exploiting learner models using data mining for e-learning a rule based approach


人工智能与深度学习考试 选择题 58题

人工智能与深度学习考试 选择题 58题

1. 人工智能的定义是什么?A. 模拟人类智能的机器B. 计算机科学的一个分支C. 数据分析技术D. 机器学习算法2. 深度学习是哪种学习方法的一个分支?A. 监督学习B. 无监督学习C. 强化学习D. 机器学习3. 以下哪项不是深度学习的主要应用领域?A. 图像识别B. 自然语言处理C. 数据挖掘D. 网络安全4. 卷积神经网络(CNN)主要用于哪些类型的数据?A. 文本数据B. 图像数据C. 音频数据D. 时间序列数据5. 循环神经网络(RNN)适用于处理哪种类型的数据?A. 静态图像B. 连续序列数据C. 离散数据点D. 表格数据6. 以下哪项技术不是用于提高深度学习模型性能的?A. 数据增强B. 正则化C. 特征选择D. 模型集成7. 激活函数在神经网络中的作用是什么?A. 计算损失B. 传递信号C. 调整权重D. 优化网络结构8. 以下哪种激活函数在深度学习中最常用?A. SigmoidB. TanhC. ReLUD. Softmax9. 损失函数在训练深度学习模型时的作用是什么?A. 评估模型性能B. 更新权重C. 初始化参数D. 选择优化算法10. 以下哪种优化算法在深度学习中不常用?A. SGDB. AdamC. RMSpropD. BFGS11. 过拟合在深度学习中是指什么?A. 模型在训练数据上表现不佳B. 模型在测试数据上表现不佳C. 模型在训练数据上表现良好,但在新数据上表现不佳D. 模型在所有数据上表现一致12. 以下哪种方法可以减少过拟合?A. 增加数据量B. 减少模型复杂度C. 使用正则化D. 所有上述方法13. 迁移学习在深度学习中的应用是什么?A. 在新的任务上使用预训练的模型B. 在同一任务上多次训练模型C. 在不同任务上独立训练模型D. 在不同数据集上混合训练模型14. 以下哪种数据预处理步骤在深度学习中不常用?A. 标准化B. 归一化C. 独热编码D. 数据加密15. 以下哪种技术用于处理深度学习中的类别不平衡问题?A. 重采样B. 类别权重调整C. 合成少数类过采样技术(SMOTE)D. 所有上述技术16. 以下哪种技术不是用于提高深度学习模型的泛化能力?A. 数据增强B. 正则化C. 模型集成D. 数据清洗17. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的计算效率?A. 量化B. 剪枝C. 蒸馏D. 所有上述技术18. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的部署?A. 模型压缩B. 模型转换C. 模型加密D. 模型优化19. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可解释性?A. 可视化工具B. 特征重要性分析C. 模型解释方法(如LIME)D. 所有上述技术20. 以下哪种技术不是用于处理深度学习中的梯度消失问题?A. 使用ReLU激活函数B. 使用残差连接C. 使用LSTM或GRUD. 使用Sigmoid激活函数21. 以下哪种技术用于处理深度学习中的梯度爆炸问题?A. 梯度裁剪B. 使用ReLU激活函数C. 使用残差连接D. 使用LSTM或GRU22. 以下哪种技术不是用于提高深度学习模型的鲁棒性?A. 对抗训练B. 数据增强C. 模型集成D. 数据清洗23. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的安全性?A. 对抗训练B. 模型加密C. 模型验证D. 所有上述技术24. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的隐私保护?A. 差分隐私B. 同态加密C. 模型剪枝D. 联邦学习25. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可扩展性?A. 分布式训练B. 模型压缩C. 模型转换D. 所有上述技术26. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的调试?A. 可视化工具B. 模型解释方法C. 模型验证D. 模型加密27. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可维护性?A. 代码重构B. 文档编写C. 版本控制D. 所有上述技术28. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的测试?A. 单元测试B. 集成测试C. 性能测试D. 模型加密29. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可复现性?A. 固定随机种子B. 使用标准化数据集C. 记录实验配置D. 所有上述技术30. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的版本控制?A. GitB. SVNC. DockerD. 模型加密31. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可协作性?A. 代码共享B. 文档编写C. 版本控制D. 所有上述技术32. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的文档编写?A. MarkdownB. LaTeXC. HTMLD. 模型加密33. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可扩展性?A. 分布式训练B. 模型压缩C. 模型转换D. 所有上述技术34. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的调试?A. 可视化工具B. 模型解释方法C. 模型验证D. 模型加密35. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可维护性?A. 代码重构B. 文档编写C. 版本控制D. 所有上述技术36. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的测试?A. 单元测试B. 集成测试C. 性能测试D. 模型加密37. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可复现性?A. 固定随机种子B. 使用标准化数据集C. 记录实验配置D. 所有上述技术38. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的版本控制?A. GitB. SVNC. DockerD. 模型加密39. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可协作性?A. 代码共享B. 文档编写C. 版本控制D. 所有上述技术40. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的文档编写?A. MarkdownB. LaTeXC. HTMLD. 模型加密41. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可扩展性?A. 分布式训练B. 模型压缩C. 模型转换D. 所有上述技术42. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的调试?A. 可视化工具B. 模型解释方法C. 模型验证D. 模型加密43. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可维护性?A. 代码重构B. 文档编写C. 版本控制D. 所有上述技术44. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的测试?A. 单元测试B. 集成测试C. 性能测试D. 模型加密45. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可复现性?A. 固定随机种子B. 使用标准化数据集C. 记录实验配置D. 所有上述技术46. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的版本控制?A. GitB. SVNC. DockerD. 模型加密47. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可协作性?A. 代码共享B. 文档编写C. 版本控制D. 所有上述技术48. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的文档编写?A. MarkdownB. LaTeXC. HTMLD. 模型加密49. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可扩展性?A. 分布式训练B. 模型压缩C. 模型转换D. 所有上述技术50. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的调试?A. 可视化工具B. 模型解释方法C. 模型验证D. 模型加密51. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可维护性?A. 代码重构B. 文档编写C. 版本控制D. 所有上述技术52. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的测试?A. 单元测试B. 集成测试C. 性能测试D. 模型加密53. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可复现性?A. 固定随机种子B. 使用标准化数据集C. 记录实验配置D. 所有上述技术54. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的版本控制?A. GitB. SVNC. DockerD. 模型加密55. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可协作性?A. 代码共享B. 文档编写C. 版本控制D. 所有上述技术56. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的文档编写?A. MarkdownB. LaTeXC. HTMLD. 模型加密57. 以下哪种技术用于提高深度学习模型的可扩展性?A. 分布式训练B. 模型压缩C. 模型转换D. 所有上述技术58. 以下哪种技术不是用于深度学习模型的调试?A. 可视化工具B. 模型解释方法C. 模型验证D. 模型加密答案:1. A2. D3. D4. B5. B6. C7. B8. C9. A10. D11. C12. D13. A14. D15. D16. D17. D18. D19. D20. D21. A22. D23. D24. C25. D26. D27. D28. D29. D30. D31. D32. D33. D34. D35. D36. D37. D38. D39. D40. D41. D42. D43. D44. D45. D46. D47. D48. D49. D50. D51. D52. D53. D54. D55. D56. D57. D58. D。



