



化工单元操作模考试题(含答案)一、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 流体流动过程中,雷诺数Re越大,流动越接近于()。

答案:湍流2. 在筛孔直径d和流体动力学粘度μ一定的条件下,筛板塔的压力降主要与()有关。

答案:流速3. 离心泵的扬程H与()成正比。

答案:转速4. 在精馏塔中,提馏段的作用是()。

答案:提高轻组分的纯度5. 固定床反应器床层压降的主要因素是()。

答案:气固两相流动阻力6. 吸附操作中,吸附剂的吸附容量与()有关。

答案:温度、压力、吸附剂种类7. 膜分离技术中,膜的选择性主要取决于()。

答案:膜材料8. 粒径d、密度ρ、空隙率ε和内表面积S的关系式为()。

答案:ρ=m/V=m/(εV_p),V_p为颗粒体积,m为颗粒质量,ε为空隙率,V_p=S/ε,所以ρ=S/(ε^2)9. 在管道输送过程中,摩擦系数f与()有关。

答案:管材、雷诺数、流体性质10. 气液平衡时,拉乌尔定律的表达式为()。

答案:y=x(P_m/P)二、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪种流体流动属于层流()。

A. 管道中的水流动B. 管道中的空气流动C. 开放容器中的水波D. 管道中的血液流动答案:D2. 在填料塔中,液体分布均匀性越好,其()。

A. 压力降越大B. 传质效率越高C. 气液接触面积越大D. 气相速度越大答案:B3. 离心泵启动前,应()。

A. 关闭出口阀门B. 打开出口阀门C. 打开入口阀门D. 关闭入口阀门答案:A4. 在固定床反应器中,床层压降与()成正比。

A. 气速B. 床层厚度C. 床层密度D. 反应器直径答案:A5. 吸附等温线通常采用()表示。

A. 压力-吸附量B. 温度-吸附量C. 压力-温度D. 温度-空隙率答案:A6. 下列哪种方法不能实现气体的净化()。

A. 膜分离B. 吸附C. 洗涤D. 压缩答案:D三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述塔板塔与填料塔在化工中的应用及优缺点。



一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,字形、字音完全正确的一项是()A. 沉默寡言(mò mò)B. 惊心动魄(jīng xīng)C. 雪中送炭(xuě zhōng sòng tàn)D. 碧波荡漾(bì bō dàng yàng)2. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是()A. 这个故事告诉我们,勤奋是成功的基石。

B. 通过这次活动,我们深刻体会到了团结协作的重要性。

C. 我喜欢听音乐,尤其是流行歌曲。

D. 在我国,保护环境已经成为每个公民的责任。

3. 下列句子中,运用了比喻修辞手法的一项是()A. 这座大楼像一座巍峨的巨人。

B. 小明学习刻苦,成绩一直名列前茅。

C. 这场雨下得很大,仿佛要把整个城市淹没。

D. 我会尽力帮助你的,就像哥哥一样。

4. 下列成语中,书写完全正确的一项是()A. 胸有成竹(xiōng yǒu chéng zhú)B. 一丝不苟(yī sī bù gǒu)C. 喜出望外(xǐ chū wàng wài)D. 滔滔不绝(tāo tāo bù jué)5. 下列句子中,运用了拟人修辞手法的一项是()A. 那只小鸟在枝头欢快地唱歌。

B. 这朵花真美,就像一个美丽的姑娘。

C. 这本书很厚,厚得像一座山。

D. 那只狗摇着尾巴,好像在欢迎我们。

6. 下列词语中,字形、字音不完全正确的一项是()A. 悲伤(bēi shāng)B. 知识(zhī shì)C. 气愤(qì fèn)D. 欢乐(huān lè)7. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是()A. 这个故事让我明白了,只有勤奋才能取得成功。

B. 通过这次旅行,我们增长了见识,也收获了快乐。

C. 小明虽然学习刻苦,但是成绩仍然不理想。

D. 我们要珍惜时间,努力学习,为祖国的繁荣富强贡献自己的力量。





学校语文一年级单元考试题篇1时间:40分满分:100分姓名:_______ 学号:______ 班次:______成果:_______一、拼一拼,写一写。

(16分)gānjìng zhǔ yì zhuān xīn nián jígèng jiā yǐ hu lián máng yuǎn fāng二、比一比,再组词。




(18分)()紫()红()清水()()()花香()颜()色花花()()干干()( )()风细( ) ()()拂面()暖()开六、读一读,照样子填一填。

(10分)a) 西瓜很大很大。



b) 每个松果都那么香,那么可口。



(12分)① 我们果树很多了村种______________________________________。

② 我精彩看一场了球赛的______________________________________。

③ 照到阳光了阳台上______________________________________。



一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,字形、字音、字义完全正确的是()A. 拂拭(fú shì)B. 崭新(zhěn xīn)C. 瞠目结舌(chēng mù jié shé)D. 毛骨悚然(máo gǔ sǒng rán)2. 下列句子中,没有语病的一句是()A. 他在我国文学史上具有重要地位。

B. 我国是四大文明古国之一。

C. 为了解决我国人口老龄化问题,我国政府采取了多种措施。

D. 在这次比赛中,他跑得比任何人都快。

3. 下列词语中,与“风景如画”意思相近的是()A. 美不胜收B. 良辰美景C. 风和日丽D. 风光旖旎4. 下列句子中,使用了比喻修辞手法的是()A. 这本书对我来说,就像一位良师益友。

