secure communication system
TCP常⽤⽹络和⽊马使⽤端⼝对照表,常⽤和不常⽤端⼝⼀览表【开始-运⾏- CMD ,输⼊ netstat -an 然后回车就可以查看端⼝】 端⼝:0 服务:Reserved 说明:通常⽤于分析操作系统。
端⼝:1 服务:tcpmux 说明:这显⽰有⼈在寻找SGI Irix机器。
Irix机器在发布是含有⼏个默认的⽆密码的帐户,如:IP、GUEST UUCP、NUUCP、DEMOS 、TUTOR、DIAG、OUTOFBOX等 端⼝:7 服务:Echo 说明:能看到许多⼈搜索Fraggle放⼤器时,发送到X.X.X.0和X.X.X.255的信息。
端⼝:19 服务:Character Generator 说明:这是⼀种仅仅发送字符的服务。
同样Fraggle 端⼝:21 服务:FTP 说明:FTP服务器所开放的端⼝,⽤于上传、下载。
⽊马Doly Trojan、Fore、Invisible FTP、WebEx、WinCrash和Blade Runner所开放的端⼝。
端⼝:22 服务:Ssh 说明:PcAnywhere建⽴的TCP和这⼀端⼝的连接可能是为了寻找ssh。
端⼝:23 服务:Telnet 说明:远程登录,⼊侵者在搜索远程登录UNIX的服务。
军事方面英语词汇1 军事通信 military communications2 军事通信系统 military communications system3 无线电通信 radio communications4 超长波通信 super-long wave communications5 甚长波通信 very long wave communications6 长波通信 long-wave communications7 中波通信 medium wave communications8 短波通信 short-wave communications9 微波通信 microwave communications10 毫米波通信 millimeter wave communications11 无线电台通信 radio set communications12 无线电接力通信 radio relay communications13 散射通信 scatter communications14 卫星通信 satellite communications15 扩展频谱通信 spread spectrum communications16 移动通信 mobile communications17 无线电波通信 radio wave communications18 电离层 ionosphere19 有线电通信 wired communications20 被复线通信 field wire communications21 架空明线通信 open wire communications22 电缆通信 cable communications23 光通信 optical communications24 光纤通信 optical fiber communications25 运动通信 messenger service26 军邮 army postal service27 简易信号通信 simplified signal communications28 旗语通信 flag signal communications29 电话通信 telephone communications30 载波电话通信 carrier telephone communications31 电报通信 telegraphy communications32 载波电报通信 carrier telegraphy communications33 电码 code34 图像通信 image communications35 电视广播 videocast36 静态图像通信 still picture communications37 会议电视 video conferencing38 可视电话 video telephone39 交互型可视图文 videotex40 传真通信 facsimile communications41 数据通信 data communications42 计算机通信 computer communications43 数字通信 digital communications44 模拟通信 analog communications45 多路通信 multiplex communications46 无线电台网 radio communications works47 有线电通信网 telecommunications networks48 数据通信网 data communication networks49 计算机通信网 computer communication network50 综合业务数字网 integrated service digital networks51 军事通信装备 military communications equipment52 电话机 telephone set53 传真机 facsimile equipment54 超长波电台 super-long wave radio station55 甚长波电台 very long wave radio station56 长波电台 long wave radio station57 短波电台 short wave radio set58 超短波电台 ultra-short wave radio set59 调幅电台 amplitude modulation radio set60 单边带电台 single sideband radio set61 调频电台 frequency modulation radio set62 呼救电台 life-saving radio set63 跳频电台 frequency hopping radio set64 接力机 radio relay equipment65 卫星通信地面站 satellite communication earth station66 通信卫星 communication satellite67 天线馈线 antenna feeder68 调制解调器 modem69 电话交换机 telephone switching system70 人工电话交换机 manual telephone switching system71 自动电话交换机 automatic telephone swithing system72 程控电话交换机stored program control telephone switching system73 电报交换机 telegraph switching system74 数据交换机 data switching system75 被复线 field wire76 架空明线线路 open wire communication line77 通信电缆 communication cable78 光纤通信设备 optical fiber communication equipment79 光纤 optical fiber80 通信保密 communications security81 保密通信 secure communications82 无线电密语通信 radio cryptoword communications83 保密机 security equipment84 密码机 crypto equipment85 密钥 cipher key86 无线电通信对抗 radio communication electronic warfare87 通信对抗装备 communication electronic warfare equipments88 帧中继 Frame Relay(FR)89 全球定位系统 Global Position--finding System (GPS)90 移动通信特别小组 Group Special Mobile(GSM)91 高速率数字用户环路 High--bit--rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL)92 信息高速公路 Information Super Highway93 网络电话 Internet Phone(IP)94 局域网 Local Area Network95 城域网 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)96 多媒体扩展技术 Multi--Media Extend (MMX)97 全动态视频压缩技术 Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG)98 分组拆装设备 Packet Assembler Dissembler(PAD)99 微型计算机 PC: Personal Computer100 网络计算机 NC: Network Computer101 多媒体个人电脑 MMX: Multimedia Personal Computer102 千字节 KB:Kilo Byte103 兆字节 MB:Mega Byte104 千兆字节 GB:Giga Byte105 计算机辅助教学 CAI:Computer-Aided instruction106 计算机辅助设计 CAD:Computer-Aided design107 国际标准化组织 ISO:International Standard Organization 108 虚拟现实 VR:virtual reality109 模拟数据 ANALOG DATA110 附件 ATTACHMENT111 骨干网 BACKBONE112 带宽 BANDWIDTH113 波特率 BAUD RATE114 二进制数据 BINARY DATA115 比特 BIT116 书签 BOOKMARK117 每秒比特数 BPS118 浏览器 BROWSER119 电缆调制解调器 CABLE MODEM120 缓存目录 CACHE DIRECTORY121 通用网关节口 CGI:Common gateway interface122 频道 CHANNEL123 通讯端口 COM PORT COM124 数据库 DATA BASE125 数据压缩 DATA COMPRESSION126 拨号连接 DIAL-UP CONNECTION127 拨号连接软件 DIAL-UP NETWORKING SOFTWARE 128 数码相机 DIGITAL CAMERA129 域名系统 DNS:domain name system130 域名 DOMAIN NAME131 下载 DOWNLOAD132 电子邮件 E-MAIL133 电子邮件地址 E-MAIL ADDRESS134 加密 ENCRYPTION135 纠错 ERROR CORRECTION136 以太网 ETHERNET137 常见问题 FAQ:frequently asked question138 免费软件 FREEWARE139 文件传输协议 FTP:file transfer protocol140 网关 GATEWAY141 图形交换格式 GIF:graphic interchange format142 网页 HOME PAGE143 超文本标记语言 HTML:hyper text mark language144 超文本传输协议 HTTP:hyper text tranfer protocol145 超级终端 HYPER TERMINAL146 超文本 HYPER TEXT147 国际互联网 INTERNET148 网间协议 IP:internet protocol149 ip地址 IP ADDRESS150 目录服务器 LIST SERVER151 注册 LOGIN152 邮件服务器 MAIL SERVER153 邮寄目录 MAILING LIST154 多媒体 MULTIMEDIA155 网络 NETWORK156 节点 NODE157 在线 ON-LINE158 离线 OFF-LINE159 密码 PASSWORD160 增强保密邮件 PEM:privacy enhanced mail161 插件 PLUG-IN162 投寄 POST163 点对点通信协议 PPP:point to point protocol164 远程登录 REMOTE LOGIN165 路由器 ROUTER166 搜索器 SEARCH ENGINE167 共享软件 SHAREWARE168 签名 SIGNATURE169 简单邮件传输协议 SMTP:simple mail transfer protocol170 冲浪 SURFING171 传输控制协议/网际协议 TCP/IP:transfer control protocol/internet protocol 172 全球资源定位器 URL:uniform resource locator173 广域信息服务器 WAIS(Wide Area Information Servers)174 万维网页 WEB PAGE175 万维网站 WEB SITE176 万维网搜索器 WEB-WIDE SEARCH ENGINE177 万维网 WORLD WIDE WEB178 中央处理器 CPU(Central Processing Unit)179 网民 Cyber Citizen180 软件开发 Software Development181 内容开发 Content Development182 信息化 Informationization,Network-based Information Flow183 软件包 Software Packages184 申请注册域名 Domain Name Application and Registration185 虚拟空间 Virtual Space186 便携式电脑 Portable Computer,Laptop; Notebook Computer187 个人数字助理 PDA--Personal Digital Assistant188 掌上电脑 Palm Computer189 网络管理员 Network Administrator190 原始设备制造商 OEM:Original Equipment Manufacturer191 即插即用 PNPlug and Play战场英语1 缴枪不杀 Lay down arms,or we'll fire!2 我们优待俘虏 We are kind to captives!3 你们被包围了,出来投降吧! You're surrounded!Come out and surrender!4 我们不杀俘虏 We don't kill our captives!5 不要受战争贩子的蒙骗 Don't be deceived by the warmonger!6 不要做无谓的牺牲 Don't die for nothing !7 赶快出来投降,保证你们生命安全! Come out and surrender right away security of life will be guaranteed!8 谁迫使你们离开幸福的家庭,漂亮的妻子和可爱的孩子 Who made you leave your happy home,your charming wife and yourloving children?9 你们在打一场无指望的仗 You are fighting a losing battle!10 我们保证你们:生命安全 You are to be guaranteed:security of life!11 我们保证你们:不没收私人财务 You are to be guaranteed:chattle personal will not be confiscated!12 我们保证你们:不被虐待 You are to be guaranteed:freedom from maltreatment.13 我们保证你们:受伤者给予治疗 You are to be guaranteed:medical care if wounded.14 举起手来! Hands up!15 举起手出来! Come out with your hands up!16 一个一个的出来! Come out one by one!17 不许动! Freeze!18 站住,否则我们开枪了! Stop,or will shoot!19 别耍花样! Don't play any tricks!20 别害怕! Don't be afraid!21 站队! Line up!22 走! Get moving!23 跟着那个人走! Follow that man!24 我们尊重你们的人格! We'll respect your personality!25 我们不搜你们的腰包 We'll never search your pocket!26 我们将释放你们 we'll set you free!27 长官快命令你们的人投向 Commanding officer,order your soldiers to surrender!28 这是你们的最后一次机会 This is the last chance for you!29 顽抗到底,死路一条 If you don't accept our advice,you will turn into a dead road.30 请你们珍惜生命 Please treasure your life!31 别误会 Don't misunderstand!32 你们进行的是一场侵略战争 You're arousing an aggressive war!33 你们的亲人在想念你们 Your family members are missing you!34 不要再为你们的长官卖命了 Don't again sacrifice your life to your commanding officer!35 我们说话算数,说到做到 Our words do count,you must believe us!36 把武器交出来 Hand out your arms!37 可以立功赎罪 Atone for your crimes by performing meritorious!38 不要说话 Please keep quiet!39 请服从我的命令 Please obey my order!40 退下子弹,把枪给我 Unload bullets,take gun to me!41 联合国 United Nations42 国防部 Department of defence43 总部司令部 Headquarters44 空军战术指挥中心 Tactical Air Control Center45 参谋 Staff officer46 机动 Manoeuvre47 军事 Military affairs48 军衔 Military Rank49 战斗分界线 Combat Boundary50 预备役部队 Reserve Component51 战斗兵种 Combat Arm52 进攻 Offence53 防御 Defence54 前进 Advance55 医疗中心 Medical Center56 军 Army Corps57 师 Division58 特遣队 Task Force59 旅 Brigade60 营 Battalion61 连 Company62 将军 General63 副长官 Adjutant64 连长 Company Commander65 上校 Colonel66 中校 Lieutenant colonel67 少校 Major68 陆军上尉 Captain69 中尉 Lieutenant70 少尉 second Lieutenant71 值班军官 Officer in charge72 军士长 Fires Sergeant73 上士 Sergeant First Class74 中士 Staff sergeant75 上等兵 Private First Class76 士兵 Sergeant77 战俘 Prisoner of war78 战场空中遮蔽 Battlefield Air Interdiction79 近距离空中支援 Close Air Support80 战斗电子战情报 Combat Electronic Warfare Intelligence81 射击指挥 Command/Fire82 战斗支援 Combat Support83 电子对抗 Electronic Counter Measures84 电子搜索目标 Electronic Warfare Support Measure85 电子战 Electronic Warfare86 战斗地域前沿 Forward Edge of The Battle Area87 火力支援 Fire Support88 军事情报 Military Intelligence89 战斗条例 Order of Battle90 作战计划 Operation Plan91 战斗命令 Operation Order92 战斗警戒 Operation Security93 调整线 Phase Line94 空中支援 Tine Over Target95 高射炮 Air Defence Artillery96 装甲直升机 Attack Helicopter97 装甲输送机 Armored Personnel carrier98 反坦克导弹 Anti Tank Guided Missile99 集束炸弹 Cluster Bomb Unit100 弹药筒 Cartridge101 制导炸弹 Guided Bomb Unit102 "霍克"防空导弹 Homing-all-the-way-killer103 多管火箭筒 Multiple Rocket Launcher104 观察直升机 Observation Helicopter。
附录A 译文统一消息系统所有用户生来都不是一样的。
今天,我们通过电话用户界面,根据一个用户的操作,把更多的实时通信系统,包括即时消息( IM ),现场管理和呼叫路由规则的使用集成在一起。
支持融合技术,如VoIP和SIP (会话发起协议),将促进收益从2005年的4.69亿美元增长到2009年的9.39亿美元,其中包括PBX和电话供应商,通讯软件,语音系统,甚至业务流程系统供应商。
我们希望每个产品与开放原始码的IP PBX在SIP的信令模式下工作并进行测试。
我们的理论依据是PBX上购买已接近生命周期结束的Y2K进行升级,企业期待考虑能结合现有资源的IP PBX从而提升他们的电话系统。
这使得支持SIP的IP PBX 成为一张热门车票。
我们还规定,产品必须支持一个通用电子邮件信箱,语音邮件和传真;TTS (文本语音)被用来管理一个通用邮箱,并使用其它各种各样的电子邮件协议,如IMAP, MAPI, POP3和SMTP ;和Active Directory或LDAP 。
【关键字】精品军事方面英语词汇1 军事通信 military communications2 军事通信系统 military communications system3 无线电通信 radio communications4 超长波通信 super-long wave communications5 甚长波通信 very long wave communications6 长波通信 long-wave communications7 中波通信 medium wave communications8 短波通信 short-wave communications9 微波通信 microwave communications10 毫米波通信 millimeter wave communications11 无线电台通信 radio set communications12 无线电接力通信 radio relay communications13 散射通信 scatter communications14 卫星通信 satellite communications15 扩展频谱通信 spread spectrum communications16 移动通信 mobile communications17 无线电波通信 radio wave communications18 电离层 ionosphere19 有线电通信 wired communications20 被单线通信 field wire communications21 架空明线通信 open wire communications22 电缆通信 cable communications23 光通信 optical communications24 光纤通信 optical fiber communications25 运动通信 messenger service26 军邮 army postal service27 简易信号通信 simplified signal communications28 旗语通信 flag signal communications29 电话通信 telephone communications30 载波电话通信 carrier telephone communications31 电报通信 telegraphy communications32 载波电报通信 carrier telegraphy communications33 电码 code34 图像通信 image communications35 电视广播 videocast36 静态图像通信 still picture communications37 会议电视 video conferencing38 可视电话 video telephone39 交互型可视图文 videotex40 传真通信 facsimile communications41 数据通信 data communications42 计算机通信 computer communications43 数字通信 digital communications44 模拟通信 analog communications45 多路通信 multiplex communications46 无线电台网 radio communications works47 有线电通信网 telecommunications networks48 数据通信网 data communication networks49 计算机通信网 computer communication network50 综合业务数字网 integrated service digital networks51 军事通信装备 military communications equipment52 电话机 telephone set53 传真机 facsimile equipment54 超长波电台 super-long wave radio station55 甚长波电台 very long wave radio station56 长波电台 long wave radio station57 短波电台 short wave radio set58 超短波电台 ultra-short wave radio set59 调幅电台 amplitude modulation radio set60 单边带电台 single sideband radio set61 调频电台 frequency modulation