

人教版八年级物理下册 第十章单元测试试卷含答案解析(1)

人教版八年级物理下册 第十章单元测试试卷含答案解析(1)

第十章浮力综合测试一、单选题1.放在水平桌面上的甲、乙两个相同的容器中盛有同种液体,体积相等的a 、b 两个物体在液体中静止时,两液面相平,如图所示,则()A .物体a 的密度大B .物体b 受到的浮力小C .甲容器底部受到的压力小D .两容器对桌面的压强一样大2.两个相同的容器中,分别盛有甲、乙两种液体,把完全相同的两个小球分别放入两个容器中,当两球静止时液面相平,球所处位置如图所示。

甲、乙两种液体对容器底部的压强大小分别为p 甲、p 乙,两球在甲、乙两种液体中所受浮力大小分别为F 甲、F 乙,则它们的大小关系是()A .p p 甲乙>F F =甲乙B .p p 甲乙<F F =甲乙C .p p 甲乙>F F 甲乙>D .P P <甲乙F F <甲乙3.将一木块用细线在空的容器底部,开始往容器中缓慢加水至图甲所示位,木块受到的浮力F 随容器中水深h 的变化关系如图乙,则木块()A.小球的质量是60gB.甲杯中小球受到的浮力小于4A .图甲中A 受到的浮力为12NB .木块A 的密度为0.67×103kg/m 3C .从图甲到图乙,水对A 底部的压力变化了3ND .合金块B 的密度为4×103kg/m 37.2020年4月23日,“雪龙”号考察船圆满完成历时198天的南极考察任务,返回上海码头落锚。


三种情况下船身受到的浮力大小分别为F 甲、F 乙、F 丙,它们的大小关系正确的是()A .F 甲=F 乙=F 丙B .F 甲>F 乙=F 丙C .F 甲>F 乙>F 丙D .F 甲<F 乙<F 丙8.如图所示,甲、乙、丙三个完全相同的烧杯中均装有适量的水,将质地均匀,且不吸水的a 、b 两实心体分别放入甲、乙烧杯中,当a 、b 静止时,a 有五分之二的体积露出水面,b 悬浮于水中,此时两烧杯液面刚好相平。

第十单元 综合练习

第十单元  综合练习

2012年中考化学试题汇编——《酸、碱、盐》1.下列对化学知识的归纳不正确...的是A.物质的俗名:氢氧化钠的俗名——苛性钠碳酸钙的俗名——大理石B.物质的分类:CH3COOH——酸NH3·H2O——碱C.物质的物理性质:干冰能升华氧化钙加水放热D.物质的鉴别:化纤与纯羊毛面料-------燃烧食盐与碱面------- 加食醋2. 碱溶液中都含有OH-,因此不同的碱表现出一些共同的性质。

下列关于Ba(OH)2性质的描述中不属于碱的共同性质的是A.能使紫色石蕊溶液变蓝色 B.能与盐酸反应生成水C.能与Na2S04溶液反应生成BaS04沉淀 D.能与CO2反应生成水3.下列归纳或类推中,正确的是A.将氯化氢和SO2分别通入石蕊试液中,溶液都变为红色,所以它们都是酸类物质B.中和反应生成盐和水,有盐和水生成的反应一定是中和反应C.一氧化碳和氢气都能夺取氧化铜中的氧,它们都具有还原性D.离子是带电荷的原子或原子团,所以的微粒一定是离子4.下列检测某溶液pH的操作正确的是A.将pH试纸投入待测液,对照标准比色卡读数B.用玻璃棒蘸取待测液沾在用蒸馏水润湿的pH试纸上.对照标准比色卡读数C.用干燥、洁净的玻璃棒蘸取少量待测液,沾在置于洁净表而皿的pH试纸上,半分钟内根据试纸呈现颜色,对照标准比色卡读数D.用玻璃棒蘸取待测液沾在pH试纸上,3分钟后对照标准比色卡读数 5.实验室发现一瓶标签脱落的固体试剂,小王分别取少量的该固体进行了下列实验。



七年级数学下册第十章数据的收集整理与描述单元综合检测题 (1)

七年级数学下册第十章数据的收集整理与描述单元综合检测题 (1)

第10章单元检测题(时间:100分钟满分:120分)一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1.(2020·张家界)下列采用的调查方式中,不合适的是(B) A.了解澧水河的水质,采用抽样调查B.了解一批灯泡的使用寿命,采用全面调查C.了解张家界市中学生睡眠时间,采用抽样调查D.了解某班同学的数学成绩,采用全面调查2.今年某市有4万名学生参加中考,为了了解这些考生的数学成绩,从中抽取2000名考生的数学成绩进行统计分析.在这个问题中,下列说法正确的是(D)A.这4万名考生是总体B.每个考生是个体C.2000名考生是总体的一个样本D.样本容量是20003.(2020·上海)我们经常将调查、收集得来的数据用各类统计图进行整理与表示.下列统计图中,能凸显由数据所表现出来的部分与整体的关系的是(B)A.条形图B.扇形图C.折线图D.频数分布直方图4.(河北中考)某同学要统计本校图书馆最受学生欢迎的图书种类,以下是排乱的统计步骤:①从扇形图中分析出最受学生欢迎的种类②去图书馆收集学生借阅图书的记录③绘制扇形图来表示各个种类所占的百分比④整理借阅图书记录并绘制频数分布表正确统计步骤的顺序是(D)A.②→③→①→④B.③→④→①→②C.①→②→④→③D.②→④→③→①5.(2020·乐山)某校在全校学生中举办了一次“交通安全知识”测试,张老师从全校学生的答卷中随机地抽取了部分学生的答卷,将测试成绩按“差”、“中"、“良”、“优"划分为四个等级,并绘制成如图所示的条形统计图.若该校学生共有2000人,则其中成绩为“良”和“优"的总人数估计为(A)A.1100 B.1000 C.900 D.1106.为了解某一路口某一时段的汽车流量,小明同学10天中在同一时段统计通过该路口的汽车数量(单位:辆),将统计结果绘制成如图所示的折线统计图.由此估计一个月(30天)该时段通过该路口的汽车数量超过200辆的天数为(C)A.9 B.10 C.12 D.157.为了了解某校学生对篮球、足球、羽毛球、乒乓球、网球等五类的喜爱程度,小李采用了抽样调查,在绘制扇形图时,由于时间仓促,还有足球、网球等信息还没有绘制完成,如图,根据图中的信息,这批被抽样调查的学生最喜欢足球的人数不可能是(D)A.100人B.200人C.260人D.400人错误!错误!8.对一批衬衣进行抽检,统计合格衬衣的件数,得到合格衬衣的频数表如下:抽取件数501015205080100合格频数428814117644872900估计出售2000件衬衣,其中次品大约是(D)A.50件B.100件C.150件D.200件9.某校测量了九(1)班学生的身高(精确到1 cm),按10 cm 为一段进行分组,得到如图所示的频数分布直方图(每组含前一个边界值,不含后一个边界值),则下列说法正确的是(A)A.该班身高最高段的学生有7人B.该班身高最高段的学生有20人C.该班身高低于160 cm的学生有15人D.该班身高段人数最多的学生有7人10.为了调查新冠肺炎疫情对青少年人生观、价值观产生的影响,某学校团委对初二级部学生进行了问卷调查,其中一项是:疫情期间出现的哪一个高频词汇最触动你的内心?针对该项调查结果制作的两个统计图(不完整)如图.由图中信息可知,下列结论错误的是(C)A.本次调查的样本容量是600B.选“责任"的有120人C.扇形统计图中“生命"所对应的扇形圆心角度数为64。





下表中的各组物质不会出现上述现象的是()X YA CO Ca(OH)2溶液B CO2NaOH溶液C HCl Ca(OH)2溶液D SO2NaOH溶液7.下列化学方程式符合题意且书写正确的是()A.用硫酸除铁锈:FeO+H2SO4==FeSO4+H2OB.正常雨水的pH约为5.6的原因:CO2+H2O==H2CO3C.医疗上用碱性物质中和过多胃酸:NaOH+HCl==NaCl+H2OD.除去铜粉中少量的铁粉:2Fe+6HCl==2FeCl3+3H2↑8.下列各组括号内除杂的方法或试剂错误的是()A.Cu粉中混有Fe粉(用磁铁吸引)B.Cu粉中混有CuO(稀硫酸)C.CO中混有CO2(氢氧化钠溶液)D.CO2中混有CO(点燃)9.下列叙述中,正确的是()A.红磷在空气中燃烧产生大量白雾B.生成盐和水的反应都是中和反应C.电解水时加入氢氧化钠可增强导电性D.吹灭蜡烛后的瞬间,烛芯处产生大量黑烟10.某锥形瓶中装有稀盐酸。

九年级化学下册《第十单元 酸与碱》单元测试卷(带答案)

九年级化学下册《第十单元 酸与碱》单元测试卷(带答案)


