29. Starting System Service
1、the airframe 机身 ,结构2、The front (fore) part前部3、The rear (aft) part后部4、port 左旋 (舵 )5、starboard右旋 (舵)6、the inboard engine or inboards内侧发动机7、the outboard engine or outboards外侧发动机8、the nose机头9、the belly腹部10、 the skin蒙皮11、 the windscreen or windshield风挡12、 the wing机翼13、 the trailing edge机翼后缘14、 the leading edge机翼前缘15、 the wing tip翼尖16、 the control surface操纵面17、 ailerons 副翼18、 flaps (inboard flap,outboard flap,leading edge flaps) 襟翼(内侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘缝翼)19、 spoilers (inboard\outboard spoiler)(spoiler down\up)阻力板,扰流板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、打开)20、 slats 缝翼21、 elevators (elevator control tab)升降舵(升降舵操纵片)22、 rudder (rudder control tab)方向舵(方向舵操纵片)23、 flap angle 襟翼角24、 flap setting襟翼调整25、 the full flap position全襟翼位置26、 a flapless landing 无襟翼着陆27、 the landing gear起落架28、 stabilizer 安定面29、 the nose wheel前轮30、 gear locked 起落架锁定31、 the wheel well起落架舱32、 the wheel door起落架舱门33、 a tyre 轮胎34、 to burst爆破35、 a deflated tyre放了气的轮胎36、 a flat tyre走了气的轮胎37、 a puncture 轮胎被扎破38、 to extend the flaps (to retract the flaps)放下襟翼(收上襟翼)39、 gear extention (gear retraction)起落架放下(起落架收上)40、 The gear is jammed. 起落架被卡死。
systemd service的状态机运行逻辑 -回复
systemd service的状态机运行逻辑-回复Systemd是当前主流的Linux操作系统中用于管理系统进程和服务的守护进程工具。
本文将详细介绍systemd service的状态机运行逻辑,包括各个状态及其转换条件,以及对应的命令和配置文件。
一、systemd service的状态机概述Systemd定义了六个主要的状态,具体如下:loaded:服务加载完成,但尚未启动。
二、loaded状态1. 转换条件:服务配置文件被加载到系统中。
2. 相关命令:systemctl enable serviceName:启用服务,使其在系统启动时自动启动。
systemctl disable serviceName:禁用服务,使其在系统启动时不会自动启动。
systemctl start serviceName:手动启动服务。
systemctl stop serviceName:停止服务。
systemctl restart serviceName:重启服务。
systemctl reload serviceName:重新加载服务配置文件。
3. 配置文件:/usr/lib/systemd/system/serviceName.service,一般包含服务的基本参数配置,如服务的启动类型、工作目录、运行命令等。
三、inactive状态1. 转换条件:服务未启动,但处于可用状态。
2. 相关命令:systemctl start serviceName:手动启动服务。
systemctl stop serviceName:停止服务。
技术质量部门英语一、单词1. quality- 英语释义:the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.- 用法:作名词,可用于描述产品、服务等的质量。
例如:The quality of this product is very high.(这个产品的质量非常高。
) - 双语例句:We always focus on improving the quality of our goods.(我们总是专注于提高我们商品的质量。
)2. technique- 英语释义:a way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution or performance of an artistic work or a scientific procedure.- 用法:作名词,常指特定的技术、技巧或方法。
例如:This new technique can save a lot of time.(这种新技术可以节省很多时间。
) - 双语例句:The artist uses a special technique to paint this picture.(这位艺术家使用一种特殊的技巧来画这幅画。
)3. standard- 英语释义:a level of quality or attainment.- 用法:作名词表示标准、水平;作形容词表示标准的。
例如:The product meets the international standards.(这个产品符合国际标准。
)- 双语例句:We should set high standards for our work.(我们应该为我们的工作设定高标准。
android系统启动流程——从systemserver开始的launcher目录1 概述: (2)2 systemserver工作内容分析 (4)2.1 SystemServer类简述 (4)2.2 ServerThread类简述 (4)3 ActivityManagerService工作内容分析 (6)3.1 ActivityManagerService之main (7)3.1.1创建ActivityManagerService实例 (7)3.1.2 创建ActivityThread实例,获取全局Context (8)3.1.3创建ActivityStackSupervisor实例 (10)3.1.4调用startRunning (10)3.2 ActivityManagerService之setSystemProcess (11)3.3. ActivityManagerService之setWindowManager (12)3.4 ActivityManagerService之systemready (12)3.4.1 启动所有Persistent属性的APK (13)3.4.2 启动launcher (14)4 ActivityStackSupervisor启动launcher (15)4.1首先回顾一下ActivityStackSupervisor实例的初始化 (15)4.2 进入ActivityStackSupervisor.resumeTopActivitiesLocked (16)4.3 进入ActivityStack.resumeTopActivityLocked (16)4.4 回到ActivityStackSupervisor.resumeHomeActivity。
(17)4.5 ActivityStackSupervisor.mProbeThread (17)4.6 ActivityStackSupervisor.mProbeHandler (18)4.7 回到ActivityManagerService.startHomeActivityLocked (18)4.8 ActivityStackSupervisor.startHomeActivity (19)4.9 ActivityStackSupervisor.startActivityUncheckedLocked (20)4.10 ActivityStack.startActivityLocked (21)4.11 ActivityStackSupervisor.resumeTopActivitiesLocked (22)4.12 ActivityStack.resumeTopActivityLocked (22)4.13 ActivityStackSupervisor.startSpecificActivityLocked (24)4.14 ActivityStackSupervisor.realStartActivityLocked (24)4.15 ActivityManagerService.startProcessLocked (25)5 Process类管理创建activity进程 (27)5.1 Process.start: (27)5.2Process.startViaZygote (28)5.3 zygoteSendArgsAndGetResult和openZygoteSocketIfNeeded (28)6 ActivityThread线程类分析 (30)6.1 ActivityThread.main分析 (30)6.1.1创建了looper对象和本线程绑定。
systemd进程管理详解systemd进程管理systemd管理的优势1.最新系统都采⽤systemd管理(RedHat7,CentOS7,Ubuntu15...)2.CentOS7 ⽀持开机并⾏启动服务,显著提⾼开机启动效率3.CentOS7关机只关闭正在运⾏的服务,⽽CentOS6,全部都关闭⼀次。
systemd相关⽂件systemd控制的相关⽂件CentOS6CentOS7服务启动的脚本启动路径/etc/init.d/usr/lib/systemd/system开机⾃启服务存放路径/etc/rcN.d/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/默认运⾏级别配置⽂件/etc/inittab/etc/systemd/system/default.targetCentOS7安装yum安装nginx的默认脚本启动路径[root@gong ~]# ll /usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 618 Oct 3 2019 /usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.serviceCentOS7开机⾃启动所在的⽬录,该⽬录包含在该级别启动时⾃启动的服务[root@gong ~]# ll /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/CentOS7默认运⾏级别的控制,把它链接到/usr/lib/systemd/system/下⾯的不同级别,可以实现对不同默认级别的更改[root@gong ~]# ll /etc/systemd/system/default.targetlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 41 Apr 23 15:56 /etc/systemd/system/default.target -> /usr/lib/systemd/system/multi-user.targetsystemd相关命令CentOS6systemd CentOS7作⽤/etc/init.d/nginx start systemctl start nginx启动nginx服务/etc/init.d/nginx stop systemctl stop nginx停⽌nginx服务/etc/init.d/nginx status systemctl status nginx查看nginx的状态/etc/init.d/nginx restart systemctl restart nginx重启nginx服务/etc/init.d/nginx reload systemctl reload nginx不停⽌nginx服务,重新加载配置⽂件systemctl is-active nginx判断nginx服务是否存活systemctl mask nginx禁⽌运⾏服务systemctl unmask nginx取消禁⽌运⾏服务CentOS7启动服务[root@gong ~]# systemctl start nginxCentOS7关闭服务[root@gong ~]# systemctl stop nginxCentOS7查看服务状态[root@gong ~]# systemctl status nginx● nginx.service - The nginx HTTP and reverse proxy serverLoaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)Active: inactive (dead) since Sat 2020-04-25 08:55:55 CST; 12s agoProcess: 7063 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/nginx (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)Process: 7060 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/nginx -t (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)Process: 7056 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/rm -f /run/nginx.pid (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)Main PID: 7064 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)Apr 25 08:55:44 gong systemd[1]: Starting The nginx HTTP and reverse proxy server...Apr 25 08:55:45 gong nginx[7060]: nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is okApr 25 08:55:45 gong nginx[7060]: nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successfulApr 25 08:55:45 gong systemd[1]: Started The nginx HTTP and reverse proxy server.Apr 25 08:55:55 gong systemd[1]: Stopping The nginx HTTP and reverse proxy server...Apr 25 08:55:55 gong systemd[1]: Stopped The nginx HTTP and reverse proxy server.Centos7重启服务[root@gong ~]# systemctl restart nginxCentOS7不重启服务重新加载配置⽂件[root@gong ~]# systemctl reload nginxCentOS7检查服务是否启动[root@gong ~]# systemctl is-active nginxactive禁⽌取消服务运⾏[root@gong ~]# systemctl mask nginxCreated symlink from /etc/systemd/system/nginx.service to /dev/null.[root@gong ~]# systemctl unmask nginxRemoved symlink /etc/systemd/system/nginx.service.systemd开机⾃启动相关命令CentOS6CentOS7作⽤chkconfig --list systemctl list-unit-files查看开机⾃启的服务chkconfig nginx on systemctl enable nginx开机⾃启chkconfig nginx off systemctl disable nginx关闭开机⾃启chkconfig --list nginx systemctl is-enabled nginx查看指定的服务是否被开启chkconfig --add nginx systemctl daemon-reload当⼿写脚本的时候让系统认识CentOS7查看开机⾃启动[root@gong ~]# systemctl list-unit-filesCentOS7设置开机⾃启,实质上实在创建软链接[root@gong ~]# systemctl enable nginxCreated symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nginx.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service. CentOS7关闭开机⾃启[root@gong ~]# systemctl disable nginxRemoved symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nginx.service.CentOS7查看指定的服务是否被开启[root@gong ~]# systemctl is-enabled nginxdisabledsystemd服务状态服务状态状态说明loaded服务单元的配置⽂件已经被处理active(running)服务的⼀个或多个进程在运⾏中active(exited)⼀次性运⾏的服务成功被执⾏并退出(服务运⾏后完成任务,相关进程会⾃动退出) active(waiting)服务已经运⾏但在等待某个事件inactive服务没有在运⾏enable服务设定为开机运⾏disabled服务设定为开机不运⾏static服务不能被设定开机启动,但可以由其他服务启动该服务。
Safety information ...................................................................... 2 General information ................................................................... 5
Avoid opening the filler cap for the coolant when the engine is hot. Steam or hot coolant can spray out, and the built up pressure will be lost. If necessary open the filler cap slowly and release the overpressure in the cooling system. Use extreme caution if cocks, plugs or coolant pipes must be dismantled when the engine is hot. Steam or hot coolant can flow out in an unpredicted direction.
Safety information
The Workshop Manual contains technical data, descriptions and repair instructions for specified products or product versions from Volvo Penta. Make sure that the correct workshop literature is used. Read the following safety information, including “General information” and “Repair instructions” carefully before beginning service work.
