1. 引言1.1 跨文化交际定义跨文化交际是指不同文化背景下的人们之间进行信息交流、理解和互动的过程。
1.2 中美文化差异概述中美两国作为世界上最具影响力的国家之一,其文化差异也是跨文化交际中的重要议题之一。
Differences between the Chinese and American cultures 中美文化比较
关键字:中国,美国,文化异同,教育,宗教,饮食AbstractThere are some similarities between Chinese and American culture,but also kinds of differences。
China is a country that has a long history,in the long period cultural accumulation,the traditional culture with Chinese characteristics came into being。
Although the United S tates don’t have such a long history,American culture has become one of the mainstream culture in the world。
Today we’ll Compare the similarities and differences between Chinese and American cultures from three aspects:religion,education and food。
In this way,we can improve our ability of cross-culture communication。
Key words:China,America,similarities,differences,education,religion,food Differences between the Chinese and American culturesAs we know ,there are many differences between Chinese and American cultures. If we desire to learn about U.S or communicate with Americans in proper way ,it is necessary for us to know about cross-cultural communication. Cross-cultural communication (also referred to as intercultural communication) is a field of study that focus on how people from different cultural backgrounds communicate, in similar and different ways among themselves, and how they endeavor to communicate across cultures. Only if we are familiar with the similarities and differences can we avoid cultural conflicts and get along well with foreign friends. When you are conc erned about what you can do and what you can’t, your foreign friends will show respect for your national culture and there is no doubt that you can enhance the level of cross-culture communication .In the essay,I’ll talk about similarities and differences in three aspects between Chinese and American culture :religion ,food and festival.1.religionAmerica is remarkable now, as in the past,for its attachment to the principle of freedom of belief or disbelief . –The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States indicates that "Congress shall make no law establishing religion, orprohibit the free exercise thereof."So you can choose your indivisual relision.According to the research, The largest religion in the US is Christianity, practiced by the majority of the population (76% in 2008);Speaking in general terms, the contemporary American is a Christian country. A research indicates that most Americans believe the existence of Santa Clous, Christ Jesus and angel even after they have received edu cation and become adults. It’s easy to see the ingrained status of Christianity in the United States of America. Christianity has the idea that people have original sin, because human ancestors, Adam and eva had sinned, corrupt moral invaded their body, and transmitted to their descendants, the result is that all mankind have sin. Obviously, Christianity preached that man and God, the separation of man and nature. China is a multi-religious country, and Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Christian are the main religions in the country. Incomplete statistics show that there are more than 100 million religious followers in China with over 85 000 religious sites, over 3000 religious groups and some 74 religious colleges. Chinese people also enjoy the freedom of religious belief according to law, and regular religious activities are protected by the Constitution. All religious believers and non-religious people in the country respect for each other in beliefs and customs and live together in harmonies. While Chinese religion would emphasize that the harmony between man and nature, issues of life within a confined themselves, to solve problems with people- oriented. It’s quite different from the Christianity.2.foodGenerally speaking, we Chinese think food is very important to man. People often associate food with important holidays and the chance to meet distinguished guests. The Chinese food not only is very delicious and tasty but also very pleasing to your senses and many of dishes have very beautiful and fancy names. The Chinese have the food culture of our own which are quite different from westerners. In the west, people pay more attention to the nutrition of food rather than the looks of it. The cuisine and table manners are quite different from ours in a great extent.It is a very common practice we Chinese people say "Have you had your meal?" when they meeteach other around the time before or after meals. In fact, it is a kind of greeting to communicate with each other. But foreigners cannot understand that because they think why you ask me this. They tend to think you want to invite me to dinner or I am not rich