第8卷第4期燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)V ol.8No.4 2007年12月Journal of Yanshan University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)Dec.2007威廉布莱克的著名短诗《老虎》对老虎的活力和能量中体现的雄浑之美与和谐之美进行讴歌,该诗表达了诗人的辩证哲学观:恶是一种自然状态,它和社会进步必不可分。
几乎每个热爱诗歌的人看到这首诗都忍不住大声的读出来:Tyger,tyger,burning brightIn the forests of the night,What immortal hand or eyeCould frame thy fearful symmetry?当我们双唇用力发出这些铿锵有力的爆破音[t],[b]及元音[ai]时,我们仿佛感到了老虎那神圣的威严和一触即发的爆发力。
在诗行内部诗人使用“burning bright”、“distant deeps”、“frame thyfearful”等押头韵的词,而整首诗的韵律则是两行押运,更增加了节奏的紧迫感;在视觉和听觉上达成一种共鸣,总体创造出一种强度和张力,强化了老虎的雄浑意象。
而这种雄浑的力道之美又被包裹在一种和谐美当中,诗人用“可怕的对称(fearful symmetry)”耶利米书》中的一段来解释老虎中火的象征意义,引用如下:Deliver him that is spoiled out of the hand of theoppressor,lest my fury go out like fire,and burn that none can quench it,because of the evil of your doingÒ®ºÍ»ªÓÖ˵£¬Îұذ´ÄãÃÇ×öʵĽá¹ûÐÌ·£ÄãÃÇ¡£ÎÒÒ²±Øʹ»ðÔÚҮ·ÈöÀäµÄÁÖÖÐ×ÅÆ𣬽«ËýËÄΧËùÓеľ¡ÐÐÉÕÃð¡££©£¨Ò®ÀûÃ×Êé21:12-14)根据以上引文,王先生认为森林中的火象征了被压迫者对压迫者的愤怒。
修辞与文体论文 —试析威廉布莱克诗歌《老虎》the tyger 的修辞妙用
A Stylistic Analysis of William Blake’s Poem“The Tyger”Abstract: William Blake’s The Tyger is considered one of his best poems for its marvelous use of illusion and symbols and its musical beauty. In the thesis, the author attempts to make a stylistic analysis of this poem, and the analyses will focus on the phonological, graphological, lexical, syntactical and semantical levels of the poem.Key words: William Blake; the Tyger; stylisticIntroductionWilliam Blake, poet, painter, and visionary, was considered by many one the forerunners of British Romanticism, whose most poems are concerned with creation and full of romantic elements. Among his works, Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience are two famous ones. The Tyger, one poem in Songs of Experience, has been described by one critic as Blake’s most fully developed art --- a process using small revelations leading to greater discoveries through profound use of symbol.Born into a time when the society was experiencing great changes---the Industrial Revolution, Blake was amazed and astonished the creation as well as the destruction the power of the revolution can bring. In this poem, by bringing forth the central image the tiger and describe both the tiger and the creation of the tiger, Blake poses many questions without answering them, leaving the readers to think.In order to get his ideas across, Blake uses many unique techniques in this poem to get the effect of foregrounding if considered under the term of stylistics. So in the following part of the thesis, we will deal with the stylistic features in details at four levels: phonological, graphological, lexical and semantic respectively.I. At the Phonological LevelMeterIn this poem, William Blake adopted the trochaic tetrameter in the whole poem so as to imitate the sound in a forge and set the dignified and stately tone for the whole poem:_V_V_V__V_V_V__V_V_V__V_V_V_By deliberately making the stress sounds fall into the more important words, Blake expresses the power and strength of the tiger, and adds to the musical beautywhen reading it.RhymeThe rhythmical sounds in this poem is achieved by the use of regular end rhymes,which is presented by the rhyme pattern aabb ccdd eeff gghh iijj aabb, and such figures of speech as alliteration and repetition.Every