Ch.1 Introduction



– Originated in Germany V-1, V-2, and the Rhine daughters missiles during World War II . The guidance precision is low…
Rhine daughters
2011/9/7 Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Automatic Control & Aerospace Technology
Brief history:
– In the 1950s, more complex and sophisticated automatic control system has emerged – In the 1960s, the development of microelectronics, computer and modern control theory evolved boosted the control and navigation of aircraft greatly. – In the 1970s, analog automatic flight systems are prevalent – In the 1980s, auto-flight systems adopted digital systems instead of analog systems – In the 1990s, Telex Flight Control expanded the application
Chapter 1
Why are control systems important?

Ch 1 Introduction

Ch 1 Introduction

– The role of accrual accounting. 权责发生制 – The need for generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). – Auditing and the quality of financial information.
The Role of Financial Reporting in Capital Markets
• Financial reporting provide much-needed information to capital market participants
– Financial intermediaries depend upon the information in financial statements to evaluate investment opportunities. – Information intermediaries assure the quality of financial statement representations. – Relevant and reliable financial information is essential for the functioning of capital markets.
From Business Activities to Financial Statements
• Business intermediaries use financial statements to accomplish four key objectives:
Chapter 1: Framework for Business Analysis and Valuation Using Financial Statements Who need to learn this method? ● security analyst ● loan officer ● management consultant ● corporate manager ● independent auditor

ch 1 introduction 简介

ch 1 introduction 简介

C. Goals of International Tax Rules

1. Getting its fair share of revenue from cross-border transactions. 2. Promoting fairness. 3. Enhancing the competitiveness of the domestic economy. 4. Capital-export and capital-import neutrality.

2. With the economic globalization, international tax issues have become more important for ----multinational corporations (MNC) ----small and medium size firms ----governments: attract foreign investment and protect tax base

2.Promoting fairness. (1) What is fairness: Impose equal tax burdens on taxpayers with equal income, without reference to the source of the income, and make those burdens commensurate with the ability to pay of taxpayers.

In the medium and long run, tax incentives and other beggar-thy-neighbor policies are inappropriate. (harmful tax competition)

(ch1) Introduction

(ch1) Introduction
application logic layer is encapsulated(封装) as Web service, the representation layer can interact with it to realize the loosely coupling with XML/SOAP protocols. This makes computing environment develop into a new stage -- based on standard and open Internet technology computing environment.
Combine with existing services to be new services
Adjust relationship between services dynamically Problem 1: Reuse, Standardization of packaging, Loosely coupled
Origination of Services Computing

Service Oriented Computing Environment of IBM
Origination of Services Computing

The key is service-oriented architecture(SOA)
Problem 2: Traditional distributed computing technology

Clients and servers are tightly coupled(same API) Isomerism(异构) between different programs, hard to integrate


countries – the economic interactions among nations – the effects of fiscal and monetary policies
• Macroeconomics differs from microeconomics in that it deals with the overall effects on economics of the choices that all economic agents make, rather than on the choices of individual consumers or firms.
• Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the dollar value of final output produced during a given period of time within a country.
• There are 3 distinct approaches to measure GDP:
• Expenditure approach: GDP is the total spending on all final goods and services production in the economy
Total expenditure = C + I + G + NX
• Income approach: GDP can be computed by adding up all incomes received by economic agents contributing to production. Incomes include: – compensation of employees, proprietors’ income, rental income, corporate profits, net interest, indirect business taxes and depreciation.



Applied Operating System Concepts
Migration of Operating-System Concepts and Features操作系统概念和特性的变迁
Applied Operating System Concepts
Parallel Systems并行系统
Applied Operating System Concepts
Simple Batch Systems简单批处理系统
Hire an operator雇一个操作员 User operator用户操作员 Add a card reader添加卡片阅读机 Reduce setup time by batching similar jobs批量处理同类作业减少了设 置时间 Automatic job sequencing 自动作业调度– automatically transfers control from one job to another. First rudimentary operating system. 自动把控制从一个作业转到另一个作业。第一个基本操作系统。 Resident monitor常驻管理程序 initial control in monitor 初始化管理程序 control transfers to job 转换控制到作业 when job completes control transfers back to monitor作业完成后 转换控制回管理程序 Uniprogramming 单道程序 –任何时候,在内存中只有一道作业
IBM 1401
IBM 7094
IBM 1401


