PCS-9705 系列不要触碰曝露的端子等,因为可能会产生危险的高电压。 残余电压 在装置电源关闭后,直流回路中仍然可能存在危险的电压。这些电压需在数秒钟后才会消失。 警示! 接地 装置的接地端子必须可靠接地。 运行环境 该装置只允许运行在技术参数所规定的大气环境中,而且运行环境不能存在不正常的震动。 额定值 在接入交流电压电流回路或直流电源回路时,请确认他们符合装置的额定参数。 印刷电路板 在装置带电时,不允许插入或拔出印刷电路板,否则可能导致装置不正确动作。 外部回路
PCS-9705A/B/C 系列 测控装置 说明书
PCS-9705 系列测控装置
前言 使用产品前,请仔细阅读本章节!
本章叙述了使用产品前的安全预防建议。在安装和使用时,本章内容必须全部阅读且充分理解。 忽略说明书中相关警示说明,因不当操作造成的任何损害,本公司不承担相应责任。 在对本装置做任何操作前,相关专业人员必须仔细阅读本说明书,熟悉操作相关内容。 操作指导及警告 本手册中将会用到以下指示标记和标准定义: 危险! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则会导致人员死亡,严重的人身伤害,或
我们定期仔细检查本文档中的内容,在后续版本中会有必要的修正。 资料相关,请联系: 但不可避免会有一些错误之处,欢迎提出改进的意见。 电话:025-87178185、传真:025-8718208 我们保留在不事先通知的情况下进行技术改进的权利。 电子信箱:nr_techsupport@ 南京南瑞继保电气有限公司 公司地址:中国南京江宁区苏源大道 69 号 邮编 211102 公司网址:
PCS-9705 系列测控装置
请在设备布控后及时修改用户的默认密码,以免被人盗用。 请不要将设备放置和安装在阳光直射的地方或发热设备附近。 请不要将设备安装在潮湿、有灰尘或煤烟的场所。 请保持设备的水平安装,或安装在稳定的场所,注意防止本产品坠落。 请勿将液体滴到或溅到设备上, 并确保设备上不能放置装满液体的物品, 防止液体流入设备。 请安装在通风良好的场所,切勿堵塞设备的通风口。 仅可在额定输入输出范围内使用设备。 请不要随意拆卸设备。 请在允许的湿度和温度范围内运输、使用和存储设备。
无线防盗报警控制器构成的报警系统,虽然具有稳定可靠的性能,但是也可能由于以下原因发生 失效,请认真阅读并知晓。
入侵者的入侵区域未加防护,或者入侵者通过足够的技术使系统故障或失灵。 警号设备安装位置不当,未能及时起到示警作用。 探测器发生如断电等意外故障,导致探测器未能响应。 探测器安装位置不当,无法探测到实际需要探测的区域。 用于传输报警信号的传输系统有问题,如被停掉服务、被恶意攻击等,导致系统未能及时报 警。 由于没有定期维护和检查报警系统,导致其失效。
安装人员需要对系统进行定期检查和维护,建议每月一次,以保证系统长期稳定地工作。 安装人员需要对系统进行定期测试,建议每周一次。 安装人员可以对用户进行培训,让用户了解系统并能熟练操作系统。
安装完成后,您可以连接交流和直流电源进行测试。 您也可以完成所需编程,测试报警控制器的所有操作。
前言 ..................................................................................
ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter 重新处理指南说明书
Page 1 of 7 Reprocessed byInstructions for useReprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE CatheterReprocessed device for single useCaution: Federal (U.S.A.) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.▪STERILE▪Exposed to Ethylene Oxide (EO) gasExplanation of symbolsSymbolRules/StandardReferenceISO 7000RegistrationNumberSymbol Title DescriptionRx Only 21CFR801 N/A Prescription only Indicates Federal (USA) law restricting device to saleby or on order of a physician.ISO 15223-1Clause 5.1.1 3082 Manufacturer Indicates the medical device manufacturer.ISO 15223-1Clause 5.1.3 2497 Date of manufactureIndicates the date when the medical device wasmanufactured.ISO 15223-1Clause 5.2.3 2501Sterilized usingethylene oxideIndicates a medical device that has been sterilizedusing ethylene oxide.ISO 15223-1Clause 5.1.4 2607 Use-by dateIndicates the date after which the medical device is notto be used.ISO 15223-1Clause 5.1.5 2492 Batch codeIndicates the manufacturer’s batch code so that thebatch or lot can be identified.ISO 15223-1Clause 5.1.6 2493 Catalogue numberIndicates the manufacturer’s catalogue number so thatthe medical device can be identified.ISO 15223-1Clause 5.1.7 2498 Serial numberIndicates the manufacturer’s serial number so that aspecific medical device can be identified.ISO 15223-1Clause 5.4.3 1641Consult instructionsfor useIndicates the need for the user to consult theinstructions for use.ISO 15223-1Clause 5.4.2 1051 Do not re-useIndicates a medical device that is intended for one use,or for use on a single patient during a single procedure.ISO 15223-1Clause 5.2.6 2608 Do not resterilize Indicates a medical device that is not to be resterilized.ISO 15223-1Clause 5.2.8 2606Do not use ifpackage is damagedIndicates a medical device that should not be used ifthe package has been damaged or opened.ISO 15223-1Clause 5.3.2 0624Keep away fromsunlightIndicates a medical device that needs protection fromlight sources.ISO 15223-1Clause 5.3.3 0615Protect from heatand radioactivesourcesIndicates a medical device that needs to be protectionfrom heat and radioactive sourcesISO 15223-1Clause 5.3.4 0626 Keep dryIndicates a medical device that needs to be protectedfrom moisture.Stryker’s Sustainability Solutions ©20231810 W Drake Dr.Tempe AZ, 85283888 888 3433Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter DescriptionThe Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter is a temporary intracardiac ultrasound catheter intended for use in patients to accurately visualize cardiac structures, blood flow and other devices within the heart when connected to compatible intracardiac ultrasound console via the compatible ViewFlex™ Catheter Interface Module. Examples of the types of devices that can be visualized include, and are not limited to, intracardiac catheters, septal occluders, delivery wires, delivery sheaths, sizing balloons and transseptal needles. The use of these images is limited to visualization with no direct or indirect diagnostic use.The Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter has a useable length of 90 cm, with a 9 French (F) shaft with an ultrasound transducer. A 10F introducer is recommended for use with this catheter for insertion into the femoral or jugular veins. The catheter tip has four-directional deflection allowing for Left-Right and Posterior-Anterior deflection, with an angle of at least 120 degrees in each direction.The Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter is compatible with the ultrasound consoles listed in the table below. See table below for specifics on each ultrasound consoles.H701375 H700296 Compatible ViewFlex Catheter Interface Module 100038191 H701374100043720Maximum Viewing Depth 18 cm 18 cm 18 cm*All consoles are not available in all countries.a CX50 is a trademark of Koninklijke Philips Electronics.N.V.Indications for useThe Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter is indicated for use in adult and adolescent pediatric patients to visualize cardiac structures, blood flow and other devices within the heart.Contraindications for useThe Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra Ice Catheter is contraindicated:▪If there is an occurrence of conditions that create unacceptable risk during catheterization.▪If the patient that has a mechanical tricuspid valve (a prosthetic tissue valve is permissible).▪If the patient has ongoing sepsis or known hypercoagulable state where the catheter could serve as a focal point for septic or bland thrombus formation.▪If the patient has any condition that, in the opinion of the investigator, contraindicates the placement and use of the cardiac catheter or internal ultrasound.Warnings▪The Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE catheter and system should be used only by or under the direct supervision of a physician thoroughly trained in sonography and ultrasound technology, or with the assistance of asonographer or physician trained in ultrasound technology.▪The Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE catheter and system should be used only by or under the direct supervision of a physician thoroughly trained in the techniques of cardiac placement during interventional andelectrophysiology procedures.▪The Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter is to be used only with the ViewFlex Catheter Interface Module, the ViewMate and the Phillips CX50 ultrasound consoles. Any other use or inappropriate electrical connection may pose a serious risk to patient safety.▪The Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter includes a 9F shaft. The physician should consider anatomical size restrictions if considering use of the ViewFlex Xtra ICE catheter on pediatric patients.▪The Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE catheter is to be used for ultrasound imaging only.▪Do not immerse the proximal handle or cable connector in fluid. Electrical performance may be affected.▪Do not use the Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE catheter if the packaging is opened or damaged.▪Do not use the Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE catheter if it is damaged.▪Tactile feedback of reprocessed devices may vary during use.Precautions▪Do not attempt to use the Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter prior to completely reading and understanding the Directions for Use.▪The Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra Ice catheters are supplied sterile only if packaging is not damaged or open.▪Inspect the packaging and catheter for damage or defects prior to use.▪The Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheters have been sterilized using EtO. Do not attempt to sterilize the catheters by autoclave, gamma or ultraviolet radiation, or liquid sterilizing solutions.▪Do not bend, kink, stretch, or forcefully wipe the catheter. These actions may damage the catheter.▪Do not use mechanical tools or forceps to grip the catheter.▪Have antiarrhythmic drugs, an external defibrillator, and respiratory assist equipment available in case of complications during the use of this device.▪The device should only be used in patients that have received anticoagulation prior or during the procedure. Adverse reactionsAlthough temporary intracardiac catheter sonography procedures have been proven to be safe, the physician should also be aware that complications can occur with the use of any cardiac catheter.Risks that may be associated with the use of the Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE catheter are those that may be encountered with the introduction and placement of temporary cardiac catheter or pacing lead. As a result of the delivery of electrical energy during internal defibrillation additional risk may result.Adverse events related to cardiac catheterization have been documented and include, but are not limited to:▪Bleeding, hematoma or thrombus at the catheter introduction site▪Cardiac irritability▪Catheter kinking or excessive bending▪Infection/sepsis▪Intercostal or phrenic nerve stimulation▪Mechanical induction of arrhythmias or asystole▪Perforation causing cardiac tamponade▪Perforation of the chamber or vessel wall▪Pneumothorax▪Pulmonary infarction▪Thrombophlebitis▪Tricuspid valve injury▪VasospasmImportant AdviceAny alleged malfunctions, deficiencies, or deterioration in the characteristics and/or performance of this device, along with any alleged inadequacy in the labeling or Instruction for Use, which might lead or have led to a serious injury or death must be brought to the attention of Stryker Sustainability Solutions.Directions for usePreparationIt is recommended practice to have on hand a duplicate of each sterilized item when introducing a catheter. In case the aseptic technique is compromised the procedure can continue.Image Quality Interference (noise)If severe RF interference is experienced during ablation procedures, relocate and/or shield the Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE catheter electrical extension and Catheter Interface Module.Catheter Insertion and Positioning1.Follow a suitable surgery protocol. The instruction are provided as a general guide and are intended forinformation purposes only, the physician may alter the catheter insertion techniques based on standard clinical practice.2.The Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE catheter is intended for use during single patient procedure. Do notattempt to resterilize. Stryker will not accept Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheters for reprocessing that have been reprocessed and sterilized by other facilities.3.The package label is detachable and may be affixed to the medical record of the patient.4.Before beginning the procedure, verify overall compatibility of all instruments and accessories.5.Connect the patient to a vital signs monitor. Track patient vital signs throughout the procedure.6.Inspect packaging before opening. The contents of the package are sterile if the package has not beencompromised.7.Do not use the Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter if the sterility has been compromised. If the packageis damaged or if it was opened and the instrument not used, return the Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICECatheter and the package to Stryker.8.Prepare the insertion site using cutdown or percutaneous entry technique. Use a 10F or larger introducersheath.NOTE: It is possible to transfix the femoral artery during percutaneous entry into the femoral vein. Follow proper femoral vein puncture proper sterile technique, remove the Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter from the package andplace i t in a sterile work area.10.Carefully inspect the catheter for tip integrity and catheter condition. Do not use the catheter if any damage isnoted. Return the Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter and packaging to Stryker if it is not in acceptable condition for the procedure.11.Connect the Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter connector edge to the ViewFlex Catheter InterfaceModule. Refer to the ViewFlex Catheter Interface Module Instructions for Use for additionalinstructions, precautions, and information on catheter connection.12.Prior to insertion, test that the catheter is imaging by placing the tip in sterile fluid. Movement willappear on the ultrasound console monitor.13.Hold the catheter 1 to 2 cm from the introducer valve and feed it into the introducer slowly to preventbuckling of t he catheter tip.14.Gently insert the catheter into the selected vein and advance the catheter into the heart. Confirm catheterposition with the use of fluoroscopy, if needed. Do not remove and re-insert the catheter into the introducer more than two (2) times during the procedure.15.The Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter tip may be deflected as desired during the procedure:▪For Posterior – Anterior deflection, rotate the gray deflection knob labeled P/A clockwise or counterclockwise▪For Left – Right deflection, rotate the green deflection knob labeled L/R clockwise or counterclockwise16.The catheter handle should be secure at all times during the procedure. Do not allow the catheter handle orconnection cable to fall or tug on the catheter body.NOTE: Do not leave the catheter in the patient longer than 12 hours. Transducer performance or incidence of insertion site complications increase significantly with catheters which remain in dwelling longer than this specified time.17.Return both knobs to the neutral position to straighten the distal tip of the catheter before removing thecatheter from the heart. Using fluoroscopy, verify that the distal tip of the catheter is straightened beforeremoving the catheter f rom the heart.18.Refer to the ultrasound console Users’ Manual for additional sonography instructions, precautions, andinformation on catheter connection.Storage and handling▪Room Temperature: 18°C to +26°C (64°F to 79°F)▪Use product on a first-in, first-out basis prior to expiration or use by date on the labelTransport▪Temperature: -20°C to +50°C (-4°F to 122°F)▪Relative Humidity: 25% to 90%Standards and IEC ClassificationsThe Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter meets all pertinent clauses of IEC 60601-1 Edition 3+A1;A2, IEC 60601-1-2 Edition 4.0, and IEC 60601-2-37 Edition 2.1.If the Reprocessed ViewFlex Xtra ICE Catheter experiences loss or degradation of the essential performance described in these instructions as a result of EMC disturbances, there would be no effect to intended use.The medical device is suitable to be used