集成的光电二极管和放大器 OPT301
最常用的光源是工作在2 850K色温下的白炽钨灯。
分路电阻RSH在室温下通常是1000MΩ左右,且温度每增加10 ℃就减少1/2。
其单位为 A/W 或 V/W。
光电导体的前置放大器有两类:电压模式和跨导(图 2)。
图 3c 所示的跨导放大器结构产生的精密线性传感性能是通过“零偏压”光电二极管实现的。
在此配置中,光电二极管发现输出间存在短路,按照公式 3 (Isc =Ilight),基本上不存在“暗”电流。
光电二极管暴露在光线下且使用图 2c 的电路时,电流将流到运算放大器的反相节点,如图 3 所示。
若负载(RL)为0 Ω且 VOUT = 0 V,则理论上光电二极管会出现短路。
RL 等于 Rf/Aopen_loop_Gain,而 VOUT 是放大器反馈配置施加的虚拟地。
图 4所示电路是一个高速光电二极管信号调理电路,具有暗电流补偿功能。
系统转换来自高速硅PIN光电二极管的电流,并驱动20 MSPS模数转换器(ADC)的输入。
该器件组合可提供400 nm至1050 nm的频谱敏感度和49 nA的光电流敏感度、91 dB的动态范围以及2 MHz的带宽。
信号调理电路采用±5 V电源供电,功耗仅为40 mA,适合便携式高速、高分辨率光强度应用,如脉搏血氧仪。
图 7 电池最高电压低于6V,CN301控制PMOS晶体管 工作原理: 因为电池最高电压小于6V,CN301可以使用电池供电,利用电阻R1和R2设置电池低电压阈值。当电 池电压低于设定的阈值时,LBO输出低电平,NMOS管关断,PMOS管栅极电平拉高,PMOS管关断 电池到负载的放电回路,电池不能放电。注意,应根据负载电流的大小选择合适的PMOS晶体管的 导通电阻。 情形4:电池最高电压大于6V,CN301控制PMOS晶体管
其中, ILBI 是流入LBI管脚的漏电流; Vrth 是上行阈值。
如需要计算LBO由高电平转到低电平对应的电池电压,只要将上式中的Vrth换成下行阈值Vfth即可。 ILBI X R1就是LBI管脚漏电流引起的误差,如果ILBI=5纳安,R1=2兆欧姆,误差是10毫伏。 所以R1的最大值应该由所允许的最大误差决定,R1和R2的最小值应该由所允许的电池功耗决定。 添加一个外部电容增强电路的抗噪声能力 如果被监测的电压噪声比较严重,可以在被监测电压的正极和GND之间加一个0.1uF的电容,这个电 容要尽量靠近CN301。对于负载电流变化比较大的应用,在LBI和GND之间加一个电容(<1nF)也能够 增强抗噪声能力。 LBI管脚电压的下降沿变化 CN301除了在上电,掉电和电压突变时在LBO管脚输出低电平外,还可以过滤LBI管脚短时间的负方 向毛刺。当毛刺幅度增大时(即在CN301的下行阈值以下的幅度增大),则能滤除的毛刺宽度将减 小。一般情况下,LBI管脚的毛刺低于下行阈值35mV并且持续10us或更短时间时,不会引起CN301 的LBO管脚输出低电平。从LBI管脚到GND加一个旁路电容,可以进一步滤除毛刺的影响。 在VCC到GND接一个电阻使得VCC=0时输出仍然有效 当VCC电压降至1.15V以下时,CN301的LBO管脚不再吸收电流,变成开路状态,即为不确定状态。 大多数的应用是不受影响的,因为大部分的应用在电压为1.15V时已经不能工作。如果需要在电源电 压低于1.15V时LBO管脚处于确定状态,可在LBO管脚和GND之间连接一个电阻,如图4所示。电阻 值的大小不是很关键,一般100KΩ的电阻即可。
单电源运放 光电二极管
二、元器件选择1. 光电二极管:选择适当的光电二极管,其响应波长应与所需检测的光信号波长相匹配,并考虑其光灵敏度、响应速度等参数。
2. 单电源运放:选择具有适当带宽、增益和噪声性能的运放。
根据其不同的原理和结构,光电放大器可以分为以下几种分类:1. 光电倍增管(Photomultiplier Tube,PMT):光电倍增管是最早被开发和广泛使用的光电放大器之一。
2. 硅光电倍增器(SiPM):硅光电倍增器是一种基于硅材料的光电放大器。
3. 探测器阵列:探测器阵列是由多个单元探测器组成的阵列结构。
4. 可调增益光纤放大器(EDFA):可调增益光纤放大器是一种利用掺铒双折射光纤放大光信号的器件。
5. 光电探测器:光电探测器是一种直接将光信号转换为电信号的器件。
常见的光电探测器有光电二极管(Photodiode)、光导电池(Photoconductive Cell)等。
以下是一些典型的应用实例:1. 光通信:光电放大器在光通信系统中起着关键的作用。
2. 光谱分析:光电放大器在光谱分析领域中被广泛应用。
军用电子器件目录JUN YONG DIAN ZI QI JIAN MU LU(2005年版)济南半一电子有限公司目录半导体器件选用注意事项 (1)第一部分:二极管 (8)一. 开关二极管 (8)1. 锗金键开关二极管2AK1~20系列 (8)2. 锗金键检波二极管2AP1~31B系列 (9)3. 肖特基检波二极管SP1~31B系列(替代2AP1~31B) (10)4. 肖特基开关二极管SK1~20系列(替代2AK1~20) (11)5. 肖特基开关检波二极管2DKOlO、020、O3O型(替代2AK1~20、2AP1~31B)··126. 硅开关二极管2CK70~86、2CK49~56系列 (13)7. 硅开关二极管1N、1S、1SS、BAV系列 (16)8. 玻璃钝化封装大电流开关二极管RG0.5~5系列 (17)二. 整流二极管 (18)1. 玻封快速硅整流二极管2CZ50~57系列 (18)2. 玻璃钝化整流管1N、RL、6A系列 (19)3. 玻璃钝化高速整流管SF11G~66G系列 (20)4. 贴片玻璃钝化整流管S1~5系列 (21)5. 贴片高速整流管ES1~5系列 (22)6. 肖特基二极管SR0620~510、1N5817~5822系列 (23)7. 肖特基二极管SR735~4060系列 (24)8. 贴片肖特基二极管SS1~36、SS110系列 (25)三. 电压调整(稳压)二极管 (26)1. 硅稳压二极管2CW50~78系列 (26)2. 硅稳压二极管2CW100~121系列 (27)3. 硅稳压二极管ZW50~78系列 (28)4. 硅稳压二极管ZW100~121系列 (29)5. 硅稳压二极管2CW5221~5255(1N5221~5255)系列 (30)6. 硅稳压二极管2CW4728A~4754A(1N4728A~4754A)系列 (31)7. 硅稳压二极管1N746A~759A、1N957A~974A系列 (32)8. 硅稳压二极管1N4352B~4358B系列 (33)9. 硅稳压二极管HZ2~36系列 (34)10. 硅稳压二极管BZX55/C系列 (35)11. 硅稳压二极管BZX85/C系列 (36)四. 电压基准二极管 (37)1. 硅基准稳压二极管2DW14~18系列 (37)2. 硅平面温度补偿二极管2DW230~236系列 (38)五. 电流调整(稳流)二极管 (39)1. 稳流管2DH1~36系列 (39)六. 瞬变电压抑制二极管 (40)1. 单双向瞬变电压抑制二极管TVS500~534系列 (40)2. 单双向瞬变电压抑制二极管TVS1000~1034系列 (41)3. 单双向瞬变电压抑制二极管TVS1500~1534系列 (42)4. 单双向瞬变电压抑制二极管TVS5000~5034系列 (43)第二部分:晶体管 (44)一. 双极型晶体管 (44)1. 硅NPN型平面高频小功率三极管3DG110、3DG111、3DG130系列 (44)2. 硅NPN型外延平面高反压三极管3DG182系列 (45)3. 硅NPN型平面三极管3DK101、3DK106、3DK21系列 (46)4. 硅PNP型外延平面高频小功率三极管3CG111、3CG120、3CG130系列 (47)5. 硅PNP型外延平面高频小功率三极管3CK2、3CK120、3CK130系列 (48)6. 硅PNP型外延平面高频高反压小功率三极管3CG182、3CG184、2N2907系列 (49)7. 硅NPN低频大功率晶体管3DD1~8系列 (50)8. 硅NPN达林顿功率晶体管FH6~8系列 (53)二. 场效应晶体管 (54)1. N沟道MOS型场效应晶体管IRF120~823系列 (54)2. P沟道MOS型场效应晶体管IRF9130~9643系列 (56)3. N沟道结型场效应晶体管3DJ2、3DJ6/66、3DJ7/67/304、3DJ8/68系列 (57)三. 部分替代俄型号晶体管 (59)第三部分:半导体分立器件组件 (60)一. 说明 (60)二. 产品型号 (61)1. 200mA~2A玻璃钝化芯片整流桥DF、1W、RB、W系列 (61)2. 1~4A玻璃钝化芯片整流桥2W、GBP、GBL系列 (62)3. 4~15A玻璃钝化芯片整流桥GBU、GBP系列 (63)4. 15~35A玻璃钝化芯片整流桥GBPC系列 (64)5. 定制式三相整流桥 (65)6. 2Д906A型硅二极管矩阵 (65)7. 双向限幅器SXF0.25~5.8系列 (65)第四部分:电路及模块 (66)一. 集成稳压器 (66)1. 固定输出三端正稳压器CW7800系列 (66)2. 固定输出三端负稳压器CW7900系列 (66)3. 可调输出三端正稳压器CW117系列 (67)4. 可调输出三端负稳压器CW137系列 (67)5. 定制式5V以下电压基准DCW系列 (68)第五部分:外形图 (69)半导体器件选用注意事项半导体器件(以下简称器件)的质量问题,不仅有器件本身所固有的质量和可靠性问题,也有由于用户选择或使用不当造成的器件失效问题。
proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes couldIMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. T esting and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. T o minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers Audio /audioData Converters Automotive /automotiveDSP Broadband /broadbandInterface Digital Control /digitalcontrolLogic Military /militaryPower Mgmt Optical Networking /opticalnetwork Microcontrollers Security /securityTelephony /telephonyVideo & Imaging /videoWireless /wirelessMailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright 2004, Texas Instruments Incorporated。
塑封快恢复整流二极管反向电压 50 --- 1000 V正向电流 3.0 AFR301FR302FR303FR304FR305FR306FR3071000501002004006008005010020040060080010003570140280420560700151503.01.35.0200FR301 ...... FR307150300FR301FR302FR303FR304FR305FR306FR307SIYU R最大可重复峰值反向电压Maximum repetitive peak reverse voltage最大均方根电压Maximum RMS voltage最大直流阻断电压Maximum DC blocking voltage最大正向平均整流电流Maximum average forward rectified current峰值正向浪涌电流 8.3ms单一正弦半波Peak forward surge current 8.3 ms single half sine-wave典型热阻 Typical thermal resistance工作结温和存储温度Operating junction and storage temperature range-55 --- +150 V V V A A ℃/WV RRMV RMS V DC I F(AV)I FSM ℃Tj, TSTG 极限值和温度特性 TA = 25℃ 除非另有规定。
Maximum Ratings & Thermal Characteristics Ratings at 25℃ ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.符号Symbols单位UnitPlastic Fast Recover RectifierReverse Voltage 50 to 1000VForward Current 3.0A50最大正向电压 最大反向电流 TA= 25℃ TA=100℃最大反向恢复时间I F =0.5A I R =1.0A I RR =0.25A典型结电容 V R = 4.0V, f = 1MHzV μAnS pFI Rtrr C jMaximum forward voltage Maximum reverse currentType junction capacitance电特性 TA = 25℃ 除非另有规定。
光电二极管 运放型号
- MCP6L02T-E/MS:这是一款便携式IC,常用于光电二极管放大器,其工作频率为1MHz,电流为85µA。
- RS622:采用COMS工艺设计,具有7MHz的高增益带宽乘积和0.7mV的失调电压,适合用于电池供电的指夹血氧仪等设备中。
- TSV7722:一款高精度高带宽运算放大器,可实现22MHz的增益带宽和11V/μs的圧摆率,适合在功率变换电路和光学传感器中进行高速信号调理和精确电流测量。
- LTA604x:高速电压反馈运算放大器,具有140MHz带宽和107 V/us的压摆率。
- JI57X:是一款集成低噪声JFET放大器的Si硅光电二极管,可采用单电压电源,具有非常低的漂移和高的动态范围。
TL H 7752LM101A LM201A LM301A Operational AmplifiersDecember1994LM101A LM201A LM301A Operational AmplifiersGeneral DescriptionThe LM101A series are general purpose operational amplifi-ers which feature improved performance over industry stan-dards like the LM709 Advanced processing techniquesmake possible an order of magnitude reduction in input cur-rents and a redesign of the biasing circuitry reduces thetemperature drift of input current Improved specificationsincludeY Offset voltage3mV maximum overtemperature(LM101A LM201A)Y Input current100nA maximum overtemperature(LM101A LM201A)Y Offset current20nA maximum overtemperature(LM101A LM201A)Y Guaranteed drift characteristicsY Offsets guaranteed over entire common mode and sup-ply voltage rangesY Slew rate of10V m s as a summing amplifierThis amplifier offers many features which make its applica-tion nearly foolproof overload protection on the input andoutput no latch-up when the common mode range is ex-ceeded and freedom from oscillations and compensationwith a single30pF capacitor It has advantages over inter-nally compensated amplifiers in that the frequency compen-sation can be tailored to the particular application For ex-ample in low frequency circuits it can be overcompensatedfor increased stability margin Or the compensation can beoptimized to give more than a factor of ten improvement inhigh frequency performance for most applicationsIn addition the device provides better accuracy and lowernoise in high impedance circuitry The low input currentsalso make it particularly well suited for long interval integra-tors or timers sample and hold circuits and