Lecture 01


人工智能 第01讲-人工智能简介 Lecture 01 - Introduction to AI

人工智能 第01讲-人工智能简介 Lecture 01 - Introduction to AI

Course Topics
o Part III: Machine Learning
o Decision Tree o Clustering o Neural Networks
o Part IV: AI Applications
o Imaging Processing o Natural Language Processing
o Once upon a time there was a dishonest fox and a vain crow. One day the crow was sitting in his tree, holding a piece of cheese in his mouth. He noticed that he was holding the piece of cheese. He became hungry, and swallowed the cheese. The fox walked over to the crow. The End.
o Play a decent game of Jeopardy? o Win against any human at chess? o Win against the best humans at Go? o Play a decent game of tennis? o Grab a particular cup and put it on a shelf? o Unload any dishwasher in any home? o Drive safely along the highway? o Drive safely along XueFu Road (学府路)? o Buy a week's worth of groceries on the web? o Buy a week's worth of groceries at Yonghui Supermarket? o Discover and prove a new mathematical theorem? o Perform a surgical operation? o Translate spoken Chinese into spoken English in real time? o Write an intentionally funny story?

北京邮电大学国际学院线性代数讲义Lecture 01

北京邮电大学国际学院线性代数讲义Lecture 01

a21 x1 a22 x2 a2 n xn b2 am 1 x1 am 2 x2 amn xn bm
where aij ’s and bi ’s are all real number. We will call this system as m n linear systems.
n×n Systems
Example: The system
3 x1
2 x2 x2

x3 x3 2 x3
1 2 4
is in triangular form. It is easy to solve this system. Actually, from the last equation, we have x3 2 . Using this value in the second equation×n Systems
We will restrict ourselves to n n systems. Definition: A system is said to be in triangular form if in the kth equation the coefficient of the first k-1 variables are all zero and the coefficient of xk is nonzero ( k 1, , n) .
Systems of Linear Equations
Example: Some linear systems
(a) x1 2 x1 (b) x1 2 x1 2 x2 3 x2 x2 x2 5 8 x3 x3 2 4


引论: 引论:面向对象方法
OO方法 OO方法
– 分析问题和解决问题的方法
出发点: 出发点:
– 模仿人类认识世界的方法
基本方法: 基本方法:
– 1、将客观世界的任何事物看作对象 Object – 2、进而分析事物的组成关系和交互关系 – 3、建立描述客观世界பைடு நூலகம்抽象模型
1、程序设计 OOP:以程序模块为 Object OOP: 2、系统分析 OOA:以领域事物为 Object OOA: 3、系统设计 OOD:以系统组成元素为 Object OOD: 4、软件工程 OOSE:综合OOP、OOA和OOD OOSE:综合OOP、OOA和 5、数据模型 OODB:以数据为 Object OODB:
考核: 考核:课程论文的形式
面向对象的23种设计模式 面向对象的23种设计模式
主要应用于程序设计中 会结合例子进行讲解 要求自学并准备ppt并进行讲解与演示 要求自学并准备 并进行讲解与演示
一种进行分析的工具 结合Enterprise Architect进行讲解 结合 进行讲解 有兴趣可以学习national rose 有兴趣可以学习


Present value of financial distress costs V = Actual value of firm VU = Value of firm with no debt
Debt Equity Total
Cash flow 0 X X
value 0
Levered firm
Debt Equity Total
Cash flow value
rD D
X rD D X
Investment strategy
• Buy 10% of levered firm
• Fixed Claims • High Priority on Cash Flows • Tax Deductible • Fixed Maturity • No Management Control
• Residual Claims • Lowest Priority on Cash Flows • Not Tax Deductible • Infinite Life • Management Control
MM with corporate taxes
• After-tax cash flow of the levered firm:
(XrD D )(1 C )rD D
• Rearranging:
X(1C)rDD C
• Its present value is:
Costs of Financial Distress
markets, and borrow and lend at the same rate of interest • perfectly competitive markets

英语电影赏析Lecture 01

英语电影赏析Lecture 01

Mr. Keating (Teacher of English Literature) the preface to a course
(in the classroom) give the boys further shocks by pressing them to rip out ____ and poetry of ____ urge them to think about the meaningand life
D: This movie, Dead Poets Society, was made nearly 20 years ago. Yet it's still very popular with the young people today. Now, what, in your view, contributes to its lasting charm? C: Adolescent passion and ambition. That's the most cherished life experience. But not every young guy is lucky enough to (1) _________ by someone mature, and insightful and willing to help. The movie
take his own life (in his father’s study) ____________with his father’s gun
Personality Traits
Romantic Sunny Friendly Gifted Weak
Keating’s methodology



