Sample test1&2
雅思OG听力Test1-Section1答案解析雅思听力怎么备考和答题?今天给大家带来雅思OG听力答案解析的内容,希望同学们可以从解析里领悟到雅思听力的和方法.接下来请看雅思内容:雅思OG听力Test1-Section1答案解析雅思OG听力Test1-Section1答案解析雅思OG听力答案解析(Answer analysis)Question 1? 定位句:I’m not sure where to go.替换词:start文章上来会先重复sample 的那一段,可以全神贯注准备定位第一题。
当录音说到I’m not sure where to go 的时候,就要注意力集中了。
注意关键词start,以及之前分析题目时确定的答案一定是个地方,马上就能定位到答案café.Question 2? 定位句: What time is the run? 替换词: begin说完前一句话之后,马上听到关键的提醒句what time is the run? 就知道接下来的关键信息要到了。
后面一句话提到两个时间,根据actual 选择第一个时间9am 为正确答案,8.45 只是一般的人arriving 的时间。
Question 3? 定位句: How long is the run?替换词: lengthen雅思听力备考细节介绍细节一:练习听力的时间这里提到的时间分为两个概念:练习听力的时间点和练习听力的时间长度。
剑桥英语Test1Test 1SECTION 1 Questions 1-10Questions 1-6Complete the notes belowWrite NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Dreamtime travel agencyTour informationExample answerHoliday name whale watch experienceHoliday length 2 daysType of transportation 1.Maximum group size 2.Next tour time 3.Hotel name 4.Questions 5 and 6Choose TWO levers A-E.Which TWO things are included in the price of the tour?A fishing tripB guided bushwalkC reptile park entryD table tennisE tennisQuestions 7-10Complete the sentences below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.7.The tour costs $ ........................ .8. Bookings must be made no later than............days in advance.9.A........................deposit is required.10 The customer's reference number is………………………SECTION 2 Questions 11-20Questions 11-19Complete the table below.SECTION3Questions 21-30Questions 21-23Choose the correct letter. A. B or C21 Andrew has worked at the hospital forA . two years.B . three years.C. five years.22During the course Andrew's employers will payA his fees.B his living costs.C his salary.23The part-time course lasts forA one whole year.B 18 months.C two years.Questions 24 and 25Choose TWO letters A-E.Wlwr TWO types of coursework are required each month on the part-time course?A a case studyB an essayC a surveyD a short reportE a study diaryQuestions 26-30Complete the summary below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Modular CoursesStudents study 26……….durig each module.A module takes27 .................and the work is very 28................To get a Diploma eachstudent hag to study 29 .....and then work on depth.SECTION 4Questions 31-4031-35Complete the sentences below.Write NO MORE TITAN THREE words for each answer31.According to George Bernard Shaw, men arc supposed to understand .................……economics and finance.32.How ever, women are more prepared to ..................……about them.33.Women tend to save for .................……and a house.34.Men tend to save for ..................……and for retirement.35.Women who are left alone may have to pay for ...-..............……w hen they are old.Questions 36-40Complete the summery belowWrite NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Saving for the futureResearch indicates that many women only think about their financial future when a 36………….occurs.This‘the worst tune to make decisions. It is best for womento start thinking about pensions when they are in their 37……. A good wayfor women to develop their 38....….....……in dealing with financial affairs would beto attend classes in 39………….. When investing in stocks and shares, it is suggested that women should put a high proportion of their savings in.............……,..…In such ways, women can have a comfortable、independent retirement.。
C a n d id a te N u m b e rC a n d id a te N a m eINTERNATIONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE TESTING SYSTEMListening Test 1 SATURDAY Approximately 30 minutesAdditional materials:Answer sheet for Listening and ReadingT im e A p p ro x im a te ly 30 m inutes (plus 10 m in u te s,tra n s fe r tim e)INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESDo not open this question paper until you are told to do so.Write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page.Listen to the instructions for each part of the question paper.Answer all the questions.While you are listening, write your answers on the question paper.You will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet. Use a pencil.At the end of the test, hand in this question paper.INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESThere are four parts to the test.You will hear each part once only.There are 40 questions.Each question carries one mark.For each part of the test, there will be time for you to look through the questions and time to check your answers.BRITISH 含想濟 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH •馨COUNCIL 游靡L ang uag e AssessmentSection 1Question 1-10C o m p le te th e fo rm b e lo wW rite NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER fo r each a n s w e r Temporary Patient Record FormE x a m p le IN am e:Peter SmithS tre e t address:S u b u rb: P h o n e num b er:1................................2.......................3.............................Details of injurySport: T yp e of in jury: D ate of in jury:T en n isS p ra in e d4................................5.............................Previous treatment and current problemsT h e p a tie n ts ow n doctor a d vise d tre a tm e n tw ith 6..............................T h e p a tien t is u n a b leto 7.........................and he is e x p e rie n c in g painin his night, w h ic h is affecting his sleep. Advice givenS to p usin g th e 9..............................D o re g u la r h o m eSECTION 2Questions 11 - 20Question 11 -16C h o o s e th e c o rre c t letter, A, B o r C11 T h e a n n o u n c e r s a ys th a t th e m ain topic of to d a y’s talk w ill be G is b o m e,sA e c o n o m yB h is to ryC to urism12 T h e M a o ri n a m e fo r th e G is b o rn e reg io n sig n ifie sA d a n g e ro u s jo u rn e yB e a s t coastC sa ilin g boat13 E a rly e xp o rts from G is b o rn e ca m e fro m itsA farm sB fis h e rie sC fo rests14 A c c o rd in g to th e sp eaker, w h a t does G is b o rn e e xp o rt to A s ia n o w a d a ys?A o ra n g e s and lem onsB red and w h ite g ra p e sC seafood and s h e llfis h15 T h e G is b o rn e S u m m e r C o n c e rt ta k e s p lace inA an o p e ra h o u s eB a v in e y a rdC a M a o ri m eeting h o u s e16 O n w e t d a ys in G is b o rn e th e a n n o u n c e r re c o m m e n d sA a c u ltu ra l d is p la y in th e m u se u mB a fashion show in the tow n hallC a p h o to g ra p h y e xh ib itio n in th e art g a lle ryQuestions 17 - 20W h ic h g ro up of p e o p le is each of the fo llo w in g a ttractio ns reco m m en d ed for?C h o o s e FOUR a n s w e rs from th e b o x and w rite th e c o rre c t letter, A —G,n e xt to q u e s tio n s17 - 20.A d isa b le d p eopleB e ld e rly p e o p leC re c e n tly m a rrie d co u p le sD p re g n a n t w o m e nE s e c o n d a ry sch o o l c h ild re nF yo u n g scho o l c h ild re nG yo u n g ad ultsAttractions17 H ot S p rin g s R e s e rv e.........18 M a h ia P e n in s u la..........19 M o tu R iv e r R a ftin g...........20 E d e n W o o d la n d s P a rk...........C o m p le te th e n o te s below.W rite NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS fo r each answ er.SUVs (Sports Utility Vehicles)•O rig in a lly m ade fo r off-road d riv in g (e.g. in re m o te a re a s)•N o w w id e ly used in 21 ...............................Advantages•U se fu l fo r 22..................................p urp o se s參L a rg e r 23...................................C a p a c ity•S u ita b le fo r to w in g la rg e loadsWhy popular in a wider market?