two lines have the same end rhyme(bright/night, eye/symmetry,skies/eyes ) and most of the rhymes are masculine rhymes(bright/night, art/heart,see/thee), which strengthen the image of the tiger with an overwhelming momentum; repetition is used for the subject discussed(Tyger! Tyger ) and also the first stanza and the last one are identical so that readers can feel the power of the beast from the very beginning; Blake also employs alliteration abundantly(burning bright, what wings, distant deeps, began to beat, dare its deadly terror clasp, frame thy fearful symmetry ), among which many stops such as /b/ /d/ /t/ /p/ are used to imitate the sound of the hammer, thus paint a vivid image in front of the reader of the making of the tiger, also give them a hint of the destructive force of the beast.II. At the Graphological LevelFormatThe whole poem contains six stanzas and each stanze is a quatrain, adding that the first stanza and the last one are identical, so the poem has a beauty of uniformity in the term of the form. Also the repetition of the stanzas makes the theme profound. PunctuationThrough the unconventional use of punctuation, particularly the question mark, Blake in this poem uses twelve whats(what dread hand? And what dread feet? ) to pose questions to create an atmosphere of mystery, giving the image of the tiger a mysterious and religious color. The exclamations used to address the tiger(Tyger! Tyger! ) help to emphasize the urgency of the question.CapitalizationIn the whole poem, except the first word of each line and the beginning of a sentence, there is still one word capitalized(Lamb in line 20 ), which probably is the intertextuality with Blake’s another poet The Lamb. By the contrast between the tiger and the lamb, Blake emphasizes the strength and the dark power of the former, also by pointing out that both the powerful tiger and the weak lamb are created by the some God, Blake expresses the divine power of the Creator.III.At the Lexical LevelPoetic and archaic wordsMany poetic words are employed by Blake to make the poem elegant and poetic(deeps, aspire, art, symmetry), also the words some times are chosen according to the end rhyme.Archaic words can be found in the poem(tyger/tiger, dread/dreadful, thy/your,thine/yours, thee/you ).Short and powerful wordsWords to show strength and speed (frame, aspire, seize, clasp, make,twist) ,words to show the process of making the tiger (hammer, chain, furnace, anvil) and words to describe the fire (fire, bright, burn) are used not only to express the power of the tiger but also to create the scene of making the tiger so as to emphasize the even greater power of the Creator.I V. At the Semantic LevelSymbolismSome words in this poem bore symbolic meanings. The tiger (the central image in the poem) is considered by many as representing the dark shadow of the human soul. This is the beastly part of ourselves that we would prefer to keep only in our dreams at night. Night(line 2 ) in Blake's poetry often seems to suggest this sort of dream time. The forests(line 2 ) might represent the wild landscape of our imagination under the influence of this beast. The heart (line 10) represents not only the biological engine of the tiger, but perhaps its passion for living.AllusionBlake also employs