low frequencywaveform generators Further replacing circuits wherematched transistor pairs buffer the inputs of conventional ICop amps it can give lower offset voltage and a drift at alower costThe LM101A is guaranteed over a temperature range ofb55 C to a125 C the LM201A from b25 C to a85 Cand the LM301A from0 C to a70 CConnection Diagrams(Top View)Dual-In-Line PackageTL H 7752–4Order Number LM101AJ LM101J 883LM201AN or LM301ANSee NS Package Number J08A or N08ACeramic Flatpack PackageTL H 7752–4Order Number LM101AW 883or LM101W 883See NS Package Number W10AMetal Can PackageTL H 7752–2Note Pin4connected to caseOrder Number LM101AHLM101AH 883 LM201AH or LM301AHSee NS Package Number H08CDual-In-Line PackageTL H 7752–3Order Number LM101AJ-14 883See NS Package Number J14A Available per JM38510 10103C1995National Semiconductor Corporation RRD-B30M115 Printed in U S AAbsolute Maximum RatingsIf Military Aerospace specified devices are required please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office Distributors for availability and specificationsLM101A LM201A LM301A Supply Voltage g22V g18VDifferential Input Voltage g30V g30VInput Voltage(Note1)g15V g15VOutput Short Circuit Duration(Note2)Continuous ContinuousOperating Ambient Temp Range b55 C to a125 C(LM101A)0 C to a70 Cb25 C to a85 C(LM201A)T J MaxH-Package150 C100 CN-Package150 C100 CJ-Package150 C100 CPower Dissipation at T A e25 CH-Package(Still Air)500mW300mW(400LF Min Air Flow)1200mW700mW N-Package900mW500mWJ-Package1000mW650mWThermal Resistance(Typical)i jAH-Package(Still Air)165 C W165 C W (400LF Min Air Flow)67 C W67 C W N Package135 C W135 C WJ-Package110 C W110 CmW(Typical)i jCH-Package25 C W25 C WStorage Temperature Range b65 C to a150 C b65 C to a150 CLead Temperature(Soldering 10sec )Metal Can or Ceramic300 C300 CPlastic260 C260 CESD Tolerance(Note5)2000V2000V Electrical Characteristics(Note3)T A e T JParameter ConditionsLM101A LM201A LM301AUnits Min Typ Max Min Typ MaxInput Offset Voltage T A e25 C R S s50k X0 72 02 07 5mV Input Offset Current T A e25 C1 5103 050nA Input Bias Current T A e25 C307570250nA Input Resistance T A e25 C1 54 00 52 0M X Supply Current T A e25 C V S e g20V1 83 0mAV S e g15V1 83 0mALarge Signal Voltage Gain T A e25 C V S e g15V5016025160V mVV OUT e g10V R L t2k XInput Offset Voltage R S s50k X3 010mVAverage Temperature Coefficient R S s50k X3 0156 030m V C of Input Offset VoltageInput Offset Current2070nA Average Temperature Coefficient25 C s T A s T MAX0 010 10 010 3nA C of Input Offset Current T MIN s T A s25 C0 020 20 020 6nA C2Electrical Characteristics(Note3)T A e T J(Continued)Parameter ConditionsLM101A LM201A LM301AUnits Min Typ Max Min Typ MaxInput Bias Current0 10 3m A Supply Current T A e T MAX V S e g20V1 22 5mA Large Signal Voltage Gain V S e g15V V OUT e g10V2515V mVR L t2kOutput Voltage Swing V S e g15V R L e10k X g12g14g12g14VR L e2k X g10g13g10g13V Input Voltage Range V S e g20V g15VV S e g15V a15 b13g12a15 b13V Common-Mode Rejection Ratio R S s50k X80967090dB Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio R S s50k X80967096dB Note1 For supply voltages less than g15V the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to the supply voltageNote2 Continuous short circuit is allowed for case temperatures to125 C and ambient temperatures to75 C for LM101A LM201A and70 C and55 C respectively for LM301ANote3 Unless otherwise specified these specifications apply for C1e30pF g5V s V S s g20V and b55 C s T A s a125 C(LM101A) g5V s V S s g20V and b25 C s T A s a85 C(LM201A) g5V s V S s g15V and0 C s T A s a70 C(LM301A)Note4 Refer to RETS101AX for LM101A military specifications and RETS101X for LM101military specificationsNote5 Human body model 100pF discharged through1 5k XGuaranteed Performance Characteristics LM101A LM201AInput Voltage Range Output Swing Voltage GainTL H 7752–5 Guaranteed Performance