



IM D定义一:IMD解释:IMD的中文名称:模内装饰技术,亦称免涂装技术。

英文名称: In-Mold Decoration,IMD是目前国际风行的表面装饰技术,表面硬化透明薄膜,中间印刷图案层,背面注塑层,油IN MOLDING LABEL 墨中间,可使产品防止表面被刮花和耐摩擦,并可长期保持颜色的鲜明不易退色。


由於 (IMD) 之诸多优点适合於3 C、家电、LOGO铭板及汽车零件之塑料产品,特别是目前流行的手机外壳及各式仪表面板。



(IMD) 模内装饰可以取代许多传统的制程,如热转印、喷涂、印刷、电镀等外观装饰方法。


当然在这里要特别注明:并非所有塑胶表面装饰都能用IMD工艺所取代,IM D现在还存在材料技术瓶颈(如硬度与拉伸的反比关系,定位精度,异形与凸点间距,把模斜度等)具体产品要提供3D图档让专业工程师进行分析IMD的分类与相互特点:IMD包含IML,IMF,IMRIML:(无拉伸,曲面小,用于2D产品);IMF:IN MOLDING FILM (适合高拉伸产品,3D 产品);IMR:IN MOLDING ROLLER (产品表面薄膜去掉,只留下油墨在产品表面。


IMD(In Mold Decoration)技术,即注塑成型表面装饰技术,是目前风行的表面装饰技术,主要用在手机及一些电器面板、保护显示屏的透明镜片、汽车仪器仪表的表盘、洗衣机面板整饰等,并已发展到装饰大型机壳,如汽车的外壳装潢等方面。
采用帝国31000和9100、8100镜面油墨;100目/厘米 PET丝网;耐溶剂型感光膜片;胶刮硬度HS65~70;回墨刀刃口为圆角型,回墨时刮速略低。干燥:80℃,干燥后可获得较好的镜面效果。镜面油墨彻底干燥后,在其表面罩印黏合剂会使注塑后的镜面效果更好。



M.S. F.S.
The ink will transfered to the injection part during injection
M.S. F.S.
The foil will be stretched according to the mold closing
M.S. F.S.
IML Samples
IML Samples
IML Samples
Our dept.
• 现部门总共拥有注塑机42台,产能约为10M/月。 • 后续我们又请购了注塑机20台,总数将达到61台 • 月产能将达到41M/月
• 现在IML产能为1000K
IMD&IML technology introduction
3.表面纹理均匀 4.复合成型达hank you!
Fixed Side
Polyester carrier ( Feeding direction )
IMD Foil
IMD Foil
IMD Foil结构图
IMD Process features
1. 2. 3. 4. 对大批量生产有很好成本价值 成型和图案的转移同时发生,能够提高空间和时间上的成本. 由于在净房中操作,所以不用担心环境的污染. 这个系统能够再现金属,珍珠,发光,木纹,抽象设计及其它高精确度 的艺术表现. 5. 能够以高质量的转移装饰复杂的3维曲面. 6. 表面有高硬度的硬化层. 7. 需要特别的供给系统 8. 需要批量很大的定单. 9. 由于薄膜是成卷的,检验很困难. 10. 薄膜的采购周期很长(6 – 8周) 11. 薄膜的供应商有限.



IMD 模内装饰
(In mold decoration)
平面一体成型 技术 IML(2D)
{ 准备作业 }
1. 片材作业 , 基本订购量 2k ,备料时间短 2. 设备 分摊率 $ 低 、模具开立与传统 成本相同
IMD 模内装饰
(In mold decoration)
传统制程 >>>>>
拆件 + 组装 + 后开治具 + 喷涂 + 印刷 + 电镀 + 雷标贴合 … LENS
步骤 1. 射出成品 (5~10% Loss) 步骤 2. 塑料强化 (5% loss) 以机构设计而定 步骤 3. 真空溅镀 (5% loss) 步骤 4. 印刷 ( 防退镀油墨 ) (5% loss) 步骤 5. 洗退镀 (30~40% loss) 步骤 6. 印刷 ( 色稿 ) (5% loss) 步骤 7. 冲切料头 (2% loss) 步骤 8. 雷射贴标 ( 可重工 ) 步骤 9. 检验包装
使用送箔机 油墨转写后FILM撕离 平面产品或大弧面
面板 窗口
技术掌握于日本手中 开发期长开模及薄膜印刷皆由日本负责缺乏 自主性
可结合双料及绒布、皮革、仿 金属仿真材质...等
面板 窗口 瓶罐
开发迅速 模具可与喷漆..等其他制程共享平 面应用广泛
IMD 模内装饰
(In mold decoration)
IMD种模内装饰射出的尖端技术,可以突破传统塑料射出所 不能的设计,且具备经济效益的一种生产制程,其能降低产 品制作与装配成本,并能简化生产步骤、减少组装部分、缩 短生产时间,具有提高产量、增加产品外观性及提高耐久性 的优点,例如:


A) 表示内容: FOIL品名/Name of foil + 改版履历/Revisionhistory(REV) B) 表示场所:
例)FOIL品名/Name of foil:LA-A780 CLI 改版履歴3回/:REV3 *改版履歴/Revision history 初版 / 1st edition/With no display 改版1回/REV 2nd edition/REV 改版2回/REV2 3rd edition/REV2 : : 改版○回/REV‘○’ ○th edition/REV○-1
FOIL图案未完全粘 附在产品上,造成局 部剥落. 该不良原因是FOIL 油墨性能不一造成. 此状况适当提高模 温,射速有改善.
产品图案与FOIL图案相偏移 主要原因是FOILL设定跑位.调整传感产器刻度可改善.
产品上图案与原始 色或标准色不同 该不良主要原因: 1).FOILL来料不良
IMD成型基础知识简介 IMD成型加工流程 IMD成型常见产品不良
学习IMD基础知识 认识IMD成型流程与主要生产设备
课时﹕2H 考核方式:笔试
IMD是英文 In Molding Decorate 的缩写. 中文意思是在模内装饰成型. 它是把图案,文字设计在Foil即转 印膜上,经过射出成型工艺把Foil 上的图案,文字转印到产品上的 一种特殊成型方法. 目前IMD成型工艺主要用于手机 外观产品上,如手机镜片,外壳等. 如右图(IMD产品):



IMD技术介绍工程技术中心目录IMD发展历程IMD/IML/IMR简介IML工艺流程IML产品加工与设备展示IML产品应用展示IML设计注意事项IML未来发展趋势2IMD 发展历程yIMD工艺技朮最早由Bayer公司开发,于1989年第一件产品问世,应用于VM-Golf车型之显示面板.随着消费者对电子产品个性化,高质量等要求,渐延伸到手机,汽车,家电等产品上的运用.其优异的物理与机械性能深受行业的亲睐,在2002年得到业界讯速推广.3IMD/IML/IMR简介IMD :In-Mold Decoration(模内装饰成型)指在公母模间放置一印刷膜片,通过射出成形时将印刷油墨转印或Film披覆到塑件表面。

IML:In-Mold Label指在成型模内放入一片具印刷图案的膜片,射出成形时将该披覆到塑件表Film披覆到塑件表面.IMR: In-Mold Roller指在公母模间有一印刷的膜卷,射出成形时将印刷油墨转印到塑件表面,完成后需对产品表面进行Hard coating处理以达成良好的性能.(因日本Nissha公司专利问题,该工艺未被业界广范推广)4IMD优势1.产品表面抗刮伤,环境适用性高.2.复杂之3D外形,着色定位度高.3.高分辨率之图案线条,永不褪色,使用寿命提高.4.可任意设计图案.5.多彩之颜色.6.简化背光技术,色彩对比高.7.可自动化生产,产量大.8.经济效益 (a)一套模具可生产多种产品.()(b)无窗口区域产品可使用再生塑料.9.易于改变外观设计,适合多样小量式产品.5IML 工艺流程印刷整形冲切成型各工序产出品:印刷后薄膜整形后产品冲切后产品成品6IML技朮已在多个领域进行运用.7A.Film选择1.材质PET,PC目前主要采用英国柯图泰,日本中井,Bayer,GE等公司材料.yPET薄膜,其硬度2H,但热压后返弹较大,尺寸难把握,目前主要用于镜片IML。




IML (In-Mold Label) ——模内镶件注塑,是将背面印刷好图案的膜片 成型分切成与产品表面一致,再将成型好的膜片置入模具腔内,然后将树脂 注入模内与膜片结合,在树脂注入的温度、压力的作用下,膜片与树脂结合 成一体,油墨层位于表面薄膜与树脂中间。【印刷→冲型→内塑料射出。无 拉伸,曲面小 ,用于2D产品】;
IMD ——塑料工艺
IMD工艺介绍 IMD工艺分类 IMD工艺材料 IMD工艺流程 IMD foil 的印刷工艺技术 IMR与IML的区别 IMD工艺设备 IMD的主要特点 IMD应用领域 IMD工艺的行情 IMD工艺的发展前景
IMD(In-Mould-Decoration)它是指是把一个丝印有图案的 FILM放到塑胶模具里进行注塑。此FLIM大致可分为三层,基材 (一般为PET) INK(油墨)耐磨材料(多为一种特殊的胶)。当 模具注塑完成后,film和塑胶融为一体,耐磨材料在最外面,在 手机显示屏多采用这种工艺,塑胶材料多为PC, PMMA, PBT等 ,它主要有耐磨和耐刮伤的作用。还有一种叫IML(IN-MOUldLable)技术,和IMD大致相同,只是注塑后flim就像冲压的料 带一样拉出,只是将印刷图案转印到塑胶件上,又称模内转印 。
IMR (In-Mold Roller) ——模内转印,日本称热转写或热转印。是将 已印刷好图案的膜片置入模具内,通过送箔器自动定位,然后将树脂 注入模具内与膜片结合,使原来印刷在膜片上的图案与膜片分离而转 移到跟成型树脂成一体的一种成型方法,膜片在生产过程中仅起到一 个载体的作用,最终不与产品成一体。【重点在于胶料上的离型层, PET FILM→印离型剂→印刷油墨→印接着剂→ 内塑料射出→油墨与 塑接着→开模后胶料会自动从油墨离型。它的片材定做周期比较长, 模具费用比较高,技术不输出,只有日方有。】



