鱼与熊掌皆可兼得——听VTL IT85合并式电子管放大器
由 于 物 理 特 性 的原 因
胆 机和石
我 实在 很 难 将 这 些 涉 及 到 众 多 主 客 观 因 素 混 杂 的情 况 解 释 得 清
首 先 我 要 了 解 你们 的聆 听 习惯
机 的 声 音特 点 肯 定 是 存 在 差 异 的
音 响器 材 是 用
机 ( 尤 其 是 单 端 线 路 ) 的谐 波 失 真 较
主 编张 先生 与我
胆 机不 应 该 只 会 出
过 载 承 受 能力 也 没 有 胆 管 强
起 接受 某 个 节 目组 的访
石机也 不 能有 型 的产 品
力和 速度 感 却是 长 处
这 样的例 子
我接触 过 不 少
谈活 动
形 式 有 点 类似 央 视 的
试 听 的 IT 8 5 是 新 改 版 的 产 品
听 V T L IT 8 5 合 并 式 电 子 管 放 大 器
文 /学 明
记 得那 是 在
场俱 乐部活 动后
素 和 美感 忠 实地 表 现 出来 。 也 就 是 说
但 线路相对 而 言较 为复杂
器 材 厂 方的负责人
及 听 众代 表
那 样你 才会 找到 自己 的挚 爱
丰润、温暖中可见跃动LUXMAN SQ-38u电子管合并功率放大器
是以怀目的放大器为目标.而是追求最新的前霉主放大器不变的多功能性能对喜爱的声音做细微鸿节的音调控制电路上采用7变化特性平滑.波动较少的L U X方武C最早出现是在1962发苗的SQ Sb上I。
前面板上装备有带^,B切换功能的扬声器选择开关.可根据对音乐类型和演奏年代的喜好选撵2种扬声器系统一装备了耳机输出端于录音用端子.即使是深在聆听也能轻撒享受真空管的音色录音辅出和监听辅^各1路.实现7高扩展性为7能充分享受到唱头放大电龉中通过电子锋放大嚣播放的温暖的模拟唱片的音色.采用7将信号的相位漂移限耕在最低限度.实现了低失真的E规的2f殳PK—N F型增加了M M唱头.冉冀7 M C唱头用的附带增益切换f hi gh/LO W两段l的M C升压变压器.可对应各种咱头鲤变压器升压.擅长音质丰满的唱片播放.琚来在台并放大器中也越来越少了L U X M A N投^多年研究获得的放大器制造技术.并不仅仅是为了寻找撞拟蝎片环境中最台适的啬质.也获得7高便利性不仅注I C D等现代的音乐源.迹注重唱片播放的s0—38u中,具备在更换唱头和唱针压八唱片的瞬间起14作用的静噪功能.和制止嘻片弯折时产生的低频率信号的低频截止功能。
通过设{在前面板±的分离开关.切换在前盥放大器和功率放大器的接壤点让设置的离品质音频继电器.完全悖隔各电路.使各电路丹刺I作考虐刘M m㈣11d厂一将来对分体式放太嚣系统的升级,曼活运用后背板上装备的pr e输m和m ai n输^端于.与高品质的前置放大器和功率放大器组台,享受构筑高品质的音乐环境的乐趣放大器由许多的雩件构成.每一个零件都是决定音质的重要因素。
欧博A100III super合并式放大器
欧博A100III super合并式放大器
【摘要】北京欧博最近推出了全新的“冷”甲类放大技术A100III super(原命名为A15T)合并式放大器。
1.公主与王子的牵手欧博"紫禁城"CD18 CD播放机a18合并式放大器 [J], 尤玉邦
后级放大器+阿氏宝贝一号音箱 [J], 无
3.典雅之美欧博新推A15T合并式放大器 [J],
4.强力升级到中高档:欧博A100ⅢSuper合并式功放 [J],
5.欧博A100Ⅲsuper合并式功放 [J],