《汽车专业英语》课程总课时32课时,1-16周授课。 课程学习目标 1.基本理论要求: 培养阅读理解能力;培养口语表达能力;培养听力理解能 力;培养书面表达能力。 2.基本技能要求: 能应对基本的日常对话;掌握一定量的汽车专业术语; 能 够阅读汽车行业的英文网站。 3.职业素质要求: 学习任务和工作任务相结合,即通过各种小组活动、任务 型和项目型作业的开展,树立一定的合作意识,锻炼自我 查找资料、整理资料的能力,掌握会展,4S店,保险,汽 车评估,汽车美容、租赁、维修保养知识。
1 2 3 Know About Automobiles Know About Automobiles Automobile Engine(I)
5 6 7 8 9 10
Automobile Engine(II)
Automobile Engine(III) Automoble Chassis(I) Automoble Chassis(II) Automoble Chassis(III) Auto Body Automobile Electrical System(I)
electrical system
Crankshaft and connecting rod assembly Valve and Valve train Fuel system Starting system Ignition system Lubricating system Cooling system
Part ⅠWarm up Car logos and car brands
汽车实用英语 汽车维修英语 第4讲 Electrical systems(电气系统)
• Vocabulary
4. Spark plug
– The spark plug uses a high voltage (10000 V to 30 000 V) to ignite the air-fuel mixture. The three main parts of a spark plug are the steel core, the ceramic core, or insulator; and a pair of electrodes, one insulated in the core and the other grounded on the shell. Current flows through the center of the plug and causes arc from the tip of the center electrode to the ground electrode.
6.sulfuric 7.acid 8.grid 9.plate 10.distilled 11.specific gravity 12.electrolyte 13.corrosive 14.baking soda 15.solution
F. 电解液 G. 发动 H. 蓄电池 I. 点火 J. 酸性的 K. 腐蚀性的 L. 溶液 M. 碳酸氢钠 N. 密度 O. 极板
with: a. milk b. water c. sulfuric acid d. wine 5. Fast charges can recharge most batteries in about: a. 5 hours b. 3 hours c. 1 hour d. 10 minutes
System Server 分析
System Server 分析SystemServer是Android Java层的系统服务模块,这个模块主要功能就是管理供Android应用开发的system service.1.SystemServer 类是如何启动的让我们从Android的启动过程看起,查看init.rc文件,就会发现下面这一行service zygote /system/bin/app_process -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote –start-system-server我们知道zygote进程是整个Android的孵化器进程,所有的Activity进程均是通过它来生成的。
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?1.if(0==strcmp("--zygote",arg)){2.bool startSystemServer=(i<argc)?3.strcmp(argv[i],"--start-system-server")==0:false;4.setArgv0(argv0,"zygote");5.set_process_name("zygote");6.runtime.start("com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit",7.startSystemServer);8.}else{9.set_process_name(argv0);10.runtime.mClassName=arg;11.//Remainderofargsgetpassedtostartupclassmain()12.runtime.mArgC=argc-i;13.runtime.mArgV=argv+i;14.LOGV("Appprocessisstartingwithpid=%d,class=%s.\n",15.getpid(),runtime.getClassName());16.runtime.start();17.}由于zygote进程启动过程有“--zygote”这个参数,所以走的是下面这步runtime.start("com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit",startSystemServer);查看对象runtime的类型的定义,class AppRuntime : public AndroidRuntime因此查看AndroidRuntime的start方法中的一段代码(frameworks/base/core/jni/AndroidRuntime.cpp)view plaincopy to clipboardprint?1.startClass=env->FindClass(slashClassName);2.if(startClass==NULL){3.LOGE("JavaVMunabletolocateclass'%s'\n",slashClassName);4./*keepgoing*/5.}else{6.startMeth=env->GetStaticMethodID(startClass,"main",7."([Ljava/lang/String;)V");8.if(startMeth==NULL){9.LOGE("JavaVMunabletofindmain()in'%s'\n",className);10./*keepgoing*/11.}else{12.env->CallStaticVoidMethod(startClass,startMeth,strArray);13.#if014.if(env->ExceptionCheck())15.threadExitUncaughtException(env);16.#endif17.}18.}其中startClass即为"com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit",这段代码调用了com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit的main函数。
在Android系统中,Binder进程间通信机制使用非常广泛,因此,希望读者在继续阅读下面的内容之前,对Android系统和Binder 进程间通信机制有一定的了解,具体可以参考前面Android进程间通信(IPC)机制Binder简要介绍和学习计划一文。
关于startService的具体用法,可以参考前面Android系统匿名共享内存Ashmem (Anonymous Shared Memory)简要介绍和学习计划一文中用到的实例,它是Activity类的一个成员函数:view plain1package shy.luo.ashmem;23......45public class Client extends Activity implements OnClickListener {6 ......7 IMemoryService memoryService = null;8 ......910 @Override11public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {12 ......1314 IMemoryService ms = getMemoryService();15if(ms == null) {16 startService(new Intent("shy.luo.ashmem.server"));17 } else {18 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Memory Service has started.");19 }2021 ......2223 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Client Activity Created.");24 }2526 ......27}这里的“shy.luo.ashmem.server”是在程序配置文件AndroidManifest.xml配置的Service的名字,用来告诉Android系统它所要启动的服务的名字:view plain28<manifest xmlns:android="/apk/res/android"29package="shy.luo.ashmem"30 android:sharedUserId="android.uid.system"31 android:versionCode="1"32 android:versionName="1.0">33 <application android:icon="@drawable/icon"android:label="@string/app_name">34 ......35 <service36 android:enabled="true"37 android:name=".Server"38 android:process=".Server" >39 <intent-filter>40 <action android:name="shy.luo.ashmem.server"/>41 <categoryandroid:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>42 </intent-filter>43 </service>44 </application>45</manifest>这里,名字“shy.luo.ashmem.server”对应的服务类为shy.luo.ashmem.Server,下面语句:view plain46startService(new Intent("shy.luo.ashmem.server"));就表示要在一个新的进程中启动shy.luo.ashmem.Server这个服务类,它必须继承于Android平台提供的Service类:view plain47package shy.luo.ashmem;4849......5051public class Server extends Service {5253 ......5455 @Override56public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {57return null;58 }5960 @Override61public void onCreate() {62 ......6364 }6566 ......67}下面,我们来看看Activity类中的startService成员函数是如何实现的。
2021-2021-2汽车专业英语题库一、单项选择题1.What do almost all cars use to convert gasoline into motion? DA. one-stroke combustion cycleB. two-stroke combustion cycleC. three-stroke combustion cycleD. four-stroke combustion cycle2. A car engine ’s job is to B .A. convert fuel into heartB. convert fuel into motionC. convert fuel into exhaust3. A car uses a four-stroke engine. The four strokes are A .A. intake, compression, ignition and exhaustB. injection, rotation, ignition and exhaustC. injection, carburetion, rotation and exhaust4.With the A at the bottom of the cylinder, the exhaust valve opens to allow theburned exhaust gas to be expelled to the exhaust system.A. pistonB. valveC. camshaftD.crankshaft5.According to the method of ignition of the air-fuel mixture, engines are divided into B .A. gas engine and steam engineB. gasoline engine and diesel engineC. external combustion engine and compression ignition engineD. internal combustion engine and diesel engine6.What is the core of a car ’s engine? AA. The cylinderB. The spark plugC. Windshield-washer fluidD.Exhaust7.Which statement about cylinder head is fault? BA. The cylinder head is bolted to a very flat surface above the cylinder portion of the block.B. The cylinder head is cast into one piece from iron only.C. The cylinder head forms the upper portion of the combustion chamber.D. The cylinder head is used to hold the valves, and it has ports to allow air, fuel and exhaust tomove through the engine.8. The crankshaft and connecting rod converts A energy into energy usedto drive the vehicle.A. thermal, mechanicalB. mechanical, thermalC. kinetic, mechanicalD. mechanical, kinetic9. What causes a car to burn and lose oil? DA. Lack of gasB. Radiator troubleC. A failing exhaust systemD. An old engine with piston rings that no longer seal the cylinder and piston properly.10.What is the heart of the lubrication system, which is located in the oil pan on the bottomof the engine? And it pulls oil up from the oil pan and makes the engine oil circulate throughthe engine. CA. Screened intakeB. oil filterC. oil pumpD.oil pressure relief valve11.Which statement about the Lubrication oil is fault? CA. The oil forms a film on the metal surface and prevents a metal to metal contact.B. The oil absorbs and carries the heat away from the engine components.C. The oil washes off dirt away from the engine parts through its chemistry.D.The oil forms a good seal between piston rings and cylinder walls.12.What is the cooling agent in the liquid cooling system? A系部: 班级: 学号: 姓名:A. CoolantB. AirC. LubricationD.Gasoline13.What is it apparatus that cools the motor? AA. RadiatorB. ThermostatC. CoolantD.Pump14. To avoid loss of antifreeze due to expansion, the cooling system A .A. must not be completely filledB. must install a bypass valveC. must install a pressure control valveD. must be sealed15.The primary role of the distributor is to distribute high voltage from the C to the correct cylinder.A. Spark plugB. pistonC. coil16. Spark timing is so critical to an engine’s performance that most modern cars use a sensor to tell the engine control unit(ECU) B .A. the exact temperature of the spark plugs.B. the exact position of the pistons.C. the exact location of the coil.17. When you turn the key to a car, the starter motor will C .A. send electricity to the spark plugs, then start the ignition system.B. send electricity to the fuel pump, then force the car to start.C. spin the engine a few revolutions, then start the combustion process.18.The amount of force the clutch can hold depends on the B between the clutch plate and the flywheel , and how much force the spring puts on the pressure plate.A. distanceB. frictionC. relationship19. What is the most common problem associated with clutches? BA. The friction material on the disk makes a whining noise.B. The friction material on the disk wears out.C. The friction material on the disk lasts too long.20. A manual transmission is connected to the engine through the C .A. differentialB. beltC. clutch21.A latch mechanism is inserted into the slot in the output shaft in the manual transmission, so as to lock the drive wheels and keep them from turning, thereby preventing the vehicle from rolling. Which gear does the statement indicate? BA. The fifth gearB. The parkingC. The neutralD.The reverse22. How faster should a car with a CVT reach 60 mph(97kph) than the same car with the same engine and a manual transmission? BA. 10 percentB. 25 percentC.40 percent23.Which of the following is one of the jobs of the differential? CA. To allow the wheels to rotate at exactly the same speed.B. To maintain torque.C. To aim the engine power at the wheels.24. The drive shaft connects A to .A. the transmission output; the differential pinion shaftB. the cylinder; the clutchC. the transmission input; the differential pinion shaftD. the clutch; the transmission output25. What are the two main types of steering systems that cars use? DA. Recirculating-ball and power-assisted.B. Rack-and-pinion and power-assisted.C. Power-assisted and active steering.D. Recirculating-ball and rack-and-pinion.26.What is the function of a backing plate? AA. To hold the braking system together.B. To control the flow of brake fluid.C. To control the brake pads.27. A is a computer-controlled brake system that helps prevent wheel lockup during braking.A. ABSB. ITSC.GPSD.EBCM28.The three process involved in the ABS working process are as follows: AA. Pressure increases cycle, pressure maintains cycle, pressure reduces cycle.B. Pressure maintains cycle, pressure increases cycle, pressure reduces cycle.C. Pressure reduces cycle, pressure maintains cycle, pressure increases cycle.D. Pressure maintains cycle, pressure reduces cycle, pressure increases cycle.29. What does MSRP stand for ? BA. Manufacturer suggested rate plan.B. Manufacturer suggested retail price.C. Manufacturer suggested ranking place.30.What does APR stand for? AA. Annual percentage rate.B.Average pinciple rate.C.Annual primary rate.31. The D converts the rotation motion of the steering wheel into the straight-line motion.A. drag linkB. tie rodC. Steering knuckleD. Steering gear二、词组互译1.