enough to feed myself regularly but that is my business not yours. Chinese think food is very important and essential to people so it shows some care and concern about you. Very often it puzzles foreigners a lot that we ask and talk so much when we order our food in the restaurant. One reason is we ask what the food or the dish is and try to clarify it because you sometimes never know what the food is just according the name of the food until it is put on your table in the restaurant just. While most of western food has a simple and clear name and you know what it is when you hear the name. For instance, there is a traditional food call "fish and chips" in the UK. You see it is very obvious it is fried fish and potato chips. The reason for this in China is on the one hand to try to tell you the way it cooks such as cook, fry, grill and broil in the name and on the other it has beautiful good names so that you have a good imagination and association to let you have a good appetite.Generally speaking, we don't use much tableware when we have our meal in China. Mainly we have bowl, dishes, chopsticks and spoons, which we don't use very often. In serving English meals, they use so much tableware with different kinds and sizes. The Chinese do not know how to use them properly when they are invited to dinner in English family. For example there are different kinds of names for glasses in English, such as wine glass, cherry glass, brandy glass, beer glass, snifter glass, champion flute and high bowl. You can see tableware also show the food culture of different countries.cationUs’s higher education was considered as the best education in the world. Comparing the elementary education between American and China, people's universal view will be: China's elementary education aims to build the foundation of education with more study and less thought; while US's education aims to bulid such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought. the Chinesestudents study more, actually pay little attention to the practice, and cannot study for the purpose of 's education pays more attention to raise student's self-confidence,independence,spirit of supporting oneself, but China's education emphases on training the students to be strict,rigorous spiritual. When American school inspects the result of student, they emphasize more on the ability to analyze and solve the question but not the ability of memory or description. The American students donot need the mechanical memorizing, but display creative thought as far as possible; This can cultivate student's study interest, raise the ability of doing it byself and make the study be one kind of creative action.Conclusion:Chinese culure is broad and profound,but American culture also has its unique and style.After learning this class,I have a general impression on American culture,there are quite differences between Chinese and American culture.I think that it’s beneficial to be familiar to this differences for our cross-cultual communication.References[1]Luther S.Luedtke<The Society and Culture of the United States>America:United States information Agency,2003[2]托马斯﹒里克纳《美式家庭——品质教育家长对策》海南:海南出版社,2001年(2)[3]章创生《美国爸爸中国爸爸——向美国家长学教子》重庆:重庆出版社,2011(6)[4]董小川《美国文化概论》.北京:人民出版社,2006[5]铁梅《道教——中国道家文化百科999问》青海:青海人民出版社,2012(1)[6]赵林《西方宗教文化》武昌:武汉大学出版社,2011年(6)[7]学晏《佛家与管理》北京:社会科学文献出版社,2012年(6)[8]徐怀启《古代基督教史》上海:上海人民出版社,2012(6)[9](美)米拉德﹒丁.艾利克森《基督教神学导论》上海:人民出版社,2012(6)[10]李维冰《中国饮食文化概论》北京:中国商业出版社,2006(6)[11]美国饮食文化,/view/2143412.htm。
体利益。中国人主张个人融入集体, 依靠集体, 要成为集 体的一员并在其中团结协作,共谋发展。中国有句古话 “有福同享,有难同当 ” ,这充分表明了中国人重集体主 义的文化价值观。 美国是以个体主义为基本文化特征的国家。人们在 社会交往中强调个性原则,注重个人的自由和权利,认 为人应该为个人而生存。集体利益不应该凌驾于个人利 益之上, 个人利益和个人自由不容侵犯。因此, 他们主张 个人以自己喜欢的方式去生活,不喜欢受到外界的干预 和限制, 对别人的干涉和影响嗤之以鼻、 置之不理。个人 主义使美国人习惯于依靠自己的力量去奋斗,去独立地 求生存, 求发展, 而不依赖他人。跨文化交流学者拉里・ “在西方文化中, 个人是至高无上的, 个人 ’・萨姆瓦说: 主义是首要的和肯定的价值观。这种价值观在美国可能 是主导一切的。 ” %< 时间观的差异 不同文化的民族有不同的时间观。在时间观念上, 中国是一个以过去取向为主的社会。人们尊重过去,无 论做什么事都要考虑此事做过没有,或是如何做的,而 且今天做得如何也往往以过去为标准。与此相连的是人 “过 们敬老尊师, 重经验, 重年龄, 重资历, 因为这些都与 “前无古 去” 相关。中国人注重面对过去看问题, 因而有
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跨文化交际中的中美文化差异 “前所未有 ” “前车之鉴 ” 人” 、 、 之说。 美国人则立足于未来。未来取向是他们重要的时间 观,但他们所着眼的不是遥远的或是理想中的未来,而 是近期的可以较快实现的未来。由于对未来的渴望,美 国人做事时很少向过去看。在他们看来,年龄和经验也 未必值得敬仰, 因此, 他们不像中国人那样尊老敬老。对 美国人来说, 将来是最重要的, 他们相信, 任何事物都是 在向着好的方向发展, 过去则是不重要的。因此, 美国人 不理解中国人对传统的尊重,而中国人也同样不理解美 国人怎么能对传统显得如此漠然。 !" 伦理观的差异 传统的中国文化深受儒家伦理思想的影响,主张的 “礼 ” 是礼、 忠与恕。 即是人对人的尊敬, 其目的是使人际 关系和谐。礼是敬的表现, 敬则是礼的内在精神, 礼节与 尊敬在中国维持与改善人际关系上会产生一种非常神 奇的效果。忠的本义是自我献身,即全力忠于自己的责 任。每个人依据自己的仁德,都有帮助他人的责任。因 “忠 ” 此, 就是为了他人而竭尽所能的自我奉献。恕道是 人与人之间的基本原则。根据儒家伦理,人人都应遵守 礼教, 讲究恕道, 不得乱来, 这是传统中国社会得以正常 运作、 人际关系得以和谐的重要依据和保证。 与中国传统文化不同,美国文化深受基督教思想影 响。基督教伦理的实质是提升自己虔信、增加个人责任 以获得个人的救赎。美国人认为在家庭中,儿女与父辈 之间的关系纯属感情关系,并非必然的道德义务关系; 这样实际上解放了“个人 ” ,既然这些关系并不重要,那 么人生的目的也就不必在伦理关系上寻求路径,而应在 对个人的责任和对个人的权利上,包括生命、自由和财 产权, 这些权利是天赋的。