Characteristics LM301AInput Voltage Range Output Swing Voltage GainTL H 7752–63Typical Performance CharacteristicsSupply CurrentVoltage GainMaximum Power DissipationLM101A LM201A LM301AInput CurrentCurrent Limiting Input Noise VoltageInput Noise Current Common Mode Rejection Power Supply RejectionImpedanceClosed Loop Output TL H 7752–74Typical Performance Characteristics for Various Compensation CircuitsSingle Pole CompensationTL H 7752–8C1tR1C S R1a R2C S e 30pFTwo Pole CompensationC1tR1C SR1a R2C S e 30pF C2e 10C1TL H 7752–12Feedforward CompensationC2e12q f o R2f o e 3MHzTL H 7752–16Response Open Loop Frequency TL H 7752–9Response Open Loop Frequency TL H 7752–13ResponseOpen Loop Frequency TL H 7752–17Response Large Signal Frequency TL H 7752–10Response Large Signal Frequency TL H 7752–14ResponseLarge Signal Frequency TL H 7752–18Response Voltage Follower Pulse TL H 7752–11ResponseVoltage Follower Pulse TL H 7752–15Inverter Pulse ResponseTL H 7752–19Pin connections shown are for 8-pin packages5Typical ApplicationsVariable Capacitance MultiplierC e 1aR bR aC1TL H 7752–20Simulated InductorL j R1R2C1R S e R2R P e R1TL H 7752–21Fast Inverting Amplifier with High Input Impedance TL H 7752–22Inverting Amplifier with Balancing CircuitMay be zero or equalto parallel combina-tion of R1and R2for minimum offsetTL H 7752–23Integrator with Bias CurrentSine Wave OscillatorCompensationTL H 7752–25Adjust for zero integrator drift Current drift typically 0 1nA C over b 55 C to a 125 C temperature rangef o e 10kHzTL H 7752–24Pin connections shown are for 8-pin packages6Application HintsProtecting Against GrossFault ConditionsProtects inputProtects output TL H 7752–26 Protects output not needed when R4is used Compensating for Stray Input Capacitancesor Large Feedback ResistorC2eR1C SR2TL H 7752–27Isolating Large Capacitive LoadsTL H 7752–28Although the LM101A is designed for trouble free operation experience has indicated that it is wise to observe certain precautions given below to protect the devices from abnor-mal operating conditions It might be pointed out that the advice given here is applicable to practically any IC op amp although the exact reason why may differ with different de-vicesWhen driving either input from a low-impedance source a limiting resistor should be placed in series with the input lead to limit the peak instantaneous output current of the source to something less than100mA This is especially important when the inputs go outside a piece of equipment where they could accidentally be connected to high voltage sources Large capacitors on the input(greater than0 1m F) should be treated as a low source impedance and isolated with a resistor Low impedance sources do not cause a problem unless their output voltage exceeds the supply volt-age However the supplies go to zero when they are turned off so the isolation is usually neededThe output circuitry is protected against damage from shorts to ground However when the amplifier output is connected to a test point it should be isolated by a limiting resistor as test points frequently get shorted to bad places Further when the amplifer drives a load external to the equipment it is also advisable to use some sort of limiting resistance to preclude mishaps Precautions should be taken to insure that the power sup-plies for the integrated circuit never become reversed even under transient conditions With reverse voltages greater than1V the IC will conduct excessive current fus-ing internal aluminum interconnects If there is a possibility of this happening clamp diodes with a high peak current rating should be installed on the supply lines Reversal of the voltage between V a and V b will always cause a prob-lem although reversals with respect to ground may also give difficulties in many circuitsThe minimum values given for the frequency compensation capacitor are stable