火花塞spark plug2.燃油滤清器fuel filter3. 限压阀oil pressure relief valve4.机油泵oil pump5. 空挡平安开关neutral safety switch6.传动系统drive line/drive train/power train7.离合器主缸master cylinder8.别离轴承release bearing9.液压hydraulic pressure10.万向传动装置universal joint gear11.驱动桥driving axle12.半轴half shaft13.主减速器final drive14.驱动齿轮pinion gear15.齿条齿轮转向器rack-and-pinion16.循环球转向器recirculating ball17.转向盘steering wheel18.蜗轮worm gear19.盘式制动disk brake20.鼓式制动drum brake21.紧急制动emergency braking22.交流电alternating current23.备件spare part24.售后效劳after-sales service25.汽车机电维修部auto electrical and mechanical maintenance department26.贸易Trade Co.,LTD27.机电技师electrical technician28.特许经销商permit specially a dealer29.四轮定位foul-wheel alignment30.预付定金down payment31.性价比cost performance32.信用卡credit card33.电动机electric motor34.汽油机gasoline engine35.曲柄连杆机构crankshaft and connecting rod assembly36.配气机构valve train37.压缩比compression ratio38.热能thermal energy39.机械能mechanical energy40.仪表dash panel insert三、写出汽车英语缩写对应的英语全称并翻译成汉语1.ICE internal combustion engine 内燃机2.TDC top dead center 上止点3.BDC bottom dead center 下止点4.ACL air cleaner 空气滤清器5.ALT alternator交流发电机6.GND ground 接地7.EFI electronic fuel injection 电子燃油喷射8.ECU electronic control unit 电控单元9.MT manual transmission 手动变速器10.AT automatic transmission 自动变速器11.RPM revolutions per minute 每分钟转数12.CVT continuously variable transmission 无极变速器13.CVJ constant velocity joint 等速万向节14.SS steering system转向系统15.ABS anti-lock braking system防抱死制动系统16.SD sales department销售部门17.FAW first automotive works 第一汽车制造厂18.SUV sports utility vehicle 运动型多功能用车四、句子翻译1.As we know, the engine is the heart of a vehicle, and it can produce great power to propel thevehicle. Generally speaking, an engine contains one engine block, two assemblies and five systems.2.The amount that the mixture is compressed is determined by the compression ratio of theengine. The compression ratio on the average engine is in the range of 8:1 to 10:1.3.The engine crankshaft and connecting rod assembly is to convert thermal energy intomechanical energy used to drive the vehicle. And it is composed of pistons, piston rings,connecting rods and crankshafts.4.Five systems mean the fuel supply system, the lubrication system, the cooling system, theignition system and the starting system.5.At that time, the drive members connected to the transmission input shaft are either stationaryor rotating at a speed that is slower than the driving members connected to the enginecrankshaft.6.Differentials are typically composed of a gear mechanism in which a ring gear receive inputpower, which is transferred to two side gears by means of usually two opposing central pinion gears on a common shaft.7.The EFI has job of supplying a combustible mixture of air and fuel to the engine. In order toget a cleaner emission ,electronic fuel injection system is applied. This system can be divided into three: fuel delivery system , air induction system, and the electronic control system.8.The cooling system forms an instrinsic part of an automobile engine. Ideally,The automobilecooling system keeps the engine running at an optimum temperature whatever the operating conditions are.9.The starting system is to start the engine. This system is composed of battery, ignition switch,starter motor, starter solenoid, starter drive, cables and wires.10.The drive line or drive train transfers the power of the engine to the wheels. The drive trainconsists of the parts from the back of the flywheel to the wheels, including the clutch, the transmission, the drive shaft, the universal joint, the differential, the final drive and the half axle.11.The transmission is used for changing the torque transmitted from the engine crankshaft to thepropeller shaft, reversing the vehicle movement, and disengaging the engine from the drive line for a long time at parking or coasting.12..Although the hardware used in an ABS varies with each manufacturer , the system mainlyconsists of an electronic control unit, a hydraulic actuator , and wheel speed sensors at each wheel.13.The first 4S automobile store was established by the authorization of the automobilemanufactures and market in 1998,and it has unified appearance, unified logo, unifiedmanagement and service standards that operate only a single auto brand.14.Generally speaking, we can give you 3% discount about this car . This month we willpopularize the type of car ty reducing 10%, so this is really a bargain.15.When we step on the brake pedal, we are actually pushing against a plunger in the mastercylinder, which forces hydraulic oil through a series of tubes and hoses to the braking unit at each wheel.。
Interview conducted for C/E&2/E candidate 1: What is the plant to ready for manoeuving and departure port*start the second generator and after all checks, take it on load*The third generator should be kept on standby condition*Essential steps to be noted: Turning engine indicator cocks parameters abnormal noise*Check system FO service and settling tanks diesel oil service tank air system LO system T/C CW system checking the fuel regulating gear & starting system* slow turning the engine*this must be carried out to prevent damage caused by fluid in one of the cylinders and to check the reversing mechanism*Before beginning the slow turning obtain permission from the bridge2 what items to be analysis on lube oil*Specific gravity viscosity flash point TAN(total acid number)SAN(strong acid number) alkalinity TBN( total base number) water content Conradson carbon ash insoluble3 what cause of exhaust temperature rises in all cylinders* Increased scavenge air temperature owing to inadequate air cooler function*Fouled air and gas passages*Inadequate fuel oil cleaning or alerted combustion characteristics of fuel*wrong position of camshaft4 what causes of high turbocharger speed*Fouled air filter(early stage of unloading the compressor)*Fire (early stage) in the exhaust check immediately.5 what causes of cylinder knocking*Fuel timing too far advanced*fuel injector valve needle sticking at open position*Excessive carbon built up on the crown*Broken exhaust valve*Mechanical damage in the3 cylinder6 what action to be taken of crankcase mist detector alarm (never cut out mist detector potentially dangerous)*Inform bridge and C/E*Stay away from crankcases*slowdown and stop*start turning gear immediately for at least 30 minutes to cool down*Through investigation of mist detector crankcase abnormality and moving parts required7 what caused of scavenge fire and action taken*Inform bridge and C/E*Do not stand near the relief valves*slow down engine ensure that the auxiliary blowers are off*In case the fire persists stop the engine gradually to prevent risk of piston seizure*Fire should be go off when all deposits burnt out*keep turning the engine with cooling on to prevent seizure of moving parts8 what action taken when crankcase explosion (Most of the cases engine will suddenly stop upon explosion)*Inform bridge and chief engineer*evacuate the E/R*Every safe effort to be made to turn engine by turning gear or slow turning for 30 minutes to prevent seizure of moving parts*Thorough investigation required into the cause of the explosion before re starting9 What will you do when boiler water level was low during normal steaming condition*Fist start the standby feed water pump*Second check and wash the local water level gauge*Third check any leakage on steam pipes or safety valves10 Turbo charger surging causes and preventive measures* T/C surging can be divided into three main categories* malfunction in the fuel system*Rapid variations in the engine load* Fuel system fuel injection system fuel line components fuel timing*exhaust system valve exhaust passage through turbocharger and gas boiler*scavenge air system*Miscellaneous rapid changes in load and RPM governor*Immediate action temporarily counteracted by blowing offReduce engine load by taking the T/C away from the surging line*Preventive measures regular maintenance of items mentioned above prevent load fluctuations during ballast voyage and bad weather*Periodical check of M/E bedplate a strength member* Cross girder under the bearing housing*Bolt holes* Holding down bolts of slackening*Chocks (fretting cracks and slackness)11 Turbo blower maintenance during operation and check to be made during maintenanceImportant points for turbo charger maintenance●Gas casing scaling and corrosion●Water treatment is essential●Rotor unbalance due to improper cleaning of the air side as well as turbine side wheels●Air side impeller usually have a film of oil on the aluminum surface●Gas side in service cleaning necessary to prevent deposits from combustion products●Improper cleaning of air side or turbine side could result in rotor unbalance and subsequent operational problemsBearings and gear pumps should be repaired at intervals specified by maker12 Daily routine checks required on steering gear system.* Oil quantity in the oil tank within range of level gauge*Oil temperature*Pressures of hydraulic cylinders comparing with normal data* Abnormal noises and vibration from moving parts and motor couplings* Oil leakages from tank cylinder valves ram packing and pipe joints* Abnormal overheating of cylinder stuffing box and glands motor ampler13 Immediate action/causes of abnormal related to steering gear system.* Rudder does not respond* Trouble of auto pilot control* Control the steering gear by the trick wheel in the steering gear room* Failure in buffer spring levels and pins* Continue the operation by changing to stand by pump unit after removing the broken part* Trouble with hydraulic pump (including link mechanism)* Check the link mechanism (coupling) and electrical power to the pump* Lightly press the pump suction valve and check for oil suction* Trouble or abnormal operation of valves* Obstacles around the tiller and ramRudder rate of turning speed low●Slow auto pilot ordering●Trouble and abnormal operation of valves●External oil leakage14 If main engine turbocharger out of operation due to rotor blade damage as a chief engineer what will be your plan and advise to all engineer to resume sea passage ASAP-If main engine one unit out of operation due to fuel pump roller guide damage (no spare part on board) what precaution will you take and your plan to resume passage with one unit cut off.