Class Observation
八年级英语听课记录Title: Class Observation: Eighth Grade English LessonIntroduction:I recently observed an eighth-grade English class and would like to share my observations and insights from the lesson. This class was focused on improving students' listening skills in the English language. Throughout the class, the teacher employed various strategies and techniques to engage the students and enhance their listening abilities.Classroom Environment:The classroom was well-organized, creating a conducive environment for learning. The desks were arranged in a semi-circle, allowing for better interaction between the teacher and students. The walls were adorned with English vocabulary posters and student artwork, creating a visually stimulating space. The teacher's desk was situated at the front of the classroom, providing easy access to teaching materials.Warm-up Activity:To start the lesson, the teacher began with a warm-up activity designed to activate the students' prior knowledge and generate interest. The activity involved a short video clip related to the topic of the lesson. The students were encouraged to discuss the video in pairs, share their thoughts, and predict what the lesson might be about. This activity effectively captured the students' attention and prepared them for the upcoming listening tasks.Listening Activities:The teacher utilized a variety of listening activities to develop the students' comprehension skills. The first activity involved a listening passage with multiple-choice questions. The students were instructed to listen carefully and select the correct answer. After the passage was played, the teacher played it again, pausing at different intervals toallow students to answer the questions. This approach helped the students to concentrate and reinforced their ability to listen for specific information.Another activity focused on improving the students' ability to understand the context of a conversation. The teacher played an audio recording of a dialogue between two native English speakers. The students were provided with a transcript of the dialogue and were tasked with matching the dialogue with the corresponding pictures. This activity aimed to develop the students' ability to comprehend the meaning of the conversation through context clues.Group Work and Discussion:The teacher frequently incorporated group work and discussion activities to encourage student participation and interaction. The students were divided into small groups and given a short listening passage. They were then required to work together to answer comprehension questions related to the passage. This collaborative approach not only fostered peer learning but also enhanced the students' listening and speaking skills.Furthermore, the teacher organized a class-wide discussion after each listening activity. The students were encouraged to share their answers, opinions, and thoughts on the listening passages. This discussion allowed for a deeper understanding of the materials and provided an opportunity for the students to express their ideas in English.Vocabulary Expansion:Throughout the lesson, the teacher emphasized vocabulary development. After each listening activity, the teacher introduced new vocabulary words from the passage and encouraged the students to use them in sentences. This approach aimed to expand the students' vocabulary repertoire and improve their overall language proficiency.Conclusion:In conclusion, the observed eighth-grade English class effectively focused on enhancing the students' listening skills. The teacher employed a variety of engaging activities, such as warm-up exercises, listening passages, group work, and vocabularyexpansion, to create an immersive and interactive learning experience. By incorporating these strategies, the teacher fostered a positive and engaging classroom environment, allowing the students to actively participate and improve their English listening abilities.。
Evaluator:_______________________Evaluator:_______________________Evaluator:_________________________Evaluator:_______________________Evaluator:__________________________Evaluator:______________________Evaluator:__________________________Classroom Observation Task 8 The learnersThis task may help you to see a lesson from a student‟s points of view.Task: As you arrive in the classroom, choose (privately!) one student to focus on in your observation. Watch this student throughout the lesson and make notes under theEvaluator______________________________ Date____________________________Classroom Observation Task 9 Errors and correctionThis task focuses on learner errors in oral production the teacher or learners deal with Task: Note down some student errors. Categorize each error (e.g. wrong tense, wrongEvaluator______________________________ Date____________________________Classroom Observation Task 10 Thoughts and questionsThis form may help you recall what happened in a lesson and remind you of your own thoughts at that time.For each box, note down a specific thing that you observe in the lesson and thenEvaluator______________________________ Date____________________________Classroom Observation Task 11 Stolen goodsAs you observe the lesson, note down several things that you would like to “steal” from this teacher and the lesson in order to make them part of your own teaching. This may include personal qualities, teaching skills and techniques, activities, classroom atmosphere, etc. Include notes to help you remember any important detail. You may also want to record why you felt good about the stolen goods. Finally, choose something youEvaluator______________________________ Date____________________________Classroom Observation Task 12 What helps people learn?What is there about the activities, the teacher and the students that helps to create conditions for effective learning? What things you observe that seem to play a part in hindering learning?Evaluator______________________________ Date____________________________performances. Place in the space before each statement the number that most nearly1.___________Objectives for this presentation were made clear to students.2.___________Presentation was well planned and organized.3.___________Presentation style was appropriate and effective.4.___________Relevant examples, metaphors and analogies were used to establishconnections with students' previous experiences and learning.5.___________Class time was well used.6.___________Critical thinking and analysis was modeled and encouraged.7.___________Instructional techniques required a majority of students to be actively involved.8.___________Respect for diverse opinions was communicated.9.___________Warm, accepting, open classroom atmosphere was evident.10.___________Instructor interest in information was communicated.11.___________Instructor interest in student learning was communicated.12.___________Instructor mastery of subject matter was clear and thorough.13.___________Appropriate and effective use was made of audio-visuals, computer orother instructional technology to support presentation objectives.14.____________ Related easily with students.15.____________Integrated information from other areas within and outside of her/hisdiscipline.16.____________Was sensitive to feelings of students.17._____________Demonstrated enthusiasm for teaching and learning.18._____________Discovered student misunderstandings and misconceptions.19._____________Students attended to what was happening in class.20._____________Moved around the classroom with ease as interacted with students. Total Number___________Comments on instructorSignature of Observer Date of Feedback。
Unit 8 Classroom observation and Self-evaluation
• 3、评教学程序 • (1)看教学思路设计 • 教学思路设计,符合教学内容实际,学生实际; 有一定的独创性,给学生以新鲜的感受;教 学思路的层次,脉络清晰;教学思路实际运 作的效果好
• (2)看课堂结构安排 • 课堂结构也称为教学环节或步骤, 一节好课的结构 是:结构严谨、环环相扣,过渡自然,时间分配合 理,密度适中,效率高。 • 教学环节的时间分配与衔接恰当 • (a).计算教学环节的时间分配,要看教学环节 时间分配和衔接是否恰当,要看有没有“前松后紧” 或“前紧后松”的现象,要看讲与练时间搭配是否 合理等。 • (b).计算教师活动与学生活动时间分配,要看 是否与教学目的和要求一致,有没有教师占用时间 过多,学生活动时间过少的现象。 • (c).计算学生的个人活动时间与学生集体活动时 间的分配。要看学生个人活动,小组活动和全班活 动时间分配是否合理,有没有集体活动过多,学生 个人自学、独立思考和独立完成作业时间太少的现 象。 • (d).计算优差生活动时间。要看优、中、后进
• One of the most important attributes of good teaching is self-awareness: the ability to reflect on one’s own teaching and so gradually improve and develop one’s skill as a teacher. • This unit is concerned with developing this self-awareness; it encourages to think critically about what happens in their own class, and to be prepared to observe and comment on each other’s teaching.
