Preparation and electrical properties of BaPbO3 thin film
电气设计技术标准英语Electrical design is an essential process in various industries, including power generation, manufacturing, construction, and telecommunications. It involves the creation of detailed plans, specifications, and drawings for electrical systems and equipment. To ensure efficiency, safety, and compatibility, a set of technical standards must be established and followed in the electrical design process. These standards help ensure that electrical systems are designed, installed, and operated in a consistent and reliable manner. In this article, we will provide a reference list of commonly used electrical design technical standards and their key contents.1. National Electrical Code (NEC) - The NEC is a comprehensive set of standards governing electrical installations in the United States. It covers topics such as electrical wiring, grounding, overcurrent protection, and electrical equipment specifications. The NEC is regularly updated to address emerging technologies and safety concerns.2. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standards - The IEC is a global organization that develops and publishes international standards for the electrical industry. Some of the key IEC standards relevant to electrical design include IEC 60038 (Standard Voltages), IEC 60204 (Safety of Machinery - Electrical Equipment of Machines), and IEC 61346 (Industrial Systems, Installations, and Equipment and Industrial Products - Structuring Principles and Reference Designations).3. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)Standards - The IEEE is a renowned professional organization that develops standards for various fields related to electrical engineering. In the context of electrical design, the IEEE 141 standard (Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants) and the IEEE 399 standard (Recommended Practice for Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Analysis) are widely referenced.4. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards - ANSI works to develop and promote voluntary consensus-based standards in the United States. ANSI standards that are often applied in electrical design include ANSI/NETA MTS (Maintenance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems) and ANSI/NETA ATS (Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems).5. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standards - ISO develops international standards in various industries, including electrical engineering. ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management systems - Requirements) is an example of an ISO standard that may be relevant to electrical design in terms of data security and protection.6. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Regulations - OSHA is a U.S. federal agency that sets and enforces workplace safety regulations. Professionals engaged in electrical design must adhere to OSHA standards, such as those specified in Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910 Subpart S -Electrical.7. Building Codes and Regulations - Depending on the specific location and project type, electrical design must comply with applicable building codes and regulations. For example, in the United States, the International Building Code (IBC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes provide guidelines for electrical design in buildings.8. Manufacturer's Specifications and Guidelines - Electrical design often involves selecting and integrating various electrical equipment and components from different manufacturers. It is crucial to consult the manufacturer's specifications, installation guidelines, and recommended practices to ensure proper design, installation, operation, and maintenance.9. Industry-Specific Standards - Certain industries may have their own specific electrical design standards. For example, the telecommunications industry relies on standards such as Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and Electronics Industries Alliance (EIA) standards to ensure compatibility and interoperability in electrical system design.10. Local and State Regulations - Besides national and international standards, electrical design must also comply with local and state regulations, permits, and codes. These regulations may include requirements for electrical system inspections, licensing of electrical designers, and reporting procedures. These are just a few examples of the technical standards andguidelines commonly referenced in electrical design. Adhering to these standards is crucial to ensure the safety, reliability, and compatibility of electrical systems. Electrical designers must stay updated with the latest revisions, guidelines, and industry best practices to ensure compliance and deliver high-quality design solutions.。
材料试验大纲 英文
材料试验大纲英文Material Testing Outline.Introduction.The material testing outline serves as a comprehensive guide for conducting rigorous and reproducible material testing. It outlines the various stages involved in the testing process, from planning and preparation to execution and analysis. This outline aims to ensure consistency, accuracy, and safety throughout the testing procedure, ensuring reliable results that can be used for various applications, such as product development, quality control, and research.1. Testing Objectives.Before commencing the testing process, it is crucial to establish clear objectives. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound(SMART). They guide the testing team and ensure that the efforts are focused on achieving the desired outcomes. For example, the objective may be to determine the mechanical properties of a material under specific conditions or to assess the material's durability and reliability over time.2. Testing Plan.The testing plan outlines the specific steps and procedures that will be followed during the testing process. It includes information on the testing equipment and instrumentation, the test setup, the test environment, and the testing schedule. The plan also details the safety measures to be taken, ensuring the safety of the testing personnel and equipment.3. Sample Preparation.Sample preparation is a crucial step in material testing. It involves selecting the appropriate material samples, ensuring their homogeneity and consistency, and preparing them for testing. The samples should berepresentative of the material being tested and should be handled, stored, and transported according to specific guidelines to prevent any alterations in their properties.4. Test Execution.During the test execution phase, the testing plan is implemented, and the material samples are subjected to various tests. These tests may include tensile testing, compression testing, flexural testing, impact testing, fatigue testing, and more, depending on the objectives and requirements of the testing. The testing personnel should be well-trained and follow strict procedures to ensure accurate and reproducible results.5. Data Collection and Analysis.Data collection and analysis are essential for obtaining meaningful results from material testing. The testing equipment typically records various parameters, such as load, displacement, strain, stress, and time, during the testing process. These data are then analyzedusing statistical and engineering principles to derive meaningful insights about the material's properties and behavior. The analysis should be conducted by qualified personnel and should be validated to ensure its accuracy and reliability.6. Test Report and Documentation.After the completion of testing and data analysis, a detailed test report is prepared. This report summarizes the testing objectives, methods, procedures, results, and conclusions. It also includes any safety considerations, equipment calibration details, and any other relevant information. The report should be written in a clear and concise manner, enabling others to understand the testing process and results easily.7. Quality Assurance and Improvement.Quality assurance and improvement are ongoing processes in material testing. They involve monitoring the testing process, identifying any issues or discrepancies, andimplementing corrective actions to improve the accuracy and reliability of the results. Regular audits and reviews of the testing procedures and equipment are conducted to ensure their continued compliance with industry standards and best practices.In conclusion, the material testing outline provides a structured and systematic approach to material testing. It ensures that the testing process is conducted in a consistent, accurate, and safe manner, leading to reliable results that support various applications in product development, quality control, and research. By following this outline, organizations can improve their material testing capabilities, enhance product quality, and reduce risks associated with material failure.。