B. 夜晚的星空,犹如一张张银色的网。

C. 这座山像一头雄狮。

D. 春天来了,万物复苏。

5. 下列诗句中,表达了诗人对家乡思念之情的是()A. 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。

B. 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。

C. 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还?D. 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。

6. 下列词语中,属于量词的是()A. 本B. 朵C. 个D. 颗7. 下列句子中,使用了拟人修辞手法的是()A. 这朵花笑红了脸。

B. 太阳公公出来了。

C. 风儿吹过,树叶沙沙作响。


8. 下列句子中,使用了夸张修辞手法的是()A. 这本书厚得像一块石头。

B. 他的嗓门大得像雷声。

C. 这条河宽得像一条大江。

D. 她笑得像一朵花。

9. 下列句子中,使用了排比修辞手法的是()A. 岁月如歌,青春似梦。

B. 岁月匆匆,时光荏苒。

C. 春风拂面,阳光明媚。

D. 月亮升起,星星闪烁。

10. 下列句子中,使用了设问修辞手法的是()A. 你看,那是什么?B. 这本书是谁写的?C. 你知道为什么吗?D. 她是谁呢?二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 《古诗十九首》中的“青青园中葵,朝露待日晞”描绘了怎样的景象?12. 《沁园春·雪》中,“江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰”表达了怎样的情感?13. 《春晓》中,“夜来风雨声,花落知多少”描绘了怎样的景象?14. 《登鹳雀楼》中,“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”表达了怎样的情感?15. 《静夜思》中,“床前明月光,疑是地上霜”描绘了怎样的景象?16. 《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》中,“故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州”表达了怎样的情感?17. 《望庐山瀑布》中,“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”描绘了怎样的景象?18. 《泊船瓜洲》中,“京口瓜洲一水间,钟山只隔数重山”表达了怎样的情感?19. 《题西林壁》中,“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”描绘了怎样的景象?20. 《秋夜将晓出篱门迎凉有感》中,“三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿读书时”表达了怎样的情感?三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. 简述《登鹳雀楼》这首诗的主题思想。












( )的月光( )的树林( )的时刻( )的乐曲( )的海洋( )的声音( )的乐趣( )地呼吸( )地爬7.把诗句补充完整,并填空。







( )10.《读不完的大书》一文中,作者把大自然比作“看不完的大画册”“永远读不完的大书”,是因为大自然里有无穷的奥秘,有无尽的乐趣。



一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,字形、字音都正确的是:A. 悠然自得(yōu)恣意妄为(zì)B. 风驰电掣(zhì)美轮美奂(huàn)C. 恍若隔世(huǎng)美不胜收(shèng)D. 惊心动魄(pò)风和日丽(hé)2. 下列句子中,没有语病的一句是:A. 为了提高学生的学习成绩,学校决定增加课后辅导时间。

B. 他不仅学习好,而且歌唱得好,是班级里的多面手。

C. 在这次比赛中,我们班获得了第一名,大家非常高兴。

D. 经过老师的悉心教导,他的学习成绩有了很大的提高。

3. 下列诗句中,表达诗人对大自然美景喜爱之情的是:A. 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还?B. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。

C. 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。

D. 千里莺啼绿映红,水村山郭酒旗风。

4. 下列成语中,出自《庄子》的是:A. 杯弓蛇影B. 庄周梦蝶C. 指鹿为马D. 持之以恒5. 下列句子中,运用了比喻修辞手法的是:A. 雨后的彩虹像一座七彩桥。

B. 小明的学习成绩提高了,就像芝麻开花——节节高。

C. 她的笑容如春风拂面。

D. 我们要努力学习,争取早日成为祖国的栋梁之才。

6. 下列句子中,使用了拟人修辞手法的是:A. 雨滴敲打着窗户,发出有节奏的响声。

B. 这里的景色美得像一幅画。

C. 风吹过,树叶在跳舞。

D. 小明的妈妈非常关心他的学习。

7. 下列词语中,不属于同义词的是:A. 轻松——轻松B. 高兴——愉快C. 舒服——舒适D. 温暖——凉爽8. 下列句子中,使用了反问修辞手法的是:A. 你难道不知道吗?B. 这个问题很简单,难道你不会吗?C. 你怎么这么不小心?D. 这个苹果真好吃。

9. 下列词语中,属于多音字的是:A. 难(nán)B. 河(hé)C. 到(dào)D. 画(huà)10. 下列句子中,使用了夸张修辞手法的是:A. 这个西瓜很大,有篮球那么大。




píng zǎo cí tiětái xiǎn wài bīndiǎn zhuìxiù tǒng héǎi bèng tiào二、给下列加点的字选择正确读音打“√”。

羞涩.(sè shè)衣襟.(jīnɡ jīn)蒙.古(ménɡ měnɡ)擎.着(qín qínɡ)瞻.仰(zhān zān)璀.璨(cuǐ chuǐ)三、区别字组词。












