Sales&Marketing Management individual assignment




现代通路经理,NKA(National key account)/RKA(regional KA)客户组经理,大区经理,城市经理,客户经理,理货主管,业务代表,理货员,导购员(后两种基本上都是第三方员工)。




(2)外呼(就是cold call),向客户推介业务,替ta办理。















Sales和Marketing到底有什么区别?(一)——你适合做销售吗?一.FMCG SALES&移动sales。



(一)FMCG sales1.FMCG销售基本分为现代通路(大卖场、超市、连锁等)和传统通路(夫妻老婆店、街边小卖部等)。







5.销售部都有些哪些职位?一般职位包括总部的和地区办事处的,现在大家关注的外企销售部MT的career path只是总部的职位,其实下面办事处还有很多种职位。


(以现代通路为例)现代通路经理,NKA(National key account)/RKA(regional KA)客户组经理,大区经理,城市经理,客户经理,理货主管,业务代表,理货员,导购员(后两种基本上都是第三方员工)。


business sales marketing 区别

business sales marketing 区别

Business Development和Marketing、Sales关系自从做了业务拓展这份工作,看到我名片的人常常会问,你这个和Sales有什么区别,或者你这个跟Marketing有什么区别,对于这个问题,每次都得费一番口舌,于是把自己的一些观点和理解梳理了一下,共享出来供有关网友参考,欢迎批评。


Business Development(BD)从日常工作形式来看,也是一种销售活动,但其目的是为了达成企业中长期的战略目标而采取的一系列相互关联的行为,例如开拓销售渠道及打通合作伙伴。





通常BD的生命周期较Sales更长,其范围也更广(面对多个Sales),在市场上往往是BD 猜到了开头,而Sales创造了结局。


但是Sales和Marketing又确实存在差别,记得有句话说:“Marketing creates opportunities, and sales brings about outcomes.”换言之,Marketing运筹帷幄,Sales决胜千里。

销售术语sale in和sales out的例句

销售术语sale in和sales out的例句

销售术语sale in和sales out的例句-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述销售术语是在商业领域中广泛使用的专业术语,用于描述销售过程和销售业绩。

其中,"sale in"和"sales out"是两个重要的销售术语。

"sale in"指的是产品从供应商销售给零售商或分销商的过程,也可以理解为发货给零售商的销售。


因此,"sale in"主要关注产品的库存管理和供应链的流通方面。

相反,"sales out"指的是最终消费者购买产品的过程,也被称为实际销售。


因此,"sales out"主要关注消费者需求和市场销售情况。

本文将通过举例来说明"sale in"和"sales out"的具体含义和应用场景。




1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容可以按照以下方式编写:2. 正文2.1 销售术语sale in的例句2.1.1 例句1(在这里插入相关的例句1,展示sale in的使用场景和意义)2.1.2 例句2(在这里插入相关的例句2,进一步说明sale in的具体应用)2.1.3 例句3(在这里插入相关的例句3,强调sale in的重要性)2.1.4 例句4(在这里插入相关的例句4,展示sale in对销售业绩的影响)2.2 销售术语sales out的例句2.2.1 例句1(在这里插入相关的例句1,展示sales out的使用场景和意义)2.2.2 例句2(在这里插入相关的例句2,进一步说明sales out的具体应用)2.2.3 例句3(在这里插入相关的例句3,强调sales out的重要性)2.2.4 例句4(在这里插入相关的例句4,展示sales out对销售业绩的影响)2.3 其他相关术语的例句2.3.1 例句1(在这里插入相关的例句1,展示其他相关术语的使用场景和意义)2.3.2 例句2(在这里插入相关的例句2,进一步说明其他相关术语的具体应用)2.3.3 例句3(在这里插入相关的例句3,强调其他相关术语的重要性)2.3.4 例句4(在这里插入相关的例句4,展示其他相关术语对销售业绩的影响)通过以上的文章结构,读者可以清晰地了解到销售术语sale in和sales out的定义、使用场景和重要性,同时还可以了解到其他相关术语的具体内容和应用。