radio set62 呼救电台 life-saving radio set63 跳频电台 frequency hopping radio set64 接力机 radio relay equipment65 卫星通信地面站 satellite communication earth station66 通信卫星 communication satellite67 天线馈线 antenna feeder68 调制解调器 modem69 电话交换机 telephone switching system70 人工电话交换机 manual telephone switching system71 自动电话交换机 automatic telephone swithing system72 程控电话交换机stored program control telephone switching system73 电报交换机 telegraph switching system74 数据交换机 data switching system75 被单线 field wire76 架空明线线路 open wire communication line77 通信电缆 communication cable78 光纤通信设备 optical fiber communication equipment79 光纤 optical fiber80 通信保密 communications security81 保密通信 secure communications82 无线电密语通信 radio cryptoword communications83 保密机 security equipment84 密码机 crypto equipment85 密钥 cipher key86 无线电通信对抗 radio communication electronic warfare87 通信对抗装备 communication electronic warfare equipments88 帧中继 Frame Relay(FR)89 全球定位系统 Global Position--finding System (GPS)90 移动通信特别小组 Group Special Mobile(GSM)91 高速率数字用户环路 High--bit--rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL)92 信息高速公路 Information Super Highway93 网络电话 Internet Phone(IP)94 局域网 Local Area Network95 城域网 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)96 多媒体扩展技术 Multi--Media Extend (MMX)97 全动态视频压缩技术 Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG)98 分组拆装设备 Packet Assembler Dissembler(PAD)99 微型计算机 PC: Personal Computer100 网络计算机 NC: Network Computer101 多媒体个人电脑 MMX: Multimedia Personal Computer102 千字节 KB:Kilo Byte103 兆字节 MB:Mega Byte104 千兆字节 GB:Giga Byte105 计算机辅助教学 CAI:Computer-Aided instruction106 计算机辅助设计 CAD:Computer-Aided design107 国际标准化组织 ISO:International Standard Organization 108 虚拟现实 VR:virtual reality109 模拟数据 ANALOG DATA110 附件 ATTACHMENT111 骨干网 BACKBONE112 带宽 BANDWIDTH113 波特率 BAUD RATE114 二进制数据 BINARY DATA115 比特 BIT116 书签 BOOKMARK117 每秒比特数 BPS118 浏览器 BROWSER119 电缆调制解调器 CABLE MODEM120 缓存目录 CACHE DIRECTORY121 通用网关节口 CGI:Common gateway interface122 频道 CHANNEL123 通讯端口 COM PORT COM124 数据库 DATA BASE125 数据压缩 DATA COMPRESSION126 拨号连接 DIAL-UP CONNECTION127 拨号连接软件 DIAL-UP NETWORKING SOFTWARE128 数码相机 DIGITAL CAMERA129 域名系统 DNS:domain name system130 域名 DOMAIN NAME131 下载 DOWNLOAD132 电子邮件 E-MAIL133 电子邮件地址 E-MAIL ADDRESS134 加密 ENCRYPTION135 纠错 ERROR CORRECTION136 以太网 ETHERNET137 常见问题 FAQ:frequently asked question138 免费软件 FREEWARE139 文件传输协议 FTP:file transfer protocol140 网关 GATEWAY141 图形交换格式 GIF:graphic interchange format142 网页 HOME PAGE143 超文本标记语言 HTML:hyper text mark language144 超文本传输协议 HTTP:hyper text tranfer protocol145 超级终端 HYPER TERMINAL146 超文本 HYPER TEXT147 国际互联网 INTERNET148 网间协议 IP:internet protocol149 ip地址 IP ADDRESS150 目录服务器 LIST SERVER151 注册 LOGIN152 邮件服务器 MAIL SERVER153 邮寄目录 MAILING LIST154 多媒体 MULTIMEDIA155 网络 NETWORK156 节点 NODE157 在线 ON-LINE158 离线 OFF-LINE159 密码 PASSWORD160 增强保密邮件 PEM:privacy enhanced mail161 插件 PLUG-IN162 投寄 POST163 点对点通信协议 PPP:point to point protocol164 远程登录 REMOTE LOGIN165 路由器 ROUTER166 搜索器 SEARCH ENGINE167 共享软件 SHAREWARE168 签名 SIGNATURE169 简单邮件传输协议 SMTP:simple mail transfer protocol170 冲浪 SURFING171 传输控制协议/网际协议 TCP/IP:transfer control protocol/internet protocol 172 全球资源定位器 URL:uniform resource locator173 广域信息服务器 WAIS(Wide Area Information Servers)174 万维网页 WEB PAGE175 万维网站 WEB SITE176 万维网搜索器 WEB-WIDE SEARCH ENGINE177 万维网 WORLD WIDE WEB178 中央处理器 CPU(Central Processing Unit)179 网民 Cyber Citizen180 软件开发 Software Development181 内容开发 Content Development182 信息化 Informationization,Network-based Information Flow183 软件包 Software Packages184 申请注册域名 Domain Name Application and Registration185 虚拟空间 Virtual Space186 便携式电脑 Portable Computer,Laptop; Notebook Computer187 个人数字助理 PDA--Personal Digital Assistant188 掌上电脑 Palm Computer189 网络管理员 Network Administrator190 原始设备制造商 OEM:Original Equipment Manufacturer191 即插即用 PNPlug and Play战场英语1 缴枪不杀 Lay down arms,or we'll fire!2 我们优待俘虏 We are kind to captives!3 你们被包围了,出来投降吧! You're surrounded!Come out and surrender!4 我们不杀俘虏 We don't kill our captives!5 不要受战争贩子的蒙骗 Don't be deceived by the warmonger!6 不要做无谓的牺牲 Don't die for nothing !7 赶快出来投降,保证你们生命安全! Come out and surrender right away security of life will be guaranteed!8 谁迫使你们离开幸福的家庭,漂亮的妻子和可爱的孩子 Who made you leave your happy home,your charming wife and yourloving children?9 你们在打一场无指望的仗 You are fighting a losing battle!10 我们保证你们:生命安全 You are to be guaranteed:security of life!11 我们保证你们:不没收私人财务 You are to be guaranteed:chattle personal will not be confiscated!12 我们保证你们:不被虐待 You are to be guaranteed:freedom from maltreatment.13 我们保证你们:受伤者给予治疗 You are to be guaranteed:medical care if wounded.14 举起手来! Hands up!15 举起手出来! Come out with your hands up!16 一个一个的出来! Come out one by one!17 不许动! Freeze!18 站住,否则我们开枪了! Stop,or will shoot!19 别耍花样! Don't play any tricks!20 别害怕! Don't be afraid!21 站队! Line up!22 走! Get moving!23 跟着那个人走! Follow that man!24 我们尊重你们的人格! We'll respect your personality!25 我们不搜你们的腰包 We'll never search your pocket!26 我们将释放你们 we'll set you free!27 长官快命令你们的人投向 Commanding officer,order your soldiers to surrender!28 这是你们的最后一次机会 This is the last chance for you!29 顽抗到底,死路一条 If you don't accept our advice,you will turn into a dead road.30 请你们珍惜生命 Please treasure your life!31 别误会 Don't misunderstand!32 你们进行的是一场侵略战争 You're arousing an aggressive war!33 你们的亲人在想念你们 Your family members are missing you!34 不要再为你们的长官卖命了 Don't again sacrifice your life to your commanding officer!35 我们说话算数,说到做到 Our words do count,you must believe us!36 把武器交出来 Hand out your arms!37 可以立功赎罪 Atone for your crimes by performing meritorious!38 不要说话 Please keep quiet!39 请服从我的命令 Please obey my order!40 退下子弹,把枪给我 Unload bullets,take gun to me!41 联合国 United Nations42 国防部 Department of defence43 总部司令部 Headquarters44 空军战术指挥中心 Tactical Air Control Center45 参谋 Staff officer46 机动 Manoeuvre47 军事 Military affairs48 军衔 Military Rank49 战斗分界线 Combat Boundary50 预备役部队 Reserve Component51 战斗兵种 Combat Arm52 进攻 Offence53 防御 Defence54 前进 Advance55 医疗中心 Medical Center56 军 Army Corps57 师 Division58 特遣队 Task Force59 旅 Brigade60 营 Battalion61 连 Company62 将军 General63 副长官 Adjutant64 连长 Company Commander65 上校 Colonel66 中校 Lieutenant colonel67 少校 Major68 陆军上尉 Captain69 中尉 Lieutenant70 少尉 second Lieutenant71 值班军官 Officer in charge72 军士长 Fires Sergeant73 上士 Sergeant First Class74 中士 Staff sergeant75 上等兵 Private First Class76 士兵 Sergeant77 战俘 Prisoner of war78 战场空中遮蔽 Battlefield Air Interdiction79 近距离空中支援 Close Air Support80 战斗电子战情报 Combat Electronic Warfare Intelligence81 射击指挥 Command/Fire82 战斗支援 Combat Support83 电子对抗 Electronic Counter Measures84 电子搜索目标 Electronic Warfare Support Measure85 电子战 Electronic Warfare86 战斗地域前沿 Forward Edge of The Battle Area87 火力支援 Fire Support88 军事情报 Military Intelligence89 战斗条例 Order of Battle90 作战计划 Operation Plan91 战斗命令 Operation Order92 战斗警戒 Operation Security93 调整线 Phase Line94 空中支援 Tine Over Target95 高射炮 Air Defence Artillery96 装甲直升机 Attack Helicopter97 装甲输送机 Armored Personnel carrier98 反坦克导弹 Anti Tank Guided Missile99 集束炸弹 Cluster Bomb Unit100 弹药筒 Cartridge101 制导炸弹 Guided Bomb Unit102 "霍克"防空导弹 Homing-all-the-way-killer103 多管火箭筒 Multiple Rocket Launcher104 观察直升机 Observation Helicopter此文档是由网络收集并进行重新排版整理.word可编辑版本!。
专利说明书 英译中 范文
以下是一个范文,供参考:Title: Method and Apparatus for Secure Communication.Abstract: The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for secure communication, and more particularly to a system for encrypting and decrypting data transmitted over a network. The system includes a plurality of client devices and a server, wherein each client device is configured to encrypt data using a unique key and transmit the encrypted data to the server. The server is configured to receive the encrypted data, decrypt the data using the corresponding key, and forward the decrypted data to the intended recipient. The method and apparatus provide a secure and efficient means of communication over a network.Description: The method and apparatus for secure communication disclosed herein involve a novel encryptionalgorithm that ensures the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted over a network. In one embodiment, the client device generates a unique key pair consisting of a public key and a private key. The public key is used to encrypt the data, while the private key is used to decrypt the data. The server maintains a database of public keys associated with each client device, allowing it to decrypt the data using the corresponding private key.In operation, when a client device wishes to transmit data to another client device, it encrypts the data using the recipient's public key and transmits the encrypted data to the server. The server then decrypts the data using the recipient's private key and forwards the decrypted data to the intended recipient. This process ensures that only the intended recipient is able to decrypt and access the transmitted data.Furthermore, the encryption algorithm includes mechanisms for verifying the authenticity of the transmitted data, thus preventing unauthorized tampering or eavesdropping. This is achieved through the use of digitalsignatures and message authentication codes, which are appended to the encrypted data to ensure its integrity.In conclusion, the method and apparatus for secure communication described herein provide a robust andreliable means of encrypting and transmitting data over a network. The use of unique key pairs and advanced encryption algorithms ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of the transmitted data, making it suitable for a wide range of applications requiring secure communication.以上是一个简单的专利说明书的英译中范文,希望对你有所帮助。
量子通信的简单介绍英语作文Quantum communication is a cutting-edge technology that utilizes quantum mechanics to secure the transmission of information between parties. 量子通信是一项利用量子力学确保信息在各方之间传输安全的尖端技术。
Quantum communication is based on the principles of quantum entanglement and superposition to achieve highly secure communication channels. 量子通信基于量子纠缠和叠加的原理,实现高度安全的通信渠道。
Quantum communication has the potential to revolutionize the field of secure communication by providing unbreakable encryption methods. 量子通信有潜力通过提供不可破解的加密方法,改变安全通信领域。
The use of quantum communication can prevent eavesdropping and interception of sensitive information, making it an ideal solution for protecting data from cyberattacks. 量子通信的使用可以防止窃听和拦截敏感信息,使其成为保护数据免受网络攻击的理想解决方案。
One of the key advantages of quantum communication is its ability to detect any unauthorized attempts to access the transmitted information. 量子通信的一个关键优势是其能够检测任何未经授权的尝试访问传输信息的行为。