【全文】部编人教版八年级历史上册各单元考题(带解答)第一单元考古与古代文明一、选择题1. 中国最早的文字出现在哪个朝代?- A. 夏朝- B. 商朝- C. 战国时期- D. 秦朝- 答案:B2. 下列哪个不属于四大文明古国?- A. 中国- B. 埃及- C. 印度- D. 日本- 答案:D3. 以下哪个发现揭示了古代人类的生活方式?- A. 甲骨文- B. 陶器- C. 丝绸- D. 金字塔- 答案:A二、判断题1. 中国是世界上最早使用铁器的国家。

- 答案:对2. 石器时代是人类社会发展的最初阶段。

- 答案:对第二单元中国古代的奴隶制度一、选择题1. 奴隶制度最早出现在中国的哪个朝代?- A. 夏朝- B. 商朝- C. 战国时期- D. 秦朝- 答案:A2. 以下哪个朝代废除了奴隶制度?- A. 夏朝- B. 商朝- C. 战国时期- D. 秦朝- 答案:D3. 奴隶主对奴隶的权力是无限制的。

- A. 对- B. 错- 答案:A二、判断题1. 奴隶主对奴隶可以随意虐待和杀害。

- 答案:对2. 奴隶制度的废除标志着封建制度的开始。

- 答案:错第三单元中国古代的封建制度一、选择题1. 以下哪个朝代是中国封建制度的鼎盛时期?- A. 唐朝- B. 宋朝- C. 春秋战国时期- D. 明朝- 答案:C2. 以下哪个不是封建制度中的三公九卿?- A. 宰相- B. 大司徒- C. 太尉- D. 少师- 答案:D3. 封建制度的核心是什么?- A. 君权- B. 地主权- C. 士权- D. 百姓权- 答案:A二、判断题1. 封建制度时期,地主阶级享有最高地位。

- 答案:对2. 封建制度的废除标志着资本主义的兴起。

- 答案:对第四单元中国古代的科学技术一、选择题1. 以下哪个发明是中国古代的四大发明之一?- A. 火药- B. 纸张- C. 指南针- D. 活字印刷术- 答案:D2. 中国古代的火药最早是用来做什么的?- A. 火炮- B. 烟花- C. 灯笼- D. 烧煤- 答案:B3. 以下哪个是中国古代造纸术的发明者?- A. 赵括- B. 杨香吉- C. 蔡伦- D. 王鹏- 答案:C二、判断题1. 中国古代的活字印刷术是世界上最早的。






