right tibia of a 6-week-old female nude mouse.Three weeks after tumor cell inoculation,bone metastases where analyzed with an IVIS 3D BLI Imaging system (Caliper®Life Sciences,Alameda,CA).The animal was subsequently scanned in a SkyScan 1076μCT scanner (SkyScan,Kontich,Belgium)in the same position as during the BLI measurement.A:The bioluminescent data captured from 8positions around the animal was reconstructed and projected back onto a CT reconstruction of the animal.B:Detail of the CT volume visualization of the right hind limb.The tumor induced osteolytic lesion is clearly visible.C:Detail showing the approximate localization of the BLI signal projected onto the CT re-construction.The source of the bioluminescent signal co-localizes with the osteolytic lesion site.Snoeks et al.unpublished data.111T.J.A.Snoeks et al./Bone 48(2011)106–114。



Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics(the 10th edition)(坎贝尔骨科手术学,第十版)ContentsVolume OnePART I GENERAL PRINCIPLES(普遍原则)Chapter 1. Surgical Techniques and Approaches(外科技术及入路)Chapter 2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Orthopaedics(磁共振成像在骨科的应用)PART II ARTHRODESIS(关节融合术)Chapter 3. Arthrodesis of Ankle, Knee, and Hip(踝关节、膝关节、髋关节融合术)Chapter 4. Arthrodesis of Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist(肩关节、肘关节、腕关节融合术)PART III ARTHROPLASTY(关节成形术)Chapter 5. Introduction and Overview(引言与综述)Chapter 6. Arthroplasty of Ankle and Knee(踝关节与膝关节的成形术)Chapter 7. Arthroplasty of Hip(髋关节成形术)Chapter 8. Arthroplasty of Shoulder and Elbow(肩关节、肘关节成形术)PART IV AMPUTATIONS(截肢术)Chapter 9. General Principles of Amputations(截肢总论)Chapter 10. Amputations About Foot(足部截肢)Chapter 11. Amputations of Lower Extremity(下肢截肢)Chapter 12. Amputations of Hip and Pelvis(髋关节及骨盆截肢)Chapter 13. Amputations of Upper Extremity(上肢截肢)Chapter 14. Amputations of Hand(手部截肢)PART V INFECTIONS(感染)Chapter 15. General Principles of Infection(感染总论)Chapter 16. Osteomyelitis(骨髓炎)Chapter 17. Infectious Arthritis(感染性关节炎)Chapter 18. Tuberculosis and Other Unusual Infections(结核及其它少见感染)PART VI TUMORS(肿瘤)Chapter 19. General Principles of Tumors(肿瘤总论)Chapter 20. Benign Tumors of Bone(良性骨肿瘤)Chapter 21. Benign (Occasionally Aggressive) Tumors of Bone(良性(偶为恶性))的骨肿瘤Chapter 22. Malignant Tumors of Bone(恶性骨肿瘤)Chapter 23. Soft Tissue Tumors and Nonneoplastic Conditions Simulating Bone Tumors(软组织肿瘤及与肿瘤相似的非肿瘤性疾病)PART VII NONTRAUMATIC SOFT TISSUE DISORDERS(非创伤性软组织异常)Chapter 24. Nontraumatic Soft Tissue Disorders(非创伤性软组织异常)Chapter 25. Miscellaneous Nontraumatic Disorders(各种非创伤性异常)Volume TwoPART VIII CONGENITAL ANOMALIES(先天性畸形)Chapter 26. Congenital Anomalies of Lower Extremity(先天性下肢畸形)Chapter 27. Congenital and Developmental Anomalies of Hip and Pelvis(先天性和发育性髋关节及骨盆畸Chapter 28. Congenital Anomalies of Trunk and Upper Extremity(上肢与躯干部先天性畸形)PART IX OSTEOCHONDROSIS(骨软骨病)Chapter 29. Osteochondrosis or Epiphysitis and Other Miscellaneous Affections(骨软骨病、骨骺炎和其它病变)PART X NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS IN CHILDREN(儿童神经系统异常)Chapter 30. Cerebral Palsy(脑瘫)Chapter 31. Paralytic Disorders(麻痹性疾病)Chapter 32. Neuromuscular Disorders(神经肌肉疾病)PART XI FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS IN CHILDREN(儿童骨折脱位)Chapter 33. Fractures and Dislocations in Children(儿童骨折脱位)PART XII THE SPINE(脊柱)Chapter 34. Spinal Anatomy and Surgical Approaches(脊柱解剖及手术入路)Chapter 35. Fractures, Dislocations, and Fracture-Dislocations of Spine(脊柱的骨折、脱位与骨折-脱位)Chapter 36. Arthrodesis of Spine(脊柱融合术)Chapter 37. Pediatric Cervical Spine(儿童颈椎)Chapter 38. Scoliosis and Kyphosis(脊柱侧弯与驼背)Chapter 39. Lower Back Pain and Disorders of Intervertebral Discs(下腰痛与椎间盘疾病)Chapter 40. Infections of Spine(脊柱感染)Chapter 41. Other Disorders of Spine(其它脊柱疾病)Volume ThreePART XIII SPORTS MEDICINE(运动医学)Chapter 42. Ankle