Developing Parallel Real-Time Applications in the Hamlet Application Design Language




As an applicant to your University's Graduate program in Computer Science, I am very glad to have an opportunity in introducing my study objectives to you.I majored in Computer Science and Technology. During my undergraduate studies, I acquired a comprehensive knowledge of computer hardware in all its complexity. I also learnt of diverse software and their applications. The courses were as follows: Operating Systems, Data Structures, Compilers, Software Engineering, Programming Languages and Practice, DBMS, System Programming and Practice, Data Communication, Digital Logic Design , C or JAVA programming, object oriented programming as well as programming using different tools and so on.作为贵校的计算机科学研究生课程的申请人,我很高兴有一个机会介绍我的研究目标。






考研词频统计(频率顺序排列)1.此文档的词汇是2009-2014年考研英语中出现的所有词汇(人名地名除外)2.十次一下词汇后不标注次数,以颜色区分3.若考纲中有词未出现在此文档中则其频率为零the 1599of 921a 831to 801and 551in 534that 397is 357be 318for 257it 214are 214as 213on 197many 196have 168with 163by 147not 131from 123they 120their 114but 114we 112an 109has 104at 103one 101or 97do 97can 84which 81about 78social 74our 74all 73its 73what 71should 65you 63 paragraph 62 your 62text 60 media 58 new 58who 56little 54his 54state 54 other 53 such 52so 52would 51will 51when 51 point 5 people 51 change 50 may 49only 48 good 47part 47 there 47 year 47 education 46 he 46 following 46 some 44 tham 44 them 43 write 43 these 43no 43out 43 answer 42 think 41if 40say 40 accord 40 music 40 were 39 word 39company 38 into 38 world 38 business 37 public 37 American 37 also 36law 36 because 36 much 35 direction 35 use 35get 35 federal 35 those 35 child 34up 34study 34 research 33 life 33 science 33 way 33first 32long 32 even 32 market 32 seem 31like 31 influence30 consumer 29 give 29 human 29 system 29 sheet 29two 29how 28time 28idea 28rule 28 university 28 last 28test 28 need 28look 27 however 27 then 27 now 27 patent 26 read 26 author 26 suggest 26 high 26 humanity 25 claim 25 between 25 find 25us 25few 25 become 25 culture 25 want 25live 25 know 24 top 24 product 24 before 24 come 24go 24yet 24help 24 does 23 power 23 leave 23 America 23 Number 23 case 23site 23 discovery 22 too 22 student 22 pay 22 require 22 result 22 question 22 must 22 sector 21show 21reason 21 influential 21 record 21mind 21 instead 21 performance 21 improve 21 book 21over 20create 20 individual 20 through 20 today 20him 20end 20 pressure 20just 20 describe 20 court 20 being 20 keeping 20each 20lawyer 20single 19late 19theory 19often 19 research19 consider 19 justice 19well 19food 19 scientist19 where 19effect 19great 19 classical19 believe 19 choose 19call 18bank 18mark 18peer 18asset 18 experience 18 turn 18 economic 18 liberal 18 very 18every 18 political18 against 18 large 18 promote18 government 18 without 18 day 17name 17 criticism17 senior 17view 17 century17 degree 17 thing 17 union 17 different17 school 17 celebrity 17 perform 17 society 17half 17future 17 problem 17 habit 17still 17hold 17line 17 decision 17 my 17 produce 16 share 16 information 16 increase 16 used 16legal 16offer 16any 16three 16 language 16 environment 16 energy 16 important 16 why 16form 15job 15fashion 15 effort 15 attention 15 quality 15 major 15 report 15act 15place 15 develop 15 technology 15 intellectual 15 probably 15 English 15 after 15value 15 rather 15 method 15 benefit 15ad 15 challenge 15 far 14small 14old 14subject14 function 14 hard 14 search 14 order 14 means 14 essay 14likely 14issue14 enough14 though 14community14 receive 14 prize 14sign 14history14 hijack 13critic 13group13 reform 13 evidence 13 mom 13raise 13allow13 decade 13 early 13 person 13 drawing 13 argue13art 13 section13 since13nature 13 moment 13 development 13 writing 13 matter13ever 13 control13 ignore 13 another 13 response 12 process 12 physical 12 demand 12 right 12 parents12 earn 12learn 12goal 12 profession 12 knowledge 12 condition 12 wonder 12 program 12always 12 begin 12 structure 12 species 12 experiment 12 financial 12 board 12 among 12 opportunity 12 same 12both 11back 11 around11 account 11 support 11 position 11try 11 innovation 11 network 11 review 11 association11 immigration 11 agree 11 conclude11 meaning 11 she 11 behavior 11 compare 11 fail 11man 11 garden11city 11price 11 possible11 newspaper11 big 11bad 11see 11flow 11 retailer11 computer11 alone 11four 11concern 11off 11send 11fact 11 productivity 11 interest 11 professional 11 reputation 10 define 10 reaction10 evolution 10 user 10 standard10 attitude 10 institution10 kind 10feel10 download 10 appear 10firm 10 nuclear10 laughter 10 letter 10risk 10service10basic 10writer 10 leader 10 health 10 within 10else 10 archaeologist 10 grow 10trend 10 feature 10 while 10 publish 10 apply 10 congress10 follow 10heart 10 especially 10 suppose 10start 10九次词:onlinesetcountrypastpolicycarrywhetherprofessorwebdamagelargelyfactorcoverselflosspotentialanimalincludingletaveragestrongcertanleadsellbrainpassionateplantneverdoubtnecessaryhappybuyoutsidetraditionaldecideintelligenceneatnextthusjumpdesireinternetacademicnegativemoneyundergraduatevarietyrisekiddoemtowardsbring八次词secureindustrysaleconflictpoorrelationshipplanfamilygraduatestayencouragemailmainlylaborbritishwrongfriendphilharmonicnewsfitapproachexceptdoctoralmagazinebrieflyexpression list president production organization action unless fundamental happiness address discipline deal commercial loverevealbabyforcecost Europe Include Role customer general despite became survey newly funding chief leading teacher clear something post presence religious indicate educate appointment segment wholesale message facereflectquitpracticebroadthirdcuredrink七次词hearepidemicclinereadertruebearauthoritytradecontinuegrowthtrainingduringlearningcategorytelevisiontypeageneglectmotheridentitymeseconddoctoracceptrealworkforceurgelimitedinterestingtitleyoungtrackattract journalism cultural safedetailterm achieve ability grant source enhance percent blank behind exercise otherwise fileditself achievement designskill attractive successful fastbeside teach consumption available observe exist courseonce carefully award rewardtalkaffect understand ago progress politics六次词trafficnotehousecompetitionbelowdebtincomeuniquecollectionfalloverallinternational conventionalcredibilitylightlaughphraserangelegitimatepreciselybodywidelyrelyeffectivelyglobalbeyondfillstylepartnercontentanyonediscovermuscleobjectiveexpressregretpresenteatuntilacrossallowance key childless mass consequence several importance introduce reduceduequickly cause choice difference directly finding instance commerce beliefreally chance althoughtell particular stepuploadlackretail level; anthropology musician career campaign aimlocate essential imagine usualcircuit conduct quick enforcement heredailycutsuccesstogethereitherfreedifficultimageorchestrahopedeserve五次词fundworkspursuitfocuscurrentstoryservebrandadministrationcollegeflypermanentparallelcloseunlikelywhosesampleapplicantfolkgeneticseparatenationaldelightofficerprivategeneratebiologicalclimateeasy ambition party property mode explanation cater situation archaeological easily mislead theme expandlandstand moreover machine permission population connection reach amountseekpuritan suitable stressrecentgap dominant commonask generation surprisingly unitedwarroot conductor hundred store flexibility along behavioral treeprofit perhaps already surprise popularity eventually drawpatternlocaldate candidate understanding building subtlejudge replace capacitybar supreme scalerarelysayingtenddependkillhomelotentire threaten suddenquite elsewhere advocatebirdmap competitive management involve creative attempt aspect expect mental四次词registerlivingrunningreactselectmasterchurchphilosopherwearsadnothingreadinganythingsettingfrequentlyadoptpartlybreakexternalnaturalboosttruthgaindefaultlimitplanetdissatisfactionapartadvancedcourageresourcecomplygenerousdrivesimplyremainsdominatefairassumesortstrike spend consume guide maintain sustainratewhite dependency flawdeep garment judgment requirement fish coherent enthusiastic exam capable ableshock resistance existence reference actually check universal criticize preserve buyer inspire relation loseactual appeal bodilysitnoted million application contribution upon suggestionarise obviouslyaddboxfightpriority solution boycott ownership communication statute provide complete principle scopecouplearea protection publication translation landscape escapegovern harmful technological critical tradition bullockpickclockmodest impact contacttrainjoin completely professionalism ambiguous anthropologist advantage representgiftinitialsoberdrop determine respond progressive concertracepraisefavor homeless regardless independent emerge Chinese Japanese transmit complex increasingly blame enthusiasm availability build quarter succeed academy scorenearwaste outputnetdata forward modern contrary opencheap series philosophy legitimacy material unhappy article favoriteconstitutionalbitetranslatechancellormemoryspecialistparenthoodrejectplaymeasurerecommendfulfilldirectmeanschemevaguecontributetemptpapermotoradmissionvisioncommission comprehensionabovedirectordirectorrecentlywidespreadspreadapparentlydig三次词purposesurfacestempolicetracepromisealikeoppose constantly journalistic ancestry strength approval systematically anyway awayprove courageous priestly usually finallycraftrelax audience distinctly editor correctly suffering turning independence alterstrain acquirecarebargain cautious motivate upset servant integrate excavation objection foundation conception volume activist unionist collect suspectcrycreationdistribution justification exploration normversion extension illusion acquisition description inquiry qualification nervous similarity billion exception thoughtful doubtful restriction expectation construction evaluation addition option acclaim accomplish celebrate illustrate aggravate sound contain complain Britain aboundshortfivemanner precede evade settlement unemployment department assistantsoft commitmentconstant element resistant argument investment payment print sufficient afford roundstop physicssoulinternal ground moderate enormous prevent engage significant grammar character particularism father bother highly emphasize therefore sizefamiliar previous shape trouble variable credible visible acceptable hithertoridshut accessible impossible considerableinevitable fulltarget wealthbriefforget consequently straight fetchbright game attend grasp decline routinefruit universally reality evaluate enjoy immediate citeweeklyideal crucial special controversial gradual hostility arouse bachelor exploit threat suddenly rage enginefearvalley security majority specific purchase activitycivilinsist conservative cognitive collectivefat everything shopping willing collapse extrainvert prevailing satisfy whom regarding teaching row someone hurt everyone positive kinship impressive excessive supportive curb alternative simple settle suppress chairman press motive collaborative provided innovative underenter secret obscure sure medical economypsychological historical radical skeptical Monday examine interpretation wish interested pyramid southern recruit temporary unfortunately tinymodifylynch comparatively merelydepth foreign Greecepace curiosity wisepiecevotecodefileAristotle tendency quotebelongreferoccur claimant accident equivalent dramatic systematic greek discuss personal newsmansignalcentralinterpersonalemotionaladhereliteratureanywherefeedbackobjectprojectexposedextremeguardedwhollydiversestreetmodelcasualworthwindowregulatorypurse两次词famoussenselowawareimportantlygrayhitdeterminedstrainedthroughoutweakwhereashoorayhorizonscrutinypeaceprosperityvanityseriously similarity inferiority superiority dangerously voiceready paternity provoke kingdom wisdom uncertainty haircut Washington contrast south succession suspicion expansion religion infancy augustartistbloodpipelowervast engineer taxpayerexitplentyrecalllicense persistently sustainability marchnovelcleantenleankitten dampen instinct unsurprisinglyvary exclusionary innerdumb September shelfdosesolvehugely exchange conversely unlikepianotoxiccloselyspeakpeakruralilliberalmiserygrocery evolutionary literary seemingly yankeerealize kennedy monopoly crushingly stability complexity context recommendation abruptlyreplysumdim specialization frank database analyzeweaverairmeaningful marvel rationalization constrain terrain seventeenth mankind extendintend conditional orchestral revival educational waitrandomlobbycount intelligent vibrant urgent concept passagewageobama universe unconventional markedly poverty supply meanwhile novelty pilgrim pathway medicine facultyloyalty oxygen exploreslow promising convincing bindhallmissing array yourself budget myselfkitlistener recovery impulse denyfilm redefine immune approve bottom gossip disagree exclusively truly framework patchwork cake linguistic color initiator holistic membership string beginning unrealistic artistic rough biotic green relatively yourshost original investigate joy propagate fade welfarekneeferry accompany metaphysical channel ethicaljoyfulcareful composure insurance acquaintance balance hence indifference transform controversy tolerance acceptance biographer peculiar continually eager insistence nobody glamorous everybody embody healthy ultimately solelyhelpful insightful travel deliberately enlarge equally practically dominance originally stake fundamentally dance partiallyrepublican sevenchainretainmain generally unusually gradually dependent joint turbulent confident extent evident improvement fulfillment implement frequent indictment agreement sex enjoyment announcement reluctant statement abundant comment fragment virtually mostly clothesmythtrustforestadjust predictvictimfully excellence glancehaze recognize scrutinize advanceobligeexplicitvisithireguild behavioral complementary representative prison comparison tolldirtdebate operatealiencurvebayunfold fourfold demonstrate cute articulate tackle worldwide upsidehate extraordinary inferiorpriorinviterelatetheirs exaggerate critique technique pottery primary restrictive generative active adoptive provocative telephonecloudvalidoughtcatch productive executive innovativeness chatter shareholder disappear fairness laziness stickiness sadness fluctuate abide prerequisite overestimate compete substitute postgraduate dispute eagerness awareness commonness whole cooperate cascadefame compensatory factorypathprotect retrospect eliminate originateperouterhardly intense background tense campusagain contest digitalstrict psychologist death sociologist lestdust conversation justify inspection transaction particularly huge possibly conceivably clearly privilege percentage hostage nation allocation canonjerktuition disposition promotion inclination convention investigation exertsixsmart similar regular muscular passive impulsive persuasive exclusive burn inflationsurvive assertion intrinsic honorclick nevertheless powerless sedition fiction unification appreciation class complicated excited pass interaction exploitation contention spirit detached skepticism head minimal impartial assumption separation interview reactor procreation gluerich diffusion hunger feverish radar carrier barrier amateur steep indulge smoke disgrace noticereasonable undesirable transferable aerial industrial transmissible miserable intensity diversity device please marketplace space deputy operaduty release responsible respectable formidable favorable renewable affordable manageable measureable enablebible reliable confirmarm glamour complaint arrogant cling invitingfaint indifferent access woman origin possess prominent tombprofessionalizationcoppicturematurelegislaturedeparturerepertoireeverywhereatmosphereprocedurepropersellerlabclubevolveguardianconsistentlygeniusdisappointedtowardskilledvariouscuriouspreciousrecognizebootsexualofficialillegally一次词successfullyconferencekingsurprisingecologicallyabsencecontinuancepreferencecombatembedcricketroadpacketworkoutexactlyvastlyobvioustreaddistortedgiftedseldomfeeexpense significantly defenseenforce currently symphony guaranteesafaridrugidealism forestry functionalism colony scholarship citizenship flagship courtshiplump professorship adulttip hippocampus activate appetiteholemiddlebattlefrustrate embark misinterpretation intrudeornate establishadvertiser stylish coach poachagroknock musical mathematical philosophical useful theoretical practical futurological wasteful email empirical technical ideological typical peaceful magical theological mechanical antithetical label chemical illuminate crude corporate innateroute senatefarm paralyze troupe desperate cultivate dollar player elaborate deliberate fatedukeadequately definitely politely autobiography duly separately unconscious subconscious conscious virtuous emerge superfluous contemptuous illiterate fortunate unrepresentative intricacyurbanthinfriendlyzealfossildistorttortband underground profound dozenremain standstillswell undeveloped blogfoundpinpoint excellent prudent persistent precedent prevalent consistent viewpoint keywordtalenthunt descendcellhopsportillinstill responsibility photograph subway genre convey remove undermine mine instantly proposal wardrobe probe organize authorize expertise paraphrase dazzling glowing inability ontoindeed implicit formatdad competetwittheater perpetuate deride spend appreciate dream logicality chrome plateaubloodline sceneassignairline convincingly hopelessly illiquidity validity suitabilityskip noncontroversial foldadapt impossibility civility mindlessly detector diplomacy gratituderiskyasidefantasy inarticulate inside invalidatefluanticipateluckyobstacleimitatevia consolidate overstatewideindefinite coincide manipulate excludedictatecyclesubsideisolatevehiclesideviolatetailor ancestor investor benefactor possibility commodity commonality base advertise excuse disposal overrule shortly psychologically clothing printing fleeting compelling filings earnings collecting dealing feeling shelter unclearfilterlighter scatter bewilder holdersettertear stakeholder gatekeeper skyscraper ruling dwelling reinforcejunklieadmit。