塑料工业CHINAPLASTICSINDUSTRY第49卷第3期2021年3月纤维增强CFP/PPS复合材料的制备与性能表征李继涛ꎬ王㊀淼ꎬ邵宝刚ꎬ相鹏伟∗(中材科技(苏州)有限公司ꎬ江苏苏州215021)㊀㊀摘要:以碳纤维(CF)和碳纤维粉末(CFP)为导电基体ꎬ制备出导电聚苯硫醚(PPS)复合材料ꎮ研究了复合材料的形貌㊁导电及力学性能ꎮ结果表明ꎬCFP能很好地分散在PPS复合材料内部ꎬ复合材料的表面电阻可达到103Ωꎮ同纯PPS复合材料相比ꎬ导电性能增加了四个数量级ꎻ一定范围内的CFP可以提高PPS复合材料的拉伸强度和冲击强度ꎻCFP含量过多时ꎬ复合材料内部因发生团聚而力学性能下降ꎮ关键词:碳纤维粉末ꎻ导电基体ꎻ聚苯硫醚ꎻ复合材料ꎻ形貌ꎻ力学性能中图分类号:TQ32㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀㊀文章编号:1005-5770(2021)03-0050-04doi:10 3969/j issn 1005-5770 2021 03 010开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):PreparationandCharacterizationofFiberReinforcedCFP/PPSCompositesLIJi ̄taoꎬWANGMiaoꎬSHAOBao ̄gangꎬXIANGPeng ̄wei(SinomaScience&Technology(Suzhou)Co.ꎬLtd.ꎬSuzhou215021ꎬChina)Abstract:Theconductivepolyphenylenesulfide(PPS)compositeswerepreparedbyusingcarbonfiber(CF)andcarbonfiberpowder(CFP).Themorphologyꎬelectricalandmechanicalpropertiesofcompositeswerestudied.TheresultsshowthatthecarbonfiberpowdercanbewelldispersedinthePPSmatrixꎬandthesurfaceresistanceofthecompositecanreach103Ω.ComparingwiththoseofneatPPSꎬtheelectricalconductivityhasincreasedbyfourordersofmagnitude.ThetensilestrengthandimpactstrengthofPPScompositescouldbeimprovedbyaddingacertainrangeofcarbonfiberpowder.Whentheadditionofcarbonfiberpowderistoomuchꎬthemechanicalpropertiesofthecompositecoulddecreaseduetotheinternalagglomeration.Keywords:CarbonFiberPowderꎻConductiveMatrixꎻPolyphenyleneSulfideꎻCompositesꎻMorphologyꎻMechanicalProperties聚苯硫醚(PPS)是全球六大通用工程塑料之一ꎬ也是全球第一大特种工程塑料[1]ꎮ作为一种有机高分子聚合物ꎬPPS的机械性能优异ꎬ但不具备导电能力ꎬ需要加入一些导电填料对PPS进行改性ꎬ从而使复合材料具备一定的导电性能ꎬ常用的导电材料有碳纤维㊁导电炭黑㊁石墨烯㊁碳纳米管和金属粉末等[2-3]ꎮ袁霞等[4]研究了不同含量碳纳米管和碳纤维填料对PPS复合材料力学性能和电导率的影响ꎬ研究得出:在PPS中添加20%的碳纤维(CF)和15%的碳纳米管(CNTs)时ꎬ复合材料的力学性能和导电性能最优ꎻ吴兰峰等[5]采用熔融共混的方式制备了PPS/CNTs复合材料ꎬ在添加少量的CNTs时ꎬCNTs可以在复合材料内部形成导电逾渗网络ꎬ给电子建立起导电传输通路ꎬ从而增加复合材料的导电性能ꎬ而增加CNTs的填充比例后ꎬCNTs发生微观聚集和应力传递矛盾导致复合材料的力学性能下降ꎮCF在提升复合材料导电性能的同时ꎬ也可以提升复合材料的力学性能和降低摩擦系数ꎮ然而ꎬCF的表面呈惰性且少量的CF同PPS复合改性后ꎬCF的粒径依然较长ꎬ无法在复合材料的内部形成导电逾渗网络ꎬ导电效果并不理想ꎮ本文选用碳纤维粉末(CFP)和CF作导电填料ꎬ制备PPS复合材料ꎬ在提升复合材料导电性能的同时ꎬ更具有良好的力学性能ꎮ1㊀实验部分1 1㊀原辅材料PPS:注塑级ꎬ浙江新和成特种材料有限公司ꎻ玻璃纤维:T443Rꎬ泰山玻璃纤维有限公司ꎻ碳纤维短切:4~8mmꎬ中复神鹰碳纤维有限责任公司ꎻ碳纤维粉末:200~500目ꎬ东丽(TORAY)株式会社ꎮ1 2㊀设备与仪器双螺杆挤出机:TDS-30Bꎬ诺达鑫业挤出设备05 ∗通信作者:相鹏伟ꎬ男ꎬ硕士ꎬ高工ꎬ主要从事高性能材料及其改性等研究ꎮxpw@sinomatech com作者简介:李继涛ꎬ男ꎬ硕士ꎬ主要从事热塑性复合材料等研究ꎮlijt@sinomatech com第49卷第3期李继涛ꎬ等:纤维增强CFP/PPS复合材料的制备与性能表征有限公司ꎻ注射成型机:EM80-Vꎬ震雄注塑(深圳)有限公司ꎻ高速混合机:SRL-100ꎬ张家港鑫达机械有限公司ꎻ鼓风干燥机:WGLL-65BEꎬ天津泰斯特仪器有限公司ꎻ扫描电子显微镜:Quanta200FEGꎬ美国Fei公司ꎻ电子万能试验机:UTM6140ꎬ深圳三思纵横科技股份有限公司ꎻ摆锤式冲击试验机:PTM2000-11Jꎬ深圳三思纵横科技股份有限公司ꎻ缺口制样机:QTM1000ꎬ深圳三思纵横科技股份有限公司ꎻ表面电阻测试仪:DSLS-385ꎬ深圳市福田区万华城电子商行ꎮ1 3㊀复合材料的制备各组试样配方如表1所示ꎮ将称取好的PPS㊁CFP等材料一起加入到高速混合机中搅拌均匀ꎬ然后将混料投入到双螺杆挤出机的主喂料中ꎬ玻璃纤维(GF)投入到侧位料1中ꎬCF投入到侧位料2中ꎬ用双螺杆挤出机挤出造粒ꎮ挤出机各段温度设置如下:一段265ħ㊁二段270ħ㊁三段275ħ㊁四段280ħꎬ五段285ħꎬ六段290ħꎬ七段295ħ㊁八段295ħ㊁九段290ħ㊁换网290ħ和机头295ħꎬ主螺杆转速:350r/minꎮ样品制备完成后110ħ下干燥4h注塑试样ꎬ注射机各段温度采用一段290ħ㊁二段300ħ㊁三段315ħꎬ注射压力3 5MPaꎬ保压压力4MPaꎬ保压时间8sꎬ冷却时间10sꎮ表1㊀实验材料的配比Tab1㊀Proportionofexperimentalmaterials配方编号PPS质量分数/%CFP质量分数/%CF质量分数/%GF质量分数/%17001020265510203601010204551510201 4㊀性能测试拉伸性能按照GB/T1040 3 2006进行ꎬ拉伸速度50mm/minꎻ冲击样条按照GB/T1043 2008进行ꎬA型缺口ꎻ悬臂梁缺口冲击强度按照GB/T1843 2008进行ꎬ摆锤能量5 5Jꎻ扫描电镜:冲击断裂面喷金处理ꎬ放置电镜下观察ꎻ导电性能:采用表面电阻测试仪测试冲击样条的表面电阻ꎮ2㊀结果与讨论2 1㊀CFP含量对PPS复合材料力学性能的影响对不同CFP含量的PPS复合材料进行力学性能表征ꎬ测试结果如图1ꎮ从图1可知ꎬ在不加CFP的情况下ꎬ复合材料的拉伸强度为120MPaꎬ加入CFP后ꎬ复合材料的拉伸性能得到急剧增强ꎬ在加入5%的CFP时ꎬ复合材料的拉伸性能达到136MPaꎬ而在CFP添加量为10%时ꎬ复合材料的拉伸性能达到最大值153MPaꎬ比不加CFP时提升了约28%的拉伸强度ꎬ继续增加CFP的添加含量ꎬ复合材料的拉伸性能不升反降ꎬ拉伸强度为127MPaꎬ但仍高于未加入CFP时复合材料的拉伸强度ꎬ因此ꎬCFP能有效地增强PPS复合材料拉伸强度ꎮCFP增强PPS复合材料ꎬ其主要作用是起到 填充 与 桥接 作用ꎬCF的表面通常呈惰性且具有一定的粒径长度ꎬ与PPS混炼后ꎬ二者并不能紧密地包覆在一起ꎬCFP是由CF磨粉而来ꎬ二者具有相同的上浆剂ꎬ可以很好的黏连在一起ꎬ同时ꎬCFP的目数较小ꎬ能填充在PPS和填料之间ꎬ从而使PPS和填料包覆得更加紧密ꎬ以致提升PPS复合材料的拉伸强度ꎮ图1㊀CFP含量对PPS复合材料力学性能的影响Fig1㊀InfluenceofCFPcontentsonmechanicalpropertiesofPPScomposites在不加入CFP时ꎬPPS复合材料的缺口冲击强度约为3 5kJ/m2ꎬ加入CFP后ꎬ复合材料的缺口冲击强度先升后降ꎬ在添加10%的CFP时ꎬPPS复合材料的缺口冲击达到最大5 4kJ/m2ꎬ与PPS复合材料拉伸性能的变化趋势相一致ꎬ由此证明ꎬ在10%的CFP添加量时ꎬPPS内部间各种填料的比例最佳ꎮCFP在PPS复合材料中只具备少量的抗冲击作用ꎬ其主要优势在于CFP能将PPS和CF紧密地黏连起来ꎬ当受到外力冲击时ꎬ外力能及时被传导给CF和PPS其他填料上ꎬ从而提升PPS复合材料的冲击强度ꎬ当PPS复合材料内部包覆得越紧密时ꎬPPS复合材料的抗冲击性能越好ꎮ图2为不同CFP含量的PPS复合材料的弯曲强度图ꎮ从图可知ꎬPPS复合材料的弯曲强度随CFP含量增加呈现先增后降的趋势ꎬ在10%的CFP含量时ꎬ复合材料的弯曲性能最佳ꎮPPS复合材料的弯曲强度之所以得到增强ꎬ其原因是CFP填补PPS和填料间细小的缝隙ꎬ使PPS复合材料间的填料彼此黏连在一起ꎬ从而起到填补补强的作用ꎮ当CFP含量过高15塑㊀料㊀工㊀业2021年㊀㊀时ꎬCFP在复合材料内部发生堆积ꎬ影响填料间的分散ꎬ使填料间排列杂乱无章ꎬ从而增强效果降低ꎮ图2㊀CFP含量对PPS复合材料弯曲强度的影响Fig2㊀InfluenceofCFPcontentsonbendingstrengthofPPScomposites2 2㊀CFP含量对PPS复合材料界面的影响选取有缺口冲击后样条的截面ꎬ对添加不同含量的CFP/PPS复合材料进行SEM表征分析ꎬ结果如图3ꎮ在图3a中ꎬ不加CFP时ꎬPPS复合材料界面间填料的取向基本一致ꎬ当材料受到冲击时ꎬ填料被大量拔出而留下孔洞ꎮ在添加5%(图3b)㊁10%(图3c)或15%(图3d)的CFP时ꎬPPS复合材料界面间填料的取向逐渐出现混乱ꎬ含量越大ꎬ取向越乱ꎬ在15%的添加量时ꎬPPS复合材料间填料间的取向趋于无序状态ꎮCFP能填补PPS和填料间的缝隙ꎬ使PPS与填料黏连在一起ꎬ当含量过高时ꎬCFP在PPS复合材料内部受到堆积ꎬ从而挤压周围的填料ꎬ导致填料间的取向呈现混乱状态ꎮ图3b~d的截面SEM中ꎬ孔洞数量少于图3aꎬ说明CFP的添加ꎬ可以提升PPS复合材料的力学性能ꎬ这与之前力学结果分析的一致ꎮa-CFP/PPS(0/100)复合材料b-CFP/PPS(5/95)复合材料c-CFP/PPS(10/90)复合材料d ̄CFP/PPS(15/85)复合材料图3㊀不同CFP含量的PPS复合材料SEM图Fig3㊀SEMimagesofPPScompositeswithdifferentCFPcontents2 3㊀CFP含量对PPS复合材料导电性能的影响表2㊀CFP含量对PPS复合材料导电性能的影响Tab2㊀TheinfluenceofCFPcontentsontheelectricalconductivityofPPScomposites材料CFP/PPS(0/100)CFP/PPS(5/95)CFP/PPS(10/90)CFP/PPS(15/85)表面电阻/Ω107105104103表2是不同CFP含量下PPS复合材料冲击样条的表面电阻测试数据ꎮ不加入CFP时ꎬPPS复合材料的表面电阻为107Ωꎬ导电介质主要是CFꎬ当加入5%的CFP时ꎬPPS复合材料的表面电阻为105Ωꎬ提升了两个数量级ꎬ添加10%的CFP时ꎬ表面电阻为104Ωꎬ添加15%的CFP时ꎬ表面电阻最大为103Ωꎬ随CFP含量的增加ꎬPPS复合材料的表面电阻呈线性增加ꎮCFP在PPS复合材料中除本身起到一定的导电作用外ꎬCFP在PPS复合材料内部间还起到 导电桥接 作用ꎬ为PPS和CF间形成导电网络通路ꎬ从而大幅度地提升PPS复合材料的导电性能ꎮ3㊀结论1)CFP可以提升PPS复合材料的力学性能ꎮ在CFP添加量为10%时ꎬPPS复合材料的整体力学性能最佳ꎮ2)CFP可以填补PPS复合材料同其他填料间的缝隙ꎬ从而影响PPS复合材料内部填料的取向ꎮ3)CFP可以在PPS复合材料内部起到 导电桥接 作用ꎬ为PPS复合材料内部形成导电通路ꎬ从25第49卷第3期李继涛ꎬ等:纤维增强CFP/PPS复合材料的制备与性能表征而大幅度地提升PPS复合材料的导电性能ꎮ参㊀考㊀文㊀献[1]徐俊怡ꎬ刘钊ꎬ洪瑞ꎬ等.聚苯硫醚的产业发展概况与复合改性进展[J].中国材料进展ꎬ2015ꎬ34(12):883-889.XUJYꎬLIUZꎬHONGRꎬetal.Progressinindustryde ̄velopmentandmodificationofpolyphenylenesulfide[J].MaterialsChinaꎬ2015ꎬ34(12):21-25. 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华侨大学课题组主要成员郭亨群1944年10月生,华侨大学教授,材料学博士生导师. 1968年毕业于北京大学技术物理系,1984年—1986年作为教育部公派访问学者到英国伦敦帝国理工学院作研究工作,1993年—1994年由国家教委公派高级访问学者到美国圣地亚哥加利福尼亚大学合作研究,1996年—2004年任华侨大学副校长,现为福建省物理学会副理事长,福建省留学生同学会副会长。
长期从事纳米材料研究,近年来在硅基纳米材料结构及其光电特性研究方面取得一系列研究成果. 主持过国家自然科学基金重大项目子课题,国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题和国家自然科学基金面上项目,参加过863项目和福建省自然科学基金重点项目研究,主持过多项福建省自然科学基金和国务院侨办基金项目,在国内外杂志上发表50多篇论文,获福建省第四届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,2005年8月国务院批准为享受政府特殊津贴专家.承担的科研项目:1 国家自然科学基金项目:纳米Si-SiNx 复合薄膜和Si/SiNx多量子阱材料制备和非线性光学性质研究(项目编号60678053), 2007年1月-2009年12月2国家自然科学基金重点项目”硅基光电子学关键器件的基础研究”(项目编号60336010) 子课题: Si基纳米材料发光和非线性光学效应研究, 2004年1月—2007年12月3 国家自然科学基金项目: 多层纳米硅复合膜F-P腔皮秒光双稳研究(项目编号60178038), 2002年1月-2002年12月4 国家自然科学基金重大项目“半导体光子集成基础研究”(项目编号69896060)子课题: 硅基非线性吸收效应及其器件应用, 1998年1月—2001年12月近期已发表的主要论著目录:1 Nonlinear optical response of nc-Si-SiO2films studied with femtosecondfour-wave mixing technique. Chinese Physics Letters, 23(11): 2989-2992( 2006)2 纳米Si镶嵌SiO2薄膜的发光与非线性光学特性的应用. 半导体学报, 27(2):345-349( 2006)3 Nonlinear optical properties of Al-doped ncSi-SiO2 composite films. 半导体学报,28(5): 640-644( 2007)4 射频磁控溅射制备掺Al的纳米Si-SiO2复合薄膜及其光致发光特性. 功能材料,37(11): 1706-1708(2006)5 Top-emitting organic light-emitting devices with improved light outcoupling andangle-independence. J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys. 39(23): 5160-5163( 2006)6 360-nm photoluminescence from silicon oxide films embedded with siliconnanocrystals. Semiconductor Photonics and Technology, 12(2): 90-94(2006)7 富硅的氮化硅薄膜的制备及发光特性. 半导体光电,28(2): 209-212(2007)8 富纳米硅氮化硅薄膜发光机制. 华侨大学学报, 28(2): 147-150(2007)9 含纳米硅氧化硅薄膜的光致发光特性. 华侨大学学报,27(3):256-258(2006)薄膜的光致发光. 华侨大学学报, 27(1):35-38(2006)10 含纳米硅粒SiO211 多层纳米硅复合膜的共振光学非线性. 光子学报, 31(11):1340-1343(2002)12 Nonlinear absorption properties of nc-Si:H thin films. Chinese Journal of Lasers.B10(1):57-60(2001)陈国华1964年1月生, 博士, 华侨大学教授, 材料学博士生导师. 1984年毕业于厦门大学化学系, 1987年于吉林大学化学系获理学硕士学位, 1999年于天津大学材料科学与工程系获工学博士学位. 1995年5月-1995年12月在日本岐阜大学工学部作访问学者, 2000年10月-2000年12月在日本长崎工业技术中心任客座研究员, 2001年3月-2002年3月为美国密执根大学化学系访问学者. 长期从事纳米材料研究,近年来进行石墨在聚合物基体的纳米分散研究和聚合物/石墨纳米复合材料的结构与性能研究. 1999年5月被授予福建省新长征突击手称号, 2004 年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划, 2004年“天然石墨在聚合物基体中的纳米分散研究”获福建省科技进步三等奖。