in the Professional Healthcare Facility Environment. WarrantyReprocessed productsStryker warrants all reprocessed products, subject to the exceptions provided herein, to be free from defects in reprocessing and to substantially conform to the product specifications contained in the documentation provided by Stryker with the products for one use in accordance with the instructions for use of such product.Products for which Stryker is the original manufacturerStryker warrants all products for which it is the original manufacturer, subject to the exceptions provided herein, to be free from defects in design, materials and workmanship and to substantially conform to the product specifications contained in the documentation provided by Stryker with the products for a period of one year from the date of purchase.General warranty terms applicable to all productsTo the fullest extent permitted by law, the express warranty set forth herein is the only warranty applicable to the products and is expressly in lieu of any other warranty by Stryker, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Stryker’s liability arising in connection with the sale of the product (whether under the theories of breach of contract, tort, misrepresentation, fraud, warranty, negligence, strict liability or any other theory of law) exceed the purchase price, current market value or residual value of the products, whichever is less. Stryker shall not be liable for indirect, special, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages resulting from any breach of warranty or under any other legal theory.This warranty shall apply only to the original end-user purchaser of products directly from Stryker or a Stryker authorized distributor. This warranty may not be transferred or assigned without the express written consent of Stryker.This warranty does not apply to: (1) products that have been misused, neglected, modified, altered, adjusted, tampered with, improperly installed or refurbished; (2) products that have been repaired by any person other than Stryker personnel without the prior written consent of Stryker; (3) products that have been subjected to unusual stress or have not been maintained in accordance with the instructions in the user manual or as demonstrated by a Stryker representative; (4) products on which any original serial numbers or other identification marks have been removed or destroyed; or (5) products that have been repaired with any unauthorized or non-Stryker components.If a valid warranty claim is received within thirty (30) days of the expiration of the applicable warranty period, Stryker will, in its sole discretion: (1) replace the product at no charge with a product that is at least functionally equivalent to the original product or (2) refund the purchase price of the product. If a refund is provided by Stryker, the product for which the refund is provided must be returned to Stryker and will become Stryker’s property. In any event, Stryker’s liability for breach of warranty shall be limited to the replacement value of the defective or non-conforming part or component.If Stryker determines in its reasonable discretion that the claimed defect or non-conformance in the product is excluded from warranty coverage as described hereunder, it will notify the customer of such determination and will provide an estimate of the cost of repair of the product. In such an event, any repair would be performed at Stryker’s standard rates.Products and product components repaired or replaced under this warranty continue to be warranted as described herein during the initial applicable warranty period or, if the initial warranty period has expired by the time the product is repaired or replaced, for thirty (30) days after delivery of the repaired or replaced product. When a product or component is replaced, the item provided in replacement will be the customer’s property and the replaced item will be Stryker’s property. If a refund is provided by Stryker, the product for which the refund is provided must be returned to Stryker and will become Stryker’s property.ViewFlex and ViewMate are trademarks of St. Jude Medical, Inc.ICE EL10105 Rev. E 07/2023 RM705008。
TitanMist: Your First Step to Reversing Nirvana| TitanMistContentsIntroduction to TitanEngine (3)Introduction to TitanMist (4)Creating an unpacker for TitanMist (5)References and tools (9)Introduction to TitanEngine One of the greatest challenges of modern reverse engineering is taking apart and analyzing software protections. During the last decade a vast number of such shell modifiers have appeared. Software Protection as an industry has come a long way from simple encryption that protects executable and data parts to current highly sophisticated protections that are packed with tricks aiming at slow down in the reversing process. Number of such techniques increases every year. Hence we need to ask ourselves, can we keep up with the tools that we have?Protections have evolved over the last few years, but so have the reverser’s tools. Some of those tools are still in use today since they were written to solve a specific problem, or at least a part of it. Yet when it comes to writing unpackers this process hasn’t evolved much. We are limited to writing our own code for every scenario in the field.We have designed TitanEngine in such fashion that writing unpackers would mimic analyst’s manual unpacking process. Basic set of libraries, which will later become the framework, had the functionality of the four most common tools used in the unpacking process: debugger, dumper, importer and realigner. With the guided execution and a set of callbacks these separate modules complement themselves in a manner compatible with the way any reverse engineer would use his tools of choice to unpack the file. This creates an execution timeline which parries the protection execution and gathers information from it while guided to the point from where the protection passes control to the original software code. When that point is reached file gets dumped to disk and fixed so it resembles the original to as great of a degree as possible. In this fashion problems of making static unpackers have been solved. Yet static unpacking is still important due to the fact that it will always be the most secure, and in some cases, fastest available method. That is why we will discuss both static and dynamic unpackers. We will also see into methods of making generic code to support large number of formats without knowing the format specifics.TitanEngine can be described as Swiss army knife for reversers. With its 400 functions, every reverser tool created to this date has been covered through its fabric. Best yet, TitanEngine can be automated. It is suitable for more than just file unpacking. TitanEngine can be used to make new tools that work with PE files. Support for both x86 and x64 systems make this framework the only framework supporting work with PE32+ files. As such, it can be used to create all known types of unpackers. Engine is open source making it open to modifications that will only ease its integration into existing solutions and would enable creation of new ones suiting different project needs.TitanEngine SDK contains:∙Integrated x86/x64 debugger∙Integrated x86/x64 disassembler∙Integrated memory dumper∙Integrated import tracer & fixer∙Integrated relocation fixer∙Integrated file realigner∙Functions to work with TLS, Resources, Exports,…Introduction to TitanMistSecurity is notoriously disunited. Every year multiple tools and projects are released and never maintained. TitanMist is its inverse opposite. Built on top of TitanEngine, it provides automation and manages all known and good PEID signatures, unpacking scripts and other tools in one unified tool. TitanMist is the nicely packaged and open source catch all tool that will become your first line of defense. The project also goes beyond pure tool development. It builds a forum to share information and reverse engineering experience built around the biggest online and collaborative knowledge base about software packers.With the increase in packed and protected malicious payloads, collaboration and quick response between researchers has become critical. As new sample numbers are quickly closing to 40M samples per year, solution to this problem has to come from reverse engineers themselves, integrating the work that they have done in the past and they continue to do. Huge databases of format identification data and unpacking scripts can be reused in a way to maximize automation. Yet, where do we find a definite collection of functional tools, identification signatures and unpacking tools? And how do we integrate them in a meaningful and accurate way?TitanMist approaches these problems in a manner recognizable to every reverse engineer. It aims to mimic, but automate, the reversing process enabling everyone to easily create unpackers and integrate them in an extensible system. This builds a powerful and fast growing community analysis tool. Overcoming the most basic problems of reverse engineering problems was the top priority for the TitanMist project. Hoping to bridge the programming knowledge barrier which troubles many reverse engineers TitanMist introduces a variety of programming languages in which unpackers can be written in.TitanMist goes beyond languages that compile to native code relying heavily on popular and easy to learn script languages. Backed up by LUA and Python this project makes coding unpackers a much simpler task. However the challenge of making TitanMist as easy to adopt and extend as possible meant that the project has to go further than extending support for more programming languages. Knowing that most of reverse engineers are familiar with debugger level script language OllyScript we added the support for it as well. Combined with the full TitanEngine functionality these scripts become powerful automated unpackers which combined with the layer of file format identification create a unique database of file analysis tools.Creating an unpacker for TitanMist There is hardly a software protection nowadays that has only a single layer of code containing the whole stub code. Even some software packers such as PeCompact implement multiple layers in the process of software decompression. It is common for these additional layers to do the most interesting protection operations, such as memory decompression, import table processing and entry point protection and redirection. Therefore in order to fully dynamically unpack these kinds of protections we need to move through the layers and collect the needed data along the way. The protection we have chosen to analyze is AlexProtector because it uses a multiple layer protection model along with other interesting protection features. During analysis of this protection, we will encounter: obfuscations, antidebugging, antitracing, antiemulation, checksum checks, import elimination and stolen bytes at the entry point. Quite an impressive list of protections found in software protection from 2004, which is why we at the ReversingLabs commonly use it as an introduction to more complex protection solutions.The entry point of the packed file gives us a vague clue on how interesting this analysis will be. It looks like this:PUSHADCALL L002L002:POP EBPSUB EBP,00401006CALL 00407036JMP L007DB E9L007:MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+C]JMP SHORT 0040701EThe usual method of getting the code offset delta via CALL/POP, followed by simple obfuscations and the first packer controlled exception. Luckily for us the whole first protection layer is unprotected, so basic stub functions are accessible from start. They include antidebugging functions and more importantly, the decompression of the main protection layer and the transfer of control to it. This first layer's primary point of interest is the layer control transfer. To locate that part of the code we scroll down a bit and spot the aplib decompression code. That recognizable code:PUSHADMOV ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+24]MOV EDI,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+28]CLDMOV DL,80XOR EBX,EBXMOVS BYTE PTR ES:[EDI],BYTE PTR DS:[ESI]...SUB EDI,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+28]MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+1C],EDIPOPADRETIt is located at offset +0x108 relative to the entry point. Since it is common for protectors to compress and/or encrypt their layers, setting a hardware breakpoint here seems like a good place to start. After a few exceptions we finally hit it, and we can collect the needed data from this function's input parameters. If we take a look at the stack we can see these numbers:0012FF50 00407AB9 RETURN to 00407AB9 from 00407108 ;Called from0012FF54 00408531 00408531 ;Packed layer content0012FF58 00330000 ;Allocated layer bufferIf we look at the address from which the layer decompression was called, we see:CALL 00407108 ;aPLib decompressionADD ESP,8PUSHAD ;AntiTracing via RDTSC...ADD ESP,4RDTSCMOV EBX,EAX...ADD ESP,4MOV ECX,EDX...ADD ESP,4RDTSCSUB EAX,EBX...ADD ESP,4SBB EDX,ECXRDTSCADD EAX,EBX...ADD ESP,4ADC EDX,ECXRDTSCSUB EAX,EBX...ADD ESP,4...ADD ESP,4SBB EDX,ECX...ADD ESP,4TEST EDX,EDXJNZ SHORT 00407B36 ;Executed if code is tracedPOPADThis antitrace code is repeated throughout the code many times, and it is also present in all API redirections. Following this is a single exception that is executed just before control is transferred tosecond protection layer. Instruction JMP EDI, which is located just above the custom memory checksum algorithm, transfers the control to the next layer. That next layer starts like this:JMP L003L001:JMP L004L003:JMP L001L004:CALL L036TEST AL,83LES EAX,FWORD PTR DS:[EAX+EDX*4]NOPThis protection layer holds all information necessary for unpacker coding in this layer. Imports are handled at these locations:+0x9A5: PUSH EBXLEA EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+401108]CALL NEAR EDX;decompress IAT dataADD ESP,8MOV EDI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4023A9]+0x9B7: CMP BYTE PTR DS:[EDI],0C3JNZ 00330A8CADD EDI,2PUSH EDICALL NEAR DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4024C8] ;GetModuleHandleATEST EAX,EAX...+0xA95: INC EDIPUSH EDIPUSH DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+40247C]CALL NEAR DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4024C4] ;GetProcAddressXOR EBX,EBXPUSHADAnd this is where we have a choice to either place breakpoints at these locations or analyze a memory buffer holding IAT data. That buffer is decompressed just before it is processed. If we examine it, we see the following pattern:typedef struct ALEX_IAT_DLL{BYTE DLLSignature; //0xC3BYTE DLLNameLength;// DLLName[DLLNameLength] followed by 0x00}ALEX_IAT_DLL, *PALEX_IAT_DLL;typedef struct ALEX_IAT_APIENTRY{BYTE APINameLength;// APIName[APINameLength] followed by 0x00BYTE RedirectionNumber; //Number of redirectionsDWORD RedirectionAddress[RedirectionNumber];}ALEX_IAT_APIENTRY, *PALEX_IAT_APIENTRY;Either choice is a good one. However AlexProtector uses a protection technique called "import elimination" which means that parts of the code section which are used as call gates to Windows API are damaged and must be fixed. This data is stored in the import structure we just analyzed. However there is a problem with this since we don't know the original location of the import table and we must reserve some space for it. The solution to this problem is to reserve space in the new section but a detailed description on how to do this will be done next week in part two, when we create the unpacker for AlexProtector.Solving the problem of imports leaves us with just one more problem, the entry point. After some quick tracing we find this code part:+0x107B: MOV ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+402385] ;SS:[00408385]=004012E6ADD EAX,EBXMOV BYTE PTR DS:[EAX],0E9 ;Write jump to EPINC EAXMOV ECX,ESI...+0x11E5: MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+1C],EAXPOPADJMP NEAR EAX;Jump to stolen EP code...MOV EDI,DFB4AF72LEA EDI,DWORD PTR DS:[1A58BA5F]DEC EDISHRD EDI,ESI,0F2BSR EDI,ESITEST EDI,2730DC5CTEST EDI,874CDC1CAND EDI,9378C643JMP 004012E6 ;True jump to EPThe first part of this code at +0x107B writes the jump to entry point, more specifically the first instruction after a few instructions that have been stolen. Since those stolen instructions must be executed, the protector creates yet another layer which is executed just before the jump to entry point. That layer contains the stolen instructions, and a jump at the end of that code leads to the protected file code section. Stolen instructions are mixed with the junk instructions so it’s easiest to dump this layer to new sections and fix the jump to entry point. This was the last piece of information needed to create an unpacker for this protection. Choices of various script languages or native code programming languages for creating one are before us. You can find the source code for these within the TitanMist package.References and tools[1] TitanMist –/[2] Knowledge base –/。
