Statement of Purpose
Statement of Purpose
Statement of Purpose(Statement of Intent/ Personal Statement)示例写作原则:1,用真实,具体的事例来说明自己的研究经验/学术背景/对专业的独到理解,突出自己与众不同的独特经历,以及这些经历对自己专业方面的影响。
Sample 1●PrefaceAs a 20-year-old graduate student, I have had the definite academic goal as to be a highly successful scientist. My undergraduate and Master-oriented graduate studies have given me well knowledge in both Electronics and Physics. Electronics is the foundation of modern industry, while Physics is the foundation of science. My doctoral graduate study in Engineering School of Stanford University, if admitted, will be devoted to interdisciplinary study in about Electronics, Physics and some other topics.●Past Y earsMy parents had enlightened me since I was born. With strong desire to study I entered the primary school when 5-year-old and finished its 6-year program in 5 years. I studied hard and entered the high school when I was 10 and finished the 6-year program in 4 years. In my high school years I was very interested in mathematics and physics, and obtained many honors in related contests. Six years ago, I, a 14-year-old boy, enrolled in the Special Class for Gifted Children (SCGC) at XXX University as the youngest student. SCGC is the most selective and competitive class in XXX Univ., yet I kept the highest GPA and was the monitor of the class.The aim of SCGC is to give the young gifted students formal and strict training in mathematics and physics that is more advanced than that of normal undergraduate students.My study at SCGC bestowed me a competitive spirit toward challenges and an intense curiosity in Electronics.I took specialized study in the Department of Electronics at XXX Univ., the only departmentfounded for BsMajor in China. I also took physics major coursed in the Physics Department, many of them were taught in English and used the best books. With the physics foundation I received, it was easier for me to grasp the essential concepts in BsMajor and faster my study. I was the first student who finished the 4-year undergraduate program in 3 years. Although the grading system is strict, my GPA was top 1among 50 students. My under-graduate study brought me many honors, such as the Huawei Prize, awarded to “most brilliant and diligent”students only. In 2000 I was among the 10 “most excellent” university students who received Wusi Prize. In 2001 I graduated from XXX Univ. with the Bachelor of Engineering degree,. I won the honor “Most Outstanding Graduate” that is awarded to top 1% students only.With the intention of studying further Physics in an applied viewpoint, I enrolled in theDepartment of Physics at XXX University。
所以在大家的SOP 之中,跟这些相关的内容,不管是在学校里的还是在工作等等方面的,都是有必要写的。
sample statement_of_purpose
Sample Statement of PurposeStatement of Purpose:Please describe your aptitude and motivation for graduate study in your area of specialization, including your preparation for this field of study, your academic plans or research interests in your chosen area of study, and your future career goals. Please be specific about why UC Berkeley would be a good intellectual fit for you.The writer of the statement below was admitted into UC Berkeley's History Department. With her permission, I reprint her essay parsed with my commentary about why it works as a winning essay."Luscious fare is the jewel of inordinate desires,"1cautions2the author of The Gentlewoman's Companion (1673), one of many early modern conduct books I surveyed this past year for an honors thesis entitled "'Chaste, Silent, and Hungry': The Problem of Female Appetite in Early Modern England, 1550-1700."3As indicated by the title, this project explores a provocative but as of yet scarcely studied facet of early modern gender constructions: female food desire.4I use the word "desire" here rather deliberately, as early modern definitions of appetite extended well beyond the physiological drive to eat to encompass all those physical (and shameful) longings associated with the body. And, in a culture where women were by definition immoderate and sensual, female food appetite, I argue, constituted an unruly5desire that demanded both social and moral discipline. In brief, my research concerns the patriarchal control of women's bodies in sixteenth and seventeenth-century England vis- -vis a cultural idea about food desire and satiation as suggestive and immodest.6In lieu of a formal introduction of my research interests and aspirations I offer a summary of my senior thesis, which earned me the 2003 Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research at the University of California, Davis.7This first venture into serious historical scholarship has affirmed my passion for early modern culture and history; and it has given me the confidence to assert and contest my opinions regarding the status of women in early modern Europe and the current state of early modern historiography.8Continuing along these avenues of research in graduate school, I would like to use my thesis as the basis for a future dissertation. Though I remain wary about committing myself prematurely to a specific topic of research, I am also eager to elaborate, modify, and complicate9 my original assertions about the nature of the "problem" of female appetite in early modern England. Indeed, many of the conclusions reached in the thesis, such as my claim that the cultural eroticization of feminine appetite in early modern England betrayed a deep-seated masculine mistrust of female sexuality and sexual power, serve as starting points10 for future research and study.On a more basic level, writing a thesis gave me the chance to become better acquainted with the essentials of historical research. Suspecting that normative discourses in early modern England participated aggressively in the monitoring of women's appetites, I navigated the sea of early English printed sources in pursuit of the slightest mention of food and diet. Those sources I encountered during my research, which ranged from the popular conduct book, The Education of a Christian Woman by Juan Luis Vives, to the anonymous sex manual, Aristotle's Masterpiece, challenged my basic understanding of history and the original premise of my thesis in ways notanticipated. From deciphering esoteric type-fonts to developing an awareness of the importance of time and funds, I experienced the mundane realities of research that inevitably stunt the historian's aspirations. Even more important was my gradual acceptance of the fact that early modern sources, no matter how we read them, do not always accommodate modern biases and expectations.11Though I cannot predict the course this project might take in graduate school, I expect that it will address the following themes and issues. First is the overarching issue of distinguishing the phenomena I observe from other forms of food restriction and obsession, namely the modern ritual of dieting and its most extreme manifestation, an eating disorder. Though not willing to evade those complicated (and controversial) parallels between modern and early modern usages of food and food symbolism to control the lives of women, I also wish to offer as an historian a nuanced portrayal of how early modern conceptualizations of female appetite were infused with contemporary, historically contingent notions of sexuality and gender.Furthermore, the question of female agency in a project devoted almost exclusively to male prescriptions for diet and behavior demands further discussion. Admittedly, on more than one occasion, my own extensive use and analysis of conduct books and various obstetric manuals, works composed primarily by educated men, caused me to pause and wonder whether it was best to relate a history about women's actions or the patriarchal apparatus under which those actions were oppressed. While I refuse to see women as simply passive receptacles of masculine command, I neither wish nor aspire to focus solely on their achievements; for, in my mind, the history of women and the history of patriarchy are inextricably related.12My goal, then, will not be to detail just another example of how women in history were dominated by men, but, rather, to interrogate the means, in this case food, or, better yet, the cultural meaning of appetite, by which women's desires were suppressed or denied.13Indeed I am proud of my thesis and, given extra time, could say much more. But I should also stress that that at the heart of my specific research concentration lies a more general interest in early modern European history, cultural and women's history to be more exact.14To date, my knowledge of the early modern period has been informed and my imagination sustained by an array of courses on early modern history and literature (I was a joint history and English major), including a graduate seminar on Renaissance urban culture taught jointly by Professors Margaret Ferguson and Deborah Harkness. My personal penchant for cultural history stems largely, I believe, from my training in literature and literary criticism, where sensitivity to the importance of language and metaphor is a necessary skill. Also of crucial importance to a professional career in history are my growing skills in Latin and French, and my fluency in Spanish.15This year I find myself in that difficult and frustrating transitional period between undergraduate and graduate studies. Though I would have preferred to directly continue graduate school after graduation, I opted to take a year off. A year away from school, I reasoned, would afford me the time needed to recuperate from an exhaustive undergraduate education, gain some perspective, and work on fulfilling the language requirement for a doctorate in European history. In fact, I am currently enrolled in a French course at a nearby university and plan to take a subsequent course during the upcoming spring semester. This academic hiatus, moreover, has imposed some much- needed distance between myself and my thesis, which I can now reread from a more critical, lessinvested stance. And, finally, a break from school has given me sufficient time to search and research for graduate programs that best suit my needs.16UC Berkeley's history program looms large in my mind, largely because of its outstanding faculty and interdisciplinary approach to history. In my own quest for a suitable graduate program, I was thrilled to learn that Professors Thomas Laqueur and Carla Hesse both taught at Berkeley. Professor Laqueur's book, Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud, stands out among the many books I read during my undergraduate education; and I credit his book with introducing me to the nascent but fascinating field of the history of sexuality and the body. Together, Professor Laqueur's cutting edge research and Professor Hesse's knowledge of early modern women's history would make my experience at Berkeley a challenging and enjoyable one.17In addition, Berkeley provides an ideal climate for me to develop my cross-disciplinary interests. In particular, I am interested in pursuing a designated emphasis in women, gender, and sexuality, a unique option that distinguishes Berkeley's history program from that of other institutions. The cross-disciplinary nature of Berkeley's graduate program would foster, I hope, fruitful discussions with other departments, notably the department of English and Women's Studies, thus broadening and enriching my research as well as my general understanding early modern culture and history.18• 1 The writer begins with a vivid quote that grabs the reader's attention right away.