No.2(Serial No.191)ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MATERIALS(Founded in 1973) Bimonthly Apr.,20,2024Sponsor:Guilin Electrical Equipment Scientific Research Institute Co., Ltd.Editor in Chief:XIE YongzhongAdd:No.8 Dongcheng Road,Guilin 541004, PRCTel:+86-773-5888296Fax:+86-773-5888296New Energy MaterialStudy on the Preparation and Characteristics of Copper-Chromium Alloy Cladding Layer…………………………………………………………YE Hailong, LI Baokun, XUE Shouhong, CHEN Yan, ZHANG Shuhui (1)Study of the Defect Detection with Eddy Current Applied in Checking the Appearance of AgMeO Wire……………………………………………………BAI Yaling, WU Xiaolong, CUI Jianhua, LUO Zhanxiu, TANG Gengsheng (6)Effect of Composite Additives on Properties of AgCuO Materials Made by Alloy Internal Oxidation Method……………………………………………………………ZHOU Guanghua, LI Bo, FENG Pengfei, WU Xiaolong, LI Lianjie (9)Research on Welding Performance of Silver Impregnated Graphite Contact Materials…………………………………YU Dong, LI Qingshi, ZHANG Zhiyu, WANG Shuo, QIAN Xiyi, ZHU Zhenguo, BAI Shuo (12)Mechanism and Current Status of New Thermoelectric Materials ……………………………………………QU Liu, LIU Kaixin (16)Preparation of Modified NiCo 2S 4@C Materials Suitable for Supercapacitor Electrodes by One-Pot Solvothermal Method……………………………………………………………………………WANG Bo, LU Yunfan, LI Xiaolan, ZHANG Lilei (20)Formation Reason and Improvement Method of Stomata in Extrusion Silver Graphite Solder Layer……………………………KONG Xin, FEI Jiaxiang, WAN Dai, GUO Renjie, HE Zhenghai, LIU Hongkai, SONG Linyun (23)Study on Isothermal Internal Oxidation Process of Ag-Cd and Ag-Sn-In Alloys……………………………………………………YANG Wentao, MIAO Renliang, WAN Dai, CHEN Chan, LUO Baofeng (26)Discussion on Metal Material Processing in Material Forming and Control Engineering………………………………………………………………………………………LI Jinhua, CHEN Tianlai, LU Xiaodong (30)Novel Power SystemResearch on Closed-Loop Control Method of Bidirectional Isolated AC-DC Matrix Converter………………………………………………………………………………………LI Zhixuan, LIU Guiying, MING Wang (33)Optimal Design of Dry-type Transformer Based on MSPBO ………………………………CHENG Jiahao, DENG Changzheng (38)Research on Safety Limits of Photovoltaic Permeability Considering Overvoltage Limitation………………………………………………………WANG Guanghui, ZHAO Ping, YANG Lei, YAN Xiaomao, LI Zhenxing (44)Research on A Type of Active Clamped Seven-level PFC Topologies …………ZENG Bin, SHANG Yuzhe, PAN Yu, FAN Jianing (48)Integrated Energy Management Strategy for Complex Railway Electrification System Traction Photovoltaic Systems Considering Braking Energy Transfer ………………………………………GUO Yuejin, DING can, YOU Haichuan, ZHANG Hongrong (54)Research on Control Strategy of Off-grid Doubly-fed Wind Turbine ……………………………………………GUO Xiangyang (59)Exploration of Teaching Reform Based on Post Class Competition Certificate under the Background of Dual Carbon ——Take the Course Operation and Maintenance of Photovoltaic Power Plants as an Example ……………………………………LI Si (62)Finite Element Simulation Analysis of Prefabricated Anchor Foundation Considering Residual Strength…………………………………………………………………………………DENG Changzheng, HU Xin, YAN Xiaoming (66)Wind Farm Layout Optimization Model Considering the Influence of Restricted Area …………KONG Xianglei, MIAO Shuwei (74)Low-carbon Research on Integrated Energy System Considering Oxygen-enriched Combustion-P2G Coupling……………………………………………………………………………………………………GUO Ciwei, ZHANG Yuwen (81)Coordinated Economic Dispatch of the Comprehensive Energy System in the Park …………………………TENG Shuangquan (87)Topology Research of Hybrid High-Voltage Circuit Breaker based on Capacitance Current Limiting……………………………………………………ZHAO Yajie, XUE Tianliang, XU Guangchen, FU Zhaolong, HAN Runze (91)Non-intrusive Load Identification Based on Binary V -I Trajectory Color Coding and Residual Neural Network…………………………………………………………………………YANG Miao, YOU Wenxia, LIU Yue, WANG Xinqian (94)Short-Term Power Load Prediction Based on Improved Quadratic Mode Decomposition and BiLSTM-Attention …………………………………………………………………MEI Jinchao, ZHANG Pengyu, CHENG Bin, WU Yonghua (100)CONTENTS。
彩色滤光片的工艺流程英语Color Filter Manufacturing Process.Color filters are used in a wide variety of applications, including photography, optics, and display technology. The manufacturing process for color filters is complex and requires specialized equipment and materials.1. Substrate Preparation.The first step in the color filter manufacturing process is to prepare the substrate. The substrate is the material on which the color filter will be deposited. Substrates can be made from a variety of materials, including glass, plastic, and metal.The substrate must be cleaned and polished to remove any contaminants. The substrate must also be coated with a layer of anti-reflective material to reduce reflections.2. Color Filter Deposition.The next step is to deposit the color filter material onto the substrate. The color filter material is typically a thin film of metal or dielectric material.The color filter material can be deposited using a variety of techniques, including physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical vapor deposition (CVD), and spin coating.The deposition process is controlled to produce a color filter with the desired optical properties. The thickness of the color filter film determines the wavelength of light that is transmitted.3. Patterning.Once the color filter material has been deposited, it must be patterned to create the desired filter design. The patterning process can be performed using a variety of techniques, including photolithography, laser ablation, and etching.The patterning process is used to create the desired color filter pattern. The pattern can be designed to create a variety of effects, such as color correction, contrast enhancement, and image sharpening.4. Inspection and Testing.Once the color filter has been patterned, it must be inspected and tested to ensure that it meets the desired specifications. The inspection and testing process includes visual inspection, optical testing, and electrical testing.The inspection and testing process is used to verify that the color filter meets the desired optical and electrical properties.5. Packaging.Once the color filter has been inspected and tested, it must be packaged to protect it from damage. The packaging process includes placing the color filter in a protectivecase or container.The packaging process is used to protect the color filter from damage during shipping and handling.Color Filter Applications.Color filters are used in a wide variety of applications, including:Photography: Color filters are used to correct color balance, enhance contrast, and create special effects.Optics: Color filters are used to isolate specific wavelengths of light.Display technology: Color filters are used to create color images on displays.Color filters are an essential component of many optical systems. The manufacturing process for color filters is complex and requires specialized equipment andmaterials. However, the resulting color filters are essential for a wide variety of applications.。
施工方案 英文
Construction PlanIntroductionThe construction plan provides a detled overview of the proposed construction project. It outlines the necessary steps, materials, and resources required to successfully execute the project. This document serves as a guide for the construction team to follow throughout the construction process.ObjectiveThe primary objective of this construction project is to [insert objective here]. The plan ms to achieve this objective by [insert approach or strategy here]. This construction plan will ensure that all activities are carried out efficiently, within the allocated budget, and in compliance with safety regulations.ScopeThe scope of this construction plan includes the following:1.Site preparation: Clearing and leveling the construction site, ensuring proper drnage, and removing any obstacles or debris.2.Foundation construction: Excavating and laying the foundation, including footings and slabs.3.Structural framework: Erecting the structural framework, including columns, beams, and trusses.4.Building envelope: Installing walls, roofs, windows, and doors to enclose the structure.5.Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems: Installing all necessary MEP systems, including HVAC, plumbing, and electrical wiring.6.Interior finishing: Completing the interior finishes, such as flooring, pnting, and installation of fixtures.7.Exterior finishing: Applying exterior finishes, such as landscaping, pnting, and signage.Project PlanPre-construction Phase1.Project initiation: Identifying the project stakeholders, objectives, and constrnts.2.Permits and approvals: Obtning all necessary permits and approvals before commencing construction.3.Site assessment: Assessing the site conditions, including soil testing and surveying the area.4.Design review: Reviewing the construction drawings and specifications.Construction Phase1.Mobilization: Setting up the construction site, including temporary office spaces, storage facilities, and safety equipment.2.Site preparation: Clearing the site and preparing it for construction activities.3.Foundation construction: Excavating the site and pouring the concrete foundation.4.Structural framework: Erecting the structural components, such as columns, beams, and trusses.5.Building envelope: Installing walls, windows, and doors to enclose the structure.6.MEP systems: Installing all necessary MEP systems, including HVAC, plumbing, and electrical wiring.7.Interior finishing: Completing the interior finishes, such as flooring, pnting, and installation of fixtures.8.Exterior finishing: Applying exterior finishes, such as landscaping and pnting.Post-construction Phase1.Testing and commissioning: Testing all systems andensuring they are operating as intended.2.Quality assurance: Conducting inspections and qualitychecks to ensure compliance with specifications.3.Handover: Transferring the completed project to the clientand obtning final acceptance.4.Project closure: Completing all administrative and financialtasks associated with the project.Resources and TimelineThe following resources will be required to successfully execute this construction project:•Project manager•Architects and engineers•Construction workers and laborers•Construction equipment and machinery•Building materials and supplies•Safety equipment and gearThe estimated timeline for this project is as follows:•Pre-construction phase: [insert duration]•Construction phase: [insert duration]•Post-construction phase: [insert duration]Safety MeasuresSafety is of utmost importance throughout the construction process. The following safety measures will be implemented:•All workers will be required to wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times.