网御 SIS-3000 安全隔离与信息交换系统 V1.0(千兆) 第二级
网康互联网控制网关 NS-ICG/V5.5.1(安全审计产品) 基本级
EAL4 增 强级
绿盟安全审计系统 V5.6
绿盟网络入侵检测系统 V5.6?(百兆)
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证书 状态 有效 有效 有效 有效 有效 有效 有效 有效 有效 有效
序 证书号
14 15 16 17 18 19
21 22 23 24
产品名称及型号/版本 捷普入侵检测系统 JIDS-N1000/V3.0(千兆)
捷普信息审计系统 JBCA/V3.0
捷普主机监控与审计系统 JHAUDIT/V2.0 SecowayUSG2000?防火墙 V3.3(百兆) SecowayUSG5000?防火墙 V3.3(千兆) QuidwayEudemon200E 防火墙 V3.3(百兆) QuidwayEudemon1000E 防火墙 V3.3(千兆) 华堂千兆网络安全防御系统 V4.3(防火墙产品) 华堂网络安全防御系统 V4.0(防火墙产品)(百兆)
有限公司 北京天融信 科技有限公
司 北京天融信 科技有限公
司 北京网御星 云信息技术
有限公司 杭州迪普科 技有限公司 北京网御星 云信息技术
有限公司 北京网御星 云信息技术
发证时间 2009-12-10 2009-12-22 2009-12-24 2009-12-24 2009-12-24
博世 安全系统-法拉登VIVIDIO应用程序 步骤配置 说明书
From Nuremberg BT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.2023Release LetterProduct: VIDEOJET decoder 7000 VJD-7513Version: Firmware 10.40.0055This letter contains latest information about the above-mentioned product.1. GeneralThis firmware release 10.40.0055 is a feature release based on FW 10.31.0005.Changes since last release FW 10.31.0005 are marked in blue.VIDEOJET decoder 7000 uses robust, fan-less technology designed for ambitious environmental conditions while providing maximum performance on minimum space in a nicely designed industrial housing.VIDEOJET decoder 7000 displays video from Standard Definition (SD), High Definition (HD), 4K Ultra High Definition (UHD), and Megapixel (MP) cameras and encoders using H.265, H.264 or MPEG-4 encoding at up to 60 frames per second over IP networks.VIDEOJET decoder 7000 is the successor of VIDEOJET decoder 8000 (VJD-8000, VJD-8000-N). It is using the same housing but comes with different video output interfaces and provides improved performance and functionality.Notes:•Firmware update may take several minutes due to a large cumulative Microsoft patch.•This firmware includes OpenSSL.From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20232. Applicable products•VIDEOJET decoder 7000, VJD-75133. New Features•SRTP for encrypted multicast traffic is supported. This allows fully secured communication with and video streaming from CPP13 and CPP14 cameras in multicast environments.•SNMPv3 trap service has been added, including the support of SNMP-related RCP+ commands for configuration.• A JPEG snapshot is now possible from each of the displays, including JPEG quality settings parameter.•Display order can be re-arranged in case Windows display detection differs from mechanical order.•The default layout is depending on the display number to simplify the identification of display order. The number of video windows per display increases as square of the display number.•The web interface of the decoder has been updated to the latest style guide and re-structured to ease usage for installation, licensing, and integration purposes.o The new web pages provide links to documentation and include a live preview.o Maintenance log file creation and download is supported by a workflow mechanism.o A keyboard emulator supports initial setup for IP Matrix even without keyboard connected.From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20234. Changes•The Video SDK as one of the core components for the decoder firmware has been updated to latest version 6.40, providing a great number of improvements and fixes, mainly aroundONVIF and RTSP support, increasing the overall robustness.•An issue is fixed for banner upload when banners are activated.•An issue is fixed for zooming out in client dewarping mode of panoramic camera streams.•An issue is fixed where client dewarping was not working on line 1 of a panoramic camera in onboard dewarping mode. Onboard dewarping is only available for lines 2 and higher, line 1 always provides the full warped image circle.•An issue with DNS server configuration is fixed.•An issue is fixed where CPP13 and CPP14 cameras were not correctly connected in camera sequences.•Maintenance log file download is improved, supported by the new web interface structure.•An issue is fixed where daylight saving time was incorrectly reflected in time zone offset calculation.5. System RequirementsFor configuration purposes:•Configuration Manager 7.61 or newerFor operation purposes:•Bosch Video Management System 12.0 or higherNote that not all features may be supported by BVMS yet.Please refer to BVMS release notes.From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20236. Restrictions; Known Issues•Connecting encrypted streams without proper signalling may result in crashing the software decoder instance, resulting in black video displayed.•Alarms will not be signaled with a red border around the cameo if connection was established using CONNECT_PRIMITIVE.•Using CONNECT_PRIMITIVE via TCP is not possible.•CONNECT_PRIMITIVE does not support "first available" feature.•Audio may remain audible despite layout change to other than single view.•RCP+ command CONF_ALARM_CONNECT_TO_IP is not supported.•Alarm connection does not support audio, nor does it include metadata.•Maximum password length is 19 characters.•With “Reconnect last devices” active camera connections are stored and automatically reconnected after reboot. To avoid deadlock in case of an overload situation the automaticreconnect will be deactivated after the decoder was forced into reboot for ten times within 10 minutes.•Monitors may be swapped after update. Swap back is possible using Configuration Manager.•IP Matrix pre-requisites for multi-decoder clustering:o Fixed IP addresses must be assigned; DHCP configuration is not functional.o Passwords for service level must be same on all clustered decoders.o Passwords for user level must be same on all clustered decoders.•After removing a slave decoder from the IP Matrix master, both decoders must be restarted.•Camera sequences are paused when picture-in-picture mode is activated.•Time related settings may appear in Configuration Manager only with delay or after a reboot.•Monitors connected to the Display Port via USB-C may not always be detected during booting.In this case, unplug and reconnect the adapter or cable to the monitor. If only one monitor isused it is recommended to connect to the direct HDMI output.•Log file download stability may be affected by workload of decoder. As a workaround, the download may need to be repeated, or the workload of the decoder may need to be reduced (disconnect all camera streams).•Time zone configuration is only supported via TIME_ZONE_STRING.•The KBD-DIGITAL keyboard is locked automatically during start-up of the decoder, or with re-connect. It will be unlocked after entering the PIN but the lock screen will remain until the next action on the keyboard.•Certificates used with the decoder must not have any Windows policies defined.•DNS resolution is not implemented yet, thus time server entry only works with IP addresses.•Dewarping zoom does not work correctly for panoramic cameras in on-board dewarping mode for camera line 1.•Overload messages and traps may appear too sensitive in cases where display refresh rates are lower than video stream frame rates.From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20237. Previous Revisions7.1. New Features with 10.31.0005•Support for HOST_NAME to get and set the device’s hostname; only supported in extended configuration mode.•Support for DNS_SERVER_IP_STRING to get and set primary and secondary DNS server IPv4 addresses.7.2. Changes with 10.31.0005•Optimized transparent data processing time to allow adequate transparent data pass-through for serial PTZ keyboard.•An issue is fixed to apply e-PTZ presets correctly in camera sequences.•Feature loss due to suppressing encrypted UDP multicast connections for Bosch IP cameras with firmware 8 and higher, and fall back to TCP, tunneled via HTTPS control connection.(This feature will be added again with FW 10.40.)From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20237.3. New Features with 10.30.0005•The default setting for Automatic IPv4 address assignment is set to “DHCP plus Link-Local”.Though this might seem a small change, it may have an impact:The former default IP address will virtually become obsolete.Instead, the camera will assign itself an auto-IP address out of the range to169.254.254.255 as long as there is no other IP address assigned by a DHCP server.(https:///wiki/Link-local_address)The advantage is that there are no more duplicate IP addresses, which is consideredprohibited in a network.•Network authentication 802.1x with EAP/TLS has been added.Please note that the server certificate needs to get the usages ‘Trust’ and ‘EAP_TLS_Trusted’ assigned.The client certificate will get the necessary usages assigned automatically.•The possibility of large banner overlays has been introduced.o Banners can be uploaded as images that can be displayed over three areas: top, center and bottom. The images are scaled to fill the area and cropped wherenecessary.o Banners can be sequenced with a configurable dwell time.o Configuration Manager 7.60 is supporting this with upload and banner sequence configuration, including banner previews.•Set and recall prepositions for moving cameras (AUTODOME, MIC) as well as for ONVIF PTZ cameras via keyboard has been added to the IP Matrix functionality.•Images can be uploaded to the decoder for two purposes, using Configuration Manager. The images shall be in JPG format and must be named as follows:o‘monitor background’ image, shown as background of an empty video window: ‘Logo.jpg’o‘’no camera’ image, shown on connection failure: ‘NoCamLogo.jpg’7.4. Changes with 10.30.0005•An issue was fixed where uploading a new video loss image did not break the software seal.From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20237.5. Changes with 10.23.0002• A security vulnerability has been fixed where a crafted configuration packet sent by an authenticated administrative user can be used to execute arbitrary commands in systemcontext (CVE-2021-23862).For more details refer to our Security Advisory BOSCH-SA-043434-BT, published at ourSecurity Advisory web pagehttps:///xc/en/support/product-security/security-advisories.htmlor visit our PSIRT website at https://.7.6. New Features with 10.22.0038•APIPA (link-local address, Auto-IP) is used instead of a default IP address when DHCP is on and no DHCP server responded.•Transparent data pass-through for serial PTZ keyboard (SERIAL_PORT_APP_VAL and TRANSFER_TRNSPARENT_DATA) has been added.•Support of RCP+ via CGI (including WRITE commands) has been added.•HTTP digest authentication is supported for RCP+ via CGI.•Display orientation can be changed per line via RCP+.•RCP+ WRITE command MONITOR_NAME now supported for custom monitor names.•Updated RCP+ documentation is now available via the VIDEOJET decoder webpage.•Download of screen and tile snapshots via snap.jpg is now supported (requires at least user privileges).•Firmware update on-screen countdown dialog now shows a heartbeat whenever a single update step takes longer.•Support of CONNECT_URL read queries to get current video connection details, including current digital and dewarping zoom settings, has been added.•Support of various digital and dewarping zoom persistence modes(DIGITAL_ZOOM_PERSISTENCE_MODE) has been added.•Support of SYSTEM_DATETIME_V2 to read/write UTC system time has been added.•Support for new Sentinel RMS licenses has been added. Legacy licenses can now also be based on new installation code (lock code from Sentinel RMS).From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20237.7. Changes with 10.22.0038•IP Matrix initialization is now working also for camera lines larger than 1.•RCP+ response for query on connected cameras is now working correctly.•URL extension for camera configuration in IP Matrix is no longer truncated.•An issue with an unexpected application restart has been fixed.•The DECODER_GROUP command is no longer supported when decoder IP address is not static. This disables the whole IP matrix configuration pages in Configuration Manager until a static IP is configured in the decoder’s network settings.•Improvements were made for log export via webpage and via Configuration Manager.•KBD-DIGITAL keyboard PIN is now used immediately without application restart.•KBD-DIGITAL keyboard PIN is now required whenever keyboard is attached and at application start.•Display orientation is now working for further monitor types.•Support of further USB to serial COM port adapters for KBD-DIGITAL keyboard connectivity.o Current: Prolific PL2303 [hardware ID USB\VID_067B&PID_2303]o New: Prolific PL2303GT [hardware ID USB\VID_067B&PID_23C3]o New: ATEN UC232A [hardware ID USB\VID_0557&PID_2008]o New: Unitek Y-108 [hardware ID FTDIBUS\VID_0403+PID_6001]o CableCreation CD0489 (PL2303) [hardware ID USB\VID_067B&PID_2303] is compatible to the already supported Prolific PL2303 adapter.Please note that the KBD-DIGITAL keyboard connectivity requires continuous maintenance, since new or not listed USB-to-serial COM port adapters typically require the installation of a suitable driver on the VIDEOJET decoder and an adaption of the hardware ID filter in thekeyboard detection software module. Newer USB adapters may require a firmware update to become supported.From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20237.8. New Features with 10.01.0036Security• A protected configuration mode has been implemented, allowing too enable SSD encryption (BitLocker) and too disable USB ports, e.g. for installation of the decoder in public areas.