temporal 世俗的;时间的
temporary adj. 暂时的,临时的
ultramundane 超俗的,世界之外的
unworldly 非世俗的;精神上的
flip 用指轻弹
diabolic 恶魔(一样)的,魔鬼性格的
diabol 恶魔
cronyism 对好朋友的偏袒;任人唯亲
partiality 偏袒,偏心
predilection 偏袒,爱好
confidential 机密的
intimate 密友
eavesdrop 偷听,窃听
peek 偷看
peep 瞥见,偷看
prowl 潜行于
stowaway (藏于轮船、飞机中的)偷乘者
literatus n. 文人
polymath 知识广博者
savant 博学之士,大学士
digress 离题
pulverste 社会等级,等级
hierarchy 阶层;等级制度
amiable 和蔼的,亲切的
amiability 友好,和蔼可亲
balmy (气候)温和的
speculative 投机的
foppish 俗丽的,浮华的
fop 喜好精致服装的花花公子
garish 俗丽的,过分艳丽的
meretricious 俗艳的,华而不实的
tawdry 俗丽的,华而不实的
wanderlust 旅游热,漫游癖
venal 唯利是图的,贪赃枉法的
insouciance 漠不关心,漫不经心
prissy 谨小慎微的,神经质的,为小事挂虑的

NVIDIA 动态并行ISM文档说明书

NVIDIA 动态并行ISM文档说明书

Introduction to Dynamic Parallelism Stephen JonesNVIDIA CorporationImproving ProgrammabilityDynamic Parallelism Occupancy Simplify CPU/GPU Divide Library Calls from Kernels Batching to Help Fill GPU Dynamic Load Balancing Data-Dependent ExecutionRecursive Parallel AlgorithmsWhat is Dynamic Parallelism?The ability to launch new grids from the GPUDynamicallySimultaneouslyIndependentlyCPU GPU CPU GPU Fermi: Only CPU can generate GPU work Kepler: GPU can generate work for itselfWhat Does It Mean?CPU GPU CPU GPU GPU as Co-ProcessorAutonomous, Dynamic ParallelismData-Dependent ParallelismComputationalPower allocated toregions of interestCUDA Today CUDA on KeplerDynamic Work GenerationInitial GridStatically assign conservativeworst-case gridDynamically assign performancewhere accuracy is requiredFixed GridCPU-Controlled Work Batching CPU programs limited by singlepoint of controlCan run at most 10s of threadsCPU is fully consumed withcontrolling launchesCPU Control Threaddgetf2 dgetf2 dgetf2CPU Control Threaddswap dswap dswap dtrsm dtrsm dtrsmdgemm dgemm dgemmCPU Control ThreadMultiple LU-Decomposition, Pre-KeplerCPU Control ThreadCPU Control ThreadBatching via Dynamic ParallelismMove top-level loops to GPURun thousands of independent tasksRelease CPU for other workCPU Control ThreadCPU Control ThreadGPU Control Threaddgetf2 dswap dtrsm dgemm GPU Control Thread dgetf2 dswap dtrsm dgemm GPU Control Threaddgetf2dswapdtrsmdgemmBatched LU-Decomposition, Kepler__device__ float buf[1024];__global__ void dynamic(float *data) {int tid = threadIdx.x; if(tid % 2)buf[tid/2] = data[tid]+data[tid+1]; __syncthreads();if(tid == 0) {launch<<< 128, 256 >>>(buf); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }__syncthreads();cudaMemcpyAsync(data, buf, 1024); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }Programming Model BasicsCode ExampleCUDA Runtime syntax & semantics__device__ float buf[1024];__global__ void dynamic(float *data) {int tid = threadIdx.x; if(tid % 2)buf[tid/2] = data[tid]+data[tid+1]; __syncthreads();if(tid == 0) {launch<<< 128, 256 >>>(buf); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }__syncthreads();cudaMemcpyAsync(data, buf, 1024); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }Code ExampleCUDA Runtime syntax & semanticsLaunch is per-thread__device__ float buf[1024];__global__ void dynamic(float *data) {int tid = threadIdx.x; if(tid % 2)buf[tid/2] = data[tid]+data[tid+1]; __syncthreads();if(tid == 0) {launch<<< 128, 256 >>>(buf); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }__syncthreads();cudaMemcpyAsync(data, buf, 1024); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }Code ExampleCUDA Runtime syntax & semanticsLaunch is per-threadSync includes all launches by any thread in the block__device__ float buf[1024];__global__ void dynamic(float *data) {int tid = threadIdx.x; if(tid % 2)buf[tid/2] = data[tid]+data[tid+1]; __syncthreads();if(tid == 0) {launch<<< 128, 256 >>>(buf); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }__syncthreads();cudaMemcpyAsync(data, buf, 1024); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }CUDA Runtime syntax & semanticsLaunch is per-threadSync includes all launches by any thread in the blockcudaDeviceSynchronize() does not imply syncthreadsCode Example__device__ float buf[1024];__global__ void dynamic(float *data) {int tid = threadIdx.x; if(tid % 2)buf[tid/2] = data[tid]+data[tid+1]; __syncthreads();if(tid == 0) {launch<<< 128, 256 >>>(buf); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }__syncthreads();cudaMemcpyAsync(data, buf, 1024); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }Code ExampleCUDA Runtime syntax & semanticsLaunch is per-threadSync includes all launches by any thread in the blockcudaDeviceSynchronize() does not imply syncthreadsAsynchronous launches only__device__ float buf[1024];__global__ void dynamic(float *data) {int tid = threadIdx.x; if(tid % 2)buf[tid/2] = data[tid]+data[tid+1]; __syncthreads();if(tid == 0) {launch<<< 128, 256 >>>(buf); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }__syncthreads();cudaMemcpyAsync(data, buf, 1024); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }Code ExampleCUDA Runtime syntax & semanticsLaunch is per-threadSync includes all launches by any thread in the blockcudaDeviceSynchronize() does not imply syncthreadsAsynchronous launches only(note bug in program, here!)__global__ void libraryCall(float *a,float *b, float *c) {// All threads generate datacreateData(a, b);__syncthreads();// Only one thread calls library if(threadIdx.x == 0) {cublasDgemm(a, b, c);cudaDeviceSynchronize();}// All threads wait for dtrsm__syncthreads();// Now continueconsumeData(c);} CPU launcheskernelPer-block datagenerationCall of 3rd partylibrary3rd party libraryexecutes launchParallel useof resultSimple example: QuicksortTypical divide-and-conquer algorithmRecursively partition-and-sort dataEntirely data-dependent executionNotoriously hard to do efficiently on Fermi3 2 6 3 9 14 25 1 8 7 9 2 58 3 2 6 3 9 1 4 2 5 1 8 7 9 2 58 2 1 2 1 2 36 3 94 5 8 7 9 5 8 3 6 3 4 5 8 7 58 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 8 9 95 eventually...Select pivot valueFor each element: retrieve valueRecurse sort into right-handsubsetStore left if value < pivotStore right if value >= pivotall done?Recurse sort into left-hand subset NoYes__global__ void qsort(int *data, int l, int r) {int pivot = data[0];int *lptr = data+l, *rptr = data+r;// Partition data around pivot valuepartition(data, l, r, lptr, rptr, pivot);// Launch next stage recursively if(l < (rptr-data))qsort<<< ... >>>(data, l, rptr-data); if(r > (lptr-data))qsort<<< ... >>>(data, lptr-data, r); }。