在美国, 父母通常只在子女成 年之前尽养育之责,而父母年老了子女也没有赡养的义 务。这种理性的宗教伦理思想导致美国社会人与人之间 缺乏温情,人与人之间的关系,更多的是一种互利和公 务性的关系。这种强烈的自我中心观念导致美国社会个 人主义盛行,人人都想充分发挥自己独特的个性,充分 享受个人的权利与自由。在个人主义价值观的驱使下, 为达目的不顾法律约束,铤而走险者也大有人在。因而 美国的各种法律规范可谓多如牛毛, 涉及政治、 经济、 教 育、 以及日常生活的方方面面。 #" 等级观的差异 等级和地位是社会的结构特征,它们几乎存在于所 有的社会中。但是在不同的社会和文化中,确定地位的 标准不同,并且地位的重要性也不同。以儒家思想为核 心的中国传统文化, 历来主张尊卑有别、 长幼有序, 尤其 是在人与人交往时都必然要受到各自的地位和角色的 制约, 否则就是失礼。例如, 晚辈见到长辈或下级见到上 级时要主动先打招呼, 以表示尊重。交谈时, 职位高或年 长者常是谈话的主导一方,另一方则要表现出洗耳恭听 “自卑而尊人 ” 的谦卑举止。此外, 传统的中国文化有 的 交际规范, 说话时抬高对方的地位, 尽量使对方受益。如 说话人向上级汇报自己的见解后,即使这种见解确实很 “指 好, 很正确, 但往往说话人还会补充一句, 请求对方 “帮助 ” 正” 、 , 将对方置于高一等的地位上。 与中国文化不同, 美国文化强调平等。美国人认为, 一切人生来都是平等的,都有追求自由和幸福的权力。 在美国, 父子、 师生、 不同职位的人并无尊卑之别。平等 观念渗透到美国人的生活和思想领域,他们的行为、工 作、 娱乐、 语言、 政治等无不体现平等观念, 现实生活中 的各种关系无不受这种观念的制约。在美国文化中,人 与人交往时较少拘礼。熟人相见, 不论辈分与地位, 一律 “你好 ” ($%&&’) 以平等的 表示问候。甚至子女对父母、 学 生对老师都可直呼其名。美国人在谈话中毫无年龄、辈 分之顾虑, 彼此意见不同时, 常是各持己见, 力图说服对 “面子 ” 方, 无所谓 。美国人表达自己观点时也常是直言 不讳,非常坦率,这在中国人看来不免有些唐突甚至失 礼。 二、 中美文化差异产生的原因 中美文化是两种不同类型,各具特色的两大文化系 统, 它们的渊源和发展道路各不相同。 (" 任何—个民族的文化形成最初时期都深受自然 环境如气候、地理位置的影响,是自然环境给文化发展 提供了最初的可能框架。在不同的自然环境中,人们选 择不同的生存方式。中国文化起源于黄河流域,是典型 的大陆农耕文化,其地理环境和生产方式决定了中国文 化注重群体主义,而不主张突出个人。其历史文化传统 强调群体意识, 重视集体的作用, 注重互相帮助, 相互依 靠,注重人际间的和谐。美国文化则为地道的滨海商业 文化。希腊、 罗马是这种文化的发源地, 地处海滨及近海 各岛屿。众多的岛屿使人际往来不如平原方便,故强调 充分发挥个人作用,形成了今天的美国文化注重个人主 义。这种个人主义包括个人的作用, 个人的独立性, 自主 选择, 注重自立和独立; 重视突出个人, 追求个体差异。 几千年来儒家思想 )" 中国是一个传统导向的社会, !"#$%"
从中美脱口秀对比看中西方文化差异A Comparison Between Chinese and American Talk Shows
)A Comparison Between Chinese and American Talk Shows to See the Differences Between Chinese and Western CultureChen ShijiaSchool of Earth Science,Yangtze University,Wuhan,430100geochenshijia@Abstract:With the development of the society,the form of TV programs is constantly changing.Talk show programs gradually come into our lives.It is playing the role of managing not only in the world of television but also in our lives.In each program,the column group will choose one or some of the recent popular topics to discuss with the guests.This common western form of television is shining in China.This article will talk about the development of talk show in the United States and China,and then make a comparison between them to find out some differences between the Chinese and Western culture.Key words:Chinese and Western Culture,Talk Show,Differences,Globalization一.中美脱口秀节目的诞生和发展“脱口秀”由“Talk show”音译而来,最早在美国的20世纪20年代就出现了所谓的“广播脱口秀”节目,因它普遍性的泛滥,使降低了关注度,因而加剧了美国的“电视脱口秀”的发展。
若你跟美国人这样打招呼“Have you had your meal?” “Where are you going?”他们会认为你想请他们吃饭或者干涉其私事,会引起误解。
在美国,眼神交流被视为尊重和礼貌的表现 在中国,眼神交流可能被视为不礼貌或挑衅 在美国,眼神交流可以传达信任和真诚 在中国,眼神交流可能被视为过于直接或冒犯
微笑:友好、礼貌、开心 皱眉:疑惑、不满、思考 瞪眼:惊讶、生气、警告
眨眼:眨眼频率不同,含义也不同,如快 速眨眼表示惊讶,慢速眨眼表示同意
中国:在非正式场合,可以使用“老兄”、“老弟”等称 呼
美国:在非正式场合,可以使用“buddy”、“pal”等 称呼
中美交际中礼 仪的差异
座位安排:中国人习惯按照长幼尊 卑安排座位,美国人则更注重个人 自由和舒适
进餐顺序:中国人习惯先喝汤后吃 饭,美国人则习惯先吃饭后喝汤
中美交际中时 间观念的差异
中国人注重人情,时间安排较为灵活,可以临时调整 美国人注重效率,时间安排较为严格,需要提前预约 中国人注重集体主义,时间安排以集体利益为重 美国人注重个人主义,时间安排以个人利益为重
中国人注重准时,认为迟到是不礼 貌的行为
中国人注重热情好客,喜欢与人交往,注重人际关系 美国人注重个人空间,不喜欢过度热情,注重个人隐私 中国人喜欢邀请朋友到家里做客,分享美食和聊天 美国人更倾向于在公共场所见面,如咖啡馆、餐厅等
美国个人主义:强调 个人自由、独立和自 我实现
中国集体主义:强调 集体利益、团结和互 助
中式表达:含 蓄、委婉,注 重情感表达和
随着我国改革开放的深入发展,不同国家、不同文化之间的人们的交往日益增加,特别是中国加入WTO 以后,中国和西方国家的交往日益频繁,西方社会的人和事物越来越多地走进了我们的视野,在这种情况下,跨国域、跨民族、跨文化的经济和社会交往将会与日俱增,这对于加深我们的西方社会的理解是一件好事,但这并不是一件简单的事情,因为我们所面对的是来自陌生的文化和国家,思维方式、生活习惯和行为方式与我们迥然不同的人,在与之交往的过程中,不可避免地会出现文化冲突的现象。
例如,英语中的Blue Room ,如果不了解这是指美国白宫中总统接见至亲好友的那个粉刷成天蓝色的房间,你就不可能准确地把它翻译成内客厅。
一、中美文化的差异 1.中国文化 中国是个有着五千年文明史的东方大国,历史文化源远流长。
为了找到产生中美演讲语篇差异的原因,使用(Geert Hofstede)文化价值维度理论与克拉克洪(Florence Kluckhohn)文化理论进行文化解读。
关键词:中美演讲;语篇特点分析;跨文化解读中图分类号:G0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5312(2017)20-0054-02一、引言马云通过演讲,获得风险投资,成为商界领袖。
首先本文将使用数据统计软件进行语篇分析,然后使用Geert Hofstede⑥与Florence Kluckhohn⑦的文化理论,充分阐释隐藏数字背后的文化价值观差异,具有更强的科学性和前沿性。
论跨文化交际中的中美文化差异随着我国改革开放的深入发展,不同国家、不同文化之间的人们的交往日益增加,特别是中国加入WTO 以后,中国和西方国家的交往日益频繁,西方社会的人和事物越来越多地走进了我们的视野,在这种情况下,跨国域、跨民族、跨文化的经济和社会交往将会与日俱增,这对于加深我们的西方社会的理解是一件好事,但这并不是一件简单的事情,因为我们所面对的是来自陌生的文化和国家,思维方式、生活习惯和行为方式与我们迥然不同的人,在与之交往的过程中,不可避免地会出现文化冲突的现象。
例如,英语中的Blue Room ,如果不了解这是指美国白宫中总统接见至亲好友的那个粉刷成天蓝色的房间,你就不可能准确地把它翻译成“内客厅”。
chinese American speech 中美跨文化交际演讲差异
3.Activity orientation Being(存在) : a nondevelopmental model of society. Doing(做): activity that leads to external accomplishments 做人与做事(Being vs. Doing) (1)中国:Being做人 2012年的新年钟声即将敲响。在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,我很高兴 通过中国国际广播电台、中央人民广播电台和中央电视台,向全国各族人民, 向香港特别行政区同胞和澳门特别行政区同胞,向台湾同胞和海外侨胞,向 世界各国的朋友们,致以新年的祝福! 做人:重思想理论,主张理论支持实践,指导实践 (2)美国:dong 做事 在我们进入新年之际,我们回顾过去、期盼迎来充满希望的一年。 强劲的经济带来了富于希望和机遇的未来。由于美国劳动者和企业界的 努力,去年我们的经济以富有活力的速度增长。由于保持低税率和实行财政 的限制,帮助保证就业增加,赤字再次比计划提前下降。我们的经济基础证 明是强劲的、有竞争力的、充满活力的,能够战胜我们面临的挑战。在未来 一年,我们要进一步鼓励经济增长,让美国人民有更多的钱用于投资、家庭 消费,为未来积蓄。 做事:重成果,讲究效率,这里就说到很多美国在过去一年中的经济情况。
• How do people keep the past ?