下列说法错误的是A.A点可表示多种不同的单质B.A→B→C都只能通过与O2的反应来实现C.C→D的反应类型为化合反应D.E可由C与碱溶液反应制得2.下列有关实验现象的描述中,正确的是()A.打开盛有浓盐酸的试剂瓶,在瓶口观察到白烟B.硫在氧气中燃烧,发出蓝紫色火焰C.细铁丝在空气中燃烧,火星四射,生成黑色固体D.镁条在空气中燃烧发出耀眼的白光,生成氧化镁3.下列描述属于氢氧化钙化学性质的是()A.白色固体B.微溶于水C.溶液有滑腻感D.能与CO2反应4.下列实验现象描述正确的是A.打开盛有浓盐酸的试剂瓶的瓶盖,瓶口出现白烟B.铁与稀盐酸反应,溶液由无色变成浅绿色C.硫在空气中燃烧发出明亮的蓝紫色火焰D.木炭还原氧化铜,生成红色的铜5.下列说法正确的是A.KNO3 20℃时的溶解度大于80℃时溶解度B.氯化钠溶液能够导电是因为溶液中存在自由移动的阴、阳离子C.加热KClO3时,用MnO2作催化剂,能提高氧气的产量D.相同条件下,NaCl溶于水时溶液温度高于NaOH溶于水时溶液温度6.区分下列各组物质,所加试剂或操作方法都正确的是选项需区分的物质方法一方法二A烧碱和熟石灰滴加稀盐酸,观察是否产生气泡溶于水观察溶解性B黄金和黄铜灼烧后观察颜色加入稀盐酸C氧气和氢气通入紫色石蕊试液通过灼热的氧化铜D 食盐水和稀硫酸闻气味滴加硝酸银溶液A.A B.B C.C D.D7.下列有关图中实验的相关判断错误的是A.T1<T2B.固体X可能是CaOC.锥形瓶℃中的溶液为不饱和石灰水D.锥形瓶℃和℃中Ca(OH)2的质量分数相等8.下列对于实验现象的描述正确的是A.红磷在氧气中燃烧产生大量的白雾并发出蓝光B.氧化铜与盐酸反应,溶液颜色变为蓝绿色,加水后,逐渐变为蓝色C.电解水时正负极产生气体体积比是2℃1D.硫在氧气中燃烧产生淡蓝色火焰9.下列实验方法不能达到实验目的的是A.用盐酸清洗水壶中的水垢B.用肥皂水区别硬水和软水C.往饱和石灰水中通入少量二氧化碳,使溶液变成不饱和石灰水D.一氧化碳还原氧化铁的实验中,将尾气通入氢氧化钠溶液,清除剩余的一氧化碳10.硫酸是一种重要的化工原料,下列说法正确的是A.浓硫酸可作所有气体的干燥剂B.稀硫酸不可用于金属表面除锈C.浓硫酸有脱水性,可使木材、纸张炭化D .实验室可用块状石灰石与稀硫酸制备CO 211.下列除杂试剂正确的是A .用过量的2O 除去2CO 中COB .用过量的4FeSO 溶液除去Zn 中FeC .用过量的NaOH 除去2CaCl 溶液中HClD .用过量的HCl 溶液除去Cu 中CuO二、填空题12.氢氧化钠(化学式:__)因有强烈的腐蚀性,故俗称为__、__或__,白色固体,__溶于水,且放出大量的热,暴露在空气中容易吸收水分发生潮解;可用于干燥中性或碱性气体(如O 2、H 2、NH 3等),但不能干燥酸性气体(如__、__、__等)。

人教版英语八年级上册第十单元测试题及答案Unit 10

人教版英语八年级上册第十单元测试题及答案Unit 10

人教版英语八年级上册第十单元测试题及答案Unit 10Unit 10: If You Go to the Party。

You'll Have a Great Time!n 1: Multiple Choice (15 ns。

15 points)1.You should apologize to your elder sister。

Which modal verb is appropriate?A。




would2.Which modal verb is appropriate to express the importance of not drinking and driving?A。




would3.If there is a change in the plan。

when will you be informed?A。

you could have been toldB。

you might be toldC。

you will be toldD。

you have been told4.He will come if you invite him tomorrow。

Which verb tense is correct?A。

will come。

will inviteB。

should come。

should inviteC。


will inviteD。


invite5.Do you know if he will come tomorrow。

If he does。

what will happen?A。

He will come。


He won't come。


He comes。

will inviteD。

He doesn't come。


人教版八年级英语下册第十单元测试卷 (8)

人教版八年级英语下册第十单元测试卷 (8)

浙江省温州市平阳县鳌江镇年八年级英语下册Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years单元综合检测题1 (新版)人教新目标版Unit 10 综合检测题I.单项填空1. -Where is Tom? We can't find him anywhere.-Perhaps he __________ home.A. has comeB. is goingC. wentD. was going2. __________ my opinion, your answer is wrong.A. InB. ToC. ForD. With3. -__________ you ever __________ to the new zoo?-Yes, we had a good time there.A. Have, goneB. Had; beenC. Have, beenD. Had; gone4. I think __________ should not be allowed to drive.A. sixteen years oldB. sixteen-year-oldC. sixteen-year-oldsD. six years-olds5. -Why are you so quiet?-I'm considering __________ a new sweater.A. buyB. boughtC. buyingD. to buy6. -Why are you worried?-I'm expecting a call from my daughter. She __________ New York forthree days.A. has gone toB. has been toC. has been inD. has come in7. They didn't go to bed __________ the work was finished.A. whenB. whileC. untilD. after8. What __________ honest boy! We should learn from himA. aB. anC. theD. /9. -I'd like you to tell me something about Shennongjia.-I'm sorry, but neither Jack nor I __________ there.A. have beenB. had beenC. have goneD. has gone10. -Why can you speak Chinese so well? __________ have you learned it?-For 6 years.A. How manyB. How longC. How oftenD. How far11. The little girl didn't stop crying __________ she found her mother.A. afterB. untilC. becauseD. when12. Stay away from jun k food, please. It’s bad for us, __________ for children.A. recentlyB. especiallyC. probablyD. exactly13. -How long has Mr. Green lived __________ Lanzhou?-He's lived here __________ 1998.A. in; forB. in; sinceC. at; byD. at; of14. -My car __________. Could you please give me a ride tomorrow?-I'm sorry I can't. I'm __________ London tomorrow morning.A. is new; leavingB. has broken down; leaving forC. broke; leaving forD. is expensive; leaving15. -Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange or a bottle of milk?-__________, thanks. I'd like just a cup of tea.A. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. NoneII.完形填空My parents have always loved everything about India, so a year ago we went on holiday there. It’s a wonderful 1 with beautiful scenes and interesting people. However, I didn’t enjoy Indian 2 very much.On the second day we planned to see an old palace. At the 3 they said. “If you go by train, it’ll take you only two hours to get there.” However, the hot 4 took over four hours. I was very 5 when we got there, so we had some rice and vegetables with bread in a small restaurant. We were 6 to find it was quite nice. I wasn’tfull up though and I saw a man nearby eating some little meatballs.I said to my dad, “I’v e been eating rice all week. Can I have some meatballs please?”Well, they looked delicious so I ate the first one very 7 . I was just putting the second one in my mouth when I felt myself 8 --my mouth was on fire! I started to cough(咳嗽)and there were tears (泪水) in my eyes. I couldn’t 9 how spicy (辛辣的) it was!I drank about ten glasses of water but the worst thing was everyone was laughi ng at me. You couldn’t make me eat another Indian meatball for all the 10 in the world!1. A. town B. city C. country D. restaurant2. A. food B. scenes C. people D. costumes3. A. palace B. hotel C. airport D. entrance4. A. sail B. walk C. drive D. ride5. A. hungry B. curious C. cheerful D. nervous6. A. shocked B. surprised C. bored D. tired7. A. quietly B. easily C. quickly D. gently8. A. burning B. watering C. crying D. smiling9. A. feel B. believe C. think D. know10. A. diet B. luck C. time D. moneyIII.阅读理解AWhat do you know about failure? In one way of thinking, failure is part of life. In another way, failure may be a way towards success. The Spider Story is often told. Robert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the 13th century, was hiding in a cave from the English. He watched a spider spinning a web(结网) . The spider tried to reach across a rough place in the rock. He tried six times but failed. On the seventh time he made it and went on to spin his web. Bruce is said to have taken heart and to have gone on to defeat the English Edison, the inventor of the light bulb made hundreds of models that failed before be found the right way to make one. Once he was asked why he kept on trying to make a new type of battery when he failed so often. He replied, "Failure? I have no failure. Now I know 50,000 ways that won’t work.”The first thing to bear in mind is that nobody can succeed every time. So take it as a common thing. You can't win themall.Second, always think about your failure. What's the reason of it? What can you change so that things will go right next time?Third, keep try ing and don’t give up. That is the secret of success.1. This passage deals with __________.A. failureB. failure and successC. the Spider StoryD. the invention of the light bulb2. In the first paragraph, the writer talks mainly about __________.A. the value for failureB. success achievedC. famous failureD. Robert Bruce and Edison3. The Spider Story shows that __________.A. failure must come before successB. failure is not always a bad thingC. nature will help us if we let it beD. people who fail are to succeed4. Even if we have failed, we should __________.A. not think about it any moreB. give upC. learn to live with others in the same houseD. learn to accept it5. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A. Where there is a will, there is a way.B. Failure is necessary for success.C. Keep trying and believe yourself.D. You can't win them all.BThis is a talk by a London taxi driver."I've been a taxi driver for nearly ten years. Most London taxi drivers have their own taxis.”"It's a nice job most of the time. You meet a lot of people. I always work at night, because there is too much traffic during the day.I live twenty miles (英里) outside London and I go to work at 5:30 in the afternoon.""I usually go home between 2 and 3 in the morning.""Some very strange things happened late at night. The other day I was taking a woman home from a party. She had her little dog with her. When we got to her house, she found that she had lost her key. So I waited in the car with the dog while she climbed in through the window.""I waited and waited. After half an hour of ringing the bell I decided to find out what was going on. I tied the dog to a tree and started to climb in through the window. The next thing I knew was that the police came. They thought I was a thief!""Luckily the woman came downstairs (下楼). She must have gone to sleep and forgotten about me and the dog!"6. The driver always worked at night because it was easier to__________.A. driveB. make moneyC. climb in through the windowD. meet a lot of people7. The woman climbed in through the window because __________.A. she wanted to have a sleepB. her husband didn't open the door for herC. she didn't want to pay the driverD. she couldn't find her key8. The story happened __________.A. early in the morningB. late at nightC. 20 miles outside LondonD. near the police station9. Which of the following is WRONG?A. The driver worked until between 2 and 3 in the morning.B. The police made a mistake.C. The woman had no money to pay the driver.D. The woman had forgotten about the driver and the dog.10. The driver climbed in through the window to __________.A. get money from the womanB. return the dog to the womanC. see what was happening in the houseD. phone the policeCEveryone wants to own the friendship, because without a friend, the world is like a desert. The friendship is thought very important. Too many people want othe rs to be their friends, but they don’t give friendship back. That is one of the causes why some friendships don’t last vey long. To have a friend, you must learn to be one. You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you. Learning to be a good friend means learning the following rules.Honesty (诚实) is where a good friendship starts. Friends must be able to trust(信任) one another. If you don’t tell the truth, people usually find out, and you may lose your friends trust. Good friends always trust in one another to speak and do things honestly.Generosity means sharing(分享) and sharing makes a friendship grow. You don't have to give your lunch money or your clothes, of course. Instead you share your ideas and feelings. These can be valuable (宝贵的) to a friend. They tell your friend what is important to you. By sharing them, you help your friends know you better.Sooner or later everyone needs understanding and help with a problem. Something may go wrong at school. Talking about theproblem can make it easier to solve. Turning to a friend can be a first step in solving the problem. So to be a friend you must listen and understand. You must try to put yourself in your friend’s place, so you can understand the problem better.No two friendships are ever exactly alike. But all true friendships have three things in common. In fact, good friendship will just not easily last. That is to say, you must give as much as you take, or friendship will die away.11. Is it easy to keep a good friendship?____________________________________________________________12. What are the three rules to be a good friend?____________________________________________________________13. Which is the base of friendship among the three rules?____________________________________________________________14. How do you let your friends know you?____________________________________________________________15. In what way can you keep friendships long?____________________________________________________________D阅读下面短文,把A—E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确。