十大场景高频词汇场景一:租房及搬家(103)家具设备(49)drawer 抽屉dish 盘子the dishes 餐具dishwasher 洗碗机tap 水龙头sink 洗碗池spoon 调羹,勺子stove 炉子oven 烤箱alarm clock 闹钟CD player CD机stereo (system) 音响water heater 热水器vacuum cleaner 吸尘器coffee maker 咖啡机refrigerator/fridge 冰箱washing machine 洗衣机electric cooker 电灶gas cooker 煤气灶cooker hood 抽油烟机cassette recorder 录音机telephone 电话air-conditioner 空调central air-conditioner central heating 中央供暖系统electric fan 电扇microwave oven 微波炉radiator 暖气mobile phone 手机satellite TV 卫星电视cable TV 有线电视closed circuit TV 闭路电视carpet 地毯rug 小地毯curtain 窗帘bed linen 床单及枕套pillow case 枕套sheet 被单mattress 床垫pillow 枕头blanket 毯子towel 毛巾coffee table 茶几armchair 扶手椅sofa 长沙发cupboard 橱柜bath 浴缸shower 淋浴toilet 马桶租房要求(54)accommodation 住宿detached house 独立式住宅semi-detached house 半独立式flat/apartment 公寓dormitory/dorm 宿舍hostel 宿舍,招待所home stay 住在当地人家available (指物)可用的或可得到的,可入住的(房子)real estate agency/property agency 房屋中介land lord/lady 房东tenant 房客on lease/for rent 出租deposit 订金,押金rent 房租rental 租金额leak 漏水flicker 闪烁blackout 停电humid 潮湿的pet 宠物insurance 保险lift/elevator 电梯basement 地下室laundry 洗衣房burglar 入室抢劫者surroundings 环境rural 乡村的suburb 市郊outskirts 市区的外围地区urban 市镇的metropolis 大都市downtown 在市区,市区的furnished 房子有家具的unfurnished 房子不配家具的entrance 入口lobby 大厅porch 门廊balcony 阳台emergency/fire gate 紧急出口bed-sit 卧室兼起居室bedroom 卧室living room 起居室sitting room 起居室single room 单人间twin-room 双人间double bedroom 双人间bathroom 浴室kitchen 厨房study 书房garage 车库privacy 隐私residential number 住宅号码decorate 装饰free for heating 免费供暖场景二:求职与问路(80) 求职面试(41)volunteer 志愿者hire 雇用sack/fire 解雇position 职位vacant position 空缺职位replacement 代替者applicant 申请人curriculum vitae/resume 履历job interview 求职面试personnel manager 人事经理recruit 招聘full-time job 全职工作part-time job 兼职工作contract 合同day shift 日班night shift 夜班unsocial hours 非正常工作时间(如早班,晚班)shift work 倒班routine work 例行公事/日常工作commission 佣金pension 退休金payment 报酬salary 薪水wage 工资bonus 奖金welfare 福利client 客户cashier 收银员designer 设计师accountant 会计engineer 工程师window dressing 布置橱窗stock market 股票市场name badge 名字胸章challenging 富有挑战性的stimulating 刺激的interesting 有趣的full of adventure 充满冒险的disabled/handicapped 残疾的council 委员会register 登记identity 身份D.O.B./Date of Birth 出生年月日问路/方位(39)clockwise 顺时针方向的anti-/counter-clockwise direction 逆时针方向on the left/right 在左/右边turn (to the) left/right 向左/右转around (the corner) to theleft/right 在拐弯处向左/右转front 前面behind 在后面beside 在旁边opposite 在对面be on the corner of …street and …avenue 在…街和…街的拐角处parallel 平行的cross 交叉的corridor 走廊path 小路passage 通道aisle 过道step 台阶signpost 路标arrow 箭头escalator 滚梯pedestrian/pavement/sidewalk 人行道zebra crossing 斑马线crosswalk 人行横道overpass 立交桥underpass 地下通道crossroad/junction 十字路口T-junction 丁字路口road 路street 街avenue/boulevard 大街,林荫道lane (乡间)小路,巷子drive (通往住宅的)私人车道square 广场ground floor 首层wing 配楼(与主楼相连)landmark 标志性建筑gym 健身房nursery 托儿所department store 百货商店场景三:办理银行业务(32)bank transfer 银行转账loan 贷款student debt 学生借贷cash 现金currency 流通货币bill/note 纸币coin 硬币cheque/check 支票chequebook/checkbook 支票本traveller’s cheque 旅行支票credit card 信用卡Master Card 万事达卡Visa Card 维萨卡American Express Card 美国运通卡account 账户PIN number 密码activate 激活deposit 存withdraw 取bank statement 银行对账单interest rate 利率ATM/Automatic Teller Machine 自动取款机overdraft 透支mortgage 抵押贷款net 净余的gross 总的interest 利息branch 分支,支行eligible 合格的individual circumstances 个人情况documentation 文件money order 汇票场景四:度假与旅行(131) 度假注意事项(24)casual clothes 休闲服装visa 签证extension 延期non-open time 非对外开放时间jellyfish 水母sunblock/sunscreen 防晒霜sunburnt 晒黑的tan 日晒后的颜色bather 泳衣trunks 泳裤sunglasses 太阳镜tent 帐篷picnic 帐篷expedition 远征,考察excursion 远足,短程旅行get lost 迷路compass 指南针helmet 头盔torch/flashlight 手电筒mosquito 蚊子insect 昆虫repellent 驱虫剂hiking boots 登山靴socks 短袜度假概况(24)recreation娱乐leisure activity 休闲活动hectare 公顷acre 英亩brochure 旅游介绍的小册子directory 目录voyage 航行backpack 双肩背包tour package 背包游go camping 宿营vacant seat 空座extra charge 额外收费heritage 遗产travel agency 旅行社in advance 事先book 预订reservation (旅馆房间等)预定,预约schedule 时间表fare 票款commence the tour 开始旅行cycling route 骑车路线survival 生存embassy 大使馆passport 护照driving license 驾照expire (驾照、护照等)过期度假地(33)resort 胜地southern hemisphere 南半球cave 洞穴cathedral 大教堂castle 城堡botanical garden 植物园safari park (可开车四处观赏的)野生动物园wild-life zoo 野生动物园national park 国家公园bird watching (在大自然中)对鸟的观察研究exhibition 展览会,展览reproduction 复制品sculpture 雕塑rain forest 雨林museum 博物馆art gallery 画廊souvenir 纪念品beach 海滩coast 海岸harbor 海港surfing 冲浪scuba-diving 深水潜水diving gear 潜水设备skiing 滑雪Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院Stonehenge 巨石阵cliff 悬崖ancient 古代的reception 接待demonstration 示范表演local guide 当地导游historical interest 历史景观stadium 体育场Olympic 奥林匹克的度假住处(8)sleeping bag 睡袋Lodge 乡间小舍motel 汽车旅馆hostel 青年旅社cottage 村舍inn 客栈B&B=bed and breakfast 旅游者住在当地人家里,提供床铺和早餐的住房服务cabin 小木屋交通工具(28)mountain bike 山地车bus route map 公交线路图hiking 徒步旅行hitch-hike 搭便车旅行back-packer 背包自助旅行的人coach 长途汽车off-road 越野的four-wheel drive 四轮驱动caravan 房车express (train) 快车economy class 经济舱petrol英=gasoline美汽油cable car 缆车tram 有轨电车trolley 无轨电车shuttle 往返机车taxi/cab 出租车lorry/truck 卡车underground/subway/tube/metr o 地铁ferry 渡轮cruise 游轮wheel 轮子tyre 轮胎make 牌子brake 刹车horn 喇叭gear 车档license plate number 车牌号气候情况(6)chilly 寒冷的humid 潮湿的arid 干旱的mild 温和的tropical 热带的equator 赤道货币(8)currency 流通货币dollar 美元cent 分pound 英镑penny/pence 便士Japanese yen 日元Euro 欧元buck 美元场景五:食物与健康(129) 食物(69)canteen 小卖部,食堂refectory=cafeteria 自助餐厅,食堂buffet 自助餐barbecue 烧烤snack bar 零食店candy bar 糖果店vending-machine 自动售货机spicy/hot 辛辣的chilli 辣椒sweet 甜的sour 酸的bitter 苦的salty 咸味浓的cheese 奶酪red meat 红肉garden salad 蔬菜沙拉fish & chips 炸鱼和土豆条snack 小吃,快餐refreshment 点心pork 猪肉steak 肉排,牛排sandwich 三明治nut 坚果burger/hamburger 汉堡包appetizer 开胃菜main course 主菜dessert 餐后甜点beverage 饮料vegetarian 素食的,素食者sea food 海鲜take-away 外卖drive-in 免下车路边餐厅pub 酒馆,客栈instant coffee 速溶咖啡espresso 蒸馏咖啡,浓咖啡cappuccino 热牛奶咖啡mineral water 矿泉水wine 葡萄酒black tea 红茶skimmed milk 脱脂牛奶yogurt 酸奶curry 咖喱ginger 姜ketchup 调味番茄酱vinegar 醋toast 吐司soup 汤egg plant 茄子broccoli 西兰花cauliflower 菜花celery 芹菜spinach 菠菜cucumber 黄瓜mushroom 蘑菇pumpkin 南瓜lettuce 生菜pea 豌豆lemon 柠檬chewing gum 口香糖fruit juice 水果汁calorie 卡路里calcium 钙fat 脂肪vitamin 维生素protein 蛋白质nutrient 营养物质indigestion 消化不良tissue 组织healthy diet pyramid 健康饮食金字塔健康(60)lung 肺chest 胸腔,胸膛infection 感染yellow fever 黄热病hay fever 枯草热vaccine 疫苗injection 注射chemist/pharmacy/drug store 药店allergy 过敏leprosy 麻风病epidemic 流行的,传染的,流行病chronic 慢性的precaution 预防flu/influenza 流行性感冒ulcer 溃疡clinic 诊所hospital 医院first-aid 急救的patient 病人dentist 牙科医生surgeon 外科医生physician 内科医生drowsy 昏昏欲睡的sore 疼痛的stuffy 窒息的dizzy 晕headache 头痛cough 咳嗽pulse 脉搏blood pressure 血压symptom 症状ward 病房life expectancy 预期寿命prescription 处方penicillin 青霉素aspirin 阿司匹林antibiotic 抗生素pill 药丸tablet 药片herb 草药capsule 胶囊ointment 药膏drop 滴剂poisoning 中毒remedy 治疗法therapy 疗法checkup 身体检查insomnia 失眠arthritis 关节炎fatigue 疲劳twist 扭伤swell 肿胀bruise 瘀伤sneeze 打喷嚏diarrhea 痢疾,腹泻diagnosis 诊断dosage 剂量immune system 免疫系统psychological 心理的场景六:报到、注册与选课(137) 学校概况(64)institute 学院freshman 大一学生sophomore 大二学生junior 大三学生senior 大四学生undergraduate 本科在读生postgraduate 研究生commission 委员会kindergarten 幼儿园student union 学生会facility 设备semester/term 学期assessment 评估secondary education 中等教育higher education/tertiary education 高等教育adult education 成人教育open admission 免试入学制preparatory 预备的graduate school 研究生院open university 夜大,函大fieldwork 实地调查School of Arts and Sciences 文理学院auditor/guest student 旁听生boarder 住宿生bachelor 学士master 硕士doctor 博士alumnus/alumna 男/女校友Alma Mater 母校graduation appraisal 毕业评估graduationceremony/commencement 毕业典礼diploma/graduation certificate 毕业证书degree 学位certificate 证书qualification 资格expert 专家consultant 顾问faculty 教职工的总称teaching assistant 助教dean 学校分院长,系主任principal/president 校长coordinator 协调人lecturer 讲师associate professor 副教授professor 教授school counselor 校辅导员supervisor 论文指导老师career advisor 职业指导员adviser/mentor 导师coeducation 男女同校制度primary/elementary school 小学junior high school 初中senior high school 高中attached middle school 附中technical school 技校polytechnic 理工学院key school 重点中学letter of recommendation 推荐信sponsor 赞助人grant 拨款tuition 学费loan 贷款scholarship 本科奖学金fellowship 研究生奖学金入学报到(26)orientation 新生熟悉情况enrollment 注册,入学register/enroll 登记,报到opening ceremony 开学典礼recreation center 娱乐中心application form 申请表book list 书单give confirmation 确认conference room 会议室overhead projector 投影仪attendance 出勤exemption 免修resit 重考,补考report 报告reference (向读者指示参考书,文章等的)附注,旁注bibliography 书目,索引,文献plagiarism 剽窃,抄袭cheat 作弊auditorium 大礼堂drop out 辍学curriculum 课程syllabus 大纲credit point 学分credit system 学分制score 分数,成绩campus 校园venue 场地teaching facilities 教学设施选课(47)beginner course 入门课foundation/basic course 基础课elementary course 初级课secondary course 中级课intermediate 中级的advanced 高级的compulsory course/required course 必修课optional course/elective course 选修课specialized course 专业课general course 公共课major 主修minor 辅修archaeology 考古学architecture 建筑学astronomy 天文学agriculture 农业geography 地理学geology 地质学chemistry 化学micro-biology 微生物学marine-biology 海洋生物学hospitality 酒店管理botany 植物学zoology 动物学ecology 生态学electronics 电子学mathematics/maths 数学statistics 统计学genetics 遗传学physiology 生理学literature 文学philosophy 哲学history 历史art 艺术,美术sociology 社会学linguistics 语言学psychology 心理学engineering 工程学business 商务,商业law 法学economics 经济学finance 金融学accounting 会计学banking 银行学physics 物理学anthropology 人类学politics 政治学场景七:图书馆、电脑室(81) 图书馆(47)inquiry desk 咨询台folder 文件夹touch-screen information service 触摸信息屏extension 续借后的延长期renew(al) 续借due 到期的overdue 过期的expiry 到期catalogue under title/author 书名目录/著者目录fiction/non-fiction 小说类/非小说类reference book 工具书encyclopedia 百科全书atlas 地图册magnetically coded 磁化的,有条形码的demagnetize 消磁available 可借阅的in stock 有存货,图书馆有stack 书库,书架open shelf 开架书Closed Reserved 非外借图书处out on loan 借出去了reservation list 预约单prospectus 学校介绍,学生手册index 索引front/back cover 封面/封底fly leaf 扉页retrieval 检索audio visual resource center 视听资料室reprint 再版volume 卷abstract 摘要borrow 借用lend/loan 借给newspaper 报纸journal 杂志periodical 期刊category 类别fine 罚款check out 登记并借出return 归还information desk 服务台library card 借书证current/back issues 即期/过期刊物librarian 图书馆员student card 学生证loan period 借书期circulation desk 借书台电脑室(34)internet 互联网website 站点laser printer 激光打印机access to 连接(网络)attachment 附件jam 使塞满,堵塞copier 复印机fax machine 传真机hardware 硬件software 软件network 网络hard disk 硬盘monitor 监视器screen 屏幕keyboard 键盘mouse 鼠标setup 安装uninstall 卸载operation system 操作系统program 程序word/data processing 文字/数据处理user 用户click 点击update 更新manual 指南menu 菜单password 口令virus 病毒web page 网页online 在线email 电子邮件firewall 防火墙log on 登录laptop 笔记本电脑场景八:学习经验交流(35)cram 突击式学习(尤指为应考)distinction 优异pass 及格fail 不及格core books 核心书目motivation 动机handout 分发的印刷品assignment 作业presentation 课堂上专题发言project 课题participation 课堂参与情况,参与tutorial 个别辅导,讨论课office hour (教授与学生)面谈的时间final-examination 期末考核quiz 小测验oral test 口试open-book exam 开卷考pop test 抽考placement test 入学分级考试aptitude test 学能测试discipline 科目English proficiency 英语流利程度supplementary reading material补充阅读材料prescribed textbook 指定课本methodology 方法学debate 辩论seminar 研讨课lecture 讲座schedule/school timetable 课程表course arrangement 课程安排summary 小结repetition 重复review promptly 即时复习attend lecture 参加讲座notice board/bulletin board 公告场景九:学术报告与论文撰写(34)paper/thesis/dissertation 毕业论文essay 短论文draft 草稿deadline 截止日期extension 延期defense 答辩outline 大纲chapter 章research 研究feedback 反馈poll 民意调查survey 调查analyze data 分析数据questionnaire 调查问卷case study 案例调查observation 观察hypothesis 假设statistics 统计valid/invalid 有效的/无效的data/datum 数据investigation 调查open question 开放性问题quantitative 定量的qualitative 定性的significant difference 显著差异interview 访谈respondent/interviewee 被调查者multiple choice question 多项选择题result 结果conclusion 结论interpretation 解释,阐释opinion 观点random selection 随意选取sample 样品,标本,例子场景十:学术讲座(141) 动植物(45)mammal 哺乳动物life cycle 生命周期breed (使)繁殖;品种smelly 发臭的,有臭味的cage 笼子hen 母鸡goat 山羊killer whale 食人鲸pigeon 鸽子squirrel 松鼠swan 天鹅ape 猿frog 青蛙crocodile 鳄鱼kangaroo 袋鼠koala 考拉lizard 蜥蜴ostrich 鸵鸟penguin 企鹅dolphin 海豚whale 鲸shark 鲨鱼bat 蝙蝠dinosaur 恐龙hours 马lion 狮子elephant 大象parrot 鹦鹉snake 蛇tiger 虎migrant bird 候鸟cattle 牛livestock 牲畜endangered species 濒危物种rare species 稀有物种fin 鳍tail 尾巴scale 鳞片fur 毛皮feather 羽毛kelp 海藻,海藻灰(可提取碘的)palm 棕榈pine 松树bloom 开花seed 种子环境(35)loss of soil 土地流失fossil 化石costal 沿海的recycle 再循环waste disposal 废物处理rubbish 垃圾contaminant 污染物fertile soil 沃土fertilizer 化肥evaporate 蒸发irrigation 灌溉solar power 太阳能nuclear power 核能alternative energy 可替代能源carbon dioxide 二氧化碳aluminum 铝population density 人口密度pollution 污染sewage 污水排放consumption 消耗greenhouse effect 温室效应El Nino 厄尔尼诺ozone layer 臭氧层preservation 保存pollutant 污染物environment 环境resource 资源recycling 再循环criterion 标准generation of electricity 发电boom 繁荣sprawl 蔓延wetland 沼泽地marsh 湿地distribution 分布考古(15)tribe 部落profile 外形,轮廓pottery 陶器storehouse/warehouse 仓库craft 手工业,手艺fossil 化石texture 质地conservation 保存flourish 繁荣,茂盛raw material 原材料migration 移民toe 脚趾bacteria 细菌amber 琥珀precious stone 宝石课题报告(46)ageing population 人口老龄化settlement 殖民地innovation 革新commercialization 商业化globalization 全球化utilize 利用moisture 潮湿season 风化timber 木料treaty 条约military 军事的milestone 里程碑internal clock 生物钟charity 慈善depression 抑郁raise 筹集current affair 时事small scale 小规模mature 成熟的container 容器advertisement 广告domestic 国内的slang 俚语expected 预期的duration 持续时间detail 细节approval 正式批准strike 罢工flexibility 弹性,适应性velvet 天鹅绒reinforce 加强donation 捐款,捐赠public awareness 公众意识robot 机器人crisis 关键时刻,危机tunnel 隧道capital 首都,大写字母,资本abuse 滥用,虐待mass media 大众传媒maximum 最大量minimum 最小量juvenile 青少年vote 投票monopoly 垄断telescope 望远镜galaxy 星系,银河其他场景词汇(181) 机场(22)flight number 航班号book the ticket 订票take off 起飞land 降落check in 办理登记手续charter flight 包机book in advance 事先预定make a reservation/book 预定runway 飞机跑道baggage/luggage 行李baggage reclaim 行李提取处departure lounge 候机厅destination 目的地bound for 去,准备去crew 机组成员pilot 驾驶员flight attendant 空中乘务员international/domesticarrival/departure 国际/国内到/出港customs 海关duty-free shop 免税店economy class 经济舱first class 头等舱business class 商务舱体育运动(42)tennis 网球table tennis 乒乓球polo 马球water polo 水球skiing 滑雪water skiing 划水Gym 健身房yoga 瑜伽cycling 骑自行车jogging 慢跑weight training 力量性训练aerobics 有氧操stadium 体育场hi-tech fitness center 高科技健身中心squash 壁球cricket 板球rugby 橄榄球golf 高尔夫球bowling 保龄球billiard house 台球厅snooker 斯诺克hockey 曲棍球ice hockey 冰球skating 滑冰roller blade 直排轮滑badminton 羽毛球baseball 棒球beach volleyball 沙滩排球football 足球treadmill 跑步机track and field 田径tournament 联赛athlete 运动员referee 裁判coach 教练cheer leader 拉拉队长martial arts 武术wrestling 摔跤judo 柔道karate 空手道box 拳击canoeing 划独木舟艺术(20)circus 马戏acrobatics 杂技magic/trick 魔术ballet 芭蕾mime 哑剧comedy 喜剧comedian 喜剧演员guitar 吉他release 发行blockbuster 大片folk song 民歌classic music 古典音乐documentary 纪录片thriller 惊悚片TV chat show 电视聊天节目subtitle 电影字幕concert 演唱会spectator 观众audience 听众sound effect 声效灾难(29)air-crash 空难drought 干旱flood 洪水earthquake 地震volcano 火山tidal wave 海啸hurricane 飓风typhoon 台风disaster 灾难disease 疾病plague 瘟疫death toll/fatality 死亡数news bulletin 新闻公告financial assistance 经济援助rescue 援救wreckage 残骸fire brigade 消防队medical team 医疗队survivor 幸存者hotline 热线ambulance 救护车fire engine 救火车police car 警车theft 偷窃panic 恐慌priority 优先权illegal 非法的cop 警察capital punishment 死刑人物(68)over-weight 胖的sturdy 壮stout 结实的chubby 圆胖的plump 丰满的medium-built 中等身材的slender 苗条的lean 瘦的blond 金发的straight 直发的curly 卷发的beard 下巴上的胡子moustache 嘴巴上的胡子bald 谢顶的dye 染发wig 假发contact lens 隐形眼镜hat 礼帽cap 棒球帽umbrella 伞cane/stick 拐杖dimple 酒窝pimple 青春痘freckle 雀斑mole 痣wrinkle 皱纹chin 下巴cheek 面颊forehead 前额blouse 女士衬衫beauty spot 美人痣scar 疤痕short hair 短发long hair 长发tall/high 高short 矮thin 瘦的average height 平均高度wear a tie 戴领带bow tie 领结T-shirt T恤衫pullover 套头毛衣sweater/jersey 套头衫,运动衫suit 西服/套装jumper 套头外衣trousers 裤子jeans 牛仔裤sandals 凉鞋jewelry 珠宝laugher lines 笑纹thick eyebrows 浓眉long eyelashes 长睫毛high lined forehead 大脑门high cheek bones 高颧骨full lips 厚嘴唇turned-up nose 翘鼻double chin 双下巴crew cut 平头formal clothes 正装casual clothes 休闲服polo shirt 马球衫jacket 夹克sportswear 运动服raincoat 雨衣loose 宽松的tight 紧绷的ponytail 马尾辫pal 朋友。