通过对前两篇文献的实践案例进行分析,我们可以总结出OP放大器的一些优点和应用技巧。OP放 大器具有高输入阻抗、低输出阻抗的特点,这使得它能够对微弱信号进行高效放大。OP放大器具 有很宽的频带和良好的线性度,适用于各种复杂的电路系统。OP放大器的负反馈机制能够提高电 路的稳定性和可靠性。 然而,在实际应用中,需要注意以下几个方面的问题。OP放大器的电源和接地要稳定可靠,以避 免产生噪声和失真。负反馈电阻的选择要适当,以保证足够的增益和稳定的放大性能。要避免信 号源内阻过大对OP放大器性能的影响。 《OP放大器应用技巧100例》这本书对于电子工程领域的工作者来说具有极高的参考价值。通过 掌握OP放大器的应用技巧,可以进一步提高电子设备的性能和可靠性。本书所列举的三个摘录分 别从不同角度阐述了OP放大器的实际应用。相信读者在阅读本书后能更好地理解和应用OP放大器。
这本书的语言风格简明易懂,作者采用了通俗易懂的语言和生动的比喻来描述OP放大器的应用技 巧。书中还通过大量的实例和图表来帮助读者更好地理解每个技巧的具体应用方法和效果。
我们来说说这本书的修辞手法。作者在行文中采用了多种修辞手法,比如对比、举例、归纳等, 来使文章更加生动有趣。例如,作者通过对比不同的OP放大器类型来帮助读者更好地了解每种类 型的优缺点;同时通过大量的举例来说明每种技巧的具体应用方法和效果;此外还通过归纳总结 来说明每种技巧的核心要点和应用范围。
在电子工程领域,运算放大器(OP放大器)是一种极其重要的器件,广泛应用于各种电路系统中。 近年来,一本名为《OP放大器应用技巧100例》的书籍备受推崇,作者凭借丰富的实践经验,系 统地介绍了OP放大器的各种应用技巧。本书将通过精彩摘录的方式,引导读者领略书中的精髓。 在电子系统中,信号通常很微弱,难以直接进行处理。此时,OP放大器可以作为一种有效的工具, 通过放大信号电流,提高信号强度。具体的做法是在OP放大器的输入端接入待放大的信号,适当 调整反馈电阻的阻值,以控制放大倍数。实际应用中,反馈电阻的选择需根据具体需求进行优化。 举例来说,设计一个音频前置放大器,需要提高音频信号的电流强度。此时,可以采用OP放大器 来对输入信号进行放大。选择一个适当的反馈电阻,如1kΩ,将输入信号接入放大器的正向输入 端,调整输入电阻和反馈电阻的阻值比,即可实现对音频信号的放大。
测试结果表明:在电源电压±15 V、25℃环境温度下,开环电压增益为114.49 dB,正压摆率为12.33 V/μs,
负压摆率为-9.76 V/μs,输入偏置电流为42.52 pA,输入失调电流为4.23 pA,输出
电压摆幅为-13.56~14.16 V,共模抑制比为105.56 dB,电源抑制比为107.91 dB。
1.一种高压摆率低电压CMOS AB类放大器的设计
一直在蜕变的旗舰合并功放——LUXMAN L-509X
模 拟 输 入 让 用 家 能 在 各 种 音 源 中 切 换 , 内 置 的 M M/MC唱 头 LU×M AN将 这 种 电 路 模 块 化 , 目 前 这 种 技 术 已 经 发 展 到
放 大器 可 以让 人 尽 情 地 品 尝 黑 胶 音 乐 ,两 组 平 衡 输 入 可 以 ODNF4.0, 并 且 应 用 到 L一509X上 。
强 虽 然输 功 率 不 变 ,但 是 变压 器 由L-5O9u的58OVA增 : ̄. ̄ 600VA, 电 源 滤 波 也 从 4只 1OOO0 F电容 增 加 到 8只 不仅 如 此 ,输 出部 分 电路板 铜 箔 的 厚 度 也 得到 增 加 ,如 此
来 电源 供 应 更 加 宽 裕 ,输 出 通 道 更 有 利 于 大 电流 的通
LUXM AN会 这 么 说 : 我 们 有 很 好 的 解 码 器 型 号 , 何 不 另 外 优 点 呢 LUXMAN的 电 路 设 计 师 想 了 一 个 办 法 ,在 电 路 失
购 入 呢?