Some Thoughts on Class Observation 美国教师的教学方法
Some Thoughts on Class ObservationBy解忧知识Today we watched a video and observed the history class that taught by an American teacher.We were all impressed by the unique and effective teaching methods and learned a lot from the teacher.Associating new knowledge with students’real life or experience can serve as a strong motivation as well as help students to understand the knowledge thoroughly.Besides,before coming to new teaching contents, teachers need to have students prepare for it both in knowledge and psychology and thus motivate their interest in learning(Yang&Xiao, 2003).The beginning of the video left a deep impression on me.The teacher deliberately ignored students’unwillingness and opened their bags without permission.In the next class,the teacher asked students how they felt about that experience.They all said it was unfair that the teacher searched their bags.Then,the teacher associated that small incident in their daily life with the history of people’rights being violated.Students’attention therefore was immediately captured.I noticed the students began to listen to the teacher carefully and fell into a deep thought.Group work can help students brainstorm ideas along with enhancetheir ability of cooperation.As I observed,the American teacher also implemented this method in class.She asked students to discuss in group and each student was required to list five unfair things that had happened to them.In this way,students had the chance to relate their own experience to the discussed topic.We have many opportunities to have group work in Mrs Chen’s class as well.We don’t get such opportunities in other classes very often,but I do believe it is beneficial and necessary.I am always excited about the original and creative ideas that generated from our group discussion.Homework should be closely related to teaching contents,however, the forms of it should be various and effective(Yang&Xiao,2003).The American teacher did a fantastic job in assigning homework.Before the first class,she asked students to find out some information about the new unit as homework.Thus,students could perceive the new knowledge in their own ways before they were told and taught by others.Then the second assignment given by the teachers was to search more details about the topic by students themselves.It would definitely increase students’interest in learning and desire for knowledge.More importantly,it can help to form their capability to learn and think independently.And the last homework was to let students to prepare a presentation using the materials they had searched and possibly adding their own experience aswell.Meanwhile,they were encouraged to make the presentation in various ways.As a result,some students presented their finding together with their personal experience and feelings,while some students did the role play as presentation.We also frequently do presentations,but I am afraid the way we’re doing it is rather single.Therefore,we can learn from the video and try to make it diverse and fun in the future.Reference:Yang,LR&Xiao,JF.(2003)The Art of English Teaching.GuangXi: GuangXi Education Press.。
以下是几种与观察相关的动词:1. ObserveObserve是观察的基本动词,它可以指用眼睛或其他感官对某事物或现象进行仔细的观察和记录。
2. MonitorMonitor主要指对某种情况或者现象进行不间断的观察和记录,以便及时调整和处理。
3. SurveySurvey主要是指对人群、社会现象或者地区进行综合的调查和评估。
4. InspectInspect通常指对某个事物或者场所进行全面性的检查和审查,以确定其是否符合相应的标准和要求。
5. AnalyzeAnalyze主要是指对某种事物、现象或者数据进行细致和深入的分析和研究,以便了解其内在的规律和机理。
teaching observation
Classroom Observation ReportName:张芳芳Number:11131227 class:11英2ST eacher: Zhou liStudents:四川省成都市石室联合中学Date:2004.5.2Contents:The topic of this unit is it’s a party.Teacher Zhou will lead the students to read the text.Before entering into the text,teacher Zhou guides the students to have a look at the involved vocabulary.Then she finish the test by different ways,including speaking,listening,reading ,writing and role playing.Procedure:Step1.sing a song with hand claps.Step2.have a conversation with students to lead in the vocabulary in the text.(exactly,plan for,dance,balloons and decorations),then read after the a picture and ask the students when they will have a party. Step4.listen and answer who is in charge of the the sentence and judge which one is right or the text in pairs.Step7.have a discussion and answer the questions in pairs.(one ask thequestion,the other one answer the question.)Step8.fill in the blanks according to the dialogue.Step9.role play between the students and teacher.e back to student Zhang Qi’s birthday party, and have a group talk about how to plan for his party .My comment:after watching the teaching video,i will give my comment from the following three parts.Firstly,in a general view,teacher Zhou makes a big success.She is in charge of the class.the lovely students also give an excellent performance.the success of the public class belongs to them both. Secondly,from the teacher’s aspect,teacher Zhou really does a great job.i will prove it to you from the following aspects.1.Good teaching manners.As a teacher,one should pay attention to his or her manners when giving lessons in class.i think teacher Zhou is an expert in this aspect.she is grave but active and infectious.Elegant appearance ,calm manner,enthusiasm,love for students blend well.2.Good pronunciation and intonation. The teacher’s pronunciation and intonation is very standard compared with some is clear, exact and pleasure.3.Be capable of managing classroom. 3.1Zhou starts the class with a big “bang”----an English song with hand claps which draws students attention, interest and also makes the atmosphere active.;3.2speakclearly;3.3make sure her instruction are clear;3.4Be mobile:walk around the class.3.5 look at the class when speaking,and learn how to scan.3.5 show herself as supporter and helper to the students.3.6choose topics and tasks that will activate students. 3.7 be warm and friendly to the students.3.8anticipate discipline discussion and act quickly.3.8 prepare lessons throughly and structure them firmly.3.9develope an effective questioning techniques.4.0vary her teaching techniques.4.Good student grouping. Zhou mainly adopts three kinds of student groupings:pair work,group work and individual step 7 and 9,she let the students work in pairs,in step 10,group work is used.The other steps,students do by themselves. Individual study is of great importance form of learning for the students with the opportunities to process information and consolidate learning in a quiet manner in their own pace.It should also be noted that individual study is different from individualized learning.We believe individualized learning is not a mere management issue but a matter of approach.5.The role of the teacher.Controller. An appropriate degree of control of the teacher over the class is vital in formal language teaching .The teacher controls the pace so that activities run smoothly and efficiently.for instance,when students do skimming and scanning tasks,it is very important for the teacher to control time.When asking questions,the teacher controls the whole class so that everyone has equal chance. Whenstudents do reproduction activities,the teacher’s control can make sure the students use certain target language items and their reproduction has a degree of accuracy. When talk about the advantages of teacher control,we stick to appropriate degree of control. Over-control will do less harm to students than no control at all. Besides,different activities need a different degree of control.Some teachers use terms like control practice,half-controlled practice,and free practice to indicate where control is needed and where control should be relaxed.We believe that the more communicative an activity is,the less control it needs. Zhou takes charge of the class, she is a controller of the class and she acts well as a controller.But from the video,i find that the answerers are always the same ones.some students do not get the chance