人教版七年级下册英语第十单元测试题 (1)

人教版七年级下册英语第十单元测试题 (1)

Unit 10 I'd like some noodles.单元测试卷听力部分一、听句子。


( )1.A.B.C.( )2.A.B.C.( )3.A.B.C.( )4.A.B.C.( )5.A.B.C.二、听句子,选择正确的应答语。

( )6.A.Beef noodles.B.I’d like some rice.C.A large bowl.( )7.A.Yes,it’s delicious B.No,I don’t like beef.C.Yes.I’d like some chicken.( )8.A.Twenty B.Mutton dumpling. C.They are my favorites.( )9.A.Yes,it is.B.Yes,there are.C.No,they aren’t.( )10.A.568—7321.B.**************.C.12 North Street.三、听对话。


( )11.What does the girl want to have?A.Hamburgers.B.Ice-cream.C.Vegetable soup( )12.What drinks would the boy like?2初中英语A.Orange Juice.B.Green tea.C.Apple juice.( )13.What would the boy like to buy?A.Some oranges.B.Some apples.C.Some strawberries.( )14.What is the boy’s favorite food?A.Noodles.B.Rice.C.Porridge.( )15.Where is the boy?A.In a park.B.In a bank.C.At a restaurant.四、听短文。

第十单元 酸和碱 综合素质评价(含答案)人教版化学九年级下册 (1)

第十单元 酸和碱 综合素质评价(含答案)人教版化学九年级下册 (1)

第十单元酸和碱综合素质评价可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1C-12O-16Mg-24S-32Cl-35.5 K-39 Fe-56Cu-64Zn-65一、选择题:本大题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分。



由表可知,新鲜肉在变质过程中酸性强弱的变化为()名称新鲜肉次鲜肉变质肉pH 5.8~6.2 6.3~6.6 >6.7A.不变B.变强C.变弱D.无法确定4.规范的实验操作是安全地进行实验并获得成功的保证。

下列实验操作正确的是()5.【原创题】分类是化学学习中常用的思维方法,下列分类错误的是() A.碱:烧碱、生石灰B.酸:碳酸、硫酸C.混合物:石油、海水D.氧化物:干冰、冰水6.化学与生活息息相关,下列说法正确的是()A.为了防治水体污染,硫酸厂的废水加熟石灰中和处理后再排放B.铁架台除锈用稀盐酸长时间浸泡C.不慎把浓硫酸溅到了眼睛里,立即用手揉,必要时看医生D.氧气能供给呼吸,所以我们应该经常呼吸纯净氧气7.下列实验现象描述正确的是()A.打开浓盐酸的瓶盖:瓶口会出现白烟B.向稀硫酸中放入铜丝:溶液变蓝C.氧化铁与稀盐酸反应:溶液由无色变为浅绿色D.氢氧化钠放置在空气中:白色固体表面潮湿并逐渐溶解8.下列化学方程式与事实相符且正确的是()A.澄清石灰水敞口放置发生变质:Ca(OH)2+CO2===CaCO3↓+H2OB.高温煅烧石灰石制取生石灰:CaCO3===CaO+CO2↑C.用稀盐酸除铁锈:FeO+2HCl===FeCl2+H2OD.向稀盐酸中滴加氢氧化铝溶液:2HCl+Al(OH)2===AlCl2+2H2O9.被蚂蚁、蚊虫叮咬后人会感觉痛痒,这是因为昆虫分泌出的酸性物质有刺激作用,该酸性物质的主要成分是甲酸(HCOOH)。

人教版七年级英语下册第十单元测试题 Unit 10 含答案

人教版七年级英语下册第十单元测试题 Unit 10 含答案

Unit 10 I’d like some noodles.单元测试(100分)一、单项选择(15分)( )1. —What would you like to eat? —Some________,please.A.bread B.carrot C.teas D. vegetable( )2.—What kind of noodles would you like? —I'd like ________ noodles.A.muttons and carrots B.mutton and carrot C.muttons and carrot D.mutton and carrots( )3.I don't like eating ________,but I have two ________.A.chickens; chicken B.chickens; chickens C.chicken; chickens D.chicken; chicken( )4.—Would you like some rice or meat? —________. Maybe(或许) a bowl of noodles.A.That's OK B.I'd love to C.I'm not sure D.Of course( )5.She'd like ________ some bread after school.A.have B.Having C.to have D.has( )6.—Are there _______ vegetables in the soup?—Yes, there are _______ tomatoes in it.A. some; someB. any; anyC. some; anyD. any; some( )7.—May I ________ your order? —Yes. I'd like some mapo tofu ________ rice.A.take; with B.take; in C.ask; with D.ask; in( )8. Two glasses of orange juice ________ on the table.A.are B.is C.have D.has( )9.—I hear Tony is a lovely and honest boy. —________. We all like him very much.A.That's right B.Sounds good C.Yes, please D.No problem( )10.Would you like ________ chicken________ breakfast?A.one; to B.some; of C.some; for D.a; for( )11.He'd like a hamburger________ chicken.A.in B.on C.for D.with( )12.—What ________ bowl of noodles would you like, small, medium or large?—A large bowl of beef noodles, please.A. colorB. priceC. sizeD. kind( )13.He says the icecream tastes ________ and sells ________.A. good; wellB. good; goodC. well; wellD. well; good( )14.—Good morning, madam. Can I help you?—Sure, I'd like ________ for cooking vegetables.A.two cups of coffee B.three pieces of bread C.one bowl of dumplings D.five kilos of oil( )15.—________?—Yes. I'd like some tea, please.A.Can I help you B.What's your favoriteC.May I give you some tea D.What would you like二、完形填空。

2020春人教版八年级英语下册:单元综合测试卷十(Unit 10)(带答案)

2020春人教版八年级英语下册:单元综合测试卷十(Unit 10)(带答案)

单元综合测试卷十(Unit 10)时间:120分钟满分:120分姓名:分数:听力部分(25分)一、听力。



(5分)1.M:Hello,Kate.Why are you here?W:I'm buying a new T-shirt.I've had this old one for five years.2.W:Jack,I've had my toy bear for five years.How about your toy tiger?M:Oh,I've had it for one year longer than you.3.M:Susan,I'd like to give away my toys to the kids.I've had them for sixyears.W:How great you are,Nick!Here are my clothes for them and these storybooks come from my sister Ann.4.W:Do you mean you've lived in the city for forty years,Mr. Black?M:No,it has been fifty years since I moved here at the age of 14.5.M:How lovely your city is,Sally!Are there any special places here?W:Yes.The History Museum has been here for over 100 years,the Red Star Square has been around for nearly ninety years and our city finished building the Long Bridge two centuries ago.(A)1.Where is Kate now?A.In a clothes store.B.In a library.C.In a restaurant.(C)2.How long has Jack had his toy tiger?A.For four years.B.For five years.C.For six years.(A)3.Who will give away clothes to the kids?A.Susan.B.Nick.C.Ann.(B)4.How old is Mr. Black now?A.54 years old.B.64 years old.C.65 years old.(B)5.Which place in Sally's city has the longest history?A.The History Museum.B.The Long Bridge.C.The Red Star Square.第二节听长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。