真 时 才 施 加 负 反 馈 ,经 过 多 次 试 验 , 他 们 开 发 出 这 种 技 术
你 会 发 现 各 种 模 拟 电 路 井 井 有 条 地 布 满 机 箱 每 个 角 落 , 这 可 听 度 确 实 得到 改 善 ,不 过 许 多 人依 然 对 无 负反 馈 功 放 的
是 专 注 于 模 拟 放 大 的 最 好 体 现 。 若 要 解 码 功 能 , 也 许 声 音 念 念 不 忘 , 觉 得 听 起 来 更 自 然 一 些 。 如 何 结 合 两 者 的
这 是 稳 步 发 展 的 最 好 体 现 。
k” ,大 意就 是 :只在 功 放输 出的信 号 有 失真 时 才 施加 负 反
冬日暖阳,入门玩家的第一缕光--primaluna evo 100合并式电子管放大器
EDUIPmENT REVIELU点指兵兵冬日暖阳,入门玩家的第一缕光PrimaLuna EVO100合并式电子管放大器文/晨光图/小路产品代理:先声音响28祝听怖醸技术参数■功率:40WX28Q ■电子管配置:2x12AX7, 2x12AU7, 4 x EL34 ■输入:4xRCA ■输出:4 & 8 Q 喇叭输出、RCA 录音输出、6.35m m 耳机 输出 ■频率响应:10Hz-75Hz ±3dB ■总谐液失真:v 0.2% @ 1W ■信噪比:90 dB ■输入灵敏度:260mV ■消耗功率:270 W ■尺寸:llx7.5x 15.9英寸S 重量:39.6磅PrimaLuna ——入门玩家的第一缕光PrimaLuna,在意大利语中是“第一个月亮”的意思。
为什么会有一个音响品牌采用这个名字?在PrimaLuna 的官方网站上,有这么一段的介绍:请给自己从意大利买一张地图。
你可以在地图的右上角找到Primaluna 镇,位于米兰以北50公里的科莫湖附近。
拉丁语 "Primum Lumen",意思是基督教的"第一缕光",因为这个地区最早的基督教信仰证据可以追溯到公元495 年。
而将Hi-Fi 品牌取名为PrimaLuna,是让预算很少的高保真音响爱好者在这个充斥着昂贵的神秘装置的黑暗世界 中看到的第一缕光。
Primaluna,虽然有着一个意大利的名字,但是它是一个来自荷兰的品牌,是成立于2003年的电子管品牌,由Herman Van den Dungen 创立于2003年,名字是不是似曾相识?他的名字与V an Den Hui 相似,他们同样来自荷兰。
1998年,Herman 吸纳了众多优秀音响技术人才,打造了闻名的AH!品牌,当中的Njoe Tjoeb CD 播放器在欧 洲好评不断。
随后,Herman 为了扩大在美国的市场,他与当地经销商Kevin Deal 建立合作关系,Dealffl 有非常丰富 的电子管产品销售经验,同时对本土市场十分了解。
GigMaster 30 管理指南 管道电子吉他放大器说明书
Operator's ManualTube Guitar AmplifierPlease, first read this manual carefully!GigMaster 30Front Panel FeaturesGigMaster 30. This compact tube-driven amp delivers to-die-for tone in a phenomenally portable package! Either version, Combo or Head, is your perfect sidekick for playing gigs, recording in studios, and practicing at home. It comes loaded with a bevy of convenient sound-sculpting features designed to make your musical life easier and more rewarding, including a built-in spring reverb, Gain Boost, and Master Volume Boost. This M.V.B. lets you access two different master volume levels on the fly via footswitch, for example, one for rhythm and the other for leads.Four EL84 pentode power tubes serve up the amp's sweet fundamental sound, while the preamp's ECC83 double triode dishes out lashings of overdrive and distortion. What's more, the GigMaster 30 sports two channels, Clean and Lead, to give you an even wider variety of tonal flavors. And its Mid Boost switch accentuates those middle frequencies that mean so much to the sound of an electric guitar. Six sound-shaping may be controlled remotely via footswitch, which gives you lots of tonal flexibility paired with utmost handling ease! This ingenious little amp is sure to delight with its warm, bluesy tone and assertive mids. But don't take our word for it - plug in, play, and enjoy!You'll find guidelines on care and maintenance of tube amps handling in certain places of this manual. Please read and heed these before operating your amp. You'll also come across boxes shaded grey throughout the manual. These are located between the descriptions of the amp's functions and contain handy tips on the preceding function. All critical information pertaining to the operation of this amp is preceded by "NOTE" or "CAUTION." Please pay particular attention to these safety tips. The ENGL team wishes you all the best —may you and your amp enjoy a "harmonically rich" future together!1 Input: ¼" unbalanced input jack. Plug your guitar in here using a shielded cord.2 Input Gain: This knob controls the preamp's input sensitivity. Use to dial in the desired amount of gain for the Clean and Lead channels. It and the Master (12) knob determine the Clean channel's amount of preamp distortion in Lead mode.Note: The amp's noise floor will increase appreciably if you crank both the Lead Drive and Input Gain knobs!CAUTION: Extremely high gain and volume levels in Lead mode can produce powerful feedback. Avoid feedback squeals; they can lead to hearing loss and damage speakers! At higher volumes, 5 Middle: Mid-range voicing control of the preamps ´s passive EQ.7 Reverb: Reverb intensity knob. Twist it to adjust the amount of reverb for Clean and Lead. Turn the Reverb control knob clockwise to increase the effect's intensity. The signal remains completely dry when the knob is set to the 7 o'clock position or if Reverb is deactivated via a footswitch. You can switch the reverb