世界要和平,人民要合作,国家要发展,社会要进步, 世界要和平,人民要合作,国家要发展,社会要进步,是 时代的潮流。 时代的潮流。 The world needs peace. The people want cooperation. Nations aspire for development. Society seeks progress. This is the trend of our times. 一个世纪以来, (一个世纪以来,中国人民在前进的道上经历了三次巨大 变化。) 变化。) 第一次是辛亥革命, 第一次是辛亥革命, 第二次是中华人民共和国的成立, 第二次是中华人民共和国的成立, 第三次是改革开放。 第三次是改革开放。 The first change was represented by the Revolution of 1911… 1911… The second change was marked by the founding of the People’ People’s Republic of China… China… The third change was featured by the reform and opening… opening…
在改善物质生活的同时,充实精神生活 在改善物质生活的同时,充实精神生活。 生活的同时 生活。 While improving the people’s material wellpeople’ wellbeing, we shall enrich their cultural life. 文体所用得语言是不同 不同的文体所用得语言是不同的 不同的文体所用得语言是不同的。政治性文 章与科技文章不同 新闻报道与文学作品不 不同, 章与科技文章不同,新闻报道与文学作品不 写的文章与嘴上讲话不同 不同。 同,写的文章与嘴上讲话不同。 The language varies from genre to genre: a political essay differs from technical writing, a news report is not the same as a literary work, a written article is quite different from oral speech.