• 2 "Cautions" is an excellent verb choice. Careful word choice makes for lively writing.• 3 Note how neatly in one well-packed sentence, the writer gets right to the point of her current research.• 4 "Provocative" is an apt and colorful word choice. This sentence explains the nature of her study and situates her subject in historical and thematic context.• 5 "Unruly" is another aptly chosen adjective. Adjectives can create "dead places" in writing if they add nothing significant to the noun that it is describing.• 6 The summary sentence not only recaps the gist of the first paragraph, but also provides further nuance of the subject at hand.•7 This first sentence makes clear that research first and foremost will be central to her argument in the essay. Mentioning the "Chancellor's Award" in the context of herresearch is a clever way of boasting without seeming to.•8 It is a very good idea to explicitly state the chosen subfield within history: early modern Europe. You can't assume that your readers will make the inference from the researchtopic alone. To "assert and contest" opinions is, of course, the marksmanship ofhistorians; making reference to "the current state of early modern historiography"conveys familiarity with the subject on the one hand, and confidence and intellectualpoise on the other. Notice how much more powerful is such a statement as compared to one poorly written, such as "I am passionate and committed to my interest in earlymodern Europe."•9 Again, to say that as a historian, she will "elaborate, modify, and complicate" the subject matter is to show that she really understands the work of historians. A less experienced candidate might have written that she wants to uncover the "truth" in history.•10 "Starting points" --referring to her research interests--is a very measured way of saying that she knows what tugs at her heart, has done enough research to have some hunches, but is open to surprise endings. A beautiful rendition of a historian's sentiment. You may turn off your readers if you come off sounding overly confident. Maintaining a measured tone is very important.•11 This paragraph details further specific lessons and skills earned through this research project. Note the use of colorful verbs such as "navigated" and "stunt."•12 Note the nuanced and carefully measured way of speaking about her subject. Clearly the writer is well-read in theory and shows strong ability in critically evaluating hersubject. Moreover, she tries to be the "objective" scholar in that she does not champion any cause. That is, she does not champion the cause of women even as she conveys deep empathy.•13 The reference to a parallel example of female appetite in contemporary culture as holding interest for the writer is aptly placed here. Were she to have mentioned it any earlier, it would have clouded the primarily historical nature and focus of her venture. •14 It is wise at this point to zoom out a bit and show that the writer's interest lies more broadly in early modern Europe and the history of women. Zooming in and out from the narrow to the general shows that you are capable of becoming a specialist without being overly narrow.•15 Showing interdisciplinarity and your abilities in language are key to your academic biography. In this case, the reader learns that she is a historian with training in literary and critical theory.•16 This is a model paragraph for showing what you did in your "time off" from school.Note how nothing extraneous to her study is mentioned in this paragraph. The paragraph shows that the time off was spent wisely in preparing herself for graduate school.•17 She demonstrates a thorough-going knowledge of UC Berkeley. She mentions not one but two key scholars with whom she could pursue her studies. She mentions how their area of specialty dovetails with her own research interests. Note how she does not make empty, flattering remarks about the professors or the school.•18 She continues to list bounties beyond the department strengthening the argument that Berkeley is well-suited for her. The reader will be impressed with the research and the seriousness with which she has examined UC Berkeley as an option for graduate school.A well-written essay unveils much information about the writer, not only in herintellectual capacity, but also about her character and core values. Through her writing, she makes a distinctive impression.。
Statement of Purpose - PhD (Economics)
Statement of Purpose - PhD (Economics)
When introduced to economics in high school I realized that it interestingly qualified as a subject of both Arts and Science. It was an area defined by precise rules, principles and axioms and yet there was tremendous scope for self-expression in the form of interpretation and analysis. This facet of economics intrigued me very much and I decided to pursue further studies in Economics.
I want to study at UCLA, as it emphasizes on the rigor and analytical tools that are necessary for academic research. I have well-developed analytical and mathematical skills and I want to exploit these skills to the greatest extent. I feel the help and guidance that can be provided to me by the distinguished faculty of your university will be invaluable. I am sure if I am given the opportunity to study at your university that attracts some of the best students from all over the world, it will provide an environment competitive enough to bring out the best in me.
Statement of Purpose - Civil Engineering (SOP)
During the eight week Summer Training at the Development Consultants Ltd.,I was assigned to the Cement Cell, where I received a detailed knowledge of the cement manufacturing processes. As an Industrial Intern, I was assigned a project on Cement Plant Design (1800 TPD), which encompassed Raw-Mix Design and Capacity Calculations for various equipment. Here, I got aquainted with the Pollution and Energy Conservation problems faced by the Cement Industry and devoted a significant portion of my project to the pollution abatement methods.
Statement of Purpose - Civil Engineering (SOP)
Statement of Purpose - Civil Engineering (SOP)
In this essay I outline my academic and extra-curricular accomplishments. Also discussed are my career objectives and the motivation to pursue the graduate program in Civil Engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
statement of purpose的格式
statement of purpose的格式[你的名字]日期:XXXX年XX月XX日一、介绍自己1. 自我介绍:简述自己的姓名、年龄、教育背景和专业方向等基本信息。
2. 个人背景:简要介绍自己的家庭背景、成长经历、课外活动、荣誉奖项等,展示自己的综合素质。
二、明确目标1. 职业目标:明确自己的职业目标,如从事XX行业,担任XX职位等。
2. 学校背景:说明选择该学校的原因,突出学校在XX领域的优势,展示自己的选择与职业目标的契合度。
3. 具体目标:详细阐述未来几年内,在学术、实践和职业发展方面的具体目标。
三、个人优势与特长1. 专业能力:阐述自己在专业领域内的优势,如扎实的知识基础、熟练的技能操作等。
2. 实践经验:介绍自己在校内外各类实践活动中所取得的成就和经验,突出自己的团队协作能力和领导能力。
3. 个人品质:说明自己在面对困难和挑战时所表现出的品质,如坚韧不拔、积极进取等。
四、选择该专业的理由1. 兴趣爱好:阐述自己对XX领域的兴趣和爱好,说明该专业与自己兴趣爱好的契合度。
2. 发展前景:分析该专业的发展前景和市场需求,说明该专业对自己的未来职业规划的重要性。
3. 学术氛围:阐述自己对学校XX学科的学术氛围和教学质量的高度认可,表达对该专业的向往之情。
五、未来规划与展望1. 毕业后的职业规划:说明毕业后将从事的职位和行业,以及在该行业中的发展目标。
2. 学术规划:阐述自己在学术方面的追求,如发表论文、攻读硕士或博士学位等。
3. 展望未来:展望未来几年的职业发展计划,包括参加行业培训、拓展人脉等,为实现自己的职业目标而努力。
六、总结与致谢1. 总结:简短总结自己的目标和计划,强调自己为实现目标所付出的努力和决心。
2. 致谢:感谢学校提供的宝贵学习机会,感谢家人和朋友的支持与鼓励,以及对老师的敬意。
总之,一份好的《Statement of Purpose》应该清晰地表达自己的职业目标和学校选择理由,突出自己的个人优势和特长,以及自己对未来的规划和展望。
statement of purpose模板
statement of purpose模板问题,并充分展开思想。
[Statement of Purpose 模板] 以中括号内的内容为主题,写一篇3000-6000字文章,一步一步回答问题,并充分展开思想。
【Statement of Purpose 模板:为什么我选择攻读研究生?】Introduction:在引言部分,我将阐述自己为什么决定攻读研究生,并简要介绍个人背景和相关学术经历。
1. 我的学术背景及激情在这一部分,我将描述我在本科期间的学术背景和对学术研究的激情。
2. 对所选领域的兴趣接下来,我将详细介绍我对所选领域的兴趣和热爱。
3. 对所选学校的兴趣在这一部分,我将详细介绍我对所选学校的兴趣和研究资源。
4. 研究目标和计划在这一部分,我将详细介绍我的研究目标和计划。
5. 职业目标在这一部分,我将详细介绍我的职业目标。
创作阐述万能模板英语作文英文回答:Statement of Purpose。
A statement of purpose is a personal essay that is typically required as part of an application for graduate school or a fellowship. The purpose of the statement is to explain why you are interested in the program or fellowship, how your background and experience have prepared you for it, and what you hope to gain from the experience.The statement of purpose is an opportunity to introduce yourself to the admissions committee and to show them why you are a good fit for their program. It should be well-written, clear, and concise, and it should highlight your strengths and qualifications. The statement of purpose should also be tailored to the specific program orfellowship that you are applying to.Components of a Statement of Purpose。
A strong statement of purpose typically includes the following components:An introduction that grabs the reader's attention. This is your chance to make a good first impression, so start with a strong hook that will make the reader want to keep reading.A brief overview of your background and experience. This should include your educational background, your work experience, and any other relevant experience that has prepared you for the program or fellowship.A discussion of your research interests. This is your chance to show the admissions committee what you are passionate about and why you are interested in the program or fellowship.A discussion of your career goals. This should explain how the program or fellowship will help you achieve yourcareer goals.A conclusion that restates your main points. This is your chance to leave the reader with a lasting impression, so end with a strong statement that summarizes your key points.Tips for Writing a Statement of Purpose。
How to Write a Great Statement of Purpose
How to Write a Great Statement of PurposeVince GoteraEnglish Language and LiteratureUniversity of Northern IowaJanuary 2006The Statement of Purpose required by grad schools is probably the hardest thing you will ever write. (Incidentally, the statement of purpose may also be called an Application Essay, Objectives for Graduate Study, Personal Background, Cover Letter, or some comparable title.)I would guess virtually all grad-school applicants, when they write their first draft of the statement of purpose, will get it wrong. Much of what you have learned about writing and also about how to present yourself will lead you astray. For example, here's an opening to a typical first draft:I am applying to the Master of Fine Arts program in creativewriting at the University of Okoboji because I believe my writingwill blossom at your program since it is a place where I will bechallenged and I can hone my writing skills.How's that? It's clear, it's direct, and it "strokes" the MFA program, right? Wrong. All of it is obvious and extraneous.The admissions committee knows you are applying to their MFA program because everyone in the stacks of applications they are reading is applying for the same thing. The admissions committee will also know that your writing will "blossom" there since they feel they have a strong program. Of course you will be challenged — all undergrads going on to a grad program will be challenged, no matter how well-prepared they think they are. And of course the new grad student will "hone [her] writing skills" — isn't that the main purpose of the MFA program?Let's assume the required length of this particular program's statement of purpose is 300 words. Well, with this opening you will have used up 15% of your space saying virtually nothing. 