unit on and off using a footswitch connected to jack 18. The reverb unit is always on if you do not plug a footswitch into jack 18.8 Lead Volume: Volume control for the Lead channel (pre-FX loop, influences the Send level).The red LED above the channel switching selector (11) indicates Lead operating mode.Use this knob to dial in the desired balance of levels between the Lead and Clean channels.9 Mid Boost: This voicing feature operates globally, affecting both channels by boosting specificmidrange frequencies when activated. The LED above the button lights up to indicate Mid Boostis activated. It may also be switched using a footswitch connected to jack 19.above the button lights up to indicate Gain Boost is engaged. You can also control Gain BoostThis function can also be activated via the respective footswitch connected to jack 20.Once a footpedal is connected, the channel selector pushbutton is deactivated.12 Master: This master volume knob controls the power amp's output (it is located post FX Loop).M.V.B. (Master Volume Boost): This feature increases the master volume level, giving you instant access to two different volume levels for different musical situations, for instance, one for rhythm parts and the other for lead lines.You can control this feature via a footswitch connected to port 19.13 Power Tube Fuse: This red LED lights up to indicate one of the internal power tube fuses hasblown. You can continue playing, but the amp's performance will be diminished. Normally theloss of a power tube results in an unbalanced signal.Be sure to have a specialist look over the power amp as soon as possible; the fuse probably blew because of a defective power tube. Once a fuse has blown, it must be replaced by a new fuse.14 Stand By: Power amp standby switch: Use this switch to silence (0 position) the amp when youtake a break. The amp's tubes stay warm, which means that it is ready to roll immediatelywhen you switch it back to full power. The standby switch is also well-suited for muting the ampPlease note: ensure that the Stand By switch (14) is set to Stand By (0 position) before you switch the amp on. Let the tubes heat up for about 30 seconds before you activate the power amp. This procedure spares the tubes.CAUTION: After an extended period of operation and higher ambient temperatures the amps'schassis can become very hot, therefore avoid touching the rear panel surface !16 Mains Connector (AC Power Inlet; IEC - C14 connector)Plug the mains cord in here. For European models, use a standard non-heating equipment connector cable.CAUTION: Make sure you use an intact mains line cord with a grounded plug! Before you power the amp up, ensure the voltage value printed alongside the mains socket is the same as the current of the local power supply or wall outlet.Please also heed the guidelines set forth in the separately included pamphlet, Instructions for the Prevention of Fire, Electrical Shock and Injury.17 Mains Fuse Box: The rear chamber contains the mains fuse and in the front chamber, a spare fuse. CAUTION: ALWAYS make sure replacement fuses are of the same type and have the same ratings as the original fuse! Please refer to the fuse ratings table.18 Footswitch FX Off/On; Reverb: Use this ¼" Stereo jack to connect a conventional footswitch with two switching functions, for example, the ENGL Z-4 (2 x off/on - Single Pole Single Throw or SPST for short). This type of footswitch lets you switch the FX Loop and Reverb off and on. One of the two switches activates the FX Loop; the other engages the internal Reverb.The FX Loop and the Reverb system are activated by default if you do not connect a footswitch to this jack. Note also that a footswitch may be equipped with LEDs indicating the given switching status. Each of the two switches is provided with about 10 milliamperes of current, which suffices to power a standard LED. The jack's mono terminal (the tip) switches the FX Loop off and on, and the stereo terminal (the ring) switches Reverb off and on. For pin assignments, see "Wiring of Principal Connectors".19 Footswitch Mid Boost; M.V.B. (Master Volume Boost): Use this ¼" Stereo jack to connect a conventional