allusion in this poem since it is somewhat concerned with religion. For example, on what wings dare he aspire (line 7 ) is an allusion from Milton’s Paradise Lost;seize the fire ( line 8) could be a possible reference to Prometheus; and when the stars threw down their spears, and water’d heaven with their tears( lines 17 and 18) is an allusion to Satan and his angels and also to the God of Old Testament. It could be debated that Blake argues here that the Fallen Archangel Lucifer is the creator of the tiger, or the beastly part of our own nature. The abundant use of allusion adds to the ambiguity of the poem, thus leads to many versions of interpretation of this poem.ConclusionIn this thesis, we have given a careful analysis to William Blake’s The Tyger from the stylistic perspective. First, by giving an elaborate account of the phonological characteristics of the poem, we are able to get a more comprehensive understanding of the role the sound patterns played in a poem and the stately momentum created by the use of certain phonological devices such as the use of archaic tetrameter, alliteration and repetition. Then, we have looked into thegraphological features of this poem so that we have got a better understanding of the theme. Next,through the continuous analysis of the diction of the poem, we are able to get a clear picture of the careful and deliberate choice of the short and powerful words that described the tiger and the creating of the tiger, which helped to highlight the idea the poet wants to convey, that is, the tiger has fury and grounds to believe in its own strength and it could be understood as similar to our psychological view of the ego which is the part of us that believes in its own power, in its own vision, and the creator of this powerful creature is awesome in its own right. Finally, we have analyzed the semantic characteristics, which mainly concern with the figures of speech the poem employed, which, in this case, is symbolism and allusion particularly.After this stylistic study of William Blake’s The Tyger, we are able to have a more comprehensive understanding both this poem and the importance of stylistics in analyzing and appreciating poems.References康利英. 2012.从文体学角度分析威廉·布莱克诗歌《老虎》隐喻意义的体现——以威廉·布莱克的《老虎》为例[J]. 忻州师范学院学报,(6):68-70.李菁菁. 2012.歌唱光明与驱逐黑暗的统一——布莱克的“羔羊”意象与“老虎”意象解析[J]. 大众文艺,(21):34-37.刘云雁,吴虹. 2012.威廉·布莱克诗歌的泛神主义倾向[J]. 湖南大学学报(社会科学版),(1):111-114.唐梅秀. 2010.威廉·布莱克:文化边缘的履冰者——《老虎》与《羔羊》诗的互文性解读[J]. 长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版),(2):67-71.王博. 2010.威廉·布莱克诗歌的文体分析[D]. 辽宁:辽宁大学.汪雪盈. 2010.《老虎》的象似性解读[J]. 长江大学学报(社会科学版),(2):161-162.杨志刚. 2009.论布莱克作品中的圣经元素[D]. 石家庄:河北师范大学.曾令富. 2010.布莱克诗歌《老虎》的永恒魅力与其语言的含混[J]. 宜宾学院学报,(4):29-32.。
[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2012)-27-0-02威廉·布莱克(1757-1827)被被誉为英国浪漫主义的先驱;是一位具有天分的抒情诗人,他强调本能、激情和想象力,表达了诗人对精神自由的追求,体现了浪漫主义精神之特点,布莱克也是一位革命诗人,他一反十八世纪的清规戒律,在诗中表达了强烈的革命激情和反叛精神。
《老虎》是布莱克早期的重要抒情诗歌之一,收集在他的代表作品《经验之歌》(Songs of Experience,1794)里。
此篇为本人亲手收集网络上各种资料汇总的《羔羊》和《老虎》诗评中英文对照威廉布莱克(William Blake,1757-1827)是英国十八、十九世纪的重要诗人。