其实在一些有技术含量的领域里,一些Top Sales可以靠老朋友和老客户,一直干到退休。

我认识的一个在全球最大制药公司的女销售,干了12年销售,现在负责北京的协和医院,每个月的收入都非常可观,当然她也非常痛恨公司像榨汁机一样,销售目标一路飙升! 不过她想好了,既然自己不想往管理方面发展,那么就要接受做销售这个“月有阴晴圆缺”的职业特点,哪天真顶不住销售目标的压力了,大不了换一家小公司养老,反正这十几年,也把家底挣够了。




外贸英语900句之 销售 Sale

外贸英语900句之 销售 Sale

(一)Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our coun try.贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。

We all understand that Chinese shippers are very popular in your mark et on account of their superior quality and competitiveprice.我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美而畅销于你方市场。

This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。

There is a good market for these articles.这些商品畅销。

There is a poor market for these articles.这些商品滞销。

There is no market for these articles.这些商品无销路。

Your bicycles find a ready market here.你们的自行车在此地销路很好。

They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sa le of your products.他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的销售。

Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.由于对此货物的需求将不断增加,请提前补充货源。

They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.他们正在尽最大努力以打开销路。





销售的英语说法sellsalemarket销售的相关短语销售主管Marketing Executive ; Sales Executive ; Sales Administrator ; Sales Supervisor产品销售sales ; Product Sales ; product distribution ; Sales Method销售经理Sales Manager ; marketing manager ; Account Manager ; Sales Account Manager销售量 sales volume ; quantity of sale ; Sales ; Volume of sales 销售额 Sales ; amount of sales ; sales volume ; Revenue销售预测 Sales Forecast ; sales forcasting ; Forecast ; Selling Forcasts销售收入 sales revenue ; sales proceeds ; proceeds of sale ; Sales销售热线 Sales Hot-line ; Sale Tel ; Sales Line ; Tel Sales销售利润 selling profit ; profit on sale ; Profit from Sales ; Sales profit销售的英语例句1. Doctors are complaining about being barraged by drug-company salesmen.医生们抱怨他们疲于应付医药公司的销售人员。

2. The unemployed executives include former salesmanagers, directors and accountants.被解雇的管理人员包括前销售经理、主管和会计。
















sale的用法及短语一、sale的基本概念及用法a) 什么是"sale"b) sale作为名词的用法和含义c) sale作为动词的用法和含义二、与sale相关的常用短语及表达方式a) on saleb) for salec) clearance saled) garage sale三、不同行业中使用的特定短语a) 技术行业中:- flash sales(限时抢购)- seasonal sales(季节性促销)- bundle sales(捆绑销售)b) 零售行业中:- year-end sales(年终大促销)- Black Friday sales(黑色星期五大促销)四、如何合理运用sale及其相关短语进行营销宣传a) 找准目标受众并确定营销策略b) 创造紧迫感来增加购买欲望c) 利用线上线下渠道进行宣传和促销活动五、其他常见使用场景及注意事项a) 家庭日常生活中的小技巧:如何找到最便宜的东西?b) 在职场交流中避免与其他内容混淆使用【一】sale的基本概念及用法"Sale"是一个非常常见的词汇,它可以作为名词或动词使用。