2020-2021学年苏科版八年级下册数学 第十章 分式 单元综合测试(含解析)

2020-2021学年苏科版八年级下册数学 第十章 分式 单元综合测试(含解析)

第十章分式单元综合测试一.选择题1.在中,是分式的有()A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个2.若分式有意义,则x满足的条件是()A.x=5B.x≠5C.x=0D.x≠03.下列分式中,最简分式是()A.B.C.D.4.下列约分正确的是()A.=x3B.=0C.=x+y D.=x﹣y5.如果把分式中的x,y同时扩大为原来的4倍,那么该分式的值()A.不变B.扩大为原来的4倍C.缩小为原来的D.缩小为原来的6.化简+的结果是()A.x+y B.x﹣y C.D.7.化简÷的结果是()A.x+3B.x﹣3C.3﹣x D.﹣6x8.如果a2+a﹣1=0,那么代数式(1﹣)÷的值是()A.3B.1C.﹣1D.﹣39.为有效解决交通拥堵问题,营造路网微循环,某市决定对一条长860m的道路进行拓宽改造.为了减轻施工对城市交通造成的影响,实际施工时,每天改造道路的长度比原计划增加10%,结果提前6天完成任务.求实际每天改造道路的长度与实际施工天数.珍珍同学根据题意列出方程﹣=6;文文同学根据题意列出方程=×(1+10%).已知两人的答案均正确,则下列说法正确的是()A.x,y代表相同的含义B.x表示实际每天改造道路的长度C.y表示实际施工天数D.表示实际每天改造道路的长度10.如果关于x的不等式组有且只有四个整数解,且关于x的分式方程=﹣8的解为非负数,则符合条件的所有整数a的个数为()A.1B.2C.3D.4二.填空题11.若分式的值为0,则x=.12.化简:=.13.分式与的最简公分母为.14.计算:=.15.计算:=.16.计算的结果等于.17.方程=﹣2的解是.18.要使的值和的值互为相反数,则x的值是.19.如果方程+=0不会产生增根,那么k的取值范围是.20.某校要建立两个计算机教室,为此要购买相同数量的A型计算机和B型计算机.已知一台A 型计算机的售价比一台B型计算机的售价便宜400元,如果购买A型计算机需要224000元,购买B型计算机需要240000元.求一台A型计算机和一台B型计算机的售价分别是多少元.设一台B型计算机的售价是x元,依题意列方程为.三.解答题21.已知x=﹣4时,分式无意义,x=2时,此分式的值为零,求分式的值.22.约分:(1)(2)23.计算:.24.计算下列各式:(1)•;(2)÷(x﹣2)•.25.解方程:=1.26.某超市用4000元购进某种牛奶,面市后供不应求,超市又用1万元购进第二批这种牛奶,所购数量是第一批的2倍,但单价贵了2元.(1)第一批牛奶进货单价为多少元?(2)超市销售两批牛奶售价相同,两批全部售完后要求获利不少于4000元,则售价至少为多少元?27.我们定义:如果两个分式A与B的差为常数,且这个常数为正数,则称A是B的“雅中式”,这个常数称为A关于B的“雅中值”.如分式A=,B=,A﹣B=﹣()===2,则A是B的“雅中式”,A关于B的“雅中值”为2.(1)已知分式C=,D=,判断C是否为D的“雅中式”,若不是,请说明理由,若是,请证明并求出C关于D的“雅中值”;(2)已知分式P=,Q=,P是Q的“雅中式”,且P关于Q的“雅中值”是2,x为整数,且“雅中式”P的值也为整数,求E所代表的代数式及所有符合条件的x的值之和;(3)已知分式M=,N=(a,b,c为整数),M是N的“雅中式”,且M关于N的“雅中值”是1,求a﹣b+c的值.参考答案一.选择题1.解:的分母中含有字母,属于分式,其他的属于整式.故选:B.2.解:∵分式有意义,∴x﹣5≠0,∴x≠5,故选:B.3.解:A、=,所以A选项不符合;B、=,所以B选项不符合;C、==,所以C选项不符合;D、为最简分式,所以D选项符合.故选:D.4.解:A、原式=x4,所以A选项错误;B、原式=1,所以B选项错误;C、为最简分式,所以C选项错误;D、原式==x﹣y,所以D选项正确.故选:D.5.解:x,y同时扩大为原来的4倍,则有==•,∴该分式的值是原分式值的,故选:D.6.解:原式=﹣===x﹣y.故选:B.7.解:原式=•=x﹣3.故选:B.8.解:原式=(﹣)÷=•==,∵a2+a﹣1=0,∴a2+a=1,则原式==3,故选:A.9.解:若设原计划每天改造道路x米,则实际每天改造道路(1+10%)x米,根据题意,可列方程﹣=6;若设实际施工天数为y天,则原计划施工的天数为(y+6)天,根据题意,可列方程=×(1+10%);所以x,y代表不同的含义,表示计划每天改造道路的长度.故选:C.10.解:,不等式组化简为,由不等式组有且只有四个整数解,得到,2<解得:6≤a<10,即整数a=6,7,8,9,,分式方程去分母得:ax﹣28=﹣8(4﹣x)解得:x=,由分式方程的解为非负数以及分式有意义的条件,a﹣8<0,解得:a<8,故a=6和7.故选:B.二.填空题11.解:由题意得:x2﹣1=0,且1﹣x≠0,解得:x=﹣1.故答案为:﹣1.12.解:原式==.故答案为.13.解:分式与的分母为2x2y和6xy2,系数的最小公倍数是6,再取x2和y2,可得最简公分母为6x2y2,故答案为6x2y2.14.解:原式=+=+=+==.故答案为:.15.解:原式=[﹣]•=﹣•=﹣•=﹣2(a+3)=﹣2a﹣6.故答案为:﹣2a﹣6.16.解:原式=•=.故答案为:.17.解:去分母得:2x=3﹣2(2x﹣2),去括号得:2x=3﹣4x+4,移项合并得:6x=7,解得:x=,检验:把x=代入得:2x﹣2=﹣2=≠0,则x=是分式方程的解.故答案为:x=.18.解:根据题意可得:+=0,去分母得:x﹣5+2x﹣4=0,解得:x=3,经检验,x=3是原分式方程的解,故答案为3.19.解:+=0,去分母得,2k+x=0,当x=﹣2时,会产生增根,把x=﹣2代入整式方程得,2k﹣2=0,解得k=1,∴解方程+=0时,不会产生增根,实数k的取值范围为k≠1.故答案是:k≠1.20.解:设一台B型计算机的售价是x元,则一台A型计算机的售价是(x﹣400)元,依题意得:=.故答案为:=.三.解答题21.解:∵分式无意义,∴2x+a=0即当x=﹣4时,2x+a=0.解得a=8∵分式的值为0,∴x﹣b=0,即当x=2时,x﹣b=0.解得b=2∴.22.解:(1)=;(2)原式==.23.解:原式====.24.解:(1)原式=;(2)原式=••=.25.解:方程两边同乘以(x+3)(x﹣1)得:2x(x﹣1)﹣24=(x+3)(x﹣1),整理得:2x2﹣2x﹣24=x2+2x﹣3,则x2﹣4x﹣21=0,(x﹣7)(x+3)=0,解得:x1=7,x2=﹣3,检验:当x=﹣3时,(x+3)(x﹣1)=0,故x=﹣3是方程的增根,当x=7时,(x+3)(x﹣1)≠0,故x=7是原方程的根.26.解:(1)设第一批牛奶进货单价为x元,则第二批牛奶进货单价为(x+2)元,依题意可得:=2×,解得x=8.经检验x=8是方程的解,答:第一批牛奶进货单价为8元;(2)设售价为y元,依题意可得:×(y﹣8)+2××(y﹣10)≥4000,解得y≥12.答:售价至少为12元.27.(1)C是D的“雅中式”,理由如下,==.即:C不是D的“雅中式”.(2).∵P是Q的雅中式.又∵P关于Q的雅中值为2.∴E﹣2x2﹣6x=2(9﹣x2).∴E=6x+18.∴P===.∵P的值也为整数,且分式有意义.故3﹣x=±1,或3﹣x=±2,或者3﹣x=±3,或3﹣x=±6,∴x的值为:﹣3,0,1,2,4,5,6,9.∵x≠±3.∴x的值为:﹣3,0,1,2,4,5,6,9.符合条件的x的值之和为:0+1+2+4+5+9=27.(3)∵M是N的“雅中式”,且M关于N的“雅中值”是1.=1.整理得:(﹣b﹣c+a+4)x+bc﹣5a=0.由上式子恒成立,则:.消去a得:bc﹣5b﹣5c+20=0.∴b(c﹣5)﹣5(c﹣5)=5.∴(b﹣5)(c﹣5)=5.∵a、a、c的整数.∴b﹣5、c﹣5也是整数.当b﹣5=1、c﹣5=5时,b=5,c=10,此时a=12.∴a﹣b+c=16.当b﹣5=5、c﹣5=1时,b=10,c=6,此时a=12.∴a﹣b+c=8.当b﹣5=﹣1、c﹣5=﹣5时,b=4,c=0,此时a=0.∴a﹣b+c=﹣4.当b﹣5=﹣5、c﹣5=﹣1时,b=0,c=4,此时a=0.∴a﹣b+c=4.综上:a﹣b+c的值为:16或8或﹣4或4.。