-what do mean by balanced engine ( If peak pressure different ) what will be affect on engine- If one unit peak pressure high compare to other unit what will be your action to balance the engine- How you will adjust fuel pump timing for scroll type fuel pump- If timing advance or retarded what will be affect on engine exhaust temperature and peak pressure15 Pilot on board engine can not start from control room. As a chief engineer what will be your first action of plan.- If can not start engine from engine local side what is your plan of action to start engine ASAP- What are you going to check in engine maneuvering system- Before taking bunker what will your plan as a chief engineer- How will you maintain main engine fuel system ifAL/SL is high and also water content is higher side Fuel and lube oil purifier correct operation procedure and as a chief engineer advise to all engineer- Auxiliary engine running on heavy oil starting difficulties on DO what is your action to resolve starting problem-Boiler safety and action of plan if boiler tube leakage at sea. advise to all engineer regarding importance of boiler water treatment-Oily water separator operation and incinerator operation and how you going to fill up oil record book/sulpher record book- oily water record book and incinerator capacity how will calculate in oil record book- CMS item preparation as a chief engineer- Earth fault findings what is your plan and how you going to check- Generator circuit breaker can not close what is your action- If any machinery merger reading 0 what is the cause16 How do you understand good house keepingAnswer: - Safe and secure storage of loose items-proper securing of doors etc-Good maintenance of fittings and fixtures-Adequate illumination of work or transit area- Avoidance of over loading electrical circuit especially in cabins- Clear and legible signs or operational notices- Proper clearance and disposal of garbage or waste materials or waste oil17 who has responsibility for protection of environmentAnswer: Every body on board has the responsibility to protect the environment18 What will you do from your engine side when ship gets fire while discharge cargo in portAnswer : - Life saving-Support fire fighting team-Prepare engine for leaving the port19 If you have to work in side of an enclosed space, what is necessary before you commence your work- Work permit from master or chief engineer to enter enclosed space.20 What will you do to prevent spreading of fire- shut off ventilator to affected area- Switch off electrical power supply to affected area21 How would you detect the condition of diesel engine during operation22 How would you keep diesel engine in good operation order23 How many types of indicator diagram can be obtained from two stroke diesel engine24 What is the indication that white smoke from M/E exhaust funnel- It is the indication that fuel oil is evaporating in exhaust gas manifold and used to happen during raising engine speed from harbor speed to sea speed- In the other hand it is indication high water contend in fuel oil or there is water leakage in one of combustionspace/exhaust valve’25 what is the indication of black smoke from M/E exhaust funnel26 How would you organize engineers and ratings for overhauling of M/E piston piston ring and stuffing box during port stay27 How would you prepare for M/E X-head survey28 What do you understand PMS29 Describe safety shut down and alarms for M/E30 how often will test safety devices in E/R31 What will you do if M/E remote control was failed during maneuvering32 How may fuel be cut off a cylinder without stopping the engine33 How would you confirm a exhaust valve of main engine was leaking34 How would you check M/E air starting valve was leakage35 What is the purpose of taking M/E crankshaft deflection36 If a ship goes aground what precautions must be taken after vessel is afloat prior to operation M/E37 What examination carried out before dismantling main bearing38 How are main bearing remove from the bearing pocket39 What would you do if M/E turbocharger surging occurred40 what is the cause of turbocharger surging41 How would you known exhaust turbo blower air filter require to be cleaned42 what do you understand about ISM code43 what do you understand about MARPOL44 What do you understand about SOPEP45 Explain bunkering procedure.46 What drill will you do within 24 hours before bunkering47 what are the usual causes of starting air valve leakageAnswer: leakage of start air valve is usually by sluggish /seizes valve action. Preventing fast closure of the valve or the by dirt or foreign particles from lodging on the valve seat and so preventing the valve from fully closed48 why it is need to keep the main engine to be warm enough to a temperature of 50 to 60 degree CelsiusAnswer: To avoid condensation in the crankcase and to be able to get high temperature for the air compressed in the cylinder at the time of maneuvering.49 If the automatic starting air valve should fail during maneuvering time. What provision is made so that maneuvering can be continuedAnswer: Usually designers provide emergency operating handles or hand wheels to open and close the valve manually. All joined engineer should observe it.50 Do you think it is necessary to run the cooling water pump and lube oil pump when you are going to checkpiston .piston rings and cylinder liners through inspection peep holesAnswer: Yes it is a good practice to run cooling water pump and lube oil pump when to check piston, piston rings and cylinder through the inspection peep holes because it can be observed clearly if there is any leakage of water or oil from cylinder liner or piston.51 If you have experience with MAN-B&W MC engines, what will happen to the fuel injection pump when reversing roller guide for particular injection pump does not move to the required positionAnswer: The safety device will activated and fuel pump rack will be remained in zero position and no fuel oil will be injected from that pump52 What are the causes of scavenge fir of a two stroke type main engineAnswer: Accumulation of sludge and fuel oil in scavenge air space and considerable blow out from scavenge air ports of cylinder liner or liners53 What will you prevent occurring of scavenge fireAnswer: a. Ensure scavenges air space drain valve is slightly opened during operation of engine and check the drain is not blockedb. Open the drain valve and blow off momentarily once in every watch to prevent clogging of scavenge drain linec. Cleaned the scavenge air space and drain pipe and valve at regular intervalsd. Maintain fuel injection valves, piston rings and cylinder liners at regular intervals and inspection pistons, piston rings and cylinder liners through inspection holes regularly to d3cide the condition of respective partse. cleaned turbocharger regularly54 How can you know that scavenge fire occurs in your engineAnswer: a. the rise of exhaust gas temperature from the cylinder affected by the fireb. the engine speed dropsc. turbocharger may surged. exhaust gas color from funnel will be blacke. scavenge air temperature rise55 What kind of action will you take immediately when you know that scavenge fire takes placeAnswer: a. reduces engine speed to slow, inform bridge and request for stopping of main engineb. if permitted stop engine and stop auxiliary blowerc. check scavenge air temperature with local thermometer and if temperature exceed 80 degree Celsius use scavenge fire extinguish system. If less than 80 degree Celsius can open the window with great precaution and extinguish fire with fire extinguisher for oil fire.56 What effects does afterburning have on an engineA .Creates high exhaust gas temperature and drop in maximum combustion pressure and damage to exhaust valves and risk of scavenge fires57 What kind of spare parts will you check for main engine after you have taken over the duty from signing off first engineerAnswer: Spare piston, piston rod, cylinder head, cylinder liner, cross head bearing, cylinder head tightening studs, high pressure pipes for fuel injectors, fuel injectors, thrust bearings, connecting rod big end bearings, exhaust valves, cylinder starting air valves, indicator cocks, cylinder head gaskets, piston rings and special tools for overhaul and measure tools main engine etc.58 How will you organize engineers and ratings for overhauling of main engine piston and piston rings and stuffing box during port stay of one dayAnswer: a. Fourth engineer on top parts dismantlingb. Third engineer in crankcasec. Overtime ratings helping fourth engineer and third engineerd. Second engineer supervising fourth and third engineer59 What will you do if one of cylinder starting air valves of main engine was leaking during maneuvering time and bridge could not give you to stop main engine and change the valves with good spareAnswer: Cut out fuel to defective cylinder and carry out maneuvering with great care and infirm chief engineer about the event and follow of there is special instruction60 What is to be very careful when you are maneuvering the vessel from emergency maneuvering standAnswer: Main engine RPM should be careful watched not to run move than rated RPM because governor is cut-cut and controlled by fuel handle6。