I.J. Education and Management Engineering, 2020, 6, 27-33Published Online December 2020 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2020.06.04Predicting Students' Academic Performance in Educational Data Mining Based on Deep Learning Using TensorFlowMussa S. Abubakari *, Fatchul ArifinDepartment of Electronics & Informatics Engineering Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55281, IndonesiaE-mail: abu.mussaside@*, fatchul@uny.ac.idGilbert G. HungiloDepartment of Informatics Engineering, Graduate Program, University Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55281, IndonesiaE-mail: gutabagaonline@Received:07 May 2020; Accepted: 26 July 2020; Published: 08 December 2020Abstract: The study was aimed to create a predictive model for predicting students’ academic performance based on a neural network algorithm. This is because recently, educational data mining has become very helpful in decision making inan educational context and hence improving students’ academic outcomes. This study implemented a Neural Network algorithm as a data mining technique to extract knowledge patterns from student’s dataset consisting of 480 instances (students) with 16 attributes for each student. The classification metric used is accuracy as the model quality measurement. The accuracy result was below 60% when the Adam model optimizer was used. Although, after applying the Stochastic Gradient Descent optimizer and dropout technique, the accuracy increased to more than 75%. The final stable accuracy obtained was 76.8% which is a satisfactory result. This indicates that the suggested NN model can be reliable for prediction, especially in social science studies.Index Terms: Classification, Data Mining Techniques, Educational Data Mining, Neural Network Algorithm, Predictive Model.1.IntroductionCurrently, data mining has become an interesting topic for many researchers in various fields such as medicine, engineering, and even educational field. Especially in educational context, through mining of students’ information, it has become easier to make decisions concerning students in their academic performance [1, 2]. The prediction of students’ performance is a vital matter in educational context as predicting future performance of students after being admitted into a college, can determine who would attain poor marks and who would perform well. These results can help make efficient decisions during admission and hence improve the academic services quality [3–5].Analysis of educational data using data-mining techniques helps extract unique information of students from educational database and use that hidden information to solve various academic problems of students by understanding learners, improve teaching-learning methods and process [6, 7]. Moreover, these data mining techniques help educational stakeholders to make quality decisions to enhance students’ outcomes.Various methods like Decision tree and Naïve Bayesian were used by many researchers for predicting learners’ academic performance and make decisions to help those who need help immediately [7]. Other researchers used ensemble methods such as Random Forest (RF), AdaBoosting, and Bagging as classification methods [7, 8]. Different data mining methods can solve different educational problems such as classification and clustering. The famous known data mining method in prediction models is classification. Various deep learning algorithms like Neural Networks, are used under28 Predicting Students' Academic Performance in Educational Data Mining Based on Deep Learning Using TensorFlow classification matter [9].In the current study, neural network (NN) classification algorithm is implemented to create a predictive model in predicting academic performance of students in a particular academic institution by using students’ characteristics and their distinctive demographic data. A predictive model based on NN approach can be useful in decision making on academic success of students and therefore enhancing academic management and improving quality education.2. Related WorksVarious studies have been conducted concerning data mining in educational context for uncovering knowledge patterns from students’ information for improving academic performance of students. This current study will base its theoretical background on the previous research done on the educational data mining contexts as explained below.The study was conducted on engineering students based on different mining techniques for making academic decisions. Techniques involving classification rules and association rules for discovering knowledge patterns, were used to predict the engineering student’s performance. The study experiment also clustered the students based on k-means clustering algorithm [10]. In another study, students’ performance was evaluated based on association rule algorithm. The research was done by assessing the performance of students based on different features. The experiment was implemented based on real time dataset found in the school premises using Weka [11].Baradwaj and Pal explained in their study on student’s assessment by using a number of data mining methods. Their study facilitated teachers to identify students who need special attention to reduce the fail percentage and help to take valid measure for next semesters [3]. Also, another study was done to develop a classification model to predict student performance using Deep Learning which learns multiple levels of representation automatically. They used unsupervised learning algorithm to pre-train hidden layers of features layer-wisely based on a sparse auto-encoder from unlabeled data, and then supervised training was used for the parameters fine-tuning. The resulted model was trained on a relatively huge real-world students’ dataset, and the experimental findings indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method to be implemented into academic pre-warning mechanism [12].Other researchers developed models to predict students' university performance based on students' personal attributes, university performance and pre-university characteristics. The studies included the data of 10,330 students Bulgaria with every student having 20 attributes. Algorithms such as the K-nearest neighbour (KNN), decision tree, Naive Bayes, and rule learner's algorithms were applied to classify the students into 5 classes: Excellent, Very Good, Good, Bad or Average. Overall accuracy was below 69%. However, decision tree