•B e c a u s e of th e ir im ag e•S e e n as m o thers•L a rg e r se a tin g ca p a city•D riv e rs p re fe r th e 25........................................Disadvantages•S U V s can be urb a n c e n tre s b e c a u s e of th e ir 27....................................參B o d y w o rk d o e s n,t c ru m p le in an a ccid ent•L ia b le to 28........................................e a s ilyHow to limit use of SUVs參Lim it u s e to th o se p e o p le w h o n e e d th e m(e.g. 29...................•R a is e co st of 30......................................paid by S U V d riv e rsC o m p le te th e n o te s below.W rite NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS fo r ea ch answ er.The Influence of Children on Adult DietBackgroundO b e s ity - m a in ly c a u s e d by bad ea tin g habits and lack of e x e rc is eN a tio n a l s u rv e y co n clu sio n s:• food c o n su m p tio n ro se b e tw e e n1971 and 2000•A m e ric a n s in g e n e ra l ea t a b o ve th e re c o m m e n d e d a m o un ts• th e a g e g ro u p th a t ea t m ost fat is 31 ................................F a m ily m em b ers livin g to g e th e r s h o w 32..........................le ve ls of fat in th e ir dietA im s of p re s e n t stud y: to s h o w w h e th e r c h ild re n affect a d ult dietMethods & proceduresW h o?• A d u lts a ged17-65 w ith c h ild re n u n d e r 17• O th e r va ria b le s: a g e,e d u c a tio n,race, 33.....................and w h e th e r born o v e rs e a s • 34.................................held at M o b ile E xa m in a tio n C e n tre sResultsA d u lts livin g w ith c h ild re n a re m ore lik e ly to:• ea t m o re fat• eat c o n v e n ie n c e food• 35.....................Reasons• P a re n ts h a ve little 36....................................• C h ild re n’s p re fe re n c e fo r c e rta in foods• In c o n v e n ie n c e of m aking s e p a ra te m ealsLimitations of studyT h e s tu d y did not c o n s id e r th e effects of:th e 37......................................of c h ild re n in each fa m ilyth e 38......................................b e tw e e n th e a d ults and c h ild re n In flu e n c e m ay d e c re a s e w ith 39..................................Conclusions and recommendationsM o re re s e a rc h n e e d e d into a b o ve a re a sR e s e a rc h n e e d e d into h o w o u r 40................................affect o u r diet。
考研英语历年真题例句详解含译文翻译Science1.scientific [,saiən'tifik]a. 科学上的【同义词】systematic【真题例句】The scientific community was so powerful that it could afford to ignore its critics.(1998阅读3)参考译文:科学界如此强大以至于可以对批评者置之不理。
2.scientist ['saiəntist]n. 科学家【同义词】【真题例句】Scientists who know exactly where they are going and how they will get there should not be distracted.(1999阅读5)参考译文:确切知道自己的目标和怎么实现这一目标的科学家们根本没必要分心。
3.conscience ['kɔnʃəns]n. 良心,良知[真题例句]Mental health has commonly been called conscience, instinct, wisdom, common sense, or the inner voice.参考译文:心理健康普遍被称作良知、本能、智慧、常识或者内心的声音。
(2016考研英语翻译)4.conscientious[,kɔnʃi'enʃəs]a. 审慎正直的,认真的,本着良心的5.conscious ['kɔnʃəs]a. (of)意识到的,自觉的;神志清醒的【同义词】aware[真题例句]Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears.参考译文:一个世纪前,弗洛伊德提出了革命性的理论,即梦是我们潜意识中的欲望和恐惧经过伪装后的反映。
1 STAX概述STAF(Software Test Automation Framework)是开源、跨平台、支持多语言并且基于可重用的组件来构建的自动化测试框架。
STAX的官方网站是:/getstax.php2 STAX脚本STAX是通过脚本管理和执行测试用例的,这种脚本称为STAX脚本,STAX脚本是利用STAX 语言编写成的文件。
3 STAX格式这篇文档的重点在于如何执行编写好的STAX脚本。
3.1 格式概述STAX可以处理以下请求:STAX处理的这些请求中,EXECUTE的作用是执行一个STAX脚本,大部分请求是调试STAX 脚本用的。
3.2 EXECUTEEXECUTE用于执行一个STAX脚本,格式如下:EXECUTE <<FILE <XML File Name> [MACHINE <Machine Name>]> | DATA <XML Data>> [JOBNAME <Job Name>] [FUNCTION <Function ID>] [ARGS <Arguments>][SCRIPTFILE < File Name>... [SCRIPTFILEMACHINE <Machine Name>]][SCRIPT <Python Code>]...[CLEARLOGS [<Enabled | Disabled>]][HOLD | TEST [RETURNDETAILS] |WAIT [<Number> [s|m|h|d|w]] [RETURNRESULT [DETAILS]]][NOTIFY ONEND [BYNAME] [PRIORITY <Priority>] [KEY <key>]][LOGTCELAPSEDTIME <Enabled | Disabled>][LOGTCNUMSTARTS <Enabled | Disabled>][LOGTCSTARTSTOP <Enabled | Disabled>][pythonoutput <PYTHON OUTPUT>] [PYTHONLOGLEVEL <Log level>][BREAKPOINT <Function Name> | <LINE> [@@<File>[@@<Machine>]] ] ...[BREAKPOINTFIRSTFUNCTION] [BREAKPOINTSUBJOBFIRSTFUNCTION]FILE:指明STAX脚本的名称,这个选项可以接收STAF变量MACHINE:指明STAX脚本所在的机器,如果没有指明,默认为提交STAX EXECUTE请求的机器,这个选项也可以接收STAF变量DATA:指定一段STAX程序,而不是STAX脚本文件JOBNAME:STAX脚本也称为JOB,JOBNAME用于给运行中的JOB起一个名字,这个名字不一定是STAX脚本的名字,这个选项可以接收STAF变量FUNCTION:指定调用STAX脚本时默认执行的函数,这个选项可以接收STAF变量ARGS:FUNCTION指定函数的参数,这个选项不可以接收STAF变量,可以处理私有数据SCRIPTFILE:这个选项指定一个Python脚本,这个Python脚本相当于STAX脚本中<stax>标签中的<script>包含的语句,这个Python脚本先于STAX中的函数执行,这个选项可以接收STAF变量SCRIPTFILEMACHINE:Python脚本所在的机器,如果没有指定,则和MACHINE为同一台机器,这个选项可以接收STAF变量SCRIPT:定义一组Python语句,相当于STAX脚本中<stax>中<script>包含的语句,这些python 语句先于STAX中的函数执行,可以接收私有数据CLEARLOGS:清除以前STAX脚本执行时生成的log信息,防止干扰。
局部变量 new 出来时,在栈空间和堆空间中分配空间,当局部变量⽣命周期结束后,栈空间⽴刻被回收,堆空间区域等待GC回收。
⽅法调⽤时传⼊的 literal 参数,先在栈空间分配,在⽅法调⽤完成后从栈空间分配。
字符串常量在DATA 区域分配,this 在堆空间分配。
1. JP[1] 100% FINE 2. JP[2] 100% FINE 3. LP[3] 500mm/sec FINE Arc Start[1] 4. CP[4] P[5]100mm/sec FINE 5. CP[6] P[7] 100mm/sec FINE Arc End[1] 6. JP[8] 100% FINE 7. Call SafeHome Point Arcstart Weld_ PT Arcend Touch Up > F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
• 工具坐标系原点( TCP)
• 点对点运动(Joint--- J)
60≠18.56,为什么? 差别是由于抽样误差引起的,统计学上称为差异无统计学意义。 差异是本质上的差异,即二者来自不同总体。统计学上称为差异有统计学意义。
两者不等的原因: 同一总体,即 但有抽样误差存在; 非同一总体,即 存在本质上的差别,同时有抽样误差存在。
3.2 第Ⅱ类错误(type Ⅱ error) 如果实际情况与H0不一致,也仅仅由于抽样的原因,使得统计量的观察值落到接受域,不能拒绝原本错误的H0,导致了另一种推断错误。这样的错误称为第Ⅱ类错误。犯第Ⅱ类错误的概率为β。 接受了实际上不成立的H0,这类“取伪”的错误称为第Ⅱ类错误。其概率大小用β表示,β只取单尾。
确定P 值,作出推断结论 查t 界值表, ,由于 ,故 ,在 =0.05的水准上拒绝 ,接受 ,差异有统计学意义,可以认为接受培训前后调查问卷得分有差别。
3.3 假设检验与两类错误
第Ⅰ类错误(α) 假阳性(误诊)
结论正确(1-α) 置信度
结论正确(1- β) 检验功效
第Ⅱ类错误(β) 假阴性(漏诊)
3.4 两类错误间的关系
增大n, α和β同时减小。
能否采用单样本t 检验完成配对设计t 检验?