java面试题 英文

java面试题 英文

java面试题英文Java Interview QuestionsIntroduction:In recent years, Java has become one of the most popular programming languages worldwide. Its versatility and wide range of applications have made it a sought-after skill in the IT industry. As a result, job interviews often include a section dedicated to Java. In this article, we will explore some commonly asked Java interview questions and provide detailed explanations and solutions. Whether you are a seasoned developer or preparing for your first Java interview, this article will help you enhance your knowledge and boost your confidence.1. What is Java?Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. It was designed to be platform-independent, which means Java programs can run on any operating system that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Java consists of a compiler, runtime environment, and a vast library, making it a powerful tool for building a wide range of applications.2. Explain the difference between JDK, JRE, and JVM.JDK (Java Development Kit) is a software package that includes the necessary tools for developing, compiling, and running Java applications. It consists of the Java compiler, debugger, and other development tools.JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is a software package that contains the necessary components to run Java applications. It includes the JVM and a set of libraries required to execute Java programs.JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is a virtual machine that provides an execution environment for Java programs. It interprets the Java bytecode and translates it into machine code that can be executed by the underlying operating system.3. What is the difference between a class and an object?In object-oriented programming, a class is a blueprint or template for creating objects. It defines the properties and behaviors that an object will possess. An object, on the other hand, is an instance of a class. It represents a specific entity or concept and can interact with other objects.4. What are the features of Java?Java is known for its robustness, portability, and security. Some key features of Java include:- Object-oriented: Java follows the object-oriented programming paradigm, allowing developers to build modular and reusable code.- Platform-independent: Java programs can run on any platform that has a JVM, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.- Memory management: Java has automatic memory management through garbage collection, which helps in deallocating memory occupied by unused objects.- Exception handling: Java provides built-in mechanisms for handling exceptions, ensuring the smooth execution of programs.- Multi-threading: Java supports concurrent programming through multi-threading, allowing programs to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.5. Explain the concept of inheritance in Java.Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming, where a class inherits properties and behaviors from another class, known as the superclass or base class. The class that inherits these properties is called the subclass or derived class. In Java, inheritance allows code reuse, promotes modularity, and enables hierarchical classification of objects.There are several types of inheritance in Java, including single inheritance (where a class inherits from only one superclass) and multiple inheritance (where a class inherits from multiple superclasses using interfaces).6. What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding?Method overloading refers to the ability to have multiple methods with the same name but different parameters within a class. The methods can have different return types or different numbers and types of arguments. The compiler determines which method to call based on the arguments provided during the method call.Method overriding, on the other hand, occurs when a subclass provides a specific implementation for a method that is already defined in its superclass. The signature of the overridden method (name, return type, and parameters)must match exactly with that of the superclass. The overridden method in the subclass is called instead of the superclass's method when invoked.Conclusion:In this article, we have explored some common Java interview questions and provided detailed explanations and solutions. Understanding these concepts will not only help you ace your Java interview but also enhance your overall programming skills. Remember to practice coding and explore real-world scenarios to strengthen your understanding of Java. Good luck with your Java interviews!。



高考二级词汇表abnormal aboard abortion abrupt absence absolute absorb abundant abuse academic academy accelerate access accessible accommodation accompany accomplish account accountant accounting accuracy accurate accuse achievement acid acknowledge acquire acquisition acre actor actress actualAD ad=advertisement adapt adaptation addicted addition adequate adjust adjustment administration admire admission admit adolescent adopt adoreadult advance adventure advertise advocate affair affect affection Africa African afterwards agency agent agriculture ahead aidAIDS aim aircraft airmail airspace alarm alcoholic alike allergic alley allocate allowance alongside alphabet alternative altitude altogether amateur amaze amazing ambassador(-ress) ambiguous ambition amount ample amuse amusement analyze analysis ancestor anchor anecdote anger angle ankle anniversary announce announcement annoy annual antique anxiety anxious anyhow apart apartment apologize apology apparent appeal appearance appetite applicant application apply appoint appointment appreciate appreciation approach appropriate approval approve apron arbitrary arch architect architecture Arctic argue argument arise(arose arisen) armchair arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrow artificial artist ash ashamed aside aspect assess assessment assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption astonish astronomer athlete athletic atmosphere atom attach attack attain attempt attend attitude attract attractionattractive audience author authority automatic autonomy avenue average award aware awesome awful awkward Backward(s) bacon badminton baggage bakery balance balletban band bandage barbarber barbershop bare bark barrier base basement basinbasis bat bath bathe bathtub battery battle bayBC bean/bean curd beard beast beauty beddings beg behalf behave being belly belongbelt bench bend beneath beneficial benefit bent betray bicycle bid bingo biochemistry biology birthplace bite(bit bitten) blackmail blame blank blanket bleedbless block blouse boilbomb bond bone bonus boom boot booth border bored botany bother bound boundary bow bowling boxing brake branch brand bravery breakthrough breast breathless brewery brick bridegroom bride brief brilliant broad broadcast brochure broken broom brunch Buddhism budget bunch bungalow burden burglar burst bury bush businessman \woman butter button Cabcafécafeteria calculate cakecalm campaign can canal candidate canteen capsule caravan carbon carpenter carpet carriage carrier carrot cartoon carvecase cash cast castle casual catalogue cater catholic cattle caution cautious cave celebration cell centigrade centimeter central ceremony chain challenge challenging champion changeable channel chaos character characteristic charge chapter chart chat cheekcheerful cheers chef chemical chemist check chew chickchief childhood choir choke chorus Christian cigar cigarette circuit circulate circumstance circus citizen civil civilization clarity classic classify claw claycleaner clerk click climateclinic cloth clothing clumsy cocoa collar collection comb combine comedy comfort command comment commercial commit commitment communism compass compensate compete competence complex component compromise compulsory concentrate concern conclude conclusion concrete condemn conduct conductor confident confidential confirm conflict confuse congratulate congratulation connection conscience consensus consequence conservation conservative consideration consist consistent constant constitution construct construction consult consultant consume contain container contemporary content continent contradict contradictory contrary contribute contribution controversial convenience convenient conventional convey convince cookie corn correction correspond corrupt cozy counter coursecourt courtyard cowboy crashcream creature credit crewcrime criminal criterion(pl criteria)crop crossing crossroads crowd crowded cube cubic cuisine cupboard cure curious curriculum curtain cushion custom customer customs cycle cyclist dam damage damp darkness dash data database dawn deadline debatedebt decade declare decline decoration decrease deed deerdefeat defense defend delaydelete delicate delight delighted deliver demand department/Dept. deposit depth description desert deservedesign desire desperate dessert destroy detective determine devote devotion diagram dial diamond diet differ digest digital dignity dimension dinosaur dioxidedip diplomacy directory disability disabled disadvantage disagree disagreement disappear disappoint disappointed disaster discount discourage disk=disc dislike disobey distance distant distinction distinguish distribute district disturbing dive diverse divorce dizzy document dollar donate dormitory dot download downtown draftdrag drawback drawing dreamdrill drunk due dulldusk dust dustbin dusty dynasty eager eagle Easter eastern ecology edition editor educate educator effect effective elect electricity embarrass embassy emperor employ ending endless energetic engine enjoyable enlarge entertainment entire entrance entryenvy equal equality equip equipment error erupt escape essay evaluate event eventually evidence evident exact exactly exchange exist existence exit expense expert explanation expectation explore explode export expose expression extension extra extreme eyesight facial fade failurefaith false familiar fancy fantasy fare fasten faultfavor fax feast featherfee fellow female fenceferry fiber fiction fierce figure file finance fine fingernail fireworks firm fistflame flash flashlight flatflee flesh flight floatflood flour flow fluency fluent focus fog foggyfold folk following fondfool foolish forbid(forbade forbidden) forecast forehead foresee/foresaw/foreseenforever forgetful forgive/forgave/forgivenformat former fortnight fortunate fortune found fountain francfragrant framework freedom freeway freeze(froze/frozen) freezing friction frightenfrost fry fuel function fundamental funeral fur furnishedGain gallery gallon garage garbage gardening garlic garmentgas gather gay generation generous gentle geometry giftedglance glare globe gloryglue goal golf goodsgovern gradual graduate graduation grain gram grand graphgrasp grateful gravity greedygreet gray grill grocer grocery growth guarantee guidance guide guilty Haircut handful handle handy happiness hardship hardworking harm harmful harmony harvest hatch headline headmaster headmistress hearing heel helicopter helmet herb hesitate highwayhilly hire history holy homeland honey hook hopeful hopeless horrible host hostess housewife howl hug human being humor hunger hunt hunterIdentity idiom ignore import importance impress impression incident income indeed independence independent indicate inform injure injuryinn insect insert inspireinstant institute instruct instrument insurance insure intend interrupt internal invitation jam jarjaw jazz jeep jetjewelry jog journey judge judgment junior justice kettle kindness kingdom lack lamelantern lap latter laughter lawyer league leak lecturelegal lemon length liberty lighting likely limit linklip liquid literature literload loaf local linkloose lorry loss luggagelung maid mailbox mainland major make male mankind manner marathon march marriedmask mass mat material matter mature maximum means meanwhile measure medal media medium melon mental mercymerely merry mess messy microcomputer microwave midday midnightmild millionaire mine mineral minibus minimum minister ministry minority minus missile mist misunderstand mix mixture mm=millimeter mobile modern modest mommy=mummy monument mop moral motherland motivation motor motorbike mountainous moustache mouthful movement mudmuddy multiply mushroom musical musician mustard mutton nailnarrow nation nationality nationwide native navy nearby neat necklace needle negotiate neighborhood nephew nest net networkniece noble noisy northeast northwest novel novelist nowadays nowhere nuclear numb nutnutrition nylon obey observe obtain obvious occupation occupyoccur Oceania o’clock offence official oilfield Olympic(s) oniononto opener opening opera operate opinion oppose opposite optimistic optional oral ordinary organ organize organization origin otherwise ouch ought ours outcome outdoors outer outgoing outing outline output outsideoutspoken outstanding outward(s ) overcome overhead overlook overweight owe ownership ox oxygen pacepack packet paddle painpainful painter painting panpanic paperwork paragraph parallel parcel parking parrot participate particular partly partner part-time passenger passer-by patent patience pattern pause pavement P.C.=personal computer P.E. pea peaceful peach peasant pepper per percentage perform performance performer perfume permanent permission permit personally persuade pest petrol photograph phrase physical pianistpill pillow pin pineapple pint pipe platform pleasedplus poet poison polepolish political politician politics pollute pollution popcorn porridgeport portable porter positive possess possession possibility post postage postcode poster pot potential pour powder power powerful practical pray prayer precious precise predict prefer preference pregnant prejudice premier preparation present presentation preserve press pressure pretend preview primitive principle procedure process product production profession professor profit project promote properly protection province psychology pubpump punish punishment purchase pure puzzle pyramid quake qualification quality quantity quarrel queue quit quiz racial radioactive rag rail rainbow rainfall random range rankrare rate raw rayreact reading ready reality reasonable rebuild receiver reception receptionist recognize recover recreationrecycle reduce refer reference reflect reform refresh refrigerator refusal regardless regular regulation reject relate relationship relativerelay relevant reliable relief religion religious rely remark remind remote remove rentreplace reporter representative republic reputation request requirement rescue resemble reservation reserve resignresist respect respond responsibility restriction retire refuse revision revolution reward rewrite rhymerid ridiculous ring(rang rung ) rigidripe ripen rise(rose risen) robrocket roll roller roofrooster root rot rough roundabout routine royal ruderuin sadness sailing sailorsalary salesgirl salesman salty satellite satisfaction saying scanscar scare scene scenery skeptical scholar scholarship schoolboy\girl schoolchildren schoolmate scientific scissors scold scratch scream seagull seashell seaside seaweed section security seed seek seizeselect self selfish senior sensitive separation session settle settlement settler sew sexshade shadow shallow sharksharp sharpen shave shaversheet shock shoot shooting shopkeeper shore shortcoming shortlyshot shrink sickness sidewalk sigh sightseeing signal signature significance simplify simply singersink skateboard ski skillful skilled skin skyscraper slave slavery sleep sleeve sliceslight slim slip smellysmog smoker smoking sneaker sneeze sniff sob soccer socialism socialist socket softballsoftware soil solar somehow sorrow soul southeast southwest sow(sowed sown ) spaceship specialist spelling spiritual spit splendid spoken spokesman spokeswomen sponsor spoonful spot spy squeeze stable stadium staff stage stain stainless standing stare starvation starve state statement statesman stateswoman statistics steady steak steam steep stocking storage stove straight straightforward strait strength strengthen stress strike string struggle studio style subjective submit substitute suck suffer suffering suit suitable suitcase summary suite sunburnt sunglasses sunlight sunrise sunset sunshine super superb superior support supreme surgeon surround surrounding survive survival suspect suspension swallow swap sweat swell switch sword sympathy symptom system systematic tablet tailor talent tank taptarget tasteless tasty tax taxpayer teamwork teapot teartease technical technique teenager telescope temple tend tendency tense tension tentative terrify terror textbook thankful theft theme theoretical theory therefore thermos thief thinking thorough thrill thriller throat throughout thunder thunderstorm thus ticktight timetable tin tiptire tiresome tissue title tobacco tolerate tomb topic totally tough tourism tournament track tractor tradition tram translation translator transparent transport trap traveling traveler treat tremble trend trial trick trolleybus troop troublesome trulytrunk tube tune turkey turning tutor television twintwist type typewriter typical typhoon typist tire unable unbearable unbelievable uncertain uncomfortable unconditional unconscious underline understanding undertake underwear undivided undo unemployment unfair unfit unfortunate unhealthy uniform union uniqueunite universal universe unlike unrest unusual unwilling update upper upset upwards urbanurge urgent useless uservacant vague vain validvalley valuable vanilla variety various vase vast version vertical vest via vicevictim videophone view viewpoint villager vinegar violate violence violent violinist virtue virusvisa visual vital vivid vocabulary volcano voluntary volunteer vote voyage wag wagewaist waiter waiting-room waitress wallet walnut wander ward warehouse warmth warning washroom wave wax web website weakness wealthy wedding weed weekly weep welfare well westerner wherever whichever whisper widespread widow wild wildlife willing wind wipe wire wisdom withdraw within witness wooden wool woolen worldwide worm worn worried worthless worthwhile worthy wrestle wrinklewrist yawn yell yogurtyouth zip zipper zonezoom。