新人教版九年级第十单元测试题附答案Unit 10 You are supposed to shake hands。


(每小题1分,共15分)()1. We should make ________ effort to make Jack give up ________ silly plan。


an;the B。

an;a C. the;a D。

a;an( ) 2. People in China ________ when they meet for the first time。


bow B. kiss C. shake hands D. laugh()3。

-Excuse me。

Is this a(n)________ chair?—No。

My sister is coming。

I'm keeping the chair for her。


comfortable B。

big C. empty D。

new( ) 4。

I found ________ difficult to make friends with him because he is very shy.A。

that B. it C. one D. this()5.He was worried about the exam,but he passed it ________.A。

first of all B. after all C. not at all D. above all() 6. The host goes out of his way to make me ________.A。

to feel at home B。

to feel in home C. feel at home D。

feel in home ( )7. I’m not sure,but he's supposed ________ sometime next week。



第十单元测试卷姓名_______________ 班级_____________一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)1.—Would you like something to drink?—________A. No, thanks.B. Yes, rice please.C. No, just a little.D. It is not good.2.—________, sir?—Size 40, I think.A. What size do you needB. Can I help youC. How do you like these shoesD. What are you doing3.—Ben, would you like to play football with us?—________, but I have to wash the dishes first.A. No, I can’tB. I don’t want toC. Yes, pleaseD. I’d like to4.— How much are the mutton and ________noodles?— 12 yuan.A. tomatoesB. tomatoes'C. tomatoD. a tomato5.My cousin would like noodles ________ tomatoes in it.A. hasB. withC. forD. in6.What would you like to have ______ lunch?A. toB. atC. inD. for7.Would you like __________ with me?A. go shoppingB. to go shoppingC. going shoppingD. to go shop8.—What would you like to drink, girls?—_______, please.A. Two glass of waterB. Two glass of watersC. Two glasses of waterD. Two glasses of waters9.My dau ghter likes to eat dumplings ________ noodles. She doesn’t like cooking ________swimming.A. and; andB. and; orC. or; orD. or; and10.—________—Thank you. But I’m full now.A. Would you like to have dinner with us tomorrow?B. Could you buy some fruit for me, please?C. Would you like more cakes?D. Could you pass me more bread?二、完形填空(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)Mr. Smith is a 40-year-old man. He works in a big (11) . He is the hall manager(经理).He is very (12) every day. He goes to work early and (13) home late. His home is a little far from his workplace(工作地), so he usually (14) a bus to work. He serves(服务)many people in the restaurant and even more (15) weekends. People like to come to the restaurant because it has (16) special every day.Today is Sunday. The weather is fine. The beef noodles are on (17) sale. The bowls have three (18) —small, medium and large. Many people (19) the large one, because it’s only $6. After a day’s work, Mr. Smith feels very tired. He is still happy because he likes meeting and talking to people. He is (20) to every person, so people like to talk with him, too.11. A. hotel B. restaurant C. bank D. school12. A. lazy B. happy C. sad D. busy13. A. gets B. starts C. leaves D. cleans14. A. brings B. takes C. buys D. sells15. A. on B. to C. for D. in16. A. long B. short C. same D. different17. A. a B. an C. the D. /18. A. ages B. prices C. sizes D. colors19. A. ask B. order C. blow D. wait20. A. lucky B. clever C. real D. friendly三、阅读理解(本大题共10小题,共20.0分)ASam likes fish very much. He often buys fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, “Good! Now I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat this fish. They like fish very much.”So when Sam comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife says, “Oh, your cat ate it.” And she gives Sam some bread for his dinner. Sam gets very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称重)the cat. Then he turns to his wife and sa ys, “Myfish weighs one kilo(公斤). This cat weighs one kilo, too. My cat is here, you see. Then where’s my fish?”21.How much does the cat weigh?A. One kilo.B. Two kilos.C. Half a kilo.D. One and a half kilos.22.Who gets very angry?A. Sam’s wife.B. Sam.C. Sam’s friends.D. His wife’s friends.23.Which sentence is TRUE according to the short passage?A. Sam doesn’t like eating fish at all.B. Sam often buys some fish for his cat.C. Sam’s cat always eats the fish before he comes back.D. The friends of Sam’s wife eat the fish.BI like cooking. I often help my mom cook. Chicken is my favorite food to cook and eat.Mom and Dad are not at home this morning. They drive to visit a friend. I want to bake(烘烤)the chicken for lunch for my family. I wash the chicken and put it in the oven(烤箱). After about half an hour, I go to take the chicken out. Do you know what I find? The chicken is still cold! I begin laughing. I laugh and laugh! I forget to turn on the oven! But I don’t have time to bake the chicken again. So I call KFC for hamburgers. When my parents come back, I tell them how I bake the chicken. Mom and Dad laugh. And they say the hamburgers taste good.24.How long does the writer “bake” the chicken?A. For about 90 minutes.B. For about 60 minutes.C. For about 30 minutes.D. For about 25 minutes.25.The underlined phrase “turn on” means “__________” in Chinese.A. 打开B. 修理C. 选择D. 覆盖26.What do the writer’s family eat for lunch?A. Chicken.B. Eggs.C. Rice.D. Hamburgers.CI know it's not good to eat too much. But I like big breakfast. I usually begin with a glass of orange juice. Then I have one or two pieces of beef and a small hamburger. After that I have two eggs. Sometimes I have a cup of milk. I usually finish breakfast with one or two bananas. I don't like vegetables. I have a good breakfast every day. That's all I eat. I never eat lunch, and I never have dinner.27.The writer thinks it's ______ to eat too much.A. rightB. badC. cleverD. good28.The writer eats ______ meal(s) a day.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four29.The writer has ______ breakfast every day.A. a smallB. a bigC. onD. a little30.What does the writer usually finish her breakfast with?A. Two tomatoes.B. A cup of milk.C. One or two bananas.D. A glass of orange.四、任务型阅读-简答(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)Jim Green is from a family of three people. Now they live in China. They like to eat different kinds of foods. Jim Green likes rice a lot. He likes to eat rice for every meal. But he doesn’t like meat. Mr. Green is from the United States. He doesn’t like rice at all. He likes noodles and vegetables very much. Mrs. Green is from Australia. She likes fish and fruit a lot. But she doesn’t like beef or mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Green and their son all like eating apples and bananas after meal.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。



八年级上册第十单元测试题测试日期_________ 测试分数_________本试题分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。

第Ⅰ卷共4页,满分为70分;第II 卷共2页,满分为50分。



(30分)( )1. If you are late for class, the teacher ______ angry.A. isB. wasC. willD. will be( )2. – Why not ________ a party tonight? -- Good idea.A. to haveB. havingC. hadD. have( )3. They live near the seaside, so most of them ______ by fishing.A. make friendsB. make a livingC. make foodD. make life( )4. It’ s time for class. Please stop ______.A. talkB. talkingC. to talkD. talked( )5. My watch is broken. I want to know how to make it _________.A. workB. to workC. walkD. to walk( )6. -- I’m going to the school party. -- _______.A. Me, too.B. So am I.C. Me, neither.D. A &B( )7. This book isn’t useful. Please_____________.A. take part inB. take it awayC. take away itD. take out it( )8.I am surprised ______ that you won’ t go to college.A. to hearingB. hearingC. hearD. to hear( )9. Class Two won the football match game, though half of them ______ during the match.A. get injuredB. injureC. were injuringD. got injured( )10. I was doing the same job ________ and I really felt tired.A. all timeB. the all timeC. at timesD. all the time( )11. Mr Smith always _________ weekends playing with his children.A. takesB. paysC. costD. spends( )12. If you wear jeans to the party, the teacher won’t ________ you _________.A. leave; inB. let; inC. leave; outD. let; out( )13. We’ll stay at home if it _______ tomorrow.A. rainB. rainsC. to rainD. will rain ( )14. Lu Xun was famous _______a writer.A. forB. asC. ofD. with ( )15. Don’t shout_______ the party. If you do, you’ll ________ leave.A. at; mustB. of; have toC. at; have toD. in; must ( )16.Half the students in our class ______ interested in reading English stories.A.isB.areC.haveD.has( )17.What _____ if you have your party at home this Sunday?A.happensB.will happenC.happenD.are going to happen ( )18.It is always raining in Suzhou. When are we going _____ Beijing?A.leftB.leaveC.leave forD.to leave for( )19.I think it’ll be a good way _____ to the theater.A.by busB.on a busC.take a busD.to take a bus( )20.They hope they can ______ the Sun Club next month.A.take part inB.join inC.joinD.be( )21.We should make a good plan _____ we do anything.A.untilB.afterC.thoughD.before( )22.When you play it, please follow the rules _____ the game.A.ofB.toC.inD.from( )23.If you bring some snacks to the party, the teacher won’t let you_________ .A.offB.outC.inD.away( )24.They were lucky to have the _____ to take part in the National Games.A.chanceB.decisionC.influenceD.interest( )25.Don’t eat _________ junk food. It’s bad for your health.A.too manyB.too muchC.many tooD.much too( )26.-I’m going to the party on foot.-If you do, you’ll be _______ . The party will start soon.A.injuredB.nervousteD.upset( )27.Though she was______ ill, she still went to work.A.luckilyB.sincerelyC.seriouslyD.clearly( )28.-The boy keeps crying ________. What’s wrong with him?-Sorry, I don’t know.A.all the timeB.that timeC.at the some timeD.at that time( )29.-What’s wrong with him?-He got _____ in an accident.A.luckyB.injuredC.happyD.excited( )30.If he studies the law hard, he may be a _______ .wyerB.scientistC.singerD.terrorist二.完形填空阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。