to voice this point, Zhou should better her is generally believed it is a major part of a teacher’s job to assess the students’ work.According to Harmer,as an assessor,the teacher does two things,that is,correcting mistakes and organizing feedback.Harmer insists that correcting should be gentle. Gentle correcting involves showing that incorrectness once her students answer her question,she will give a simple comment on anizer.The most important and difficult role that the teacher has to play is to be an organizer .Nowadays,many approaches and methods advocates task-based activities.So one of the teacher’s major tasks is to design and organize tasks that students can perform in the class.It is doingthis that teachers have the most freedom and most challenge,and it is where the teacher can exert creativeness in an unlimited way.While students are doing the activity teacher Zhou walks around the classroom and overhear what the students are saying.If some students are not doing the right task,Zhou will helps and rectify.So under the guide of Zhou,the class runs smoothly and the activities are all finished successfully .No doubt Zhou is a experienced organizer.Prompter,when students are not sure how to start an activity,or what to do next,or what to say next,the teacher should give appropriate prompts. Zhou asks her students different questions and guide them to find the exact answer.besides,when they sing a song,Zhou give them a demonstration so that it makes her instructions clear and easily understood.Participant.Task- based teaching methods encourage the students to participate in students’activities.Once the teacher has finished giving instructions and the activity has started,there is no point for the teacher to stand in front of the classroom doing nothing(as many teachers do).Besides,monitoring the class,the teacher can also join one or two groups as an ordinary participant.However,the teacher should change her role once she joins the students.She should not dominate or appear to be authoritative,though students regard it is a good chance to practice English with someone who speaks it better than themselves. It seems Zhou does a good job in this role.6.The adaptation of teaching methods.Task-based Language Teaching(TBLE).The mainly teaching methods used in the class is Task-based Language Teaching.a.Task-based language teaching demonstrates a number of advantages for enhancing language learning. One of them is that it provides an interactive learning environment to promote interactive language learning and the opportunity for authentic use of the target language. Such interactive language learning experience is in congruence with the discourse-based second language acquisition theories which emphasize the role communicative interaction plays in second language learning. Besides, for the students, the authentic material will sustain interest, increase enjoyment and build confidence, enabling students to communicate successfully and fluently.b. Task-based language teaching ensures the learner-centeredness. It challenges the traditional teaching model during which it is always teacher-centered and too much emphasis is laid on linguistic knowledge and grammar. With TBLT, the teacher can designs teaching tasks and get the students involved in the learning activities. So the students may cooperate with each other and think actively by practicing English. Here teacher may be a task-designer, a hierophant, a monitor, or an assess mentor. What role would the teacher play depends on the step of the task.c. In the course of accomplishing the assigned tasks by the teacher, students are required to cooperate or discuss with each other bycommunicating frequently, so learning now becomes more active and activities become more communicative, which may improve their ability of cooperative language learning and autonomous learning as well as communication.d. TBLT combines the input and output properly. Different linguistic features and integration of the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) could be easily acquired by learning by doing. So, TBLT may help enhance learners’ learning motivation and acquisition of the target language. In addition to that, it may as well develop students’ language awareness, enabling them to perceive and understand patterns and then apply them in their own speech and writing.By finishing tasks or activities,teacher Zhou completes his class. Although there are about ten activities,but they are all finished within the time.Besides,the activities are all within the capacity of the students so students can understand it and complete them successfully. Communicative Language Teaching.This kind of methods focus on communication in real life, CLT helps students to build up the relationship between the communicative functions and the sentence structures.From the video,it is easy to find that Communicative Language Teaching methods also plays an important role in this class.teacher Zhou asks students to communicate to solve the questions she has asked. Then the students finish the tasks by communicating.Total Physical Response.a.It can quickly caught the attention of students, to attract students to participate in activities, and let them learn English in the experimental experience personally on the scene;b.It can provide a learning environment closely linked with real life, so that students can learn English in the cycle of repeated practice and a variety of activities;c.It can take advantage of the coordination of stud ents’ left and right brain, and can also help students develop left brain and increase the efficiency of language learningd.It verifies the idea that happiness is a basic human need;e.It regards sentence as a teaching unit, learning and practicing English in a whole sentence, and also pays attention to language’s content and meaning, which is beneficial to cultivate students' ability to communicate with others;f.It creates language situations through the use of a large number of charts, notes and other teaching aids. In the class,at first,Zhou guides the students to sing a familiar song with hand claps.this way can involve the students into class as soon as possible and can activate the class very soon.Audio-Visual Methoda.Audio visual teaching makes the class more interesting;b.It shortens the teaching time and improves the efficiency of teaching;c.It selects appropriate audio-visual mediae.Audio visual teaching media has changed the way of learning, reducing the labor intensity of teachers.Teacher Zhou uses the muti-media to have the class and also show a picture to the students.this way ensure that the time is enough and reduce the burden of the teacher.7.The deficiency of Zhou’s performance. a.Sometimes, Zhou’s voice is a bit low so that it may affect the listening efficiency.b.The opportunities do not come to the most students.from the video,there are almost the same students answering the questions asked.although we need volunteers,but i think,as a teacher,she should involve more students into the activities as possible as she can.Thirdly,from the students’aspects,obviously,they do a good performance.1.They are active enough.They try to answer the teacher’s questions voluntarily.2.They do well in English. They pronounce well and their listening is also not bad. 3.They have a sense of collaboration.No matter whether the pair work or the group work,they all make it in the instruction of their teacher.4.They can finish a task own their own.The students not only know how to cooperate but also can master the spirit of individual study .of course,they also have some shortcomings.1.some students do not take part in the activities.Always the same students answer the questions.2.I find a boy students is revolving his ball pointpen.In a word,the good performance of teacher Zhou and the students reaches the success of the public.It is of great luck for all of them.。
class observation
what to observe?