基于安全通信的监控组态软件PLC数据驱动系统的实现王毅璇ꎬ封成玉ꎬ王㊀皓(华北计算机系统工程研究所ꎬ北京100083)摘㊀要:为实现上位机监控组态软件与基于国产可信的PLC之间安全可信通信ꎬ提出了一种跨平台的PLC数据驱动系统的实现方案ꎮ在对系统进行功能分析的基础上ꎬ对系统进行整体设计㊁模块设计ꎬ使安全验证服务独立于数据驱动应用服务ꎬ实现了运行和上层应用相隔离ꎮ系统采用Qt开发ꎬ基于分布式C/S架构ꎬ支持国产Linux操作系统ꎬ并能平稳移植到Windows操作系统平台上ꎮ通过使用安全认证㊁建立安全通道及采用基于一次性密钥(OTP)理念的密码机制的数据传输方法ꎬ保证了通信过程的可靠性㊁安全性和稳定性ꎬ体现了主动免疫防御的设计思想ꎮ关键词:上位机监控软件ꎻ跨平台ꎻPLC通信ꎻ安全可信中图分类号:TN918.1㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀DOI:10.19358/j.issn.2096 ̄5133.2019.08.010引用格式:王毅璇ꎬ封成玉ꎬ王皓.基于安全通信的监控组态软件PLC数据驱动系统的实现[J].信息技术与网络安全ꎬ2019ꎬ38(8):47 ̄52.ImplementationofPLCdatadrivesystemforsupervisorycontrolanddataacquisitionsoftwarebasedonsecurecommunicationWangYixuanꎬFengChengyuꎬWangHao(NationalComputerSystemEngineeringResearchInstituteofChinaꎬBeijing100083ꎬChina)Abstract:Inordertorealizethesecureandtrustedcommunicationbetweensupervisorycontrolanddataacquisitionsoftwareanddomes ̄tictrustedPLCꎬacross ̄platformdatadrivesystemschemeisproposed.Onthebasisofthefunctionalanalysisofthedatadrivesystemꎬthepaperdesignsthewholesystemandthemodulesofthesystemꎬmakessecurityauthenticationservicesindependentofdata ̄drivenap ̄plicationservicesꎬrealizestheseparationofoperationandtheupperapplication.ThesystemisdevelopedbyQtꎬbasedondistributedC/SarchitectureꎬsupportsfordomesticLinuxoperatingsystemꎬandcanbesmoothlytransplantedtotheplatformofWindowsoperatingsys ̄tem.Byusingsecurityauthenticationꎬestablishingsecurechannelandusingdatatransmissionmethodbasedoncryptographicmecha ̄nismofOneTimePassword(OPT)ꎬthereliabilityꎬsecurityandstabilityofcommunicationprocessareguaranteedꎬmeantimeꎬitreflectsthedesignideaofactiveimmunedefense.Keywords:supervisorycontrolanddataacquisitionsoftwareꎻcross ̄platformꎻPLCcommunicationꎻsecureandtrusted0㊀引言工业控制系统已广泛应用于国家能源领域及民生领域ꎬ随着信息技术和网络技术的发展以及 工业4.0 的深入ꎬ工控系统网络安全事件不断发生ꎬ其安全问题已经影响到生产安全㊁工业稳定以及国家的战略安全[1 ̄3]ꎮ作为工业控制系统监控层级的上位机专用软件ꎬ监控组态软件(SupervisoryControlandDataAcquisitionꎬSCADA)用于数据采集与过程控制[4]ꎬ其可靠性和稳定性对于工控系统安全至关重要ꎮ本文介绍的监控组态软件ꎬ用于国产基于可信计算[5]的密码机制的PLC(增加了密码模块硬件ꎬ分配专属公钥和私钥ꎬ支持冗余)ꎬ采用跨平台㊁分布式C/S架构设计ꎬ具备双机双网热备冗余机制ꎬ可运行于国产计算机和Linux操作系统上ꎬ支持Windows操作系统ꎬ实现了开发及运行环境的双国产化ꎬ安全可控ꎮPLC数据驱动系统位于监控组态软件的底层ꎬ即网络层ꎬ是上位机监控组态软件与PLC的通信接口ꎬ作为监控组态软件的内部数据源ꎬ要求安全可靠且常年不间断连续运行ꎬ具有高度的稳定性㊁扩展性和强大的数据采集能力ꎮ系统基于国产可信PLC和密码设备ꎬ通过采用安全认证㊁建立安全通道及采用基于密码机制的数据传输方法ꎬ实现了通信过程的强安全㊁高可信ꎬ符合内生安全的主动防御工控安全体系架构的设计思想ꎮ本文针对系统的实现ꎬ首先对系统进行功能分析ꎬ然后进行了系统总体设计ꎬ最后对系统与PLC通信的实现方式㊁方法进行较为详细的阐述ꎮ1㊀系统功能分析PLC数据驱动系统主要实现上位机监控组态软件与PLC的数据交互ꎬ采用以太网有线的方式与PLC进行数据通信ꎬ通过PLC实现对现场设备的实时运行数据的采集ꎬ并按上层应用的组态逻辑ꎬ下发指令数据到PLCꎬ以实现对设备运行的调节和控制ꎮ系统分为上传㊁下行输出两个部分ꎮ上传部分负责从PLC中采集加密的源数据ꎬ并进行数据解密和协议解析ꎻ下行输出部分负责对上位机下发到PLC的数据进行协议封包㊁数据加密并输出到PLCꎮ系统从PLC中采集的数据分为四类:模拟量输入(遥测ꎬ即AI)㊁数字量输入(遥信ꎬ即DI)㊁模拟量输出(遥调ꎬ即AO)和数字量输出(遥控ꎬ即DO)ꎬ同时支持多个PLC和批量数据的采集ꎮ成批采集的数据中包括实时值和时间戳ꎮ采用组态设定的周期向PLC请求数据ꎬ周期设定的范围为50ms~1sꎮ协议解析功能封装为动态执行库ꎬ采用自定义协议ꎬ同时可支持Modbus协议㊁OPC协议等通信协议的解析ꎮ采用插件式设计思想ꎬ每种协议采用独立的库ꎬ灵活可扩展ꎮ经系统解析后的采集数据放置于内存的缓冲区ꎬ并与上一周期的数据缓冲区中的数据进行比较ꎬ如有变化则将变更的数据集放入软件共享内存的数据处理队列中ꎬ由软件数据处理分系统进行处理ꎮ监控组态软件将需要下发的遥调㊁遥控等控制指令数据放入软件内存中的发送队列ꎬ数据驱动系统从发送队列中取出指令数据加密后将其发送到对应的PLCꎬ由PLC进行解密处理ꎬ然后按PLC中下装的控制逻辑实现对被控设备的调控ꎮ系统具备PLC状态诊断功能ꎬ即周期检测冗余PLC的主从状态ꎬ采集的数据和下发的指令数据仅针对主PLCꎮ另外状态诊断功能以周期发心跳的形式与软件的任务管理进程通信ꎬ将当前进程的运行状态发送给软件任务管理系统ꎬ并监控对应的PLC通信接口工作状态ꎬ在发生故障时发出报警ꎬ并将与PLC通信过程的调试记录㊁通信速率㊁传输字节数等信息记录在软件日志文件中ꎮ2㊀系统总体设计PLC数据驱动系统利用基于可信算法的密码机制与密码设备实现与PLC通信的安全可信ꎮ在整个PLC控制系统的人员㊁上位机㊁下位机分别增加三种安全相关物理设备:人员密钥㊁设备密钥㊁嵌入式加密芯片ꎬ其中密钥信息作为各自身份的唯一识别ꎬ即私钥ꎮ通过权限管理软件ꎬ配置系统内部的权限对应关系:不同操作人员的权限㊁上下位机之间的对应关系等ꎬ并生成到白名单文件中ꎮ系统拓扑结构如图1所示ꎮ图1㊀系统拓扑结构2.1㊀模块设计系统主要包含三个子模块:组态模块㊁上位机密钥服务模块和通信主模块ꎮ组态模块用于PLC配置ꎬ为管理界面的动态链接库ꎬ在软件中是一个独立的调用模块ꎬ通过显示的管理界面ꎬ可以对控制系统中的PLC进行配置和设定ꎬ为通信模块提供必要的参数信息ꎻ上位机密钥服务模块作为独立运行的进程ꎬ以库的形式封装基于可信计算方法的校验㊁加解密等服务的接口ꎬ供通信模块和组态模块调用ꎻ通信主模块在与PLC建立安全通道后ꎬ从历史主站周期向PLC请求数据ꎬ接收PLC传来的数据ꎬ并将下发的操作指令数据写入目标PLCꎬ实现与PLC通信相关的业务逻辑功能ꎮ2.2㊀功能设计监控组态软件与PLC通信流程如图2所示ꎮ监控组态软件在通过安全性校验并登录后ꎬ根据白名单ꎬ将用户密钥和上位机密钥进行相互身份鉴别的校验ꎬ校验通过后调用PLC数据驱动系统进程ꎮ进程运行后ꎬ根据IP地址取出PLC对应的密钥标示值ꎬ与PLC做上下位机验签的安全校验ꎬ校验通过后给PLC下发登录请求包ꎬ在登录成功后建立与PLC通信的安全通道ꎬ开始收发数据包ꎮ下发数据包在进行数据加密后被发送到PLCꎮ校验运算及数据包加解密是通过调用上位机密钥服务进程完成的ꎬ该进程封装了基于可信计算的密钥校验算法ꎬ图2㊀监控组态软件与PLC通信流程由软件启动ꎮ下位机PLC的安全密钥服务程序被下装到PLC中CPU单独的核中独立运行ꎬ完成验签㊁加解密功能ꎬ实现了运行与监控相隔离ꎮ基于安全的冗余机制ꎬ系统中只有历史主站可以与PLC主站通信ꎬ软件下发的控制指令数据只能通过历史主站下发到PLC主站ꎬ下发的数据由操作员站或者历史站具有下发权限(同时具备与下发匹配的用户权限和人员私钥)的人员进行操作产生ꎮ上传的数据首先由软件历史主站调用上位机密钥服务模块的解密接口返回源数据ꎬ然后将源数据转换为熟数据后ꎬ通过软件的站间数据通信系统进行内存实时数据的同步操作ꎬ实现数据在历史主站㊁从站及操作员站间的同步ꎮ系统进程根据组态模块对下位机PLC的配置设定情况及监控组态软件中变量定义模块输出的采集变量表ꎬ以不同的周期采集对应PLC的数据ꎬ数据驱动系统对上传的数据进行解密和协议解析ꎬ根据相应PLC的采集变量表ꎬ找到数据值对应的监控软件中变量点的全局ID号ꎬ将下位机原始数据进行加工ꎬ转换为软件熟数据ꎬ放入软件内存中的数据缓冲区ꎮPLC数据驱动系统的工作模式分为主从两种ꎬ与PLC进行通信在系统主模式下进行ꎬ采用TCP方式ꎬ系统通信模块为客户方ꎬPLC为监听方ꎮ通信模块采用线程的方式与多PLC进行连接ꎬ多PLC采用主从模式ꎬ仅每对PLC中的主站与系统通信模块连接ꎮ系统根据每对PLC的运算周期ꎬ周期向PLC的主站发送数据请求ꎬPLC的运算周期通过单独的逻辑组态软件进行配置ꎬ每个PLC的运算周期可配置成不同ꎬ单位为msꎮPLC主站每50ms检查是否有新的数据请求ꎬ一旦收到请求ꎬ立即将本PLC的所有上传数据封装为数据包ꎬ调用下位机密钥服务的加密接口进行数据加密后进行回发ꎮ一个回发数据包最大可以是10KBꎬ可上传本PLC中的所有上传数据ꎬ一旦发生一个包无法承载所有数据的情况ꎬ则PLC自动采用分包方式ꎬ将数据拆分后分批上传给系统通信主模块ꎬ每个分包发送间隔为10msꎮ上位机如有操作指令需要下发ꎬ无论是在操作员站还是历史从站ꎬ下发指令数据包只会传到历史主站ꎬ由历史主站调用上位机密钥服务的加密接口进行数据加密后ꎬ再下发到对应的PLCꎮ下发也采用请求方式ꎬ请求包中包含对应的内存地址和待写入的数值ꎮ周期发送请求命令以接收PLC数据ꎬ采用事件的方式处理下发的数据ꎬ任务调度模式如图3所示ꎮ图3㊀任务调度模式3㊀PLC通信设计3.1㊀通信安全通道的建立PLC数据驱动系统在登录成功后ꎬ进行通信前需要与PLC建立安全通道ꎮ系统建立安全通道的流程如图4所示ꎬ主要步骤如下:(1)调用上位机密钥服务进程PCUkeySrv的接口ꎬ进行初始化并建立与其的连接ꎮ(2)从PCUkeySrv进程获取一个源随机数ꎮ(3)调用运行在PLC嵌入式软件中的下位机密钥服务程序PLCUkeySrv的接口ꎬ进行初始化ꎬ建立与其的连接ꎬ并发送源随机数ꎮ(4)从PLCUkeySrv进程获取对随机数进行加密后的返回数据ꎮ(5)将返回数据发送给上位机PCUkeySrv进程ꎬ通过调用设置会话密钥及配置参数的接口ꎬ获取返回参数ꎮ(6)将返回参数发送给下位机PLCUkeySrv进程ꎬ获得原始数据ꎬ并调用设置会话密钥的操作ꎬ计算出与上位机密钥进程计算相一致的会话密钥ꎮ系统通过比对返回数据和源随机数ꎬ如一致ꎬ即可建立安全通道ꎬ进行下一步ꎮ(7)调用上位机密钥服务进程PCUkeySrv的接图4㊀建立安全通道流程口ꎬ对发送数据进行加密ꎮ(8)将加密后的发送数据发送给PLCꎬPLC调用下位机服务进程PLCUkeySrv对数据进行解密ꎮ(9)PLC将加密后的上传数据发送给系统ꎬ系统调用上位机服务进程PCUkeySrv对数据进行解密ꎮPLC数据驱动系统如果在任一步调用上位机密钥服务接口时出现错误ꎬ则断开连接ꎮPLC如果在任一步调用下位机密钥服务接口时出现错误ꎬ则发送错误码ꎮ为保证通信的实时性ꎬ通信建立时ꎬ数据传输采用基于一次性密钥(OTP)理念的流密码的密码机制ꎬ即每次通信而建立安全通道所产生的会话密钥都是随机产生的ꎮ会话秘钥即双方通信的密码ꎬ由上位机的唯一识别号和下位机的唯一识别号根据固定的算法生成ꎬ即达到了每一条链路具有自己的通信密码ꎮPLC收到请求后ꎬ先检查对方的IP是否在白名单中ꎬ然后读取自身的加密芯片的设备号ꎬ再结合发送请求的设备号和密码进行核对ꎮ若匹配则发送下装应答ꎬ不匹配则返回拒绝应答ꎮ软件需一次连接多个PLCꎬ所以在软件组态中配置的所有PLC都在白名单里设置匹配关系ꎬ否则在线连接时会遇到不匹配的问题ꎮ在上位机密码设备与操作系统的适配工作完成后ꎬ将以上位机设备的私钥作为各自唯一识别码ꎬ并且在建立连接时先通过加随机码的 挑战 ̄响应 机制进行相互身份的鉴别ꎮ与PLC通信正常启动后ꎬ系统主要工作过程有:读取组态模块生成的配置文件ꎬ获取需要通信的PLC个数㊁IP地址及采样周期ꎻ每个PLC采用一个独立线程ꎬ登录成功后ꎬ周期发送数据请求包ꎬ按同步通信方式处理ꎬ一问一答ꎻ事件响应软件的下发数据请求ꎬ如果有输出请求包ꎬ则插入内存中数据处理队列优先处理ꎬ下发前进行数据加密ꎻ诊断PLC的状态ꎬ并设置状态点ꎻ数字量输出量清零保护ꎻ系统将各种错误或故障信息写入软件日志文件中ꎮ3.2㊀数据上传从PLC请求读出的数据ꎬ在进行数据解密后ꎬ与缓冲区存储的上一个周期的旧数据进行比较ꎬ若有变化ꎬ则调用无状态数据包接口函数发送给软件数据处理子进程进行后续处理ꎮ本机存储的旧数据存放在模拟量输入(AI)㊁数字量输入(DI)㊁模拟量输出(AO)㊁数字量输出(DO)四个Map表的数据结构中ꎬ如图5所示ꎮ图5㊀本地数据存储结构AI/DI点变化的判断原则:AI点数据与前值比较ꎬ值占2BꎬDI点与前值比较ꎬ值占用1Bꎮ本驱动系统启动时的主站ꎬ或者由从站切换为主站后ꎬ发送全部点位的数据包ꎬ若与一个PLC连接中断ꎬ新建立连接以后ꎬ也发送数据包ꎬ否则仅发送变更数据集ꎮ对于有变化的模拟量点ꎬ需先进行高低字节交换ꎬ再进行量程转换ꎬ转换成浮点数后ꎬ调用打包函数发送给软件数据处理系统进程ꎮ在进行量程转换时ꎬ对量程极大或极小时进行溢出处理ꎮ对于有变化的数字量点ꎬ无需转换ꎬ直接调用打包函数发送给软件数据存储进程ꎮ如诊断某个PLC故障ꎬ则此PLC的所有模拟量输入和数字量输入点设为坏点ꎮ从PLC周期请求的数据ꎬ系统为每个PLC分配AI㊁DI数据共享内存ꎬ并按组态的输入ID号顺序排列ꎮ3.3㊀通信方式与数据包格式通信主模块与PLC的通信采用问答形式同步通信ꎬ如图6所示ꎮ图6㊀PLC通信方式通信数据包格式如表1所示ꎬ帧头占24B㊁CRC占4Bꎬ数据区的长度可变ꎮ为提高性能ꎬ系统仅对数据区的数据进行加密ꎬ帧头部分不进行加密ꎮ表1㊀请求/应答帧消息格式FrameHeaderDataAreaCRC24Bvariable ̄length4B3.4㊀数据下发下发到PLC的模拟量和数字量数据ꎬ系统调用软件中变量定义模块的模拟量或数字量输出函数传送到历史主站上ꎬ由历史主站上的软件站间通信程序将数据解包按协议封包后ꎬ由系统进行数据加密ꎬ送到对应PLCꎮ输出的模拟量需要先进行量程转换ꎬ即将浮点转换为2B的shortꎬ再进行高低字节交换ꎬ然后将值进行加密后发送至PLCꎮPLC对下发的数据进行解密后实现控制逻辑ꎮ3.5㊀主从模式管理通信的主从模式与上位机历史站的主从状态保持一致ꎬ系统向软件任务管理系统周期发送心跳ꎮ通信的主从模式的切换时间由软件中状态诊断子系统决定ꎬ通信模块每秒读取任务主从状态ꎬ根据变化决定处理方式按主站模式还是从站模式ꎮ3.6㊀PLC状态管理通信主模块判断所有PLC的正常通信状态ꎬ如有变化则发送系统状态包给软件数据处理子系统进程ꎮ根据PLC对数据站周期请求数据的应答判断PLC的状态ꎬ诊断PLC故障的时间通过读取配置文件而获得ꎬ通信主模块在收到通信应答后将状态包数据中的故障值修改为正常值ꎮ3.7㊀变更管理系统与PLC连接时ꎬ支持在线变更端口㊁IP㊁采样周期ꎮ当组态发生变化时ꎬ在存盘后向通信主模块发送消息ꎬ告知发生变化的情况ꎬ并将对应的PLC线程自动关闭重启ꎮ3.8㊀数字量输出保护为防止控制系统对设备运行的控制产生误操作ꎬ实现PLC控制的安全性ꎬ对控制现场设备的遥控量ꎬ即对数字量输出点进行保护ꎮ系统记录下发的所有数字量点ꎬ下发的数字量点会定时清零ꎬ默认的清零时间可通过配置文件设定ꎬ系统通过读配置文件获取ꎮ按配置的时间将数字量量值置0发送给PLCꎬ并记录在日志文件中ꎮ系统每秒遍历检测所有的数字量输出点ꎬ如果数值为1则清零ꎬ计数器加1ꎬ如果累计到了10则将0值重新打包ꎬ加密后发送给PLCꎬ实现自动清零功能ꎮ如果在10s内收到从软件发送1或0数据的请求ꎬ或者PLC主从切换时ꎬ则该数字量输出点的计数重新开始ꎬ即从零开始累计ꎬ到10s后自动清零ꎮ4㊀结论本文主要介绍了基于国产可信PLC㊁支持跨平台的上位机监控软件中与PLC通信的数据驱动系统的实现方法ꎮ对系统在Windows和国产Linux平台上进行了长时段的运行验证ꎬ结果表明ꎬ单PLC1s大约能处理8万个模拟量ꎬ1s内可处理20个响应包ꎬ响应时间满足要求ꎬ且最多可支持64个PLC之间的并发处理ꎮ整个通信过程表现出较强的安全性㊁实时性和可靠性ꎬ满足设计要求ꎮ参考文献[1]褚健.工业控制系统安全的盛世危言[J].中国信息安全ꎬ2012(3):32 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[3]李鸿培.2014工业控制系统的安全研究与实践[J].计算机安全ꎬ2014(5):36 ̄59.[4]王雪艳.基于PLC和工控机的监控系统设计[J].煤炭技术ꎬ2012ꎬ31(1):63 ̄64.[5]沈昌祥ꎬ张焕国ꎬ王怀民ꎬ等.可信计算的研究与发展[J].中国科学:信息科学ꎬ2010ꎬ40(2):139 ̄166.(收稿日期:2019 ̄05 ̄31)作者简介:王毅璇(1983-)ꎬ女ꎬ硕士ꎬ工程师ꎬ主要研究方向:工控上位机软件㊁计算机网络ꎮ封成玉(1990-)ꎬ男ꎬ硕士ꎬ工程师ꎬ主要研究方向:工控上位机软件ꎮ王皓(1973-)ꎬ男ꎬ硕士ꎬ高级工程师ꎬ主要研究方向:工控嵌入式软件㊁工控上位机软件ꎮ。
Communication security system
专利名称:Communication security system发明人:Michael Linderman申请号:US10337180申请日:20030106公开号:US20030131245A1公开日:20030710专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:An approach for secure application-to-application communication over the Internet uses a combination of application message interception, centralized policy management, and generic secure data connectivity layer for applications. Intercepting messages at an application layer enables use of application-specific security policies priorto the messages for different applications merging at lower levels of a communication protocol stack, and enables securing of the application messages as early as possible in the path to a peer application. The centralized policy management enables enforcement of security policies on multiple computers, both within and outside and enterprise network and protects against circumvention of security features specified by the policies. Data is transported between applications executing on different computers using a generic connectivity layer, which enables communication through firewalls that limit to particular ports and protocols, for example, allowing only HTTP-based communication on standard IP ports. Optionally, the approach complements VPN solutions by passing application-specific control information to VPN endpoints to enable those endpoints to perform application-specific processing while maintaining confidentiality of the application messages themselves.申请人:LINDERMAN MICHAEL更多信息请下载全文后查看。
this evaluation copy of securecrt
this evaluation copy of securecrtThis evaluation copy of SecureCRT is a software program that is designed to ensure secure and reliable communication for IT professionals. SecureCRT is a powerful tool that can be used in a variety of settings to improve security, efficiency, and productivity. Below, we will discuss some of the key features and benefits of SecureCRT.1. Secure CommunicationsOne of the primary benefits of SecureCRT is its ability to provide secure communications. Whether you are connecting to a remote server, managing network devices, or transferring files, you want to ensure that your data is secure. With SecureCRT, all communications are encrypted using industry-standard protocols, so you can be confident that your data is protected.2. Session ManagementSecureCRT also provides advanced session management features, which can make it easier to manage multiple remote sessions. You can create custom profiles with specific settings for different connections, and then quickly switch between sessions with a few clicks. This can save time and reduce errors when working with multiple systems.3. Scripting and AutomationSecureCRT also includes a powerful scripting language that can be used to create scripts and macros to automate repetitive tasks. You can create scripts to perform file transfers, execute commands, and more. This can significantly improve productivity and reduce the risk of errors.4. Advanced Terminal EmulationFinally, SecureCRT includes advanced terminal emulation capabilities that can simplify working with remote systems. It supports a wide range of protocols and terminal types, including ANSI, SCO ANSI, VT100, VT220, and more. This makes it easy to work with a variety of systems and applications.In conclusion, SecureCRT is a powerful tool that can enable IT professionals to work more securely, more efficiently, and more productively. With its advanced features for secure communications, session management, scripting and automation, and terminal emulation, it is a must-have tool for anyone who works with remote systems. If you haven't tried it yet, be sure to download the evaluation copy of SecureCRT today to see how it can benefit you and your organization.。
autosar 四种安全机制
autosar 四种安全机制Autosar是一种用于嵌入式系统软件的开放平台,它提供了许多重要的安全功能。
其中比较常见的四种安全机制是:1. Memory Protection(内存保护)内存保护是通过特定的硬件实现,为嵌入式系统提供额外的安全保护。
2. Secure Communication(安全通信)安全通信是指在传输过程中保护数据不受窃听、篡改和伪造等攻击的技术。
3. Diagnostic and Error Handling(诊断和错误处理)嵌入式系统要求在运行时能够确保高效、准确的状态监测和错误检测,具体来说,它必须能够进行可靠的故障检测,诊断问题,并且安全地处理错误。
4. Security Management(安全管理)安全管理涉及监测和检测系统中的安全性,在系统启动之前,必须进行身份验证,以确保只有授权用户能访问和使用它。
iso27001信息安全管理体系 英文