华中科技大学费剑平 高级微观经济学课程讲义 Lecture01

华中科技大学费剑平 高级微观经济学课程讲义 Lecture01

Lecture 01: TechnologyTheory of the FirmWe said we were going to deal with most problems by thinking about some decision makers who have goals, and who face certain limitations on their abilities to achieve these goals. We try to describe some optimization process by which agents decide what actions to take to achieve those goals subject to those constraints. That process tells us something about behavior. Then we change the limitations that the agents face and ask what changes in behavior that will lead to.In the case of consumers, they have preferences and utility functions and they face a budget constraint. We asked what were the changes in behavior due to changes in the budget constraint.This same methodology can be used to discuss the theory of the firm.There are different environments in which a firm operates. We will talk about some of those different paradigms (competitive firms, monopolistic firms, oligopolistic firms). Within some of those environments we will talk about how a change in the limitations could lead to a change in behavior. We can ask for example, if a change in the prices the firm pays for its inputs or charges for its outputs may lead to a change in what the firm chooses to do.Constraints. The constraints of the firm will have something to do with the environment. For example, pricing opportunities, technologies, or reactions of other firms. Technologies are kinds of things a firm could do.Goals. Some possible objectives for a firm are cost minimization, profit maximization, maximization of sales, or maximization of revenues. An example of a firm that could have as a goal cost minimization is a firm run by the government, say BART. BART is not in business to maximize profits, but it might be in business to provide certain level of service in the least expensive way. Or it might be mandated to provide the maximum level of service subject to not making a loss. We have many possible models. Each will be relevant under a particular kind of situation.Behavior. We will be asking questions such as how much does the firm produce, what price does it charge, and how many inputs does it buy.TechnologyBy technology we mean a cookbook or a set of blue prints. What we have in mind for a firm is that the activity that a firm can choose is a vector of the form y = (y1, ...y m). We will refer to this vector as the net output vector. Our convention will be that the elements of y can be positive or negative. If an element is negative, it means that the firm uses up that particular element for production. If an element is positive, it means that the firm produces positive amounts of that particular good.If we are making omelets for example, eggs, cheese, heat, and labor would be negative and the number of omelets produced would be positive. So a net output vector in this case could look like: y = (-2, -1, -1/2, -1, +1)We can imagine that the firm has a collection of recipes that are available to it for producing omelets. A description of the firm’s technology would be a set of all the combinations of inputs and outputs that are feasible. Y = {y | feasible}An example of a net output vector not available to the firm would be a vector with a positive amount of eggs and a positive amount of omelets -- we cannot make omelets without using up eggs. The set of all those feasible things may look like:the same time. If we are producing steel, for example, we may have steel and slug as two different outputs. In general by-products are considered outputs. In the case of pollution we have a positive output (e.g., dirty air) that has a negative price.Possible assumptions about the technology setThere are many assumptions we can make about technology sets. Which assumptions are appropriate may depend on the specifics of the industry we are looking at. Depending on the particular example, we may want to make different assumptions. I am going to give you a list of some of them. None of these assumptions are always made. The first three assumptions are generally maintained.(1) (0) ∈ Y. Assumption 1 says that the origin is in the set Y. One of the things the firm can do is to do nothing. It has the option of not using any inputs and not producing any outputs.(2) ∀ y ∈Y, y ≥ 0 ⇒ y = 0. Assumption 2 says that for all feasible y if y is at least as great as zero then y equals zero. (Note that this is a statement about a vector). For every vector that is in the technology, if that vector is greater than or equal to zero in all of its elements, then it is the case that y has to equal zero. You cannot get something for nothing. There is no way you can produce positive amounts of some things without using any inputs.(3) y ∈Y , −y∈Y ⇒ y = 0. If y is in the set Y and if −y is also in the set Y, then it must be the case that y is equal to zero. If I have some point in the set Y and its reflection through the origin is also in the set Y, then that point must be the origin. The origin is the only point for which that can be true. This means that if we have a particular way of producing something, then we are not going to have the option of undoing it. Production has a direction. If I can turn eggs, heat, labor, and cheese into omelets, I can not undo the omelet and get the eggs, heat, labor, and cheese back. In particular, it is impossible to get labor back.(4) y ∈Y ⇒∀λ≥ 1, λy∈Y . If y is in the production set, then it is the case that for all λ greater than or equal to 1, λy is also feasible. This says that if I have some point in the production set, then all the points along the ray from the origin through y which are further away from the origin than y are in the production set as well (see figure 2). (This statement says nothing about what happens if λ is less than 1 and it does not rule out the possibility that we may be able to do better than a straight line.) The spirit underlying this assumption is to say that if I can do something, then I can do multiples of it. I can replicate the process. We have non-decreasing returns to scale.(5) y ∈Y ⇒∀λ∈ [0,1] λy ∈Y. If I can do y, then for all λ between zero and 1, λy is feasible. If I have a point in the production set, then all the points between that point and the origin are also in the production set (see figure 3). We have non-increasing returns to scale.Note that the technology just describes what recipes work. It does not describe where I get the inputs or if I can get them. It is a statement that if I had those inputs, I could produce that output. The word ‘feasible’ refers to whether the recipe would work if I had the inputs. I may not be able to get my hands on a zillion eggs, but if I had them, I could produce this many omelets. Some inputs may be unique, such as a particular player in a team that I may not be able to replace. But I can still say that if I had a similar player, then the team would perform just as well.In general, what we have in mind is that my production possibilities may look like figure 5. If I have more inputs, I get more than proportional increases in output. This is increasing returns to scale (figure 5).For example, say my inputs are the materials that enclose a volume, and my output is related to that volume. A linear increase in the dimensions of the materials would result in a more than a linear increase in the volume.Figure 5We can also talk about processes with decreasing returns to scale. It is hard to imagine why we could not simply replicate physical processes. But it is possible that we are dealing with things we cannot replicate. When I double my inputs I do not double my output (see figure 6). The shaded area under the curve contains the possible input-output combinations.It is important to realize that inputs and outputs are flows rather than stocks. Instead of producing an omelet, I produce omelets per day. And my inputs are measured as hours per day (in the case of labor). There is a difference whether I use 1 hour of labor or whether I use it at a certain rate.(7)y, y' ∈Y ⇒∀α∈[0,1], αy + (1−α)y' ∈Y. This is a convexity assumption. Convexity says that if I have two processes that are feasible, then I can think about an average of the two processes as also being feasible. Convexity is implied by assumptions 5 and 8. Assumption 5 says that you can do things arbitrarily small, and assumption 8 says that you can do the sum of those arbitrarily small things.’ then I(8) y, y' ∈ Y⇒ y + y' ∈other.(9) y∈Y, then ∀y' < . If we can dowould get figure 12.ways of producing a would be called the NotationSince we only have a single output let ’s change notation. Let y be our output good andx 1,...x m-1 our inputs. Depending on the amounts of the inputs that we use, we get a certain amount of output. So our production function is y = f (x 1,...x m-1), and the unit isoquant is the set of all input vectors that produce one unit of output. That is, {x | f (x ) = 1}The set of inputs that produces a particular level of output q can then be described as {x | f (x) = q} which is the q isoquant. When we were talking about indifference curves we asked what combinations of goods would produce the same level of satisfaction; here we ask what combinations of factors would produce the same level of output. The mathematical structure of an isoquant and an indifference curve are the same, and the mathematical structure of a production function and a utility function are the same.Our net output vector is (−x , q ) or (−x , f (x )) which describes the frontier of this function. 1. Measurement of inputs and outputsWe begin with the production possibilities, i.e. which combination of input and output are technologically feasible. We consider n kinds of goods.2. Specification of technologyNet output of good j is defined as oi j j j y y y =−, which represents input if negative andoutput if positive. Then we can represent a production plan by a vector y in n R . A production plan is simply a combination of net outputs of various goods. The set of all technology feasible production plans is called the firm ’s production possibilities set Y.The restricted or short-run production possibilities set will be denoted byY(}:{)n n n y y Y y y =∈=For example: input requirement set }),(:{)(Y x y R x y V n ∈−∈=+Isoquant y y y V x y V x R x y Q n >′∀′∉∈∈=+)(),(:{)(Short-run production possibilities set Y(}:),,{(k k Y k l y k =∈−−=Production function f(x)={y R y :∈is the maximum output associated with –x in Y} Transformation function T: n R →R where T(y)=0 iff y is efficient. Just as pf picksout the maximum scalar output as a function of the inputs, the transformationfunction picks out the maximal vector of net outputs.Cobb-Douglas technology : 31121221121221121231121221121211212{(,,):}(){(,):}(){(,):}(){(,,):,}(,,)(,)Y y x x R y x x V Y x x R y x x Q Y x x R y x x Y z y x x R y x x x z T y x x y x x f x x x x αααααααααααα−−+−+−−−=−−∈≤=∈≤=∈==−−∈≤==−= Leontief technology : 31212212122121212121212{(,,):min(,)}(){(,):min(,)}(){(,):min(,)}(,,)min(,)(,)min(,)Y y x x R y ax bx V Y x x R y ax bx Q Y x x R y ax bx T y x x y ax bx f x x ax bx ++=−−∈≤=∈≤=∈==−= 3. Activity analysisTechnique A: 1 unit of factor 1and 2 units of factor 2 produce 1unit of output.Technique B: 2 unit of factor 1and 1 units of factor 2 produce 1unit of output.Y={(1,-1,-2),(1,-2,-1)} or input requirement set V(1)={(1,2),(2,1)}⇒ V(2)={(2,4), (4,2), (3,3)} V(y)={(2,2A B A B y y y y ++) : A B y y y =+}4. Monotonic technologiesMonotonic ity : If free disposal is allowed, then the input requirement sets should be monotonic in the following sense: If x is in V(y) and x ′≥x, then x ′ is in V(y). In other words, if y ∈Y and y ′≤y, then y ′∈Y.5. Convex technologiesConvexity : if x and x ′are in V(y), then tx +(1-t )x ′is in V(y) for all 0≤t ≤1. That is, V(y) is a convex set. Clearly, convexity rules out “starting up costs ” and other sorts of returns to scale. Proposition 1: Convex production set implies convex input requirement set .Proposition 2: Convex input requirement set is equivalent to quasiconcave production function.6. Regular technologiesRegular . V(y)is a closed, nonempty set for all y ≥0. This assumption implies that the input requirement set must include its own boundary or limit point.7. Parametric representations of technologyFor convenient purpose, we can smooth input set.8. The technical rate of substitution: the slope of an isoquant.In the two-dimensional case, the TRS is simply the slope of the isoquant:21112()/[()/]/[()/]x x x f x x f x x ∗∗∗∂∂=−∂∂∂∂Example: TRS for a CD technology 1121221121(,)()//(1)f x x x x x x x x x αααα−=⇒∂∂=−−9. The elasticity of substitution: the curvature of an isoquant.The elasticity of substitution )(ln /))/(ln(21TRS d x x d =σExample: unit elasticity of substitution for CD pf.The idea behind the elasticity of substitution is to describe how easy it is tosubstitute one input (good) for another. Graphically, in two dimensions this means to see how flat the isoquant (indifference) curve is. We can determine this by drawing a support line (ray from the origin to a point along the isoquant or IC) and then changing its slope. Remember that the slope of this line will be K/L if K is on the vertical axis and L is on the horizontal axis. A high elasticity of substitution means that a small movement along the isoquant (indifference curve) causes a big change in the proportions in which the goods are used (consumed). A low elasticity of substitution means that a large movement along the isoquant (indifference curve) does not change the proportions in which the goods are used (consumed) by very much. The elasticity of substitution is a local property: it is different at each point of the isoquant or indifference curve.10. Returns to scaleConstant returns to scale . A technology exhibits c.r.t.s iff the following are satisfied:(1) y ∈Y implies ty ∈Y ∀t ≥0(2) x ∈V(y) implies tx ∈V(ty ) ∀t ≥0(3) f (tx )=tf (x )∀t ≥0; i.e., the production function f(x)is homogeneous of degree 1.Increasing returns to scale: f (tx )>tf (x ) ∀t ≥1Decreasing returns to scale: f (tx )<tf (x ) ∀t ≥1The elasticity of scale is given by e(x)= [d y(t) /y(t)]/[dt/t] t=1Example: CD technology 12b y x x α= a+b=,>,<111. Homogeneous and homothetic technologiesA homothetic function is a positively monotonic transformation of a function that ishomogeneous of degree 1. The constant elasticity of substitution or CES production function: ρρρ12211][x a x a y +=ρ=1: perfect substitution; ρ=0: Cobb-Douglas; ρ=−∞: Leontief or perfect complementary.21ln /1ln 1d x x d TRS σρ==−。