• in a language learning classroom, there is a lot to observe: • teaching behavior and learning behavior, patterns of interaction, different learning styles, different teaching strategies, patterns of group dynamics,etc.
Observe the use of teaching aids.(the board, real objects, puppets, textbook, handouts/worksheets, flashcards/cue cards wall charts/pictures, posters, maps, pictures, video, radio, or computer.) observe materials used in class teaching carefully with the purpose of identifying the teaching goals they achieve
Notice how the teacher establishes "set" in the classroom the major teaching strategy used in the class observe how the teacher makes elicitation observe the teach’s questioning strategies observe how the teacher show incorrectness
Observation的用法1. 什么是observation?Observation是英语单词,意为“观察”或“观测”。
2. Observation的目的和重要性2.1 目的•获取信息和数据:通过观察,研究者可以获得关于目标对象的信息和数据。
2.2 重要性•客观性:观察是一种客观的方法,可以直接获取到目标对象的真实情况,避免了主观因素的干扰。
3. Observation的方法和技巧3.1 直接观察直接观察是最常用的观察方法之一,研究者直接观察目标对象的行为、特征等,并记录下来。
3.2 间接观察间接观察是通过观察目标对象的间接证据来获取信息和数据的方法。
英语老师上课过程记录范文English Class Observation Report.Date: [Insert Date]Teacher: [Insert Teacher's Name]Class Duration: [Insert Duration, e.g., 45 minutes]Class Level: [Insert Class Level, e.g., Intermediate]Objectives for the Day:1. To introduce new vocabulary related to [topic].2. To practice speaking skills through role-plays and discussions.3. To enhance reading comprehension with a passage on [related topic].4. To revise grammar points learned in previous lessons.Classroom Environment:The classroom was well-organized with clearly labeled sections for worksheets, reference books, and multimedia equipment. The desks were arranged in a semi-circle, facilitating interaction between the teacher and students. The overall atmosphere was encouraging and welcoming, with bright colors and inspiring quotes displayed on the walls.Teacher's Approach:Teacher [Teacher's Name] began the class with a warm greeting and a brief review of the previous lesson. Shethen moved on to introduce the new vocabulary, using visual aids and real-life examples to illustrate their meanings. The students were engaged in the lesson, actively participating in the word association games designed to consolidate their understanding.The speaking activities were particularly noteworthy. Teacher [Teacher's Name] divided the class into pairs and assigned roles for a scenario related to the topic. This approach not only helped the students practice their speaking skills but also fostered teamwork and collaboration. The role-plays were followed by a debriefing session where the teacher provided feedback and suggestions for improvement.For reading comprehension, the class read a passage together, followed by a series of questions designed totest their understanding. Teacher [Teacher's Name] encouraged open discussion, inviting students to sharetheir opinions and insights. This approach fosteredcritical thinking and fostered a culture of respect for diverse viewpoints.The grammar revision segment was handled efficiently, with the teacher summarizing the key points and providing examples to illustrate their application. She then conducted a series of exercises to test the students' grasp of the grammar rules.Student Engagement:The students were actively engaged throughout the lesson. They responded promptly to the teacher's questions, participated in group discussions, and showed enthusiasm during the speaking activities. The teacher's use of interactive techniques and real-life scenarios kept the students engaged and interested.Observations and Suggestions:Overall, the lesson was well-structured and engaging. Teacher [Teacher's Name] displayed excellent command of the subject matter and a passion for teaching that was evident in her enthusiasm and dedication. Her ability to connect with the students and foster a positive learning environment was particularly noteworthy.However, there were a few areas where further improvement could be made. Firstly, the teacher could incorporate more technology-based resources, such asinteractive whiteboards or online platforms, to enhance the learning experience. Secondly, more opportunities for individual practice, such as silent reading or writing exercises, could be included to cater to the needs of different learning styles.Conclusion:Teacher [Teacher's Name] delivered an effective and engaging lesson that met the objectives set for the day. Her innovative teaching methods and passion for the subject were evident in every aspect of the class. With some minor adjustments and the incorporation of technology-based resources, the lessons could become even more dynamic and inclusive.This observation report highlights the strengths and areas for improvement in Teacher [Teacher's Name]'s teaching style. It serves as a valuable tool for self-reflection and professional development, enabling both the teacher and the students to benefit from continuous improvement.。
ClassroomObservationWorksheet(worksheet)Classroom Observation WorksheetInstructor_____________________Course_________________________ ________Date________________________Observer_____________________________ ____ Directions: Below is a list of instructor behaviors that may occur within a given class or course. Please use it as guide to making observations, not as a list of required characteristics. When this worksheet is used for making improvements to instruction, itis recommended that the instructor highlight the areas to be focused on before the observation takes place.Respond to each statement using the following scale:Not observed More emphasis Accomplishedrecommended very well1 2 3Circle the number at the right that best represents your response. Use the comment space below each section to provide more feedback or suggestions.Content Organization Not observed More emphasis Accomplished very well 1.Made clear statement ofthe purpose of the lesson 1 2 32.Defined relationship or thislesson to previous lessons 1 2 33.Presented overview of thelesson 1 2 34. Presented topics with alogical sequence 1 2 35. Paced lesson appropriately6. Summarized major pointsof lesson 1 2 37. Responded to problemsraised during lesson 1 2 38. Related today’s lessonto future lessons 1 2 3 Comments:Presentation Not observed More emphasis Accomplished very well 9. Projected voice 1 2 3so easily heard10. Used intonation 1 2 3to vary emphasis11. Explained ideas 1 2 3with clarity12. Maintained eye 1 2 3contact with students13. Listened to student 1 2 3questions & comments14. Projected nonverbal 1 2 3gestures consistent withintentions15. Defined unfamiliar terms, 1 2 3concepts, and principles16. Presented examples to 1 2 3clarify points17. Related new ideas to 1 2 3familiar concepts18. Restated important ideas 1 2 3at appropriate times19. Varied explanations for 1 2 3complex and difficultmaterial20. Used humor appropriately 1 2 3to strengthen retention &interest21. Limited use of repetitive 1 2 3phrases & hanging articlesComments:Instructor-Student Not observed More emphasis