Optimal Control of Power Split for a Hybrid Electric Refuse Vehicle
Ruben Chaer (IEEE-Senior Member)Gerente de Técnica y Despacho Nacional de Cargas - ADME.Prof.Agr. Instituto de Ingeniería Eléctrica - FING - UdelaR.Uruguay - September2020Optimal Energy Dispatch of Power Systems with high integration of VariableRenewable Energies.SimSEE●This tutorial is about the optimal operation of power systems with high variability in their resources.●We will see the tools developed for modeling such variabilities and for the assimilation of theirforecasts.Each system has its peculiarities. The optimal solution is surely differentfor each country.A measure of the difficulty of handling a variability energy resource is the averaging-time needed to obtain the expected value with a 10% error with 90% confidence. Characterization of the variability in Uruguay.16 yearsWS 2 months water inflowswind & solarSource: The risk images are from the IIE studies carried out in 2010 and 2018 respectively .Demand of 2011HydrobiomassprobabilityGW hpetroleumdray yearsrainy yearsSystem of 2011Source: The risk images are from the IIE studies carried out in 2010 and 2018 respectively .System of 2018dray yearsrainy years2018-012018-022018-032018-042018-052018-062018-072018-082018-092018-102018-112018-120,00,20,40,60,81,01,21,41,61,8Uruguay 2018.Wind and Solar installed capacity compared with daily Demand.Daily_Min(Dem)Daily_Average(Dem)Daily_Max(Dem)Wind+Solar Capacity0.4*Wind+0.2*Solar Expected mean[p .u . o f t h e a n n u a l a v e r a g e o f t h e D e m a n d ]The installed capacity of solar plus wind power exceeds the daily peak of La Demand in 70% of the days of the year.Network Codes.All generators under controlSCADAOperatorsCotrol Modes:●Active Power Control●Reactive Power Control●Voltage ControlAdditional tools●Authomatic Generation Control (AGC)●Dynamic Line Rating (DLR)●Remedial Action Scheme (RAS)Any 72 hours of January 2020 of the dispatch just as an exampleExportsSource: https://.uyIn the end, it wasn't that difficult. The ten-minutevariations of the Net-Demand are only the double of those of the True-Demand.The Uruguayan system then only needs an additional 25 MW of rotating reserve.Mission of the System Operator●Centralized Dispatch.●Only Variable Costs.●Contracts are of paper(in the sense that they should not interfere in the Dispatch).Provide energy with acceptable reliabilityand quality at the minimum cost.Platform for simulation of optimal operation of the energy dispatch.100% OOPActors PlayroomDynamic parameters MonitorsFree & OpenSourceSimSEEhttps://Temporary linking of decisions.The use of stored resources (water) in thepresent produces an increase in futureoperating costs. The postponement ofthe use of a stored resource produces anincrease in the costs of the present.The Optimal Policy is the one thatbalances the cost impact betweenpresent and future.The System, The Operator and The Operation PolicyX = Stater = Non-controllable inputsu = Controllable Inputsu=P(X,r,t)FCP (Xahora)=⟨∫nowfuture+∞oc(X,r,u,t)dt⟩Operation Policy:Instant operating cost:oc(X,r,u,t)Future Cost:Time-Step used for simulation.Big time step / implicit inertiaSmall time step / more state variablesbalance restrictionsoverestimate filtering capacityneed of availability models to representfail/repair inertiaBellman's curse of dimensionality.u =P (X ,r ,t )Operation Policy:Dim (u )×N X 1×N X 2...×N XDim (X )×N r 1×N r 2...×N rDim (r )×N tTime-Bands (Patamares)defined by the Monotonous Load Curve ... Makes sense?Only an example, 4 days of july-2018-UruguaySource: ADME - SCADA ten-minute time series035710121417192124262831333538404244474951545658616365687072757780828487899194965001000150020002500Térmica Hydro Biomass Wind SolarhoursM WSource: ADME - SCADA ten-minute time series036811141619222427303235384043454851535659616467697275788083868891945001000150020002500Demand Demand-VREhoursM WTime-Bands (Patamares)defined by the Monotonous Load Curve ... Makes sense?better use Net-Demand instead of Demandtime band 1time band 3time band 2Sources of randomness Stochastic processes●Demand and temperature●Flows of water contributions●Wind speed●Solar radiation●Price of interconnected markets ●Fuel prices●Availability of fuels●Availability of generating plants ●Availability of transport linesEquipment availability(independent booleans) El Niño, Hydro, Wind, Solar, Demand, T emperature. (correlated processes)Representation of uncertainty.We are managing faster dynamics,therefore, the correlation between thedifferent resources has greaterimportance.We need models of variability thatcorrectly represent the correlationbetween resources and the correlationwith the past.That is, we have to represent theinertia behind the stochastic variables.UnavailableAvailability of generators, powertransmission lines, etc.AvailableI f we do not represent the state of the availability when simulating with small time-steps, the consequences of the inertia ofthe fault-repair process are underestimated.Each generator, transmission line, etc. adds a Boolean state variable to the system.FailRepairWind, Solar and Demand correlations.WindSolarW i n dS o l a rDem an dGaussian WorldReal World ModelGaussian World:Multi-variable linear systemfed withGaussian independent white noiseCEGH modeling.X k +1=∑h =0h =n −1A h X k −h +∑h =0h =m −1B h R k −hNLTNLT NLT NLT NLTNLT •reproduces the amplitude histograms of the original processes.•reproduces the spatial and temporal correlations in a gaussian space.Accept state space reductions.Accept forecast information.PRONOS2016-2017https://.uyhttps://.uy/svg/Weather ForecastReal time status informationPower plants modelsLoad, Wind and Solar powerForecastADME_Data y ADME_WindSimOperator without forecastsOperator with forecastsTreatment of forecasts in CEGH modeling. GaussianizationP50P90P10tx1x2P 50P 90P 10Real WorldGaussian SpaceEase integration of FORECASTS in CEGH modeling.The biases (S) change the 50% probability guide and the attenuation factors (F)regulate the noise injection, allowing to go from a Deterministic Forecast (F = 0 = null noise) to the disappearance of the forecast (S = 0; F = 1 =historical noise).X k +1=∑h =0h =n r −1A h X k −h +S k +F k∑h =0h =m −1B h R k −hS k =[s 1,k...s n ,k]biases:F k =[f 1,k 0...00f 2,k 00...0f n ,k]attenuators:Treatment of forecasts in Gaussian space with reduction in CEGH modeling.u =PO z (z,r,t )z =M R X RA X =M A (t )z +B A (t )wP50P90P10tx1x2P50P90P10tProgramming the enegy dispatch withoutwindpower forecasts.σ=0Programming the enegy dispatch with 72h ofwindpower forecasts.ForecastDemand Stochastic Model Eng. ElianaCornalinoFor more information see: https://youtu.be/SvidemGQdG4Hydrological modelingEng. Alejandra de VeraFor more information see: https://youtu.be/DYvZLeotxEkAssimilation of Forecast Ensembles in CEGH Models. Eng. Guillermo FliellerFor more information see: https://youtu.be/glheJY9PPc4Considering the ENSO ForecastsModeling Wind and Solar Power Forecasts usingMixture Density NetworksEng. Damián Vallejo.For more information see: https://youtu.be/ZDUhUMfI-7oContinuous forecast of the next 168 VATEShours of optimal operation.Expected generation by source. (Example from ADME’s WEB)Next 168 h, System Load forecast. (Example from ADME’s WEB)Next 168 h, Windpower forecast. (Example from ADME’s WEB)Next 168 h, Spot Price forecast. (Example from ADME’s WEB)Determination of Exportable Energy BlocksEng. Felipe PalacioFor more information see: https://youtu.be/F7h43i3sxU0What we are working on now for the future.Combined Cycle Model. Eng. Vanina Camacho2 State variables for each group TG+Boiler.●Timer_TGtoCC_ (Purge 4h, Full Load 2h)●Boiler_temperature (startup type:, warm, hot, cold)For more information see: https://youtu.be/_EcEf4w8yn4Optimal dispatch with network representation in SimSEE.Eng. Ignacio Reyes FlucarSimSEEi t er a t i o n For more information see: https://youtu.be/jHRlAaL5mq4Bellman's curse of dimensionality.u =P (X ,r ,t )Operation Policy:SimSEE Self-Learning a pesudo-optimal Operation Policy to Combat Bellman's Curse of DimensionalityANII_FSE_1_2017_1_144926 (2018-2020)IIE-FING-UdelaRRuben Chaer, Ignacio Ramirez, XimenaCaporale, Pablo Soubes, Damián Vallejo,Felipe Palacio, Sergio Tagliafico.N01 N02 N03 N04N11N12N13N14Lin N15N17N18N19EntradaSalida ⏟Capas ocultasMAXTemporal ParsimonyEng. Ximena CaporaleFor more information see: https://youtu.be/4P4yriSpSBk。
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TPS22965 + TPS51200
New PDN Concept
0.40 = $3.25
(3 AVS @ 1‐2.5A, Dual 1.8/3.3V IO, DDR3L)
18 + 4 + 4.6 + 4.6 + 4 + 9 = 44
$4.42 128 $2.53 74
$7.32 190 $4.64 119
5. “PDN’s AVS Capability” is the achievable power if all AVS power rails are increased to 90% of capacity while other power rails remain at typical Use Case modelled values.
(3 AVS @ 1‐3.5A, Dual 1.8/3.3V IO, DDR3L) (similar to EVM PDN #0)
49 + 9 + 4 = 62
#8.2 – LP87524 + LP5912 + TLV713 + LP5907 +
1.26 + 0.19 + 0.07 + 0.10 + 0.10 +
2. PDN Support component (Rs, Cs & Ls) pricing from Mouser Distribution website using single 4k – 10k/reel qty costs as of May 2016. Both PDN Support & PDN Total Costs have been provided for relative comparison only, individual customer volume pricing may vary.
Optimal AmplifierIntroductionAn optimal amplifier is a type of electronic device used to amplify and enhance the strength of electrical signals. It is an essential component in various applications, including audio systems, telecommunications, medical equipment, and data transmission. In this document, we will explore the working principle, types, and applications of optimal amplifiers.Working PrincipleThe primary function of an optimal amplifier is to increase the amplitude of a weak input signal while maintaining the fidelity and quality of the output signal. It achieves this by utilizing active components, such as transistors or operational amplifiers, which provide high gain and low distortion.The key concept behind optimal amplification is achieving the maximum transfer of power from the input to the output. To achieve this, the amplifier must have high input impedance, low output impedance, and a gain that matches the requirements of the input signal. The amplification process typically involves several stages, with each stage providing a certain level of amplification.Types of Optimal AmplifiersThere are different types of optimal amplifiers designed for specific applications. Some common types include:1. Audio AmplifiersAudio amplifiers are extensively used in music systems, home theaters, and public address systems. They are designed to provide high-quality amplification of audio signals with a wide dynamic range. Class A, Class B, and Class AB amplifiers are commonly used for audio amplification.2. RF AmplifiersRF (Radio Frequency) amplifiers are used in wireless communication systems, broadcasting, and radar systems. These amplifiers operate over a wide frequency range and are crucial for enhancing the range and performance of wireless communication.3. Instrumentation AmplifiersInstrumentation amplifiers are primarily used in measurement and testing equipment. They provide precise amplification of low-level signals while rejecting common-mode noise and interference. These amplifiers offer high gain, high input impedance, and low output impedance.4. Operational AmplifiersOperational amplifiers, often referred to as op-amps, are widely used in electronic circuits for various purposes. They provide high gain, high input impedance, low output impedance, and excellent linearity. Op-amps are the building blocks of many analog signal processing circuits, such as filters, oscillators, and voltage regulators.Applications of Optimal AmplifiersOptimal amplifiers find applications in various industries and fields. Some notable applications include:1.Audio Systems: Optimal amplifiers are crucial insound reinforcement systems, musical instruments, and hi-fidelity audio equipment to amplify and improve the quality of audio signals.2.Telecommunications: Optimal amplifiers are used incellular base stations, satellite communication systems, and fiber optic networks to enhance the strength and quality of signals during transmission.3.Medical Equipment: Optimal amplifiers are used inmedical devices like ECG machines, ultrasound equipment, and patient monitoring systems to amplify and processphysiological signals accurately.4.Data Transmission: Optimal amplifiers play a vitalrole in data transmission systems, including wired andwireless networks. They increase the signal strength forlong-distance data transmission and help overcome losses during transmission.5.Industrial Applications: Optimal amplifiers arewidely used in industrial control systems, processmonitoring, and automation. They amplify and conditionsensor signals for accurate measurements and control.ConclusionOptimal amplifiers are essential components in electronic systems, providing amplification and signal conditioning for a wide range of applications. With their ability to enhance weak signals while maintaining signal integrity, optimal amplifiers have revolutionized various industries. Understanding the working principle and types of optimal amplifiers enables engineers and technicians to choose the right amplifier for specific applications and achieve optimal system performance.。
It works as hard as you do.Agilent 6890N NetworkGC• Rugged and reliable for unsurpassed uptime• Advanced EPC ensures precision and accuracy of results• Retention Time Locking for consistent results• Accomplish more with fast GC capabilites2Acccomplish more with networking abilities •Lets you share business and scientific data easily within a laboratory and across sites for fast and informed decision making.•Incorporates local area network (LAN) technology as a standard feature, which makes it easy to link communication and control of multiple analytical instruments. With networking, you can work smarter,faster, and more economically.Wide selection of inletsSplit/splitless (S/SL) capillary Packed purged injection port Cool on-column (COC)Cool on-column with solvent vapor exit (COC-SVE)Programmable temperature vaporizing (PTV)Volatiles interface (VI)•T emperature-programmable pre-column**Agilent 7694E headspace sampler Purge and trapGas and liquid sampling valves Deans Switch for 2D GC Ambient air sampler and preconcentrator**Thermal desorber**Pyrolyzer**HP-5MS)•Midpolarity (HP-35, HP-35MS, DB-35, DB-35MS, DB-17, DB-17MS, HP-50+)•High-polarity PEG (HP-Wax, HP INNOWax, DB-Wax, HP-FFAP)•PLOT (MoleSieve, PLOT Q, GS-GasPro, HP-PLOT Al 2O 3, HP-PLOT MoleSieve)•Application-specific columns (DB-VRX, DB-Dioxin, DB-ALCl and ALC2)*The 6890N network gas chromatograph is ready for attaching the Agilent 7683 series automatic liquid sampler.**Available through Agilent Channel Partners.***For a complete list of Agilent columns and supplies, visit our Shopping Village on the World Wide Web at /chemWe have one thing in mind:hard work.Laboratories worldwide are looking for a GC solution that delivers reliability, performance, and reproducible results. And nothing produces these benefits like the Agilent 6890N Network GC. By integrating leading-edge technologies with an emphasis on quality manufacturing processes, the 6890N will bring a work ethic to your laboratory that’s matched only by your own.6890N N e t w o r k G C :I t w o r k s a s h a r d a s y o u d o .* Available through Agilent Channel Partners.6890N Network GC: It works as hard as you do. 3More Productive than Any Other ECDThe Agilent 6890N micro-electron capture detector gives you greater throughput, less rework, reduced susceptibility to contamination, and expanded detection limits compared with any other electron capture detector. This detector offers the best sensitivity and linearity in the world. You do not have to concentrate extremely dilute samples and you do not have to dilute concentrated samples to get within the sample calibration range. Furthermore, this rugged, completely redesigned detector,which is optimized for capillary chromatography, lets you perform fast GC.Decreased Calibration TimeYou can manually enter existing calibration data and make a run with just one standard peak.The system can normalize the calibration table for you, allowing you to cutcalibration time and avoid re-running your calibration standards.Increased Laboratory EfficiencyClock-time programming allows you to set up runs for unattended operation whenever you want. The system can be ready to work when you get to your laboratory.Pre-run and post-run commands automatically prepare the system for the next sample.An instrument that understandsan honest day’s work.From operator interaction and sample input to separation, data acquisition, and analysis, the Agilent 6890N network GC system is Micro-Electron Capture Detector6890N N e t w o r k G C :I t w o r k s a s h a r d a s y o u d o .4High Sample ThroughputThe 6890N network GC system is already set up for the Agilent 7683 automatic liquid sampler,enabling fast and easy installation.Single or dual injectors, equipped with either an 8-sample turret or a 100-vial sample tray, allow unattended operation. Using the 11-vial transfer turret with the tray and the solvent saving mode,you have enough solvent to run unattended eight times longer than before.100-vial sample tray8-sample turret for use without trayEfficient Data HandlingThe Agilent ChemStation for the 6890N network GC system lets you display, calibrate, and report data from up to four signals—without having to synchronize separate runs and merge results.This isparticularly efficient when you need to set up and report complex analyses.Agilent’s Cerity Networked Data System for Chemical QA/QC givesyou exactly what you need for your particular laboratory environment. Use-specific applications model your everyday tasks,making every step more efficient. Cerity NDS also connects you with your company’s intranet and the Internet for pulling in what you need to work efficiently or sending out results to your customers, fast.Automatic Liquid Sampler6890N Network GC:It works as hard as you do.511-vial transfer turret for use with trayMinimal ReworkThe Agilent 6890N network GC system is the only GC system that automatically selects the optimum pressure-control mode for split and splitless analyses. Forward-pressure control is best for splitless injections. Along with a large inlet liner volume and pressure-pulse operation,this mode reduces discrimination, sample degradation, and sample loss caused by liner overload while maximizing sensitivity.For split injections, the system automatically selects back-pressure control for linear split ratios over the entire usable split-ratio range and over wide column flow and pressure ranges. This reduces sample preparation and increases reproducibility and accuracy.Automatic switching between forward-and back-pressure modes yields optimal results in less time and with less effort.6890N N e t w o r k G C :I t w o r k s a s h a r d a s y o u d o .6The Agilent 6890N works as hard to meet regulatory requirements as it does to meet the needs of your lab. That’s why Agilent designed into the GC ChemStation a variety of features to answer the strict regulatory, certification, and quality control requirements of your industry. Agilent’s expert staff of engineers will work for you too— our installation qualification and operational qualification/performance verification services can help ensure your lab is in complete compliance.A Record of All EventsBoth the Agilent Cerity Networked Data System and Agilent ChemStation Plus family ease the burden of meeting regulatory and quality requirements.Both software programs, for example,record all system events during an analysis. This includes any anomalies or deviations from method setpoints.System Performance ControlA system suitability table lets you easily set range limits on critical parameters toestablish and verify system performance.Results that meet regulations—and your expectations.Good Laboratory PracticeAssured Method SecurityYour original method, including all GC parameters and data files, can be stored in a single protected,uneditable format for assured integrity. Furthermore,your methods and data are protected by a keyboard lock and multilevel security.6890N Network GC:It works as hard as you do.7You want to keep your cost-per-analysis down— but not at the cost of unreliable results. That’s why Agilent designed the 6890N to do much of the work for you. It’s easy to operate, with minimal time required for training, prep and data handling.You’ll save time by entering all GC parameters electronically. Once set, they remain precisely the same for accurate and reproducible results you can count on, every time, with every operator, and with minimal rework.Unsurpassed Reproducibility