【二】与sale相关的常用短语及表达方式a) "On sale"是一个非常普遍且常用的短语,意思是商品正在进行促销活动并提供特定折扣。

当你听到一家商店说他们有“大减价”的时候,你可以期待那些商品可能就是“on sale”。




sale知识点总结Sales is the process of persuading, convincing, and closing a deal with potential customers. It involves various strategies, techniques, and skills to effectively communicate, negotiate, and meet the needs of the customers. In this summary, we will discuss the key knowledge points of sales, including the sales process, sales techniques, customer relationship management, and sales management.1. Sales ProcessThe sales process is a series of steps that a salesperson follows to close a deal with a potential customer. It typically includes the following stages:Prospecting: This is the first stage of the sales process, where salespeople identify and qualify potential customers who are likely to buy their products or services. Prospecting can be done through various channels, such as cold calling, networking, referrals, and social media.Preparation: Once potential customers are identified, salespeople need to gather information about them, including their needs, preferences, and challenges. This information will help them tailor their sales pitch and approach to meet the specific needs of the customers.Approach: The approach stage is where salespeople make the initial contact with potential customers. This can be done through phone calls, emails, or in-person meetings. It is important for salespeople to create a positive first impression and build rapport with the customers.Presentation: In this stage, salespeople present their products or services to potential customers, highlighting the features, benefits, and value they offer. A compelling presentation should address the specific needs and pain points of the customers and demonstrate how the product or service can solve their problems.Handling objections: It is common for customers to raise objections or concerns during the sales process. Salespeople need to be prepared to address these objections effectively by providing relevant information, addressing concerns, and overcoming any doubts the customer may have.Closing: The closing stage is where the salesperson asks for the customer's commitment to make a purchase. This can involve negotiating terms, discussing pricing, and finalizing the deal. It is important for salespeople to be confident, persuasive, and respectful during the closing stage.Follow-up: After the deal is closed, salespeople should follow up with customers to ensure their satisfaction, address any concerns, and build a long-term relationship. This can also lead to additional sales opportunities and referrals.2. Sales TechniquesEffective sales techniques are essential for engaging potential customers, understanding their needs, and closing deals. Some key sales techniques include:Active listening: Salespeople should listen carefully to the needs, concerns, and preferences of potential customers. Active listening helps build rapport, demonstrates empathy, and allows salespeople to tailor their pitch to meet the specific needs of the customer.Questioning: Asking open-ended questions helps salespeople gather information about the customer's challenges, goals, and preferences. This information can be used to customize the sales pitch and demonstrate how the product or service can address the customer's needs.Building rapport: Building a positive relationship with potential customers is crucial for gaining their trust and confidence. Salespeople should be friendly, personable, and authentic in their interactions with customers, which can lead to long-term relationships and repeat business.Handling objections: Effective objection handling involves addressing the customer's concerns, providing relevant information, and overcoming any doubts they may have. This can be achieved through empathy, validation of the customer's concerns, and presenting evidence to support the value of the product or service.Negotiation: Negotiation skills are important for reaching mutually beneficial agreements with customers. Salespeople should be prepared to negotiate terms, discuss pricing, and find common ground to close the deal.Closing techniques: There are various closing techniques that salespeople can use to ask for the customer's commitment. This can include using a trial close, summarizing the benefits, offering a limited-time incentive, or using assumptive language to lead the customer to a buying decision.3. Customer Relationship ManagementCustomer relationship management (CRM) is a strategy for managing and nurturing relationships with customers to build loyalty, satisfaction, and repeat business. Key aspects of CRM include:Data management: CRM systems are used to collect, analyze, and store customer data, including contact information, purchase history, preferences, and interactions. This data can be used to personalize the customer experience, anticipate needs, and target marketing efforts effectively.Personalization: CRM helps salespeople personalize their interactions with customers by understanding their preferences, purchase history, and communication preferences. Thiscan lead to more relevant and engaging conversations, which can build trust and loyalty with the customer.Customer communication: CRM systems enable salespeople to track and manage customer interactions, such as calls, emails, meetings, and follow-ups. This helps salespeople stay organized, prioritize customer communications, and ensure that no opportunities are missed.Lead management: CRM systems help sales teams manage and track leads through the sales pipeline, ensuring that no leads fall through the cracks and that follow-up activities are timely and consistent.Customer feedback: CRM systems enable sales teams to gather and analyze customer feedback, which can be used to improve products, services, and the overall customer experience. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.4. Sales ManagementSales management involves overseeing and coordinating the sales activities of a company to achieve revenue targets and business objectives. Key aspects of sales management include:Setting goals: Sales managers are responsible for setting sales targets, quotas, and KPIs for the sales team. These goals should be challenging, yet achievable, and aligned with the company's overall sales strategy.Recruiting and training: Sales managers are responsible for recruiting, hiring, and training new salespeople to ensure that the team has the skills, knowledge, and resources to meet their sales targets.Performance management: Sales managers are responsible for monitoring and evaluating the performance of the sales team, providing feedback and coaching, and taking corrective action when necessary. This can involve implementing sales performance metrics, conducting performance reviews, and providing incentives for high-performing salespeople. Sales forecasting: Sales managers are responsible for forecasting sales revenues, analyzing market trends, and identifying opportunities for growth. This can involve using CRM data, historical sales data, and market research to make informed forecasts and strategic decisions.Sales strategy: Sales managers are responsible for developing and implementing sales strategies that align with the company's business objectives. This can involve identifying target markets, setting pricing strategies, developing promotional campaigns, and creating sales plans.ConclusionIn conclusion, sales knowledge is essential for engaging potential customers, understanding their needs, and closing deals to generate revenue and achieve business objectives. The sales process, sales techniques, customer relationship management, and sales management are all critical aspects of successful selling. By mastering these knowledge points, salespeople can build strong relationships with customers, increase sales performance, and contribute to the overall success of the business.。