1. 考试内容应涵盖本单元所学的知识点,包括但不限于课文内容、词汇、语法、听力、口语等方面。

2. 考试内容应注重知识点的全面性和难度的适当性,既要考查基础知识,又要考查学生的综合运用能力。


1. 书面考试,包括选择题、填空题、阅读理解题等,以考察学生对知识点的理解和掌握情况。

2. 口头考试,包括听力测试、口语表达等,以考察学生的听力和口语能力。

3. 实践操作,包括写作、实验、手工制作等,以考察学生的实际操作能力。


1. 考试时间,根据单元内容的难易程度和学生的年龄特点,合理安排考试时间,一般不宜超过90分钟。

2. 考试地点,考试地点应选择安静、整洁、通风良好的教室或者考场,保证学生能够集中注意力完成考试。

3. 考试日期,考试日期应提前通知学生和家长,避免与其他重要活动冲突,确保学生有充足的时间复习准备。


1. 老师监督,考试期间,老师应全程在考场内监督,保证考试秩序和公平性。

2. 监考人员,可以邀请其他老师或者学校工作人员担任监考人员,协助维持考试秩序。

3. 作弊防范,在考试前应对学生进行作弊防范教育,考试过程中要严格禁止交头接耳、抄袭等行为。


1. 评分标准,根据学校规定的评分标准,对学生的答卷进行公正、客观的评分。

2. 评分人员,可以邀请其他老师或者学校工作人员担任评分人员,确保评分的准确性和公正性。

3. 成绩通知,在规定时间内,将学生的考试成绩通知学生和家长,及时反馈学生的学习情况。


1. 考试总结会,在考试结束后,组织老师进行考试总结会,分析学生的答题情况,总结教学经验,为下一阶段的教学工作做准备。

2. 学生反馈,可以邀请学生参与考试总结,听取他们对考试内容和形式的意见和建议,促进教学和学习的双向交流。



机械振动单元检测姓名:____________ 班级:__________得分:__________ 一、本大题共12小题;每小题4分,共48分.题号 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 答案1.做简谐运动的弹簧振子在某段时间内速度越来越大,则这段时间内( )①振子的位移越来越大 ②振子正向平衡位置运动 ③振子的速度与位移同向 ④振子的速度与位移反向A .①③B .②④C .②③D .①④2.一个弹簧振子,第一次被压缩x 后释放做自由振动,周期为T 1,第二次被压缩2x 后释放做自由振动,周期为T 2,则两次振动周期之比T 1∶T 2为( )A .1∶1B .1∶2C .2∶1D .1∶43.做简谐振动的单摆摆长不变,若摆球质量增加为原来的4倍,摆球经过平衡位置时速度减小为原来的1/2,则单摆振动的( )A .频率、振幅都不变B .频率、振幅都改变C .频率不变,振幅改变D .频率改变,振幅不变 4.如图所示是单摆做阻尼运动的位移-时间图线,下列说法中正确的是( )A .摆球在P 与N 时刻的势能相等B .摆球在P 与N 时刻的动能相等C .摆球在P 与N 时刻的机械能相等D .摆球在P 时刻的机械能等于N 时刻的机械能5.如图所示,一单摆悬于O 点,摆长为L ,若在O 点的竖直线上的O ′点钉一个钉子,使OO ′=L /2,将单摆拉至A 处释放,小球将在A 、B 、C 间来回振动,若振动中摆线与竖直方向夹角小于10°,则此摆的周期是( )A .2π L gB .2π L 2gC . 2π( L g + L 2g )D .π( L g + L 2g) 6.某振动系统的固有频率为f 0,在周期性驱动力的作用下做受迫振动,驱动力的频率为f .若驱动力的振幅保持不变,下列说法正确的是( )A .当f <f 0时,该振动系统的振幅随f 增大而减小B .当f >f 0时,该振动系统的振幅随f 减小而增大C .该振动系统的振动稳定后,振动的频率等于f 0D .该振动系统的振动稳定后,振动的频率小于f7.一质点做简谐运动的图象如图所示,下列说法正确的是( )A .质点振动频率是4 HzB .在10 s 内质点经过的路程是20 cmC.第4 s末质点的速度是零D.在t=1 s和t=3 s两时刻,质点位移大小相等、方向相同8.如图所示为受迫振动的演示装置,当单摆A振动起来后,通过水平悬绳迫使单摆B、C振动,则下列说法正确的是()A.只有A、C摆振动周期相等B.A摆的振幅比B摆小C.C摆的振幅比B摆小D.A、B、C三摆的振动周期相等9.如图所示,弹簧振子在振动过程中,振子从a到b历时0.2 s,振子经a、b两点时速度相同,若它从b再回到a的最短时间为0.4 s,则该振子的振动频率为()A.1 Hz B.1.25 HzC.2 Hz D.2.5 Hz10.甲、乙两单摆在同一地点做简谐运动的图象如图,由图可知()A.甲和乙的摆长一定相等B.甲的摆球质量较小C.甲的摆角大于乙的摆角D.摆到平衡位置时,甲和乙摆线所受的拉力可能相等。







全易通六年级上册语文单元考点电子版1、下列不属于《红楼梦》异名的一项是( ) [单选题] *A.《石头记》B.《风月宝鉴》C.《太虚幻境》(正确答案)D.《金陵十二钗》2、“间隔”“亲密无间”的“间”读音都是“jiàn”。

[判断题] *对(正确答案)错3、1“朋友,刚才我所说的就是事实,活生生的事实,什么是事实呢?刚才我说的就是事实。


[判断题] *对错(正确答案)4、10. 下面句子中的标点符号,运用正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.自然之美是一切艺术美的源头活水,正如古人所云“天地有大美而不言。



5、5. 下列词语中字形全部正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.狡辩捶击纷至沓来风云变换B.驰骋羁绊目眩神迷轻歌慢舞C.抉择懈怠名副其实戛然而止(正确答案)D.浮燥污蔑海枯石烂震耳欲聋6、1“今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸,晓风残月”一句写词人清醒之后漂泊江湖的感受,巧妙地用景写情,景语即情语,将离人凄楚惆怅、孤独忧伤的感情,表现得十分充分、真切,创造出一种特有的意境,成为名句。

[判断题] *对(正确答案)错7、65. 下列选项中,文言现象与其它三项不相同的一项是()[单选题] *A、左手依一衡木。




(正确答案)8、23. 下列对传统文化常识的表述不正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.冬奥会展示了我国“二十四节气”,清明是“二十四节气”之一,也是我国的传统节日。


(正确答案) C.“记”是古代一种文体,通过记事、记物、记人、记景来抒发作者的感情或见解。
























二、选择题〔每题2分,共30分〕1、在100g含水率为3%的湿沙中,其中水的质量为〔D 〕A、3.0gB、2.5gC、3.3gD、2.9g3、材料在绝对密度状态下的体积为V,开口孔隙体积为V开,闭口孔隙体积为V闭,材料枯燥质量为m,则材料的密度为〔 A 〕、则材料的表观密度为〔 D 〕。

A、m/vB、m/(v+v开) C、m/(v+v开+v闭) D、m/(v+v闭)4、密度里指材料在〔 C 〕下单位体积的质量。

A、自然状态B、绝对体积近似值C、绝对密度状态C、松散状态6、材料的耐水性能用〔 D 〕表示。




一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列各数中,是负数的是()A. -5B. 0C. 5D. -3.52. 下列各数中,是有理数的是()A. √2B. πC. -1/3D. 无理数3. 下列各数中,是整数的是()A. 3.14B. -1/4C. 2.5D. 34. 下列各数中,是正整数的是()A. 0B. -2C. 1D. -15. 下列各数中,是偶数的是()A. 3B. -4C. 7D. 2.56. 下列各数中,是奇数的是()A. -5B. 4C. 2D. 67. 下列各数中,是平方数的是()A. 16B. 17C. 8D. 158. 下列各数中,是立方数的是()A. 27B. 8C. 4D. 99. 下列各数中,是质数的是()A. 11B. 10C. 8D. 910. 下列各数中,是合数的是()A. 15B. 14C. 13D. 12二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 3的平方是________,2的立方是________。