Fundamentals of Robotics
Fundamentals of Robotics
Ch. 1 Introduction 第1章 绪 论
Ch. 1 Introduction
Course Schedule Top 10 Robotics News of 2008 Development of Robotics Structure, Feature, and Classification of
2 讲授
2 课堂 报告
2 实验
月 日 周次 4 20 8
教学内容 机器人编程
教学 时数
教学 课外 备 方式 时数 注
讲授 2
4 23 8
2 训练
4 27 9 综合实验:智能机器人的路 2 综合
4 30 9
2 讲授
5 4 10
Ch. 1 Introduction
2 Robot ride on a wheelbarrow
➢ In September 2008 Japanese Murata Manufacturing Institute launched a new type of robot riding on a wheelbarrow, named "seiko". This new type of robot can maintain its balance through a series of sensors and gyroscopes, and easy to complete riding of a wheelbarrow.

CH1 Introduction

CH1 Introduction

IntroductionPractice Exercises1.1What are the three main purposes of an operating system?Answer:The three main puropses are:•To provide an environment for a computer user to execute programs on computer hardware in a convenient and efficient manner.•To allocate the separate resources of the computer as needed to solve the problem given.The allocation process should be as fairand efficient as possible.•As a control program it serves two major functions:(1)supervision of the execution of user programs to prevent errors and improper useof the computer,and(2)management of the operation and controlof I/O devices.1.2We have stressed the need for an operating system to make efficient useof the computing hardware.When is it appropriate for the operatingsystem to forsake this principle and to“waste”resources?Why is sucha system not really wasteful?Answer:Single-user systems should maximize use of the system for the user.AGUI might“waste”CPU cycles,but it optimizes the user’s interactionwith the system.1.3What is the main difficulty that a programmer must overcome in writingan operating system for a real-time environment?Answer:The main difficulty is keeping the operating system within thefixed timeconstraints of a real-time system.If the system does not complete a taskin a certain time frame,it may cause a breakdown of the entire system itis running.Therefore when writing an operating system for a real-timesystem,the writer must be sure that his scheduling schemes don’t allowresponse time to exceed the time constraint.12Chapter1Introduction1.4Keeping in mind the various definitions of operating system,considerwhether the operating system should include applications such as Webbrowsers and mail programs.Argue both that it should and that it shouldnot,and support your answers.Answer:An argument in favor of including popular applications with theoperating system is that if the application is embedded within theoperating system,it is likely to be better able to take advantage offeatures in the kernel and therefore have performance advantagesover an application that runs outside of the kernel.Arguments againstembedding applications within the operating system typically dominatehowever:(1)the applications are applications-and not part of anoperating system,(2)any performance benefits of running within thekernel are offset by security vulnerabilities,(3)it leads to a bloatedoperating system.1.5How does the distinction between kernel mode and user mode functionas a rudimentary form of protection(security)system?Answer:The distinction between kernel mode and user mode provides a rudi-mentary form of protection in the following manner.Certain instructionscould be executed only when the CPU is in kernel mode.Similarly,hard-ware devices could be accessed only when the program is executing inkernel mode.Control over when interrupts could be enabled or disabledis also possible only when the CPU is in kernel mode.Consequently,theCPU has very limited capability when executing in user mode,therebyenforcing protection of critical resources.1.6Which of the following instructions should be privileged?a.Set value of timer.b.Read the clock.c.Clear memory.d.Issue a trap instruction.e.Turn off interrupts.f.Modify entries in device-status table.g.Switch from user to kernel mode.h.Access I/O device.Answer:The following operations need to be privileged:Set value of timer,clearmemory,turn off interrupts,modify entries in device-status table,accessI/O device.The rest can be performed in user mode.1.7Some early computers protected the operating system by placing it ina memory partition that could not be modified by either the user jobor the operating system itself.Describe two difficulties that you thinkcould arise with such a scheme.Answer:Practice Exercises3 The data required by the operating system(passwords,access controls, accounting information,and so on)would have to be stored in or passed through unprotected memory and thus be accessible to unauthorized users.1.8Some CPU s provide for more than two modes of operation.What aretwo possible uses of these multiple modes?Answer:Although most systems only distinguish between user and kernel modes,some CPU s have supported multiple modes.Multiple modes could be used to provide afiner-grained security policy.For example, rather than distinguishing between just user and kernel mode,you could distinguish between different types of user mode.Perhaps users belonging to the same group could execute each other’s code.The machine would go into a specified mode when one of these users was running code.When the machine was in this mode,a member of the group could run code belonging to anyone else in the group.Another possibility would be to provide different distinctions within kernel code.For example,a specific mode could allow USB device drivers to run.This would mean that USB devices could be serviced without having to switch to kernel mode,thereby essentially allowing USB device drivers to run in a quasi-user/kernel mode.1.9Timers could be used to compute the current time.Provide a shortdescription of how this could be accomplished.Answer:A program could use the following approach to compute the currenttime using timer interrupts.The program could set a timer for some time in the future and go to sleep.When it is awakened by the interrupt, it could update its local state,which it is using to keep track of the number of interrupts it has received thus far.It could then repeat this process of continually setting timer interrupts and updating its local state when the interrupts are actually raised.1.10Give two reasons why caches are useful.What problems do they solve?What problems do they cause?If a cache can be made as large as the device for which it is caching(for instance,a cache as large as a disk), why not make it that large and eliminate the device?Answer:Caches are useful when two or more components need to exchange data,and the components perform transfers at differing speeds.Caches solve the transfer problem by providing a buffer of intermediate speed between the components.If the fast devicefinds the data it needs in the cache,it need not wait for the slower device.The data in the cache must be kept consistent with the data in the components.If a component hasa data value change,and the datum is also in the cache,the cache mustalso be updated.This is especially a problem on multiprocessor systems where more than one process may be accessing a datum.A component may be eliminated by an equal-sized cache,but only if:(a)the cache and the component have equivalent state-saving capacity(that is,if the component retains its data when electricity is removed,the cache must4Chapter1Introductionretain data as well),and(b)the cache is affordable,because faster storagetends to be more expensive.1.11Distinguish between the client–server and peer-to-peer models ofdistributed systems.Answer:The client-server modelfirmly distinguishes the roles of the client andserver.Under this model,the client requests services that are providedby the server.The peer-to-peer model doesn’t have such strict roles.Infact,all nodes in the system are considered peers and thus may act aseither clients or servers—or both.A node may request a service fromanother peer,or the node may in fact provide such a service to otherpeers in the system.For example,let’s consider a system of nodes that share cooking recipes.Under the client-server model,all recipes are stored with theserver.If a client wishes to access a recipe,it must request the recipe fromthe specified ing the peer-to-peer model,a peer node could askother peer nodes for the specified recipe.The node(or perhaps nodes)with the requested recipe could provide it to the requesting node.Noticehow each peer may act as both a client(it may request recipes)and as aserver(it may provide recipes).。