footswitch with two switching functions, for example, the ENGL Z-4 (2 x off/on - Single Pole Single Throw or SPST for short).One of the two switches activates Mid Boost; the other engages Master Volume Boost.Plugging a footswitch into this jack disables onboard Mid Boost (9) switching. Note also that a footswitch may be equipped with LEDs indicating the given switching status. Each of the two switches is provided with about 10 milliamperes current, which suffices to power a standard LED. The jack's mono terminal (the tip) switches Mid Boost, while the stereo terminal (the ring) switches M.V.B. For pin assignments, see "Wiring of Principal Connectors".20 Footswitch Clean/Lead; Gain Boost: Use this ¼" Stereo jack to connect a conventional footswitch with two switching functions, for example, the ENGL Z-4 (2 x off/on - Single Pole Single Throw or SPST for short). This type of footswitch lets you access the two channels and Gain Boost. One of the two switches activates Clean or Lead; the other engages Gain Boost.Plugging a footswitch into this jack disables onboard channel (11) and Gain Boost (10) switching. Note also that a footswitch may be equipped with LEDs indicating the given switching status. Each of the two switches is provided with about 10 milliamperes current, which suffices to power a standard LED. The jack's mono terminal (the tip) selects Clean or Lead, while the stereo terminal shortest possible shielded cord equipped with ¼" plugs.22 FX Loop Return: Use a shielded cord equipped with ¼" jack plugs to connect an effects device's output or send jack to this input. You can control the FX Loop remotely via a footswitch connected to port 18. The FX Loop is active (on) by default when no footswitch is connected to port 18. Remark: The FX Loop is located between the preamp and power amp in the signal path. Inserting a ¼" jack plug into the Return port interrupts the circuit between the preamp and power amp.Rear Panel Features23 Line Out - 0 dB Poweramp Signal: This port taps the power amp's output to provide a line out signal configured at a level of about 0 dB. The frequency response is identical to that of the power amp output signal. In other words, its frequency response has not been compensated or corrected.You can feed this signal to another linear power amp. Another option is to patch it through an outboard filter to emulate a speaker, for example, a 4x12 cabinet simulation, and feed this externally processed signal to a recording device or PA system.24 Poweramp Output 8 Ohms, internal speaker: This 8-ohm speaker out is wired in parallel with port 25. Connect an 8-ohm cabinet or, in the case of the E300 Combo, its internal speaker to it.25 Poweramp Output 8 Ohms parallel: This 8-ohm speaker out is wired in parallel with port 24. Use it in combination with port 24 to connect two 16-ohm cabinets.26 Poweramp Output A -16 Ohms serial: 16-ohm speaker out, connected internally in series withOutput B (jack 27). Connect a 16-ohm cabinet here (Output A). Two 8-ohm speakers are connected to Output A (jack 26) and Output B (jack 27), for example a combination of the internal 8-ohm speaker of the Combo E300 and an external 8-ohm cabinet, e.g. the ENGL models E112 or E412. CAUTION: If you intend to use a 16-ohm cabinet only, make absolutely certain you connect it to Output A (jack 26).Output B (jack 27) is only enabled when a speaker is connected to Output A (jack 20).27 Poweramp Output B - 16 Ohms serial: This is an auxiliary output connected in series with Output A (jack 26). This output is designed for one application for only —when you are driving a combination of two 8-ohm cabinets/speakers. This output may only be used when an 8-ohm speaker is connected to Output A (jack 26).NOTE: Never operate the amplifier without a sufficient load, otherwise you may damage or destroy the power amp!Speaker/ cabinet options:You can connect one 8-ohm cabinet (or the Combo's internal speaker) to the 8-Ohm Output (24); or two 16-ohm cabs to the two 8-Ohm Outputs (ports 24 and 25); or one 16-ohm cab to Output A (port 26);or two 8-ohm cabs to Output A and B (ports 26 and 27).Tube array:Reverb Connector:red plug:reverb spring inputblack plug:reverb spring outputHandling and Care* Keep the amp safe from hard knocks and shocks. Tubes are fragile and tend to suffer when exposed to mechanical stress!