Injuries(踝关节损伤)Chapter 43. Knee Injuries(膝关节损伤)Chapter 44. Shoulder and Elbow Injuries(肩关节与肘关节损伤)Chapter 45. Recurrent Dislocations(复发性脱位)Chapter 46. Traumatic Disorders(创伤性疾病)PART XIV ARTHROSCOPY(关节镜)Chapter 47. General Principles of Arthroscopy(关节镜总论)Chapter 48. Arthroscopy of Lower Extremity(下肢关节镜)Chapter 49. Arthroscopy of Upper Extremity(上肢关节镜)PART XV FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS(骨折与脱位)Chapter 50. General Principles of Fracture Treatment(骨折治疗总论)Chapter 51. Fractures of Lower Extremity(下肢骨折)Chapter 52. Fractures of Hip(髋部骨折)Chapter 53. Fractures of Acetabulum and Pelvis(髋臼与骨盆骨折)Chapter 54. Fractures of Shoulder, Arm, and Forearm(肩部、上臂、前臂骨折)Chapter 55. Malunited Fractures(骨折畸形愈合)Chapter 56. Delayed Union and Nonunion of Fractures(骨折延迟愈合和骨不连)Chapter 57. Acute Dislocations(急性脱位)Chapter 58. Old Unreduced Dislocations(陈旧性未复位的脱位)Volume FourPART XVI PERIPHERAL NERVE INJURIES(外周神经损伤)Chapter 59. Peripheral Nerve Injuries(外周神经损伤)PART XVII MICROSURGERY(显微外科)Chapter 60. Microsurgery(显微外科)PART XVIII THE HAND(手)Chapter 61. Basic Surgical Technique and Aftercare(基本外科手术技术和术后处理)Chapter 62. Acute Hand Injuries(急性手外伤)Chapter 63. Flexor and Extensor Tendon Injuries(屈肌腱、伸肌腱损伤)Chapter 64. Fractures, Dislocations, and Ligamentous Injuries(骨折、脱位和韧带损伤)Chapter 65. Nerve Injuries(神经损伤)Chapter 66. Wrist Disorders(腕关节疾病)Chapter 67. Special Hand Disorders(特殊手部疾病)Chapter 68. Paralytic Hand(瘫痪手)Chapter 69. Cerebral Palsy of the Hand(脑瘫手)Chapter 70. Arthritic Hand(手部关节炎)Chapter 71. Compartment Syndromes and Volkmann Contracture(筋膜间室综合征与Volkmann挛缩)Chapter 72. Dupuytren Contracture(Dupuytren 挛缩)Chapter 73. Carpal Tunnel, Ulnar Tunnel, and Stenosing Tenosynovitis(腕管综合征、尺管综合征和狭窄性腱鞘炎)Chapter 74. Tumors and Tumorous Conditions of Hand(手部肿瘤与瘤样疾病)Chapter 75. Hand Infections(手部感染)Chapter 76. Congenital Anomalies of Hand(手部先天性畸形)PART XIX THE FOOT AND ANKLE(足与踝关节)Chapter 77. Surgical Techniques(外科技术)Chapter 78. Disorders of Hallux(拇趾疾病)Chapter 79. Pes Planus(扁平足)Chapter 80. Lesser Toe Abnormalities(足趾畸形)Chapter 81. Rheumatoid Foot(足部类风湿性)Chapter 82. Diabetic Foot(糖尿病足)Chapter 83. Neurogenic Disorders(神经源性疾病)Chapter 84. Disorders of Nails and Skin(趾甲、皮肤疾病)Chapter 85. Disorders of Tendons and Fascia(肌腱筋膜疾病)Chapter 86. Fractures and Dislocations of Foot(足部骨折脱位)C H A P T E R 1Surgical Techniques and Approaches(外科技术及入路)Andrew H. Crenshaw, Jr.SURGICAL TECHNIQUES(外科技术)Tourniquets(止血带)Roentgenograms in the Operating Room(X线在手术室中的应用)Positioning of Patient(病人体位)Local Preparation of Patient(局部准备)Draping(冲洗)Special Operative Techniques(特殊手术技术)SURGICAL APPROACHES(手术入路)Toes(足趾)Calcaneus(跟骨)Tarsus and Ankle(跗跖骨与踝)Tibia(胫骨)Fibula(腓骨)Knee(膝)Femur(股骨)Hip(髋)Acetabulum and Pelvis(髋臼与骨盆)Sacroiliac Joint(骶髂关节)Spine(脊柱)Shoulder(肩)Humerus(肱骨)Elbow(肘)Radius(桡骨)Ulna(尺骨)Wrist(腕)Hand (手)SURGICAL TECHNIQUES(外科技术)This section describes several surgical techniques especially important in orthopaedics: use of tourniquets, use of roentgenograms and image intensifiers in the operating room, positioning of the patient, local preparation of the patient, and draping of the appropriate part or parts. To avoid repetition in other chapters, two operative techniques common to many procedures, fixation of tendons or fascia to bone and bone grafting, are also described.这一部分描述了几种在矫形外科非常重要的外科技术,包括止血带的应用、X线与图像增强剂在手术室的应用以及患者的体位、术区准备和手术部位或多部位的铺单。















第23 卷第5 期2014 年9 月(877-882)CT 理论与应用研究CT Theory and ApplicationsVol.23, No.5Sep., 2014邹文远, 李胜, 刘源源, 等. 正常肘部脂肪垫X 线表现及其临床意义[J]. CT 理论与应用研究, 2014, 23(5): 877-882.Zou WY, Li S, Liu YY, et al. The X-ray performance of normal fat pad of elbow and its clinical significance[J]. CT Theory and Applications, 2014, 23(5): 877-882.正常肘部脂肪垫X 线表现及其临床意义邹文远,李胜,刘源源,曹阳 ,周霖,熊亮,徐官珍(湖北医药学院附属人民医院放射科,湖北,十堰442000)摘要:目的:提高对正常肘关节脂肪垫X 线表现的认识。