Exchanges Trading Futures

CBOT (Chicago Board of Trade)

established in 1848, the world's oldest futures and options exchange has the largest options and futures contracts open interest (number of contracts outstanding) in the world.
Electronic Trading

Traditionally futures contracts have been traded using the open outcry system where traders physically meet on the floor of the exchange Increasingly this is being replaced by electronic trading where a computer matches buyers and sellers传统的期货合约已交易采用公开喊价交易 系统,交易员身体满足交流的地板上 越来越多地被替换计算机匹配的买家和卖家通过 电子交易...
What is the investor’s profit?一月:投资者进入成
长的期货合约在四月购买100盎司黄金@$ 1050 4月:黄金价格每安士1065美元 投资者的利润是什么?
Over-the-Counter Markets

The over-the counter market is an important alternative to exchanges It is a telephone and computer-linked network of dealers who do not physically meet Trades are usually between financial institutions, corporate treasurers, and fund managers过度的场外交易 市场是一个重要的替代的交流 这是一个实际并不满足经销商的电话和电脑相连的网络 行业通常是金融机构之间,企业财务主管和基金经理



1 220V,
3 220V, 50/60Hz
电源 电源容量[ k V A ] 0.5 1.0
1.0 2.0
6.0 8.0 9.0
Incremental (15/11/9线式) 或 Absolute(13线式) – Line Driver 输出性
A Frame 1, 2 - 括号( )里的尺寸是Frame 2的尺寸
名牌 B. Frame 3
i M S – J 系列概要
位置控制 速度控制 扭矩控制
控 位置输入
DCI, DTI, PC, Feeder Unit, Touch Screen
制 程序容量
合计 16000点 1000行*16程序
S S E Q U E N C E 命令 14 sets (AND, OR, )
iMS Series - EPSILON
产品的一般使用环境如下 如果实在不能满足使用环境时请向客户服务部咨询
项 目
内 容
使用空间没有腐蚀性 爆发性气体
0 50
20 80% (没有结露)
-15 60
i M S – J 系列概要
iMS Series - EPSILON
i M S – J 系列概要
1-1 i M S – J 控制器概要
1-1-1 产品型号构成
iMS - J - 0200 - M