15%!In fact, not only is this opening paragraph obvious, extraneous, and space-stealing, it's boring! Imagine who's reading this and where: five professors "locked" in a room with 500 applications. Do you think thisopening paragraph will command their attention? Will they read the rest of this statement of purpose with an open mind that this applicant is the kind of student they want? Will they remember this application later? You be the judge.Remember what you learned in first-year composition? You need a "hook."A former student of mine applying to enter a master's program in library science had a great hook. I don't remember Susan's exact words, but the opening paragraph of her statement of purpose went something like this:When I was eleven, my great-aunt Gretchen passed away and leftme something that changed my life: a library of about five thousandbooks. Some of my best days were spent arranging and reading herbooks. Since then, I have wanted to be a librarian.Okay ... it's clear, it's direct, it's 45 words, and, most important, it tells the admissions committee about Susan's almost life-long passion not just for books but for taking care of books. When the committee starts to discuss their "best picks," don't you think they'll remember her as "the young woman who had her own library"? Of course they will, because having had their own library when they were eleven would probably be a cherished fantasy for each of them!Suppose Susan had written this opening paragraph instead:I am honored to apply for the Master of Library Science programat the University of Okoboji because as long as I can rememberI have had a love affair with books. Since I was eleven I haveknown I wanted to be a librarian.That's 45 words too. Do you think the admissions committee will remember this application among the 500 applications they are wading through? Probably more than half of the applications, maybe a lot more than half, will open with something very similar. Many will say they "have had a love affair with books" —that phrase may sound passionate until you've read it a couple of hundred times.All of us have had some event, some experience, like my student's personal library at eleven, which drives us toward the discipline(s) we inhabit.I was speaking to a group of students recently about this. One student — let's call her Jennifer — said she wanted to get a master's degree in speech therapy. When I asked her why, Jennifer said she had taken a class in it for fun and really loved it. But then I pressed her: was theresome personal reason she found that field significant enough to spend her whole life doing it? At first Jennifer said no, but after more questioning she revealed that her brother had speech problems. This was a discovery to her; she had not entered the field with that connection in mind — at least not consciously. But there it was; Jennifer now had her hook.You have to really dig. Be introspective. Don't settle for "I love this field." Why do you love this field? Why do you want to work in this field for the rest of your life?Why does it complete you? Cut through the bull you tell your parents and relatives and friends. What is your truth? Find it and then find a memorable way to say it. Grad schools require the statement of purpose not only because they want to find about you as an applicant, they want you to really think about why you are taking such a life-changing step — truly and profoundly why.Okay, back to the scene of the five professors surrounded by stacks of applications, maybe more than 500. Do you know who they are? What they want? What they like to eat? Obviously, no. Conversely, do they know you? Well, no. But ... the statement of purpose is your chance to help them get to know you! Your statement of purpose should portray you as a person, not just an application among hundreds of others. Not just paper and ink.Here's one way to do it. When I was an undergrad senior first applying for grad schools, I knew a grad student —I'll call him Nigel —who told me he had written a three-sentence statement of purpose to get into Stanford:I want to teach English at the university level. To do this, Ineed a PhD. That is why I am applying.That was the whole thing. That's only half of 45 words. It certainly portrays Nigel as brash, risk-taking, no-nonsense, even arrogant. If this is how you want to portray yourself, then by all means do this. But you should also know that Nigel's statement of purpose is an all-or-nothing proposition. You can bet there will be members of probably any admissions committee who will find Nigel's statement of purpose offensive, even disrespectful. And they might not want such a student at their school. But then I suppose Nigel wouldn't want to be a student at that school, either.Try to make your paper-and-ink self come alive. Don't just say, "I used to work on an assembly line in a television factory, and one day I decided that I had to get out of there, so I went to college to save my own life." How about this: "One Thursday, I had soldered the 112th green wire on the same place on the 112th TV remote, and I realized the solder fumes wererotting my brain. I decided college would be my salvation." Both 35 words. Which narrative do you think will keep the admissions committee reading?Tell stories (briefly). Use vivid language. Be specific. Be dynamic. Liven up a moment in the lives of those five professors trapped with those 500 applications. Maybe 600. Maybe more.At the same time, be careful not to be glib. Don't be slick. Don't write your application in a sequence of haiku. Don't put in photos. Just be yourself, but a more heightened version of yourself in words (since face-to-face nuance and gestures won't be there to help).Remember your statement of purpose should portray you as (1) passionately interested in the field; (2) intelligent; (3) well-prepared academically and personally; (4) able to take on the challenges of grad school; (5) able to have rapport with professors and fellow grad students —in other words, collegial; (6) able to finish the graduate degree in a timely fashion; and (7) a potentially outstanding representative of that grad school in your future career.That's a lot to cover in a few hundred words (the length of a statement purpose, as required by different schools, tends to be around 300 to 1000 words). "Passionate interest in the field" will be covered by the kind of hook I have described above. "Intelligence" will be conveyed by the overall writing, organization, expression, etc. of your statement. Being "well-prepared" can be demonstrated by using the lingo of the field (theory, craft, etc.), describing the specific kinds of coursework and other accomplishments you have in the field. Ability "to take on the challenges of grad school" can be shown by describing the rigor of the work you have done. "Collegiality" is not particularly important but is nevertheless a factor —if you can show yourself as a generally nice and cooperative person, that will do —just be true to your own style. Ability "to finish the graduate program" can be conveyed implicitly by your success thus far and more explicitly if you can tell some (brief) story about adverse obstacles you have overcome. Being a "future outstanding representative" can be implied by your being an outstanding representative of your undergraduate school — for example, don't "bad-mouth" your current college or professors.Often, grad schools will ask you to address other or similar qualities as I've listed above. Just use common sense in focusing on each. Don't address them in the same order as the grad school has listed. Combine them; rearrange them; do whatever you need to do to show yourself as an imaginative person, not a parrot following a line of Brazil nuts to crack.If you have some problematic academic background, address that as well to reassure the admissions committee. For example, let's say that you got all C's one semester. Take a (brief) paragraph to explain that you had some emotional setback that semester but then demonstrate how your grades have been sterling since then, and that you now have a 3.83 grade-point average in the discipline. If you spin this well, your story will enhance the admissions committee's image of you as someone with the abilities to "take on challenges" and "to finish on time."Here's an organization I would recommend: (1) passionate hook; (2) segué to your background in the field; (3) specific classes by title and professors you have had (especially if well-known in the field); (4) related extracurricular activities (especially if they hint at some personal quality you want to convey); (5) any publications or other professional accomplishments in the field (perhaps conference presentations or public readings); (6) explanations about problems in your background (if needed); and (7) why you have chosen this grad school (name one or two professors and what you know of their specific areas or some feature of the program which specifically attracts you).I should probably expand on item 7. This is a practical issue as well. If you are applying to ten grad schools, it's a mismanagement of time to write ten separate, tailored statements of purpose. Items 1 through 6 above can be exactly the same for all the statements. Then when you get to item 7, put in a different paragraph for each school. Remember this means the ten statements will all be as long, in terms of word count, as the shortest required length among the ten schools. If the shortest length is 300 words, probably that length will be okay for the 500-word school (in fact the admissions committee at the 500-word place may see you as savvy for not going on and on). But those 300 words will clearly not work for the 1200-word school, so you'll need to expand that one. Don't pad. Find other engaging material in your background.About mentioning professors at each grad school: doing this will portray you as someone "who has done her homework," as someone who is genuinely interested in the field, enough to have done some prefatory work in that area. Don't just mention their names (anyone who can browse a web site can do that). Say something of substance about each professor by name, something that reveals you know and appreciate that person's work. Don't necessarily pick the most famous professor at the grad school; chances are many other applicants will do the same, and the admissions committee members will soon be unconsciously filtering those mentions out. (Besides, the most famous professor doesn't always work with all graduate students or may be out of town half the year, and you may come off as naive if you say you're looking forward to working with her.) Find a lesser-knownprofessor whose work truly intrigues you (and truly is the operational word here). Then say something about what you know of that professor's work — remember that person may be on the admissions committee. Don't suck up — don't be a sycophant. Be fair and honest.Be sure to show your statement of purpose to several professors. Remember they will have different ideas about what constitutes an appropriate and effective statement of purpose. If one of your professors has a connection with a specific grad school, she may have some inside knowledge about what kind of statement of purpose will work best at that school. Make your final editing decisions based on what will convey you most accurately as