classifier showed best performance having the highest overall accuracy, followed by the rule learner [13, 14].Recently, the study was conducted to predict user’s intention to utilize peer-to-peer (P2P) mobile application for transactions. Logistic regression (LR) analysis technique together with neural network were used to predict the technology adoption. The results indicated that NN model has higher accuracy than LR model [15]. Another study proposed a student performance model with behavioral characteristics. These characteristics are associated with the student interactivity with an e-learning platform. Data mining techniques such as Naïve Bayesian and Decision Tree classifiers were used to evaluate the impact of such features on student’s academic performance. The results of that study revealed that there is a strong relationship between learner behaviors and its academic achievement [16].In this study, a predictive model is created based on neural network (NN) classification algorithm in predicting academic performance of students by using students’ behavioral characteristics and their distinctive demographic data as variables. A predictive model using NN data mining approach can help in making decisions and conclusions on academic success of students hence enhancing academic management and improve education quality.3. Methodology3.1 Data CollectionThe student data implemented in this project were obtained from educational dataset collected by [16] from learning management system (LMS) in The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan during the study conducted in 2015. The dataset is available in the kaggle website (https:///aljarah/xAPI-Edu-Data). The dataset comprised of 480 (instances) of student records and their 16 respective attributes. These attributes were grouped into three classes, namely (i) Behavioral attributes include parents answering survey, school satisfaction, opening resources, and raised hand on class, (ii) Academic background attributes including grade Level, educational stage, and section, and (iii) Demographic features including nationality and gender. The dataset also includes 175 females and 305 males. The students have different nationalities including from Kuwait (179), USA (6), Jordan (172), Iraq (22), Lebanon (17), Tunis (12), Saudi Arabia (11), Egypt (9), from Iran, Syria, and Libya were 7 each, Morocco (4), 28 students from Palestine, and one from Venezuela.Another attribute is school attendance having two groups based on days of class absence: 191 students exceeded 7 days and 289 students were absent under 7 days. Moreover, the dataset includes also a new kind of attribute namely parent participation having two sub attributes: Parent School Satisfaction and Parent Answering Survey. 270 parents participated in a survey answering and 210 did not, 292 parents were satisfied from the school and 188 were not. The students arePredicting Students' Academic Performance in Educational Data Mining Based on Deep Learning Using TensorFlow 29 grouped into three classes based on their total grades, namely High-Level, Middle-Level, and Low-Level [8]. Appendix A summarizes the students’ attributes and their description.3.2 Methods and Data PreparationFor this study, authors used Anaconda software environment for python machine learning language together with keras machine learning library and specifically TensorFlow utility which is powerful to create and evaluate the proposed NN classification model [17–19]. Keras is a python library widely used in deep-learning that run on top of TensorFlow and Theano, providing an intuitive best API for Python in NNs [20, 21]. Since the dataset used in this study contains variables (attributes) with different categories, there was a need to transform them into a form the computer and NN model can understand. The dataset explained above consists of three main categories of variables. First are nominal variables with two categories such as gender (male or female), semester (first or second), and others. Second, are variables with numerical values such as visited resources, raised hand, and others. And third, are nominal variables with more than three categories such as grade levels (G-01 to G-12), topic (English, Math, Chemistry, and so on), and other variables as it can be seen in Appendix A.Nominal variables with two categories were transformed using label encoder mechanism. While, those with three or more categories were transformed using one-hot encoding (dummies method). Furthermore, continuous numerical variables were transformed by normalizing them using min-max scaler mechanism for normal distribution.4. Experiment Process and ResultsAfter data transformation as explained above, the inputs increased from 16 inputs to 39 inputs and the output (classification outputs) of 3 outputs making a total of 42 columns in the NN model. After that, the dataset was split into train data and test data with data for testing consisting of less than 26% of all dataset and the remaining percentage for training.The following step was to create a predictive model based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) classification technique to evaluate the attributes which influence directly or indirectly student's academic success. ANN technique is an implementation of artificial neural network that involves training data inputs for the best accuracy achievement. A cross validation with 10-fold was used to divide the dataset for training and testing process. Then the process was followed by fitting the model by 200 iteration (epochs) with 10 batch-size of inputs and then followed by the results evaluation for generating knowledge representation. The evaluation measure used is accuracy for classification quality. Accuracy is the proportion or ratio of the total number of correct predictions to incorrectly predicted.Fig. 1. The NN Model Structure.Figure 1 above shows the NN model structure created by a python code as can be seen in the last code line in Appendix B. The NN predictive model used in this study consists of three layers: (1) input layer with 39 neurons, (2) hidden layer30 Predicting Students' Academic Performance in Educational Data Mining Based on Deep Learning Using TensorFlowwith 19 neurons and (3) an output layer with 3 outputs. The input layer receives input data from 16 attributes and the output layer send output of three grade categories, namely Low (L). Middle (M), and High (H). There is a hidden layer between the input