•Regular safety meetings and trning sessions will be conducted to ensure awareness of safety practices.•Safety inspections will be carried out regularly to identify and address potential hazards.•Emergency response procedures will be established and communicated to all personnel on-site.•Safety barriers and signage will be installed to prevent unauthorized access to hazardous areas.ConclusionThe construction plan provides a comprehensive roadmap for the successful execution of the construction project. By following this plan, the construction team can ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and in compliance with safety regulations. Regular monitoring and updates to the plan may be necessary as the project progresses to address any unforeseen challenges or changes in requirements.。
下面是一些常见的复合材料分类的英语词汇:中文英文例句金属基复合材料Metal matrixcomposites (MMCs)金属基复合材料是由金属或合金作为基体,与陶瓷、金属或碳纤维等作为增强相组成的复合材料。
Metalmatrix composites are composites consisting of a metal or alloy as the matrix and ceramics, metals orcarbon fibers as the reinforcement phase.陶瓷基复合材料Ceramic matrixcomposites (CMCs)陶瓷基复合材料是由陶瓷或碳作为基体,与陶瓷、金属或碳纤维等作为增强相组成的复合材料。
Ceramicmatrix composites are composites consisting of ceramics or carbon as the matrix and ceramics, metals orcarbon fibers as the reinforcement phase.树脂基复合材料Resin matrixcomposites (RMCs)树脂基复合材料是由树脂(如环氧树脂、聚酯树脂等)作为基体,与玻璃纤维、碳纤维、芳纶纤维等作为增强相组成的复合材料。
Resin matrix composites are composites consisting of resin (such as epoxy resin,polyester resin, etc.) as the matrix and glass fiber, carbon fiber, aramid fiber, etc. as the reinforcementphase.碳-碳复合材料Carbon-carboncomposites (C/C)碳-碳复合材料是由碳素纤维作为增强相,经过高温处理后与碳素基体结合而成的复合材料。
大学电气工程英语教材IntroductionWelcome to the world of electrical engineering! In this textbook, we will explore the fundamental principles and concepts of electrical engineering in English. This comprehensive guide is designed to help students majoring in electrical engineering enhance their language skills and grasp the core knowledge required in this field. Let's delve into the exciting realms of electrical engineering together.Chapter 1: Basic Electrical Concepts1.1 Electric Charge- Definition and properties of electric charge- Types of electric charge: positive and negative- Conservation of electric charge- Coulomb's Law and the concept of electric field1.2 Electric Current- Definition and measurement of electric current- Ohm's Law and its application in circuits- Series and parallel circuits- Introduction to circuit elements: resistors, capacitors, and inductors1.3 Voltage and Power- Voltage: definition, measurement, and polarity- Relationship between voltage, current, and resistance- Power in electrical circuits: active, reactive, and apparent power- Power factor and its significance in electrical systemsChapter 2: Electric Circuits2.1 Circuit Analysis Techniques- Kirchhoff's Laws and their application in circuit analysis- Node and mesh analysis methods- Superposition theorem and its application in solving complex circuits - Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits2.2 Circuit Theorems- Maximum power transfer theorem- Reciprocity theorem- Tellegen's theorem- Millman's theorem2.3 AC Circuits- Introduction to alternating current (AC)- AC waveforms: sinusoidal, square, and triangular- Phasor representation of AC quantities- Impedance and admittance in AC circuitsChapter 3: Electrical Machines3.1 Transformers- Principle of operation of transformers- Types of transformers: step-up, step-down, and isolation transformers- Transformer efficiency and regulation- Auto-transformers and their applications3.2 Electric Motors- Introduction to electric motors- DC motors: types, characteristics, and applications- AC motors: induction, synchronous, and stepper motors- Motor control techniques: speed control, torque control, and position control3.3 Power Generation and Distribution- Thermal power plants- Hydroelectric power plants- Renewable energy sources: solar and wind power- Power transmission and distribution systemsChapter 4: Electrical Safety and Regulations4.1 Electrical Safety- Hazards associated with electrical systems- Safety precautions and regulations- Personal protective equipment (PPE)- Grounding and bonding requirements4.2 Codes and Standards- International electrical standards: IEC, ANSI, and IEEE- National Electrical Code (NEC) and its application- Electrical inspections and compliance requirements- Proper documentation and labeling of electrical installationsConclusionThis comprehensive English-language textbook for university electrical engineering students covers essential concepts and principles in the field. By studying this textbook, students will develop their language skills and gain a solid understanding of electrical engineering topics. Remember to actively engage with the content, solve practice problems, and seek clarification when needed. Best of luck on your journey to becoming proficient in electrical engineering!。
Effect of substrate temperature on structural, electrical and optical
Effect of substrate temperature on structural,electrical and opticalproperties of sprayed tin oxide (SnO 2)thin filmsP.S.Patil a,*,R.K.Kawar a ,T.Seth b ,D.P.Amalnerkar b ,P.S.Chigare aaT hin Film Physics Laboratory,Department of Physics,Shivaji University,Kolhapur-416004,IndiabCenter for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET),Off.Pashan Road,Panchavati,Pune-411008,IndiaReceived 4April 2002;received in revised form 9September 2002;accepted 15November 2002AbstractThe thin films of undoped tin oxide (SnO 2)were deposited onto the amorphous glass substrates using a pneumatic spray pyr-olysis technique (SPT).The films were deposited at various substrate temperatures ranging from 300to 500 C in steps of 50 C.The effect of substrate temperature on structural,electrical and optical properties was studied.The thermal behavior of the pre-cursor SnCl 4.5H 2O is described in the results of thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA)and differential thermal analysis (DTA).Infrared (IR)spectroscopic studies reveal that the strong vibration band characteristic of SnO 2stretching is present around 620cm À1.The Raman spectrum of SnO 2films indicated bonding between Sn and O 2at 580cm À1.The X-ray diffraction study showed that all the films were polycrystalline with major reflex along (110)plane,manifested with amelioration of grain size at an elevated substrate temperature.The films deposited at 450 C exhibited lowest resistivity (0.7 cm)and consequently highest n-type con-ductivity among all the samples.The direct band gap energy was found to vary from 3.62to 3.87eV and transmittance at 630nm varies from 73to 85%with a rise in substrate temperature.#2003Elsevier Ltd and Techna S.r.l.All rights reserved.Keywords:Tin oxide;Thin films;Spray pyrolysis technique (SPT);Characterization1.IntroductionTin oxide is a multifaceted material having uses in optical technology [1],consequently leading to almost impenetrable literature [2].Tin oxide thin films have been successfully demonstrated as transparent con-ductors (TC),optical windows for the solar spectrum,stability resistors,touch-sensitive switches,digital dis-plays,light emitting diodes (LEDs),electrochromic dis-plays (ECDs),and many more [3–5],mainly due to their outstanding properties.The consensus of the researchers is that for TC,high transmittance (T %)and relatively low electrical resis-tivity ( )is desirable while for applications such as dis-play devices and LEDs,low electrical resistivity is desirable and not high transmittance [6].These applica-tions rely on itinerant electrons that stem from the ionization of the dopants and enter the conduction band.For ECDs,which hinges on the ability of thematerial to sustain mixed conduction of ions and elec-trons,low electrical resistivity is more desirable than high transmittance [7,8],additionally it is useful to have some water content in the resultant film [1,4],which plays key role in inducing electrochromic (EC)effect.It is noticed from the literature survey that the variety of methods of preparation will lead to the layers having different optical and electrical properties,which evokes critical influence of oxygen vacancies,serving as donor in tin oxide films [9,10].In principle physical methods viz.sputtering [1,5],and thermal evaporation [11],lead to weakly non-stoichiometric tin oxide with co-existence of other insulating phases like SnO,resulting into rela-tively high resistive films.The range of resistivity in as-deposited SnO x films typically varies from 6.6Â10À3to 2.5Â10À3 cm [5].On the other hand chemical meth-ods especially spray pyrolysis technique,lead to strongly non-stoichiometric tin oxide films without co-existence of insulating phases,resulting into comparatively low resistive films [6,12–19].The electrical resistivity in as-deposited SnO x films typically varies from 1.45Â10À3 cm to 0.45Â10À3 cm,which is several times less than0272-8842/03/$30.00#2003Elsevier Ltd and Techna S.r.l.