you see it. Again, be specific, be dynamic, come alive on paper. Continue to get advice from your professors on later drafts.Proofread your statement of purpose. Copyedit for consistency, accuracy, and style. Ask your friends to copyedit and proofread your statement; perhaps you can do the same for them if they are also applying for grad school.Remember that style in writing can be parallel to style in dress: the second affects your image in person while the first affects your image when you may not be present. Leaving in typos and misplaced commas is like dressing in your grubbies for a coat-and-tie / cocktail dress event. Being too wordy is comparable to dressing in an evening gown or a tuxedo for a casual get-together. Being too glib, too mannered, may be like wearing a furry rabbit costume to a party which turns out not to be a Halloween bash. Be careful. Be a perfectionist.Keep working on your statement of purpose even after you have sent it to the school(s) with the earlier deadline(s). You might have a later epiphany about your personal and academic background, your motives for applying for grad school, your long-term plans, and this epiphany may be just the thing that gets you into the school(s) with the later deadline(s).To close, the statement of purpose, in the eyes of Department Heads, Program Chairs, and Admissions Committee members, can be the most important document in the application. Other parts of yourgraduate-school application — test scores, transcripts, letters of recommendation, writing samples —do not say as much about you as a person as the statement of purpose can: your proudest accomplishments alongside your fondest hopes and dreams.Checklist for Writing a Statement of PurposeVince Gotera | University of Northern IowaOrganization ...[ ]A "hook" that demonstrates your passion for the field[ ][ ]Segué to your background in the fieldDescription of your academic background in the field[ ]Specific classes you have taken, given by name[ ]Specific professors you have had, especially if well-known in that [ ]fieldExtracurricular activities in the field[ ]Publications or other professional accomplishments in the field [ ](perhaps conference presentations or public readings)Explanations about problems in background (if needed)[ ]Explanation of why you have chosen the specific grad school[ ][ ]Mention one or two professors in that school and what you know of and appreciate about their workSpecific features of the grad program which attract you[ ][ ]Get advice from several of your professors —philosophical advice as well as specific writing adviceProofread and copyedit; ask friends to proofread and copyedit as well [ ][ ]Keep working on the statement of purpose, even after you have already sent it to school(s) with earlier deadline(s)。
Writing the Statement of PurposeDr. Gloria ChunThings to Keep in Mind•What they read between the lines: motivation, competence, potential as a graduate student.•Emphasize everything from a positive perspective and write in an active, not passive, voice.•Demonstrate everything by example; don’t say directly, for example, that you’re a persistent person—you must demonstrate it.•You don’t want to make excuses, but you have talk about the mistakes you’ve made as a learning experience.•If there is something important that happened (poverty, illness, excessive work, etc.) which affected your grades, go ahead and state it, but write affirmatively, that is, in a way that shows your perseverance.•Make sure everything is linked with continuity and focus.•500-600 words, 1 to 1.5 pages single spaced, typed.Writing the Statement of PurposePart 1: Introduction•This is where you tell them what you want to study. For example, I wish to pursue a MS degree in Mechanical Engineering with an emphasis in controls.Part 2: Summarize what you did as an undergraduate•Research what did during your undergrad career. Describe your best project(s), indicating with whom, the title of the project, what your responsibilities were and the outcome. Write technically, professors are the people who read these statements.•Important class or classes you took which stimulated your desire for graduate study, or a specific project for a class.•Work experience, especially if you had any kind of responsibility for testing, designing, or researching a product or apparatus.Part 2: If you graduated and worked for a while and are returning to grad school, indicate what you’ve been doing while working.•You can discuss your company, work/design team, responsibilities, what you learned, etc. You can also indicate here how this helped you focus on your graduate studies.Part 4: Here you indicate what you want to study in graduate school in greater detail.•This is a greater elaboration of your opening paragraph.•Indicate area of interest, then state questions you might have which are associated with the topic, i.e., what you might be interested in studying. You should have an area of emphasis selected before you write the statement.•Call the department or look on the web for information about the professors and their research. Are there professors whose interests match yours? If so, indicate this, as it shows a sign that you have done your homework and arehighly motivated. (Be sincere, however, don’t make up something bogus just to impress people.)Part 5: Conclusion•End your statement in a positive and confident manner with a readiness for the challenges of graduate study.Graduate Academic DivisionCenter for Underrepresented Engineering Students312 McLaughlin Hall #1702Berkeley, CA 94720-1702。
MBA优秀statementofpurpose范文评析留学生论文网MBA 优秀statement of purpose范文评析【Write a candid description of yourself, stressing those personal qualities, assets, and liabilities that you feel will influence your graduate work. Describe what you consider to be your most important professional and / or academic achievement to date.】If one were to ask my friends to describe me they would describe me as a very pleasant, diverse, active and intelligent woman. I think one of my most distinguishing characteristics is the diversity of experiences I possess. I am a science student with a flair for the arts. I am a woman with technical aptitude and an interest in management. I also have a passion for traveling and understanding different cultures of the world. All these elements have given me a very broad outlook, with varying degrees of knowledge in a range of topics. I strongly believe that although some are not related directly, all these qualities will influence my graduate work.【点评:】开头段落撰写非常不错。
Statement of Purpose
真实和具体两者是相互依存的。只有具备真实的事实基础和入木三分的科学思考所得,才有可能 将事件和观点通过申请材料客观具体的表达给审核者。
Statement of Purpose即目标陈述,作为申请文书的中心部分,是对申请者个人素质的反映。 我们认为诚实是每个出国申请者都应具有的基本道德标准,用诚实的语言反映出一个真实的自我 是该文件应该具备的基本价值。一切的浮夸和虚构最终都将在事实的检验面前坍塌。这些事实包 括申请过程中的各种辅助材料和录取后就读期间的学术表现。另一方面,只有申请人真实地参与 了学术研究课题或者对某领域的学术内容确实形成了新颖独到的见解时,他才有能力将这些宝贵 的智慧财富具体描述出来,供评审教授参考。作为胸怀抱负、目标远大的青年,留学申请者们应 该将真实的原则贯穿整个申请阶段的始终。
Байду номын сангаас1、阐述学术观点
对于申请研究生院,申请者需要明确自己的学术方向,这个方向将成为自己未来五到六年的时间 里为之奋斗钻研的主题,如果拟申请的方向与教授的研究方向一致,更将增加获得录取和经济资 助的机会。在Statement of Purpose中,申请者可以重点阐述自己对目标学科某一特定领域的 浓厚兴趣和独到见解。例如,经济学的学生可以就某个新兴的经济理论在中国的适用性发表评论, 从中指出自己的观点,甚至对于该理论的修正。理工科的学生可以向教授解释自己某种设计思想, 以及该设计思想相对于其他方法的优越处。类似这种学术观点的阐述不仅反映了你活跃的思维和 作为一个未来研究生对于当前世界学术动态的,而且向目标专业的教授传达了充分的信息使他们 对你的学术能力有了直观的认识。 2、介绍曾参与的学术项目
应说明对教授的认知是从何而来,如在何处读到某教授的文章而愿受教于他,或某位教授正在从 事一项重要研究,与自己欲攻读的研究领域相同等;表达对所申请系所的课程、教师和特性有些 了解,依学校不同而提及对某位任教于该校的教授、新课程或该校的某个研究项目感兴趣。 不过值得注意,具体原则的使用也应该把握一个"度"。请看看下面的一句话: "I studied in Peking University, which is located in Beijing, the capital of People's Republic of China."就显得过于啰嗦。北京是世界名城,申奥成功后更是声明大噪, 几乎所有的国外教授都知道北京是中国的首都。这样,再强调说明这一点是毫无意义的,甚至招 致教授们的反感,让他们觉得在常识和智慧上受到"侵犯(Instigated)"。
statement of purpose的格式 -回复
statement of purpose的格式-回复Statement of Purpose[Topic: Pursuing a Master's Degree in Computer Science]Introduction:Hello! My name is [Your Name], and I am writing this statement of purpose to express my passion for computer science and my desire to pursue a Master's degree in this field. In this essay, I will elaborate on my educational background, highlight my professional experiences, and explain why I am motivated to continue my academic journey in computer science.Educational Background:I completed my Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from [University Name] with a solid foundation in both theoretical concepts and practical applications of computer science. During my undergraduate studies, I gained in-depth knowledge in subjects such as algorithms, data structures, programming languages, and computer networks. These courses not onlystimulated my curiosity but also strengthened my problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities.Additionally, I had the opportunity to work on several challenging projects, both independently and in teams. For example, I designed an e-commerce website as my final year project, integrating various technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project reinforced my understanding of web development and enhanced my ability to work collaboratively in a team.Professional Experiences:After completing my Bachelor's degree, I joined [Company Name] as a software engineer. In this role, I honed my coding abilities and gained valuable experience in developing software applications. I actively participated in the entire software development life cycle, from requirements analysis to system testing and maintenance. Working closely with a team of experienced professionals allowed me to understand the practical aspects of software engineering and further strengthened my programming skills.Motivation to pursue a Master's degree:While working in the industry has been rewarding, I have come to realize that a Master's degree in computer science will provide me with a comprehensive understanding of advanced concepts and new trends in the field. Through an advanced academic program, I aim to delve deeper into specialized areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and software engineering. This knowledge will not only enrich my skill set but also enable me to contribute meaningfully to the fast-paced, ever-evolving technology industry.Moreover, a Master's degree will open doors to various research opportunities. I have always been intrigued by the prospect of conducting research in computer science and contributing to the development of innovative solutions. Through research projects, I aspire to make significant contributions to the field and address real-world challenges. Furthermore, pursuing a Master's degree will facilitate my personal growth and help me achieve my long-term career goals, which include assuming leadership positions in the technology industry.Why [University Name]:In my quest for higher education, I have carefully researched several universities offering Master's programs in computer science. [University Name] stands out amongst its peers due to its excellent reputation, world-class faculty, and state-of-the-art research facilities. The university's comprehensive curriculum, which covers both theoretical foundations and practical applications, aligns perfectly with my academic and professional goals. Moreover, the diverse student community fosters a collaborative and inclusive environment that will enable me to learn from my peers' varied experiences and perspectives.Conclusion:In conclusion, my journey in computer science has been both fulfilling and inspiring. With a strong educational background, valuable professional experiences, and a burning desire to learn and contribute, I am fully committed to pursuing a Master's degree in computer science. [University Name] is the ideal institution to nurture my academic growth and guide me towards achieving my career aspirations. I look forward to the opportunity of becoming apart of this esteemed institution and making meaningful contributions to the field of computer science. Thank you for considering my application.。