之比較: 三‧IMD/F、IMR、IML之比較: 、 、 之比較
IMD/F (In Mold Decoration)
1.印刷後的薄膜經過預塑成型及裁切等步驟完成單片薄膜成品,將此 薄膜置於模腔內,然後注射膠料頂出成品。 2.油墨印刷面位在薄膜下方成型後油墨會在薄膜與素材中間,外表為 一層PC or PET薄膜可保護和保持油墨色澤鮮艷。 3.IMF (In Mold Film)製程與IMD相似,但其無需經過預塑成型步驟。
一‧ 何謂膜內裝飾 二‧ 模內印刷目的及類別 三‧ IMD、IMR/F、IML之比較 四‧ IMD / IMR薄膜示意圖 五‧ IMD製作流程 六‧ IMR製作流程
一‧何謂模內裝飾: 何謂模內裝飾:
模內裝飾(In-Mold Decoration)包括多種不同的技術而主要分 為三類技巧: 1. 模內薄膜– 將印刷後的薄膜置於模腔內,然後注射膠料成型,此製程統稱為模 內印刷。 2. 粒狀顏料注射技術– 將粒狀顏料加熱至熱塑狀態,然後注射於模腔內,並利用覆蓋模膠 技術(即雙色或雙注塑技術)生產塑膠件。 3. 模內底漆– 於注塑程序時替產品塗上底漆(適用於汽車零件塗漆)。
L2 L1 H2
H1 + H2 + L1 L2
宏觀 創新 迅速 謙誠 團隊
K < 2.0 2.0 < K < 2.5 2.5 < K < 3.0 3.0 < K < 3.5 K > 3.5
成型容易,使用熱壓或高壓模式皆可輕易成 型。 成型難度稍高,建議使用高壓模式成型。 成型難度較高,建議使用高壓模式分兩次成 型或以複合模方式成型。 已超出材料商標示之拉伸比,成型不易,建 議使用複合模成型。 成型難度極高,不建議採用IMD製程。



I M D In-Mold Decoration(I M L)(I M F)(IMD)模內裝飾是一種相對新的自動化生產工藝,與其他工藝相比(IMD)能減化生產步驟和減少拆件組成部件,因此能快速生產節省時間和成本,同時還具有提高質量,增加圖像的複雜性和提高產品耐久性優點應用在產品外觀上,(IMD)是一種最有效率的方法,它是在薄膜表面上施以印刷、熱壓成型、沖切,最後與塑膠結合成型,免除二次作業程式及其人力工時,尤其一般在需背光、多曲面、仿金屬、髮線處理、邏輯光紋、肋骨干涉...等印刷噴漆製程無法處理的時候,更是使用IMD製程的時機。

傳統的塑膠加工技術已漸漸無法滿足新時代的需求,輕、薄、短小的消費性電子產品及環保意識的擡頭,由於 (IMD) 之優點適合於3C、家電、LOGO銘板及汽車零件之塑膠產品,特別是目前流行的手機外殼及各式儀表面板。


