Discovery of a widely separated binary system of very low mass stars
Foreignization and Domestication In the literature translationOutline:1,The definition of foreignization and domestication1.1 What's foreignization1.2 What's domestication2,Contrast of foreignization and domestication2.1 Comparison of the titles of literature2.2 Comparison of the translation of kinship terms2.3 Comparison of the translation of cultural words3,Foreignization and domestication exist simultaneously3.1 The defect of overuse foreignization3.2 The merit of domestication3.3 Both foreignization and domestication make text perfect4,Conclusion【摘要】文学翻译涉及到许多复杂的文化因素,在文学翻译中,译者必须考虑原语与目的语之间的文化距离.归化和异化在这方面发挥了很重要的作用.但是与归化相比,读者更愿意接受异化. 异化不仅在文章形式上,而且在文化移植方面都有很多的优点.异化保留了原语语言的表达方式和文学寓意,异化倾向于原语文化,目的是为了保留原语文化.异化读者体会到不同国家之间的文化差异,并且使他们能够更好的理解原文及其文化.然而,在文学翻译中过度的使用异化也会有负面影响,它可能让读者对译文产生含糊感,觉得译文没有可读性.实际上,归化也有其自身的优点,它可使读者对译文产生熟悉感和认可性.所以在文学翻译中归化和异化不可以完全分开.首选是异化,然后归化可以作为补充,且两者同时并存.【关键词】翻译异化归化对比AbstractThe translation of literature involves many complicated cultural factors. And cultural distance between the source and target cultures requires some considerations in the translation of literature. The foreignization and domestication play important roles in it. But compared with domestication, foreignization is more acceptable by readers. Foreignization has lots of advantages not only in the text form but also in the function of culture transplant. Foreignization maintains the original linguistic expression or literary images in the source language. Foreignization is oriented towards the source-language culture and its aim is to preserve source culture. Foreignization makes readers know the cultural differences between different countries, and comprehend the original text and culture better. While overuse foreignization in the translation of literature has negative influence. It may bring readers the ambiguity or unreadability of the translation. In fact, domestication also has its own merits. It can make the text recognizable and familiar. So foreignization and domestication can't be separated completely in the translation of literature.The first choice is foreignization, the last resort is domestication. And both of them exist simultaneously【Key words】: translation foreignization domestication contrast1,The definition of foreignization and domesticationThe translation of literature involves many complicated cultural factors. In the translation of literature, cultural distance between the source and target cultures requires some considerations. The foreignization and domestication, these two translation strategies play important roles in it. While, what are the foreignization and domesticationIn the west, the rudiment of domestication and foreignization can be traced far back to word-for-word translation and sense-for-sense translation put forward by Gcero, Horace and Jerome during the period of ancient Rome. Domestication and foreignizatin are extension of the two concepts of literal translation and free translation. Foreignization and domestication, as a pair of important binary theories, are paid more and more attention by translators.1.1 What's foreignizationDictionary of Translation studies gives the definition of foreignization , to a certain extent, maintaining the foreignness of the source text and break the linguistic nom of the target language. Such as "胆小如鼠"( as timid as a mouse ) "Win-win situation"(双赢局势)"crocodile tears"(鳄鱼的眼泪). All these examples are mostly translated by word-for-word .The structures are remained. Foreignization in the translation of literature is to maintain the particular linguistic expression in native language, which helps the target reader to know cultural differences between different counties. In fact, foreignization is the process of culture transplant, as the diagram shows:A LanguagetranslateB languageA CulturetransplantA CultureA language packed with A culture was translated toB language packed with A culture.A culture was just transplanted. It just moved its place. e.g.(1) 他总是事后诸葛亮.He is always Zhugeliang, the master after the event.(2) Nobody can predict whether another Pandora Box is opened when human can be cloned没有人可以预言对人的克隆是否意味着开了一个潘多拉的盒子会给人类带来各种各样的灾难.(3)"心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分""She looked more sensitive than Pikan, more delicate than His Shih"In these examples, we can see that both sentences remain the original culture and linguistic expression. Reader can learn the source cultures. A Dream of Red Mansions translated by Y angxianyi is the typical example of foreignization.e.g. 闲静时如娇花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风.In repose, she was like a lovely flower mirrored in the water.In motion, a pliant willow swaying in the wind.1.2 what's domesticationDomestication means the opposite of the foreignization. Domestication doesn't emphasis on syntactical and morphological traces of the original, and doesn't maintain the source culture. It close to the target language and let the translation reads like the native language. Domestication is concerned mainly with messages.e.g. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福The weather and human life are both unpredictableBirds of a feather flock together 物以类聚To kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕All these examples are the sense-for sense translation. They didn't maintain the source culture. Domestication is the process of culture , The diagram is as followA LanguagetranslateB languageA CulturetransferB CultureA language packed with A culture was translated toB language packed with B culture, the culture was transferred from A culture to B culture. e.g.(1) 他跟老人招呼了一声"吃过了没有,老伯""Good morning, Grandpa " he greeted the old man.(2) 他总是事后诸葛亮He is always wise after event(3) "No, ye poor, lost soul, that ye mustn't do.""不,你这迷途的羔羊啊!千万不能这样做."The purpose of domestication is to make the text recognizatable and familiar and thus brings the foreign culture close to the reader in the target culture. So in the literature translation, translators often make some semantic extension and abridging lengthy writings,to satisfy the readers'demand. Ducis use domestication in the translation of Hamlet to fit the French taste. And another typical example of domestication is The Story of The Stone translated by David Hawkes.e.g. 闲静时如娇花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风.Their beauty were beyond description. (Hawkes)2,Contrast of foreignization and domesticationAlthough domestication and foreignization are good strategies in literature translation. With the rapid development of cultural communication, the readers' horizon is being greatly widened. Readers are more interested in the different elements of foreign cultures. Foreignization is faithful to the original text and the source cultural spirits. While domestication doesn't emphsis on the equlence with the original text. So foreignization is more acceptable than domestication. Luxun , a great writer ,was the advocator of foreignizing translation in China. He tried to maintain the foreigners of foreign works, in order to introduce news thoughts and ideas into china④(潘文国; P178 ). And in west, Venuti is the representative of foreignization. Foreignization do have more advantage. Here we make some comparisons between foreignization anddomestication.2.1 Comparison of the titles of literatureAs a mode of cultural transmission, the titles of literature also have abundant cultural connotations. Therefore, the translation of titles of literatures are not only a matter of word rendering, but also a matter of culture rendering . If the titles are with somewhat color of foreignal culture. It can attract more target readers. They are more curious about the foreign culture. All these can be reached only through foreignization.For the title of Hong Lou Meng, Hawkes translated it into The Story of The Stone. He just considerated the acceptability of ordinary European readers. He just tried to create an image that conforms to western cultural values. Because stone has deep metaphoric meaning in western literature. While MrY ang translated the title into A Dream of Red Mansions through foreignization. This title is faithful to the source text, and retains the foreignness of Chinese culture. And it will attract the readers who show a real interest in the oriental culture and who also want to keep in close contact with the real culture and the foreignness of that culture.Another example is the famous novel"水浒传". Pearl S.Buck translated it "All Men Are Brothers". Although it's very easy to understand, it's not proper. Because not all the people in Liangshan Marsh, considered others as brothers. It's far from the source text. Sidney Shapiro's Outlaws of The Marsh is better. And there are more good instances, which succeed in using the translation method of foreignization such as Herbert.A.Giles's. "Strange Tales from A Chinese Studio" is not better than Y angxianyi's Selected Tales from Liaozhai. Arthus Waley's Analects of Confucius is better than Thomas Cleary's Essential of Confucius.2.2 Comparison of the translation of kinship termsIn the translation of kinship terms, Y angxianyi mainly uses the method of foreignization, aiming to introduce Chinese culture to the western country, while David Hawkes mainly adopts the method of domestication with the focus on the target readers and omits the honorifics as many as possible. C hinese feudal society is a patriarchal society, which means the rule that center on kindred and gives a judgment about the near and distant relative by lineage. So they emphasized the honorifics. It's obvious that domestication can't show the source culture well.e.g. (1) 宝玉向林黛玉说道:"你听见了没有,难道二姐姐也跟我撒谎不成"……宝玉笑道:"太太不知道这缘故.宝姐姐先在家里住着,那薛大哥的事,他也不知道.……林妹妹在背后羞我,打谅我撒谎呢."(第二十八回)Y ang: Pao-yu appealed to Tai-yu."Y ou heard what's been said. Would my Cousin His-feng back me up if I were lying " "Y ou don't know the reason, madam." Pao-yu grinned. "Even when Cousin Pao-chai lived with her family she didn't know her brother's doingsBut just now Cousin Tai-yu, sitting at the back, drew a finger across her cheek to shame me because she thought I was fibbing."Hawkes: Bao-yu turned to Dai-yu.'Did you hear what Feng said ' he asked her. 'I hope you're not going to say that she was lying.' Bao-yu only laughed. "Y ou don't know the reason, Mother. Bao-chai didn't know a half of what Cousin Xue got up to, even when she was liv ing with her motheroutside; … what you don't realize is that Cousin Lin was all the time sitting behind her making signs to show that she didn't believe me."In this example, there are four appellations including"宝姐姐","薛大哥""二姐姐","林妹妹". "二姐姐"is Wang Hsi-feng who is Pao-yu's cousin and sister-in-law ."宝姐姐" whose mother is his mother's sister is also his girl cousin. "薛大哥"is "宝姐姐"'s brother, therefore, he is Pao-yu's boy cousin. As for "林妹妹", she is his aunt's daughter. All these addressing terms can be translated into "cousin" because the word cousin can designate the children of aunts and uncles with no distinction between male and female, old and young, near and distant. English native speakers usually use "cousin + first name" to call the sons or daughters of their uncles and their aunts. Contrarily, the word "cousin" can indicate all the children of maternal side and paternal side including "姑表哥,堂哥,舅表哥" and so on in Chinese. In Chinese patriarchal clan system, the complicated family tree in large extended family leads to the complex addressing terms. While not in western countries.So they're translated by Hawks respectively into "Bao-chai", "Cousin-Xue", "Cousin Lin", "Feng". However, in Y ang's translation, they are "Cousin Pao-chai", "her brother","Cousin Dai-yu", "my cousin Hsi-feng". Y ang's translation is better because he takes the habitual usage of the target language into consideration. The translation by Hawks may lead to the misunderstanding of the readers. They are likely to think that the first name of Pao-chai And Tai-yu is Xue and Lin respectively.(2) ----"况且这通身的气派,竟不像老祖宗的外孙女,竟是个嫡亲的孙女,怨不得老祖宗天天口头心头一时不忘"-----Y ang:Her whole air is so distinguished! She doesn't take after her father, son-in-law of our Old Ancestress, but looks more like a Chia. No wonder our Old Ancestress couldn't put you out of her mind and was for ever talking or thinking about you Hawkes:And everything about her is so distingue! She doesn't take after your side of the family, Grannie. She's more like Jia.Y angxianyi translated it to "Old Ancestress". It can not only express that WangXi-feng want to show her great respect to Grandmother Jia deliberately, but also emphasize the powerful prestige of Grandmother Jia in the family. While Hawks translated "老祖宗" into "Grannie". It can't let readers know the original meaning. Y angyixian's translation is more close to the original text.2.3 Comparison of the translation of cultural wordsThe cultural word that carries the meaning of a cultural trait particular to a certain socio-cultural community, that is, whose referent is a unique thing or conception, and therefore that has no corresponding equivalent in other communities, when it is used in cross-cultural communication, is called word of cultural unique or culture word⑤( 周志培; P491). In the translation of literature, only through foreignization can the target culture reader know the unique and can particular culture be embodied the cultural difference between original text and target. For instance,谋事在人,成事在天Man proposes, Heaven disposes (Y ang)Man proposes, God disposes ( Hawkes )巧媳妇做不出没米的粥Even the cleverest housewife can't cook a meal without rice (Y ang)Even the cleverest housewife can't make bread without flour (Hawkes )In the two examples, we can compared translation of "天"and"粥".In China people worship"天"(heaven).Because Buddhism has been deeply noted in chinese ideology and they have rice as the main cereal foods. While in the western countries most people are Christians and they believe in God, and because of the different geographical conditional, they have bread. Other examples, such as "sofa" translated "沙发", "coffee" translated "咖啡", New Zealand translated "新西兰", "mini-skirt" translated "迷你裙","饺子"translated "Jiaozi". All these used foreignization to show the unique and particular culture successfullyIn one word, to avoid the loss and distortion of cultural features and also to enrich our language, translators should use the foreignization in the translation of literature as possible as they can, and try their best to transplant foreign cultures into our language and at the same time to introduce our culture to outside world in an acceptable way. 3,Foreignization and domestication exist simultaneously3.1 The defect of overuse foreignizationForeignization has lots of advantages. It's an effective way for the enrichment of the target language and culture, but there is no such thing as absolute foreignization. There is no version, which is completely foreignization from the beginning to end of a text. Foreignization aims to close to the source language. It maintains the original language expression. But in this sense foreignization is limited. For instance, Chinese readers have accepted "上帝" or "黑色星期五", but they may not accept the expression"浑身起鹅皮疙瘩"which is "be gooseflesh all over" in English. And it's likely that Chinese people will never say "胃里有蝴蝶" (have butterflies in one's stomach),when they feel nervous. There is one piece of poetry Autumn Thoughts《天净沙.秋思》马致远枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马.夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯Tr.Schlepp's version ( foreignization)Dry vine, old tree, crows at dusk,Low bridge, stream running, cottages,Ancient road, west wind, lean nag,The sun westeringAnd one with breaking heart at the sky's edgeTr.Ding ZuXin&Burton Raffle's version ( domestication)Withered vines hanging on old branches,Returning crows croaking at dusk.A few houses hidden past a narrow bridge,And below the bridge quiet creek running.Down a worn path, in the west wind,A lean horse comes plodding.The sun dips down in the west,And the lovesick traveler is still at the end of the world.Compared with the domestication version, foreignization version is very close to the content and form of source text, but the space of images for readers is very small. And it let readers feel boring. Overuse foreignization will become imitate the linguistic structure of the original language so as to create a foreignized Chinese.Besides, foreignization is concerned with cultural connotation foreignization is also limited to the receptivity of the target readership which of course is restricted by the recipient environment. For example:我属鸡,我从来不吃鸡,鸡年是我的本命年.I was born in the year of the Rooster. I never eat chicken. The year of the Rooster will bring me good luck or bad luckAfter reading this translation, the target reader may be somewhat confused, because he doesn't understand what's "the year of the Rooster" and why it will bring good or bad luck to a person born in this year. Another example:"难道这是痴丫头,又像颦儿来葬不成"因又笑到:"若真也葬花,可谓东施效颦了,不但不为新奇,而是更可厌.""Can this be another absurd maid come to bury flower like Taiyu " he wondered in some amusement. "If so, she's Tung Shih imitating His Shih," which isn't original but rather tiresome."The target reader also can't understand well this translation. Because the readers don't know His Shih is a famous beauty in the ancient kingdom of Yueh. Tung Shih was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her ways .Just only using foreignization, the target readers may be arise ambiguity or unreadability of the translation even caused by cultural default.3.2 The merit of domesticationWhen foreignization can't express the original text and original cultural connotation well. Domestication is a good choice. In fact, domestication also has its own merit. Domestication translation is concerned mainly with message. It's reader-based. It has a great communicative function of the translation. It's easy for the target reader to comprehend and accept the translated version.For example, the famous English works The Red Shoes describes the devious and touching experiment of a young ballet dancer during the time when she dedica tes herself to the ballet art. The writer of the original scenario uses the kill of metonymy, comparing "red shoes" to the heroin, showing her pursuit of art and her longing for love. The title of the works is concise and vivid. If it was translated into Chinese as "红鞋子",for Chinese readers, it must sound vulgar. The translator uses the Chinese word "红菱", whose color is bright and whose shape is elegant to translate "the red shoes". And the Chinese word "红菱" is also full of Chinese cultural connotation. Another Chinese word"菱" not only can modify "红菱", displaying its bright color, but also describes the beauty of the heroin's pursuit of art and love. The translated version is concise and dainty and abundant in artistic inspiration. It's a good example succeeding in using the method of domestication.In Chinese culture, the concept of "福" has wide range of associative meaning, suchas happiness, good fortune and so on, which is very specific to a native Chinese. There is a popular saying in china. That's "福无双至,祸不单行",which means "blessings never come in pairs; misfortunes never come singly". On the birthday of a senior Chinese ,people like "福如东海,寿比南山", which means "I wish you long life and happiness". And during the Spring Festival, the Chinese character "福" can be seen everywhere in china, as part of the Spring Festival couplets. So based on above analysis, when it necessary, domestication also can be used. And translator should know to what extent foreignization or domestication is allowed.3.3 Both foreignization and domestication make text perfectWith the rapid development of cultural globalization, nowadays the main target of translation is to unfold foreign cultures for the readers as much as possible. In this sense, a good translation of literature must be examined at least from those two aspects: one is preserve its exotic elements and the other is to be well understood and accepted by the target readers. Domestication strategy is employed on linguistic level, while foreignization on cultural level. So foreignization and domestication can't be separated completely. Only both of them exist simultaneously in the translation of literature, which make the text perfect. Take the《天净沙.秋思》(Autumn Thoughts) as an example again. The following is the Tr.Arthus Sze's version.Withered vine,old tree,crows.A small bridge,flowing water,houses.Ancient road,west wind,lean horse.Sun sinking,in the west—And a man,crushed,at the sky's edge.In this version, author used not only foreignization, such as "withered vine, old tree," but also domestication,like "a man crushed at the sky's edge". It brings readers a large sight and thus create literary images. It's like a vivid picture, which lead readers into a desolate, sorrowful atmosphere. There is another typical example of using both foreignization and domestication succeedlyPrologueTwo households, both alike in dignity,In fair V erona, where we lay our scence,From ancient grudge, break to new mutiny,Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.From forth the fatal loins of these two foesA pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;Whose misadventur'd piteous overthrowsDo, with their death, bury their parents' strife.The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,And the continuance of their parents' rage,Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,Is now the two hours' traffick of our stage;The which if you with patient ears attend,What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.(Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet)故事发生在维洛那名城,有两家门户相当的巨族,累世的宿怨激起了新争,鲜血把市民的白手污渎.是命运注定这两家仇敌,生下了一双不幸的恋人,他们的悲惨凄凉的殒灭,和解了他们交恶的尊亲.这一段生生死死的恋爱,还有那两家父母的嫌隙,把一对多情的儿女杀害,演成了今天这一本戏剧.交代过这几句挈领提纲,请诸位耐着心细听端详.(朱生豪译)This is a famous poetry. There are 14 sentences. From the whole form, poet used foreignization. The rhyme method of the original poetry is "abab cdcd efefgg". While that of the translation version isn't so well-arranged, which considers the acceptiability of target readers. We can see it is domestication.From the analysis of those above examples, because of using both foreignization and domestication, the target readers can accept the translation version easily, and they can also learn some foreign culture.4,ConclusionIn short, foreignization and domestication are very important concepts in deciding a translator's approaches to the linguistic and cultural differences of the source text. But some scholars declared that domestication translation was the main trend in the last century, the 21st century would mostly embrace foreignizing translation③(孙萍; P172 )As the inter-communication between countries becomes more and more frequent. People emphases the inter-cultural communication stronger and stronger. And in the translation of literature, foreignization aims for cultural transfer. The tendency of literature translation strategies will be foreignization. However, there's no absolute foreignization. Translator shouldn't neglect domestication in the translation of literature. The first choice is foreignization, the last resort is domestication②. (赵明; P27) Both domestication and foreignization exist simultaneously. The two strategies can supplement each other and coexist forever in disseminating cultures andpromoting the development of different cultures. Bibliography……………………………………………………..①《英汉互译理论与实践》编著:陈秋劲Richard B.l dauf,Jr (澳)David Gordon Ether i dge (加) 武汉大学出版社2005②《语际翻译与文化交融》——汉英互译的理论与实践编著: 赵明中国矿业大学出版社2003③《英汉翻译导论》(英) 编著:孙萍吉林大学出版社2004④Translation and Contrastive Studies: Proceedings of 2002 International Symposium on Contrastive and Translation Studies Between Chinese and English主编: 潘文国上海外语教育出版社2005⑤《英汉对比与翻译中的转换》周志培著邵志洪审华东理工大学出版社2003⑥《文学翻译佳作对比赏析》主编:崔永禄南开大学出版社2001⑦《英汉语比较与翻译》主编: 杨自俭上海外语教育出版社2000。
Cd cadmium
AWS advanced wet station
Manufacturing and Science
Sb antimony
B billion; boron
Ba barium
BARC bottom antireflective coating
BASE Boston Area Semiconductor Education (Council)
ACF anisotropic conductive film
ACI after-clean inspection
ACP anisotropic conductive paste
ACT alternative control techniques; actual cycle time
Al aluminum
ALD atomic layer deposition
ALE atomic layer epitaxy; application logic element
ALS advanced light source; advanced low-power Schottky
A/D analog to digital
AA atomic absorption
AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy
ABC activity-based costing
ABM activity-based management
AC alternating current; activated carbon
小学上册英语第5单元测验试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. (Treaty) of Tordesillas divided the New World between Spain and Portugal. The ____2.We are going to the ______ (mall) tomorrow.3.I have a collection of ______ (玩具车) that I love to race with my friends.4.Goldfish live in a _______ (鱼缸).5.The first successful vaccine was developed by _____.6.He has a ___ of books. (collection)7.The ________ was a crucial battle in the American Civil War.8.I found a _______ (小蛇) in the grass.9.She rides her ______ to school. (bike)10.I like to ride my ______ (skateboard).11.My dog wags its _________ (尾巴) when happy.12.The chemical formula for bismuth trioxide is _____.13.Distilled water is free of ______.14.The Himalayas are home to Mount _______.15.The fish swims in _______ (水族箱).16. A __________ (化学工具) aids in conducting precise experiments.17.She is ________ (happy) today.18.The city of Sydney is famous for its ________ (悉尼以其________而闻名).19.I want to travel to ______ someday.20.The discovery of ________ has transformed our understanding of biology.21. A mixture that can be separated by chemical means is called a ______.22.I have a toy _______ that lights up and brings happiness to my day.23.The parrot mimics sounds it hears from _________. (人)24.The ______ (植物观察) teaches us about growth.25.This student, ______ (这个学生), is very hardworking.26.The phone is ________ ringing.27.The ________ grows in many colors and sizes.28.My mom loves to make ____ (salads) in the summer.29.My sister has a pet _____ that loves to cuddle.30.I see a rainbow in the ______ (sky).31.The __________ (历史的连接) fosters understanding.32.I enjoy cooking with my _______ (家庭成员). It’s a fun way to spend time together.33.I have a _____ (journal) for my thoughts.34.I enjoy planting ________ in different colors.35.The man has a funny ________.36.I love to ______ (与朋友一起) volunteer.37. A substance that forms ions in solution is called an ______.38.The country famous for its music is ________ (阿根廷).39.Building a challenge with ____ is exciting! (玩具名称)40.The children are _____ around the fire. (sitting)41.My favorite subject is _____ (math/science).42.What is the chemical symbol for water?A. O2B. CO2C. H2OD. NaCl答案:c43.My friend saw a ______ (蜗牛) on the sidewalk.44.The __________ is known for its unique geological features. (黄石公园)45.Which animal is known for its black and white stripes?A. TigerB. ZebraC. LeopardD. Cheetah答案: B46.The garden has many different ______.47.Many cultures use plants in __________ (传统).48.The park is _______ (适合家庭) activities.49.The higher you go, the _______ the air pressure.50.The first modern Olympics were held in _______. (雅典)51. A _____ (植物图谱) can illustrate plant varieties.52.I can see a ____ in the tree.53.I can ______ (定期) reflect on my progress.54. A ladybug is ______ (小) and often red with spots.55.The ____ has large ears and hears sounds far away.56.The __________ (历史的传说) convey cultural significance.57.The _____ is the area around a black hole where gravity is extremely strong.58.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Iraq?A. BabylonB. NinevehC. UrukD. Assur答案:A.Babylon59.The ______ (植物的特征) can inform garden design.60.What do we call a place where you can see many animals?A. ZooB. FarmC. ParkD. Aquarium答案:A61. A mountain is higher than a __________.62.The dog is ______ at the stranger. (barking)63.My sister enjoys __________ (骑马).64.We are learning about ________ (动物).65.My sister enjoys __________ (参与社团).66.The __________ (历史的交汇) enriches our narratives.67.The ancient Chinese practiced ______ (丝绸) making.68.ts have a long _____ (生命周期). Some pla69.The __________ (城市) skyline is amazing at night.70.The first successful abdominal transplant was performed in ________.71.The sun is ______ (setting) in the evening.72.The __________ helps to break down food in the stomach.73.The Earth is located in the Orion ______.74.The _____ (house) is big.75.His favorite food is ________.76.The ______ teaches us how to draw well.77.biodiversity) in rainforests is very high. The ____78.We can find __________ in the ocean.79.The discovery of __________ (青铜) marked the beginning of the Bronze Age.80. A ____(partner organization) collaborates on initiatives.81.What is the opposite of "happy"?A. JoyfulB. SadC. ExcitedD. Angry答案:B82.How many colors are there in a rainbow?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8答案:C.783.Birds can _______ in the sky.84.The sun sets in the __________.85.I like to collect ______ (邮票) from different countries. Each one tells a ______ (故事).86. A strong base has a pH closer to ______.87.What is the name of the famous archaeological site in Mexico?A. TeotihuacanB. Machu PicchuC. Chichen ItzaD. Tikal答案:C. Chichen Itza88. A circuit must be _______ for electricity to flow.89.The sandwich is very ___ (tasty/dull).90.What is the name of the famous fictional detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle?A. Hercule PoirotB. Sam SpadeC. Sherlock HolmesD. Miss Marple 答案: C. Sherlock Holmes91.The movie was very ________.92.The _______ can be a great topic for science projects.93.My ________ (玩具名称) has a face that smiles.94.The _______ (小鳄鱼) sunbathes on the riverbank.95.The __________ (历史的心灵) resonate with generations.96.The __________ (Renaissance) was a period of great cultural revival in Europe.97. A __________ is a geological feature that can influence land use planning.98.The goldfish is one of the most popular ______ (宠物) in homes.99. A chemical bond is formed when atoms ______.100.We will have a ________ next week.。
高三英语科学前沿单选题30题1.The discovery of a new planet is a major breakthrough in the field of_____.A.astronomyB.biologyC.chemistryD.physics答案:A。
A 项“astronomy”天文学,发现新行星是天文学领域的重大突破;B 项“biology”生物学,与发现新行星无关;C 项“chemistry”化学,也不符合题意;D 项“physics”物理学,同样不涉及发现新行星。
2.The study of the human brain belongs to the field of_____.A.psychologyB.neuroscienceC.geologyD.mathematics答案:B。
A 项“psychology”心理学,主要研究心理现象;B 项“neuroscience”神经科学,研究人类大脑;C 项“geology”地质学,与大脑无关;D 项“mathematics”数学,也不涉及大脑研究。
3.The development of new materials is an important area in_____.A.engineeringB.literatureC.historyD.art答案:A。
A 项“engineering”工程学,涉及新材料的开发;B 项“literature”文学,不相关;C 项“history”历史,不符合;D 项“art”艺术,与新材料开发无关。
4.The research on climate change is mainly carried out in the field of_____.A.geographyB.economicsC.politicsD.music答案:A。
A 项“geography”地理学,气候变化的研究主要在地理学领域进行;B 项“economics”经济学,与气候变化研究的关系不大;C 项“politics”政治学,不是主要领域;D 项“music”音乐,完全不相关。
交卷时间:2015-10-16 11:28:31
(2 分)He regretted _______the decision too hastily.
A. make B. to make C. making D. have made
得分: 0 知识点: 新视野英语(二),新视野英语(二)作业题,新发展英语综合教程(二),新发展英语 综合教程(二)作业题 展开解析
得分: 2 知识点: 新视野英语(二),新视野英语(二)作业题,新发展英语综合教程(二),新发展英语 综合教程(二)作业题 展开解析
答案 C 解析 18.
(2 分)-- What made her so upset?--_____the necklace______ yesterday. A. Lost, bought B. Lost, buying C. Losing, having bought D. Losing, bought
得分: 2 知识点: 新视野英语(二),新视野英语(二)作业题,新发展英语综合教程(二),新发展英语 综合教程(二)作业题 展开解析
答案 C 解析 14.
(2 分)Human beings should find a new _______ of energy. A. orient B. source C. origin D. souse
A. are B. is C. have D. has
得分: 2 知识点: 新视野英语(二),新视野英语(二)作业题,新发展英语综合教程(二),新发展英语 综合教程(二)作业题 展开解析
答案 D 解析 10.
(2 分)---- What did Mrs Green do yesterday afternoon?---- She went to the market, ______ some bananas and visited her cousin.
大学英语 冠词
冠词1.Please bring me___a__ black coffee.2.The Browns go to ___/__ church every Sunday morning.3.The servants are paid by__the___hour.4.Children are curious by ___/___ nature.5.This kind of skirt was quite in fashion in _the___ fifties.6.She is shopping at __the__butcher’s .7.__/__ policeman as he is, he has no right to do such things.8.He has turned __/___ English teacher after learning at a teachers college for 3 years.9.Physics is ___a_ science.10.The foreign guests went to visit the school in __a_ car.11.He lives in ___/_ sight of the school.12.We are ready to start at _/_ short notice.13.Be concise and to __the___ point.14.The criminals ran along the street and set the cars on _/__ fire.15.Gun in _/__ hand, the hunter was approaching the beast very quietly.16.__The____ United Nation/s was founded in 1945.17.As__/ mayor of the city, it is my privilege to welcome you.18._The__ English often drink beer in pubs.19.The enemy was shot in __the_ head.20.Is the foreign teacher __a_ European?21. He is in ___the___ habit of drinking some tea after dinner.22.He studied hard with _a__ view to serving the people better in future.23.Most of the goods here are sold at__a discount.24.As __a_ rule, we get up at a bout six o’clock.25.We managed to wipe out all his troops on __the__ spot.26.She was on ___the_ point of going away when Betty came in.27.All of _a__ sudden, they burst into tears.28.Suger is sold by __the___ kilogram.29.Is the bookstore on _/__ Nanjing Road?30.____The___Wilsons often dine with us.形容词和副词1.Besides being expensive, the food in the dining room tastes __ ____ _DA. badlyB. too badlyC. much badD.bad2.He made sure it was safe before he went__ __. _AA.nearB.nearlyC.more nearlyD.a little near3.The little man was _ ___ one metre fifty high. DA. nearly more thanB. just as much asC. almost more thanD. hardly more than4.If the taxi arrives_ __ we shall miss our flight. C_A. latelyB. of lateC. lateD.more later5.If you have a motorcycle, you are__ __ trains and buses. _DA. isolated fromB. separated fromC. independent onD. independent of6.He thinks very ___ of me. _B_A. highB.highlyC. heightD.a little high7.The snowball hit __ _ the rose. _AA. me right onB. right me onC. me rightly onD. rightly me on8.He stopped___ __ in the middle of his story. BA shortly a short wayD. with short9.He opened the door__ _ to let in some fresh air. _DA. widelyB. in a wide wayC. broadlyD. wide10.Having walked such a long distance, he felt ___ __ tired. A_A.prettyB. too muchC. nearlyD. prettily11.Isn’t the little girl dressed_ __? _BA.prettyB. prettilyC.fairlyD.fine12.You can eat __ ___ in my restaurant whenever you like. D_A.freelyB. without moneyC.with no chargeD. free13.She was___ in the crash. C_A. deadly injuredB. deadly hurtC. fatally injuredD. fatally hurt14.My friends are _ __ . C__A. most teachersB. most of teachersC. mostly teachersD. teachers mostly15.This broadcast comes to you _ ___ from the stadium. AA.liveB. livelyC.aliveD. living16.The two sisters look exactly__ __; it’s hard to tell one from the other. AA. alikeB.likelyC. the sameD. like17.An enemy officer was caught_ ___ AA. aliveB.livingC. livelyD.live18.I am not going to the football game because the tickets are _ ___ expensive . _BA. very muchB. far tooC. so muchD. highly19.Since she has lived in France for such a long time, she can speak_____. _C_A.fluently FranceB. French fluentC. fluent FrenchD. French with fluent20.We’ll get_ __by train if we leave tonight. enough thereB. there fast enoughC. there enough fastD. enough fast there21.Would you be _ __ do it for me, please? _DA.kind enoughB. as kind as kind toD. so kind as to22.He came to work at the University thirty years_ ___ today. _AA.agoB. beforeC.sinceD.from23.No one imagined that the apparently__ __ businessman was really a criminal. AA. respectableB. respectfulC. respectiveD. relevant24.She is so_ _ that she cried for days when her pet rabbit died. D_A.sensibleB.sensationalC.impressiveD.sensitive25.----“Do you think that the suggestion will be accepted?”----“Oh, yes. It’s__ ___ that it will.” BA.almost surelyB. very likelyC.near positiveD. quite certainly26. ---“I had to pay ten dollars for this vase.”---“It’s probably_____.” BA.worthB. worth itC.worth toD. worth of it27.Spending the money, he felt__ ___. a wealthy manB. like a wealthy manC. as a man of if being a wealthy man28. .----“when can we come to visit you?”----“Any time you feel_____.”_CA.soB. for itD. to29.The sky looks __ __. to rainB. like if rainingD. like rain30.Don’t be too __ him; he is a dishonest man. _A_A.familiar withB. familiar toacC.loyal withD.close with31.We’ll take our holiday_ ___ in August, I think. BA.some timeB. sometimeC.sometimesD. some times32.She wished she had stood__ ___. CA. firmlyB. in frimnessC. firmD. with frimness33. Some children will run_ __ if they are not properly taught. DA.wildlyB.with wildD. wild34.He buys __ __ he can afford. expensive clothes asB. as clothes expensive asC. expensive clothes asD. clothes as expensive as35.He knows little of mathematics , _ __ of chemistry. CA. as well asB. no less thanC. and still lessD. and still more主谓一致1. Not only I but also Jane and Mary _ ___ accepted into the company. CA. hasB. haveC. have beenD. has been2. Nobody but Jane___ ____ the secret. BA. knowB. knowsC. have knownD. is known3. All but one _ __ here just now. _DA. isB. wasC. has beenD. were4. A library with five thousand books __ __ Ato the nation as a gift.A. is offeredB. has offeredC. are offeredD. have offered5.When and where to build the new factory__ ___ yet. _AA. is not decidedB. are not decidedC. has not decidedD. have decided6. The number of the people invited ___ _Bfifty, but a number of them were absent for different reasons.A. wereB. wasC. areD. is7.My family, together with some of his old friends, __ __ there already. CA. will beB. had beenC. have beenD. has been8. I know that all__ __ getting on well with her. CA. wereB. wasC. is D are9. More than one answer _ __ to the question. C_A. had givenB. were givenC. has been givenD. have been given10.A professor and writer __ __ present at the meeting last Friday. BA. have beenB. wasC. wereD. is11.No one except John and Tom _ __ the examination. A_A. has passedB. have passedC. had passedD. are passed12.Two hours __ __ the limit of this test. DA. areB. has beenC. have beenD. is13.He is one of the boys who always _ ___ well at school. CA. doesB. didC. doD. done14.Although the first part of the book appears easy, the rest__ ___ rather difficult. BA. areB. isC. wereD. was15.Every means __ __ tried but without much result. AA. has beenB.have beenC.areD.is16.Peter , as well as his two sisters Sonda and Emily,__ ____ left-handed. AA.isB. hasC. areD. have17.What I saw__ ___ two men attacking the policeman. BA. WereB. wasC. hasD.has been18.None of these materials_ _ conductors. _BA.isB.areC.had beenD.were19.All that can be done_____. _C_A. have been doneB. have doneC. has been doneD. has done20.All but __ ___ going to the party. D_A. he and I amB. him an d me amC. he and me areD. he and I are倒装句1. So fast___ ___ that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. B_A. light travelB. does light travelC. travels lightD. has light travelled2.That scientist isn’t too happy with the project, and_______. C_A. so are her supervisorsB. either are her supervisorsC. neither are her supervisorsD. so her supervisors are3._ ___ the door than somebody started knocking on it. _B_A. I had closed no soonerB. I had no sooner closedC. No sooner have I closedD. No sooner I closed4.Is this beautiful? Yes, it is. ___ _____. DA. Rarely before have I seen thisB. Rarely I have seen this beforeC. Rarely have I seen before thisD. Rarely have I seen this before5._ ___but he also proved himself a good athlete. _BA. He showed himself not only a good studentB. Not only did he show himself a good studentC. He showed not only himself a good studentD. Not only he showed himself a good student6.Nowhere else along the coast_ __ such shallow water so far from land. A_A. is thereB. there isC. it isD. is7.___ _did we try to persuade her to give up her plan. C_A. In failureB. With no resultC. In vainD. With no end8._ ____I couldn’t lift the box. _DA. As I might tryB. Try although I mightC. As try I mightD. Try as I might9. ___ __ from the tenth floor when the policeman pointed his pistol at him. C_A. Jumped down the burglarB. Down the burglar jumpedC. Down jumped the burglarD. Down did the burglar jump10. “ What is there around the corner?”“__ __.”B_A. Around the corner there stands two stores.B. Around the corner stand two stores.C. There are two stores stand around the corner.D. Two stores stand there around the corner.11._ ___the discovery of a new compound. _A_A. Then followedB. Then did it beforeC. Then it followedD. Then there followed12._ __when China had to depend on foreign countries for oil. _C_A. Forever gone are the daysB. Forever are the days goneC. Gone forever are the daysD. Gone forever the days are13.__ ___do we hear such fine singing from school choirs(合唱团). DA. RatherB. NotC. AlmostD. Seldom14._ ___today, he would get there by Friday _CA. Would he leaveB. Was he leavingC. Were he to leaveD. If he leave15. It was not until Mr. Smith came toChina_ __ what kind of country she is. C_A. did he knowB. does he knowC. that he knewD. that he knows16. Across the river ___. __B_A. a new built bridge liesB. lies a newly-built bridgeC. does a newly-built bridge liesD. a newly-built bridge lies there17. Only then__ __ what “revolution” meant. CA. I realizedB. I do realizeC. did I realizeD. I did realize18.“look, here______.”_C__A. the teacher comesB. comes heC. he comesD. is coming the teacher19._ __should one ignore his mistakes. _D_A. To any extentB. In any eventC. In spite of allD. By no means20.__ __with whom we are familiar. BA. Here the professor comesB. Here comes the professorC. Comes here the professorD. The professor comes here。
⼤学英语⼆期末复习⼤学英语(⼆)期末复习资料听⼒Longconversation⼀.1. A.Sheimpressesthemanwithherperformance.B.Shehasnodifficultyfinishingtheassignments.C.Sheoftenfailstoturninherhomeworkontime.D.Shecomeslatetoclassfromtimetotime.2. A.Itimprovesherperformanceinothersubjects.B.Itenableshertohelpherfatherinbusiness.C.ItmakesherloseinterestinSpanish.D.Itpresentsgreatdifficultyforher.3. A.Hehasagoodpersonalrelationshipwiththewoman.B.Hescoldsthewomanforchallenginghisauthority.C.HethinksthewomanhasagiftforSpanish.D.Hedislikesgivingadvicetohisstudents.4. A.Engageincreativeactivities.B.Tryherbesttopleaseherfather.C.WorkharderinherSpanishclass.D.Exercisetostrengthenhermuscles.⼆、1. A.Therearesomanyplantsthatitishardtoseethesky.B.Manyplantsaresickbecauseoflackofsunlight.C.Theplantsaremorespectacularthanshehaseverdreamed.D.Theplantsstrugglehardtoseethesunortheskyabove.2. A.Theyenjoybeingsofarawayfromtechnology.B.Theylivemilesandmilesawayfromeachother.C.Theynevertravelmorethan15milesalongtheriver.D.Theyareseparatedfromtheworldoutsideofthejungle.3. A.BecauseEmilyshowedheragreattreasure.B.BecauseEmilyhelpedherwinabigprize.C.BecauseEmilygaveheranemptybottle.D.BecauseEmilygaveherabottleofwine.4. A.Smallandcommonthingsshouldalsobevalued.B.Localpeopleintherainforestareeasiertoplease.C.Withoutmoderntechnologylifecanbequitedifferent.D.Localpeopleintherainforesttakemodernlifeforgranted.三、1. A.Theylikethelifestyleatthebeginningofthe1960s.B.Theyareinspiredbytheentertainmentofthe1960s.C.Theyarebigfansoffamousactressesinthe1960s.D.Theyarelikelytodresslikepeopleinthe1960s.2. A.Theyarebrightlycolored.B.TheyareinhonorofthemovieTheGodfather.C.Theyarenoodlespopularinthe1970s.D.Theyareservedonbrightgreenleaves.3. A.Becauseregularnoodlesdon'tfitthethemeoftheparty.B.Becausealiennoodlesarebetterthanregularnoodles.C.Becausetheywanttogiveeveryoneabigsurprise.D.Becausetheydon'tlikethemovieTheGodfather.4. A.TheywillwatchsomeclassicmoviesandoldTVshows.B.Theywillstartwithsomelightdessertsandcoffee.C.Theywillhaveadrinkingcontestataspecialbar.D.Theywillmakeandhavefancymixeddrinks.四、1. A.Theyarefoolish.B.Theyarespoiled.C.Theyareattractive.D.Theyarefashionable.2. A.Shewantedtohaveherpictureonthefrontcoverofmagazines.B.ShewantedtouseherfametohelpstarvingchildreninAfrica.C.Shewantedtobefamoussothatshecouldearnmoremoney.D.ShewantedtolookfashionablelikeHollywoodactresses.3. A.Hewasquitepleasedwithherplan.B.Hehaddoubtaboutherrealintentions.C.Hethoughtsheshouldhelpfeedthehungry.D.Heencouragedhertoworkwithcharityorganizations.4. A.Shewillprovethatshehasexcellentfashionsense.B.Shewillgiveupherplanofbeingafamousactress.C.Shewillbeavolunteerandhelpafewpeopleatatime.D.Shewillsticktoheroriginalplanandproveittotheman.五、1. A.SheisgoingtomovetoSantaFe.B.SheisgoingtohaveatriptoSantaFe.C.SheisgoingtogetanewjobinSantaFe.D.SheisgoingtovisitherhusbandinSantaFe.2. A.Itistedious.B.Itseemsgreat.C.Itlooksunique.D.Itsoundsamazing.3. A.Itscoffeeshops.B.Itsrestaurants.C.Itsnightlife.D.Itshistory.4. A.Itsbeautifulshops.B.Itscolorfulscenery.C.Itsuniquearchitecture.D.Itsvariousartgalleries六、1. A.Shedoesnotknowwheretostartforherjobs.B.Shehasbeenscaredtodeathbytakingpart-timejobs.C.Sheplanstodosomepart-timejobsfirst.D.SheplanstofindaninternshipatMicrosoft.2. A.HewenttotheStudentUnion.B.HesenthisresumetoMicrosoft.C.HewentovertotheCareerCenter.D.HegotinformationfromtheInternet.3. A.QuitherjobatMcDonald's.B.SeekhelpfromtheCareerCenter.C.TrytogetaninternshipatMicrosoft.D.Reviewherresumecarefullybyherself.4. A.Ajoboffer.B.Agoodplan./doc/76a548a55cf7ba0d4a7302768e9951e79b8969d1.html rmation.D.Aninternship.七、1. A.Hetoldhisgrandmotherfunnystories.B.Hetaughthisgrandmotherhowtouseelectronicgadgets.C.Hecleaneduphisgrandmother'sapartment.D.HehelpedhisgrandmothermovetoWashingtonD.C.2. A.Sherefusestohaveanynewelectronicgadgets.B.Sheisunabletouseherhouseholdelectronicitems.C.Shehasdifficultyadaptingtothelifeinthisnewcity.D.Sheordersthemantosetuphouseholdelectronicitems.3. A.Theyarebothreluctanttolearnhowtouseelectricitems.B.Theyarebothlearninghowtouseemails.C.Theyarebothtoooldtotryanythingnew.D.Theybothtakelessonstouseelectronicitems.4. A.GethereasyandfunWiigolfgames.B.SpendtimeplayingWiitenniswithher.C.Trytomakeherinterestedinelectronicitems.D.Buyhervideogamesmadeforelderlypeople.⼋、1. A.Becausehewantedtochangehismajor.B.Becausehisparentsgavehimmuchstress.C.Becausehehadtomakeacrucialdecision.D.Becausehehadtoomanydreamjobsinhismind.2. A.Studentscannotchangetheirmajoroncethey'vedecided.B.Moststudentsusuallydon'twanttochangetheirmajor.C.Studentsareallowedtochangetheirmajoronlyonce.D.Moststudentschangetheirmajoratleastonce.3. A.Heisabigpicturekindofguy.B.Heisadetail-focusedguy.C.Heisaquietandeasygoingguy.D.Heisadetail-focusedandoutgoingguy.4. A.Business.B.Marketing.C.Mathematics./doc/76a548a55cf7ba0d4a7302768e9951e79b8969d1.html puterdesign. Passage⼀、1. A.Sheworkedaheadofscheduleandskippedalevel.B.SheenjoyedthetraditionalmethodoflearningSpanish.C.Shefeltdiscouragedwhilestudyinginthetoplevelclass.D.Sheshoweddissatisfactionwiththeslowpaceofherclass.2. A.Shehadtolearnthematerialthatshealreadyknew.B.Shehadtostudysentencestructuresandgrammar.C.Shefailedtopassthetestinthetoplevelclass.D.Shehadtolearnwithateachershedidn'tlike.3. A.ItarousedinherastronginterestinSpanishculture.B.Itexcludedtheuseofotherlanguagesintheclassroom.C.Itprovedtobeanunbalancedwaytolearnthelanguage.D.Itexploredtheculturalandlanguageelementsingreatdepth.4. A.Sheworkedasaninterpreterinacompany.B.ShevolunteeredtoworkinaSpanishchurch.C.SheactedasatouristguideinatriptoMexico.D.ShetaughtSpanishspeakershowtospeakEnglish.⼆、1. A.Theymayknowtherealmeaningofnatureexperiences.B.Theymayknowhowdistanttheyarefromnature.C.Theymaygainarealexperienceofnature.D.Theymaybemoredistantfromtheactualnature.2. A.Byexperiencingitwiththefivesenses.B.BygoingtotheforestsoftheAmazon.C.BywatchingtheDiscoveryChannel.D.BygoingtothewildsofAfrica.3. A.Natureistoomysterioustounderstand.B.Natureseemsveryfarawayfromthem.C.Parksandgardensarenotpreciousnature.D.Backyardtreesandflowersarepartofnature.4. A.Natureprogramsaregoodforadultsbutnotgoodforchildren.B.Parksandgardensaregoodplacestoexperiencenature.C.Childrenshouldlearnalotofknowledgeaboutnature.D.Realnatureexperiencescomefromphysicalcontactwithnature.三、1. A.Hewillsoongraduatefromschool.B.HewatchesTVintheeveningslately.C.Heusuallygoesshoppingonweekends.D.Hespendseighthoursatschoolonweekdays.2. A.Goingforlongwalksinthecountryside.B.Goingwithhisfriendstohiscottage.C.Goingdowntownwithhisfamily.D.Goingcanoeingwithhisfamily.3. A.Havingcanoeingcompetitions.B.Preparingfoodalongtheriverside.C.Havingswimmingraces.D.Driftingdowntheriver.4. A.Spendingtheeveningtalkingwithfriends.B.Cookingsausagesoverthecampfire.C.Singingsongsaroundthecampfire.D.Cookingpotatoesinthehotashes.四、1. A.Hewasveryactiveincommunityservice.B.Hedidquitewellinmathematicsandscience.C.Hehadexcellentrecordsinalmostallsubjects.D.Hesearchedforinformationtokeephimselfbusy.2. A.BecausehemetaprogrammercalledAllenthere.B.BecausehejoinedInformationSciencesInc.there.C.Becausehelikedtheseriousacademicenvironmentthere.D.Becauseitwastherehehadhisfirstcontactwithacomputer.3. A.HarvardUniversitymadehimfeelbored.B.HarvardUniversityarousedhisinterestinprogramming.C.HarvardUniversitygavehimnewideasforfutureprojects.D.HarvardUniversitymadehimdevotedtoseriousacademicwork.4. A.Hedevelopedasmallcomputertomeasuretrafficflow.B.Heformedthe"ProgrammersGroup"atHarvardUniversity.C.Hespentmanylongnightsinfrontoftheschool'scomputer.D.Hediscussedwithhisclassmatesaboutstartinganewbusiness.五、1. A.Thatparentshavingfull-timejobshavetokeeplittlekidsoccupied.B.Thatparentsbuytheiryoungkidsexpensiveelectronicproducts.C.Thatparentshavetotrytheirutmosttokeeptheirkidsquiet.D.Thatparentslivinginthecityhavelittlepeaceandquiet.2. A.Lego.B.Coloredpencils.C.Buildingblocks.D.Old-fashionedpaperbooks.3. A.Theymakeforexcellententertainment.B.Theyareusefulfortheannualfamilyvacation.C.Theykeepchildrenatdifferentagelevelsoccupied.D.Theyarehelpfulwhengoingtothegrocerystore.4. A.Itisadvisable.B.Itiswasteful.C.Itissurprising.D.Itisunderstandable.六、1. A.Ithasincreased57percentsince2011.B.Ithasincreased200percentsince1970.C.Ithasreached65millionin1964.D.Ithasincreased46millionsince1964.2. A.Alotofwomenaredoingpart-timejobs.B.Mostwomenareengagedinlower-endjobs.C.Chiefexecutiveisthebest-payingjobforwomen.D.Womenonaverageearntwo-thirdsasmuchasmen.3. A.Aphysicianorasurgeon.B.Achiefexecutiveofficer.C.Ahealthcareworker.D.Apharmacist.4. A.Itisgloomy.B.Itisdeclining.C.Itisuncertain.D.Itispromising.七、1. A.Virtualimage.B.Virtualpastime.C.Virtualequation.D.Windowshopping.2. A.Shoppingwebsites.B.Travelwebsites.C.Musicwebsites.D.Newswebsites.3. A.Peopleunder25weremorelikelytowilfthanthoseaged55andabove.B.Womenconfessedthatwilfingdamagedtherelationshipwiththeirpartners.C.Internetusersspentnomorethan30percentoftheirInternettimewilfing.D.WomentendedtospendmoretimewilfingontheInternetthanmen.4. A.Byusingappealingadvertisements.B.Byusingtransferringmechanisms.C.Bylinkingwithpopularwebsites.D.Byusingpop-uptechnologyandbulkemails.⼋、1. A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.2. A.Femalebossesusuallycriticizethemfortheirwrongdoings.B.Femalebossesusuallytakenoaccountoftheirsituations.C.Femalebossesusuallyencouragethemandguidethem.D.Femalebossesusuallyenjoyworkingwiththem.3. A.Becausetheyaremorelikelytobedismissedforpoorwork.B.Becausetheywanttodobetterthanmalemanagers.C.Becausetheyarequitegoodatsolvingproblems.D.Becausetheyarebarelyfunctioningmanagers.4. A.Womenmanagersarebettermanagersthanmen.B.Womenmanagersoftenfaceadoublestandard.C.Womenmanagersarewidelyacceptedandapproved.D.Womenmanagersarerecognizedasmoreeffective.英译汉第⼀单元⼀堂难忘的英语课1如果我是唯⼀⼀个还在纠正⼩孩英语的家长,那么我⼉⼦也许是对的。
2023届上海市青浦区高三下学期二模英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、用单词的适当形式完成短文Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.A New Orchid was Found in JapanNature is full of secrets. There are still many things to find out about it. One of those things was discovered last week in Japan. It is rare to find a new plant in Japan. An amateur naturalist came across a new species of orchid ___1___ other flowers in Tokyo. Scientists also found the flower elsewhere in other districts, an indication that the new species ___2___ deserve further investigation.The newly-found orchid is beautiful. It is pink and white, it has a central stem, around___3___ grow tiny, bell-shaped flowers, and its delicate petals (花瓣) look like they are made from glass. The flower is a neighbor to a(n) ___4___ (relate) orchid species common in Japan.Sometimes unknown species are often living right under our noses — in parks, gardens and even in planters on balconies. That’s ___5___ researchers in Japan recently recognized this new species of orchid. Professor Kenji Suetsugu from Kobe University said the discovery of new species in usual places means it is necessary to keep exploring, even in everyday places that ___6___ (not look) so remarkable.There are about 28,000 orchid species worldwide. The new orchid belongs to a class called Spiranthes. There are about 50 different kinds of Spiranthes. They are ___7___ (familiar) kind of orchid in Japan, for they appeared in a Japanese poem dating to 759 AD.Professor Suetsugu said he and his colleagues were “delighted ___8___ (identify) a new species”. He said it was exciting because it wasn’t found hidden deep in a rainforest or jungle. The discovery of the new orchid is good news. However, many orchids are on the endangered species list due to habitat loss. We need to protect natural environments to stop flowers___9___ (disappear). The world will be far less colourful ___10___ we lose more orchids.二、选用适当的单词或短语补全短文Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Planet PlasticHere’s a shocking statistic. Scientists have calculated the total amount of plastic ever made: 8.3 billion tonnes. Looked at another way, that’s as heavy as 25,000 Empire State Buildings or one billion elephants. And ___11___, almost all of it has been made in the last 65 years.So what’s the problem? Much plastic is in the form of packaging which is used just once and then thrown away. According to a major new study from the University of California, 9% of this is ___12___, 12% is burned and 79% goes to landfill. And because most plastic doesn’t biodegrade (生物降解), once it’s in the ground, it stays there.It’s a situation that has led the paper’s lead author, ecologist Dr. Roland Geyer, to say that we are “rapidly ___13___ towards ‘Planet Plastic’”. He believes that there’s already enough waste out there to cover the whole of Argentina.The team behind this report also estimate that eight million tonnes of plastic waste are ___14___ into the sea every year. This has ___15___ concern that plastic is entering the food chain through fish and other sea life which consume the smaller pieces.Of course, the reason why there’s so much plastic around is that it’s an amazingly useful material. We can’t get enough of it. It’s durable and ___16___, and is used for everything from yoghurt pots to spaceships. But it’s___17___ this quality that makes it a problem. The only way to destroy plastic is to heat or burn it — although this has the side effect of harmful emissions.So what’s the ___18___ other than using less plastic? Oceanographer (海洋学家) Dr. Erik van Sebille from Utrecht University says we’re facing a flood of plastic waste, and that the ___19___ waste industry needs to “get its act together”.Professor Richard Thompson, a marine biologist from Plymouth University, says it’s poor design that is at fault. He says that if products are currently designed “with recyclability in mind”, they could be recycled around 20 times over.Dr. Geyer agrees: “The ____20____ of recycling is to keep material in use and in thecycle forever if you can. But it turns out in our study that actually 90% of that material that did get recycled — which I think we calculated was 600 million tonnes — only got recycled once.”三、完形填空Take Heart, and Take RisksRecently, we carried out an interesting social experiment. The participants were asked to choose between two ___21___: throw a coin to win one billion dollars if the coin happens to land on heads, or get a 10-million-dollar cheque without even throwing the coin.Our purpose was not to measure the participants’ craze for money but to ___22___ their risk appetite. It ___23___ that a clear majority chose to take home the 10 million dollars. Only 31% of the subjects were ___24___ enough to test the depths of the river. Another study, conducted by psychology professor Keith Simonton at the University of California Davis, shows that most famous scientific ___25___ are risk-takers. Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton all dared to chase ideas that were ___26___ the mainstream ideas of their times.The willingness to take risks without fear of failure is what ___27___ individuals towards achieving their ambitions. It forms a very important part of the stories of many successful businessmen globally.The journey of Mark Zuckerberg is a classic example of this. In his second year in college, Zuckerberg decided to quit Harvard University to manage his social application company. In the years that followed, quite a few tech giants expressed early interest in purchasing the company. Their offers were ___28___. At the time, the young CEO and his team were widely criticized and publicly laughed at.Today, Zuckerberg is one of the richest men on earth. His company still owns the most widely used social networking site in the world, ___29___ together over 2.8 billion users globally.The lesson from Zuckerberg’s story is his risk-taking ____30____. He’s exactly the kind of person who’s willing to ____31____ interests for more rewarding future gains.Generally, ____32____ achievements are often realized once a person decides to get out of their comfort zone. People’s ability to ____33____ from their comfort zone is closely tiedto their risk-taking strength. It is like the case of a person who wishes to get a piece of fruit from the tree but is not willing to risk climbing up the branches of the tree in order to do so. “If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to ____34____ the ordinary,” said the American author Jim Rohn.The willingness to take risks is the oxygen that drives success in every field. If arisk-taker succeeds, he can lead others. If he fails, he may ____35____ others to success. B.faces C.options D.perspectives 22.A.access B.evaluate C.lose D.satisfy 23.A.ran out B.set out C.gave out D.turned out 24.A.courageous B.risky C.confident D.mature 25.A.contestants B.cooperators C.figures 26.A.subject to B.contrary to C.agreeable to D.relevant to 27.A.provides B.puzzles C.leans D.drives 28.A.scaled B.declined C.considered D.weighed 29.A.visualizing B.pursuing C.connecting D.announcing 30.A.tendency B.investment C.currency D.proposal 31.A.deposit B.capture C.separate D.sacrifice 32.A.eye-catching B.groundbreaking C.risk-taking D.trustworthy 33.A.depart B.benefit C.emerge D.suffer 34.A.send for B.apply for C.account for D.settle for 35.A.warn B.force D.retire四、阅读理解Life is like a roller coaster; every point has ups and downs. The truly victorious people stay committed to their broad goals even in unplanned circumstances. One true example of such people comes from a woman passionate about spreading happiness and helping others. Nicole Thornes is a mother, a former police officer, and now serving society as a death doula.Believing small efforts could comfort individuals and unite society, Nicole thought a police officer had the opportunity to prevent crime, bring justice and create a better society for everyone. She was determined to become a police officer to protect life and bring prosperity. All her passion and motivation drove her to pursue a Criminal Justice degree tobecome a police officer.Although she became a mother during her studies, she didn’t give up on her passion. Nicole could have called off her studies, but her passion for serving society didn’t let her step down. She took a break from her studies when her kids needed more attention but later came back to continue her study and completed her degree. Nicole finally became a police officer and everything went according to her plans.But uncertainty put her in a challenging situation. Nicole suffered from an injury. The sudden medical retirement called off her journey as a police officer, but her dreams and passion did not let her stop. So, she became a death doula, allowing her to be there for people whenever needed and provide comfort to the dying and their families during difficult times. She chose this field after her grandfather’s death. She couldn’t bear the pain of losing him; therefore, she decided to become a death doula and contribute her services to help those suffering from the pain of losing their loved ones.Nicole Thornes has written her book,Daddy’s Home, covering true events of losing someone and inspiring readers to cope with the feelings of emptiness and recover from mental illness after losing someone close.Daddy’s Home inspires readers and tells them the importance of a new beginning, helping people lighten the burden from their chest after the grief of losing someone.36.What can be learned about Nicole Thornes?A.Nicole Thornes dreamed of becoming a police officer since she was born.B.Nicole Thornes pursued a Criminal Justice degree, but she gave up halfway.C.Nicole Thornes took up a writing career immediately after getting physically hurt. D.Nicole Thornes wrote a book, impressing on readers the significance of a new start. 37.What’s the direct cause of Nicole Thornes’ decision to become a death doula?A.The unbearable pain brought by her grandfather’s death.B.Her break from academic studies to take care of her kids.C.Her sudden medical retirement due to her incurable injury.D.Her determination to finish writing her book, Daddy’s Home.38.According to the story of Nicole Thornes, a death doula can be described as ______. A.a death fighter B.a special trainerC.a support giver D.a creative police officer39.What might be the best title for this article?A.Nicole Thornes and her dreamB.The ups and downs of Nicole ThornesC.Nicole Thornes: The writer of Daddy’s HomeD.Nicole Thornes: The journey from a police officer to a death doulaDo you want to open a shop in London? First: you must be aware that, as of today, running a local independent shop is anything but simple. Second: you must know which is the most responsive area of the city for what concerns your specific business. Or as an alternative, you must gain full knowledge of which areas have proved to be super high-paying basically for any kind of business.As for London, everybody knows that it is one of the world capitals of trading and commerce. The enormous number of residents, combined with the continuous inflow of tourists, makes it a highly wanted city for every kind of commercial activity.Clearly, everyone — whether he/she is a British citizen or a foreigner investor — who wants to start a business in London must detect first the most profitable areas. And the four most appealing ones are listed below.Covent GardenOpening a commercial space in Covent Garden, or in the West End in general, is always a winning idea. This area represents the perfect balance between luxury and sustainability. A band of musicians that never cease to attract both clients and new investors.CarnabyFor over sixty years, Carnaby Street and the other surrounding secondary roads have represented an authentic oasis or paradise for those who want to go shopping in London. First, the Swinging London vibe, then the punk rock revolution: everything — especially in termsof fashion — has been created or passed through there. And even in the Third Millennium, it remains a landmark for everything related to fashion and new trends.MayfairAre you planning to open a luxury shop? Then Mayfair is undoubtedly your spot. Renting a place here is highly expensive, but it’s a risk worth taking. If you play your cards wisely, profits will not be long in coming. The only question is: have you got enough funds to start a business in such an expensive area?Bond StreetAnother luxury area with a gathering of many established high-end brands, maybe the most complicated one. It is recommended only to those investors who aim to start a realfirst-rate business. Many small entrepreneurs or businessmen work a lifetime in order to gain the privilege or the great advantage of upgrading their business in this area.40.This article is intended for ______.A.British citizens who want to buy luxury goodsB.visitors looking for recreational activities in BritainC.investors interested in starting a business in LondonD.foreigners participating in commercial activities in London41.According to the article, if you are planning to do business in London, which factor is worth considering the most?A.London appeals to high-paying investors from all over the world.B.London is the most promising center for trading, commerce and fashion.C.London is where many landmark buildings and every kind of business lies. D.London boasts ongoing floods of tourists and enormous potential consumers.42.If you get enough funds and fancy opening a luxury shop, which is the last area to choose?A.Bond Street.B.Carnaby.C.Mayfair.D.Convent Garden.Over the next few years, we can expect logins to get much less annoying, as all of the major tech players are now on board with a new technology designed to eventually replace the humble password called the “passkey”.And that could mean that we do away with passwords altogether. The way passkeys work is by turning your phone into something a bit like a wallet, which you can use to store membership cards to all of your apps and services. When you need to log in to a website, you’ll just have to tap a button on your phone and your passkey wallet will flash the right credentials (证件), letting you in without any trouble. And even if you’re logging in to a device that doesn’t have access to your wallet, when you type in your email address, the website will send a message to your phone to check your credentials.Once passkeys are commonly accepted and widely used, they won’t just save us from having to remember passwords but, perhaps counterintuitively, logging in with a passkey willactually be significantly more secure than typing a password.This is because it takes advantage of a technology called “public key” cryptography (密码术), which is one of the building blocks of the internet and is how computers have securely communicated with other computers for decades.With a password, the website has to ultimately contain a database of everyone’s passwords to check against when you login. But with a passkey, when you create your account on a website, it will effectively create a brand new padlock and key. The website will keep the padlock — and only your phone will have the key.Passkeys are going to make our digital lives even more secure, because they help guard against two common forms of digital attack.First, it guards against data leak or leakages — situations where hackers or people who try to break into computer systems gain access to a database of passwords.This is because, unlike most people who repeat their passwords, each passkey is unique. This means that even if the pizza delivery place is hacked, it won’t give away the same password that you use for your emails.And secondly, passkeys make things much harder for“phishing” scams — when a website tries to trick you into thinking that it is really your bank’s website or similar, it can steal your login details.These scams will no longer work as well, because passkeys have another mathematical trick up their sleeve: they’re always changing.When you log in and your digital wallet has to send over an unlock code, the code it sends will only be valid or useful for a few seconds at a time — so even if a hacker does get hold of your key very briefly, 30 seconds later it will turn useless anyway.So, next time you feel frustrated that you can’t remember your password, don’t worry too much. It won’t always be like this!43.What can you do to log in to a device that is inaccessible to your passkey wallet? A.Tapping a button on your phone.B.Using a face scan to unlock your passkey wallet.C.Searching a database of passwords to find the passkey.D.Checking message concerning the credentials in the email.44.The underlined word “counterintuitively” in the third paragraph means line with what the institution has taughtB.contrary to what common sense would accordance to what the instinct tells peopleD.opposite to what is considered normal behavior45.According to the article, why are passkeys safer?A.Because each passkey is the only one of its kind that guards against data leakages. B.Because passkey wallet will flash the right credentials without bothering to check memberships cards.C.Because passkeys can completely get rid of the possibility of login details’ being stolen by hackers.D.Because “public key” cryptography contains an enormous database of passwords of every website user.46.The article is mainly about ______.A.the inadaptability of passwords nowadaysB.the distinct features of passkeys nowadaysC.the difference between passkeys and passwordsD.the passkeys’ potential to replace passwords in the future五、六选四Is Listening to a Book Better than Reading It?Picture yourself sitting at home in a quiet reading space, ignoring the world around you, absorbed in a tale. You read the introduction, instantly became interested and now you’re in the middle of an absolute page-turner. But, there’s a hot debate — physical books vs. e-books vs. audiobooks. Does the device you’re using to read affect your reaction to the book?_____47_____ There’s attention span, reasoning, reading fluency, memory and language comprehension. Reading is known to strengthen communicative ability, vocabulary and increase emotional intelligence and social awareness. So, whichever way you’re reading, there are definitely benefits.But, let’s look at the pros to reading with your eyes — that’s physical books and e-books. _____48_____ This is because when you can actually see the words, your attention is held more closely. Add to this the fact that with physical books you can go back and find any part you missed, especially if your mind wanders, which will likely happen at some point or other.On the other hand, there’s the audiobook. Headphones in, you’re switched off from life and the story really comes alive, almost like watching a film — in your head. From a scientific perspective, listening to an audiobook is likely to help you develop a fellow feeling as you hear the emotion of the narrator. _____49_____ Hearing the story engages different parts of the brain, increasing the intensity and imagery, making you enjoy it more. Yet, going back to attention period, with an audiobook it’s true that it’s much harder to go back and listen again._____50_____ Perhaps, next time you find yourself browsing bookshop shelves, also consider the format. It may just change your whole literary experience.A.They help us become continuous readers.B.They can help to remember information better.C.Generally, reading uses several areas of the brain.D.We can more easily understand the changes in tones.E.All in all, it seems that there are advantages to both physical books and audiobooks. F.According to a research from Oxford University, audio books affect our reading reaction most.六、概要写作51.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Is Binge-watching the New Addiction?Have you ever loved a TV show? I mean really loved it? Like, you can’t wait to get to work to talk about it? What about the cliffhanger? That’s the unsolved situation at the end of the episode which makes you want to watch the next one. But, when will the next one be?Binge-watching is when a person watches more than one episode of a show quickly. With developments in the speed and connectivity of the internet, increases in technology and the rise of on-demand entertainment companies, people can now have their favourite shows streamed directly to their television at their convenience.However, this amazing gift may in fact be harmful. Recent research from British media watchdog Ofcom (英国通信管理局) finds that out of the more than half of British adults who watch more than one episode of a show back-to-back, almost a third have admitted missingsleep or becoming tired as a result; and one quarter have neglected their housework. Next we’ll be missing work!Bingeing has other connections — binge eating, binge drinking and binge smoking, all of which are often associated with compulsive behaviour, a lack of control and a possible route to addiction. If people find binge-watching hard to resist, coupled with the fact that it has shown to lead to failure of attention in many, are we witnessing the birth of a new type of addiction?The numerous information and entertainment that television and online media can bring us is, many would say, a good thing. However, like any behaviour done to extremes, it can become dangerous. And when the activity begins to enter other areas, causing us to stop functioning — then it becomes a problem. So, what’s the answer? Moderation! Neither a tiny amount, nor too much. After all, as the old proverb says, a little of what you fancy does you good.___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________七、汉译英(整句)52.生活在中国不同地区的人们的饮食多种多样。
Part Two: USAUnit One: GeographyI. Objectives•In this chapter we will look at some general features of America and set the scene for the more detailed examination of particular aspects of life there which are dealt with in later chapters.II. Focal Questions•What is the full name of the American state?•What are the physiographic features of America?•What are the natural resources in America?III. Procedures•Presentation by Students – Focal questions•Lectures by the teacher•Class discussion – Exploitation Activities•On class exercises•Assignment for the next chapterIV. Teaching hours:3 hoursV. ContentsIntroduction to US①The Land Area●The total land area of the USA is 9,372,615 square kilometers●the fourth largest country in the world②The Capital●Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States of America.●Named after the first U.S. president, George Washington.●It is the heart of a dynamic metropolitan region.③The National Flag , Emblem and Anthem●The flag of the United States of America consists of 13 equal horizontal stripes ofred (top and bottom) alternating with white, with a blue rectangle (长方形) in the canton bearing 50 small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows of six stars (top and bottom) alternating with rows of five stars.●The bald eagle was chosen on June 20, 1782 as the emblem (徽章) of the UnitedStates of America.●“The Star-Spangled Banner” was recognized for official use by the Navy in 1889and the President in 1916, and was made the national anthem (国歌) by a congressional resolution on March 3, 1931, which was signed by President Herbert Hoover.④National Flower, Stone and Bird●September 23, 1986, the House of Representatives passed a joint resolutionnaming the rose as the “national floral emblem” of the United States.●The national stone of the United States is blue sapphire (蓝宝石).●The national bird of the United States is the bald eagle.1)Physiographic Features①Geographic Divisions●The eastern United States is broad, flat coastal plain.●The Great Plains lie west of the Mississippi River and east of the RockyMountains.●In the west of the Rocky Mountains lies the Intermontane Plateaus (高原).●The Intermontane Plateaus come to an end at the Cascade Range and the SierraNevada.●Alaska contains some of the most dramatic and untapped scenery in the country.②Rivers in the US●The Missouri River is 4,090km long and its tributaries cover an area of about1,502,200 sq km.●The Mississippi River flows about 3,730km which drains all the central area of theUSA and has a wide delta (三角洲), and many tributaries. The river was named by the Indians the Mississippi, meaning “Father of Waters”, or the “Old Man River”.●The Ohio River, 1,579km long and its tributaries is about 490,603 sq km.●The Colorado River flows 2,330km which drains an area of 629,100 sq km●The Rio Grande River runs about 3,034km which forms the border between Texasand Mexico.●The Columbia River, about 2,000km long, rises in British Columbia on the westernslope of the Rocky Mountains.●The Potomac River is famous not only because Washington D.C. is located on itsbank but also because it is the dividing line between the South and the North.●The Hudson River is famous because New York stands at its estuary.③Lakes in the US●The most important lakes in America are the Great Lakes which include five biglakes: Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario.●Only Lake Michigan is wholly in the United States; the other four are shared withCanada.●The Great Lakes cover more than 764,000 sq km.●The Great Salt Lake is the largest inland salt lake in North America.●The Great Salt Lake is several times more saline (咸的) than seawater whichcontains about 4.4 billion tons of minerals.④Mountains in the US●The Rocky Mountains is a chain of mountains in the west of North America,running from the border of the USA and Mexico up to Canada. Several peaks are 4,000m high.●T he Appalachian Mountains’ highest peak is Mountain Mitchell, 2,038m..2)Climate and Natural Disasters①Climate●Taking the country as a whole, the climate of the United States can be classifiedas temperate with some mild subtropical zones (亚热带) and the southern Florida and Hawaii being tropical.●The climate of New England is relatively cold.●The climate of the Middle Atlantic States region is generally pleasant. There arefour definite seasons.●The South enjoys a warm climate and abundant rainfall. Some states in thisregion are sometimes harassed by the disaster of hurricanes (飓风).●Since the Great Plains stretch from the Canadian border to Texas, the climate inthis region varies widely.●The climate of the Midwest is temperate. This is a largely open country, and thewind blows freely, often bringing sudden and extreme changes in temperature.Midwest summers are sometimes very hot; winters are sometimes extremely cold.●The states west of the Rocky Mountains have sharply different climatic conditions.The part of Washington near the Pacific Ocean has the largest rainfall in the country. But after crossing these mountains, very little rain falls and deserts appear.②Natural Disasters●More recently, the western U.S. experienced widespread drought from 1999 to2004, and signs of a major, long-term drought across the Great Plains have developed.●The United States also experiences the most frequent and powerful tornadoes(龙卷风) in the world.●Another natural disaster are hurricanes, which can hit anywhere along the GulfCoast or the Atlantic Coast as well as Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. Hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30, with a peak from mid-August through early October.●The Great Mississippi Flood happened in 1927.●The Great Flood happened in 1993.●The American Northwest sees the highest concentration of active volcanoes inthe United States. There are several active volcanoes located in the islands of Hawaii.3)Natural Resources●The United States is a land rich in natural resources, such as coal, copper (铜),lead, molybdenum (钼), phosphates (磷酸盐), uranium (铀), bauxite (矾土), gold, iron, mercury, nickel (镍), potash (碳酸钾), silver, tungsten (钨), zinc, petroleum, natural gas, timber (木材), are especially plentiful in the country.●America has a large deposit of iron ore (铁矿石).●Coal is another major natural resource found in large quantities in the U. S. whichcan last for hundreds of years.●America, very rich in oil, was once the largest oil producing country in the world.●Other basic metals and minerals mined on a large scale in America include zinc,copper, silver, and phosphate rock.●America enjoys abundant water resources.●America also has plenty of fertile soil.Unit Two:HistoryI. Objectives•In this chapter we mainly concentrate on the history of United States, which dates from 1607 to the present. Teachers should try to make students familiar with some outstanding figures and historic events that have great impacts on the whole country, even the whole world.II. Focal Questions•How was the New World discovered? Why was it important?•Why was the Declaration of Independence important?•What was the significance of the Civil War?•Why was the prosperity in 1920s false?•Search for more materials and state briefly the relations between the United States and China from 1990 to the present.III. Procedures•Presentation by Students – Focal questions•Lectures by the teacher•Class discussion – Exploitation Activities•Assignment for the next chapterIV. Teaching hours: 4 hoursV. Contents1. Colonial period (1607-1776)The period of colonization is from the first settlement of English colonists to the independence of America.1) American IndiansThe earliest inhabitants in North and South Americas were the American Indians, who had lived and labored there for thousands of years before Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator, discovered the New World in 1492.The American Indians were divided into hundreds of tribes, enormously varied in physical appearance, language and civilization. Some tribes made their living by hunting, others by fishing, farming or gathering rye seeds. Later, the sea covered the land bridge from Asia to America and separated the two Americas from the rest of the world. The Indians and the people of the rest of the world knew little about each other until the New World was discovered in 1492.2) Discovery of AmericaBy the end of 15th century, the modern European world was to be formed. In the mid 15th century, a great number of long ocean voyages took place. History will always remember two names —Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci. It was they who discovered and identified the new continents.3) Colonization of North AmericaThe New World was a great and rich land. North and South Americas together made up an area almost as large as Africa and Europe combined.The ruling class of Europe fell upon this rich land greedily. Only 50 years after Columbus’ first voyage, the Spanish and Portuguese had overrun the vast land of what is now called Latin America. For about 100 years after Columbus’ crossing of the Atlantic, only explorers and traders visited North America. But at the beginning of 17th century, European settlers began to arrive. Portugal set up colonies in Brazil, while Spain explored and colonized much of South America and Mexico.The settling of present United States and Canada by the English and French went moreslowly, though quite cruelly. During the reign of Queen ElizabethⅠ(1588-1603), the English in growing numbers realized that the New World was their best place to make their fortunes, and to worship and live according to their beliefs.In April 1607, three ships with 104 English settlers arrived off the Virginia coast. They built the first successful settlement called Jamestown. In 1620 the first group of Puritans arrived from England. In order to escape from religious persecution at home, a group of Puritans set sail for America on a ship called the Mayflower.Later more Puritans arrived in the nearby areas of Massachusetts. By 1679 they set up four New England colonies: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire. The colonies of New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware were called the Middle Colonies.By the mid 18th century North America had been actually divided out among the European colonists. Most of the east coast, south of the St. Lawrence River, north of Florida and stretching inland as far as the Appalachians in the west were in the hands of the British.4)Thirteen coloniesBy the time when Georgia was set up, the 13 colonies had had a population of 629,000. By 1750 it increased to 1,171,000. In terms of their political administration, the 13 colonies could be divided into three types: the proprietary colonies, which belonged to a person or a group of persons; the Royal colonies, those controlled directly by the King of England and the English Government; and self-governing colonies, which were ruled by the colonists living in them. Most of the proprietary colonies soon became Royal ones. Only Connecticut and Rhode Island were self-governing colonies.Society in the 13 British colonies was like a pyramid, the top of which was made up of foreign merchants and landlords, and the base refugees from Europe, black slaves from Africa and the American Indians. The Africans were out-and-out slaves, who were sold like animals. As for the Indians, they would not put up with slavery. If any Indian was enslaved, his fellow tribe members would fight to free him. So the colonists soon gave up the attempt to use them as slave labor. Instead they seized the land of the Indians and drove them away or killed them. Slaves, indentured servants and workers who found themselves unable to bear their conditions used to run away to the frontier where they cleared the forests and opened up farms of their own. Uprisings or rebellions often took place against the Royal Government of the colonies.2. War of independence1) Britain’s policy t oward American colonies1763 Royal Order, forbidding the colonists to buy any more land from the Indians in the west beyond a certain line, and vesting in the Crown the sole power to hold and dispose of such lands.1764 Sugar Act, imposing import duties on non-English goods to the American colonies in order to raise more money for supporting British Government in the colonies.1764 Currency Act, forbidding the colonies to issue paper money.1765 Stamp Act, taxing numerous articles and transactions in America to help pay the costs of British Government in the colonies.1765 Quartering Act, requiring colonists to help house and feed British regular troops stationed in the colonies.1766 Declaratory Act, asserting the supremacy of the British Parliament in making laws for the colonies.1767 Customs Collecting Act, establishing British commissioners in the colonies to collect customs and other duties.1767 Revenue Act, laying taxes on lead, paint and other articles imported into the colonies.1767 Tea Act, regulating importation of tea in British dominions in America in favor of the British East India Company.2) Unity of the coloniesThe contradiction between England and her 13 colonies became more acute, and the colonies began to unite.In September 1774, 55 representatives from all the colonies except Georgia held a meeting in Philadelphia to talk about their troubles with their mother country. The meeting was called the First Continental Congress. At the meeting the majority of representatives still thought they could settle their quarrel with the British by peaceful means. They agreed to refuse to buy British goods, hoping in this way to force the British Government to give in to their demands. They also agreed to raise a volunteer army to protect the colonies if Britain used force to break the boycott.3) The outbreak of war and the Declaration of IndependenceIt was here in Lexington that the first shot in the American War of Independence was fired.Immediately after this, in May 1775, the Second Continental Congress was held with representatives from all the 13 colonies.At the beginning of 1776, Thomas Paine, an American patriot published a pamphlet entitled Common Sense. Finally a committee, composed of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and some other members, was appointed to draw up a Declaration of Independence. After three weeks of discussion, the committee prepared the famous document which was formally adopted on July 4, 1776, a day which has been celebrated each year as Independence Day or National Day in US.4)Progress of the warThe War of Independence started in 1775 and ended in 1783, lasting about eight years.The war did not go well for Americans at first who suffered repeated setback. It was under such unfavorable circumstances that George Washington, with his intelligence and determination, won a great victory in the battle of Trenton.The victory at Saratoga was the turning point of the war. But then the American army was still not strong enough to beat the British; it won some battles but lost others. Finally in 1781, the Americans, with the help of the French navy, won a decisive victory at Yorktown in Virginia.5) The significance of the warThe American War of Independence was of great historical importance and influence. A new republic emerged, which marked a new beginning of American history. It told the world that a just cause would sooner or later win while the evil cause would certainly lose. The victory of the American people also greatly encouraged the people in the colonies ruled by the Spanish andpromoted the national liberation struggle of the other colonies in the world.5)The Constitutional ConventionBefore and during the Independent War, US had not been named yet, but near the end of the war, a committee was appointed to draw up a constitution which was to stipulate how US should be governed. It resulted in the Articles of the Confederation and in 1781 it was accepted by all the states. Thus US were officially founded.But the Articles of the Confederation gave too little power to the central government, so a series of attempts to organize a movement to outline and press reforms culminated in the Congress calling the Philadelphia Convention in 1787.After many heated debates and countless compromises, the delegates found a satisfactory solution. Congress should be made up of two houses, a House of Representatives and a Senate. The big states had more members in the House of Representatives than the small ones, but all states had the same number in the Senate. Finally, the Constitution took its shape and won its ratification in 1788.The appearance of the American Constitution was a great event in American history. It established the federal system which was the first in the world at that time, making the birth of US possible.3. Westward expansion era1) The new government and Louisiana PurchaseAfter the Constitution was ratified by the states, the nation began to organize her first Federal Government. As had been expected, Washington was elected the first President of US by a unanimous vote which has never happened again in this country.Washington’s Administration achieved much success. His vice president John Adams succeeded him in presidency. Adams was a member of the Federalist Party. However, the Federalists became divided after Adams sent a peace mission to France despite ongoing disputes with that nation. Thomas Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican, defeated Adams for the presidency in the 1800 election.The most glorious achievement of Jefferson as President was the Louisiana Purchase. The Louisiana Purchase, in 1803, gave western farmers use of the important Mississippi River waterway, removed the French presence from the western border of US, provided US farmers with vast expanses of land, and furthered American leaders’vision of creating a “Great Nation”. 2) The war against England (1812-1814)Britain was not reconciled to the loss of their 13 colonies. British warships were often placed outside American harbors to keep a watch on shipping that came and went. Congress, therefore, had to declare war against British in June, 1812.The war continued for about three years without decisive victory for either side. Then both sides agreed to negotiate a peace settlement and signed the Peace Treaty of Ghent on the Christmas Eve of 1814. The War of 1812 had been called the Second War of Independence, which not only greatly influenced the American history, but also promoted the development of economy. It was only after this war that US completely got rid of the British control and began a new period of rapid development from a semi-colonial economy to an independent and self-reliant capitalist economy.3) American expansion①The territorial expansionIn 1845, US annexed the Mexican territory of Texas after the US settlers there had first formed an “independent government” with Washington’s support. Further US provocations on the border resulted in the Mexican-US War (1846-1848). In consequence of the Mexican War, US added to itself a territory of approximately 2,446,000 square kilometers, embracing the present state of Texas, California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, and part of Wyoming.In the same year, US forced England to cede the Oregon region, which includes the present states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and part of Montana and Wyoming.In 1867, US purchased from Czarist Russia the territory of Alaska and the off-lying Aleutian Islands for $ 7.2 million. This territory is twice as large as the original 13 colonies.By the middle of 19th century, the national territory of US had reached over nine million sq km, about 10 times the size of the total area of the original 13 colonies.②The economic expansionAfter the War of Independence the American national economy was growing rapidly. Its industrial revolution began in 1807 with its textile industry. New equipment and technology were introduced from Europe, and modern industries were established. Its total value of the industrial production in 1860 was increased by about 10 times that of 1810.In the 1820s there came a flood of new immigrants from Europe to US because labor was needed with the rapid development of industry in America and most European countries were ina very bad state.③Economic antagonism between North and SouthIn the north, the capitalist economy developed rapidly and industrial production advanced at an amazing speed. The output value of manufacture increased almost three times from 1840 to 1869. Coal and iron production were greatly increased. Transportation was also improved. Many canals were dug and thousands of miles of railways were built. All this stimulated the further development of industry. By 1860, American industry had ranked fourth in the world.The South was agricultural and had a large number of plantations, which were making huge profits out of tobacco and cotton with slave labor. The South insisted that slavery be kept, and furthermore, that more states in the Union be turned into slave states. Meanwhile the South exported each year plenty of cotton to England and Europe and imported a large quantity of manufactured goods from abroad. So the southerners wished to have a low tariff, as a high tariff would raise the prices of imported goods. On the contrary, the North had a different view. The northern industrialists wanted a high tariff to protect the industries in the North.4. The American civil war1) Causes of the warBy 1860, there were nearly four million slaves residing in US, nearly eight times as many from 1790; within the same period, cotton production in US boomed from less than 1,000 tons to nearly one million tons per year. There were some slave rebellions, including by Gabriel Prosser (1800), Denmark Vesey (1822), and Nat Turner (1831), but they all failed and led totighter slave oversight in the South. White abolitionist John Brown tried and failed to free a group of black slaves in Harpers Ferry, Virginia and was therefore executed for his actions. Harriet Beecher Stowe, daughter of Minister Lyman Beecher, published her novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin in 1852 in response to the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act. The novel intended to express her views of the cruelty of slavery and nearly 300,000 copies were sold during its first year of publication. Numerous slaves also escaped their masters through the Underground Railroad, a term defining secret routes where abolitionists confidentially transported runaway slaves to “free state” territory; its most famous leader was Harriet Tubman.2) Progress of the warThe Civil War began when Confederate General Pierre Beauregard opened fire upon Fort Sumter, in the Confederate State of South Carolina. The war lasted four years from 1861 to 1865.In material resources, the North enjoyed a decided advantage. Strong as the North was, the South also had advantages, most of them military.There were two main arenas of war, the Eastern Arena and the Western Arena. The basic battleground for the Eastern Arena was Virginia. The Western Arena included the areas west to the Appalachian Range and the Mississippi River area.In order to change the situation and win the war, several measures were taken by Lincoln’s Administration in 1862: (1) in May 1862, Congress passed the Homestead Act; (2) on September 22, 1862, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation; (3) black slaves were allowed to serve in the Union Army from August 1862.3) The significance of the warThe Civil War is of great significance in American history, which preserved the Union and solved the agrarian problem.The Civil War, in fact, was a struggle of life and death between two social systems, between the progressive and the backward, between the one that could push history forward and the one that would drag history to the old times.The Civil War also extended its far-reaching influence to the European revolutions.5. The US imperialism and WWI1) Formation of US imperialism①IndustrializationThe period from the Civil War to the beginning of the 20th century was a period of rapid industrial growth and urban development. Towards the end of 19th century US had already become a highly developed capitalist country and reached the stage of imperialism.②Concentration of capitalThe rapid concentration of capital was also accelerated after the Civil War. The small and medium enterprises were swallowed up by the bigger ones. Big monopolies first appeared in the heavy industries.③Working-class movementA rising working-class movement accompanied the growth of monopoly capital. The first labor organization came into being in the 1870s. Strikes often took place in the industrial cities in those days.The Pennsylvania railway workers’ strike of 1877 was the first large-scale struggle of its kindin the American history. On May 1, 1886, hundreds of thousands of workers went on simultaneous strikes in Chicago, Washington, New York and other large cities. They fought for an eight-hour working day, higher wages and better working conditions. Two days later, the police opened fire on the strikers at Chicago’s Haymarket, inflicting many casualties.④Overseas expansionWith the emergence of industrial America came the emergence of imperial US and US as a world power. The growing industrial might of the nation was reflected clearly in the US mad policy of aggression and expansion abroad.●US-Spanish warThe US-Spanish War broke out in April, 1898, lasted for only 70 days and ended with US as the victor. A peace treaty was signed in December 1898 in Paris. As a result of the war, Spain was forced to cede her former colonies Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines to US; US agreed to pay 20 million dollars for them in an attempt to put a good face on its foreign expansion. Cuba remained a US “protectorate”for some years, while the Philippines were not granted its independence until after the end of WWI. US seized Hawaii from Spain after the US-Spanish War.●Theodore Roosevelt’s policyBy the early years of 20th century, Theodore Roosevelt who became President in 1901 carried out the aggressive policy in a most faithful and open manner. Wielding the Big Stick in the name of Monroe Doctrine, he carried out the policy in Latin America and brought most of the Caribbean countries under US control. During Theodore Roosevelt’s Administration, he got the control of Panama Canal. In Sino-American relations, Theodore Roosevelt pushed the so-called Open Door Policy which demanded that all the imperialist powers should enjoy equal chance in China as freely as other aggressors. In 1900, America joined the Eight-Power Alliance to suppress the anti-imperialist Boxers Movement of the Chinese people. They forced the Qing Government to sign another unequal treaty in 1901 and to pay a large sum of money by way of indemnity. America got from the spoils its dividend of the 24 million dollars. In 1906, US put down the Cuban uprising. All those showed that US was exercising a policy of domination.2)America in WWIWWI took place primarily in Europe between 1914 and 1918. It came as an inevitable explosion of the major contradictions racking the capitalist world. The war was waged between two groups of imperialist powers, Allies and the Central European Power. The Allies or the Entente consisted of England, France, Russia, US and other countries. The central European Powers consisted of Germany, Austria Hungary, and later Turkey and Bulgaria. The basic causes of the war lay in the political, economic and colonial rivalries of the great powers, stretching back into the late 19th century.①American diplomacy of neutralitySince the beginning of WWI in 1914, US, under President Woodrow Wilson, had maintained strict neutrality. Even in May 1915, when a German submarine sank the British ocean liner Lusitania, killing 128 US citizens out of total 1,200 dead, US, though in uproar, remained neutral. In 1916, Wilson was reelected after running largely on a platform of antiwar, pro-neutrality rhetoric.②America’s entrance into the warThere might be a number of factors which contributed to America’s entrance into the war.。
Unit 8Section A Birth of Bright IdeasNo satisfactory way exists to explain how to form a good idea. Y ou think about a problem until you're tired, forget it, maybe sleep on it, and then flash! When you aren't thinking about it, suddenly the answer arrives as a gift from the gods.Of course, all ideas don't occur like that but so many do, particularly the most important ones. They burst into the mind, glowing with the heat of creation. How they do it is a mystery but they must come from somewhere. Let's assume they come from the "unconscious." This is reasonable, for psychologists use this term to describe mental processes which are unknown to the individual. Creative thought depends on what was unknown becoming known.All of us have experienced this sudden arrival of a new idea, but it is easiest to examine it in the great creative personalities, many of whom experienced it in an intensified form and have written it down in their life stories and letters. One can draw examples from genius in any field, from religion, philosophy, and literature to art and music, even in mathematics, science, and technical invention, although these are often thought to depend only on logic and experiment. All truly creative activities depend in some degree on these signals from the unconscious, and the more highly insightful the person, the sharper and more dramatic the signals become.Take the example of Richard Wagner composing the opening to ";Rhinegold". Wagner had been occupied with the idea of the "Ring" for several years, and for many months had been struggling to begin composing. On September 4, 1853, he reached Spezia sick, went to a hotel, could not sleep for noise without and fever within, took a long walk the next day, and in the afternoon flung himself on a couch intending to sleep. Then at last the miracle happened for which his unconscious mind had been seeking for so long. Falling into a sleeplike condition, he suddenly felt as though he were sinking in a mighty flood of water, and the rush and roar soon took musical shape within his brain. He recognized that the orchestral opening to the "Rhinegold", which he must have carried about within him yet had never been able to put it into form, had at last taken its shape within him. In this example, the conscious mind at the moment of creation knew nothing of the actual processes by which the solution was found.As a contrast, we may consider a famous story: the discovery by Henri Poincare, the great French mathematician, of a new mathematical method called the Fuchsian functions. Here we see the conscious mind, in a person of highest ability, actually watching the unconscious at work. For weeks, he sat at his table every day and spent an hour or two trying a great number of combinations but he arrived at no result. One night he drank some black coffee, contrary to his usual habit, and was unable to sleep. Many ideas kept surging in his head; he could almost feel them pushing against one another, until two of them combined to form a stable combination. When morning came, he had established the existence of one class of Fuchsian functions. He had only to prove the results, which took only a few hours. Here, we see the conscious mind observing the new combinations being formed in the unconscious, while the Wagner story shows the sudden explosion of a new concept into consciousness.A third type of creative experience is exemplified by the dreams which came toDescartes at the age of twenty-three and determined his life path. Descartes had unsuccessfully searched for certainty, first in the world of books, and then in the world of men. Then in a dream on November 10, 1619, he made the significant discovery that he could only find certainty in his own thoughts, cogito ergo sum ("I think; therefore, I exist"). This dream filled him with intense religious enthusiasm.Wagner's, Poincare's, and Descartes' experiences are representative of countless others in every field of culture. The unconscious is certainly the source of instinctive activity. But in creative thought the unconscious is responsible for the production of new organized forms from relatively disorganized elements.Unit8-A奇思妙想是如何形成的,现在还没有令人满意的解释。
剑桥9 阅读近义词同类词替换Test 1 Reading Passage 1原文题干perceive v.感到,认识到recognise v. 认出,识别talent n. 天赋ability n. 能力went on to attend继续上(学)enroll in v. 注册,登记fame and fortune n. 名声和财富rich and famous adj.富有的和著名的native to adj. 原产于grow only in ... 只在。
生长prove the truth of ... 证明。
的真实性was inspire d by the discoveries of ... 被。
的发现所激励commercial possibilities商业的可能性potential n.潜力,adj. 可能的later become known as ...之后作为。
为(人)所知name finally used to refer to ... 最后被称作。
ask advice of ... 问。
的意见consult v. 咨询set up a factory 建立工厂set up his own dye works 建立他自己的染色工厂medical research 医学研究disease n. 疾病search for a vaccine against寻找对抗。
的疫苗原文题干assumption n. 假定,设想adopt two ground rules 采用两个基本原则likelihood n.可能性guess 猜测seek the transmission of ... 寻找。
的传输look for radio waves 寻找无线电波radio signals n. 无线电信号appropriate response 合适的回应how we should react, reply 我们应该如何反应,回复other civilization 其他的文明alien civilization 外星的文明life expectancy of Earth 地球的寿命lifetime of a planet like ours 像我们这样的行星的寿命overcome serious problems 克服严重的问题deal with threats to survival 处理对于生存的威胁resemble human 与人类相似pretty well like us 很像我们so far 至今until now 直到现在detection 侦查,寻找pick up radio signal 接收无线电信号reply immediately 立刻回复respond promptly 迅速地反应原文题干move out onto the land 向陆地移动transfer from sea to land 从海洋转移到陆地prior invasion 先前的入侵before any animals could immigrate在任何动物能够迁移之前major redesign 主要的重新设计big changes 大的改变never developed anything equivalent tolack 缺少从没有发展出任何等同于。
下表是没有通道的 meta-events 列表 ,他们的格式是:
FF xx nn dd
所有的 meta-events 是以 FF 开头的命令 (xx),长度,或者含在数据的字节数(nn),现行的数据(dd)
十六进制 二进制 数据 描述 00 00000000 nn ssss 设定轨道的序号 nn=02 (两字节长度的序号) ssss=序号
delta-time 之后就是 MIDI 事件,每个 MIDI 事件(除了正在运行的事件外)带有一个最高有效位总是 1 的命令字节(值将>128)。大部分命令的列表在附录 A 中。每个命令都有不同的参数和长度,但是接下来 的数据将是最高有效位为零(值将<128)。这里有个例外就是 meta-event,最高有效位可以是 1。然而, meta-events 需要一个长的参数以区分。
下表列出的是与音符相对应的命令标记。 八度音阶¦¦ 音符号 # ¦¦ ¦¦ C ¦ C# ¦ D ¦ D# ¦ E ¦ F ¦ F# ¦ G ¦ G# ¦ A ¦ A# ¦ B ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0 ¦¦ 0 ¦ 1 ¦ 2 ¦ 3 ¦ 4 ¦ 5 ¦ 6 ¦ 7 ¦ 8 ¦ 9 ¦ 10 ¦ 11 1 ¦¦ 12 ¦ 13 ¦ 14 ¦ 15 ¦ 16 ¦ 17 ¦ 18 ¦ 19 ¦ 20 ¦ 21 ¦ 22 ¦ 23 2 ¦¦ 24 ¦ 25 ¦ 26 ¦ 27 ¦ 28 ¦ 29 ¦ 30 ¦ 31 ¦ 32 ¦ 33 ¦ 34 ¦ 35 3 ¦¦ 36 ¦ 37 ¦ 38 ¦ 39 ¦ 40 ¦ 41 ¦ 42 ¦ 43 ¦ 44 ¦ 45 ¦ 46 ¦ 47 4 ¦¦ 48 ¦ 49 ¦ 50 ¦ 51 ¦ 52 ¦ 53 ¦ 54 ¦ 55 ¦ 56 ¦ 57 ¦ 58 ¦ 59 5 ¦¦ 60 ¦ 61 ¦ 62 ¦ 63 ¦ 64 ¦ 65 ¦ 66 ¦ 67 ¦ 68 ¦ 69 ¦ 70 ¦ 71 6 ¦¦ 72 ¦ 73 ¦ 74 ¦ 75 ¦ 76 ¦ 77 ¦ 78 ¦ 79 ¦ 80 ¦ 81 ¦ 82 ¦ 83
人类根据苍耳特性发明了魔术贴英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Invention of Velcro Based on Nature's InspirationVelcro, also known as hook and loop fasteners, is a ubiquitous and versatile material that has found its way into countless applications in our everyday lives. From shoes and bags to clothing and furniture, Velcro has become an essential part of modern society. But have you ever wondered how this ingenious invention came to be?The story of Velcro begins with a Swiss engineer named George de Mestral. In 1941, de Mestral was out hunting in the Swiss Alps when he noticed that burdock seeds kept getting stuck to his clothes and his dog's fur. Intrigued by this phenomenon, de Mestral decided to take a closer look at the seeds under a microscope. What he discovered was a series of tiny hooks that allowed the seeds to cling to fabrics and animal fur.Inspired by nature's design, de Mestral set out to create a man-made version of this natural fastening system. After yearsof experimentation and refinement, he finally succeeded in developing Velcro in the 1950s. The key to Velcro's success lies in its dual-component design: one side features tiny hooks while the other side features loops. When pressed together, the hooks latch onto the loops, creating a secure and reversible bond.The invention of Velcro revolutionized the way we fasten and secure things. Its ease of use and durability have made it a favorite among designers, manufacturers, and consumers alike. Velcro is now used in a wide range of applications, including sports gear, medical devices, and even space exploration equipment.One of the key advantages of Velcro is its versatility. Unlike traditional fasteners such as zippers and buttons, Velcro can be opened and closed repeatedly without wearing out. This makes it ideal for situations where quick and easy fastening is required, such as in children's clothing or military uniforms.In addition to its practical benefits, Velcro also has a fascinating aesthetic appeal. The contrasting textures of the hooks and loops create a visually engaging pattern that has inspired artists, fashion designers, and architects. Velcro's unique combination of form and function has made it a staple in the world of design.But perhaps the most remarkable thing about Velcro is its origin in nature. By observing the simple yet effective mechanism of burdock seeds, de Mestral was able to unlock the potential of a new material that has since changed the way we interact with the world around us. The invention of Velcro serves as a testament to the power of nature-inspired design and innovation.As we continue to push the boundaries of technology and engineering, it is important to remember the lessons of the natural world. Nature has been shaping and adapting to its environment for millions of years, providing us with endless inspiration and possibilities. The story of Velcro reminds us that sometimes the best solutions are right in front of us, waiting to be discovered.In conclusion, the invention of Velcro based on nature's inspiration is a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of the human mind. By observing and learning from the natural world, we have been able to create products that enhance our lives in ways we never thought possible. Velcro is just one example of how nature can serve as a guide and mentor in our quest for innovation. Who knows what other wonders await us if we continue to look to the natural world for inspiration.篇2Title: The Invention of Velcro Based on the Characteristics of BurdockIntroductionVelcro, also known as hook and loop fastener, is awidely-used material in various industries and everyday life. It is a fastening mechanism that consists of two components: a lineal fabric strip with tiny hooks that can attach to a corresponding fabric strip with small loops. The invention of Velcro has revolutionized the way we fasten things together, and it all began with the observation of a natural phenomenon - the sticking properties of burdock seeds.Discovery of the Burdock's Sticking PropertiesIn the early 20th century, a Swiss engineer named George de Mestral was out hunting in the Swiss Alps when he noticed that burdock seeds were sticking to his clothes and his dog's fur. Intrigued by this phenomenon, he examined the seeds under a microscope and discovered that they were covered in tiny hooks that could attach easily to any rough surface. This discovery inspired de Mestral to create a new type of fastening mechanism based on the burdock's sticking properties.Development of VelcroAfter years of experimentation and research, de Mestral eventually developed Velcro in the 1940s. He patented the invention in 1955, and Velcro quickly gained popularity due to its ease of use and versatility. Velcro was initially used in the aerospace industry to fasten equipment and components in space missions. However, its practicality and convenience soon led to its widespread adoption in other industries, including clothing, shoes, bags, furniture, and even medical devices.Benefits of VelcroThe invention of Velcro has brought about numerous benefits to society. One of the main advantages of Velcro is its ease of use – it allows for quick and secure fastening without the need for complicated fasteners like buttons or zippers. Velcro is also durable, reusable, and resistant to wear and tear, making it a cost-effective solution for many applications. In addition, Velcro is versatile and can be used in various environments, from space missions to everyday household tasks.Applications of VelcroVelcro is used in a wide range of industries and applications. In the clothing industry, Velcro is used in shoes, bags, jackets,and sportswear to provide easy and adjustable fastening. In the medical field, Velcro is used in bandages, braces, and prosthetics to secure and support injured limbs. In the automotive industry, Velcro is used to fasten carpets, upholstery, and dashboard components in cars. Velcro is also used in the military, construction, agriculture, and many other sectors.ConclusionIn conclusion, the invention of Velcro based on the characteristics of burdock seeds has had a significant impact on society. Velcro has revolutionized the way we fasten things together, providing a simple, efficient, and versatile solution for many applications. The story of Velcro reminds us of the power of nature-inspired innovation and the endless possibilities of human creativity.篇3Humans have always been fascinated by the amazing abilities of different creatures in nature, and one such creature that has inspired humans to invent a wonderful invention is the burdock plant, which has inspired the creation of Velcro.Burdock plants have a unique feature that allows their burrs to easily attach to the fur of animals passing by, helping theseeds to spread to new locations. People have observed this phenomenon for centuries and have always been impressed by how the burrs can stick so firmly to surfaces.It was in 1941 when Swiss engineer George de Mestral was inspired by the burdock plant's burrs while taking a walk in the Swiss Alps. He observed how the burrs clung to his clothes and his dog's fur, leading him to wonder how they were able to stick so effectively. This curiosity led him to study the burrs under a microscope, where he discovered the tiny hooks that allowed them to attach themselves to surfaces.De Mestral was determined to recreate this natural mechanism and after years of research and experimentation, he finally succeeded in developing a new type of fastening system based on the burdock plant's burrs. He named his invention Velcro, which comes from the words "velvet" and "crochet" (French for hook).Velcro consists of two strips of fabric: one side has tiny hooks and the other has tiny loops. When pressed together, the hooks catch onto the loops, creating a strong bond that can be easily separated by pulling the two strips apart. This simple yet ingenious design has revolutionized the way we fasten thingstogether, replacing traditional buttons, zippers, and laces in many applications.The invention of Velcro has had a profound impact on society, transforming industries such as fashion, sports, and manufacturing. Its versatility and strength have made it a popular choice for a wide range of products, from clothing and shoes to furniture and medical devices.In conclusion, the burdock plant's unique burrs have inspired humans to create Velcro, a revolutionary fastening system that has changed the way we connect things together. Thanks to the ingenuity of George de Mestral, we now have a simple yet effective solution for fastening objects securely and effortlessly.。
哈克贝利芬历险记英语读后感The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is a classic American novel that has captivated readers for generations It tells the story of a young boy named Huck Finn who escapes his abusive father and embarks on a journey down the Mississippi River with a runaway slave named Jim Huck's experiences and the relationships he forms along the way provide a thought-provoking commentary on the complexities of morality race and freedom in 19th century AmericaOne of the most striking aspects of the novel is Huck's complex and evolving moral compass Throughout the story Huck is constantly grappling with the tension between societal expectations and his own sense of right and wrong At the beginning of the novel Huck has internalized many of the racist attitudes of his time and is initially uncomfortable with the idea of helping Jim escape from slavery However as Huck spends more time with Jim and sees him as a fully realized human being rather than just a piece of property his perspective gradually shiftsThis transformation is particularly evident in the famous raft scene where Huck has to decide whether to turn Jim in to the authorities or to help him continue his escape Huck has been taught that it is his moral duty to report runaway slaves but his growing bond with Jim makes him question this belief After much internal struggle Huck ultimately chooses to tear up the letter informing on Jim and decides to "go to hell" by continuing to assist him This moment represents a major turning point in Huck's moral development as he rejects the racist ideologies of his society in favor of his own sense of compassion and justiceAnother key theme in the novel is the nature of freedom and what it means to be truly free Throughout the story Huck and Jim are both seeking freedom in different ways Huck is fleeing the constraints and abuses of civilized society while Jim is escaping the literal chains of slavery Their journey down the Mississippi represents a quest for autonomy and self-determination as they navigate the treacherous waters and encounter a range of colorful characters along the wayHowever the novel also explores the limitations and complexities of freedom Huck may have escaped his father's cabin but he still feels the weight of societal expectations and the threat of being caught and returned to his previous life Similarly Jim's escape from slavery does not automatically grant him true freedom as he still faces the constant fear of recapture and the trauma of being separated fromhis family The novel suggests that freedom is not a simple binary but rather a complex and multifaceted concept that must be continually negotiated and fought forTwain's use of the Mississippi River as a central metaphor in the novel is also highly significant The river represents both a pathway to freedom and a symbol of the fluidity and ambiguity of identity Throughout their journey Huck and Jim encounter a diverse range of people and perspectives which challenge their preconceived notions and force them to reevaluate their own beliefs and assumptions The river becomes a space where traditional boundaries and categories are blurred and where new forms of community and solidarity can emergeThis theme of identity and the fluidity of the self is particularly evident in Huck's own character development Over the course of the novel Huck sheds his old identity as the mischievous scamp from the beginning of the story and begins to forge a new sense of self grounded in his growing compassion and moral courage He rejects the racist ideologies of his society and instead develops a deep respect and affection for Jim ultimately viewing him as a friend and equal rather than just a slaveThe novel's open-ended conclusion also speaks to this theme of identity and the ongoing struggle for freedom In the final pagesHuck decides that he can no longer remain in the civilized world and instead chooses to "light out for the Territory" an ambiguous and undefined space that represents the promise of a new life and a fresh start This ending suggests that the quest for freedom and self-determination is a lifelong journey with no clear endpoint rather than a singular destinationOverall The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a rich and multilayered novel that continues to resonate with readers today Its exploration of complex moral and social issues remains deeply relevant in our own time as we grapple with questions of racism inequality and the true meaning of freedom Twain's masterful storytelling and his ability to inhabit the perspective of a young narrator wrestling with weighty philosophical questions make this a truly remarkable and enduring work of literature。
楚王陵龟山汉墓,旅游路线作文英语全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Journey Through Ancient History: Exploring the Chu King's Mausoleum and Han Tombs of GuishanAs a student of history, few things excite me more than the opportunity to step back in time and immerse myself in the relics of ancient civilizations. Recently, I had the privilege of embarking on an extraordinary journey to the Chu King's Mausoleum and Han Tombs of Guishan, two remarkable archaeological sites that offer a captivating glimpse into China's rich past.Situated in the heart of Hubei Province, the Chu King's Mausoleum is a testament to the grandeur of the Chu Kingdom, which flourished during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770-256 BCE). As our bus approached the site, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer magnitude of the burial complex. Spanning over 20 square kilometers, this vast necropolis was the final resting place for the Chu monarchs and their noble entourage.Our first stop was the Grand Tomb Mound, a colossal earthen pyramid that towers over the surrounding landscape. AsI stood before this monumental structure, I couldn't help but wonder about the ancient engineering feats that went into its construction. Our knowledgeable guide explained that the mound was built by tens of thousands of laborers, each contributing their strength to create a lasting tribute to the Chu rulers.Descending into the underground chamber, we were greeted by an eerie silence that seemed to transport us back in time. The air was thick with the weight of history, and the flickering torchlight cast an ethereal glow over the intricate carvings adorning the walls. Our guide regaled us with tales of the extravagant burial rituals practiced by the Chu nobility, complete with human sacrifices and lavish offerings of jade, silk, and bronze artifacts.As we moved deeper into the tomb complex, we came across a series of remarkable discoveries that left me in awe. The unearthed lacquerware, with its intricate patterns and vibrant colors, appeared as if they had been crafted just yesterday. The delicate jade carvings, each meticulously sculpted, bore witness to the artistic mastery of the ancient Chu artisans.One particularly striking find was the collection of musical instruments, including chimes, bells, and a stunning set ofbronze drums. Our guide explained that music played a vital role in Chu culture, not only for entertainment but also for ceremonial purposes. As I ran my fingers over the intricate designs etched into the drums, I couldn't help but imagine the haunting melodies that once reverberated through these underground chambers.After our exploration of the Chu King's Mausoleum, we embarked on the next leg of our journey, venturing towards the Han Tombs of Guishan. This remarkable site, dating back to the Western Han Dynasty (206 BCE-25 CE), offers a fascinating glimpse into the funerary practices of the era.As we approached the site, the rolling hills dotted with numerous burial mounds painted a striking picture against the backdrop of the azure sky. Our guide informed us that these mounds were the final resting places of high-ranking officials and members of the imperial family during the Han Dynasty.We descended into one of the most well-preserved tombs, a subterranean marvel adorned with intricate murals and life-sized clay figurines. The vibrant colors of the wall paintings, depicting scenes from daily life and mythological tales, seemed to leap off the walls, transporting us to a bygone era. The clay figurines, each with its unique expression and attire, were a poignantreminder of the artistry and craftsmanship that flourished during the Han Dynasty.One particular highlight of our visit was the discovery of a remarkably preserved wooden chamber, a true engineering marvel of its time. Our guide explained that the chamber was designed to withstand the immense weight of the earth above, a testament to the ingenuity of the Han builders. As I ran my fingers along the smooth wood, I couldn't help but marvel at the enduring legacy of these ancient craftsmen.Throughout our journey, I was consistently struck by the incredible attention to detail and the sheer grandeur of these ancient burial sites. From the intricate carvings and delicate lacquerware to the monumental tomb mounds and ingenious engineering feats, every aspect of these sites seemed to whisper tales of a bygone era, begging to be unraveled and understood.As our bus departed from the Han Tombs of Guishan, I found myself lost in contemplation, reflecting on the profound impact these ancient civilizations have had on our modern world. The Chu King's Mausoleum and Han Tombs of Guishan are not merely archaeological sites; they are living repositories of knowledge, offering invaluable insights into the customs, beliefs, and cultural achievements of our ancestors.This journey has instilled in me a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of human history and a renewed sense of curiosity to uncover the untold stories that lie buried beneath the earth. As a student of history, I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of these ancient civilizations, to glimpse into their world, and to carry forward their legacy through the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.篇2An Unforgettable Journey to the Ancient Chu King's Mausoleum and Han TombsAs a student fascinated by history and ancient civilizations, I recently had the incredible opportunity to embark on a tour of the remarkable Chu King's Mausoleum and Han Tombs at Guishan. This awe-inspiring archaeological site, located in the heart of Hubei Province, China, offers a captivating glimpse into the rich cultural heritage and enigmatic past of these two influential dynasties.The journey began with a sense of anticipation as our tour group boarded the bus, eager to immerse ourselves in the mysteries that awaited us. The winding roads through the lushcountryside set the stage for our adventure, transporting us back in time to an era steeped in grandeur and enigma.Our first stop was the Chu King's Mausoleum, a testament to the power and prestige of the ancient Chu Kingdom. As we approached the imposing entrance, a sense of reverence washed over us. The massive mound, adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures, stood as a silent witness to the grandeur of the Chu rulers.Stepping inside the mausoleum, we were greeted by a labyrinth of passageways and chambers, each one moreawe-inspiring than the last. Our knowledgeable guide regaled us with tales of the Chu Kingdom's rich history, painting vivid pictures of the rituals and ceremonies that once took place within these hallowed walls.One of the highlights of our visit was the exquisite collection of funerary artifacts on display. From intricately crafted jade burial suits to delicate lacquered vessels, each object told a story of the Chu people's artistry and reverence for the afterlife. I found myself captivated by the meticulously detailed carvings and the vibrant colors that seemed to defy the passage of time.As we explored the depths of the mausoleum, our guide shared fascinating insights into the beliefs and traditions of theChu people. The intricate tombs and burial chambers were not merely resting places for the deceased but also served as gateways to the afterlife, adorned with offerings and treasures to accompany the departed on their journey.After thoroughly exploring the Chu King's Mausoleum, our journey continued to the nearby Han Tombs at Guishan. This remarkable site, dating back to the Western Han Dynasty (206 BCE - 24 CE), offered a glimpse into the lives and customs of the Han elite.As we entered the excavated tombs, a sense of wonder and amazement washed over us. The impeccably preserved murals that adorned the walls depicted intricate scenes of daily life, hunting expeditions, and celestial beings, providing a vivid window into the beliefs and artistic expression of the Han people.One of the most captivating aspects of the Han Tombs was the incredible diversity of burial goods unearthed from within. From exquisite ceramics and intricate bronze vessels to delicate silk garments and even well-preserved food offerings, each artifact told a story of the meticulous preparation and reverence bestowed upon the deceased.Our guide skillfully wove together the threads of history, sharing fascinating tales of the Han Dynasty's rise to power, their technological advancements, and the profound impact they had on shaping the cultural landscape of ancient China.As we wandered through the labyrinth of tombs, our senses were overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the site and the intricate details that adorned every surface. The artistry and craftsmanship on display were a testament to the Han people's dedication to honoring their ancestors and preserving their cultural legacy.Throughout our tour, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of connection to these ancient civilizations. Despite the vast expanse of time that separated us, their stories and artifacts resonated with a universal human experience – the desire to understand our place in the world, the reverence for our ancestors, and the innate drive to create and leave a lasting legacy.As the sun began to set, casting its warm glow over the ancient tombs, our tour came to an end. However, the memories and insights gained from this extraordinary journey will forever be etched in my mind. The Chu King's Mausoleum and Han Tombs at Guishan are not merely historical sites; they are livingrepositories of human ingenuity, cultural heritage, and the enduring spirit of exploration.This experience has deepened my appreciation for the richness of our shared human history and the invaluable lessons we can learn from those who came before us. As I bid farewell to these ancient wonders, I carry with me a renewed sense of curiosity and a desire to continue uncovering the mysteries that lie within the pages of our collective past.篇3A Journey Through Ancient Dynasties: Exploring the Chu King's Mausoleum and Guishan Han TombsAs a student of history, I have always been fascinated by the remnants of ancient civilizations that offer a glimpse into the lives and legacies of those who walked before us. Recently, I had the opportunity to embark on a remarkable journey through the annals of China's past, visiting two iconic archaeological sites –the Chu King's Mausoleum and the Guishan Han Tombs – both located in the historic city of Xuzhou.The Chu King's Mausoleum: A Glimpse into the Twilight of an Ancient KingdomOur adventure began with a visit to the Chu King's Mausoleum, an awe-inspiring necropolis that dates back to the 5th century BC. This magnificent burial complex, nestled amidst the rolling hills of Xuzhou, served as the final resting place for the rulers of the Chu Kingdom, one of the most powerful and influential states during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.As we approached the main entrance, we were greeted by an imposing stone archway adorned with intricate carvings, setting the tone for the grandeur that lay ahead. Passing through the gate, we found ourselves transported back in time, surrounded by meticulously reconstructed tombs and burial mounds that dotted the verdant landscape.Our knowledgeable guide, a seasoned archaeologist, led us through a labyrinth of excavated sites, each one revealing a piece of the puzzle that was the Chu Kingdom's rich cultural heritage. We marveled at the intricate stone carvings, intricate murals, and exquisite artifacts unearthed from the tombs, including jade ornaments, bronze vessels, and delicate lacquerware.One of the highlights of our visit was the exploration of the impressive sacrificial pit, where archaeologists discovered an astonishing array of burial objects, including chariots, weapons, and even sacrificed horses – a testament to the Chu's belief inproviding for the afterlife. As we stood in awe, our guide regaled us with tales of the intricate funerary rituals and ceremonies that once took place on these hallowed grounds.The Guishan Han Tombs: Uncovering the Secrets of the Han DynastyAfter our enlightening experience at the Chu King's Mausoleum, we embarked on the next leg of our journey, venturing to the Guishan Han Tombs, a sprawling necropolis that dates back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD).As we approached the site, the sheer scale of the tombs was jaw-dropping. Stretching across an area of over 20 square kilometers, this vast underground city of the dead housed the remains of aristocrats, scholars, and high-ranking officials who served under the Han emperors.Our guide led us through a series of meticulously excavated tombs, each one a testament to the engineering prowess and artistic brilliance of the Han people. We marveled at the intricate brick carvings adorning the walls, depicting scenes from daily life, mythological creatures, and celestial beings.One of the most remarkable discoveries was the frescoes found within the tombs, showcasing vibrant colors and intricatedesigns that had withstood the test of time. Our guide explained that these frescoes not only served as decorative elements but also held symbolic meanings, reflecting the beliefs and values of the Han aristocracy.As we ventured deeper into the necropolis, we encountered a fascinating array of burial objects, from exquisite ceramic figurines and intricate jade carvings to elaborate musical instruments and delicate glassware. Each artifact told a story, offering a glimpse into the sophisticated culture and craftsmanship of the Han Dynasty.One of the highlights of our visit was the opportunity to witness the painstaking work of archaeologists as they carefully excavated and documented newly discovered tombs. We watched in awe as they meticulously uncovered ancient treasures, piecing together the puzzle of Han society one artifact at a time.Reflecting on our JourneyAs our tour came to an end, we found ourselves overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of history we had witnessed. The Chu King's Mausoleum and the Guishan Han Tombs had not only provided us with a glimpse into the lives and customs of ancient rulers and aristocrats but had also offered aprofound appreciation for the rich cultural tapestry that has woven together China's storied past.Walking through these ancient burial grounds, we felt a deep connection to those who had come before us, their stories etched into the very fabric of the tombs and artifacts that surrounded us. We left with a newfound respect for the perseverance and ingenuity of our ancestors, who, despite the passage of centuries, continue to inspire and captivate us with their extraordinary legacies.As students of history, our journey to the Chu King's Mausoleum and the Guishan Han Tombs was not merely an educational excursion but a transformative experience that deepened our understanding of China's ancient civilizations. These archaeological wonders stand as living testaments to the enduring human spirit, reminding us of the importance of preserving and celebrating our cultural heritage for generations to come.。
小学下册英语第1单元综合卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A __________ is a natural resource that can be depleted.2.The _____ can also be seen during the day.3.My pet ______ (仓鼠) runs on its wheel all night.4.The ______ is a talented musician.5.What do we call a baby cow?A. CalfB. FoalC. KidD. Lamb6.What do we call the act of protecting something from harm?A. DefenseB. ProtectionC. SafeguardingD. All of the aboveD7.Temperature measures how hot or ______ something is.8.The ______ (水果) of the apple tree is sweet.9.How do you say "hello" in Arabic?A. BonjourB. SalamC. HolaD. Ciao10.I like to ___ (write) in my journal.11.What do we call the science of studying living things?A. PhysicsB. ChemistryC. BiologyD. AstronomyC12.The __________ (历史的积累) enriches our culture.13. A flame is a visible part of a ______ reaction.14.What is the color of grass?A. BlueB. GreenC. YellowD. RedB15.Which of the following is a flower?A. OakB. RoseC. MapleD. PineB Rose16.Which of these is a type of fabric?A. SilkB. PlasticC. GlassD. WoodA17.The __________ (历史的情感共鸣) foster connections.18.________ (植物适应性技术) enhance resilience.19.We can _______ (一起) have a picnic.20.The study of how rocks change over time is known as ______.21.What is the name of the famous painting of a woman with a mysterious smile?A. Starry NightB. The ScreamC. Mona LisaD. The Last SupperC Mona Lisa22.中国的________ (legends) 如“女娲补天”是传统文化的一部分。
小学下册英语第6单元期中试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.My friend is a ______. He enjoys studying ancient history.2.I love to create ________ (涂鸦) on paper using bright ________ (颜色).3.The capybara is very _____.4.My sister has a cute ________ (玩具名称).5. A mixture of sand and salt can be separated using ________.6.The __________ is a major river in Africa. (尼日尔河)7.What is the capital of the Philippines?A. ManilaB. CebuC. DavaoD. Iloilo答案: A8.I like to _______ (swim/play) in the summer.9.We visit the ______ (历史博物馆) to learn about our past.10. A __________ is a reaction that releases energy in the form of light.11. A ________ is a natural formation that is often found in mountains.12. A lion is a majestic _______ that roams its territory with pride.13.What is the capital city of Italy?A. ParisB. RomeC. MadridD. Berlin答案: B14.Brazil is famous for its ________ (巴西以其________而闻名) and carnival.15.What do we call a person who studies the structure of the universe?A. AstronomerB. GeologistC. BiologistD. Physicist答案: A16.She is ___ the piano. (playing)17.The fall of the Roman Empire occurred in the _______ century.18.I like _______ (骑马) in the countryside.19.Many plants are used in ______ (传统医学).20.This student, ______ (这个学生), is very hardworking.21.Can you ___ me the book? (give, gives, giving)22.The stars are _______ (shining) brightly.23.I found a ________ on the floor.24. A ______ (植物生活) study can reveal ecological dynamics.25.What is the capital of Japan?A. SeoulB. BeijingC. TokyoD. Bangkok答案:C.Tokyo26.I like to ________ stories.27.My friend has a pet ______ (猫) named Whiskers.28. A rabbit can see behind itself without ________________ (转身).29.Moss often grows in ______ (阴湿) areas.30. A base that is soluble in water is called an _____.31.The butterfly landed softly on a ______ (花瓣). It looked very ______ (优雅).32.The ________ was a critical battle in the history of the nation.33.My pet ______ (仓鼠) loves to run at night.34.The rabbit has long _______ (耳朵).35.My dad loves to play ____ (poker) with friends.36.I love to help my dad with the _______ (我爱帮我爸爸做_______).37.The dog digs a hole in the _______ (狗在_______里挖了一个洞).38.The ancient Greeks are known for their contributions to ________ and science.39.What do you call a person who studies economics?A. EconomistB. AccountantC. BusinessmanD. Investor答案: A40.The Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of about _______ degrees.41.The Apollo missions were a series of space flights to the ______.42.What do we call a person who studies climate?A. ClimatologistB. MeteorologistC. Environmental ScientistD. Ecologist答案: A43.The __________ is known for its unique geological features. (黄石公园)44.The capital of Pakistan is __________.45.The __________ (北极) is melting due to climate change.46.My favorite character from a book is ______.47.I have a toy _____ that glows in the dark.48.On rainy days, I play with my ____ indoors. (玩具名称)49.She has a ________ for her birthday.50.In summer, I like to ride my ________ (自行车) around the neighborhood with my friends.51.On weekends, I enjoy ______ (看电影) with my family. We often watch ______ (动画片) and eat ______ (爆米花).52.I enjoy ________ (骑自行车) in the park.53.Fossils are often found in layers of ______ rock.54.What is the name of the event where people gather to celebrate?A. MeetingB. EventC. FestivalD. Gathering答案: C55.The chemical symbol for silver is _______.56.The chemical formula for carbon dioxide is ______.57.The ______ is essential for many ecosystems.58. A flame is a visible part of a ______ reaction.59.I enjoy making ______ (手工艺品) to give as gifts.60.The __________ (历史的跨越) spans different eras.61.The ice cream is ___ (melting) in the heat.62.The _______ (The Age of Enlightenment) emphasized reason and individual rights.63.The platypus lays _______ (蛋) instead of giving birth to live young.64.I love baking cookies and decorating them with ________ (糖霜) and sprinkles.65.The __________ is a famous archaeological site in Egypt. (金字塔)66.I enjoy going to ______.67.Which of these animals can fly south for the winter?A. SquirrelB. BearC. BirdD. Fish答案:C68.The _____ (小狗) wags its tail when happy.69.The flowers are __________ in the garden.70.Europe is separated from Asia by the __________ Mountains.71.The __________ (社会参与) strengthens communities.72.My friend is ______ (很有创造力).73.These are some examples of _____ (本土植物) in our area.74.The chemical formula for calcium hydroxide is __________.75.What do you call the movement of air?A. WindB. RainC. SnowD. Storm答案: A76.My favorite ice cream flavor is ________ (巧克力). I could eat it every ________ (天).77.Fish live in the ________________ (水).78.He is reading a ___. (comic book)79.The discovery of ________ has redefined our approach to genetics.80.My favorite color for toys is _______ (我最喜欢玩具的颜色是_______).81.The _______ (猫) has a playful nature.82.My grandma loves to visit ____ (parks).83. A manatee is often called a sea ________________ (牛).84.I love collaborating on projects because it combines our __________.85.Gardening practices can vary widely based on ______ and climate. (园艺实践因地域和气候差异而各异。
纸条作文素材英文回答:In the realm of literature, the written word has long played a profound role in shaping narratives and conveying emotions. From the heartfelt missives of ardent lovers to the cryptic notes of secret societies, paper slips have served as silent yet potent messengers throughout history. In this essay, I shall explore the versatile nature of paper slips as literary devices, examining their multifaceted functions and the compelling stories they unfold.Firstly, paper slips often serve as harbingers of pivotal events. In the enigmatic novel "The Da Vinci Code," the discovery of a cryptic note concealed within a book sets in motion a thrilling quest for hidden knowledge. Similarly, in Shakespeare's immortal tragedy "Hamlet," the fateful words "To be, or not to be" inscribed on a scrap of paper haunt the protagonist, echoing the existentialquandaries that torment his soul.Moreover, paper slips possess the unique ability to bridge vast distances and time periods. In the poignant short story "The Paper Menagerie," the protagonist discovers a box filled with folded paper animals crafted by her deceased father. As she unfolds each creation, she embarks on a journey through her childhood memories, reliving the love and loss that shaped her past. Likewise, in the epistolary novel "Love Letters," the exchange of letters between two separated lovers serves as a lifeline, keeping their hearts entwined despite the physical barriers that divide them.Furthermore, paper slips can serve as potent symbols of secrecy and intrigue. In espionage thrillers, encoded notes are often used to convey sensitive information, adding an element of suspense and danger to the narrative. In classic detective novels, the discovery of a torn scrap of paper may hold the key to unlocking a complex mystery. The act of deciphering these cryptic messages tests the limits of the protagonist's intellect and determination.Beyond their functional roles, paper slips can also evoke a powerful emotional resonance. The sight of a handwritten note from a loved one can evoke a surge of nostalgia or longing. In the film "The Notebook," a series of love letters written by an elderly man to his wife with Alzheimer's disease serves as a poignant reminder of their enduring bond. Similarly, in the novel "A Thousand Paper Cranes," the act of folding a thousand origami cranes symbolizes hope and resilience in the face of tragedy.中文回答:纸条在文学作品中的作用。
Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)Directions:There are 4 reading passages in this part。
Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements。
For each of them there are four choices marked A), B),C)and D)。
You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:When Kathie Gifford’s face was splashed across the newspapers in 1996 after her lucrative line of Wal mart clothing was exposed as the work of underpaid laborers in New York City’s Chinatown,the Department of Labor and the White House teamed up to condemn such practices. With much fanfare, President Clinton’s administration launched the “No Sweat” campaign,which pressured retailers and manufacturers to submit to periodic independent inspection of their workplace conditions。
ExercisesⅠ. Please translate the following words and phrases into Chinese.Exercises1. sample function 样本函数2. ensemble average 总体均值3. physical significance 物理意义4. a Fourier transform pair 傅里叶变换对5. deterministic waveform 确定性波形6. in the limit 在极限情况下7. time invariant 时不变的8. an upper frequency limit 频率上限9. Parseval’s theorem 巴塞瓦尔定理10. random pulses 随机脉冲Exercises1. physical system 物理系统,实际系统2. rise time 上升时间3. amount of information 信息量4. in principle 理论上,原则上5. gaussian channel 高斯信道6. probability density 概率密度7. root mean square 均方根值,均方根,8. trade off 交替换位,折衷选择9. lower bound 下限,下界1. equalizer 均衡器11. vice versa 反之亦然12. upper limit 上限Exercises1.overall performance 总性能2. crest factor 振幅(波峰)因数(振幅与有效值之比)3. nonlinear operation 非线性运算4. inverse operation 逆操作5. rms 均方根(值)6. PAM 振幅调制7. PDM 脉宽调制8. PPM 脉冲相位调制9. maximum magnitude 最大幅值10. error intervals 误差间隔11. Entropy 熵,平均信息量12. round off 舍入,用四舍五入化为整数13. quantum level 量化电平14. DPCM 差分脉冲编码调制Exercises1. channel coding 信道编码2. transmission bandwidth 传输带宽3. Single sided noise power density 单边带噪声功率密度4. orthogonal signaling 正交信号5. FEC 前向纠错6. logic table 逻辑表7. systematic code 系统码8. AWGN 加性高斯白噪声9. BER 误码率,误比特率(bit error ratio)10. trellis diagram 网格图11. constraint length 制约长度12. vector array 向量数组13. algebraic function 代数函数14. state diagram 状态图15. cyclic shift 循环移位16. generator matrix 生成矩阵Exercises1. AM 幅度调制(amplitude modulation)2. DPSK 差分相位键控(differential PSK)3. PAM 脉冲振幅调制(pulse amplitude modulation)4. PDM 脉宽调制(pulse duration modulation)5. PPM 脉冲相位调制(pulse phase modulation)6. PCM 脉冲编码调制(pulse code modulation)7. DPCM 差分脉冲编码调制(differential pulse codemodulation)8. ASK 振幅键控(amplitude shift keying)9. FSK 频移键控(frequency shift keying)10. FDM 频分多路复用(frequency division multiplexing)11. TDM 时分多路复用(time division multiplexing)12. coded modulation 编码调制13. suppressed carrier 抑制载波14. modulated signal 已调信号Exercises1. copper wire 铜线2. speech recognition 语音识别3. adaptive differential PCM 自适应差分脉码调制4. infinite impulse response (IIR) 无限脉冲响应5. real time conversation 实时交换6. digital signal processing 数字信号处理7. CELP 码激励线性预测(code excited linearprediction)8. VAD 话音激活检测器(voice activity detector)9. MPE 多脉冲激励(multipulse excitation)10. ADPCM 自适应差分脉码调制(adaptivedifferential PCM)11. direct quantization 直接量化12. log pulse PCM quantizer 对数脉冲PCM量化器ExercisesⅡ. Please translate the following words and phrases into English.1. 随机过程random process2. 统计平均 statistical average3. 随机变量random variable4. 自相关函数 autocorrelation function5. 傅里叶变换Fourier transform6. 功率谱密度 power spectral density7. 概率密度函数probability density function8. 高斯过程 gaussian process9. 平稳过程 a stationary process10. 统计独立 statistically independent11. 时间平均(值) time average12. 统计特性 statistical characteristic13. 各态历经过程ergodic process14. 狄拉克函数 delta functionExercises1. 通信理论communication theory(theory ofcommunications)2. 香农定理 Shannon’s theorem3. 信道带宽channal bandwidth4. 信号波形 signal waveform5. 理想低通滤波器ideal lowpass filter6. 自相关函数 autocorrelation function7. 无噪声高斯信道noiseless gaussian channel8. 通信信道 communication channel9. 信息速率information rate10. 信噪比 signal to noise ratio (SNR,S/N)11. 信道容量channal capacity12. 双边功率谱密度 Two sided power spectraldensity13. 误码率error probability(probability fo error )14. 奈奎斯特采样速率 Nyquist sampling rate15. 限带高斯信道band limited gaussian channel16. 高斯白噪声 white Gaussian noiseExercises1.正脉冲positive pulse2. 脉冲编码调制 pulse code modulation3. 解码器decoder4. 编码器 encoder5. 量化步长quantum step size6. 峰值 peak magnitudes7. 线性函数linear function8. 脉冲序列 pulse train9. 均匀量化器uniform quanizer10. 预测编码 predictive coding11. 压扩器compandor12. 压缩比 compression ratioExercises1. 检错码error detection code2. 信道容量 channel capacity3. 分组码block code4. 卷积码 convolutional code5. 移位寄存器shift register6. 汉明距离 Hamming distance7. 码重code weight(weight of code)8. 树形图 tree diagram9. 编码增益coding gain10. 平均比特能量 average bit energy11. 码距code distance(distance of code)12. 纠错码 error correction code13. 带宽效率bandwidth efficiency14. 模2加法器 modulo 2 adder15. 原始数据raw data16. 编码率 code rate17. 生成多项式generator polynomial18. 循环码 cyclic codeExercises1. 带通信号bandpass signal2. 脉冲调制 pulse modulation3. 角度调制angle modulation4. 残留边带抑制载波调制 vestigial side band suppressedcarrier modulation5. 绝对带宽absolute bandwidth6. 脉冲宽度 pulse duration7. 线性函数linear function8. 载波频率 carrier frequency9. 模拟调制analog modulation10. 移相键控 PSK(phase shift keying)11. 连续波调制 continuous wave (CW) modulation12. 同轴电缆 coaxial cableExercises1. 共振峰跟踪滤波器formant tracking filter2. 国际电信联盟 International Telecommunications Union(ITU)3. 背景噪声background noise4. 双向通信 two-way communication5. 基音跟踪滤波器pitch tracking filter6. 长时预测 long-term prediction7. 语音编码speech coding8. 声码器 vocoder9. 语音增强speech enhancement10. 波形跟随编码器 waveform following coder11. 参数编码器 parametric coder12. 频域编码器 frequency domain codeExercisesⅢ. Fill in the blanks with the missing word(s).1. The ensemble averages will be identical with thestatistical averagesand may be represented by the same symbols.2. The averages determined by measurements on asingle sampleFunction at successive times will yield a time average, which werepresent as n2(t1).3. Suppose, for example, that the statistical characteristics ofthe sampleFunctions in the ensemble were changing with time.4. For it may happen that while each sample function isstationary the individual sample functions may differ statistically from one another.5. As an extension of that result we shall define the powerspectral density of a random process in the same way.6. It is of interest to inquire whether G(f) definedin Eq. (1.2)for a random process has a physical significancewhichcorresponds to thephysical significance of G(f) for deterministic waveforms. 8. Hence, if we should select some sample function, aknowledge of thevalue of n(t) at time t would be of no assistance in improvingour ability to predict the value attained by that same sample function attime t+τ.9. Hence,whenever we make an observation or measurementof the pulsewaveform which extends over a duration longenough so that theaverage observed pulse shape,such as theiramplitudes,widths,andspacings are representative of the waveform generally,we shall find thatEq.(1.12)applies.10. Let us select a section of this waveform which extendsfrom -T/2 to -T/2.11. Since we have assumed an ergodic process,we are atliberty toperform (perform, performing) the averaging over any samplefunction of the ensemble, since every sample function will yield the sameresult.Exercises1.There is a negative statement associated withonShannon’s theorem.2. the purpose of transmission over the channel, themessagesare represented by fixed voltage levels.3. Since the transmission of any of the M messages is equally likely,H=log2M,thus our channel is transferring information at arate R=rH.4. For a fixed signal power and in the presence ofwhitegaussian noise the channel capacity approaches an upper limit with increasing bandwidth.5. It is of great interest to recognize that thetradeoffbetween bandwidth and signal to noise ratio is not limited by a lower limit in bandwidth.6. The signal is transmitted in a channel which canbe representedas a lowpass RC circuit with cutoff at 1 Hz.7. If there is no noise, then we are entirely free to make asforthe attenuation by the use of an amplifier and to correct the frequencydistortion by the use of an equalizer.8. That is, we need to estimate the interval T which should beassignedto each message to allow the transmitted levels to be recognizedIndividually over the receiver, even though the bandwidth B of thechannel is limited.9. Therefore, the 25 percent reduction inbandwidth requires a 60percent increase of signal power.10. While we have used the term communication channelin manyoccasions, it is well to emphasize at this point, that the term, which isSomething as an abstraction, is intended to encompass all thefeatures and componentparts of the transmission system which introducenoise or limit the bandwidth.11. The probability of error is close to unity for everypossible setof M transmitter signals.12. It turns out that the results obtained for agaussian channeloften provide a lower bound in the performance ofa systemOperating in a nongaussian channel.ExercisesⅢ. Fill in the blanks with the missing word(s).1. PCM is a widely different form of modulation compared withthe analogpulse types such as PAM, PDM, and PPM.2. The characteristics of the pulse group are related tothe messagesample through operations called quantization and coding.3. The term symbol coder distingnishes this coding operationfrom theoverall source encoding process. In most cases,a variable length code isused to represent the mapped and quantized data set.It assigns theshortest codewords to the most frequently occuring (occurring,occure,occurred) output values and thus reduces coding redundancy.4. Thus, a quantization error exists in PCM and, as willbe seen, is theBasic limitation in performance.5. Quantization and sampling produce the same result assampling andquantizing.6. For equal peak magnitudes, signals with large crest factorsgive poorerperformance than those with small Kcr.7. In the receiver the inverse operation is implemented byan expandorto restore the original message.8. The digital data is fed serially into the decoder.9. as the rate drops, samples are made lessfrequently and step sizesincrease.10. The actual compression ratio resulting from thismethod is no morethan an order of 4∶1.11. In an attempt to reduce (reduce,reducing)thenumber of codes sentby a PCM system, a slight variance on samplingmethod is used by asystem known as Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM).ExercisesⅢ. Fill in the blanks with the missing word(s).1. Channel coding protects digital data from errors byselectively introducing redundancies in the transmitted data.2. By proper encoding of the information, errors induced byanoisy channel can be reduced to any desired level withoutsacrificing the rate of information transfer.3. Error control coding waveforms, on the other hand,havebandwidth expansion factors that grow only linearly with the codeblock length.4. In a block encoder, k information bits are encoded intoncode bits.5. The block code is referred to as an (n,k)code, andthe rate of thecode is defined as Rc=k/n and is equal to the rate of informationdivided by the raw channel rate.6. Convolutional codes are fundamentally different fromnblock codes in thatinformation sequences are not grouped into distinct blocks and encoded.7. The tree diagram shows the structure of the encoder inthe form of atree with the branches representing(represent,represented,representing)the various states and the outputs of the coder.8. This reduces the bandwidth efficiency of the link inhigh SNRconditions, but provides excellent BER performance at low SNR values.9. A systematic code is one in which the parity bits areappended tothe end of the information bits.10. A channel coder operates on digital message (orsource) data byencoding the source information into a code sequence for transmissionthrough the channel.ExercisesⅢ. Fill in the blanks with the missing word(s).1. The method involves first sampling the information signal,quantizingthe sample by rounding off to the closest of a number of discrete levels,and finally generating a prescribed number of pulses according to a coderelated to the nearest discrete level.2. Coded modulation will also be referred to as digitalmodulation.It isone of the most modern and useful methods of modulation available today.3. In PPM pulse position is proportional to theamplitude of the message signal4. Time division multiplexing (TDM) uses pulse modulation toput samples ofdifferent signals in nonoverlapping time slots. For instance, the gaps betweenpulses could be filled with samples from other signals.5. It is often necessary to use modulation to translate theuseful band offrequencies up to a large carrier frequency so thatefficientelectromagnetic radiation is possible from an antenna having reason able size.6. The design of a communication system may be constrainedby the costand availability of hardware, whose performance often depends on thefrequencies involved7. Fractional bandwidth considerations account for thefact thatmodulation units are found in receivers as well as in transmitters.8. These methods may be characterized as continuouswave (cw)modulation.9. Since each station has a different assigned carrierfrequency, thedesired signal can be separated from the others by filtering.10. PCM may be either binary, where pulses have only twovoltage levels,or μ-ary, where pulses may take on μpossible levels.11. By exploiting the frequency translation property ofcw modulation,message information can be impressed on a carrier whosefrequency has been selected for the desired transmission method.ExercisesⅢ. Fill in the blanks with the missing word(s).1. Speech coding is a fundamental technology that has existedformore than 60 years, beginning in the 1930s with Dudley’s originalvocoder.2. Speech coding is distinct from the more generalproblem of audiocoding in that the primary signal of interest is the speech itself.3. Virtually all existing telecommunications applications beginwithspeech coded by this standard.4. The selection of appropriate excitation pulses is carried outin a perceptually weighted domain, ratherthan just minimizing the mse in thewaveform domain so that the quantization noise is less audible to thelistener.5. Signal delay is a measure of the duration of the speechsignal usedto estimate coder parameters reliably for both the encoder and thedecoder, plus any delay inherent in the transmission channel.6. If the round trip delay is held (holds, is held, held) below300 ms andthere is sufficient echo cancellation, the quality is quite acceptable.7. If the number of bits provided by the coder over time isalways thesame, the rate is fixed.8. Voice activity detectors (VAD) that attempt to determinewhetherspeech is actually present so as to utilize the channel more efficientlywhen speech is absent and to avoid trying (to try, try, trying) to codebackground signals as speech.9. Instead, this class attempts to produce a signal that soundslike theoriginal by using a parametric model of speech, analying (analyzing,analyze, analyzed) the speech to estimate these parameters, and thenquantizing only the parameters.10. Frequency domain coders have been selected(select, havebeenselected, are selecting) as the basis for a new wideband codingrecommendation by the ITU-T.。
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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0506621v 2 8 J u l 2005Astronomy &Astrophysics manuscript no.Hf032February 2,2008(DOI:will be inserted by hand later)Discovery of a widely separated binary systemof very low mass stars ⋆N.Phan-Bao 1,E.L.Mart´ın 2,3,C.Reyl´e 4,T.Forveille 5,6,and J.Lim 11Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics,Academia Sinica.P.O.Box 23-141,Taipei 106,Taiwan,R.O.C.2Instituto de Astrof ´ısica de Canarias,C/V´ıa L´a ctea s/n,E-38200La Laguna (Tenerife),Spain.3University of Central Florida,Dept.of Physics,PO Box 162385,Orlando,FL 32816-2385,USA.4CNRS UMR6091,Observatoire de Besan¸c on,BP1615,25010Besan¸c on Cedex,France.5Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation,65-1238Mamalahoa Highway,Kamuela,HI 96743USA.6Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Grenoble,Universit´e J.Fourier,B.P.53,F-38041Grenoble,France.Received /AcceptedAbstract.We report our discovery of a nearby wide binary system,LP 714-37AB.Phan-Bao et al.identified LP 714-37as a mid-M dwarf during a cross-identification of the NLTT and DENIS catalogues.Our CCD images resolve the system into a binary with a projected angular separation of 1.8′′,or 33AU,and low-resolution optical spectra give spectral types of M5.5(LP 714-37A)and M7.5(LP 714-37B).This makes LP 714-37AB one of very few widely separated (separation >30AU)very low-mass binary systems known in the field,and we discuss it in the context of the multiplicity properties of very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs.Key words.binary stars,very low mass stars,brown dwarfs,individual star:DENIS-P J0410-1251,LP 714-371.IntroductionBinary systems have been studied for decades to measure accurate stellar masses,and to test evolutionary models and star formation theories.Considerable attention has recently been paid to very low-mass (VLM)companions to low-mass stars (Duquennoy &Mayor 1991;Fischer &Marcy 1992;Delfosse et al.1999;Reid et al.2001;Beuzit et al.2004;Forveille et al.2004),as well as to binaries among ultracool dwarfs (spectral types later than M6)in the solar neighborhood (Mart´ın et al.1999a;Close et al.2002,2003;Bouy et al.2003;Burgasser et al.2003;Gizis et al.2003;Siegler et al.2005;Forveille et al.2005)and in nearby young open clusters and associations (Mart´ın et al.1998,2000,2003;Chauvin et al.2004).The main results of the high spatial resolution imaging surveys of VLM stars and brown dwarfs (BDs)can be summarized as follows:(1)the binary frequency in the separation range 1-15AU is about 15%,(2)the frequency of wide binary systems (semi-major axis >15AU)is very low,<1%,(3)the mass ratios are strongly biased towards nearly-equal mass binaries,beyond the expected observation selection effects.The companions to the more massive lowmass2N.Phan-Bao et al.:A widely separated binary system tion,in Chamaeleon I,Luhman2004a);2MASS J1207-3932(55AU,in TW Hydrae,Chauvin et al.2004).Theirexistence is atfirst sight inconsistent with the ejectionmodels,though the statistics of the numerical simulationsis currently limited.In this Letter,we present a new wide binary consistingof two VLM stars in thefield.Sec.2presents the observa-tions and data reduction,while Sec.3.discusses the resultsin the context of the binary properties of VLM stars andBDs.2.Observations and data reductionPhan-Bao et al.(2003)identified LP714-37(DENIS-P J0410-1251)as a mid-M dwarf while cross-identifyingthe NLTT(Luyten1980)and DENIS(Epchtein1997)catalogues,and derived a photometric distance of15.3pc.Cruz et al.(2003)independently determined a spectropho-tometric distance of15.4pc and an M6.0spectral type.Allowing for the binary nature of the system pushes itsdistance out to18.1pc(Sec.3).As part of our ongoing spectroscopic follow-up ofnew nearby M dwarfs detected with DENIS,one of us(C´e line Reyl´e)observed LP714-37with the3.6-meterNew Technology Telescope(NTT)at La Silla Observatory(ESO,Chile)in November2003;and the data was ana-lyzed in January2005.Two objects were in fact detectedon the acquisition image(Fig.1).Optical low-resolution spectra were obtained for bothobjects in the Red Imaging and Low-dispersion spec-troscopy(RILD)observing mode of the EMMI instru-ment.The detector was a2048×4096MIT/LL CCD,usedin normal readout mode with2×2binning.Grism#2gavea dipersion of3.5˚A pixel−1,and the OG530#645ordersortingfilter defined a wavelength range of520to950nm.The slit width of1arsec corresponds to a spectral resolu-tion of10.4˚A,and the seeing was0.7arcsec.The exposuretime was30s.LTT2415and Feige110(selected fromthe ESO list,/pub/stecf/standards/ctiostan/)were observed as spectrophotometric standards.The re-duction of spectra was performed with MIDAS packages.We normalized the spectra to1over the754-758nm in-terval,the denominator of the PC3index(Mart´ın et al.1999b)and a region with a goodflat pseudo-continuum.Figure2shows the two resulting spectra.The presenceof the Na I and K I doublets and the absence of the Ca IItriplet immediately demonstrate that both stars are Mdwarfs rather than M giants,as does the general shape ofthe TiO bands.Analysis of the R band acquisition imagewith SExtractor(Bertin&Arnouts1996)gives a sepa-ration of5.53pixels,or1.83′′with the0.33′′/pixel focalscale of EMMI.Since the discovery is serendipitous we didnot obtain images with otherfilters and have no photo-metric calibrations for the R band.We therefore only usethe image for astrometry.DENIS-P J0410-12511.’’Fig.1.A20×20′′section of the R-band NTT image of theLP714-37binary system.The pixel size is0.33′′,North isup and East is left.Fig.2.Spectra of the two components of LP714-37.Thepositions of the Hα,NaI,KI and CaII lines are indicated,as well as the spectral intervals used to compute the PC3spectral index.3.DiscussionThe calibration of the PC3index to spectral type(Mart´ınet al.1999b)gives spectral types of M5.5for componentA and M7.5for component B,with an uncertainty of±0.5subclass.The observed Hαemission in component B withspectral type of M7.5is consistent with the observationsby Gizis et al.(2000a)pointed out that all M7-M8dwarfsshow the Hαline in emission.The proper motion of the system isµα=−117mas/yrandµδ=−382mas/yr(Phan-Bao et al.2003),and it hastherefore moved by6.8arcsec between the epoch of theSERC-I plate and our NTT observation.Figure3showsthat there is no background star at the position of thesystem in either the SERC-I image(I band)or the DENIS-I image,and therefore demonstrates that the system is aphysical binary.N.Phan-Bao et al.:A widely separated binary system 3Table 1.PC3indices and spectral types of the two components of LP 714-37Stars Other name PC3SpT M I M J M H M K Mass Sep.P dist.µ(M ⊙)(AU)(yr)(pc)′′/yr (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)Columns 1&2:NLTT and DENISname.Columns 3&4:The PC3index and spectral types derived from the (PC3,spectral type)relation of Mart´ın et al.(1999b).Columns 5-8:Absolute magnitudes for the I ,J ,H ,and K bands based on the PC3-absolute magnitudes relation (Crifo et al.2005).Column 9:Mass determinations for 1-5Gyr from the models of Baraffe et al.(1998).Column 10:Projected separation.Column 11:Period computed by assuming a face-on circular orbit.Columns 12:Spectrophotometric distance.Columns 13:Total proper motion taken from Phan-Bao et al.(2003).Fig.3.Archival images of LP 714-37:SERC-I (left,epoch:1986.940)and DENIS-I (right,epoch:2000.896).The cross indicates the position of component B at the 2003.915epoch of the NTT image.Clearly,the SERC-I image would easily separate the two objects if they were not physically associated.The size of each image is 20×20′′,and North is up and East to the left.To estimate the distance,we assume that this sys-tem has no additional unresolved component(s).We can then calculate the absolute magnitudes of the system from those of the two components,computed from their PC3indices with the PC3index to magnitudes relation of Crifo et al.(2005)(Table 1).Comparison with the DENIS ap-parent magnitudes (I =12.99,J =10.94,K =9.89)then gives the distance:d I =17.8±2.1pc;d J =18.9±2.3pc and d K =17.6±2.1pc.We adopt the mean distance of d =18.1±2.2pc.We estimate the mass of each component,using I ,J ,and K -band mass-luminosity relations (Fig.4for the K band)from the Baraffe et al.(1998)models.We adopt their 5Gyr model,an intermediate age for the solar neighbourhood (Caloi et al.1999),but the results are insensitive to this choice (Fig.4).The masses of com-ponent A and B are respectively 0.11±0.01M ⊙and 0.09±0.005M ⊙,slightly above the hydrogen-burning limit (Chabrier &Baraffe 1997).The total mass of LP 714-37AB is 0.2±0.015M ⊙,within one sigma of the M tot <0.185M ⊙convention adopted by Close et al.(2002)for their sample of VLM binaries.Thus,this system can be considered a VLM binary.At the 18.1pc of the system,Fig.4.The mass vs.K band absolute magnitude relations from the evolutionary models of Baraffe et al.(1998)for solar metallicity low mass stars.The crosses indicate the masses of components A and B for an age of 5Gyr.The isochrones plotted are 0.6,0.8,1.0,1.3,1.6,2.0,5.0,and 10.0Gyr;the latter two are overlapped.its 1.83′′separation corresponds to 33.1AU.Assuming a face-on circular orbit,the corresponding orbital period is approximately 400years.Recent surveys demonstrate that VLM binaries with large separations (>30AU)are rare in the field (Fig.5,and references therein),but can be found in young as-sociations and clusters (Chauvin et al.2004,Luhman 2004a).Those authors reported the respective discover-ies of 2MASSW J1207-3932(8Myr,TW Hydrae),and 2MASSW J1101-7732(1Myr,Chamaeleon I)with sepa-rations of 55AU and 240AU.We report here the discovery of a 33AU VLM binary,and Mart´ın et al.(2000)found that CFHT-Pl-18is a 35AU VLM binary (Fig.5),both in the field.Since ejection models predict a maximum separation of about 10AU for VLM binaries,the existence of the wide binaries is at first sight inconsistent with these ejec-tion models.One should note however that the numerical4N.Phan-Bao et al.:A widely separated binarysystemFig.5.Sum of primary and secondary component masses vs.projected binary separation for VLM bina-ries in the field.The empty circles represent binaries with separations smaller than 30AU,from Table 4of Siegler et al.(2005)and references therein.The empty squares show low mass field binaries from Reid &Gizis (1997)with masses updated from RECONS at /RECONS/.The empty rhom-bus is LHS 224from Beuzit et al.(2004).The 35AU VLM binary CFHT-Pl-18(Mart´ın et al.2000)is plotted as a filled triangle.The filled squares show two VLM triple systems GJ 1245and 2MASS J1047+4026,discussed in Sec.3.The filled circle indicates LP 714-37.Dotted line:M tot =0.185M ⊙,the limit for VLM systems adopted by Close et al.(2003).models to date suffer from small number statistics.A fur-ther caveat if that the relevant quantity is the total mass of the system,and that the apparent binaries could pos-sibly be triple or higher order multiple systems,with a correspondingly higher total mass.This would make them analogs of the GJ 1245ABC triple system,which consists of two M5.5and one ∼M8dwarfs (Reid et al.1995,Henry et al.1999)with separations of 32and 5AUs (McCarthy et al.1988).We note that Gizis et al.(2000b)discov-ered a 230AU VLM binary in the field,LP 213-67(M6.5)and LP 213-68(M8.0),which in the recent adaptive op-tics survey of Close et al.(2003)turned out to be triple when LP 213-67AB (or 2MASS J1047+4026)was resolved into two components (see Fig.5).Bouy et al.(2005)fur-ther reported that the DENIS-P J020529.0-115925VLM binary is a probable triple system.Triple systems could thus potentially explain the apparent excess of wide VLM binaries,and adaptive optics imaging of LP 714-37would be of obvious interest to clarify its true multiplicity.Amongst the recently discovered VLM field binaries (Bouy et al.2003;Close et al.2002,2003;Siegler et al.2005;Forveille et al.2005),LP 714-37has one of the widest separation,making it of great interest as a constraint for VLM binary star formation theories.We note that late-M dwarfs detected by Phan-Bao et al.(2001,2003)over 5700square degrees in the DENIS database provide a valuable well defined sample for studies of VLM field binaries.Acknowledgements.Ngoc Phan-Bao is grateful to the DENIS consortium for access to the DENIS data used by his very lowmass stars search.Ngoc Phan-Bao also thanks Fran¸c oise Crifo for her comments on the manuscript.Celine Reyl´e acknowl-edges help during the observations by Olivier Hainaut and the NTT team at the European Southern Observatory.We thank the referee,Kevin Luhman,for a fast and useful report.Partial funding was provided by NSF grant AST 02-05862.ReferencesBaraffe,I.,Chabrier,G.,et al.1998,A&A,337,403Bate,M.R.,Bonnell,I.A.,&Bromm,V.2002,MNRAS,332,L65Bate,M.R.,Bonnell,I.A.,&Bromm,V.2003,MNRAS,339,577Bertin,E.,&Arnouts,S.1996,A&AS,117,393Beuzit,J.-L.,S´e gransan,D.,Forveille,T.,et al.2004,A&A,425,997Bouy,H.,Brandner,W.,Mart´ın,E.L.,et al.2003,AJ,126,1526Bouy,H.,Mart´ın,E.L.,et 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