Chapter 1 –Brief History of AviationChapter 2 –DeregulationChapter 3 –Structure of the IndustryChapter 4 –Airline EconomicsChapter 5 –How Aircraft FlyChapter 6 –SafetyChapter 7 –SecurityChapter 8 –AirportsChapter 9 –Air Traffic ControlChapter 10 –Airlines and the Environment5章时间限制、维修检查(Time Limits,Maint. Checks) 6章尺寸和区域(Dimensions and Access Panels)7章顶起和支撑(Lifting and Shoring)8章对准和称重(Leveling and Weighing)9章飞机拖曳(Towing and Taxiing)10章飞机停场,系留,封存(Parking,Mooring,Storage) 11章标牌和铭记(Placards and Markings)12章勤务(Servicing)20章标准施工---机体(Standard Practices---Airframe) 21章空调(Air Conditioning)22章自动飞行(Auto Flight)23章通讯(Communications)24章电源(Electrical Power)25章设备/装饰(Equipment/Furnishings)26章 .防火(Fire Protection)27章飞行操纵(Flight Controls)28章燃油(Fuel)29章液压源(Hydraulic Power)30章防冰和排雨(Ice and Rain Protection)31章指示/记录系统(Indicating/Recording system)32章起落架(Landing Gear)33章灯光(Lights)34章导航(Navigation)35章氧气(Oxygen)36章气源(Pneumatic)37章真空(Vacuum)38章水/污水(Water/waste)45章中央维护系统(Central maintenance System)49章机载辅助动力装置(Airborne Auxiliary Power)51章结构与标准施工(Structures & Standard Practices) 52章舱门(Doors)53章机身(Fuselage)54章发动机吊舱/吊架(Nacelles/Pylons)55章稳定装置 (Stabilizers)安定面56章窗户(Windows)57章机翼(Wings)70章标准施工—发动机(Standard Practices—Engines)71章动力装置(Power Plant( Package))72章发动机(内部)(Engine (Internals))73章发动机燃油和控制(Engine Fuel and Control)74章点火装置(Ignition)75章发动机空气(Air)76章发动机操纵(Engine Controls)77章发动机指示(Engine Indicating)78章排气系统(Exhaust)79章发动机滑油系统(Oil)80章发动机起动(Starting)82章注水(Water Injecting)91章图表(不同性质的)(Charts (Miscellaneous))01 INTRODUCTION05 PERIODIC INSPECTIONS06 DIMENSIONS AND AREAS07 LIFTING AND SHORING08 LEVELING AND WEIGHING09 TOWING AND TAXIING10 PARKING, MOORING, STORAGE AND RETURN TO SERVICE11 PLACARDS AND MARKINGS12 SERVICING - ROUTINE MAINTENANCE18 VIBRATION AND NOISE ANALYSIS (HELICOPTER ONLY)20 STANDARD PRACTICES - AIRFRAME21 AIR CONDITIONING22 AUTO FLIGHT23 COMMUNICATIONS24 ELECTRICAL POWER25 EQUIPMENT / FURNISHINGS26 FIRE PROTECTION27 FLIGHT CONTROLS28 FUEL29 HYDRAULIC POWER30 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION31 INDICATING / RECORDING SYSTEMS32 LANDING GEAR33 LIGHTS34 NAVIGATION35 OXYGEN36 PNEUMATIC37 VACUUM38 WATER / WASTE39 ELECTRICAL - ELECTRONIC PANELS AND MULTIPURPOSE COMPONENTS 41 WATER BALLAST45 CENTRAL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM (CMS)46 INFORMATION SYSTEMS49 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER51 STANDARD PRACTICES AND STRUCTURES - GENERAL52 DOORS53 FUSELAGE54 NACELLES / PYLONS55 STABILIZERS56 WINDOWS57 WINGS60 STANDARD PRACTICES - PROPELLER / ROTOR61 PROPELLERS / PROPULSORS62 MAIN ROTOR(S)63 MAIN ROTOR DRIVE(S)64 TAIL ROTOR65 TAIL ROTOR DRIVE66 ROTOR BLADE AND TAIL PYLON FOLDING67 ROTORS FLIGHT CONTROL70 STANDARD PRACTICES - ENGINE71 POWER PLANT - GENERAL72 ENGINE72(T) ENGINE - TURBINE / TURBOPROP, DUCTED FAN / UNDUCTED FAN72(R) ENGINE - RECIPROCATING73 ENGINE - FUEL AND CONTROL74 IGNITION75 BLEED AIR76 ENGINE CONTROLS77 ENGINE INDICATING78 EXHAUST79 OIL80 STARTING81 TURBINES (RECIPROCATING ENGINES)82 WATER INJECTION83 ACCESSORY GEAR BOXES (ENGINE DRIVEN)84 PROPULSION AUGMENTATION91 CHARTS5章时间限制、维修检查(Time Limits,Maint. Checks)6章尺寸和区域(Dimensions and Access Panels)7章顶起和支撑(Lifting and Shoring)8章对准和称重(Leveling and Weighing)9章飞机拖曳(Towing and Taxiing)10章飞机停场,系留,封存(Parking,Mooring,Storage)11章标牌和铭记(Placards and Markings)12章勤务(Servicing)BMS3-33润滑脂的介绍/posts/35/topic-0045-359438.html20章标准施工---机体(Standard Practices---Airframe)21章空调(Air Conditioning)空调出口温度高/posts/35/topic-0045-359394.html[原创]关于737-300/500的空调/posts/35/topic-0045-356247.htmlPACK空中超温,会有那些原因引起呢?(专业贴)/posts/35/topic-0045 -359163.html22章自动飞行(Auto Flight)737NG的Y/D故障分析供大家参考/posts/72/topic-0045-729542.html 23章通讯(Communications)24章电源(Electrical Power)IDG和GEN /posts/35/topic-0045-358102.html737-300 B2972电源及APU自动关车排故思路之分析/posts/182/topic-0 045-1827865.html25章设备/装饰(Equipment/Furnishings)26章防火(Fire Protection)有关737灭火瓶...... /posts/35/topic-0045-357937.htmlAPU火警探测/posts/35/topic-0045-357662.html27章飞行操纵(Flight Controls)28章燃油(Fuel)737飞机燃油浮子电门/posts/35/topic-0045-359544.html29章液压源(Hydraulic Power)液压问题/posts/35/topic-0045-359382.html关于液压保险在液压管路的作用和位置?请教/posts/35/topic-0045-3592 99.html液压系统故障/posts/35/topic-0045-359411.html30章防冰和排雨(Ice and Rain Protection)31章指示/记录系统(Indicating/Recording system)32章起落架(Landing Gear)如何延长飞机轮胎的使用寿命/posts/35/topic-0045-358979.html前轮磨损/posts/35/topic-0045-359232.html谁能说说金属刹车片和碳刹车片的优缺点?/posts/35/topic-0045-358669. html请问哪位对防滞刹车结构熟悉的,简单介绍一下,谢谢那里有资料,网上有吗?http://bbs. /posts/35/topic-0045-359091.html请教:飞机换轮子的时候为什么要转动轮子? /posts/177/topic-0045-177 5484.html一起B737-300飞机使用自动速度刹车时,AUTO SPEED BRAKE 跳开关跳开http://bbs.fee /posts/103/topic-0045-1038900.html33章灯光(Lights)34章导航(Navigation)35章氧气(Oxygen)36章气源(Pneumatic)一起引气故障导致的增压故障(B737NG)/posts/103/topic-0045-1035067. html37章真空(Vacuum)38章水/污水(Water/waste)45章中央维护系统(Central maintenance System)49章机载辅助动力装置(Airborne Auxiliary Power)APU启动不起来了! /posts/35/topic-0045-357370.htmlAPU维护灯亮/posts/35/topic-0045-357331.html51章结构与标准施工(Structures & Standard Practices)52章舱门(Doors)53章机身(Fuselage)54章发动机短舱/吊架(Nacelles/Pylons)55章稳定装置(Stabilizers)56章窗户(windows)[讨论]玻璃上裂纹深度的测量??/posts/35/topic-0045-350765.html57章机翼(wings)70章标准施工---发动机(Standard Practices---Engines)71章动力装置(Power Plant (Package))IAEV2500系列发动机试车总结/posts/85/topic-0045-850361.html72章发动机(内部)(Engine (Internals))73章发动机燃油和控制(Engine Fuel and Control)74章点火装置(Ignition)75章发动机空气(Air)76章发动机操纵(Engine Controls)77章发动机指示(Engine Indicating)78章排气系统(Exhaust)737反推故障/posts/35/topic-0045-357397.html79章发动机滑油系统(Oil)80章发动机起动(Starting)82章注水(Water Injecting)91章图表(不同性质的)(Charts (Miscellaneous))ATA Specification 22001 *Reserved for Airline Use2 *Reserved for Airline Use3 *Reserved for Airline Use4 *Reserved for Airline Use5 TIME LIMITS/ MAINTENANCE CHECKS-00 General-10 Time Limits-20 Scheduled Maintenance Checks-30 & -40 Reserved-50 Unscheduled Maintenance checks6 DIMENSIONS AND AREAS7 LIFTING & SHORING-00 General-10 Jacking-20 Shoring8 LEVELING & WEIGHING-00 General-10 Weighing and Balancing-20 Leveling9 TOWING & TAXIING-00 General-10 Towing-20 Taxiing10 PARKING, MOORING, STORAGE & RETURN TO SERVICE -00 General-10 Parking/Storage-20 Mooring-30 Return to Service11 PLACARDS AND MARKINGS-00 General-10 Exterior Color Schemes and Markings-20 Exterior Placards and Markings-30 Interior Placards12 SERVICING-00 General-10 Replenishing-20 Scheduled Servicing-30 Unscheduled Servicing13 *Unassigned14 *Unassigned15 *Unassigned16 *Unassigned17 *Unassigned18 VIBRATION AND NOISE ANALYSIS (HELICOPTER ONLY) -00 GENERAL --10 VIBRATION ANALYSIS-20 NOISE ANALYSIS19 *Unassigned20 STANDARD PRACTICES-AIRFRAME-90 *Reserved for Airline Use21 AIR CONDITIONING-00 General-10 Compression-20 Distribution-30 Pressurization Control-40 Heating-50 Cooling-60 Temperature Control-70 Moisture/Air Contaminant22 AUTO FLIGHT-00 General-10 Autopilot-20 Speed-Attitude Correction-30 Auto Throttle-40 System Monitor-50 Aerodynamic Load Alleviating23 COMMUNICATIONS-00 General-10 Speech Communications-15 SATCOM-20 Data Transmission and Automatic Calling -30 Comfort-40 Interphone-50 Audio Integrating-60 Static Discharging-70 Audio & Video Monitoring-80 Integrated Automatic24 ELECTRICAL POWER-00 General-10 Generator Drive-20 AC Generation-30 DC Generation-40 External Power-50 AC Electrical Load Distribution-60 DC Electrical Load Distribution25 EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS-00 General-10 Flight Compartment-20 Passenger Compartment-30 Galley-40 Lavatories-50 Additional Compartments-60 Emergency-70 Available-80 Insulation26 FIRE PROTECTION-00 General-10 Detection-20 Extinguishing-30 Explosion Suppression27 FLIGHT CONTROLS-00 General-10 Aileron & Tab-20 Rudder & Tab-30 Elevator & Tab-40 Horizontal Stabilizer-50 Flaps-60 Spoiler, Drag Devices and Variable Aerodynamic Fairings -70 Gust Lock & Dampener-80 Lift Augmenting28 FUEL-00 General-10 Storage-20 Distribution-30 Dump-40 Indicating29 HYDRAULIC POWER-00 General-10 Main-20 Auxiliary-30 Indicating30 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION-00 General-10 Airfoil-20 Air Intakes-30 Pitot and Static-40 Windows, Windshields and Doors-50 Antennas and Radomes-60 Propellers/Rotors-70 Water Lines-80 Detection31 INDICATING/RECORDING SYSTEMS-00 General-10 Instrument & Control Panels-20 Independent Instruments-30 Recorders-40 Central Computers-50 Central Warning Systems-60 Central Display Systems-70 Automatic Data Reporting Systems 32 LANDING GEAR-00 General-10 Main Gear and Doors-20 Nose Gear and Doors-30 Extension and Retraction-40 Wheels and Brakes-50 Steering-60 Position and Warning-70 Supplementary Gear33 LIGHTS-00 General-10 Flight Compartment-20 Passenger Compartment-30 Cargo and Service Compartments -40 Exterior-50 Emergency Lighting34 NAVIGATION-00 General-10 Flight Environment-20 Attitude & Direction-30 Landing and Taxiing Aids-40 Independent Position Determining -50 Dependent Position Determining -60 Flight Management Computing35 OXYGEN-00 General-10 Crew-20 Passenger-20 Passenger-30 Portable36 PNEUMATIC-00 General-10 Distribution-20 Indicating37 VACUUM-00 General-10 Distribution-20 Indicating38 WATER/WASTE-00 General-10 Potable-20 Wash-30 Waste Disposal-40 Air Supply39 *Unassigned40 *Unassigned41 WATER BALLAST-00 General-10 Storage-20 Dump-30 Indication42 *Unassigned43 *Unassigned44 CABIN SYSTEMS-00 General-10 Cabin Core System-20 Inflight Entertainment System-30 External Communication System-40 Cabin Mass Memory System-50 Cabin Monitoring System-60 Miscellaneous Cabin System45 CENTRAL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM-00 General-5 thru -19 CMS/Aircraft General-20 thru -49 CMS/Airframe Systems-45 Central Maintenance System-50 thru -59 CMS/Structures-60 thru -69 CMS/Propellers-70 thru -89 CMS/Power Plant45INFORMATION SYSTEMS-00 General-10 Airplane General Information Systems -20 Flight Deck Information Systems-30 Maintenance Information Systems-40 Passenger Cabin Information Systems -50 Miscellaneous Information Systems47 *Unassigned48 *Unassigned49 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER-00 General-10 Power Plant-20 Engine-30 Engine Fuel and Control-40 Ignition/Starting-50 Air-60 Engine Controls .-70 Indicating-80 Exhaust-90 Oil50 Cargo and Accessory Compartments-00 General-10 Cargo Compartments-20 Cargo Loading Systems-30 Cargo Related Systems-40 Available-50 Accessory-60 Insulation51 Standard Practices, General-00 General-10 Investigation, Cleanup and Aerodynamic Smoothness-20 Processes-30 Materials-40 Fasteners-50 Support of Airplane for Repair and Alignment Check Procedures -60 Control-Surface Balancing-70 Repairs-80 Electrical Bonding52 DOORS-00 General-10 Passenger/Crew-20 Emergency Exit-30 Cargo-40 Service and Miscellaneous-50 Fixed Interior-60 Entrance Stairs-70 Monitoring and Operation-80 Landing Gear53 FUSELAGE-00 General-10 thru -90 (As Required) Fuselage Sections54 NACELLES/PYLONS-00 General-10 thru -40 (As Required) Nacelle Section-50 thru -80 (As Required) Pylon55 STABILIZERS-00 General-10 Horizontal Stabilizer or Canard-20 Elevator-30 Vertical Stabilizer-40 Rudder56 WINDOWS-00 General-10 Flight Compartment-20 Passenger Compartment-30 Door-40 Inspection and Observation57 WINGS-00 General-10 Center Wing-20 Outer Wing-30 Wing Tip-40 Leading Edge and Leading Edge Devices -50 Trailing Edge Trailing Edge Devices -60 Ailerons and Elevons-70 Spoilers-80 (as required)-90 Wing Folding System58 *Unassigned59 *Reserved for Airline Use60 STANDARD PRACTICES - PROPELLER/ROTOR61 PROPELLERS/PROPULSION-00 General-10 Propeller Assembly-20 Controlling-30 Braking-40 Indicating-50 Propulsor Duct62 ROTOR(S)-00 General-10 Rotor blades-20 Rotor head(s)-30 Rotor Shaft(s)/Swashplate Assy(ies) -4063 ROTOR DRIVE(S)-00 General-10 Engine/Gearbox couplings-20 Gearbox(es)-30 Mounts, attachments-40 Indicating64 TAIL ROTOR-00 General-10* Rotor blades-20* Rotor head-30 Available-40 Indicating65 TAIL ROTOR DRIVE-00 