12. 下列各数中,绝对值最大的是________。

13. 下列各数中,有理数是________。

14. 下列各数中,无理数是________。

15. 下列各数中,质数是________。

16. 下列各数中,合数是________。

17. 下列各数中,偶数是________。

18. 下列各数中,奇数是________。

19. 下列各数中,正整数是________。

20. 下列各数中,负整数是________。

三、解答题(每题10分,共30分)21. 计算下列各式的值:(1)|-5| + 3(2)-2 × (-3) + 4(3)(-1/2) ÷ (-1/3)22. 判断下列各数是否为有理数,并说明理由:(1)√4(3)-1/323. 已知a、b是整数,且a > b,求证:a + b > 0。

四、应用题(20分)24. 小明有一些硬币,其中1角硬币有5个,5角硬币有3个,1元硬币有2个。



光现象单元测试题及答案学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、选择题(每题3分,共45分)1.下列成语涉及的光现象与其物理知识相符的是()A.凿壁偷光——光的反射 B.一叶障目——光的折射C.猴子捞月——光的折射 D.杯弓蛇影——光的反射2.在各种色光中,被称为三基色光的是()A、红、绿、蓝B、红、黄、蓝C、红、黄、绿D、黄、绿、蓝3.一个物体通过凸透镜在另一侧光屏上成像,若将透镜下半部分用纸遮住,物体的像将A.在屏上只被接到物体上半部分的像B.能得到物体不清晰的完整的像C.能得到物体完整的像,但亮度却减弱了D.能得到物体大部分的实像4.在暗箱前面穿一个三角形的小孔,当太阳光射入小孔后,在光屏上成像。

关于像的形状,下列说法中正确的是()A.圆形 B.三角形 C.长方形 D.其他形状5.如图所示,小赵同学手拿时钟站在平面镜前,则()A.小赵同学离平面镜越远,像越小B.小赵同学离平面镜越远,像越大C.时钟指示的时同是2点正D.时钟指示的时问是10点正6.在利用蜡烛研究凸透镜成像的实验中,凸透镜的焦距是10cm,点燃的蜡烛放在距凸透镜15cm处,在凸透镜另一侧的光屏上观察到了烛焰清晰的像,这个像一定是()A.倒立放大的实像B.倒立缩小的实像C.正立放大的虚像D.正立放大的实像7.下列说法正确的是A.光只有在真空中才沿直线传播B.人站在竖直放置的平面镜前1m处,镜中的像到平面镜的距离也是1mC.经凸透镜所成的像都是倒立的D.镜面反射和漫反射都遵守光的反射定律8.下列现象由光的折射产生的是A.立竿见影 B.刀光剑影 C.海市蜃楼 D.杯弓蛇影9.下列说法中,正确的是A.凸透镜是很厚的透镜,凹透镜是很薄的透镜B.王奶奶戴的老花镜对光有会聚作用C.小明戴的近视眼镜的镜片中央比边缘厚D.凸透镜的两个焦点之间的距离叫焦距10.如图所示,鱼缸中只有一条小鱼,而眼睛从A点可以观察到两条,一条鱼的位置变浅,另一条鱼变大,则下列说法中正确的是A.小鱼是光的反射形成的,大鱼是光的折射形成的B.小鱼是光的折射形成的,大鱼是光的反射形成的C.两者都是光的折射形成的D.两者都是光的反射形成的11.小红同学在课外按如图所示的装置做小孔成像实验。































第一单元练考题命题人:何瑛1、下列词语中加点的字,注音全对的一项是()(3分)A、广袤.(mào ) 折叠.(diã) 憧.憬(chōng ) 惊羡.(. xiàn )B、诠.释(quán ) 模.样( mó) 锃.亮(zâng ) 折戟.( jǐ)C、裨.益(bì) 衣褶.(zhã) 霎.眼(shà) 真谛.( dì)D、凝.聚(níng ) 徘徊.( huí) 羞怯.(qiâ) 腼腆.( tiǎn )2、画出下列词语中的4个错别字,并订正。






