Accomplished very well Interactions22. Encouraged student 1 2 3questions23. Encouraged student 1 2 3discussion24. Maintained student 1 2 3attention25. Asked questions to 1 2 3monitor students’progress26. Gave satisfactory 1 2 3answers to studentquestions27. Responded to 1 2 3nonverbal cues ofconfusion, boredom,& curiosity28. Paced lesson to allow 1 2 3time for note taking29. Encouraged students 1 2 3to answer difficultquestions30. Asked probing 1 2 3probing questionswhen student answerwas incomplete31. Restated questions 1 2 3and answers whennecessary32. Suggested questions 1 2 3of limited interest tobe handled outside ofclassComments:Instructional Materials Not observed More emphasis Accomplished very well and Environment33. Maintained adequate 1 2 3classroom facilities34. Prepared students for 1 2 3the lesson with appropriateassigned readings35. Supported lesson with 1 2 3useful classroomdiscussions and exercises36. Presented helpful audio- 1 2 3visual materials to supportlesson organization & majorpoints37. Provided relevant written 1 2 3assignmentsComments:Content Knowledge Not observed More emphasisAccomplished very well and Relevance38. Presented material 1 2 3worth knowing39. Presented material 1 2 3appropriate to studentknowledge & background40. Cited authorities to 1 2 3support statements41. Presented material 1 2 3appropriate to stated purposeof the course42. Made distinctions between 1 2 3fact & opinion43. Presented divergent view- 1 2 3points when appropriate44. Demonstrated command of 1 2 3subject matterComments:45. What overall impressions do you think students left this lesson with in terms of content or style?46. What were the instructor’s major strengths as demonstrated in this observation?47. What suggestio ns do you have for improving upon this instructor’s skills?。
小学英语听课简报范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Class Observation Report on Elementary English Listening LessonDate: June 1st, 2021Introduction:On June 1st, I had the opportunity to observe an elementary English listening lesson at ABC Elementary School. This class observation report aims to provide detailed feedback on the lesson structure, teacher-student interaction, activities, and overall learning environment.Lesson Overview:The lesson focused on developing students' listening skills through a series of interactive activities. The teacher began by engaging students in a warm-up activity where they listened to a short dialogue between two characters and answered comprehension questions. This set a positive tone for the lesson and captured the students' attention from the start.Teacher's Performance:The teacher demonstrated excellent classroom management skills throughout the lesson. She maintained a lively and engaging teaching style that kept the students actively participating. The teacher used a variety of visual aids and props to support the students' understanding of the listening materials. Additionally, she provided clear instructions and feedback to ensure that all students were on task and learning effectively.Student Participation:The students were actively engaged in the lesson and demonstrated a high level of enthusiasm for the listening activities. They listened attentively to the audio recordings and participated in group discussions to share their understanding of the material. The teacher encouraged all students to participate and created a supportive learning environment where students felt comfortable expressing themselves in English.Activities:The listening activities were well-structured and designed to cater to students of varying proficiency levels. The teacher utilized a mix of audio recordings, visual cues, and interactive games to engage the students and reinforce their listening skills.The activities included listening to dialogues, completing gap-fill exercises, and role-playing scenarios, all of which provided opportunities for students to practice their listening comprehension in a fun and dynamic way.Conclusion:In conclusion, the elementary English listening lesson at ABC Elementary School was a success. The teacher's effective instructional strategies, student-centered approach, and engaging activities created a positive and conducive learning environment for the students. The lesson not only enhanced the students' listening skills but also fostered their confidence in using English as a means of communication. Overall, it was a well-executed lesson that effectively met the learning objectives and provided a rewarding experience for both the teacher and students.篇2Subject: Classroom Observation ReportDate: October 3, 20XXCourse Title: English for Young LearnersInstructor: Ms. SmithObservation Period: 8:30 am - 9:30 amObservation Venue: Grade 2 ClassroomIntroduction:During the observation period, I had the opportunity to sit in on Ms. Smith's Grade 2 English class. The class consisted of 25 students, aged 7-8 years old. The lesson was focused on vocabulary related to daily routines and activities.Lesson Objective:The main objective of the lesson was to introduce and practice vocabulary related to daily routines and activities. Students were expected to be able to understand and use words such as "wake up", "get dressed", "brush teeth", "eat breakfast", "go to school", "have lunch", and "go to bed".Lesson Plan:1. Warm-up: The lesson began with a quick review of the previous lesson's vocabulary. Students were asked to match pictures with words related to daily routines.2. Introduction of new vocabulary: The teacher used flashcards and realia to introduce new words and phrases.Students repeated the words after the teacher and practiced pronunciation.3. Practice: Students engaged in pair work activities where they had to complete sentences with the new vocabulary.4. Game: To reinforce the new vocabulary, the teacher conducted a fun game where students had to act out different daily routines while their classmates guessed the activity.5. Closure: The lesson ended with a review of the vocabulary and a brief discussion about the importance of daily routines.Teaching Strategies:Ms. Smith used a variety of teaching strategies to engage the students and facilitate learning. She incorporated visual aids, realia, and hands-on activities to cater to different learning styles. Her instructions were clear, concise, and easy for students to follow. She also provided positive reinforcement and praise to encourage active participation.Student Engagement:The students were actively engaged throughout the lesson. They eagerly participated in all activities, including the game, and showed good understanding of the new vocabulary. Theyworked collaboratively with their peers during pair work activities and showed enthusiasm for learning English.Classroom Management:Ms. Smith demonstrated excellent classroom management skills. She maintained a positive and supportive learning environment, effectively managed transitions between activities, and ensured that all students were on task and engaged. She also used positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior and participation.Conclusion:Overall, the English lesson for Grade 2 students waswell-planned, interactive, and engaging. Ms. Smith's teaching strategies effectively facilitated language learning and student participation. The students showed good understanding of the lesson objectives and actively participated in all activities. I commend Ms. Smith for her dedication to teaching young learners and her ability to create a positive and stimulating learning environment.Sincerely,[Your Name]篇3Primary School English Class ReportDate: September 25th, 2021Teacher: Ms. SmithSubject: EnglishClass: Grade 2, Class ATime: 8:00 am – 9:00 amLocation: Classroom 203Attendance: 25 out of 30 students presentSummary:Introduction: The class started with a warm-up activity where students sang the ABC song and recited the days of the week. The students were enthusiastic and engaged in the activity.Vocabulary Building: The teacher introduced new vocabulary words related to animals such as cat, dog, bird, and fish. The students repeated the words after the teacher and practiced spelling them out loud.Reading Comprehension: The teacher read a short story about a cat named Whiskers. The students listened attentively and answered questions related to the story. They demonstrated good comprehension skills by answering the questions correctly.Speaking Practice: The students were given the opportunity to practice speaking in English by describing their favorite animals. They used the vocabulary words they had learned earlier in the class. The teacher encouraged them to speak clearly and confidently.Grammar: The teacher introduced basic grammar rules such as using the present tense in sentences. The students practiced forming sentences using the new vocabulary words and grammar rules.Conclusion: The class ended with a fun game where students had to match animals with their names. The students were actively participating and enjoying themselves.Overall, the English class was engaging and interactive. The students showed enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. The teacher did an excellent job of keeping the students engaged and making the learning experience fun. The students made progress in vocabulary, reading comprehension, speaking, andgrammar skills. The class was a success, and the students are looking forward to the next English lesson.Signed:Ms. Smith。
高考英语阅读理解真题汇编(含答案)一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Mexico sites on an island plateau (高原) surrounded by volcanic peaks, which makes air quality a constant concern for people who live there.In April, the country took a decisive step toward improving air quality by enacting a temporary ban on private and Federal vehicles in the city. The rule forbids people from driving in the city one day each week and one Saturday each month. Electric vehicles, government service vehicles, public transport options and school buses are not included in the ban.Mexico City isn't the first urban center to be involved in car-free living. But the ban is more than an awareness-raiser. It was enacted with the direct aim of solving air pollution. In March, the city sank into a deep brown haze of smog when the pollution levels passed the 200 mark. The city ordered some 1.1m of the area's 4.7m cars off the streets and also offered free bus and subway rides.Mexico City's temporary vehicle ban raises questions about the best ways to improve urban air quality. India, whose citizens breathe some of the world's dirtiest air, has tried a variety of solutions. Earlier this year, the Indian government started a 4% sales tax on new-car purchases. Beijing also has experience with cleaning the air. The city introduced alternate-day rules in advance of the 2008 Olympic Games, which produced good results. And then there is the London congestion (拥挤) charge, introduced in 2003. The charge has had a measurable effect on air quality.For now, Mexico City — named by the United Nations as the most polluted city on the planet in 1992 — can look forward to the start of the region's rainy season, when daily showers will help lo clean the air.(1)How did Mexico ban vehicles in the city?A. By banning private and Federal vehicles one day a week.B. By forbidding private and public vehicles every Saturday.C. By limiting the number of new cars.D. By prohibiting the vehicles except public ones.(2)What did the government of Mexico do when carrying out the ban on vehicles?A. Raised the number of public vehicles.B. Offered free bus and subway rides.C. Introduced more travel options.D. Encouraged citizens to leave the city.(3)What may contribute to improving the air quality in Mexico?A. Alternate-day rules.B. Tax rises.C. Congestion charge.D. The rainy season.(4)What's the best title for the passage?A. Mexico —an Island PlateauB. A Variety of Bans on Vehicles in MexicoC. Should Cities Be Car-free ZonesD. How to Improve Air Quality【答案】(1)A(2)B(3)D(4)C【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,墨西哥墨西哥政府为了提高空气质量,在实施车辆禁令时提供免费巴士和地铁。
英文课堂观察怎么写作文英文,In my English class observation, I noticed that the teacher used a variety of teaching methods to engage the students. For example, she started the class with a discussion about a current event, which not only improved the students' speaking skills but also kept them updated with the world. Then, she used a multimedia presentation to introduce new vocabulary and grammar points, which made the learning process more interactive and interesting.During the class, I also observed that the teacher encouraged the students to participate actively by asking open-ended questions and giving them time to think and respond. This not only improved their speaking and critical thinking skills but also created a supportive and inclusive learning environment. Additionally, the teacher used group activities and pair work to promote collaboration and teamwork among the students, which I believe is essential for their future success.Overall, I was impressed by the teacher's ability to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment in the English class. I believe that her teaching methods not only help the students improve their language skills but also foster a love for learning.中文,在我的英文课堂观察中,我注意到老师使用了各种教学方法来吸引学生。