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S0272-8842(02)00224-9Ceramics International 29(2003)725–734/locate/ceramint*Corresponding author.E-mail address:patilps_2000@ (P.S.Patil).thefilms deposited by physical methods.Therefore,it can be concluded that the SnO xfilms deposited by spray pyrolysis technique are more susceptible to oxygen deficiencies[13,14,16,18,19].We are interested in SnO xfilms in connection with the electrochromism.Electrochromic tin oxidefilms were described recently by Orel et al.[7]and Olivi et al.[8] who prepared their samples by dip-coating and Isidor-osson et al.[1]by sputtering and emphasize the impor-tance of various properties that SnO x should exhibit for attaining pronounced electrochromism.In this investi-gation,we have employed spray pyrolysis technique for SnO x thinfilm deposition and discussed their structural, electrical and optical properties.The deposition has been carried out from aqueous stannic chloride solu-tion,with a postulation that the resultantfilms may have some water content[1,4],which would be in turn beneficial for better electrochromic effect.Several experiments on electrochromism in SnO x thinfilms are underway and results will be disseminated elsewhere. 2.ExperimentalThe tin oxidefilms were prepared by using pentahy-drated stannic chloride(SnCl4.5H2O)aqueous solution as a precursor.By using double distilled water,0.1M stannic chloride solution was prepared and sprayed through specially designed glass nozzle of0.5mm inner diameter onto the ultrasonically cleaned amorphous glass substrates.The deposition parameters like solution concentration(0.1M),rate of spraying solution(5cc minÀ1)nozzle to substrate distance(28cm),pressure of carrier gas(1kg cmÀ2)and to and fro frequency of the nozzle(15cycles minÀ1)were kept constant at the opti-mized values indicated in brackets.The substrate tem-perature was varied from300to500 C in steps of50 C using electronic temperature controller,model9601 (Aplab make)with an accuracy ofÆ5 C.The Chromel-Alumel thermocouple was used to measure the tem-peratures of the hot plate.Thefilms prepared at300, 350,400,450and500 C are denoted by S1,S2,S3,S4 and S5,respectively.All thefilms were transparent, adherent to the substrates,uniform,pinhole free and stable for long period when kept in the atmosphere. Thefilms were characterized by means of structural, electrical and optical techniques.To select the range of substrate temperature for deposition,thermo gravi-metric analysis(TGA)and differential thermal analysis (DTA)of stannic chloride(SnCl4.5H2O, A.Rgrade purity97%)was carried out using TA instrument (USA)STD2960(simultaneous DSC–TGA).The pow-der scratched from depositedfilms was characterized by Infrared(IR)spectroscopy using Perkin Elmer IR spec-trometer model783in the spectral range200–4000cmÀ1. To record I Rpatterns,the pellets were prepared by mixing KBr with tin oxide powder collected by scratch-ing thinfilms from glass substrates in the ratio300:1 and then pressing powder between two pieces of polished steel.All the samples of tin oxide were char-acterized by specially resolved Raman scattering using 150mW at laser head and4mW on the sample of514.5 nm line of an argon ion laser.The scattered light was dispersed through the JY-T64000Triple Mono-chromator System and detected with a liquid nitrogen cooled,high resolution charge coupled device(CCD) detected in the Z(XX)Z back scattering geometry.The size of the laser spot on the sample is1.2m m with100X objectives.The structural properties of thefilms were studied by a Philips PW3710X-ray diffractometer using Cu K a radiation of wavelength1.5405A operated at25kV,20 mA.The scanning electron micrographs(SEMs)were carried out by Philips Make XL series,XL30.The thickness of thefilm was measured using weight differ-ence method by considering bulk density of the material (6.95mg/cc).The electrical resistivity was determined by means of two point probe method in the temperature range of300–575K withÆ5K accuracy.The Seebeck measurements were carried out with the help of thermo-electric power(TEP)unit in the temperature range of 300–575K withÆ5K accuracy.The optical absorption and transmittance were studied with UV–vis-NI Rspec-trophotometer,Hitachi model330in the wavelength range of300–850nm at room temperature.3.Results and discussion3.1.Thermal decomposition characteristic of stannic chloride,(SnCl4.5H2O)The thermal decomposition behaviors of the pre-cursor,SnCl4.5H2O were studied using TG and DT analyses techniques.TGA and DTA were performed from45to800 C with alumina as a reference material at the scan rate of10 C per minute.The DTA chamber was purged with an ambient air at theflow rate of100 cm3/min.The TGA and DTA thermograms obtained for SnCl4.5H2O are shown in Fig.1(a and b).The ther-mal evolution in air takes place in six consecutive stages with weight losses for which inflection points coincide with the temperature corresponding to exothermic and endothermic peaks in DTA trace.The weight loss of the precursor begins as heat is applied at45 C.It is clearly depicted that the loss of water from the precursor take place at various temperatures,70,100,140and150 C, corresponding to which endothermic peaks were observed.The total weight loss corresponding to removal of both the physisorbed and chemisorbed water of crystallization(5H2O)is calculated to be about87%. The regular weight loss commences at about170 C,726P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International29(2003)725–734which is the indication of onset of the thermal decom-position of the precursor.This regular weight loss con-tinues up to 450 C.During this temperature range,the weight loss is mainly due to the expulsion of Cl Àions form the precursor,which leads to the formation of non-stoichiometric tin oxide.After 450 C,the rate of weight loss is very slow up to 700 C.This evinces that at 450 C,transformation of non-stoichiometric tin oxide to nearly stoichiometric tin oxide takes place.This process of transformation continues up to about 700 C.It is difficult to calculate exact degree of non-stoichio-metry from present analysis.Beyond 700 C no further weight loss takes place to up to 850 C,indicating formation of stoichiometric SnO 2at 700 C.3.2.Film formation and thickness measurement 3.2.1.Film formationStannic chloride solution was sprayed on to the pre-heated amorphous glass substrates through specially designed glass nozzle.The sprayed droplets undergo evaporation,solute condensation and thermal decom-position thereby resulting in the formation of tin oxide thin films.3.2.2.Thickness measurementThickness of the deposited films was measured by using weight difference method.The relation (1)was used to deduce the film thickness (t ),t ¼m A ð1Þwhere m is the mass of the film deposited on area A and is the bulk density of the material.The values of thickness obtained by this method are listed in Table 1.It is noted that film thickness decreases from 0.95to 0.4m m with rise in substrate temperature.The rise in substrate temperature increases evaporation rate of initial product leading to diminish mass transport towards the surface of the hot substrates resulting into the decrement in the film thickness.The actual values of film thickness would slightly be higher as the film den-sity is certainly not equal to the bulk density,considered for the film thickness calculations.3.3.Infrared spectroscopy (IR)The Rtransmittance spectrum presents information about phase composition as well as the way oxygen is bound to the metal ions (M–O structure).Rtransmit-tance spectra of the powder scratched from the samples in the wavelength range 200–4000cm À1are shown in Fig.2.The spectrum for sample S1comprises seven trans-mission bands at 580cm À1(n 1),620cm À1(n 2),1020cm À1(n 3),1370cm À1(n 4),1400cm À1(n 5),1600cm À1(n 6)and 3460cm À1(n 7).The n 1and n 2bands corre-spond to Sn–O and Sn–O 2stretching,respectively.The bands n 3,n 4and n 5can be assigned to chloride (Cl À)ions retained in the film,since the film under investiga-tion is prepared at lower substrate temperature (300 C).The water bending vibrations have produced n 6(H–OH stretching)and n 7(physisorbed water)bands.The inclusion of water molecules might be due to (i)water of crystallization retained in the sample as deposition tem-perature was 300 C;(ii)absorption of water during mixing and pelleting with KBr and (iii)entrapmentofFig.1.