iso27001信息安全管理体系英文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1ISO 27001 is like a super important thing when it comes to keeping our information safe. It's a bit like having a secret code to protect all our stuff on the computer.So, have you ever wondered how companies keep our info safe? Well, ISO 27001 is like a superhero that helps them do that. It's a special system that companies use to make sure all our information is safe and secure.First of all, ISO 27001 stands for International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and it's all about making sure companies have a proper system in place to protect their information. It's like having a superpower that can protect all our secrets and keep them safe from bad guys.You see, there are all these rules and guidelines that companies have to follow to get certified with ISO 27001. They have to do things like assess risks, set up security measures, and train their employees on how to keep information safe.Once a company gets certified with ISO 27001, it's like they have a badge of honor that shows they are serious about keeping our information safe. It's like having a special shield that protects all our secrets from getting into the wrong hands.So, next time you see that ISO 27001 badge, remember that it's like having a superhero that's there to protect all our information and keep it safe from the bad guys. ISO 27001 is like our own personal superhero that keeps our secrets safe and sound.篇2ISO 27001 is a super important thing in the world of computers and stuff. It's all about keeping information safe and secure so bad guys can't get in and mess things up. Let me tell you all about it in a cool and fun way!First of all, ISO 27001 is like a secret code that helps companies protect their computer systems and data. It's kind of like a superhero cape that keeps the bad guys away. With ISO 27001, companies make sure their information is safe from hackers, viruses, and all sorts of cyber threats.To get ISO 27001 certified, a company has to do a bunch of things to show they're serious about cybersecurity. They have todo stuff like setting up firewalls, using strong passwords, training employees on how to spot scams, and making sure data is backed up in case something goes wrong.Once a company has done all the things to protect their information, they can get ISO 27001 certified. It's like getting a medal for being a super awesome cyber defender! Customers and partners will see the certification and know that the company takes security seriously.But ISO 27001 isn't just for big companies with lots of cool gadgets. Even small businesses can use ISO 27001 to keep their information safe. It's like having a magical shield that protects everything you care about.So, remember, ISO 27001 is all about keeping information safe and secure in the big world of computers. It's like having your own personal superhero to help protect your data from all the bad guys out there. So, stay safe and remember to always be cyber smart!篇3ISO 27001 is like a superhero that helps keep our information safe! It’s like having a secret shield to protect all our important stuff from bad guys who want to steal it.So, what exactly is ISO 27001? Well, it’s a specia l set of rules and guidelines that businesses use to make sure their information is kept safe and secure. Just like a treasure chest has a lock and key to keep the gold safe, ISO 27001 helps companies make sure their data stays out of the wrong hands.Imagine if your teacher had a secret code that only you and your classmates knew to keep your test scores safe from cheaters. That’s kind of what ISO 27001 does for businesses –it’s like a secret code to protect their secrets.For example, when a company has ISO 27001 certification, it means they have passed a series of tests to prove they are following all the rules to keep their information safe. It’s like getting a gold star for being a good student!But why is ISO 27001 so important? Well, think about all the important information we have nowadays – like our passwords, credit card details, and personal photos. If that information fell into the wrong hands, it could be really bad!By following the rules of ISO 27001, companies can make sure t hat doesn’t happen. They have to do things like keeping their computers and networks secure, training their employees on how to spot hackers, and having a plan in case something goes wrong.So, next time you see a company with an ISO 27001 badge, remember that they are like information guardians, watching over our secrets and making sure they stay safe and sound. ISO 27001 may not wear a cape, but it sure is a hero in the world of information security!篇4ISO27001 is a super important thing in the big, big world of information security. It's like a shield that protects all the secrets and important stuff in a company. So, what is ISO27001? Let me tell you all about it!First of all, ISO27001 is like a rule book that tells companies how to keep their information safe and sound. It's like a superhero that fights off bad guys who want to steal all the secrets. Companies need to follow the rules in ISO27001 to make sure everything is safe and protected.One of the cool things about ISO27001 is that it helps companies identify all the risks that could make their information not safe. Like, imagine if someone left their locker unlocked at school - that's a risk because someone could take their lunch money! ISO27001 helps companies figure out all the things thatcould go wrong so they can fix them before anything bad happens.Another important part of ISO27001 is making sure everyone in the company knows how to keep things safe. Just like we tell our little brothers and sisters not to share their passwords with anyone, ISO27001 tells companies to train their employees on how to keep everything secure. It's like teaching a secret handshake to only the people you trust!And guess what? ISO27001 isn't just for big, grown-up companies - even small companies can use it to keep their information safe. Just like how we learn to lock our bikes even if they're just little tricycles, companies of all sizes can useISO27001 to protect their secrets.In conclusion, ISO27001 is like a big, strong shield that companies use to keep all their secrets safe from bad guys. It helps them identify risks, train their employees, and make sure everything is as safe as can be. So next time you see a company talking about ISO27001, you'll know it's like their own little superhero fighting to keep all the secrets safe and sound!篇5ISO 27001 is a super important thing when we talk about keeping our information safe. It's like a superhero that protects all our secrets and makes sure bad guys can't get them.So, what is ISO 27001? It's basically a set of rules and guidelines that tell us how to keep our information safe. It's like having a big lock on a treasure chest full of precious jewels. ISO 27001 helps us make sure that only the right people can open the chest and see the jewels inside.But how does ISO 27001 work? Well, first we need to identify all the important information that we need to protect. This could be things like our passwords, personal details, or even ourtop-secret plans for a cool new invention. Once we know what we need to protect, we can start putting in place all the safety measures that ISO 27001 tells us to do.For example, ISO 27001 tells us to create strong passwords that are hard for bad guys to guess. It also tells us to encrypt our messages so that even if someone tries to spy on us, they won't be able to understand what we're saying. And ISO 27001 even tells us to have a backup plan in case something goes wrong and we lose our precious information.So, why is ISO 27001 so important? Well, imagine if a bad guy managed to steal all our secrets and use them against us.That would be terrible, right? But with ISO 27001, we can make sure that our secrets are safe and sound, like a dragon guarding its treasure.In conclusion, ISO 27001 is like a superhero that protects all our information from the bad guys. By following its rules and guidelines, we can keep our secrets safe and make sure that only the right people can see them. So remember, when it comes to information security, always trust in ISO 27001 to save the day!篇6ISO27001 is like a super cool superhero that helps keep all our information safe and secure. It's like having a secret shield to protect us from any bad guys who try to steal our secrets or mess with our stuff.So, what exactly is ISO27001? Well, it's basically a set of rules and guidelines that companies can follow to make sure their information is super secure. It's like having a secret code that only the coolest and most trustworthy people know about.ISO27001 covers everything from how to keep passwords safe to making sure our computers are protected from viruses. It's like having a secret weapon that helps us fight off any cyber attacks or online baddies that try to sneak into our systems.And the best part is, ISO27001 is not just for big companies or grown-ups. Even us little kids can learn about it and help keep our information safe. So, next time you see a lock symbol on a website or get a warning about a suspicious email, remember that ISO27001 is there to protect us.So, let's all be like ISO27001 superheroes and make sure our information stays safe and secure. Because when we work together and follow the rules, we can keep the bad guys away and make sure our online world is a happy and safe place for everyone.篇7I am in Primary School and I want to tell you about ISO 27001 Information Security Management System. ISO 27001 is like a superhero that keeps all our information safe and secure. It helps to protect our data, like our photos, videos, and messages, from bad guys who want to steal it.ISO 27001 helps companies and organizations to create a set of rules and procedures to keep all our information safe. They have to check and update these rules regularly to make sure they are still working properly. It's like having a special shield to protect all our information from being hacked or leaked.There are different steps to follow to make sure our information is safe with ISO 27001. First, we need to identify all the information we want to protect. This could be things like our passwords, personal details, or even our favorite games. Then, we need to assess the risks to see how likely it is that someone could get our information. After that, we need to put in place security measures like passwords, firewalls, and encryption to keep our data safe.ISO 27001 also helps us to train our staff and make sure they understand how to keep our information secure. They need to know what to do if they see something suspicious, like an email asking for our password or a strange website trying to get our details. They also need to know how to report any security incidents so they can be dealt with quickly.Overall, ISO 27001 is like a big, powerful shield that protects all our information from harm. It helps us to keep our data safe, so we can enjoy using technology without worrying about our information being stolen. ISO 27001 is our superhero in the digital world, keeping us safe and secure.篇8ISO 27001 is a super cool thing that helps keep all our information safe and secure. It's like a superhero for data! ISO 27001 is all about making sure that companies and organizations have a really strong system in place to protect things like passwords, personal information, and important files.So, how does ISO 27001 work? Well, first off, companies have to do a big ol' risk assessment to figure out where their information might be at risk. This helps them know what areas they need to focus on to keep things safe. Then, they come up with a plan to address those risks and make sure everything is as secure as possible.One of the coolest things about ISO 27001 is that it's not a one-time thing. Companies have to keep working on their information security all the time to make sure it stays strong. They have to monitor for any new risks that might pop up and keep improving their security measures.Having ISO 27001 certification is like having a gold star for your information security. It shows that a company is really serious about keeping data safe and that they have all the right systems in place to do it.So, next time you hear about ISO 27001, remember that it's like a superhero for our data - always fighting off the bad guys and keeping things safe and secure!