* Let the amp cool down before you transport it. Ten minutes or so will spare the tubes.* Tubes take some 20 seconds to warm up after you switch the power on, andabout two to three minutes before they are able to pump out full power. Make a habit of giving your amp plenty of time to get toasty and flipping the Standby switch for short breaks.* In order to spare the power tubes and prolong their lifetime, we recommend to set theStand By switch to Stand By (0 position, that is) before you switch the amp on. After a period of 30 seconds you may activate the poweramp by flipping the Stand By switch.* Avoid storing the amp in damp or dusty rooms to spare jacks, switches and potentiometers. If you don't use the amp all the time, I recommend that you drape a covering over it to prevent the intrusion of dust. Even better, keep it in a transport cover or flight case.* Never use caustic or scouring detergents to clean the amp's housing, front or rear panels.Use a soft, damp cloth or sponge with diluted soapsuds or a standard brand of mild dishwashing liquid instead. Never use solvents they can corrode the amp's vinyl skin and dissolve the front and rear panel labels. Keep liquids well away from the amp, particularly the interior of the housing.* Make sure air can circulate at the rear and top of the amp to allow for adequate cooling, which increases component life.* Never operate the amp without an adequate load (a speaker, cabinet or suitable terminating resistor).* High ambient temperatures place an additional strain on diverse components; so if at all possible, avoid operating the amp at temperatures far higher than 30°C (86°F) for longer periods.Running the amp at mains voltages exceeding the nominal mains input voltage over longer periods can also shorten component life.* Replace tubes with selected tubes that satisfy ENGL selection criteria to forestall microphonic properties, undesirable noise and unbalanced power amp signals.Because power tubes' idle current (bias) must checked and possibly adjusted when replacing tubes, this is a job best left to experienced and authorized specialists.Technical DataRated power: approx. 30 watts at 8 or 16 ohms;Input sensitivity level Input, Clean channel: -20 dBInput sensitivity FX Return: -10 dB, approx. +10 dB max.;Output level FX Send, level range: -10 dB to approx. +5 dB peak;Tubes: V1: ECC 83 (12AX7) selected; V2, V3, V4, V5: EL 84 (6BQ5) matched set.Fuses:Mains fuse: 0.63 ATL (slow) for the 230 Volt model;1.25 ATL (slow) in the 100 and 120 Volt models.Power Tube Fuses (internal): 4 x 0.063 AM (63 mA medium blow)Important: Replace fuses only against same type and rating!Power Consumption: approx. 138 watts max.Dimensions: Head - E305 approx. 49.5 x 22 (24) x 25 cm; 19.5" x 8.7" x 9.8"; (W x H x D) Combo - E300 approx. 49.5 x 43 (45) x 25 cm; 19.5" x 17" x 9.8"; Weight: Head - E305 approx. 12 kg; 26.5 lbs; Combo - E300 approx. 18 kg; 39.7 lbs;Speaker in Combo E300: 12" Celestion;Tube replacement report:Replaced on: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20 _ _ _ Replaced by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Replaced tubes V1: O V2: O V3: O V4: O V5: OReason: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Troubleshooting* The amp does not power-up after you have switched the power on.The control lamp inside the power switch (15) does not light.-> Is the mains cord connected to the receptacle / live power source ?-> Is the power cable you are using intact ? Try another equal mains cable.-> Is the mains lead properly connected to the AC Power Inlet (16) at the amp ?-> Possibly the mains fuse (17) has blown, unplug the mains cord from the mains connectorand the receptacle and check the mains fuse.* The amp fails to respond when you try to control switching functions remotelyusing a footboard such as the Z-4 or a MIDI switcher such as the ENGL Z-11.-> Are the footpedals (or the switching loops) connected to the correspondingfootswitch jacks (18, 19, 20) ?