The past is kept alive in history, storytelling, language, music and dance, religious practices and customs.
Past Time Orientation
2、Relational orientation Collateral relationship 群体性取向 Individualistic relationship 个体主义取向
跨文化交际的英文名称是cross-cultural communication或intercultural communication,指的是不同文化背景的人之间所发生的相互作用。
●顺指甲意义:重大思想负担,担心,不知所措●用大拇指顶着鼻尖,其他四指弯着一起动意义:挑战;蔑视●把胳膊放在胸前,握紧拳头,拇指向下,向下摆几次意义:反对某一建议、设想;反对某人;表示强烈反对●眨眼(很快地合上一只眼,微微一笑点点头)意义:表示会意;赞许;鼓励;传递信息;团结等(三)动作一样,意义不同●跺脚汉语意义:气愤;恼怒;灰心;悔恨英语意义:不耐烦●观众和听众鼓掌,表演或讲话人也鼓掌汉语意义:谢谢,互相表示友好感情英语意义:为自己鼓掌,被认为是不谦虚●目不转睛地看汉语意义:好奇;有时是惊讶英语意义:不礼貌;使人发窘;不自在;●发“嘘”声汉语意义:反对;责骂;轰赶英语意义:要求安静●拍别人的脑袋汉语意义:(少见;一般见于成人对孩子)疼爱;(对成人或青年,会引起反感,是侮辱的动作) 英语意义:安慰;鼓励;钟爱(四)意义相同,动作有差异●“过来”(叫别人过来)中国的肢体语言:把手伸向被叫人,手心向下,几个手指同时弯曲几次。
中美身体语言差异英语作文When it comes to body language, there are undoubtedly significant differences between Chinese and American culture. 在身体语言方面,中美两国文化中无疑存在着显著的差异。
First and foremost, eye contact plays a crucial role in communication and is interpreted differently in both cultures. In American culture, direct eye contact is often perceived as a sign of confidence, sincerity, and attentiveness. This is especially true in professional settings, where maintaining eye contact during conversations is highly encouraged and demonstrates active engagement. 目光接触在沟通中扮演着至关重要的角色,并且在两种文化中有着不同的解读。
In contrast, in Chinese culture, prolonged eye contact can be perceived as confrontational or disrespectful, especially when the person is in a position of lower authority. In traditional Chinese etiquette, it is respectful to lower one's gaze as a sign of humility and deference to others. 相反,在中国文化中,长时间的目光接触可能被视为具有对抗性或不尊重的行为,尤其是当对方地位较低时。
中美肢体语言差异英语作文When it comes to non-verbal communication, the subtle art of body language can speak volumes, and nowhere is this more evident than in the cultural dance between China and theUnited States. The nuanced gestures, eye contact, andpersonal space preferences that are common in one culture can be vastly different in another, shaping the way people from these two nations interact and perceive each other.Take, for instance, the matter of personal space. Americans tend to be more open with their physical boundaries, often engaging in hugs or pats on the back as a sign ofwarmth and camaraderie. In contrast, Chinese culture places a higher value on personal space and privacy, with lessfrequent physical contact in public settings. This can leadto misunderstandings where an American's friendly advancemight be perceived as intrusive by a Chinese individual.Eye contact is another fascinating aspect of bodylanguage that varies significantly. In the United States, maintaining eye contact is often seen as a sign of confidence and sincerity. However, in China, prolonged eye contact canbe interpreted as confrontational or disrespectful,especially when it comes to elders or authority figures. This cultural nuance can lead to miscommunication, as anAmerican's earnest gaze might be mistaken for a challenge rather than an attempt at connection.Gestural language also plays a crucial role, with each culture having its own set of non-verbal cues. Americans are more likely to use open gestures, such as expansive hand movements, to emphasize points during conversation. Chinese, on the other hand, may use more subtle and restrained gestures, reflecting a cultural emphasis on modesty and restraint.Understanding these differences is key to fostering effective communication and building bridges between these two powerhouses of the global community. By being aware of and respectful towards the distinct body language norms of each culture, individuals can navigate cross-cultural interactions with grace and sensitivity, ensuring that the silent language of the body speaks with clarity and respect.。
英语论文 浅析中美非语言交际差异
Analysis of Differences of Nonverbal Communication between Chinese and AmericanI.IntroductionHuman communication is usually divided first into verbal and nonverbal systems. We communicate more than we say. Actually, in everyday life, we spend a considerable amount of time on nonverbal communication. In addition, we receive much of our emotional meanings through nonverbal elements.Mehrabian, observing how feeling is transmitted in messages, found that as much as 93 percent of emotional meaning is transmitted nonverbally (Hickson & Stacks, 1989: 6). Most researchers believe that Mehrabian's 93 percent figure may be a little high, but at the same time, they do accept the relatively high impact of nonverbal communication. Another statistic figured out by Birdwhistell's and Philpott's approximations, said that nonverbal communication accounts for 60 to 70 percent of what we communicate to one another (Tubbs & Moss, 1991:137). It should be noted that this statistic has been widely accepted and reported by most contemporary nonverbal communication books.Since only about 30% of what is communicated in a conversation is verbal, nonverbal communication is of great significance. Whether we are truly successful communicators or not depends a lot on our awareness of the role that nonverbal communication played and our ability to use nonverbal skills appropriately.We should note that although many cultures share some nonverbal behaviors, nonverbal codes are influenced by culture. Cultural differences in nonverbal communication sometimes can lead to misunderstandings. With increasing contact between China and America, a better understanding between both cultures is of growing importance. Nonverbal communication influences how individuals from these two cultures interact and understand or misunderstand each other. Therefore, an understanding of the differences is vital for building harmonious relationships. The thesis is designed to help readers understand and appreciate the differences in nonverbal communication that Chinese and Americans discover when they intercourse in daily situations.II.Foundations of Nonverbal Communication2.1 Definition of Nonverbal Communication海量英语论文尽在英语论文网,免费下载网址:/需要其他类型英语论文可以咨询QQ 253771735Just like culture, there are numerous definitions for nonverbal communication. To theorize about nonverbal communication has been complicated not only by its multimodal and multifunctional nature, but also because our knowledge emanates from disparate disciplines with differing assumptions and methodologies.In its broadest definition, Devito, and Guerrero defines nonverbal communication as “all the messages other than words that people exchange in interactive contexts”(Guerrero, DeVito & Hecht, 1999:56).To further define what qualifies as nonverbal communication, experts have identified several perspectives, including those that assume all human behavior is potentially communicative, communicative only if intentionally sent, and communicative if behaviors reasonably function as messages within a given speech community (see Burgoon & Hoobler). Defined as such, nonverbal communication includes those behaviors that are mutually recognized and socially shared codes and patterns with a focus on message meaning. For example, an unintended frown when reading a memo may function as a