对象 n
结构化程序设计方法是一种模块化程序设计方法, 它在解决问题时是以功能为中心的,一定的功能模 块虽然也作用于特定的数据,但它们并没有被封装 在一起。 面向对象程序设计方法则是以对象为中心来解决问 题的。属于同种对象的属性(数据)和服务(功能) 被抽象出来封装到一起。
2.4面向对象程序设计 什么是类?
类描述了一组具有相同属性(数据元素)和 相同行为(函数)的对象。 类的数据成员是对对象属性的抽象,类的函 数成员是对对象行为的抽象,而类本身就是对对 象的抽象。
class Student { public: Student(); ~Student();
char* int char int bool bool bool bool protected: char int char int }; GetName(); GetAge(); GetSex(); GetNumber();
3. C++的基本开发环境
编辑器 磁盘
C++程序经历的6个阶 段: 1. 编辑(Edit) 2. 预处理(Preprocess) 3. 编译(Compile) 4.连接(Link) 5.载入( Load) 6. 执行(Execute)
阶段1: 程序员在编辑器中创建程 序并存入磁盘 阶段2: 预处理器处理代码 阶段3: 编译器创建目标代码并将 目标代码存入磁盘 阶段4: 连接器将目标代码与库连 接起来,创建可执行文件, 并将可执行文件存入磁盘


ARPA = Advanced Research Project Agency. Consisted of four sites only – equal peering.