layer and output layer. Appendix B illustrate the python code used to create, fit, and validate the NN model.In this study, we used accuracy as the metric for prediction quality of the developed NN model. Also, only NN algorithm was used for classification of the student dataset.The result of the experiment has two versions due to the implementation of two different model (function) optimizers namely, Adam and Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) as well as due to the introduction of dropout technique to the NN model development to drop (20% of neurons were dropped in this study) loosely connected neuron. The result indicates that when we applied Adam optimization technique the accuracy was below 60%. While, when we applied the SGD optimizer the accuracy improved to more than 76%.Moreover, the dropout technique helped to improve the accuracy value to more than 76.5%. The dropout technique is used to remove the loosely connected neurons as the NN technique performs better with fully connected neurons. The final stable result was 76.8% accuracy.5. Conclusion and Future WorkEducation is a vital element in any community for their social-economic development. Data mining techniques or business intelligence allows extracting knowledge patterns from students’ raw data offering interesting chances for the educational context. Particularly, various studies have implemented machine learning techniques like Decision Tree and Random Forest to enhance the management of college resources and hence improving education quality.In this study, the authors have presented a predictive model using NN technique to learn the patterns from students’ data and predict their academic performance. By applying data mining techniques on students’ database, academic stakeholders can find the important factors which have direct or indirect impacts on the student’s academic success. The knowledge patterns and results discovered in this study after applying NN classification method indicate that different attributes of students have impacts on their learning process as it can be seen in the classification accuracy results. The final classification accuracy obtained in this study is 76.9% which is more than satisfactory percentage for our predictive model developed using NN algorithm.Like other studies, this study is with some limitations too. One of which is the dataset can only be applied to the similar context as this study. Also, the results presented here involves the accuracy as the only predictive measure of model quality. Moreover, only one algorithm, NN algorithm was used for classification purpose.For future studies, authors intend to use the localized student data from a particular university in Yogyakarta, especially from Yogyakarta State University. Also, in the future we expect to apply other data mining methods such as RF, DT, and others in the localized dataset. Moreover, future experiments will add more measurement classification qualities such as Precision, sensitivity, and Recall.AcknowledgementsMuch appreciation to my close friends who inspired me to do this work.References[1]S. K. Mohamad and Z. Tasir, “Educational Data Mining: A Review,” Procedia - Soc. Behav. Sci., vol. 97, pp. 320–324, 2013.[2]M. Chalaris, S. Gritzalis, M. Maragoudakis, C. Sgouropoulou, and A. Tsolakidis, “Improving Quality of Educational ProcessesProviding New Knowledge Using Data Mining Techniques,” Procedia - Soc. Behav. Sci., vol. 147, pp. 390–397, 2014.[3] B. Brijesh Kumar and P. 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Currently he is the lecturer at both undergraduate faculty of engineering and postgraduateprogram at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. His research interests include but not limited to intelligentcontrol systems, machine learning, expert systems, and neural-fuzzy system.Gilbert G. Hungilo is a master degree graduate from department of Informatics Engineering at theUniversity Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He received Bachelor of Science in Computer Science fromthe University of Dar es salaam, Tanzania. His research interests include technology adoption, big dataanalytics, and machine learning.How to cite this paper: Mussa S. Abubakaria, Fatchul Arifin, Gilbert G. Hungilo. "Predicting Students' Academic Performance in Educational Data Mining Based on Deep Learning Using TensorFlow ", International Journal of Education and Management Engineering (IJEME), Vol.10, No.6, pp.27-33, 2020. DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2020.06.0432 Predicting Students' Academic Performance in Educational Data Mining Based on Deep Learning Using TensorFlowAppendix A. Students’ Attributes [16]SN Attribute Description Variable Type1 Gender Gender of Student: Female or Male. Nominal(binary)2 Nationality Student's Origin: Kuwait, Iraq, Libya Lebanon, Egypt, USA,Morocco, Jordan, Iran, Tunis, Syria, Palestine, Saudi Arabia,Venezuela.Nominal(dummy)3 Birth Place Student's Birth Place: Kuwait, Iraq, Libya Lebanon, Egypt,USA, Morocco, Jordan, Iran, Tunis, Syria, Palestine, SaudiArabia, Venezuela.Nominal(dummy)4 Stage ID Student Educational Level: High School, Middle School,Lower level.Nominal(dummy)5 Grade ID Student Grade: G-01 up to G-12. Nominal(dummy)6 Section ID Classroom student belongs: A, B, C. Nominal(dummy)7 Topic Course Studied: Arabic, Biology, Chemistry, English,Geology, French, Spanish, IT, Math, Science, History, Quran.Nominal(dummy)8 Semester School year semester: First, Second. Nominal(binary)9 Relation Responsible Parent: Mom, Father. Nominal(binary)10 Raised hand Frequency of raising hand in classroom: 0-100. Numeric11 VisitedresourcesFrequency of visiting course online content: 0-100. Numeric12 AnnouncementsViewFrequency of checking the new online announcement: 0-100. Numeric13 Discussion Frequency of participating in online discussion forums: 0-100. Numeric14 Parent SurveyAnsweringWhether Parents answered or not the survey: Yes, No. Nominal(binary)15 Parent SchoolSatisfactionWhether a parent is satisfied or not: Yes, No. Nominal(binary)16 Student AbsenceDays The number of absence days a student was absent: Above orUnder 7 days.Nominal(binary)17 Class The grade class: High-Level (H): from 90-100; Middle-Level(M): from 70 to 89; Low-Level (L): from 0 to 69.Nominal(dummy)Predicting Students' Academic Performance in Educational Data Mining Based on Deep Learning Using TensorFlow 33 Appendix B. A Piece of Python Code Used to Create and Validate an NN Model。