a. Nick Name



Chapter 1 Introduction第一章引言§1.1 Optoelectronic systems 光电系统§1.2 Optoelectronic Technology 光电技术§1.3 Main Content§1.4 References/en/support/tech nical-notes.php§1.1 Optoelectronic systems 光电系统Example 1 Pulsed laser ranging脉冲激光测距2/x cT L =2112T T T T x −+=•产品型号YARDAGE PRO ELITE1500•测距范围5-1500码(约5-1370米)•观察放大倍数7•倍物镜直径26毫米•视野范围1000米处340英尺(约104米)•尺寸43x129x94毫米•重量284克电池类型标准9伏碱性电池•反射性较好的目标1500码(约1370米)•树1000码(约913米)•鹿500码(约457米)•旗杆400码(约365米)•测距精度± 1码(米)•Example 3 LaserLASER =Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation1. Gain medium 激光介质2. Laser pumping energy 激光泵浦2. Laser pumping energy3. High reflector 高反射镜3. High reflectorOutput coupler输出镜4. 4. 4. Output coupler5. Laser beam 激光束5. Laser beam•Lasercharacteristis: Laser characteristis •Homochromaticity Homochromaticity 单色性•Directionality 方向性•Coherence 相干性Laser-guided bomb•Optoelectronic systems•An optoelectronic system has following characteristics:The light or electricity is used as the carrier of information, both the methods of optics and electronics are used, both the electronics are used, both the opto opto opto-electronic -electronic conversion and electro-optic conversion are used during the collection, disposal, transfer, and recovery of the information.•光电系统•以光或电作为信息载体,综合利用光学和电学方法,综合利用光电及电光转换来采集、处理、传输、回复信息的系统。

国际贸易英文课件:CH1 introduction

国际贸易英文课件:CH1 introduction
+404.2 +434.2 +292.3 +241.1 +225.4 +303.5 +255.4 +320.0 +101.9 +177.5
➢ World Production& Trade
➢ (see EP7 figure1.2)
➢ International Trade& Foreign Trade
➢ (see CP3 table1.1) ➢ How to measure the value of international
merchandise trade?
The Development of World Trade (Exports) after WWII (1950-2000) $1 billion
2006 24662
Exp+Imp Exp+Imp Export
(bill. $)
(bill. $)
325.16 36.0%
323.95 33.7%
360.63 36.4%
474.30 44.0%
509.77 45.0%
620.80 50.3%
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
(1) know some basic concepts in the field of international trade;
(2) understand study objects(研究对象) and analysis methods(分析方法);

AI Ch.1 Introduction

AI Ch.1 Introduction

获国家教育 部科技进步 一等奖 (1998)
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
人工智能 及其应用 第二版 (1996) 改装版 (2002)
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
Main contents
What is AI ? Why do AI? The Origins and Developments of AI
Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence
国家精品课程 配套教材
人工智能 及其应用
第三版 本科生用书
2009年6月 第13次印刷
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
国家精品课程 配套教材
人工智能 及其应用
第三版 研究生用书
2008年11月 第5次印刷
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
我国首部具 有自主知识 产权的人工 智能著作 (1987)
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
我国首部具 有自主知识 产权的人工 智能著作 (1987)

The American Association for Artificial Intelligence(AAAI)


Databases touch all aspects of our lives
Chapter1 Introduction
以数据模型和DBMS核心技术为主,内容丰富、领 域宽广。
Chapter1 Introduction
Stored Procedure
Chapter1 Introduction
Grading Policy
Assignments: 10% Experiments: 10% Final Exam: 80%
May change if necessary Must finish experiments to pass
Name: wang shuang (王爽) E-mail: wangshuang_neuok and Reference
Text Book
Database System Concepts (5th Edition), McGrawHill, 2005
Chapter1 Introduction
应用系统 应用开发工具 DBMS 操作系统 硬件
Chapter1 Introduction
Database System Applications
Representative Database Applications
Banking: all transactions Airlines: reservations, schedules Universities: registration, grades Sales: customers, products, purchases Online retailers: order tracking, customized recommendations Manufacturing: production, inventory, orders, supply chain Human resources: employee records, salaries, tax deductions