方法:分析182 例正常肘关节脂肪垫的X 线表现。

在标准肘关节侧位X 线片上观察脂肪垫出现频率及其位置、形态和密度,并测量其最大厚度值。

按年龄分为“< 18 岁组(未成年)”和“≥18 岁组(成人)”,按性别分为“男性组”和“女性组”,对各组数据进行统计学分析。

结果:符合研究条件的共182 例,成人132 例,未成年人50 例。


正常肘关节侧位X 线片显示AFP 紧贴肱骨远端并向前方突出,呈锐角三角形,锐角尖端指向近端,其前外缘平直,密度低于周围肌肉及骨骼。

未成年人及成年人 AFP 厚度值分别为(3.42 ±0.71)mm、(3.13 ±0.70)mm,二者存在差异性(t = 2.468,P = 0.015 < 0.05);男性组和女性组AFP 厚度分别为(3.21 ±0.70)mm、(3.22 ±0.73)mm,二者无差异性(t = -0.085,P = 0.932 > 0.05)。

英语作文 谈谈骨科发展

英语作文 谈谈骨科发展

英语作文谈谈骨科发展全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Evolution of Orthopedics: A Student's PerspectiveAs a student of medicine, the field of orthopedics has always fascinated me. This branch of medicine, dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, has undergone a remarkable transformation throughout history. From the crude beginnings of bone setting to the cutting-edge advancements of modern-day orthopedic surgery, the journey has been nothing short of extraordinary.In ancient times, orthopedics was a rudimentary practice. Early civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, had a basic understanding of bone and joint injuries. They employed various techniques, including splinting, traction, and crude forms of amputation, to address musculoskeletal ailments. However, these methods were often primitive and lacked a deep understanding of the underlying anatomy and physiology.It wasn't until the Renaissance period that orthopedics began to take on a more scientific approach. Anatomists likeAndreas Vesalius and Ambroise Paré laid the foundation for a better comprehension of the skeletal system and the principles of fracture management. Their works paved the way for future advancements and sparked a renewed interest in the study of musculoskeletal disorders.The 18th and 19th centuries witnessed significant strides in orthopedics. The term "orthopedics" itself was coined by Nicholas Andry in 1741, derived from the Greek words "orthos" (straight) and "paidion" (child), reflecting the initial focus on correcting deformities in children. During this period, pioneers like Jean-André Venel and Jacques Mathieu Delpech made valuable contributions to the understanding and treatment of conditions such as clubfoot, scoliosis, and other musculoskeletal deformities.One of the most influential figures in the history of orthopedics was Sir John Insall, a British orthopedic surgeon who revolutionized the field of knee replacement surgery. His groundbreaking work on total knee arthroplasty in the 1970s and 1980s paved the way for improved patient outcomes and a better quality of life for countless individuals suffering from severe knee arthritis.As a student, witnessing the evolution of orthopedics from a historical perspective is both humbling and inspiring. The journey from primitive bone-setting techniques to thecutting-edge advancements of today is a testament to the relentless pursuit of knowledge and the unwavering dedication of countless professionals who have contributed to this field.In recent decades, orthopedics has experienced a remarkable surge in technological advancements. The introduction of minimally invasive surgical techniques, such as arthroscopy, has revolutionized the treatment of joint disorders, allowing for smaller incisions, faster recovery times, and reduced post-operative complications. Additionally, the development of advanced imaging modalities, like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans, has significantly enhanced diagnostic capabilities, enabling more accurate assessments and tailored treatment plans.Another area of significant progress is the field of biomaterials and implant technology. Modern orthopedic implants, such as artificial joints, are engineered with advanced materials like titanium alloys, ceramics, and biocompatible polymers, ensuring improved durability, functionality, and better integration with the body's natural tissues. These advancementshave vastly improved the quality of life for patients suffering from degenerative joint diseases or traumatic injuries.Furthermore, the integration of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering principles has opened up new avenues for treatment. Researchers are exploring the potential of stem cell therapy, growth factors, and bioengineered scaffolds to promote the regeneration and repair of damaged musculoskeletal tissues, offering promising alternatives to traditional surgical interventions.As an aspiring orthopedic professional, I am in awe of the remarkable strides made in this field. From the humble beginnings of bone setting to the cutting-edge advancements of today, orthopedics has transformed countless lives, alleviating pain, restoring mobility, and enabling individuals to reclaim their independence and quality of life.However, the journey of progress is far from over. With the ever-evolving landscape of medical knowledge and technological innovations, the future of orthopedics holds immense potential. Emerging fields such as robotic-assisted surgery, 3D printing of customized implants, and the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms promise to revolutionize orthopedic care further.As a student, I am excited to be part of this dynamic field and contribute to its continued growth and evolution. The challenges that lie ahead are numerous, from addressing the increasing prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders associated with an aging population to developing more cost-effective and accessible treatments for underserved communities.Nonetheless, I am confident that with the collective efforts of dedicated researchers, clinicians, and students like myself, orthopedics will continue to push boundaries, redefine standards of care, and ultimately improve the lives of countless individuals suffering from musculoskeletal conditions.In conclusion, the development of orthopedics is a testament to the unwavering pursuit of knowledge, innovation, and a deep commitment to alleviating human suffering. From its humble beginnings to its current state of unprecedented advancement, this field has transformed the lives of millions, restoring mobility, reducing pain, and enabling individuals to reclaim their independence. As a student, I am honored to be part of this incredible journey and look forward to contributing to the continued growth and evolution of orthopedics, a field that truly exemplifies the power of medical science to improve the human condition.篇2The Evolution of Orthopedics: Mending Bones and Restoring MobilityAs a student of medicine, the field of orthopedics has always fascinated me. It is a discipline that has witnessed tremendous advancements, revolutionizing the way we treat musculoskeletal disorders and injuries. From the primitive techniques of our ancestors to the cutting-edge technologies of today, the journey of orthopedics has been a remarkable one, marked by innovation, perseverance, and an unwavering dedication to alleviating human suffering.The roots of orthopedics can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where crude methods of bone setting and splinting were employed to treat fractures and deformities. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans made notable contributions, with the likes of Hippocrates and Galen laying the foundations of orthopedic principles. However, it was not until the 18th century that orthopedics emerged as a distinct medical specialty, thanks to the pioneering work of individuals like Nicholas Andry and John Percivall Pott.The 19th century witnessed a surge in orthopedic advancements, driven by the increasing understanding of anatomy and the development of anesthesia. Pioneers such as Hugh Owen Thomas and John Rhea Barton introduced innovative techniques for treating fractures and deformities, paving the way for more effective treatments. The establishment of specialized orthopedic hospitals and training programs further solidified the field's position within the medical community.As we entered the 20th century, orthopedics experienced a renaissance of sorts, propelled by groundbreaking discoveries and technological advancements. The advent of X-rays revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, allowing physicians to visualize the internal structures of the body with unprecedented clarity. This newfound ability to "see" bones and joints facilitated more accurate diagnoses and enabled the development of more effective surgical interventions.One of the most significant milestones in the history of orthopedics was the introduction of total joint replacement surgeries. The pioneering work of Sir John Charnley and his development of the hip replacement procedure in the 1960spaved the way for a new era of orthopedic treatment. Patients who once faced a lifetime of debilitating pain and immobility could now regain their freedom of movement and significantly