3.控制销售活动 (1)划分销售区域; (1)划分销售区域; (2)销售人员业绩的考查评估; (2)销售人员业绩的考查评估; (3)销售渠道及客户的管理; (3)销售渠道及客户的管理; (4)回收货款,防止呆账; (4)回收货款,防止呆账; (5)销售效益的分析与评估; (5)销售效益的分析与评估; (6)制定各种规章制度。 (6)制定各种规章制度。
二、销售管理与营销管理 1.销售职能先于营销职能产生 1.销售职能先于营销职能产生 2.销售管理是营销管理的基础 2.销售管理是营销管理的基础 3.销售管理应服从于营销管理 3.销售管理应服从于营销管理
第四节 从销售员向销售经理转变 一、销售经理的职责 1. 制订销售战略 (1)进行市场分析与销售预测; (1)进行市场分析与销售预测; (2)确定销售目标; (2)确定销售目标; (3)制定销售计划; (3)制定销售计划; (4)制定销售配额与销售预算; (4)制定销售配额与销售预算; (5)确定销售策略。 (5)确定销售策略。
2.现代销售观念 2.现代销售观念 从识别顾客需要出发来推销企业的产品。 经历了3 经历了3个阶段: (1)买卖双方互动观念 克士格1970提出。销售工作由推销员与准 克士格1970提出。销售工作由推销员与准 顾客之间的信息交流、回应及交往构成。 A.问题式销售 A.问题式销售 B.利益式销售 B.利益式销售 C.咨询式销售:介入程度深,成为顾客参谋 C.咨询式销售:介入程度深,成为顾客参谋
三、 销售工作的魅力 1.销售领域存在着大量的就业机会 1.销售领域存在着大量的就业机会 2.销售工作可以满足人们崇尚自由的个性 2.销售工作可以满足人们崇尚自由的个性 3.销售工作富有挑战性 3.销售工作富有挑战性 4.销售工作提供较多的提升机会 4.销售工作提供较多的提升机会 5.销售人员的报酬丰厚 5.销售人员的报酬丰厚


GM-Sales Administration
海外销售分部 经理
M-Overseas Sales
华东片区 上海/浙江/江苏/安徽
总经理 GM-East
华中片区 湖南/湖北/江西
总经理 GM-Central
闽粤片区 福建/广东
总经理 GM-Fujian/Guangdong
New High level process map
产品/活动排序 拜访周期和演示 个人护理顾问的进度表和护理手册
销售及营运 预测
销售目标 产品展示 促销及推广计划
大客户 销售计划
客户 拜访
客户历史 对客户的了解
客户预测 客户排序
客户开发与管理 销售队伍管理与培训 货架及促销管理 达到市场渗透,销售额及收入目标
D istribution S trategy
Key Sales Functions Account development & management Sales force management & training Shelf & promotion management Market penetration, sales & earning achievement
C ustom er O rders
O rder A llocation
D ecisions & K ey D ocum ents S ales P lan (A nnual S ales C alendar) Q uarterly P rom otion P ackage: M erch P lan, S cripts S ales M ap & A ccount R esponsibilities (C all C ycles) A ccount B ook: P lan-O -G ram s, S tore Lists, S hip H istory S ales F orecast: A ccount F orecast, Q uota A ssignm ents