General-10 Shafts-20 Gearboxes-30 Available-40 Indicating66 FOLDING BLADES/PYLON-00 General-10 Rotor blades-20 Tail pylon-30 Controls and Indicating67 ROTORS FLIGHT CONTROL-00 General-10 Rotor-20 Anti-torque Rotor control (Yaw control)-30 Servo-control System68 *Unassigned69*Unassigned70 STANDARD PRACTICES - ENGINES71 POWER PLANT-00 General-10 Cowling-30 Fireseals-40 Attach Fittings-50 Electrical Harness-60 Air Intakes-70 Engine Drains72 ENGINE TURBINE/TURBO PROP DUCTED FAN/UNDUCTED FAN-00 General-10 Reduction Gear, Shaft Section (Turbo-Prop and/or Front Mounted Gear Driven Propulsor)-20 Air Inlet Section-30 Compressor Section-40 Combustion Section-50 Turbine Section-60 Accessory Drives-70 By-pass Section-80 Propulsor Section (Rear Mounted)73 ENGINE FUEL AND CONTROL-00 General-10 Distribution-20 Controlling-30 Indicating74 IGNITION-00 General-10 Electrical Power-20 Distribution-30 Switching75 AIR-00 General-10 Engine Anti-Icing-20 Cooling-30 Compressor Control-40 Indicating76 ENGINE CONTROLS-00 General-10 Power Control-20 Emergency Shutdown77 ENGINE INDICATING-00 General-10 Power-20 Temperature-30 Analyzers That-40 Integrated Engine Instrument Systems 78 EXHAUST-00 General-10 Collector/Nozzle-20 Noise Suppressor-30 Thrust Reverser-40 Supplementary Air79 OIL-00 General-10 Storage-20 Distribution-30 Indicating80 STARTING-00 General-10 Cranking81 TURBINES-00 General-10 Power Recovery-20 Turbo-Supercharger82 WATER INJECTION-00 General-10 Storage-20 Distribution-30 Dumping and Purging-40 Indicating83 ACCESSORY GEAR-BOXES-00 General-10 Drive Shaft Section-20 Gearbox Section84 Propulsion Augmentation-00 General-10 Jet Assist Takeoff85 *Unassigned86 *Unassigned87 *Unassigned88 *Unassigned89 *Unassigned90 *Unassigned91 CHARTS92 *Unassigned93 *Unassigned94 *Unassigned95 *Reserved for Airline Use96 *Reserved for Airline Use97 WIRING REPORTING-00-00 General-01-00 Zone 100 Fuselage Lower-02-00 Zone 200 Fuselage Top-03-00 Zone 300 Stabilizers-04-00 Zone 400 Nacelles-Pylons-05-00 Zone 500 Left Wing-06-00 Zone 600 Right Wing-07-00 Zone 700 Landing Gear Compartment -08-00 Zone 800 Doors-09-00 Zone 900 Lavatories & Galleys-20-00 Electrical Standard Items/Practices -21-00 Air Conditioning - General-21-10 Compression-21-20 Distribution-21-30 Pressurization Control-21-40 Heating-21-50 Cooling-21-60 Temperature Control-21-70 Moisture/Air Contaminant Control-22-00 Auto Flight - General-22-10 Autopilot-22-20 Speed - Attitude Correction-22-30 Auto Throttle-22-40 System Monitors-22-50 Aerodynamic Load Alleviating-23-00 Communications - General-23-10 Speech Communications-23-15 SATCOM-23-20 Data Transmission and Automatic Calling-23-30 Passenger Address, Entertainment and Comfort-23-40 Interphone-23-50 Audio Integrating-23-60 Static Discharging-23-70 Audio and Video Monitoring-23-80 Integrated Automatic Tuning-24-00 Electrical Power - General-24-10 Generator Drive-24-20 AC Generation-24-30 DC Generation-24-40 External Power-24-50 AC Electrical Load Distribution-24-60 DC Electrical Load Distribution-25-00 Equipment/Furnishings - General-25-10 Flight Compartment-25-20 Passenger Compartment-25-30 Galley-25-40 Lavatories-25-60 Emergency-25-80 Insulation-26-00 Fire Protection - General-26-10 Detection-26-20 Extinguishing-26-30 Explosion Suppression-27-00 Flight Controls - General-27-10 Aileron & Tab-27-20 Rudder & Tab-27-30 Elevator & Tab-27-40 Horizontal Stabilizer-27-50 Flaps-27-60 Spoiler, Drag Devices and Variable Aerodynamic Fairings -27-70 Gust Lock & Dampener-27-80 Lift Augmenting-28-00 Fuel - General-28-10 Storage-28-20 Distribution-28-30 Dump-28-40 Indicating-29-00 Hydraulic Power - General-29-10 Main-29-20 Auxiliary-29-30 Indicating-30-00 Ice and Rain Protection - General-30-10 Airfoil-30-20 Air Intakes-30-30 Pitot and Static-30-40 Windows, Windshields and Doors-30-50 Antennas And Radomes-30-60 Propellers/Rotors-30-70 Water Lines-30-80 Detection-31-00 Indicating/Recording Systems - General -31-10 Instrument and Control Panels-31-20 Independent Instruments-31-30 Recorders-31-40 Central Computers-31-50 Central Warning Systems-31-60 Central Display Systems-31-70 Automatic Data Reporting Systems-32-00 Landing Gear- General-32-10 Main Gear and Doors-32-20 Nose Gear and Doors-32-30 Extension and Retraction-32-40 Wheels and Brakes-32-50 Steering-32-60 Position And Warning-32-70 Supplementary Gear-33-00 Lights - General-33-10 Flight Compartment-33-20 Passenger Compartment-33-30 Cargo and Service Compartments-33-40 Exterior-33-50 Emergency Lighting-34-00 Navigation - General-34-10 Flight Environment Data-34-20 Attitude & Direction-34-30 Landing and Taxiing Aids-34-40 Independent Position Determining-34-50 Dependent Position Determining-34-60 Flight Management Computing-35-00 Oxygen - General-35-10 Crew-35-20 Passenger-35-30 Portable-36-00 Pneumatic - General-36-10 Distribution-36-20 Indicating-37-00 Vacuum - General-37-10 Distribution-37-20 Indicating-38-00 Water/Waste - General-38-10 Potable-38-20 Wash-38-30 Waste Disposal-38-40 Air Supply-44-00 Cabin Systems - General-44-10 Cabin Core System-44-20 In-flight Entertainment System-44-30 External Communication System-44-40 Cabin Mass Memory System-44-50 Cabin Monitoring System-44-60 Miscellaneous Cabin System-45-00 Central Maintenance System (CMS) General -45-05 CMS/Aircraft General-45-20 CMS/Airframe Systems-45-45 Central Maintenance System-45-50 CMS/Structures-45-60 CMS/Propellers-45-70 CMS/Power Plant-46-00 Information Systems - General-46-10 Airplane General Information Systems-46-20 Flight Deck Information Systems-46-30 Maintenance Information Systems-46-40 Passenger Cabin Information Systems-46-50 Miscellaneous Information Systems-49-00 Airborne Auxiliary Power - General-49-10 Power Plant-49-20 Engine-49-30 Engine Fuel And Control-49-40 Ignition And Starting-49-50 Air-49-60 Engine Controls-49-70 Indicating-49-80 Exhaust-49-90 Oil-50-00 Cargo And Accessory Compartments General -50-10 Cargo Compartments-50-20 Cargo Loading Systems-50-30 Cargo Related Systems-50-40 Available-50-50 Accessory Compartments-50-60 Insulation-52-00 Doors - General-52-10 Passenger/Crew-52-20 Emergency Exit-52-30 Cargo-52-40 Service-52-50 Fixed Interior-52-60 Entrance Stairs-52-70 Door Warning-52-80 Landing Gear-53-00 Fuselage - General-54-00 Nacelles/Pylons - General-54-10 Nacelle Section-54-50 Pylon-55-00 Stabilizers - General-55-10 Horizontal Stabilizer or Canard-55-20 Elevator-55-30 Vertical Stabilizer-55-40 Rudder-56-00 Windows - General-56-10 Flight Compartment-56-20 Passenger Compartment-56-30 Door-56-40 Inspection and Observation-57-00 Wings - General-57-10 Center Wing-57-20 Outer Wing-57-30 Wing Tip-57-40 Leading Edge and Leading Edge Devices-57-50 Trailing Edge and Trailing Edge Devices -57-60 Ailerons-57-70 Spoilers-57-90 Wing Folding System-61-00 Propellers/Propulsors - General-61-10 Propeller Assembly-61-20 Controlling-61-30 Braking-61-40 Indicating-61-50 Propulsor Duct-62-00 Rotors-63-00 Rotor Drives-64-00 Tail Rotor-65-00 Tail Rotor Drive-66-00 Folding Blades/Pylon-67-00 Rotors Flight Control-71-00 Power Plant - General-71-10 Cowling-71-20 Mounts-71-30 Fire seals-71-40 Attach Fittings-71-50 Electrical Harness-71-60 Air Intakes-71-70 Engine Drains-72-00 Engine Turbine/Turbo Prop Ducted Fan/Unducted Fan-72-10 Reduction Gear, Shaft Section (Turbo-Prop and/or Front Mounted GearDriven Propulsor)-72-20 Air Inlet Section-72-30 Compressor Section-72-40 Combustion Section-72-50 Turbine Section-72-60 Accessory Drives-72-70 By-pass Section-72-80 Propulsor Section (Rear Mounted)-73-00 Engine Fuel And Control - General-73-10 Distribution-73-20 Controlling-73-30 Indicating-74-00 Ignition - General-74-10 Electrical Power Supply-74-20 Distribution-74-30 Switching-75-00 Air - General-75-10 Engine Anti-Icing-75-20 Cooling-75-30 Compressor Control-75-40 Indicating-76-00 Engine Controls - General-76-10 Power Control-76-20 Emergency Shutdown-77-00 Engine Indicating - General-77-10 Power-77-20 Temperature-77-30 Analyzers-77-40 Integrated Engine Instrument Systems -78-00 Exhaust - General-78-10 Collector/Nozzle-78-20 Noise Suppressor-78-30 Thrust Reverser-78-40 Supplementary Air-79-00 Oil - General-79-10 Storage-79-30 Indicating-80-00 Starting - General-80-10 Cranking98 *Reserved for Airline Use99 *Unassigned100 *Do not use101 *Do not use102 *Do not use103 *Do not use104 *Do not use105 *Do not use106 *Do not use107 *Do not use108 *Do not use109 *Do not use110 *Do not use111 *Do not use112 *Do not use113 *Do not use114 *Do not use115 Flight Simulator Systems。
Android开发工具Dev Tools介绍
development tools(Android开发调试工具)Android下的Dev Tools开发调试工具隐藏在Android模拟器中,为我们提供了强大的调试支持。
进入之后将看到:1.AccountsTester(账户测试)1.1 Select Account Type(选择账户类型)1.2 Get By Type(通过类型获得)1.3 Get All(显示全部)1.4 Add(增加用户)1.4.1 可以简单的几个步骤配置一个交换用户(email地址和密码)1.5 Properties(属性)1.6 features(特征)1.7 authtoken type(用户标志类型)2.Bad Behavior(屏蔽垃圾发布器)2.1 Crash the main app thread(破坏主要的应用程序线程)2.2 Crash an auxiliary app thread(破坏一个辅助应用程序线程)2.3 Crash the native process(破坏本地进程)2.4 Crash the system server(破坏系统服务器)2.5 Report a WTF condition(????)2.6 ANR(Application Not Responding)(Stop responding for 20 seconds)——(应用无响应)(停止反应20s)2.7 ANR starting an Activity(运行一个活动,但是应用无相应)2.8 ANR recriving a broadcast Intent(接收一个广播意图,但是应用无响应)2.9 ANR staring a Service(运行一个服务,但是应用无响应)2.10 System ANR(in ActivityManager(系统无响应)(在行为控制器上)2.11 Wedge system(5 minutes system ANR)(楔板系统)(5分钟系统无响应)3.configuration(配置)configuration3.1 fontScale=1.0(缩放比例=1.0)3.2 hardKeyboardHidden=2(隐藏硬件键盘=2)3.3 keyboard=2(键盘=2)3.4 locale=en_US(现场环境=英文)3.5 mcc=310(电机控制中心=310???)(MOTOR CONTROL CENTER)3.6 mnc=260(位技术控=260)(Microcomputer Numberical Control)3.7 navigation=3(导航=3)3.8 navigationHidden=1(隐藏导航=1)3.9 orientation=1(定位=1)3.10 screenLayout=0x22(屏幕格式=0x22)3.11 touchscreen=3(触摸屏=3)3.12 uiMode=0x11(用户界面模式=0x11)DisplayMetrics(不显示的属性)3.13 density=1.5(密度=1.5)3.14 densityDpi=240(密度分辨率=240)3.15 heightPixels=800(高度像素=800)3.16 scaledDensity=1.5(尺度密度=1.5)3.17 widthPixels=480(宽度分辨率=480)3.18 xdpi=240.0(x轴分辨率=240.0)3.19 ydpi=240.0(y轴分辨率=240.0)4.Connectivity(连接工具)4.1 Enable Wifi(启动Wifi)4.2 Disable Wifi(关闭Wifi)4.3 Start Wifi Toggle(启动Wifi开关)4.4 Stop Wifi Toggle(关闭Wifi开关)4.5 Wifi on(ms)(Wifi开启多长时间)4.6 Wifi off(ms)(Wifi关闭多长时间)4.7 Cycles done:1(周期做一次)4.7.1 Start Screen Toggle(启动屏幕开关)4.7.2 Stop Screen Toggle(关闭屏幕开关)4.7.3 Wifi on(ms)(Wifi开启多长时间)4.7.4 Wifi off(ms)(Wifi关闭多长时间)4.8 Cycles done:0(周期做0次)4.8.1 Start MMS(开启彩信)4.8.2 Stop MMS(关闭彩信)4.8.3 Start HiPri(开启导航)4.8.4 Stop HiPri(关闭导航)5.Development Settings(开发设置)5.1 Debug App(调试程序)5.2 Wait for debugger(等待调试程序)5.3 pointer location(触点位置)5.4 show running processes(显示运行的程序)5.5 show screen updates(显示屏幕更新)5.6 Disable compatibility mode(禁用兼容性模式)5.7 app process limit(应用程序限制)5.8 immediately destroy activities(立即毁坏项目) 5.9 show cpu usage(显示CPU的进程)5.10 show sleep state on LED(再LED上显示睡眠时间) 5.11 window animation scale 1x(窗口动画规模1X)5.12 transition animation scale 1x(转换动画模式1X) 5.13 Light Hinting(轻显示)5.14 show gtalk service connetion status(显示即时通讯连接标志)6.goole login service(谷歌登录服务)7.GTalk Service Monitor(服务监视器)这是一个对系统所进行的服务器监视,有监视时间,信息显示等作用。