message because most people regard it as a sign of displeasure. A frown in response to a stubbed toe is less likely to be regarded as a message because it is a more spontaneous, involuntary reaction.Nonverbal communication is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages. Such messages can be communicated through gesture; body language or posture; facial expression and eye contact; object communication such as clothing, hairstyles or even architecture; symbols and infographics.Speech may also contain nonverbal elements known as paralanguage, including voice quality, emotion and speaking style, as well as prosodic features such as rhythm, intonation and stress. Likewise, written texts have nonverbal elements such as handwriting style, spatial arrangement of words, or the use of emoticons. However, much of the study of nonverbal communication has focused on face-to-face interaction, where it can be classified into three principal areas: environmental conditions where communication takes place, the physical characteristics of the communicators, and behaviors of communicators during interaction. Nonverbal communication can occur through any sensory channel – sight, sound, smell, touch or taste.Nonverbal communication is important as: “when we speak (or listen), our attention is focused on words rather than body language. But our judgment includes both. An audience is simultaneously processing both verbal and nonverbal cues. Body movements are not usually positive or negative in and of themselves; rather, the situation and the message will determine the appraisal." (Givens, 2000, p. 4) Nonverbal communication involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that has potential message value for the source or receiver.”(Samovar & Porter, 2000:56)It not only marks the boundaries of nonverbal communication, but also reflects how the process actually works. Both intentional and unintentional behaviors are included in the communication event.2.2 Functions of Nonverbal CommunicationNonverbal communication often performs one of several functions in relationship to verbal communication. These functions help us to understand and use communication more effectively. Nonverbal messages serve six major functions: repetition, contradiction, substitution, accentuation, supplementation or modification and regulation. (Gibson & Hanna, 1992: 98)(1) Repetition is defined as the process of reinforcing verbal messages through redundancy. People often use nonverbal messages to repeat a point they are trying to make. For example, we might hold up our hand in the gesture that signifies a person to stop at the same time we actually use the word "stop". Generally speaking, the gestures and words have a similar meaning and reinforce one another.(2) Contradiction is the opposite of repetition; it negates the verbal messages. On some occasions, our nonverbal actions send signals opposite from the literal messages contained in our verbal messages. For instance, you tell someone you are relaxed and at ease, yet your voice quavers and your hands shake.(3) Substitution is a function of inserting nonverbal messages for a verbal massage. We use substitution in nonverbal communication when we perform some action instead of speaking.(4) Accentuation is the result of nonverbal messages used to strengthen words. We sometimes use nonverbal messages to accentuate our sentences, e.g. You may have noticed how some people tap the desktop with each word of an important message.(5) Supplementation or modification results when nonverbal messages slightlychange the words they accompany. For example, when you are answering the phone, your friend just enters your room, so you nod to your friend or make a gesture showing "please sit down" at the same time. Nonverbal messages add to or modify the words as surely as tears add meaning to the sentence “sorry”.(6) Regulation occurs when nonverbal messages help to control the flow of verbal messages. We often regulate and manage communication by using certain form of nonverbal behavior. We nod our head in agreement to indicate to our communication partner that we agree and that he or she should continue talking or we have direct eye contact with someone to let him or her know the channels are open.Thus, nonverbal messages function in six ways. Sometimes the functions occur separately, and sometimes they occur in combinations. They occur through multiple channels, and often they occur at the same moment. Without them, we should have a very difficult time communicating.2.3 Characteristics of Nonverbal CommunicationNonverbal communication is a form of human communication, and that the nonverbal form of communication is more complex than the term denotes. It has several important characteristics:(1)Unintentional. The sender may be unaware that he or she is sending anonverbal message and, consequently, may not be aware of the impact thatmessage may have.(2)Reliable. Since the message may be transmitted unconsciously, the senderwill not have planned it. That is why when receivers caught between twodiscrepant messages; they are more inclines to believe the nonverbal one.(3)Present. Neither oral nor written communication exists without nonverbalcommunication. Nonverbal communication may be shared between people orwithin a person.(4)Less precise but more elusive, intangible. There are no dictionaries or formalsets of rules to provide a systematic list of the meanings of a culture’snonverbal message.(5)Subtle and convert. Nonverbal communication messages function as a “silentlanguage”. Therefore, people process nonverbal messages, both the sendingand receiving of them, with less awareness than they process verbal message.(6)Continuous and natural. They tend to blur into one another. Nonverbalcommunication is ongoing and does not need a verbal component to havemeaning. Even the absence of nonverbal behaviors can send a message.2.4 Classification of Nonverbal CommunicationNonverbal communication covers a wide scope and consists of abundant subcodes- those different component parts of the overall nonverbal code- including touch and space, physical appearance, gestures, vocalic, and covert body/temporal communication (Hickson & Stacks, 1989: 19). Accordingly, researchers may adopt various means to classify it. For conducting contrastive study, this thesis divides nonverbal communication into five categories2.4.1 Body LanguageBody language, also called body movements, body behavior and so on, refers to all expressions and movement that send communication message. The study of body language or how movement communicates is called “Kinestics”, which includes gesture (such as head gesture, facial expressions, eye contact, arm gesture, hand gesture, leg movement, etc.), posture (such as standing posture, sitting posture, walking posture, etc.), and touch (such as hand shake, kiss, hug, etc.);2.4.2 ParalanguageParalanguage also called paralinguistic features, which involves the linguistic elements of speech, is how something is said and not the actual meaning of the spoken words. Paralanguage cues