2、【山东临沂】人体内一些液体的正常pH范围如下:液体胃液唾液胆汁胰液pH 0.9﹣1.5 6.6﹣7.1 7.1﹣7.3 7.5﹣8.0下列说法中不正确的是()A.胆汁和胰液显碱性 B.胃液比唾液酸性弱C.胰液比胆汁碱性强 D.服用含氢氧化铝[Al(OH3)]的药物可以治疗胃酸过多症【答案】B【解析】A、胆汁、胰液的pH均大于7,均显碱性,故选项说法正确。





3、下列对盐酸的叙述正确的是( )A.盐酸是氯化氢气体的水溶液 B.纯净的盐酸往往带有黄色C.浓盐酸在空气中会冒白烟 D.盐酸具有强烈的吸水性【答案】A【解析】纯净的盐酸是无色的;浓盐酸在空气中会形成白雾而不是白烟;盐酸具有挥发性,不具有吸水性。

4、下列气体会污染空气并且可以用氢氧化钠溶液来吸收的是()A.CO2 B.O2 C.SO2 D.CO【答案】C【解析】氢氧化钠可以和某些非金属氧化物反应,例如二氧化碳、二氧化硫,但不能吸收一氧化碳,本题要求该气体是大气污染物,所以答案是C。

5、下列有关酸的说法中,正确的是()A.酸的组成中一定含有氢元素 B.能够导电的溶液是酸C.滴加无色酚酞不变色的溶液是酸 D.能与碱发生反应的物质是酸【答案】A【解析】A.电离时,产生的阳离子全部是氢离子的化合物属于酸,所以酸中一定含有氢元素,故正确;B.酸、碱、盐的水溶液都具有导电性,能导电的不一定是酸,故错误;C.酸性溶液与中性溶液均不能使无色酚酞试液变色,故错误;D.部分非金属氧化物也能与碱反应,如二氧化碳与氢氧化钠反应生成碳酸钠和水,故错误。

人教版九年级英语全册Unit 10单元测试卷(含答案)

人教版九年级英语全册Unit 10单元测试卷(含答案)

精品基础教育教学资料,仅供参考,需要可下载使用!人教版九年级英语第十单元测试卷第Ⅰ卷Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1.5分,共30分)( )1.We go out ________ their way to send the granny to her daughter’s house.A .toB .in C. for D .of( )2.—I haven’t worked the problem out yet. What am I supposed to do?—Try again! It’s only ________ difficult.A .a lot B. a bit C. too much D .too many( )3.I don’t want to read the book. There is ________ in it.A .something interestingB .nothing interestingC. interesting something D .interesting nothing( )4.When ________ you supposed to ________ the meeting yesterday?A. were; hadB. was; hadC. were; have D .was; have( )5.Would you ________ when you are in town?A .drop offB .drop byC .fall off D. fall by( )6.He can’t carry the heavy box. He is a child ________.A. at firstB. after allC. at all D .above all( )7.Mr. White hasn’t come yet. You should ________ when he will reach here this morning.A. askB. askedC. have asked D .had asked( )8.My aunt finds ________ interesting to learn to drive a car.A. it B .this C .that D. what( )9.You ________ get her a scarf as a birthday gift.A. should be supposed to B .are suppose toC .should suppose toD .are supposed to( )10.Lucy has never been to the Great Wall before. T oday she sees it ________ the first time.A. atB. for C .in D .by( )11.If you want to read English quickly, you must learn ________ English words as you can by heart.A .as much B. as many C .so much D .so many( )12.—May we leave the classroom now?—No, you ________. You ________ to leave until the bell rings.A. mustn’t; are allowed B .needn’t; aren’t allowedC. don’t have to; are supposed D .can’t; aren’t supposed( )13.Alice is new here, but she soon ________ getting up early.A. gets used to B .be used toC .used toD .uses to( )14.Walking every day ________ good for your health.A. areB. be C .is D. will( )15.Linda walked into the room, ________ to ask what happened exactly.A .to plan B. plansC. planning D .plan( )16.His first thing in the vacation is ________.A .have a good rest B. to have a good restC. has a good restD. to has a good rest( )17.________ I see little Jim, I remember Mr. Green.A. Every timeB. Every the timeC. At every time D .For every time( )18.The result is ________ worse than we thought!A .moreB .evenC .greatD .much more( )19.I can’t help ________ once the humorous star shows up.A .laughB .to laughC .laughedD .laughing( )20.Write ________ and try not to make any mistakes.A. as careful as possible B .as carefully as you canC .as you can as carefullyD .more carefulⅡ.完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)Why do I want to go to college? No one has ever asked me __1__ a question. But many times I have asked myself. I have __2__ all kinds of reasons. The most __3__ reason is that I want to be a better man.Many things make human beings different __4__ or better than or even superior to (比……优越) animals.One of the most important things is __5__. If I fail to receive higher education, my education won’t __6__. As I want to be a fully __7__ man, I must get a well­rounded (全面的) education, which good colleges and universities are supposed to __8__. I know one can get educated in many ways, but colleges and universities are __9__ the best places to teach me how to educate myself. Only when I am well­educated, will I be a better man and be able to better fit into (适应) __10__.( )1 .A .quite B .soC .such D. another( )e up with B .agreed withC .been fed up with D. got on well with( )3.A.easy B. importantC .difficult D. much( )4.A.to B. aroundC. between D .from( )cation B .weatherC. emperature D .science( )6.A.shake B. greetC .finish D. trouble( )7.A.relaxed B. developedC. developingD. experienced( )8 .A. improve B. graduateC .hearD .provide( )9.A.between B. amongC .inside D. outside( )10.A.home B. countryC. societyD. cityⅢ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共10分)My grandfather is eighty years old now.He always complains about how fast things have changed, and he often says that life used to be better.Families aren't families they used to be.A lot of families have broken up.If husband and wife have problems with their marriage, they no longer stay together.And mothers used to stay at home and take care of their children, but now not more.Everyone is busy working.Mothers used to spend all day cooking in the kitchen.But now the family don't eat home­cooked food any more.And the cars! No one walks any more.More and more people drive.Students used to walk 5 miles to school every day, even in winter.But nowadays students don't.And in school, children don't have to think any more.In math class, for example, they used to add, subtract, multiply and divide (加减乘除) in their heads.Instead, they use calculators.And people today have TV and computers, and they don't talk to each other any more.They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat, too busy to think.Life used to be simple, but it isn't any more.( )1.What does my grandfather think of the life now?A.He thinks the life now is very good.B.He thinks the life now is worse than it used to be.C.He thinks the life now is better than it used to be.D.He thinks the life now is the same as it used to be.( )2.What does the underlined word “marriage”mean in Chinese?A.生活B.工作C.婚姻D.家庭( )3.What has happened these years according to the passage?A.Children don't have to think any more in school.B.Students use calculators in math class.C.Some children used to walk to school, but now they don't.D.All of above.( )4.What changes have happened to some families?a.People have TV.b.People like to eat home­cooked food.c.Lots of families have computers.d.Lots of couples (夫妇) live apart because of unhappy problems.A.a b d B.b c dC.a b c D.a c d( )5.Which is TRUE according to the passage?A.Life now is much simpler.B.People have too much time to talk with each other now.C.The writer's grandfather only complains and pays no attention to better life now. D.Lots of mothers stay at home and look after their children.第Ⅱ卷Ⅳ. 词汇运用(每小题2分,共20分)A、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。