statement of purpose overleaf模板 -回复
statement of purpose overleaf模板-回复Statement of Purpose: Overleaf TemplateIntroduction:In today's digital age, effective communication and collaboration are more crucial than ever. As a researcher, I recognize the importance of efficient and streamlined processes in academic writing and publishing. Overleaf, an online LaTeX and Rich Text collaborative writing platform, has emerged as a powerful tool that enables seamless collaboration and real-time document editing. In this statement of purpose, I will explore the various features and benefits of the Overleaf template and explain why I am enthusiastic about utilizing this platform for my research work.1. Background on Overleaf:Overleaf is a cloud-based platform that simplifies the process of scientific writing and publishing. With its extensive collection of templates and intuitive interface, Overleaf empowers researchers to create professional-looking documents without the hassle of manually formatting their work. The platform seamlessly integrates LaTeX, a popular typesetting system, and allows users to collaborate with colleagues in real-time.2. Features and Benefits:2.1. Collaboration: One of the key advantages of Overleaf is its collaborative writing feature. Multiple authors can work on the same document simultaneously, making it ideal for teams and collaborative research projects. This real-time collaboration eliminates the need for constant back-and-forth exchanges of files and ensures that everyone is always working on the mostup-to-date version of the document.2.2. LaTeX Integration: Overleaf is built around LaTeX, a powerful typesetting system that is widely used in academia. By integrating LaTeX into the platform, Overleaf ensures that users can effortlessly produce high-quality scientific documents, including research papers, reports, and theses. The automated formatting and citation features save valuable time that can be better spent on research and analysis.2.3. Templates: Overleaf provides a vast collection of templates tailored to different academic disciplines and publications. These templates adhere to specific formatting guidelines, such as those imposed by journals and conferences, ensuring compliance andincreasing the chances of a successful submission. The availability of pre-designed templates reduces the burden on researchers, alleviating the time-consuming process of manually creating a consistent and professional document format.2.4. Version Control and Tracking: With Overleaf, it is easy to keep track of changes made to the document. Every modification made by any team member is recorded, allowing for easy comparisons and reversion if necessary. This version control mechanism ensures transparency and accountability, making collaborations more efficient and accountable.3. Personal Experience and Future Plans:Having extensively used Overleaf in my previous research projects, I have experienced firsthand the benefits it offers. The seamless collaboration feature has facilitated efficient teamwork, enabling my colleagues and me to enhance productivity and eliminate duplicate efforts. Additionally, the availability of predefined templates has significantly reduced the time spent on document formatting, allowing me to focus more on the substance of my research.In my future academic endeavors, I plan to leverage the Overleaf template extensively. The platform's seamless integration of LaTeX will enable me to produce high-quality and aesthetically pleasing documents, while the collaboration features will streamline the writing process and foster effective teamwork. By utilizing version control and tracking, I will enhance accountability and ensure that my research work is organized and easily accessible.Conclusion:The Overleaf template is a game-changer in the field of academic writing and collaboration. Its integrated features, includingreal-time collaboration, automated formatting, and version control, make it a valuable tool for researchers. By utilizing the Overleaf template's capabilities, I am confident that I will be able to produce impactful research papers and collaborate effectively with colleagues in an efficient and hassle-free manner.。
statement of purpose template -回复
statement of purpose template -回复中括号内的内容为主题的陈述回答Statement of Purpose TemplateIntroduction:作为应聘者,我对于这个[职位/项目/课程]表达浓厚的兴趣。
Paragraph 1: Background and Motivation在叙述我的背景和动力时,我将介绍我在[相关领域]中的学术和实践经历,以及我对此领域的激情和兴趣。
Paragraph 2: Objectives and Goals在叙述我的目标和目标时,我将阐明我所希望实现的长期和短期目标。
Paragraph 3: Preparation and Readiness在此段落中,我将详细描述我为实现这些目标做好准备的能力和经验。
Paragraph 4: Alignment and Fit在此段落中,我将解释为什么我相信我与[该领域/该职位/该项目/该课程]的需求和期望相契合。
WHAT IS A STATEMENT OF PURPOSE?As the name signifies, the Statement of Purpose is your personal statement about who you are, what has influenced your career path so far, your professional interests and where you plan to go from here. It need not be a bald statement of facts; several successful SoPs address these questions through anecdotes, stories or by describing their hero. But whether your SoP is subtle or to the point, it must be well written to be successful.This is because the SoP is the only part of your application packet over which you have full control. Your academic and extra-curricular records are in the past. Most people only take one or two shots at the GMA T, GRE or TOEFL, and these scores could be adversely affected by conditions on the test day. It is important to choose recommendation letter writers carefully, but while you hope they give you the best possible recommendation, this is not within your control. The SoP is your chance to talk directly to the admissions committee. To make yourself stand out from among a multitude of similarly qualified candidates. To convince the committee that you have the spark, the thirst for knowledge that could add value to your class.Most of us work hard for the standard tests – the GRE, GMA T, TOEFL and others. We attend classes or peruse study aids. We give practice tests and do everything within our power to aim for the highest possible score. Because we know that these test scores, while not a perfect tool, are crucial to our chances of gaining admission and even a scholarship or assistantship.The SoP or essay, on the other hand, is put off till the last possible moment. It scares us – we look at those oh-so-perfect essay examples in the admissions guidebooks and wonder how we can ever write so well. Or wonder what shining instance we can pick out of our normal, average lives to show that we are unique and remarkable. Or how to pick our way through the minefield of endless Do's and Don'ts. Or, after overcoming all these obstacles, we falter at the seemingly endless revisions, wondering if this latest draft is good enough (If I read that essay once more, I'll scream!). Finally we write something, because time’s a-pressing and we have to meet the application deadline. We do our best, juggling the writing process with the last-minute paraphernalia of applying – checking forms for errors and completeness, collating the application packets, making sure transcripts, recommendations, work samples and resumes go in their right envelopes, worrying about transit times. We feel thankful when the essay is over, do a quick scan for obvious mistakes, and send it on its way.If you do it this way, you are practically throwing away your chances of admission. A good SoP will certainly improve your chances of getting admission to the school of your choice, and even compensate for weaker portions of your application such as less-than-perfect grades. A bad SoP, on the other hand, has the potential to drag down an otherwise strong application.If you plan correctly, you can give yourself enough time to submit a well-written, thoughtful, polished essay that will boost your chances for admission. Equally important, this is a great opportunity to look inside yourself and be rewarded by a better understanding of who you are. Writing a reasonably good Statement of Purpose is not an impossible task. It requires care, attention and patience. And enough time for you to be able to write several drafts, show them to people and polish the essay till you get a version you are happy with.Done right, this will even turn out to be an enjoyable process. And you will be the richer for it. Read on.WHAT DO COLLEGES LOOK FOR IN A STATEMENT OF PURPOSE?The primary question admissions committee members ask themselves when they read a Statement of Purpose is: What does this essay tell me about the person who wrote it?Put yourself in an admission officer's shoes. From among thousands of applications, you have to choose the fraction of students that will comprise next year's incoming class. A mix of interesting, confident and enthusiastic people who will make the class a stimulating place. Academic achievements and good test scores are important. But in an era where the majority of applicants have good academic records, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between individuals and decide who gets the offer of admission.When you apply, each of the items in the application packet-recommendations, extra-curricular achievements, work samples - adds an extra dimension to your personality. But it is the SoP that brings you to life. Which is why each essay is read carefully by at least two and often four or five people before a decision is taken on the application.Does this mean that the SoP is the main deciding factor? No. Your academic record . grades and the courses you took- are the first section admission committee members turn to. Standardized test scores are useful to know where you stand in the applicant pool. For graduate schools, relevant work or academic experience is important. Being from a reputed school or college confers a distinct advantage. What your teachers or boss think of you goes a long way towards the school's opinion. A good work sample can show your creativity, skill and professionalism. However, only the SoP or application essays can bring out your uniqueness. And therefore make or break your application. An applicant who does not take the essay seriously is throwing away the best opportunity available.So are the admission officers looking for specific personality sorts? Well, yes and no. Creativity, curiosity, pride in your work, an enthusiasm for learning, a capacity for teamwork, the ability to think independently and so on are all good attributes, and most of us share these in varying proportions. But what schools look for is a mix of individuals that together, form a well-balanced class. This would include several personality types.It is good to go through the school's brochure or web site, speak to people about it, visit if that is possible; get a feel of the student mix that they look for and decide if this is the school for you. However, trying to tailor your SoP to reflect what you think