1地名&地址词汇一、地址post code、zip code、road 、avenue、street、lane、drive、square boulevard、circus二、地名(一)英国(大不列颠)U.K./the United Kingdom/Great Britain London 伦敦、England 英格兰、Liverpool 利物浦、Manchester 曼彻斯特、Sheffield 谢菲尔德、Birmingham伯明翰、Coventry 考文垂、Leeds 利兹、Scotland 苏格兰、Glasgow 格拉斯哥、Edinburgh 爱丁堡、Wales 威尔士、Cardiff 加的夫 / 卡迪夫、Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰、Belfast 贝尔法斯特、Bristol 布里斯托尔、Bath 巴斯(二)爱尔兰 IrelandDublin 都柏林(三)澳大利亚 AustraliaCanberra 堪培拉、Queensland 昆士兰州、Brisbane 布里斯班New South Wales 新南威尔士州、Sydney 悉尼、South Australia 南澳大利亚州、Adelaide 阿德莱德、Victoria 维多利亚州、Melbourne墨尔本、West Australia西澳大利亚州、Perth 珀斯(四)新西兰 New ZealandWellington 惠灵顿、Auckland 奥克兰(五)加拿大 CanadaOttawa 渥太华、British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚省Victoria 维多利亚、Vancouver 温哥华、Alberta 艾伯塔省、Edmonton 埃德蒙顿、Ontario 安大略省、Toronto 多伦多Quebec 魁北克省、Montreal 蒙特利尔(六)美国 United States of AmericaWashington D. C 华盛顿特区、New York 纽约、Boston 波士顿Atlanta 亚特兰大、Seattle 西雅图、Los Angeles/L.A. 洛杉矶Chicago 芝加哥、Detroit 底特律、Houston 休斯敦、Philadelphia费城、Alaska 阿拉斯加(七)其它Berlin 柏林、Rome罗马、Bali 巴厘岛、Malaysia 马来西亚Antarctic 南极区、Western Europe 西欧、Antarctic 南极洲2地图题clockwise、anti-/counter-clockwise direction、on the left/rightturn (to the)left/right、around(the corner) to the left/right front、behind、beside、be on the corner of …street and …avenue parallel、cross、corridor、path、passage、aisle、signpost、arrowelevator、escalator、pedestrian crossing、zebra crossing、crosswalkpelican crossing、pavement/sidewalk、overpass、underpass cloverleaf、road、street、lane、boulevard、drive、opposite step、intersection/crossroad /junction、T-junction、ground floorwing、annexe、landmark、nursery3机场场景flight number、book the ticket、take off、land、check in、charter flightbook in advance、make a reservation/book、runway、taxi、baggage reclaim、departure lounge、destination、bound for、crewpilot、flight attendant、steward/stewardess、nternational/domestic arrival/departure、customs、duty-free shopeconomy class、first class、business class4聚会活动(和吃喝有关的词汇)一、地点common room、canteen、refectory、driving-in restaurant、pub snack bar、candy bar、vending-machine二、味觉sweet、sour、bitter、salty三、食品cheese、red meat 、garden salad、fish&chips、snack、refreshment pork 、steak、sandwich、nut、vegetable burger/hamburger、appetizermain course、dessert、beverage、vegetarian、seafood 、take-away curry、yogurt、ginger、ketchup、vinegar、toast、soup、dough aubergine / egg plant、broccoli、cauliflower、celery、rape、spinachcucumber、mushroom、pumpkin、lettuce、asparagus、lentil、pea chewing gum、lemon、hot meal、espresso、cappuccino、mineral water、wine、black tea、skimmed milk、fruit juice四、其它calorie、calcium、sodium、fat、vitamin、protein、dietary fiber nutrient、cereal 、amino acid、metabolism、indigestion、tissuehealthy diet 、pyramid5旅游场景一、注意事项casual clothes、visa、extension、non-open time、jellyfish、sunblocksunburnt、tan、bather、trunks、sunglasses、tent、picnic、expedition、excursion 、get lost、compass、helmet、torch、mosquito、insectstinger、repellent、hiking boots、socks 、irritation二、度假概况recreation office、hectare、acre、grain、cereal、brochure、domesticbackpack、voyage、package tour、directory、leisure activity、excursion、profile、vacant seat、extra charge、heritage、travel agency、reservation、schedule、fare、commence the tour、handicapped、conference room、cycling route、survival、intact embassy、cot、leisure、itinerary、passport、driving license、expirego camping三、度假地southern hemisphere、cave、feed animal、safari park、bird watchingharbor、exhibition、reproduction、sculpture、diving gear、rain forestbeach、coast、vineyard、museum、souvenir、art gallery、surfing skiing、Great Barrier Reef、Sydney Opera House、Uluru、Stonehenge、wild-life zoo、national park、scuba-diving、resort Mecca、seven-screen cinema、fossil、cliff、swimming costume ancient、touch table、feature、forest、fishing farm、feed、receptionbotanical garden、cathedral、castle、picnic、tower、information boardin advance、book、safety helmet、cheese production、cost、dialextra pay、local guide、focus、historical interest、guided tour、sign name、notice board、industrial、formal park、stadium、rose gardengymnasium、café、facility、cycling、shelter、bank、unavailable organic farming、demonstration、survival course、route、charity special feature、wood-carving、weave四、度假住处sleeping bag、snorer、lodge、motel、hostel、cottage、innB&B(bed and breakfast)、cabin五、交通工具mountain bike、pannier、bus route map、wheelchair、hiking、hitch-hike、tractor、back-packer、platform、coach、off-road、four-wheel drive、caravan、express、petrol、commuter、cable car drop off、stern、mileage、double decker bus、tram、trolley、shuttletaxi/cab、lorry、truck、trailer、underground、subway、tube、metroferry、cruise、row、sun-shield、windscreen、wheel、steering wheel tyre、make、brake、horn、ignition、driving licence numberlicence plate number、alarm system、siren6求职场景volunteer、applicant、personnel manager、client、cashierdesigner、accountant、engineer、replacement、pianistsack、vacant position、job interview、full-time job、part-time jobrecruit、stock market、name badge、commission、day shift、night shift、shift work、window dressing、routine work、pension、salarywage、challenging、stimulating、interesting、full of adventure initial、gender、disabled/handicapped、unsocial hours、council、register、welfare、contract、bonus identity、community、D.O.B/ Date of Birth7图片题词汇一、身材over-weight、sturdy、stout、chubby、plump、medium-built、slender 、lean、tall、short、thin、average height二、头发blond、fair、straight、curly、wig、dye、crew cut、short spiky hair、ponytail、plait、pigtail、bun三、面部特征beard 、moustache、clean-shaven、bald、spectacles、contact lens、hat、cap、dimple、pimple、freckle、mole、wrinkle、chin、cheek、forehead、beauty spot、scar、laughter lines、thick eyebrows、high lined forehead、full lips、turned-up nose、double chin、high cheek bones四、服装配饰blouse、wear a tie、bow tie、T-shirt、pullover、sweater、suit、jumper、trousers、jeans、sandals、jewelry、formal clothes、casual clothespolo shirt、fancy dress、jacket、sportswear、raincoat、loose tight8医疗场景一、人物patient、dentist、surgeon二、病症infection、drowsy、yellow fever、hay fever、allergy、leprosy、epidemic、chronic、flu/ influenza、ulcer、dizzy、headache、cough、pulse、blood pressure、symptom、sore、stuffy、insomnia、arthritis、fatigue、twist、sprain、swell、bruise、sneeze、diarrhea、chronic三、药物pill、tablet、herb、capsule、vaccine、ointment、lozenge、syrup、drop、remedy、dosage、painkiller、sleeping pill、aspirin、antibiotic、prescription、penicillin、therapy四、其它lung 、chest、injection、optic examination、first-aid、pulse、blood pressure、check up、elbow、immune system、psychological9银行场景bank transfer、loan、student debt、cash、 currency、bill/note coin、cheque、chequebook、traveller’s cheque、credit card Master Card、Visa Card 、American Express Card、accountPINactivate、deposit、withdraw、bank statement、interest rate ATM(Automatic Teller Machine)、overdraft、mortgage、net gross、bonus、interest、branch、eligible、individual circumstancesdocumentation、money order、transfer10运动场景一、运动场所gym、stadium、hi-tech fitness center、billiard house、court club二、人物referee、coach、cheer leader三、运动项目tennis、table tennis、polo、water polo、skiing、water skiing、yogacycling、jogging、weight training、stadium、squash、cricket、rugbygolf、bowling、snooker、hockey、ice hockey、skating、roller blade、baseball、softball、beach volleyball、treadmill、track and field、tournament、martial arts、wrestling、judo、karate、box、canoeingbowling alley11租房场景一、家具设备(厨房设施是重点)alarm clock、CD player、drawer、water heater、vacuum cleaner、bed linen、electric cooker、gas cooker、cassette recorder、washing、machine、air-conditioner、central air-conditioning、central heating、electric fan、radiator、fire place、electric heater、carpet、rug、pillow case、sheet、mattress、bedspread、pillow、cushion、blanket、towel、coffee table、armchair、sofa、loan mower、bath、toilet、stove、utility、utensilcutlery、dish 、the dishes、dishwasher、kettle、spoon 、coffee maker、refrigerator / fridge、cooker hood、microwave oven、cupboard、stool、tap、sinktelephone、mobile phone、cellular phone、cordless phone、TV facilities、satellite TV、cable TV、antenna、closed circuit TV二、建筑物/房间类型attic、bunk-bed、twin-room、single room、double room、basement、semi-detached house、detached house、terrace、flat/apartment、dormitory/dorm、hostel、lobby、lift lobby、porch、balcony、bed-sit、bedroom、living room、sitting room、lounge、bathroom、kitchen、garage、cellar、accommodation、suite、study、laundry三、租房问题pipe leak、broken、flicker(flash)、cockroach、spider net、blackout、noisy、humid、pet、burglar四、人物real estate agency、property agency、landlord 、landlady、tenant client五、费用deposit、rent、rental、bill、fee、maximum、minimum五、其它curtain、fortnight、insurance、emergency/ fire gate、lift/ elevatorsurroundings、rural、suburb、outskirts、metropolis、cosmopolitan、downtown、furnished、unfurnished、entrance、shower、privacy、residential number、decorate、ornament、decoration、shutter、blinder、free for heating、incoming call12动植物场景一、动物mammal、hen 、goat、killer whale、pigeon、squirrel、swan、ape、frog、crocodile、kangaroo、koala、lizard、emu、ostrich、penguin、dolphin、whale、falcon、shark、bat、kiwi、reptile、toad、dinosaur、horse、rare lion、elephant、parrot、snake、tiger、marsupial、pouch、migrant bird、hard hoofed animal、cattle、livestock、fin、tail、scale、fur、feather二、植物kelp、sea urchin、palm、pine、rubber、bloom、seed、wood、plant、willow、crop、vegetation、planting、wildlife、grain、lemon、weed三、其它smelly、cage、life cycle、breed13环境场景一、灾难air-crash、drought、flood、earthquake、volcano、tidal wave、tornado/twister、hurricane、typhoon、disaster、disease、plague、casualty、death toll、fatality、news bulletin、financial assistance、rescue、wreckage、fire brigade、medical team、derail、survivor、toll-free number、hotline、ambulance、fire engine、police car、theft、burglar、panic、priority、illegal、double lock、cop、capital punishment二、环境问题loss of soil、rubbish、contaminant/ pollutant、contamination/pollutionpopulation density、sewage、consumption、carbon dioxide、greenhouse effect、EI Nino、ozone layer、sprawl、fertilizer、aluminium三、其它fossil、coastal、recycle、waste disposal、fertile soil、indigenous、evaporate、irrigation、solar power、nuclear power、preservationalternative energy、forestation、biodegradable、environment、resource、recycling、criterion、generation of electricity、reservoir、boom、wetland、marsh14考古场景tribe、Aztec、profile、pottery、storehouse/warehouse、craft、fossil、texture、conservation、flourish、raw materials、migration、toe、bacteria、amber、precious stone15图书馆场景一、使用item, lend/loan, return, overdue, fine (system), book (reserve)in advance (up to)二、资源resource, newspaper, magazine, journal, CD, DVD, videos, periodical, data base (access), references, (current issue/ back issue), encyclopedia, bibliography、 CD-ROM multimedia stack、open shelf、Closed Reserved、archives、volume、categoryatlas、fiction/non-fiction、almanac三、电脑机房Internet、website、computer terminal、laser printer、access to、attachment、jam、internet café、computer laboratory、printer、copier、fax machine、Macintosh、hardware、network、floppy disk、hard disk、CD-ROM、monitor、keyboard、mouse device、modem、。