篇9Title: My Adventure with ISO 27001 Information Security Management SystemHi everyone! Today, I want to share with you my exciting journey into the world of ISO 27001 Information Security Management System. Sounds fancy, right? But don't worry, I'll explain everything in a way that is easy to understand.So, what is ISO 27001? It's basically a set of rules that businesses can follow to keep their information safe and secure. Just like how we lock our diaries to keep our secrets safe, companies use ISO 27001 to protect their important information from getting into the wrong hands.I was first introduced to ISO 27001 when my dad told me that his company was working towards getting certified. He explained to me that it's important for businesses to have strong security measures in place to protect their data from cyber attacks and other threats.I got curious and decided to learn more about it. I found out that ISO 27001 helps companies identify risks to their information and create policies and procedures to manage and reduce those risks. It's like having a superhero team that protects the company's secrets from the bad guys!One of the things I learned is that ISO 27001 requires companies to regularly review and update their security measures. It's like doing a health check-up for the company's information to make sure everything is safe and sound.I also learned that companies need to train their employees on how to handle information securely. Just like how we learn about stranger danger and not to share personal information with strangers, employees need to know how to keep company secrets safe.It was fascinating to see how ISO 27001 helps companies build a culture of security where everyone plays a part in keeping information safe. It's like having a team of detectives working together to solve the mystery of how to keep the bad guys out!I even got to visit my dad's office and see some of the security measures they have in place. They had CCTV cameras, access control systems, and secure passwords just like in a spymovie. It was so cool to see how companies take information security seriously.In the end, I realized that ISO 27001 is like a shield that companies use to protect themselves from the dangers lurking in the digital world. It's not just about keeping information safe, it's about building trust with customers and stakeholders that their data is in good hands.I hope you enjoyed my little adventure with ISO 27001. Remember, just like how we keep our toys safe from our pesky little siblings, companies need to keep their information safe from cyber threats. ISO 27001 is the superhero that helps them do just that!Thanks for listening to my story! Stay safe and remember to always keep your secrets locked up tight. Bye for now!篇10ISO27001 Information Security Management SystemHi everyone! Today let’s talk about ISO27001, which is a super important thing to keep our information safe and secure. ISO27001 is like a superhero that protects our information fromthe bad guys like hackers and thieves. It’s like having a big, strong security guard for all our data!So, what exactly is ISO27001? Well, it’s a set of rules and guidelines that help companies and organizations keep their information safe. It tells them what they need to do to make sure their data is secure, like having strong passwords, making backups of important files, and training employees to be careful with sensitive information.Having ISO27001 in place is like having a shield to protect all our information. It helps companies prevent cyber-attacks, data breaches, and other bad things that can happen when our information is not safe. Just like wearing a helmet when riding a bike to protect your head, ISO27001 helps protect all the important data that companies and organizations have.To get ISO27001, companies have to go through a process called certification. It’s like getting a badge to show that they have good security practices in place. They have to show that they have done everything they can to keep their information safe, like having firewalls to block hackers, encrypting data to make it unreadable to anyone who shouldn’t see it, and having plans in place in case something bad happens.Having ISO27001 certification is like getting a gold star for being super safe and secure with information. It shows that a company takes security seriously and wants to make sure that all the information they have is protected. So, when you see a company with ISO27001 certification, you can feel safe knowing that they are doing everything they can to keep your data secure.In conclusion, ISO27001 is like a superhero that helps keep our information safe and secure. It’s like having a big, strong guardian for all our data. So, let’s all r emember to follow the guidelines of ISO27001 to protect our information and keep it safe from harm. Let’s all be superheroes of information security!。
涉密公文格式模板及范文Confidential documents play a critical role in ensuring secure communication within organizations and governments. 涉密文件在组织和政府内部确保安全沟通方面起着至关重要的作用。
They contain sensitive information that, if leaked, could have serious consequences. 它们包含敏感信息,一旦泄露,可能会造成严重后果。
Therefore, it is essential to have a standardized format and template for creating and distributing such documents. 因此,为制作和分发此类文件,有一个标准化的格式和模板至关重要。
One important aspect of a confidential document format is the inclusion of specific headers and footers. 涉密文件格式的一个重要方面是包含特定的页眉和页脚。
These elements help identify the document as confidential and ensure that it is handled appropriately. 这些元素有助于识别文件为涉密文件,并确保它得到适当处理。
Headers typically include the document title, date of creation, and classification level, while footers may consist of the organization's name and security classification markings. 页眉通常包括文件标题、创建日期和分类级别,而页脚可能包括组织名称和安全分类标记。
secure的近义词常用短语secure有保护; (使)获得; 使安全等意思,那么你知道secure的近义词都有哪些呢?secure的常用短语都有哪些?下面店铺为大家带来secure的近义词辨析及常用短语,供大家参考学习!secure近义词:acquire, obtain, gain, get, win, earn, securesecure近义词辨析:这些动词均含"获得,取得,得到"之意acquire 强调通过不断的、持续的努力而获得某物,也指日积月累地渐渐地获得。
obtain 较正式用词,着重通过巨大努力、要求而得到所需或盼望已久的东西。
gain 侧重指经过努力或有意识行动而取得某种成就或获得某种利益或好处。
get 普通用词,使用广泛,可指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要经过努力。
win 主要指通过努力、斗争、比赛等而获得胜利。
earn 侧重指依靠自己的劳动或因付出代价与有功而获得。
secure 强调要通过努力或竞争,或需要付出代价才能获得所渴望的东西。
secure的常用短语:secure communication 保密通信;安全通信secure electronic transaction 安全电子交易secure sockets layer 安全套层;安全套接层secure operating system 安全操作系统secure的英语例句:1. The dug-outs were secure from everything but a direct hit.除非是直接被击中,否则这个地下掩体是非常安全的。
2. He was indefatigable in his efforts to secure funding fornew projects.他不知疲倦地努力为新项目寻求资金。
3. I couldn't remember ever having felt so safe and secure.我从未有过如此安全的感觉。
Communication Systems
Communication SystemsCommunication systems are an integral part of our daily lives. They have revolutionized the way we interact with each other, making it easier to connect across distances and time zones. Communication systems refer to the technologies and processes used to transmit information from one place to another. These systems can be used for various purposes, such as personal communication, business communication, and emergency communication. One of the primary requirements of communication systems is reliability. Communication systems must be reliable to ensure that information is transmitted accurately and efficiently. The reliability of communication systems is dependent on various factors, such as the quality of the equipment used, the strength of the signal, and the availability of backup systems. For instance, in the case of emergency communication systems, reliability is critical as it can be a matter of life and death. Another essential requirement of communication systems is security. Communication systems must be secure to protect the privacy of the information being transmitted. Security is especially crucial in business communication systems, where sensitive information, such as financial data and trade secrets, is often shared. Communication systems must have robust encryption protocols to prevent unauthorized access to the information being transmitted. Ease of use is also a critical requirement of communication systems. Communication systems must be user-friendly to ensure that people can use them without difficulty. In today's fast-paced world, people do not have the time or patience to deal with complicated communication systems. Therefore, communication systems must be intuitive and easy to navigate. For example, mobile phones have become popular because they are easy to use and offer a range of features that make communication convenient. Compatibility is another requirement of communication systems. Communication systems must be compatible with different devices and technologies to ensure that people can communicate seamlessly. Compatibility is especially crucial in business communication systems, where people use a range of devices and technologies to communicate. Communication systems must be able to integrate with different platforms and technologies to ensure that communication is not disrupted. Finally, communication systems must be cost-effective. Communication systems can be expensive, and people andbusinesses must be able to afford them. Cost-effectiveness is especially crucialin emergency communication systems, where governments and organizations must be able to afford the systems to ensure that they can respond to emergencies promptly. Communication systems must be affordable without compromising on quality, reliability, security, and ease of use. In conclusion, communication systems are essential for modern-day communication. They must be reliable, secure, easy to use, compatible, and cost-effective to meet the needs of people and businesses. Communication systems must continue to evolve to keep up with changingtechnologies and the needs of users. As we continue to rely on communication systems, it is essential to ensure that they meet these requirements to ensurethat communication remains efficient, convenient, and secure.。
例句:She felt secure and protected when she was with him. 她和他在一起的时候感到很安全。
英[seɪf] 美[seɪf]adj. 安全的;可靠的;平安的n. 保险箱;冷藏室;纱橱短语:safe operation 安全操作safe and sound 安然无恙on the safe side 安全可靠,稳妥safe from 免于;没有…的危险safe mode 安全模式例句:1.She didn't feel safe on her own.她一个人待着,觉得不安全。
2.Well, anyways, she said it wasn't safe.嗯,不管怎样,她说不安全。
3.Will the car be safe parked in the road?车停在马路上安全吗?4.The bank provides safe custody for valuables. 这家银行提供对贵重物品的安全保管服务。
5.We watched the explosion from a safe distance. 我们在安全距离之外观看了爆破。
6.There is no neighbourhood which is really safe. 没有一个真正安全的居住区。
7.They want to let them know that they are safe. 他们想让他们知道,他们很安全。
英[sɪˈkjʊər] 美[sɪˈkjʊr]adj. 安全的;无虑的;有把握的;稳当的vt. 保护;弄到;招致;缚住vi. 获得安全;船抛锚;停止工作短语:secure communication 保密通信;安全通信secure electronic transaction 安全电子交易secure sockets layer 安全套层;安全套接层secure operating system 安全操作系统例句:1.Double-check that the ladder is secure.再检查一下梯子是否安全。