llm大语言模型 参数的作用

llm大语言模型 参数的作用

一、介绍LLM大语言模型LLM大语言模型(Large Language Model)是一种利用深度学习技术训练的语言模型,它可以自动学习和处理人类语言的规律和特点,从而实现自然语言理解、生成和处理的功能。


二、LLM大语言模型参数的作用1. 参数对模型性能的影响LLM大语言模型的参数数量是对模型容量的一种度量,参数的数量越多,模型的容量越大,能够表示和学习的语言知识和规律也就越多。


2. 参数调节和优化在训练LLM大语言模型时,参数的调节和优化是一个重要的过程。



3. 参数对模型复杂度的影响LLM大语言模型的参数数量直接影响了模型的复杂度。



4. 参数的调节和调整方法针对LLM大语言模型的参数,研究人员提出了多种参数的调节和调整方法,包括网格搜索、随机搜索、贝叶斯优化等。


5. 参数对模型性能的稳定性影响在训练LLM大语言模型时,参数的设置会影响模型的稳定性。


6. 参数对模型训练时间和资源的消耗影响LLM大语言模型的参数数量直接影响了模型的训练时间和资源的消耗。



permutation_importance()方法`permutation_importance()` 是一个在 scikit-learn 的 `imbalanced-learn` 库中用于评估模型性能的函数。


具体来说,`permutation_importance()` 函数会对训练数据集中的每一个样本的每一个特征进行随机打乱,然后使用打乱后的数据重新训练模型并评估模型的性能。


下面是一个简单的例子:```pythonfrom _sampling import SMOTEfrom import make_classificationfrom import RandomForestClassifierfrom _selection import train_test_splitfrom import accuracy_scorefrom import permutation_importance生成一个不平衡的二分类数据集X, y = make_classification(n_classes=2, class_sep=2,weights=[, ], n_informative=3, n_redundant=1, flip_y=0,n_features=20, n_clusters_per_class=1,n_samples=1000, random_state=10)划分训练集和测试集X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=, random_state=42)使用SMOTE进行过采样处理,解决类别不平衡问题sm = SMOTE(sampling_strategy='auto', random_state=42)X_train_smote, y_train_smote = _resample(X_train, y_train)使用随机森林分类器进行训练clf = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42)(X_train_smote, y_train_smote)使用测试集进行预测y_pred = (X_test)计算准确率作为评估指标score = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)print(f"Accuracy: {score:.3f}")使用permutation_importance方法评估特征的重要性result = permutation_importance(clf, X_test, y_test, n_repeats=10, random_state=42, n_jobs=2)()```在这个例子中,我们首先生成了一个不平衡的二分类数据集,然后使用SMOTE进行过采样处理以解决类别不平衡问题。



高级职称试题一、选择题1. 下列哪个不是计算机视觉的应用领域?A. 人脸识别B. 车牌识别C. 图像分割D. 语音识别2. 在机器学习中,下面哪个算法广泛应用于目标检测任务?A. K均值算法B. 支持向量机C. 随机森林D. 卷积神经网络3. 下列哪个不是自然语言处理中常见的任务?A. 机器翻译B. 情感分析C. 语音合成D. 问答系统4. 下面哪个不是深度学习的基础结构?A. 卷积神经网络B. 循环神经网络C. 反向传播D. 支持向量机5. 下列哪个不是数据挖掘的常见算法?A. K最近邻算法B. 决策树C. 主成分分析D. Dijkstra算法二、填空题1. 图像识别中最常用的评价指标是________。