the school is looking for is dangerous business. The people who read your application have been doing so for years and are skilled at spotting fakes. They are likely to know soon if a particular author is saying something for effect or if an essay does not ring true. And that means almost certain rejection.What is this, you might ask. Of course we want to have an effect on the admissions officers. The important thing is to do so without appearing dishonest. If, for instance, you talk about your deep desire to make society a better place, your application should reflect it. Have you done anything about this desire? Can you talk about your actions and experiences? A small example of something you did, not necessarily spectacular, can do more towards boosting your chances than the noblest platitude can.Don. t try to be something you are not. Don. t try to tell the admissions committee what you think they want to hear. Be honest, look inside yourself and do your best.Which brings us to the next point - self-knowledge. The people who read your essay want to be convinced that you have thought long and hard about who you are, what are the things you appreciate, what inspires you. What you want out of life, and where you are going from here. It is not necessary to have all the answers . after all, several admirable people have no idea where they are going even at age 40 or 50. It is necessary to show that you have thought about this. And that these life experiences have taught you something.Finally, you have to show a desire to learn. From your books and teachers, from your classmates, from music or art, from life itself.Too vague for you? Turn to the section on starting your SoP and find out how these attributes translate into concrete steps.UNDERGRADUATE ESSAYS Vs GRADUATE ESSAYSWhile both undergraduate and graduate SoPs need to show honesty, self-knowledge and a desire to learn, the focus of each is different. The writer of the undergraduate essay need not have any idea of what will come after college. Rather, her focus is on showing how she has explored her world and interests. How she relates to people. How she forms her opinions.The graduate applicant, on the other hand, is expected to have a certain level of independent thinking. He is also expected to have a clear idea of why he wants to study further. As most graduate programs involve some financial aid from the school in return for teaching or research work done by the student, he needs to show that he is capable of such work. This is why graduate essays talk more about the applicant's professional or academic interests than about his personal life.Starting the essayWriting your admissions essays or Statement of Purpose (SoP) is a long and intensive process - ten to twelve drafts over a two-month period are fairly common. It is necessary to put in this hard work to come up with an essay that is uniquely yourself, and a compelling read which convinces the admissions committee that you are right for their school. This is a great opportunity to look inside yourself and be rewarded by a better understanding of who you are and what you want.Starting the essayPreliminary ResearchWrite out your resume. It is best to get this out of the way so that your SoP is not a repetition of the information in the resume. It should instead, use the resume as a reference and highlight the learnings you have received during some key points in your career. There are a number of sites that help you to write a suitable resume for your college applications. You could also browse your local bookstore for resume-writing aids.Research the universities you are considering applying to. Find out the strengths and weaknesses of each. Good sources for this exercise are - university and department web sites and brochures, home pages of students, your seniors or friends who are studying at that university or in the same field elsewhere, your college professors, friends in the same field. If it is possible for you to access the university's web site, find out which professors work in areas that interest you and write to them about your plans. Some professors respond, some don't - but you have nothing to lose at this stage. In fact, you could gain a better idea about the areas of research emphasized upon by that particular department. After finding out some details about your potential universities, decide whether you still wish to apply there.While you should start work on this as early as possible, recognize that it is a long process and will continue through the various stages of writing your SoP. At the same time, you will have to draw the line at background research sometime as you are working on a timetable.Visit some web sites that talk about how to write your essay. A search for 'college admission essays' on Yahoo will yield some sites. Check out the sample essays. If you do not have easy access to the Internet, go to your local bookstore and browse through a few books. In India, 'The Princeton Review: The Student Access Guide to College Admissions' is good and easily available. Read their section on application essays. Remember that the essays you read are usually the best the authors could find. You are not expected to write as well; most people who get admission to top schools do not.WRITING TIPSBackground IssuesAsk yourself why you want to study further. Take a piece of paper and start writing down all the reasons. Spend about half an hour on this, so that you can go beyond cliched ideas like wanting to improve your prospects or contribute to society. Write a few sentences on any reason that particularly strikes a chord with you.Make lists of instances you can use in your SoP. For example, if you've been asked to talk about an important event in your life, list down events that have made a significant impression on you. Don't worry if these are events that are not 'conventionally' important or seem insignificant; what matters is that they have had some influence over you. Similarly, make a list of people you admire or who have influenced you - this could be a friend, a family member, a teacher, etc. and need not necessarily be a famous person.Go through your resume and reflect on what you have learned from your various experiences. How have they molded your interests and led you to this point? Pick one or two cases that you can talk about in-depth. For graduate school, it is best to take at least one professional situation and show what you did and learned.Make a list of schools you plan to apply to. As you continue through the background check, you will add a few universities and delete several. A final shortlist of ten to fifteen schools is common. Ask yourself why you wish tostudy at each of the schools you have listed. For graduate study, it is important to ensure that your interests are compatible with the research interests of the department you are applying to. As you progress through the background check and understand more about your interests through subsequent revisions of the SoP, add to and improve the listWRITINGRead the essay question carefully to find out what the university expects you to write about. While you don't have to stick to the questions asked, you must be sure to answer them all in your SoP. Refer to your lists of background research and write about two handwritten pages in response to the essay question. Go through them the next day.Remember that your essay has the following objectives:Show your interest in the subject. Rather than saying that you find electronics interesting, it is more convincing to demonstrate your interest by talking about any projects you may have done and what you learnt from them. If you have taken the initiative to do things on your own, now is the time to talk about themShow that you have thought carefully about further studies, know what you are getting into, and have the confidence to go through with it. Have the admissions committee like you! Avoid sounding opinionated, conceited, pedantic or patronizing. Read your essay carefully, and have others read it to find and correct this.Demonstrate a rounded personality. Include a short paragraph near the end on what you like to do outside of your professional life. Keep the essay focussed. Each sentence you use should strengthen the admissions committee's resolve to admit you. So while you may have done several interesting things in life, avoid falling into the trap of mentioning each of them. Your essay should have depth, not breadth. The resume is where you should list achievements. Remember that you have very little space to convey who you are, so make every sentence count.Pitfalls your essay must avoid : It is a repetition of the resume or other information available from the application form, It could have been written by just about anybody; your individuality does not come through, It is not a honest account in response to the essay question (why you want to study what you do, what you have learned from an event/person in your life and so on) It has embarrassing, highly personal and emotional content that should be avoided unless it makes a unique, creative point. The admissions committee would not appreciate reading about the pain you went through after breaking up with your boyfriend. An account of how you overcame difficult family circumstances, illness, or a handicap, would be a valid point to include in your essay. However, avoid emotional languageEDITING AND REWRITINGLanguage GuidelinesTake another 7-8 days to write 3-4 more drafts. Go through the objectives and pitfalls often. Refer to, and edit your lists as you go along.FlowWhile each paragraph should make a complete statement on its own, the essay should logically progress from paragraph to paragraph. Read your essay for flow, or have someone else read it, and ask yourself if there seems to be an abrupt shift between ideas in two consecutive paragraphs. StructureThis follows naturally from flow. Do all the paragraphs mesh together to form a cogent whole? Does the essay, through a logical progression of ideas, demonstrate your interest, enthusiasm, and fit in the department you have applied to?LanguageAvoid slang and abbreviations. For acronyms, use the full form the first time and show the acronym in parentheses. Use grammatically correct English and ALWAYS read your essay carefully for spelling mistakes before you send it off - your computer's spellcheck may not flush out all the errors. Try to make your essay crisp, cutting out unnecessary adverbs, articles and pronouns (for instance, a careful reading may yield several "the's" that are superfluous).ToneUse a consistent tone throughout the essay - it will only confuse the admissions officers if you alternately sound like Ernest Hemingway and Shakespeare, and is hardly likely to endear you to them! While you should avoid flowery language and cliches, there is no harm in looking for the most apt phrase or sentence. Be careful while using humor - it can misfire and harm your chances.POLISHINGPolishing your Statement of Purpose for Graduate SchoolSo now you have a coherent essay put together. You think the structure is more or less right, the ideas flow, and the language isn’t bad. What n ext?The ‘In their shoes’ checkPut your essay away for a day or two. When you take it out, lay it face down for two minutes while you put yourself in the admissions committee’s place. Imagine yourself to be a professor or graduate student who is going through a few hundred applications and classifying them into ‘yes’, ‘maybe’ and ‘no’ piles. Think of how you would look at SoPs and try to read yours through a stranger’s eyes. What do you see?Showing your stuff aroundIt is essential to show your SoP to a few people whose opinion you respect – an English teacher from school, a professor, an older friend, a parent or a relative. Include among these, 2-3 people who know you well. Ask your readers to pay particular attention to the following points:Detailed descriptionThe final print-outOnce you have the final draft ready (you have to stop sometime!), do the following before you take a final printout: Detailed descriptionPOLISHINGThe ‘In their shoes’ checkPut your essay away for a day or two. When you take it out, lay it face down for two minutes while you put yourself in the admissions committee’s place. Imagine yourself to be a professor or graduate student who is going through a few hundred applications and classifying them into ‘yes’, ‘maybe’ and ‘no’ piles. Think of how you would look at SoPs and try to read yours through a stranger’s eyes. What do you see?