1983: TCP/IP was adopted as standard for ARPAnet.
Internet was born. Consisted of 500 sites.
IEMS5700 – Computer Networks
1.1. Introduction to Computer Networks

Three primary categories:
IEMS5700 – Computer Networks
1.1. Introduction to Computer Networks

The device that sends/receives the data message. Can be a computer, video camera, etc. Generic term “end system or host” refer to both.


IEMS5700 – Computer Networks
Lecture 1: Basics of Internet Architecture

Introduction to computer networks:

Basic definitions. The Internet. Protocol and addressing. Routing.
1.1. Introduction to Computer Networks


/showproblem .php?pid=1091

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int a,b;
while(scanf("%d %d",&a, &b) &&(a!=0 && b!=0))

以上几种情况的组合 /showproblem.p hp?pid=1092 /showproblem.p hp?pid=1093 /showproblem.p hp?pid=1094
2013-7-11 38

getline 是一个函数,它可以接受用户的输入的字符,直到已 达指定个数,或者用户输入了特定的字符。它的函数声明形 式(函数原型)如下: istream& getline(char line[], int size, char endchar = '\n'); 不用管它的返回类型,来关心它的三个参数: char line[]: 就是一个字符数组,用户输入的内容将存入在 该数组内。 int size : 最多接受几个字符?用户超过size的输入都将不被 接受。 char endchar :当用户输入endchar指定的字符时,自动结束。 默认是回车符。


个人编程能力的比拼 中文或英文(以后全英文),考察编 程基本功


人品好 愿意花时间在这项赛事上 有团队合作精神

Lecture 1

Lecture 1
Grammar for Business
L1 P resen t T en se
01.P resen t S im p le
02.P resen t C o n tin u o u s
03.P resen t P erfect
04. Speaking Strategy-Discussing
Q:What 1 .......i.s........ (be) Skype? A:Skype 2 ......i.s......... (be) a software programme that 3.....a..ll.o..w...s... (allow) users to make
telephone calls over the Internet. Q: 4D.o..e..s...Skype...h. av..e.. (Skype / have) any advantages over the usual telephone providers? A:Yes. Calls to other users of the service 5..d..o..n..'.t..c.o..s..t (not cost) anything. It also 6....i.n..c.l.u..d..e..s.
02 Present continuous
Read this job advertisement. a Which verb describes a பைடு நூலகம்emporary activity? b Which verb describes a changing situation?
2A Forming the present continuous