(a)Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA)and (b)differential thermal analysis (DTA)of the precursor powder of stannic chloride salt (SnCl 4.5H 2O)in the temperature range 25–850 C.Table 1Effect of substrate temperature on properties of tin oxide thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis technique Sample no.Substratetemperature ( C)Thickness (m m)Grain size (A)Roomtemperature resistivity ( RT , cm)Thermo emf (m V/ C)Donor activation energy Band gap energy (eV)T %at 630nmRegion I (eV)Region II (eV)S13000.9539 4.4450.0080.16 3.6273S23500.9042 2.6360.0080.15 3.8478S34000.7855 1.1310.0080.11 3.8679S44500.59590.7220.0080.10 3.8782S55000.40651.7160.0080.133.8585P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International 29(2003)725–734727water vapour during spray deposition.Analogous result is reported by Senguttuvan et al.[20].The I.R.spectrum for the S2sample depicts that the bands due to ClÀions (n3,n4and n5)became feeble and disappeared com-pletely above it.Moreover the n6and n7bands get wea-kened appreciably at and above400 C,although cannot be completely alleviated.This indicates that the samples deposited below400 C(S1and S2)do contain ClÀion contamination and are hydrated,while those deposited at and above it(S3,S4and S5)are devoid of ClÀion contamination and are relatively less hydrated. The O/Sn ratio was estimated from energy dispersive analysis by X-ray spectroscopy(EDAX)technique.It was about1.7for samples S3,S4and S5and about1.6 for S1and S2samples.3.4.Raman spectroscopyThis spectroscopy gives information on Sn–O2bond-ing Fig.3shows Raman spectrum for S1sample.The broad peak at$580cmÀ1is associated with tin-oxygen (Sn–O)stretching mode.Absorption at$1090cmÀ1 has been ascribed to stretching vibration mode terminal Sn–O2bands.These results are consistent with the results obtained in I Rspectroscopy.3.5.X-ray diffraction studiesThe XRD patterns of all thefilms prepared at differ-ent substrate temperatures are shown in Fig.4.It is found that all the tin oxidefilms are polycrystalline in nature and are of a cassiterite tetragonal(rutile type) structure with a major reflex along(110)plane.Other phases like b-SnO,a-SnO,Sn2O3,Sn3O4,etc.,are not observed.The preferred orientation remains along(110) plane for all the samples S1,S2,S3,S4and S5irrespec-tive of the substrate temperature and consequently the film thickness.Other planes corresponding to(101), (200),(211),(220),(310)and(301)also appeared with weak intensities.Similar results have been reported for spray deposited tin oxide(SnO2)films by Vasu et al.[15] and for evaporated SnO2films by Das et al.[10].Czapla et al.[9]have reported for evaporated tin oxide(SnO2)films that other low intensity peaks of thefilms dimin-ished at the substrate temperature above400 C and the (110)plane became the strongest under the condition of varying substrate temperature of thefilms.The d values(interplaner spacings)of XRD reflections shown in Fig.4were estimated and compared with the standard d values taken from Joint Commission for Powder Diffraction Standards(JCPDS)data,card No.41-1445.The observed d values were in good agree-ment with the standard d values,confirming that the material deposited is SnO2.The observed and standard d values are listed in Table2.It is manifested that as the substrate temperature increases,the intensity corre-sponding to major(110)plane gets enhanced,which shows that thefilms deposited at higher temperatures have better crystallinity.It is conceived that the tin oxidefilms deposited by physical techniques like,sputtering,electron beam eva-poration,and thermal evaporation consist ofmixed Fig.2.Rspectra of all the samples of tin oxide thinfilms deposited at various substrate temperatures,S1(300 C),S2(350 C),S3(400 C),S4 (450 C)and S5(500 C).728P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International29(2003)725–734phases of b-SnO,a-SnO,Sn2O3[10,11,21,22].It is also observed that thefilms deposited at low substrate tem-perature($150 C),with a higher initial value of x in SnO x,take up the crystalline structure of SnO2more easily upon annealing[11].However,the tin oxidefilms deposited by spray pyrolysis technique using aqueous and non-aqueous SnC14.5H2O precursor solutions con-sist of SnO2phase only.The preferred orientation of the crystallites was reported to be along(110)plane for SnO2films derived from lower concentration(below0.1 M)of aqueous SnC14.5H2O precursor solution with small crystallite size[23]and that along(200)plane for thefilms derived from higher concentration(above0.1 M)of non-aqueous SnC14.5H2O precursor solution with larger crystallite size[16,17].The X-ray results in this investigation matches well with the literature results [12].In order to determine the crystallite size,a slow scan of XRD pattern between25and27 (since major reflex is found in this range)was carried out with the step 0.02 /min for all the samples.The size of the crystallites oriented along(110)plane can be deduced using Scherrer’s formula(2),[24].D¼0:9l:cosð2Þwhere D is the size of crystallite, is the broadening of diffraction line measured at half its maximum intensity in radians and l is the wavelength of X-rays(1.5405A). Here,we presume that values of angle , and instru-mental error are common for all samples.The calculated values of crystallite size for all the samples are given in Table1.From the values of crystallite size,it is found that the grain size increases from39to65A with increase in substrate temperature300–500 C.This may be due to the fact that the smaller crystallites have sur-faces with sharper convexity.This provides larger area of contact between adjacent crystallite,facilitating coalescence process to from larger crystallites[25].3.6.Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and electrical resistivityFig.5(a–d)shows SEMs of the S1,S2,S3and S4 samples,respectively,withÂ10,000magnification.It is observed that samples S1has more asperity(rough sur-face morphology)than other samples and no well defined crystallites can be seen,which renders higher room temperature electrical resistivity(r RT)in it.Sam-ple S2has more uniform surface than S1,which is probably responsible for their slightly lower value of room temperature electrical resistivity RT.Upon fur-ther rise in the deposition temperature(sample S3 deposited at400 C),thefilm surface became highly smooth with more uniformity and devoid of pin-holes. Some spherical shaped grains have started forming on the surface.This might have decreased grain boundary scattering and resulted into lowering of room tempera-ture electrical resistivity than that of S2sample.The sample S4,which was deposited at450 C consists of uniform distribution of spherical grains with relatively higher density,there by minimizing the grain boundary scattering.The crystallite size was estimated to be59A. Fig.3.The Raman spectrum of the S1(300 C)sample of tin oxide thinfilm.P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International29(2003)725–734729Fig.4.The XRD patterns of SnO 2thin films deposited at various substrate temperatures,S1(300 C),S2(350 C),S3(400 C),S4(450 C)and S5(500 C).Table 2.Comparison of the observed and standard d values of tin oxide thin films prepared at various substrate temperatures Standard d values (A)Observed d values for samples (A )S1S2S3S4S5(hkl)plane 3.34703.3570 3.3415 3.3527 3.3438 3.3515(110)2.6427 2.6414 2.6234 2.6463 2.6278 2.6507(101)2.3690 2.3684 2.3780 2.3699 2.3609 2.3820(200)1.7641 1.7738 1.7622 1.7665 1.7600 1.7665(211)1.6750–1.6802 1.6744 1.6761 1.6816(220)1.4984 1.4949 1.5000 1.4969 1.4968 1.5005(310)1.41551.40421.41931.42331.4206–(301)730P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International 29(2003)725–734The sample is completely devoid of asperity and pin-holes.Thus sample S4has lowest room temperature resistivity among all other samples.The XRD results echo abovefindings,as well.Thus the thermal energy produced at450 C deposition temperature at given solution concentration(0.1M)is sufficient enough to enforce the thin layers to grow more uniformly withfine grain structure and consequently become more con-ductive.Further increase in crystallite’s size(65A)is observed at500 C deposition temperature(samples S5; SEM not shown).It also has higher crystallinity as evi-denced by XRD results.However,its room temperature resistivity( RT)is slightly higher than S4sample.It is concluded that the asperity in tin oxide thinfilms wanes with deposition temperature,which in turn induces higher conductivity,at450 C being maximum.Sample S5has better crystallinity among others samples but exhibit relatively higher resistivity.In this case two mechanisms compete.While the ordering of the structure leads to a less resistantfilm,the oxidation draws the SnO x near to its stoichiometric oxide,i.e.diminishes its defects which are responsible for the conductivity; increasing thefilm resistance.Pure stoichiometric undoped SnO2films exhibit resistivity of order of 7.1–3.4Â10À1 cm[16].Temperature dependence of electrical resistivity is an important aspect to explore.Fig.6shows variation of log versus reciprocal of temperate(T)for all the sam-ples.The plot shows two distinct regions having differ-ent slopes,corresponding to low temperature region (region-I)and high temperature region(region-II).In region-I,the resistivity( )is almost constant up to340 K after which it decreases rapidly with rise in tempera-ture of the sample up to575K.The donor activation energy values are shown in Table1.The existence of two regions is reported by Vishwakarma et al.