•The configuration of the decoder can be protected by Software Sealing, similar to IP cameras.•The latest Microsoft Windows security updates have been included.Miscellaneous• A dewarped cutout from panoramic cameras can be defined with PTZ coordinates.• A new way to control and integrate the decoder into a management system has been added by a JSON RPC API. This allows to send commands and retrieve status information via JSON remote procedure calls. The API documentation is added to the distribution package.• A video output capture service (VOCS) has been implemented which could be activated via a license, applicable per display output. This service captures the memory of the video outputand encodes it into a camera-like video stream, which can be recorded via Video StreamingGateway (VSG) onto iSCSI storage.• A time server can be added to synchronize the decoder.•Decoder log file can be downloaded via Configuration Manager. This is especially recommended when download of the log file is not working correctly via web browser.7.9. Changes with 10.01.0036•Upload of background image and connection loss image to the decoder and reverting them to default is now also possible with service password set. The former restriction is obsolete.•Various minor bug fixes.From NurembergBT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.20237.10. New Features with 9.60.0017IP Matrix enhancements•KBD-DIGITAL is supported in addition to KBD-UNIVERSAL XF.This keyboard requires a serial-to-USB adapter to connect to the decoder.Both keyboards can be mixed in a clustered multi-decoder IP Matrix, one keyboard perdecoder.•Playback from local recording is supported.Permission is configured via Configuration Manager for the whole IP Matrix, valid for all users.•Buttons for next and previous camera have been added to the KBD-UXF functions.•Audio can be switched on or off via keyboard.•Camera channels can be extended via license up to 64 cameras per decoder unit.Note:IP Matrix manual is now separated intoo One configuration manual for IP Matrixo One operation manual for IP Matrix using KBD-UXFo One operation manual for IP Matrix using KBD-DIGITALSecurity•The latest Microsoft Windows security updates have been included.Miscellaneous•Background image and connection loss image can be uploaded to the decoder, replacing the default images. Reverting them to default is done by uploading an empty image.Note: Upload is only possible in conjunction with an empty service password.7.11. Changes with 9.60.0017•Temperature control margin increased to improve maximum performance at the specified maximum temperature, covering component tolerances, and to ensure that all productsadhere fully to their specification.•Various minor bug fixes.Security SystemsFromNuremberg BT-VS/MKP-XPT Product Management 20.04.202311BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany 7.12. Features with initial release 9.51• VIDEOJET decoder 7000 displays video from Standard Definition (SD), High Definition (HD),4K Ultra High Definition (UHD), and Megapixel (MP) cameras and encoders using H.264 or MPEG -4 encoding at up to 60 frames per second over IP networks.• VIDEOJET decoder 7000 provides an HDMI and a DisplayPort (via USB-C connector) output, both capable of driving up to 4K UHD displays simultaneously.• Display settings are automatically discovered and set for optimal display performance. • Monitor layouts can be switched independently for each display.• Upright monitors (portrait mode) are supported.• Video window (cameo) aspect ratio can be set to 16:9, 9:16, 3:4, or 1:1.• Active camera connections and layout are stored and automatically reconnected after reboot if configured. To avoid deadlock in case of an overload situation the automatic reconnect will be deactivated after VIDEOJET decoder 7000 was forced into reboot for 3 times within 10 minutes.• Video smoothing can be configured.• RTSP connections are supported, enabling connectivity to 3rd party and ONVIF cameras. • Discovery port is configurable.• Cameo distance is configurable.• VIDEOJET decoder 7000 supports IP Matrix application as built-in feature.• VIDEOJET decoder 7000 is able to display VCA metadata.• VIDEOJET decoder 7000 provides bi-directional G.711 audio for the video stream shown in single view on the first monitor.• Configuration is done using the Configuration Manager.• The number of decoders presented in capabilities is configurable to regulate the consumption of VMS licenses. Default value is 30.• System access is password-protected with two levels.• The system firmware can be upgraded remotely.• System API is compatible to predecessor VIDEOJET decoder 8000 for easy plug-and-play integration.• Operating temperature iso 0 °C to +50 °C (+32 °F to +122 °F) ambient temperature, with airflow o 0 °C to +40 °C (+32 °F to +104 °F) ambient temperature, still airFor detailed functional description of inherited firmware features, please refer to the VIDEOJET decoder 8000 firmware 9.51 release notes.For detailed technical specification, please refer to the datasheet.。
西门子WinCC flexible 2004使用入门(选件)
警告 表示如果不采取相应的小心措施,可能导致死亡或者严重的人身伤害。
小心 带有警告三角,表示如果不采取相应的小心措施,可能导致轻微的人身伤害。
小心 不带警告三角,表示如果不采取相应的小心措施,可能导致财产损失。
注意 表示如果不注意相应的提示,可能会出现不希望的结果或状态。 当出现多个危险等级的情况下,每次总是使用最高等级的警告提示。如果在某个警告提示中带有警告可能导致人身 伤害的警告三角,则可能在该警告提示中另外还附带有可能导致财产损失的警告。
4 通过 OPC 采集操作数据. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.1 什么是 OPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.2 将 “BottlingStation”组态为 OPC 服务器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 4.3 组态编程设备为 OPC 客户机 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
WinCC flexible 2004 使用入门 - 选件 使用入门 : 版本 2004/09
2 使用 Sm@rtAccess
网神SecFox运维安全管理与审计系统运维审计操作手册Legendsec SecFox Security Management SystemOperation?auditOperation manual网神信息技术(北京)股份有限公司版权说明本文的内容是网神SecFox运维安全管理与审计系统操作手册。
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Intrusion DetectorReference Guide2 | Bosch Security SystemsTable of ContentsIntroduction3Blue Line Series6Commercial Series8Professional Series10Classic Line12RADION wireless18Specialty Sensors20Detector Reference Guide | 3Security you can rely onWhether you are securing a home, retail store, bank, museum, commercial business or government facility, you need dependability from your systems. With decades of experience and an unwavering dedication to high-quality and high-performing products, Bosch detectors provide best-in-class false alarm immunity and catch performance while minimizing installation time and complexity. Millions of residential and commercial users rely on Bosch for superior intrusion detection.Bosch is recognized throughout the security industry as a global leader in intrusion detection expertise. We have earned this reputation by consistently providing products that meet your needs with a focus on performance, reliability, durability, and ease of installation.Bosch detectors fulfill the requirements of standards allover the world. In the state-of-the-art Bosch laboratory, we verify that our detectors pass the most stringent requirements of each certification standard. Bosch also designs its own, even more demanding, tests to ensure the detectors are virtually immune to environmental disturbances. As a result, false alarm protection and catch performance exceed the requirements of any single country. With Bosch detectors, there is no hiding place for intruders and zero tolerance for false alarms.4| Bosch Security SystemsWall-to-Wall coverageExcellent catch performanceFirst Step Processing intelligently analyzes motionfor an almost instant response to intruders. Thedetectors automatically adjust to their environment bycompensating for temperature fluctuations, so you areguaranteed optimal performance regardless of changesin room conditions.For more challenging applications, models with SensorData Fusion technology employ a sophisticated softwarealgorithm to analyze signals from multiple sensors,including microwave, temperature, and white light levels,to make the most intelligent alarm decisions in thesecurity industry.No more false alarmsBosch detectors feature Microwave Noise AdaptiveProcessing to easily differentiate humans from falsealarm sources, such as a ceiling fan or hanging sign.For increased reliability, dual sensors process the PIR andmicrowave Doppler radar signals independently and mustagree there is an alarm before the relay activates. Thesealed optical chamber also prevents drafts and insectsfrom affecting the detector. Bosch pet and small animalimmunity provides optimal sensitivity for any application.Minimize time on the ladderBosch detectors include a number of uniquedesign features to help you get the job done fasterand more reliably.▶ A self-locking, two-piece enclosure means no more lostscrews and an easy snap-to-lock installation▶ Integrated biaxial bubble level eliminates the guessworkto ensure proper alignment, requiring one lessinstallation tool▶ The removable, gap-free, liftgate-style terminal stripr educes mounting time to mere seconds and preventsincorrect wiring to eliminate future service calls▶ Optics and electronics are assembled into the frontenclosure and sealed with a protective cover to preventdamage during installation▶ A flexible mounting height makes positioning thedetector easy, and you get no-gap coverage withoutany optical or electronic on-site adjustmentsDetector Reference Guide | 5Ideal for any applicationIntelligent intrusion detection is a delicate balance between responding to real security breaches and ignoring sources of costly false alarms. Bosch offers a choice of detector models that set the standard for reliability and rapid detection.Our intrusion detectors suit the requirements of virtually any application — from residential to large commercial to high security. They stand up to multiple challenges, including strong drafts, moving objects, and the presence of pets.Our complete line includes:▶ Passive Infrared (PIR) and TriTech®(Combination PIR and microwave Dopper radar) – Long-range – 360° ceiling mount – Pet friendly®▶ Request-to-exit PIR ▶ Glass break ▶ Seismic and shock ▶ Photoelectric beam▶ Wireless communication6| Bosch Security SystemsBlue Line Gen2 Series Detection is PowerPIRStandardPet Friendly®Quad PIR* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useDetector Reference Guide | 7 TriTech® (PIR + MW)Standard Pet Friendly®8| Bosch Security SystemsCommercial SeriesDetection delivered. Reliability assured.TriTech (PIR + MW)StandardAnti-maskas curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useDetector Reference Guide | 910| Bosch Security SystemsProfessional SeriesIntelligent Motion DetectionPIRTriTech® (PIR + MW)StandardAnti-maskStandard* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useTriTech® (PIR + MW)Anti-mask CurtainAnti-mask CurtainClassic Line Long Range PIRLong-range* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useTriTech® (PIR + MW)Long-range OutdoorClassic Line Ceiling Mount PIRCurtain Wide angleLow-profile Panoramicas curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor usePIR TriTech®(PIR + MW)PIR TriTech® (PIR + MW)PanoramicHigh-Performance PanoramicPIRRecessedas curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useRADION wireless†Superior Range and Reliability PIR TriTech® (PIR + MW) Pet Friendly® Standard Pet Friendly® Curtain Pet Friendly®Standard† Wireless peripherals require a compatible receiver. B810 RADION receiver is compatible with SDI2 bus panels (B Series and G Series); RFRC-OPT is compatible with Option bus panels; RFRC-STR is compatible with Streamline bus panels.* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useGlass break Door/Window Contacts OtherAcoustic Surface Mount RecessedMount Universal Transmitter SmokePortable Other Keyfob Panic Button Bill TrapPremises Wireless (ZigBee) RADION ZB PIR TriTech® (PIR+MW) StandardStandard* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86°F (30°C), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32° to 120°F (0° to 49°C), indoor use.*** Power source has capacity for an additional battery increasing the battery life from 6 to 10 years (RFPR-ZB) or from 3 to 6 years (RFDL-ZB).**** All models feature a two-piece design, self-locking enclosure, interchangeable mounting base and integrated bubble level.Specialty Request-to-exit PIRStandardHigh-performance* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useSpecialty Glass Break AcousticStandardComboMagneticContactSpecialty Photoelectric Beam Dual BeamShort RangeMedium Range* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useSpecialty Photoelectric Beam Quad BeamMedium RangeLong Range* QS — single channel QF — four channelSpecialty Seismic/ShockSeismic Shock StandardHigh-performanceStandard* Difficult environments include rooms with potential false alarm sources, such as: air conditioning vents, strong drafts of cold or warm air, slow moving objects such as curtains, plants, or signs hanging from the ceiling, a fan that could be running when the system is activated, under floor heating, room temperatures exceeding 86℉ (30℃), a detector that could be exposed to bright white light (car headlights, floodlights, direct sunlight, etc.)** For UL installations the operating range is 32℉ to 120℉ (0℃ to 49℃), indoor useN e wAccessoriesNotesDetector Reference Guide | 31 NotesA Tradition of Quality and Innovation For 125 years, the Bosch name has stood for quality and reliability. Bosch is the global supplier of choice for innovative technology backed by the highest standards for service and support. Bosch Security Systems proudlyoffers a wide range of security, safety, communications and sound solutions that are relied upon every day in applications around the world, from government facilities and public venues to businesses, schools and homes. Bosch Security Systems, Inc.130 Perinton ParkwayFairport, NY 14450 USAPhone: 800.289.0096Fax: 585.223.9180For more information please visit © Bosch Security Systems, 2016 Modifications reservedPrinted in United States | 10/16BINBR_DETECT-REF_v20161028。
Hope Industrial Systems, Inc. 15英寸面板挂载工业监控器Revisio