-> Are the cords you are using stereo, intact, and wired properly ?(Refer to "Wiring of Principal Connectors" for pin assignments.)-> If you are using footswitches other than an ENGL Z-4 or Z-11, are the switches or relays inside the boards or switching loop systems off / on Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) switches? In other words, do these switches continuously connect to GND when you wish to activate the given function?If you're unsure about the answers to these questions, consult an authorized service centeror a professional specialist.* The amp is not providing an output signal / no sound is emanatingfrom the speaker.-> Is at least one speaker connected to the speaker outputs 8 ohms (24, 25) or 16 ohms (26) ?-> Is the power amp activated (Standby switch to ON) ?-> Are all cords (guitar, effect, and speaker) connected properly and are they functional ?-> Unplug connected effectors and see if the amp works fine without these peripheral devices.-> Are the Master, Lead Drive or Lead Volume knobs set to a value greater than 0 ?If any of these knobs is fully down, no signal is routed to the amp's outputs.-> You may be looking at a faulty tube or another defect. (the internal power tube fuses blown, etc.) In this case, be sure to take the preamp to an authorized, professional service center.* The speaker is emitting humming noises:-> Is there a connection (for example, via a shielded circuit, e.g. Line Out) between the ampand another device that is grounded via a power plug of its own?Two or more circuits sharing a common electrical ground line can cause audible hum.If low-frequency noise is emanating from your rig, be sure to consult a specialist.-> The amp and mains grounds are not connected properly or are altogetherdisconnected. Have an experienced specialist check this.-> Cords connected to the input or effect loops may not be shielded properly.Replace them to check if this is indeed the case.-> The amp or speaker cords may be picking up interference from powerfulmagnetic fields (for example, of nearby power transformers or electrical motors).Reposition the amp and connector cables.-> The amp or speaker cords may be picking up radio signals, for example,from activated mobile telephones or powerful local transmitting stations nearby.Switch off mobile phones while troubleshooting noise problems.CAUTION! Please read and heed the following:You'll find an ancillary pamphlet accompanying this owner's manual entitledInstructions for the Prevention of Fire, Electrical Shock and Injury.Be sure to read it before you plug in and power up the amp!1. Use a dual footswitch such as the ENGL Z-4, connecting it to the amp via a stereo cord equippedwith ¼" jack plugs. You can switch channels and Gain Boost via the dual footswitch connected to port 20, Mid Boost and M.V.B. via the dual footswitch connected to port 19, and FX Loop Off/On and Reverb Off/On via the dual footswitch connected to port 18.2. Use a MIDI switcher such as the ENGL Z-11, c onnecting it to the amp via three stereo cordsequipped with ¼" jack plugs. The buttons on the switcher can serve to control Clean/Lead, Gain Boost, Mid Boost, M.V.B., the FX Loop, and Reverb.You can also program all kinds of switching setups to the various MIDI program locations. Here's just one example: You could configure MIDI Preset #1 so that the Clean channel, Gain Boost, and Reverb are on, while Mid Boost, M.V.B., and the FX Loop are off. Then you could set MIDI Preset #2 up so that Lead channel, Mid Boost, and M.V.B. are on, while Gain Boost, the FX Loop, and Reverb are off.Whatever setups you decide to program, you can easily activate the desired configuration directly viaa MIDI board such as the ENGL Z-9, Z-12, or Z-15.This type of control option is extremely versatile; we recommend it highly if you intend to use the amp in conjunction with any MIDI system, including MIDI effects devices.Stereo1/4" jacktip: refer to*Tring: refer to *Rsleeve: Ground (Shield)Use a stereoplug only!Stereo1/4" plug*Rtip *TWiring of Principal Connectors: Footswitch (18, 19, 20)Your options for controlling the GigMaster 30 amp remotely:Technical specifications are subject to change without notice.ENGL Gerätebau GmbHInternet: Text, design, graphics and layout byHorst Langer, ENGL Amp DesignerFootswitch jack (20):*R: A switch connected to this terminal controlsGain Boost: off <--> on;*T: A switch connected to this terminal controlsChannel switching: Clean <--> Lead;Footswitch jack (18):*R: A switch connected to this terminal controlsReverb: off <--> on;*T: A switch connected to this terminal controlsFX Loop: off <--> on;Footswitch jack (19):*R: A switch connected to this terminal controlsM.V.B. off <--> on (low / high level);*T: A switch connected to this terminal controlsMid boost: off <--> on;。