only for source resistances less than 10k X stray capacitances on the summing junction less than5pF and capacitive loads smaller than100pF If any of these conditions are not met it becomes necessary to overcompensate the amplifier with a larger compensation capacitor Alternately lead capacitors can be used in the feedback network to negate the effect of stray capacitance and large feedback resistors or an RC network can be add-ed to isolate capacitive loadsAlthough the LM101A is relatively unaffected by supply by-passing this cannot be ignored altogether Generally it is necessary to bypass the supplies to ground at least once on every circuit card and more bypass points may be required if more than five amplifiers are used When feed-forward compensation is employed however it is advisable to by-pass the supply leads of each amplifier with low inductance capacitors because of the higher frequencies involvedPin connections shown are for8-pin packages7Typical Applications (Continued)Standard Compensation andOffset Balancing CircuitTL H 7752–29Fast Summing AmplifierPower Bandwidth 250kHzSmall Signal Bandwiidth 3 5MHzSlew Rate 10V m sTL H 7752–30Fast Voltage FollowerPower Bandwidth 15kHzSlew Rate 1V m sTL H 7752–31Bilateral Current SourceI OUT eR3V INR1R5R3e R4a R5R1e R2TL H 7752–32Fast AC DC ConverterFeedforward compensationcan be used to make a fast fullwave rectifier without a filterTL H 7752–33Pin connections shown are for8-pin packages8Typical Applications (Continued)Instrumentation AmplifierR1e R4 R2e R3A V e 1aR1R2Matching determines CMRRTL H 7752–34Integrator with Bias Current CompensationAdjust for zero integrator drift Current drift typically 0 1nA C over 0 C to a 70 C temperature rangeTL H 7752–35Voltage Comparator for Driving RTL Logic orHigh Current DriverTL H 7752–37Low Frequency Square Wave GeneratorTL H 7752–36Pin connections shown are for 8-pin packages9Typical Applications (Continued)Low Drift Sample and HoldPolycarbonate-dielectric capacitorTL H 7752–38Voltage Comparator for Driving DTL or TTL Integrated CircuitsTL H 7752–39SchematicTL H 7752–1Pin connections shown are for 8-pin packages1011Physical Dimensions inches(millimeters)Metal Can Package(H)Order Number LM101AH LM101AH 883LM201AH or LM301AHNS Package Number H08CCeramic Dual-In-Line Package(J)Order Number LM101J 883or LM101AJNS Package Number J08A12Physical Dimensions inches(millimeters)(Continued)Ceramic Dual-In-Line Package(J)Order Number LM101AJ-14 883NS Package Number J14AMolded Dual-In-Line Package(N)Order Number LM201AN or LM301ANNS Package Number N08E13L M 101A L M 201A L M 301A O p e r a t i o n a l A m p l i f i e r s Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters)(Continued)Ceramic Flatpack Package (W)Order Number LM101AW 883or LM101W 883NS Package Number W10ALIFE SUPPORT POLICYNATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION As used herein1 Life support devices or systems are devices or2 A critical component is any component of a life systems which (a)are intended for surgical implantsupport device or system whose failure to perform can into the body or (b)support or sustain life and whosebe reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life failure to perform when properly used in accordancesupport device or system or to affect its safety or with instructions for use provided in the labeling caneffectiveness be reasonably expected to result in a significant injuryto the userNational SemiconductorNational Semiconductor National Semiconductor National Semiconductor CorporationEurope Hong Kong Ltd Japan Ltd 1111West Bardin Road Fax (a 49)0-180-530858613th Floor Straight Block Tel 81-043-299-2309。
由于光电二极管的输出电流比较微弱,所以在必需大的输出电压eo 时,如果光输出电流ip 一定,则应将负载电阻rl 变成高电阻。
但光电二极管的耦合间电容cd 的值为数十pf 很大。
所以所获得的频率幅度fb 下降为:
图1 将光电二极管的光输出电流变换成电压
因此,作为光传感器用放大器,要扩大其频带,使用图2 的op 放大器的电流输人型前置放大器电路很常见。
如果是这样的电路构成,则通过虚地使电容cd 短路,应该能够宽带化.