improve their quality of life.The rapid advancement of materials science and engineering also played a pivotal role in the evolution of orthopedics. The development of biocompatible materials, such as titanium and specialized polymers, enabled the creation of durable andlong-lasting implants, minimizing the risk of rejection and ensuring better patient outcomes. Additionally, the introduction of minimally invasive surgical techniques, aided by advancements in imaging technologies and surgical robotics, has significantly reduced recovery times and improved patient comfort.Today, orthopedics stands at the forefront of medical innovation, embracing cutting-edge technologies and multidisciplinary collaborations. The integration of 3D printing and computer-aided design has revolutionized the manufacturing of customized implants, allowing for personalized treatments tailored to each patient's unique anatomy. Regenerative medicine and tissue engineering hold immensepromise for the future, with researchers exploring novel approaches to regenerate damaged or lost bone and cartilage.Furthermore, the field of orthopedics has embraced the power of big data and artificial intelligence, enabling more accurate diagnoses, personalized treatment plans, and predictive analytics for better patient outcomes. Machine learning algorithms are being leveraged to analyze vast amounts of medical data, identifying patterns and trends that can inform clinical decision-making and drive innovation.As a student, witnessing these advancements firsthand fills me with a sense of awe and excitement. The journey of orthopedics is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. From the ancient bone setters to the modern-day orthopedic surgeons, each generation has built upon the foundations laid by their predecessors, pushing the boundaries of what was once thought impossible.Looking ahead, the future of orthopedics holds immense promise, with the potential to revolutionize the way we approach musculoskeletal health. Interdisciplinary collaboration between orthopedic surgeons, bioengineers, material scientists, and computer scientists will be crucial in driving innovation and developing cutting-edge solutions. The integration of emergingtechnologies, such as nanotechnology, robotics, and augmented reality, will undoubtedly shape the orthopedic practices of tomorrow.Moreover, the field of orthopedics will play a pivotal role in addressing the challenges posed by an aging global population. As life expectancy continues to rise, the demand for effective treatments for age-related musculoskeletal conditions, such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, will increase significantly. Orthopedic researchers and clinicians will be at the forefront of developing innovative strategies to enhance mobility, reduce pain, and improve the overall quality of life for this growing demographic.As a student, I am humbled by the rich history and profound impact of orthopedics on human health and well-being. The journey of this field has been one of perseverance, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. As I embark on my own journey in medicine, I am inspired by the achievements of those who came before me and driven by the promise of what lies ahead. The future of orthopedics is an exciting frontier, and I am honored to be a part of a discipline that continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, mending bones and restoring mobility, one patient at a time.篇3The Evolution of Orthopedics: A Journey Through Healing BonesAs a student passionate about the medical field, I find the development of orthopedics to be a captivating tale of human ingenuity and dedication to alleviating pain and restoring mobility. From the earliest attempts to treat bone fractures to the cutting-edge advancements of modern times, the field of orthopedics has undergone a remarkable transformation, one that has profoundly impacted countless lives.The origins of orthopedics can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where rudimentary techniques were employed to address skeletal injuries and deformities. In ancient Egypt, for instance, evidence suggests that splinting and traction methods were used to set broken bones, while in ancient Greece, physicians like Hippocrates recognized the importance of proper alignment and immobilization for fracture healing.As centuries passed, the understanding of the musculoskeletal system gradually evolved, paving the way for more sophisticated orthopedic practices. The Renaissance period witnessed significant advancements, with pioneers like AmbroiseParé, a French surgeon, introducing innovative techniques for treating fractures and amputations. His contributions, including the development of prosthetic limbs, laid the foundation for modern orthopedic surgery.The 19th century marked a pivotal era in the field of orthopedics, with the establishment of dedicated hospitals and the emergence of specialized practitioners. In 1841, the first orthopedic hospital was founded in London by John Galen Darby, followed by the establishment of similar institutions across Europe and North America. This period also witnessed the introduction of anesthesia and antiseptic practices, which revolutionized surgical procedures and dramatically improved patient outcomes.As the 20th century dawned, orthopedics experienced a remarkable surge in advancement, fueled by technological innovations and a deeper understanding of biomechanics. The development of x-ray imaging by Wilhelm Röntgen in 1895 provided a crucial tool for visualizing bones and diagnosing fractures and deformities with unprecedented accuracy. This breakthrough paved the way for more precise treatments and surgical interventions.The early 20th century also witnessed the emergence of pioneers like Sir Robert Jones, who pioneered the use of traction and splinting techniques, and Fred C. Albee, who introduced bone grafting procedures. These innovations laid the groundwork for modern orthopedic surgeries, enabling the repair and reconstruction of damaged bones and joints.As the decades progressed, the field of orthopedics continued to evolve at a rapid pace, driven by advancements in materials science, biomechanics, and surgical techniques. The introduction of new implants, such as artificial joints and prosthetic limbs, significantly improved the quality of life for countless patients suffering from conditions like arthritis, trauma, and congenital deformities.One of the most significant breakthroughs in recent decades has been the advent of minimally invasive surgical techniques, including arthroscopic procedures. These approaches allow for smaller incisions, reduced tissue trauma, and faster recovery times, revolutionizing the treatment of conditions like torn ligaments, cartilage injuries, and joint disorders.Moreover, the integration of cutting-edge technologies, such as robotic-assisted surgery, 3D printing, and advanced imaging modalities, has further elevated the precision andeffectiveness of orthopedic interventions. Personalized implants and prosthetics can now be designed and manufactured using 3D printing technology, tailored to each patient's unique anatomy for optimal fit and function.Beyond surgical advancements, the field of orthopedics has also witnessed remarkable strides in rehabilitation and physical therapy. Modern rehabilitation protocols, coupled with advanced assistive devices and therapeutic modalities, have empowered patients to regain mobility, strength, and independence following orthopedic procedures or injuries.As we look to the future, the possibilities within the realm of orthopedics are truly exciting. Regenerative medicine, including stem cell therapies and tissue engineering, holds immense potential for repairing and regenerating damaged tissues, offering hope for conditions previously deemed untreatable. Additionally, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms promises to revolutionize diagnostics, treatment planning, and surgical outcomes, further enhancing the precision and efficacy of orthopedic care.In conclusion, the development of orthopedics has been a remarkable journey, driven by the relentless pursuit of knowledge, innovation, and a deep commitment to improvingthe lives of those affected by musculoskeletal conditions. From the humble beginnings of ancient civilizations to thecutting-edge advancements of modern times, orthopedics has transformed the way we treat and manage bone and joint disorders, restoring mobility, alleviating pain, and empowering countless individuals to live fuller, more active lives. As a student, I am deeply inspired by this incredible evolution and eagerly anticipate the future breakthroughs that will continue to shape the field, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of orthopedic care.。