Hope Industrial Systems, Inc.User Manual15” Panel Mount Industrial MonitorRevision EModel Numbers: HIS-ML15- _ _ _ ETABLE OF CONTENTSSafety and Regulation Information (3)Factory Preset Timing (4)Setting the Timing Mode (5)OSD and Power Lock Settings (6)Adjusting the Screen Image (7)Main Menu Controls (9)Information for Resistive Touchscreen Monitors (13)Installation Instructions (14)Cleaning (16)Troubleshooting (17)Drawings (18)Specifications (20)Warranty Statement (23)2Safety and Regulatory InformationWarningTo prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. Dangerously high voltages are present inside the unit. Do not disassemble the unit. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.This equipment is not intended for use in critical applications where its failure to operate would create immediate life threatening circumstances. Applica-tions including but no limited to nuclear reactor control, aerospace navigation systems and life support systems are not appropriate for this product.This product is intended to be mounted in a suitable cabinet or other enclosure. The NEMA 4, 4x or 12 ratings are applicable only when properly installed in a like rated enclosure.This product is a UL Recognized Component and must be used with a listed computer.FCC NoticeThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. Any changes or modifica-tions not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the user’s authority to operate the device.3Factory Preset Timing* Factory recommended timings for best picture quality4Setting the Timing ModeSetting the computer’s timing mode is important for maximizing the quality of the screen image and minimizing eye strain. The timing mode consists of the screen resolution (ex. 1024 x 768) and the refresh rate (ex. 60 Hz or vertical frequency). After setting the computer’s timing mode, use the OSD (On Screen Display) controls to adjust the screen image.For the best picture quality set your LCD display timing mode to:1024 x 768 @ 60Hz.To set the timing mode on a computer running Microsoft Windows:1. Set the resolution: Right-click on the Windows desktop > Properties> Settings > adjust the resolution.2. Set the refresh rate: See your graphic card’s user guide for instruc-tions.Warning: Do not set the graphics card in your computer to exceed the maximum refresh rate of 75 Hz; doing so may result in permanent damage to your LCD display.5OSD and Power Lock SettingsOSD Lock:Press and hold the up arrow for 10 seconds. Locking theOSD disables the OSD buttons. If any buttons are pressed, the message OSD Locked will display for 5 seconds.OSD Unlock:Press and hold the up arrow again for 10 seconds.Power Button Lock:Locking the power button disables it. If the power button is pressed, the message Power Button Locked will display for 5 seconds. With or without this setting, after a power failure, your LCD display’s power will automatical-ly turn ON when power is restored.Press and hold the down arrow again for 10Power Button Unlock:seconds.67Adjusting the Screen ImageUse the buttons on the rear control panel to display and adjust the OSD controls which dis-play on the screen.81. To display the Main Menu, press button [1].Note: All OSD menus and adjustment screens disappear automatically after about 15 seconds. This is adjustable through the OSD timeout setting in the setup menu.2.To select a control to adjust, press or to scroll up or down in the Main Menu. 3. After the desired control is selected, press button [2]. A control screen like the oneshown below appears.4. To adjust the setting, press the up or downbuttons.5. To save the adjustments and exit the menu, press button [1] twice .The following tips may help optimize your display:• Adjust the computer’s graphics card so that it outputs a 1024 x 768 @ 60 Hz videosignal to the LCD display. (Look for instructions on “changing the refresh rate” in the graphics card’s user guide.)• If necessary, make small adjustments using H. POSITION and V. POSITION untilthe screen image is completely visible. (The black border around the edge of the screen should barely touch the illuminated “active area” of the LCD display.)9Main Menu ControlsAdjust the menu items shown below by using the up and downbuttons.Control ExplanationAuto Image Adjust automatically sizes, centers, and fine tunes the video signal to eliminate waviness and distortion. Press the [2] button to execute Auto Image Adjust.Note: Auto Image Adjust works with most common video cards. If this function does not work on your LCD display, lower the video refresh rate to60 Hz and set the resolution to its pre-set value.Contrast adjusts the difference between the image background (blacklevel) and the foreground (white level).Brightnessadjusts background black level of the screen image.Color Adjust provides several color adjustment modes, including preset color temperatures and a User Color mode which allows independent ad-justment of red (R), green (G), and blue (B). The factory setting for this product is 6500K (6500 Kelvin).10sRGB – This is quickly becoming the industry standard for color manage-ment, with support included in many of the latest applications. Enabling this setting allows the LCD display to more accurately display colors the way they were originally intended. Enabling the sRGB setting will cause the Contract and Brightness adjustment to be disabled.9300K – Adds blue to the screen image for cooler white (used in most of-fice settings with fluorescent lighting).6500K – Adds red to the screen image for warmer white and richer red.5400K – Adds green to the screen image for a darker color.User Color – Individual adjustments for red (R), green (G), and blue (B).1. To select color (R, G, or B) press button [2].2. To adjust selected color, press or .3. When all color adjustments are complete, press button [1] twice.Information displays the timing mode (video signal input) coming from the graphics card in the computer, the LCD model number, and the serial number. See your graphics card’s user guide for instruction on changing the resolution and refresh rate (vertical frequency).Note: VESA 1024 x 768 @ 60 Hz (recommended) means that the resolu-tion is 1024 x 768 and the refresh rate is 60 Hertz.H./V. Position (Horizontal/Vertical Position) moves the screen image left or right and up or down. Press button [[2] to toggle between Horizontal and Vertical. The Horizontal setting moves the screen image to the left or to the right. The Vertical setting moves the screen image up and down.H. Size (Horizontal Size) adjusts the width of the screen image.Fine Tune sharpens the focus by aligning text and/or graphics with pixel boundaries.Note: Try the Auto Adjust function before using the Fine Tune control.Sharpnessadjusts the clarity and focus of the screen image.Setup menu displays the menu shown below:Language Select allows the user to choose the language used in the me-nus and control screens. Resolution Notice advises the optimal resolution to use.OSD Position allows the user to move the on-screen display menus andcontrol screens.OSD Timeout sets the length of time the on-screen display screen is dis-played. For example, with a “15 second” setting, if a control is not pushedwithin 15 seconds, the display screen disappears.OSD Background allows the user to turn the On-Screen Display back-ground On or Off.Memory Recall returns the adjustments back to factor settings if the dis-play is operating in a factory Preset Timing Mode listed in the Specifica-tions of this manual.Information for Resistive Touchscreen MonitorsThe enclosed CD-ROM contains documentation and drivers for all major operating systems (touchscreen monitors only). To assure you have the most current information, check the following Internet addresses:/Touchscreen_Drivers.htmInstallation InstructionsPreparing for InstallationImportant! Perform the following steps BEFORE Installation of the monitor into the panel.1. Ensure that sufficient power is available.2. Ensure that sufficient space is available to allow for proper air flowinto and out of the unit.3. Ensure that the air temperature around the unit (top and bottom) willnot exceed the rated specifications of the unit.→The maximum rated temperature of the HIS-ML15 is 50°C (132°F)→Remember that heat rises – the temperature at the top of the cabinet will be much hotter than at the bottom whenthe air is not circulating.→Also, remember that even though this product is de-signed to operate at 50°C, the life span of any electronicdevice is shortened when it is consistently operated athigh temperatures. Therefore it is wise to take steps tokeep the temperature of the ambient air around the unitas low as possible.4. Ensure that the ambient humidity of the air around the unit does notexceed the rated specifications for the unit→The maximum rated humidity for the HIS-ML15 is 90% non-condensingInstallation into Panel1. Refer to the drawing below.2. Locate position in panel for mounting of the monitor. Assure thatthere is adequate space begin the panel. Allow extra space (0.5in. behind and on each side) for air ventilation.3. Cut a rectangular hole in the panel. Clean and deburr.Dimensions: 16.02” (406mm) W x 12.72” (323mm) H ; +/- .020”4. Separate the rear collar from the unit by removing the 12 nuts.5. Insert the unit into the front of the panel and re-attach the collar.6. Tighten all 12 nuts to a torque of 24 inch-pounds to assure a wa-ter-tight seal between the poron bezel gasket on the monitor andequipment panel. HIS will not assume liability for damage to in-ternal electronics due to improper installation.CleaningCAUTION! DO NOT USE ABRASIVE MATERIALS SUCH AS PAPER TOWELS OR DIRTY SHOP RAGS ON THE DISPLAY AS IT WILL SCRATCH THE PROTECTIVE COATING. ALWAYS USE A SOFT CLOTH, PREFERABLY MADE OF COTTON.Resistive Touchscreen modelAny standard glass cleaner can be used to clean the touch-screen. Always spray the glass cleaner on the cloth or toweland then clean the touchscreen. Glass cleaner sprayed di-rectly on the monitor could possibly leak inside a non-sealedunit and cause damage.Vinegar or ammonia will not hurt the touchscreen. Again, spray the cloth and then clean the touchscreen.Tempered Anti-Reflective Glass WindowUse any standard glass cleaner as long as there is no abrasive oroily content. The anti-reflective coatings are physically part of thesurface of the glass and resist degradation to the Military Specifica-tions.Acrylic BezelThe acrylic front bezel can be cleaned in the same manner as thetouchscreen or glass window.TroubleshootingBlank Screen After installing the power adapter and connecting I/O cable to a PC,the monitor displays a blank screen.•Press the power button and check to see if the power LED is lit.•If the LED turns green, make sure the PC is powered on.Make sure all cables are connected.•If the LED turns orange, check to see if the PC is in the powersaving mode by pressing any keys on the keyboard.Rolling Screen•Change PC display resolution to 1280x1024 at 60 Hz refresh.•Unplug the power adapter to monitor and then plug it in again.•Press monitor power button again.•Reset the monitor to the original factory setting.•Press “Auto” button.Unstable Screen•Press the “Auto” button.•Make sure the PC display resolution is not set greater than1024x768 at 60Hz.•Make sure the PC display resolution matches one of the facto-ry preset timings in this manual.•Change the PC display resolution to 1024x768 at 60hz.•Reset the monitor to the factory setting.•Press the “Auto” button.Screen is not perfect•Make sure the PC display resolution matches one the factorypreset timings shown in this manual.•Recall factory setting. Refer to panel controls and OSD func-tions in this manual.•Fine tune the picture by performing the following adjustmentsin this order – pitch, phase, and position. Refer to OSD func-tions in this manual.Auto Adjustment Locked•To unlock press the MENU and AUTO buttons simultaneouslyfor at least 5 seconds. (see page 7)DrawingsFront and Side ViewsRear View (Showing Cutout Dimensions)Rear and Bottom ViewsSpecificationsComplianceEnclosurePhysicalVGA Pin assignmentWarranty StatementWho is Covered?This warranty covers the purchaser of this product only and is not transferable without our written consent.What Does This Warranty Cover and What is the Period of Coverage?We warrant this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship, subject to the condi-tions set forth below. This warranty remains in force for a three-year period beginning on the date we invoice you for the product. If HIS repairs or replaces a product under warranty, its warranty term is not extended.What Will We Do to Correct Problems and How Do You Get Service?We will repair or replace (at our sole option) any part of the unit which proves to be defective. Re-placement parts may be new or refurbished and will meet the same specifications of the original parts or unit. We will return the product to you by the shipping method we choose in the U.S.A. at our expense. You must pay for shipments to locations outside of the U.S.A. In order to receive war-ranty service you must get prior approval from HIS. To request warranty service you can telephone ******************************************************.Ifwedeterminethatwarranty service is needed we will give you a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number. This RMA number must be conspicuously marked on the outside of the shipping box. HIS will not accept shipments not accompanied by the RMA number. You must ship or deliver the product to HIS Freight prepaid.What Does This Warranty Not Cover?This warranty does not cover equipment which has been damaged due to misuse, abuse or accident such as: operating the equipment outside of published specifications; displaying fixed images for long periods of time resulting in afterimage effects; improper or unauthorized repair by anyone other than HIS or a service agency authorized by HIS to perform such repairs; fire, flood, “acts of God”, or other contingencies beyond the control of HIS.HIS’ responsibility for malfunctions and defects in hardware is limited to repair and replacement as set forth in this warranty statement. HIS shall not be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, conse-quential, or other types of damages resulting from the use of any HIS product other than the liability stated above. These warranties are in lieu of all other warranties express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages so the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to you. You are cautioned that the performance of this product can be affected by many factors, such as sys-tem configuration, software, application, and operator control of the system. It is your responsibility to determine suitability of this product for your purpose and application.Hope Industrial Systems, Inc.1325 Northmeadow ParkwaySuite 100Roswell, GA 30076Publication UM-ML15E June, 2006 2006 Hope Industrial Systems, Inc.。
在连接输入电源前,请确实将系统进行接地。 在切离输入电源前,请勿拆除系统接地。. 在无法确认有无牢靠的接地与输岀端连接前,请勿接近或碰触 带电之高压回路。
Hipotronics, Inc. - P.O. Box 414 - Route 22 - Brewster, N.Y. - 10509-0414 – (845) 279-3644 – Fax: (845) 279-2467
操 作 说 明
型 号 : DDX-7000 : DS12-1545
零 件精密设计,用以操作于高压环境中进行量测的设 备。本套设备已设计有最有效的安全预防措施,并且在本操作说明已尽可能 的将最有效的安全操作技术进行阐述。当操作者在使用特定的操作功能时, 请依循本警告说明熟悉各项适当的操作步骤。除了本项警告外,我们强烈的 要求操作者在使用本设备时必须有安全第一的理念。下述的规定是与安全特 别有关的要求,务请无论在任何时刻都必须完全依循。
一般信息 .................................................................................................................................................1 介绍 ............................................................................................................................................1 局部放电概述 ................................................................