2. 在深度学习中,一般会通过________层来提取抽象特征。

3. 自然语言处理中,将句子划分成独立的词语被称为_________。

4. 数据挖掘中,将数据集分成训练集和测试集的过程被称为_________。

5. 在机器学习中,通常会将数据集划分成__________。

三、简答题1. 请简要介绍计算机视觉的基本任务。

2. 请解释过拟合的概念,并提供防止过拟合的方法。

3. 请解释循环神经网络(RNN)的原理,并说明其在自然语言处理中的应用。

4. 请解释主成分分析(PCA)的原理,并说明其在数据挖掘中的应用。

5. 请简要介绍目标检测的常见算法,并比较它们的优缺点。







深度学习中的模型解决迁移学习问题的方法深度学习(Deep Learning)作为一种机器学习(Machine Learning)的方法,已经在诸多领域展示了强大的能力,但在实际应用中,由于数据集不足、计算资源有限等因素,常常遭遇训练数据不足或无法利用的情况。

而迁移学习(Transfer Learning)则致力于解决这一问题,通过利用已有数据和知识,设计出合理的模型,以加快模型收敛速度、提高模型性能。


1.预训练模型的迁移预训练模型(Pretrained Model)是指在一个大规模数据集上通过深度学习方法训练的模型,而这些模型通常具有较好的特征提取能力。




为了减少领域差异带来的影响,我们可以借助领域适应(Domain Adaptation)的方法。


其中,最常用的方法是最大均值差异(Maximum Mean Discrepancy,MMD),其思想是通过最小化两个领域之间的距离来实现适应。

3.多任务学习方法多任务学习(Multi-Task Learning)是指通过同时学习多个相关任务,来提高各个任务的性能。



llm 模型指令微调 语料

llm 模型指令微调 语料

llm 模型指令微调语料【最新版】目录1.LLM 模型概述2.指令微调的意义和方法3.语料的作用和选择4.总结正文1.LLM 模型概述LLM(Language Model)模型是一种被广泛应用于自然语言处理领域的模型,它的主要作用是预测一段文本的下一个词语。

LLM 模型通过学习大量的文本数据,掌握了语言的统计特征和语法规则,能够在一定程度上理解自然语言的表达方式。

在深度学习领域,LLM 模型已经成为了自然语言处理的基本工具之一。

2.指令微调的意义和方法指令微调(Instruction Tuning)是自然语言处理中的一种重要技术,其主要目的是通过修改模型的指令,来提高模型的性能和效果。








语料对于 LLM 模型的训练和指令微调具有重要的作用,主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)提供训练数据:语料可以为 LLM 模型的训练提供大量的数据,帮助模型更好地学习语言的统计特征和语法规则。

(2)提供验证数据:语料可以为 LLM 模型的验证提供数据,帮助模型更好地理解自然语言。


因此,选择合适的语料对于 LLM 模型的训练和指令微调至关重要。

llamaindex 用法

llamaindex 用法

Llamaindex 用法
LlamaIndex 是一个将大语言模型(Large Language Models, LLMs)和外部数据连接在一起的工具。

大模型依靠上下文学习(Context Learning)来推理知识,针对一个输入(或者是prompt),根据其输出结果。

因此Prompt的质量很大程度上决定了输出结果的质量,因此提示工程(Prompt engineering)现在也很受欢迎。



因此就诞生了LlamaIndex 等项目。



LlamaIndex 是一个方便的工具,它充当自定义数据和大型语言模型(llm)(如GPT-4)之间的桥梁。


LlamaIndex 可以轻松地将数据与这些智能机器进行对话。


datacollatorforlanguagemodeling 使用

datacollatorforlanguagemodeling 使用

datacollatorforlanguagemodeling 使用










人工智能训练 提升机器学习模型性能的关键步骤

人工智能训练 提升机器学习模型性能的关键步骤

人工智能训练提升机器学习模型性能的关键步骤人工智能训练- 提升机器学习模型性能的关键步骤人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)作为一种重要的技术手段,广泛应用于各个领域,尤其在机器学习(Machine Learning)中发挥着重要作用。



1. 数据预处理数据预处理是机器学习训练的重要一步。




2. 模型选择在机器学习训练中,选择合适的模型对于提升性能至关重要。




3. 参数调优机器学习模型中的参数是影响模型性能的重要因素。




4. 训练策略训练策略是指在训练过程中的一系列策略和技巧。





llm 思维树应用实例 prompt

llm 思维树应用实例 prompt

LLM思维树应用实例——Prompt的实际应用情况引言LLM(Lanuage Model with Large Memory)是一种基于Transformer架构的大规模语言模型。