Bone and joint infection

Bone and joint infection
Tc99-tagged WBC scan: imaging in post-surgical or equivocal osteo 20 ml of blood, separation of WBCs, incubation with Tc99 x 2 hrs, scan in 3 hrs
Gallium >> Tc uptake and incongruence of distribution indicates osteomyelitis
- 15% GAS - 2% Pneumococcus
AHO: presentation & WU
Fever: low-grade or high, may be absent
Local pain + tumor, rubor, color Point tenderness, limping
WBC elevated in 1/3
- Cephradine vs. Cld IV, switch to PO after 4 d. with defevrescence - 2/3 = no dril; no SBTs, no sequalae in 1 yr - CRP was NL (< 20 mg/L) within 9 days, total duration of Tx: 3 – 4 we
*Get an X-ray at the end of Tx (sequestrum?)
AHO: duration of Tx
Prospective randomized study of of Staph. aureus AHO # 50 pts, 3 mo – 14 y.o., 1982 – 1996, Finland ( Ped, 1997)

中国骨伤 英文版 分区

中国骨伤 英文版 分区

中国骨伤的英文版分区可能包括以下几个方面:1. Introduction to Chinese Orthopedics: This section provides an overview of the history, development, and current state of orthopedics in China.2. Anatomy and Physiology: This section covers the basic knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, especially the musculoskeletal system.3. Diagnosis and Imaging: This section introduces various diagnostic methods and imaging techniques used in orthopedics, such as X-ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound, etc.4. Trauma and Fractures: This section focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of various types of bone fractures and joint dislocations.5. Joint Diseases: This section covers the diagnosis and treatment of various joint diseases, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, etc.6. Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries: This section discusses the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of spine and spinal cord injuries, including scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, herniated discs, etc.7. Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation: This section introduces the principles and methods of sports injury prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation.8. Pediatric Orthopedics: This section focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of various musculoskeletal diseases in children, such as developmental dysplasia of the hip, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, slipped capital femoral epiphysis, etc.9. Geriatric Orthopedics: This section discusses the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of various musculoskeletal diseases in the elderly, such as osteoporosis, hip fractures, knee osteoarthritis, etc.10. Surgery and Techniques: This section introduces various surgical procedures and techniques used in orthopedics, such as arthroscopy, joint replacement, bone grafting, ligament reconstruction, etc.11. Postoperative Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy: This section covers the principles and methods of postoperative rehabilitation and physical therapy for orthopedic patients.12. Alternative Therapies and Complementary Medicine: This section introduces some alternative therapies and complementary medicine used in orthopedics, such as acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, etc.。