1. 你在这次考试中做得很好,你的努力付出了回报。


2. 虽然你在这次考试中没有取得好成绩,但不要灰心。



3. 很高兴看到你在这次考试中取得了进步。



4. 这次考试结果令人失望,我知道你可以做得更好。



5. 这次考试中你取得了很好的成绩,我为你感到骄傲。



6. 虽然你在这次考试中没有取得理想中的成绩,但我知道你已经尽力了。





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Unit 1I、Vocabulary and StructureThere are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.1.Many new _____ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.A.opportunitiesB. necessitiesC. realitiesD. probabilities2._____ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.A.For nowB. Now thatC. Ever sinceD. By now3.These trips will give you an even deeper ____ into our language and culture.A. inquireB. investigationC. inputD. insight4.The students were participating ____ an international energy-saving competition betweentowns in New English and Canada.A.forB. inC. toD. at5.The people living in these apartments have free ____ to that swimming pool.A.accessB. excessC. processD. assess6.____ all the decisions have been made, we shall start implementing them.A.For nowB. Now thatC. Ever sinceD. By now7.Our journey was slow because the train stopped _____ at different villages.A.continuallyB. continuouslyC. graduallyD. unceasingly8.____me, my roommates like to don morning exercises.A.DislikeB. UnlikeC. AlikeD. Liking9. The gold medal was ____ to Tom for his excellent performance.A. awardedB. rewardedC. assignedD. ordered10. The rain was heavy and ____ the land was flooded.A. consequentlyB. continuouslyC. constantlyD. consistently11. The silly girl spends all her time ____ of becoming a movie-star.A. dreamingB. dreamC. to dreamD. dreamed12. ____ we have all the material ready, we should begin the new task at once.A. Since thatB. Since nowC. By nowD. Now that13. As your teacher advised, you ought to spend your time on something ____doing.A. preciousB. worthC. worthyD. valuable14. With Internet, we can have ____ to the most recent news in the world.A. chanceB. opportunityC. abilityD. access15. The students can reap the ____ of reading English newspapers in the reading room.A. advantageB. profitC. benefitD. interest16. Reading this book gives me insight ____ the events happening in the Middle East.A. forB. withC. onD. into17. It was obvious that his words are far ____ the fact.A. awayB. fromC. ofD. to18. She is very patient ____ her students.A. aboutB. onC. forD. with19. ____ to the top of the mountain, we felt so tired that we didn’t want to see the beautiful sight.A. climbedB. To climbC. climbingD. to have climbed20. Not only ____ our task, but also learned some experience from it.A. we finishedB. we finishC. we had finishedD. did we finishII、Reading ComprehensionThere are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Some people call it a snow scooter (滑行器). Some people call it a snow boat. And some people call it sit-down skis. But most people call it a snowmobile.Today people in a snow country don’t need to stay home all winter. They just jump into their snow mobiles. And soon they are off over the snow.Snowmobiles help people do their work. Eskimos use them to hunt and fish. Policemen make their rounds in them. When people are lost, snowmobiles are used to find them.But best of all, snowmobiles are fun. They are fun for all the family. Some people think they are more fun than sleds (雪橇) or skis or skates. Snowmobiles can climb hills and race down them. Snowmobiles have made a new winter sport.1.All the following names are fit for the snowmobiles except_______A.snow boatB.water skisC.snow skisD.snow scooter2.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?A.People in a snow country used to go out in winter.B.People in a snow country used to go out all the year round.C.People in a snow country can go out in winter today.D.People in a snow country have to stay at home in winter today.3.Eskimos use snowmobiles _______A.to hunt and fishB.to find lost peopleC.to make their roundsD.to carry goods4.People like snowmobiles best of all because _____A.it is a very enjoyable sportB.it is a means of transportationC.it can be used for bunting and fishingD.it can be used to find lost people5.Besides driving snowmobiles, the people in a snow country_______e sledsB.go skiingC.go skatingD.all of the aboveQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:Music which is original is individual and personal. That is to say, it can be identified as belonging to a particular composer. It has particular qualities, or a style, which are not copied from another. If you can recognize the style of a composer, you will probably be able to tell that a certain composition belongs to him or her even though you have never heard it before.A basket-maker has the skill of weaving and interweaving his materials to create colorful patterns, and an expert carpenter (木匠) has the skill of joining together different shapes and sizes of wood to make a beautiful piece of furniture. These skills may be referred to as "workmanship" (技艺). Similarly, in music a composer organizes his melodies (旋律) and rhythms and combines sounds to create harmony. A composer may be capable of thinking up very good, original tunes, yet if tunes are poorly organized, that is, if the workmanship is poor, the final result will not be up to standard.Good music expresses feelings in a way that is suitable to those feelings. These may be joy, sorrow, fear, love, anger, or whatever. Bad music, on the other hand, may confuse unrelated feelings, it may not express any important feeling at all, or it may exaggerate some feelings and make them vulgar, that is, cheap and ugly of permanent status while bad music will disappear and be forgotten quickly. In pop music, where the general rule seems to be "the newer the better", the test of time is the hardest test of all to pass.6. A piece of original music_________.A. has a personal styleB. sounds very familiar to our earsC. is one whose style you cannot recognizeD. can not be recognized as belonging to any7. We can see good workmanship in __________.A. different shapes and sizes of furniture ComposerB. materials for creating colorful patternsC. a piece of music with its melodies and rhythms organized in harmonyD. a piece of music with very good, original tunes mixed together8. A piece of music can be said to be good if ___________.A. it helps to while away the hoursB. it combines different rhythms and soundsC. it makes people forget their sorrows and worries quicklyD. it expresses a certain feeling in a proper way9. According to the last paragraph, “the test of time is the ha rdest of all to pass” suggests that ________.A. the newer tile music is the harder it can passB. it is most difficult for music to gain a kind ofC. pop music will cease to be enjoyed soon afterD. good music needn't pass the test of time10. This passage is concerned with __________________.A. how to compose musicB. how to enjoy musicC. how to judge musicD. how to perform musicQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:To be "historically minded" is to see things in relation and in perspective, and to judge tolerantly. We must remember how differently men have thought and acted in