consolidate into practice

consolidate into practice

Consolidate into PracticeIn today’s fast-paced world, knowledge acquisition has become easier than ever before. With the advent of the internet and technological advancements, information is readily available at our fingertips. However, the challenge lies in consolidating this knowledge and putting it into practice effectively. In this article, we will explore the importance of consolidating knowledge into practice and discuss strategies to achieve this goal.Why is it important to consolidate knowledge into practice?Consolidating knowledge into practice is crucial for several reasons: 1.Enhanced Understanding: Putting knowledge into practice helps usgain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. It allows us to apply theoretical concepts in real-world scenarios, enabling us to grasp the intricacies and nuances that textbooks often fail tocapture.2.Skill Development: Practice is essential for skill development.By applying knowledge in practical situations, we refine ourabilities and develop the expertise required to excel in ourchosen field. Whether it’s playing a musical instrument orsolving complex mathematical problems, practice is the key tomastery.3.Retention and Recall: Consolidating knowledge through practiceimproves our ability to retain and recall information. When weactively engage with the material, our brains form stronger neural connections, making it easier to retrieve the information later.4.Problem-Solving Abilities: The ability to solve problems is avaluable skill in any profession. Consolidating knowledge intopractice hones our problem-solving abilities by providing us with opportunities to apply what we have learned to real-lifechallenges.Strategies to consolidate knowledge into practiceNow that we understand the importance of consolidating knowledge into practice, let’s explore some strategies to achieve this goal effectively:1. Active Learning TechniquesActive learning techniques involve engaging with the material actively rather than passively absorbing information. Some effective active learning strategies include:•Discussion Groups: Participating in discussion groups allows us to exchange ideas, ask questions, and gain different perspectives on the subject matter. It promotes critical thinking and helpsconsolidate knowledge through active engagement.•Problem-Solving Exercises: Solving problems related to the topic at hand is an excellent way to consolidate knowledge. Itchallenges us to apply what we have learned and strengthens ourproblem-solving skills.•Real-World Applications: Whenever possible, try to connect the knowledge you acquire with real-world applications. This couldinvolve conducting experiments, simulations, or case studies that allow you to see the practical implications of the concepts youhave learned.2. Regular Practice SessionsConsolidating knowledge into practice requires regular and consistent effort. Set aside dedicated practice sessions to reinforce your understanding and skills. Here are some tips to make the most of your practice sessions:•Set Clear Goals: Define specific goals for each practice session.This will help you stay focused and measure your progress.•Break it Down: Break complex tasks or concepts into smaller, manageable chunks. This approach makes it easier to grasp andpractice each component individually before combining them.•Feedback and Reflection: Seek feedback from mentors, teachers, or peers to identify areas for improvement. Reflect on your practicesessions to identify strengths and weaknesses and adjust yourapproach accordingly.3. Application in Real-Life SituationsTo consolidate knowledge effectively, it is essential to apply it inreal-life situations. Here are some ways to do this:•Internships and Work Experience: Seek opportunities to gain practical experience in your field of interest. Internships andwork experience provide hands-on learning and allow you to applyyour knowledge in real-world contexts.•Projects and Experiments: Undertake projects or experiments related to the subject matter. This could involve creatingprototypes, conducting research, or analyzing data. The process of working on a project helps consolidate knowledge and providesvaluable practical experience.•Teaching or Mentoring: Explaining concepts to others is an effective way to consolidate knowledge. Teaching or mentoringothers not only reinforces your understanding but also helps youidentify any gaps in your knowledge.4. Continuous Learning and AdaptationConsolidating knowledge into practice is an ongoing process. As new information and advancements emerge, it is crucial to stay updated and adapt your practices accordingly. Here are some tips for continuous learning:•Stay Curious: Cultivate a curious mindset and a thirst for knowledge. Seek out new information, research, and exploredifferent perspectives to broaden your understanding.•Professional Development: Engage in professional development activities such as attending workshops, conferences, or onlinecourses. These opportunities provide exposure to the latest trends and practices in your field.•Reflect and Iterate: Regularly reflect on your practice and identify areas for improvement. Be open to feedback and adapt your approach as needed. Embrace a growth mindset that valuescontinuous learning and improvement.In conclusion, consolidating knowledge into practice is essential for deep understanding, skill development, and problem-solving abilities. By employing active learning techniques, regular practice sessions, real-life applications, and a commitment to continuous learning, we can bridge the gap between theory and practice effectively. So, let’s embrace these strategies and embark on a journey of consolidating knowledge into practice for personal and professional growth.。






As oil is found deep in the ground, its presence cannot be determined by a study of the surface. Consequently, a geological survey of the underground rocks structure must be carried out. If it is thought that the rocks in a certain area contain oil, a “drilling rig” is assembled. The most obvious part of a drilling rig is called “a derrick”. It is used to lift sections of pipe, which are lowered into the hole made by the drill. As the hole is being drilled, a steel pipe is pushed down to prevent the sides from falling in. If oil is struck, a cover is firmly fixed to the top of the pipe and the oil is allowed to escape through a series of valves.2、长句练习(1)There is nothing more disappointing to a hostess who has gone to a lot of trouble or expense than to have her guest so interested in talking politics or business with her husband that he fails to notice the flavor of the coffee, the lightness of the cake, or the attractiveness of the house, which may be her chief interest and pride.(2)Multitudes of bees used to bury themselves in the yellow blossoms of the summer squashes.This, too, was a deep satisfaction; although, when they had laden themselves with sweets, they flew away to some unknown hive, which could give back nothing in requital of what my garden had contributed.(3)Coupled with the growing quantity of information is the rapid development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before.(4)The thought that she would be separated from husband during his long and dangerous journey saddened Mrs. Brown.技巧练习段落On one of those sober and rather melancholy days,in the latter part of Autumn,when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together,and throw a gloom over the decline of the year,I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abbey.There was something congenial to the season in the mournful magnificence of the old pile;and,as I passed its threshold,seemed like stepping back into the regions of antiquity,and losing myself among the shades of former agesGlobalization and Diversity, What Do They Mean for Translators?---Speech at the Opening Ceremony of FIT Fourth Asian Translator’s ForumFirst, I want to thank you, in my own name and in the name of the FIT Executive Committee, for your kind invitation. We come from different countries. Please let me introduce my colleagues of the executive committee of FIT: Ms. Bente Christensen from Norway, Vice President of FIT; Mr. Peter Krawutschke from the U.S., Treasure of FIT; Ms. Miriam Lee from Ireland, Secretary-General of FIT; Ms. Sheryl Hinkkanen from Finland, hostess of the next FIT World Congress in 2005. I am also happy to introduce Mr. Ari Penttilä, President of the Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters. He will also wait for you at Tampere, Finland next year. We are all thrilled to be here, in a part of the world we do not visit very often.Our profession is growing. It is growing everywhere. The demand for our services is growing in volume because of globalization, and it is also growing in the number of languages translated because of emerging economies like yours, in China. For instance, Chinese is more and more in demand in the West Coast of Canada and a brand new TV Channel aimed at the Chinese community in France just hired 14 translators from Chinese to French. I really think this is a sign of vigor and health for the profession and, considering what has been done so far in China, it is probably not the last time we see each other.Globalization is not coming. It is upon us and we see it in the news everyday. It has meant, for our profession, the creation of international providers of translation services and of a new discipline called localization. These big translation companies have also created or are using new tools which enhance the translator’s performance, sometimes for the good, som etimes not. Sometimes, the translator is torn between conflicting requirements and is not given the right conditions to do a proper professional work. That is where professional associations and FIT have a role to play. They have to set guidelines for their members and their members’ clients so that translation is carried out professionally in order to avoid errors that can sometimes be fatal. We do not say it often enough, but a mistake in, say, assembly instructions of an electric device, can be very damaging, as can be an error in the numbers of a very important financial report. Professional translation is crucial as it is the warranty of good international communications, hence efficient trade and exchanges between countries and economies. It is our role,as associations, to make the public aware of the necessity of professional translation and to fight the belief that anyone who is bilingual can be a translator. If it were so easy, we would not have created university degrees, would we?We have to do it, and we have to do it together. That is the strength of FIT. All together, we have to convey the same message of quality and professionalism, through our associations, through the regional centers and through FIT as an international body.But globalization does not mean that we have to leave out culture and diversity. UNESCO has issued a Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity which, in the UNESCO General Secretary’s own words “aims both to preserve cultural diversity as a living, and thus renewable treasure that must not be perceived as being unchanging heritage but as a process guaranteeing the survival of humanity”.To me, diversity means first and foremost people understanding each other and exchanging. And how are they going to understand each other if not through translation and translators?Translation and translators are therefore going to be increasingly in demand in the years to come. That is why I am talking of a golden age for our profession. Never in history have we been so indispensable to trade, culture, peace, and humanity. However, translators in general are very discreet people and do not know how to market their skills. The nature of our work requires from us to render a message and disappear, so that the final reader does not realize it is a translation. We are so accustomed to disappear that we forget how indispensable we are.Just imagine one day in the world without translation. The United Nations, the World Trade Organization and all the NGOs, the transnational companies, TV channels, newspapers, etc. would all be mute. We are like the electricity in the wires and the water in the tap. They are so natural to most of us that it is only when they are unavailable that we realize how useful they are.Keep that in mind and spread the word!I want to wish you all a very fruitful and successful meeting, and thank again the Translators Association of China for their warm welcome and exquisite hospitality. Betty CohenPresident of the International Federation of Translators (FIT)直译与意译rules every achiever knowsThis might involve routine daily decisions—something as simple as skipping a favorite late-night TV show and getting to bed early, to be wide awake for a meeting the next morning. Or it might involve longer-term resolves. A young widow with three children decided to invest her insurance settlement in a college education for herself. She considered the realities of tight budget and little free time, but these seemed small sacrifices in return for the doors that a degree would open. Today she is a highly paid financial consultant.The secret of such commitment is getting past the drudgery and seeing the delight. “The fact is that many worthwhile endeavors aren’t fun,” say one syndicated radio and TV commentator. “True, all work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy. But trying to turn everything we do into play makes for terrible frustrations because life—even the most rewarding one—includes circumstances that aren’t fun at all. I like my job as a journalist. It’s personally satisfying, but it isn’t always fun.”翻译文体篇A:It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly. Students are requested to remind themselves of the rules of the borrowing and returning of books, and to bear in mind the needs of other students. Penalties for overdue books will in the future be strictly enforced.B: The number of books in the library has been going down. Please make sure you know the rules for borrowing, and don’t forget that the library is for everyone’s convenience. So from now on, we’re going to enforce the rules strictly. You have been warned!本文作者是一位美国报纸专栏作家,幽默大师。


Vocabulary extension
It resources students to expand their vocabulary through reading, listening, and speaking activities, as well as games and quizzes
Vocabulary lists
The courseware includes vocabulary lists for each unit, with clear explanations and examples to help students understand and remember new words
Course features
Comprehensive courseware that covers all major areas of English language learning
Diverse and practical activities to help students apply their knowledge in real world settings
Online teaching resources
• Online courses: These courses provide additional learning materials and resources for students to access the outside of the classroom The courses include interactive quizzes, games, and virtual reality experiences, encoding students to further explore and develop their English language skills The online platform also allows for seamless integration with other educational technologies, facilitating effective teaching and learning


在大型制造业中一般会用到SAP的哪些模块?请达人指教. 悬赏分:100 | 解决时间:2006-9-1 14:42 | 提问者:saraao
最佳答案 SAP各模块:
Human Resources (HR)
Takes care of payroll, time recording, applicant administration, and organization data. It supports the planning and control of personnel activities.
SAP R/3 有十二个产品模块,SD(销售与分销),MM(物料管理),PP(生产计划),QM(质量管理),PM(工厂维护),HR(人事管理),FI(财务会计),CO(财务控制),AM(资产管理),PS(项目管理),WF(工作流程管理),IS(工业方案 )
WF 工作定义、流程管理、电子邮件、信息传送自动化等;
IS 针对不同行业提供特殊应用。
2回答时间:2006-9-1 13:37 | 我来评论
Activate existing event receiver links between triggering events and consuming workflow tasks.

















如何适应高科技时代的发展英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Adapting to the Development of High-Tech EraIn today's fast-paced and constantly evolving world, the advancement of technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. From smartphones to artificial intelligence, thehigh-tech era is reshaping the way we live, work, and communicate. Adapting to these changes is crucial for staying relevant and successful in this digital age. In this essay, we will explore some strategies on how to adapt to the development of the high-tech era.First and foremost, it's important to stay informed and keep abreast of the latest technological advancements. This can be done through reading tech blogs, following industry experts on social media, attending technology conferences, and participating in online courses. By staying informed, we can better understand the impact of technology on our lives and businesses, and adapt accordingly.Secondly, we should embrace lifelong learning and continuously upgrade our skills. In the high-tech era, new technologies emerge at a rapid pace, and it's crucial to keep up with these changes. This can be done through taking online courses, attending workshops, and seeking mentorship from experts in the field. By upgrading our skills, we can enhance our employability and adaptability in the tech-driven job market.Moreover, collaboration and networking are key in the high-tech era. By connecting with like-minded individuals, sharing knowledge and resources, and engaging in collaborative projects, we can leverage the power of technology to achieve greater results. Networking events, meetups, and online communities can provide valuable opportunities for collaboration and learning from others in the tech industry.In addition, we should be open to experimentation and innovation. The high-tech era thrives on creativity, innovation, and out-of-the-box thinking. By experimenting with new technologies, trying new approaches, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible, we can stay ahead of the curve and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of technology. Failure should be seen as a learning opportunity, and we should not be afraid to take risks and step out of our comfort zones.Furthermore, it's important to prioritize cybersecurity and data privacy in the high-tech era. With the increasing prevalence of cyber threats and data breaches, protecting our personal information and sensitive data is paramount. By using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, keeping software up to date, and being cautious of phishing scams, we can better safeguard our digital assets and privacy.In conclusion, adapting to the development of the high-tech era requires a proactive mindset, a willingness to learn, collaborate, and innovate, and a strong focus on cybersecurity and data privacy. By following these strategies, we can navigate the challenges and opportunities of the high-tech era and thrive in this digital age. Embracing technology and harnessing its potential can lead to greater success, productivity, and fulfillment in both our personal and professional lives.篇2How to Adapt to the Development of the High-Tech EraIn the modern high-tech era, technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, changing the way we live, work, and communicate. To thrive in this fast-paced environment, it isimportant to adapt to the developments of the high-tech era. Here are some tips on how to do just that.1. Embrace Change: One of the key aspects of adapting to the high-tech era is to embrace change. Technology is constantly evolving, and keeping up with the latest trends and innovations is essential to stay relevant in today's fast-paced world. Be open to learning new technologies and be willing to adapt to new ways of doing things.2. Develop Digital Literacy: In today's digital world, having strong digital literacy skills is crucial. This includes being proficient in using digital devices and software, as well as having the ability to navigate the internet and social media effectively. Make an effort to improve your digital skills by taking online courses, attending workshops, or seeking guidance fromtech-savvy friends or colleagues.3. Stay Curious and Keep Learning: Continuous learning is essential in order to adapt to the rapid changes of the high-tech era. Stay curious and be on the lookout for new technologies and trends that can help you stay ahead of the game. Take advantage of online resources such as tutorials, webinars, and podcasts to expand your knowledge and skills.4. Be Adaptable and Flexible: In a world where technology is constantly evolving, it is important to be adaptable and flexible in order to thrive. Be prepared to adapt to new technologies and ways of working, and be open to trying new approaches and strategies. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, and be willing to step outside your comfort zone to keep up with the changing landscape of the high-tech era.5. Build a Strong Network: In the high-tech era, networking is more important than ever. Build connections with like-minded professionals, industry experts, and innovators who can help you stay informed about the latest trends and opportunities in technology. Networking can also provide valuable support and guidance as you navigate the challenges of the high-tech era.6. Focus on Soft Skills: While technical skills are important in the high-tech era, soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are equally crucial. Develop your emotional intelligence, leadership skills, and interpersonal skills to effectively collaborate and communicate with others in atech-driven world. These skills will not only help you adapt to the high-tech era, but also set you apart as a valuable asset in any industry.7. Take Care of Your Well-being: In the fast-paced environment of the high-tech era, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Take care of your physical and mental well-being by prioritizing self-care and setting boundaries to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Make time for activities that help you relax and recharge, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. Remember that your well-being is essential for adapting to the challenges of the high-tech era.In conclusion, adapting to the development of the high-tech era requires a proactive mindset, a willingness to learn and grow, and a commitment to embracing change. By following these tips, you can effectively navigate the challenges of the high-tech era and thrive in a world that is constantly evolving and innovating.篇3Living in the high-tech era, it is crucial for individuals to adapt to the fast-paced development of technology in order to thrive in this digital age. Technology has significantly transformed the way we live, work, and communicate, and it is essential for us to embrace these changes and learn how to effectively navigate the digital landscape. Here are some tips on how to adapt to the development of the high-tech era:1. Embrace lifelong learning: Technology is constantly evolving, so it is important to continuously learn and acquire new skills to keep up with the latest advancements. Take advantage of online courses, workshops, and training programs to expand your knowledge and stay relevant in your field.2. Stay informed: Stay updated on the latest tech trends and developments by following tech blogs, news websites, and social media channels. This will help you stay informed about new technologies and innovations that could impact your life and work.3. Embrace automation: Automation is becoming increasingly common in various industries, and learning how to leverage automation tools and software can help streamline your work processes and increase productivity. Invest time in learning how to use automation tools and stay ahead of the curve.4. Improve digital literacy: Digital literacy is the ability to effectively use and navigate digital tools and technologies. Enhance your digital literacy skills by familiarizing yourself with popular software applications, social media platforms, and communication tools. This will help you communicate and collaborate more effectively in the digital world.5. Practice cybersecurity: With the rise of cyber threats and data breaches, it is important to prioritize cybersecurity in your personal and professional life. Practice good cybersecurity habits, such as creating strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and staying vigilant against phishing scams.6. Embrace remote work: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards remote work, and it is likely to become a permanent feature of the modern workplace. Embrace remote work opportunities and learn how to effectively collaborate with colleagues and clients in a virtual environment.7. Cultivate a growth mindset: In a rapidly changing tech landscape, it is important to adopt a growth mindset and be open to trying new things and taking risks. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, and be willing to adapt to new technologies and ways of working.In conclusion, adapting to the development of the high-tech era requires a proactive approach and a willingness to embrace change. By staying informed, continuously learning, and improving your digital skills, you can successfully navigate the digital landscape and thrive in the fast-paced world of technology. Remember that technology is a tool to enhance ourlives, and by harnessing its power, we can achieve great things in this high-tech era.。