安全交流材料英语翻译Safe communication materialsIntroduction:In today's digital age, the way we communicate has changed dramatically. With the convenience of various technological advancements, we can easily interact with people from all around the world. However, along with these advancements, comes the concern of ensuring safe communication. This is particularly important when it comes to exchanging sensitive information, personal data, and financial transactions. To address these concerns, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of safe communication practices.Section 1: Understanding Safe Communication1.1 Importance of safe communicationSafe communication is essential to protect individuals and organizations from various risks, such as identity theft, financial fraud, data breaches, and cyber-attacks. By ensuring safe communication, we can safeguard our privacy, maintain confidentiality, and minimize the potential negative consequences of insecure communication.1.2 Risks associated with insecure communicationInsecure communication channels can expose sensitive information to unauthorized individuals. This includes eavesdropping,interception, or tampering of communication data. Such risks can lead to financial losses, reputation damage, and potential legal issues. It is crucial to avoid using insecure platforms or practices that could compromise the security of our communication.1.3 Safe communication practicesTo ensure safe communication, it is essential to follow these practices:- Use secure and encrypted communication channels, such as HTTPS websites, encrypted messaging apps, and email encryption. - Be cautious of phishing attempts, suspicious links, and email attachments from unknown sources.- Regularly update software and devices to protect against known vulnerabilities.- Create strong and unique passwords for each online account and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.- Avoid sharing sensitive information, such as personal identification numbers, passwords, or financial details, over insecure channels.- Educate ourselves and others about safe communication practices to create a secure digital environment.Section 2: Safe Communication Tools and Technologies2.1 Secure messaging appsSecure messaging apps, like Signal and Telegram, provide end-to-end encryption, ensuring that only the intended recipients canaccess the messages. These apps also offer features like self-destructing messages, preventing unauthorized access even if the device is lost or stolen.2.2 Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)VPNs create a secure connection between our device and the internet, encrypting the data transmitted. By using a VPN, we can protect our online activities from prying eyes, ensuring safe communication, especially when connected to public Wi-Fi networks.2.3 Email encryptionEmail encryption tools, such as Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) or Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME), encrypt the content of emails, making them unreadable to unauthorized individuals. It is crucial to use encrypted email services and exchange encryption keys with trusted recipients to maintain secure communication.2.4 Secure file sharing platformsSecure file sharing platforms, like Dropbox and Google Drive, provide encryption and access controls, allowing us to share files securely. By using such platforms, we can protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and ensure safe communication during file sharing.Section 3: Tips for Safe Communication3.1 Be mindful of public Wi-Fi networksWhen using public Wi-Fi networks, exercise caution as they are often unsecured and can be easily exploited by hackers. Avoid accessing sensitive information, such as online banking or personal accounts, on public networks without using a VPN.3.2 Verify recipients and sourcesBefore sharing sensitive information or responding to requests, verify the recipients and sources. Social engineering attacks often rely on impersonation or masquerading as reputable individuals or organizations.3.3 Regularly review privacy settingsReview the privacy settings on your devices and online accounts to ensure that they align with your preferences. Be selective about the information you share and limit access to personal data.3.4 Backup and secure your dataRegularly backup your data to avoid permanent loss due to hardware failure or cyber-attacks. Use encryption and secure storage solutions to protect sensitive information.Conclusion:Safe communication is vital to protect individuals andorganizations from the risks associated with insecure communication channels. By understanding the importance of safe communication, following best practices, and utilizing secure tools and technologies, we can create a safer digital environment for ourselves and others. Remember to stay vigilant, educate others, and prioritize the security of your communication to minimize potential risks.。
GMDSS英语会话口述题1. There is floating ice in position 47 00 N, 50 00 W, it is dangerous to navigation, BANKS RADIO let YUQIANG (Call sign: YUQI) keep clear of it, YUQIANG will do as advised. Please make a safety communicationThe safety signal SECURITETHIS IS + the name of the station transmitting the safety messageThe text of the message参考答案(B-BANK RADIO Y-YUQIANG)B: SECURITE SECURITE SECURITEMV YUQIANG,YUQIANG, YUQIANGThis is BANKS RADIO, BANKS RADIO, BANKS RADIOSECURITE, BANKS RADIONavigational warningThere is floating ice in position latitude 4700N, longitude 5000W. It is dangerous to navigation. You must navigate with caution and keep clear of it.Over.Y: SECURITEBANKS RADIOThis is MV YUQIANG, call sign YUQI(用码语)Navigational warning is received. I will follow your advice. Thank you! out2、TAOYUANHAI (call sign: BSJX) is in collision with a fishing boat at 30°04’N 120°20’E and sinking, please send a distress alert.The distress signal MAYDAY, which is read for three times.This is +the name of the vessel in distress, which is read for three times.The call sign and other identification.The nature of distress.参考答案MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAYThis is MV TAOYUANHAI TAOYUANHAI TAIYUANHAICall sign: BSJX BSJX BSJX(用码语)MAYDAY, MV TAOYUANHAI, call sign BSJXI am in collision with a fishing boat at 30°04’N 120°20’E. I am sinking. I require immediate assistance. Over.3. please describe the alerting procedures in voice services in Inmarsat-F system参考答案------switch on the power supply------login appropriate ocean region------select appropriate coast earth station within the ocean region for communication.——open the cover of the “distress” button and press the “distress” button for 6 seconds._____pick up the handset and waiting for RCC’s answering._____when RCC answers, send distress alert on standard format. The MAYDAY alert should include the following information: ship’s name, call sign, nature of distress, ship’s position, assistance required, and other information useful for rescue._____communicate with RCC, receive instructions from RCC._____ end of communication. Put down the handset.4. Describe how to coordinate with the give-way vessel by VHF in crossing situation.Stand-on vessel MV GA TE, course 030 degrees speed 15 knotsGive- way vessel MV STAR , course 170 degrees, speed 18knots, pass port to port.How to change VHF channel?How to identify the calling vessel?How to coordinate the passing actions in crossing situation?MV GA TE calling on VHF CH 16:SECURITE NA VIGATION, SECURITE NA VIGATION, SECURITE NA VIGATIONMV STAR, MV STAR, MV STARThis is MV GATE, GA TE, GATE calling, please change to ch13, over.MV GA TE, MV GATE, MV GA TEThis is MV STAR, agree to ch13, over.Communication on ch13:MV STAR, MV STAR, MV STARThis is MV GATE, MV GATE, coming please. OVERMV GA TE, this is MV STAR, go ahead please, over.MV STAR, this is MV GATE. I am stand-on vessel, my course is 030 degrees and the speed is 15 knots. You are give-way vessel, what is your course and speed? Over.MV GATE, this is MV STAR, my course is 170 degrees and speed is 18 knots. Over.MV STAR, this is MV GA TE, please slow down your speed and alter your course to starboard, stop crossing from my port bow. And pass port to port, over.MV GATE, this is MV STAR, roger, I will slow down my speed and alter course to starboard, pass port to port. Over.MV STAR, this is MV GATE, thank you, keep contact on this channel, out.5.YUYING(call sign: YUYG)’s main engine is broken down severely, SHANGHAI RADIO STA TION will send a tug for her, they are going on the urgency traffic.Vessel in urgency: the urgency signal PANPAN, which is read for three times.This is + the name and call sign of the vessel in urgency.SHANGHAI RADIO: the urgency signal PANPANThe necessary informationTug will be made fast on port bow.参考答案PANPAN PANPAN PANPANSHANGHAI RADIO, SHANGHAI RADIO, SHANGHAIRADIOThis is MV YUYING, YUYING, YUYING,Call sign: YUYG(用码语)PANPAN, MV YUYING My main engine is broken down severely. Position: bearing 124 degrees and distance 5 miles from NO.1 light vessel, require tug assistance immediately. OVERPANPAN MV YUYING This is SHANGHAI RADIOPANPAN received.A tug is coming to your assistance. please get towing line ready, The tug will be made fast on your port bow. Over.PANPAN SHANGHAI RADIO This is MV YUYINGRoger. The tug will be made fast on my port bow. Over.PANPAN MV YUYING This is SHANGHAI RADIOKeep watch on channel 16. Out.PANPAN SHANGHAI RADIO This is MV YUYINGI will keep watch on channel 16. Out.6. If you are the operator onboard a bulk vessel, which run aground at 1645UTC at position 26°45’S 104°17’W,( in sea area A1), please describe the alerting procedures in the terrestrial system.(your ship’s name is YUFENG).参考答案Because my vessel is sailing in sea area A1, so the first suitable means of alerting is VHF DSC. Then sending a MAYDAY voice alert on CH16. The alerting procedures as follows:-----switch on VHF equipment, use the DSC menu-----select the calling type “distress call” the nature of distress “grounding”------enter the time 1645UTC and position 26°45’S 104°17’W------select the subsequent communication mode “simplex”------make a distress call by pressing the distress button not less than 4 seconds.-------waiting for the acknowledgement. Then make distress alert by radiotelephone on channel 16 as follows:MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAYThis is bulk carrier YUFENG, YUFENG, YUFENGMAYDAY, YUFENG I have run aground at 1645UTC at position 26°45’S 104°17’W, I require towing assistance immediately. Over.7. Give an example of a Mayday call.参考答案MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAYThis is MV TAISHAN TAISHAN TAISHAN, call sign BOSY(用码语)MAYDAY, TAISHAN I am aground in position 12 degrees 12minutes N 123 degrees 12minutes E.I require tug assistance. OVER.8. Describe watch keeping arrangements in SOLAS Chapter IV of 1988 amendment. (这是公约中的值班规定!)(另一种问法:please elaborate the watch keeping arrangements made in the Chapter IV of the 1988 Amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention(concerning communication of GMDSS) 参考答案According to the SOLAS chapter IV, GMDSS station should keep watch on the frequencies as follows: VHF DSC keep watch on CH70, MF DSC keep watch on 2187.5KHZ. for MF/HF radio station, DSC keep watch on 2187.5KHZ, 8414.5KHZ and one of other HF DSC frequencies. And keep watch on the frequency for receiving maritime safety information. For INMARSAT terminal equipped vessel, keep INMARSAT terminal in operation for receiving distress alert from shore to ship.9. TAOYUANHAI (Call sign BSJX) sends a distress alert, YUQIANG (Call sign BQRS) acknowledges the receipt of the distress alertThe distress signal MAYDAYThe name followed by the call sign of the station sending the distress message and the station acknowledging receiptRECEIVED MAYDAY参考答案Distress alert from MV TAOYUANHAI:MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAYThis is MV TAOYUANHAI TAOYUANHAI TAOYUANHAI Call sign BSJX(用码语)MAYDAY MV TAOYUANHAI I am on fire in position 12 degrees 12minutes N 123 degrees 12minutes E. I require firefighting assistance. OVER.YUQIANG (Call sign BQRS) give an acknowledgement:MAYDAY MV TAOYUANHAI,TAOYUANHAI,TAOYUANHAIThis is MV YUQIANG, YUQIANG, YUQIANGReceived MAYDAY. I am coming to your assistance at full speed, ETA at your position is one hour. Over.10. Describe the actions you will take when you, an operator onboard, receive an alert at sea.参考答案when I receive an alert at sea,------I will report master at once ,-------tune the transmitter and receiver on appropriate frequencies and select proper communication mode.-------keep continuous watch on the frequency on which the distress communication is going on. -------prepare to take part in distress communication, in accordance with radio regulations and under master’s order.------ make a good record of the distress communication in logbook.11. If you are the operator onboard a general cargo ship, whose name is COTON TREE, provides your vessel is disabled at position 17°25’N 35°21’W, please warn vessels in your vicinity to keep clear of you.(drifting speed:2 knots, direction: 090degrees)参考答案Calling on VHF CH 16:SECURITE SECURITE SECURITEAttention all ships , attention all ships, attention all shipsThis is MV COTON TREE, COTON TREE, COTON TREESECURITE, MV COTON TREENavigational warning follows on CH13 Over.Sending message on VHF CH13:SECURITE SECURITE SECURITEAttention all ships , attention all ships, attention all shipsThis is MV COTON TREE, COTON TREE, COTON TREESECURITE, MV COTON TREE Navigational warningI am disabled at position 17°25’N 35°21’W, drafting speed is 2 knots, direction is 090 degrees. Vessels in vicinity please navigate with caution and keep clear of me. Out.12. describe the proper way of using VHF.