different time, we must always keep an open mind, ready to receive and weigh new evidence. If we grasp this idea, We will never think that a historian (历史学家) is someone who can remember dates. That childish idea is like calling a man a statesman (政治家) because be can remember the names of voters in his district. A waiter could remember more names and a telephone operator more numbers than the greatest historian.The true historian is not content to take all his facts from other historians. Today he makes sure his statements are based on sound "documents "or "sources" which go back to the time of the facts themselves.But the historian needs always to be in his guard not to be misled by his sources. A document may not be a real one. Its author may be lying on purpose for some reason. He may be so greatly influenced by national, religious, party, or personal backgrounds as to be totally unfair to the other side. If honest, he may be misinformed as to the facts and mistaken in his inferences.Anyone who reads the accounts published in the different countries concerning the causes and results of wars will realize that the historian needs caution and training in handling these sources. The trained historian asks first: "Did this writer mean to tell the truth?” and second: "Was he in a position or frame of mind to tell the truth even if he wants to. Every statement must be patiently weighed and tested and combined with all other available information in order to get at the truth.1l. A" historically minded" researcher ___________.A. always keeps an open mind to historyB. looks at one historical event without relatingC. sees things from a single point of viewD. refuses to accept new evidence12. In Paragraph 1 the author means to illustrate _____________.A. different men think and act differentlyB. the study of history is not merely a matter of remembering datesC. a statesman can remember the names of voters in his districtD. a waiter can remember more names than the great historians13. The true historian should base his statements on ______________.A. findings of other historiansB. documents created at the presentC. his own inferencesD. sound historical materials14. Which of the following is the topic of Paragraph3?A. Some historical documents may not be real.B. Some authors may not be honest.C. Historians should be careful about their sources.D. historians may be influenced by their own backgrounds.15. It is emphasized in the last paragraph that _____________.A. wars are accounted for differently in different countriesB. the historian needs caution and training in dealing with his sourcesC. some writers may not be telling the truthD. some writers may not be in a position or frame of mindQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:The economic costs of noise to society are several. Airports are currently operating at less than capacity because of noise regulations which restrict their hours of operation. For instance, at Washington' s National Airport no jet traffic is allowed from 11 pm to 7 am. Other airports restrict the use of certain runways. One estimate is that noise restrictions reduce possible airport use by 20 percent. The profitable cargo trade is especially affected by night restrictions.In the case of airports, jet engines may be modified to reduce their noise level, or insulation (隔音) from air traffic noise may be provided by the purchase of land around airports or the insulation of buildings. One estimate is that $ 5.7 billion would be required to equip all existing jet engines with noise control devices. However, considering the current state of the art, even taking this step will not reduce noise levels at all points to acceptable values. Some combination of methods is probably necessary.If all aircraft were made quieter by existing methods, there would be a number of economic benefits. An increase in airport capacity would occur. Property values near airports might rise. Transportation costs to and from airports could be reduced since the airports now could be located closer to population centers.Much research still needs to be done on the economic aspects of noise reduction and noise effects. Although some of the effects of noise pollution are known, more must be discovered about its effects on health, productivity, property values and the quality of life. Furthermore, the exist of noise pollution control to the economy as a whole needs to be investigated.The public must be alerted to the dangers and economic costs of noise so that people may make intelligent choices and exert appropriate pressures16. There is no jet traffic at Washington's National Airport from 11 pm to 7 am because ________.A. it is extremely dangerous to fly in the darkB. noise regulations restrict the hours of airport operationC. some of its runways are not in good conditionD. cargo planes produce disturbing noise17. "The current state of the art" (in Para. 2) ___________.A. a developed sense of beautyB. the volume of present-day trafficC. the most recently developed technologyD. insulation of air traffic noise18. Noise reduction could lead to ____________.A. increased airport capacityB. lower property valuesC. effective modification of existing jet enginesD. more transportation costs to and from19. What is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Psychological strain.B. Handling capacity of cargo.C. Measures for noise reductionD. Public pressures.20. The author of the passage is concerned primarily ______________.A. the effects of noise on the quality of lifeB. the role of air traffic restrictionsC. the production of quieter enginesD. the economic aspects of noise reduction.Fast ReadingMy Apple TreeThat June evening I was about ten. As I stood on our front porch, my eye caught an unusual plant, not more than five inches high. It was the merest seeding, but my father identified it as a young apple tree. Immediately I adopted it. I would transplant it, care for it as my own, and it would bear good apples for me.Dad proposed a spot between the driveway and garden, and that evening he dug up the sod for me. I planted my little tree there. In my innocence about fruit trees, I did not know that apple trees grown from seeds---rather than gifts like the trees in our orchard---are often barren or bear only inferior fruit. If my father knew it, he chose not to disturb my optimism.I too k a boy’s care of my tree, alternately negligent and tenderly attentive. I cheered it no as it slowly prospered in the face of weeds and the regular predations of our workhorse Pearl, who was partial to its taste and tried to snatch a branch whenever she could.Came the years when my tree had a few blossoms but no fruit. Later I read disquieting news in a high-school textbook: apple seed trees often produce a prehistoric crabbed and wizened apple. Had I only known? Still, it was a nice tree and I was fond of it, so I pruned it by the book. At least it would look good. Then I went off to college and forgot about my tree.My back was hardly turned when it began to bear---slowly at first, then generously, then extravagantly---tasty