2.3.1 两独立样本均数的t 检验 (Independent samples t test)
将各分组的平 均值和极差值 画在管制图上
18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
计算流程平均值(X-bar-bar)和平均极差(R-bar) 计算该X-bar/R chart的上下管制界限
i 1
一、X-bar/R Chart
确定管制项目 关键输出:如硅片厚度 关键输入:SIC的D50值
LCLX X A2 R 188.2 0.58 7.5 183.85
UCLR D4 R 2.11 7.5 15.825
LCLR D3 R 0 7.5 0
X R / d2
D4 3.27 2.57 2.28 2.11 2.00 1.92 1.86 1.82 1.78 D3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.14 0.18 0.22 A2 1.88 1.02 0.73 0.58 0.48 0.42 0.37 0.34 0.31 d2 1.13 1.69 2.06 2.33 2.53 2.70 2.85 2.97 3.08
1、不允许迟到、早退; 2、手机调整至关机或静音状态; 3、上课不睡觉,中途不缺勤; 4、既来之、则安之! 5、良好的培训秩序是培训成功的前提!
常用分析化学专业英语词汇absorbance 吸光度absorbent 吸附剂absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption peak 吸收峰absorptivity 吸收系数accident error 偶然误差accuracy 准确度acid-base titration 酸碱滴定acidic effective coefficient 酸效应系数acidic effective curve 酸效应曲线acidity constant 酸度常数activity 活度activity coefficient 活度系数adsorption 吸附adsorption indicator 吸附指示剂affinity 亲和力aging 陈化amorphous precipitate 无定形沉淀amphiprotic solvent 两性溶剂amphoteric substance 两性物质amplification reaction 放大反应analytical balance 分析天平analytical chemistry 分析化学analytical concentration 分析浓度analytical reagent AR 分析试剂apparent formation constant 表观形成常数aqueous phase 水相argentimetry 银量法ashing 灰化atomic spectrum 原子光谱autoprotolysis constant 质子自递常数auxochrome group 助色团back extraction 反萃取band spectrum 带状光谱bandwidth 带宽bathochromic shift 红移blank 空白blocking of indicator 指示剂的封闭bromometry 溴量法buffer capacity 缓冲容量buffer solution 缓冲溶液burette 滴定管calconcarboxylic acid 钙指示剂calibrated curve 校准曲线calibration 校准catalyzed reaction 催化反应cerimetry 铈量法charge balance 电荷平衡chelate 螯合物chelate extraction 螯合物萃取chemical analysis 化学分析chemical factor 化学因素chemically pure 化学纯chromatography 色谱法chromophoric group 发色团coefficient of variation 变异系数color reagent 显色剂color transition point 颜色转变点colorimeter 比色计colorimetry 比色法column chromatography 柱色谱complementary color 互补色complex 络合物complexation 络合反应complexometry complexometric titration 络合滴定法complexone 氨羧络合剂concentration constant 浓度常数conditional extraction constant 条件萃取常数conditional formation coefficient 条件形成常数conditional potential 条件电位conditional solubility product 条件溶度积confidence interval 置信区间confidence level 置信水平conjugate acid-base pair 共轭酸碱对constant weight 恒量contamination 沾污continuous extraction 连续萃取continuous spectrum 连续光谱coprecipitation 共沉淀correction 校正correlation coefficient 相关系数crucible 坩埚crystalline precipitate 晶形沉淀cumulative constant 累积常数curdy precipitate 凝乳状沉淀degree of freedom 自由度demasking 解蔽derivative spectrum 导数光谱desiccant; drying agent 干燥剂desiccator 保干器determinate error 可测误差deuterium lamp 氘灯deviation 偏差deviation average 平均偏差dibasic acid 二元酸dichloro fluorescein 二氯荧光黄dichromate titration 重铬酸钾法dielectric constant 介电常数differential spectrophotometry 示差光度法differentiating effect 区分效应dispersion 色散dissociation constant 离解常数distillation 蒸馏distribution coefficient 分配系数distribution diagram 分布图distribution ratio 分配比double beam spectrophotometer 双光束分光光度计dual-pan balance 双盘天平dual-wavelength spectrophotometry 双波长分光光度法electronic balance 电子天平electrophoresis 电泳eluent 淋洗剂end point 终点end point error 终点误差enrichment 富集eosin 曙红equilibrium concentration 平衡浓度equimolar series method 等摩尔系列法Erelenmeyer flask 锥形瓶eriochrome black T EBT 铬黑T error 误差ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸evaporation dish 蒸发皿exchange capacity 交换容量extent of crosslinking 交联度extraction constant 萃取常数extraction rate 萃取率extraction spectrphotometric method 萃取光度法Fajans method 法杨斯法ferroin 邻二氮菲亚铁离子filter 漏斗filter 滤光片filter paper 滤纸filtration 过滤fluex 溶剂fluorescein 荧光黄flusion 熔融formation constant 形成常数frequency 频率frequency density 频率密度frequency distribution 频率分布gas chromatography GC 气相色谱grating 光栅gravimetric factor 重量因素gravimetry 重量分析guarantee reagent GR 保证试剂high performance liquid chromatography HPLC 高效液相色谱histogram 直方图homogeneous precipitation 均相沉淀hydrogen lamp 氢灯hypochromic shift 紫移ignition 灼烧indicator 指示剂induced reaction 诱导反应inert solvent 惰性溶剂instability constant 不稳定常数instrumental analysis 仪器分析intrinsic acidity 固有酸度intrinsic basicity 固有碱度intrinsic solubility 固有溶解度iodimetry 碘滴定法iodine-tungsten lamp 碘钨灯iodometry 滴定碘法ion association extraction 离子缔合物萃取ion chromatography IC 离子色谱ion exchange 离子交换ion exchange resin 离子交换树脂ionic strength 离子强度isoabsorptive point 等吸收点Karl Fisher titration 卡尔•费歇尔法Kjeldahl determination 凯氏定氮法Lambert-Beer law 朗泊-比尔定律leveling effect 拉平效应ligand 配位体light source 光源line spectrum 线状光谱linear regression 线性回归liquid chromatography LC 液相色谱macro analysis 常量分析masking 掩蔽masking index 掩蔽指数mass balance 物料平衡matallochromic indicator 金属指示剂maximum absorption 最大吸收mean, average 平均值measured value 测量值measuring cylinder 量筒measuring pipette 吸量管median 中位数mercurimetry 汞量法mercury lamp 汞灯mesh 筛目methyl orange MO 甲基橙methyl red MR 甲基红micro analysis 微量分析mixed constant 混合常数mixed crystal 混晶mixed indicator 混合指示剂mobile phase 流动相Mohr method 莫尔法molar absorptivity 摩尔吸收系数mole ratio method 摩尔比法molecular spectrum 分子光谱monoacid 一元酸monochromatic color 单色光monochromator 单色器neutral solvent 中性溶剂neutralization 中和non-aqueous titration 非水滴定normal distribution 正态分布occlusion 包藏organic phase 有机相ossification of indicator 指示剂的僵化outlier 离群值oven 烘箱paper chromatographyPC 纸色谱parallel determination 平行测定path lenth 光程permanganate titration 高锰酸钾法phase ratio 相比phenolphthalein PP 酚酞photocell 光电池photoelectric colorimeter 光电比色计photometric titration 光度滴定法photomultiplier 光电倍增管phototube 光电管pipette 移液管polar solvent 极性溶剂polyprotic acid 多元酸population 总体postprecipitation 后沉淀precipitant 沉淀剂precipitation form 沉淀形precipitation titration 沉淀滴定法precision 精密度preconcentration 预富集predominance-area diagram 优势区域图primary standard 基准物质prism 棱镜probability 概率proton 质子proton condition 质子条件protonation 质子化protonation constant 质子化常数purity 纯度qualitative analysis 定性分析quantitative analysis 定量分析quartering 四分法random error 随机误差range 全距极差reagent blank 试剂空白Reagent bottle 试剂瓶recording spectrophotometer 自动记录式分光光度计recovery 回收率redox indicator 氧化还原指示剂redox titration 氧化还原滴定referee analysis 仲裁分析reference level 参考水平reference material RM 标准物质reference solution 参比溶液relative error 相对误差resolution 分辨力rider 游码routine analysis 常规分析sample 样本,样品sampling 取样self indicator 自身指示剂semimicro analysis 半微量分析separation 分离separation factor 分离因数side reaction coefficient 副反应系数significance test 显著性检验significant figure 有效数字simultaneous determination of multiponents 多组分同时测定single beam spectrophotometer 单光束分光光度计single-pan balance 单盘天平slit 狭缝sodium diphenylamine sulfonate 二苯胺磺酸钠solubility product 溶度积solvent extraction 溶剂萃取species 型体物种specific extinction coefficient 比消光系数spectral analysis 光谱分析spectrophotometer 分光光度计spectrophotometry 分光光度法stability constant 稳定常数standard curve 标准曲线standard deviation 标准偏差standard potential 标准电位standard series method 标准系列法standard solution 标准溶液standardization 标定starch 淀粉stationary phase 固定相steam bath 蒸气浴stepwise stability constant 逐级稳定常数stoichiometric point 化学计量点structure analysis 结构分析supersaturation 过饱和systematic error 系统误差test solution 试液thermodynamic constant 热力学常数thin layer chromatography TLC 薄层色谱titrand 被滴物titrant 滴定剂titration 滴定titration constant 滴定常数titration curve 滴定曲线titration error 滴定误差titration index 滴定指数titration jump 滴定突跃titrimetry 滴定分析trace analysis 痕量分析transition interval 变色间隔transmittance 透射比tri acid 三元酸true value 真值tungsten lamp 钨灯ultratrace analysis 超痕量分析UV-VIS spectrophotometry 紫外-可见分光光度法volatilization 挥发Volhard method 福尔哈德法volumetric flask 容量瓶volumetry 容量分析Wash bottle 洗瓶washings 洗液water bath 水浴weighing bottle 称量瓶weighting form 称量形weights 砝码working curve 工作曲线xylenol orange XO 二甲酚橙zero level 零水平异步处理dispatch_asyncdispatch_get_glo bal_queue0, 0, ^{.self test1; ..........;};。
聚醋酸乙烯酯(PV Ac)的合成與分析一、實驗目的:1.學習乳化聚合方法合成聚合體2.學習使用pH計3.學習使用萬能拉力試驗機4.學習分析紅外線光譜圖二、實驗原理乳化聚合第一次被使用是在第二次世界大戰時,製造1,3-Butadiene 及Styrene 之合成橡膠時的方法。
其較Bulk Polymerization 來說,熱傳及黏度的問題都能獲得良好的改善。
以水為分散媒(連續相),加入乳化劑(Emulsifier or Surfactant)及水溶性起始劑,在攪拌下進行聚合反應。
CH3CH2OC O33CH2OC OCH3nnVAc PVAc圖1 聚醋酸乙烯酯反應結構圖乳化聚合方法通常裝設簡單攪拌反應器,在加入乳化劑、起始劑的水溶液和單體後,一邊攪拌一邊加熱即可製備出乳液,一般聚合溫度控制在70~90℃之間。