图2 测壁由op 放大器组成的光传感器放大器的频率特性
但是,这是op 放大器的开环增益无限大时的情况。
由于被相位补偿的通常的op 放大器其高频域的增益很小,所以实际的输人电阻ri 上升为:
此上升方式与线圈l 的阻抗一频率特性ωl相类似。
因此,如果将此和电容cd 并联连接,则在电路的频率特性上会产生峰值。
此峰值的频率fp 为:ft 是所使用的op 放大器的单位增益带域幅度,fc 是电路的截断频率。
此时的fc 为:
例如在ft=1mhz 的op 放大器上,cd=0.01μf、rl=1ookω时的峰值频率fp 变为12.6khz。
关于OPT101的特性:1.单电源供电:+2.7 to +36V2.光电二极管尺寸:0.09×0.09inch(芯片尺寸0.5×1.0,适合做电光源分布范围测定)3.片内放大器反馈电阻:RF = 1MΩ4.光敏二极管响应:0.45A/W (650nm)5.响应带宽:14kHz(RF = 1MΩ)6.极低的静态电流:120µA它是集光敏二极管和信号放大于一体的器件,电压输出特性,且输出电压随光照强度成线性变化,可以用在位置与接近探测,温室照度的测试测量当中。
图1 管脚分布图图2 内部原理图最基本的外围线路连接如上图所示,其中4管脚的1MΩ的反馈电阻是存在于芯片内部的,外围无需加入。
图3 基本电路输出电压和波长的关系图4 基本电路的输出电压和照射角度的关系通过外围设置电阻可以改变器件的应答时间,改变响应速度和带宽,连接电路和对照表如下图所示:图5 外部电阻应答改变典型应用例举1.探测发光目标在探测发光目标时,由于背景反射光作用,对有用信号会产生一定的影响,由于这两者的强度不同,所以输出的信号会有低频背景噪声,为了滤除背景噪声,在传感器的输出端加入一个高通滤波器,用以滤除噪声电压,并且后接整形电路进行整形,便于后续电路对信号的进一步处理。
图6 探测发光目标电路2.LED输出管理下图是本元件控制LED亮度的电路接线图,OPT101采用最基本的连接方式即可,本光敏元件接到LED亮度的信号后将其送到运放的反馈端,用以反馈调节LED的亮度,最终使其逐步达到预定值。
光电二极管具有以下特性:1. 高灵敏度:光电二极管能够转换光信号为电信号,其灵敏度高于一般的光敏元件。
2. 快速响应:光电二极管的响应速度快,能够实现高频率的光信号检测和转换。
3. 低噪声:光电二极管的噪声水平较低,能够提供较为清晰的信号输出。
4. 宽波长范围:光电二极管的响应波长范围广,可用于各种光学应用。
1. 选择适当的放大电路类型根据应用需求和光电二极管的特性,可以选择不同类型的放大电路,如共射放大电路、共基放大电路和共集放大电路等。
2. 确定电路元件参数根据光电二极管的特性和输入信号的要求,确定放大电路的电路参数,如电阻、电容和功率源等。
3. 进行电路布局和连接根据电路设计原理,进行电路布局和元件连接。
4. 进行电路测试和优化完成电路布局和连接后,进行电路测试和优化。
5. 确定电路的工作点和稳定性在电路测试和优化后,需要确定电路的工作点和稳定性。
高灵敏度光电二极管放大器具有差分输出Moshe Gerstenhaber;Mark Champion【期刊名称】《中国电子商情·基础电子》【年(卷),期】2014(000)003【总页数】1页(P46)【作者】Moshe Gerstenhaber;Mark Champion【作者单位】ADI公司;ADI公司【正文语种】中文传统的光电二极管放大器采用FET输入运算放大器将来自光电二极管的小电流转换成单端电压,如图1所示。
图3所示为使用Thorlab FDS100光电二极管且RF = 100 kΩ时该电路的实测补偿和未补偿频率响应。
对于每毫瓦入射光功率,该系统的峰值响应值为0.12 V。
廈門科蘭光電科技有限公司K e l a n O p t o e l e c t r o n i s T e c h n o l o g y C o.,L t d产品规格书Specification on Product产品名称:红外遥控接收放大器(DESCRIPTION): INFRARED MODULE FOR REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM产品型号(M O D E L): KS01** 系列打 印 标 识 (M A R K): KS01**TEL: 86)(0592)577 0808 577 0909001) 925 9222 669FAX: 86)(0592)392 1156E-mail:kelan@Website: ADDRESS:厦门国家留学人员创业园伟业楼N102P.C : 361009●概述(D e s c r i p t i o n):KS01..系列是一种集成了光探测器和前置放大器的微型红外遥控接收放大装置。
The KS01...- series are miniaturized receivers for infrared remote control systems. PIN diode and preamplifier are assembled on leadframe, the epoxy package is designed as IR filter.The demodulated output signal can directly be decoded by a microprocessor, KS01.. is the standard IR remote control receiver series, supporting all major transmission codes.z Parts TableT y p e f o t y p e f o t y p e f o K S013030K H z K S013333K H z K S013636K H z K S013736.7K H z K S013838K H z K S015656K H z z特点(Features):♦没有外围元件,可靠性高(No external parts, high reliability)♦内部屏蔽,抗干扰能力强(Inner shield, good anti-interference ability)♦4-5.5V供电电压,功耗低(4-5.5V supplied voltage, low power consumption)♦灵敏度高,传输范围大(High sensitivity, large transmission range)♦TTL和CMOS兼容(Capability of TTL & CMOS)●极限参数(Ta=25°C)(Absolute Maximum Ratings,Ta=25°C)参数Parameters符号Symbol额定值Rated value单位Unit电源电压Supply voltageV S 5.5 V 电源电流Supply currentIs 5.0 mA 工作温度Operation Temp.T amb -25∼+85 °C贮存温度Storage Temp.T stg -25∼+105 °C焊接温度(5秒)Soldering Temp.(5s)T sd +260 °C● 光电参数(Ta=25°C )(Opto-electric characteristics ,Ta=25°C )参数 Parameters 符号 symbol 测试条件 Test condition 最小值Min. 典型值 Typ. 最大值 Max 单位Unit 电源电流 Supply current I CC Vs=5V Ev=01.01.2mA峰值波长 Peak wavelength λP940 nm调制频率 Modulated freq. f 0 37.9 KH Z高电平输出电压 High output voltage V 0H 4.5 V低电平输出电压 Low output voltage V OL 0.4 V 高电平输出脉宽 High output pulse width T Wh 400 600 800 μS低电平输出脉宽 Low output pulse width T wl Ev=0.5mw/m2周期=1.2ms(Cycle=1.2ms)占空比=50% (Duty=50%)400 600 800 μS 接收距离(接收角为零度)Receiving distanceLVs=5VEv=(200±50)Lx 22 电压降低和强光干扰下接收距离可能变短M 受控角 Controlled angleΔθ Vs=5VEv=(200±50)LxL=6.5M±45deg● 标识(Mark)在产品顶部打印产品型号和生产批号,如下:Print type model and LOT.NO. on the back of product as follow:(1):标志(KL mark) (2):公司内定的红外遥控接收放大器的简称(如:字母S 代表红外遥控接收放大器)(3): 产品特征、功能、外观的类别代码(如:00表示它是环氧灌封、芯片使用德国进口,电压的类型是5V 的。