ch1 Introduction

ch1 Introduction
Management School of CUG
River Liu
1.The New Economy
can provide companies with powerful new information and sales channels. Companies can collect fuller and richer information about markets, customers, prospects and competitors. Companies can facilitate and speed up communications among employees. Companies can have 2-way communication with customers and prospects
Management School of CUG
River Liu
The New Economy (Cont.)
can send ads, coupons, samples, information to targeted customers. Companies can customize offerings and services to individual customers. The Internet can be used as a communication channel for purchasing, training, and recruiting. Companies can improve logistics and operations for cost savings while improving accuracy and service quality.
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All tasks require reasoning on knowledge.
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
What Is AI? 1. Definition—人工智能的定义 Definition—
AI (Ability,能力 能力): 能力
What is “intelligence”? Simple things turn out to be the hardest to automate:
Recognising a face. Navigating a busy street. Understanding what someone says.
substitute some mental activities of human being. Further objective is to imitate the human’s thinking locomotion and intellectual function using automata. Basic Technique of AI Knowledge representation Searching & reasoning System & language
Intelligent System(智能系统 智能系统): 智能系统
A system that can drive (operate) intelligent machine to reach its goal.
A discipline that studies the essences of the human-being intelligent behavior, simulates the intelligence of human and living beings, and realizes various intelligent systems.
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
Main contents
What is AI? Why do AI? The Origins and Developments Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence A Broad View of AI
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
What Is AI?-- Definition AI?-Intelligent Machine(智能机器 智能机器): 智能机器
A kind of machine that can performs various anthropomorphic tasks in an environment by learning autonomously or interactively.
The Origins and Developments 人工智能的起源与发展
Summer in 1956, First Symposium on AI, Dartmouth University, MA, USA. Birth of AI Discipline in the world. 1969 International Joint Conference on AI (IJCAI). 1970 AI publication, International Journal of AI Promote the international academic and scientific exchange 70’s-80’s,Knowledge Engineering and Expert System, , Robotics 80’s-90’s,Machine learning, Artificial NN, Intelligent robots Recent 10 years, Computational Intelligence such as evolutionary computation, artificial life and immune computation
* Mathematic Logic (Wiener, Frege, Russell and Tarski) * New Thought about Computation ( Church and Turing ).
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
1.2 What Is AI?
Various definitions:
Building intelligent entities. Getting computers to do tasks which require human intelligence.
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
1.3 The Origins and Developments 人工智能的起源与发展
Brewing Times(孕育期 孕育期) 孕育期 Forming Times(形成期 形成期) 形成期 Developing Times(发展期 发展期) 发展期 Based on the development of hardware and software Two things made an important influence for establishing AI:
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
中国工程院首 任院长、 任院长、原全 国政协副主席 宋健院士在担 任国务委员兼 国家科委主任 时赐寄的题词 (1993年) 年
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
3. Why Do AI ? 为什么要研究人工智能? 为什么要研究人工智能? Two general goals of AI(一般目标): 一般目标) 一般目标
To understand human intelligence better. We test theories of human intelligence by writing programs which emulate it. To create useful “smart” programs able to do tasks that would normally require a human expert.
a human judge engages in a natural language conversation with one human and one machine, each of which try to appear human; if the judge cannot reliably tell which is which, then the machine is said to pass the test.
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
Research Objectives & Basic Techniques of AI (人工智能的研究目标和基本技术) 人工智能的研究目标和基本技术) 人工智能的研究目标和基本技术
Recent objective is to build intelligent computer to
AI (Discipline,学科 学科): 学科
A branch of the computer science that deals with the research, design and application of the intelligent computer. Its major objective is to develop and use a machine to imitate some intellectual capabilities of human brain and to develop the related theories and techniques.
首批国家精品课程 全国双语教学示范课程 全国优秀网络课程 人工智能”网址: “人工智能”网址:
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
Central South University Artificial Intelligence
2. What Is AI?-- Turing Test AI?--
The Turing test is a proposal for a test of a machine's capability to demonstrate intelligence. It proceeds as follows:
1.1 General Topics 1. The Text Books
Cai Zixing and Xu Guangyou. Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Applications (人工智能及其应用, 人工智能及其应用, 人工智能及其应用 第三版本科生用书). 第三版本科生用书 Beijing:Tsinghua University Press, 2003 . 获国家教育部科技进步一等奖 N.J.Nilsson. Artificial Intelligence, A New Synthesis. Morgan Kaufmann, 1998 Zi-xing Cai, Intelligent Control: Principles, Techniques and Applications. Singapore-New Jersey: World Scientific. 1997