(IMD) 模內裝飾可以取代許多傳統的製程,如熱轉印、噴塗、印刷、電鍍等外觀裝飾方法。


員全股份有限公司以二十餘年的塑膠加工經驗及研發團隊 , 將模內裝飾成功地應用於各式產品以滿足客戶需求, 並與客戶共創商機。

I M D 的優勢1. 產品外觀面良好的耐磨與耐刮度。

2. 複雜的外觀圖像可輕易完成,並確保一致性其他工藝則無法做到。

3. 顏色多變化可小量生產,可印刷四種以上不同顏色並可印刷金屬電鍍油墨。

4. 多種外觀圖像變化,不需另外開模大幅節省成本。

5. 一體成型免除以往分色拆件,加快設計開發進度。

6. 高度彩色對化,且塑件產品可透光保持視窗,導光柱功能。

7. 耐久性特佳,彈性的表面印刷,提供產品極佳的耐化學品之特性實際上圖像是印刷在薄膜裡面。

8. 塑膠料與薄膜可以回收再行使用。

9. 去除二次作業程式及其人力工時,降低系統成本與減少庫存成本。



IMD产业链分析:一、世界几大油墨厂家(如 宝龙、帝国、十条、精工等)进攻IMD产业, 开发专业IMD油墨,并且不断在大陆展览。二、 世界几大薄膜厂家(如GE、BAYER、Degussa) 进攻IMD产业,三菱以前2条流水线,现增加到4 条。三、国际大企业进攻IMD产业,富士康以 前一个部门现在增加到各部门生产。四、一 些印刷行业巨头投入IMD全制程。
g.射出条件在IMD工艺中可变性较少,所 以建议选择控制精度较高的注塑机;塑 料的物性也要求一致性很好。
h. 因FILM热胀冷缩的特性,其模具溫度不 能太高成型,所以建议使用模溫机。
I i. 因为內置薄膜,越厚的地方越容易产生 缩水,所以缩水的解决办法不能用传统 的保压、过压的方法来处理,只能通过 减料、掏空的方法来处理。
七)IMD射出成型常出現的問 題及解決方法
1)IMD注塑中花样油墨被冲散(洗)掉的,主要 原因如下: ●IMD油墨干燥不透,存在残留溶剂,且还 会产生气泡,注塑时油墨扩散并与片材附着 力下降等; ●IMD银色墨需要更长些时间烘干; ●IMD片材厚度的影响,油墨被冲散的面积 隨片材厚度的增加而加大; ●与入浇口设计的结构、形狀以及分布是否 合理有关;
1. 产品外观面有良好的耐磨与耐刮性。 2. 复杂的外观图像可轻易完成,并确保一致性,
其他工艺则无法做到。 3. 颜色多变化可小量生产,可印刷四种以上不
同颜色并可印刷金属电镀油墨。 4. 多种外观图像变化,不需另外开模,大幅节省
成本。 5. 一体成型免除以往分色拆件,加快设计开发进
IMD技术虽然是一个新型技术,但例如手机等产品技 术本身上了一个瓶颈之后只能在产品的包装和装饰做 文章,加上IMD都针对高价位的精品类,所以在汽车, 通讯,数码及其它高端塑料产业得到了越來越多的重 視!



IML (In-Mold Label) ——模内镶件注塑,是将背面印刷好图案的膜片 成型分切成与产品表面一致,再将成型好的膜片置入模具腔内,然后将树脂 注入模内与膜片结合,在树脂注入的温度、压力的作用下,膜片与树脂结合 成一体,油墨层位于表面薄膜与树脂中间。【印刷→冲型→内塑料射出。无 拉伸,曲面小 ,用于2D产品】;
一般来讲用IMD有两个背景原因, 1, 有些效果用注塑是在难以模拟,比如胡桃木的汽车仪表板(汽 车配件模具上的)。 2,在小片零件上集成几种效果很难,比如MOTO V60模具的前 三角片, 集中了电镀,透明,丝网印,但本身又要求精致,试想
还有一种方法实现就是在模具阶段做零件表面皮纹(TEXTURE )时件外表面光滑,内表面用粗糙纹路,但对模具有要求,因为 粗纹理拔模角大。
IMD foil 构成图
聚氯乙烯 (PVC)
聚碳酸酯 (PC)
聚酯 (PET)
平面薄膜面板、铭牌 铭板
耐化学腐蚀性能好,绝缘 耐磨性能差易划伤,透 性能强,有抗紫外线能力, 明度较低。 成本低
(3) 平面印刷:根据要求的图标、文字制造成菲林网,在裁剪好的 薄膜Film方形块上印刷图标、文字。
(4) 油墨干燥固定:把印刷好的薄膜Film方形块放置在高温焗炉里 干燥,目的是彻底固化IMD油墨、把油墨内的溶剂蒸化。
(5) 贴保护膜:避免在冲定位孔工序时弄花已印刷好的薄膜Film表 面,有时需要贴上单层或双层保护膜。
IMF (In-Mold Film) ——模内镶件注塑,大致与IML相同,但主要用于 在IML的基础上做3D 处理。 【印刷→成型→冲型→内塑料射出。注:成型 多为PC真空\高压成型。适合高拉伸产品,3D 产品】