平衡科技和就业英语作文The rapid advancements in technology have revolutionized the way we live and work. From the automation of manufacturing processes to the rise of artificial intelligence, the impact of technology on the job market is undeniable. As we navigate this technological revolution, it is crucial to strike a balance between embracing the benefits of technology and ensuring the continued well-being of the workforce.On one hand, technology has brought about remarkable improvements in productivity, efficiency, and the quality of goods and services. Automation has streamlined various tasks, reducing the time and resources required to complete them. This has led to cost savings for businesses, which can then be passed on to consumers in the form of lower prices. Additionally, the integration of technology has enabled companies to expand their reach and tap into global markets, creating new opportunities for growth and employment.Moreover, the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning has the potential to tackle complex problems and unlocknew frontiers in various industries. From healthcare to transportation, AI-powered systems can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make informed decisions with unprecedented speed and accuracy. This can lead to breakthroughs in medical research, the optimization of supply chains, and the enhancement of public services.However, the rapid adoption of technology has also raised concerns about its impact on employment. As machines and algorithms become more adept at performing tasks traditionally carried out by human workers, there is a fear of widespread job displacement. This is particularly true for manual, repetitive, or routine-based jobs, which are more susceptible to automation.The displacement of workers can have devastating consequences, leading to unemployment, financial insecurity, and social upheaval. It is crucial to address this challenge head-on and ensure that the benefits of technological progress are distributed equitably, without leaving a significant portion of the population behind.One approach to mitigating the negative effects of technology on employment is through retraining and upskilling programs. By providing workers with the necessary skills and knowledge to adapt to the changing job market, we can empower them to transition into new roles and industries. This could involve training in areas such asdigital literacy, data analysis, or specialized technical skills that are in high demand.Governments and educational institutions can play a pivotal role in developing comprehensive retraining initiatives, ensuring that workers have access to affordable and accessible learning opportunities. Additionally, businesses can collaborate with these institutions to tailor training programs to the specific needs of their industries, creating a more seamless transition for displaced workers.Another strategy is to foster the growth of new industries and job opportunities that are complementary to technological advancements. As certain roles become automated, there will be a need for workers to oversee, maintain, and enhance these systems. This could include positions in software development, cybersecurity, data management, and the maintenance of robotic or AI-powered equipment.By investing in the development of these emerging sectors, governments and businesses can create new avenues for employment, allowing workers to leverage their skills and adapt to the changing job market. This approach not only addresses the immediate challenge of job displacement but also lays the foundation for a more resilient and future-ready workforce.Furthermore, it is crucial to consider the broader societal implications of technological progress and its impact on employment. As automation and AI become more prevalent, we must grapple with questions of income inequality, the redistribution of wealth, and the potential need for a rethinking of traditional employment models.One solution that has been proposed is the implementation of a universal basic income (UBI) – a recurring cash payment provided by the government to all citizens, regardless of their employment status or income level. The idea behind UBI is to provide a safety net for individuals who may be displaced by technology, ensuring a minimum standard of living and allowing them to retrain or explore new opportunities without the fear of immediate financial hardship.While the feasibility and effectiveness of UBI are still subject to ongoing debate, the concept highlights the need for innovative approaches to address the challenges posed by technological disruption. By exploring alternative models of work and income distribution, we can strive to create a more equitable and inclusive society that benefits from the advantages of technology while mitigating its potential negative impacts.In conclusion, the relationship between technology and employment is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a nuanced and balanced approach. While embracing technological progress iscrucial for driving economic growth and improving the quality of life, it is equally important to prioritize the well-being and resilience of the workforce.Through a combination of retraining initiatives, the cultivation of new job opportunities, and the exploration of alternative economic models, we can work towards a future where the benefits of technology are shared equitably and the workforce is empowered to adapt and thrive in the face of ongoing technological disruption. By striking this delicate balance, we can ensure that the advancements of technology serve to enhance, rather than replace, the essential role of human labor in shaping a prosperous and sustainable future.。



英语作文-提高录音制作效率的关键技巧与方法Efficiency in audio recording and production is crucial for ensuring high-quality results within tight schedules. Professionals across various industries, from podcasters to musicians and voice-over artists, rely on streamlined processes to enhance productivity without compromising on the final output. This article explores key techniques and methods to improve efficiency in recording and producing audio content.Optimizing Preparation:。

Effective preparation lays the foundation for efficient recording sessions. Start by thoroughly planning your recording schedule and goals. Clearly define the scope of the project, including script preparation, required equipment, and any additional resources such as background music or sound effects. This initial step minimizes downtime during recording sessions and reduces the need for extensive revisions later.Utilizing Proper Equipment:。



如何在科技生活中取得平衡英语作文【中英文实用版】Balancing Technology in Daily LifeIn the era of rapid technological advancement, maintaining a balanced lifestyle has become a significant challenge.It is crucial to strike a balance between the virtual world and reality to ensure a healthy and fulfilling life.Here"s how one can achieve this equilibrium.在现代科技迅猛发展的时代,如何在日常生活中保持平衡已成为一大挑战。



Firstly, set boundaries for technology usage.Allocate specific time slots for checking emails, social media, and other digital platforms.Avoid using gadgets an hour before bedtime to ensure quality sleep.首先,为科技使用设定界限。



Secondly, engage in offline activities.Make time for hobbies, sports, and socializing with family and friends.These activities foster personal growth and relationships, providing a healthy escape from the digital realm.其次,参与线下活动。



寻求科技与生活平衡英语作文Balancing Technology and LifeIn today's fast-paced world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. From smartphones and social media to artificial intelligence and virtual reality, technology has transformed the way we interact with the world and each other. However, this integration of technology into our lives has also led to a growing concern about maintaining a healthy balance between technology and our personal well-being.On one hand, technology has brought remarkable conveniences and benefits to our lives. It has made communication easier, allowing us to stay connected with friends and family across long distances. Technology has also made information more accessible, enabling us to learn and explore new ideas and interests. Furthermore, technology has revolutionized various industries, including healthcare, education, and entertainment, providing us with better services and experiences.On the other hand, the overuse of technology can have negative impacts on our lives. Excessive screen time can lead to eye strain, neck pain, and other physical health issues.Additionally, excessive use of social media and other digital platforms can contribute to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Technology can also be a distraction, interfering with our ability to focus and be present in the moment.To strike a balance between technology and our personal well-being, it is important to establish healthy habits and boundaries. We should aim to limit our screen time and take regular breaks to prevent eye strain and physical discomfort. We can also prioritize face-to-face interactions and social activities to counter the feelings of loneliness and isolation that can arise from excessive digital use.Additionally, we can use technology in moderation to enhance our lives rather than overpower them. For example, we can use technology to stay connected with far-flung friends and family, but we should also make time forreal-world interactions. We can use technology to enhance our learning and entertainment experiences, but we should also make time for reading books, going outdoors, and engaging in other non-digital activities.In conclusion, while technology has brought remarkable benefits to our lives, it is crucial to maintain a healthy balance between technology and our personal well-being. Byestablishing healthy habits and boundaries, and using technology in moderation, we can ensure that technology remains a tool to enhance our lives rather than overpower them.。