SRC 便携式测试仪使用手册(硬件使用说明)V1.0 北京星河康帝思科技开发有限公司目录1、系统简介 (2)2、主要特点 (2)3、系统配置 (2)4、技术指标 (3)5、系统说明 (4)5.1 按键、指示灯功能说明 (4)5.2 板卡接口说明 (8)5.3 信号源板(BE022)与开关板(BE122)连接 (13)6、操作说明 (13)7、检修与维护 (18)1、系统简介本产品是针对手机柔板等电路板设计的嵌入式检测系统,系统以嵌入式处理器作为控制核心,具有测试速度快、精度高、稳定性好、成本低等特点,特别适合电路板尺寸小、元件不多、产品批量较大的需求。
4、技术指标5、系统说明(此工装为参考工装)图1 ET02便携式测试仪5.1 按键、指示灯功能说明前面板如下图2所示:图2 前面板按键a、“测试”按键:当压具压下时,系统检测到“到位”信号后系统自动测试,测试结束后如果需要重新测试,可以通过按“测试”按键进行重新测试;b、“上翻”按键:测试结束后,可以通过“上翻”按键查看测试结果,触发“上翻”按键后,LCD屏向上翻页;c、“下翻”按键:功能与“上翻”按键配对,“下翻”按键用于向下翻页,查看测试结果;d、“学习”按键:触发“学习”按键,系统自动“学习”被测板的开短路关系,并将“学习”的结果保存在本组数据中,已备后续测试;图3 前面板按键和指示灯e、拨码开关:拨码开关1、2、3用于选择测试步组,系统可以存储5个测试步组,通过拨码开关选择其中一组测试步进行测试;拨码开关4用于选择测试模式或调试模式,测试模式下,系统遇到测试错误立即停止测试;调试模式下,系统遇到测试错误后仍进行下面的测试,直至所有测试项结束;测试模式和调试模式下,都可以通过上位机进行编辑、调试、下载测试文件,但是ET02便携式测试仪进行测试时不能进行调试,需要等到测试结束后才可以进行调试;开短路学习与测试可以通过上位机进行操作;f、指示灯含义:指示灯1,绿灯:测试通过指示灯2,红灯:短路错误指示灯3,红灯:开路错误指示灯4,红灯:电阻错误指示灯5,红灯:电容错误指示灯6,红灯:MIC错误g、LCD显示,在测试结束后,上下翻看结果时:OK!PASS! :测试通过(如下图4)NG!FAIL!:测试错误TESTING :测试模式,正在测试DEBUG TESTING :调试模式,正在测试OPEN:开路测试,SHORT:短路测试UNIT :元件测试PIN :针号R :电阻测试C :电容测试PN :PN结测试A-MIC:模拟mic电压值测试A-MIC-dBV:模拟mic dB值测试D-MIC:数字mic电压值测试D-MIC-dBV:数字mic dB值测试BUZZER:蜂鸣器电压测试BUZZER-dBV:蜂鸣器 dB值测试STATISTICAL:统计NUMBER:总测试的元件数WRONG:测试不通过得元件数RIGHT:测试通过的元件数H :元件上限阀值,L :元件下限阀值,S :标准值,M :测量实际值图4 ET02便携式测试仪前面板后面板:a、220V电源接口b、电源开关c、RS232通讯接口用于调试和下载测试文件;5.2 板卡接口说明板卡共有三块,分别为信号源板卡如图5,开关板板卡如图6,MIC测试板板卡如图7.图5 信号源板图6 开关板图7 MIC测试板图8 板卡接口说明:1、恒流源输出接口:测试电流源输出端口,工作时同开关板连接。
【技术规范标准】S终端管理和安全解决方案技术规范书xxxx年xx月xx日xxxxxxxx集团企业有限公司Please enter your company's name and contentvSymantec终端管理及安全解决方案技术规范书赛门铁克软件(北京)X公司2020年08月文档信息文档编号:文档版本:版本日期:文档状态:制作人:审阅人:版本变更记录目录第1章概述 (1)第2章产品功能简介 (3)2.1端点保护系统S YMANTEC E NDPOINT P ROTECTION (3)2.1.1产品简介 (3)2.1.2产品主要优势 (4)2.1.3主要功能 (5)2.2终端准入控制S YMANTEC N ETWORK A CCESS C ONTROL 11 (6)2.2.1主要优势 (7)2.2.2主要功能 (7)2.3S YMANTEC A LTIRIS(IT生命周期管理解决方案) (8)2.3.1Altiris管理架构—Notifications Server (9)2.3.2解决方案的主要市场、技术定位 (12)2.3.3解决方案的专利技术和优势 (12)2.3.4厂商的完整IT运维产品线,产品在该产品线中的位置,和其他产品的关系 (12)第3章终端安全系统体系结构 (13)3.1管理系统功能组件说明 (13)3.2系统管理架构设计 (16)3.2.2二级VS 俩级之上的管理 (17)3.2.3策略的同步和复制 (18)3.2.4服务器的负载均衡 (20)3.2.5客户端的漫游 (21)3.2.6容灾和灾备系统 (24)3.3准入控制设计 (28)3.3.1Symantec Network Access Control 架构 (28)3.3.2赛门铁克端点评估技术:灵活性和全面性 (30)3.3.3永久代理 (32)3.3.4可分解的代理 (33)3.3.5远程漏洞扫描 (34)3.3.6Symantec Enforcers:用于消除IT 和业务中断的灵活实施选件 (35)3.3.7Gateway Enforcer (37)3.3.8DHCP Enforcer (38)3.3.9LAN Enforcer—802.1x (39)3.3.10网络准入控制行业框架支持 (40)3.3.11端到端的端点遵从 (41)3.4.1域及管理员分级 (42)3.4.2管理权限策略 (45)3.4.3组织结构设计 (45)3.4.4安全策略 (47)3.5赛门铁克策略管理:全面、集成的端点安全管理 (49)3.5.1一个管理控制台 (50)3.5.2统一代理 (51)3.5.3消除网络准入控制障碍 (51)3.6服务器的硬件配置需求 (51)第4章终端管理系统体系结构 (53)4.1管理架构 (53)4.2架构阐述 (57)4.2.1架构比较 (57)4.2.2多级管理 (58)4.2.3Altiris管理服务器 (59)4.3管理模式 (60)4.4管理职能 (60)4.4.2策略制定归属 (61)4.4.3监控职能归属 (62)4.5管理权限 (62)第5章终端管理技术标准规范 (65)5.1ITIL(IT基础架构库) (65)5.2遵循的IT业界标准--1 (66)5.3遵循的IT业界标准--2 (67)5.4遵循的IT业界标准--3 (68)第1章概述企业目前面临着利用端点设备中的漏洞,更为隐蔽、目标性更强、旨在获取经济利益的威胁。
HS Series 4KProduct Safety Guide020-002052-02Important Safety InformationRead this document carefully before installing or operating HS Series 4K projectors. Store the document in a location close to the projectors for future reference. Product documentationFor installation, setup, and user information, see the product documentation available on the Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. website at . Read all instructions before using or servicing this product.1. Access the documentation from the Christiewebsite:•Go to this URL: orhttps:///en-us/business/products/projectors/1-chip-dlp/hs-series•Scan the QR code using a QR code reader app on a smartphone or tablet.2. On the product page, select the model and switchto the Downloads tab.Related documentationAdditional information on the projector is available in the following documents.• HS Series 4K Installation and Setup Guide(P/N: 020-002055-XX)• HS Series 4K User Manual (P/N: 020-002053-XX)• HS Series 4K Service Manual(P/N: 020-002054-XX)• HS Series 4K Serial Commands TechnicalReference (P/N: 020-103737-XX)• Twist User Guide (P/N: 020-101380-XX)• Mystique Operate Instruction Sheet(P/N: 020-102382-XX)Model names• 4K22-HS, 4K22A-HS• 4K13-HS, 4K13A-HS NotationLearn the hazard and information symbols used in the product documentation.Product labelsLearn about the labels that may be used on the product. Labels on your product may be yellow or black and white.General hazardsHazard warnings also apply to accessories once they are installed in a Christie product that is connected to power.Danger messages indicate a hazardoussituation which, if not avoided, results indeath or serious injury.Warning messages indicate a hazardoussituation which, if not avoided, couldresult in death or serious injury.Caution messages indicate a hazardoussituation which, if not avoided, couldresult in minor or moderate injury.Notice messages indicate a hazardoussituation which, if not avoided, may resultin equipment or property damage.Information messages provide additionalinformation, emphasize or provide auseful tip.Mandatory actionElectrical labelsLaser labelsAdditional safety hazardImportant safeguardsTo prevent personal injury and to protect the device from damage, read and follow these safety precautions.This projector is intended for use in a non-cinema environment.Safety and warning guidelinesRead all safety and warning guidelines before installing or operating the projector .• Do not expose the product to moisture.• Do not operate the product without all of its covers in place.• This product must be installed within a restricted access location not accessible by the general public. • Only personnel who are trained on the precautions for the restricted access location can be granted entry to the area.General hazard.Electric shock hazard. To avoid personal injury, disconnect all power sources before performing maintenance or service.Electrocution hazard. To avoid personal injury, always disconnect all power sources before performing maintenance or service.Hot surface hazard. To avoid personal injury, allow the product to cool for the recommended cool down time before performing maintenance or service.Burn hazard. To avoid personal injury, allow the product to cool for the recommended cool down time before performing maintenance or service.Moving parts hazard. To avoid personal injury, keep hands clear and loose clothing tied back.Fan hazard. To avoid personal injury, keep hands clear and loose clothing tied back. Always disconnect all power sources before performing maintenance or service procedures.Voltage hazard. To avoid personal injury, always disconnect all power sources before performing maintenance or service procedures.Bright light hazard. To avoid personal injury, never look directly at the light source.Not for household use.Consult the service manual.Disconnect all power sources before performing maintenance or service procedures.Indicates the presence of an earth ground.This projector has been classified as Class 1 Laser Product-Risk Group 2according to the IEC 60825-1:2014 and IEC 62471-5:2015 standard.Indicates a light hazard. Do not look directly into the lens. The extreme high brightness can cause permanent eye damage. Class 1 Laser Product-Risk Group 2 according to Class 1 IEC 60825-1:2014 and IEC 62471-5:2015.Mount above the heads of children. When within 1 m of the product, avoid eyeexposure to avoid temporary or permanent eye damage.This projector may become RG3 when an interchangeable lens with throw ratio greater than 1.5:1 is installed.FDA laser variance (US projectors only).Do not look directly into thelens. The extremely high brightness can cause permanent eye damage.Warning! If not avoided, the following could result in death or serious injury.• FIRE HAZARD! Keep hands, clothes, and all combustible material away from the concentrated light beam of the projector.• TRIP OR FIRE HAZARD! Position all cables wherethey cannot contact hot surfaces, be pulled, betripped over, or damaged by persons walking on or objects rolling over the cables.• SHOCK HAZARD! Disconnect the product from AC before installing, moving, servicing, cleaning,removing components, or opening any enclosure.• A minimum of two people or appropriately rated lift equipment is required to safely lift, install, or move the product.• OPTICAL RADIATION HAZARD! Disconnect thepower plug from the AC outlet if the product is not being used for an extended period of time.• Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. • Always provide proper ventilation for the product to prevent overheating.• Only Christie qualified technicians are permitted to open product enclosures.• All procedures must be performed by Christiequalified technicians.• Always use a lens plug when installing or movingthe product. This prevents contaminants fromentering the product.• Only use cleaning solutions recommended byChristie. All other cleaning solutions may causeproduct damage and will void the warranty.Installation safety and warning guidelinesRead all installation safety and warning guidelines before installing the projector.• High leakage current present when connected to IT power systems.• ELECTRICAL and BURN HAZARD! Use caution when accessing internal components.• Only Christie qualified technicians are authorized to use the tools provided in the toolbox.AC/power precautionsRead all safety and warning guidelines before powering on the projector.• FIRE HAZARD! Do not use a power cord, harness, or cable that appears damaged.• FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD! Do not overload poweroutlets and extension cords.• SHOCK HAZARD! Only use the AC power cordprovided with the product or recommended byChristie.• FIRE AND SHOCK HAZARD! Do not attemptoperation unless the power cord, power socket, and power plug meet the appropriate local ratingstandards.• SHOCK HAZARD! Do not attempt operation if theAC supply is not within the specified voltage andcurrent, as specified on the license label.• SHOCK HAZARD! The AC power cord must beinserted into an outlet with grounding.• SHOCK HAZARD! Disconnect the product from AC before installing, moving, servicing, cleaning,removing components, or opening any enclosure. • Install the product near an easily accessible ACreceptacle.Laser safety precautionsRead all safety and warning guidelines before installing or operating the projector.• LASER RADIATION HAZARD! This projector has abuilt-in Class 4 Laser module. Never attempt todisassemble or modify the laser module.• Any operation or adjustment not specificallyinstructed in the User manual creates the risk ofhazardous laser radiation exposure.• Do not operate the product without all of its covers in place.• Do not look directly into the lens when the lightsource is on. The extremely high brightness cancause permanent eye damage.• Only Christie-qualified technicians who areknowledgeable about the hazards associated with laser use, high-voltage, and high temperaturesgenerated by the product are authorized toassemble, install, and service the Christie LaserProjection System.• Do not look directly into the lens when the lightsource is on. The extremely high brightness cancause permanent eye damage. Class 1 laserproduct of IEC/EN 60825-1:2014 and Risk Group 2 according to IEC 62471-5:2015.• Install the product so users and the audiencecannot enter the restricted area at eye level.• Install the product out of reach.• LASER RADIATION! Do not look directly into thelaser beam of the remote.Caution! If not avoided, the followingcould result in minor or moderate injury.Notice! If not avoided, the following couldresult in equipment or property damage.Warning! If not avoided, the followingcould result in death or serious injury.Caution! If not avoided, the followingcould result in minor or moderate injury.Warning! If not avoided, the followingcould result in death or serious injury.Warning! If not avoided, the followingcould result in death or serious injury.• Complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 except for conformance as a Risk Group 2 LIP as defined in IEC 62471-5:Ed. 1.0. For more information see Laser Notice No. 57, dated May 8, 2019. IEC60825-1:2014: CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT - RISK GROUP 2.• For 4K13-HS, 4K13A-HS, 4K22-HS, and 4K22A-HS, no direct exposure to the beam shall be permitted, RG3 IEC 62471-1:2015 when installed with 140-110103-XX lens (throw ratio 1.5-2.0) or of a higher Throw ratio lens.Light intensity hazard distanceThis projector has been classified as Risk Group 3 according to the IEC 62471-5:2015 standard due to possible hazardous optical and thermal radiation being emitted.• PERMANENT/TEMPORARY BLINDNESS HAZARD! No direct exposure to the beam must be permitted.• PERMANENT/TEMPORARY BLINDNESS HAZARD! Operators must control access to the beam within the hazard distance or install the productpreventing potential exposure of the spectators' eyes from being in the hazard distance. Hazard zone shall be no lower than 3.0 meters above the floor. In addition, horizontal clearance to the hazard zone shall be a minimum 2.5 meters.• EXTREME BRIGHTNESS! Do not place reflective objects in the product light path.The following diagram shows the zones for optical and skin hazard distances:• A—Hazard zone. The region of space where the projection light from the laser-illuminated projector is above emission limits for Risk Group 2. The light intensity may cause eye damage after amomentary or brief exposure (before a person can avert his or her eyes away from the light source). The light may cause skin burns to occur.• B—Hazard distance. Operators must control access to the beam within the hazard distance or install the product preventing potential exposure of the spectators' eyes from being in the hazard distance.• C—No access zone. Horizontal clearance of the no access zone must be a minimum of 2.5 meters.• D—Vertical distance to hazard zone. The hazard zone must be no lower than 3.0 meters above the floor.• E—Represents the top view of the projector.• F—Represents the side view of the projector.For information detailing the hazard distance for each lens, refer to the HS Series 4K Installation and Setup Guide (P/N: 020-002055-XX).For Installations in the United StatesThe following must be in place for laser-illuminated projector installations in the United States:• Any human access horizontally to the hazard zone, if applicable, must be restricted by barriers.• Permanent show installations containing Risk Group 3 laser-illuminated projectors must meet the following conditions:• Installed by Christie or by Christie-authorized and trained installers. Refer to the Laser Illuminated Projector-Class 1 Risk Group 3Installation training (Course code: CF-LIPI-01) on the site.• Performed according to instructions provided by Christie.