imd技术(IMD技术)Introduction of IMD TechnologyIMD definitionIMD interpretation: IMD Name: Chinese mold decoration technology, IMD technology is the international popularity of the surface decoration, surface hardening, transparent film, intermediate printing pattern layer, middle layer on the back of the injection, ink, enable the product to prevent surface scratches and abrasion, and can maintain long-term bright color is not easy to fadeName: English ("a" a ction Moulding Decoration,In-Mould-Decoration)"A" a ction n. injection, injectionMoulding n. molding, castingDecoration n. decoration, decorationsTraditional plastic processing (spraying, printing, electroplating, heat transfer and other decorative methods) technology has gradually unable to meet the needs of the new era. IMD technology is based on this process came into being is the best, set decoration performance in a function of injection molded parts, graphic color in the injection molding of a molding, reduce subsequent processing procedure of injection molding, in addition IMD stereo shaping increased design freedom, graphics, color in the plastic interlayer,abrasion resistance and corrosion, and color printing pattern change at any time without changing the mold. IMD technology is mainly used in: home appliances, communication products, electronic products, instrumentation, medical equipment, toys, cosmetics, automobile accessories, digital products, etc.. Case study: due to the advantages of (IMD), it is suitable for 3C, household appliances, LOGO nameplate and automotive parts of plastic products, especially the popular mobile phone shell and all kinds of instrument panel. The world's advanced manufacturers such as Germany Bayer, the United States GE, are in full development of this process.Brief introduction to IMD Technology Series Forum (1) -IMD TechnologyIn the past two years, IMD technology has been widely used in consumer electronics and automotive interior, a bit hot feeling. Here we do some of the introduction of the technology.The concept and history of IMDIMD is the abbreviation of English Decoration (In-mold). From the literal meaning of English, the method and purpose of this technology can be well understood. "In-mold" is what is put in the mold inside; "Decoration" is the decoration meaning, so this technique is to put what in the mold, the purpose is to make the product good. This technology actually appears very early last century, in 70s and 80s we have been in use, but because some of the obstacles to cost and material technology, of course, the key is the market demand is not so high, so there is no widely used.The development and application of IMD in ChinaIn recent years, consumer electronics and automotive market competition has intensified, in order to make their products can be different from the competition, to seize the customer in the first time, each manufacturer in the product appearance color spare neither labor nor money. It is in this market situation, this technology is getting more and more attention. In China, this technology was first used in household appliances, such as washing machines, microwave ovens, air conditioners and other panels. Later, the mobile phone manufacturers such as Motorola the first application of this technology in the A mobile phone flip cover, many domestic manufacturers to follow the trend, so the emergence of some IMD suppliers.Two kinds of IMD TechnologyBefore we go into this technology, we need to clarify some of the conceptual properties. The IMD we're talking about here, more people in the country call it IML, which is the final product, with the outermost layer of PC or PET film. There is another kind of IMD technology, which represents the Japanese Nissha and the German Kurz, and their IMD technology is actually called the thermal transfer technology. That is, first print the pattern on the PET film carrier, and then in the injection molding, the printed film on the surface of the transfer to the injection molded surface, and then peel off the film, and ultimately the outermost layer of the product is a layer of ink.The differences between the two IMD technologies are reflected in the following aspects:1. different processesThe IMD we are going to pass through four links: film printing molding punching cutting injection molding (sometimes without molding); heat transfer printing through film printing injection two links.TwoThe abrasion resistance of the finished products is differentThe wear resistance of IMD finished products is much higher than that of thermal transfer printing products. IMD the outer layer of the product is PC or PET film, the ink is sandwiched between the film and plastic particles, so the color is difficult to wear, the pattern will be the maximum protection. However, the outer layer of the finished product made by thermal transfer technology is only a hardened layer. Although the hardness of the hardened layer is up to 2H, the actual wear resistance is not good. A few years ago, Nokia low price mobile phone lens made a lot of this process, less than half a year, the color has been worn off.3. processes have different capabilitiesIMD can be used as a product range to transfer a lot of specific heat. IMD not only can be made into a large stretch or 3 dimensional parts, but also can be flat or simple camberedsurface products. And heat transfer technology basically can only be flat or simple arc products, such as mobile phone lens. Where is the reason? Heat transfer is in the injection molding, the film (unformed) into the mold, and if it is verythree-dimensional parts, film and plastic can not fit very well.4. the cost structure is differentFilm heat transfer is only Nissha a, and between the products can not be replaced, that is to say you do different projects to do, have to prepare the specific inventory; Nissha there is no inventory, it is difficult to ensure delivery, so the cost is difficult to reduce. And for IMD technology, manufacturers directly buy transparent clean film, so there will not be dead inventory. According to the two processes are very professional manufacturers to compare, the cost of heat transfer parts is higher than the IMD technology products 20%.5. different business modelsIn the process of thermal transfer, Nissha provides membrane die, so it has the right to pricing, the injection molding factory is only its currency counting machine. And in IMD, the injection molding factory has its own pricing power, which is completely different from the heat transfer process.IMD Technology Series Forum (2) -IMD material selection:Summing up the above two kinds of IMD technology, we can see that the Nissha IMD technology has the advantage of easy process,but a long period of high prices, the cost of IMD is the low, high profit, but you need to explore and study the long time. So before you get into this field, you think about which one to choose. The IMD technology we analyzed below does not refer to the thermal transfer technology of Nissha, but refers to the technology of a PC/PET film on the surface of the final product.IMD Technology Series Forum (2) -IMD material selectionIMD technology will be designed to three kinds of materials: film, ink, plastic particles, we will discuss IMD requirements for these materials one by one.FilmThere are several kinds of films currently in use:1. PC thin film: the most important IMD film materialCharacteristic:High heat resistance and vitreous temperature Tg140CGood tensile properties. The ductility of PC is very good, and the ductility is 160%Good processability. Because it is amorphous material, so the forming temperature range is very large, so the film forming temperature range is very wide, from cold forming to thermoforming 170C can; the molding temperature here refers to the temperature of the film;Wide range of products. The surface has frosted, fine sand, hardened, anti fog and so on, different types can be selected;The hardness is up to 1H. Why don't we love original PC film is PC film surface hardening by up to 1H, the GE company has a new film surface of a DMX can reach 1H, and the tensile performance is very good, to solve the previous tensile properties and surface hardening of the contradictory problemAt present, the most popular products for customers are GE series OQ hardened films, the latest superhard forming film DMXIt has a wide range of applications: mobile phones, cars, consumer electronics and so on.2. PET thin film:CharacteristicHigh surface hardness. The PET film can reach 2H after hardening;Good chemical resistance.Poor formability. PET film can not be bigger stretch parts, can only be flat or simple arc products.Deformation after molding. PET is a crystalline material,There is no so-called vitreous temperature, either solid, orlike water, so thermoforming can only be in solid state, so PET molding can only be forced molding. The result is that the PET film is very