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SECTION 1Sample Essay - Score of 6What motivates people to change is a relentless and innate desire for self-improvement. Rarely ever has history seen a man or society kick back, relax, and say “Well that about does it. Not much else to do here!” Within every person is the potential to achieve greatness in some form; be it athletically, mentally, spiritually. This inherent potential demands that people continue to explore and change both their environments and themselves throughout their life’s course. Ne ver should a man be idle for too long. After acknowledging the changes a man has already made to his environment, the pursuit of self-improvement will once again stir within his soul and call him to action. This internal desire, this pursuit of challenge and perfection, does not prohibit man from being happy with his status and achievements. On the contrary, the device serves more to allow the man to constantly strive for greater change, newer innovation. What motivates people to change is the ongoing need to redefine people’s lives and identities –to elevate them to higher levels of eminence and sucess.A good example of this can be seen in clinical psychology. When patients seek therapy for difficulties that have encumbered their daily functioning, they most often arrive for treatment voluntarily and willingly- they consciously accept the necessity of therapy and so participate without any duress. During the course of clinical therapy, the patient’s concerns, anxieties, ideas, emotions, and fears are brough t to light. However, the clinician does not try to alter the beliefs, feeling, and sentiments of his client; rather, he simply illuminates them in order to provide the patient with an accurate view of himself. The process, of raising concerns and ideas to the surface of conscious awareness, is known as clarification. Modern psychology is a far throw from the psychoanalysis of Freud’s time, in which psychologists attempted to “interpret” pre-and unconscious feelings that had been repressed by the patient. Because clinicians only clarify, and not dissect, alter, or interpret a client’s inner desires and emotions, the client himself is responsible for instituting change. If he is to change, he must dictate the course of therapy, and make the conscious choice to improve himself. This widely used approach is called “client centered therapy.” If the client’s ennui or ill feelings are due to situational factors or internal designs (as oppose to biological changes that would qualify for a diagnosis of psychopathology (mental disorder)), he must change them on his own accord to precipitate change within himself. The therapist will not “cure” him in any way. He alone must answer the call within himself to refine and redefine his identity and place in society. This need, of self-improvement, also initially brought him to the therapist. He was able to recognize the disorder of his environment and acknowledge his own negative feelings. This in turn brought him to therapy, where he was guided through a process of introspection that ultimately enabled him to improve himself, assuage his anxieties, and rightfully continue on his lifelong pursuit of even greater achievements.SECTION 21.ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONSExplanation for Correct Answer D :Choice (D) is correct. “Setting” means the place in which a drama occurs. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read, “The setting of Maria Irene Fornes’ play Mud—a realistic room perched on a dirt pile—challenges conventional interpretations of stage sce nery.” Stage scenery is the key component of a play’s “setting,” and this scenery or “setting” is clearly unconventional.Explanation for Incorrect Answer A :Choice (A) is incorrect. “Appeal” means attraction or interest. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read, “The appeal of Maria Irene Fornes’ play Mud—a realistic room perched on a dirtChoice (B) is incorrect. The “plot” is the plan of action of a play. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read, “The plot of Maria Irene Fornes’ play Mud—a realistic room perched on a dirt pile—challenges conventional interpretations of stage scenery.” The phrase “a realistic room perched on a dirt pile” describes a “setting,” not a “plot.”Explanation for Incorrect Answer C :Choic e (C) is incorrect. “Mood” means a state of mind or feeling. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read, “The mood of Maria Irene Fornes’ play Mud—a realistic room perched on a dirt pile—challenges conventional interpretations o f stage scenery.” Nothing in the sentence indicates the play’s “mood.”Explanation for Incorrect Answer E :Choice (E) is incorrect. A “rehearsal” is a practice run of a show in preparation for a public performance. If one were to insert this term into t he text, the sentence would read, “The rehearsal of Maria Irene Fornes’ play Mud—a realistic room perched on a dirt pile—challenges conventional interpretations of stage scenery.” It is the “setting” of the play, not a practice run-through of the play, that challenges conventional interpretations of stage scenery.22.ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONSExplanation for Correct Answer B :Choice (B) is correct. "Overabundance" means an amount that is more than what is needed, and "thrive" means to grow or prosper. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "Ironically, an affluent society that purchases much more food than it actually needs suffers because of that overabundance, since in conditions of affluence diseases related to overeating and poor nutrition seem to thrive." In this sentence "that overabundance" refers back to the phrase "more food than it actually needs." It makes sense that diseases related to overeating would "thrive," or prosper, in these conditions. The relationship between the two clauses is further signaled by the word "ironically," which means the opposite of what would be expected. It is ironic that an overabundance of food, a condition that would appear to result in good nutrition, actually leads to an increase in diseases related to poor nutrition.Explanation for Incorrect Answer A :Choice (A) is incorrect. "Lavishness" means excessive spending, and "adapt" means to change to fit new circumstances. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "Ironically, an affluent society that purchases much more food than it actually needs suffers because of that lavishness, since in conditions of affluence diseases related to overeating and poor nutrition seem to adapt." Although the first term fits in well with the overall sense of the sentence, the second term does not. Diseases are known to "adapt" or change to fit many different circumstances; it would not be ironic or unexpected for a change to occur in this situation.Explanation for Incorrect Answer C :Choice (C) is incorrect. "Corpulence" means obesity or excessive weight, and "vex" means to annoy. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "Ironically, an affluent society that purchases much more food than it actually needs suffers because of that corpulence, since in conditions of affluence diseases related to overeating and poor nutrition seem to vex." "Corpulence" is a term that refers more properly to people than to social conditions, and diseases are generally more likely to cause major discomfort than minor annoyance.Explanation for Incorrect Answer D :society that purchases much more food than it actually needs suffers because of that practicality, since in conditions of affluence diseases related to overeating and poor nutrition seem to awaken." Although the second term could fit in well with the overall meaning of the sentence, the first term is inappropriate. Buying more food than is necessary is not "practical" at all; it is wasteful.Explanation for Incorrect Answer E :Choice (E) is incorrect. "Commonness" means typical behavior, and "abound" means to be present in large numbers. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "Ironically, an affluent society that purchases much more food than it actually needs suffers because of that commonness, since in conditions of affluence diseases related to overeating and poor nutrition seem to abound." Although the second term could fit in well with the overall meaning of the sentence, the first term does not. A society that buys more than is necessary is not a typical society; relatively few societies suffer from "overabundance."33.ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONSExplanation for Correct Answer E :Choice (E) is correct. "Therapeutic" means having healing or curing powers. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Because of the therapeutic effects of the hot springs, tourists suffering from various ailments flocked to the village’s thermal pools." People suffering from an illne ss naturally try to find ways to get better, so hot springs that are known to cure diseases or ease pain would surely attract people with various ailments.Explanation for Incorrect Answer A :Choice (A) is incorrect. "Succulent" means juicy. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Because of the succulent effects of the hot springs, tourists suffering from various ailments flocked to the village’s thermal pools." Springs or pools of water cannot be properly referred to as succulent. The term "succulent" usually refers to plants or foods that are juicy, not to pools, puddles, springs, or other bodies of water.Explanation for Incorrect Answer B :Choice (B) is incorrect. "Redolent" means sweet smelling. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Because of the redolent effects of the hot springs, tourists suffering from various ailments flocked to the village’s thermal pools." Hot springs are rarely described as sweet smelling. However, if such springs existed, they would not just attract tourists suffering from diseases. Healthy tourists would also be drawn to the hot springs because of their sweet smell.Explanation for Incorrect Answer C :Choice (C) is incorrect. "Cerebral" means brainy or intellectual. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Because of the cerebral effects of the hot springs, tourists suffering from various ailments flocked to the village’s thermal pools." Bodies of water cannot be properl y referred to as cerebral. "Cerebral" is a term used to describe people or activities.Explanation for Incorrect Answer D :Choice (D) is incorrect. "Mandatory" means required. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Because of the mandatory effects of the hot springs, tourists suffering from various ailments flocked to the village’s thermal pools." A doctor might tell a patient that bathing in certain hot springs is mandatory. However, the effects of the hot springs could not be properly referred to as mandatory.Explanation for Correct Answer C :Choice (C) is correct. "Provide" means to supply or make available, and an "investigation" is careful research or an inquiry. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "More valuable and comprehensive than any previously proposed theory of the phenomenon, Salazar’s research has provided the basis for all subsequent investigations in her field." This sentence makes the reasonable claim that Salazar's important research has "provided the basis for," or supplied the foundation for, additional research in the same field.Explanation for Incorrect Answer A :Choice (A) is incorrect. "Undermine" means to weaken, and an "advancement" is an improvement. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "More valuable and comprehensive than any previously proposed theory of the phenomenon, Salazar’s research has undermined the basis for all subsequent advancements in her field." Although the second term could fit well into the sentence, the first term cannot. If Salazar's research was truly valuable and comprehensive, it should have helped to advance, not weaken, future work in the field.Explanation for Incorrect Answer B :Choice (B) is incorrect. "Prepare" means to make ready, and a "debacle" is a sudden disaster. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "More valuable and comprehensive than any previously proposed theo ry of the phenomenon, Salazar’s research has prepared the basis for all subsequent debacles in her field." Although the first term fits in well with the overall meaning of the sentence, the second term does not. Salazar's research is said to be valuable and comprehensive. Thus it will not logically lead to disasters in her field.Explanation for Incorrect Answer D :Choice (D) is incorrect. "Dissolve" in this context means to break apart, and an "experiment" is a test or trial done to discover something. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "More valuable and comprehensive than any previously proposed theory of the phenomenon, Salazar’s research has dissolved the basis for all subsequent experiments in her field." Although the second term might fit in well with the overall meaning of the sentence, the first term does not. Salazar's research might challenge previous work, but it cannot logically break apart the basis for future work in the field.Explanation for Incorrect Answer E :Choice (E) is incorrect. "Reinforce" means to strengthen, and a "misconception" is a misunderstanding. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "More valuable and comprehensive than any previously proposed theor y of the phenomenon, Salazar’s research has reinforced the basis for all subsequent misconceptions in her field." The first term could well fit with the overall meaning of the sentence, but the second term cannot. Salazar's research would not be considered valuable if it strengthened misunderstandings in her field.55.ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONSExplanation for Correct Answer A :Choice (A) is correct. "Thwart" means to prevent or defeat. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Dangerously high winds thwarted attempts to begin the space shuttle mission on schedule, delaying the launch by nearly a week." The scheduled launch of the space shuttle was delayed because high winds prevented a safe lift-off.Choice (B) is incorrect. "Forfeit" means to give up or surrender something. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Dangerously high winds forfeited attempts to begin the space shuttle mission on schedule, delaying the launch by nearly a week." The astronauts launching the space shuttle might "forfeit" their attempts because of high winds, but the winds cannot be said to have "forfeited," or given up, the attempts to launch the shuttle.Explanation for Incorrect Answer C :Choice (C) is incorrect. "Implement" means to accomplish or carry out. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Dangerously high winds implemented attempts to begin the space shuttle mission on schedule, delaying the launch by nearly a week." The high winds did nothing to help accomplish an on-time launch of the space shuttle. In fact, they prevented the launch from occurring on schedule.Explanation for Incorrect Answer D :Choice (D) is incorrect. "Discharge" means to release. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Dangerously high winds discharged attempts to begin the space shuttle mission on schedule, delaying the launch by nearly a week." The attempts to launch the space shuttle on schedule were in no way released by the high winds; in fact, the winds prevented these attempts.Explanation for Incorrect Answer E :Choice (E) is incorrect. "Redouble" means to strengthen. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Dangerously high winds redoubled attempts to begin the space shuttle mission on schedule, delaying the launch by nearly a week." The high winds clearly did not strengthen the attempts to launch the space shuttle on schedule, as the launch was actually delayed.66.ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONSExplanation for Correct Answer B :Choice (B) is correct. "Haranguing" means giving a long, critical speech, and "intemperate" means excessive. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "The guest speaker on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show offended the audience by first haranguing them and then refusing to moderate these intemperate remarks." A speech criticizing an audience would surely be offensive, and remarks of this type would be properly described as "intemperate" or excessive.Explanation for Incorrect Answer A :Choice (A) is incorrect. "Flattering" means praising excessively, and "commendable" means worthy of praise. If one were to insert these terms into the t ext, the sentence would read "The guest speaker on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show offended the audience by first flattering them and then refusing to moderate these commendable remarks." The first term might fit into the sentence because flattery may offend people by its insincerity. The second term does not make sense when inserted into the sentence, however. No audience member would be offended by a person's refusal to moderate "commendable" remarks, especially those directed at the audience. Explanation for Incorrect Answer C :Choice (C) is incorrect. "Praising" means pointing out the good features of someone, and "radical" means extreme. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "The guest speaker on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show offended the audience by first praising them and then refusing to moderate these radical remarks." An audience that receives "praise" is unlikely to take offense, and such comments in any case cannot be viewed as extreme.Choice (D) is incorrect. "Enraging" means causing intense anger, and "conciliatory" means peacemaking. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "The guest speaker on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show offended the audience by first enraging them and then refusing to moderate these conciliatory remarks." Remarks that cause intense anger cannot be properly referred to as "conciliatory," or peacemaking.Explanation for Incorrect Answer E :Choice (E) is incorrect. "Accommodating" means doing a favor for, and "indulgent" means excessively generous. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "The guest speaker on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show offended the audience by first accommodating them and then refu sing to moderate these indulgent remarks." "Accommodating" speech is unlikely to offend an audience, and such remarks cannot be properly referred to as "indulgent."77.ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONSExplanation for Correct Answer A :Choice (A) is correct. "Halting" means hobbling or walking with difficulty. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "By the end of the long, arduous hike, Chris was walking with a halting gait, limping slowly back to the campsite." A person who is limping or struggling to walk after a tiring hike would be properly described as walking with a "halting gait."Explanation for Incorrect Answer B :Choice (B) is incorrect. "Robust" means healthy or energetic. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "By the end of the long, arduous hike, Chris was walking with a robust gait, limping slowly back to the campsite." A person who is limping after a difficult hike could not be said to be walking energetically.Explanation for Incorrect Answer C :Choice (C) is incorrect. "Constant" means continuous or without changes in speed. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "By the end of the long, arduous hike, Chris was walking with a constant gait, limping slowly back to the campsite." A "limp" is a type of walk that is irregular or unsteady. Thus a person who is limping cannot be properly described as walking with a "constant gait."Explanation for Incorrect Answer D :Choice (D) is incorrect. "Prompt" means without delay. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "By the end of the long, arduous hike, Chris was walking with a prompt gait, limping slowly back to the campsite." A limp is a type of walk that involves considerable delay.Explanation for Incorrect Answer E :Choice (E) is incorrect. "Facile" means easy or effortless. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "By the end of the long, arduous hike, Chris was walking with a facile gait, limping slowly back to the campsite." Because limping involves pain or difficulty, a person who is limping cannot be properly described as walking effortlessly.88.ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONSExplanation for Correct Answer D :for example, raising their voices and pretending to swoon." Raising one's voice or pretending to faint are examples of the exaggerated actions known as "histrionics."Explanation for Incorrect Answer A :Choice (A) is incorrect. "Imperious" means domineering or bossy. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Actors in melodramas often emphasized tense moments by being imperious, for example, raising their voices and pretending to swoon." Although imperious people might raise their voices when giving orders, they would be unlikely to pretend "to swoon," or faint.Explanation for Incorrect Answer B :Choice (B) is incorrect. "Inscrutable" means difficult to understand. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Actors in melodramas often emphasized tense moments by being inscrutable, for example, raising their voices and pretending to swoon." The exaggerated movements described in this sentence would make a character's emotions easier to understand, not more difficult.Explanation for Incorrect Answer C :Choice (C) is incorrect. "Convivial" means festive or fun-loving. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Actors in melodramas often emphasized tense moments by being convivial, for example, raising their voices and pretending to swoon." Although people in festive moods might raise their voices in joy or laughter, they do not have a tendency to pretend to swoon.Explanation for Incorrect Answer E :Choice (E) is incorrect. "Solicitous" means caring about other people's needs. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Actors in melodramas often emphasized tense moments by being solicitous, for example, raising their voices and pretending to swoon." Solicitous people do not typically raise their voices or pretend to swoon; they are much more likely simply to ask people what they would like or need.99.ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONSExplanation for Correct Answer E :Choice (E) is correct. Being able to understand sign language, to solve puzzles, to use objects as tools, to use language, and to recognize oneself in a mirror are all things commonly associated with humans and, in fact, things that have sometimes been thought to be uniquely human. The author of Passage 1 strongly suggests that dolphins have those abilities, too.Explanation for Incorrect Answer A :Choice (A) is incorrect. The point that the author of Passage 1 is trying to make by mentioning various activities is that these activities show a high level of intelligence. But, in and of themselves, these activities are not strongly associated with unusual sensitivity to the environment.Explanation for Incorrect Answer B :Choice (B) is incorrect. The nature of the studies reported in lines 2-8 of Passage 1 makes it likely that the studies were performed on dolphins that were in captivity. But there is no indication that the animals involved in those studies failed to thrive.Explanation for Incorrect Answer C :Choice (D) is incorrect. The kinds of activities that are mentioned in lines 2-8 of Passage 1 could all be done quite seriously. They could also be done playfully or done in a mixture of these two modes. These activities, therefore, do not specifically suggest that an animal carrying them out would be uncommonly playful.1010.ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONSExplanation for Correct Answer B :Choice (B) is correct. The last sentence of Passage 1 makes a comparison of levels of intelligence, but according to the author of Passage 2, such comparisons "may not be especially helpful" (lines 21-22). The author of Passage 2 does not think that intelligence is a single uniform ability that different species happen to have in different amounts. Passage 2 suggests that there are different kinds of intelligence, and that the kind of intelligence a creature has is appropriate to that creature's way of life.Explanation for Incorrect Answer A :Choice (A) is incorrect. Although the author of Passage 2 might agree that intelligence is difficult to measure, such a measurement is really beside the point. The author of Passage 2 does not think that intelligence is a single uniform ability that different species happen to have in different amounts. Passage 2 suggests that there are different kinds of intelligence, and that the kind of intelligence a creature has is appropriate to that creature's way of life.Explanation for Incorrect Answer C :Choice (C) is incorrect. The author of Passage 2 may think that some of the studies already conducted were wrongheaded and conceptually flawed, but there is no indication of any doubt about the objectivity of those studies.Explanation for Incorrect Answer D :Choice (D) is incorrect. As far as dolphin intelligence in relation to dolphin activities is concerned, the author of Passage 2 is only prepared to say that dolphin intelligence is appropriate "for the dolphin's way of life." The author does not speculate about the level of intelligence required for that way of life.Explanation for Incorrect Answer E :Choice (E) is incorrect. The last sentence of Passage 1 talks about dolphins' awareness of their own individuality. So it would not be sensible for the author of Passage 2 to respond to this sentence by arguing that little is known about dophins' social behavior.1111.ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONSExplanation for Correct Answer D :Choice (D) is correct. Passage 1 suggests the dolphins have "a level of intelligence that may be very near our own" (lines 11-12). Passage 2 says that, when it comes to dolphin intelligence, "we don't know, and comparisons may not be especially helpful" (lines 21-22). All that the author of Passage 2 is really prepared to say is that dolphin intelligence is different.Explanation for Incorrect Answer A :。
剑桥雅思写作13test1task1真题解析【题目+解题思路+范文】题目:WRITING TASK 1You should spend abo20 minutes on this task.The two maps below show road access to a city hospital in 2007 and in 2010.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.解题思路:1. 图表类型:地图题2. 主体段时态:一般过去时3. 题目要求:两幅地图分别展示了2007年和2010年去城市医院的通行道路。
4. 描述重点:1)2007年地图中的city hospital的东南风是staff and public car park,而在2010年这个地方变为了staff car park。
2)2007年Hospital Rd 两边的六个bus stops 没有了,在道路西边建造了较大的bus station,并有道路通往北边和南边两个环岛,分别与围绕医院的ring road 和city road相连。
范文:SAMPLE ANSWERThis is an answer written by a candidate who achieved a Band5.5 score. Here is the examiner’s comment:The candidate has identified all the key features (hospital, ring road, new public car park, staff car park and bus station in 2010) but the descriptions are not always accurate e.g. [two features that still remained. This two features are City Hospital and staff carpark] whereas the staff car park was formerly a car park for both staff and public, while the mention of the bus station is not developed. Organisation is clear, however, with some good use of cohesive devices [According to | Apart from | The further additional features], although there is an error in the use of reference pronouns [This/These two features]. The range of vocabulary is sufficient for the task [two different years | features | remained | additional], though [features] is over-used.A spelling error is noted in the second line [sourrounded] but this does not cause any difficulty for the reader; similarly, the use of [around-turn] can be easily understood as ‘roundabout’. There is a mix of simple and complex sentences, mainly used accurately.Two maps illustrate, the way to get to a city hospital of two different years (2007 and 2010).According to both maps, the main features which is city hospital is sourrounded by Ring Road. In these two maps, there have been two features that still remained. This two features are City Hospital and staff car park. Apart from these two features there are some features that shows on 2010 map but haven’t shown on 2007 map. The additional features that appear on the map of 2010 are public car parte which located on the east-side of the city hospital. The further additional features are two around-turn on the hospital Rd. which can lead to the bus station.Overall, there are two major features that never change on both 2007 and 2010 map. These features are city hospital andstaff car park. However, there are some additional features that appear on the map of 2010 but not on 2007. These features are public car park, bus station and two around-turns.剑桥雅思写作13test1task2真题解析【题目+解题思路+范文】题目:WRITING TASK 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.解题思路:1. 话题和题型分类社会文化类单边讨论题型2. 题目分析居住在一个你不得不说外语的国家可能会导致严重的社交问题以及实际问题。
model test 1参考答案
Model Test 1Part I Writingsample:My View on Part-time JobsIt is quite common that many college students now take part-time jobs in their spare time. However, there is still a controversy about whether it is good or not. Some people think that taking a part-time job certainly brings some benefits to students.In the first place, it is good and effective for college students to get to know the society and learn how to get along with different kinds of people. What's more, taking a part-time job provides students with a golden opportunity to get some work experience, which will make them more competitive in the job market in the future. Finally, students can make some money, which can help to lessen their families' financial burdens.Of course, there are also some problems arising from students' taking part-time jobs. First, some students may spend too much time on their part-time jobs, then neglect their studies. Second, some students may be cheated by others since they are not mature enough to make correct judgments.As for me, I hold the view that college students need to have more access to the outside world. However, they should balance their social practices and academic studies. After all, they should know what their main task is.范文点评本文题目为“我对兼职工作的看法”,从三个提纲来看,有些人认为大学生找兼职工作可以了解社会、积累经验等,有些人认为兼职工作影响学习,据此判断此题为正反观点论证题,要求考生在论证两方观点后要提出自己的看法。
1.What are the speakers talking about?A.A record B.Some singers. C.A live concert,2. What happened to the man?A.He was pushed down, B.He knocked into a door C.He ran into someone 3. When will the two speakers meet?A.At 8:30 B.At 9:00 C.At 9:304 What are the speakers going to do ?A.Go on a trip B.Buy some food C.Wait for a taxi5. How much is a hamburger and Coke now?A .$2 B.$2.5 C.$ 4第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。
剑桥初级Test sample one
• PART TWO • Questions 6-10 Look at the notice below. It shows a list of stands at a trade fair. For questions 6-10, decide which stand (A-H) each person on the opposite page needs to visit. For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once.