参考答案When using VHF set, the following should be noted:------the lowest transmitter power necessary for satisfactory communication should be used.------Avoid superfluous transmission.-------routine call should not be carried out in silence period.------Standard marine communication phrase should be used.------the ship called indicates channel for subsequent communication.------distress call or messages are carried out on channel 16, and have absolute priority over all other communications.------routine call and reply on channel 16 should not last more than one minute.------every ship while at sea, should keep listening watch on channel 16.13. Please describe the procedures of sending distress messages by using Inmarsat--C Terminals. 参考答案In emergency situation:---------switch on the power supply---------login appropriate ocean region----------select column “distress” in the main menu---------select appropriate LES---------select the nature of distress.--------Then press the distress button at least 4 seconds to transmit alert.If time permit:---------switch on the power supply---------login appropriate ocean region-------edit a distress alert message and save it in the memory-------- select the “transmit”menu, open the “Transmit Message”window, select the priority “distress”,-------select a suitable LES for communication--------select the distress message to be transmitted-------move the cursor to “Transmit”, PRESS “ENTER” key on the keyboard to transmit the alert. ------waiting for RCC’s answering.14. Please describe what is urgency communication, the means used to transmit urgency communication, and the cautions should be taken when urgency communication is transmitted by operators at sea. What is safety communication?参考答案Urgency communication includes: medical assistance, medical advice and maritime assistance etc. Urgency communication can only be transmitted on the authority of master. It can be conducted by satellite system or terrestrial system. It can be announced by DSC terminal, and transmitted by means of radiotelephone or NBDP. Urgency communication must be preceded by urgency signal “PAN PAN” when it is made by radiotelephone.Safety communication indicates that the calling station has a message concerning about safety of navigation to be sent. Safety communication must be prefixed safety signal. It can be conducted by satellite system or terrestrial system. It can be announced by DSC terminal, and transmitted by means of radiotelephone or NBDP. If it is transmitted through satellite system, it need not be called by DSC terminal. When a ship receives a safety call, she needs not acknowledge the call, and just receives the call only. Safety communication must be preceded by urgency signal “SECURITE” when it is made by radiotelephone.15.Send a PAN-PAN message according to the given information: Ship’s name: Blue Sea; Callsign: BERN; Distress position: 22°04`N, 127°08`E; Nature of distress suffered: breakdown of steering gears; Assistance required: convoy. (根据所给的信息发送无线电话紧急呼叫,BLUE SEA 船舶舵机设备损坏,要求护航援助)回答:PANPAN PANPAN PANPANThis is MV BLUE SEA, BLUE SEA, BLUE SEACall sign BERN, BERN, BERNPANPAN, MV BLUE SEA, call sign BERNMy steering gear is broken down in position 22°04`N, 127°08`E, require convoy assistance, over.16.YUQING (Call-Sign YOBK) has a man ill and is ready for helicopter, she will identify herselfby directing signal lamp at helicopter, they are going on the urgency traffic.Vessel in urgency: the distress(urgency) signal PAN-PAN, which is read for three times.THIS IS+the name and call sign of the vessel in distress(urgency). Helicopter: the distress (urgency) signal PAN-PAN.The necessary information.参考答案MV YUQING CALLING:PANPAN PANPAN PANPANThis is MV YUQING, YUQING, YUQINGCall sign YOBK, YOBK, YOBK(用码语)PANPAN, MV YUQING I have a man is ill seriously on board my vessel. I require a helicopter tosend him to hospital. I am ready for the helicopter. My position is bearing 124 degrees and distance 3 miles from Greenisland. OverHelicopter answering:PANPANMV YUQING This is helicopterI am coming to your assistance. Please show signal lamp for identification. Over.MV YUQING :PANPAN Helicopter This is MV YUQINGRoger. I will identify myself by directing signal lamp. Landing party ready to receive you. you may land on fore deck. Over.17. MINGHUA(call sign BJWK) is in distress, YUQIANG(call sign BBGD) sends a rescue information: her position at 1430 GMT is 36 04 N,120 05 E; speed is 18knots, ETA IS 1530GMT. MINGHUA affirms it.The distress signal MAYDAYTHIS IS +the name and call sign of the vessel in distress.Repeat the information of the rescue station.参考答案MINGHUA calling:MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAYThis is MV MINGHUA, MINGHUA, MINGHUACall sign BJWK, BJWK, BJWK(用码语)MAYDAY, MV MINGHUA I am aground in position 35 05 N,123 23 E, I require immediate assistance. Over.YUQIANG ACKNOWLEDGE:MAYDAY MV MINGHUA MINGHUA MINGHUAThis MV YUQIANG, YUQIANG, YUQIANGReceived MAYDAYI am coming to your assistance. My position at 1430 GMT is 36 04 N,120 05 E; speed is 18knots, ETA at your position is 1530GMT. Over.MINGHUA answering:MAYDAY MV YUQIANG This is MV MINGHUAMessage received. Your ETA at my position is 1530GMT. thank you ,Over.18. You receive a distress relay for a vessel within your vicinity, what actions would you take?参考答案------When a distress relay for a vessel within my vicinity is received, In accordance with the radio regulations, I should acknowledge the receipt of distress relay, by radiotelephone on the distress frequency in the same band on which the distress relay message is received.------get in contact with the coast station sent the distress relay as directed------Do my best to contact with the distress vessel, and prepare to render assistance according to master`s instructions.19. If you are the operator onboard a general cargo ship, which is named as Fenghuangsan, you received a DSC alert on channel 70 when you are sailing in the sea area A1, what will you do with the alert?(the ship`s name:Tulip, MMSI:4631123456,position: 38 21 N, 138 43 E, nature of distress: collision)参考答案-------When I receive a DSC alert from CH 70 in sea area A1, I will wait for the acknowledgement from the coast station, and change to CH16 for listening to the subsequent distress communications.-------Tulip sends the distress call on CH16MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAYThis is Tulip Tulip TulipMAYDAY Tulip position: 38 21 N, 138 43 E. I have collision with iceberg. I am sinking. I require assistance immediately. Over.-------report the incident to the master at once------- If the vessel in distress is in the vicinity of me, I will acknowledge the receipt as soon as possible by radiotelephone on CH16MAYDAY Tulip this is FenghuangsanMAYDAY received. I am coming to your assistance. ETA at your position is 1230 UTC. Over.------ and contact with the coast station for further instructions.-------enter the details of distress traffic into the log book.20. if you are the operator onboard a chemical tanker, whose name is iceland poppy. you are on fire, and the abandon-ship order is given by the captain. please introduce your task and explain its ingredients in that case.如果你是化学品船(iceland poppy)上的操作员,船上起火,船长已经发出弃船命令,请介绍你的任务,以及具体操作。
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Cryptanalyzing a discrete-time chaos synchronizationsecure communication systemG. Alvarez*,F.Montoya,M.Romera,G.PastorInstituto de F ısica Aplicada,Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient ıficas,Serrano144,Madrid28006,SpainAccepted4December2003AbstractThis paper describes the security weakness of a recently proposed secure communication method based on discrete-time chaos synchronization.We show that the security is compromised even without precise knowledge of the chaotic system used.We also make many suggestions to improve its security in future versions.Ó2003Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIn recent years,a growing number of cryptosystems based on chaos have been proposed[1,2],many of them fun-damentallyflawed by a lack of robustness and security[3–15].In[16],a secure communication system based on chaotic modulation using discrete-time chaos synchronization is proposed.Two different schemes of message encoding are presented.In thefirst scheme,the binary message(mðiÞ¼Æ1)is multiplied by the chaotic output signal of the transmitter and then sent to drive the receiver system.In the second scheme,the binary message is modulated by multiplication with the chaotic output signal and then is fed back to the transmitter system and simultaneously sent to the receiver system.Discrete-time chaotic systems are generally described by a set of non linear difference equations.Thefirst com-munication system,based on modulation by multiplication,can be described by:transmitterx1ðiþ1Þ¼1Àa x21ðiÞþx2ðiÞx2ðiþ1Þ¼b x1ðiÞsðiÞ¼x1ðiÞÁmðiÞ8<:ð1Þreceiver ^x1ðiþ1Þ¼1Àa s2ðiÞþ^x2ðiÞ^x2ðiþ1Þ¼b^x1ðiÞ^mðiÞ¼sðiÞ=^x1ðiÞ8><>:ð2ÞThe communication scheme using modulation by multiplication and feedback,with a modification to avoid divergence due to feedback,is described by:transmitterx1ðiþ1Þ¼1Àa sðiÞÀsðiÞþPj k2P2þx2ðiÞx2ðiþ1Þ¼b x1ðiÞþ0:05x1ðiÞðmðiÞÀ1ÞsðiÞ¼x1ðiÞÁmðiÞ8><>:ð3Þ*Corresponding author.Tel.:+34-915-631-284;fax:+34-914-117-651.E-mail Alvarez).0960-0779/$-see front matterÓ2003Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2003.12.013/locate/chaosreceiver^x1ðiþ1Þ¼1Àa sðiÞÀsðiÞþPj k2P2þ^x2ðiÞ^x2ðiþ1Þ¼b^x1ðiÞþ0:05ðsðiÞÀ^x1ðiÞÞ^mðiÞ¼sðiÞ=^x1ðiÞ8>><>>:ð4Þwith P¼ð1þffiffiffiffiffiffiffi6:6pÞ=2:8.Although the authors seemed to base the security of their cryptosystems on the chaotic behavior of the output of the Henon non linear dynamical system,no analysis of security was included.It was not considered whether there should be a key in the proposed system,what it should consist of,what the available key space would be,what precision to use, and how the key would be managed.In Section2we discuss the weaknesses of this secure communication system using the Henon attractor and make some suggestions to improve its security.2.Attacks on the proposed system2.1.The key spaceAlthough it is not explicitly stated in[16],it is assumed that the key is formed by the two parameters of the map,a and b.Thus,in[16],the key isfixed to k¼f a;b g¼f1:4;0:3g.However,in[16]there is no information given about what the key space is.The key space is defined by all the possible valid keys.The size of the key space r is the number of encryption/decryption key pairs that are available in the cipher system.In this chaotic scheme the key space is non linear because all the keys are not equally strong.We say that a key is weak or degenerated if it is easier to break a ciphertext encrypted with this key than breaking a ciphertext encrypted with another key from the key space.The study of the chaotic regions of the parameter space from which valid keys,i.e.,parameter values leading to chaotic behavior,can be chosen is missing in[16].A possible way to describe the key space might be in terms of positive Lyapunov exponents.According to[17,p.196],let f be a map of R m,m P1,and f x0;x1;x2;...g be a bounded orbit of f. The orbit is chaotic if(1)it is not asymptotically periodic,(2)no Lyapunov exponent is exactly zero,and(3)the largest Lyapunov exponent is positive.The largest Lyapunov exponent can be computed for different combinations of the parameters.If it is positive,then the combination can be used as a valid key.In Fig.1,the chaotic region for the Henon attractor used in[16]hasbeenplotted.This region corresponds to the keyspace.In general,parameters chosen from the lower white region give rise to periodic orbits,undesirable because the ciphertext is easily predictable.Parameters chosen from the upper white region give rise to unbounded orbits diverging