resilient after forming, resulting in a very serious deformation after the product is finished. All manufacturers who use PET film to process IMD parts are confronted with this problem at present. But the problem is insurmountable, in terms of the material itself;The current application areas are mainly in home appliances and mobile phone lenses. Such as air conditioning electric cooker control panel, mobile phone lens is flat, so you can also film to do.3. ABS thin filmCharacteristicABS film is mainly used in automotive interior parts, some professional film factory on the ABS film printed on walnut or metal film, plus hardened layer. The manufacturer is represented by Avery in the United states.printing inkBecause of its particularity, IMD technology has specific requirements for printing ink:Temperature resistance. Because IMD process is after printing and injection, so the ink must be resistant to more than 200C, otherwise it will be washed away by injection of material flow;Ductility. There are hot forming in injection molding before the ink of course together with the film tension, if the ink is malleable after hot forming, the ink may leak, cracks etc..At present, there are many vendors who claim to be able to provide IMD ink in the market, but in fact, there are not many good ones. It looks like two people:Type UV Decomold series with Sunchemical;Solvent type N2K and HTR series with ProellAs you all know, solvent type ink drying time is much slower than UV type, and requires a long drying oven or oven, and UV type does not need. From the point of view of yield, UV is better.Plastic particlesThe choice of plastic particles mainly depends on the requirements of OEM manufacturers for the performance of parts. At present, PC, PC alloy, ABS and PMMA are used, and the advantage of PC is good impact resistance, and PC is mostly in the automotive and mobile phones. PMMA is low injection temperature, light transmittance and surface hardness are relatively high, so in some lenses products used more.Is worth mentioning is that the current development of PC alloy technology soon, some of the PC alloy retains the strength of PC and reduce the injection temperature of the liquidity, such as the temperature of the PC/Polyester alloy Xylex X8303 GE,a new injection of about 240 260C, but also better than the average flow of PC high impact resistance at present, GE company has been in the promotion, you can go to "a bit.IMD Technology Forum Series (3) -IMD process and equipment requirementsThe IMD process consists of the following four steps:1. printing. Print on transparent film, print the desired pattern of the customer. Of course, the printing needs screen printing machine, the condition of good buy, the condition of general buy general, in short because of their own conditions vary.Printing is very important for IMD. The quality of printing and the choice of ink will affect the other processes. For example, your ink did not choose right, drying is not enough, then the latter process is very easy to produce ink phenomenon.Basically ink selection must choose IMD special ink, if the solvent based ink, drying must be sufficient and the mesh screen is greater than 300.2. forming. Injection molding industry, many people call molding process. What we call molding here is not the idea of printing a thin film into the shape of a customer's needs. You need a cell phone shell to form the shape of a cell phone shell, you need a laptop, and it's made into a laptop shape.When forming, the film and ink are stretched to a certainextent.Molding needs molding machine. The difference between high and low grades is very large: the simplest low grade thermoforming machine is the hydraulic press, which is very simple. Some high-end vacuum or high pressure molding machine, mold mold or mold only, heating thin film after high pressure gas flushing or smoke, there are the combination of the two.High pressure or vacuum is more expensive, equipment also has a single station or two stations, also lead to different prices.The film forming method is specially introduced below.3. punch cutting. After a good film forming shell, there must be some parts are not needed, so the part cut off unnecessary. This part is also a very important part of IMD, some of the three-dimensional shape is not good cut, cutting precision, knife shape has a lot of experience inside. Especially some products with high requirements for hemming.4. injection moldingPlastic injection is the last step. The adjustment of the process, the structure of the mold and the choice of the plastic injection have great influence on the final yield. There is no general rule here, because the shape, pattern and shape of the product are quite different, and they can only rely on experience. Generally speaking, the gate of the mold should not be a point gate as far as possible, and the plastic should be made of low viscosity and high flowing material.IMD injection is not too high for the equipment, ordinary injection molding machine can be. But when doing a lot of products, vertical injection molding machines bring a lot of convenience, such as making holes free products, the film can be placed directly on the mold without the need to do other positioning facilities.In addition to that can put two sets of mold a mold equipment, so you can put a set of injection molding and shell two movements do not interfere with each other, shorten the injection time.IMD Technology Forum Series (4) -IMD product designProduct design of IMDIMD has some special requirements for product design because it involves printing patterns, thermoforming, etc.:1. angle is greater than the thickness of the film; that is to say, the corner of the product can not be 90 degrees, the greater the corner, the more favorable for forming;2. in the vicinity of the gate, it is best not to put complex patterns to avoid ink stamping;3. in a larger stretch to avoid putting patterns, the author in the process of practice found that many people like to say that this is not to the pattern design is limited? In fact, otherwise, stretched larger places generally appear in the side of the product, what kind of special design must be placed onthe side of the pattern?4. if you want to have a large stretch of the pattern, it is best to always imitate some software.The above requirements are not harsh. So IMD for product design should say is only good, no harm, it brings designers great freedom, that is to say, with IMD can realize many spray paint is difficult to achieve effect.In addition to membrane material development at present is also change rapidly, leather textured film, wove film, metal texture effect of the film, in short, IMD is the most popular of the industrial designerIMD Technology Series Forum (5) -IMD applicable occasionsThe most suitable occasion for IMD applicationA lot of people tell me they want to use IMD, but it's too expensive to use, and there's a lot of misunderstanding in it.First of all, IMD is applied to customers with high appearance requirements. If your customers think that the appearance is insignificant, it is not necessary to use this technology; IMD application is best to have a pattern or text can reflect the advantages of printing place.Secondly, the advantage of IMD is that when you have a variety of product designs, such as a product has a variety of appearance, in such circumstances, IMD may reduce the cost willbe reduced. Just imagine, a ten shell of the mobile phone, you may need to order ten kinds of plastic particles of different colors, ten different colors of paint, but IMD does not need, because of its color is reflected by printing a color, as long as the particle is good. As a result, the price of plastic particles and inventory and waste costs can be reduced.Again, using some special method can even use the benefits of IMD, but also reduce costs. We know that the cost of IMD is sometimes higher than that in thermoforming. Is there any way to get rid of this step? As long as the film does not wrap the angle, the film does not need to be preformed,Just put the stamping cut film into the mold directly injection, just like that, the cost will soon be much lower, but also use the benefits of IMD.Application fields of IMD / IML:Home appliance industry: electric cookers, washing machines, microwave ovens, air conditioners, refrigerators and other decorative panels control;Electronic industry: MP3, MP4, VCD, DVD, calculator, electronic notepad, digital camera and other shell and signs;Automotive Industry: dashboard, air conditioning panel, interior trim, light housing, signs and so on;Computer industry: keyboard, mouse, face shell;Communications: mobile phone keys, mobile phone lens, mobile phone and fixed phone, PHS color display panel, window lens;Other industries: medical equipment, cosmetics boxes, decorative boxes, toys, sports and entertainment, leisure products and so on.。