assist us in drawing conclusions about an individual’s emotional state, socioeconomic states, height, weight, age, intelligence, race, regional background, and educational level.Paralanguage has two components. One is voice qualities, such as pitch, range, resonance, lip control. Another is vocalizations, which involves three kinds: vocal characterizers; vocal qualifiers, and vocal segregates.2.4.3 Time LanguageTime language, which refers to how we give meaning to time communicates to others, is a powerful element of nonverbal communication. The study of time language is call “Chronemics”, which concerns concepts of time and the rules that govern its use.There are many cultural variations regarding how people understand and use time. Besides, a culture’s use of time can also provide valuable clues to how members of that culture value and respond to time. In America, people usually say; “Time is money” and “He who hesitates is lost”. All Chinese know the Confucian proverb “Think three timesbefore you act”. There sayings reflects how differently each of there cultures perceives time.2.4.4 Space LanguageSpace language is also called interpersonal distance, or proxemics. Edward Hall coined the term “proxemics”to refer to the study of how we use space in the communication process and the way that we use space to govern the personal actions and behavior of others.All cultures are organizes in some spatial pattern, which can reveal the character of the people in that culture. There are three important aspects of space language: personal space, territoriality, and spatial orientations.2.4.5 Object LanguageObject language generally refers to various kinds of artifacts with communicative functions, such as dress, cosmetics, ornament, furniture, olfactory messages etc, which can send nonverbal messages and display the user’s personality and cultural characteristic. In accordance with Tubbs and Moss, objectics is concerned with every kind of physical object from clothing we wear to the food we serve to our dinner guests.III.Differences of Nonverbal Communication between Chinese and AmericanDifferent people have different ways of making nonverbal communication. “Body language”, like our verbal language, is also a part of our culture. But not all body language means the same thing in different cultures. For example: different people have different ideas about the proper distance between people conversing; the appropriateness of physical contact varies with different cultures; one could draw up quite a list of “rules” about eye contact: to look or not to look; when to look and how long to look; who and who not to look at; smiles and laughter usually convey friendliness, approval, satisfaction, pleasure, joy and merriment, and, this is generally true in China as well as the English-speaking countries, however, there are situations when some Chinese will laugh that will cause negative reactions by westerners; gestures can be particularly troublesome, for a slight difference in making the gesture itself can mean something quite different from that intended, and, a wrong interpretation of a gesture can arouse quite unexpected reactions and so on. So in order to communicate effectively in a foreign language, one should know also the gestures, body movements,mannerisms and etc. that accompany a particular language.Here, we research into three elements of body language: gesture (head gesture, facial expressions, eye contact, hand gesture and smile and laughter), posture (walking posture, standing posture, and sitting posture), and touch (ten distinctions concerning touching behaviors).3.1 GestureGesture refers to the use of movement of the body (our arms, legs, torsos and especially hands) to express a certain message. It is estimated that the human body can produce over 270,000 discrete gestures (Du et. al, 2004: 223).Care should be taken in using gestures because different cultures interpret gestures in different ways. Understanding human behavior is tricky stuff. No two people behave in precisely the same way. Nor do people from the same culture all perform exactly the same gestures and body language uniformly.As researchers have studied this field extensively in recent years and have developed body language dictionaries such as A Dictionary of Gestures, The Nonverbal Dictionary of Gestures, signs & Body Language Cues and so on, here this paper just probes into the distinctive Chinese and American gestures in common daily use.3.1.1 Head GestureChinese and American head gesture shares a number of similarities. For example: nodding the head up and down means "yes", "I agree"; shaking the head side to side means "no"; heading forward shows an interest in the conversation; heading backward shows lack of interest and so on.As to the differences, a nod of the head in China can function as greeting and beckoning someone to come here, while the same function performed by the Americans is a raise of the head. Patting on head means differently in these two cultures. Occasionally, Chinese adults may pat the head of children to show affection; patting the head of a teenager or an adult would cause displeasure and can be insulting. Americans' patting on other's head is just for giving comfort, consolation or encouragement; and also for showing affection.A unique head gesture in China – tip the head backward and audibly suck air in through the teeth –means “no”or “something is very difficult”and has function of pausing to rethink. Also there are some head gestures used in America but seldom seen in China: scratching the head means thinking or confused or skeptical; chin stroke,tapping the head with forefinger shows contemplation; hand cutting across the top of the head shows impatience; head switching to one side with rush or chin pointing to a certain direction functions as beckoning someone to come here or pointing direction.3.1.2 Facial ExpressionsWe constantly read expressions from people's face. In fact, facial cues are the single most important source of nonverbal communication. (Tubbs & Moss, 1991:151) Facial expressions have some own features: they are innate and universal. Therefore, the expressions for happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, anger, and surprise (the six basic emotions) are recognized by most cultural groups as having the same meaning. However, some variations also exist. Some facial expressions and their interpretations may vary from one culture to another.Generally speaking, Chinese people are more self-controlled, especially in formal, public occasions, and when communicate with strangers and foreigners, they tend to control their emotions. When in down spirits (sad, angry, contemptuous and so on), Chinese people usually try to sustain a neutral expression. The whole face is on a loose state, forehead and eyebrow are equable, lips close naturally, and eyes open looking forward-such kind of looks is considered to be a neutral expression. Differently, the Americans may show in their expressions immediately when they are in the same spirits. Controlling one's bad mood