配置服务的命令serviceservice和systemctl服务化开机启动实践:1)vim /lib/systemd/system/WebSvc.service[Unit]Description=WebSvc service[Service]Type=forkingRemainAfterExit=noExecStart=/bin/sh /home/testWebSvc/systemctWebSvc.sh[Install]WantedBy=multi-user.targetCMDsystemctl enable WebSvc;Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/WebSvc.service to /lib/systemd/system/WebSvc.service.#!/bin/bashsleep 1s/usr/bin/nohup /home/test/WebSvc -conf /home/test/WebSvc/configs/config.yaml > /dev/null 2>&1 &systemctl --helpsystemctl [OPTIONS...] {COMMAND} ...Query or send control commands to the systemd manager.-h --help Show this help--version Show package version--system Connect to system manager--user Connect to user service manager-H --host=[USER@]HOSTOperate on remote host-M --machine=CONTAINEROperate on local container-t --type=TYPE List units of a particular type--state=STATE List units with particular LOAD or SUB or ACTIVE state-p --property=NAME Show only properties by this name-a --all Show all loaded units/properties, including dead/emptyones. To list all units installed on the system, usethe 'list-unit-files' command instead.-l --full Don't ellipsize unit names on output-r --recursive Show unit list of host and local containers--reverse Show reverse dependencies with 'list-dependencies'--job-mode=MODE Specify how to deal with already queued jobs, whenqueueing a new job--show-types When showing sockets, explicitly show their type-i --ignore-inhibitorsWhen shutting down or sleeping, ignore inhibitors--kill-who=WHO Who to send signal to-s --signal=SIGNAL Which signal to send--now Start or stop unit in addition to enabling or disabling it-q --quiet Suppress output--no-block Do not wait until operation finished--no-wall Don't send wall message before halt/power-off/reboot--no-reload Don't reload daemon after en-/dis-abling unit files--no-legend Do not print a legend (column headers and hints)--no-pager Do not pipe output into a pager--no-ask-passwordDo not ask for system passwords--global Enable/disable unit files globally--runtime Enable unit files only temporarily until next reboot-f --force When enabling unit files, override existing symlinksWhen shutting down, execute action immediately--preset-mode= Apply only enable, only disable, or all presets--root=PATH Enable unit files in the specified root directory-n --lines=INTEGER Number of journal entries to show-o --output=STRING Change journal output mode (short, short-iso,short-precise, short-monotonic, verbose,export, json, json-pretty, json-sse, cat)--firmware-setup Tell the firmware to show the setup menu on next boot--plain Print unit dependencies as a list instead of a treelines 27-49--kill-who=WHO Who to send signal to-s --signal=SIGNAL Which signal to send--now Start or stop unit in addition to enabling or disabling it-q --quiet Suppress output--no-block Do not wait until operation finished--no-wall Don't send wall message before halt/power-off/reboot--no-reload Don't reload daemon after en-/dis-abling unit files--no-legend Do not print a legend (column headers and hints)--no-pager Do not pipe output into a pager--no-ask-passwordDo not ask for system passwords--global Enable/disable unit files globally--runtime Enable unit files only temporarily until next reboot-f --force When enabling unit files, override existing symlinksWhen shutting down, execute action immediately--preset-mode= Apply only enable, only disable, or all presets--root=PATH Enable unit files in the specified root directory-n --lines=INTEGER Number of journal entries to show-o --output=STRING Change journal output mode (short, short-iso,short-precise, short-monotonic, verbose,export, json, json-pretty, json-sse, cat)--firmware-setup Tell the firmware to show the setup menu on next boot --plain Print unit dependencies as a list instead of a treeUnit Commands:list-units [PATTERN...] List loaded unitslist-sockets [PATTERN...] List loaded sockets ordered by addresslist-timers [PATTERN...] List loaded timers ordered by next elapsestart NAME... Start (activate) one or more unitsstop NAME... Stop (deactivate) one or more unitsreload NAME... Reload one or more unitsrestart NAME... Start or restart one or more unitstry-restart NAME... Restart one or more units if activereload-or-restart NAME... Reload one or more units if possible, otherwise start or restarttry-reload-or-restart NAME... If active, reload one or more units,if supported, otherwise restartisolate NAME Start one unit and stop all otherskill NAME... Send signal to processes of a unitis-active PATTERN... Check whether units are activeis-failed PATTERN... Check whether units are failedstatus [PATTERN...|PID...] Show runtime status of one or more units show [PATTERN...|JOB...] Show properties of one or moreunits/jobs or the managercat PATTERN... Show files and drop-ins of one or more unitsset-property NAME ASSIGNMENT... Sets one or more properties of a unit help PATTERN...|PID... Show manual for one or more unitsreset-failed [PATTERN...] Reset failed state for all, one, or moreunitslist-dependencies [NAME] Recursively show units which are requiredor wanted by this unit or by which thisunit is required or wantedUnit File Commands:list-unit-files [PATTERN...] List installed unit filesenable NAME... Enable one or more unit filesdisable NAME... Disable one or more unit filesreenable NAME... Reenable one or more unit filespreset NAME... Enable/disable one or more unit filesbased on preset configurationpreset-all Enable/disable all unit files based onpreset configurationis-enabled NAME... Check whether unit files are enabledmask NAME... Mask one or more unitsunmask NAME... Unmask one or more unitslink PATH... Link one or more units files intothe search pathadd-wants TARGET NAME... Add 'Wants' dependency for the targeton specified one or more unitsadd-requires TARGET NAME... Add 'Requires' dependency for the target on specified one or more unitsedit NAME... Edit one or more unit filesget-default Get the name of the default targetset-default NAME Set the default targetMachine Commands:list-machines [PATTERN...] List local containers and hostJob Commands:list-jobs [PATTERN...] List jobscancel [JOB...] Cancel all, one, or more jobsEnvironment Commands:show-environment Dump environmentset-environment NAME=VALUE... Set one or more environment variables unset-environment NAME... Unset one or more environment variablesimport-environment [NAME...] Import all or some environment variablesManager Lifecycle Commands:daemon-reload Reload systemd manager configurationdaemon-reexec Reexecute systemd managerSystem Commands:is-system-running Check whether system is fully runningdefault Enter system default moderescue Enter system rescue modeemergency Enter system emergency modehalt Shut down and halt the systempoweroff Shut down and power-off the systemreboot [ARG] Shut down and reboot the systemkexec Shut down and reboot the system with kexecexit [EXIT_CODE] Request user instance or container exitswitch-root ROOT [INIT] Change to a different root file systemsuspend Suspend the systemhibernate Hibernate the systemhybrid-sleep Hibernate and suspend the systemlines 91-132/132 (END)systemctl开机启动设置_龙哥哥的博客-CSDN博客_systemctl 开机启动 https:///tl4832194/article/details/109781230常⽤的systemctl命令以sshd服务为例,列出常⽤systemctl命令:启动sshd服务:systemctl start ssh.service停⽌sshd服务:systemctl stop ssh.service查看sshd服务状态:systemctl status ssh.service重启sshd服务:systemctl restart ssh.service设置开机⾃启动:systemctl enable ssh.service禁⽌开机⾃启动:systemctl disable ssh.service查看所有已经启动的服务:systemctl list-units --type=service重新加载配置⽂件:systemctl daemon-reloadsystemctl启动服务编写Centos7的服务systemctl脚本存放在:/usr/lib/systemd/⽬录下,有系统(system)和⽤户(user)之分,⼀般需要开机不登录就能运⾏的程序,就存放在/usr/lib/systemd/system/⽬录下每⼀个服务以.service结尾,⼀般会分为3部分:[Unit]、[Service]和[Install],以sshd为实例如下:[Unit]Description=OpenSSH server daemonDocumentation=man:sshd(8) man:sshd_config(5)After=network.target sshd-keygen.serviceWants=sshd-keygen.service[Service]Type=notifyEnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/sshdExecStart=/usr/sbin/sshd -D $OPTIONSExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPIDKillMode=processRestart=on-failureRestartSec=42s[Install]WantedBy=multi-user.target[Unit]部分主要是对这个服务的说明,内容包括Description和After,Description ⽤于描述服务,After⽤于描述服务类别;[Service]部分是服务的关键,是服务的⼀些具体运⾏参数的设置;[Install]部分是服务安装的相关设置,可设置为多⽤户的;配置⽂件详解UnitAfter 表⽰服务需要在***服务启动之后执⾏⽆依赖Before 表⽰服务需要在***服务启动之前执⾏⽆依赖Wants 弱依赖关系Requires 强依赖关系 ***停⽌之后本服务也必须停⽌ServiceExecStart 启动进程时执⾏的命令ExecReload 重启服务时执⾏的命令ExecStop 停⽌服务时执⾏的命令ExecStartPre 启动服务之前执⾏的命令ExecStartPost 启动服务之后执⾏的命令ExecStopPost 停⽌服务之后执⾏的命令所有的启动设置之前,都可以加上⼀个连词号(-),表⽰"抑制错误", 即发⽣错误的时候,不影响其他命令的执⾏。
小学上册英语第5单元寒假试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The _______ is full of life and diversity.2.The capital of Mexico is _____ (69).3.I have a blue ________.4.What is the name of the insect known for its ability to produce silk?A. AntB. ButterflyC. CaterpillarD. SilkwormD5.I love my ________ that sings.6.Reactants are the starting materials in a _____.7.The horse neighs when it is _________. (兴奋)8.She likes to _____ (cook/bake) cookies.9.I enjoy learning new ______ (单词) in English. It helps me communicate better with others.10.I have a _____ of bubble gum. (piece)11.The ancient Romans enjoyed _______ as a form of entertainment. (角斗术)12. e of Hastings took place in _______. (1066年) The Batt13.I love watching ______ (动画片) on weekends. They always make me smile.14.What is the hardest natural substance?A. GoldB. DiamondC. IronD. Silver15.My dog has a very ______ (友好的) temperament.16.What is the currency used in the USA?A. DollarB. EuroC. YenD. Pound17.The _______ (小鳗鱼) slithers through the water.18.I like to ride my ________.19.What do you call the tale of a person's life?A. FictionB. BiographyC. NovelD. DiaryB20.My dream is to travel to ______.21.The _____ (种植技巧) improve garden productivity.22.What do we call the practice of planting seeds and growing crops?A. FarmingB. GardeningC. AgricultureD. HorticultureC23.What is the main source of energy for the Earth?A. MoonB. StarsC. SunD. Wind24.My grandma loves her ______.25. A ______ can carry heavy loads.26.What do we call a place where books are kept?A. SchoolB. LibraryC. StoreD. Office27.I have a toy _______ that can hop around the house.28.The capital of Moldova is __________.29.The process of ______ can lead to the formation of minerals.30.What is the common name for a large, furry animal that lives in cold climates?A. PandaB. Polar bearC. KoalaD. Grizzly bearB31.What do you call a story that is made up?A. Non-fictionB. BiographyC. FictionD. HistoryC32.My favorite snack is ________ (薯片).33.I love to _______ (观察) animals in the wild.34.I always greet my parents in the morning by saying . (早上我总是向父母问好,说。