sale的用法和搭配一、Sale的基本含义和用法二、形容词sale的搭配2.1 扩大意义上的“打折”2.2 情感色彩与精神寄托三、名词sale的搭配3.1 产品与服务销售3.2 传统商店和电子商务平台的销售策略四、动词sell的用法和搭配4.1 谈判与推销技巧4.2 探索不同行业中sell的搭配情况五、总结一、Sale的基本含义和用法在商业领域,我们经常会听到关于"sale"这个词,它既可以作为名词使用,指代商品或者服务交易过程中实施的促销活动,也可以作为形容词使用,表示折扣或降价。


二、形容词sale的搭配2.1 扩大意义上的“打折”当我们提到"sale"时,最常见而又直观理解是与购物有关,即减价或者打折。


例如:- They offered a sale price for the new collection.(他们为这个新系列提供了打折价格。

)- The store is having a huge sale on all winter clothing.(这家商店正在举行一场冬装大甩卖。

)2.2 情感色彩与精神寄托除了直接表达对价格的描述,"sale"的形容词形式也可以承载情感色彩和精神寄托。

如果我们说某个物品很吸引人,很有价值,那么我们可以使用"on sale"这个搭配来强调它的独特性质。

例如:- This limited edition watch is now on sale, so make sure you don't miss it!(这款限量版手表现在正在售卖中,请确保不要错过!)- The concert tickets went on sale yesterday and were sold out within hours.(音乐会门票昨天开始售卖,几小时内就全部售罄了。



外贸英语:销售.SaleYour T-shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。

We all understand that Chinese shippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美而畅销于你方市场。

This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。

There is a good market for these articles.这些商品畅销。

There is a poor market for these articles.这些商品滞销。

There is no market for these articles.这些商品无销路。

Your bicycles find a ready market here.你们的自行车在此地销路很好。

They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的销售。

Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.由于对此货物的需求将不断增加,请提前补充货源。

They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.他们正在尽最大努力以打开销路。




例如:He made a successful sales pitch to the client.(他向客户成功地推销了产品。

The company's sales have been increasing steadily over the past year.(公司过去一年的销售额一直在稳步增长。


They are trying to sales their product to potential customers.(他们正在努力向潜在客户推销他们的产品。

)The salesperson was able to persuade the customer to make a purchase.(销售人员成功说服了客户购买。


The company's sales team is responsible for promoting and selling the product.(公司的销售团队负责推广和销售产品。