初中英语评课稿万能模板范文Introduction:In the realm of education, feedback is a crucial tool for both teachers and students. It helps in identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. This essay provides a universal template for reviewing a middle school English class, which can be adapted to various teachingstyles and lesson plans.Body:1. Class Observation OverviewBegin by providing a brief overview of the class observed. Mention the date, time, and the teacher's name. Highlight the general atmosphere of the classroom and the students' engagement level.2. Teaching ObjectivesDiscuss the objectives of the lesson as stated by the teacher. Evaluate whether these objectives were clear and achievable within the given time frame.3. Lesson Plan and StructureAnalyze the lesson plan's structure. Was it logicallyorganized? Did it flow smoothly from one activity to the next? Comment on the balance between teacher-led instruction and student participation.4. Content DeliveryReflect on how the content was delivered. Was the teacher's explanation clear? Were complex concepts brokendown into manageable parts? Did the teacher use a variety of teaching aids effectively?5. Student Interaction and ParticipationDescribe the level of student interaction. Werestudents encouraged to ask questions and share their thoughts? How did the teacher handle different levels of participation?6. Assessment and FeedbackExamine the methods used for assessing student understanding. Were there in-class activities that allowedfor immediate feedback? How did the teacher provide feedbackto students?7. Use of Technology and ResourcesNote the use of technology and other resources in the class. Did the teacher integrate these tools to enhance learning? Were they used effectively to support the lesson objectives?8. Classroom ManagementDiscuss the teacher's classroom management strategies. Were students well-behaved? How did the teacher handle disruptions or off-task behavior?9. Cultural Relevance and InclusivityConsider whether the lesson content and teaching approach were culturally relevant and inclusive. Did the teacher make efforts to accommodate diverse learning needs?10. Conclusion and RecommendationsSummarize the key points from the review. Offer constructive suggestions for improvement. Highlight the strengths of the lesson and areas that could benefit from further development.Conclusion:End the review by reiterating the importance of continuous improvement in teaching practices. Encourage the teacher to reflect on the feedback and consider implementing the recommendations to enhance future lessons.This template serves as a guide for providing comprehensive and constructive feedback on middle school English classes, ensuring that both teachers and students benefit from the review process.。
课程名称:小学英语年级:XX年级课时:1课时教学目标模板:一、知识目标(Knowledge Goals)1. 词汇目标(Vocabulary Goals):- 学生能够识别并正确使用本节课新学的XX个单词。
- 学生能够通过图片、情景或上下文理解并运用XX个单词。
- 学生能够通过游戏或活动,将新学的词汇融入到句子中。
2. 语法目标(Grammar Goals):- 学生能够理解并正确运用本节课所学的XX语法点。
- 学生能够通过实际对话或写作练习,运用所学的语法知识。
3. 技能目标(Skills Goals):- 学生能够听懂并理解XX种类型的英语听力材料。
- 学生能够流利地朗读并模仿XX个句型或对话。
- 学生能够在日常交流中运用所学词汇和句型进行简单对话。
二、能力目标(Ability Goals)1. 听说能力(Listening and Speaking):- 学生能够听懂并复述简单的英语故事或对话。
- 学生能够在老师的引导下,用英语进行简单的自我介绍。
- 学生能够在小组活动中,用英语进行合作交流。
2. 读写能力(Reading and Writing):- 学生能够阅读并理解简单的英语短文或故事。
- 学生能够书写XX个单词和XX个句子,并能正确使用标点符号。
- 学生能够完成简单的英语写作任务,如写日记、写信等。
三、情感目标(Emotional Goals)1. 兴趣激发(Interest and Motivation):- 学生对英语学习产生兴趣,愿意参与课堂活动。
- 学生能够体验学习英语的乐趣,增强学习动力。
2. 自信建立(Confidence Building):- 学生在课堂上能够大胆开口说英语,不怕犯错。
- 学生在完成学习任务后,能够感受到成就感和自信心。
3. 文化意识(Cultural Awareness):- 学生能够了解并尊重不同国家的文化习俗。
- 学生能够用英语表达对文化的理解和认识。
听课记录优缺点及建议英语Classroom Observation: Assessing Strengths, Weaknesses, and Recommendations.Introduction.Classroom observations are crucial for understandingthe dynamics of teaching and learning. They provideinsights into the teacher's methods, the students' engagement, and the overall effectiveness of the lesson. In this article, I will delve into the strengths and weaknesses of a recent classroom observation and offer suggestions for improvement.Strengths of the Classroom Observation.1. Clear Objectives and Structure.The teacher had clearly defined objectives for the lesson, which were communicated effectively to the students.The lesson flowed smoothly from one activity to the next, with a logical progression that kept students engaged.2. Interactive Teaching Methods.The teacher employed various interactive techniques to engage students, such as group discussions, role-plays, and hands-on activities. This approach not only kept students actively involved but also helped them to apply knowledgein real-world contexts.3. Effective Use of Technology.The integration of technology into the lesson was seamless and enhanced the learning experience. The use of digital tools and platforms not only made the content more engaging but also allowed for differentiated learning, catering to the needs of different students.4. Encouragement of Critical Thinking.The teacher encouraged students to think critically byposing thought-provoking questions and encouraging them to formulate opinions and arguments. This approach fostered a culture of curiosity and inquiry among students.5. Positive Teacher-Student Relationships.The teacher established a positive and supportive relationship with students, which fostered a safe and inclusive learning environment. This, in turn, encouraged students to take risks, ask questions, and participate actively in class.Weaknesses of the Classroom Observation.1. Limited Student Autonomy.While the teacher provided clear guidance and structure, there were instances where students were not given enough autonomy to explore or problem-solve independently. This could stunt their creativity and ability to think outside the box.2. Uneven Student Engagement.While some students were actively engaged in class activities, others seemed disengaged or lost. This might be due to a lack of differentiation in the lesson or a failure to connect with certain students' learning styles and interests.3. Limited Feedback and Assessment.The teacher provided timely feedback to students during class activities, but there was a lack of formal assessment at the end of the lesson. This could make it difficult to evaluate students' progress and identify areas for improvement.4. Overreliance on Technology.While technology was used effectively to enhance learning, there were instances where the teacher seemed to rely too heavily on it. This could lead to issues if the technology fails or is not accessible, making the lessondependent on external factors.Recommendations for Improvement.1. Promote Student Autonomy.Teachers can provide more opportunities for students to work independently and collaboratively, encouraging them to explore and problem-solve on their own. This will help to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.2. Differentiate Instruction.To address the issue of uneven student engagement, teachers should differentiate their instruction by catering to the diverse learning styles and interests of students. This could involve using different teaching methods, providing tailored assignments, or grouping students based on their abilities and needs.3. Regular Feedback and Assessment.Teachers should incorporate regular feedback and assessment into their lessons to monitor students' progress and identify areas for improvement. This could include formative assessments, peer reviews, or self-reflection activities.4. Balance Technology Usage.While technology can be a valuable tool for teaching and learning, teachers should ensure that it does not overshadow traditional teaching methods. They should aim to strike a balance between technology usage and traditional teaching techniques to ensure that the lesson is notreliant on external factors.Conclusion.Classroom observations offer a unique perspective on teaching and learning, revealing both the strengths and weaknesses of a lesson. By identifying areas for improvement and implementing targeted strategies, teacherscan create more effective and engaging classrooms that foster student growth and development.。