∙Remember that for graduate school, your essay need not be great writing. What the school is looking for is a competently written statement of goals and interests that demonstrates how you think, whether you have thought through this decision to apply, and whether your interests and strengths fit in with the program you are applying to. To this end, they expect to see the following in an essay –∙What areas are you interested in and why,∙How well defined your interests are,∙Are these interests based on experience (academic or on the job) that the school may find useful,∙Where do you see these interests taking you,∙How do you think graduate school will help you,∙What experience have you had that will help.Does your essay cover these points? Does it do so in an honest and interesting manner?Many of the students applying will have backgrounds similar to yours, so avoid cliched ideas.∙Are you repeating information that is available from the resume? Do so very sparingly, and only if you are making a point about your learnings or achievements during that experience. Weed out all other information that sounds like repetition (it will only irritate the reader), or can be included in your resume, or does not actively contribute towards making a point in your essay.∙Does your essay have an interesting beginning? This need not be witty, but should persuade the reader to stay with you.∙Have you talked about specific incidents that illustrate your interest or familiarity with the subject, or show something about you? These incidents might include, for example:∙ A college or work project that was instrumental in confirming your interest in the field (be sure to include a recommendation from your guide!),∙Extra-curricular activities that brought out useful aspects in you (leadership skills or team activities are particularly helpful for business school applications!),∙ A book or person who had a strong influence on you.∙Does the essay bring out your personality? Or could it have been written by just about anybody?∙Have you mentioned why you are applying to that particular school? Does this section of the essay demonstrate that you have researched the school and the program? DON’T stop at the standard formula phrase, ‘I am applying to XYZ because of it’s great reputation in _______.’∙Does your essay flow smoothly? If it is choppy and abruptly jumps from paragraph to paragraph, your readers will have a tough time keeping up. Make it easy on them –smoothen the transition between paragraphs.∙Is the tone too formal or not formal enough? Be professional yet informal – the tone you would take with your Principal or Head of Department, for instance.∙Does the essay end well? Does it leave the reader with a sense of completion? Avoid usage of cliches like, ‘ I hope the admissions committee finds my application up to their expectations’.This self-check will yield a few ideas for improvement. Use it at least 3-4 times during this last stage of polishing up your SoP.Showing your stuff aroundIt is essential to show your SoP to a few people whose opinion you respect – an English teacher from school, a professor, an older friend, a parent or a relative. Include among these, 2-3 people who know you well. Ask your readers to pay particular attention to the following points:The beginning and the end – do they hold interest?The logical and smooth flow of ideas – does each paragraph smoothly giveway to the next?The structure – does each paragraph bring home a central idea and contributeto the overall ‘feel’ of the essay? Are the paragraphs in proper positions?The style and language – are they appropriate and consistent? Does the essayhave too many cliches? Does it repeat particular words or phrases too often?Does it have too many superlatives?The tone – is it unnecessarily boastful or overly modest?The quality of the essay –is it boring? Does it bring out the writer’spersonality? Does it include superfluous information? Or conversely, are thereincidents or aspects the essay should mention?Ask your readers to write their comments on the essay. Also, spend some time discussing it with them. Listen to their suggestions carefully but remember that this is your essay. You don’t have to implement every suggestion, only those that make sense to you.The Final PrintoutOnce you have the final draft ready (you have to stop sometime!), do the following before you take a final printout:∙Run a spelling and grammar check.∙Read the essay carefully two-three times for spelling or grammar errors the program did not detect.∙Look for and correct any anomalies in spacing, font and margins.∙Choose a readable font and size, nothing fancy. Avoid special effects like underlining, boldface and italics (except in the title, if you have one). Don’t use colors. Don’t use special stationery or your letterhead.∙Make sure that the school and program mentioned in the essay are correct. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.∙Include a header in the top right-hand corner with your name and the name of the program you are applying to. Use a smaller font size for this.∙Take a rough print and show it to someone else who can read it over carefully for errors and anomalies.∙As far as possible, print out your SoP on a separate sheet of paper. Make sure that the printer cartridge is good enough to print clear, crisp copies. Put in a good-quality sheet of white paper. Keep the printed copy carefully in a folder till you are ready to transfer it to the application envelope.If you must print or write your essay on the application form itself, take a photocopy of the form. Print or write the essay on the copy first, to ensure that it fits easily in the space provided. If it doesn’t, and you don’t have the option of attaching more pages, cut portions of the essay to reduce its length. This is painful, but a much better idea than reducing font size to unreadable levels or using tiny, cramped handwriting –the essay should never cause strain while reading. While writing by hand, use a good pen, write slowly and carefully and if necessary, draw light pencil lines on the form to ensure that your letters are uniform and in a straight line.SAMPLE ESSA YSESSAY 1ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGMy decision to pursue graduate study in the United States is underscored by my desire to be a part of the graduate program at your institution. Purdue University offers the flexibility needed for such a vast and rapidly changing field. The research facilities and the faculty at the university are par para1 Communications is an industry that has changed our lives. In a very short period it has changed the way we have looked at things since centuries. It is one industry that is going to shape our future for centuries to come. Hence my desire to do masters in electrical engineering with communications as my para2My interest in electronics blossomed during my high school years. It was the time when technology had begun to make an impact on the lives of people in India. Hence engineering with electronics as my major was the first choice for my undergraduate studies. Right since the beginning of my undergraduate study electronics is a subject that has fascinated me with its power of applications. The subjects that I have studied include Linear Electronics, Digital Electronics. These laid the foundation for my courses in Electronic Communication & Communication Systems at a later stage. My undergraduate studies already focus on the communications aspect of electronics. A masters degree in electrical engineering with communications as major field is the next logical para3For the past four months I have been working as a project trainee at the Indian Institute for Advanced Electronics. I am working on the design and development of a "PC Controlled Digital Serial Data Generator". This short stint has given me invaluable practical experience. It has given me the confidence to pursue a masters degree and also kindled a desire to do para4During the course of my work at IIAE, I have come across several scientists. Most of them work in different areas of communications. Interactions with them have made me realize the vastness and the scope of communications. My discussions with them convinced me that specializing in communications will suit me very para5The subject of research which interests me very much is spread spectrum communication systems. Coding theory and combinations is another research subject which arouses my curiosity. The subject Communication Theory which I am studying at present introduces these topics in theory. I am eager to find out more about the applications of coding theory to spread spectrum communication para6 In addition I have been a student member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) for the past three years. Through its workshops/seminars and publications like the 'The Spectrum' it has exposed me to a lot of emerging technologies in the field of communications.。
符合英文写作习惯的Statement of purpose个人陈述范例
Statement of purpose本文经修改后,作者的学习目的和选择学校的原因显得很清晰、明确,十分令人信服。
A graduate from the Harbin Institute of Technologies, an institution of higher learning known for its selectivity, I have solidly grounded myself in a discipline that is still new in China, namely, mechatronics. With four years of strict training and conscientious studies behind, I am now versed in a broad range of subjects related to this discipline. But I would like to pursue more advanced studies in it. I now apply for acceptance into your Master' program for the sole reason that your program is one of the few that offer graduate studies in mechatronics.(一般而言,开头并不是一定要依时间顺序介绍自己的童年。