新人教版七年级英语下册Unit 10单元测试及答案一、词汇A 写单词 101. China is a l country with long history.2. Here is the m________. What would you like to eat3. Why are you lateTell me your r__________.4. He has two bowls of r________ every day..5.—What’s your a —It’s 558 Bridge Street.6. I’m a little h . Would you please give me something to eatusually o___________ food and drink in this restaurant.is the fifth day of a week.9. There are many k of noodles in this shop.10. We have many great s______________ in the restaurant.B 用所给单词的适当形式填空;201. There __________be some _________beef and __________egg in the noodles.2. There_________be some onions and ______________mutton in the bowl.3. I would like you _____________come to my house.4. Look, they __________buy fruit and vegetables in the market.5. Would you like some juice _____________drink6. She _______have an egg, a small bowl of _________chicken noodles and two_________ potatoevery day7. I like ___________listen to the pop music and ___________watch TV.8. They would like _________see the __________animal in the zoo.you like to drink __________apple or _________orange juice10. There are some ________tomato and _______ porridge on the table.is _________ like his father.二、句型转换201. He’d like a large bowl of porridge.对划线部分提问_______ _______ bowl of porridge _______ he _________2. My father would like beef dumplings.同义句My father would like ________ ________ _________.3. Can I help you同义句________ can I ________ ________ you4. She wants to eat dumplings. 同义句She ______ ______ to eat dumplings.5. I’d like beef and tomato noodles. ______ ______ ______ noodles ______ you like6. I like green ______ you _______7. The large bowl of noodles is RMB 10. ______ _______ ______ the large bowl of noodles8. I like rice and fish. 否定句 I _____ ______ rice ______ fish.9. He wants to have beef for lunch.同义句He _______ _______ to ______ beef for lunch.10. He and I go to see the movie. 同义句He ______ to see the movie______ me.boy is writing a letter. the boy三、根据汉语提示完成句子.151.我们也有上好的沙拉,还有饮料和绿茶We _____ have ______ _____ , drinks and ______ ______2. 我想要一个中等的甜点.I’d like a _________ ________ ,please3. 我不喜欢汉堡包沙拉和汤;I don’t like _______,________ _______ _______4.你想要订购比萨饼吗欢迎到比萨饼房来._____ you ______ ________ _____ a pizza_______ to Pizza ______5.你穿几码的鞋 _______ _________ shoes _______ you _______6. 早餐你想吃什么_________ ________ you ________ ________ breakfast7. 你妹妹长得怎样______ ________ your sister _______ _____8. 她有点瘦,中等高度,金黄色的长发She _____of medium height, but _______ ________bit thin, and she _______ long and blonde hair.9.他想要哪种类型的面条________ kind of noodles _____ he like10.我想要有羊肉和西红柿的饺子;I'd like a bowl of dumplings ______mutton and________.四、单选201. Jim doesn’t like tomatoes,potatoes ___ cabbages.. A. and B. with D. for2. There ________ some food on the table. A. have B. are C. is D. hasyou like to see ______ fish ----Yes, and I also like to eat ______ fish.A. a little, manyB. a few, muchC. much, manyD. a few, many4. Do you like noodles ________ chicken A. with B. of C. in D. to5.—What size shoes do you want —________.A. Small shoesB. Size 36 size D. Big shoes6. There are ________ tomatoes on the table. A. many B. much C. a little D. any7. --Would you like _____tea with ice in it -- Yes, _____A. any, pleaseB. some, pleaseC. any, willD. some, will8. The noodles with orange juice ______ only $. A. is B. are C. for D. withdaughter likes to eat dumplings ______ noodles. She doesn’t like cooking _____ swimming.A. and; andB. and; orC. or, orD. or, and10. My family usually ______ bread,eggs and milk _____ breakfast.A. has; forB. eat; forC. have; forD. have; on11. It’s 11 o’clock. Please ________ our lunch. A. ordering B. order C. to order D. orders12.—Would you like a cup of tea —______.A. I’d loveB. Yes,pleaseC. No,I wouldn’tD. Sorry13. We have music _____ Monday and Wednesday. A. in B. on C. at D. /14. He likes English ________ it’s fun. A. when B. why C. because D. where15. They usually go ______ home ______ lunch. A. to; for B. to; at C. at; in D. /; for16. How much ________ your shoes A. is B. are C. be D. amis your address A. Where B. Which C. What D. How18. My brother ________ dumplings with beef very much,but I don’t.A. likeB. wouldn’t likeC. doesn’t likeD. would like19. I’d like ________ an action movie. A. see B. to see D. seeing D. watch20. I with Mike ____ English now. A. reads B. is reading C. read D. am reading五、从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项;5A: Can I help you B: Yes,please. 1 I want to order a birthday cake for my mother.A: 2 Array B: A large cake,please.A: What would you like to write on it B: 3A: OK. What’s your phone number B: 4A: What’s your address B: 5六阅读理解10A. BIG SALE AT MURRAY’SCome to Murray’s big sale on clothes,things for your room and things for school. We have jackets for boys for thirty-five dollars,sweaters for girls for fifteen,and bags,earrings,and pants for five dollars See our great dressers,beds,and chairs. Get a new bookcase for all your school books and notepaper. At Murray’s big sale,they’re only twenty dollars And we have backpa cks, pencils,pens and notebooks—everything for school Come into Murray’s today1. Sweaters for girls are ________. A. $ B. $15.00 C.$2. Bags are ________. A. $ B. $15.00 C. $3. ________ for boys are on sale for $. A. Jackets B. Sweaters C. Belts4. Murray’s doesn’t have ________ on sale. A. dressers B. tables C. chairsare $. A. Bookcases B. Books C. PapersB根据短文内容, 判断下列句子正T、误F5分A Frenchman wants to eat eggs in a restaurant. But he doesn’t know how to say eggs in English. He thinks and thinks. Then he sees a book with a picture of a hen母鸡on the table. He asks the woman in the restaurant, “What’s the English for a hen’s child” The woman says, “ It’s a chick小鸡.” Then the Frenchman asks, “What’s a chick before they are born” “It’s an egg,” says the woman. “ That’s right. Give me four eggs, please.”Frenchman can’t speak English.2. The Frenchman wants to have some eggs.3. A hen helps the Frenchman get the eggs to eat.4. What do you think of the Frenchman I think he is smart.5. An egg is a hen’s child.Keys:rge menu reason rice address hungry orders Thursday kinds specials B is beef eggs; are mutton;to come; are buying; to drink; has chicken potatoes; listening watching; to see animals; apple orange;tomatoes porridge; likeII. 1. What size would like 2. dumplings with beef 3. What do for 4. would like 5. What kind of would6. What do like7. How much is8. don’t like or9. would like have 10. goes with 11. What is doing III. 1. also great salad green tea 2. medium dessert 3. hamburgers salad or soup 4. Would like to order Welcome House 5. What size do wear 6. What would you like for 7. What does look like 8. is a little has 9. What would 10. with tomatoesIV.1—5 CCBAB 6—10 ABBBC 11—15 BBBCD 16—20 BCABDV.CABDFBCABA FTFT。

Unit 10单元测试 人教版英语八年级上册

Unit 10单元测试 人教版英语八年级上册

人教新目标八年级单元测试Unit 10
















新目标七年级英语下册第十单元综合测试题二.翻译短语 ①去夏令营 ____________________ ②整天____________________________ ③在角落________________________④去度假__________________________ ⑤参观博物馆____________________⑥发现某人做某事__________________ ⑦让(使某人)做某事____________⑧步行回到某地____________________ ⑨迷路__________________________⑩感到高兴________________________ 有兴趣做某事__________________ 决定做某事______________________ 喜欢(享受)做某事____________ 练习做某事______________________ 花费时间/钱在某事上___________ 某人为某物付多少钱______________ 观看某人做某事________________ 看见某人做某事_________________ 听见某人做某事________________ 帮助某人做某事_________________ 想要做某事___________________ 想让某人做某事_________________ 请某人做某事_________________ 告诉某人做某事__________________ 三.句型转换(一)(1) It’s time for school(同义句)________ _________ __________ _________ _________school. (2) How was the weather ?(同义句)__________ ________ ___________ __________ ________? (3) What about practicing French?(同义句)_________ _________ practice English? (4)What a nice day !(同义句)_________ ___________ ___________!(5)I spent two hours drawing a picture(同义句)It ________ ________ two hours________ _________ a picture. (6)Tom spent fifteen dollars on a sweater(同义句)Tom __________ _________ __________ _________ a sweater. (7)She went to the museums last week.(画线提问)___________ _________she____________last week? (8).My vacation was pretty good(对画线部分提问) ___________ __________ __________vacation?(9)I was in the library(变一般问句)__________ __________in the library ? (10)The weather was hot and humid.__________ ________the weather?(11)She had a good rest after class.(改为否定句)She __________ ________ a good rest after class.(12)We played soccer yesterday. We had great fun.(合并为一句)We ______ great __________ _________ soccer yesterday. (13)I had no money for a taxi.(改为同义句)I___________ __________ _________ money for a taxi. (14).They didn ’t have fun.(改为同义句)They didn ’t_________ ____________ _________. (15).How was the weather yesterday?(改为同义句)________ ________the weather _________yesterday ? 四.从方框中选择适当的词填空(每小题1分,满分8分)A1.It was sunny yesterday, so we ______ to go shopping.2.How old___________you last year?3.He made faces to make the little boy___________.4.I can hear a girl______________ in the room.5.I’m very tired.Let’s stop____________ and have a rest.6.“How was your weekend?””It was ____________. I didn’t like it .”7.They__________ for the geography test last night.st Sunday we _________ a lot of things to help the old man.B1.Did you want_________ your mother do some shopping ?2.We__________ a good time last Sunday.3.Look! The children_________ on the playground.4.My mother____________ a lot of books for me yesterday. She told me to studyhard.5.They __________ to the beach last week.They stayed at home.6.Lucy often________up at six.But she___________ up at seven this morning.7.Mary decided ________ er homeowork at home just now.8.We have fun_________ English and Chinese.9.____________they at school yesterday?10.It’s time_________ supper, Lisa.五.翻译句子(1)你去哪里度假了?(2)哪里的人们怎么样?他们不是很友好.(3)我发现了一个小男孩正在角落哭泣。