三﹕IMD 工艺的发展前景 目前, IMD 模内装饰镶嵌注塑技术是一种崭 新的塑胶装饰工艺技术。可三维变化,增加设计 者的自由度,能设计出各种个性化造型的产品, 适应时代发展的需求。 IMD 技术可以实现注塑成型、装饰一体化、 一次完成,又能做出各种不同的特殊效果,如: 按键凸泡、金属镜面或消光面、金属拉丝纹、背 透光性、凹凸点纹等等,极具装饰性及功能性。 IMD 技术是替代塑胶制品喷漆、电镀加工最 好的新工艺,减少注塑的后续加工工序,在塑胶 工业上推广、普及,能真正实现节能、环保的意 义,将为社会及企业 带来巨大的经济效益和环保 效益。
四. IMD 工艺流程 概念说明: IMD包含IML,IMF,IMR IML(IN MOLDING LABEL)﹝印刷胶 料与塑 胶 结合﹞ IMF(IN MOLDING FILM)﹝与IML相 同﹞ IMR (IN MOLDING ROLLER)﹝重点 在于胶料上的离型层。PET FILM→印离 型剂→印刷油墨→印接着剂→ 内塑料射 出→油墨与塑接着→开模后胶料会自动 从油墨离型。
7. 三维变化,可增加设计者对产品设计的 自由度。 8.制程简化:经由一次注塑成型的工法,将 成型与装饰同时达成,可有效降低成本与 工时,可提供稳定的生产
9. 降低成本与工时:IMD制程中只需要一套 模 具,不像其它替代制程需开多套治具, 可以去除一次作业程序的人力与工时,降 低系统成本与库存成本 10. CAE,CAM,IC复合成型加工达到无缝效 果。
馬永貴 2007.01.09目录• • • • IMD概念 GS專案工藝流程 产品特征 IMD 工艺的发展前景 IMD 工艺流程 • IMD(IML,IMF)高压气体成型与IMR比较
• GS產品工藝流程照片