William Blake (William Blake ,1757-1827) is a British eighteenth and nineteenth century poet. "Songs of Innocence" and "Songs of Experience" Black is the most important two poetry collections. "Songs of Innocence" symbol of the human newborn state of innocence, "Songs of Experience" depicts a secular life in the experience of the state. The two groups of poetic imagery and more confrontation at one of the most obvious is the paramount concern is the lamb and tiger opposition.The opposing image symbolizes this series see two opposing states of the human soul. In Blake's view, the world is in this contradictory movement continue to move forward. "Naive" if not the temper of the world after the "experience" will not be able to rise to a higher level. "Naive" and "experience" is not only plagued with the problem of Blake's life, there are also among almost all of human history, until now still be placed in front of us as a difficult problem to solve. Of modern pain it is "naive" World feel depressed, anxious and confused, longing for the simple, harmonious and beautiful world of the "experience". How to reach a new "organized the naive state", not just the "Songs of Innocence" depicts the simple pure harmony. This may be our common thinking.-------------------------------------------------------华丽的分割线----------------------------------------------------《羔羊》开篇用轻柔的韵脚对温顺的小羊羔提出询问: Little Lamb.who made thee Dost thou know who made thee作者刻意凸显小羊羔纯洁的毛色、温顺的天性和与世无争的性格。
神秘的精神力量--布莱克《老虎》诗鉴赏张露颖【摘要】“Tiger” is masterpiece of Songs of Experience by William·Blake. It is straightforward and easy-under-standing in the writing, containing mysterious symbolism and leaving enough imagination space for reader. Tiger is not only an ordinary one in the picture, but new revolutionary force riches passion and rebellious spirit, by auditory and visual expression. The poem has suggestive symbol and features mystery with inexplicit language. The poet in-tegrates mysticism, symbolism and romanticism so perfectly to create the timeless and enduring work, that readers of different ages in different cultures have different interpretations.%《老虎》是威廉·布莱克《经验之歌》的代表作,在直白易懂的文字上,蕴含着神秘的象征意义,留给读者更多的想象空间。
精读6paper tigers课文翻译
Lesson 1 Paper TigersWhat happens to alll the Asian-American overachievers when the test-taking ends?当考试结束时,所有的亚裔美国人都会有怎样的表现呢?By Wesley Yang Published May 8 2011 para 1Sometimes P l glimpse my reflection in a window and feel astonished by whatseeet-blackhair Slanted eves. A pancake-flat surface ofvellow-and-green-toned skin An expressionthat is nearly reptilian in its impassivity. I’ve contrived to think of this face as the equal in beauty to any other. But what I feel in these moments is its strangeness to me. It’s my face. I can’t disclaim it. But what does it have to do with me?有时我会从窗户里瞥见我的倒影,我会对我所看到的感到惊讶。
但这和我有什么关系呢?Para 2Millions of Americans must feel estranged from their own facesBut evervself-estranged individual is estranged in his own wav.Lfor instance am the child of Korean immigrants.but I do not speak my parents’native tongue. I have never dated a Korean woman. I don t have a Korean friend Though I am an immigrantI have never wanted to strive like one.一定有无数的美国人对他们自己的长相会有一种疏离感,但是其中每个人的原因却又不尽相同。