应用过程1. 数据收集和预处理在应用LLM思维树之前,首先需要进行数据的收集和预处理。



2. 模型训练和Fine-tuning在得到合适的数据集后,接下来需要使用LLM模型对其进行训练和Fine-tuning。




3. 思维树构建在完成模型训练之后,接下来需要构建思维树。








1. 知识蒸馏:在训练小型模型时,将大型模型的输出作为软目标,以指导小型模型的学习。

2. 模型压缩:通过减少模型参数的数量或使用更高效的架构来压缩模型。

1. 训练大型模型:首先,需要训练一个大型的NLP 模型,例如Transformer 模型。

2. 收集大型模型的输出:在训练大型模型时,收集其在训练数据上的输出。

3. 训练小型模型:使用大型模型的输出作为软目标,训练一个小型模型。

4. 优化小型模型:通过调整小型模型的参数,使其尽可能地模拟大型模型的输出。


这使得它成为在资源受限的设备上运行NLP 模型的一种有前途的方法。

llm 模型指令微调 语料

llm 模型指令微调 语料

llm 模型指令微调语料摘要:1.LLM 模型概述2.模型指令微调的概念和方法3.语料在指令微调中的重要性4.如何选择和使用合适的语料5.指令微调的效果和应用场景正文:一、LLM 模型概述LLM(Language Model)模型是一种人工智能模型,主要用于预测自然语言中的下一个词语。

LLM 模型通过学习大量文本数据,掌握语言的统计特征和规律,从而具备较好的语言生成能力。

近年来,随着深度学习技术的发展,LLM 模型在自然语言处理领域取得了显著的成果,被广泛应用于机器翻译、文本摘要、对话系统等任务。

二、模型指令微调的概念和方法指令微调(Instruction Tuning)是一种针对LLM 模型的优化方法,通过调整模型的参数,使其更好地执行特定任务。



2.基于预训练模型的微调:利用预训练好的LLM 模型作为初始权重,然后在特定任务的语料上进行微调,以适应新任务的需求。











llms基本概念LLMs, or Large Language Models, refer to a class of artificial intelligence models that are trained on vast amounts of text data to enable them to generate natural language text, understand context, and engage in a range of language-based tasks. These models typically employ deep learning techniques and have a large number of parameters, enabling them to capture intricate patterns and relationships within language.LLMs的基本概念是指一类人工智能模型,它们通过训练大量的文本数据,能够生成自然语言文本,理解上下文,并执行一系列基于语言的任务。


In recent years, the development of LLMs has seen remarkable progress, with models like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) and BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) leading the way. These models are able to generate coherent and sometimes highly creative text, engage in conversation, answer questions, and even perform tasks like translation and summarization.近年来,LLMs的发展取得了显著的进步,以GPT(生成式预训练转换器)和BERT(来自转换器的双向编码器表示)等模型为代表。



使用数据集蒸馏更有效地训练机器学习模型视频介绍:使用数据集蒸馏更有效地训练机器学习模型要使机器学习 (ML) 算法有效,必须从(通常)大量训练数据中提取有用的特征。




这种模型空间方法的另一种选择是数据集蒸馏[ 1 , 2 ],其中将大数据集蒸馏为合成的较小数据集。


例如,不使用CIFAR-10数据集的所有50,000 张图像和标签,而是使用仅包含 10 个合成数据点(每类 1 张图像)的蒸馏数据集来训练ML 模型,该模型仍然可以在看不见的测试集。

在“数据集元学习从内核岭回归'’,出版在ICLR 2021,和'数据集精馏无限宽卷积网络’,在呈现NeurIPS 2021中,我们介绍了两种新的数据集蒸馏算法,核诱导点(KIP)和标签Solve (LS),使用内核回归产生的损失函数优化数据集(一种经典的机器学习算法,将线性模型拟合到通过内核定义的特征)。

应用 KIP 和 LS 算法,我们获得了非常有效的用于图像分类的蒸馏数据集,将数据集减少到每类1、10 或 50 个数据点,同时仍然在许多基准图像分类数据集上获得最先进的结果. 此外,我们也很高兴发布我们的蒸馏数据集,以使更广泛的研究社区受益。


当宽度被取到无穷大时,通过梯度下降训练的DNN 会收敛到熟悉且更简单的模型类别,这些模型是由相对于神经切线内核(NTK) 的内核回归产生的,NTK 是一种通过计算梯度的点积来测量输入相似性的内核神经网络。

llm 稀疏计算

llm 稀疏计算

LLM(Large Language Model)是一种大型的深度学习模型,用于处理自然语言处理任务。




1. 模型压缩:通过稀疏计算技术,可以将LLM模型进行压缩,减少模型的大小和内存占用,从而加快模型的加载和运行速度。

2. 参数优化:在LLM的训练过程中,可以通过稀疏计算技术来优化模型的参数。


3. 推理加速:在LLM推理过程中,可以使用稀疏计算技术来加速模型的推理速度。


1. 提高计算效率:通过减少计算量和内存占用,稀疏计算可以提高LLM的计算效率,缩短训练和推理时间。

2. 降低硬件要求:通过减少模型的大小和内存占用,稀疏计算可以降低对硬件的要求,例如内存容量和存储空间。

3. 提高模型性能:通过优化模型参数和推理过程,稀疏计算可以提高LLM的性能和准确性。
























1. 将训练数据集分为输入和目标输出两部分。


2. 初始化滤波器的权重参数,将输入数据通过滤波器进行计算,得到滤波器的输出值。

3. 计算滤波器输出值与目标输出之间的误差,根据误差调整滤波器的权重参数。


4. 重复步骤2和步骤3,直到滤波器输出的误差达到一个可接



langchain llm自定义知识库原理

langchain llm自定义知识库原理

langchain llm自定义知识库原理
LLM(Language Model)是一个基于大规模数据训练的神经网络模型,它可以生成类似自然语言的文本。








1. 收集相关的问题和答案数据,构建一个知识库;
2. 利用收集的数据对LLM模型进行微调,使其能够根据问题
3. 用户提问时,将问题输入到模型,模型根据已学习到的信息生成一个答案;
4. 将生成的答案返回给用户。