)I first became fascinated with making electronic devices in high school. Until then, I was content with making mechanical gadgets, from which I derived immense pleasure. As a child, I made my own toy gliders and vacuum cleaners. In making such things, I instinctively grasped the principles of aeromechanics. After I entered into junior high school, I began to make small electronic appliances by using electrical circuit boards. As I experimented for new inventions, I felt more and more constrained by the limited approaches. I yearned to make really user-friendly gadgets and devices that could be readily accepted on the market.At the university, I chose mechatronics as my major for its interdisciplinary nature. Built on the combined strength of mechanics, electronics, computer science and automatic control, this genre of studies does away the single-mindedness inherent in the pursuit of studies in one area. With mechatronics, I began to create a much larger variety of products that could serve a lot of different purposes. The onset of mechatronics represents to me a major step forward in the manufacturing technology.I thoroughly enjoyed the four years of my undergraduate studies at the Harbin Institute of Technology, a major cradle of China's engineering talents. I found most of the courses I took not only instructive but also entertaining. But I particularly liked the hands-on experience that the Institute always promoted and required. For virtually every course of my major, we engaged in assorted experiments and projects. The completion of each experiment or academic paper brought me immense satisfaction by giving me an unmistakable sense of achievement.I feel that technology makes sense only when it serves some human purpose. A good product therefore has to be designed and tailored to conform to human habits, some of which may be based on misperceptions or misconceptions. Designers of consumer products have to be aware of and take into consideration those misperceptions or misconceptions so that the products they design have enduring attraction to consumers. All this is easier said than done, of course, as it requires the designers not only a sophisticated understanding of human nature but also superb engineering skills to realize his ideas. I am glad to say that I have both.A large part of my strength comes from my expertise in computer science. Making good use of my spare time, I taught myself a whole range of computer courses, among which were: Networking and Communications, Operating Systems, Data Structure and Computation, Computer Systems and Their Principles, Software Engineering, Database, C Language, and Visual Basic. I was particularly fond of improving and upgrading mechanical devices by the combined use of computerized control technology and the programmable logical controller. My computer skills paid off when I embarked on my graduation project, for which I spent only 14 days instead of the three months most of my classmates spent.By studying mechatronics, I am involved in one of the five high-tech disciplines that the Chinese government is actively promoting. Thanks to the state sponsorship, my department grouped together the strongest in my university, as demonstrated by the amount and quality of their scientific research and technological achievements. Taking full advantage of this faculty's seasoned guidance, I trained myself vigorously and fruitfully. My command of English was considered the best in my class throughout my four undergraduate years, and my computer skills were so good that it would be an understatement to say that they were the best in my department. My overall GPA was among the top five per cent in my class of 103 students.Taking myself to task in the real world, I worked on numerous part-time jobs while I was at the university. For these jobs, I usually utilized my computer skills and command of English. For example, I wrote computer programs for small companies and searched for information on the Internet for them. Besides making money, I also learned to market both my expertise and myself as a person.Your program stands out as one of the precious few that offer graduate research in mechatronics. That alone testifies to your excellence in engineering. As I seek to place myself on the cutting-edge of the studies in mechatronics, I think your program is where I should be pursuing my advanced degrees. I am sure that, with the benefit of your advice, I can acquire broader perspectives and more profound insights. Your favorable consideration of my application will be greatly appreciated.。
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Statement of PurposeApplicant: (Name of Student)Proposed Department and Degree: Ph.D. in Computer ScienceSemester and year that the student is applying for: Fall Semester, 2001Introduction and Undergraduate BackgroundAs an applicant to Carnegie Mellon University's doctoral program in Computer Science, I am very glad to have an opportunity in introducing my study objectives to you.I received a B.S. degree from Yeungnam University, which is considered to be among the best engineering schools in South Korea, in February 1996.I majored in Computer Engineering. Throughout four undergraduate courses, I completed the several fundamental courses related to both software and hardware areas of research. The courses were as follows: Operating Systems, Data Structures, Numerical Analysis, Mathematics, Engineering Mathematics, Compilers, Software Engineering, Programming Languages and Practice, DBMS, System Programming and Practice, Data Communication, Digital Logic Design, Microprocessor Laboratory and VLSI System Design. Moreover, as a term project, I designed an 8-Bit microprocessor.Work ExperiencesMy work experience started in 1996. I was employed at the Business Communication R&D group in Samsung Electronics company. Samsung is one of the top research &development company in several business areas in South Korea, and in the telecommunications and semiconductor sectors in the international economy. I was assigned to the Business Communication Developing team at Samsung and developed DBMS of the digital Keyphone switching system. Due to the characteristics of the Keyphone exchange system, we did not use a commercial DBMS product. I developed a DBMS product, using HP UNIX and C languages in two years and six months. The management's strategy at Samsung Electronics was in supporting wireless telecommunications technology as one of major information & communication business areas. I was selected as one of the most qualified engineers to join the Wireless Communication Development group in July 1998.The wireless team was developing CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) and GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) cellular phones. I was assigned to the GSM team. My job was developing a GSM cellular phone, whichused satellite communications technology. As a preceding project of developing a cellular telephone that uses satellite telecommunication technology, we developed GSM/DCS dual band cellular telephone (SGH-2200). In this project, I developed a MMI (Man Machine Interfaces) of SGH-2200 using Visual Basic for the menu frame and Borland C++ for the main modules.I also developed a GINI debugging tool that analyzed the content of signals between phone and base stations in a GSM network. Moreover, I went on business trips to Europe to test our product in the field where service providers operate GSM networks, and on these business trips, I acquired practical experience in the field.While developing telecommunication network systems in several countries, I was strongly motivated in applying both theory and practice in research. For example, I learned about the relevant theories in university and acquired the professional and technical skills in designing and implementing products in the field. While doing so, I realized that I wanted to increase and deepen my knowledge in computer science. Therefore, I decided to leave Samsung in August 1999 and work as a researcher at the KwangJu Institute of Science and Technology (K-JIST).Graduate StudiesIn September 1999, I was enrolled in graduate courses as a full time student at K-JIST. K-JIST is a fully government supported research institute of higher education and a cutting edge of research center in South Korea. K-JIST is a leading research institute of higher education for the following reasons. The ratio of students to professors is 5:1; Graduate students are few in number and high in international academic standards Research is conducted in conjunction with industrial and governmental support and acts as a catalyst in the technology transfer process.Since the medium of instruction at K-JIST is English, and we study with both international students and faculty, I enhanced my English writing and conversation skills. I completed both intermediate and advanced technical writing and English conversation courses. English skills specific to professional communications and science and technical subjects were acquired inK-JIST 's English for Science and Technology (EST) language program.My academic interests were distributed systems and mobile software agent. I completed related courses such as Advanced Discrete Mathematics, Distributed Algorithms, Distributed and Parallel Computing, DatabaseDesign, Selected Topics on Distributed Systems, Concurrent System Theory.I received both praise and strong support from my professors in these areas of research.Research and Project ExperienceMy research interests are designing distributed systems and mobile software agents. For example, I was assigned to do a project in designing and implementing a mobile agent system. The project was one of the projects of KOSEF (Korea Science and Engineering Foundation) and it was entitled "X-MAS: Mobile Agent Platform for Workflow systems" (July 1998). I designed and implemented an inter-agent communication infrastructure using Java software. After that, I wrote a thesis about my research result and it was entitled "Design of Inter-Agent Communication Infrastructure for Agent-based Workflow System" (April 2000). The thesis was accepted by KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) in a Spring Conference (April 2000) and I received the top award.Research Interests and Specific GoalAfter considering my interests and reviewing all information about departments of computer science in several universities, I decided to apply to Carnegie Mellon University's doctoral program leading to a Ph.D. degree at Carnegie Mellon University. Professor M. Satyanarayanan's current research interests and projects are very likely to meet my expectations regarding a Ph.D. research project.My research interests are as follows:1) Mobility and Scalability in distributed systems2) Reliable distributed file system3) High-performance distributed computingAs a computer engineer, I have a strong background in computer science, professional and technical skills in programming and about four year's development experiences in the field. As a researcher, I have a strong theory base in distributed systems and project experiences in design and implementation of mobile agent systems. I am familiar with all the fundamentals and practical experiences in my research field.What I hope to gain from doctoral studies at Carnegie Mellon University is an acquisition of advanced knowledge and the ability to carry out independent research. Upon completion of my Ph.D. degree, I willseek to pursue my studies with the aim of applying my knowledge towards the solution of specific problems in the field of distributed systems at Carnegie Mellon University, or another research institute. It is my hope that my participation in relevant research projects will contribute in the development of new and significant knowledge in the field of information and communications technology.I appreciate your attention and consideration in reading this statement.Sincerely yours,。