Lecture 01 Anglo-Saxon Literature

Lecture 01 Anglo-Saxon Literature

Teaching Plan(The 1st Time, 2 Hours)I.Title:Old English Literature(Anglo-Saxon Literature):Process of ChristianizationII.Aim: To Introduce Basic Knowledge about Anglo-Saxon LiteratureIII.Emphases:(1) 3 major Cultural Sources(2)Characteristics of Anglo-Saxon Literature(3)BeowulfIV.Difficulties: 3 major cultural sources and Characteristics of Anglo-Saxon LiteratureV.Type of the Class: New Lesson TaughtVI.Means of Teaching: LectureVII.Teaching Process:# Literature reflects a culture. Why did the European whites come to America to kill and rob? 10,000 years ago, Stone Age hunters and gatherers (Cave Men)3,000 BC. Iberians sailed around western England and Scotland to Scandinavia, some settled in England.2,000~1,500BC,henges of giant rock slabs, StonehengeThe oldest natives whose culture and languages survived: Celts (7th Century B.C.,~100B.C.)750, Gaels; Britons (5 B.C., South, Britain) 布立吞100BC, Gauls.●55 B.C. Julius Caesar invaded Britain; A.D.43, Claudius’s conquest; Early 5th century, Romanswithdrew from Britain (411)●Mid-5th century, Angles, Saxons, Jutes (Known as Anglo-Saxons) migrated to England fromwestern Denmark and the northwest coast of Germany. (heathen). The Celts were enslaved and driven west and north (Wales, Scotland, even Ireland across the sea)●6th-7th (597-604/5) century, St. Augustine introduced Christianity and Latin language toEngland (In 598, he was ordained as the first archbishop of Canterbury.) Within a century, all England was Christianized. Ireland was converted to Christianity by Saint Patrick in the fifth century a.d.8th century forward (8th C, after 787 to 11th C.) , Danish inroads, King Alfred the Great (A. D.849-901, p.7) Danish ruling (A.D.1017-1042)1066, Norman Conquest, end of Anglo Saxon period, feudalismSummary:●The history of Ancient Britain was one to invade or being invaded. (cultural heritage)●The Main Cultural Sources of British Literature:●(The Celtic Culture)Greco-Roman CultureJudeo-Christian CulturePagan Norse① Culture(III) Old English Literature3.1 Characteristics: verse literature in oral form3.2 Representatives: Poetry, Beowulf, Caedemon Cynewulf; prose, Venerable Bede Alfred the Great 3.3 Beowulf,oldest surviving national epic of the Anglo-Saxons,(IV) Anglo-Saxon PoetryEpic, An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero.4.1 Beowulf: Basic InformationWritten in Old English sometime before the tenth century A.D., describes the adventures of a great Scandinavian warrior of the sixth century.3182 lines (longest of the surviving poems), setting in Denmark and South SwedenPartly historical, partly legendary●Read the introduction to the story of Beowulf in the textbook then answer the Question:What are the characteristics of Beowulf? And why?4.2 Writing Features of Beowulf●ContentsPagan poem with Christian elements (Pagan virtue: strength, manliness, acquiescence in the decrees of fate—“what is to be must be”)Strife and conflicts (man vs. man; man vs. nature; inner struggles) journeying, sea life●FormVerse (Epic Narrative poem)Oral (Spread by bards②/gleemen③/ minstrels/scops④ but not limited to them. Most of the people could do that. )Strong stress, consonants, balanceAlliterationMetaphors, understatements/kennings (whale-road: the sea; the bone house: human body)4.3. Religious poetryCaedmon, p.5 (610-680) , the first known religious poet in England.Cynewulf, p.5 (9th century) , greatest Anglo-Saxon poet. (unknown until 1840) Love for Christ and reverence for Virgin Mary.(V) Anglo-Saxon prose①Norse: (medieval) Scandinavia (including Norway and Sweden) inhabitants or language, culturally including Norway, Sweden and Denmark, sometimes including Iceland, Finland and the Faroese.②Bard: Poet who composes.③Gleemen/ minstrels: Retellers of existing poems.④Poet, singers who compose poems●Venerable Bede, p.6 (673-735), Latin, Father of English learning. The Ecclesiastical Historyof the English People《英格兰民族教会史》translated into English by Alfred●Alfred the Great, p.7Alfred the Great (848-901), translator, scholar During the period of Danish invasion; The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, (historical book, best old English prose)(VI) Summary of Old English literature: A Process of Christianization.VIII.Homework:1)Why is Middle Ages called Dark Ages?2)What is the prevailing form of literature in Middle Ages? What are its characteristics?3)What are the three periods of Chaucer’s literary creation? What is his most impor tantcontribution?4)What are the features of literature in Middle Ages?IX.Definition:Epic:A long narrative poem written in elevated style, in which heroes of great historical or legendary importance perform valorous deeds. The setting is vast in scope, covering great nations, the world, or the universe, and the action is important to the history of a nation or people. (e.g., The Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Aeneid are some great epics from world literature, and two great epics in English are Beowulf and Paradise Lost.)X.Bibliography:Robert DiYanni. Literature: Reading, Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000.陈佳.英国文学史.北京:商务印书馆,1982.郭群英.英国文学新编.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001.邵锦娣,白劲鹏.文学导论.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002.杨立民.新编大学英语(精读5教师用书).北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2003.XI.Postscript:教学计划(第1时间,2小时)一,名称:古英语文学(盎格鲁撒克逊文学):基督教化进程的二。



1st Semester 2011
Overview of IASB’s Conceptual Framework (continued)
The Framework is divided into seven major sections: The objectives and users of financial statements Underlying assumptions Qualitative characteristics of accounting information The elements of financial statements Recognition of the elements of financial statements Measurement of the elements of financial statements Concepts of capital and capital maintenance The Framework cannot be ignored: IAS 8 (Accounting Policies, Policies Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors) states that in the absence of a specific standard addressing an issue, an entity is required to look at the Framework However, the Framework does not override any specific IASB standard if there appears to be a conflict.