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A. Peña-Ayala (Ed.): Intelligent and Adaptive ELS, SIST 17, pp. 77–105. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
M. Holzhüter, D. Frosch-Wilke, and U. Klein
Chapter 4
Exploiting Learner Models Using Data Mining for E-Learning: A Rule Based Approach
Marianne Holzhüter1, Dirk Frosch-Wilke1, and Ulrike Klein2
University of Applied Sciences, Sokratesplatz 2, 24149 Kiel, Germany {marianne.holzhueter,dirk.frosch-wilke}@fh-kiel.de 2 University of Kiel, Zentrum für Geoinformatione, Boschstraße 1, 24118 Kiel, Germany uklein@gis.uni-kiel.de
Abstract. The need for innovative didactical methods in combination with the efficient deployment of technical systems is an increasing challenge in the research field of e-learning. Research activities concerned with this observation have led to the understanding that the concept of learner models offers a range of possibilities to develop optimized, adaptive e-learning units (e.g. Graf et al. 2009, O’Connor 1998). Process information can enhance these approaches. Data mining is able to build process models from event logs. It means that formation about real process execution can be deduced by extracting information from event logs rather than by assuming a behavior model which has been built by conventional modeling methods. This applies to the e-learning context, because a certain behavior of an underlying process model tracked in a Learning Management System (LMS) may differ from the one assumed by instructors or learning object designers of elearning units. Instructors who need to attribute certain tasks to a huge group of online learners may not be capable of monitoring all factors influencing the appropriateness of all learner-task associations. Learning paths in LMS to which instructors have not paid attention to yet are of considerable interest. We apply a concept of rule based control of e-learning processes based on the framework we have presented in Holzhüter et al. 2010 to demonstrate these goals.
4.1 Introduction
Reflecting learner activities (especially to improve learning efficiency) in LMS gains importance as computer support of educational processes increases. The choice and deployment of LMS is associated with risks. Especially if personalization is necessary, high implementation and maintenance efforts (Dagger 2006) and costs (e.g. Kleimann 2008) can be opposed to lack of user acceptance. Lack of acceptance is often caused by the absence of plausible arguments which convey the advantages for learners, instructors and LMS
4.2 Related Work
As this research project partly is assigned to the geographical department of the University of Kiel, we especially focus on educational technology issues in the geographical field. Klein 2008 conducted a study which suggests that the discrepancy between employed media and the pupil’s interest (in combination with assumed learning effectivity through the media of interest) reduces the quality of geographical teaching. These two phenomena (discrepancy between media and interest and teaching quality issues) further were observed to reinforce each other. Especially schools (the target group of Klein’s study) often lack means to employ media which pupils consider interesting and helpful for learning. E-learning help by supplying simulations, interactive maps or playful test trainings in a structured and efficient way of material presentation is desirable. This is where process mining in combination
platform operators (see e.g. Tynjälä and Häkkinen 2005 for an illustration of the considerable range of challenges concerning e-learning projects). The improvement of e-learning process efficiency provides sound arguments to perceive the benefit potentials for learning and teaching scenarios. The knowledge discovery discipline of data mining has developed to the extent that the extraction of useful information can be applied to several kinds of systems – including e-learning systems (Frias-Martinez 2006, Tynjälä and Häkkinen 2005). Data mining can efficiently support the generation of learner models. They support the adaptation of LMS to individual learner needs (Nguyen and Phung 2008). A particular type of LMS is explicitly dedicated this approach: Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems (AEHS). The combination of these methodological and technological advances with findings from Business Process Management entails considerable potentials: It helps to focus on a learning process perspective exceeding the mainly isolated view on datasets which dominates in traditional data mining. Process mining, a specific sub-discipline of data mining, offers a useful set of concepts and tools to follow this learning process optimization and adaptation approach. The chapter is structured by seven sections, partly further structured into subsections. The two next sections provide the terminological and theoretical foundations need to be laid. Sect. 4.4 is divided into two subsections: The first deals with our approach to combine the process mining and the learning style approach – as a method of learner modeling. The second subsection introduces the overall integration approach of rule based control in e-learning. Sect. 4.5 is also split into two subsections: The firstly presents an architecture concept for our approach, ideally based on already existing technology in an institution (subSect. 4.5.1) and the second one deals with a possible implementation scenario based on open source software (subSect. 4.5.2). The second approach is useful for institutions that are in the process of building up a completely new architecture and do not dispose of experience regarding the available technologies.