小学上册英语第4单元暑期作业英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.When it’s ______ (潮湿), I feel sticky.2.What is 100 divided by 10?A. 5B. 10C. 15D. 20B3.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Ethiopia?A. AxumB. LalibelaC. GondarD. All of the above4.What do you celebrate on your birthday?A. New YearB. AnniversaryC. Your birthD. ChristmasC5.We eat breakfast in the _____ (早上).6.What is the capital city of Libya?A. TripoliB. BenghaziC. MisrataD. Tobruk7.What is the capital of Zambia?A. LusakaB. NdolaC. KitweD. LivingstoneA8.The cake is very ___. (tasty)9.The __________ (历史的价值) is recognized universally.10.Which is the largest land animal?A. LionB. ElephantC. GiraffeD. RhinoB11.Which animal is known for building dams?A. BeaverB. RabbitC. SnakeD. Turtle12.What is the name of the famous monument in Washington, D. C.?A. Statue of LibertyB. Lincoln MemorialC. Washington MonumentD. Eiffel Tower13.The bee collects nectar from ______.14.I enjoy _____ with my friends. (playing)15.The _____ (种植模型) can help visualize plant growth.16.What do we call the process of changing from liquid to gas?A. MeltingB. FreezingC. EvaporationD. CondensationC17.What do we call the time of year when it gets warmer?A. WinterB. SpringC. SummerD. Autumn18.The Moon has phases that change in a ______ cycle.19.What is a baby sheep called?A. CalfB. KidC. LambD. FoalC20.The ostrich lays the largest ________________ (蛋).21.What do we call the place where we learn?A. OfficeB. SchoolC. StoreD. LibraryB22.My brother is playing ________.23.My brother is a ________.24.The __________ is a famous area known for its health tourism.25.waste management) involves collecting and disposing of waste. The ____26.The chemical formula for water is __________.27.I like to play ________ (橄榄球) with my friends at school.28.In the _____ (丛林), many plants grow closely together.29.What is the capital of Japan?A. BeijingB. SeoulC. TokyoD. Bangkok30.The bee buzzes around the _______ (花).31.The ______ is known for her community service.32.The monkey is a playful _______ that swings from trees.33. A ______ is formed when two or more elements chemically bond together.34.The ancient Greeks had _______ to explain the natural world. (神话)35.The cat sleeps on a _____.36.The __________ (历史的明天) depends on how we learn from yesterday.37.The teacher is _____ the lesson. (starting)38.The cake has _____ (chocolate) on top.39.What is the opposite of noisy?A. QuietB. LoudC. SoftD. CalmA40.My grandmother makes the best _____ (饼干).41.The ______ (植物与动物) interact in ecosystems.42.What is the term for the study of stars and planets?A. BiologyB. ChemistryC. AstronomyD. GeologyC43.The mantis is a type of _______ (昆虫).44.I have a _______ (mystery) to solve.45.Metamorphism occurs when rocks are subjected to high ______ and temperature.46.I have a ________ that makes me smile.47.I keep my toys in a ________ (箱子).48.The ______ teaches us about literature.49.The __________ (世界遗产) sites are protected for their cultural significance.50.Galileo was one of the first to use a ______ to study the stars.51.The __________ (世界文化) is diverse and vibrant.52.The owl’s eyes are very ______ (大) and round.53.How many planets are there in our Solar System?A. 7B. 8C. 9D. 1054.My brother is in ________ grade.55.What instrument measures temperature?A. BarometerB. ThermometerC. AltimeterD. AnemometerB56.The process of mixing two liquids to form a solution is called ______.57.Which of these is a type of fruit?A. PotatoB. BeanC. PeachD. LettuceC58.What do we call the process of a liquid turning into a gas?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. SublimationD. Freezing59.My dad enjoys __________ (木工).60.The ________ (种植) season is in spring.61.The _____ (内陆地区) may have unique plant species.62.An element that conducts electricity well is called a _____ (conductor).63.Playing with my ____ makes me happy. (玩具名称)64.The Earth's crust is rich in ______ materials.65. A ____ can often be found resting in the shade.66.Many plants prefer ________ (阴凉) spots.67.Planting flowers in ______ can create beautiful landscapes. (在花坛中种植花卉可以创造美丽的景观。
【Linux】Systemd配置⽂件说明及编写(2)1. 开机启动对于⽀持 systemd 的软件,如果想要设置开机启动,就执⾏如下命令(以 http 为例):systemctl enable httpd上⾯的命令相当于在 /etc/systemd/system/ ⽬录⾥添加了⼀个符号链接,指向 /usr/lib/systemd/system/ ⾥⾯的 httpd.service ⽂件。
这是因为开机时,Systemd 只执⾏ /etc/systemd/system/ ⽬录⾥⾯的配置⽂件。
2. 启动服务启动服务使⽤如下命令:systemctl start httpd执⾏完上⾯的命令,使⽤ systemctl status httpd 查看:[root@localhost ~]# systemctl status httpd● httpd.service - The Apache HTTP ServerLoaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)Active: active (running) since Sat 2019-06-15 10:49:35 CST; 2s agoDocs: man:httpd(8)man:apachectl(8)Process: 3253 ExecStop=/bin/kill -WINCH ${MAINPID} (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)Main PID: 3258 (httpd)Status: "Processing requests..."CGroup: /system.slice/httpd.service├─3258 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND├─3259 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND├─3260 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND├─3261 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND├─3262 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND└─3263 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUNDJun 15 10:49:35 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting The Apache HTTP Server...Jun 15 10:49:35 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started The Apache HTTP Server.说明: (1)Loaded⾏:配置⽂件的位置,是否设为开机启动; (2)Active⾏:表⽰正在运⾏; (3)Main⾏:主进程PID; (4)Status⾏:由应⽤本⾝提供的软件当前状态; (5)CGroup⾏:应⽤的所有⼦进程 (6)⽇志块:应⽤的⽇志3. 停⽌服务停⽌正在运⾏服务,命令如下:systemctl stop httpd有时候,程序没有响应了,使⽤ systemctl stop 停不下来,这时候就需要发送 kill 信号:systemctl kill httpd此外,重启服务systemctl restart httpd4. service 配置⽂件⼀个服务怎么启动,完全由它的配置⽂件决定。
systemd service的状态机运行逻辑 -回复
systemd service的状态机运行逻辑-回复Systemd是一个Linux系统的初始化系统和服务管理器,它在系统启动的过程中负责启动和管理各种系统服务和守护进程。
1. 开始状态(Starting state)在开始状态中,Systemd正在启动服务。
2. 运行状态(Running state)一旦服务的主进程成功启动,Systemd将把其状态切换到运行状态。
3. 停止状态(Stopping state)当需要停止一个服务时,Systemd将切换到停止状态。
4. 停止完成状态(Stopped state)一旦服务的主进程成功退出,Systemd将将其状态切换到停止完成状态。
5. 重启状态(Restarting state)当需要重启一个服务时,Systemd将切换到重启状态。
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© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Starter Repair
• Starters may not be economical to rebuild
– Depends on:
• Price of parts • Wages • Shop work load
• Many shops replace starter drives and solenoids
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Pinion Clearance Tests
• Starter on the bench
– Solenoid energized – Push pinion back toward armature – Check clearance with feeler gauge
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Starter Drive Service
• Starter drives often do not last the life of the starter motor
– Before replacing the starter drive with a new one, count the teeth on the drive pinion
• Cranking test results
– Normally, when the voltage drops, the amperage draw goes up – When there is resistance, there is a voltage drop
• Cranking speed
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
No-Crank Tests Using a Test Light
• Engine does not crank
– Usually because of an open circuit
• Starter could bind and amp draw will be higher
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
– If the light comes on, the ground path is good
• Starter must be the problem
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
• Visual check
– Check the wiring connections to see they are clean and tight
• Cable should not get hot during cranking
• Volt-amp tester
– Used to test the starting and charging systems
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Cranking Voltage and Amperage Test
• Using a VAT to check starter motor amp draw
– Clamp inductive pickup around the battery cable
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Starting System Service
• Failure diagnosis is important before parts replacement
– Most parts stores will not accept returns of electrical items
• Start switch should be adjusted
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Solenoid Problems (cont'd.)
• Manual transmissions have a clutch start switch
– Should be no continuity when clutch pedal is up
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
• This chapter deals with the process for testing and repairing starter system problems
– Principles of operation and electrical fundamentals in earlier chapters will be important
– Generally, 250 engine rpm is the speed for a standard starter
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Circuit Resistance Test
• Voltage drop testing measures voltage lost when current flows from source to load
• Match old and new to see they are the same
– Inspect the starter ring gear for damage
• Brushes may wear thin and have to be replaced
– Replace whenever a starter taken apart
• Starter on the engine
– Check pinion to flywheel ring gear clearance – Excessive clearance
• Starter can be loud and teeth can be damaged
– Too little clearance
• Use 12-volt test light to see if there is power at the outlet of the solenoid
– If no light, work back through the system until you find power
• Next test is to check the starter’s ground path
– Twist solenoid until locking flange is free – Remove bolts, end frame, and starter body from drive end housing – Remove armature from the housing – Inspect bearings or bushings at both ends of housing
• Single click when battery is in good condition
– Often caused by burned contacts in the solenoid
• Park neutral position (PNP) switch
– Moving shift lever while turning ignition to start will allow engine to crank
• Testing a starter: follow a logical procedure
– Do not skip steps
• Two types of problems:
– Mechanical – Electrical
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Starting System Service (cont’d.)
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Starter Reassembly
• Some starters have brushes on pivots
– Others require pulling up on springs that hold brushes against the commutator
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Starting System Tests
• Low battery voltage: biggest cause of starter motor failure
– Weak battery: solenoid makes a series of rapid clicks – Starter draws twice the current if battery voltage drops by half
© 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Starter Disassembly
• Considerations
– Mark disassembled parts – Disconnect solenoid’s electrical terminals
• Remove two screws that hold solenoid on starter