Full electronic pneumatics control (EPC) makes it fast and easy to set all pressures and flows.Our fourth-generation EPC keeps these setpoints constant from run to run,providing excellent retention time reproducibility.Simplified ControlThe 6890N keyboard simplifies parameter entry and system control.The keyboard displays four parameters of your choice,giving you instant access to system information— for fast,effective diagnostics and troubleshooting. All parameters can be stored and recalled at the touch of a button.Retention Time (min)Run Peak 1Peak 218.3778.63228.3778.63238.3778.63348.3778.63258.3768.63268.3748.63078.3758.63188.3758.63198.3748.630108.3748.630118.3758.631128.3768.632138.3768.632148.3768.632158.3768.632Average 8.3768.632Standard0.001 0.001DeviationMethod setup that’s fast,results that stay true.Fourth-Generation Pneumatics Control6890N N e t w o r k G C :I t w o r k s a s h a r d a s y o u d o .8Different Detector, Different Location,Different Operator—Same ResultsRetention Time Locking (RTL) software is a powerful productivity tool that lets you reproduce exactly the same results on multiple Agilent GCs with EPC—configuration to configuration, location to location,operator to operator. This revolutionary technology allows retention times to be reproduced between Modularity to Meet Changing Needs Modular design of system components lets change or upgrade GC MSD Method Locked to FID Method Mixture of 25 PesticidesRetention Time Locking with GC and GC/MSD ChemStation6890N Network GC:It works as hard as you do.96890N N e t w o r k G C :I t w o r k s a s h a r d a s y o u d o .Sampling FlexibilityThe Agilent automatic liquid sampler lets you mimic manual injection. At the same time, you get the convenience of automated injection. Other benefits include improvedprecision and accuracy (with the industry’s fastest injection speed) and the ability to sample individual layers in a vial for automated micro-liquid/liquid extraction and ambientheadspace analysis.No Sample ConcentrationThe system’s automatic liquid sampler offers large-volume injection, eliminating sampleconcentration steps. Using the programmable temperature vaporizing inlet or cool on-column inlet, you can inject up to 50 µL in a single injection.If you are using a programmable temperature vaporizing inlet, you can inject up to 500 µL, with multiple injections. This gives you highly sensitive quantitation—especially useful for mass selectivedetection and atomic emission detection.With enhanced technologies, the 6890N works harder than ever to increase your lab’s performance. Both injection and headspace sampling are automated, which means less manual work and even more precise results. You’ll enjoy quicker turnaround time, lower cost per analysis, and less waste.Small-Volume SamplingMultiphase Sampling Ambient HeadspaceSamplingT ake the work outof manual sample prep.Large-Volume Injection10No Sample PreparationHeadspace sampling can eliminate sample preparation byintroducing volatile components automatically—from virtually any matrix—directly into the GC. A low-volume, highly inert volatiles interface is optimized for headspace-GC analysis, preventingsample loss or degradation. Agilent headspace instrument control is fully integrated into the Agilent GC ChemStation software.Reduced DerivatizationA cool on-column inlet offers a gentle environment for thermally labile compounds. This minimizes the need for derivatization and improves the accuracy of sample characterization.6890N Network GC:It works as hard as you do.116.00 6.00 8.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.006.00 6.00 8.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.002334Standard GCFast GC HP-INNOWax 60m x 0.32mm x 0.5µmHP-INNOWax 25m x 0.2mm x 0.313µmStyrene5 7.510 12.5 15 17.5 200.5 1 1.5 2 2.5minminThe Agilent 6890N network GC system lets youReal GC—T en Times FasterThe Agilent 6890N network GC system provides everything you need for fast GC. This includes fast automatic injection, split/splitless inlets,0.1-mm capillary columns, high-speed detectors, fast data handling, and method translation software. You get real chromatography, accurately and consistently, two or five or even ten times faster than standard GC.And you can switch back to standard GC with ease.Waste no time,results come in minutes.6890N N e t w o r k G C :I t w o r k s a s h a r d a s y o u d o .12Easy Translation to Fast GCFree method translation software lets you transfer currentmethods to faster methods in minutes.You can see the impact of parameter changes on analysis speed—before you run a sample.At the same time, the software identifies any potential method or instrument constraints so that you know what will work before investing significant time and money.6890N Network GC:It works as hard as you do.132D GC Made EasySetup and operation of 2D GC is made reliable and easy to use by combining Micro-fluidic and EPC technologies. This unique software tool minimizes operator effort by automatically calculating restrictions and pressures. The reproducibility ofretention times of the 6890N GC results in improved accuracy and reliability. 2D GC is available pre-configured by Agilent, as a standard option, or as an accessory for existing 6890N GC systems.2D GC Using Micro-Fluidic T echnologyAgilent’s patented Micro-fluidic technology greatly improves the performance of 2D GC. Internal volumes are optimized tomaximize separation efficiency and eliminate peak tailing. Each device is deactivated to produce superior results even for trace analysis of chemically active compounds. A new fitting and ferrule design simplifies column installation and eliminates leakage even with repeated oven temperature programming to final temperatures over 400 C.Agilent Columns and Supplies— The Perfect FitFor greater confidence in your GC results,you can optimize your total system with quality Agilent columns and supplies—the perfect fit for the Agilent 6890N network GC system. A wide range of GC columns,supplies, kits, and accessories is designed,manufactured, and tested to rigorous Agilent specifications, under a quality system registered to ISO 9001. Why risk compromising your analytical results with anything less than genuine Agilent consumables?Backed by Agilent SupportYou can also ensure the best performance from your 6890N by relying on a variety of Agilent-brand services. Whether you need assistance in hardware or software installation, performance checks, or on-going technical support, Agilent can help maintain reliable operations over the life ofyour instrument.Created for endurance—now and for years to come.6890N N e t w o r k G C :I t w o r k s a s h a r d a s y o u d o .14The Agilent 6890N network GC system incorporates the lessons learned from 40 years of producing the world’s best-selling and most reliable GCs. In fact, labs turn to Agilent because they know the instruments will perform accurately and consistently over extended periods— and when they do replace or upgrade a system, they regularly return to Agilent.You can be sure your Agilent instrument will prove to be a workhorse for your lab, too. Each 6890N network GC system ships with a Declaration of Conformity that certifies it has passed stringent safety tests, ensuring the instrument will meet Agilent’s performance specifications. We back it all up with our Agilent Value Promise that guarantees you’ll have at least 10 years use from your 6890N (see back panel for details). Now that’s a hard-working promise.Special Service BundlesAgilent offers special service bundles that are designed to meet the needs of your laboratory. Essential services include:• T elephone support to resolve hardware problems• At-your-site instrument service plus consumables used for repairs • Off-site instrument repair service • Annual preventative maintenanceAgilent customer service centers are located worldwide. With Agilent support, you can reduce operational costs, increase laboratory productivity, and lighten the load of regulatory compliance.Agilent has a series of convenient 6890 system GC Web-based training modules. You can learn at your desk—with minimal disruption to work schedules—or wherever you can connect to the Internet. e-Learning gives you focused instruction in instrument theory, operation, routine maintenance, as well as common problems and solutions.You can view module descriptions, try a demo, register, and purchasemodules by visiting /chem/elearning.GC e-Learning On-Demand and Live Course Titles and DescriptionsSee how Agilent trainingcan work for you.6890N Network GC:It works as hard as you do.15Product Number Course TitleDescriptionR1691A6890 GC Split Inlet Mode OperationThis module teaches you the basic theory and operation of the 6890 GC split/splitless capillary inlet when operating in the split mode.R1692A 6890 GC Splitless Inlet Mode OperationThis module teaches you the basic theory and operation of the 6890 GC split/splitless capillary inlet when operating in the splitless mode.R1693A 6890 GC Purged Packed Inlet OperationThis module teaches you the basic theory and operation of the 6890 GC purged packed inlet.R1694A Capillary Columns Theory and OperationThis self-paced e-Learning module teaches you the basic theory and operation of capillary columns.R1695A 6890 GC Keyboard OperationThis self-paced e-Learning module teaches you the basic operation of the 6890 GC keyboard. It is designed to help you to understand all of the keys to gain the maximum benefit from your GC.R1696A 6890 GC FID Theory and Operation This module teaches you the basic theory and operation of the FID.R1697A 6890 GC ECD Theory and Operation This module teaches you the basic theory and operation of the ECD.R1698A 6890 GC TCD Theory and Operation This module teaches you the basic theory and operation of the TCD.R1699A GC Automatic Liquid Sampler OperationThis module teaches you the basic operation of the Agilent automatic liquid sampler system (ALS). It is designed to help you gain the maximum productivity from the ALS.R1700A Logical GC TroubleshootingThis module teaches logical steps in troubleshooting GC system problems.These steps are designed to identify the source of the problem quickly and prevent the troubleshooting task from becoming overwhelming.Find out more todayFor more information about how you can benefit from the Agilent 6890N Network GC system, Agilent’s support services, or Agilent training courses, visit us online or call toll free:/chem1-800-227-9770 (in the U.S. and Canada)Outside the U.S. and Canada, please call your local AgilentT echnologies analytical sales office or authorized AgilentT echnologies distributor.Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publicationare subject to change without notice.© Agilent T echnologies, Inc. 2004Printed in the USAJune 2, 20045989-0973EN A Sizable PromiseFor nearly two decades, Agilent T echnologies has been improving the way laboratories get results, perform their processes, and enhance their businesses. And the Agilent 6890N Network GC is no exception. With exemplary performance and outstanding ease-of-use packed into its compact frame, the 6890 will help improve the efficiency and productivity of your lab.The Agilent Value Promise–10 years of guaranteed valueIn addition to continually evolving products, we offer something else unique to the industry-our 10-year value guarantee. The Agilent Value Promise guarantees you at least 10 years of instrument use from your date of purchase, or we will credit you with the residual value of that system toward an upgraded model. Not only does Agilent ensure a safe purchase now, we help ensure your investment is as valuable to you in the long run.Information at your fingertipsStay up-to-date on the 6890N Network GC and other Agilent products. 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IMPORTANT NOTE:Read this manual carefully before installing or operating your new air conditioning unit. Make sure to save this manual for future reference.SPLIT-TYPE ROOM AIR CONDITIONEROwner’s ManualSYSPLIT WALL FLEXI SeriesSafety Precautions (04)Table of Contents 0Care and Maintenance ......................................................................................1214Troubleshooting................................................................................................. . (3)4European Disposal Guidelines185Safety PrecautionsRead Safety Precautions Before InstallationIncorrect installation due to ignoring instructions can cause serious damage or injury. The seriousness of potential damage or injuries is classified as either a WARNING or CAUTION.WARNING This symbol indicates that ignoring instructions may cause death or serious injury.This symbol indicates that ignoring instructions may cause moderate injury to your person, or damage to your appliance or other property.CAUTION③ Page 4 ④③ Page 5 ④Unit Speci cations and Features1 Unit Parts)③ Page 6 ④③ Page 7 ④To further optimize the performance of your unit, do the following:• Keep doors and windows closed.• Limit energy usage by using TIMER ON and TIMER OFF functions.• Do not block air inlets or outlets.• Regularly inspect and clean air lters.FOR UNITS WITH AUXILARY ELECTRIC HEATERAchieving Optimal PerformanceOptimal performance for the COOL, HEAT, and DRY modes can be achieved in the following temperature ranges. When your air conditioner is used outside of these ranges, certain safety protection features will activate and cause the unit to perform less than optimally.Inverter Split TypeFixed-speed TypeWhen outsidetemperature is below 0°C (32°F ), we strongly recommend keeping the unit plugged in at all timers to ensure smooth ongoing performance.For a detailed explanation of each function, refer to the Remote Control Manual.Other Features• Auto-RestartIf the unit loses power, it will automatically restart with the prior settings once power has been restored.• Anti-mildew (some units)When turning o the unit from COOL, AUTO (COOL), or DRY modes, the air conditioner will continue operate at very low power to dry up condensed water and prevent mildew growth.• Wi-Fi Control (some units)Wi-Fi control allows you to control your air conditioner using your mobile phone and a Wi-Fi connection.• Louver Angle Memory(some units)When turning on your unit, the louver will automatically resume its former angle.• Refrigerant Leakage Detection (some units)The indoor unit will automatically display “EC” when it detects refrigerant leakage.For a detailed explanation of your unit’sadvanced functionality (such as TURBO mode and its self-cleaning functions), refer to the Remote Control Manual.③ Page 8 ④Setting vertical angle of air owWhile the unit is on, use the SWING /DIRECT button to set the direction (vertical angle) ofairflow.1. Press the SWING /DIRECT button once toactivate the louver. Each time you pressthe button, it will adjust the louver by 6°.Press the button until the direction youprefer is reached.2. To make the louver swing up and downcontinuously, press and hold the SWING/DIRECT button for 3 seconds. Press itagain to stop the automatic function.The horizontal angle of the air ow must be set manually. Grip the de ector rod (See Fig.2.3)and manually adjust it to your preferred direction. For some units, the horizontal angle of the air ow can be set by remote control. please refer to theRemote Control Manual.When using COOL or DRY mode, do not set louver at too vertical an angle for long periodsof time. This can cause water to condense on the louver blade, which will drop on your floor or furnishings. (See Fig. 2.2)When using COOL or HEAT mode, setting the louver at too vertical an angle can reduce the performance of the unit due to restricted airflow.Do not move louver by hand. This will cause the louver to become out of sync. If this occurs, turn o the unit and unplug it for a few seconds, then restart the unit. This will reset the louver.Fig. 2.2 Fig. 2.3Setting Angle of Air FlowSetting horizontal angle of air ow•Deflectorrod③ Page 9 ④③ Page 10 ④The SLEEP function is used to decrease energy use while you sleep (and don’t need the same temperature settings to stay comfortable). This function can only be activated via remote control.Press the SLEEP button when you are ready to go to sleep. When in COOL mode, the unit will increase the temperature by 1°C (2°F) after 1 hour, and will increase an additional 1°C (2°F) after another hour. When in HEAT mode, the unit will decrease the temperature by 1°C (2°F) after 1 hour, and will decrease an additional 1°C (2°F) after another hour.It will hold the new temperature for 7 hours, then the unit will turn o automatically.Note: The SLEEP function is not available in FAN or DRY mode.Sleep OperationFig. 3.1•③ Page 11 ④How to operate your unit without the remote controlIn the event that your remote control fails to work, your unit can be operated manually with the MANUAL CONTROL button located on the indoor unit. Note that manual operation is not a long-term solution, and that operating the unit with your remote control is strongly recommended.Manual Operation (Without Remote)2Manual control buttonBEFORE MANUAL OPERATION Unit must be turned o before manual operation.To operate your unit manually:1. Open the front panel of the indoor unit.2. Locate the MANUAL CONTROL button on the right-hand side of the unit.3. Press the MANUAL CONTROL button one time to activate FORCED AUTO mode.4. Press the MANUAL CONTROL again to activate FORCED COOLING mode.5. Press the MANUAL CONTROL button a third time to turn the unit o .6. Close the front panel.③ Page 12 ④Cleaning Your Indoor UnitCleaning Your Air FilterA clogged air conditioner can reduce the cooling efficiency of your unit, and can also be bad for your health. Make sure to clean the filter once every two weeks.1. Lift the front panel of the indoor unit.2. Grip the tab on the end of the lter, push it up slightly, then pull it a little towards yourself.3. Now pull down to extract the lter.4. If your lter has a small air freshening lter, unclip it from the larger lter. Clean this air freshening lter with a hand-held vacuum.5. Clean the large air lter with warm, soapy water. Be sure to use a mild detergent.Care and Maintenance36. Rinse the lter with fresh water, then shake o excess water.7. Dry it in a cool, dry place, and refrain from exposing it to direct sunlight.8. When dry, re-clip the air freshening lter to the larger lter, then slide it back into the indoor unit.9.Close the front panel of the indoor unit.Care and Maintenancerevert to its previous display.To reset the reminder, press the LED buttonon your remote control 4 times, or press the MANUAL CONTROL button 3 times. If you don’tTurn o the unit anddisconnect the powerRemove batteriesfrom remote control Maintenance –Pre-Season Inspection③ Page 14 ④Common IssuesThe following problems are not a malfunction and in most situations will not require repairs.Troubleshooting4Troubleshooting③ Page 15④TroubleshootingWhen troubles occur, please check the following points before contacting a repair company.Troubleshooting③ Page 16④③ Page 17④NOTE: If your problem persists after performing the checks and diagnostics above, turn o yourunit immediately and contact an authorized service center.European Disposal Guidelines 5 This appliance contains refrigerant and other potentially hazardous materials. When disposing ofthis appliance, the law requires special collection and treatment. Do not dispose of this product as household waste or unsorted municipal waste.When disposing of this appliance, you have the following options:•Dispose of the appliance at designated municipal electronic waste collection facility.•When buying a new appliance, the retailer will take back the old appliance free of charge.•The manufacturer will take back the old appliance free of charge.•Sell the appliance to certi edscrap metal dealers.③ Page 18 ④CS369U-11M 16122000002414 20150825The design and speci cations are subject to change without prior notice forproduct improvement. Consult with the sales agency or manufacturer for details.。
J SeriesDuctless Split SystemsThe Next Generation of Ductless Split SystemsAdvanced technology delivering quiet, energy efficientcomfort solutionsTHE EXPERTS IN ROOM AIR CONDITIONINGFRIEDRICH'S HIGHEST ENERGY EFFICIENCIES EVERENERGY STAR ® modelsZero duct lossS UP E R I O RE FF I C I E N CY25.0 SEERAll of the advantages of ductless systems and Friedrich qualityWALL-MOUNTEDFriedrich has 174 multizone configurations utilizingwall-mounted, ceiling cassette and concealed duct modelsZone Cooling and HeatingOccupants have the ability to set the temperature of each zone to their preferred comfort level. The system will run as needed to maintain desired temperature.Occupants may also turn off units in unoccupied rooms without affecting other zones.That’s the beauty and efficiency of a Friedrich multizone system.Enjoy the flexibility to mix and match systems to fit your application.CONCEALED DUCTCEILING CASSETTE 3The Next Generation of Ductless Split SystemsThe Advantages of Friedrich's Precision Inverter System Minimal temperature fluctuations. High energy efficiency.Precision Inverter technology varies the compressor, the outdoor and the indoor fan speeds, eliminating constant compressor start-ups/shut-downs that traditional systems require to maintain the set temperature.This is especially beneficial in multizone systems where room temperature set points vary and some indoor units may be turned off in unoccupied rooms.Each system can adjust capacity and cooling output to provide only the amount of cooling needed at a given time. The result is optimal comfort with low energy costs.4L E A S T E F F I C I E N T5M O S T E F F I C I E N TPRECISIONNo other system matches the efficiency and performance of Friedrich's Precision InverterIt achieves better energy efficiency by using 1Hz increments. This allows the unit to produce only the output necessary to reach the desired temperature. The result is optimal performance and increased energy efficiency.Attractive and high efficiency options for cooling and heating residential and light commercial spaces.Wall-mounted models mount high on the wall. The attractive, neutral finish blends well with just about anydecor.Residential Applications• Room additions/renovations • Homes without ductwork • Bedrooms and family rooms • Garage workshops • Sunrooms • Guest quartersThe Next Generation of Ductless Split Systems6Commercial Applications• Hotels and other lodging • Computer rooms and server rooms• Restaurant kitchen and prep areas• Offices in warehouse spaces • Storage facilities• Buildings where security concerns prevent the use of window units• Internal areas withoutexterior wall accessIndoor unitscan be usedindividuallyor as part of amultizone systemto conditionmultiple spaces ora large area.7Auto cleanIndoor blower runs to remove dust, dirt and moisturefrom the coil after system is shutdown.Surge cool/heatAllows quick cooling/heating. In this mode the unit will operate at 100% for 30 minutes to cool/heat the room rapidly.Built-in low ambient standardAllows wall-mounted unit’s operation down to 14ºF in cooling mode. Down to 5º F in concealed duct and cassette models.Auto changeover (Single zone only)Automatically changes over from cool to heat and heat to cool to maintain the set temperature.Auto restartAuto restart function allows system to resume with previous settings in the event of a power shutdown. (Power supply must be restored).Dry modeReduces the humidity when cooling needs are low.4-way auto swingLouvers will automatically move up/down and left /right to maintain a uniform room temperature.DiamonGold Advanced Corrosion Protection™Protects the outdoor coil against deterioration and extends the life of the unit especially in harsh coastal environments.Features you'll find with Friedrich Ductless Systems:The Next Generation of Ductless Split Systems8Ultra quiet cross-flow fanAn electronically controlled cross-flow fan creates an ultra quiet, yet powerful air flow into the room.Low vibration, twin-rotary compressorFriedrich's twin-rotary compressor has a unique design that reduces vibration for lower sound levels outdoors.BLDC fan motorBrushless, digitally commutated motor withaccurate speed control that makes the electrical and mechanical operation smoother, more reliable and more efficient.The indoor cross-flow fan and a low vibration compressor provide ultra quiet operation indoors and outdoors.9Wall Standoff BracketThe clip keeps sufficient space between the unit and the wall creating more room for installation.Spacious Tubing AreaAmple space was created to facilitate tubing installation and placement.Low Installation Access PanelBy lowering the access panel to eye-level we have created a hassle-free access to electrical connections.Secure Grip Screws*"Grip Screws" firmly secure wall-mounted unit to wall bracket providing a stable setup.* Not available on MW30Y3J and MW36Y3J.16" on CenterThe hanging bracket comes with a set of holes that are placed 16” apart from each other to help you attach the bracket securely to "16 on center" wall studs.Level-Line LedgesIncorporated “Level-Line Ledges” ensure a straight wall mount and frees both hands for an easy single-person installation.Tape Measure AssistThe integrated “blade grip” securely keeps measuring tape in place. The ”blade grip” gives you a helping hand when installing the bracket to the wall.UNIQUE MOUNTING BRACKETConvenient installation features that will get yourductless running in no time.A SET OF16 INCH ON CENTER HOLESModel MWH12Y3J indoor unit and hanging bracket shown. Hanging bracket appearance will vary by model.The Next Generation of Ductless Split Systems10Low Ambient Wind Baffle KitWind baffle allows operation down to O °FWB.(Available for Wall-Mounted Single Zone)OPTIONAL ACCESSORIESRefrigeration Line SetsThermostatDWC1-Wired, 7-day fully programmable wall thermostat. (Available for all models)Ceiling Cassette Grilles (Required accessory)Required decorative grille for ceiling cassette modelsFriedrich's Ductless Split systems are compatible with aftermarket drain pumps and condensate sensors.For more information visit the following sites:Condensate PumpsR ectorseal/Aspen Pumps: /pumpselector.Condensate SensorsRectorseal, Safe-T-Switch ® Aqua guard: /productAdapterAdapter is available through Friedrich parts distributors.All R410A models have 1/2”-20 UNF (5/16” SAE) X 1/4” SAE thread per inch charging and vacuuming ports.An adapter must be used for ¼” gauges.11SINGLE ZONE WALL-MOUNTED9000-24000 Btu. Cool only models with features for convenient operation, care-free comfort and years of dependability.Features• I nverter technology (variable speed compressor)• BLDC motors• H igh efficiency for low operating cost • D iamonGold Advanced Corrosion Protection™• A uto Clean indoor coil • C ooling/Fan mode • S urge cool • N atural air flow • 4-Way auto swing • U ltra quiet operation • S leep mode • D ry mode • A uto restart• B uilt-in low ambient standard, down to 14ºF (Cooling Mode)• 24-hour on/off timer • Built-in kick stand• M ultiple ease of installation features (see p.10)MR09C1J, MR12C1J MR18C3J MR24C3JMW09C1J, MW12C1JMW18C3J, MW24C3JPRECISIONWIRELESSREMOTE CONTROL12Your operating costs will depend on your utility rates and use. The estimated operating cost is based on a electricity cost of $ .115 per kWh. For more information, visit /energy.Due to continuing research in new energy-saving technology,specifications are subject to change without notice.SPECIFICATIONS13SINGLE ZONE25.0 SEER WALL-MOUNTED12000 Btu. Our most efficient unit ever! Features for comfort and convenience year 'round. In heating mode, unit efficiently heats by using approximately 1/4 of the energy required by electric heat.Features• I nverter technology (variable speed compressor)• B LDC motor• H igh efficiency for low operating cost • D iamonGold Advanced Corrosion Protection™•A uto Clean indoor coil • Cooling/Heating/Fan/Auto mode • S urge Cool/Heat • Natural air flow • U ltra quiet operation • S leep mode • A uto restart • A uto changeover• L ow ambient operation down to 14ºF (Cooling Mode)• 24-hour on/off timer• E NERGY STAR ® qualified model • H idden display (only visible during operation)• M ultiple ease of installation features (see p.10)PRECISIONMWH12Y3JMRH12Y3JS U P E R I O RE FF I C I E N CY25.0 SEERWIRELESSREMOTE CONTROL14Your operating costs will depend on your utility rates and use. The estimated operating cost is based on a electricity cost of $ .115 per kWh. For more information, visit /energy.Due to continuing research in new energy-saving technology,specifications are subject to change without notice.SPECIFICATIONS15SINGLE ZONE WALL-MOUNTED9000-18000 Btu. Features for comfort and convenience year 'round. In heating mode, units use approximately 1/4 of the energy required by electric heat.Features• I nverter technology (variable speed compressor)• BLDC motors• H igh efficiency for low operating cost • D iamonGold Advanced Corrosion Protection™• A uto Clean indoor coil • C ooling/Heating/Fan mode • S urge Cool/Heat • Natural air flow • 4-Way auto swing • U ltra quiet operation • S leep mode • D ry mode • A uto restart • A uto changeover• B uilt-in low ambient standard, down to 14ºF (Cooling Mode), down to 0ºF with wind baffle • 24-hour on/off timer• M ultiple ease of installation features (see p.10)MR09Y3J, MR12Y3J MR18Y3JMW09Y3J, MW12Y3JMW18Y3JPRECISIONWIRELESSREMOTE CONTROL16Your operating costs will depend on your utility rates and use. The estimated operating cost is based on a electricity cost of $ .115 per kWh. For more information, visit /energy.Due to continuing research in new energy-saving technology,specifications are subject to change without notice.SPECIFICATIONS17SINGLE ZONE WALL-MOUNTED24000-36000 Btu. Features for comfort and convenience year'round. In heating mode, units use approximately 1/4 of the energy required by electric heat.Features• I nverter technology (variable speed compressor)• H igh efficiency for low operating cost • D iamonGold Advanced Corrosion Protection™• A uto Clean indoor coil • C ooling/Heating/Fan mode • S urge Cool/Heat • Natural air flow • 4-Way auto swing • U ltra quiet operation • S leep mode • D ry mode • A uto restart • A uto changeover• B uilt-in low ambient standard, down to 14ºF (Cooling Mode)• 24-hour on/off timer• M ultiple ease of installation features (see p.10)MR24Y3J, MR30Y3J, MR36Y3JMW24Y3J, MW30Y3J, MW36Y3JPRECISIONWIRELESSREMOTE CONTROL18Your operating costs will depend on your utility rates and use. The estimated operating cost is based on a electricity cost of $ .115 per kWh. For more information, visit /energy.Due to continuing research in new energy-saving technology, specifications are subject to change without notice.SPECIFICATIONS19SINGLE ZONECEILING CASSETTE24000 and 36000 Btu. Indoor units are typically installed in a drop ceiling. The grille fits almost flush with the ceiling for a clean look and efficient installation.Low profile indoor unit isrecessed into the ceilingfor a clean look and greaterclearance.NOTE: Grilles are soldseparately.See optional accessories on page 11. Features• I nverter technology (variable speedcompressor)• I nternal condensate pump with27 1/2" lift* included• Natural air flow• 4-Way cooling• S urge Cool/Heat• Cooling/Heating/Fan mode• Dry mode• S leep mode• B uilt-in low ambient standard, downto 5ºF (Cooling mode)• I ndependent vane control• 3 Fan speeds• E vaporator frost control• 24-hour on/off timer• A uto restart• A uto changeover• T emperature display on remote• U ltra-quiet turbo fan• DiamonGold AdvancedCorrosion Protection™• Clean, modern look• Flexible installation• E NERGY STAR® qualified models• Precise air distributionMR24UY3J MR36UY3JMC24Y3JMC36Y3JPRECISIONWIRELESSREMOTE CONTROL* Lift from drain pan to the highest point. Use external drain pumpfor installations requiring condensate lift exceeding 27 1/2"20Your operating costs will depend on your utility rates and use. The estimated operating cost is based on a electricity cost of $ .115 per kWh. For more information, visit /energy.*System meets ENERGY STAR ® published minimums.**Models require grille. Sold separately.Due to continuing research in new energy-saving technology,specifications are subject to change without notice.SPECIFICATIONS21SINGLE ZONECONCEALED DUCT24000 and 36000 Btu. Indoor unit is installed in the ceiling or furr down for unobtrusive installation.Features• I nverter technology (variable speedcompressor)• B LDC motor• I nternal condensate pump with27 1/2" lift* included• Cooling/Heating/Fan mode• Dry mode• 3 Fan speeds• 24-hour on/off timer• A uto restart• A uto changeover• S leep mode• Control lock function on controller• External Static Pressure Range(ESP)- 24,000 (0.1 - 0.78) WC- 36,000 (0.15 - 0.6) WCMR24UY3J MR36UY3JMD24Y3J, MD36Y3JPRECISIONWIRED WALLCONTROLLER* Lift from drain pan to highest point. Use external drain pump forinstallations requiring condensate lift exceeding 27 1/2"22Your operating costs will depend on your utility rates and use. The estimated operating cost is based on a electricity cost of $ .115 per kWh. For more information, visit /energy.Due to continuing research in new energy-saving technology,specifications are subject to change without notice.SPECIFICATIONS23MULTIZONEWALL-MOUNTEDHigh efficiency heat pumps with features for comfort and convenience year 'round. In heating mode, units use approximately 1/4 of the energy required by electric heat.• I nverter technology (variable speedcompressor)• H igh efficiency for low operating cost• D iamonGold Advanced CorrosionProtection™• A uto Clean indoor coil• C ooling/Heating/Fan mode• S urge Cool/Heat• Natural air flow• 4-Way auto swing• U ltra quiet operation• S leep mode• D ry mode• A uto restart• B uilt-in low ambient standard, down to 14ºF(Cooling Mode)• 24-hour on/off timer• B uilt-in kick stand MW09Y3J, MW12Y3JMW18Y3JMR24DY3JM MR36TQY3JMPRECISION FeaturesWIRELESSREMOTE CONTROL24Your operating costs will depend on your utility rates and use. The estimated operating cost is based on a electricity cost of $ .115 per kWh. For more information, visit /energy.Due to continuing research in new energy-saving technology,specifications are subject to change without notice.SPECIFICATIONS25MULTIZONECEILING CASSETTEIndoor units are typically installed in a drop ceiling. The grille fits almost flush with the ceiling for a clean look and efficient installation.Features• I nverter technology (variable speedcompressor)• I nternal condensate pump with23" lift* included• Natural air flow• 4-Way cooling• Cooling/Heating/Fan mode• Dry mode• N ight Quiet Operation• B uilt-in low ambient standard, downto 14ºF (Cooling mode)• 3 Fan speeds• E vaporator frost control• 24-hour on/off timer• A uto restart• T emperature display on remote• U ltra-quiet turbo fan • DiamonGold Advanced Corrosion Protection™• Clean, modern look • Flexible installation • E NERGY STAR ® qualified models • Precise air distribution MR24DY3JM MR36TQY3JMMC12Y3JM, MC18Y3JMPRECISIONWIRELESSREMOTE CONTROLNOTE: Grilles are sold separately. See optional accessories on page 11.* Lift from drain pan to highest point. Use external drain pump forinstallations requiring condensate lift exceeding 23"26*Models require grille. Grille sold separately.Your operating costs will depend on your utility rates and use. The estimated operating cost is based on a electricity cost of $ .115 per kWh. For more information, visit /energy.SPECIFICATIONS27MULTIZONECONCEALED DUCTIndoor unit is installed in the ceiling or furr down for unobtrusive installation. Conditioned or non-conditioned air can be added to ducting to allow fresh air into the conditioned space whenever required.Features• I nverter technology (variable speedcompressor)• I nternal condensate pump with23" lift* included• Cooling/Heating/Fan mode• Dry mode• 3 Fan speeds• 24-hour on/off timer• A uto restart• S leep mode• Control lock function• External Static Pressure Range (ESP)- 12,000 ( 0.0 - 0.16) WC- 18,000 ( 0.0 - 0.16) WCMR24DY3JM MR36TQY3JMMD12Y3JM, MD18Y3JMPRECISIONWIRED WALLCONTROLLER* Lift from drain pan to the highest point. Use external drain pumpfor installations requiring condensate lift exceeding 23"28Your operating costs will depend on your utility rates and use. The estimated operating cost is based on a electricity cost of $ .115 per kWh. For more information, visit /energy.Due to continuing research in new energy-saving technology, specifications are subject to change without notice.SPECIFICATIONS29Wired and wireless controllers.Wired controllersWIRELESS REMOTECassette andAll Wall-mounted Models OPTIONAL WIRED REMOTE DWC1- Works with all Friedrich ductless modelsPROGRAMMABLE SETTINGSWIRED REMOTE Concealed Ducted D24YJ, D36YJMD12Y3JM, MD18Y3JM Wall control thermostats have an infrared sensor that allows the settings to be changed byusing the wireless remote control.1. Download FriedrichDiagnostic App fromGoogle Play or App Store2. Connect DWTST module tooutdoor unit3.Begin monitoring unit IMPORTANT*Friedrich DWTST works only with Friedrich Precision Inverter™ wall-mounted ductless split systems.Applications are subject to change without notice. Not for use with other Friedrich models or other brands of products.• Simple program ( 1 to 7hour) ON/OFF• Sleep program • ON/OFF at set time • 7 Day schedule • Holiday scheduleWireless diagnostic tool for Friedrich Precision Inverter Ductless Split SystemsMonitor and diagnosewall-mounted ductlesssystems* for quickservice responses3 EASY STEPS:Technicians can observe various data points, such as:• Thermistor temps • DC link voltage • Fan RPM • EEV pulse • Error codesDWTST30MULTIZONE SYSTEMS CAPACITIES AND RATINGSCassetteCassette3233NOMENCLATURERH36DY3JM1Series2Model Type34Application5Refrigeration Cycle6Voltage7Marketing Model 8Installation TypeMM i n i -s p l i t15678234W= Wall-mounted C= CassetteD= Concealed Ducted R= Outdoor componentWH= Wall-mounted High SEER RH= Outdoor high SEER9 = 9,000 BTU/h 12 = 12,000 BTU/h 18 = 18,000 BTU/h 24 = 24,000 BTU/h 30 = 30,000 BTU/h 36 = 36,000 BTU/hEmpty = Single D = Dual Zone T = Tri ‐Zone Q = Quad Zone U = UniversalC = Cool OnlyY = Heat Pump 1 = 115V/60hz/13 = 230V/60hz/1(Internal Use)M = Multi ZoneCapacityREFRIGERATION LINE SETS MINIMUM/MAXIMUM LENGTHS*The combined line lengths of the individual zones must equal the minimum line length for the selected multizone system.For a Dual Zone System: The combined lengths must equal at least 25 feet.For a Tri Zone or Quad Zone System: The combined lengths must equal at least 75 ft.TORQUE WRENCH SETTINGS34354 l l The Next Generation of Ductless Split Systems。
Unit 1 Production of DrugsDepending on their production or origin pharmaceutical agents can be split into three groups:I .Totally synthetic materials (synthetics),Ⅱ.Natural products,andⅢ.Products from partial syntheses (semi-synthetic products).The emphasis of the present book is on the most important compounds of groups I and Ⅲ一thus Drug synthesis. This does not mean,however,that natural products or other agents are less important. They can serve as valuable lead structures,and they are frequently needed as starting materials or as intermediates for important synthetic products.Table 1 gives an overview of the different methods for obtaining pharmaceutical agents.Table 1 Possibilities for the preparation of drugsMethods Examples1. Total synthesis -over 75 % of all pharmaceutical agents (synthetics)2. Isolation from natural sources (natural products):2.1 Plants -alkaloids;enzymes;heart glycosides;polysaccharides;tocopherol;steroid precursors (diosgenin, sitosterin);citral (intermediate product forvitamins A, E,and K)2.2 Animal organs一enzymes;peptide hormones;cholic acid from gall; insulin) from thepancreas;sera and vaccines2. 3 Other sources一cholesterol from wool oils;L-amino acids from keratin and gelatinehydrolysates3. Fermentation一antibiotics;L-amino acids;dextran; targeted modifications on steroids,e.g. 11-hydroxylation; also insulin, interferon, antibodies, peptidehormones,enzymes,vaccines4. Partial synthetic modification of natural products (semisynthetic agents):一alkaloid compounds;semisynthetic /3-lactam antibiotics;steroids;human insulinSeveral therapeutically significant natural products which were originally obtained from natural sources are today more effectively -i. e. more economically -prepared.. by total synthesis. Such examples include L-amino acids,Chloramphenicol,Caffeine, Dopamine,Epinephrine,Levodopa, peptide hormones,Prostaglandins,D-Penicillamine,Vincamine,and practically all vitamins.Over the last few years fermentation - i. e. microbiological processes has become extremely important. Through modern technology and results from genetic selection leading to the creation of high performance mutants of microorganisms,fermentation has already become the method of choice for a wide range of substances. Both Eukaryonts (yeasts and moulds)and Prokaryonts(single bacterial cells,and actinomycetes)are used microorganisms. The following product types can be obtained:1. cell material (single cell protein),2. enzymes,3. primary degradation products (primary metabolites),4. secondary degradation products (secondary metabolites).Disregarding the production of dextran from the mucous membranes of certain microorganisms,e. g. Leuconostoc mesenteroides,classes 2 and 3 are the relevant ones for the preparation of drugs. Dextran itself,with a molecular weight of 50,000 ~ 100,000,is used as a blood plasma substitute. Among the primary metabolites the L-amino acids from mutants of Corynebacterium glutamicum and Brevibacterium flavum are especially interesting. From these organisms some 350,000 tones of monosodium L-glutamate (food additive)and some 70,000 tones of L-lysine(supplement for vegetable proteins)are produced. Further important primary metabolites are the purina nucleotides,organic acids,lactic acid,citric acid,and vitamins,for example vitamin B,2 from Propionibacterium shermanii.Among the secondary metabolites the antibiotics must be mentioned first. The following five groups represent a yearly worldwide value of US-$17 billion:penicillins ( Penicillium chrysogenum ),cephalosporins ( Cephalosporium acremonium ),tetracyclines ( Streptomyces aureofaciens ),erythromycins ( Streptomyces erythreus ),aminoglycosides (e. g. streptomycin from Streptomyces griseus).About 5000 antibiotics have already been isolated from microorganisms,but of these only somewhat fewer than 100 are in therapeutic use. It must be remembered,however,that many derivatives have been modified by partial synthesis for therapeutic use;some 50,000 agents have been semisynthetically obtained from户lactams alone in the last decade. Fermentations are carried out in stainless steel fermentors with volumes up to 400 m3. To avoid contamination of the microorganisms with phages etc. the whole process has to be performed under sterile conditions. Since the more important fermentations occur exclusively under aerobic conditions a good supply of oxygen or air(sterile)is needed. Carbon dioxide sources include carbohydrates,e. g. molasses,saccharides,and glucose. Additionally the microorganisms must be supplied in the growth medium with nitrogen-containing compounds such as ammonium sulfate,ammonia,or urea,as well as with inorganic phosphates. Furthermore,constant optimal pH and temperature are required. In the case of penicillin G,the fermentation is finished after 200 hours,and the cell mass is separated by filtration. The desired active agents are isolated from the filtrate by absorption or extraction processes. The cell mass,if not the desired product,can be further used as an animal feedstuff owing to its high protein content.By modern recombinant techniques microorganisms have been obtained which also allow production of peptides which were not encoded in the original genes. Modified E. coli bacteria make it thus possible to produce A- and B- chains of human insulin or proinsulin analogs. The disulfide bridges are formed selectively after isolation,and the final purification is effected by chromatographic procedures. In this way human insulin is obtained totally independently from any pancreatic material taken from animals.Other important peptides,hormones,and enzymes,such as human growth hormone (HGH),neuroactive peptides,somatostatin,interferons,tissue plasminogen activator (TPA),lymphokines,calcium regulators like calmodulin,protein vaccines,as well as monoclonal antibodies used as diagnostics,are synthesized in this way.The enzymes or enzymatic systems which are present in a single microorganism can be used for directed stereospecific and regiospecific chemical reactions. This principle is especially useful in steroid chemistry. Here we may refer only to the microbiological 11-a- hydro xylation of progesterone to 11-a-hydroxyprogesterone,a key product used in the synthesis of cortisone. Isolated enzymes are important today not only because of the technical importance of the enzymatic saccharification of starch,and the isomerization of glucose to fructose,They are also significant in the countless test procedures used in diagnosing illness,and in enzymatic analysis which is used in the monitoring of therapy.A number of enzymes are themselves used as active ingredients. Thus preparations containing proteases (e. g. chymotrypsin,pepsin,and trypsin),amylases and lipases,mostly in combination with synthetic antacids,promote digestion. Streptokinase and urokinase are important in thrombolytics,and asparaginase is used as a cytostatic agent in the treatment of leukemia.Finally mention must be made of the important use of enzymes as `biocatalyst s’in chemical reactions where their stereospecificity and selectivity can be used. Known examples are the enzymatic cleavage of racemates of N-acetyl-D,L-amino acids to give L-amino acids,the production of 8-aminopenicillanic acid from benzylpenicillin by means of penicillinamidase and the aspartase-catalysed stereospecific addition of ammonia to fumaric acid in order to produce L-aspartic acid.In these applications the enzymes can be used in immobilized forms-somehow bound to carriers - and so used as heterogeneous catalysts. This is advantageous because they can then easily be separated from the reaction medium and recycled for further use.Another important process depending on the specific action of proteases is applied for the production of semisynthetic human insulin. This starts with pig insulin in which the alanine in the 30-position of the B-chain is replaced by a threonine tert-butyl ester by the selective action of trypsin. The insulin ester is separated,hydrolyzed to human insulin and finally purified by chromatographic procedures.Sources for enzymes include not only microorganisms but also vegetable and animal materials.In Table 1 it was already shown that over 75%of all pharmaceutical agents are obtained by total synthesis. Thereforeknowledge of the synthetic routes is useful. Understanding also makes it possible to recognize contamination .of the agents by intermediates and by- products. For the reason of effective quality control the registration authorities in many countries demand as essentials for registration a thorough documentation on the production process. Knowledge of drug syntheses provides the R&D chemist with valuable stimulation as well.There are neither preferred structural classes for all pharmaceutically active compounds nor preferred reaction types. This implies that practically the whole field of organic and in part also organometallic chemistry is covered. Nevertheless,a larger number of starting materials and intermediates are more frequently used,and so it is useful to know the possibilities for their preparation from primary chemicals. For this reason it is appropriate somewhere in this book to illustrate a tree of especially important intermediates. These latter intermediates are the key compounds used in synthetic processes leading to an enormous number of agents. For the most part chemicals are involved which are produced in large amounts. In a similar way this is also true for the intermediates based on the industrial aromatic compounds toluene,phenol and chlorobenzene. Further key compounds may be shown in a table which can be useful in tracing cross-relationships in syntheses.fIn addition to the actual starting materials and intermediates solvents are required both as a reaction medium and ,for purification via recrystallization. Frequently used solvents are methanol,ethanol,isopropanol,butanol,acetone,ethyl acetate,benzene,toluene and xylene. To a lesser extent diethyl ether,tetrahydrofuran,glycol ethers,dimethylformamide (DMF) and dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) are used in special reactions.Reagents used in larger amounts are not only acids (hydrochloric acid,sulfuric acid,nitric acid,acetic acid) but also inorganic and organic bases (sodium hydroxide,potassium hydroxide,potassium carbonate,sodium bicarbonate,ammonia,triethylamine,pyridine). Further auxiliary chemicals include active charcoal and catalysts. All of these supplementary chemicals (like the intermediates) can be a source of impurities in the final product.In 1969 the WHO published a treatise on `Safeguarding Quality in Drugs'.Appendix 2 is concerned with the `Proper Practice for Reparation and Safeguarding Quality in Drugs' (WHO Technical Report No. 418,1969,Appendix 2;No. 567,1975,Appendix 1A). This has in the meantime become known as `Good Manufacturing Practices' or GMP rules,and these should now be obeyed in drug production. They form the basis for mutual recognition of quality certificates relating to the production of pharmaceuticals and for inspections of the production. facilities.For a long time the US drug authority,the Food and Drug Administration (FDA),has issued regulations for the preparation of drugs analogous to the WHO rules,and it applies these strictly. Exports of drugs to the USA,like those of finished products,require regular inspection of the production facilities by the FDA. 5It may merely be noted here that such careful control applies not only to the products,but also to the raw materials (control of starting Materials),and also to the intermediates. Clearly. the technical and hygienic equipment of the production and the storage areas have to fulfill set conditions.Since only a few compounds,such as acetylsalicylic acid,paracetamol and vitamins,are prepared in large amounts,most of the actual production takes place in multi-purpose (multi-product) facilities. .Special care has to be taken to avoid cross-contamination by other products what can be effected by good cleansing of used apparatus. A careful description and definition of all stored intermediates and products is needed.Selected -from H. J. Roth and A. Kleemann, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Vol. 1,Drug Synthesis,Ellis Horwood Limited,England, 1988.Unit 5 Drug Development (I)1. IntroductionDrug Development is a very complex process requiring a great deal ofcoordination and communication between a wide range of different functionalgroups. It is expensive,particularly in the later phases of clinical development,where studies involve hundreds of patients. It is currently estimated that thedevelopment of a new drug costs about$230 million(1987 dollars)and takessomewhere between 7 and 10 years from initiation of preclinical development tofirst marketing (excluding regulatory delays). Drug development is a high-riskbusiness;although the rate is increasing,only about ONE out of every TEN newchemical entities studied in human beings for the first time will ever become a product. As a drug candidate progresses through development the risks of failure decrease as ‘hurdles’are overco me along the way. Typical reasons for failure include unacceptable toxicity,lack of efficacy,or inability to provide advantages over competitive products(Fig. 1).Attrition Rate of New Chemical Entities(NCE's) entering development. On averageonly about I in 400^1000 compoundssynthesized enters development.Reasons for termination of development of NCE's(excluding anti-infectives)1:Lack of efficacy2: Pharmacokinetics3: Animal toxicity4: Miscellaneous5: Adverse effects in man6: Commercial reasonsFig. 1 Attrition rates and reasons for terminations2. Planning for developmentAssessment of whether a drug candidate is likely to provide competitive advantages highlights the need first to have in place a set of product `goals' or target product profile. Particular attention should be paid to the differentiation from competitors. This is becoming 55 more and more critical with the increasing emphasis on limited formularies,healthcare costs,and pharmacoeconomics (discussed later in the chapter).A target profile will define the indication(s) that a drug candidate will be developed for,along with goals such as once a day dosing,faster onset of action,better side effect profile than a major competitor. The target profile can be refined and revised as a drug candidate moves through development and new data on the drug candidate or competitors become available. The logical next steps are to define the development strategy,for example,which indications to develop first,which countries to aim to market the drug in and then to define the core clinical studies necessary to achieve regulatory approval and commercial success.This chapter will describe the main activities required for successful development of a new drug. All these activities,many of which are interdependent,need to be carefully planned and co-ordinate. Speed to market with collection of high quality data is critical for success. The path of activities which determine the time it will take to get to registration is called,in project management terms,the critical path. It is vital to plan and prepare before studies begin and to monitor and manage problems so as to ensure that the critical path remains on schedule. With increased economic pressures and competitive intensity it is important for companies to explore ways to shorten this critical path. Running activities in parallel,or overlapping studies which would usually run sequentially,often involves an increase in risk but the dividends in time-saving can make such strategies worthwhile.The critical path for development of a new drug generally runs through the initial synthesis of compound,subacute toxicology studies,and then the clinical program. A chart showing the critical path activities for a typical drug candidate is shown in Fig. 2.Chemistry chemical Synthesis Route selection Pilot plant,scale up and stability testing Manufacturing plant productionToxicology Acute&subacute toxicology Long term and repro-toxicologyClinical Phase I Phase ll Phase lll Analysis data and report Phase lV ReviewRegulatory Submission and updating of clinical trial application prepare submit AuthorityMAA/NDA Regulatory ApprovalPost marketing SurverillancePharmaceuticsDevelopment and stability testing Prepare labellingDrug metabolismand pharmacokinetics Animal ADME* Healthy humans Human patientsActivities likely to be on the critical path are shown in bold* Absorption , Distribution , Metabolism , ExcretionFig. 2 The major processes in new drug developmentThe following sections highlight the objectives and activities of drug development work.Activities within each technical discipline are described broadly in chronological order.At any one time,work in all these disciplines may be proceeding in parallel. The timing and outcome of much of the work has direct impact on work in other disciplines. The major phases of drug development are Preclinical ( studies required before the compound can be dosed in humans),Phase I (clinical studies usually in healthy human volunteers ) Phase Ⅱ( initial efficacy and safety and dose finding studies in patients),and Phase Ⅲ(studies in several hundred patients). There then follows assembly of a marketing application dossier for subsequent review by country regulatory authorities.3. Chemical developmentRapid development of a drug candidate is dependent on the availability of sufficient quantity of the compound. The purity of compound needs to reach certain standards in order for it to be used in safety (toxicology),pharmaceutical,and clinical studies. Initially,chemists will work on a small to medium scale to investigate production of the compound by several different methods so as to identify the optimum route for synthesizing the compound. ‘Optimum’here may mean a combination of several factors,for example,most efficient,cheapest safe,or that producing minimal waste. Analysis of the final product as well as intermediates and impurities plays a key role in identifying the best method of synthesis. Development and validation of analytical methods are necessary to support process development and guarantee the purity of the drug substance.In some cases levels of impurities may be unacceptably high and either improved purification procedures will need to be developed or the synthetic process may require significant alterations. The main aim is to ensure that the composition of compound is understood and that ultimately the material that is prepared is as pure as possible.As a drug candidate progresses through development,larger and larger amounts of compound are required. The amount of material required for different tests will often depend on the actual potency and dosage form of the compound.A pilot plant can be regarded as a mini-manufacturing set-up. Before transferring to a pilot plant,extensive evaluation and testing of the chemical synthesis is undertaken to ensure that any changes and hazards are minimized. Procedures are optimized,particular attention being paid to developing environmentally acceptable ways of disposing of waste products. Commercial production of bulk drug substance for production of a drug,once approved and marketed,will likely take place on a larger scale or at a registered manufacturing plant.4. Formulation developmentThe dosage form of a drug is the form by which it is administered to the patient. There are a vast array of possible dosage forms ranging from transdermal patches to inhalers to intranasal medicines. The more common dosage forms include oral tablets or capsules,oral liquids,topical ointments or creams,and injectables. The dosage form or forms chosen for a particular drug candidate will be defined in the target profile.Sometimes a more simple dosage form,for example an oral solution,is chosen for early 57 clinical studies in human beings. This may save time and upfront costs at an early,high-risk stage of the drug development process. Later clinical studies would use the expected marketed dosage form.Whatever the dosage form,the combination of drug and other materials which constitute it must fulfil certain criteria. One of the most important is that of adequate stability. That means a predetermined potency level must remain after,for example,two or three years. The stability data generated on a dosage form will determine its shelf-life and recommended storage conditions. Early in development the shelf-life may be limited to several months. This will not be a problem provided it is sufficient to cover use of the drug over the duration of the clinical study or studies.5. PharmacologyBefore a drug candidate is given to man,its pharmacological effects on major systems are often investigated in a number of species. The body systems studied include cardiovascular,respiratory,and nervous systems;the effects on gross behavior can also be studied.Experiments are sometimes conducted to see whether the drug candidate interferes with the actions of other medicines which,because of their specific effects or because of their common use,are likely to be taken concurrently with the drug candidate. Any synergism or antagonism of drug effects should be investigated,and any necessary warning issuedto clinical investigators.(It may be judged necessary to investigate such effects further in clinical studies,and any potential or proven drug interactions are likely to be noted in the product labeling for the drug.)It may also be appropriate to identify a substance for possible use in the management of overdosage,particularly if the therapeutic margin of the drug candidate is small.6. Safety evaluationThe objective of animal toxicology testing,carried out prior to the administration of a drug to man,is to reject compounds of unacceptable toxicity and to identify potential target organs and timings for adverse effects of the drug. This means that in early human studies these organs and tissues can be monitored with particular attention. It is important to establish whether toxic effects are reversible or irreversible,whether they can be prevented and,if possible,the mechanism of the toxicological effects. It is also important to interrelate drug response to blood levels in humans and blood levels in various animal species.The toxicological studies required for the evaluation of a drug candidate in man will be relevant to its proposed clinical use in terms of route of administration and duration of treatment of the clinical studies. The size and frequency of the doses and the duration of the toxicology studies are major determinants of permissible tests in man. Countries,including UK,USA,Australia,and Nordic countries,have regulatory guidelines which relate the duration of treatment allowed in man to the length of toxicity studies required in two species. Points from the guidelines are referenced in the subsequent sections.58 Initially,the pharmacological effects of increasing doses of the test substances are established in acute toxicity studies in small numbers of animals,generally using two routes of administration (one being that used in man). Results provide a guide to the maximum tolerated doses in subsequent chronic. toxicity tests,aid selection of dose levels,and identify target organs.The main aim of the subsequent sub-acute toxicity tests is to determine whether or not the drug candidate is adequately tolerated after administration to animals for a prolonged period as a guide to possible adverse reactions in man. Two to four week (daily dosing) studies are required,using the same route of administration as in man,in two species (one non-rodent)prior to administration of the compound to man. Three dose levels are usually necessary:the low daily dose should be a low multiple of the expected therapeutic dose,and the highest dose should demonstrate some toxicity.A general guide for the evaluation of new chemical entities would be that toxicology studies of a minimum duration of14 days are required to support single-dose exposure of a new drug candidate in normal volunteers in Phase 1. Toxicology studies of 30 days duration are required to support clinical studies of 7 to 10 days duration. Clinical studies of greater than 7 to 10 days up to 30 days duration require the support of at least 90 days toxicology studies. These requirements illustrate the need to plan ahead in drug development. The duration and approximate timings for future clinical trials need to be considered well in advance in order to schedule and conduct the appropriate toxicology studies to support the clinical program and avoid any delays.Two types of safety test are used to detect the ability of the drug candidate to produce tumours in man. The first are short-term in vitro genotoxicity tests,for example bacterial tests. The second are long-term animal carcinogenicity studies which are conducted in mice and rats;their length of often 2 years covers a large part of the lifespan of the animal. Mice and rats are used because of their relatively short life span,small size,and ready availability. Also,knowledge,which has accumulated concerning spontaneous diseases and tumours②in particular strains of these species,helps greatly in the interpretation of‘results.Long-term toxicology and carcinogenicity studies are conducted in order to obtain approval to test and finally to market a product for chronic administration to man. These studies may need to start during the late preclinical/ early clinical phase in order to `support' the subsequent clinical program. Long-term toxicity studies will normally include toxicity studies of six and twelve months duration in two species (one non-rodent).Any toxicity previously detected may be investigated more closely,for example extra enzymes looked at in blood samples.Reproductive toxicology is that part of toxicology dealing with the effect of compounds on reproduction-fertility,foetal abnormalities,post-natal development. Prior to clinical studies in women of child-bearing age,regulatory authorities require teratology data from two species (normally rat and rabbit)as well as clinical data from male volunteers. No reproductive data are required prior to clinical studies in male subjects. The effects of 59 compounds on reproduction differ with the period of the reproductive cycle in which exposure takes place and studies are designed to look at thesephases. Teratology`'' studies are designed to detect foetal abnormalities,fertility studies to investigate the compounds' effect on reproductive performance,And peri- and post-natal studies to study the development of pups.Unit 6 Isolation of Caffeine from TeaIn this experiment,Caffeine will be isolated from tea leaves. The major problem of the isolation is that caffeine does not occur alone in tea leaves,but is accompanied by other natural substances from which it must be separated. The major component of tea leaves is cellulose,which is the major structural material of all plant cells. Cellulose is a polymer of glucose. Since cellulose is virtually insoluble in water,it presents no problems in the isolation procedure. Caffeine,on the other hand,is water soluble and is one of the major substances extracted into the solution called "tea.”Caffeine comprises as much as 5 percent by weight of the leaf material in tea plants. Tannins also dissolve in the hot water used to extract tea leaves. The term tannin does not refer to a single homogeneous compound,or even to substances which have similar chemical structure. It refers to a class of compounds which have certain properties in common. Tannins are phenolic compounds having molecular weights between 500 and 3000. They a re widely used to "tan”leather. They precipitate alkaloids'z and proteins from aqueous solutions. Tannins are usually divided into two classes: those which can be hydrolyzed and those which cannot. Tannins of the first type which are found in tea generally yield glucose and gallic acid when they are hydrolyzed. These tannins are esters of gallic acid and glucose. They represent structures in which some of the hydroxyl groups in glucose have been esterified by digalloyl groups. The non-hydrolyzable tannins found in tea are condensation polymers of catechin. These polymers are not uniform in structure,but catechin molecules are usually linked together at ring positions 4 and 8.When tannins are extracted into hot water,the hydrolyzable ones are partially hydrolyzed,meaning that free gallic acid is also found in tea. The tannins,by virtue of their phenolic groups,and gallic acid by virtue of its carboxyl groups,are both acidic. If calcium carbonate,a base,is added to tea water,the calcium salts of these acids are formed. Caffeine can be extracted from the basic tea solution with chloroform,but the calcium salts of gallic acid and the tannins are not chloroform soluble and remain behind in the aqueous solution.The brown color of a tea solution is due to flavonoid pigments and chlorophylls,as well as their respective oxidation products. Although chlorophylls are somewhat chloroform soluble,most of the other substances in tea are not. Thus,the chloroform extraction of the basic tea solution removes nearly pure caffeine. The chloroform is easily removed by distillation(by 61'C)to leave the crude caffeine. The caffeine may be purified by recrystallization or by sublimation.68Catechin Gallic AcidIn a second part of this experiment,Caffeine will be converted to a derivative. A derivative of a compound is a second compound,of known melting point,formed from the original compound by a simple chemical reaction. In trying to make a positive identification of an organic compound,it is often customary to convert it into a derivative. If the first compound,Caffeine in this case,and its derivative both have melting points which match those reported in the chemical literature (e.g.,a handbook),it is assumed that there is no coincidence and that the identity of the first compound,Caffeine,has been definitely established.Caffeine is a base and will react with an acid to give a salt. Using salicylic acid,a derivative salt of Caffeine,Caffeine salicylate,will be made in order to establish the identity of the Caffeine isolated from tea leaves.Special Instructions Be careful when handling chloroform. It is a toxic solvent,and you should not breathe it excessively or spill it on yourself. When discarding spent tea leaves,do not put them in the sink because they will clog the drain. Dispose of them in a waste container.Procedure Place 25g of dry tea leaves,25g of calcium carbonate powder,and 250ml of water in a 500ml three neck round bottom flask equipped with a condenser for reflux. Stopper the unused openings in the flask and heat the mixture under reflux for about 20 minutes. Use a Bunsen burner to heat. While the solution is still hot,filter it by gravity through a fluted filter using a fast filter paper such as E&D No. 617 or S&S No. 595. You may need to change the filter paper if it clogs.Cool the filtrate (filtered liquid)to room temperature and,using a separatory funnel,extract it twice with 25ml portions of chloroform. Combine the two portions of chloroform in a 100ml round bottom flask,Assemble an apparatus for simple distillation and remove the chloroform by distillation. Use a steam bath to heat. The residue in the distillation flask contains the caffeine and is purified as described below (crystallization). Save the chloroform that was distilled. You。
帆船 英文词汇
帆船英文词汇Title: The Art and Adventure of SailingSailing has long been a cherished pastime and a symbol of adventure and exploration. The elegance and simplicity of a sailboat, combined with the thrill of harnessing the wind, make sailing a unique and captivating experience. Whether for leisure or competitive sport, sailing offers a profound connection with nature and a sense of freedom that is hard to match.At its core, sailing involves navigating a boat using the wind's power. The sailboat, with its towering mast and expansive sails, is designed to catch the wind and convert it into forward motion. This interaction between the boat and the wind creates a dynamic and exhilarating experience. The skillful manipulation of the sails to optimize their performance requires both knowledge and practice, making sailing both an art and a science.One of the most appealing aspects of sailing is the sense of freedom it provides. On a sailboat, the vast expanse of water and the open sky create a feeling of boundless possibility. The gentle rocking of the boat, the sound of the wind through the sails, and the sight of the waves all contribute to a tranquil yet invigorating environment. For many, this connection with nature is a form of escape from the stresses of everyday life.Sailing also offers a strong sense of community and camaraderie. Whether participating in local regattas or joining a sailing club, sailors often form lasting friendships with fellow enthusiasts. The shared experience of learning to sail, tackling challenges on the water, and celebrating achievements creates a bond that transcends individual differences. Many sailing clubs and organizations provide opportunities for sailors to connect, share their passion, and support each other in their journeys.In addition to leisure and social aspects, sailing is a sport that requires strategic thinking and problem-solving. Competitive sailing involves understanding weather conditions, calculating optimal routes, and making split-second decisions. The combination of physical skill and mental acuity makes sailing a challenging and rewarding sport. Regattas and races test sailors' abilities and offer a platform for showcasing their expertise.Sailing also has a rich historical significance. Historically, sailboats were crucial for exploration, trade, and military endeavors. The legacy of sailing is evident in the stories of great explorers who set out to discover new lands and the maritime traditions that have shaped cultures around the world. Today, sailing continues to honor this heritage while adapting to modern innovations and technologies.In conclusion, sailing is a multifaceted activity that offers a blend of adventure, relaxation, and community. The art of managing a sailboat and the joy of navigatingthe open waters create a unique and fulfilling experience. Whether for personal enjoyment, competitive sport, or connecting with others, sailing remains a timeless and cherished pursuit that captures the spirit of exploration and freedom.。
Atlas Copco ZH+ 和 ZH 中心式压缩机系列说明书
Oil-free centrifugalcompressorsZH+ & ZH 355-900 (355-900 kW/500-1200 hp) ZH+ & ZH 630-1600 (630-1600 kW/900-2250 hp) ZH1000-3150 (1000-3150 kW/1400-4350 hp)ZH+ & ZH range: high efficiency& reliabilityEngineered using innovative in-house technology, the ZH+ and ZH range captures years of experience in advanced compressed air solutions to save energy and guarantee reliability of oil-free air supply in multiple environments.Driving down energy costsSuperior oil-free turbo air ends provide the optimum combination of a high flow with low energy consumption. Ample sized cooling, low pressure drops and an efficientdrive train result in high compressor package efficiency. Further energy savings are possible with Atlas Copco’sheat of compression MD, ND and XD dryers.Assuring your peace of mindFrom the factory to the field, Atlas Copco has the expertise and products, service and support to meet customer demands. Through interaction and dedicated service during all stages of the process, Atlas Copco has accomplished a broad customer base around the world. Hundreds of thousands of unfailing running hours give proof of our long-term local and global service and support commitment to engineering companies and contractors as well as end customers.Keeping your production upand runningZH+ & ZH compressors are built using strict codes of Quality Control, and are designed, manufactured and tested in ISO 9001 accredited production facilities. T hey use Atlas Copco’s proven, superior turbo technology and over-sized cooling for the highest efficiency and reliability, AGMA class A4/ISO 1328 class 4 gears for low noise and vibrations, high-grade stainless steel coolers for very long lifetime, and an integrated lubrication system.The result is the highest reliability you need.Proven turbo powerYour application deserves a reliable supply of oil-free compressed air at the lowest energy cost. Atlas Copco has been building oil-free centrifugal compressors for process and plant air applications for decades.Electronics• Clean, dry, high-quality air (Class 0) is essential, producedwith optimal energy efficiency.• Applications include the removal of microscopic debris fromthe surfaces of computer chips and computer boards.T extiles• Class 0 certified air quality for the highly sensitiveproduction processes in the textile industry.• Applications include spinning, weaving, dyeing,texturizing, winding and coning.Metal manufacturing• Reliable compressors are essential for your demandingmetal manufacturing applications.• Atlas Copco provides a complete, ready-to-use solutionincluding all components and options with low service cost.Food & beverage• Your reputation is at stake so you can’t afford to compromiseon product quality.• Applications: Instrument air, cleaning air, food storage,cooling and spraying, filling and capping.Current ISO 8573-1 (2010) classes (the five main classes and the associated maximum concentration in total oil content).Class 0: the industry standardOil-free air is used in all kinds of industries where air quality is paramount for the end product and production process. T hese applications include food and beverage processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing and packaging, chemical and petrochemical processing, semiconductor and electronics manufacturing, the medical sector, automotive paint spraying,textile manufacturing and many more. In these critical environments, contamination by even the smallest quantities of oil can result in costly production downtime and product spoilage.First in oil-free air technologyOver the past sixty years Atlas Copco has pioneered thedevelopment of oil-free air technology, resulting in a range of air compressors and blowers that provide 100% pure, clean air. Through continuous research and development, Atlas Copcoachieved a new milestone, setting the standard for air purity as the first manufacturer to be awarded ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 certification.Eliminating any riskAs the industry leader committed to meeting the needs of the most demanding customers, Atlas Copco requested the renowned TÜV institute to type-test its range of oil-free compressors andblowers. Using the most rigorous testing methodologies available, all possible oil forms were measured across a range oftemperatures and pressures. T he T ÜV found no traces of oil at all in the output air stream. T hus Atlas Copco is not only the first compressor and blower manufacturer to receive CLASS 0certification, but also exceeds ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 specifications.ZH+11593Mounted cooling water manifold• Cooling water distribution to intercoolers, aftercooler and oil cooler.• Individual adjustment of flow through intercoolers and aftercooler.4Small footprint• Lowest footprint on the market in their range.• Saves valuable and often expensive floor space in a facility.5Sound attenuating enclosureEnsures optimal working conditions for everyone in the immediate environment6Completely packaged solution• All-in-one standard package incorporating the latest technology in a built-to-last design.• Includes internal piping, coolers, motor, lubrication, inlet guide vanes and control system.• Installation is fault-free, and commissioning is quick. • Optional features for customization to a specific production environment.1Efficient inlet silencer and filter• Inlet filter is combined with a silencer to reduce noise level and protect the compression stage.• Handy pressure drop indication on the control panel.2Integrated blow-off valve and silencer• No external air, no additional piping and no additional mounting required.• Auto-dual and Constant Pressure Control modes for cost-efficient response to variable air demands.3ZH8 4710261198710 1Energy saving inlet guide vanes• Smart and efficient capacity control.• Adjustable inlet guide vanes save up to9% energy at reduced air demand.• Reliable servo-motor based actuator for accuratealignment with the variable air demand.7Easily accessible gearbox• Horizontally-split, easing access to gearsand high/low speed bearings.• Short inspection and maintenance times.8High efficiency intercoolersand aftercoolers• Low air approach temperature and pressure drop.• For higher reliability and easier maintenance, the coolersare separated from the compressor core unit.• Stainless steel tubes and full epoxy coating insidecooler shells increase corrosion resistance.9Complete oil system with oilreservoir, breathing system andauxiliary oil pump• Fully equipped oil reservoir with temperature sensorand level sight glass.• Main shaft driven oil pump, supported by auxiliaryoil pump during start-up and coast-down.• Flexible connections to maximize leak tightness.10Motor• High-efficiency main motor.• Available in IP23 & IP55 versions.1111510Plug-and-play packaged solution• All-in-one solution: fault-free installation, easy commissioning and quick start-up.• Includes core compressor and integrated air inlet system, coolers, blow-off valve and silencer, drive motor, complete lub oil system and control system.1Efficient inlet filter and silencer• Protects the compression stages and reduces the noise level.• Pressure drop indication on the control panel to monitor best performance.2On skid blow-off valve and silencer• No additional piping or mounting, no external air required.• Auto-dual and Constant Pressure Control modes for cost-efficient variable compressed air demands.3Easy to connect cooling water manifold• One connection serves intercoolers, aftercooler, oil cooler and main motor.• Individual flow adjustment for intercoolers and aftercooler.4Small footprint• Highest ratio flow/footprint on the market.• Saves valuable space in a facility.• Easy upgrade of existing installations.598763124Sound attenuating enclosureReduces noise related stress on anyone working in the immediate environment6Intelligent InletGuide Vanes controls• Accurate servo-motor-driven positioning ensures stable behavior even under agile compressed air demands and large turndowns.• Reliable, smart and efficient capacity control saving up to 9% energy at reduced compressed air demand.7Easy preventive maintenance access• Horizontally-split gearbox, with quick access to major rotating components.• Short inspection and maintenance times.8Compact state-of-the-art coolers• Separately mounted for increased reliability and easier maintenance.• Epoxy coated air path for increased corrosion resistance.• Stainless steel tubing for straightforward cleaning.• Compact and efficient design with low approach temperature and pressure drop.9On board full oil lubrication system• Includes oil reservoir with heater, temperature monitoring and level sight glass.• Main shaft driven oil pump, supported by auxiliary oil pump during start-up and coast-down.• Breather system preventing oil fumes.• Flexible leak free connections.10Silent care-free high efficiency main motor• Air and water-cooled (IP55) variant.• Simplifies on-site installation (no need for cooling air ducts).• Low noise emission.1192Standardized solution• All-in-one solution: fault-free installation, easy commissioning, and quick start-up.• Includes internal piping, core, coolers, inlet guide vanes, complete lubrication oil system and control system.1Blow-off valve• Reliable servo-motor or pneumatic actuator.• Auto-dual and Constant Pressure Control modes for cost-efficient variable compressed air demands.Easy to connect cooling water manifold (optional)• One connection distributes water to intercoolers, aftercooler, oil cooler.• Individual adjustment of flow through intercoolers and aftercooler.3Small footprint• Lowest footprint on the market in this range.• Saves valuable space in a facility.427563Energy saving inlet guide vaneswith intelligent controls• Reliable, smart and efficient capacity control saving upto 9% energy at reduced compressed air demand.• Reliable servo-motor actuator for accurate alignmentwith the variable air demand and large turndowns.5Easily accessible gearbox• For easier removable and maintenance, the compressorcore is separated from cooler and subframe.• Horizontally-split gearbox with quick access to gears,bearings, air/oil seals.• Short inspection and maintenance times.6Compact state-of-the-art coolers• Compact and efficient design with low approachtemperature and pressure drop.• Stainless steel tubes and full epoxy coating insidecooler shells increase corrosion resistance.• For higher reliability and easier maintenance, the coolersare separated from the compressor core unit.7On-board full oil lubrication system• Includes oil reservoir with heater, temperaturemonitoring and level sight glass.• Main shaft driven oil pump, supported by auxiliaryoil pump during start-up and coast-down.• Breather system preventing oil fumes.• Flexible connection to maximize leak tightness.8Broad selection of motors• Variety of motor choices (IP55, IP23, air or water-cooled).• Highest level efficiency.9Proven turbo technologyEasily accessible gearboxIndividually designed impellers• Dedicated impeller design for each power and pressure variant.• Backward leaning impeller design for greater operating flexibility and maximized turndown ratio.Oil and air seals• Reliable long service life.• Minimized compressed air leakage to atmosphere.• No external instrument air required for "Class 0" certification.Reliable horizontally split bearings• Flexible pad bearings and combined radial bearing/thrust bearing for extended lifetime, high reliability and stability, easy inspection.Bull gear & high speed pinions• AGMA Q-13/ISO 1328-2 grade 4 quality gears for longerlifetime, minimized mechanical losses and lower noise levels. • Full interchangeability of individual components.The magic formula: turbo + screwObtain the most efficient compressor solution for your high capacity application in the market by combining the advanced turbo technology of the ZH + with the regulating capabilities of the ZR screw compressor with Variable Speed Drive (VSD). Eliminating costly blow-off in all operating conditions, this combination is ideal to achieve the highest return on investment while enjoying the benefits of the ZH + turbo and ZR screw technology.Reduced blow-offWhile turbo compressors are very efficient in turndown, a lot of energy is wasted during blow-off by expanding part of thecompressed air into the blow-off valve and silencer. By combining two turbo compressors in an erratically varying air demand, the expensive blow-off is reduced but not completely eliminated.Eliminated blow-offAtlas Copco's unique Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology closely follows the air demand by automatically adjusting the motor speed. When combining the ZH + turbo compressor and the ZR screw compressor with VSD, the highest efficiency is achieved by completely eliminating blow-off.Find out how much you can saveAtlas Copco can help you map the load/air demand profile of your current compressor and blower installation and indicate potential energy savings with VSD compressors and blowers. For more information, please contact your local Atlas Copco representative.Operation without blow-offOperation with blow-offHours of operationHours of operationMonitoring and control:how to get the most from the leastThe Elektronikon ® unit controller is specially designed to maximize the performance of your compressors and air treatment equipment under a variety of conditions. Our solutions provide you with key benefits such as increased energy efficiency, lower energy consumption, reduced maintenance times and less stress… less stress for both you and your entire air system.• High resolution color display gives you an easy to understand readout of the equipment’s running conditions.• Clear icons and intuitive navigation provides you fast access to all of the important settings and data.• Monitoring of the equipment running conditions and maintenance status; bringing this information to your attention when needed.• Operation of the equipment to deliver specifically and reliably to your compressed air needs.• Built in remote control and notifications functionsprovided as standard, including simple to use Ethernet based communication.• Support for 31 different languages, including character based languages.Intelligence is part of the packageOnline & mobile monitoringMonitor your compressors over the Ethernet with the Elektronikon ® unit controller. Monitoring features include warning indications, compressor shut-down andmaintenance scheduling. An Atlas Copco App is available for iPhone/Android phones as well as iPad and Android tablets. It allows fingertip monitoring of your compressed air system through your own secured network.Full optimization - ES system controllerImprove product quality every minute that your facility is in operation.Atlas Copco's ES system controllers offer a convenient way to achieveoptimized performance from your low pressure equipment through a single centralized point of monitoring and control. With the ES system controller watching over your compressors and compressed air network, you will have a highly dependable and energy efficient solution working with your facility to manage operating costs.Dual pressure set-point and Delayed Second StopWithout DSSWith DSS• A remote monitoring system that helps you optimize your compressed air system and saves you energy and cost.• It offers you a complete insight in your compressed air network and anticipates on potential problems by warning you up-front.*Please contact your local sales representative for more information.SMART LINK *: Data Monitoring ProgramSaved energyMost production processes create fluctuating levels of demand which, in turn, can create energy waste in low use periods. Using the graphic Elektronikon ® unit controller, you can manually or automatically create two different system pressure bands to optimize energy use and reduce costs at low use times. In addition, the sophisticated Delayed Second Stop (DSS) runs the drive motor only when needed. As the desired system pressure is maintained while the drive motor’s run time is minimized, energy consumption is kept to a minimum.CommunicatesStoresProtectsMeasuresControlsA dryer solution for every needUntreated compressed air contains moisture and possibly dirt particles that can damage your air system and contaminate your end product. T he resulting maintenance costs far exceed air treatment costs. Atlas Copco believes in effective prevention and provides a complete range of air treatment solutions to protect investments, equipment, production processes and end products.BD-70°C/-40°C/-20°C -94°F/-40°F/-4°FFD/FD +(VSD)+3°C/+20°C +37°F/+68°FMD-20°C/+3°C -4°F/+37°FXD-S -20°C/+3°C -4°F/+37°FHeat reactivated adsorption dryerRefrigerant dryer• Use of electrical heaters for regenerating the desiccant.• Limited pressure drop.• Variants without loss of compressed air.• Use of cooling circuit for cooling down compressed air.• Guaranteed pressure dew points.• Lowest energy consumption in all operating conditions.• Air and water cooled variants.Rotary drum heat of compression dryersHeat of compression reactivated adsorption dryers• Use of freely available heat of compression.• Negligible power consumption.• Variants with extra heat augmentation for lower dew points.• Use of freely available heat of compression.• Limited pressure drop.• Variants for dew point suppression and guaranteed dew point.• Variants without loss of compressed air.ND -40°C/-20°C -40°F/-4°FXD-G -70°C/-40°C/-20°C -94°F/-40°F/-4°FEngineered solutionsAtlas Copco recognizes the need to combine our serially produced compressors and dryers with the specifications and standards applied by major companies for equipment purchases. Strategically located departments within the Atlas Copco Group take care of the design and manufacturing of customized equipment to operate at extreme temperatures, often in remote locations.Innovative technologyAs original manufacturer of the equipment, Atlas Copco understands all performance capabilities and ensures that the equipment operates within them. All equipment is covered by our manufacturer warranty. T he reliability, longevity and performance of our equipment will not be compromised.A global aftermarket operation employing 360 field service engineers in 160 countries ensures reliable maintenanceby Atlas Copco as part of a local service operation. Innovative systemsWe are fully aware that project management can be complex. We have developed an Internet based application called IC³ which is shared by all Atlas Copco sites worldwide, to give a transparent view of data and drawings and to easily contribute to the project if required.Innovative engineeringEach project is unique and by entering into partnership with our customers, we can appreciate the challenge at hand, ask the relevant questions and design the best engineered solutionfor all your needs.Optimize your systemWith the ZH + & ZH, we provide an all-in-one solution incorporating the latest technology in a built-to-last design. T o further optimize your ZH + or ZH’s performance or to simply tailor it to your specific production environment, optional features are available.Additional features & optionsStandard scope of supply• : Optional- : Not available: Standard(1) Included on ZH 1000-3150 range.(2) Optional on ZH 1000-3150 range.Weight & dimensionsT echnical specifications 50 Hz2 stage variantFree Air Delivery according to ASME PTC10 and ISO 5389.Reference conditions: - Inlet pressure 1 bar(a)- Inlet temperature 35°C (95°F) - Humidity 60%- Cooling water temperature 26.7°C (80°F)3 stage variantFree Air Delivery according to ASME PTC10 and ISO 5389. Reference conditions:- Inlet pressure 1 bar(a)- Inlet temperature 35°C (95°F)- Humidity 60%- Cooling water temperature 26.7°C (80°F)2 stage variantFree Air Delivery according to ASME PTC10 and ISO 5389. Reference conditions:- Inlet pressure 1 bar(a)- Inlet temperature 35°C (95°F)- Humidity 60%- Cooling water temperature 26.7°C (80°F)3 stage variantFree Air Delivery according to ASME PTC10 and ISO 5389. Reference conditions:- Inlet pressure 1 bar(a)- Inlet temperature 35°C (95°F)- Humidity 60%- Cooling water temperature 26.7°C (80°F)COMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY2935 0634 13 © 2017, A t l a s C o p c o , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c a t We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.。
Stator Diametrically
-1.5' 0
Anverlapping Concentrated Winding
Fig.3. Comparison of analytically and finite element predicted airgap field distributions.
of switching losses in the power electronic converter, which clearly favours a low pole number. As a result, 2-poles are often appropriate for high speed applications, a diametrically magnetised rotor often being preferred since it results in an essentially sinusoidal airgap flux density distribution. If the stator slot openings are neglected, the radial component of the open-circuit magnetostatic field in the airgap can be derived as:
where B, and p, are the remanence and relative recoil permeability of the magnet, and R,, R,, and R, are the radii of the stator bore, the rotor magnet and the rotor hub, respectively. Fig.1 shows a prototype 2-pole, 3-slot, 20,00Orpm, 200Vdc, 1.3kW, brushless dc motor, for which R, = 18.5mm, R, =9mm, R, = 17mm, B, = 1.2T, pr = 1.05, and the axial length 1, = 26”. Fig.2 shows instantaneous open-circuit flux distributions, whilst Fig.3 compares the analytically calculated airgap field with that predicted by finite element analysis when stator slotting is neglected. The stator winding inductances can have a significant effect on the dynamic performance of high-speed brushless drive systems [2-31. For example, they may cause the torque-speed curve to depart significantly from the ideal linear characteristic, which in turn may necessitate advancing the commutation in order to increase the high-speed torque capability. They also influence the maximum ripple current in PWM controlled systems, which in turn affects the motor losses and torque ripple. For brushless dc operation, the winding inductances can also cause the phase current to depart significantly from the ideal rectangular waveform, which can markedly reduce the torque capability at high speed and limit the maximum achievable speed [2]. However, the winding inductances of the prototype motor are relatively low, the values calculated using the analytical method described in [3] being 0.775mH and -0.32mH and the measured values being 0.872mH and -0.329mH, for the self- and mutual-inductances respectively. As a
卡洛洛·加卜梭·控制S.p.A. CPA家族 CPA300V DS ENG 2020年7月22日 无
CPA FamilyContactless power analyzersDescriptionCPA is a family of power analyzers and current transducers for ac 1-phase or dc installation monitoring, thanks to Hall effect sensing.Current is measured with no contact with the copper wire.The comprehensive set of measured variables allow this device to be used to monitor photovoltaic installations, industrial processes, battery charging systems.Benefits• Flexible solution. The instrument allows users to monitor both ac and dc system with the same device.• Fast connection. ac or dc current sensing with no need to cut and join the cable.• Reliability. The instrument is equipped with a Modbus/RTU communication port by RS485 connection.• Complete monitoring. Depending on the model, the instrument provides a comprehensive range of monitored variables (V, A,W, var, VA, kWh, PF, HZ, THD) or limited to current variables (A, Amin, Amax, Ah).• Wide range of device mounting types. The instrument can be mounted in four different ways (either DIN rail or panel mounting, vertical or horizontal) to match different installation constraints.• Easy programming. Plug’n play set-up by means of CARLO GAVAZZI UCS (Universal Configuration Software).• Integrated solution. The instrument is compatible with both UWP 3.0 and VMU-C EM solutions for energy monitoring.ApplicationsCPA power analyzers are the ideal solution for those applications which are beyond standard ac monitoring.Given their capability of working both at different frequency ranges, they match the needs of dc applications (battery charging, photovoltaic monitoring), of ac applications with high crest factor (UPS, variable frequency drives) and standard 1-phase ac installations.Main functions• Compatible with VMU-C EM and UWP 3.0• Configurable by means of UCS (Universal Configuration Software) solution • Hall effect sensingCPA system architecture for ac systemCPA operating principles for ac systemsCPA is a power analyzer, measuring current with contactless Hall effect sensing and voltage with shunt based technology.Power, power factor, energy, frequency and harmonic distortion (up to the 40th harmonic) are also measured by CPA with true RMS up to 400 Hz.The measured variables are available to the monitoring system connected through RS485, via Modbus/RTU communication.UCS (universal configuration software) installed onto a PC connected to CPA via RS485, allows to configure CPA (i.e. RS485 parameters) with ease and display measured variables in real time; configuration parameters are saved in both CPA's memory and UCS' database.UCS allows to create, edit and exchange configurations of both single CPA meters and complete networks of CPA units.CPA system architecture for dc systemCPA operating principles for dc systemsCPA is a power analyzer, measuring dc current in both directions with contactless Hall effect sensing and dc voltage with shunt based technology.Power and energy are also measured by CPA.The measured variables are available to the monitoring system connected through RS485, via Modbus/RTU communication.UCS (universal configuration software) installed onto a PC connected to CPA via RS485, allows to configure CPA (i.e. RS485 parameters) with ease and display measured variables in real time; configuration parameters are saved in both CPA's memory and UCS' database.UCS allows to create, edit and exchange configurations of both single CPA meters and complete networks of CPA units.CPA050DescriptionCPA050 is a power analyzer for dc or ac 1-phase applications.With a maximum current of 50 Aac/Adc and maximum voltage range of 800 Vac/1000 Vdc, it is the ideal solution for monitoring small photovoltaic installations, industrial processes, battery charging systems.Main features• True RMS ac (from 1 to 400 HZ) and dc monitoring• Current sensing by Hall effect; range: 50 Aac/Adc• Voltage range: 800 Vac/1000 Vdc• RS485 Modbus output; variables: A, V, W, var, VA, kW, HZ, PF, THD• 15 mm hole diameter• Din rail or panel, vertical or horizontal mountingMain functions• Compatible with VMU-C EM• Configurable by means of UCS (Universal Configuration Software) solution• Hall effect sensingApplicationsCPA power analyzers are the ideal solution for those applications which are beyond standard ac monitoring. Given their capability of working both at different frequency ranges, they match the needs of dc applications (battery charging, photovoltaic monitoring), of ac applications with high crest factor (UPS, variable frequency drives) and standard 1-phase ac installations.StructureFeaturesGeneralPower SupplyEnvironmentalCompatibility and conformityInputsMeasurementsAccuracyRS485InsulationConnection DiagramsFig. 1 ac input connection Fig. 2 dc input connectionFig. 3 Power supply Fig. 4 RS485Note for RS485:the serial output must be terminated on the last network device by means of a terminating unit according to Modbus standard; check grounding arrangements specification on the official Modbus documentation for proper grounding connections.Please check Multipoint System requirements at section 3.4 of the Modbus over serial line specification and implementation guide available at: /specs.phpReferencesFurther readingOrder codeCPA 050 1 L S1 XCARLO GAVAZZI compatible componentsCPA300DescriptionCPA300 is a power analyzer for dc or ac 1-phase applications.With a maximum current of 300 Aac/400 Adc and maximum installation voltage of 800 Vac/1000 Vdc, it is the ideal solution for monitoring medium/ large PV installations, industrial processes, battery charging systems.Main features• True RMS ac (from 1 to 400 HZ) and dc monitoring• Current sensing by Hall effect; range: 300 Aac/400 Adc • Voltage range: 800 Vac/1000 Vdc• RS485 Modbus output; variables: A, V, W, var, VA, kW, HZ, PF, THD• 33 mm hole diameter• Din rail or panel, vertical or horizontal mountingMain functions• Compatible with VMU-C EM• Configurable by means of UCS (Universal Configuration Software) solution• Hall effect sensingApplicationsCPA power analyzers are the ideal solution for those applications which are beyond standard ac monitoring. Given their capability of working both at different frequency ranges, they match the needs of dc applications (battery charging, photovoltaic monitoring), of ac applications with high crest factor (UPS, variable frequency drives) and standard 1-phase ac installations.StructureFeaturesGeneralPower SupplyEnvironmentalNote: R.H. < 90% non-condensing @ 40°C (104°F)Compatibility and conformityInputsMeasurementsAccuracyRS485InsulationConnection DiagramsFig. 5 ac input connection Fig. 6 dc input connectionFig. 7 Power supply Fig. 8 RS485Note for RS485:the serial output must be terminated on the last network device by means of a terminating unit according to Modbus standard; check grounding arrangements specification on the official Modbus documentation for proper grounding connections.Please check Multipoint System requirements at section 3.4 of the Modbus over serial line specification and implementation guide available at: /specs.phpReferencesFurther readingOrder codeCPA 300 1 L S1 XCARLO GAVAZZI compatible componentsCPA300VDescriptionCPA300V is a current transducer for dc or ac 1-phase applications.With a maximum current of 300 Aac/400 Adc and maximum installation voltage of 800 Vac/ 1500 Vdc, it is the ideal solution for monitoring medium/ large PV installations, industrial processes, battery charging systems.Main features• True RMS ac (from 1 to 400 HZ) and dc monitoring• Current sensing by Hall effect; range: 300 Aac/400 Adc • Maximum installation voltage: 800 Vac/1500 Vdc• RS485 Modbus output; variables: Amax, Amin, Ah• 33 mm hole diameter• Din rail or panel, vertical or horizontal mountingMain functions• Compatible with VMU-C EM• Configurable by means of UCS (Universal Configuration Software) solution• Hall effect sensingApplicationsCPA-300V is the ideal solution for those applications in which current only monitoring is required.Thanks to its high current range, its contactless Hall effect sensing and the maximum system voltage of 1500 Vdc, it fits perfectly the needs of medium to large size photovoltaic plant monitoring, where ease of installation and operation are mandatory requirements.StructureFeaturesGeneralPower SupplyEnvironmentalNote: R.H. < 90% non-condensing @ 40°C (104°F)Compatibility and conformityInputsOutputsMeasurementsAccuracyRS485InsulationConnection DiagramsFig. 9 ac input connection Fig. 10 dc input connection Fig. 11 Analogue outputFig. 12 Power supply Fig. 13 RS485Note for RS485:Please check Multipoint System requirements at section 3.4 of the Modbus over serial line specification and implementation guide available at: /specs.phpReferencesFurther readingOrder codeCPA 300 1 L S1 VCARLO GAVAZZI compatible componentsCOPYRIGHT ©2020Content subject to change. 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Daikin MXS系列多区域加温和空调系统1.5-4公斤,2-5区域系统说明书
DAIKIN MXS SERIES MULTI-ZONE HEATING &COOLING SYSTEMS1.5-4 TON, 2-5 ZONE SYSTEMS Up to 20.2 SEER / Up to 12.5 HSPFUp to 12.7 EERVARIABLE-SPEED COMPRESSORRESIDENTIAL AND LIGHT COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS5AIR INTELLIGENCE built insideA better understanding of how people inhabit their living spaces has led to products designed to create indoor environments that help use energy resources more effectively. Heat pumps extract or reject heat from the outside air, even in cold weather. They use an electrically powered compressor and are extremely effective at heating and cooling an apartment or a house. Daikin heat pumps are quiet and discreet, and use state-of-the-art technology to keep your energy bills low. With a Daikin heat pump, a large portion of the energy used to heat or cool your home comes from the outside air, a free and infinitely renewable resource.T oday, the air is perfect. Perfect temperature. Perfect humidity. Perfectly clean and fresh, like just after a rainstorm.And the only thing more perfect than this outdoor scenario is that it’s all happening inside. Because that’s where we work. That’s where we play, where we sleep, where we truly live.And that’s why at Daikin, we aim to make the air inside as refreshing as the outside. Better comfort. Better control and efficiency. Better quality. So you can create your own unique ecosystem. And everyday is perfect. Inside and out.23DAIKIN MXS SERIES MULTI-ZONE HEATING & COOLING SYSTEMS Control **Our expertise makes life easier for you, allowing you to control your system via a smartphone app or a user-friendly remote control.Energy efficiencyOur products are designed to be highly efficient all year round, and their low energy consumption is reflected in low energy bills for you.ComfortWe offer a wide range of products, and always provide you with the ideal solution, whether for an apartment, condo or a house. Our units are whisper quiet and, with their specially designed airflow pattern, they create your ideal indoor climate.Daikin units are designed to include features that let you create your own unique ecosystem. From the wide angle louver design to the auto-swing and comfortable mode controller settings, effective heating and cooling is ensured throughout the space.Smart inverter technologyIntegrated with a variable-speed inverter compressor, Daikin systems deliver the capacity required to maintain desired room conditions, typically reducing energy consumption by up to 30% or more (compared to traditional fixed-speed ducted systems). This technology minimizes temperature fluctuations and provides continuous cooling and heating comfort.ReliabilityDaikin products are renowned for their reliability. And you can rely on service to match, with industry leadingwarranties.** Complete warranty details available from your local dealer/contractor or at . To receive the 12-Y ear Parts Limited Warranty, online registration must be completed within 60 days of installation. Online registration is not required in California or Québec.** A daptor required4Multi-Zone systems provide high efficiency and comfortDaikin’s Multi-Zone Systems are ideal for multi-room applications desiring individual room comfort in a space-saving design. With the ability to connect two, three, four, or five indoor units to a single outdoor unit, over 1,000 combinations are possible with the choice of wall mount units, ducted units, ceiling cassette units, floor mounts or a combination. Suitable for both new build and renovation projects, Daikin Multi-Split Systems are the smart, reliable solution for your homePremium Comfort Features:›› Energy Efficient – Up to 20.2 SEER, up to 12.5 HSPF, up to 12.7 EER – Variable-Speed, Inverter, Compressor Ideal Solution for:›› Entire homes or floors of homes›› Multiple zones›› New construction›› Primary living areas (master bedrooms and living rooms) MXS SeriesMulti-Zone Heating and Cooling SystemsOptimized drain pan:»Outdoor unit drain pans have up to 14 holes whichallows for effective drainage of condensation. Insome cases, this drain pan design eliminatesthe need for drain pan heaters, resulting inhigher efficiencies in low ambient temperatures.Anti-Corrosion T reatment on Heat ExchangerQuick Warming Function – Preheats the compressor toshorten the time required to discharge warm air.Automatic Defrosting – Sensor performs automaticdefrosting of the outdoor heat exchanger if necessary,ensuring optimum heating performance.Outdoor Unit Quiet Operation – Outdoor unit soundlevels can be reduced by 3dB for times when quieteroperation is needed.Intelligent Defrost Mode* – The outdoor unit will enablethis mode to help prevent frost/ice from building up in coldclimate conditions. It will also help with longer heatingoperation time for additional comfort for occupants(compared to HVAC systems without this function).*Available on 5MXS onlyOutdoor Unit Features:5MXS drainpan shown5DAIKIN MXS SERIES MULTI-ZONE HEATING & COOLING SYSTEMS Knowledge is powerIn general, system performance is measured by a higher Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) and Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER). Higher ratings mean lower operating costs. Similarly, a higher rated Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) and Coefficient of Performance (COP) means a more efficient air-source heat pump.Why is it important?The COP of a heat pump is the ratio of: COP= energy out /energy in When the COP is >1, the result is a system providing more heating energy than energy consumed. As the COP increases, the higher the efficiency — resulting in lower utility costs.COPMXSUp to 4.6(Wall mount unit)20.2 SEER 12.7 EER 4.6COP(Coefficient of Performance)12.5HSPFMulti-Zone Heat Pump Efficiency ratingsUp toCompatible Indoor Units:FTXS – Discreet wall mounted unit providing high efficiency and comfort»Discreet, stylish front panel blends easily with the wall, and matches all interior decors»Dry program allows humidity levels to be reduced without variations in room temperature »Intelligent Eye function reduces heating or cooling operation during unoccupied periods FVXS – Floor mounted unit for optimal heating comfort thanks to dual airflow »Its low height enables the unit to fit perfectly beneath a window »Can be installed against a wall or recessed»Vertical auto swing moves the louver up and down for efficient air and temperature distributionEMURA – Designed to perfectly balance technological capability and the beauty of aerodynamics »Iconic award winning design and engineering excellence »Elegant finish in pure matte white or modern silver»Two-area intelligent eye sensor controls comfort and allows for energy savings during unoccupied periods»Titanium apatite photo-catalytic air purificationVISTA – Unique design that integrates seamlessly into the ceiling »Iconic award wining design and engineering excellence »Elegant finish in white or silver / white combination»DC fan motor and two optional intelligence sensors for energy efficiency»Outside air integration possible of up to 2-3% of the nominal indoor air volumeFDXS/CDXS – Slim Ducted Concealed Ceiling Unit capable of up to 0.18 esp »External static pressure facilitates unit’s use with minimal length of duct runs»Discretely concealed in the ceiling: only the suction and discharge grills are visible»DC fan motor for low energy consumptionFDMQ – Ducted Concealed Indoor Unit capable of up to .6 esp»Higher external static pressure capabilities allow for longer duct runs and easily implementing up to MERV 13 filters (compared to units with lower static pressure)»Drain pan inspection port makes it easy to observe drain pan conditions »Rear or bottom return air configurations for installation flexibility »Outside air integration possible6You’re always in control.Individual comfort and controlDaikin systems have an available infrared remote controller allowing you to access all functions at the click of a button.From anywhere in the world. Or your living room.It can happen to anyone. Y ou forgot to change the temperature of your heat pump system or air conditioner before leaving the house, or you will be delayed returning home and wish to avoid needlessly heating or cooling your home. What in the past would have resulted in wasted energy is no longer a problem. With the DKN App, you are always in control. Y ou can use your tablet or smart-phone to access your Daikin system via the internet*.Daikin Adaptive Touch ControllerThe Daikin Adaptive Touch Controller (ATC) is used to control FDMQ and FFQ indoor units (P1P2) with advanced and configurable control logic. The ATC comes in 4 different models with a built-in temperature sensor, humiditysensor, CO 2 sensor, and occupancy sensor. The ATC will also provide analog input, analog output, digital input, and digital output terminals to monitor auxiliary sensors and control auxiliary equipment. The built-in sensors can be combined with advanced logic to create actionable tasks based upon the sensor values. The ATC controller can be integrated with a compatible building management system (BMS) using BACnet ™ MS/TP .NEW!Daikin One+ Smart ThermostatThe Daikin One + smart thermostat is now available for single and multi-zone indoor unit models. With the new translation adaptor, connecting the Daikin One + smart thermostat provides severaluser features including remote monitoring, control and geofencing using the Daikin One home app, Google ,and Amazon voice assistants. Learn more at .** N ote that the handheld remote that comes with some indoor units should not be used together with the Daikin One + smart thermostat.*Requires purchase and installation of BRP072A43, AZAI6WSCDKA, or AZAI6WSCDKB adaptors depending on the indoor unit. Features vary by adaptor. See each adaptor’s product flyer for more information.NEW!Daikin DKN Plus InterfaceThe new Daikin DKN Plus Interface(AZAI6WSPDKC) enables theenergy-efficient control of Daikinair conditioners by a third-partythermostat or an automation system. With this interface, third-party devices or systems can control the Single-Zone and Multi-Zone indoor units through the DKN NA App, Cloud API, Modbus®, BACnet™ MS/TP , or thermostat relay contacts. This interface can be commissioned easily through the DKN Cloud NA app via Bluetooth®Low Energy (BLE). Learn more at .COMING SOON!NEW!Daikin Madoka Remote ControllerDaikin is pleased to introduce the Madoka remote controller for the North American FDMQ and FFQ indoor units (P1P2) indoor units. The Madoka features a sleek and stylish design with an intuitive interface including touch button control. It retains advancedfunctions for indoor unit control. It can be commissioned and managed with ease through a Bluetooth® configuration app or via the onboard menus. The Madoka provides 3 configurable display modes: Text (default), Icon, and Scale to help meet project and occupant needs. Learn more at .Madoka Quick Set App Available for download on iOS and Android devices.Proper sizing and installation of equipment is critical to achieve optimal performance. Split system air conditioners and heat pumps must be matched with appropriate coil components to meet ENERGY STAR®criteria. Ask your contractor for details or visit .DAIKIN MXS SERIES MULTI-ZONE HEATING & COOLING SYSTEMS7WARNINGS:»Always use a licensed installer or contractor to install thisproduct. Do not try to install the product yourself. Improper installation can result in water or refrigerant leakage, electrical shock, fire or explosion.»Use only those parts and accessories supplied or specifiedby Daikin. Ask a licensed contractor to install those parts and accessories. Use of unauthorized parts and accessories or im-proper installation of parts and accessories can result in water or refrigerant leakage, electrical shock, fire or explosion.»Read the User’s Manual carefully before using this product.The User’s Manual provides important safety instructions and warnings. Be sure to follow these instructions and warnings.»For any inquiries, contact your local Daikin sales office.CB-MXS 11-202020ADDITIONAL INFORMA TIONBefore purchasing this appliance, read important information about its estimated annual energy consumption, yearly operating cost, or energy efficiency rating that is available from your retailer.App Store is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.Google, Google Assistant, and all related logos are trademarks of Google LLC or its affiliates.Amazon, Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of , Inc. or its affiliates.The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks are under license.BACnet™ is a trademark of ASHRAE.Modbus® is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric USA, Inc.About Daikin:Daikin Industries, Ltd. (DIL) is a global Fortune 1000 company which celebrated its 95th anniversary in May 2019. The company is recognized as one of the largest HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) manufacturers in the world. DIL is primarily engaged in developing indoor comfort systems and refrigeration products for residential, commercial and industrial applications. Its consistent success is derived, in part, from a focus on innovative, energy-efficient and premium quality indoor climate and comfort management solutions.Daikin SplitXpress Selection ToolThe new interactive SplitXpress mobile app and website provide a complete product selection tool to streamline system selection for single and multi-zone projects. Users can create equipment selections and add accessories / pricing details to quickly share quotes with customers. Available for free on the App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android), and at https://.NEW!。
Global Optimization Uses a Backward Model, Based on Look-up Tables
Thermal Elec. Mech.
PHEVs Come in Various Powertrain Configurations: How to Compare Them?
Plug‐in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) combine:
– long range, high power density and easy energy refill – low tailpipe emissions, high fuel displacement (on short daily trips)
Optimization Problem
State: Battery State‐of‐charge (SOC) Command u:
– g gear and engine g torque q ( (Parallel) ) – generator power (Series) – engine power (Power‐split)
Plug‐to‐Wheel Wh/km
Introduction Vehicle Sizing Global Optimization Algorithm Simulation Results Conclusion
portion的形容词形容词:portional (adj.)解释:portional是portion的形容词形式,意思是与某事物的部分相对应的或者成比例的。
双语例句:1. The dessert was perfectly portioned, allowing us to enjoy just the right amount of sweetness.这道甜点分量刚好,让我们享受到了刚好的甜度。
2. The chef ensured that each dish was portional to the number of guests attending the event.厨师确保每道菜的分量与参加活动的客人人数相适应。
3. She only wanted a portion-sized container, as shedidn't have much left to store.她只想要一个大小适中的容器,因为她没有太多剩余物品需要储藏。
4. The recipe called for portional amounts of each ingredient, resulting in a well-balanced flavor.配方要求每种成分都按比例加入,从而使得味道平衡。
5. The team decided to split the work into portional tasks, ensuring efficiency and accuracy.团队决定将工作分成适当的任务,以确保效率和准确性。
6. The designer created portional patterns on the fabric, giving it a visually appealing look.设计师在面料上创作了成比例的图案,给它带来了视觉上的吸引力。
7. We asked for portional servings at the restaurant, as we didn't want any food to go to waste.我们在餐厅要求分量适当的份量,因为我们不想让任何食物浪费掉。
Optimal_control_chp02-检查2007年5月15日星期二Optimal control Department Of Electrical Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology 第2章最优控制中的变分法本章主要内容:变分法的基本概念无约束条件下的变分问题等约束条件下的变分问题拉格朗日(Lagrange )问题(微分等式约束)波尔扎(Bolza )问题(微分等式约束+端点边界约束)2007年5月15日星期二Optimal controlDepartment Of Electrical Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology 2.1 变分法的基本概念最优控制中目标函数是一个泛函数,最优控制的求解可以归结为求泛函极值问题。
对照:函数< --->微分泛函< ---> 变分∫+Φ=ft t f f dtt t u t x L t t x u J 0)),(),([]),([)(2007年5月15日星期二Optimal control Department Of Electrical Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology (1) 泛函的定义函数的定义对应于定义域中的每一个值x ,y 都有一个(或一组)值与之对应,则称y 是x 的函数,记为f(x)。
这里是x 自变量,y 是因变量。
2007年5月15日星期二Optimal controlDepartment Of Electrical Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology 例2.1 泛函函数的定积分当x(t)=t 时当x(t)=cos t 时,可见表示一类函数,一旦函数的表达式确定,则J的值是确定的。
梦想获得冲浪运动金牌英语作文Dreaming of Surfing Olympic Gold.In the realm of aquatic endeavors, where the interplay of nature's forces and human ingenuity unfolds, there lies a sport that embodies the essence of freedom, adventure, and athletic prowess: surfing. For countless individuals, the allure of riding the waves has ignited a burning desire to not only master the craft but to ascend to the pinnacle of the sport, where Olympic glory awaits.For me, the dream of surfing for an Olympic gold medal has been an unwavering aspiration that has propelled me through countless hours of rigorous training and relentless dedication. From the tender age of six, when I first ventured into the ocean with my father's surfboard, I was captivated by the exhilaration of gliding across thewater's surface. As I progressed, each successful ride fueled my passion and cemented my决心 to pursue surfing at the highest level.The path to Olympic surfing is arduous and unforgiving. It demands an unwavering commitment to physical conditioning, technical refinement, and mental fortitude. Countless hours are spent honing my skills, paddling into treacherous waves, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. I train with unwavering intensity, driven by the belief that hard work and perseverance will ultimately lead me to my ultimate goal.Beyond the physical demands, there is also the mental aspect of surfing that requires constant refinement. The ocean is a fickle mistress, its moods ever-changing. As a surfer, I must possess the ability to adapt quickly to varying conditions, make split-second decisions, and maintain composure in the face of adversity. Visualization exercises, mental imagery, and mindfulness techniques are integral to my training regimen, helping me develop the mental acuity necessary to navigate the challenges that lie ahead.In addition to the physical and mental preparation,nutrition plays a vital role in my quest for Olympic gold.I adhere to a carefully crafted diet that provides my body with the energy, hydration, and nutrients it needs to perform at its peak. I consult with registered dietitians to ensure that I am fueling my body with the optimal balance of macronutrients and micronutrients.Surfing is not merely a sport; it is an art form that transcends physicality. It requires an intimate connection with the ocean, an intuitive understanding of its rhythms, and a profound respect for its power. As I train and compete, I am mindful of the symbiotic relationship between humanity and nature. I strive to be an ambassador for the sport and an advocate for ocean conservation.The prospect of representing my country at the Olympics fills me with immense pride and motivation. To don the national colors and compete against the world's bestsurfers would be the culmination of years of sacrifice and hard work. I am eager to showcase my skills on the global stage and inspire young people around the world to pursue their dreams.The pursuit of Olympic gold is a journey that tests the limits of human potential. It is a quest that requires unwavering determination, relentless effort, and an unwavering belief in one's abilities. I am confident that through unwavering dedication, meticulous preparation, and the unwavering support of my coaches, teammates, and family, I will achieve my dreams and stand atop the podium with an Olympic gold medal around my neck.。
基线控制策略,即BCS(baseline control strategy)使发动机在高效率区间内运行[3],遗传算法对优化效率区间和SOC的门限值进行了优化以达到最大程度的节油效果[4]。
Optimal Control Formulation
• The system
& x = f (x,u, t ) , x (t 0 ) = x 0
• Performance cost function
J = ∫ l (x,u, t )dt + m(x (T ))
Applying Optimality Principle
J (x, t ) = min ∫ l (x,u, t )dt + J * (x1, t1 )
* t1 u[t ,t
this part is optimal for [t1, T] if the whole trajectory is optimal
P(T ) = QT
Notes on the LQR solution…
• a state feedback solution K=R-1BTP • n(n+1)/2 terms in P to solve • Does not require x(t0) to solve this problem! Optimal solution is independent of initial state!
Infinite Horizon Case, T = ∞
& x = Ax + Bu , y = Cx 1 ∞ T J = ∫ x Qx + uTRu dt 2 0 Q = QT ≥ 0
( ( ) R (= R ) > 0
Infinite Horizon Regulator Notes
消防员扑灭大火英语Title: The Valor and Dedication of Firefighters in Putting Out a BlazeIn the realm of emergency services, few professionsmand as much respect and admiration as firefighters. They are the first line of defense when disaster strikes, risking their lives to save others. This article delves into the intense and perilous world of firefighting, focusing on the bravery and dedication displayed by these unsung heroes as they battle against raging infernos.Firefighting is a profession that requires immense physical strength, mental fortitude, and a deep sense ofmitment. It demands an unflinching resolve to face danger head-on and the ability to make split-second decisions under extreme pressure. A typical day for a firefighter can involve anything from responding to routine medical emergencies tobating towering infernos that threaten entiremunities.The process of extinguishing a fire begins long before the first flame is seen. Firefighters must be constantly vigilant, monitoring potential hazards and ensuring that their equipment is in optimal condition. When a fire breaks out, they respond with lightning speed, donning their heavy protective gear and racing towards the blaze.Upon arrival at the scene, firefighters assess the situation and devise a plan of action. Their priority is always to save lives, and they will risk everything to evacuate any individuals trapped within the burning building. Simultaneously, they work to contain the fire, using powerful hoses to douse the flames and prevent them from spreading further.Fighting a fire is a grueling and dangerous task. The heat is intense, visibility is often poor due to thick smoke, and the risk of collapse is ever-present. Despite these challenges, firefighters remain steadfast in their mission, relying on their training and teamwork to navigate through the chaos.One of the most critical aspects of firefighting ismunication. Firefighters must constantlymunicate with each other, updating each other on the status of the fire and coordinating their efforts. This is especially important during rescue operations, where every second counts.As the fire is brought under control, firefighters begin the arduous task of extinguishing the remaining hotspots and assessing the damage. This phase can be just as challenging as the initial attack, as hidden embers can reignite and cause flare-ups.Throughout this entire process, firefighters display an unwaveringmitment to their duty. They put their own safety on the line to protect others, demonstrating a level of selflessness that is truly inspiring. Their courage and determination serve as a beacon of hope in the darkest of times, reminding us all of the power of human resilience.In conclusion, the job of a firefighter is one of the most challenging and rewarding roles in society. They are the guardians of ourmunities, standing tall in the face of danger and working tirelessly to keep us safe. We owe them a debt of gratitude that can never truly be repaid. Let us remember and honor their sacrifices, and support them in their ongoing mission to protect and serve.。
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1 Optimal Control of Power Split for a HybridElectric Refuse VehicleLorenzo Serrao and Giorgio Rizzoni,fellow,IEEEAbstract—An optimal power split strategy in a hybrid electric refuse truck is ing Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle,a set of solution candidates is found and evaluated in order tofind the optimal control strategy.Simulation results are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategy. Index Terms—optimal control,hybrid electric vehiclesI.I NTRODUCTIONH YBRIDIZATION can offer significant advantages interms of fuel economy when applied to heavy-duty trucks or buses[1],[2].In fact,due to the high weight of these vehicles,the ability to regenerate kinetic and potential energy with electric braking is highly beneficial in certain conditions(e.g.,start-stop driving cycles);another advantage is the mechanical decoupling of the engine from the road, which allows operating the engine at the highest efficiency conditions.Among medium-and heavy-duty trucks,urban buses and refuse hauling vehicles are natural candidates for hybridiza-tion,because of their typical stop-and-go driving cycles. The objective of this work is to present an analytical formulation of the energy management problem for a series hybrid electric refuse collection truck,with the goal of reducing fuel consumption.Control is essential to exploit the benefits of hybrid electric powertrains;correct repartition of the load between the two on-board energy sources(fuel and electrical buffer) allows for substantial reduction of the overall fuel con-sumption.By its nature,the problem of fuel consumption reduction is global,and an optimal solution can be found only if the entire driving cycle is known a priori,for example using Dynamic Programming[3],[4].Since this is impossible in typical automotive applications,only sub-optimal solutions can be found,using a variety of methods. Using rule-based or fuzzy control[5],[6],the instantaneous repartition of load is determined by pre-established rules, derived using engineering judgment and a substantial amount of testing;the technique can be made robust and suitable for Manuscript received March13,2008.This work was supported by the U.S.Department of Energy,the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)and Oshkosh Corporation as part of the AHHPS project. Lorenzo Serrao is a Ph.D.candidate and a research assistant with the Center for Automotive Research at the Ohio State University,Columbus, OH43212,USA(corresponding author;e-mail:serrao.4@). Giorgio Rizzoni is a professor of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering and the director of the Center for Automotive Research at the Ohio State University(e-mail:rizzoni.1@).production environment,but the results may not be optimal.A more elegant alternative is the equivalent consumption minimization strategy(ECMS)[7],[8],[9],which associates the discharge(resp.recharge)of the electrical energy buffer to a future increase(resp.decrease)of fuel consumption.In this way,the global minimization problem is transformed in a local minimization one.The method can give very good results,but the equivalence factors that allow for the transfor-mation of electrical energy into future fuel consumption must be determined with optimization techniques,and are related to the driving cycles that the vehicle follows(therefore,the factors that minimize the fuel consumption over an urban cycle are different that those that would be needed in a highway cycle).Analytical optimal control techniques have also been applied in the past,assuming known driving cycles [10]or special cases,such as constant power request[11]. This work presents an analytical solution for a case of variable load profile,based on Pontryagin’s minimum prin-ciple.This solution is computationally more efficient than dynamic programming,and is potentially implementable on-line.II.H YBRID E LECTRIC P OWERTRAIN M ODELINGA longitudinal vehicle dynamics and powertrain model has been developed[12]for the prediction of performance and fuel economy,and the optimization of energy management. The simulator is implemented using Simulink and its spe-cialized blockset SimDriveline,which introduces“physical”modeling templates.These are used to build a simulator composed of self-contained blocks representing physical components,which can be connected together to form a powertrain according to its physical layout.All powertrain components in the simulator are modeled using steady-state efficiency maps,coupled with a lumped-parameter dynamic model that limits the speed variations according to inertia, dissipative resistances and other factors,depending on the specific components.The model has been validated by comparing the simu-lation results with the experimental data obtained from a prototype of the vehicle,built by Oshkosh Corporation.This series hybrid electric vehicle is characterized by the archi-tecture shown in Figure1:an internal combustion engine is coupled to an electrical generator to produce electrical power,which can be used in the traction machines or stored in the rechargeable energy storage system(RESS),which2008 American Control ConferenceWestin Seattle Hotel, Seattle, Washington, USAJune 11-13, 2008FrB06.6is a pack of supercapacitors.These are also used to store the energy deriving from regenerative braking(obtained by operating the traction machines as generators).Despite their relatively low energy density,supercapacitors were chosen instead of batteries for their much higher power density,and longer operating life.Figure1.Series hybrid electric architecture(filled arrowheads:positive powerflow;empty:negative powerflow;no head:non-admissible power flow direction)Special driving cycles developed in a previous phase of the same project[13],representative of typical operating conditions,are used to test the vehicle both experimentally and in simulation.The cycles include velocity profiles as well as load profiles(i.e.,hydraulic power needed to load, pack,and dump refuses)and payload(amount of additional weight due to refuse collection during the cycle).Three standard cycles(Route1,Route2and Route3)are used to represent different phases of the refuse collection in urban and suburban areas.Together,the cycles cover a significant range of typical vehicle operation.The model validation was conducted by replacing all driver and control actions in the simulator with the corresponding measurements obtained in the experimental vehicle,and then comparing the outputs. From the results shown in Tables I and II,we conclude that the accuracy of the model is acceptable for the purposes of the present paper.III.O PTIMAL C ONTROL:P ROBLEM S TATEMENTAs stated earlier,the objective of the supervisory energy management strategy is to determine the values of the power split between the engine and the reversible energy storageTable IV ALIDATION OF THE SIMULATOR:F UEL CONSUMPTIONDriving cycles ErrorRoute1 3.68%Route2-3.11%Route32%Table IIV ALIDATION OF THE SIMULATOR:SELECT DYNAMIC VARIABLESDURING CYCLE Route2Variable RMS errorVehicle speed0.8%Engine torque6%Electric bus power 2.9%Capacitors State of Energy 3.4%system(RESS)that minimize the total fuel consumption dur-ing a driving cycle.The series hybrid electric configuration in Figure1is considered.The internal combustion engine is the primary energy converter and produces the mechanical power P ice using the fuel power P fuel=Q lhv˙m f(Q lhv is the fuel lower heating value,i.e.its energy content for unit of mass;˙m f is the fuel massflow rate).The electrical generator transforms the mechanical power from the engine into the electrical power P gen.The rechargeable energy storage system(RESS)is a pack of electrochemical supercapacitors that deliver the power P cap.The electrical power from the generator and from the capacitors is summed electrically in the bus and is used to drive the traction motors and the other vehicle loads. The total power that these machines require is determined from the accelerator pedal position and the vehicle velocity, and can be considered a known quantity(i.e.,a problem parameter).The power from the generator and from the capacitor is such that:P gen(t)+P cap(t)=P load(t)∀t∈[t0,t f](1) having indicated with[t0,t f]the optimization interval. Given the load power,there are(in principle)infinite combinations of capacitor and generator power that satisfy (1).Once a value is attributed to the capacitor power,the generator power is automatically determined using(1).The engine power is directly related to the generator power. The state of the system is represented by the amount of charge present in the capacitors,proportional to their voltage; x(t)denotes the capacitor voltage at time t.The control input u(t)is the current through the capacitors.The optimal control problem of minimizing the total fuel consumption can be stated as follows:Problem1:(optimal control problem):Find u(t)such that the cost functionJ=φ(t f)+ t f t0P fuel(u(t),P load(t),x(t))dt(2) is minimized,subject to the following constraints:P cap,min(t)≤P cap(t)≤P cap,max(t)∀t∈[t0,t f](3) P gen,min(t)≤P gen(t)≤P gen,max(t)∀t∈[t0,t f](4)x min(t)≤x(t)≤x max(t)∀t∈[t0,t f](5) The vehicle has to be charge-sustaining,which means that the state of energy at the end of a driving cycle should be the same as it was at the beginning.This condition is imposed as a soft constraint,i.e.by adding the terminal costφ(t f)=(x(t0)−x(t f))2(6) to the global cost function.IV.C ONTROL-ORIENTED MODELA simplified control-oriented model is needed to formulate in detail and solve the optimal control problem.For the vehicle architecture taken into consideration,it is important to model accurately the powerflow in the supercapacitors and the engine-generator set.A.SupercapacitorsFigure2.Circuit model of supercapacitor packThe circuit model of the capacitors is shown in Figure 2;the resistance R and the capacitance C represent the equivalent of a large number of cells connected in series and in parallel.The total amount of energy stored in a capacitoris E cap=12CV2C and the instantaneous state of energy canbe defined asξ(t)=E cap(t)E cap,max=12CV2C(t)12CV2C,max= V C(t)V C,max 2(7)The capacitance voltage V C is selected as the system state variable,and the current uflowing through the capacitors as the control input.u is positive during discharge,and negative during recharge.The state equation is therefore:˙x=˙V C=−1Cu(8)The power that the capacitors exhange with the bus isgiven by the voltage and current across the capacitance,reduced by the losses due to the internal resistance:P cap=V L u=V C u−Ru2=xu−Ru2(9)B.Engine and generatorThe internal combustion engine is rigidly connected tothe electrical generator and therefore they can be regardedas a single component,called genset,which transforms thefuel power into electrical power.The fact that there is nomechanical connection between the engine and the vehiclewheels is advantageous because it makes the engine speeda free variable.For this reason,it is possible to operatethe genset at the speed of maximum efficiency for eachpower level(i.e.,along the line shown in Figure3);thecorresponding fuel conumption is a function of the electricpower and,as shown in Figure4,can be expressed withacceptable approximation in terms of fuel power asP fuel=Q lhv˙m f=m0+m1P gen(10)ElectricpowerGenset speedFigure3.Map of the overall efficiency of the engine-generator assembly,with line of maximum efficiency.Both axes are normalized with respect totheir maximum value.C.Load powerThe load power represents the sum of generator andcapacitor power.It is used in the traction motors,formoving the vehicle,and in the auxiliary load motors,foroperating the refuse collection accessories.The powerflowin these components is modeled in the vehicle simulator asa function of the vehicle speed and of parameters such asmass,aerodynamic resistance,rolling resistance,auxiliaryload power.However,it is not part of the control model:the instantaneous value of load power P load(t)is considereda known parameter(calculated in the simulation model).An example of speed and load power during urban drivingconditions is shown in Figure5.Electric powerF u e l p o w e rFigure 4.Fuel consumption as a function of the net electrical powerdelivered by the generator (values corresponding to the maximum efficiency line of Figure 3).Both axes are normalized with respect to the maximum electricpower.0200400600800100012002040S p e e d [k m /h ]!time [s]P l o a d [k W ]Figure 5.One of the test driving cycles (Route 2)V.A PPLICATION OF P ONTRYAGIN ’S MINIMUMPRINCIPLEPontryagin’s minimum principle [14]is used to solve the optimal control problem.Given a dynamic system with state equation˙x =f (x,u )(11)and a cost functionJ =φ(x (t f ),t f )+t ft 0L (x,u )dt(12)subject to the terminal conditions on the state (if theyexist)Ψ(x (t f ),t f )=0,the minimum principle states that the optimal control law u ∗(t )must satisfy the following necessary conditions:1)u ∗(t )minimizes at each instant of time the Hamilto-nian of the system H (t,u (t ),x (t ),λ(t ))=λ f +L ,where λis a vector of adjoint state variables (with the same dimension as the state vector x );2)the co-state dynamic equation is ˙λ=−∂H ∂xu ∗,x ∗3)the terminal conditions on the co-state are given by λ∗(t f )=∂(Φ(t f))∂t f∗,t f,where Φ(t f )=φ(t f )+νΨ(t f )is the sum of the state terminal conditions Ψ(with the arbitrary multiplier ν)and the adjoint terminal conditions φ.In the system described,the state equation is (8).The control input is the capacitor current u .The instantaneous cost is the fuel power:L =Q lhv ˙m f .The terminal cost φ(t f )expresses the fact that the voltage (i.e.state of charge)of the capacitors at the end of the simulation should be close to the one at the beginning:φ(t f )=(x (t 0)−x (t f ))2(13)The weighting factor w is a free parameter.Since the constraint on the state of charge is imposed using φ,there is no explicit terminal constraint on the state variable,i.e.Ψ=0.Taking into account (8)and (10),the Hamiltonian H =λ˙x +L can be written asH =−λCu +m 0+m 1P gen (14)The generator net (electrical)power P gen is expressed as a function of control and state variables using (1)and (9):H =−λCu +m 0+m 1P load −m 1xu +m 1Ru 2(15)The minimization of the Hamiltonian (15)can be done either analytically or numerically,since it is an instantaneous minimization;the local constraints:(3),(4),and (5)must be taken into account in defining the range of acceptable values of u to consider as solution candidates.In particular,given the expression of the capacitor power (9),the limits on the value of current can be expressed as a function of the power limits as follows:u max=x 2R −12R x 2−4RP 1(16)u min =x 2R −12Rx 2−4RP 2(17)whereP 1=min (P cap,max ,P load −P gen,min )(18)andP 2=max (P cap,min ,P load −P gen,max )(19)P 1and P 2take into account the conditions (3),(4);the state of energy constraints (5)are taken into account bysetting P cap,min or P cap,max to zero when the capacitor voltage x reaches its maximum or minimum value.The value of H(t)depends-at each instant of time-on λ(t),which derives from the simultaneous solution of the state and co-state dynamic equations:˙x(t)=−1Cu(20)˙λ(t)=−∂H∂x=−m1u(21)u(t)=arg min H(u(t),x(t),P road(t)),u∈U(22) where U=[u min,...,u max]is the set of admissible solutions.The state and co-state equations must also satisfy the split terminal conditionsx(t0)=x0(23) andλ(t f)=∂φ∂x t f=2(x(t f)−x(t0))(24)The implementation of the optimal control strategy is done in simulation by defining a vector of N admissible values of the control variable u,equally spaced in the interval [u min,u max].The Hamiltonian function H is calculated, according to(15),for each of these values.The instantanous values of the state x(t)and the co-stateλ(t)are obtained by integrating the dynamic equations,starting from the initial values x0andλ0(λ0is chosen arbitrarily).At each instant t,the value of the control that minimizes the Hamiltonian H(u(t),P load(t))is then chosen as the optimal control action u∗(t).The fact that H(u)is a continous quadratic function of u for u∈[u min,u max]ensures that is has a unique minimum.Therefore,this value of u satisfies the first two necessary conditions,by construction.Whether the third condition(terminal condition onλ)is satisfied or not can only be determined after applying the strategy for the entire optimization interval[t0,t f],by verifying that(24) holds.If this is not true,then the initial valueλ0should be modified and the optimization procedure repeated until(24) is satisfied.The off-line implementation of this control strategy is therefore relatively straightforward and,using an iterative procedure tofind the correct value ofλ0,can give the optimal control sequence for a known driving cycle.In practice,λ0 represents the only parameter that needs to be tuned.For charge sustaining operation(x f=x0),the value ofλ0 should be selected in order to obtainλf=2(x f−x0) 0. The solution obtained in this way satisfies all necessary conditions set by Pontryagin’s minimum principle.The fact that the entire set of solution candidates is considered implies that the only one among them that satisfies the necessary conditions is indeed the optimal solution,in the limits given by the discretization of the set of solution candidates and by the modeling assumptions.VI.R ESULTS OF THE IMPLEMENTATIONThe procedure just described is applied in simulation to the same driving cycles that were used to validate the simulator(see Section2).The value ofλ0is selected iteratively so that the capacitor voltage x at the end of the simulation is equal to the initial value:x(t f)=x(t0), and that the co-state terminal condition(24)is satisfied:λ(t f)=2(x(t f)−x(t0))=0.The value ofλ0that satisfies these conditions is different for the different cycles, as it depends on the cycle characteristics;it represents the only parameter needed for tuning the strategy for a specific cycle.In order to select the correct value ofλ0 for each of the cycles considered,simulations were repeated varying its value.The effect of the parameterλ0on the net variation of capacitor voltage(i.e.,state of charge)is shown in Figure6.As it can be observed,it changes the behavior of the vehicle from charge-increasing to charge-depleting:there exists one value for each cycle for which the vehicle is charge sustaining.This effect can be justified by looking at the Hamiltonian(14)as the sum of the terms: one represents the fuel power(i.e.the fuel consumption);the other is proportional(viaλ(t))to the current u,and can be interpreted as the fuel consumption equivalent to the use of the capacitors.Varying the value ofλ(t)changes the value of u for which H(λ,u)is minimum,or,in other words, the cost of using the electrical power source,in terms of equivalent fuel consumption.!x 104 !!!!!!x f!xFigure6.Effect of the parameterλ0on the variation of capacitor voltage between the beginning and the end of the simulation.A value of zero correspond to charge-sustaining operation and to the satisfaction of all necessary conditions for optimal control.The results of the optimal controller defined in this way can be compared to those of the rule-based strategy im-plemented in the prototype vehicle,whose parameters were tuned using the test cycles.The rule-based controller gives good results,with a sensible reduction in fuel consumptionwith respect to the conventional (non-hybrid)vehicle.Table III shows a comparison between the optimal control strategy described in this paper and the rule-based strategy,both tested on the same simulation model:as expected,the optimal control strategy is advantageous in terms of fuel consumption (even though the rule-based strategy is close).Table IIID IFFERENCES IN FUEL CONSUMPTION BETWEEN THE OPTIMALCONTROL STRATEGY AND THE RULE -BASED CONTROL .Driving cycle Optimal value of λ0Difference in fuel consumptionRoute 1-12430-10.7%Route 2-12565-5.4%Route 3-12180-7.5%To better understand the differences between the two strategies,the variation of the capacitor state of energy during one of the cycles is shown in Figure 7:the optimal control generates a higher variability of state of energy,i.e.,it uses the capacitors in a wider range,thus maximizing the benefits of their presence.time [s]S O EFigure parison of capacitor state of energy (as defined in (7))between the optimal control and the rule-based control.The driving cycle is Route 2,shown in Figure 5.VII.C ONCLUSIONAn application of optimal control theory to hybrid electric vehicles has been presented,using Pontryagin’s minimum principle to find the optimal solution to the energy man-agement problem of hybrid electric vehicles.The solution reduces the global optimization problem to an instantaneous one,which can be solved iteratively.The results are optimal in the limits of the control model,and improve on the previously implemented rule-based controller.Besides the lower fuel consumption,an advantage of the solution based on the Pontryagin’s minimum principle is the fact that only one parameter (namely λ0)is needed to tune the strategy for optimal results over a specific cycle.However,as seen in Figure 6,this parameter must be correcly determined to ensure charge-sustainability,whichis possible only using an iterative procedure.This limits the applicability of this control to simulation environment,for the solution of off-line optimization problems.However,an approximation of the optimal results can be implemented on-line if driving pattern recognition algorithms are used to select the optimal value of the tuning parameter λ0as a function of the current driving conditions.This will be the object of future investigation.R EFERENCES[1]M.P.O’Keefe and K.Vertin,“An analysis of hybrid electric propul-sion systems for transit buses,”Tech.Rep.NREL/MP-540-32858,National Renewable Energy Laboratory,Golden,CO,2002.[2]L.Serrao,P.Pisu,and G.Rizzoni,“Analysis and 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