• Ensure the projection system is securelymounted or immobilized to prevent unintended movement or misalignment of the projections.• Temporary show installations containing Risk Group 3 laser-illuminated projectors may be installed by Christie or sold or leased only to valid laser light show variance holders (laser light showmanufacturers) for image projection applications. Such manufacturers may currently hold a valid variance for production of Class IIIb and IV laser light shows and/or for incorporation of the Risk Group 3 laser-illuminated projectors into theirshows. This requirement applies also to dealers and distributors of these laser-illuminated projectors.• The Christie Laser Projection System (Enterprise) Installation Checklist must be fully completed after the installation and sent to lasercompli-************************. A copy can remain on-site. This checklist can be found as a separate document in the accessory box with the manual.• Certain US states have additional laser regulatory requirements. Go to for further information.Power requirementsLearn about the power requirements for HS Series 4K projectors.4K13-HS, 4K13A-HSWarning! If not avoided, the followingcould result in death or serious injury.ParameterRequirementPower rating100-240V , 50/60Hz, 11A • 100-120V , 50/60Hz, 11A • 220-240V , 50/60Hz, 5AAC input coupler C20Parameter RequirementInrush current80 A Maximum @240 VAC Power consumption1050 W Maximum4K22-HS, 4K22A-HSParameter RequirementPower rating100-240V, 50/60Hz, 13.5A• 100-120V, 50/60Hz, 13.5A• 220-240V, 50/60Hz, 8.5AAC input coupler C20Inrush current80 A Maximum @240 VAC Power consumption1350 W Maximum (BrightnessDim to 80%)1604 W MaximumTechnical support• North and South America: +1-800-221-8025 or************************************• Europe, Middle East, and Africa: +44 (0) 1189****************************************•AsiaPacific(********************************):• Australia: +61 (0)7 3624 4888 or**********************************• China: +86 10 6561 0240 or*************************************• India: +91 (80) 6708 9999 or******************************• Japan: 81-3-3599-7481• Singapore: +65 6877-8737 or**********************************• South Korea: +82 2 702 1601 or******************************• Christie Professional Services: +1-800-550-3061 or ***********************重要安全信息在安装或操作HS系列4K投影机之前,请仔细阅读此文档。
2 产品优势···································································································································································3
3 产品功能···································································································································································8
2.1 支持手机 APP、动态令牌等多种双因子认证····························································································· 3 2.2 覆盖最全的运维协议,让运维安全无死角·································································································· 3 2.3 运维方式丰富多样,适用自动化运维等复杂场景······················································································· 4 2.4 自动学习、自动授权,大大减轻管理员的配置工作··················································································· 4 2.5 灵活、可靠的自动改密,保障密码安全······································································································ 4 2.6 文件传输审计,让数据窃取行为无藏身之地······························································································ 5 2.7 丰富的 API 接口,轻松实现平台化整合······································································································ 5 2.8 一键生产合规报表,省心又省力·················································································································· 5 2.9 拥有多项领先专利技术································································································································· 7 2.10 双存储架构等多种冗余机制,保障自身稳定可靠····················································································· 7
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YTC640 智能电导盐密度测试仪 用户操作手册说明书
5-1 道路测设功能及适用范围............................................................................. 43 5-2 作业流程......................................................................................................... 43 5-3 道路测设数据录入方法................................................................................. 44 5-4 道路测设报表成果输出................................................................................. 48 5-5 道路测设图形成果输出................................................................................. 50 5-6 关于路线测量断链......................................................................................... 51 第六章 公路设计...................................................................................................................53 6-1 路基超高及加宽计算.............................
SIEMENSSIMATIC过程控制系统PCS 7使用入门手册前言,目录1 简介2 建立一个项目3 使用CFC编辑器4 使用输入/输出助手5 使用SFC编辑器6 编译,下载及测试7 使用操作员站版本 12/2000A5E00058928-04安全指南本手册包括应该遵守的注意事项,以保证你自己的生命安全以及保护产品和所连接的设备。
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SECULIFE PS 100 诊断仪产品说明书
The Model SECU LIFE PS100is a micropocessor based Patient Simulator. It provides ECG Simulation with four waveforms with constant QRS duration and six machine performance testing waveforms.High-Level-Output (+)Lead Test terminalsUniversal patient lead connection(V2/C2, V3/C3, V4/C4, V5/C5,V6/C6, RA/R, LA/L, RL/N (-), LL/F, V1/C1)10 waveforms with LED indicatorsfor selection:• 30, 60, 120, 240BPMPerformance wave selection:• Sinus:10, 60, 100 Hz• Square:0,125, 2.000 Hz• Triangle:2.000 HzBattery eliminator receptacle4 light touch keys for power and waveform selection(On, Off, Up, Down)Lead test indicator (LED)Low battery indicator (LED)9V Battery compartment1Universal Patient Lead ConnectorsThe 10 Universal Patient Lead Connectors allow for 12 lead ECG simulation with independent outputs.AHA and IEC color-coded labels are located on the face of the unit to aid in connecting the correspondingAHA and IEC Patient Leads.AHA-Lab e l IEC-Lab e l D e scriptionRA RRight armLA L Left armRL N Right leg(reference or ground)LL F Left legV1V2V3V4V5V6C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 V Leads (V1-V6) (U.S. and Canada) Also referred to as pericardial, Precordial or unipolar chest leads Chest Leads (C1-C6) International2High-Level-Output (+)An additional Universal Patient Lead Connector is located on the top of the unit for connecting the high level ECG output signal (1 Volt p-p ). The connection is between the High Level (+) and RL/N (-) Patient Lead Connectors.Waveform SelectionThere are two keys and 10 LEDs in the Waveform Selection Control Section. The LEDs indicate which waveform is generated.The keys sequentially select each waveform. The microprocessor sends the stored waveform information ofthe selected waveform to a Digital to Analog converter that generates an accurate analog representation. This waveform is then sent through a resistor network, developing the appropriate signals on the output terminals.Lead Test TerminalsThere are two test terminals on the top of the unit that allow for a quick test of the continuity of the lead cables. Connecting one end of the cable to one terminal and the other end to the other terminal will test the cable. If the cable is OK (less than 1000 ohms), the LEAD TEST LED in the lower left of the face will light.Power keysThe keys control the power for the unit.Auto Power offThe unit will automatically turn off after 10 minutes of no key activity to conserve the battery.To override this feature and keep the unit on continuously , depress the key twice after the unit is on. This will keep the unit on until it is manually turned off. The “Low Batt” LED will illuminate for 3 sec to indicate that the Auto Power Off feature has been turned off.Percent of Battery Life Indicator (in %)The unit provides an indication of the Percent of battery life left on the 9 Volt Alkaline Battery. An analog to digital converter monitors thebattery voltage. Continuously holding down the key will change the 10 waveform LEDs into a Percent of Battery Life display, with each LED representing 10 % intervals. The indicator will strobe up to the present level and flash. This sequence will continue while thekey is depressed.3BatteryThe unit utilizes a 9 Volt Alkaline Battery in the rear battery compartment. When the unit detects a LOW BATTERY, the LED in the lower right of the face will light, indicating the need to change the battery.Battery Eliminator Input2.1 mm receptacle is provided for the optional 9 VDC Battery Eliminator power supply that may be used for continuous run applications. It bypasses the internal battery when plugged in.NOTEThe unit is shipped with a Red Battery Lock-Out plug installed into the line power connector as shown below. Its purpose is to prevent the unit from accidentally being turned on during handling and transport, subsequently depleting the battery. This plug must be removed before any use.4。
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Security Guidelines for the Electricity Sector:Physical Security ⎯ SubstationsApproved by NERC Board of Trustees: October 15, 2004NERCGuideline Guideline Title: Physical Security ⎯SubstationsVersion: 1.0 Revision Date: October 15, 2004Effective Date: October 15, 2004Purpose:Each entity should implement physical security measures at their critical substations to safeguard personnel and prevent unauthorized access to critical assets, control systems, equipment, and information that may be resident in the substation. Each entity should implement substation security solutions in a way that is consistent with the criticality of the substation and sufficient to provide appropriate situational awareness of activity at these substations so that the entity can initiate an appropriate and timely response.The NERC document “An Approach to Action for the Electricity Sector” version 1.0 dated June 2001, lists the following as examples of critical infrastructure assets that, if disrupted or threatened, would adversely impact regional, national, or the North American electrical grid reliability:• important regional transmission hubs,• interregional tie lines,• substations that feed interregional ties,• interregional communications facilities, and• security [control] centers.While some of the above facilities are attended around-the-clock to support operations, most are normally unattended. Unattended critical facilities such as substations requireappropriate levels of physical security. Many of the security solutions that are readily applicable to attended facilities cannot be readily applied at the unattended substation. Applicability:This guideline applies to critical electric substations. While many substations contain critical assets, some substations are more critical than others to the support of the electricity infrastructure and the overall operation of the bulk power system.Each entity, using a risk assessment methodology, should define and identify thosesubstations, whether attended or not, it believes to be critical, keeping in mind that the ability to mitigate the loss of a substation through redundancies or operations may make that facility less critical than others.A critical facility may be defined as any facility or combination of facilities, if severely damaged or destroyed, that would have a significant impact on the ability to serve large quantities of customers for an extended period of time, would have a detrimental impact onthe reliability or operability of the electric grid, or would cause significant risk to publichealth and safety.Guideline Statement:This guideline recommends that “most effective practices” be applied at an appropriate level for electric substations consistent with the level of criticality of the substation as determined by the asset owner. This guideline should be used in conjunction with the Physical Security Guideline and the Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Guideline as well as any other guidelines that apply, which assists entities in identifying critical facilities.Background:Attended facilities like control centers, communication facilities, and corporate offices, present a different physical security challenge because they tend to be more complex, centralized, and have multiple physical perimeters. While the more centralized nature of attended facilities allows more economy of scale, this advantage is balanced against the risks associated with common points of failure and cascade effects associated with a single event. Attended facilities also tend to house a great deal more critical cyber assets than the unattended facility. NERC cyber security standards specifically addresses many of the physical security needs of attended facilities in the following sections:• Physical Security Perimeter[s]• Physical Access Controls• Personnel• Monitoring Physical Access• Systems Management• Physical Incident Response ActionsIn addition, critical attended facilities typically require many more support assets such as UPS, chilled water, redundant external power supply, environmental controls, and communication infrastructure that the typical unattended facility would not require. Since these support assets are fundamental to the reliable operation of the critical facility, they are themselves critical assets and require appropriate physical protection.Unattended facilities like substations are common elements in the electric industry. Substations contain many of the fundamental critical assets necessary for the transmission and distribution of electric power to customers. Transformers, breakers, busses, switches, capacitor banks, Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs), and communication systems can reside within the confines of the substation. The compromise of any one of these elements can impact the integrity of the electric grid, depending on the amount and type of load being served by this substation at the time of the incident. Approved by NERC Board of Trustees: October 15, 2004While the substation is in many ways the “neuron” of the electrical network allowing effective monitoring and control of electric energy in that particular area of the network, they are attended for very short periods of time. Unlike control centers and most power plants that are staffed around the clock, there is typically no staffing, limited or no roving security patrols, and roofed structures are typically designed to protect electronic equipment and switch gear. Typically, substations out number power plants 30:1 and can be located in a downtown setting or in the most remote of rural areas. While most critical substations will logically be located in or near major load centers, interregional