to infinity,and hence the system cannot work.Therefore,both regions should be avoided to get suitable keys.Only keys within the black region are good.And even within this region,there exist periodic windows,unsuitable for robust keys.This type of irregular and often fractal chaotic region shared by most secure communication systems proposed in the literature is inadequate for cryptographic purposes because there is no easy way to define its boundary.And if the boundary is not mathematically and easily defined,then it is hard to find suitable keys within the key space.This difficulty in defining the key space discourages the use of the Henon map.Instead,complete chaoticity for any parameter value should be preferred.Piecewise linear (PWL)maps are a good choice because they behave chaotically for any parameter value in the useful interval [18].2.2.Insensitivity to parameter mismatchBoth communication systems,the one based on modulation by multiplication and the one using modulation by multiplication and feedback,can only have valid keys carefully chosen from the chaotic region plotted in Fig.1to avoid periodic windows and divergence.Due to low sensitivity to parameter mismatch,if the system key is fixed to k ¼f a ;b g ¼f 1:4;0:3g as in [16],then any key k 0chosen from the same key space will decrypt the ciphertext into a message m 0with an error rate which is well below 50%.Fig.2plots the bit error rate (BER)when the ciphertext en-crypted with k ¼f a ;b g ¼f 1:4;0:3g is decrypted using keys k 0from the valid key space at a distance d from k .For this experiment the Euclidean distance was chosen:d ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiða Àa 0Þ2þðb Àb 0Þ2q ð5ÞThis insensitivity to parameter mismatch due to the coupling between transmitter and receiver renders the system totally insecure when the Henon map is used.A different map more sensitive to small differences in the parameter values should be used to grant security.2.3.Brute force attacksA brute force attack is the method of breaking a cipher by trying every possible key.The quicker the brute force attack,the weaker the cipher.Feasibility of brute force attacks depends on the key space size r of the cipher and on the amount of computational power available to the attacker.Given today’s computer speed,it is generally agreed that a key space of size r <2100is insecure.However,this requirement might be very difficult to meet by this cipher because the key space does not allow for such a big number of different strong keys.For instance,Fig.1was created using a resolution of 10À3,i.e.,there are1400·3000different points.To get a number of keys r>2100’1030,the resolution should be10À15.However,with that resolution,thousands of keys would be equivalent,unless there is a strong sensitivity to parameter mismatch,which is usually lost by synchronization,even when using a different chaotic map.2.4.Statistical analysisFig.2a shows that the error is upper bounded:BER60.33.This is a consequence of the fact that the orbit followed by any initial point in the Henon attractor is not uniformly distributed,because in average it spends two thirds of the time above x¼0.As a consequence,mixing the cleartext with the output of a function whose probability density is not uniform will result in a weak cryptosystem.In Fig.3the Henon attractor is plotted.It can be observed that the dis-tribution is far fromflat because the orbit visits more often the region x>0.In average,two thirds of the iterates lie to the right of x¼0(depicted as a dashed line).This fact allows the attacker to guess in average two thirds of the en-crypted bits,even with no knowledge about the transmitter/receiver structure.To get a balanced distribution,the threshold should be moved to the right[19].Let x m denote the real value such that Pðx i6x mÞ¼Pðx i>x mÞ¼0:5:ð6ÞA good estimation presented in[19]is^x m¼0:39912,depicted as a dotted line in Fig.3.However,this result is difficult to apply provided the way in which the Henon attractor is used by the cryptosystem.Therefore,it is seen again that the Henon map is a bad choice as a chaotic map for this communication scheme.A different map with a balanced distribution,i.e.,whose orbit visits with equal frequency the regions above and below a certain level x¼0,should be chosen to prevent statistical attacks.2.5.Plaintext attacksIn the previous sections we showed that the use of the Henon map is not advisable because of its inability to define a good key space,of its low sensitivity to parameter mismatch,and of its non uniformly distributed orbits.We are to show next that if a different map is used,the security of the communication system will not improve if the same key is used repeatedly for successive encryptions.According to[20,p.25],it is possible to differentiate between different levels of attacks on cryptosystems.In a known plaintext attack,the opponent possesses a string of plaintext,p,and the corresponding ciphertext,c.In a cho-sen plaintext,the opponent has obtained temporary access to the encryption machinery,and hence he can choose a plaintext string,p,and construct the corresponding ciphertext string,c.The cipher under study behaves as a modified version of the one-time pad[20,p.50].The one-time pad uses a randomly generated key of the same length as the message.To encrypt a message m,it is combined with the random key k using the exclusive-OR operation bitwise.Mathematically,cðiÞ¼mðiÞþkðiÞmod2;ð7Þwhere c represents the encrypted message or ciphertext.This method of encryption is perfectly secure because the encrypted message,formed by XORing the message and the random secret key,is itself totally random.It is crucial to the security of the one-time pad that the key be as long as the message and never reused,thus preventing two different messages encrypted with the same portion of the key being intercepted or generated by an attacker.Eqs.(1)and(3)are used to generate a keystream f x1ð1Þ¼kð1Þ;x1ð2Þ¼kð2Þ;x1ð3Þ¼kð3Þ;...g.This keystream is used to encrypt the plaintext string according to the rulecðiÞ¼kðiÞÁmðiÞð8ÞTherefore,if the attacker possesses the plaintext mðiÞand its corresponding ciphertext cðiÞ,he will be able to obtain kðiÞ. If the same key,i.e.the same parameter values,is used to encrypt any subsequent message in the future,it will generate an identical chaotic orbit,which is already known.As a consequence,when cðiÞand kðiÞare known in Eq.(8),mðiÞis readily obtained by the attacker.Obviously,when using this cryptosystem,regardless of the choice of the chaotic map,the key can never be reused.A slight improvement to partially enhance security even when the key is reused consists of randomly setting the initial point of the chaotic orbit at the transmitter end.Synchronization will guarantee that the message is correctly decrypted by the authorized receiver.However,an eavesdropper would have more difficulty in using past chaotic orbits because they will diverge due to sensitivity to initial conditions.The previous attack requires that the attacker have a keystream as long as the ciphertext to be decrypted.Never-theless,another successful attack can be conducted on the cryptosystem even when the attacker has access only to a partial plaintext–ciphertext pair.In this case,the attacker only knows a portion of the keystream kðiÞ,m<i<n.Now he faces the problem of how to decrypt a different portion of the ciphertext cðiÞ,i<m,or i>n,still encrypted with the same key k¼f a;b g¼f1:4;0:3g.The attack consists offinding a good approximation to the parameter values used: the portion of plaintext already known is encrypted trying different parameters and compared to the real ciphertext.The number of errors is recorded for every parameter value pair tested,andfinally this information is plotted as a surface. There must be a global minimum around the point corresponding to the key’s parameter values.This procedure is illustrated in Fig.4.As expected,the minimum is located around f a;b g¼f1:4;0:3g.A different map for which the BER surface plot isflat except at the exact key value should be chosen to prevent this known plaintext attack.A very high sensitivity to parameter mismatch is required.3.ConclusionsThe proposed cryptosystem using the Henon map is rather weak,since it can be broken without knowing its parameter values and even without knowing the transmitter precise structure.However,the overall security might be highly improved if a different chaotic map with higher number of parameters is used.The inclusion of feedback makes it possible to use many different systems with non symmetric non linearity as far as the whole space is folded into a bounded domain to avoid divergence.However,to rigorously present future improvements,it would be desirable to explicitly mention what the key is,how the key space is characterized,what precision to use,how to generate valid keys, and also to perform a basic security analysis.For the present work[16],the total lack of security discourages the use ofthis algorithm as is for secure applications.694G. A lvarez et al./Chaos,Solitons and Fractals21(2004)689–694AcknowledgementsThis work is supported by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog ıa of Spain,research grant TIC2001-0586.Our thanks to Moez Feki for his comments and source code.References[1]Yang T.A survey of chaotic secure communication systems.Int J Comp Cognition2004;2:81–130.[2] Alvarez G,Montoya F,Romera M,Pastor G.Chaotic cryptosystems.In:Larry D.Sanson,editor.33rd Annual1999International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology,IEEE,1999.p.332–8.[3]Short KM.Steps toward unmasking secure communications.Int J Bifurc Chaos1994;4:959–77.[4]Beth T,Lazic DE,Mathias A.Cryptanalysis of cryptosystems based on remote chaos replication.In:Advances in cryptology––CRYPTO’94.Desmedt YG,editor.Lect Notes Comput Sci,vol.839.Springer-Verlag;1994.p.318–31.[5]P e rez G,Cerdeira HA.Extracting messages masked by chaos.Phys Rev Lett1995;74:1970–3.[6]Short KM.Unmasking a modulated chaotic communications scheme.Int J Bifurc Chaos1996;6:367–75.[7]Zhou H,Ling X.Problems with the chaotic inverse system encryption approach.IEEE Trans Circuits Syst––I1997;44:268–71.[8]Yang T,Yang LB,Yang CM.Breaking chaotic switching using generalized synchronization:examples.IEEE Trans CircuitsSyst––I1998;45:1062–7.[9]Yang T,Yang LB,Yang CM.Breaking chaotic secure communications using a spectogram.Phys Lett A1998;247:105–11.[10]Yang T,Yang LB,Yang CM.Cryptanalyzing chaotic secure communications using return maps.Phys Lett A1998;245:495–510.[11] Alvarez G,Montoya F,Romera M,Pastor G.Cryptanalysis of a chaotic encryption system.Phys Lett A2000;276:191–6.[12] Alvarez G,Montoya F,Romera M,Pastor G.Cryptanalysis of a chaotic secure communication system.Phys Lett A2003;306:200–5.[13] Alvarez G,Montoya F,Romera M,Pastor G.Cryptanalysis of an ergodic chaotic cipher.Phys Lett A2003;311:172–9.[14]Li S,Mou X,Cai Y,Ji Z,Zhang J.On the security of a chaotic encryption scheme:problems with computerized chaos infinitecomputing p Phys Comm2003;153:52–8.[15] Alvarez G,Montoya F,Romera M,Pastor G.Cryptanalysis of a discrete chaotic cryptosystem using external key.Phys Lett A2003;319:334–9.[16]Feki M,Robert B,Gelle G,Colas M.Secure digital communication using discrete-time chaos synchronization.Chaos Solitons&Fractals2003;18:881–90.[17]Alligood K,Sauer T,Yorke J.Chaos––an introduction to dynamical systems.Springer;1997.[18]Li S,Li Q,Li W,Mou X,Cai Y.Statistical properties of digital piecewise linear chaotic maps and their roles in cryptography andpseudo-random coding.In:Cryptography and Coding––8th IMA International Conference Proceedings.Lect Notes Comput Sci, vol.2260.Springer-Verlag;2001.p.205–21.[19]Forr e R.The henon attractor as a keystream generator.In:Advances in Cryptology––EuroCrypt’91.Lect Notes Comput Sci,vol.0547.Springer-Verlag;1991.p.76–81.[20]Stinson DR.Cryptography:theory and practice.CRC Press;1995.。