老虎的英文诗The Majestic TigerThe tiger, a creature of awe and wonder, has long captivated the hearts and imaginations of people across the globe. This magnificent feline, with its striking orange and black stripes, powerful physique, and fierce demeanor, has become a symbol of strength, grace, and the untamed spirit of the wild. In the realm of poetry, the tiger has inspired countless writers to capture its essence in the written word, and in this essay, we will explore the poetic representations of this iconic animal.One of the most renowned poetic works that celebrates the tiger is William Blake's "The Tyger," a piece that delves into the dichotomy of the tiger's fierce nature and the divine hand that created it. Through a series of rhetorical questions, Blake invites the reader to contemplate the origins of such a formidable creature, pondering the power and artistry of the divine being responsible for its existence. The poem's rhythmic and lyrical structure mirrors the tiger's own sense of raw power and untamed energy, making it a captivating and thought-provoking exploration of the tiger's place in the natural world.Another poetic work that captures the essence of the tiger is Rudyard Kipling's "The Seal Lullaby," a lullaby that tells the story of a mother tiger protecting her cubs from the dangers of the jungle. In this tender and evocative piece, Kipling paints a vivid picture of the tiger's fierce maternal instincts, as she sings a soothing lullaby to her young while remaining ever-vigilant against the threats that lurk in the shadows. The poem's gentle, lullaby-like cadence juxtaposes with the tiger's inherent power and ferocity, creating a captivating and emotionally resonant portrait of the animal's duality.In addition to these classic works, contemporary poets have also found inspiration in the tiger, using their craft to explore new facets of this enigmatic creature. One such example is Mary Oliver's "The Tiger," a poem that delves into the tiger's primal connection to the natural world and its role as a guardian of the wilderness. Through vivid imagery and poetic language, Oliver invites the reader to witness the tiger's majestic presence, to feel the weight of its paws and the intensity of its gaze, and to appreciate the delicate balance between the tiger's raw power and the fragility of the ecosystem it inhabits.Another contemporary poet, Naomi Shihab Nye, has also contributed to the poetic canon of the tiger with her work "Kindness." While not directly about the tiger itself, this poemexplores the concept of kindness and its ability to transform the world, drawing a parallel between the tiger's fierce protection of its young and the human capacity for compassion and empathy. Through this lens, the tiger becomes a symbol of the duality of nature, a reminder that even the most fearsome creatures possess an innate capacity for nurturing and care.The poetic representations of the tiger are not limited to the English-speaking world, as evidenced by the rich tradition of tiger-inspired poetry in other cultures. In the Indian subcontinent, for instance, the tiger has long been revered as a sacred and powerful being, and this reverence is reflected in the region's poetic traditions. One such example is the work of the renowned Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore, whose poem "The Cycle of the Spring" celebrates the tiger's place in the natural world and its role as a guardian of the forest.Similarly, in Chinese poetry, the tiger has been a frequent subject of poetic exploration, with poets such as Li Bai and Du Fu