ties located in remote substations may be just as critical for interconnection purposes.Substations are located in urban, suburban, rural, and industrial/commercial sites and the effectiveness of security methods differs greatly from site to site. Because of the diversity in substation size, location, and criticality, each substation should be assessed and classified. In general, more rigorous security measures should be applied to the more critical substations. While all substations are a critical element in the transmission and distribution of electric energy, not all substations are equally critical to North American electric grid reliability.This guideline is intended to provide suggestions when considering the physical security at critical substations with a focus on practical methods using existing technology and proven processes. All of the security methods discussed here can be applied to existing substations, whether they are critical or not.Definitions:Entity⎯ The facility or critical asset owner, operator, etc.Critical Asset⎯ Those facilities, systems, and equipment which, if destroyed, damaged, degraded, or otherwise rendered unavailable, would have a significant impact on the ability to serve large quantities of customers for an extended period of time, would have a detrimental impact on the reliability or operability of the electric grid, or would cause significant risk to public health and safety.Intruder⎯ Any unauthorized individual or any individual performing unauthorized activity within the substation.Physical Security Perimeter⎯ A type of gate, door, wall, or fence system that is intended to restrict and control the physical access or egress of personnel.Security Assets⎯ Fences, gates, alarm systems, guards, and other security elements that can individually or as a system be applied to critical electrical assets to maintain reliability or reduce risk.Substation Secure Area⎯ The area contained within the first or outer substation physical security perimeter.Approved by NERC Board of Trustees: October 15, 2004Guideline Detail:Physical security typically comprises five distinct elements, or systems:• Delay/Deterrence• Detection• Assessment• Communication• ResponseTogether, these elements provide a consistent “systems approach” to protecting critical assets. While the application of these five elements will differ between substations, they all apply to some degree.Each entity should prioritize its critical substations and associated critical assets. This prioritization should consider risks based on factors such as prior history of incidents, threat warnings from law enforcement agencies, loss of load consequences, response time, recovery time, and overall operating requirements. Each entity also should consider an inspection and assessment program to review existing security systems at substations and to make recommendations for appropriate changes. (See guideline for conducting vulnerability assessments.)General Guidelines:The details included below can generally be implemented with currently available technology. Many of these solutions are also discussed in the Physical Security Guideline:1. fencing, gates, and other barriers to restrict access to the facility for both safety andsecurity purposes;2. limiting access to authorized persons through measures such as unique keying systems,“smart locks,” access card systems, or the use of security personnel;3. access control measures to identify and process all personnel, visitors, vendors, andcontractors, (i.e., photo ids, visitors passes, contractor ids) to be displayed while in thesubstation;4. alarm systems to monitor entry into substation grounds;5. perimeter alarm systems to monitor forced intrusion into and surveillance of thesubstation;6. alarms, CCTV, and other security systems reporting to an attended central security stationthat can then be evaluated and entity personnel or law enforcement authorities dispatched to investigate a potential problem;7. guards (special events or targeted substations);8. vehicle barriers;9. adequate lighting;10. signage;11. a comprehensive security awareness program.Approved by NERC Board of Trustees: October 15, 2004Physical security systems should be augmented in accordance with the “Threat Alert System and Physical Response Guidelines for the Electricity Sector” based on changes in threat levels, scenarios, and categories. In designing a physical security system, the objective of the intruder should be considered. The four major objectives in describing an intruder’s behavior are: • Damaging, operating, or tampering with substation equipment and controls,• Stealing or damaging substation equipment, materials, or information,• Posing a threat to the safety of entity personnel or customers,• Creating adverse publicity.Specific Guidelines:1. Each entity should have a security policy or procedures in place to manage and controlaccess into and out of critical substations. These policies should clearly state whatpractices are prohibited, which ones are allowed, and what is expected of all personnelwith access to the substation. The substation security policies should clearly define roles, responsibilities, and procedures for access and should be part of an overall criticalinfrastructure protection policy.2. The physical security perimeters at each substation should be clearly identified. Allphysical access points through each perimeter should be identified and documented.Most substations typically have at least two physical security perimeters such as the fence and the control house building. All access points through the substation fences andsubstation control houses should be identified.3. Physical access controls should be implemented at each identified perimeter access point.All access into and out of critical substations should be recorded and maintained for aperiod of time consistent with NERC standards. At minimum, these records shouldindicate the name of person(s) entering the substation, their business purpose, their entity affiliation, time in, and time out.4. Access into and out of critical substations should be monitored with authorizationprocedures. Substation access may be authorized by the system or security operator ifnot performed by electronic means such as a card reader where authorization ispredetermined. Even if card readers are in place, it is recommended that personnelentering the substation contact the system or security operator so that the station can betagged as “attended” in the event of an incident.5. Records that identify all entity, contractor, vendor and service personnel that haveunescorted access privileges to substations should be identified and documented. While most entity personnel will have unescorted access to all substations, contractors andvendors should only have unescorted access to substations they have contractual business in.6. All contractors and vendors with critical substation access privileges should be requiredto pass a background screening before being issued an entity-provided contractor IDbadge. Only those contractors with entity-issued ID badges should be granted unescorted substation access. Even in these circumstances, an entity employeeApproved by NERC Board of Trustees: October 15, 2004Approved by NERC Board of Trustees: October 15, 2004with unescorted access to the substation should confirm and monitor the contractor’s activity while in the substation appropriately.7. A substation incident response program should be established that at a minimum would provide a rapid assessment of events in the substation in order to differentiate normal electromechanical failures from malicious acts. If malicious activity is evident, the priority should be to notify law enforcement and return the substation to normalfunctionality while preserving forensic evidence where possible.8. Entities should avoid dual use of critical substation grounds for non-critical functions where possible. That is, eliminate or restrict the use of the substation secure area for non-critical activities such as equipment storage, non-critical asset storage, contractor staging, and personal vehicle parking. If dual use is unavoidable, the entity should consider the establishment of another physical security perimeter that excludes the non-criticalactivities from the substation secure area, or the entire area should conform to thissecurity guideline.Security Asset Matrix Example:As stated earlier, each entity should perform a risk assessment on all substations and prioritize each substation based on their own criteria for threat, vulnerability, and consequences. The security asset matrix example below is intended to illustrate how various substation security solutions might be applied. Because this security asset matrix example is intended to be an illustration only, three categories of substations are used for simplicity. In fact, most entities may find additional categories and security assets more useful. For the purposes of this security asset matrix example, Category 1 is a most critical substation, Category 2 is a moderately critical substation, and Category 3 is a least critical substation.Security Asset Matrix: CategoryWhile the security asset matrix example above appears static, the specific security solutions applied to each category of substation should be adjusted as needed to respond to relevant specific threat information.Security Assets 1 2 3 Card Key ▲ Special Locks ▲ ▲ ▲Security Guard (roving) ▲Fence ▲ ▲ ▲CCTV ▲Door & Gate Open (SCADA) ▲ ▲Alarm System ▲Motion Detectors ▲ ▲Substation Security Assets:Card Keys⎯ A means of electronic access where the access rights of the cardholder are predefined in a computer database. Access rights may differ from one physical perimeter to another.Special Locks⎯ These may include locks with non-reproducible keys, magnetic locks that must be opened remotely, and possibly some sort of interlock system that restricts access through one perimeter while another is open.Security Guard (roving)⎯ Either staff or contract security personnel may randomly patrol multiple facilities. This asset is typically used for special events, periods of high threat levels, areas experiencing high intrusion levels, or substations that serve as a staging area for construction.Fence⎯ This is the minimal security asset and usually defines the first physical security perimeter encountered at the substation. There are several levels of fencing ranging from solid material, to standard chain link fencing (most common), to cable reinforced chain link fence. CCTV⎯ CCTV can be very effective in substation settings. Examples of pre-processed video surveillance that “cans” or captures images of activity in the substation preceding a substation security alarm can provide the system operator or security operator a “quick review” of the substation without requiring an operator to monitor traditional CCTV screens in real time.Door & Gate Open (SCADA)⎯ These alarms are typically based on some sort of “contact status” that indicates a door or gate has been opened. These alarms are particularly useful when used in conjunction with some sort of “attended station” status. Note: While these alarms, if received via SCADA, at most will represent only a handful of additional status points for the most critical substation, appropriate attention to RTU scan loading should be considered.Alarm System⎯ These systems typically incorporate several security solutions into a surveillance and alarming package. These package solutions are usually specific to a high-risk substation, do not interface with any other system, and are set up to provide enhanced forensic evidence at that site.Motion Detectors⎯ These devices use various means to detect motion in a specific area. While the IEEE’s Standard 1402–2000 lists motion detectors as very effective in almost all sites, these systems can generate false alerts due to the open substation environment. Exceptions:NoneApproved by NERC Board of Trustees: October 15, 2004Certified Products/Tools:NoneRelated Documents:Security Guidelines for the Electricity Sector: Guideline Overview• Physical Security• Vulnerability and Threat Assessment• Threat Response• Emergency Plans• Continuity of Business Processes• Communications• Cyber Security• Employment Background Screening• Protecting Potentially Sensitive InformationIEEE Guide for Electric Power Substation Physical and Electronic Security, IEEE STD 1402-2000, January 2000.Threat Alert System and Physical Response Guidelines for the Electricity Sector: Definitions of Physical Threat Alert Levels; A Model for Developing Organization Specific Physical Threat Alert Level Response Plans, Version 2.0, October 8, 2002.Internet links:• Security Guidelines for the Electric Sector /library-guidelines.htm • Urgent Action Cyber Security Standard, NERC, August 13, 2003,/library-guidelines.htm• An Approach to Action for the Electricity Sector, Version 1, NERC, June 2001, /library-other.htm• Threat Alert Levels and Physical Response Guidelines, NERC, October 2002, /library-guidelines.htmApproved by NERC Board of Trustees: October 15, 2004Revision History:Date Version Number Reason/Comments5/17/2004 0.01 Split out this draft into a separate guideline from thePhysical Security Guideline and made severalgrammatical and content changes.6/7/2004 0.02 Various wording changes. Added page numbers,alarm system description, and removed severalInternet links.7/1/2004 0.03 Minor wording changes. Omission of “projectilebarriers” from page 5. Swap categories 1 & 3 on page7. Change “CCTV” description on page 7.7/20/2004 0.04 Various grammatical changes. Replace “must” with“should” where appropriate. Separated matrixexample better. Introduced reference to Threat AlertSystem and Physical Response Guidelines for theElectricity Sector. Defined Intruder. Eliminatedsurveillance in Item 5 Under General Guidelines.Replaced “three years” with “consistent with NERCStandards”.8/16/2004 0.05 Various wording and grammatical changes. Altereddefinitions of critical facility and critical asset to moreclosely match the definition in the NERC OverviewGuideline. Changed all references to company toentity. Returned security elements to original order.Added “Where appropriate” to specific guidelines. 8/19/2004 0.06 Removed “bulk” from applicability. Removedconstruction from Specific Guideline 8.9/16/2004 0.07 Various wording changes. Changed definition of“Critical Asset” to that approved by CIPC. Addedadjective “critical” as appropriate for clarification.Removed “Where appropriate” from SpecificGuidelines. Returned “bulk” to Applicability.10/15/04 1.0 Approved by NERC Board of Trustees.Approved by NERC Board of Trustees: October 15, 2004。