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Developing Parallel Real-Time Applications in the Hamlet Application Design Language1Maarten V AN STEENErasmus Univ.,Dept.of Comp.Sc.(Woudenstein),POB1738,3000DR RotterdamArmand TEN DAM,Teus VOGELTNO Inst.of Appl.Physics,POB155,2600AD,Delft 1The work presented here is done within the framework of the ESPRIT program and partly funded by the Commission of the European Communities.Participants in the Ham-let project are:AEG(D),CAP Gemini(F),CASA(E),DLR(D),HITEC(GR),INESC(P),INMOS(UK), Parsytec(D),Gabriel(GR),TNO(NL),TUM(D).AbstractThe topic of how to exploit parallelism for performance enhancement has already received considerable attention.However,relatively less attention has been paid to practical development techniques for parallel real-time applications.In this paper we propose a graphical design language for supporting the technical design phase in the process of parallel real-time application development.This design language is based on a model of Communicating Sequential Processes and Data Flow Diagrams and supports exploitation of task-oriented and data parallelism.Novel features include, besides support for exploitation of parallelism for real-time applications,a strict sepa-ration of behavior and communication specification,specification of timing constraints, integration of controlflow and data transformations,and support for automated source code generation The paper also briefly pays attention to the current implementation of the language.Keywords:parallel processing,design languages,real-time systems,process replica-tion,message-passing.Contents1Introduction2 2Basic design features of ADL42.1Introduction (4)2.2Activities and communication (5)2.3Gates (7)2.3.1Gates as access points (7)2.3.2Timed communication (9)3Replication of activities113.1Introduction (11)3.2Simple replication (12)3.3Structured replication (12)3.4Discussion (13)4Designing the behavior of an application164.1Rationale (16)4.2Basic states (16)4.2.1Processing states (17)4.2.2Communication states (17)4.3Transitions (17)4.4Select states (18)4.5An example (19)5Current status and future work2011Introduction In the last decade exploiting parallelism has received considerable attention from the scientific research community.In many cases,research has focussed on exploiting parallelism for solving problems of increasing size.However,relatively less attention has been paid to the issue how parallelism can be exploited for exclusively solving problems in reduced time,as is required for real-time applications.As we see it, development of these applications differs from development of parallel scientific ap-plications in at least two ways:(1)the reason why parallelism is exploited,and(2) how it is for exploiting parallelism.An important reason for exploiting parallelism in the case of scientific applications is due to scaling[12]:we simply want to do more in the same time.This means that the volume of data that is to be processed is enlarged,or that the time step is decreased to reduce the computational error. However,the reason for exploiting parallelism in real-time applications originates from the demand to meet harder timing constraints.Exploiting parallelism in these cases leads to more intricate models by which one can analyze the actual behavior of the application.Such an analysis is needed to determine a priori if the required timing constraints will be satisfied.This type of analysis is obsolete in the case of parallel scientific to exploit parallelism.Parallelism in scientific applications is gener-ally exploited by decomposition of the data space and subsequently letting a number of identical programs each manipulate a part of that data space[10].This approach differs from real-time application development.There,the application is generally decomposed into a collection of functionally distinct,concurrently behaving tasks. Exploitation of parallelism is achieved by assigning tasks to different processors.In addition,some of the tasks are subsequently replicated in order to enhance perfor-mance even further.In other words,exploiting parallelism is achieved by combining2functional(or task-oriented)parallelism,with data parallelism by replication[9].At present,there is hardly support available for developing parallel real-time applica-tions,although several methods,techniques,and languages have been developed[6]. However,these approaches hardly address the aspect of exploiting parallelism for the sake of meeting performance requirements,despite the fact that their inventors often claim otherwise.As we see it,this is caused by failing to make a distinction between parallelism as a means for,on the one hand,modeling a solution,and on the other hand, as a means for implementing it.This development cannot be continued for very long,and has also been recognized by the companies participating in the ESPRIT project Hamlet.Hamlet focuses on exploitation of parallelism for hard real-time applications.In particular,attention is paid to industrial embedded applications for transputer-based systems.The core of the project is formed by three large,time-critical applications.Based on these applications,the hardware and software requirements for development support within the project have been formulated[5].With respect to the technical design of an application,it was required to develop a graphical language based on a model of processes communicating through message-passing.The language should allow full generation of software configurationfiles for a target parallel computer.In addition, partial generation of C or OCCAM source codefiles should be supported as well.This design language is the topic of this paper.In Chapter2we introduce the basic features of the so-named Hamlet Application Design Language(or ADL for short).The language concepts and notations we propose will be explained by means of an example parallel multi-sensor system.In Chapter3 we present the way replication is supported in ADL,followed by a description of the features for modeling behavioral aspects in Chapter4.We conclude by presenting the current status and future work in Chapter5.32Basic design features of ADL2.1IntroductionThe Hamlet Application Design Language is a graphical language based on a model similar to Communicating Sequential Processes[8]and Data Flow Diagrams[17]. The main reasons for adopting these two models originate from the need to devise a method that is familiar to industrial application developers and which is suitable for distributed-memory computers.A DL is intended to be used during the technical design phase of application development.We shall explain the concepts and notations of the language by means of an example data processing system.This example is based on an ionosphere analysis system as described in[13],and a monitoring control system found in[4].We have deliberately abstracted from the actual systems in order to concentrate on the software design issues only.Example1.(Problem description)The data processing system consists of four dif-ferent sensors for measuring various environmental parameters.Sensors can either be disabled or enabled and are initially disabled.Each sensor passes its(multi-valued) parameter to an analysis component for further processing.This analysis component processes the parameters by applying some relaxation technique and produces a series of environmental vectors.Each vector is then subsequently used to calculate a pixel display value,according to a not further specified function.The display values are then passed to the console.If the analysis system detects that a sensor is generating parameter values that lie outside its limits an alarm condition is posted and the defect is reported to an operator.The status and attributes of each sensor can be set by an operator.The status of each sensor is checked every15minutes,and if a sensor does not respond within5seconds it is assumed to be defect.This will cause an alarm condition to be posted.Likewise,if the sensor does not respond to a new setting of one of its attributes,it is declared defect.In any case,if at least one sensor is malfunctioning the system shuts down completely.4defectFigure2.1:The global structure model of the monitoring system.In order to develop an application in ADL according to these system specifications,the language supports two different types of models.A structure model is used to express the structure of the application,whereas a behavioral model is used for describing the dynamics of the system.The structure model is a design expressing an application as a collection of activities that act in parallel.This task-oriented parallelism[9]may not be sufficient to achieve the required performance.Therefore,ADL also provides several replication techniques effectively leading to incorporating data parallelism in a design.Designing the structure of an application,specifying how data parallelism can be exploited,and modeling the behavior of an application are discussed in the next three subsections.2.2Activities and communicationAn ADL structure model reflects the structure of an application expressed in terms of a collection of activities that communicate by means of communication media based on a message-passing paradigm.Similar to dataflow diagrams,an activity is used to model a logical entity capable of transforming incoming data or tokens which can then be passed to another activity.Contrary to dataflow diagrams,however,we have made the means of communication more explicit by distinguishing three types of communication media:message queues,synchronous channels,and semaphores.•A DL message queues are used for modeling asynchronous,buffered communi-cation of data objects between activities.They behave according to afirst-in5first-out principle,and may have either an infinite orfinite capacity.Message queues are represented by the symbol•Synchronous channels in ADL follow the same semantics as channels or ports in most distributed programming languages[3].Contrary to message queues, communication via synchronous channels is unbuffered:sender and receiver will thus have to synchronize in order to communicate data.We use the symbol to represent synchronous channels.•Semantically,semaphores in ADL behave like message queues with an infinite capacity,with the exception that tokens instead of data are queued1.Tokens bear no additional information and are comparable to events.Receiving a value froma semaphore corresponds to Dijkstra’s P-operation,whereas sending a tokencorresponds to the V-operation.Semaphores are shown by the symbolExample2.(Global structure model)Figure2.1shows the global structure model of our data processing system2.We have distinguished four different activities,shown as large circles.Central to the design is the activity Control which is assumed to handle all communication with the operator console(modeled as the activity Console)and the actual sensors(modeled as SensorSystem).The activity AnalysisSystem represents the main computational unit which calculates the necessary display information.The communication between these activities has been modeled by means of three message queues,three synchronous channels,and two semaphores.The message queues reportQueue and command model the communication between the operator and the actual system:issuing commands and receiving various reports.The parameters as sampled by the sensors are also assumed to be appended to a message queue,named parameter.Our model further consists of three synchronous channels named respectively at-tribute,report,and pixelInfo.The synchronous channel attribute is used to communicate new values for sensor attributes.Likewise,report is used as the medium to communi-cate information by either the sensor or analysis system to the control unit whenever inappropriate functioning has been detected.The synchronous channel pixelInfo carries the actual display information that has been calculated by the analysis system.Finally,posting an alarm condition when a sensor is assumed to be defect or whenever an out-of-limit value has been detected,has been modeled by the semaphore named defect.Likewise,by using a semaphore check the control unit can indicate that SensorSystem should test the proper functioning of each of its sensors.1We note that application requirements[5]indicated that semaphores should be supported at the design level.2We note,as a matter of fact,that all ADLfigures in this paper have been constructed with the present implementation of the ADL support system.6Formally,diagrams such as shown in Figure 2.1are referred to as ADL designs .An activity in a design can be decomposed into a collection of constituent activities,yielding a so-called subdesign .An important role with respect to this hierarchical organization of activities is fulfilled by gates .In Figure 2.1gates are shown as annotations (“•”and “”)to the arcs that connect communication media to activities with the symbols.Gates are the subject of the next section.2.3GatesIn data flow diagrams,the interface of an activity is not made explicit –a situation which we feel is inappropriate when technical design issues are to be dealt with.In particular,if a technique is to support the design of parallel applications,support for communication structure design becomes apparent.In our view,an essential aspect of designing communication structures for parallel applications is localization .This means that a developer can concentrate on a relatively small part of the communication independent of other parts that constitute the overall communication structure.Similar to the approach followed in Mascot [11]we therefore propose so-called (input and output)gates .Gates in ADL serve two purposes:1.They provide a means to specify where communication with an activity takes place,i.e.they serve as explicit access points to communicate data or tokens with an activity.2.They allow for specifying when communication with an activity should com-mence from the moment that the activity is prepared for that communication.2.3.1Gates as access pointsIn their role as access points,gates can either be internal or external to a design.Gates that are internal to a design (also called internal gates),represent where activities and communication media are connected.Syntactically,internal input and ouput gates are represented as respectively small circles and boxes attached to an activity.Each internal gate is always connected to exactly one communication medium by means of an arc.Gates that are external to a design (called external gates)represent the interface of a complete collection of activities and communication media.In particular,they are used to explicitly relate an activity to its decomposition into subactivities in the following way.Suppose activity A is decomposed into subactivities ˜A1,…˜A n .Each internal gate g in attached to A is then represented by an external gate ˜gext of the subdesign in which ˜A1,…,˜A n are contained.Gates that are internal to the subdesign can,in turn,be associated with (at most one)external gate of that subdesign.Assume that gate ˜g in is an internal gate of the subdesign associated with the external gate ˜g ext .Semantically,this association implies that all communication through gate ˜g in will be subsequently7passed through gate g in of the parent activity A.To illustrate,consider the following example.Example3.(Refinement)Consider the decomposition of the activity SensorSystem as shown in Figure2.2.For each of the two internal input gates and three internal output gates attached to the parent activity SensorSystem,we have drawn a corre-sponding external(input or output)gate at the refined design.These external gates are depicted as boxes connected by dashed lines to internal gates belonging to the activity SensorControl and the four activities modeling the sensors.Each external gate has the same name as its internal counterpart in Figure2.1.Considering,for example,the internal gate parGate of Sensor1,we have that all communication which is passed through this gate will be passed via the external gate parameter to the internal gate parameter of SensorSystem shown in Figure2.1.By using internal and external gates,we need not consider the actual communication medium that is connected to the internal gate at the level of the parent activity.In fact, we need only to ensure that we have a correct one-to-one mapping between internal gates at the parent level and external gates at the child level.In other words:we need to ensure that the interfaces match.In Chapter4we shall further demonstrate the use of gates as access points when we consider behavioral models.82.3.2Timed communicationAs we have mentioned,gates are also used to specify when communication should take place from the moment an activity is willing to communicate.To this aim,gates in ADL are subject to so-called timed communication.Three types of timed communication are available in ADL:•In the case of blocked communication at a gate g,an activity which is waiting for communication via g,will not proceed until data or token transfer through g has actually taken place.•In the case of non-blocked communication at gate g,an activity will never wait until communication through g takes place,unless it can take place immediately.•Finally,delayed communication indicates that an activity is willing to wait for communication until a specified amount of time has elapsed.An input or output gate that is subject to blocked communication is represented by respectively afilled circle(“•”)or a solid box(“”).Gates that are subject to delayed communication are represented by respectively the symbol“⊕”in the case of an input gate,and by the symbol“+”in the case of an output gate.Non-blocked communication is represented by the symbols“”and“”for respectively input gates and output gates.It is important to note that these forms of communication relate to the moment when communication should take place as required by the communicator,and if this requirement could not be met communication is cancelled all together.This is different from(a)synchronous communication which involves all communicating parties,and which is,in principle,never cancelled.To further explain the semantics of timed communication,consider the communication between SensorControl and Sensor1as shown in Figure2.2via the synchronous channel status1.Example4.(Timed communication)The synchronous channel status1is used to pass the status information of Sensor1to SensorControl.What we have done is modeled the timing at the input gate statusIn of SensorControl to be subject to delayed communication.Likewise,the timing at output gate statusOut of Sensor1is subject to non-blocked communication.Anticipating our discussion on modeling the behavior of activities,we assume that Sensor1from time to time attempts to pass its status via status1.The semantics of synchronous channels are such,that communication can only succeed if there is a receiving activity at the time a sending activity wants to communicate.In our case, this means that the status can only be passed to SensorControl if the latter is indeed waiting,i.e.prepared to receive that status.Because the output gate at Sensor1is subject to non-blocked communication,the following two situations can occur:1.If SensorControl is not prepared to receive the status of Sensor1,the latterwill be immediately notified that communication fails.In this case,Sensor19will simply continue without further delay,and without passing information to SensorControl.2.On the other hand,if SensorControl is waiting to receive the status of Sensor1,communication will succeed and Sensor1will continue after having communi-cated with SensorControl.From the perspective of SensorControl the semantics of timed communication in ADL are such that the following will happen.Assume SensorControl wants to know the status of Sensor1.To this aim,it will request communication through gate statusIn.If no communication takes place within(in our case)5seconds,i.e.if Sensor1does not pass its current status within5seconds,no further attempts to communicate will be undertaken by SensorControl who must then assume that the sensor is malfunctioning. Similar semantics relate to message queues and semaphores.For example,if a P-operation is performed on a semaphore via a non-blocked(input)gate,the operation will fail in the case that no token is available.This combination of a semaphore connected to a non-blocked input gate captures the semantics of a so-called conditional semaphore[1].Likewise,if an activity wants to receive a datum from a message queue this communication will also fail if the queue is empty and communication at the associated input gate is subject to non-blocked communication.At this point we have illustrated the most important concepts and notations of an ADL structure model:activities,their hierarchical organization,and communicationmedia.By their nature,activities act in parallel and consequently,a structure model reveals the functional parallelism inherent to an application design.How one can specify data parallelism is discussed next.103Replication of activities3.1IntroductionAn important distinction between ADL and many other graphical design languages is its support for designing replicated structures.Two forms of replication are currently provided in ADL:simple replication and structured replication.In order to illustrate these two,wefirst consider a refinement of the analysis component.Example5.(Replication specification)Figure3.1shows a refinement of the activity AnalysisSystem.We have decomposed the analysis system into three activities.The activity Sampler simply collects all the parameter values sent by the sensors and applies some relaxation technique,resulting in a stream of vectors.Each vector is then used to calculate a pixel display value by the activity Compute.Finally,the activity Aggre-gateProcess aggregates the information from Compute into an appropriate stream of pixels to be displayed.The double-lined circle drawn at Compute indicates that this activity is replicated.This is the only information on replication that is shown in Figure3.1:how the activity is to replicated is considered by us as a separate design problem and which should therefore also be dealt with separately.Figure3.1:Refinement of the activity AnalysisSystem.11Figure3.2:The effect of applying simple replication of Compute.3.2Simple replicationSimple replication applied to a single activity A,yields a replacement of A by a number of copies A1,…A n.Each of these copies will communicate with its environment in the same way as A did.For example,applying simple replication to Compute yields an equivalent design as shown in Figure3.2.3.3Structured replicationThe main drawback of simple replication is that it does not permit to easily model replicated communication structures.For example,when modeling a pipeline of N activities,one would preferably want to model a single activity A,apply simple replication yielding activities A1,…,A N,and in addition specify that A i communicates with A i+1.The problem of graphically specifying such structures is related to graph grammars and has been studied for parallel systems by Bailey and Cuny[2].However, specifying regular structures remains a non-trivial exercise and requires an explicit graph rewriting language.We have therefore chosen to support replication by means of a set of predefined replication constructors,collectively referred to as structured replication.Structured replication comes in either a1-dimensional or2-dimensional form al-lowing to construct geometrical structures in which activities appear as points on a grid. The grid itself is generated by a replicator,which is formally a vector of length k in the case of k-dimensional replication.The generated grid including the communication structure between the various activities,is called the replication grid.Example6.Assume we want to replicate an activity A using the2-dimensional repli-12cator r=[n1,n2]with n i>0.This will result in2-dimensional grid with n1×n2 where0d i<n i.activities A d1,d2In order to generate regular communication structures,so-called tagged gates are used. These are special internal gates that are added to an activity that is subject to replication. In particular,when1-dimensional replication is applied,an activity will be augmented with two tagged output gates(named westOut and eastOut respectively),and two input tagged gates(called westIn and westOut).Similarly,2-dimensional replication yields yet another four tagged gates.Tagged gates are used to connect communication media that are part of the repli-cation.In addition,each such communication medium is augmented with a so-called path specification.Formally,a path specification in a k-dimensional replication is a vector of length k,that specifies the relative position in the grid of a receiving activity to that of the sending activity.Finally,the original internal gates of a replicated activity are additionally labeled with an interface label which specifies to which activity that gate will be attached after replication.To illustrate these matters,consider the following example.Example7.(1-Dimensional replication)Assume the computations on the vectors are to be processed in a pipeline fashion as mentioned above.To this aim,we specify a 1-dimensional replication as shown in Figure3.3(a).The replication design reflects that Compute is to be replicated3times(represented as“[3]”).This replication will thus yield three activities:Compute[0],Compute[1],and Compute[2].The two communication media partVector and done have been augmented with respectively the path specifications“[1]”and“[-1]”.This means,for example,that communication via done proceeds from Compute[i]to Compute[i-1].The two remaining input and output gates represent the original gates attached to Compute.They have been labeled with respectively the interface labels“[0]”and “[2]”.Consequently,the input gate of Compute will,after replication,be attached to Compute[0].Likewise,Compute[2]will have the original output gate attached to it. To conclude,Figure3.3(b)shows an equivalent representation of Figure3.3(a).The replication shown here is a so-called open replication,meaning that the activity with the highest index does not communicate with thefirst activity.In our case,this means that Compute[0]and Compute[2]do not directly exchange information.In the case of closed replication,the communication structure would simply be“wrapped”around as is the case in mesh-structures.3.4DiscussionReplication is still subject to further development in ADL.In particular,we are not yet confident that a graphical specification technique is sufficient.It may turn out13done (a)partSample[1][2]partSample[0][1]done[2][1]done[1][0](b)Figure 3.3:The specification of a pipeline of identical activities Compute (a)and an equivalent representation (b).14that a textual,or perhaps a combined form of text and graphics is more appropriate to specify replicated structures.Important,however,is that we treat the specification of replication as a separate design issue independent of the other facilities provided by ADL.We have thus provided an appropriate separation of concerns in the process of application development.In addition,we can now also incrementally incorporate specification means for other forms of replication without having to alter any basic ADL language construct.15。