一堂好课观后感英语课A Good English Class ObservationToday, I had the opportunity to observe a really inspiring English class. It was a high school classroom with about thirty students, and the teacher was engaging and energetic throughout the entire lesson. From start to finish, the class was filled with interactive activities and thought-provoking discussions that kept the students actively engaged and excited to learn.The lesson began with a warm-up activity where students had to brainstorm adjectives to describe their favorite book. This not only got the students thinking critically about their reading material, but it also set a positive tone for the rest of the class. The teacher then seamlessly transitioned into a discussion about the themes and motifs in the novel they were currently studying. The students were encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions, and the teacher did an excellent job of fostering a safe and inclusive environment where all voices were heard.One of the highlights of the class was a group project that the students had been working on for the past few weeks. Each group had to create a presentation based on a theme from thenovel, and today was the day they would present their projects to the class. The level of creativity and effort put into each presentation was truly impressive. The students had clearly done their research and were able to articulate their ideas and arguments with confidence and clarity.Another aspect of the class that stood out to me was the teacher's use of technology. Throughout the lesson, the teacher incorporated multimedia resources such as videos, interactive quizzes, and online discussion forums. This not only made the lesson more dynamic and engaging, but it also helped to cater to different learning styles and abilities within the classroom.Overall, I was extremely impressed by the quality of teaching and learning that I observed in this English class. The teacher's enthusiasm and dedication to their students was evident in every aspect of the lesson, and the students were actively participating and learning throughout the entire class. This experience has reaffirmed my belief in the power of education to inspire and empower students to reach their full potential. I look forward to implementing some of the strategies and techniques I observed in my own teaching practice.。
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Observer’s Name: Teacher’s Name: David Pratt
Date: July, 5th, 2011 Class/Level: high beginner (Integrated skill 100) ﹟of Students: 14
Please make specific comments on what you observed in each category.
1.Objectives: What were the objectives of the lesson? Were they clear, specific and appropriate
to the level? Was the lesson agenda on the board and/or stated in the weekly course outline?
The objectives of the lesson were to review some words students had learnt, to teach students how to pronounce and understand some new words and expressions, to practice reading comprehensions, etc. Students have had this lesson for more than one month, so they were quite familiar the procedures and steps of the lesson, even we, as observers for the first time maybe only once, still did not think David gave a class without clear or specific focuses even he did not write down on the board.
2.Lesson Structure:Did the lesson progress through clear stages (engage, study, activate,
wrap-up). What happened during each stage?
Step 1: dictation
At the very beginning of the class, David did a dictation of 7 words sharing similar pronunciation which Saudi Arabian students may be confused. Then he corrected them in spelling and pronunciation. 15m
Step 2: text
Engage: ask students to tell their understandings about the key words in the unit, such as culture and geography. Teacher elicited some relative words from students and wrote on board such as: desert, weather, food, clothes, transportation, etc and let students make a comparison between Saudi Arabia and Canada. 15m
Study Focus: students were asked to go through the text by themselves in 10 minutes. Then students were asked to pair work to guess the meaning of some unfamiliar words. Teacher was walk around to catch the words most of students did not know and wrote them down on the board. When students had some misunderstandings or difficulties in expression and understanding, teacher would explain patiently and vividly. 25m
Study Practice:students then were divided into groups to discuss and find the answers to questions at the end of the text. 15m
Step 3: short quiz 30m
Short quiz in reading comprehension with true/false and multiple choice was held unexpectedly, meanwhile the teaching assistant asked students to go out of the classroom one by one to check their pronunciation by reading aloud 5 words on paper.
munication: How did the teach use their voice – projection, clarity, ‘level appropriate’
speed? Were instructions clear? How did the teacher ensure that students understood explanations/instructions?
David was good at using his intonation, speed even gesture to capture attention of students. Even
his instructions and explanations were very clear, he still asked students to make sure whether they understood exactly or not
Teacher asked questions from students for clarification.
4.Teaching Materials: What kinds of materials were used? Was there a variety of aids, such as
texts, handouts, realia, OHP, video, etc?
Textbooks, test paper
5.Classroom Rapport: What was the ‘mood’ or atmosphere of the class? What was the rapport
between students-teacher and students-students?
Relaxing, interesting, interactive
students-teacher: relaxed
students-students: cooperative
6.Student participation: Were all students interested and involved throughout the lesson? How
were student-student and student-teacher interactions managed effectively? What was the ratio of teacher talking time t students talking time?
Student-student: the pair work and group discussion gave a good chance for students to communicate with each other.
Student-teacher: cooperative, interactive
Student 70%
7.Activities: What kinds of activities did you observe? Was there a variety of activities planned
and used: group work, pair work, teacher-student, student-student? Did the pace from activity to activity seem appropriate?
Pair work, group discussion, teacher-student, student-student
8.Monitoring and Error Correction: Were the students monitored while they were working?
When were the students corrected? How were the students corrected?
If it is a pronunciation mistake, it will be corrected right after the mistake.
The teacher offered the correct pronunciation.。