[22]for CVDfilms.The decrement in resistivity of the samples with temperature is due to decrement in grainboundary Fig.5.Scanning electron micrographs(SEMs)of the samples of tin oxide thinfilms deposited at various substrate temperatures,S1(300 C),S2 (350 C),S3(400 C)and S4(450 C).P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International29(2003)725–734731concentration [11]and increment in oxygen vacancies [13],which enhance carrier concentration and mobility of the charge carriers.Typical values of carrier concentration (n )and mobi-lity of the charge carriers for the spray deposited SnO 2films are reported to be about 2.7Â1019cm 3and 6cm 2V À1s À1for 300 C and 1.2Â1018cm 3and 15cm 2V À1s À1for 450 C,respectively [18,21].The activation energy values in region I indicate the presence of a shallow donor levels near the bottom of the conduction band,where as the presence of activation energy in region-II indicates presence of deep donor levels,which might have resulted from defects and impurities such as iron and chromium.Generally,the films grown by spray pyrolysis are reported to consist of iron and chromium impurities,which cannot be totally alleviated [15].3.7.Thermo-electric power measurementThermo-electric power (TEP)is the ratio of thermally generated voltage to the temperature difference across the semiconductor.This gives the information about charge carriers in the given material.For tin oxide material,conduction electrons originate from ionizeddefects such as oxygen vacancies.TEP of all the samples was studied in the temperature range 300–575K using TEP unit with alumel-chromel thermocouple with Æ5K accuracy.Thermally generated electrons in the semi-conductor always migrate from hot end to cold end.The polarity of thermally generated voltage at the hot junction was positive indicating that the films exhibit n-type conductivity.The variation of the thermo emf with temperature difference (ÁT )for all the samples is shown in Fig.7.From the plot,it is observed that thermo emf increases almost linearly with increase in the tempera-ture difference.The magnitude of TEP decreases with increase in deposition temperature,which may be attributed to the amelioration of crystallinity,due to which intergranular barrier height decreases.The values of thermo-electric power (TEP)lie in the range of 16–45m V/ C and the values are listed in Table 1.It has been frequently reported in the literature that as the carrier concentration in SnO 2increases,TEP decreases and TEP continues to increase with increasing temperature [22].In our investigation,we have anticipated that due to asperity and relatively poor crystallinity sample S1has low carrier concentration,due to which TEP in this sample has large value in the studied temperature range.As films become smooth and crystalline in order of S2,S3and S4,TEP values subsequently deceasetherebyFig.6.The variation of log versus (1000/T )for all the samples of tin oxide thin films deposited at various substrate temperatures,S1(300 C),S2(350 C),S3(400 C),S4(450 C)and S5(500C).Fig.7.The variation of thermo-emf (mV)versus temperature differ-ence,ÁT ,(K)for all the samples of tin oxide thin films deposited at various substrate temperatures,S1(300 C),S2(350 C),S3(400 C),S4(450 C)and S5(500 C).732P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International 29(2003)725–734convincing the above effect.It is interesting to note that the TEP values for sample S5are lower than samples S1and S2and higher than that of samples S3and S4.This indicates that although,sample S5exhibits better crys-tallinity,as it is approaching towards stoichiometric SnO 2,carrier concentration,resulting from oxygen vacancies,decreases thereby incrementing the TEP values,deferring from the trend.3.8.Optical propertiesIt is well known that SnO 2is a degenerate semi-conductor with band gap energy (Eg )in the range of 3.4–4.6eV [9,14].This scatter in band gap energy (Eg )of SnO 2may be due to varied extent of non-stoichio-metry of the deposited layers.The dependency of the band gap energy on the carrier concentration has been explicitly given in the literature [14].It has been appre-hended that band gap energy increases linearly with the increase in carrier concentration to the power 2/3.Fig.8shows the variation of ( h )2versus h for all the samples.The nature of the plots indicates the exis-tence of direct optical transitions.The band gap (Eg )is determined by extrapolating the straight-line portion of the plot to the energy axis.The intercept on energy axis gives the value of band gap energy Eg for all the sam-ples and the values lie in the range of 3.62–3.87eV and are given in Table 1.It is noticed that band gap energyvalue is minimum (3.62eV)for sample S1,amongst all other samples,owing to lower carrier concentration.It increases gradually and attains maximum (3.87eV)for sample S4,carrier concentration being higher for sam-ple S4.As carrier concentration is higher,absorption of the light by the carriers also increase,leading to higher absorption coefficient ( )in the sample S4.As carrier concentration decreases,absorption by the carriers also decreases,resulting into lower a values in other samples.For sample S5,the band gap energy value slightly decreases to 3.85eV.The constituents of valance and conduction band in SnO 2have been described by Munnix and Schmeits [26].The width of the valance band is about 9eV,which has been segmented in three different regions resulting from,(i)coupling of Sn s orbitals and O p orbitals,(ii)min-gling of O p orbitals with smaller fraction of Sn p orbi-tals and (iii)mainly O p lone pair orbitals.The Sn s states mainly contribute to the formation of bottom of conduction band and top of conduction band has dominated Sn p character.The above discussion is clear enough to understand s !p direct optical transition in SnO 2thin films.Our result also matches well with above discussion hence we conclude that in spray deposited undoped SnO 2film direct s !p optical transitions pre-vail.The transmittance of all the samples was measured in the wavelength range 300–850nm using UV–vis-NIR spectrophotometer.The observed transmittance of all the samples at 630nm was listed in Table 1.From the values,sample S5shows maximum (85%)transmittance among the samples.It is also observed that the transmittance increases with the substrate temperature.4.ConclusionsThe simple and inexpensive spray pyrolysis technique was used to prepare thin films of tin oxide onto the amorphous glass substrates.During spray deposition,pyrolytic decomposition of SnCl 4.5H 2O precursor solu-tion at the substrate temperatures 300–450 C leads to the formation of non-stoichiometric tin oxide.Samples prepared at 500 C appear to be nearly stoichiometric.It is observed from DTA and TGA studies that the complete pyrolytic decomposition of the precursor takes place at about 700 C,leading to stoichiometric SnO 2.The existence of Sn–O and Sn–O 2bands were confirmed from Rand R aman Spectra.The O/Sn ratio was esti-mated to be about 1.7for the samples deposited above 350 C and 1.6for those deposited below it.The XRD studies revealed that all the films are polycrystalline in nature and crystallinity and grain size ameliorates with increase in substrate temperature.The room tempera-ture electrical resistivity of all the samples lies in the range of 4.4–0.7 cm.Sample S4exhibits lowestRTFig.8.The variation of ( h )2versus h for all the samples of tin oxide thin films deposited at various substrate temperatures,S1(300 C),S2(350 C),S3(400 C),S4(450 C)and S5(500 C).P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International 29(2003)725–734733。
The preparation and dielectric properity of new transparent Ba( 6-1.5x)LaxTi2Nb8O30 ceramics
Abstract Introduction Experiments Results and discussion Conclusions
Ba( 6-1.5x)LaxTi2Nb8O30(0<x<4) (abbreviated as BLTN(x/2/8))transparent ceramics were fabricated by hot pressing method. They show relatively low permittivities and high extinction ratios and transmittance. And they are without lead,corrspondingly without poison and pollution. They have the potential to replace PLZT in some high frenquency applicantions such as laser pulsers,optical modulators and optical antenuators.