properly is considered mature and well-educated in China. Therefore, they think the Americans' lack of control their emotions as an illustration of puerility and philistinism; whereas the Americans may consider the Chinese to be wooden and slow.When expressing some positive emotions, such as compliment and sympathy, Chinese people sometimes have less sense of propriety in their expressions than the Americans do. They think the more exaggerated the better. American people regard this as dishonest.In daily communication and daily behaviors, some differences caused by Chines’s humility and Americans’self-esteem are worth mentioning. When receiving honest praise from others, Chinese people usually send an expression showing “I do not believe”, “no”, “I do not deserve such praise”, and sometimes even give an anxious looks. American people think that such response is dishonest and hypocritical. On the contrary, they may smile to the person who praise them, accept the compliment and usually say “thank you”. In the Chinese point of view, such response is a kind of prideand conceited.3.1.3 Eye ContactThe most important channel for receiving and sending nonverbal messages is our eyes. At present, most of the studies of eye movements have been concerned with eye contact. Eye contact is an important element of body language. The number of messages we can send with our eyes is almost limitless. One research estimated that in group communication we spend 30 to 60 percent of our time in eye contact with others (Tubbs & Moss, 1991:154). The study of eye contact mainly includes: to look or not to look; when to look and how long to look; who and who not to look at.In conversation with people who know each other, American custom demands that there should be eye contact. This applies to both the speaker and the listener. The duration of their eye contact is longer than Chinese people's. In the US, the lack of eye contact is considered being not sincere, genuine, and honest, as well as implies fear, contempt, uneasiness, guilt, indifference. For showing politeness, respect or obedience, Chinese people frequently avoid direct eye contact with others.The two countries have a different way of retracting the look- the way they stop eye contact: the Americans, especially women, tend to look aside. It seems to give the Chinese a feeling of indifference, apartness and dissatisfaction. In China, people are accustomed to looking down. It is common that Chinese women always look down; the same is true of the underling before the superior, and the young before the old. In Chinese culture, looking down represents a modest, reverent and deferential attitude. It may be difficult for Americans to understand it. They would think that Chinese women's looking down illustrates the androcentrism of Chinese men.In China, some people never seem to get over their curiosity about the foreigners. The fact that they can not communicate with foreigners make them even more curious. And their curiosity shows in the way they stare at the foreigners. For the Chinese, the staring may be nothing more than curiosity, or sometimes surprise; but for the Americans, the feeling aroused by this staring can be so strong that makes them feel they are not just a minority but even an object of curiosity. They may become embarrassed and self-conscious. In a word, this kind of impolite behavior usually causes antipathy and misunderstanding by Americans. Therefore, Chinese people should avoid staring at the overseas.America and China share some similar eye movements with the same meanings.For instance, winking with one eye implies sharing a secret or flirtatious; raising the eyebrows is a flirtatious gesture by men, etc. Some eye movement are common in America but seldom seen in China: rolling the eye shows incredulity or amazement; winking eyes may shows several feeling – understanding, approval, encouragement, try to get across a message, solidarity.To sum up, America, along with other English- speaking countries, values the function of eye contact. They usually associate eye contact and eye movement, trust, frankness and self-esteem. Generally, they have much more eye contact and eye movement than the Chinese due to their recognition of equality. With a long history of modesty and humility, Chinese people may be shy about direct eye contact and may have less changeful eye movement. In fact, it is a sign of showing respect and kindness. Both countries should keep in mind these differences when communication with each other.3.1.4 Hand GestureAs a mode of nonverbal communication, hand gestures rank second in importance only to facial cues. Though facial cues enjoy a larger potential of communicating, with a low visibility, they cannot function adequately. Only in a short distance can facial expressions be seen; whereas hand gestures can be identified in a long distance. Leger Brosnahan said that hand gesture is, as a matter of fact, the core of body language. (Bi, 1991:115)Hands are so flexible and freely that can show clear and vivid meanings. Hand gestures sometimes substitute for verbal communication. Deaf-mutes use a system of hand signals so comprehensive that it literally replaces spoken language. The signals themselves are arbitrary. Many of our hand movements are culturally determined. Thus the same gesture can convey different things to members of different cultures; and different cultures may have particular hand gestures that are rare in other cultures. For example:(1) Same gesture in two cultures, but with different meaning. Hand gesture: extend the forefinger and make a circular motion near the temple or ear. In China, it means urging someone to use his or her brain; or thinking deeply, while in America, something or someone is “crazy”(2) Same meaning, but with different gesture. “It is me”. In China, touching or pointing to tip of one’s own nose with raised forefinger, while in America touching orpointing to one’s own bosom with raised forefinger or thumb.(3) Gesture and meaning in China, no equivalent in America. Using an open hand to cover one’s mouth while speaking in China, it means to show confidentiality and secrecy.