capturing the animal's majesty and symbolic significance. In their works, the tiger is often used as a metaphor for strength, courage, and the untamed spirit of the natural world, serving as a reminder of the delicate balance between humanity and the natural environment.Across cultures and time periods, the tiger has continued to captivate and inspire poets, who have used their craft to explore thedepths of this enigmatic creature's essence. From the classic works of Blake and Kipling to the contemporary voices of Oliver and Nye, the poetic representations of the tiger have evolved, reflecting the changing perspectives and sensibilities of the human experience. Yet, at the core of these poetic explorations, the tiger remains a symbol of the wild, a testament to the raw power and beauty of the natural world, and a reminder of the profound impact that even the most formidable of creatures can have on the human imagination.。
诗歌《羔羊》(The Lamb)与《老虎》(The Tiger)分别出自布莱克的代表作《天真之歌》和《经验之歌》,两首诗都提出了关于上帝造物的问题,表达了诗人对世界所持的不同的态度。
【关键词】布莱克;《羔羊》;《老虎》【中图分类号】H315 【文献标识码】A一、引言威廉·布莱克(1757-1827)是英国诗人、画家,浪漫主义文学代表人物之一。
两部诗集中的很多诗歌都是成鲜明对比的,《经验之歌》中的一些诗歌是对应《天真之歌》而写成的,比如《幼儿的悲伤》(Infant Sorrow)对应《幼儿的欢乐》(Infant Joy),《一个丢失的男孩》(The Little Boy Lost)对应《一个归家的男孩》(The Little Boy Found)等等。
诗歌《羔羊》(The Lamb)与《老虎》(The Tiger)分别出自《天真之歌》和《经验之歌》,两首诗都提出了关于上帝造物的有争议性的问题,表达了诗人对世界和宇宙所持的不同的态度。
二、《羔羊》与《老虎》在《羔羊》的第一节,以问题“小羔羊,谁创造了你?”开篇,提问者是一个孩子,在关于小羔羊的出身进行提问:“小羔羊谁创造了你?/你可知道谁创造了你?/给你生命,哺育着你;/在溪流旁,在青草地;/给你穿上好看的衣裳,/最软的衣裳毛茸茸多漂亮;/给你这样温柔的声音,/让所有的山谷都开心;/小羔羊谁创造了你?/你可知道谁创造了你?” 这首诗充满了孩子的天真与快乐,描述了穿着毛茸茸的衣服的小羔羊,它柔和的声音让整个山谷都喜欢。
232郭沫若与徐志摩译诗思想之比较分析——以布莱克《老虎》译文为例文/刘智临 李亦凡摘要:郭沫若的“风韵译”翻译理念及徐志摩的“爱、自由、美”的翻译理念,影响着他们对诗歌的翻译,笔者选取布莱克《老虎》郭译本及徐译本,从措辞、音韵、意象三个角度对两篇译文进行对比分析,来讨论两者的译诗思想,据此认为两者翻译理念受环境影响至深。
原诗如下:The Tyger William BlakeTyger! Tyger! Burning bright In the forests of the night!What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire?What the hand dare seize the fire?And what shoulder and what artCould twist the sinews of thy heart?And when thy heart began to beat ,What dread hand and what dread feet?What the hammer? What the chain?In what furnace was thy brain?What the anvil? What dread grasp?Dare its deadly terrors clasp?When the stars threw down their spears ,And watered heaven with their tears ,Did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the lamb make thee? Tyger! Tyger! Burning bright In the forests of the night!What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?二、对比分析郭译《老虎》及徐译《老虎》郭沫若认为在诗歌的翻译中,对于语言的音和意,应该给予“意”特别的关注。
浅析布莱克《老虎》中象征与典故的运用[摘要] 本文通过对威廉·布莱克《老虎》中所运用的典故象征和修辞疑问句等修辞艺术的分析,来阐述典故与象征暗示的老虎威武堂堂、活力四射的反叛者与革命者的意象。
[关键词] 象征典故老虎意象威廉·布莱克是英国浪漫主义的先驱,他的诗歌充满意象,象征主义和神秘主义色彩浓厚,诗句晦涩难懂。
《老虎》是布莱克早期的重要抒情诗歌之一,收集在他的代表作品《经验之歌》(Songs of Experience,1794)里。
英语symbol(象征)一词来自于希腊语动词symballein,意为“拼凑”(to throw together)及名词symbolon,意为“象征”(emblem/token /sign)。
英语的词语象征可以分为两类:一类是主体和象征体形成凝固关系的象征,修辞学上称为公众象征(public symbol);第二类则是作者利用联想所创造的个人象征(private symbol)。
”下面是店铺分享的英译散文《虎》赏析,欢迎阅读!《虎》The Tiger巴金Ba Jin我不曾走入深山,见到活泼跳跃的猛虎。
I have never been to the depths of remote mountains to seea lively fierce tiger, but I have heard quite a few stories about it.在兽类中我最爱虎;在虎的故事中我最爱下面的一个:Of all animals, I like the tiger best. And of all the stories about it, the following is my favorite:要点:1,“深山”即“偏远的山”译为remote mountains2,OF表示“在…中“这个句型的出镜率之高都赶上”天天见“的大宝了,,,of也可根据情景换为among ,文学非文学都适用~ 深山中有一所古庙,几个和尚在那里过着单调的修行生活。