The tungsten-bronze structure includes two types: the tetragonal crystal system which is intergrowth at the peak along the c-axis (most common and studied here) and the rhombohedral crystal system which is the distoration along the diagonal of the crystal cell. its general formula is [(A1)2(A2)4C4][(B1)2(B2)8]O30, where, A1=Ca,Ba,Pb A2=Li,Na,Ka B1=Ti B2=Nb,Ta C=orher solid ions
1z dram 工艺流程
1z dram 工艺流程English Answer:1z DRAM Process Flow.The 1z DRAM process flow involves several steps, starting from wafer preparation and ending with final testing and packaging. Let's take a look at the key stages of the process:1. Wafer Preparation: The process begins with the preparation of silicon wafers. These wafers are carefully cleaned and polished to ensure a smooth surface for subsequent processing.2. Photolithography: In this step, a layer of photoresist is applied to the wafer surface. A photomask, which contains the desired pattern, is then aligned and exposed to ultraviolet light. This process transfers the pattern onto the photoresist layer.3. Etching: After the photolithography step, the exposed areas of the photoresist are etched away, leaving behind the desired pattern on the wafer surface. This pattern defines the circuitry of the DRAM cells.4. Ion Implantation: Ion implantation is used to introduce impurities into specific regions of the wafer, which helps control the electrical properties of the DRAM cells. This step is crucial for achieving the desired performance characteristics of the memory cells.5. Deposition: Various thin films, such as dielectric layers and metal interconnects, are deposited onto the wafer surface using techniques like chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and physical vapor deposition (PVD). These layers provide insulation and facilitate the interconnection of the DRAM cells.6. Annealing: After deposition, the wafer is subjected to a high-temperature annealing process. This step helps to improve the structural integrity of the deposited layersand optimize their electrical properties.7. Testing and Packaging: Once the fabrication process is complete, the individual DRAM chips on the wafer are tested for functionality and performance. After passing the tests, the chips are cut into individual units and packaged into appropriate memory modules.中文回答:1z DRAM 工艺流程。
核电厂换料大修流程英文回答:Nuclear Power Plant Refueling and Overhaul Procedure.1. Planning and preparation.Develop a detailed plan for the refueling and overhaul outage, including timelines, resources, and safety protocols.Perform a comprehensive risk assessment to identify and mitigate potential hazards.Gather and inspect necessary equipment, materials, and tools.2. Outage commencement.Shut down the reactor and cool it down to a safetemperature.Establish a clean and controlled work environment.3. Fuel handling.Remove the spent fuel assemblies from the reactor core and transport them to a designated storage facility.Load fresh fuel assemblies into the reactor core.Inspect and maintain fuel handling equipment.4. Reactor vessel maintenance.Inspect the reactor vessel for any signs of corrosion, cracks, or other damage.Perform necessary repairs or replacements.5. Steam generator maintenance.Inspect the steam generators for any signs of leaks, corrosion, or other damage.Perform necessary cleaning, repairs, or replacements.6. Turbine maintenance.Inspect the turbine for any signs of wear, damage,or vibration.Perform necessary cleaning, repairs, or replacements.7. Electrical system maintenance.Inspect the electrical systems for any signs of damage, corrosion, or electrical faults.Perform necessary repairs or replacements.8. Instrumentation and control system maintenance.Inspect and calibrate the instrumentation andcontrol systems to ensure proper operation.Perform necessary updates or modifications.9. Outage completion.Start up the reactor and return it to normal operation.Conduct post-outage testing to verify proper operation of all systems.中文回答:核电厂换料大修流程。
电线电缆的生产制造流程英文介绍英文回答:Production and Manufacturing Process of Wires and Cables.1. Raw Material Preparation.Copper Smelting: Copper ore is smelted to produce pure copper.Aluminum Ingots: Aluminum ingots are used forelectrical cables.Insulation Materials: Polymers like PVC, XLPE, and EPR are used for insulation.2. Wire Drawing.Smelting: Copper or aluminum is drawn through a seriesof dies to reduce its diameter and increase its strength.Annealing: Wires are heated to soften them and improve their conductivity.3. Stranding.Bunching: Multiple wires are twisted together to form a strand.Stranding: Strands are twisted together to form a cable core.4. Insulation.Extrusion: Molten insulation material is extruded onto the cable core to provide electrical insulation.Curing: The insulation is heated or chemically treated to harden it.5. Sheathing.Jacketing: An outer layer of material, such as PVC or polyethylene, is applied for protection and moisture resistance.Armoring: Metal wires or tapes are applied over the jacket for additional strength.6. Testing and Finishing.Electrical Testing: Cables are tested for conductivity, insulation resistance, and voltage withstand.Physical Testing: Cables are tested for tensile strength, flexibility, and resistance to chemicals and moisture.Packaging and Shipping: Cables are packaged andshipped to customers.中文回答:电线电缆的生产制造流程。
更换电气配件流程规范Changing electrical accessories is an important and often necessary task in many industries and buildings. It is crucial to have a standardized process in place to ensure the safety and efficiency of the replacement process. Besides, a standardized process can also help to minimize errors and streamline the entire operation.更换电气配件是许多行业和建筑物中的一个重要且通常必要的任务。
One of the key aspects of a standardized process for changing electrical accessories is proper planning and preparation. This includes identifying the specific accessories that need to be replaced, ensuring that the necessary tools and equipment are available, and assessing the potential risks and hazards associated with the replacement process.更换电气配件的标准化流程的一个关键方面是妥善的规划和准备工作。
康铜电阻合金制备流程The preparation process of Kangtong resistance alloy involves several steps to ensure the quality and performance of the final product. 康铜电阻合金的制备过程涉及多个步骤,以确保最终产品的质量和性能。
First and foremost, the raw materials used in the preparation process play a crucial role in determining the characteristics of the Kangtong resistance alloy. 首先,制备过程中使用的原材料对确定康铜电阻合金的特性起着至关重要的作用。
The selection of raw materials depends on the desired properties of the final alloy, such as resistance to corrosion, high temperature stability, and electrical conductivity. 原材料的选择取决于最终合金所需的特性,如耐腐蚀性、高温稳定性和电导率。
Once the raw materials are selected, they undergo a series of processing steps, such as mixing, alloying, and heat treatment, to achieve the desired composition and microstructure. 一旦选择了原材料,它们就会经历一系列的加工步骤,如混合、合金化和热处理,以实现所需的组成和微观结构。
盖房子的过程的作文英语Building a House 。
Building a house is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. The process involvesseveral stages, including site preparation, foundation laying, framing, roofing, electrical and plumbing installation, and finishing. In this essay, I will describe each of these stages in detail.The first stage of building a house is site preparation. This involves clearing the land, leveling the ground, and preparing the site for construction. This stage also includes obtaining the necessary permits and approvals from local authorities.The next stage is foundation laying. This involves excavating the site and pouring the concrete foundation.The foundation is the most important part of the house, asit provides the support for the entire structure. It isimportant to ensure that the foundation is level and strong enough to support the weight of the house.Once the foundation is in place, the framing stage begins. This involves constructing the walls, floors, and roof of the house. The framing is usually done with wood or steel, and it is important to ensure that the structure is sturdy and able to withstand strong winds and earthquakes.After the framing is complete, the roofing stage begins. This involves installing the roof, which can be made of various materials, such as shingles, tiles, or metal. It is important to ensure that the roof is properly insulated and waterproofed to prevent leaks and damage.The next stage is electrical and plumbing installation. This involves installing the wiring, outlets, switches, and fixtures for the electrical system, as well as the pipes, faucets, and fixtures for the plumbing system. It is important to ensure that these systems are installed safely and efficiently to prevent any hazards or malfunctions.Finally, the finishing stage begins. This involves installing the flooring, painting the walls, and adding any other finishing touches, such as cabinets, countertops, and light fixtures. It is important to ensure that thefinishing is done properly and to the owner's satisfaction.In conclusion, building a house is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. The process involves several stages, including site preparation, foundation laying, framing, roofing, electrical and plumbing installation, and finishing. It is important to ensure that each stage is done properly and to the highest standards to ensure the safety, durability, and comfort of the house.。
汽车线数组装小英语作文英文回答:In the automotive industry, wire harnesses play a crucial role in enabling electrical communication and power distribution throughout the vehicle. The assembly process of these harnesses involves multiple steps, each requiring meticulous precision and quality control.1. Design and Engineering:The initial phase involves designing and engineering the wire harness according to the vehicle's electrical architecture. This includes determining the wire gauge, connector types, and routing paths to optimize performance and reliability.2. Wire Preparation:Once the design is finalized, the wires are cut andprepared to the specified lengths. This involves stripping away the insulation, crimping terminals, and adding heat shrink tubing for protection.3. Connector Assembly:The next step is to assemble the connectors onto the prepared wires. Each connector has specific pin configurations that must be meticulously aligned and secured to ensure proper electrical contact.4. Harness Assembly:The prepared wires and connectors are then assembled into the harness according to the design specifications. This involves bundling the wires together with wire ties or heat-shrink tubing, forming the desired shape and configuration.5. Wiring Integration:The assembled harness is then integrated into thevehicle, following the designated routing paths. This involves connecting the connectors to corresponding components, such as lights, sensors, and electronic control units.6. Testing and Inspection:Once the wiring integration is complete, thorough testing and inspection are conducted to ensure proper functionality and adherence to electrical specifications. This includes continuity checks, insulation testing, and functionality verification.中文回答:汽车线束组装。
1.500mgMWNT溶解在60ml王水中,超声处理1h(100W,45KHZ)。之 后,用200ml去离子水稀释,1µm微滤膜真空抽滤。多次水洗抽滤至中性。 2. GTMOS溶解 水 溶 中( 1:1), 2wt%。 溶 PH 4,水解0.5h。之后 酸 MWNT 溶 中,超声 0.5h, GTMOS接枝 MWNT 。 后用50% 溶 ( 水=1:1)多次 洗, 去 子, 后 用NMP多次 洗 去 水 。 3. 接枝MWNT溶解 0,01MolODA, PAA , 30mlNMP中,超声1h, 250ml 溶解后 0.01molBTDA。 膜。 中。 14h,
1.将6FDA与MDI按照摩尔比9:10溶于DMAc中,然后加入酸处理的MWNT。PI与MWNT 的质量比 4:1。 2. MWNT。 , 130℃ 24h, 后加入 , PI接枝的
3.摩尔比 1:1的BTDA与ODA 酸,然后加入PI接枝MWNT,然 后加 300℃ , PI-g-MWNT/PI 。
文 2·Preparation and morphological, electrical, and ·Preparation and morphological, electrical, and mechanical properties of polyimide grafted MWCNT/polyimide composite 献