人体骨架的介绍英文作文英文,The human skeletal system is an amazing structure that provides support, protection, and movement for the body. It is made up of 206 bones, which are connected by joints, ligaments, and tendons. The bones are classifiedinto two main types: the axial skeleton, which includes the skull, spine, and ribcage, and the appendicular skeleton, which includes the arms, legs, and pelvis.The skeletal system plays a crucial role in the body's ability to move and function. For example, the bones in the legs provide support and stability for standing and walking, while the bones in the arms allow for a wide range ofmotion for activities such as throwing, lifting, and reaching. Without a strong and healthy skeletal system, these movements would be impossible.In addition to movement, the skeletal system also protects the body's vital organs. For instance, the ribcage surrounds and protects the heart and lungs, while the skullencases and shields the brain. Without this protection, these organs would be vulnerable to injury and damage.Furthermore, the skeletal system is responsible for producing blood cells and storing essential minerals. The bone marrow, found in the cavities of certain bones, produces red and white blood cells, which are essential for carrying oxygen and fighting off infections. Additionally, bones store minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which are important for maintaining bone strength and overall health.Overall, the human skeletal system is a remarkable and complex structure that is essential for the body's ability to move, protect vital organs, and maintain overall health.中文,人体骨骼系统是一个神奇的结构,为身体提供支撑、保护和运动。

【英文课件】Bones and Joints -北京协和医院学习

【英文课件】Bones and Joints -北京协和医院学习

Space narrowing
n Destruction
n Bony Ankylosis :Septic arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis AS
n Fibrotic ankylosis: Tuberculosis, Rheumatoid arthritis
n Periosteum; n Cortical bone; n Trabecular bone; n Medullary space
n Epiphyseal plate residue
n Maldevelopment line
n Bone spot
n Joint space n Bony articular
n Complex bone structure/fracture n Window width
n Soft tissue lesions(fat,muscle, ligment, etc.)
n Calcification
Osteoporosis (骨质疏松)
n 骨组织中的有机和无机成分都减少,但比例正常。 皮质薄;哈氏管扩大;小梁少,间隙大。
n 骨密度降低; n 骨松质骨小梁变细减少,间隙增宽,骨皮质出现分
层和变薄。 n 脊椎中,纵行小梁明显,椎体变扁,上下缘内凹,
椎间隙增宽,梭形。 n 压缩骨折时呈楔状。压缩骨折(双凹、楔形变、只
有前后都短才是压缩骨折) n 全身性:老年性、代谢性(甲旁亢、绝经期)、废
用性、药物性(激素)等 n 局限性:肢体废用性、炎症、血管神经功能障碍等



用描述人体结构的英语作文1. The human body is an intricate network of bones, muscles, and organs. Each part plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall health and functionality. From the solid structure of our skeletal system to the flexible movements enabled by our muscular system, our body is a remarkable feat of nature.2. Our skeletal system forms the framework that supports and protects our body. It consists of bones, joints, and cartilage. These bones provide structure and shape to our body, while also acting as a storehouse for minerals like calcium. Joints allow for movement and flexibility, enabling us to perform various activities. Cartilage acts as a cushion between bones, preventing them from rubbing against each other and reducing friction.3. The muscular system is responsible for the movement of our body. It is made up of hundreds of muscles, each with its own unique function. From the powerful muscles inour limbs that allow us to run and jump, to the smaller muscles in our face that enable us to express emotions, our muscular system is involved in every movement we make. These muscles work in coordination with our skeletal system, contracting and relaxing to produce the desired movement.4. Our respiratory system is responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in our body. It includes the lungs, airways, and diaphragm. When we breathe in, air enters through our nose or mouth and travels down the airways into the lungs. Oxygen from the air is then transferred to the bloodstream, while carbon dioxide, a waste product, is expelled from the body when we exhale. This continuous process ensures that our body receives the oxygen it needs to function properly.5. The circulatory system is responsible for the transportation of nutrients, oxygen, hormones, and waste products throughout the body. It consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The heart pumps oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body through arteries, while veinscarry oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart. Thisconstant circulation ensures that all cells receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen, while waste products are efficiently removed.6. Our digestive system is responsible for the breakdown and absorption of nutrients from the food we consume. It includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas. When we eat, food isbroken down into smaller molecules through the process of digestion. These nutrients are then absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to cells throughout the body to provide energy and support growth.7. The nervous system is the control center of our body, responsible for coordinating and regulating all bodily functions. It includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The brain receives and processes information from our senses, enabling us to perceive and respond to the world around us. The spinal cord acts as a highway for nerve signals, transmitting messages between the brain and therest of the body. Nerves extend from the spinal cord to various parts of the body, allowing for communication andcontrol.8. The endocrine system is responsible for the production and regulation of hormones, which are chemical messengers that control various bodily functions. It includes glands such as the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, and reproductive glands. Hormones produced by these glands are released into the bloodstream and travel to target organs or tissues, where they regulate processes like growth, metabolism, and reproduction.9. Our immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend our body against harmful invaders like bacteria, viruses, and parasites. It includes white blood cells, lymph nodes, and the spleen. When our immune system detects a foreign substance, it mounts a response to eliminate it and protect our body from infection and disease.10. The human body is a marvel of nature, with its intricate systems working together to sustain life. From the solid structure of our bones to the complexcoordination of our nervous system, each part contributes to our overall health and well-being. Understanding and appreciating the complexities of our body can help us make informed choices to maintain and improve our health.。