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電腦硬體- CPU排程的演算法
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IMD 基礎資訊技術
林文修 輔仁大學 資訊管理系所
✓ 計算機概論 60% (大一開課) ✓ 資料結構 40% (大二開課)
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(2)IML(Laminate)(Label): 俗称模內贴标, Film会留在外观表面形成保护层。一般塑 料容器采用这种方式来生产。
(3)IMR (Rolling): 模內热转印, 油墨转印后 FILM剥离不留在表面。IMR生产出來的产 品只有两层,上面为油墨,下面为塑料! 只能做平面的產品
●与塑料的溫度有关,注塑树脂溫度加高,则被 冲散的面积减小。溫度设定与塑料品种及注塑 模结构有关; ●IMD油墨层印刷得太薄; ●IMD油墨本身不耐高溫; ●塑料在注塑前未去湿,导致注塑时出現气泡; ●网印前油墨的黏度调节不合适,导致墨层出 現针孔以及流平性差的問題。
●油墨中有残留溶剂; ●注塑机的溫度、压力及其冷卻系統控制不当; ●银墨中色料含量太高,或与注塑工以不匹配; ●油墨本身与基材的结合牢度欠佳; ●沒有印IMD水性黏合剂; ●镜面油墨离弯边太近; ●注塑料有水分; ● 油墨的附著力与注塑树脂的溫度有关系。
●片材(基材)本身不耐镜面墨溶剂; ●印刷后应立即干燥; ●镜面墨上应再印水性黏合剂; ●为了达到镜面效果和提高油墨与基材黏合力,
1)IMD注塑中花样油墨被冲散(洗)掉的,主要 原因如下: ●IMD油墨干燥不透,存在残留溶剂,且还 会产生气泡,注塑时油墨扩散并与片材附着 力下降等; ●IMD银色墨需要更长些时间烘干; ●IMD片材厚度的影响,油墨被冲散的面积 隨片材厚度的增加而加大; ●与入浇口设计的结构、形狀以及分布是否 合理有关;
g.射出条件在IMD工艺中可变性较少,所 以建议选择控制精度较高的注塑机;塑 料的物性也要求一致性很好。
h. 因FILM热胀冷缩的特性,其模具溫度不 能太高成型,所以建议使用模溫机。
I i. 因为內置薄膜,越厚的地方越容易产生 缩水,所以缩水的解决办法不能用传统 的保压、过压的方法来处理,只能通过 减料、掏空的方法来处理。
a. 流道设计愈短愈好,采用热流道最佳. b. 浇口面积可加大或采用多点浇口.
c. 塑料选择:流动性愈高愈好,射出温度愈 低愈好.
d. 在浇口位置可加防止冲墨的油墨,如宝龙公 司(PROELL)的.
e. IMD注塑模的型腔与成型模形状要保持 一致性;
f. 射料交会点尽量不要选择在拉伸最高的位 置(大多時候在四角的位置,因此处较薄, 热胀冷缩更为严重,会出现皱折。
IMD(In-Mould-Decoration)即模内装饰技 术,它是指把一个丝印有图案的FILM放 到塑料模具里进行直接注塑而成的塑料 装饰工艺技术 。此FLIM大致可分为三层, 基材(一般为PET、PC片材), INK(油 墨),耐磨材料(多为一种特殊的胶)。当 注塑完成后,film和塑胶融为一体,耐磨 材料在最外面。
6. 高度彩色对比化,且塑件产品可透光保持視 窗、道光柱功能。
7. 耐久性特佳,弹性的表面印刷,提供产品极 佳的耐化学品之特性,实际上图像是印刷在薄 膜里面的。
8. 塑胶料与薄膜可以回收再行使用。 9. 去除二次作业程序及其人力工时,降低系统
成本与减少库存成本。 10.可以达到精度要求且快速自动化大量生产。
电脑业:键盘、鼠标、面壳,Notebook外壳结 合皮革,仿金属,逻辑光纹镭射图案..等材质.
-IMD的应用领域家业:电饭煲、洗衣机、微波炉、空 调器、电冰箱等的控制装饰面板;
其它业:医疗器械、化妆品盒、装饰盒、 玩具、运动和娱乐休闲用品等等。
1. 产品外观面有良好的耐磨与耐刮性。 2. 复杂的外观图像可轻易完成,并确保一致性,
其他工艺则无法做到。 3. 颜色多变化可小量生产,可印刷四种以上不
同颜色并可印刷金属电镀油墨。 4. 多种外观图像变化,不需另外开模,大幅节省
成本。 5. 一体成型免除以往分色拆件,加快设计开发进
目前, 依不同的工法, 概分为三类: (1)IMF (Forming): 即模內射出,模內覆膜!IMF
的出现真正实现了塑料产品的立体IMD装饰, IMF适合高拉伸,包边,立体的塑料产品,IMF 出来的产品是个三明治的形式,第一层为PC, PET,PMMA等塑料片材,第二层为油墨,第 三层为塑料,所以油墨在中间,不会出现刮花, 掉色等情況。 产品包括:PC FILM平面印刷, 3D, 2D Forming
三) IMD工艺流程
一般来讲用IMD有两个背景原因, 1, 有些效果用注塑实在难以模拟,比如胡桃 木的汽车仪表板(汽车配件模具上的)。 2,在小片零件上集成几种效果很难,比如 MOTO V60模具的前三角片, 集中了电镀,透 明,丝网印,但本身又要求精致,试想用真实 电镀,透明片分别注塑再拼接基本很困难。 还有一种方法实现就是在模具阶段做零件表面 皮纹(TEXTURE)时件外表面光滑,内表面用 粗糙纹路,但对模具有要求,因为粗纹理拔模 角大。
水性黏合剂应加硬化剂,但加后应在2h内用完 ●在PC上,用宝龙网印L48591镜面油墨时,应
通讯业:手机按键、手机镜片、手机彩壳、 小灵通及固定电话面板、视窗镜片;
电子业: MP3 、 MP4 、计算 器、 VCD 、 DVD 、电子记事本、数码相机 等装饰面壳、彩壳及标牌;
汽车业:仪表盘、空调面板、内饰件、 车灯外壳、标志等;
因IMD油墨所能承受的温度为250~ 260℃,3~4秒,所以在設計射出模时,需考 量射出压力,射出時間,浇口大小数量及材 料之物性。为达到射压低、射出时间短, 可考量方法如下: