毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:基于单片机的无线防盗报警系统设计文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:专业:姓名:学号:外文出处:Multimedia Technology (ICMT), (用外文写)2011 International Conference on 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
关键词:红外传感器;发射;接收;单片机;报警1 前言随着时代的不断进步,人们对环境安全提出了一个更高的要求,特别是在生活安全方面,要时常地去注意那些不速之客。
2 硬件系统的设计无线防盗系统图是以单片机为基础,如图1所示。
关键词:单片机红外传感器数据采集报警电路AbstractWith the people's living standard continuously improved, the awareness of the protection of private property continuously enhanced, and thus the security measures put forward new demands. This paper is designed in order to meet the needs of the prevention of theft, accidents and vehicle anti-theft alarm system.Currently on the market pressure trigger the burglar alarm switch electronic anti-theft alarm and pressure shading trigger burglar alarm, such as a variety of alarm, but that several of the more common alarm there are some drawbacks. The system uses a pyroelectric infrared sensor, the production of simple, low cost, more convenient to install, and anti-theft performance is relatively stable, strong interference capability, high sensitivity, safe and reliable. This anti-theft device installed hidden and difficult to be discovered by thieves. It’s signal through a convenient treatment of the SCM system and PC communications, to facilitate the unified management of the multi-user.The design includes two parts of the hardware and software design. The hardware parts include of the MCU control circuit, infrared sensor circuit, drive the implementation of the alarm circuit, LED control circuit components. The processor uses 52 series microcontroller the AT89C52. The entire system is under the control of the system software. The software part can be divided into the following modules: data collection, keyboard control, alarm and display subroutines.Keywords:microcontroller, infrared sensors, data acquisition, alarm circuit.目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)目录.............................................................................................................. I II 前言. (1)1 概述 (3)1.1课题研究背景 (3)1.1.1 汽车防盗报警系统的研究现状 (3)1.1.2 汽车防盗报警系统设计的必要性 (4)1.2设计方案选择 (5)1.2.1 设计要求 (5)1.2.2 方案设计论证与选择 (5)2 总体方案设计 (8)2.1系统概述 (8)2.2各功能模块的设计 (9)2.2.1 单片机电路 (10)2.2.2 红外热释电报警传感器电路 (13)2.2.3 温湿度传感器及检测电路 (17)2.2.4 DS1302实时时钟电路 (20)2.2.5 LCD显示电路 (24)2.2.6 EEPROM存储器电路 (28)2.2.7 键盘电路 (31)2.3软件的程序实现 (31)2.3.1 主程序流程图 (31)2.3.2 主程序见附录1 (32)3 pcb画图及实物制作 (33)3.1制作过程及理论实践概述 (33)3.2设计原理图 (33)3.3设计PCB图 (36)3.4最终实物图 (37)总结 (38)致谢 (40)参考文献 (41)附录1主程序 (42)前言随着社会的发展,科学技术的进步和安全防范意识的增强,人们越来越注重自身所处的环境是否安全同时,汽车的防盗也被列入了研发议程。
Ultrasonic ranging system designPublication title: Sensor Review. Bradford: 1993.Vol.ABSTRACT: Ultrasonic ranging technology has wide using worth in many fields, such as the industrial locale, vehicle navigation and sonar engineering. Now it has been used in level measurement, self-guided autonomous vehicles, fieldwork robots automotive navigation, air and underwater target detection, identification, location and so on. So there is an important practicing meaning to learn the ranging theory and ways deeply. To improve the precision of the ultrasonic ranging system in hand, satisfy the request of the engineering personnel for the ranging precision, the bound and the usage, a portable ultrasonic ranging system based on the single chip processor was developed.Keywords: Ultrasound, Ranging System, Single Chip Processor1. IntroductiveWith the development of science and technology, the improvement of people’s standard of living, speeding up the development and construction of the city. Urban drainage system have greatly developed their situation is construction improving. However, due to historical reasons many unpredictable factors in the synthesis of her time, the city drainage system. In particular drainage system often lags behind urban construction. Therefore, there are often good building excavation has been building facilities to upgrade the drainage system phenomenon. It brought to the city sewage, and it is clear to the city sewage and drainage culvert in the sewage treatment system.Co mfort is very important to people’s lives. Mobile robots designed to clear the drainage culvert and the automatic control system Free sewage culvert clear guarantee robots, the robot is designed to clear the culvert sewage to the core. Control system is the core component of the development of ultrasonic range finder. Therefore, it is very important to design a good ultrasonic range finder.2. A principle of ultrasonic distance measurementThe application of AT89C51:SCM is a major piece of computer components are integrated into the chip micro-computer. It is a multi-interface and counting on the micro-controller integration, and intelligence products are widely used in industrial automation. and MCS-51 microcontroller is a typical and representative.Microcontrollers are used in a multitude of commercial applications such as modems, motor-control systems, air conditioner control systems, automotive engine and among others. The high processing speed and enhanced peripheral set of these microcontrollers make them suitable for such high-speed event-based applications. However, these critical application domains also require that these microcontrollers are highly reliable. The high reliability and low market risks can be ensured by a robust testing process and a proper tools environment for the validation of these microcontrollers both at the component and at the system level. Intel Plaform Engineering department developed an object-oriented multi-threaded test environment for the validation of its AT89C51 automotive microcontrollers. The goals of this environment was not only to provide a robust testing environment for the AT89C51 automotive microcontrollers, but to develop an environment which can be easily extended and reused for the validation of several other future microcontrollers. The environment was developed in conjunction with Microsoft Foundation Classes(AT89C51).1.1 Features* Compatible with MCS-51 Products* 2Kbytes of Reprogrammable Flash MemoryEndurance: 1,000Write/Erase Cycles* 2.7V to 6V Operating Range* Fully Static operation: 0Hz to 24MHz* Two-level program memory lock* 128x8-bit internal RAM* 15programmable I/O lines* Two 16-bit timer/counters* Six interrupt sources*Programmable serial UART channel* Direct LED drive output* On-chip analog comparator* Low power idle and power down modes1.2 DescriptionThe AT89C2051 is a low-voltage, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 2Kbytes of flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry standard MCS-51 instruction set and pinout. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C2051 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many embedded control applications.The AT89C2051 provides the following standard features: 2Kbytes of flash,128bytes of RAM, 15 I/O lines, two 16-bit timer/counters, a five vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, a precision analog comparator, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89C2051 is designed with static logicfor operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The idle mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port and interrupt system to continue functioning. The power down mode saves the RAM contents but freezer the oscillator disabling all other chip functions until the next hardware reset.1.3 Pin Configuration1.4 Pin DescriptionVCC Supply voltage.GND Ground.Prot 1Prot 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port. Port pins P1.2 to P1.7 provide internal pullups. P1.0 and P1.1 require external pullups. P1.0 and P1.1 also serve as the positive input (AIN0) and the negative input (AIN1), respectively, of the on-chip precision analog comparator. The port 1 output buffers can sink 20mA and can drive LED displays directly. When 1s are written to port 1 pins, they can be used as inputs. When pins P1.2 to P1.7 are used as input and are externally pulled low, they will source current (IIL) because of the internal pullups.Port 3Port 3 pins P3.0 to P3.5, P3.7 are seven bidirectional I/O pins with internal pullups. P3.6 is hard-wired as an input to the output of the on-chip comparator and is not accessible as a general purpose I/O pin. The port 3 output buffers can sink 20mA. When 1s are written to port 3 pins they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the pullups.Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the AT89C2051 as listed below.1.5 Programming the FlashThe AT89C2051 is shipped with the 2 Kbytes of on-chip PEROM code memory array in the erased state (i.e., contents=FFH) and ready to be programmed. The code memory array is programmed one byte at a time. Once the array is programmed, to re-program any non-blank byte, the entire memory array needs to be erased electrically.Internal address counter: the AT89C2051 contains an internal PEROM address counter which is always reset to 000H on the rising edge of RST and is advanced applying a positive going pulse to pin XTAL1.Programming algorithm: to program the AT89C2051, the following sequence is recommended.1. power-up sequence:Apply power between VCC and GND pins Set RST and XTAL1 to GNDWith all other pins floating , wait for greater than 10 milliseconds2. Set pin RST to ‘H’ set pin P3.2 to ‘H’3. Apply the appropriate combination of ‘H’ or ‘L’ logic to pins P3.3, P3.4, P3.5,P3.7 to select one of the programming operations shown in the PEROM programming modes table.To program and Verify the Array:4. Apply data for code byte at location 000H to P1.0 to P1.7.5.Raise RST to 12V to enable programming.5. Pulse P3.2 once to program a byte in the PEROM array or the lock bits. The byte-write cycle is self-timed and typically takes 1.2ms.6. To verify the programmed data, lower RST from 12V to logic ‘H’ level and set pins P3.3 to P3.7 to the appropriate levels. Output data can be read at the port P1 pins.7. To program a byte at the next address location, pulse XTAL1 pin once to advance the internal address counter. Apply new data to the port P1 pins.8. Repeat steps 5 through 8, changing data and advancing the address counter for the entire 2 Kbytes array or until the end of the object file is reached.9. Power-off sequence: set XTAL1 to ‘L’ set RST to ‘L’Float all other I/O pins Turn VCC power off2.1 The principle of piezoelectric ultrasonic generatorPiezoelectric ultrasonic generator is the use of piezoelectric crystal resonators to work. Ultrasonic generator, the internal structure as shown, it has two piezoelectric chip and a resonance plate. When it’s two plus pulse signal, the frequency equal to the intrinsic piezoelectric oscillation frequency chip, the chip will happen piezoelectric resonance, and promote the development of plate vibration resonance, ultrasound is generated. Conversely, it will be for vibration suppression of piezoelectric chip, the mechanical energy is converted to electrical signals, then it becomes the ultrasonic receiver.The traditional way to determine the moment of the echo’s arrival is based on thresholding the received signal with a fixed reference. The threshold is chosen well above the noise level, whereas the moment of arrival of an echo is defined as the first moment the echo signal surpasses that threshold. The intensity of an echo reflecting from an object strongly depends on the object’s nature, size and distance from the sensor. Further, the time interval from the echo’s starting point to the moment when it surpasses the threshold changes with the intensity of the echo. As a consequence, a considerable error may occur even two echoes with different intensities arriving exactly at the same time will surpass the threshold at different moments. The stronger one will surpass the threshold earlier than the weaker, so it will be considered as belonging to a nearer object.2.2 The principle of ultrasonic distance measurementUltrasonic transmitter in a direction to launch ultrasound, in the moment to launch the beginning of time at the same time, the spread of ultrasound in the air, obstacles on his way to return immediately, the ultrasonic reflected wave received by the receiverimmediately stop the clock. Ultrasound in the air as the propagation velocity of 340m/s, according to the timer records the time t, we can calculate the distance between the launch distance barrier(s), that is: s=340t / 23. Ultrasonic Ranging System for the Second Circuit DesignSystem is characterized by single-chip microcomputer to control the use of ultrasonic transmitter and ultrasonic receiver since the launch from time to time, single-chip selection of 875, economic-to-use, and the chip has 4K of ROM, to facilitate programming.3.1 40 kHz ultrasonic pulse generated with the launchRanging system using the ultrasonic sensor of piezoelectric ceramic sensorsUCM40, its operating voltage of the pulse signal is 40kHz, which by the single-chip implementation of the following procedures to generate.puzel: mov 14h, # 12h; ultrasonic firing continued 200msHere: cpl p1.0; output 40kHz square wavenop;nop;nop;djnz 14h, here;retRanging in front of single-chip termination circuit P1.0 input port, single chip implementation of the above procedure, the P1.0 port in a 40kHz pulse output signal, after amplification transistor T, the drive to launch the first ultrasonic UCM40T, issued 40kHz ultrasonic pulse, and the continued launch of 200ms. Ranging the right and the left side of the circuit, respectively, then input port P1.1 and P1.2, the working principle and circuit in front of the same location.3.2 Reception and processing of ultrasonicUsed to receive the first launch of the first pair UCM40R, the ultrasonic pulse modulation signal into an alternating voltage, the op-amp amplification IC1A and after polarization IC1B to IC2. IC2 is locked loop with audio decoder chip LM567, internal voltage-controlled oscillator center frequency of f0=1/1.1R8C3, capacitor C4 determinetheir target bandwidth. R8-conditioning in the launch of the high jump 8 feet into a low-level, as interrupt request signals to the single-chip processing.Ranging in front of single-chip termination circuit output port INT0 interrupt the highest priority, right or left location of the output circuit with output gate IC3A access INT1 port single-chip, while single-chip P1.3 and P1.4 received input IC3A, interrupted by the process to identify the source of inquiry to deal with, interrupt priority level for the first left right after. Part of the source code is as follows:Receivel: push pswpush accclr ex1; related external interrupt 1jnb p1.1, right; P1.1 pin to 0, ranging from right to interrupt service routine circuitjnb p1.2, left; P1.2 pin to 0, to the left ranging circuit interrupt service routinereturn: SETB EX1; open external interrupt 1pop accpop pswretiright: …; right location entrance circuit interrupt service routineAjmp Returnleft: …; left ranging entrance circuit interrupt service routineAjmp Return3.3 The calculation of ultrasonic propagation timeWhen you start firing at the same time start the single-chip circuitry within the timer T0, the use of timer counting function records the time and the launch of ultrasonic reflected wave received time. When you receive the ultrasonic reflected wave, the receiver circuit output a negative jump in the end of INT0 or INT1 interrupt request generates a signal, single-chip microcomputer in response to external interrupt request, the implementation of the external interrupt service subroutine, read the time difference, calculating the distance. Some of its source code is as follows:RECEIVE0: PUSH PSWPUSH ACCCLR EX0; related external interrupt 0MOV R7, TH0; read the time valueMOV R6, TL0CLR CMOV A, R6SUBB A, #0BBH; calculate the time differenceMOV 31H, A; storage resultsMOV A, R7SUBB A, # 3CHMOV 30H, ASETB EX0; open external interrupt 0\POP ACCPOP PSWRETIFor a flat target, a distance measurement consists of two phases: a coarse measurement and a fine measurement:Step 1: Transmission of one pulse train to produce a simple ultrasonic wave.Step 2: Changing the gain of both echo amplifiers according to equation, until the echo is detected.Step 3: Detection of the amplitudes and zero-crossing times of both echoes.Step 4: Setting the gains of both echo amplifiers to normalize the output at, say 3 volts. Setting the period of the next pulses according to the: period of echoes. Setting the time window according to the data of step 2.Step 5: Sending two pulse trains to produce an interfered wave. Testing the zero-crossing times and amplitudes of the echoes. If phase inversion occurs in the echo, determine to otherwise calculate to by interpolation using the amplitudes near the trough. Derive t sub m1 and t sub m2.Step 6: Calculation of the distance y using equation.4、The ultrasonic ranging system software designSoftware is divided into two parts, the main program and interrupt service routine. Completion of the work of the main program is initialized, each sequence of ultrasonic transmitting and receiving control.Interrupt service routines from time to time to complete three of the rotation direction of ultrasonic launch, the main external interrupt service subroutine to read the value of completion time, distance calculation, the results of the output and so on.5、ConclusionsRequired measuring range of 30cm-200cm objects inside the plane to do a number of measurements found that the maximum error is 0.5cm, and good reproducibility. Single-chip design can be seen on the ultrasonic ranging system has a hardware structure is simple, reliable, small features such as measurement error. Therefore, it can be used not only for mobile robot can be used in other detection system.Thoughts: As for why the receiver do not have the transistor amplifier circuit, because the magnification well, integrated amplifier, but also with automatic gain control level, magnification to 76dB, the center frequency is 38k to 40k, is exactly resonant ultrasonic sensors frequency.6、Parking sensor6.1 Parking sensor introductionReversing radar, full name is "reversing the anti-collision radar, also known as" parking assist device, car parking or reversing the safety of assistive devices, ultrasonic sensors(commonly known as probes), controls and displays (or buzzer)and other components. To inform the driver around the obstacle to the sound or a moreintuitive display to lift the driver parking, reversing and start the vehicle around tovisit the distress caused by, and to help the driver to remove the vision deadends and blurred vision defects and improve driving safety.6.2 Reversing radar detection principleReversing radar, according to high-speed flight of the bats in thenight, not collided with any obstacle principles of design anddevelopment. Probe mounted on the rear bumper, according to different price and brand, the probe only ranging from two, three, four, six, eight,respectively, pipe around. The probe radiation, 45-degree angle up and downabout the search target. The greatest advantage is to explore lower than the bumper of the driver from the rear window is difficult to see obstacles, and the police, suchas flower beds, children playing in the squatting on the car.Display parking sensor installed in the rear view mirror, it constantlyremind drivers to car distance behindthe object distance to the dangerous distance, the buzzer starts singing, allow the driver to stop. When the gear lever linked into reverse gear, reversing radar, auto-start the work, the working range of 0.3 to 2.0 meters, so stop when the driver was very practical. Reversing radar is equivalent to an ultrasound probe for ultrasonic probe can be divided into two categories: First, Electrical, ultrasonic, the second is to use mechanical means to produce ultrasound, in view of the more commonly used piezoelectric ultrasonic generator, it has two power chips and a soundingboard, plus apulse signal when the poles, its frequency equal to the intrinsic oscillation frequency of the piezoelectric pressure chip will be resonant and drivenby the vibration of the sounding board, the mechanical energy into electrical signal, which became the ultrasonic probe works. In order to better study Ultrasonic and use up, people have to design and manufacture of ultrasonic sound, the ultrasonic probe tobe used in the use of car parking sensor. With this principle in a non-contactdetection technology for distance measurement is simple, convenient and rapid, easyto do real-time control, distance accuracy of practical industrial requirements. Parking sensor for ranging send out ultrasonic signal at a givenmoment, and shot in the face of the measured object back to the signal wave, reversing radar receiver to use statistics in the ultrasonic signal from the transmitter to receive echo signals calculate the propagation velocity in the medium, which can calculate the distance of the probe and to detect objects.6.3 Reversing radar functionality and performanceParking sensor can be divided into the LCD distance display, audible alarm, and azimuth directions, voice prompts, automatic probe detection function is complete, reversing radar distance, audible alarm, position-indicating function. A good performance reversing radar, its main properties include: (1) sensitivity, whether theresponse fast enough when there is an obstacle. (2) the existence of blind spots. (3) detection distance range.6.4 Each part of the roleReversing radar has the following effects: (1) ultrasonic sensor: used tolaunch and receive ultrasonic signals, ultrasonic sensors canmeasure distance. (2) host: after the launch of the sine wave pulse to the ultrasonic sensors, and process the received signal, to calculate the distance value, the data and monitor communication. (3) display or abuzzer: the receivinghost from the data, and display the distance value and provide differentlevels according to the distance from the alarm sound.6.5 Cautions1, the installation height: general ground: car before the installation of 45 ~55: 50 ~ 65cmcar after installation. 2, regular cleaningof the probe to prevent the fill. 3, do not use the hardstuff the probe surface cover will produce false positives or ranging allowed toprobe surface coverage, such as mud. 4, winter to avoid freezing. 5, 6 / 8 probe reversing radar before and after the probe is not free to swap may cause the ChangMing false positive problem. 6, note that the probe mounting orientation, in accordance with UP installation upward. 7, the probe is not recommended to install sheetmetal, sheet metal vibration will cause the probe resonance, resulting in false positives.超声测距系统设计原文出处:传感器文摘布拉福德:1993年超声测距技术在工业现场、车辆导航、水声工程等领域具有广泛的应用价值,目前已应用于物位测量、机器人自动导航以及空气中与水下的目标探测、识别、定位等场合。
汽车防盗报警器中外文翻译XXX: Car Anti-theft Alarm SystemCurrently。
XXX 60 n cars are sold worldwide every year。
with a total of over 400 n in use。
As the number of vehicles increases。
so do the number of traffic accidents and car thefts。
resulting in personal injury and economic loss。
People have XXX has XXX issue。
In order to ce car accidents and give car owners a sense of security。
it is of great XXX a safety system that is easy to operate。
automatically detects the safety status of each part of the car。
and alerts the driver with an alarm in case of XXX.Cars are of high value。
and with the increasing number of cars。
they have e the primary target of XXX。
us anti-XXX。
thieves can easily open the doors and drive away the car with a XXX。
the problem of car theft has not been XXX。
there are several ways to prevent car theft:1.Mechanical anti-theft: XXX is to lock a certain part of the car with a lock。
外文翻译--基于51单片机温度报警器的设计(适用于毕业论文外文翻译+中英文对照)XXX: Design of a Temperature Alarm Based on 51 MCUDepartment: n EngineeringMajor: Measurement and Control Technology and nClass:Student ID:Name:Supervisor:Date:A microcontroller。
also known as a single-chip computer system。
XXX its ns being integrated on a small chip。
it has most of the components needed for a complete computer system。
such as CPU。
internal and external bus systems。
and mostof them also have external storage。
At the same time。
it integrates XXX interfaces。
real-time clocks。
The most XXX integrate sound。
and complex input-output systems on a single chip.XXX used in the industrial control field。
Microcontrollers XXX CPUs inside the chip。
The original design concept was to integrate a large number of peripheral devices and CPUs on a chip to make the computer system XXX's Z80 was the first processor designed according to this concept。
Automobile burglar alarmThe automobile is the present humanity's main transportation vehic le, is also the modern civilization symbol. The world the automobile sales volume reaches more than 6000 ten thousand every year, the inventory has surpassed 400,000,000. Is using the vehicles are more, but the following traffic accident and the automobile which robbed are been also getting more and more, has created the personnel casualty and the economical property loss. The people set a higher request to motor vehicle's operational performance and the security performance. The auto safety becomes an important social question. In order to reduce motor vehicle accident's formation rate, for has automobile's user to provide the security sense, develops one kind simply reliable, the ease of operation, can automatic detection automobile various part of conditions, discover that the normal condition can send out the warning reminder and the security warning safety system to the pilot, has the actual design significance.Automobile's value is high, increases unceasingly along with the automobile quantity, the automobile already became robs the key point which the person steals, the automobile is robbed has become generally pays attention now and the urgently needed solution social questionAt present each automobile security method and the product emerge one after another incessantly, although the vehicle door or the engine were loaded with the security mechanical lock, but robs the person to use the master keys, but does not need the small effort to open the vehicle door, drives away the vehicle, the automobile security question does not have completely the solution as before. Now in society's automobile security way has the following several kinds: First, the mechanical type security, the main principle locks on automobile's some organization, enables it to play its proper role. Existing many kinds of ways for example: The transmission gearbox files the lock, the steering wheel lock, the brake pedal lock, the meeting and parting footboard lock and so on, brings the troubles are the volume which the machinery locks are big, the vehicle owner must along with a multi-belt key. But explains the method is numerous, because the core is a lock, when this sneaks into a house picks a lock the person. When like the hydraulic pressure cuts and so on crude method; Was not careful has lost again the key ......Second, electron security, is in the present auto market the most popular security installment. Starts the burglary protection system to be possible the ignition coil or the feed return route cut-off, only uses under releasing key's control can relieve normally guards against theft. This kind of way varied assortment; Domestic and foreign majority of automobiles when leaving the plant has disposed the key chip burglary protection system. In use key's transmit by radio chip after this vehicle's ECU communication can start the motor car engine. Also has the acousto-optics alarm system, on the automobile gauge board is loaded with the light emitter diode, may also let the vehicle owner know system's active status, may also to spy on compartment's car thief to play the warning role. When automobile, because the external force has the vibration, when before or the vehicle door, the reserve box lid, the engine room coverlet opens forcefully, the system exudes the warning sound, scares robs the vehicle thief. Has the bidirectional alarm system, has been able to inform vehicle owner's function compared to the pure flash and sound alarm system many, when the automobile encounters the outside invasion, can know automobile's condition in the nearby vehicle owner through the body carrying liquid crystal display key.Third, the network type burglary protection system, mainly depends upon social the public network to monitor vehicles' travel. 1st, the GPS satellite positioning security department, itthrough the GPS satellite positioning system, the definite vehicles' position, again transmits through the GSM net the position and the alarm message to the warning center. The warning center through the GSM net control automobile, the power failure/breaks the oil. The shortcoming is the price is high; Needs to pay the service fee frequently; Systems operation's power is big; The confidentiality will receive the invasion; The vehicles long-term laying aside does not use can exhaust the level electric quantity. The vehicle stops under underground, the tree, the building approaches, the indoor system not to have an effect. 2nd, GSM, GPRS move security, GSM moves security it to depend on the GSM communication network, carries on the handset and automobile's intelligent linkage security, has security, the monitoring, the remote control, the long-distance warning, the localization, instead to plunder and so on many kinds of functions, is maintains the social order, to protect the vehicle owner benefit the effective measure. Compares with the similar products, this system also has the installment to be more covert, the technology to be more advanced, the performance to be more reliable and so on characteristics. Has cannot construct the base depot, the warning not to be away from the limit. The shortcoming is needs to pay the GSM number the month rent. Relies on the GSN net's cover. Bandits and thieves' method also uses the handset signal jammer, blocks the vehicles and the warning center relation, burglary protection system expiration.Fourth, the biological recognition burglary protection system, takes the only unlocking using the human body characteristic the key, locks the motor car engine. The concrete product has the automobile fingerprint start controller and the vein scanning controller. Massive information which carries using the human body fingerprint, as well as each person's fingerprint's superposition rate is zero characteristic nearly, deposits the vehicle owner fingerprint beforehand in this system the information, after verifying the status can start the automobile through the fingerprint ratio, even if robs Che Zei to steal away completely the automobile key is also at a loss. Before the shortcoming is starts the automobile, many ratios to the fingerprint movement, needs to spend 2 seconds. The bandits and thieves do not have the means to obtain your fingerprint, he does not have the means to steal away your vehicle. Actually, so long as the bandits and thieves stole vehicle owner's key to be possible to explain any security means that only then biological recognition, only then the fingerprint automobile security could protect your love vehicle truly.At present, in the market GPS satellite positioning system is the present domestic and foreign most advanced security installments, the GPS system has the vehicles localization, instead to plunder the warning, the network security, in the remote control flameout, the vehicle to monitor, to come to anchor the rescue, the state of roads information, the manual guidance, the vehicles inquiry and so on many kinds of functions. The GPS satellite positioning automobile burglary protection system belongs to the network type security, it mainly serves the security purpose depending on the fixed ignition or the starting, but simultaneously may also through the GPS satellite positioning system, the alarm message and the warning vehicles silent transmits in the position to the warning center. The expert reminds, this kind of security technical name is called to be very resounding, although has the security function, but uses is not very practical, moreover the price is also expensive, the actual function is not big. The satellite tracing burglary protection system, is mainly the automobile equipment repayment system, by way of the satellite screen, demonstrates the vehicles position, therefore acts according to is the victim in the vehicle to have installs the satellite tracking system, is all transmits the system to destroy, is the power source is shut off, causes the satellite to be unable to trace automobile's concrete position, namely loses thesecurity effectiveness, moreover the price is expensive, the light installs a set not to bring display monitor's GPS to need to spend 6000-7000 Y uan, but every year must pay the nearly thousand Y uan service fees to the GPS system Service company, the soaring purchase spends with the working cost lets many vehicle owners shrink back at the sight, the economic efficiency is bad.The electronic warning security arises at the historic moment. The automobile electron burglary protection system was Canada has supposed burglary protection system's control circuit in the original central door lock's foundation, controlled at the same time which the automobile moved and reports to the police. The electron security is at present a more ideal security installment. If has on the committing a theft burglary automobile or automobile's goods, the burglary protection system will not only have the cut-off start-up circuit, the electric firing circuit, to blow the electric circuit, the feed electric circuit and the speed change electric circuit, will apply the brake to deadlock and so on function, simultaneously, will also send out the acousto-optic signal which different will pray for rescue to carry on the warning, for the thief in a spirit's attack, will prevent the thief to commit a theft.The film threading type, the pressed key type and the remote control type and so on belong to the electronic formula security. The remote control type automobile security characteristic is may control remotely the security complete function, reliable convenient, may have vibration functions and so on detection gating protection and microwave or infrared probe head. Along with the technical fast development, the remote control type automobile security also increased many convenience practical attachment function, for example: In the remote control controls the door lock, the remote control to deliver puts the cold warm braw, the remote control electrically operated windows and doors and to control remotely the baggage compartment and so on. Now in the market had the bidirectional function electron security, not only this kind security can control remotely the vehicles by the vehicle owner, the vehicles can also transmit own condition gives the vehicle owner, for example the vehicle door is opened or the glass glass is destroyed and so on. But the electronic security universal existence reports to the police by mistake the phenomenon, moreover also does not have on to solve the vehicles to lose the question radically.First T the Ford sign passenger vehicle is robbed from the world the start, steals the vehicle to become nowadays in the city one of most common criminalities. Automobile quantity increases, the vehicles quantity which robs year by year are also risen, this brings the enormous astatic factor to the society, worried that the vehicles are robbed, become puzzle each automobile user the difficult problem. Along with open car's unpopularity, the automobile door lock has been unable into absolutely safe hard general, causes the vehicle door to lock system's concept to further desalinate, from the automobile security also arises at the historic moment. Now in the market each kind of electron security is dazzling, the sales volume best electron security lock then buys between 300 Y uan to 400 Y uan. In the market on many new style passenger vehicles already had installed now the original factory automobile security, on some vehicles' key has the security chip, along with the adaptable unblanking password, causes to rob the vehicle thief to be unable with the technical method unlocking, but this kind of key, once loses can only depend on vehic les' user register card to match set of keys again to the original factory. In the newest technical data said that some vehicle types already started to use cryptotype IC the card to replace the vehicle key, the vehicle owner, so long as enters the vehicles 3 to 5 meters scopes, security the automatic unlocking, the vehicle owner sits in the vehicle to press down the ignition lock vehicles to start. After the vehicle owner leaves the vehicles 5 meters, the vehicle door will cage automatically.The burglary protection system is not multi-purpose, now many passenger vehicles before leaving the plant the preassemble vehic le to use the computer burglary protection system. When the key chip data and the vehicle carry the computer to save the data match case in advance, the computer will only then inform the system-related to start to work, allows the engine to start. Brings the vehicle to carry the computer burglary protection system's passenger vehicle not to need to install the electron again security. If is redundant installs, easy and the original vehicle installs the burglary protection system has the system conflict; If must certainly extra install the electron security, please note and the ignition system separates, will otherwise cause the engine to be unable to start and so on breakdowns. If presented the breakdown, do not disassemble voluntarily, welcome eliminate the breakdown code to the specialized service shop use specialized decoder and relieves the breakdown.汽车防盗报警器汽车是目前人类主要的交通工具,也是现代文明的标志。
外文原文Based on infrared alarm technology security systems1 the introduction1.1 the research significance of this topic research situation at home and abroad .With the development of society and science and technology unceasing development, people's living standards been improved greatly, and to the private property protection means in the unceasing enhancement, the intelligent facilities for anti-theft puts forward new requirements. This design is to meet the need of modern residentialanti-theft designed family electronic alarm system. It in previous devices based on improved greatly, because use the single-chip processor signal, not only can used for single residential area, also can be used in a large-scale residential security systems. It's the job of the performance is good, do not appear to reportand misstatement phenomenon, safe and reliable.In our country, the present market condition alarm basically has triggered alarm system pressure switch electron and alarm system and pressure shading triggered alarm system, etc. Various kinds of alarm, but this several common alarm there are some shortcomings. This system USES a human pyroelectric infrared sensor in the human body detector in the flied, passive pyroelectric infrared detectors because of its low cost, easy fabrication, low cost, installation is more convenient, anti-theft performance is stable and high sensitivity, safe and reliable, has attracted broad family characteristics such as popular with thecustomers. And alarms installation concealment, not easily by rogue found.1.2 infrared alarm technology introduction1.2.1 nature objects of the infrared radiationThe nature of any object, as long as the temperature above absolute zero (273 ℃), constantly outward issued infrared radiation, and travel at the speed of light energy. Object radiate outward infrared radiation of energy and the object of temperature and infrared radiant wavelength. Assuming objects launching infrared radiation of peak wavelength for a few, its temperature for T, the radiation energy equals infrared radiation of peak wavelength gerben and object product temperature T. This product is a constant, namely:The higher the temperature of the objects, emit infrared radiation of the smaller peak wavelength, send out infrared radiation energy is bigger also.1.2.2.pyroelectric effectPassive infrared detector also called pyroelectric infrared detector, its main working principle is pyroelectric effect.Pyroelectric effect means if make some strong dielectric material (such as qin batio3, qin wrong acid lead P (zT), etc.) of the surface temperature changes, then with the temperature rise or fall, material surface occurs polarization, namely on the surface of the charge will beproduced change, and material surface charge lost balance and eventually charge will change withvoltage or current form output.1.2.3 pyroelectric infrared sensor basic structurePyroelectric infrared sensors from sensor detection yuan, interference filters and mosfet verifier three parts. According to the number of detecting yuan to points, pyroelectric infrared sensors have unit, double yuanhe four yuan to wait for a few kinds, for human detection of infrared sensor adopts double yuan or four yuantype structure. According to pyroelectric infrared sensor utility cent, have the following kinds: used for measuring temperature sensor, it'sthe job of the wavelength of (1-20) nano, Used for flame detection sensor, it's the job of the wavelength for0.435 + / - 0.15 nano, For human detection sensor, it's the jobof the wavelength of 7 to 15 feet. Figure 1.2 is a double detection yuan pyroelectric infrared sensor structure schematic drawing. The sensorwill two opposite polarity, special1.2.4 pyroelectric infrared detector basic principlePyroelectric infrared sensor by receiving mobile human radiation that certain wavelengths of infrared radiation, can be transformed into and human body movement speed and distance, the direction of low-frequency signals about. When pyroelectric infrared sensor by ir radiation sources of radiation, its internal sensitive materials temperatures will rise, polarization intensity is abate, surface charge reduce, usually will release this part of the charge called pyroelectric charge. Because of pyroelectric charge how many can reflect material changes of temperature, so by pyroelectric charge by circuit transformed into the output voltage can also reflect material changes in temperature, thus detect ir radiation energy changes.2 hardware system design2.1 infrared anti-theft alarm system hardware designBecause this design focuses on family guard against theft, real-time monitoring of a narrower range, so this design by simply using a passive infrared detector is enough. Therefore, infrared intelligentanti-theft alarm system, and the specific design requirements for:(1)completes to high sensitive infrared sensor design, make its can warning of what happened real-time and accurate detection.(2) automatic alarm (automatic dial-up alarm audible and visual alarm). We design the system must have the following function module:1.passive infrared detector,2.sound-light alarm,3.telephone automatic dial-up function;4.continued uninterrupted power supply,According to the system to complete functions, we adopt single chip microcomputer as the core of the system unit, electronic detection, intelligent control and telephone tong。
8-bit Microcontroller With 8K Bytes Flash A T89C52 FeaturesCompatible with MCS-51™ Products8K Bytes of In-System Reprogrammable Flash MemoryEndurance: 1,000 Write/Erase CyclesFully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 24 MHzThree-level Program Memory Lock256 x 8-bit Internal RAM32 Programmable I/O LinesThree 16-bit Timer/CountersEight Interrupt SourcesProgrammable Serial ChannelLow-power Idle and Power-down ModesDescriptionThe A T89C52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 8K bytes of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard 80C51 and 80C52 instruction set and pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel A T89C52 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applicationsPin ConfigurationsBlock DiagramPin Description VCCSupply voltage.GNDGround.Port 0Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bi-directional I/O port. As an output port, each pin can sink eight TTL inputs. When 1s are written to port 0 pins, the pins can be used as high-impedance inputs. Port 0 can also be configured to be the multiplexed low-order address/data bus during accesses to external program and data memory. In this mode, P0 has internal pull-ups. Port 0 also receives the code bytes during Flash programming and outputs the code bytes during program verification. External pull-ups are required during program verification.Port 1Port 1 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-ups. The Port 1 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 1 pins, they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pull-ups. In addition, P1.0 and P1.1 can be configured to be the timer/counter 2 external count input (P1.0/T2) and the timer/counter 2 trigger input (P1.1/T2EX), respectively, as shown in the following table. Port 1 also receives the low-order address bytes during Flash programming and verification.Port 2Port 2 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-ups. The Port 2 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 2 pins, they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pull-ups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to external data memories that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX @DPTR). In this application, Port 2 uses strong internal pull-ups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external data memories that use 8-bit addresses (MOVX @ RI), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register. Port 2 also receives the high-order address bits and some control signals during Flash programming and verification. Port 3Port 3 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-ups. The Port 3 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 3 pins, they are pulled high by theinternal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the pull-ups. Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the A T89C51, as shown in the following table. Port 3 also receives some control signals for Flash programming and verification.RST Resetinput. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device.ALE/ PROGAddress Latch Enable is an output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during Flash programming. In normal operation, ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external data memory. If desired, ALE operation can be disabled by setting bit 0 of SFR location 8EH. With the bit set, ALE is active only during a MOVX or MOVC instruction. Otherwise, the pin is weakly pulled high. Setting the ALE-disable bit has no effect if the microcontroller is in external execution mode.PSENProgram Store Enable is the read strobe to external program memory. When the A T89C52 is executing code from external program memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external data memory.EA /VPPExternal Access Enable. EA must be strapped to GND in order to enable the device to fetch code from external program memory locations starting at 0000H up to FFFFH. Note, however, that if lock bit 1 is programmed, EA will be internally latched on reset. EA should be strapped to V CC for internal program executions. This pin also receives the 12-volt programming enable voltage (V PP ) during Flash programming when 12-volt programming is selected.Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit. XTAL2Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.Special Function RegistersA map of the on-chip memory area called the Special Function Register (SFR) space is shown in the Table 1.Note that not all of the addresses are occupied, and unoccupied addresses may not be implemented on the chip. Read accesses to these addresses will in general return random data, and write accesses will have an indeterminate effect. User software should not write 1s to these unlisted locations, since they may be used in future products to invoke new features. In that case, the reset or inactive values of the new bits will always be 0.Timer 2 RegistersControl and status bits are contained in registers T2CON and T2MOD for Timer 2. The register pair (RCAP2H, RCAP2L) are the Capture/Reload registers for Timer 2 in 16-bit capture mode or 16-bit auto-reload mode.Interrupt RegistersThe individual interrupt enable bits are in the IE register. Two priorities can be set for each of the six interrupt sources in the IP register.Data MemoryThe A T89C52 implements 256 bytes of on-chip RAM. The upper 128 bytes occupy a parallel address space to the Special Function Registers. That means the upper 128 bytes have the same addresses as the SFR space but are physically separate from SFR space.When an instruction accesses an internal location above address 7FH, the address mode used in the instruction specifies whether the CPU accesses the upper 128 bytes of RAM or the SFR space. Instructions that use direct addressing access SFR space. For example, the following direct addressing instruction accesses the SFR at location 0A0H .MOV 0A0H, #dataInstructions that use indirect addressing access the upper 128 bytes of RAM. For example, the following indirect addressing instruction, where R0 contains 0A0H, accesses the data byte at address 0A0H, rather than P2 (whose address is 0A0H).MOV @R0, #dataNote that stack operations are examples of indirect addressing, so the upper 128 bytes of data RAM are available as stack space.Timer 0 and 1Timer 0 and Timer 1 in the A T89C52 operate the same way as Timer 0 and Timer 1 in theTimer 2Timer 2 is a 16-bit Timer/Counter that can operate as either a timer or an event counter. The type of operation is selected by bit C/T2 in the SFR T2CON.Timer 2 has three operating modes: capture, auto-reload (up or down counting), and baud rate generator. The modes are selected by bits in T2CON, as shown in Table 3.Timer 2 consists of two 8-bit registers, TH2 and TL2. In the Timer function, the TL2 register is incremented every machine cycle. Since a machine cycle consists of 12 oscillator periods, the count rate is 1/12 of the oscillator frequency.In the Counter function, the register is incremented in response to a 1-to-0 transition at its corresponding external input pin, T2. In this function, the external input is sampled during S5P2 of every machine cycle. When the samples show a high in one cycle and a low in the next cycle, the count is incremented. The new count value appears in the register during S3P1 of the cycle following the one in which the transition was detected. Since two machine cycles (24 oscillator periods) are required to recognize a 1-to-0 transition, the maximum count rate is 1/24 of the oscillator frequency. To ensure that a given level is sampled at least once before it changes, the level should be held for at least one full machine cycleCapture ModeIn the capture mode, two options are selected by bit EXEN2 in T2CON. If EXEN2 = 0, Timer 2 is a 16-bit timer or counter which upon overflow sets bit TF2 in T2CON.This bit can then be used to generate an interrupt. If EXEN2 = 1, Timer 2 performs the same operation, but a 1-to-0 transition at external input T2EX also causes the current value in TH2 and TL2 to be captured into RCAP2H and RCAP2L, respectively. In addition, the transition at T2EX causes bit EXF2 in T2CON to be set. The EXF2 bit, like TF2 can generate an interrupt. The capture mode is illustrated in Figure 1.Auto-reload (Up or Down Counter)Timer 2 can be programmed to count up or down when configured in its 16-bit auto-reload mode. This feature is invoked by the DCEN (Down Counter Enable) bit located in the SFR T2MOD. Upon reset, the DCEN bit is set to 0 so that timer 2 will default to count up. When DCEN is set, Timer 2 can count up or down, depending on the value of the T2EX pin..Figure 2 shows Timer 2 automatically counting up when DCEN = 0. In this mode, two options are selected by bit EXEN2 in T2CON. If EXEN2 = 0, Timer 2 counts up to 0FFFFH and then sets the TF2 bit upon overflow. The overflow also causes the timer registers to be reloaded with the 16-bit value in RCAP2H and RCAP2L. The values in Timer in Capture ModeRCAP2H and RCAP2L are preset by software. If EXEN2 = 1, a 16-bit reload can be triggered either by an overflow or by a 1-to-0 transition at external input T2EX. This transition also sets the EXF2 bit. Both the TF2 and EXF2 bits can generate an interrupt if enabled.Setting the DCEN bit enables Timer 2 to count up or down, as shown in Figure 3. In this mode, the T2EX pin controls the direction of the count. A logic 1 at T2EX makes Timer 2 count up. The timer will overflow at 0FFFFH and set the TF2 bit. This overflow also causes the 16-bit value in RCAP2H and RCAP2L to be reloaded into the timer registers, TH2 and TL2, respectively.A logic 0 at T2EX makes Timer 2 count down. The timer underflows when TH2 and TL2 equal the values stored in RCAP2H and RCAP2L. The underflow sets the TF2 bit and causes0FFFFH to be reloaded into the timer registers. The EXF2 bit toggles whenever Timer 2 overflows or underflows and can be used as a 17th bit of resolution. In this operating mode, EXF2 does not flag an interrupt.8位8字节闪存单片机A T89C52主要性能与MCS-51单片机产品兼容8K字节在系统可编程Flash存储器1000次擦写周期全静态操作:0Hz~24Hz三级加密程序存储器256×8位内部存储器32个可编程I/O口线三个16位定时器/计数器八个中断源可编程串行通道低功耗空闲和掉电模式功能特性描述A T89S52是一种低功耗、高性能CMOS8位微控制器,具有8K内置可编程闪存。
本科生毕业设计(论文)专业外文翻译原文:Microcontroller Based Home Automation System With Security译文:基与单片机的智能家居系统与安全性指导教师:职称:副教授学生姓名:学号: 1002120106专业:电气工程及其自动化院(系):机电工程学院2014年3月20日Microcontroller Based Home Automation System With SecurityAbstract:With advancement of technology things are becoming simpler and easier for us. Automatic systems are being preferred over manual system. This unit talks about the basic definitions needed to understand the Project better and further defines the technical criteria to be implemented as a part of this project.Keywords-component; Automation, 8051 microcontroller, LDR,LED, ADC, Relays, LCD display, Sensors, Stepper motorI.NTRODUCTIONA home automation system integrates electrical devices in ahouse with each other. The techniques employed in home automation include those in building automation as well as the control of domestic activities, such as home entertainment systems, houseplant and yard watering, pet feeding, changing the ambiance "scenes" for different events (such as dinners or parties), and the use of domestic robots. Devices may be connected through a computer network to allow control by apersonal computer, and may allow remote access from the internet.Typically, a new home is outfitted for home automation during construction, due to the accessibility of the walls, outlets, and storage rooms, and the ability to make design changes specifically to accommodate certain technologies. Wireless systems are commonly installed when outfitting a pre-existing house, as they reduce wiring changes. These communicate through the existing power wiring, radio, or infrared signals with a central controller. Network sockets maybe installed in every room like AC power receptacles. Although automated homes of the future have been staple exhibits for World's Fairs and popular backgrounds in science fiction, complexity, competition between vendors, multiple ncompatible standards and the resulting expense have limited the penetration of home automation to homes of the wealthy or ambitious hobbyists.II.HOME AUTOMATIONHome/office automation is the control of any or all electrical devices in our home or office, whether we are there or away. Home/office automation is one of the most exciting developments in technology for the home that has come along in decades. There are hundreds of products available today that allow us control over the devices automatically, either by remote control; or even by voice command. Home automation (also called domotics) is the residential extension of "building automation". It is automation of the home,housework or household activity. Home automation may include centralized control of lighting, HV AC (heating,ventilation and air conditioning), appliances, and other systems,to provide improved convenience, comfort, energy efficiency and security. Disabled can provide increased quality of life for persons who might otherwise require caregivers or institutional care. Earlier, we looked into the face of future when we talked about automated devices, which could do anything on instigation of a controller, but today it has become a reality.III.NEED OF AUTOMATIONWith advancement of technology things are becoming simpler and easier for us. Automation is the use of control systems and information technologies to reduce the need for human work in the production of goods and services. In the scope of industrialization, automation is a step beyond mechanization. Whereas mechanization provided human operators with machinery to assist them with the muscularrequirements of work, automation greatly decreases the need for human sensory and mental requirements as well. Automation plays an increasingly important role in the world economy and in daily experience. Automatic systems are being preferred over manual ystem. Through this project we have tried to show automatic control of a house as a result of which power is saved to some extent.a) An automated device can replace good amount of human working force, moreover humans are more prone to errors and in intensive conditions the probability of error increases whereas, an automated device can work with diligence,versatility and with almost zero error.Replacing human operators in tasks that involve hard physical or monotonous work.Replacing humans in tasks done in dangerous environments (i.e. fire, space, volcanoes, nuclear facilities,underwater, etc)Performing tasks that are beyond human capabilities of size, weight, speed, endurance, etc.Economy improvement. Automation may improve in economy of enterprises, society or most of humankind. For example, when an enterprise that has invested in automation technology recovers its investment, or when a state or country increases its income due to automation like Germany or Japan in the 20th Century.b) This is why this project looks into construction and implementation of a system involving hardware to control a variety of electrical and electronics system.IV.SUPPY UNITA.Transformer:The main source of power(Fig 1) supply is a transformer. The maximum output power of power supply is dependent on maximum output power of transformer .We determine power from its current and voltage rating. e.g.: if there is a transformer of 12V, 500mA then maximum power delivered by transformer is 6Watt.It means we can drive a load from this transformer up to 6w. In our project our maximum power requirement is 1watt. So to provide this power we use 12V/250mA transformer. The maximum output power of this transformer is 4watt.it means it can easily drive load up to 4 watt.B.RectifierRectifier is a circuit which is used to convert ac to dc.Every electronic circuit requires a dc power supply for rectification. We have used four diodes.C.Input filter:After rectification we obtain dc supply from ac but it is not pure dc it may have some ac ripples .To reduce these ripples we use filters. It comprises of two filters –low frequency ripple filter and high frequency ripple filter. To reduce low frequency ripples we use electrolytic capacitor. The voltage rating of capacitor must be double from incoming dc supply. It blocks dc and passes ripples to ground.D.RegulatorInitial stage of every electronic circuit is power supply system which provides required power to drive the whole system. The specification of power supply depends on the power requirement and this requirement is determined by its rating. The main components used in supply system are.Regulator is a device which provides constant output voltage with varying input voltage. There are two types of regulators(a) Fixed voltage regulator(b) Adjustable regulatorWe have used fixed voltage regulator LM78XX last two digits signify output voltage. The voltage for our system is 5V that is why we have used 7805 regulator which provides 5V from 12V dc.E.Output filter:It is used to filter out output ripple if any.F.Output indicationWe use LED to observe the functioning of our system. If he LED glows it confirms proper functioning of our supply.We have used four power supply units.This supply is for the microcontroller,display and relay unit.The microcontroller requires 5 volt supply to perform any desired task.G.Control UnitTwo control units were used one for internal system and one for external system and these control unit based on ATMEL’sAT89S52 microcontroller(Fig 2). The given capture shows the pins and basic requirement of microcontroller to make it functional. Detailed description of the controller is 100uf / 50v.In addition, the AT89S52 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software electable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPUwhile allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port, and interrupt system to continue functioning.Mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator, disabling all other chip functions until the next interrupt or hardware reset.The Downloadable Flash can be changed a single byte at a time and is accessible through the SPI serial interface. Holding RESET active forces the SPI bus into a serial programming interface and allows the program memory to be written to or read from unless Lock Bit 2 has been activated.H.FeaturesCompatible with MCS-51™ProductsI.8KbytesofIn-SystemDownloadable Flash MemoryReprogrammableSPI Serial Interface for Program DownloadingEndurance: 1,000 Write/Erase Cycles4.0V to5.5V Operating RangeFully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 33 MHz56 x 8 bit Internal RAM32 Programmable I/O LinesThree 16 bit Timer/CountersEight Interrupt SourcesUll Duplex UART Serial ChannelLow Power Idle and Power Down ModesI .AdvantagesLess power consumptionLow costLess space requiredHigh speedFig 2-Chip BoardAT89S52 is an ATMEL controller with the core of Intel MCS-51. It has same pin configuration as give above. The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 8K bytes of Downloadable Flash programmable and erasable read only memory and 2K bytes of EEPROM. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry standard 80C51 instruction set and pin out. The on-chip Downloadable Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system through an SPI serial interface or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with Downloadable Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89S52 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many embedded control applications.The AT89S52 provides the following standard features: 8K bytes of Downloadable Flash, 2K bytes of EEPROM, 256 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, programmable watchdog timer, two Data Pointers, three 16-bit timer/counters, a six-vectorJ .Pin DescriptionVCC: Supply voltage. GND: Ground., Port 0: Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional I/O port. As an output port, each pin can sink eight TTL inputs. When 1s are written to port 0 pins, the pins can be used as high impedance inputs. Port 0 can also be configured to be the multiplexed low-order address/data bus during accesses to external program and data memory. In this mode, P0 has internal pull-ups. Port 0 also receives the code bytes during Flash programming and outputs the code bytes during program verification. External pull-ups are required during program verification.Port 1: Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-ups. The Port 1 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 1 pins, they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pull-ups.In addition, P1.0 and P1.1 can be configured to be the timer/counter 2 external count input (P1.0/T2) and the timer/counter 2 trigger input (P1.1/T2EX), respectively, as shown in the following table .Port 1 also receives the low-order address bytes during Flash programming and verification.Port 2: Port 2 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-ups. The Port 2 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 2 pins, they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pull-ups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to external data memory that uses 16-bit addresses (MOVX @ DPTR). In this application, Port 2 uses strong internal pull-ups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external data memory that uses 8-bit addresses (MOVX @ RI), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register. Port 2 also receives the high-order address bits and some control signals during Flash programming and verification. Port 3 Port 3 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-ups. The Port 3 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 3 pins, they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs,Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the pull-ups. Port 3 receives some control signals for Flash programming and verification. Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the AT89S52.RST: Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. This pin drives high for 98 oscillator periods after the Watchdog times out. The DISRTO bit in SFR AUXR (address 8EH) can be used to disable this feature. In the default state of bit DISRTO,the RESET HIGH out feature is enabled. ALE/PROG: Address Latch Enable (ALE) is an output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during Flash programming. In normal operation, ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note,however,that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external data memory.If desired, ALE operation can be disabled by setting bit 0 of SFR location 8EH. With the bit set, ALE is active only during a MOVX or MOVC instruction. Otherwise, the pin is weakly pulled high. Setting the ALE-disable bit has no effect if the microcontroller is in external execution mode.PSEN: Program Store Enable (PSEN) is the read strobe to external program memory. When the AT89S52 is executing code from external program memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external data memory.EA/VPP: External Access Enable. EA must be strapped to GND in order to enable the device to fetch code from external program memory locations starting at 0000H up to FFFFH. Note, however, that if lock bit 1 is programmed, EA will be internally latched on reset. EA should be strapped to VCC for internal program executions.This pin also receives the 12-volt programming enable voltage (VPP) during Flash programming.XTAL1: Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit.XTAL2: Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.H. Display UnitFig 3-Display UnitLiquid crystal displays (LCD) is an alphanumeric display and widely used in recent years as compared to LEDs. This is due to the declining prices of LCD, the ability to display numbers, characters and graphics, incorporation of a refreshing controller into the LCD, their by relieving the CPU of the task of refreshing the LCD and also the ease of programming for characters and graphics. We have used JHD162A advanced version of HD44780 based LCDs.V.WHAT CAN BE AUTOMATEDA.Virtually anything in the home/office that is powered by electricity can be automated and/or controlled. We can control our electrical devices. The password is given with the help of controller and can be changed by simply making a small change in the program and then burning the program in the controller.B.Counter dependent automatic switching system of roomAfter opening the lock when the person enters the room the counter gets incremented.Now if it is a day then the lights would not be switched on but if it is dark then the lights will automatically switch on. Now whatever may be the number of people entering the room the counter will automatically get incremented by itself and on leaving the room the counter will get decremented but the system will keep on working .Once the counter is zero in other words once everyone leaves the room the switching system will automatically stop working.C.Temperature controlled cooling systemOnce the person has entered the room he would not require to switch on anything everything will just happen automatically. Like if the temperature is high then the fan will switch on, on its own. Else it will remain in off state. This temperature is predefined by us in the controller. But this system will only work if there is a person in the room in other words if the counter is not zero.D.Light saving systemThis light saving system is used in two places for internal section and external section. If a person is not at home or sitting inside the room and it is dark outside then the lights will automatically get switched on and when its day the light will get switched off. This ensures power saving.Fire and Smoke sensorThis part detects any fire or smoke from a fire and set an alarm or an indication.VI. FEATURESPassword Based Locking SystemIn this system we have ensured a safe locking system. On seeing from outside the lock would not be visible but this inbuilt locking system ensures security. This lock can be opened and closed with the help of a password which we will give using a keypad. The door will only open or close only if the password is correct else it will remain in its original state. The lock cannot be broken because to the person standing Future of Automation: Future will be of Automation of all products. Each and every product will be smart devices that we use daily and that will be controlled through a smart chip called microcontrollers. Each and Every home appliances will be controlled either by PC or hand held devices like PDA or mobile handsets. Some examples of it are when you want you can switch on/off Fan of your home by mobile handset or PC.Smart Grid: Home automation technologies are viewed as integral additions to the Smart grid. The ability to control lighting, appliances, HV AC as well as Smart applications(load shedding, demand response, real-time power usage and price reporting) will become vital as Smart Grid initiatives are rolled out.VII. CONCLUSIONAn automated home can be a very simple grouping of controls, or it can be heavilyautomated where any appliance that is plugged into electrical power is remotelycontrolled. Costs mainly include equipment, components, furniture, and custom installation.Ongoing costs include electricity to run the control systems, maintenance costs for the control and networking systems, including troubleshooting, and eventual cost of upgrading as standards change. Increased complexity may also increase maintenance costs for networked devices.Learning to use a complex system effectively may take significant time and training.Control system security may be difficult and costly to maintain, especially if the control system extends beyond the home, for instance by wireless or by connection to the internet or other networks.基与单片机的智能家居系统与安全性摘要:随着技术的进步的东西变得更简单,更容易为我们服务。
Automatic fire alarm systemThe traditional electron safe alarm system mainly is through the sensor automatic detection, produces the alarm,sends out the alarm the scene or reports to the police through the special electric near distance,thus causes people's vigilance。
Through many years research and the development,the present alarm apparatus may say is the class is multitudinous. As a result of the alarm apparatchik development and the social each domain anxious need, can application domain be more and more many, specially is overdevelops in the civil domain.In recent years,the infrared alarm apparatus already became reports to the police a domain hot spot,because it used was not the obviously infrared acquisition, Hereford the hiding to be good,characteristic and so on security。
Infrared sensor is different according to the mechanism may divide into the light survey and the hot survey。
外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)译文字数:3297字文献出处:SF Marseken. Automobile burglar alarm[J] Betascript Publishing, 2016,vol.1,no.3:10-21英文原文Automobile burglar alarmSF MarsekenThe automobile is the present humanity's main transportation vehicle, is also the modern civilization symbol. The world the automobile sales volume reaches more than 6000 ten thousand every year, the inventory has surpassed 400,000,000. Is using the vehicles are more, but the following traffic accident and the automobile which robbed are been also getting more and more, has created the personnel casualty and the economical property loss. The people set a higher request to motor vehicle's operational performance and the security performance. The auto safety becomes an important social question. In order to reduce motor vehicle accident's formation rate, for has automobile's user to provide the security sense, develops one kind simply reliable, the ease of operation, can automatic detection automobile various part of conditions, discover that the normal condition can send out the warning reminder and thesecurity warning safety system to the pilot, has the actual design significance.The car alarm is a device that is installed in the car to increase the difficulty of car theft and prolong the period of car theft. With the advancement of science and technology, in order to deal with the escalating methods of car theft, people have developed anti-theft devices of various methods and structures from generation to generation. Currently, anti-theft devices can be divided into three categories according to their structure: mechanical, electronic and Network type. Hook locks, steering wheel locks and shift locks are basically mechanical anti-theft devices. They mainly rely on locking clutches, brakes, throttles, or steering wheels and shift gears to achieve the purpose of anti-theft. However, only anti-theft alarms are not provided.Insert-type, button-type and remote control are all electronic anti-theft devices. It mainly aims to prevent theft by locking the ignition or starting. It also has anti-theft and sound alarm functions.GPS satellite positioning car alarm system is a network-based anti-theft device, it is mainly to lock the ignition or start to achieve the purpose of theft, but also through the GPS satellite positioning system (or other network system), the alarm information and alarm vehicle location Silently transmitted to the alarm center.Characteristics of remote-controlled car alarms Remote-controlledcar alarms are developed with the advancement of electronic technology and are the most widely popularized in the market. It is characterized by remote control of the entire function of the alarm, reliable and convenient, with vibration detection, gate protection and microwave or infrared probes and other functions. As the demand for anti-theft devices in the market continues to increase, remote control car alarms have also added many convenient functions, such as remote control central locks, remote air heaters, remote control electric doors and windows, and remote control of open luggage compartments.The value of automobiles is very high. As the number of automobiles continues to increase, automobiles have become the target of thefts by theft victims. Theft of automobiles has also become a major concern in today's society and is an urgent problem to be solved. At present, a variety of car anti-theft methods and products are constantly being updated. Although anti-theft mechanical locks have been installed on the doors and vehicle engines, the robbers can use the master key to open the doors without driving the car. Therefore, the car theft prevention problem is still not completely resolved. Today's car theft in society has the following ways:First, mechanical security, the main principle is to use a lock to lock a part of the car, so that it can not play its due role. There are several kinds of theft prevention methods as follows: transmission gear locks,steering wheel locks, brake pedal locks, and clutch pedal locks. The corresponding trouble is that mechanical locks are large in size, and the owner must carry a key with him at the same time. And there are many ways to crack it. Since the core is a lock in the end, it is hard to stop at the door. It is even more difficult to avoid large-scale car thefts such as hydraulic shears; losing the keys if they are not careful, etc. is also one of the possibilities for car theft.The second is electronic security. This is the most commonly used anti-theft measure in the current automotive market. When the anti-theft system is activated, the ignition coil and the fuel supply circuit can be cut off. Only when the unlocking key is under control can the alarm be released. There are a wide variety of such anti-theft products. Most domestic and foreign cars have been equipped with a key chip anti-piracy system when they leave the factory. This is to use the chip's transmitting radio in the key to connect with the ECU of the car and start the car engine. In addition to the sound and light alarm system, a light emitting diode (LED) is installed on the dashboard of the car to allow the owner to know the working status of the system, and it can also exert mental pressure on the car thieves in the car. When the car vibrates due to an external force or the door, back cover, and front cover are forcibly opened, the system will sound an alarm to deter car thief. There is also a two-way alarm system, which is more than the general light and sound alarmsystem can notify the owner of the function, when the car is affected by the outside world, people in the vicinity of the owner can be through the car with a LCD key to know the car Current state.The third is a network type anti-theft system, which mainly relies on social public networks to monitor the movement of vehicles. There are two kinds. One is the GPS satellite positioning anti-theft system. This system uses GPS satellite positioning to determine the vehicle position, and then transmits the position and alarm information to the alarm center through the GSM network. The alarm center controls the power off and fuel off of the car through the GSM network. The disadvantage of this kind of system is that the price is relatively high; moreover, it needs to pay for the service frequently; the power of the system is also relatively large; privacy will be affected; if the vehicle is left unused for a long time, the level of electricity will be lost. And cars parked underground, under big trees, building rafts, and indoor systems would not work. 2 is GSM, GPRS mobile anti-theft device, GSM mobile anti-theft device relies on GSM communication network, intelligent anti-theft linkage of mobile phones and cars, it has anti-theft, monitoring, remote control, remote alarm, positioning and anti-robbery and other functions. A very effective means of safeguarding public security and protecting the interests of car owners. Compared with similar products, the system also has multiple features such as concealed installation, advanced technology and reliableperformance. It has the advantage of not having to build base stations and the alarm is not limited by distance. The disadvantage is that it requires monthly fees for GSM numbers because it depends on the coverage of the GSN network. The thieves' method is also to use the jammer of the mobile phone signal, cut off the connection between the vehicle and the alarm center, and make the anti-theft system invalid.The fourth is the biometric anti-theft system, which uses the human body feature as the only unlocking key to lock the car engine into theft protection mode. Specific products include the owner's fingerprint activation controller and vein scan controller. It takes advantage of the sufficient information carried by human fingerprints and the feature that each person's fingerprint coincidence rate is almost zero. The owner's fingerprint information is stored in the memory of the system in advance, and the car can be started after verifying the identity through the fingerprint comparison, even if the car theft. Thieves who steal all the car keys will be helpless. However, its disadvantage is that it takes more than 2 seconds for the fingerprint to be compared before starting the car. If the thief cannot get your fingerprints, he will not be able to steal your car. However, in fact, the thieves steal the keys of the owner may not be able to crack all the anti-theft measures. When the biometric anti-theft, only the fingerprint car alarm can protect your car in the true sense.At present, GPS satellite positioning systems on the market arealready the most advanced anti-theft devices at home and abroad. The GPS system has vehicle positioning, anti-robbery alarm, network security, remote control to make it turn off, vehicle interior monitoring, rescue after anchoring, traffic information inquiry, electronic Dog navigation has been a lot of features such as vehicle information query. The GPS satellite positioning system is a network-based anti-theft device. It mainly relies on locking the ignition and starting to achieve the purpose of theft prevention. At the same time, the GPS satellite positioning system can transmit the alarm information to the alarm center along with the location of the alarm vehicle. However, experts also reminded that the name of this anti-theft technology sounds very loud, although there is a certain anti-theft effect, but it is not very practical to use, and the price is expensive, the actual effect is not great, satellite tracking anti-theft is mainly a return on automotive equipment The location of the vehicle is displayed via a satellite screen. Therefore, according to the installation of a tracking system in a stolen vehicle, the transmission system is destroyed, that is, the power supply is cut off, making it impossible for the satellite to track the position of the vehicle and lose the anti-theft effect. Such a system is very expensive. It costs 6000-7000 yuan to install a GPS without a display screen. It also pays a service fee of nearly a thousand yuan each year to a GPS system service company. Expensive purchase fees and usage fees make many owners discouraged. Economic efficiencyis not optimistic. Electrical alarm came into being. The electronic alarm system is based on the original central door lock, and an anti-piracy system control circuit has been added to control the movement of the car. At the same time, the electronic alarm is also an ideal alarm device. If there is a theft intention of theft, the anti-theft system will not only cut off the start circuit, ignition circuit, oil circuit, fuel circuit and transmission circuit, brake lock function, but also send a different sound and light distress signal to alarm , to mentally attack car theft to stop the car theft process.Since the world's first T-type Ford sedan was stolen, car-trafficking has become one of the most common crimes in big cities. The number of cars has increased, and the number of stolen vehicles has also increased year by year. As a result, social unrest has become larger and larger. They are worried that their cars are stolen. With the popularity of convertible cars, the lock on the car door is no longer the most solid. The concept of car door locks has gradually faded, and as a result, the car anti-theft system has emerged. The types of electronic anti-theft systems currently on the market are very large, and can be purchased for 300-400 yuan. Most of the new cars on the market today are equipped with original factory-built anti-theft devices. Some vehicles have anti-theft chips on their keys. They can randomly change their unlocking codes so that thieves cannot unlock them through high-tech methods, and such keys arelost. Only with the registration of vehicle users to the original manufacturer and a set of car keys. According to the latest automotive technical data, some vehicles have begun to replace the key with an invisible IC card. If the vehicle owner is within 3-5 meters of the vehicle, the car alarm will be automatically released. When the owner sits in the car, the ignition switch is pressed. The vehicle will start. The owner will automatically lock the door 5 meters away from the car. The anti-theft system will not be foolproof. Many cars nowadays have installed a computer anti-theft system for vehicles before they enter the market. When the data of the key chip and the data saved on the on-board computer are in agreement, the computer starts to work on the relevant system and allows the engine to start. Cars with on-board computer systems no longer need to install electronic anti-theft devices. If it is repeatedly installed, it may easily conflict with the originally installed computer anti-theft system; if it is necessary to install an electronic anti-theft device again, it is necessary to pay attention to separation from the ignition system, or it will make the engine unable to start and a series of other failures. If there is a failure, the owner cannot dismantle it himself. Use a professional device to clear the fault code and contact failure in a professional service shop.中文译文汽车防盗报警器SF Marseken目前汽车是人类最为主要的交通工具, 也是现代文明的标志。
本科生毕业设计(翻译)Multifunctional Intelligent Wireless AlarmSystemAbstract:Making use of rich inner resource of FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Arrays), a wireless alarm sending system is designed. It includes encoder, FSK(Frequency Shift Keying) modulat ion and every channel’s control circuits, which can decrease volume and increase reliability of the alarm system.The demodulation of receive system is realized by an application specific integrated circuits MC3372. With the help of a single-chip microcomputer 89C51, the address decoder is also designed in the receiver. Adding to other anti-interference,the alarming system has effectively decreased the error-alarm rate.The system can install up to 128 channel sending devices. It can send an alarm to the host when there are some cases in stand-off areas, and the system will display on rotation multiple cases’ area codes . The transmission distance is greater than 4Km in open zones. User can install more than one type sensors simultaneously, for example, smog sensor, combustible gas sensor or burglar sensor. Experiments show that the wireless alarm system has the strengths of high reliability, high anti-disturbance ability and low error-alarm rate. It can entirely meet the needs of alarm fireproofing and guard against theft, etc.Keywords: communication; Alarm systems; Frequency Shift Keying; Micro-controllers; Field Programmable Gate ArraysI.INTRODUCTIONCompared with a wired alert system, a wireless alarm system has characteristics of covertness and ease of installation. It is especially effective when transmitting between long distances in a complex landform situation. Made up of FPGA (Field Programmable Gate-Array), the encoding module in the sending system creates the address signal, FSK (frequency shift keying) modulates the signal and each channel’s controller signals. Using FPGA to replace MSI/SSI (Middle Scale Integrated or Small scale Integrated) digital circuit devices, not only increase the reliability and the resistance to interference of the alarm system, but it also decreases its volume and makes the system easier to install. Since used 7 bits binary number to express the address, up to 128 channels sender can be installed. The decoder consists of ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) and SCM in the wireless alarm receiver system, which can effectively decrease the error-alarm rate.II.THE SENDING SYSTEM PRINCIPLEEach stand-off is equipped with a wireless sending system,and corresponds with a 7 bits address identifier in binary. Once a case is detected by a sensor in any stand-off, a control signal of this area is sent to its encoding circuit via interface circuit, which converts the area’s 7bit address identifier into FSK signal. Then FSK signal is transmitted into a frequency modulation circuit for frequency modulating. After power amplification, the frequency modulation electromagnetic wave is emitted via antenna. Onecharacteristic of the sending system is discontinuous sending. In other words, the sending system does not send signals when there is no case, and do keep sending when there is an alarm situation, so as to provide chances to send signals for other stand-off areas.A.The Encoding and Controlling Circuit ConfigurationThe digital circuit part of the encoding circuit is made by a FPGA chip which includes 8 modules.Formed by D triggers, module ‘dff1’ is the interface between detector and encoder. Module ‘oscillator’ combines with some external resistors and capacitors to form a controllable low frequency multivibrator. Its control signal is the output of ‘dff1’---Q1. It does not vibrate when Q1is equal to 0, and if Q1is equal to 1, it vibrates to generate low frequency square waves. If some cases appear in the area, the oscillator controls the mo dule ‘SENDER’ to send electromagnetic wave discontinuously. The module ‘circular_shift_r’ is a parallel input serial output circular shift register. The bit A0~A7 are the parallel address code input terminals, which are joined to high or low voltage level according to the encoder requirement. Q8 is the serial output terminal of the address code. Module ‘dff2’ is a control circuit that is made of some JK triggers. Its setup signal is Q1, which also acts as a trigger signal after delay. Q2 acts as the parallel-in-serial-out control terminal of the‘circular_shift_r’ module. When Q2 is at high voltage level,circular_shift_r’ performs parallel input. When Q2 is at low voltage level, ‘circular_shift_r’ executes serial output. The module ‘delay1’ is a delay circuit composed of D triggers.The module ‘division’ is a frequency division that creates three different routes frequency output signals, two of which branches and act as FSK modulating signals: f1 and f2. The other branch acts as a triggering pulse for modules dff1 and delay1, and alsoacts as the clock pulse of ‘circular_shift_r’for performing serial-out. The module ‘MUX’ is a 2 to 1multiplexer. Its control signal is the output Q8 of‘circular_shift_r’. When Q8=0, ‘MUX’ produces the signal f2, and when Q8=1, it exports f1. The module ‘delay2’combines with some external resistors and capacitors to form a delay circuit. Its function is to give workers some time to leave after installing the system. The sending circuit does no work within the delay time, no matter whether K1(detector) is on or off. This is the external connection drawing of the FPGA chip.B. The Working PrincipleAs shown following, the working principle of the alarm system is as follows: when the power of the sending system turns on, the input of the ‘dff1’ is at low level. Then its output terminal Q1 is at logic value ‘0’, NQ1 is at logic ‘1’, and a external light-emitting diode (LED) is lit to indicate the power is on. The signal Q1 is sent to the setting terminal of ‘dff2’ to set terminal Q2 at high level. The high level Q2 will set ‘circular_shift_r’ into the parallel input address code mode. At this time, the outer transistor N2 is at saturation state and N3 at cut-off state. This makes the sending circuit at a passive state, therefore, the circuit will not work. Hence, the circuit does not emit carrier wave if there is no case, and it is at low consumable power state.Once some cases appear, the switch K1 is on. The terminal D of the ‘dff1’ turns to high level immediately, and the output Q1of ‘dff1’ is set to high level at the rising edge of the clock pulse. It makes the setting terminal s of ‘dff2’ at high level too. The ‘dff2’ now is at normal working state. After delaying by module ‘delay1’, the former edge of the Q1 pulse will trigger ‘dff2’ to output low voltage, which will make the transistor N2 off, N3 on, and the delay’s normally open contact will be closed. The electric power supply to the sending circuit is on, and the circuit begins to work normally.Simultaneously, if Q2 is at logi c 0, ‘circular_shift_r’ will be change to serial shift state and export address signals. When the address code is 0, the output of ‘MUX’ will be f2. And when the address code is 1, the output will be f1. Terminals f2 and f1 act as the modulation signal for modulating the carrier wave. In this way, the address code is sent out at the first cycle of the low frequency oscillator. At the second cycle it stops sending in order to give other stand-off a period of time to send. After the third cycle, repeat the procedure above.From the discussion above, we have the conclusion that the encoding and control circuit have the function to display when the power is on, time delay for human to leave the spot, low power cost mode for waiting case, discontinuity sending and FSK modulating etc. It is more flexible and has more functions than many encoder ASIC.III.THE CONFIGURATION AND PRINCIPLE OF THE RECEIVING SYSTEMSet in guardhouse, a set of wireless receiver takes charge of monitoring all stand-off areas. The principle of the wireless receiver is show following. Passing by the low pass filter, the received modulation signal is sent into the high frequency common-emitter and common-base configuration cascade amplifier for amplifying. Then the signal is sent to the intermediate frequency modulation amplifier via the dual tuning circuit, i.e. sent into the input terminal (16th pin) of an ASIC chip (MC3372) to do mixing. The oscillate frequency of the local oscillator circuit is 455KHz higher than the received signal. Delivering to the first pin of the chip MC3372, the signal will mix with the external signal to get 455KHz intermediate frequency signal. After filtering, the intermediate frequency signal is first delivered to the 8th MC3372 pin to do frequency detection, and second amplified by an inner lowfrequency amplifier of the chip MC3372, then the 9th pin exports the baseband signal. Amplified by a low frequency single transistor, the baseband signal is rectified by two steps Schmitt gates (CD4584) to turn into a FSK signal, which will be sent into pin 3.0 of MCS to be decoded.MCS in this system is chip 89C51, which joins an outer 12MHZ crystal oscillator. Its timer T1 act as a baud rate generator in mode 2, and SMOD=1,300 baud/sec. serial port is selected in mode 1, which means an asynchronous communication mode, 10 bit per frame in which the lower 7 bits of the 8 data bit is the address code, and the 8th acts as the parity check bit. The system uses even check.When receiving an address code, the MCS firstly performs parity check. If it is correct ,then ,the MCS compare their value and takes out 7 bits address code and stores it into data buffer in memory. These procedures repeat 3 times in order to identify the 3 address codes. If the 3 address codes are the same, the MCS will confirm that the receiving address signal is an effective alarm signal, that is to say, the address code is not a noise signal. It then triggers the alarm circuit to send the alarm sound. At the same time, the code number will display on the LED indicating which stand-off triggered the alarm.The LED uses a dynamic scan display method. If there are more than one stand-off areas have cases simultaneously, the MCS will display their code number in turn at 3 seconds intervals. The alarm audio process circuit uses a NE556 dual time base circuit chip to form a dual audio frequency multivibrator, which will give off a ringing alarm sound. System could configure sensors use for alarm of fire,combustible gas and theft.IV.ANTI-INTERFERENCE MEASUREIt is important to heighten the anti-interference ability for wirelesscommunications. anti-disturbance measures takes form in the hardware. For example, one should reasonably arrange the PCB (printed circuit board),increase power decoupling, and place the high and low frequency filter reasonably. Since the receiver system includes high frequency circuits, separate the analogue circuit and digital circuit chip, and make each have its own ground. To guard against external and internal interference or high frequency radiation, put the high frequency amplifier and middle frequency amplifier channels in a metallic shield box and the MCS system into another metallic shield casket. Adopt FSK modulation, double tuning select frequency and ASIC demodulation. All of these measures can effectively decrease interference to the system. For software, use the modular structure to design the software system. Continuously distinguishing address code several times and by parity check can dramatically reduce the error-alarming rate of the system.V.THE ENDINGThe design of software and hardware in this alarm system is reasonable. Its reliability is observably increased, and the error alarm rate is decreased. Experiments show that the error alarm rate is nearly zero when disconnecting the detector. The transmission distance is greater than 4Km in open zones When connecting microwave dual discriminating theft-proof detector (DT-400 Family), the error alarm rate is less than 4 times every 1000 hours. Since working in the discontinuously sending method at 300baud/s, the alarm system can work reliably as long as the time gap between two sending systems is less than 0.2sec. In fact, it can meet the need in actual applications.Intelligent Residential Security Alarm and Remote Control System Based On Single Chip ComputerAbstract:For to steals, robs and so on accidents to carry on the effective monitor and the warning, unified using the MCU AT89C51 controlling technology and the infrared detection technology, one kind of wireless burglar alarm has been designed, it including hardware and software two parts; The hardware part is composed by the infrared sensor, send and receive module ,MCU, acousto-optic warning and so on; The software part is composed of the main program and music subroutine. With C or the assembly language compilation source program, carries on the translation and the debugging in the Keilc51 platform, after downloads to the MCU AT89C51 chip, and this MCU and other primary devices welding on the PCB board according to design a circuit. On electricity, closed-cycle control switch, when some people intrude in the infrared launch area, has the acousto-optic warning, indicated that has achieved the design requirements.This paper presents intelligent residential burglar alarm, emergency alarm, fire alarm, toxic gas leakage remote automatic sound alarm and remote control system, which is based on 89C51 single chip computer. The system can be automatic alarm, automatic calling the police hotline number. It can be used voice alarm and show alarm occurred address. It can set up and modify user password. It can be recordable and voice suggestion. It can be used telephone remote control electrical power. The alarm system has design innovation, multiply function,low cost, high reliability and so on.Along with time unceasing progress, the people located the environment security to oneself to propose a higher request, it was living at the security aspect particularly, it must pay attention these unexpected visitors frequently. Now many plots have installed the intelligence alarm system, thus enhanced the plot safety rate greatly, because infrared is a black light, uses the wireless launch and the receive, does not need the independent wiring,it has the very strong confidentiality and the secrecy, thus in security, security installments and so on security the use should have the very big superiority.Keywords- Infrared sensor; Launch; Receive; MCU(Micro Controller Unit); WarningI.INTRODUCTIONWith the computer technology and control technology and communicational technology’s development, people’s living standard has improved increasingly. People's living conditions have changed, Such as the living environment’s security and how comfortable they feel. So the intelligent residential building’s automatic emerge as the times require. Intelligent residential must have safety precautions, anti-theft alarm, fire alarm, toxic gas leakage automatic alarm and emergency call. It is able to implement remote control for the key equipment power. In recent years, with the progress of technology and economy, the electronic anti-theft alarm system has rapid development and a very wide application. Now it does not only apply in many important government departments, but also apply in the family.In-depth study on various alarm device, we have designed intelligent residential security alarm and remote control system on the basis of single chip computer. The system is based on 89C51 single chip computer, hasintelligent residential burglar alarm, emergency call alarm, fire alarm, toxic gas leakage automatic alarm and remote control. It is able to call the police hotline number. It is able to use voice alarm and show alarm occurred address. Users can set up and modify password for it. It can be recordable and voice suggestion and make use of the telephone to remote control. Calling when is not at home, it can use password to enter remote deployment and remote control the power of electronic appliance.The system makes use of communication equipment to realize multi-channel detection, scene alarm, emergency alarm, fire alarm and toxic gas leakage automatic alarm. It realizes remote voice alarm function through the automatic dial-up telephone. It directly parallels on the telephone lines, then may be used. Before used, user will be required to install the detection device in place where being watched by people. It must be set up alarm telephone number, recorded voice alarm. The alarm system has design innovation, multiply function, low cost, high reliability and so on.II.SYSTEM COMPONENTIntelligent residential security alarm and remote control system constitutes as shown following. The system is through telephone interface circuit and telephone network to link up. 89C51 single chip computer dominates by MT8880 Dual Tone Multi-frequency (DTMF) codec with the telephone network to exchange information. When the detection of dangerous situations, the dangerous situation coded signal transfer from the corresponding detection module through the antenna to master chip. The master chip brings the corresponding alarm information according to received signal. This part is to complete by the voice interface circuit, which uses ISD1420. After users call the number of system, users can control appliances according to sound by the voice interface circuit.The system components are made up of detecting circuit, wireless transmitter-receiver circuit, telephone interface, voice circuit, DTMF codec circuit, telephone signal detection circuit and the main control circuit. Each module is described as follows:A.Detecting CircuitThe part circuit is as the detection part of the whole system, used to detect theft case, fire, toxic gas leakage and emergency call signals. Theftproof detection is to complete through pyroelectric infrared sensor. Sensors are installed on the balcony, windows and other place where thieves are easy to enter. The part circuit is at the ready state under normal circumstance. Sensors catch theft information when someone enters the scope of the surveillance. Then, wireless module will send the information to the 89C51 single chip computer. The detection of fire and toxic gas is to complete by the corresponding detection sensors, emergency call signal is sent from user hand-hold remote control.B.Wireless Transmitter-receiver CircuitThe transmitting and receiving circuit of the part makes use of CMOS manufacturing process produced by a low cost PT2262/PT2272 wirelessremote control module. The operating frequency of it is 2 MHz and the communication distance of it is 100 meters above. Under normal circumstances, transmitting and receiving modules are in dormant status. The module is in non-dormant status when be in danger, then coded signal is transmitted. The receiving module has received high-frequency signal decode, generating interrupt signal at the same time.C.Telephone InterfaceHere shows telephone interface circuit. The phone lines normal is above 48V DC voltage and optocoupler is not conducting. When the phone lines are ringing signal which is 25±3V sine wave, Optocoupler is conducting, generating interrupted signal to the mainframe. The relay will be connected to J1,after mainframe detected ringing signal many times, then load resistor connected to a telephone line, that computer to simulate the extraction process. Since then, the system access DTMF signals from the TONE of coupled transformer, transmits voice signals from VOICE of coupled transformer. To disconnect the system, the system rings off.D.Voice CircuitThe voice circuit of system is used to generate alarm information and hint information. Using specialized voice integrated chip ISD1420, which provides 20 seconds recording time. Using subsection record, master audio recorder provides the starting address.E.DTMF Codec CircuitUsing MT8880 codec chips, to complete dial up function and decode passwords and control commands which are sent by users.F.Telephone Signal Detection CircuitThe telephone signal detection circuit uses pulse reshaping circuit design. The signal must be amplified by the signal amplifier circuit, then, to generate square wave signals to main control chip by comparator. Phone signals including dial tone, busy tone, call waiting tone, ring back tong, network busy tone relies on software to identify.G.The Main Control CircuitThe system adopt 89C51 chip as main control chip, the main controller call by detecting ring tone. Tone control circuits broadcast voice tone, to coordinate the competence of users who have complete remote control electrical appliances. On the other hand, Mainframe controls dial-up circuit given the preset number according to receiving alarm information.According to the alarm type of telephone sound, determine to call police or tell user the information. User may preset passwords, telephone number and record, and so on.III.SYSTEM SOFTWARE DESIGNSystem software is composed of main program, remote control subroutine, warning subroutine. In order for the system in idle time to enter a dormant mode, all the tasks are completed in interrupted service routine.A.Main program designHere shows main program flow chart. It mainly accomplishes initialize work, then the system enters a dormant mode. Whether there is password input or imported alarm. The results are processed accordingly. A method of determining whether to provide a user with access to the security system,enter a user password for verification by a program in a computing device. When valid user leaves, the main program waits for some time, automatically enters the maximum security state. The main program regular calls watchdog handling procedure, in order that the system is not normal reset.B.Remote Control ModulesWhen there is a ringing signal, remote control modules generate external interrupt. The number of the ring counts in interruption procedure, if the number is more than six times, the system hangs off, broadcasts hint tone to the telephone network. Then checking user passwords, if passwords are valid, user may control the work of electronic appliances. And the times of password input are limit. Check whether connection is overtime or not, hang up if it is overtime.C.Remote Alarm ModuleAn interrupt handler of remote alarm, also known as an interrupt service routine (ISR), is a callback subroutine in an operating system or device driver whose execution is triggered by the reception of an interrupt. When receiving module receives signals, main controller generates interruption, is out of dormant. Proceedings interrupted in this way shall continue from the point where they were interrupted, if making the interrupt trigger. For example, when the system withdraws from a defend position, the system ignores the security which has received alarm signals.After dialing has finished, we must judge by phone tone whether the call has been put through. If not, we want to repeat the dialing. We just hang up the telephone then repeat,otherwise, play alarm information to the other. The function is to complete by signal tone detection routine. System must identifysignal tone, in order to identify the signal tone, we must know the characteristic of signal tone.IV.THE SYSTEM TESTING SHOULD MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTa.Guard against theft and alarm system: Be able to dial preset telephone number and alarm telephone number, tell people by phone tone where the accident has happened.b.Emergency alarm: Be able to dial preset telephone number and emergency telephone number, tell people by phone tone where the accident has happened.c. Fire alarm and record hint: Be able to dial preset telephone number and fire alarm telephone number, tell people by phone tone where the accident has happened. And there is toxic gas leakage automatic alarm and emergency call.d. Be able to set up password and alarm telephone number, then modify theme. Remote control the power of appliancesV.THE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSAccording to the program flow diagram with C or the assembly language compilation main program and music subroutine, carries on the debugging in the Keilc51 environment, will debug the good procedure using the programmer to solidify to MCU AT89C51. With the infrared sensor, the launch module, the receive module, the MCU, the acousto-optics alarm circuit welding on the PCB board according to the request, puts through the power source, the green power light is bright, indicated that the power sourcework is normal; When separation alert control switch, the alarm circuit does not work, therefore when some people intrude in the infrared launch area, also will not have the warning, when after closed alert control switch, the indicating lamp will be bright, indicates the alarm circuit in the work, when this time some people will intrude in the infrared launch area, will have the acousto-optic warning, namely the buzzer will send out music, red light emitter diode twinkle. The alert control master switch's function, causes the infrared burglar alarm's use to be more convenient, when the master wants to greet the visitor, may separate the alert control master switch, the visitor walks into the guard area not to report to the police; When the master wants to guard against theft, then closed alert control master switch, when has the unexpected visitor to intrude the guard zone time, will carry on the acousto-optic warning.VI.CONCLUSIONThis paper presents intelligent residential burglar alarm, emergency alarm, fire alarm, toxic gas leakage remote automatic sound alarm and remote control system, which is based on 89C51 single chip computer. The system communicates with terminal through public telephone network and mobile network, is able to dial preset telephone number and alarm telephone number automatically. We know what has happened according to tone dialer and where has happened. We can set up and modify passwords, be able to record and tone hints. We can use telephone or mobile phone to lay guards, withdraw guards, remote control the power of appliances. The alarm system has design innovation, multiply function, low cost, high reliability and so on. The system enhances the level of intelligent alarm system. Using the MCU and the wireless communication technology, may realize the wireless warning, between the wireless sensor and the MCU uses the ASK modulationand demodulate , with releases the infrared sensor to carry on the examination hotly, the installment hiding, the overall system does not need the independent wiring, it is suitable erects communication link's place inconveniently in the cities family and the remote districts ,and so on, it should have the good application prospect.多功能智能无线报警系统摘要:利用内部资源丰富的FPGA(现场可编程门阵列),设计了一个无线报警发送系统。
Based on monolithic integrated circuit automobile security alarmsystem designAbstract:Decodes the automobile security system using them on litchis integrated circuit interior resources realization jump code, it each time uses the remote control password all is changing, both enhanced the system security, and greatly reduced the cost.Keyword: Monolithic integrated circuit, Automobile security system , Code/decodeIntroductionIs unceasingly progressive along with the social economy and the high tech rapid development, in the routine work and the life, the automobile has become the people ideal transportation vehicle. But the following motor vehicle the case which robbed gradually is also in creased has created the pilot economical property loss. In order tore duce the automobile to rob the event the formation rate, for has the automobile the user to provide the safety control, simply develops one kind to be reliable, the ease of operation, can send out in the discovery normal condition to the pilot reports to the police the reminder and the security warning safety system has the practical significance. This article based on to the existing automobile security alarm system generalized analysis, develops one kind of brand-new security alarm system. This system has mainly used the jump code code/decoding principle, causes the overall system to be safer, greatly reduces password explaining rate.1. System principle of workThe automobile security alarm system the remote control which carries by the driver and installs in the automobile the controller two parts composes. The remote control and the controller all use eight CMOS which American AT-MEL Corporation produces the A VR monolithic integrated circuit, this series monolithic integrated circuit based on new simplifies instruction R the ISC structure, includes the service life most to be few is 1,000 time writes/scratches the circulation the Flash program memory, as well as the service life at least is 100,000time writes/scratches the circulation E the EPROM data-carrier storage, some 2 only have when the entire piececleaning can clean the programming encryption locks the localization.1.1 System designThe automobile security examination uses the ultrasonic sensor. The ultrasonic sensor is composed by the ultrasonic wave transmission circuit and the supersonic reception electric circuit, in the automobile cab appropriate position, installs the ultrasonic wave launch/receiver, as well as switch electric circuit T1. When the automobile parks the vehicle owner person must leave the automobile, with remote control closed switch T1, the automobile alarm system sat garrisons the condition, around the system use ultrasonic wave examination vehicle obstacle. Launches the partial electric circuits likes chart 1 to show. When its P1 mouth P1.1, P1.2 to the D trig , the P1.0 control ultrasonic wave launch, are 0, the photo electricity coupler outputs the TP1 end is 1, the permission ultrasonic wave launch, launches/the receive ultrasonic wave in turn, the circulation repeatedly carries on. Simultaneously the monolithic integrated circuit interior counter starts to count. The steam distance between vehicles obstacle distance is the time which sends out through the sound navigation and ranging reflects spends determines and carries on the computation. The reflection signal causes the D trigger to produce interrupt request signal INT1,simultaneously stops counting, reads takes counts the value, calculates the actual distance after the formula, then carries on the comparison with the datum distance, if examines when the actual distance is bigger than reference value 80cm, does not carry on the accustom-optics to report to the police; If some people approach the automobile to enter the cab, the examination actual distance is smaller than or was equal to when reference value 80cm, through monolithic integrated circuit P2.2 and the P2.3 port, actuates the indicating lamp display circuit and the sound alarm circuit, sends out three two flash. And triggers a high level, the actuation is wire less signal transmission circuit.Chart 1 Ultrasonic wave transmission circuit1.2 Code/decoding principleThe present automobile remote control security system are many isusesVD5026/27, PT2262/72, HT12E/D and so on the general code/decodes the electric circuit, its password decided by the component address, each set of security systems use a fixed invariable password. Along with the micro processing technology development, through the receiver emote control transmitting message, may intercept this fixed password, moreover general arranges the decoding address to lose the person to carry the component size limit, its quantity is impossible too much, can obtain not repeatedly codes very is also limited, also can very quickly explain the password with the automatic scanner. Therefore, this kind of password fixed invariable automobile security system has received the serious threat. Decodes the automobile security system using the monolithic integrated circuit interior resources realization jump code, it each time uses the remote control password all is changing, with the password no longer duplicates uses, causes the interception password also is makes a futile effort, in addition, it may increase the enough many passwords figure, enhances the system resistance illegal scanning the ability. The remote control coding altogether has 12 bytes, separately by 3 bytes codes channels code, 3 bytes codes forewords number, 5 bytes jumps codes, 1 byte pressed key operation code is composed. Encoded front adds on logic in each byte 0 to take the outset position, encoded behind adds on a logical 1 achievement in each byte to stop the position, and in most front adds on several logic 1 to take the guidance signal, this constituted the serial coded signal which uses in to transmit. The code channel code uses in to express the remote control status; each set of systems use a fixed channel code. The code foreword number uses in to record the encoded order, its starting value is 0, the monolithic integrated circuit every time codes a time, the code foreword number upwardly counts time. The code channel code and the code foreword number deposits in monolithic integrated circuit EEPROM, guarantees them power cut the influence. The jump code is the systematic true password, it passes through the complex special algorithm by the code channel code and the code foreword number to extract, this special algorithm foreign security. The pressed key operation code by the pressed key which presses was decided, when "the hypothesis" the key is pressed down, its code decides as 0 1H; When "relieves" the key presses down, its code decides as 00H. Whether is the decoding confirms receive the code legitimate a series of operating process. Was confirmed the legitimate code needs to satisfy three conditions; (1) codes the channel code and the decoding channel code is same; (2) coded the foreword number to be bigger than the decoding foreword number (decodingforeword number to record on legitimately has used code foreword number, this condition might guarantee before has used code was invalid); (3) jumps the code to be equal to reuses the special algorithm to extract changes the code. After the monolithic integrated circuit confirmed receives is the legitimate code, writes the code foreword number in the decoding foreword number, and completes corresponding operation processing according to the operation code. The decoding channel code and the decoding foreword number also deposits in monolithic integrated circuit EEPROM, guards against because of power cut loses.1.3 Security reports to the police realizationIf will have robber Chen ZheRu the room, starts the automobile, after wrong password, then the automobile storage battery +12V voltage, the ignition electric current way ignition lock, the ignition outage, the engine extinguishes, again starts, will duplicate the above process, like this, the bandits and thieves always will not be able to start the automobile, will not be able to achieve its anticipated goal. The alarm circuit mainly is composed by the integrated block and the speaker and electronic switching SCR. Triode or the multiple-unit tube, are for enhance the electric circuit measure which the power but often uses, it has composed a current amplification factor very big equivalent transistor, total enlargement factor for these two enlargement factor product. SCR is the electronic switching which constitutes by the silicon-controlled rectifier, the electric capacity and the resistance constitution negative booster concurrently filter, provides +3 +4V to IC the voltage, IC is traces Draws up sound reports to the police the integrated circuit, the alarm apparatus by the SCR control, robs the vehicle thief once after the wrong password, then the storage battery electric current enters the security system besides a group, another group is started in the engine, after leads the engine work, natural contact output voltage, after the differentiating circuit, silicon-controlled rectifier SCR is triggered, also passes through the resistance to fall the pressure, the voltage adds in the IC power source input end, IC obtains the voltage output alarm, enlarges after the multiple-unit tube, Destroys moves the speaker to send out resoundingly reports to the police the sound. when static state, entire electric circuit does not consume the electricity.2. Software designThe alarm apparatus software design mainly divides into:Master routine (alarm apparatus initialization, key modulation and decoding); Alarm apparatus interrupthandling routine. This alarm apparatus installs on the automobile steering wheel. After installs, starts the alarm apparatus, the alarm apparatus automatically retards20~30s to start to work, in order to lets use the person to have the enough time to lock the gate to leave the automobile. After the time delay the alarm apparatus enters the value to defend the active status, once the vehicle door is turned on or the windowpane hits garrulously, the oscillation pick-up examines the signal, time delay 20s starts to report to the police. The time delay goal is the master which causes the automobile is opening the gate to enter the vehicle internal energy closure alarm apparatus, in order to avoid reports to the police by mistake.2.1 Master routineThis part mainly completes to each severance entrance hypothesis, and reports to the police the depositing unit initialization to each fixed unit, establishes the special symbol value and to the pressed key interrupts processing. Master routine design diagram like chart 2 shows.Chart2 master routine frame chart2.2 Alarm apparatus interrupt handling routineThe burglar alarm disposal procedure uses time severance inquiry processing, each time severance, only is inquires each kind of control flag bit, controls each group output according to its condition. The procedure has not used has circulation processing the way, therefore time control conclusion, cannot eliminate controls the flag bit, only is repositions the scene, the waiting next time severance, again judges whether controls the conclusion.3. Concluding remarkUses automobile security alarm system cost which this kind of monolithic integrated circuit composes low, performance reliable, simultaneously settles the extension to be convenient. The use jump code code/decoding principle, causes the system to be safer, greatly reduces password explaining rate, will obtain the wide spread application in the future automobile security alarm system.基于单片机的汽车防盗报警系统设计摘要:应用单片机内部资源实现的跳变编码/解码汽车防盗系统,它每次使用的遥控密码都在变化,既提高了系统的安全性,又大大降低了成本。
毕业设计附件材料学生姓名:***学号:******所在系部:电气与电子工程学院专业班级:自动化专业(03)班指导老师:***日期:2013年6月目录1 英文文献翻译 (3)1.1英文文献原文题目 (3)1.2中文翻译 (10)2 专业阅读书目 (14)2.1 《毫米波雷达及其应用(精)》 (14)1 英文文献翻译1.1英文文献原文题目Increases massively along with the automobile, on the road the stream of vehicles rest, does not make the road traffic accident year to increase large scale by the , causes the massive personnel casualty and the property damage. News which according to Chinese male peaceful on January 14, 2005 issued: China altogether sent in 2004 to live the traffic accident 567, 753, caused 99, 217 dead, 451, 810 people the wound, the immediate goods are lost 27. 7 hundred million Yuan. Traffic accident's primary cause exercises after over speed , occupies the magical skill causes, the liquor drives, weary driving and so on. But collides is the traffic accident main manifestation, majority is the vehicle - vehicle collision and the person - vehicle collision. may affirm, along with our country automobile inventory and productivity swift growth, high speed road and first-class highway course fast extending, if does not enlarge road service peaceful the entire control, the traffic safety accident will increase massively, causes more casualties and economical the loss. the expert indicated to the road service accident's analysis result, in occurs junction passes in the accident, some 80% are because the pilot responds not promptly, does not handle, when makes to become. And some 65% accident are the automobile follows the collision to create, other belong lean the surface collision, to scratch hang the result. Therefore, Germany Mercedes-Benz Company's experts, in hands over after each kind to pass the accident to carry on the system research analysis obtains: If the pilot can before the accident has to shift to an earlier time 1 second consciousness to attend a meeting to have the traffic accident to occur, and has adopted corresponding the true measure, then the overwhelming majority accidentpossibly avoids. the automobile anti-collision early warning system to enhances the automobile travel security to be very important. Year starts from the 1971, domestic and foreign presented the ultrasonic wave, the radar, the laser, the machine to regard one after another to think, infrared as well as interactive and so on anti-collision early warning system's research or the product. This article to each kind of anti-collision aspects and so on early warning system's principle, characteristic, flaw will carry on the analysis, and proposes the automobile anti-collision early warning system's development direction. The automobile anti-collision early warning system is in the automobile travel process, as well as about the direction danger carries on the examination to automobile's around, in the automobile and the danger has in the collision danger situation, carries on the acousto-optic warning, prompts pilot dangerous thing the direction as well as the degree of hazard, with the aim of letting the pilot take the corresponding measure, avoids following the collision and the side hangs and so on traffic accident's occurrences. Automobile anti-collision early warning system general by the information acquisition, the information processing, the information judgment, the early warning information and so on four groups to become. The information acquisition present stage's technology has the ultrasonic wave, the radar, the laser, the machine vision,infrared as well as interactive, through these technical gathering automobile travel process in all around information; The information processing part is mainly carries on the processing analysis to the gathering information, sentences to break in the automobile travel process whether all around to have the danger, commonly used monolithic integrated circuit, ARM, microprocessors and so on DSP, even uses the multi-CPU special purpose computer to process; Information the judgment is according to this vehicle vehicle type, the weather, time as well as this vehicle and danger distanceto, information and so on relative velocity, relative acceleration, through the information fusion technology, real-time carries on the dangerous or the secure state dynamic identification; When the early warning information part mainly refers to information the identification for the danger, this part carries on the dangerous rank judgment, the dangerous direction as well as should a cousto-optic warning. As a result of the different information acquisition technology, its corresponding automobile against hits the early warning system to be different, below to each kind of anti-collision early warning system's principle, the characteristic, lacks to fall and so on aspects to carry on the analysis. After radar truck anti-collision early warning system use electromagnetic wave launch, meets obstacle the reflection the echo to examine and the computation unceasingly to it with the front or rear area the obstacle to the speed and the distance, undergoes the analysis judgment, with does not carry on the warning to present hazards' goal according to degree . This system by the dual-mode antenna, the directional coupler, the mixer, frequency modulation the oscillator and the processing unit is composed. When the transmitter uses microwave frequency modulated continuous wave system , in the vehicles march forward, the radar pencil beam launches the frequency modulated continuous wave signal forward, when the transmitting message meets the goal, is reflected for the identical antenna receive, after mixing enlargement processing, between the available its pulsation signal the difference expressed that the radar and goal distance leaves, may obtain the distance the corresponding signal impulse after the microprocessor processing computation to count the value, again according to the slip frequency signal difference and the relative velocity relations, calculates the goal the relative velocity which reaches to thunder , the microprocessor above two physical quantity substitution dangerous time letter counts thematrix, then figures out the dangerous time. radar sounding stable property, not easily object surface shape and color shade sound. The environment adaptation performance is good, is been big the weather effect, it has the measuring time to be short, the measuring range big (may achieve above 10km), the precision higher merit. But periphery the vehicles, the obstacle can have the electromagnetic wave disturbance to it, between trailer-mounted radar each other also has the disturbance. This system is huge, the construction cost is expensive. On the high speed road, the isolation strip and the road two side metal has limited this system's application to a great extent.Since the early 80s, many of the world famous universities and research institutions to And the United States more than 300 companies (including IBM and other computer companies) are put into research Study. Such as millimeter wave radar research, automotive radar used for more than 30GHZ The millimeter wave radar, it can reduce the electromagnetic radiation from the antenna beam angle increases Degrees, eliminating the need to reduce the reflection caused by the malfunction and interference; other Surface as the Doppler shift, the relative speed and high precision. Present primarily Used in millimeter wave broadband wireless data communications and guided weapons, but still did not put Off the radar of the inherent defects in poor anti-interference ability to detect small angle range, the steam Car driving in the jitter can not adapt, but also turn out in the road before and after testing by the To turn restrictions.② millimeter wave radar and image sensor combination with image Sensor under the direction of the road, so as to control the transfer of laser or millimeter wave radar Moving direction, laser or millimeter wave radar to follow the car driving Drive rotation. Have Effective solution to the laser or millimeter wave radar inherent part of the defect, the detection sideTo the line, perspective view of the shortcomings of small or even 0, but the image sensors And Lei da Yun station control technology high. ③improvements in algorithmic research Study [18] - [20], if the millimeter wave linear frequency modulation continuous wave (LFM - CM), two-lane Maximum matching hair, Larry detection, high-precision phase detection, narrowband compensation side Method, measured by the second difference method, etc. on the precision and improved anti-interference. Automotive collision avoidance systems are often not only in a technical, but full use of each Kind of technology expertise, the whole system performance greatly improved. An example of ChongqingAfter nearly a decade Chi Technology Co., Ltd. developed the "intelligent vehicle highway Active driving safety warning system ", Information Monitoring on each side of car is the super- Sound ranging principles. In the short-range ultrasonic distance measurement technique is very good, 4 - 5m range of powerful, but the car is moving in from the left and right sides of the information Auto close, so the use of its information gathering before and after image sensor. After nearly Decades of research, the company has been in the software algorithms have great breakthrough, as the U.S. State TI' s digital signal processor development, the company designs and more CPU Processors, so each CPU division of labor. Now, the company has been able to do per second Able to handle 37 images per second, far more than the film image, reaching as Frequency flow requirements, to ensure real-time detection, accuracy.From the twentieth century 80's, famous universities, research institutions And automobile manufacturers to actively research Automotive Collision warning systems, various transportCompanies and insurance companies are very concerned about how to reduce traffic accidents, the original Due to the following points: ① According to statistics, about 120 million people worldwide die each year payThrough accident, car accident not only caused the increase in economic losses, returned to the urban traffic Caused unnecessary congestion through to families in many wounds, so that people's health Living adversely affected, it has increasingly become concerned about social issues; ② Research That, as early as 1 s warning will reduced by 50% ~ 90% of rear-end accident; ③ security has beenThe focus of the automotive market, the survey shows that most users think the most important consideration The problem is that the safety car; ④great market prospects of the system [21]. Through the various existing features of vehicle collision avoidance warning systems, performance Analysis, we found that, ultrasonic, radar, laser has the following inherent flaw: ① in Car side there is more objective, not well identified the most dangerous targets, Lead to false positives; ② roads are not well detected corners dangerous target, subject to public Impact of road railings, also led to false positive and false negative; ③ radar and laser can be measured On the distance of several kilometers, but ineffective in the 200m the following high cost, big problemLittle to do, and they system complexity, bulky, expensive; ④ laser as Perception point of view is almost 0 directive, the weather and robustness;⑤machine vision The collision warning system with high technical requirements and hardware requirements by climate; ⑥ Infrared collision warning system is relatively the best, all-weather use,anti- Interference ability, but the system's technical requirements and hardware requirements are also high; ⑦ interaction Intelligent anti-collision warning system in the type of traffic information on a certain role in promoting, However, to supporting the use of cars widely used and requires a long process. Development of electronic technology will drive the development of collision warning systems. In order to prevent Collision warning system to overcome the shortcomings of each system above,the following aspects should : ① to improve anti-jamming capability, reduce false positives; ②increased visual angle, Improve the monitoring range; ③ enhance stability, reduce false positives, false negative; ④ increase in driving Members and automobile testing, because the collision in the driver's fatigue driving and vehicle Performance also has a relationship; ⑤ increased police decision-making factors, ultrasonic, radar, laser, etc. Alarm factor is the distance of cars and hazards should be considered relative velocity,The relative acceleration, vehicle and weather; ⑥ form of intelligent expert system to improve reporting Police real-time, accuracy, because the different models and different weather safetyDistance and time requirements of different security; ⑦industry standard form, it is imperative Because the product can not do without the successful application of industry standards.Collision Warning System will promote intelligent car, information, and Play a catalytic role on unmanned technology to make our journey in life Safe, comfortable, fast being.1.2中文翻译随着汽车大量增加,路上车流不息,使道路交通事故逐年大幅度增加,造成大量人员伤亡和财产损失。
外文资料:BaSed On nRF24El and TMC2023 automobileCOlliSion avoidance SyStem development andrealizationCar engineering department Of institute Of technology Of MUniChBy LORENZ FERDIDADPrOgreSS Of SOCiety With the development Of times, more and more CarS have entered Ordinary people" S family. ThOUgh the highway terms is being updated, yet avoid the CrOWded CUrrent SitUatiOn Of getting On the Car Of UnaVOidabIe highway, in addition, the SPeed is improved gradually, the malignant traffic accident is happening all the time, have brought the enormous Iife and PrOPerty IOSS to PeOPle and the SOCiety・ Car anticollision SyStein Whether One Can Send OUt Seeing and hearing SUrVey device Of Warning SignaI in advance to driver・ It install, at car, Can SUrVeyJ attempt pedestrian, VehiCIe Or barrier around CIOSe the automobile body usually; Can Send OUt and COlIide the dangerous SignaI SOOn to ClriVer and PaSSenger ahead Of time, impel driver bypass driver take emergency measure PUniSh SPeCiaI dangerous SitUatiOn even, avoid IOSSeS・At present, though VariOUS COUntrieS StUdyJ PreVent SyStem Of COlliding from (USUalIy CalI the initiative SeCUrity SyStem in the WOrId) J but how COUId SOlVe the timid and alert PrOblem better, PerPIeXing relevant WOrkerS all the time・ The researcher in the WOrId StUdieS through a Iarge number Of experiments, has already reached COmmOn understanding, if Want to SOIVe PrObIem described above effectiVeIy, the anticollision SyStem must have the following functions:I)MUSt be CaPabIe Of examining the angle, the azimUthal information Of the goal is essential for removing emptily and alertly(2)APt to PrOdUCe anti-interference PerfOrmanCe StrOng COmPIiCatedtransmission signal, COOPerate With real-time high-efficient SignaI deal With With goal measuring algorithms, in Order to remove emptily and alertl y.OnIy the above two POintS COmbine together and guarantee the SyStematiC dependability that the Car defends COlIiding CIOSeIy.1TMC2023 ChiP and the nRF24El ChiP CharaCteriStiC introduced TMC2032 is One kind Of new entire digital COrrelatiOn instrument electric CirCUitJ its COrreIatiOn WOrd Iength and the related threshold are PrOgrammabIe・ ThiS ChiP is the monolithic 64 CMOS entire numeral COrreIatiOn instrument Iarge SCaIe integrated CirCUit WhiCh AmeriCan TRW COrPOratiOn recent years PrOnIOted, its interior had three independent CIOCkS 8 displacements POSitiOnS registers (StOChaStic data register A l IOCaI COde register B and ShieId COde register M) ; MOreOVer also has 7 registers to USe for to IOad Pre-PIaCed Iimit・ O、64 between WilfUlly IOng StOChaStiC data and the IOCaI COde after the COrreIatiOn OPeration, by the three Salnit the CUShiOn 7 BCD COde output, and Iimit COmPare With the initialization in the COmParator, if the COrreIatiVe VaIUe is bigger than Or is equal to Iilnit, then the flag bit by IOWIy ChangeS high・ BeCaUSe has USed the advanced high SPeed CMOS PrOdUCtiOn CraftJ the ParalleI COrrelatiOn SPeed reaches as high as above 30MHZ・BUt Widely applies to SynChrOniZatiOnJ the matched filtering, harms in the COde examination, the recording and the bar COde recognition, especially SUitS to the radar SignaI recognition. NRF24E1 is One kind Of OPerating frequency may achieve 2・ 4GHz the WireleSS radio frequency receiving and dispatching chip, the Channel OPeratiOn time is Smaller than 200 mu s, the data rate is IMbPS outside, does not need to meet the SAW filter, is global general IOW COSt radio frequency SyStem IeVeI ChiP WhiCh the PreSent WOrId PrOmOteS for the first time・The interior inlays has With 8,051 COmPatible microprocessors and 10 9 inputs A/D switches, may between Under the 1. 9V、3. 6V VOItage the Steady WOrk: The interior also inlays have impress the adjuster and the VDD VOItage monitoring device・WireIeSS receiving and dispatching partially has With the nRF2401SimiIar function, this function StartS by the internal ParalIeI InOUth and internal SPI, each due~out SignaI SayS regarding the PrOCeSSOr all may take SeVerS CarrieS On the PrOgramlIIingJ Or gives the IiIiCrOPrOCeSSOr through the GPlO POrt biography. ChiP nRF24El may realize the WireleSS COmmUniCatiOn in WOrId PUbIiC frequency band SCOPe 2.4 ' 2. 5GHz・ ReCeiVeS and dispatches the PartiaI PaCkageS to include the frequency divider, the amplifier, the regulator and two receiving and dispatching UnitS・ The OUtPUt energy, the frequency band and Other radio frequency Parameter PaSSabIe radio frequency registers COnVenientIy have PrOgrammed the adjustment・Under the transmission pattern, the CUrrent COnSUmPtiOn OnIy has 10. 5mA; Under the receive pattern, the CUrrent COnSUmPtion Only has 18mA, therefore the POWer IOSS is QUite low.2SyStemS Structures entire WraP information gathering SyStem is COmPOSed by five SetS Of radio frequencies IaUnCheS and the receiving device, each Set Of IaUnCheS and the receive PartiaI basic electric CirCUitS all are same, these five SetS Of transmitter-receiver Set also is COnneCted With the DSP CentraI PrOCeSSOrJ the CentraI PrOCeSSOr is responsible for the data WhiCh CaICUIateS them to PaSS on, IIIakeS the decision-making according to the actual SitUatiOn. EaCh Set Of IaUnCheS and receiving device StrUCtUre Iike Chart 1 ShOWS・ First by as the COre radio frequency transmission CirCUit PrOdUCeS the high frequency electromagnetic WaVe take nRF24El, then the modulation Signal WhiCh SendS by COrreIation OPerdtiOn ChiP TMC2032 to it CarrieS On the modulation, thus PrOdUCeS With Other radio frequency receiving and dispatching Unit different radio-frequency signals, PrePareS for full for the receive・ In Order to enable the electromagnetic WaVe SignaI to have the enough far PrOPagatiOn distance, but also needs to modulate after the SignaI to Carry On the enlargement, COmPIeteS this function the electric CirCUit is the merit PUtS the electric CirCUit・Finally PaSSeS On airborne to a SUCh Signa1. When SendS OUt the electromagnetic WaVe meets When the ObStaele returns, first must after COrrelation OPeMtiOn ChiPTMC2032 to it Carry On the recognition, if the Same group IaUnCheS Partially SendS receives, and further bequeaths this SignaI the radio frequency receive Part; OtherWiSe refuses to receive・Then the receive Partially PrOdUCeS according to the electromagnetic WaVe in the airborne dissemination The PhaSe moved CalCUlateS the time WhiCh its dissemination consumes, again CaICUIateS the ObStaCIe and this group Of receiving and dispatching PartiaI CiiStanCeS・ FinalIy gives this distance information the CentraI PrOCeSSOr・CentraI PrOCeSSing monolithic COnfidential at the Same time the distance information WhiCh PaSSeS On to five groups Of radio frequencies receiving and dispatching Unit makes the COmPUtat ion, Obtains ObStaCIe and VehiCIe SPatiaI POSitiOn WhiCh measured・ReaCheS this POintJ the ObStaele information gathering WOrk basically completes, is Ieft OVer is bequeaths again this COmPrehenSiVe information the higher Paraffin CentraI PrOCeSSOrJ IetS it make the final decisiOn-making□3receiving and dispatching UnitS SCheme Of arrangement and the COmPUtatiOn PrinCiPIe automobile in the middle Of the travel process, regarding the front ObStaCIeJ must be able to judge the ObStaele to be away from the COmPUtatiOnJ A, B, C three distinguish the representative to install in front Of the front Of a train three SUPerSOniC SenSOrS; E represents the obstacle; Then the EF expression from E to the horizontal PIane distance, FG represents the ObStaele to the front Of a train PIane distance, AG expresses the ObStaCle to a VehiCIe Side distance ・ The request is EF, FG and AG these three Can express the ObStaCIe and the automobile SPatiaI relative POSitiOn tangential Path・ SOIUtiOn as follows: In DeIta ABC, makes BD AC, COnneCtS ED and FD, then may ask DeIta ABC area S DeIta ABC, namely: S Delta the ABC = in the formula, S= (Tl+T2+T3), Tl, T2, T3 SeParateIy express Iine Segment AB, BC, the AC Iength therefore BD=2S DeIta ABC/AC in DeIta ADE, DiStanCe SI, S2, S3 and known distance Tl, T2, T3 Can SUrVey WhiCh the radio frequency receiving and dispatching SyStem SeParateIy replace AE, BE, CE, AB, BC, AC, then may result in three WhiCh asks to be away from EF, FG, the AG VaIUe・4USeS related algorithm along With radio frequency in daily Iife WideSPread application, the PeOPIe gradually discovered the radio frequency range finder has the Certain flaw:(1) The USefUI effect is away from QUite short, Only depends On the enhancement emissive POWer to increase the SUrVey distance is Very limited; (2) The range finder PreCiSiOn mainly is decided by the echo SignaI SingIa to noise ratio, in the Certain SignaI to noise ratio SitUation, Only depends On before the increase the IeVeI to enlarge the electric CirCUit the gain to imp:TOVe the measuring accuracy also is must Ofterl Iilnited・ In Order to SOIVe the above problem, in the automobile COlIiSiOn avoidance system, has COnCeiVed based On the PSeUdO-COde modulation radio frequency IaUnCh and the receiving SyStem. The White noise SPUrt VaIUe ObeyS the GaUSSian CiiStribUtiOn (normal distribUtiOn)・ ItS POWer SPeCtraI density in the Very Wide frequency band is even, moreover the autocorrelation function has delta the function ShaPe ・The PSeUdO-random COde although OnIy has two IeVeIs, but actually has the SimiIar White noise the related CharaCteriStiCJ OnIy is its SCOPe PrObabiIity distribution no IOnger ObeyS the GaUSSian CliStribUtiOn. Therefore, may USe the PSeUdO-random SeqUenCe the balanced CharaCteriStiCJ the tourist itinerary CharaCteriStiC and the COrreIatiOn CharaCteriStiC and SO On describes the White noise・The PSeUdO-random COde is With the IOgiC OPeratiOn realization, the SignaI autocorrelation function SatiSfies: ObViOUsly, When P enough is big, the autocorrelation COeffiCient has the incisive two IeVeIS CharaCteriStiCJ approaches delta the function. In based On in the PSeUdO-random COde UItraSOniC ranging, is PreCiSeIy SUrVeyS between the IaUnCh COde and the receive COde time delay USing the PSeUdO-COde autocorrelation function incisive CharaCte:TiStic, thus enhancement measuring accuracy・ The m SeqUenCe PSeUdO-random COde is the CyCIiCaI IOngeSt One kind Of SeqUenCe WhiCh PrOdUCeS by the Iinearity Shift register・ BeCaUSe its related CharaCteriStiC is fine, also is advantageous for the PrOdUCtion, therefore Obtained the WideSPread application. AeCOrding to the COrreIatiOn function definition, SUPPOSeS two functions Of time is xl (t), x2(t), then is Called xl (t) autocorrelation function; IS Called xl (t)J x2 (t) CrOSS COrreIatiOn function; HaS two kind Of QUeStiOnS in the SignaI examination theory: A kind examines the SignaIJ namely the basis receives Whether there is the COmPOSite SignaI (does SignaI add noise Or PUre noise) makes the SignaI jurdgement: AnOther kind estimates the ParameterJ Whether there is namely in examined in the SignaI foundation, to the SignaI Certain ParameterS (for example OSCilIatiOn amplitude, PhaSeJ frequency, PUlSe amplitude modulation ParIn and SO On) Or the PrOfiIe makes the estimate・ In order to enhance the anti-jamming, needs to Seek Under the disturbance COnditiOn to the SignaI best receive method ・ The PeriOdiC SignaI COrreIatiOn function WaS StilI the PeriOdiC function, but disturbs the noise the COrreIatiOn function is delta the function. ACCOrding to these differences, may PiCk OUt USing the COrreIatiOn instrument IniXeS in the noise jamming the PeriOdiC Signa 1・In this kind Of USe time domain CharaCteriStiC difference examines the SignaI the met hod to be CalIed the COrreIatiOn recerive WayS・ IS different according to the reference signal, the COrreIatiOn recerive WayS divides into the autocorrelation recerive WayS and the mutual COrreIatiOn recerive WayS・ The autocorrelation recerive WayS is in is Unable to know for Certain the input PrOfiIe (Or data) in the SitUation, the USe auto-correlator to it WOrk autocorrelation function OPeration; The mutual COrrelatiOn recerive WayS is in may determine the reference SignaI in the SitUation, to inputs the PrOfiIe USing the COrreIatiOn instrument (Or data) makes the CrOSS COrreIatiOn function With the IOCaI SignaI the OPeration. In this design the reference SignaI is the IOCaI code, therefore USeS the mutual COrreIatiOn recerive WayS・ In radio frequency range measuring system, Whether there is not Only has to Carry On the examination to the echo signal, meanwhile must CarrieS On the PreCiSe SUrVey to the echo SignaI and the transmitting message time delay. ThiS Can accurately know the radio broadcast USeS the time, then figures OUt between the ObStaele and the VehiCIe distance・ ThiS article UtiIiZeS the advanced radio frequency technology and the StabIe reliable relatedalgorithm, enable the automobile to have StrOngly guards against hits the ability ・ The above SyStem design Plan in tested on the Car already to realize front, and Can SOlVe in the Certain degree throughout is PUZZIing the COrreIatiOn WOrker, S two key QUeStiOn WhiCh states, namely has already had the keener take a bearing ability and the StrOnger antijamming ability, Iike this Can enable the automobile to have StrOngly guards against hits the ability・ AIthOUgh so, because in the middle Of the automobile travel PrOCeSS is relating PerSOn, S safety, therefore its PerfOrmanCe also WaitS for further enhances, Strengthens the OVeralI SyStem the absolute security, then CarrieS On the PrOmOtiOn to it.基于nRF24E1与TMC2023的汽车防撞系统的研制与实现慕尼黑理工大学汽车工程系劳伦斯•费迪南德随着时代的发展及社会的进步,越来越多的汽车进入了普通人的家庭。
%According to modularized design scheme, a vehicle anti-theft and alarm system is developed based on single chip, GPS and GPRS technologies to satisfy growing demand for vehicle anti-theft and location. The proposed anti-theft and alarm system can achieve real-time positioning and short-message alarm. When collecting the theft of information, the system adopts GPS technology to receive the vehicle position information (such as longitude and latitude) which will be sent asa text messages to the mobile phone owned by vehicle owner through GPRS network. Through hardware and software debugging , the system running result shows that the system has the characters of timeliness and high accuracy , as the alarm response time is in second latency and location error of latitude-longitude pair is less than 0.6 degree.【总页数】5页(P121-124,128)【作者】曹莉凌;简佳辉【作者单位】上海海洋大学工程学院,上海 201306;上海海洋大学工程学院,上海 201306【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN710【相关文献】1.基于单片机的汽车防盗报警系统设计与实现 [J], 宫唤春2.基于单片机的汽车防盗报警系统的设计与实现 [J], 王文安3.基于单片机汽车防盗报警系统设计与实现 [J], 谢海军;吴钟云;杨艳华;安玉磊4.基于单片机的远程控制汽车防盗报警系统的设计 [J], 冯超;孟俊焕5.基于单片机的汽车防盗报警系统设计与实现 [J], 宫唤春;因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Based on monolithic integrated circuit automobile security alarmsystem designAbstract:Decodes the automobile security system using them on litchis integrated circuit interior resources realization jump code, it each time uses the remote control password all is changing, both enhanced the system security, and greatly reduced the cost.Keyword: Monolithic integrated circuit, Automobile security system , Code/decodeIntroductionIs unceasingly progressive along with the social economy and the high tech rapid development, in the routine work and the life, the automobile has become the people ideal transportation vehicle. But the following motor vehicle the case which robbed gradually is also in creased has created the pilot economical property loss. In order tore duce the automobile to rob the event the formation rate, for has the automobile the user to provide the safety control, simply develops one kind to be reliable, the ease of operation, can send out in the discovery normal condition to the pilot reports to the police the reminder and the security warning safety system has the practical significance. This article based on to the existing automobile security alarm system generalized analysis, develops one kind of brand-new security alarm system. This system has mainly used the jump code code/decoding principle, causes the overall system to be safer, greatly reduces password explaining rate.1. System principle of workThe automobile security alarm system the remote control which carries by the driver and installs in the automobile the controller two parts composes. The remote control and the controller all use eight CMOS which American AT-MEL Corporation produces the A VR monolithic integrated circuit, this series monolithic integrated circuit based on new simplifies instruction R the ISC structure, includes the service life most to be few is 1,000 time writes/scratches the circulation the Flash program memory, as well as the service life at least is 100,000time writes/scratches the circulation E the EPROM data-carrier storage, some 2 only have when the entire piececleaning can clean the programming encryption locks the localization.1.1 System designThe automobile security examination uses the ultrasonic sensor. The ultrasonic sensor is composed by the ultrasonic wave transmission circuit and the supersonic reception electric circuit, in the automobile cab appropriate position, installs the ultrasonic wave launch/receiver, as well as switch electric circuit T1. When the automobile parks the vehicle owner person must leave the automobile, with remote control closed switch T1, the automobile alarm system sat garrisons the condition, around the system use ultrasonic wave examination vehicle obstacle. Launches the partial electric circuits likes chart 1 to show. When its P1 mouth P1.1, P1.2 to the D trig , the P1.0 control ultrasonic wave launch, are 0, the photo electricity coupler outputs the TP1 end is 1, the permission ultrasonic wave launch, launches/the receive ultrasonic wave in turn, the circulation repeatedly carries on. Simultaneously the monolithic integrated circuit interior counter starts to count. The steam distance between vehicles obstacle distance is the time which sends out through the sound navigation and ranging reflects spends determines and carries on the computation. The reflection signal causes the D trigger to produce interrupt request signal INT1,simultaneously stops counting, reads takes counts the value, calculates the actual distance after the formula, then carries on the comparison with the datum distance, if examines when the actual distance is bigger than reference value 80cm, does not carry on the accustom-optics to report to the police; If some people approach the automobile to enter the cab, the examination actual distance is smaller than or was equal to when reference value 80cm, through monolithic integrated circuit P2.2 and the P2.3 port, actuates the indicating lamp display circuit and the sound alarm circuit, sends out three two flash. And triggers a high level, the actuation is wire less signal transmission circuit.Chart 1 Ultrasonic wave transmission circuit1.2 Code/decoding principleThe present automobile remote control security system are many isusesVD5026/27, PT2262/72, HT12E/D and so on the general code/decodes the electric circuit, its password decided by the component address, each set of security systems use a fixed invariable password. Along with the micro processing technology development, through the receiver emote control transmitting message, may intercept this fixed password, moreover general arranges the decoding address to lose the person to carry the component size limit, its quantity is impossible too much, can obtain not repeatedly codes very is also limited, also can very quickly explain the password with the automatic scanner. Therefore, this kind of password fixed invariable automobile security system has received the serious threat. Decodes the automobile security system using the monolithic integrated circuit interior resources realization jump code, it each time uses the remote control password all is changing, with the password no longer duplicates uses, causes the interception password also is makes a futile effort, in addition, it may increase the enough many passwords figure, enhances the system resistance illegal scanning the ability. The remote control coding altogether has 12 bytes, separately by 3 bytes codes channels code, 3 bytes codes forewords number, 5 bytes jumps codes, 1 byte pressed key operation code is composed. Encoded front adds on logic in each byte 0 to take the outset position, encoded behind adds on a logical 1 achievement in each byte to stop the position, and in most front adds on several logic 1 to take the guidance signal, this constituted the serial coded signal which uses in to transmit. The code channel code uses in to express the remote control status; each set of systems use a fixed channel code. The code foreword number uses in to record the encoded order, its starting value is 0, the monolithic integrated circuit every time codes a time, the code foreword number upwardly counts time. The code channel code and the code foreword number deposits in monolithic integrated circuit EEPROM, guarantees them power cut the influence. The jump code is the systematic true password, it passes through the complex special algorithm by the code channel code and the code foreword number to extract, this special algorithm foreign security. The pressed key operation code by the pressed key which presses was decided, when "the hypothesis" the key is pressed down, its code decides as 0 1H; When "relieves" the key presses down, its code decides as 00H. Whether is the decoding confirms receive the code legitimate a series of operating process. Was confirmed the legitimate code needs to satisfy three conditions; (1) codes the channel code and the decoding channel code is same; (2) coded the foreword number to be bigger than the decoding foreword number (decodingforeword number to record on legitimately has used code foreword number, this condition might guarantee before has used code was invalid); (3) jumps the code to be equal to reuses the special algorithm to extract changes the code. After the monolithic integrated circuit confirmed receives is the legitimate code, writes the code foreword number in the decoding foreword number, and completes corresponding operation processing according to the operation code. The decoding channel code and the decoding foreword number also deposits in monolithic integrated circuit EEPROM, guards against because of power cut loses.1.3 Security reports to the police realizationIf will have robber Chen ZheRu the room, starts the automobile, after wrong password, then the automobile storage battery +12V voltage, the ignition electric current way ignition lock, the ignition outage, the engine extinguishes, again starts, will duplicate the above process, like this, the bandits and thieves always will not be able to start the automobile, will not be able to achieve its anticipated goal. The alarm circuit mainly is composed by the integrated block and the speaker and electronic switching SCR. Triode or the multiple-unit tube, are for enhance the electric circuit measure which the power but often uses, it has composed a current amplification factor very big equivalent transistor, total enlargement factor for these two enlargement factor product. SCR is the electronic switching which constitutes by the silicon-controlled rectifier, the electric capacity and the resistance constitution negative booster concurrently filter, provides +3 +4V to IC the voltage, IC is traces Draws up sound reports to the police the integrated circuit, the alarm apparatus by the SCR control, robs the vehicle thief once after the wrong password, then the storage battery electric current enters the security system besides a group, another group is started in the engine, after leads the engine work, natural contact output voltage, after the differentiating circuit, silicon-controlled rectifier SCR is triggered, also passes through the resistance to fall the pressure, the voltage adds in the IC power source input end, IC obtains the voltage output alarm, enlarges after the multiple-unit tube, Destroys moves the speaker to send out resoundingly reports to the police the sound. when static state, entire electric circuit does not consume the electricity.2. Software designThe alarm apparatus software design mainly divides into:Master routine (alarm apparatus initialization, key modulation and decoding); Alarm apparatus interrupthandling routine. This alarm apparatus installs on the automobile steering wheel. After installs, starts the alarm apparatus, the alarm apparatus automatically retards20~30s to start to work, in order to lets use the person to have the enough time to lock the gate to leave the automobile. After the time delay the alarm apparatus enters the value to defend the active status, once the vehicle door is turned on or the windowpane hits garrulously, the oscillation pick-up examines the signal, time delay 20s starts to report to the police. The time delay goal is the master which causes the automobile is opening the gate to enter the vehicle internal energy closure alarm apparatus, in order to avoid reports to the police by mistake.2.1 Master routineThis part mainly completes to each severance entrance hypothesis, and reports to the police the depositing unit initialization to each fixed unit, establishes the special symbol value and to the pressed key interrupts processing. Master routine design diagram like chart 2 shows.Chart2 master routine frame chart2.2 Alarm apparatus interrupt handling routineThe burglar alarm disposal procedure uses time severance inquiry processing, each time severance, only is inquires each kind of control flag bit, controls each group output according to its condition. The procedure has not used has circulation processing the way, therefore time control conclusion, cannot eliminate controls the flag bit, only is repositions the scene, the waiting next time severance, again judges whether controls the conclusion.3. Concluding remarkUses automobile security alarm system cost which this kind of monolithic integrated circuit composes low, performance reliable, simultaneously settles the extension to be convenient. The use jump code code/decoding principle, causes the system to be safer, greatly reduces password explaining rate, will obtain the wide spread application in the future automobile security alarm system.基于单片机的汽车防盗报警系统设计摘要:应用单片机内部资源实现的跳变编码/解码汽车防盗系统,它每次使用的遥控密码都在变化,既提高了系统的安全性,又大大降低了成本。