• PART FOUR Questions 16-22 Read the article below about the UK cycle industry. Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page 'Right' or 'Wrong'? If there is not enough information to answer 'Right' or 'Wrong', choose 'Doesn't say'. For each sentence (16-22), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.
TRADE FAIR STANDS A C/P System: Internal Telephone Systems B Bertix Pic: Top-of-the-Range Portable Computers C Aurora Ltd: Hands-Free Mobile Phones for Vehicles D FastCo Ltd: Distribution Services E Tops Recruitment Agency: Specialists in Management F HTML Ltd: Website Marketing and Internet Advertising G : Travel Agency for the Business Executive H FTA: Finance for Training
SIMPLE语言定义一、字符集定义1.<字符集> →<字母>│<数字>│<单界符>2.<字母> →A│B│…│Z│a│b│…│z3.<数字> →0│1│2│…│94.<单界符> →+│-│*│/│=│<│>│(│)│[│]│:│. │; │, │'二、单词集定义5.<单词集> →<保留字>│<双界符>│<标识符>│<常数>│<单界符>6.<保留字> →and│array│begin│bool│call│case│char│constant│dim│do│else│end│false│for│if│input│integer│not│of│or│output│procedure│program│read│real│repeat│set│stop│then│to│true│until│var│while│write7.<双界符> →<>│<=│>=│:= │/*│*/│..8.<标识符> →<字母>│<标识符> <数字>│<标识符> <字母>9.<常数> →<整数>│<布尔常数>│<字符常数>10.<整数> →<数字>│<整数> <数字>11.<布尔常数> →true│false12.<字符常数> →' 除{'} 外的任意字符串'三、数据类型定义13.<类型> →integer│bool│char四、表达式定义14.<表达式> →<算术表达式>│<布尔表达式>│<字符表达式>15.<算术表达式> →<算术表达式> + <项>│<算术表达式> - <项>│<项>16.<项> →<项> * <因子>│<项> / <因子>│<因子>17.<因子> →<算术量>│- <因子>18.<算术量> →<整数>│<标识符>│(<算术表达式> )19.<布尔表达式> →<布尔表达式> or <布尔项>│<布尔项>20.<布尔项> →<布尔项> and <布因子>│<布因子>21.<布因子> →<布尔量>│not <布因子>22.<布尔量> →<布尔常量>│<标识符>│(<布尔表达式> )│<标识符> <关系符> <标识符>│<算术表达式> <关系符> <算术表达式> 23.<关系符> →<│<>│<=│>=│>│=24.<字符表达式> →<字符常数>│<标识符>五、语句定义25.<语句> →<赋值句>│<if句>│<while句>│<repeat句>│<复合句>26.<赋值句> →<标识符> := <算术表达式>27.<if句>→if <布尔表达式> then <语句>│if <布尔表达式> then <语句> else <语句> 28.<whilet句> →while <布尔表达式> do <语句>29.<repeat句> →rpeat <语句> until <布尔表达式>30.<复合句> →begin <语句表> end31.<语句表> →<语句> ;<语句表>│<语句>六、程序定义32.<程序> →program <标识符> ;<变量说明> <复合语句> .33.<变量说明> →var <变量定义>│ε34.<变量定义> →<标识符表> :<类型> ;<变量定义>│<标识符表> :<类型> ;35.<标识符表> →<标识符> ,<标识符表>│<标识符>七、SIMPLE语言单词编码八、实验一:设计SAMPLE语言的词法分析器检查要求:a)启动程序后,先输出作者姓名、班级、学号(可用汉语、英语或拼音);b)请求输入测试程序名,键入程序名后自动开始词法分析并输出结果;c)输出结果为单词的二元式序列(样式见样板输出1和2);d)要求能发现下列词法错误和指出错误性质和位置:非法字符,即不是SAMPLE字符集的符号;字符常数缺右边的单引号(字符常数要求左、右边用单引号界定,不能跨行);注释部分缺右边的界符*/(注释要求左右边分别用/*和*/界定,不能跨行)。
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Sample test 1
Multiple choice:
31-35 BBABD
36-40 BDDCA
41-45 CCCCB
46-50 CAACB
51-55 CDACD
Amount to 总计,多达
What is the use (n.用处,有用) of doing sth.
Be pleased/delighted with
Waste time on sth./ doing sth.
Mother tongue 母语
Come over 顺道拜访
Remove 移动
Think over 仔细考虑
Think of / about 考虑;想起
Depend on/upon 依赖;取决于
Wait on/upon 伺候
Even though 尽管;即使Recognize…as…把…认作/当作……Reading comprehension:
Passage 1: DDCAC
Passage 2: DBCCC
注释:in large numbers 大批量地
Affect v. 影响
A nation on wheels 车轮上的国家
Efficient a. 有效的
Inexpensive 不昂贵的,便宜的
Public transportation 公共交通
Frequently 频繁地
Independence n. 独立
Schedule 日程表
Freedom 自由
Shortage 短缺
Solution 解决的方法
Pick up 习得;学会vocabulary 词汇;master 掌握;intelligent 智慧的,聪明的;technique 技巧;conclusion 结论;communicate 交流;沟通;necessary 有必要的;repeat 重复;regularly 有规律地;经常地;outlined above 以上提到的;
Sample test 2
Multiple choice
31-35 CBDCB
36-40 BBCBB
41-45 CBBAD
46-50 CDBBD
51-55 CDDCB
Go through 经历
Hardship n. 艰难
Composition 作文
Have sb. Do sth.
Wake up 醒来
Used to (do)过去常常
Be used to do被用来
get/Be used to doing习惯于
Work one’s head off 拼命工作
Blame sb. On sth. 因某事责备某人Enjoy doing sth.
与过去事实相反:if + had done (过去完成),would/might/could + have done On the condition
Be different from
Spend money/time on sth.
Spend time/money (in) doing sth.
Costs 成本,花销
Hold up 阻碍;耽搁
It takes/ took sb. Sometime to do sth.
By 直到……为止
By the end of last year 直到去年年底之前
Reading comprehension:
Passage 1: ACDBB
Passage2: CAADB
Situation 情况;形势;a series of 一系列的;连续的;sleepless 失眠的;advise 建议;surroundings 环境;go abroad 出国;financial 经济的;金融的;improvement 改善;temporary 暂时的;property 财产;savings 积蓄;存款;entertainment 娱乐(方式);television program 电视节目;comedy 喜剧;appeal 吸引力;commercial 商业广告;charge 索要费用;要价;。