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Introduction to imaging: Bone and jointThe best way to consider bone and joint imaging is to think of bone disease as "congenital" or "acquired." The suitability of the various imaging techniques depends on the type of disease.Congenital diseaseCongenital bone disease can affect a limb, a single bone, or several bones and includes conditions such as the mucopolysaccharidoses, achondroplasia, and other dwarfisms. The abnormalities may be of little consequence or part of a wider syndrome. The best way to image these conditions is using conventional x rays because the anatomy of the skeleton is affected and changes will indicate a diagnosis. However, you may occasionally need to use computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging; nuclear medicine imaging and ultrasound have no part to play in congenital bone disease.Figures 1 to 4 show examples of congenital malformations. Consult specialised radiology and paediatric textbooks to see the huge number of congenital abnormalities with bone manifestations.1 2Fig 1 (Above) X ray of a child's hands showing small accessory digits attached to the littlefingers; of cosmetic importance onlyFig 2 (Above) X ray showing a vertebral developmental defect. Partial fusion leading to a "butterfly" vertebra, which can lead to chronic back pain. Scoliosis centred on the abnormal vertebra which has two pedicles on the right side and one on the leftFig 3 (Above) X ray of a congenital abnormality known as osteogenesis imperfecta, in which there is abnormal fragility of the bones leading to multiple fractures, often in utero. The tibiahas been pinned because of multiple fractures.Fig 4 (Right) Chest x ray showing small claviclesIn children, care must be taken to differentiate this condition from the multiple fractures seen in non- deliberate injury and abuse. This is such a complex problem that further advice must always be sought immediately where there is a suspicion of deliberate injury.Bone problems caused by infectionInfection of the bone and soft tissue are called osteomyelitis and cellulitis. The best way to differentiate the two is with a two phase bone scan. In this investigation, a 99-technetium labelled bone agent (a bisphosphonate) is injected. Images of the suspected area are obtained about 5 minutes after injection to get a blood pool image, which shows the distribution of the tracer throughout the soft tissues and the bone. After three hours, you then get a bone image.In cellulitis, there is increased uptake in the blood pool image but a normal delayed bone image, but in osteomyelitis abnormalities can be seen in both images. This is because in cellulitis the underlying bone is normal, but in osteomyelitis inflammatory reactive change occurs in soft tissue, as well as the infection to the bone (fig 5).Fig 5 (Left) Area of greatly increased uptake in the mid-left tibia, on both early and late images.The appearances suggest bone infectionConventional x rays have little part to play in bone infection, as by the time changes are seen, the disease has been present for a long time. Magnetic resonance imaging is helpful, however, and shows altered marrow signal where there is bone infection, and alteration in muscle signal where there is muscle inflammation, such as in this case of myositis of the subclavian muscle (fig 6).Fig 6 (Left) MRI: Signal from the muscle is generally inhomogeneous and is typical of a diffuse infection. Proton density of muscle alters due to the inflammation, so the signal obtained isirregularPatients with diabetes have special problems. As they have diminished sensitivity to pain, they may damage a joint and continue using it, leading to the development of a Charcot or neuropathic joint. The x ray of this is abnormal, and it is impossible to tell from a conventional x ray if the joint has any infection, and this is obviously a crucial diagnosis to make (fig 7).Fig 7 X ray of a diabetic foot shows typical disorganisation of the tarsus, and makes anydiagnosis of infection difficultThe best way of showing infection is using a specialised nuclear medicine technique, either labelling the patient's white cells with 99Tc, or labelling a monoclonal antibody to white cells. This can then be injected into the patient. The white cells will then gather at the sites of infection (fig 8).Fig 8 (Top and centre left) Leukoscan used to detect infectionIn this case, whether there was any infection in the diabetic foot was resolved by doing both nuclear medicine scans. The leukoscan used a labelled monoclonal antibody to human white cells, and the labelled white cell scan uses the patient's own white cells which are reinjected after labelling. Neither showed any abnormal uptake in the tarsus, so doctors excluded osteomyelitis. The uptake at the heel on the labelled white cell scan was due to a superficial ulcer which was infected.Another problem requiring a diagnosis is the question of loosening or infection of an orthopaedic prosthesis. A conventional x ray will show the prosthesis (fig 9).Fig 9 (Top right, bottom left) Images showing bilateral total knee replacements, but the left shows abnormally increased uptake around the tibial part of the prosthesis on both blood pooland delayed images, indicating infectionTo show infection or loosening of a prosthesis, doctors can use nuclear medicine scan. In the first instance, a conventional two phase bone scan is used. In this, the area under question is imaged some five minutes after injection of the 99Tc bone agent to get a blood pool image and then again at three hours, to show the bone. Where there is infection or loosening, the scans will be abnormal. Infection will show abnormalities on both scans, but in cases of loosening, there will be a localised area of abnormal uptake in the delayed image. Other sites of infectionmay be more difficult to diagnose, especially where there is other known disease, especially malignancy.Degenerative conditionsDegenerative bone disease is common, and is most usually imaged with conventional x rays (figs 10 and 11), although degenerative change in soft tissue is best shown using ultrasound (fig 12).Fig 10 (Bottom centre) X ray showing serious degenerative disease in both hips, with markedloss of the joint spacesFig 11 (Bottom right) X ray showing not only serious osteoarthritis in the right knee, but a total knee replacement on the left, obviously for osteoarthritis as well12Fig 12 Ultrasound image of a patient with