To understand better what is going on, we will embark in a journey to learn a wide variety of methods used to approach these problems. Some of our stops along the way will include: • Linear optimization, second order cones, semidefinite programming • Algebra: groups, fields, rings • Univariate polynomials • Resultants and discriminants • Hyperbolic polynomials • Sum of squares • Ideals, varieties, Groebner bases, Nullstellensatz • Quantifier elimination • Real Nullstellensatz • And much more. . . We are interested in computational methods, and want to emphasize efficiency. Throughout, appli­ cations will play an important role, both as motivation and illustration of the techniques.
There are many important features of LP. Among them, we mention the following ones: Geometry of the feasible set: The feasible set of linear programs are polyhedra. The geometry of polyhedra is quite well understood. In particular, the Minkowski­Weyl theorem (e.g., [BT97, Zie95]) states that every polyhedron P can be written as P = conv(u1 , . . . , ur ) + cone(v1 , . . . , vs ), where the ui , vi are the extreme points and extreme rays of P , respectively. Weak duality: For any feasible solutions x, y of (P) and (D), respectively, it always holds that: cT x − bT y = xT c − (Ax)T y = xT (c − AT y ) ≥ 0. In other words, from any feasible dual solution we can obtain a lower bound on the primal. Conversely, primal feasible solutions give upper bounds on the value of the dual. Strong duality: If both primal and dual are feasible, then they achieve exactly the same value, and there exist optimal feasible solutions x� , y� such that cT x� = bT y� . 1­2

Lecture 1演示课件-精选.ppt

Lecture 1演示课件-精选.ppt
• 給定 n 個矩陣 <A1,A2,…,An>,要求出他們 的乘積 A1A2…An。由於矩陣乘法具有結合律的特 性,所以有各種合法的相乘順序。例如當 n=4 時, 以下的順序都是合法的:(A1(A2(A3A4))), (A1((A2A3)A4)),((A1A2)(A3A4)),((A1(A2A3))A4),或 (((A1A2)A3)A4)。如果這些矩陣都是方形的,那麼 相乘的順序不會影響到計算答案的時間;反之, 則相乘的順序對於時間的影響就會非常大。要嘗 試所有的會花費非常長的時間,在之後會介紹一 個有效率的演算法來解決這個問題。
Lecture 1
The role of Algorithms in Computing
1.1 Algorithms
Algorithm: 對一個 computational problem 而言,將 輸入轉換為輸出的一連串計算過程,稱為 Algorithm。
例如,給你一堆數字<31,41,59,26,41,58>, 一個排序的演算法可以把這些數字由小到大輸出 成<26,31,41,41,58,59>。
文字母構成的兩個字串 s 與 t,中間用一個空白隔開。遇到
檔案結尾 EOF 代表結束。
輸出:對於每一組測資,輸出是否 s 為 t 的subsequence。
Sample Input
Sample Output
sequence subsequence
person compression
VERDI vivaVittorioEmanueleReDiItalia Yes



• • • • • CONTENTS Topic Guide in UoS (Blackboard) Course Text – Co-Op Bookshop Lectures, workshops and work outside contact hours Consultation: Mon 5-6pm, rm 445, Econ & Bus Guest lecture Connecting what we have learned in Corporate Finance about Capital Structure & Corporate Control to UNDERSTAND HOW VALUE IS CREATED IN M&A
– Group Project
• Workshop exercises (one week in computer lab • Practiing Blackboard and Web for efficiency • INTEREST IN TOPIC – SELF LEARNING
• Task 3 – Final group report due by 4:30pm Friday 28th May, 2010 – Submitted electronically and in hard copy • Task 4 – Each member within the group will need to complete a Group Assignment Self-Reflective Journal – The self reflection exercise will be marked and is worth 10% of your assignment grade – Students who do not submit this journal will receive a zero grade for this group assessment



I am sexy
People loves to take picture of me.
éXù ê ú X = êY ú ê ëZ ú û
When they take a picture:
é xù x =ê ú ë yû
éXù ê ú X = êY ú ê ëZ ú û
Similar Triangle
Camera Obscura
Shrቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnking the aperture
• Why not make the aperture as small as possible?
• Less light gets through • Diffraction effects...
Adding a lens
– Changing the shape of the lens changes this distance
Lightfield Camera
Camera Anatomy
Sensing Parameters
Quiz: how to make an image brighter in a dark room?
• It is an basic version. • And the advanced version focusing on reading papers on a specific topic will be taught in following 1-2 years.
“circle of confusion”
• A lens focuses light onto the film
– There is a specific distance at which objects are “in focus”

Lecture 1-8(中英)

Lecture 1-8(中英)

Lecture One 定语从句Other government activities are the responsibilities of the individual states, which have their own constitution and laws.各州都有自己的宪法和法律,承担政府的其他职能。

Within each state are counties, townships, cities and villages, each of which has its own elective government.各州下属辖县,镇,市,村,皆有其民选政府。

一.省略法1.One of the features of London is the number of big stores, most of which are to be found inor near the West End.伦敦一大特色是大商店多,大多数位于西区及其周边地区。

2.Another feature of London’s shopping life is the chain store, in which prices are low and awide variety of goods are offered.伦敦购物生活另一特色是连锁店,里面价格低廉,提供各种商品。

3.Like the press in most other countries, American newspapers range from the sensational,which feature crime, sex and gossip, to the serious, which focus on factual news and the analysis of world events.美国报纸和其他国家一样,既有耸人听闻的小报,报道犯罪,色情和小道消息,也有严肃报刊,聚焦实事新闻,分析国际时事。



1/3 1/5 1/14 1/45 1/39 1/97 1/4000 1/700000
Introductory Insurance
第二节 风险管理
Introductory Insurance
风险管理即对风险的管理,是个人、家庭 或其他组织在处理他们所面临的纯粹风险时, 所采用的用以降低风险程度的科学方法。
Introductory Insurance
一、风险:一般是指某种事件发生的不确定性。 特定含义:是指某种损失发生的不确定性。是难以预料的 事故和灾难。
二、风险的构成 风险因素、风险事故和损失
1.风险因素。风险因素是指促使某一特定损失发生或增 加其发生的可能性或扩大其损失程度的原因。它是风险事 故发生的潜在原因,是造成损失的内在或间接原因
Introductory Insurance
1979年3月美国三里岛核电站的爆炸事故,1984年12月3日美国联 合碳化物公司在印度的一家农药厂发生了毒气泄漏事故,1986前 苏联乌克兰切尔诺贝利核电站发生的核事故等一系列事件,大大 推动了风险管理在世界范围内的发展。
Introductory Insurance
(3)心理风险因素。心理风险因素又叫风纪风 险因素,是与人的心理状态有关的无形的因素, 即是指由于人们不注意、不关心、侥幸,或存 在依赖保险心理,以致增加风险事故发生的机 会和加大损失的严重性的因素。
Introductory Insurance
风险管理是研究风险发生规律和风险控制 技术的一门新兴管理科学。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Successful professional in XVIII Vienna annual income: 450 florins – 1,125*
*in today's terms
Defining the poverty:
– absolute poverty – relative poverty – Extreme poverty $1 a day
Gini Coefficient
World Human Development Report 2007 IT Revolution
New technologies:
– The change is very fast now; – Information technology.
The Model
Variables used to explain growth: Control or environmental variables: investment ratio
– Measured by averages for the two decades.
government consumption;
Winner and Looser
The regression was calculated for two decades and separately for two sets due to the availability of the data: 1965-75 for 87 countries and 1975-85 for 97,
World Population
The Level of Income
Industrial Revolution and Economics
1710 Newcomen's inefficient steam engine 1776 Watt’s steam engine
1776 Adam Smith Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
Growth in Practice
122 countries in 1965 – 85 period. Average annual growth – 1.8%, Robert J. Barro Standard deviation – 2.1%. Xavier Sala-i-Martin The highest growth – 7.3%, Economic Growth the lowest - -2.9%. 1st edition 1998 Lowest decile – 12 countries below – 0.9%, – highest – above 4.5%; Lowest quantile – 24 countries – below 0.0%, – highest – above 3.5%.
– Measured by the logarithm of (1 + the premium) - averages for the two decades.
The Model
Variables used to explain growth: Control or environmental variables: movements in the terms of trade; fertility rate;
– Measured by the average of real spending excluding education and defence over five years before the investigated decade related to real GDP.
black market premium on the rate of exchange;
– Measured by an average of revolutions per year and political assassinations per million inhabitants for the two decades.
The results are listed in particular order showing which condition should be met in order for the next one to be working.
Stable economics conditions for centuries until the Industrial Revolution (XVIII century). The growth is a quite recent phenomenon in the history of humanity.
– Measured by the standard UN indicator of a typical women's prospective number of life births over her lifetime.
political instability and the rule of law.
The Invention of Macroeconomics
How well we are as the society? 1929-1934 The Great Depression 1936 John Maynard Keynes The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money Architect of the post-war, modern economic organisation of the world.
The disparities in the level of GDP
Colonization in 1945
What is a poverty?
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 –1791) annual income: 10,000 florins – 25,000*
Net convergence term: positive effect on growth in case of low level of initial per capita GDP relative to the starting amount of human capital (HC). Given GDP and HC growth depends negatively on variables about distortions of the markets and size of the government. Government assuring the rule of law has a positive influence on the growth.
On the eve of French Revolution (1789–1799) 95% of the income of average family was spent on food.
Fundamental Economics' questions: What to produce; How to produce; For whom to produce.
New means of communication
– 1945 average monthly wage in Europe bought 3 min. of the call to the US; – Internet – unlimited mean of instant information.
1965 Mozambique Nicaragua $ 1238 $ 2081
1985 $ 697 $ 1611
The Model
Variables used to explain growth: State variables: a) stock of physical capital;
– Measured by logarithm of GDP per capita in 1965 and 1975.
Lecture 1.
Introduction Overview of Economic Growth: History, Current State, Prospects
ECN 10108
Development Economics Dr. Piotr Marek Jaworski
Why did not we need development economics even until a half a century ago?
b) stock of human capital.
– Measured by average male and female secondary and higher schooling observed in 1965 and 1975 and life expectancy as a logarithm of an average of 1960-64 and 1970-74 periods life expectancy at birth. Another explanatory variable used was the public spending on education measured by the average value of each ten-year period.
Lack of poverty: quite recent phenomenon also in the industrialised countries.
Differences in Growth