and versatile apples. They were good for eating and for sauce, superb for drying, and more free of insects and disease than those form our orchard trees.For 35 years now, my tree has poured forth its nearly flawless bounty. Twenty bushels is nothing for that tree. Every autumn, relatives and neighbors come to shake the branches and bear the surplus fruit away.I had foreseen it all. This perpetual bounty is what I fully expected all those years when I didn’t know what I was doing. With even a little learning in these matters, I would not have bothered to transplant or tend the tree. It was nurtured on blind faith, and the harvest that was all but inevitable.Comprehension:1. In a June evening, the unusual plant the author found was a young apple tree.2. After planting the apple tree, the author hoped it could bear apples for him.3. In fact, apple trees grow from stems.4. According to the textbook, the apple seed trees can grow well if putting in sand.5. At last, the apple tree bore tasty and versatile apples.III、ClozeThere are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should choose ONE that best fits into the passage.Nearly three-quarters of the Earth is covered with water. Water heats up more slowly than land, but once it has become warm it takes longer to 1 down. If the Earth's surface were entirely land, the temperature at night would 2 quite quickly and night would bemuch colder than day, as it is on the moon. This does 3 happen in inland deserts, hundreds of miles from any sea. The climate of the continents, especially in the temperate 4 , is very much affected by the oceans around them. The areas close to the sea have a 'maritime climate', 5 rather cool summers and warm winters. The interiors, far from the sea, have a ' 6 climate' with extremely hot summers and cold winters.Rain 7 from the evaporation of rivers, seas and lakes. Even after heavy rain, the pavements in a city do not take long to dry 8 the rainwater evaporates into the air. On a warm dry day it evaporates very rapidly, 9 warm air can take in more moisture than cold air. But at any particular temperature, the 10 can hold only a certain maximum amount of water vapor. The air is then saturated, like a sponge that cannot hold 11 more water. The lower the temperature, the 12 water vapor is required to saturate the air.All over the surface of the Earth, millions of tons of water are 13 every second, condensing in the air into drops so small 14 it takes thousands of them to make a single raindrop. It is these 15 drops that make clouds. When clouds roll in from the sea over the warmer land, they are forced to 16 and become cooler in the colder upper atmosphere. As the air cools down it may pass through its saturation point and 17 some of its water vapor turns to rain. Day in, day out, the 18 water circulates between the air and the land: rivers 19 to make clouds, clouds make rain, rain makes rivers which in turn run into the sea. This is called the rain 201. A) hold B) keepC) cool D) let2. A) rise B) missC) lose D) fall3. A) not B) indeedC) only D) certainly4. A) fields B) centresC) zones D) interiors5. A) with B) because ofC) in D) instead of6. A) continental B) tropicalC) frigid D) humid7. A) goes B) leavesC) runs D) comes8. A) though B) whileC) because D) in order that9. A) as B) whereC) though D) as long as10. A) weather B) atmosphereC) climate D) gas11. A) much B) anyC) no D) some12. A) greater B) fewerC) less D) more13. A) evaporating B) movingC) flowing D) flying14. A) as B) thenC) but D) that15. A) tiny B) bigC) large D) huge16. A) fall B) dropC) raise D) rise17. A) then B) afterC) ago D) already18. A) warm B) runningC) same D) evaporated19. A) try B) evaporateC) cool D) tend20. A) ring B) systemC) effect D) cycleIV、Short AnswerEverybody wastes time. Instead of doing his homework, the schoolboy watches television. Instead of writing her essay, the student goes out with her friends. They all have good intentions, but they keep putting off the moment when the must start work. As a consequence, they begin to feel guilty, and then waste even more time wishing they had not allowed themselves to be distracted.When someone else is organizing our time for us, as for instance during lessons or working hours, we do not necessarily work more efficiently, but at least we are subject to the discipline of a routine. It is when we are responsible for organizing our own time that the need for self-discipline arises.I know two writers who seem to work in quite different ways. Bob is extremely methodical. He arrives at his office at 9 a. m. and is creative until 12: 30. At 2 p.m. he returns to his desk and is creative until 5 p.m., when he goes home and switches off until the following morning. Alan, on the other hand, works in inspired bursts, often missing meals and sleep in order to get his ideas down on paper. Such periods of intense activity are usually followed by days when he potters around his flat, listening to Mozart and flicking through magazines.Their places of work refle ct their styles. Bob’s books are neatly arranged on the shelves; he can always find the books he wants. Alan, on the other hand, has books and magazines all over the place. They are about every subject under the sun, mostly unconnected with his work. All the same he has a knack of making use of the unlikely information to illuminate his books.1.When people waste time rather than get down to work, they begin to_____2.The advantage of working for someone else is that _______3.How to indicate Alan’s reaction to Bob’s way of working?4.Alan has a lot of books and magazines because he _____5.Alan’s work schedule can be best described as ______V、Correction1.Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experience ofmy life.2. Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worry much about making mistakes.3. Not only I did lose my joy in answering questions, but also I totally lost my desire to sayanything at all in English. 4. I soon got access to the necessary equipment, learned the technology from a friend and participated to the virtual classroom 5 to 7 days a week.5. But I didn't feel intimidating by students who spoke faster than I did because I took all the time I needed to think out my ideas and wrote a reply before posting it on the screen.6. Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me, but one that I wouldn ’t trade on anything.7. Not only did learning another language teaches me the value of hard work, but it also gave me insight into another culture, and my mind was opened to new ways of seeing things. 8. Talking with people is one of my favorite activities, so being able to speak a new language let me meet new people, participate in conversations, and form new, unforgettable friendships. 9. I work hard to meet the minimum standards set by the course and complete assignments on time. 10. Now I speak a foreign language, instead of staring into space when English is being spoken, I AB C DAB C D A B CDA BC DACB DA B CD BCAB C Dcan participate and make friends.VI、Translation from Chinese into English1. 生活中并非一切都值得我们去冒险。