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FPO70%©1994 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-1228B Printed in U.S.A. January, 19942®OPT301SPECIFICATIONSELECTRICALAt T A = +25°C, V S = ±15V, λ = 650nm, internal 1M Ω feedback resistor, unless otherwise noted.NOTE: (1) Voltage Across Photodiode.3®OPT301SPECIFICATIONS (CONT)ELECTRICALOp Amp Section of OPT301(1)At T A = +25°C, V S = ±15V, unless otherwise noted.The information provided herein is believed to be reliable; however, BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all use of such information shall be entirely at the user’s own risk. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. No patent rights or licenses to any of the circuits described herein are implied or granted to any third party. BURR-BROWN does not authorize or warrant any BURR-BROWN product for use in life support devices and/or systems.NOTE: (1) Op amp specifications provided for information and comparison only.4®OPT30165®OPT301TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVESAt T A = +25°C, V S = ±15V, λ = 650nm, unless otherwise noted.NORMALIZED SPECTRAL RESPONSIVITYN o r m a l i z e d C u r r e n t o r V o l t a g e O u t p u tWavelength (nm)100200300400500600700800900100011001. RESPONSIVITY vs RADIANT POWERRadiant Power (µW)O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )0.010.1101001k11010.10.010.001VOLTAGE RESPONSIVITY vs IRRADIANCEIrradiance (W/m 2)O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )0.0010.011101000.11010.10.010.001DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONSIVITY U n i t s (%)Responsivity (A/W)0.4560504030201000.460.470.480.490.5RESPONSE vs INCIDENT ANGLER e l a t i v e R e s p o n s eIncident Angle (°)±20±40±60±801. OUTPUT RESPONSIVITY vs FREQUENCY R e s p o n s i v i t y (V /µW )Frequency (Hz)1001k10k 100k1M6®OPT301TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVESAt T A = +25°C, V S = ±15V, λ= 650nm, unless otherwise noted.SMALL-SIGNAL DYNAMIC RESPONSELARGE-SIGNAL DYNAMIC RESPONSE20m V /d i v2V /d i v100µs/div 100µs/divQUIESCENT CURRENT vs TEMPERATUREQ u i e s c e n t C u r r e n t (m A )Temperature (°C)–750.–50–25255075100125OUTPUT NOISE VOLTAGE vs MEASUREMENT BANDWIDTHMeasurement Bandwidth (Hz)N o i s e V o l t a g e (µV r m s )1101k 10k 100k10010001001010.1NOISE EFFECTIVE POWER vs MEASUREMENT BANDWIDTHMeasurement Bandwidth (Hz)N o i s e E f f e c t i v e P o w e r (W )1101k10k100k10010–710–810–910–1010–1110–1210–1310–14R F = 100MR F = 10MR F = 1MR F = 100k R F = 10k67®OPT301APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONFigure 1 shows the basic connections required to operate the OPT301. Applications with high-impedance power supplies may require decoupling capacitors located close to the device pins as shown. Output is zero volts with no light and increases with increasing illumination.If your light source is focused to a small area, be sure that it is properly aimed to fall on the photodiode. If a narrowly focused light source were to miss the photodiode area and fall only on the op amp circuitry, the OPT301 would not perform properly. The large (0.090 x 0.090 inch) photodiode area allows easy positioning of narrowly focused light sources. The photodiode area is easily visible—it appears very dark compared to the surrounding active circuitry.The incident angle of the light source also affects the apparent sensitivity in uniform irradiance. For small incident angles, the loss in sensitivity is simply due to the smaller effective light gathering area of the photodiode (proportional to the cosine of the angle). At a greater incident angle, light is reflected and scattered by the side of the package. These effects are shown in the typical performance curve “Response vs Incident Angle.”DARK ERRORSThe dark errors in the specification table include all sources.The dominant error source is the input offset voltage of the op amp. Photodiode dark current and input bias current of the op amp are approximately 2pA and contribute virtually no offset error at room temperature. Dark current and input bias current double for each 10°C above 25°C. At 70°C, the error current can be approximately 100pA. This would produce a 1mV offset with R F = 10M Ω. The OPT301 is useful with feedback resistors of 100M Ω or greater at room temperature. The dark output voltage can be trimmed to zero with the optional circuit shown in Figure 3.FIGURE 1. Basic Circuit Connections.Photodiode current, I D , is proportional to the radiant power or flux (in watts) falling on the photodiode. At a wavelength of 650nm (visible red) the photodiode Responsivity, R I , is approximately 0.45A/W. Responsivity at other wavelengths is shown in the typical performance curve “Responsivity vs Wavelength.”The typical performance curve “Output Voltage vs Radiant Power” shows the response throughout a wide range of radiant power. The response curve “Output Voltage vs Irradiance” is based on the photodiode area of 5.23 x 10–6m 2.The OPT301’s voltage