Kustom KG100FX112电吉他放大器说明书
8. Middle: This controls the middle frequencies for both channels. For a heavier, more distorted sound, set the Middle control in its lower ranges. For a vintage-style, cleaner tone, set the Middle higher.
12. Chorus On: By pressing in, this switch activates a lush Chorus effect.
13. Aux In: This is a 3-conductor, 1/8-inch, stereo jack that allows playback from a Compact Disc, MP3 player or other audio device. The overall volume level will be determined by the audio device, so start with lower volume levels and increase as needed.
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
G r a d u a t e U n i v e r s i t o C h i n e s e A c a d e m o S c i e n c e s, B e i i n C h i n a 1 0 0 0 4 9, y f y f j g
1 引 言
近几年来以超短激光脉冲为代表的精细加工已 经成为激光加工领 域 的 热 点 , 引起了人们的广泛关 脉冲宽度为1 注 。 理论分析 和 实 验 说 明 , 0p s左 右
1~3] , 的激 光 脉 冲 能 满 足 许 多 精 细 加 工 的 要 求 [ 加工
效果可以同飞秒激 光 加 工 相 媲 美 , 同时可避免飞秒 激光在靶标前面的空气中发生的等离子体效应和由 此引起的光束变形和散射 。 为了满足材料加工时所 需的脉冲能量和加 工 速 度 , 皮秒激光器需采用高重 复频率的再生放大技术 。 国外相继报道了对高重复
第3 9卷 第5期 2 0 1 2年5月
中 国 激 光 C H I N E S E J O U R N A L O F L A S E R S
V o l . 3 9,N o . 5 , M a 0 1 2 y 2
高脉冲稳定性的 1 0 0k H z皮秒再生放大器
2, 3 1, 3 3 1, 3 1, 2, 3 1 1, 2, 3 1 黄玉涛1, 樊仲维 * 牛 岗 闫 莹 王小发 黄 科 连富强 余 锦
;收到修改稿日期 : 2 0 1 1 1 2 0 5 0 2 1 3 2 0 1 2 收稿日期 : - - - - ) ) 基金项目 :国家科技部国际合作 ( 和中国科学院科研装备研制项目 ( 资助课题 。 2 0 1 0 D F R 5 0 6 5 0 Y 2 0 1 0 0 0 8 : , 作者简介 :黄玉涛 ( 男, 硕士研究生 , 主要从事全固态皮秒激光器方面的研究 。E-m u t a o h u a n a i l 2 6. c o m 1 9 8 8—) @1 y g , 导师简介 :樊仲维 ( 男, 研究员 , 博士生导师 , 主要从事全 固 态 皮 秒 激 光 器 及 大 型 复 杂 全 固 态 激 光 器 等 方 面 的 研 1 9 6 4—) : 究 。E-m 通信联系人 ) a i l f a n z w 0 0 2@1 6 3. c o m( 0 5 0 2 0 0 9 1 -
100W LM3886功率放大器这是根据美国国家半导体公司的应用笔记中详述的PA100平行放大器100W LM3886功放上- AN1192。
此放大器可提供约50W 8欧姆扬声器和100W到4欧姆扬声器。
这是一个立体声放大器,因此使用4 LM3886s。
680欧姆和470pF的电阻,电容滤波网络使用RCA 输入筛选出高频率的噪音。
220PF C4和C8电容器用于拍摄出的高频率的噪音,在LM3886的输入引脚。
我曾经在多个地点的高品质音频级电容:在1uF的Auricap,100uF的C2和C6 Blackgate 我隔直流,1000UF Blackgate我在电源滤波器的输入。
在PCB后,我发现有些是在钻洞不够大...... 我要它更大的手动。
对于输出电阻,我用在每3886输出的并行,而不是一个3W 电阻六0.5W 1%1欧姆电阻3W 1%的电阻,因为很难找到。
我用的绝缘版本- LM3886的TF,这样我可以直接挂载它的情况与热复合散热器。
过滤器使用的电源是Blackgate我1000UF 50V。
1.美星HC84-C II电子管合并式放大器 [J],
2.优雅与力量的结合美星铭达MC3008-AB电子管合并式放大器 [J], 谢木
3.美星MC34-AB电子管合并式放大器 [J],
4.一对孪生音响王子的诞生--记美星电子厂今秋推出的电子管合并式甲类功率放大器MC805-AA和MC845-AA [J], 小玉
5.独特的美星--听MC805-AA与MC845-AA电子管合并式放大器 [J], 小美因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
JAM科技公司推出True Fidelity数字音频放大器
JAM科技公司推出True Fidelity数字音频放大器
【摘要】JAM科技公司的名字也许大家还不是很熟悉,它是一家无晶圆半导体公司,致力于开发和销售Tue Fidelity数字音频放大器.JAM的TureFidelity放大器是一种全新的数字输入Class D开放环放大器,它能够以Class D放大器的效率实现模拟放大器的音质.
1.JAM科技的开环架构提升数字音频放大器性能 [J], 章
2.集模拟与数字音频优点为一身JAM开放环架构打造全新数字放大器 [J], 宫丽华
3.瑞萨科技将推出支持IIS数字音频信号输入的小型高性能数字放大器 [J],
4.Jam Tech推出新型数字音频放大器制定市场竞争新规则 [J],
5.LSI推出新一代前置放大器TrueStore PA8800 [J],
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4 .
平衡 × 2
输入 阻抗 : 2 0 k n
(RC A ) 4 0 k 0 .
(X L R )
寸 宽 尺 :
高 4 3 1 il l m X
1 1 1 m m X 深 4 2 0 ra m
重量 : 20kg 参
考价格 : 3 6 5 0 英 镑 / 台
“G a m u T ” 字样 , 侧板 则设 计 了大 型 的铝 合金散
年创 立 的 G a m u T 更多更好的体验 。
S i 10 0 是 G a m u T 的 中级 合 并 式放 大 器 产 品 , 外形 沿
用上 级 产 品 D I 150 的设计 , 机 壳采 用 航天 级铝 合金 材料
娟暮:岁 和 不 锈 钢 制 成 , 表 面 加 工 精 美 。
来 自丹 麦 的 H i - E n d 音 响 品 牌 G a m u T 的 主
事者 L a r s G o lle r 堪 称 是音响 鬼才 , 此 人 曾
在 S ca n S pe a k 担任开 发经理 , 成功研 究 出
了 不 少 的 经 典 单 元 。 2 0 0 5 年 , L a r s G o lle r 加 入 到 19 8 2
按钮 显 、
示 屏 、 旋 钮 呈 左 右镜 相 对称 , 在顶 板上 , 有 凹 刻 的
订 制 , 位 于 靠 近 面 板 的 正 中位 置 。 整 流 滤 波 采用 稳 压 器 和 s fe r n ic e 大 功 率 电 阻 也 为各级 电路提 供
麓 i 雠 麦髫 J
200 8
I 呵听 新 疆 触
天 才新作 品
Ga m uT S i 100
合并式放 大 器
频 率 响应 : 2 0 Hz 一 2 0 k Hz ( ± 0 1 d 6 ) 输 出功 率 : 1 3 0 W x 2
(8 ( ) ) , 2 0 0 W x 2 (4 0 )
输入 端子 : RC A 单端 x