There was deep in a mountain an ancient temple where several pious Buddhist monks lived a monotonous life. They had for company only a number of tigers apart from a few country folks who occasionally came up the mountain for visit. Instead of harassing the monks, the tigers voluntarily stood guard at thegate of the temple. As a reward for it, the monks would place some edibles in front of the gate for tigers to eat. Towards evening, when the setting sun had dyed half of the sky red, the tigers would come up to the gate in groups to eat their fill and then left skipping and jumping.要点:1,“几个和尚在那里过着单调的修行生活“译为There was deep in a mountain an ancient temple where several pious Buddhist monks lived a monotonous life.如果直译则是where several monks lived the monotonous life of pratising Buddhism(修行)但前者显然更加简洁,其中pious(虔诚的)已经涵盖”修行生活“之意2,“同他们做朋友的…”意即“陪伴他们的…”译为they had…for company3, “虎们成群地走到庙门口,吃了东西,跳跃而去。
老虎诗词 老虎的诗句古诗大全
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但是两篇翻译 中也有一些值得商榷 的地方 。卞译将原诗第 二句 的“oet译成“ frs ” 森林 和草莽” 不很 妥当,f et只指森林或 “o s” r蔌 放有. 高教
S haanxi Ji aovu ・G ao i i ao
化 艺术
感 和 创 作 激 情 的 ,只 有在 大量 的草 图绘 制 过 程 中 逐 步 地 整 理 出
制草 图。 但对版画这一特殊画种 , 尤其是从古代印刷术演变而来 的套色木刻这个绘画形式来说 , 图是决定它成败的关键 。 草
在画草图的过程 中 , 创作者可 以通过具体的画面 , 进一 步完 善和丰富它的主题 , 反复地研究画面 , 于创作者对生活 的体验 利
分析 , 我们得 出的结论 是 : 版画创作是 离不开草 图的绘 制的 , 尤 其是套色木 刻的课程 , 严谨 、 科学 、 完整 的一 幅彩色草 图是一件 优秀版 画作 品成功的有力保证。
参考文献 :
品。 许多老一辈的版画家们 在动手刻版前画的草图 , 本身就是一
幅完整 的水粉画 。
W h tm mo tl a do-y ai r hn i e a e
Dae a r mety faf l m J h e ru I l
通 过比较第二段首句 的两种翻译 , 可知两位译者对此句的
理解不尽然相 同 , 卞译的“ 什么样遥远的海底 、 天边 / 出了做 烧 你 眼睛的火焰 ?” 较为忠实原作 , 而郭译与原诗 的意思有些 出
佳。然而 , 两位 译 者 对 该 诗 的 理 解 、 以及 措 辞 造 句方 面有 一 些 值 得 商 榷 和 进行 比较 的地 方 。
徐 镱 闻
【 关键词】《 虎》译 文 卞之琳 郭沫若 老
英 国著名诗人威廉 ・ 布莱克( 7 7 12 ) 15 — 87 于一 七九三年完成 了一本 名为《 验之歌》 经 的诗歌 汇编集 , 诗集描 绘 了资本 主义 该
意思是“ 沛的力量 , 充 强力” 的意思 , 卞译 的“ 五脏六腑 ” 和原诗 中 的“ er 是无 法对等 的, h at ” 这里 翻译成 “ 心脏的筋肉” 好一些 。第 三句郭译的“ 当你 的心脏开始搏动时” 更倾 向于此诗的语 言风 格, 而卞译 的“ 蹦跳” 则较好地进行 了诗尾的押韵 。第三句 和第 ( 下转 2 7页)
hn a e etefe” o ” 这里是 “ ad d e si h i ? “n在 r z r 凭借” 的意思 ,apr” “ i s e
有“ 上升” 的意思 , 卞译的“ 凭… …凌空?凭 ……” 不仅忠实原作 ,
解和翻译 , 有一些值得探讨和商榷的地方。
第 一段 :卞 译 : 老 虎 !老虎 l火 一样 辉煌 , 烧 穿 了黑夜 的森 林和 草莽 , 什 么样 非 凡的 手和 眼睛 郭译: 老虎 !老虎 !黑 夜 的森林 中 燃烧 着 的煌煌 的 火光 , 是 怎样 的神 手或 天 眼
中表达 自己对于某一 现象 的感受 、哪怕是一段对他有所触动 的
梦境 , 都需要通过一个表达手段来体现。音乐家是谱 曲 , 舞蹈家 是 动作 , 而画家肯定是要画出来。版画家要把作 品制作 出来 , 就 必须先通过绘制 草图来实现 自己的创作意图。这个 草图也许要 很多张 , 也许是很多小稿 , 这就是整理思路进行创作的过程 。只 在脑海里想 , 而不去动手画 , 是很难保持住那种瞬间性的艺术灵
个 明确 的创作主题 , 才能充分把 自己的感 受和想法表达 出来 。
2 印刷 的 栽 体 作 用 .
稍微具有版画常识的人都知道 , 不只是套色木刻 , 版画 中任 意一个版种在制作过程 中, 都是非常严谨的。就套 色木刻 而言 ,
哪个物象先刻 , 印? 先 重色压浅色 , 主板还是先副板 , 印大块 先 先 色还是先 印小块色?这些具体的问题都需要在一个具体化 的完 整色稿 中来体现 。 草图的精 细程度 , 甚至可以看成是完成后 的作
这一节奏表现 出诗歌 的雄浑气势 , 以及诗人通过节奏所要表达 的对 “ 老虎” 的困惑和赞叹。而作为二十世 纪新诗代表诗人 的郭
沫若在 翻译时并未拘泥于韵律的局限和原诗句的排列顺序 ( 新 诗打破 了旧体诗 的格律 , 白话文写作 )这样翻译也是无可厚 用 ,
非 的。
健 的体魄 ,捏” “ 字显然力度不够 ,拗” “ 要好一些 ;s e so v “i w ft n h hat分别译为“ er ” 五脏六腑 的筋络” 心脏的筋肉” “ie s 的 和“ ,s w ” n
3启 发 和 完善 创 作 意 图 .
[】 振 铎 . 国古 代 木 刻 画 史 略 [ . 海 : 海 书店 出 版 社 1郑 中 M】 上 上
出 版 .0 6 20.
[ 美 术 辞 林 . 画 艺 术 卷 【 .西 安 : 西 人 民 美 术 出版 社 , 2 ] 版 M] 陕
1 2. 99
2 1 年 9期 0 1
更 放隋. oj o 高教 S a n iJa y Ga i h a x o u・ i a
化 艺术
【 摘
要】《 虎》 老 是英 国诗人威廉・ 莱克创作 的一 首广为流传的诗歌 , 录在 其诗 集《 布 收 经验
之 歌 》 。我 国有 很 多著 名 翻 译 家都 曾 翻 译 过 此诗 。在 这 些译 作 中 , 卞之 琳 和 郭 沫 若 的译 本 为 中 以
能塑 造你 一 身惊 人的 匀称 ?