output is the product of the photodiode current times the feedback resistor, (I D R F ). The internal feedback resistor is laser trimmed to 1M Ω ±2%. Using this resistor, the output voltage responsivity, R V , is approximately 0.45V/µW at 650nm wavelength.An external resistor can be used to set a different voltage responsivity. For values of R F less than 1M Ω, an external capacitor, C EXT , should be connected in parallel with R F (see Figure 2). This capacitor eliminates gain peaking and prevents instability. The value of C EXT can be read from the table in Figure 2.LIGHT SOURCE POSITIONINGThe OPT301 is 100% tested with a light source that uniformly illuminates the full area of the integrated circuit, including the op amp. Although all IC amplifiers are light-sensitive to some degree, the OPT301 op amp circuitry is designed to minimize this effect. Sensitive junctions are shielded with metal, and differential stages are cross-coupled. Furthermore,the photodiode area is very large relative to the op amp input circuitry making these effects negligible.FIGURE 2. Using External Feedback Resistor.8®OPT301When used with very large feedback resistors, tiny leakage currents on the circuit board can degrade the performance of the OPT301. Careful circuit board design and clean assembly procedures will help achieve best performance. A “guard trace” on the circuit board can help minimize leakage to the critical non-inverting input (pin 2). This guard ring should encircle pin 2 and connect to Common, pin 8.DYNAMIC RESPONSEUsing the internal 1M Ω resistor, the dynamic response of the photodiode/op amp combination can be modeled as a simple R/C circuit with a –3dB cutoff frequency of 4kHz.This yields a rise time of approximately 90µs (10% to 90%).Dynamic response is not limited by op amp slew rate. This is demonstrated by the dynamic response oscilloscope photographs showing virtually identical large-signal and small-signal response.Dynamic response will vary with feedback resistor value as shown in the typical performance curve “Voltage Output Responsivity vs Frequency.” Rise time (10% to 90%) will vary according to the –3dB bandwidth produced by a given feedback resistor value—where:t R is the rise time (10% to 90%)f C is the –3dB bandwidthLINEARITY PERFORMANCECurrent output of the photodiode is very linear with radiant power throughout a wide range. Nonlinearity remains belowapproximately 0.02% up to 100µA photodiode current. The photodiode can produce output currents of 1mA or greater with high radiant power, but nonlinearity increases to several percent in this region.This excellent linearity at high radiant power assumes that the full photodiode area is uniformly illuminated. If the light source is focused to a small area of the photodiode,nonlinearity will occur at lower radiant power.NOISE PERFORMANCENoise performance of the OPT301 is determined by the op amp characteristics in conjunction with the feedback components and photodiode capacitance. The typical performance curve “Output Noise Voltage vs Measurement Bandwidth” shows how the noise varies with R F and measured bandwidth (1Hz to the indicated frequency). The signal bandwidth of the OPT301 is indicated on the curves. Noise can be reduced by filtering the output with a cutoff frequency equal to the signal bandwidth.Output noise increases in proportion to the square-root of the feedback resistance, while responsivity increases linearly with feedback resistance. So best signal-to-noise ratio is achieved with large feedback resistance. This comes with the trade-off of decreased bandwidth.The noise performance of a photodetector is sometimes characterized by Noise Effective Power (NEP). This is the radiant power which would produce an output signal equal to the noise level. NEP has the units of radiant power (watts). The typical performance curve “Noise Effective Power vs Measurement Bandwidth” shows how NEP varies with R F and measurement bandwidth.t R ≈0.35f C (1)FIGURE 3. Dark Error (Offset) Adjustment Circuit.FIGURE 4. Responsivity (Gain) Adjustment Circuit.9®OPT301FIGURE 5. “T” Feedback Network.FIGURE 8. Current Output Circuit. FIGURE 6. Summing Output of Two OPT301s.10®OPT301FIGURE 9. Single Power Supply Operation.FIGURE 10. Output Filter to Reduce Noise.FIGURE 11. Differential Light Measurement.11®OPT301FIGURE 12. DC Restoration Rejects Unwanted Steady-State Background Light. FIGURE 13. 4-20mA Current-Loop Transmitter.。