The sales of the company increased significantly last





















sales知识点总结Sales is a critical function in any business and encompasses various skills and knowledge. From understanding customer needs to closing deals, a successful sales professional must have a good grasp of various sales concepts and strategies. In this summary, we will outline some key sales knowledge points that are essential for success in the field of sales.1. Understanding the Sales Process:The sales process is a series of steps that a salesperson takes to persuade a potential customer to buy a product or service. It typically includes prospecting, pre-approach, approach, demonstration, handling objections, closing, and follow-up. Understanding each step of the sales process is essential for sales professionals to effectively guide prospects through the buying journey.2. Effective Communication Skills:Communication is at the heart of sales. Sales professionals must be able to articulate the benefits of their product or service, understand customer needs, and build rapport with prospects. Active listening, clear and concise speaking, and the ability to read body language are all essential communication skills for sales professionals.3. Product Knowledge:A deep understanding of the product or service being sold is crucial for sales success. Sales professionals should know the features, benefits, and value propositions of their offerings and be able to convey this information effectively to potential customers.4. Understanding Customer Needs:To close a sale, a salesperson must understand the needs and pain points of the customer. This involves asking the right questions, actively listening, and empathizing with the customer's situation. By understanding the customer's needs, a sales professional can tailor their pitch to demonstrate how their product or service can address those needs.5. Building Relationships:Successful sales professionals build and maintain strong relationships with their customers. This involves being responsive to customer inquiries, providing valuable insights, and following up after the sale. Building relationships with customers can lead to repeat business, referrals, and positive word-of-mouth.6. Handling Objections:Customers will inevitably have objections to a sales pitch. Whether it's concerns about the price, the product's features, or the company's reputation, a sales professional must be prepared to address objections effectively. This involves acknowledging the customer'sconcerns, providing relevant information, and explaining how the product or service can meet the customer's needs.7. Closing Techniques:Closing a sale is the ultimate goal of the sales process. There are various closing techniques that sales professionals can use, such as the assumptive close, the summary close, or the choice close. Understanding when and how to use different closing techniques is essential for successfully securing a sale.8. Time Management:Effective time management is crucial for sales professionals. Prioritizing tasks, managing a sales pipeline, and allocating time for prospecting and follow-up are all important aspects of time management in sales.9. Understanding Sales Metrics:Sales professionals should understand key sales metrics such as conversion rates, average deal size, and sales cycle length. By tracking and analyzing these metrics, sales professionals can identify areas for improvement and make more informed decisions.10. Continuous Learning:The field of sales is constantly evolving, so it's important for sales professionals to engage in continuous learning. This may involve attending sales training workshops, reading industry publications, or seeking mentorship from experienced sales professionals.In summary, sales professionals must possess a diverse set of skills and knowledge to succeed in their role. From understanding the sales process to mastering effective communication, building relationships, and continuously learning, the knowledge points outlined in this summary are essential for sales success. By honing these skills and knowledge, sales professionals can improve their performance and drive business growth.。

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Product: Watts In Synthetic Hair Wig
Need Recognition: I have not change my hair style for a long time. I do not want to cut my hair or dye my hair, so I decided to buy a hair wig. This way can make me have different hair styles and would not hurt my hair.
Information Search: My friend bought one before, so I asked her the price and the quality of the Hair Wig. She told me that there are many types of hair wig. My original hair is black color, so I would like to buy a black color hair wig which same as my own hair. And, my hair is straight hair that I rather to choose a curly hair wig.
I went to the Watts In twice to take a look of the hair wigs, the sale’s person told me that the pony-tail hair style sold very well and better bought it at that time.
I bought myself one hair wig at Watts In last year, but I wanted another type of the hair wig.
Evaluation of Alternatives:
I went to two different places to find the hair wig, one is in VivoCity and one is in West Mall. I went to the Watts In in West Mall with my friend at first, the sale’s person told me they only got the black mix brown color and brown color curly hair style. I tried the black mix brown one, it looked quite ok. Then I asked my friend how is it , she told me it looks good but the color not very suitable for my original hair color. I asked her should I buy or should I go to other places to find a more suitable one. She reminded me that VivoCity has a Watts In too. We decided to go to the other Watts In witch in the VivoCity. The Watts In there is larger than the one in West Mall, so we thought that may have the black color hair wigs. We found the black color curly hair wig which was the one I wanted. I tried it, and my friend said that it looks like my own hair and very nice. Therefore, I decided bought this black color curly hair wig. The sale’s person told me that was the last one of that kind of hair wig. I was happy that I did not buy that
black mix brown color one, thanks my friend’s comments.
Post-purchase Behavior: Performance=Expectation------------------------------satisfaction Cognitive dissonance: Last weekend, I went out with my friends. So, I decided to periwig the new hair wig. We went to the KTV by MRT, inside the MRT, I felt some people was looking at me. Then I thought that there was something wrong with my hair wig, so I tried to make it looked ok. But I still felt uncomfortable and unnatural. And sometimes I even afraid it would drop if I shake my head. I always thought that other people were looking at my hair wig, that made me felt a bit upset.。