(4) Gesture and meaning in America, no equivalent in China. Chewing one’s fingernails in America, it means emotional stress, worried, does not know what to do.3.1.5 Smile and LaughterWhen it comes to smile and laughter, the most common facial expressions, they may cause some misunderstandings between Chinese and American culture. Thus it is necessary to explore them further in this point. Smile and laughter usually convey friendliness, approval, satisfaction, pleasure, joy, merriment. This is generally true in China as well as in America. However, there are situations when some Chinese smile or laugh that will cause negative reactions by Americans.It may be difficult for Americans to believe that smiling for the Chinese not only means that someone is happy, but also that he or she is sorry. It is desirable for a Chinese to apologize with a smile, which indicates humbleness and embarrassment. For Chen Jun, smile is an important part of the apology. However, Peter might take the smile as smirking, a sign of disrespect. An American in the same situation would probably keep his eyes lowed, especially during the time he or she is apologizing. In this case, the mistaken perception of a smile made an awkward situation worse.Chinese people resort to laugh or smile when they feel embarrassed. The person caught in embarrassing situation would also laugh or make a joke, to ease the embarrassment. Such laughter, of course, is not at the person or his misfortune –whether he be a foreigner or a Chinese. It can convey a number of feelings: do not take it so seriously; laugh it off, it is nothing; such things can happen to any of us, etc. However, if someone gets hurt seriously, it will not be a laughing matter any more. People will help him or her instead.Generally speaking, Chinese people do not smile at strangers. A lot of people do not start communication without a good reason or without someone introducing them. Being friendly by nature is not enough of a reason for most people to smile at each other. However, Americans do not always smile at strangers, but when in a corridor, elevator, or other confined space, and when there are few or no other people around, they are likely to exchange a brief smile or nod, or maybe even a quiet “good morning” or othergreeting.3.2 PosturePosture is the general way of holding the body, especially the back, shoulders and head when standing, walking and sitting. It is essential to distinguish between posture and gesture. Generally speaking, posture relates to the whole body; while gesture limits to different parts of the body. According to Brosnahan, it's more appropriate to distinguish them by time span. Posture refers to a comparatively steady state; gesture is the sign of impermanent movements (Bi, 1991:88). In addition, it is far more difficult to control our gestures, like eye contact, facial expressions and hand gesture, etc. Posture, on the contrary, can be controlled consciously to a certain extent.Researchers divided posture into three categories: standing, bent-knee positions (such as sitting, squatting, kneeling down and so on) and lying (Bi, 1998: 17). Although the basic posture of human being is much alike or similar, there are many cultural differences in posture. People of different cultures have their own characteristics of running, walking, standing, squatting, sitting and lying. In cross-cultural communication, these various characteristics sometimes may cause communication obstacles and misunderstandings. Here we will lay emphasis on four important aspects of posture: walking posture, standing posture, squatting posture, and sitting posture.3.2.1 Walking PostureThe Chinese and Americans differ obviously in walking posture. Both countries have their own standard walking posture: Americans regard the posture of athlete and soldier to be the standard posture, whereas the Chinese take the posture of scholar and civilian for their standard. Imagine how widely different when a drillmaster walking with a scholar.When Americans walk outside, they feel the surrounding scope widely and open. Therefore, they usually swing along the street highly and mighty, straighten up their abdomen and chest, free themselves from any control, as if the world belongs to them. Chinese people are critical of such walking way, because it displays a conceited feeling, and it can be marked by arrogance; haughty and overbearing.The walking way in China is quite contrary; people limit themselves to a confined walking scope, lower the head, and bend knees slightly. The U.S and other English-speaking countries may have no opinion on such walking posture. They are familiar with Chinese people's humility and wariness. A few of them may perceive it as。
中国人讲话时主要是运用口腔和喉腔来发声的,而美国人除了口腔和喉腔之外,还运用了"胸腔"的力量,这样做的客观效果是很容易形成"胸腔共鸣",听起来具有磁性和穿透力,讲起英语来,非常悦耳动听,听觉效果就是和中国人不一样!相信这种体会几乎每个英语学习者都有,尤其是每次看完美国大片,如《Titanic》,《True lie》等,更会觉得自己苦苦学习了10余年的英语和美国人相差十万八千里!这种现象和差别是如何产生的呢?我们不妨从"发声学"的角度来看:众所周知,人说话的"声音"是依靠人体的共鸣产生的,一般地说,人体有五大"共鸣腔":口腔、喉腔、鼻腔、胸腔、脑腔。
如果我们把"共鸣点"分为前、中、后三个点,大家马上就会发现它与"共鸣腔"的对应关系:前-----口腔共鸣+ 喉腔共鸣(声音单薄、柔弱)中-----口腔共鸣+ 喉腔共鸣+ 部分胸腔共鸣(声音洪亮、有力)后-----口腔共鸣+ 喉腔共鸣+完全胸腔共鸣+ 鼻腔共鸣(声音饱满、磁性)在汉语语系中,我们可以发现典型的例子:例1:我国东南沿海的广东人、上海人,他们讲话时的"共鸣点"的位置较靠前,以"口腔共鸣+ 喉腔共鸣"为主,声音听起来"温婉细腻、单薄柔弱",比较适合女同志讲,男同志就显得有些"娘娘腔"了。
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1、Human nature orientation good but corruptible善良但趋于腐化 evil but perfectible邪恶但趋于完美
(1)中国 :Evil but perfectible 人性本善 和平、发展、合作是时代的呼唤,是各国人民共同利益之所在。
中国将继续恪守维护世界和平、促进共同发展的外交政策宗旨,坚持 独立自主的和平外交政策,始终不渝走和平发展道路,始终不渝奉行 互利共赢的开放战略,在和平共处五项原则的基础上发展同各国的友 好交往和互利合作,积极参与应对全球性问题的国际合作。
(2)美国:求变 在迎接新年的时刻,我们满怀对美国精神力量的信任,对我们目
标的信心,对创造享受自由的众生、并爱护众生的上帝的虔诚,继续 向前迈进。
对美国人民提出了新一年的期望,这份期望中饱含着创造美好未 来的向往。强调在变化中不断前进和完善。
1.在社会研究中,政治意识形态是一组用来解释社会 应当如何运作的观念与原则,并且提供了某些社会秩 序的蓝图。 2.政治意识形态 指提出某种政治与文化计划作为参考的社会运动、机 构、阶级或大团体,他们的整体观念、原则、教条、 迷思或符号。它也可以是通常用来界定某个政党及其 政策的一整个政治思想结构。
3.Activity orientation Being(存在) : a nondevelopmental model of society. Doing(做): activity that leads to external accomplishments
做人与做事(Being vs. Doing) (1)中国g of Stability vs. the Seeking of Change)
(1)中国:求稳 在新的一年里,我们将高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓
小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观, 继续处理好保持经济平稳较快发展、调整经济结构、管理通胀预期的 关系,加快推进经济发展方式转变和经济结构调整,着力保障和改善 民生,努力巩固经济社会发展良好势头。我们将坚持“一国两制”、 “港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方针,同广大香港同胞、 澳门同胞携手努力,保持香港、澳门长期繁荣稳定。我们将坚持“和 平统一、一国两制”的方针,继续推动两岸关系和平发展,维护中华 民族根本利益,增进两岸同胞共同利益。
(1)中国: Collateral relationship 群体性取向 中国人民同心协力、锐意进取,继续推进改革开放和社会主义现
代化建设,经济保持平稳较快发展,全面建设小康社会取得新进展。 只要各国人民戮力同心、同舟共济,我们一定能够战胜前进道路
上的各种困难和风险,在推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界的 征程上不断迈出新的步伐。
(2)美国:Good but corruptible 人性本恶 除了在国内努力之外,美国还继续在全世界传播自由与和平。美
国决心打败恐怖分子和极端分子,我们要继续主动打击抗拒自由的敌 人。2008年,我们在国际社会中要继续同我们的合作夥伴一道,为我 们的后代奠定和平的基础。
2、Relational orientation Collateral relationship 群体性取向 Individualistic relationship 个体主义取向
2、Relational orientation 关系取向 Collateral relationship 群体性取向 Individualistic relationship 个体主义取向
3.Activity orientation 人类活动取向 Being(存在) : a nondevelopmental model of society. Doing(做): activity that leads to external accomplishments
3.意识形态具有鲜明的阶级功能。不同的社会 集2. 团和阶级由于其利益的差异而有不同的意识 形态
• 意识形态可以被理解为一种具有理解性 的想像、一种观看事物的方法,或者是指 由社会中的统治阶级对所有社会成员提出 的一组观念
2012年的新年钟声即将敲响。在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,我很高兴 通过中国国际广播电台、中央人民广播电台和中央电视台,向全国各族人民, 向香港特别行政区同胞和澳门特别行政区同胞,向台湾同胞和海外侨胞,向 世界各国的朋友们,致以新年的祝福! 做人:重思想理论,主张理论支持实践,指导实践
(2)美国:dong 做事 在我们进入新年之际,我们回顾过去、期盼迎来充满希望的一年。
强劲的经济带来了富于希望和机遇的未来。由于美国劳动者和企业界的 努力,去年我们的经济以富有活力的速度增长。由于保持低税率和实行财政 的限制,帮助保证就业增加,赤字再次比计划提前下降。我们的经济基础证 明是强劲的、有竞争力的、充满活力的,能够战胜我们面临的挑战。在未来 一年,我们要进一步鼓励经济增长,让美国人民有更多的钱用于投资、家庭 消费,为未来积蓄。 做事:重成果,讲究效率,这里就说到很多美国在过去一年中的经济情况。
How culture elements have influenced our language ?
1.Values 价值观 2.Ideology 意识形态 3.Time orientation 时间方向 4.Patterns of thought 思维模式
Values 价值观
1、Human nature orientation 人性取向 good but corruptible善良但趋于腐化 evil but perfectible邪恶但趋于完美
(2)美国 : Individualistic relationship 个体主义取向 在未来一年,我们要进一步鼓励经济增长,让美国人民有更多的
钱用于投资、家庭消费,为未来积蓄。 在迎接新年的时刻,我们满怀对美国精神力量的信任,对我们目
标的信心,对创造享受自由的众生、并爱护众生的上帝的虔诚,继续 向前迈进。