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(3)由①CuO+H2SO4==CuSO4+H2O, ②K2O+2HNO3==2KNO3+H2O, ③Fe2O3+6HCl==2FeCl3+3H2O 推断,常温下,酸与金属 氧化物反应的规律是 . 三、实验题18分 24.小明在实验室做实验的时候,获得了两种溶液:氢氧化钠溶液 和澄清石灰水. (1)如果他想验证某瓶气体样品中含有二氧化碳,他应该选用哪 种溶液? ,为什么?
选项 ①
实验现象 C12 使鲜艳的红色花瓣褪色
解释 Cl2 具有强还原性
NH3 与 HCl 气体接触时有白 NH3 与 HCl 反应生成固 ② 烟产生 新切开的 Na 表面在空气中 ③ 很快变暗 氯化铝溶液中滴入过量的氢 ④ 氧化钠溶液,白色沉淀溶解 体小颗粒 Na 容易与空气中的氧气 等反应

一、选择题45分 1.下列物质溶于水,所得溶液的 pH 小于7的是 ( ) A.CaO B.NaCl C.K2SO4 D.CO2 2.几种作物生长最适宜的 pH 范围如下:①甘草7.2~8.3,②甘蔗 6.0~8.0,③大豆6.5~7.5,④茶树5.0~5.5,江西省很多丘陵地 区土壤为红色,呈弱酸性,你认为江西省适宜种植( ) A. ① B.② C. ③ D.④ 3.某市一化工厂发生硫酸泄漏事件,为了减少硫酸对环境的污染, 有关部门采取了紧急措施,在泄漏的硫酸上面喷洒了一种化学试 剂,你认为这种试剂是( ) A.熟石灰 B.硫酸铜 C. 食盐 D.干冰 4.下列实验操作不正确的是( )
B. ②
C. ③
D. ④
5.把 pH=2 和 pH=11 的溶液混合,所得到的溶液的 pH 的范围不 可能为 ( ) A.1 B.3 C.9 D.10 6.某同学帮助校园绿化工人做花圃土壤分析,结果发出其 pH 小于 7,为改食土壤应摆选择的物质是 ( ) A.氯化钾 B.烧碱 C.硝酸铵 D.熟石灰 7.生活中许多物质都与化学密切相关,如“雪碧”等碳酸饮料的 pH 小于 7.若将“雪碧”饮料晃动后再打开瓶盖,其 pH 将 ( ) A.变小 B.变大 C.不变 D.无法确定 8.实验测得某些食物的近似 pH 如下,下列说法正确的是( ) 食物 pH 泡菜 3.4 葡萄 4.2 番茄 4.4 苹果 3.入指定的容器中 10.化 学 实 验 过 B.过滤后,发现滤液仍有浑浊,应再次过滤 程 中 要 规 C.加热试管里的液体时,不能将试管口对着人 范 操 作 , 注 意 D. 将氢氧化钠的固体放在天平右盘的滤纸上称量 实 验 安全 . 下列有关做法中错误的是 ( ) A.洒在桌面上的酒精燃烧起来,立即用湿抹布或沙子扑灭 B.稀酸溅到皮肤上,立即用大量水冲洗再涂上 3%~5%的小 苏打溶液 C.点燃氢气前,一定要先检验氢气的纯度 D.稀释浓硫酸时,一定要把水注入浓硫酸中,并不断用 玻璃棒搅拌 11.工业生产中,可用盐酸洗去铁材表面上的致密氧化层,但冬天 反应变缓而影响生产,为提高酸洗液的浓度或温度以加快反应保 证生产,可在酸洗液中加入 ( ) A.食盐 B.生石灰 C.浓硫酸 D.固体氢氧化钠 12.(2009· 潍坊)2008 年 9 月 27 日,太空第一次留下了“中国人的 脚印”.我国研制的航天员舱外服为航天员成功进行太空行走提供
可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 C:12 O:16 Na:23 S:32 K: 39 1 11 2 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 7 8 9 10
A.牛奶和玉米粥均属于碱性食物 B.胃酸过多的人应少食泡菜 C.番茄的酸性比苹果强 D.葡萄汁能使无色酚酞试液变红
了可靠的保证.航天员舱外服内含有与氢氧化钠性质相似的氢氧化 锂(LiOH) ,它不可能具有化学性质是 ( ) A.与二氧化碳反应 B.与盐酸反应 C.与氧化铁反应 D.与氯化铜溶液反应 13.下列反应属于中和反应的是 ( ) A.CO2+2NaOH====Na2CO3+H2O B.CuO+H2SO4====CuSO4+H2O C.Fe+2HCl====FeCl2+H2↑ D.KOH+HNO3===KNO3+H2O 14.下列说法正确的是 ( ) A.分子是构成物质的粒子,因此物质都是由分子构成的 B.某雨水的 pH 小于 5.6,因此雨水中溶解是 SO2 C.C60 和石墨的组成元素相同,原子排列方式不同,因此它们的性 质存在的差异 D.化学反应常常伴随着能量变化,因此伴有能量变化的都是化学 反应 15.某学生在研究工业废水的利用中,把一瓶含氢氧化钠的废水的 pH 调至小于 7,所采取的下列方法中,一定正确的是 ( ) A.往废水中滴加石蕊试液,再加入适量的蒸馏水稀释至无色 B.往废水中滴加石蕊试液和盐酸,至溶液显紫色 C.往废水中滴加石蕊试和盐酸,至溶液显红色 D.往废水中滴加石蕊试液和盐酸,至溶液显蓝色 二、填空题 23 分 16.在①浓硫酸、②氢氧化钠、③稀盐酸、④氢氧化钙这四种物质 中选择适当物质的序号填空: (1)常用于干燥二氧化碳气体的干燥剂是 . (2)实验室用于制取二氧化碳气体的酸是 . (3)实验室用于检验二氧化碳气体的碱是 . (4)俗名为烧碱的物质是 . 17.如图,表示盐酸和氢氧化钠溶液反应的微观过程. 根据图示回答下列问题: (1)盐酸中含有的离子有 (填离子符号) . (2)氢氧化钠溶液显碱性的原因是因为该溶液中含有 . (3)从粒子的角度具体分析该反应能发生的原因是 18.生石灰是常用的食品干燥剂.生石灰起干燥作用时发生反应化 学方程式为: .取少量生石灰于水中, 搅拌 后取上层清液,向其中滴加无色酚酞试液,试液变红,说明该溶 液呈 (填“酸性”“中性”或“碱性”) ,测定该溶液酸碱度的最 简单的方法是使用 .该溶液敞口放置于空气中会变 质, 发生反应的化学方程式为: . 19.分别将盛有浓盐酸、浓硫酸,固体氢氧化钠、固体氯化钠的试
剂瓶敞口放置一段时间后,试剂质量减少的是 , 试剂质量增加且变质的是 (填试剂名称). 20.某中学学生到野外交游,若不小心被蚊虫叮咬(蚊虫能分泌出 蚁酸) ,下列物质可用手涂抹以减轻疼痛的是 (填字 母). A.食醋(pH<7) B.食盐水(pH=7) C.肥皂水(pH>7) 小明想用 pH 试纸测定食醋的 pH 试纸用水润湿后,用筷子将食醋 滴在 pH 试纸上,他测得的 pH 将比实际结果 (填“偏 大”“偏小”或“不变”). 21.2009年12月20日5时许,沪蓉高速枝江段一辆载有25吨左右液 态氨的罐车发生侧翻,有少量液态氨泄漏,由于处理及时没有造 成人员伤亡的环境污染.知识链接:高压液氨泄漏后立即汽化成有 强烈刺鼻气味的氨气,对人的眼鼻黏膜有伤害,而且氨气有毒, 还存在燃烧而引发爆炸的可能性,救援人员持高压水枪对不断泄 漏的氨气进行稀释.试回答: (1)救援人员用水稀释浓氨气,说明氨气具有什么物理性质? . (2)氨气对鼻黏膜的伤害,主要是氨气和黏膜上的水结合成了一 种有腐蚀性的碱.该碱的名称是 . (3)有人提议:能否用酸去中和生成的碱?如果喷洒稀盐酸来处 理该碱,所发生的中和反应的化学方程式是: .有人马上反对:用盐酸不好!不好的原因是 . 22.人的胃液里含有适量盐酸.服用含 MgCO3的抗酸药可治疗胃酸 过多症, 有关反应的化学方程式为: ; 该抗酸药说明书上标明的食用方法为“嚼食”,将药片嚼碎后服用 的优点是 . 23.酸在生产生活中有广泛应用.请回答下列问题: (1)胃液中有助于消化的酸是 . (2)浓硫酸常用做某些气体的干燥剂,主要是利用了 浓硫酸的 性.
(2)若想除去气体样品中的二氧化碳,他应该选用哪种 溶液? 为什么?
25.小丽同学为了鉴别澄清石灰水和氢氧化钠溶液,设计了 A、B、 C 三种方法(如下图所示) ,其中可行的是 (填标号) 。
小华同学用图甲所示方法也能达到鉴别目的,则 R 物质是 . 四、计算题14分 26. 某工厂化验室质量分数为 20% 的氢氧化钠溶液洗涤一定量石 油产品中的残余硫酸. (1)配制质量分数为20%的氢氧化钠溶液50g,需要固体氢氧化 钠 g 和水 mL. (2)洗涤一定量石油产品中的残余硫酸,共消耗该氢氧化钠溶液 40g,洗涤后溶液呈中性.求在这一定量的石油产品里 H2SO4的质量.