calcific tendinitis of the shoulder, the rotator cuff syndrome. The calcified lesion in the tendon of the shoulder is shown as a white crescent(arrowed) which casts an acoustic shadow below itMetabolic bone diseaseMetabolic bone disease is best shown using x rays.3 The commonest metabolic bone disease is osteoporosis, and this is best shown using a dual energy x ray absorption scan, which scans the lumbar spine and pelvis on a special machine, and gives a value for bone density, compared with a standard matched for age, sex, and ethnic origin (fig 13). This is a reproducible test, and can be used serially to monitor treatment for osteoporosis. The radiation to the patient from this test is much less than using computed tomography to determine bone mineral density.Fig 13 Normal range and values are printed out and the white square in the blue lines showsthe values for the particular patientA common form of metabolic bone disease in the United Kingdom is Paget's disease. In this disease, there is extensive vascularity of the bone with increased marrow fibrosis and intense cellular activity. This accounts for the overgrowth of the bone and enlargement shown in x ray images (figs 14 and 15).Fig 14 X ray clearly showing the thickened cortex and trabecular architecture typical of Paget's disease of the bone. Although this looks very dense, it may be metabolically active, and this isbest shown on a bone scanFig 15 Bone scan showing the increased uptake in the cortex, exactly mirroring the x rayIn other rarer forms of metabolic bone disease, such as rickets, hyperparathyroid bone disease, acromegaly, and so on, there are well marked skeletal changes, and a standard radiology textbook should be consulted.12Neoplastic bone diseaseNeoplastic bone disease may be either primary or secondary. Secondary malignant bone disease is much more common than primary, and is best imaged using either nuclear medicine or magnetic resonance imaging. Although magnetic resonance imaging is more sensitive than bone scanning and does not use ionising radiation, it is more expensive and takes much longer. For this reason, bone scanning is the primary investigation in the United Kingdom.Most bone scans in metastatic disease look fairly similar and simply tell us that there is widespread disease. They do not usually indicate the primary.Conventional x ray imaging has little place in surveying for metastatic bone disease (fig 16), with one exception--multiple myeloma. Myeloma is an osteoclastic disease, and so does not show up on a bone scan, as it does not create any reaction within the bone. For this reason, doctors need to do a conventional radiological skeletal survey when looking for myeloma.Fig 16 Bone scanning is widely used to look for metastases from commonly occurring primaries such as breast, bronchus, and prostate. This example shows a bone scan in a patient withprostatic cancerIn primary bone neoplasms, the age of the patient and the site of the disease are important pointers to the diagnosis. Although conventional x ray images are often obtained, the best form of imaging is magnetic resonance imaging (figs 17 and 18).Fig 17 A bone scan of a child with osteosarcomaFig 18 MRI showing deposits in the cervical vertebrae (shown as black within the marrow) are compressing the spinal cordA child presented with a hot painful knee. The upper tibia is irregularly dense with bone destruction and the bone scan shows that the whole area is metabolically extremely active. From the age and site, the diagnosis of osteosarcoma is supported, but a biopsy is needed for confirmation. Remember to send material to microbiology for culture and sensitivity at the time of biopsy to rule out acute osteomyelitis, which in a child can look similar radiologically. Repeated sub-acute trauma can show the same appearances (see fig 17).Magnetic resonance imaging is also used in secondary malignant bone disease, especially where there are neurological complications as surgical intervention may be needed, and the exquisite detail on a magnetic resonance image is invaluable to the surgeon.TraumaThe easiest way of showing a fracture in a bone is using conventional x rays (fig 19).Fig 19 The x ray shows images of a distal radius and ulna, with a Colles fracture. The importance of x raying the suspected site in two planes and at right angles to each other is vital,as the fracture may be missedApart from conventional x rays, fractures can also be shown using magnetic resonance imaging (fig 20).Fig 20 The two images (left) show a wedge fracture of L1: conventional x ray image (left) and corresponding magnetic resonance image (right)20aApart from direct trauma resulting in fractures, as above, there are other forms of trauma such as barotrauma (from increased pressure such as deep diving), which can lead to bone infarcts. These are best shown using magnetic resonance imaging (figs 21, 22, and 23).Fig 21 Infarcts are clearly seen as irregular areas of altered bone signal (here white) within the medulla of the bone. Other alterations of blood flow to the bone may lead to avascular necrosisFig 22 These two images show the x ray appearances with flattening of the femoral head, and the nuclear medicine bone scan of the left hip showing a "cold" femoral head caused by lack ofblood flowFig 23 Avascular necrosis of the medial femoral condyle is also common and is best shown with magnetic resonance imaging. This shows the altered bone signal with some bone bruising, shown as an irregular low signal (dark) area within the normal bone signal (white)A further important use of all imaging techniques is in sports related injuries, and these are quite common, ranging from pulled and torn muscles through to serious fractures.SummaryMany conditions can affect bones and joints, and doctors can investigate these in many ways.A logical approach will help, and remember to ask definite questions so that you get the appropriate answer. Asking advice from the imaging department will help in difficult or rare conditions.41. Murray RO, Jacobson HG. Radiology of skeletal disorders. London: ChurchillLivingstone, 1977.2. Grainger RG, Allison DJ, Adam A, Dixon AK. Grainger and Allison's diagnosticradiology: a textbook of medical imaging. London: Churchill Livingstone, 2001.3. Carpenter CCJ, Griggs RC, Loscalzo J, Andreoli TE, eds. CECIL: essentials ofmedicine. London: Saunders, 2000.4. Royal College of Radiologists. Making the best use of a department of clinicalradiology. 5th ed. London: RCoR, 2003.。