造 出了你 这样 的威 武堂 堂 ?
在第 一段 的翻译 中, 卞之琳力求再 现原诗诗句 的排列和句 尾 的押韵 , 并通过中文诵 读的顿挫 和字韵来表现原诗 , 这是值得 借鉴 和学 习的。原诗大部分采用 了抑扬格 四音 步 , 中还穿插 其 了一些扬扬格 。“ 诗行短 , 重音多 , 韵脚密 , 读起 来铿锵有力 。”
这首诗结构严谨 、 格律均整 , 其韵律仿佛打铁 的砧声 , 一下
下有节奏地敲打着颇为有力 的拍子 , 富有节 奏感 。在该诗 的译 本中 , 以卞之琳和郭沫若的翻译为佳。就两位译者对该诗 的理
入, 这里 的“ ep rsis分别指地狱和天堂 , d eso k ” e 两个译本 中均没 有体现 出来 。后两句 “ n w a wnsdr eap e O ht ig a h si ?Wht h e r a te
进行再度浓缩和提纯 , 同时, 还有利 于把创作者 比较模糊 的创作 欲望和创作 意识 调动起来 。 制草 图 , 绘 还可以把抽象的艺术形象
和思维具体 地呈现 出来 , 这一过程也 是对后期 刻版 、 版 、 制 印刷
的一个梳理过程 。 只有做好这一切 , 创作者才能对一幅套色木刻 的成功与否 了然于心了。 通过对学生学习套色木刻过程 中出现的一些 问题进行 总结
版 画是一个注重制作 过程 的间接艺术 , 因此 , 创作者的灵感
和激情 都是需要记 录下来 的 , 否则 , 都会 消逝在漫长 的制版 、 刻
【】 3朗文 . 汉 双解 活 用 词典 【J 上 海 : 海译 文 出版社 , 9 . 英 Z. 上 1 1 9 【 王树村 . 国民间画诀 [ . 京 : 京 工 艺美术 出版社, 4 】 中 M】 北 北
C udw t n w o t ha ? se . o l ti t s e s f坶 e t e h i r p
g dw tr tyt atb g t e a tt e h t t e m ob n e
W h t ra a d n a d e dh n ?A dwh t e d ad a r e? t Ax w aee .e nw i ter e喁 . i l a trdh 撇 t h i t2 h Di e8ll i r os e dh l e s /i h wo kt e ?
B rt e r o t n e un t fe f i e s h i hey?
Iw a f l e a t ba ? n h t ns w s y r n u c h i
agr Tg rB m i 3 e! ye! u mg I , b 曲
O ht 目 ae e 吕i nw aw g dr h p a
燃 烧在多 远的天 空或深渊 ?
他 乘着怎 样的翅膀 搏击 ? 用怎样 的手夺来 火焰 ?
Di l dl ewh oma e h a d t eL mb ma e k
h e te ?
I nwh t l a t d e so is d e p r ke s
Whth a a teh mm e?W h t ec a r e t h i h n?
者更加忠实原诗 , 但这种直译没有体 现出作者要表达 的意思 。
sm er” y m t 原意是“ y 对称 , 匀称 ” “ aflsm er” ,f r y m t 是作者对老 e u y
诗集。《 老虎》 是该诗集 中一首脍炙人 口的作品 。诗的全文 如下 :
THE TYGER By W i a Blke uin a
等到你的 心一开始 蹦跳,
笪 堡 翌堕 王 尘 塑 塑! 里 堡 至 塑 坚! 墨 堕 J 第三段 的第一句二者分别将 “h udr译为“ sole” 胳膊 ” 膂 和“
力 ” 胳膊” 。“ 有死译之嫌 , 郭译 的“ 膂力” 更好些 。第二旬二者将 “ i” t s 分别译为“ ” 捏 ”作者使用该词是 为了显示老虎强 wt 拗 和“ ,
w h teh n m e e ete mh a d d ' i h sz
i ? fe r
Whth v ? m de ga ate ni Wlt a r p a l r d s
Daei e dy t r r 1 r t dal e os a s r c