大学英美概况 美国宗教
Today's racial discrimination
• In 2003, a white people who hate the black people brought weapon to kill five black people then killed himself. The left of the picture is an injured black people in the
• Overview: • From early colonial days, when some English and German settlers came in search of religious freedom, America has been profoundly influenced by religion.That influence continues in American culture, social life, and politics. Several of the original Thirteen Colonies were established by settlers who wished to practice their own religion within a community of like-minded people: the Massachusetts Bay Colony was established by English Puritans (清教徒)(Congregationalists公理会), Pennsylvania by British Quakers, Maryland by English Catholics, and Virginia by English Anglicans.
• 伊斯兰教是世界性的宗教之一,与佛教、 基督教并称为世界三大宗教。中国旧称大 食法、大食教、天方教、清真教、回回教、 回教等。截止到2009年底,世界人口约68 亿人口中,穆斯林总人数是15.7亿, 分布 在204个国家的地区,占全世界的23%。
• 美国的道教研究大体可分为二战前后两个 阶段。可追溯到19世纪,最初触及道教的 有两个传教士:一个是公理会传教士明恩 溥(Arthur Henderson Smith ,1845— 1932)。认为“道教是一般人民的宗教, 支配着他们的精神境界”。第二个是美国 南长老会教士杜布西 ,对中国人的神话、偶 像崇拜、鬼崇拜进行了说明。
约翰·卫斯理 约翰 卫斯理
• 信义宗是基督教新教的一个重要派别,在欧洲语 信义宗是基督教新教的一个重要派别, 言中原为“路德宗” ),翻 言中原为“路德宗”(Lutheran church),翻 ), 马丁•路德 译成中文的时候,考虑到马丁 路德不愿以自己的 译成中文的时候,考虑到马丁 路德不愿以自己的 名字为派别命名的意愿,改译“信义宗” 名字为派别命名的意愿,改译“信义宗”。信义 宗肯定“唯独因信称义” 宗肯定“唯独因信称义”,即认为人是凭信心蒙 恩得以称义, 恩得以称义,天主教义认为人要蒙恩必须得到上 帝的代表教会的喜爱,必须有足够的善行。 帝的代表教会的喜爱,必须有足够的善行。而信 义宗认为人们可以无惧地站在上帝面前, 义宗认为人们可以无惧地站在上帝面前,不必恐 罪恶、死亡和魔鬼” 惧“罪恶、死亡和魔鬼”,也不必因相信自己是 有功才得救而骄傲。 有功才得救而骄傲。因为耶稣因自己的死已经为 人类赎罪,原罪已经因耶稣的死而赦免, 人类赎罪,原罪已经因耶稣的死而赦免,以后人 可以只依靠自己的信心去称义。 可以只依靠自己的信心去称义。
美国概况知识点总结考研一、地理概况1. 地理位置:北美洲的中部,东临大西洋,西临太平洋,南与墨西哥、加勒比海和太平洋诸国相接,北与加拿大为邻。
2. 地形地势:美国地形多种多样,包括大平原、喀斯喀特山脉、罗基山脉、阿巴拉契亚山脉和阿拉斯加山脉等。
3. 气候:美国境内的气候多样,包括亚热带气候、地中海气候、温带气候和寒带气候等。
二、政治概况1. 政治制度:美国是一个联邦共和制国家,国会制为基础。
2. 政治体系:美国政治体系分为联邦政府和州政府,联邦政府和50个州政府之间有一定的自治和责任划分。
3. 政治党派:美国政治中的两大党派分别是共和党和民主党。
三、经济概况1. 经济体系:美国是一个发达的市场经济体,市场在资源配置中起主导作用,私有财产权得到保护,市场竞争自由。
2. 经济结构:美国的经济结构非常多样化,包括农业、工业、金融和服务业等。
3. 国民生产总值:美国是全世界最大的经济体之一,国民生产总值连续多年稳居世界第一。
四、文化概况1. 语言:美国的官方语言是英语,但由于移民的多样性,其他语言也得到了广泛使用。
2. 宗教:美国拥有多种宗教信仰,包括基督教、犹太教、伊斯兰教等。
3. 文化传统:美国的文化传统深受欧洲文化的影响,包括英国、法国、德国和荷兰等。
五、教育概况1. 教育体制:美国的教育分为初等教育、中等教育、高等教育。
一、教材内容方面1. 文化与社会概况大学英语教材中经常涉及到英美概况方面的内容,如英美历史、政治、经济、教育等方面的介绍。
2. 风土人情与地理地貌教材还会介绍英美的风土人情和地理地貌,比如英国的茶文化、美国的文化多样性和地理环境等。
3. 文学与艺术概况英美文学与艺术是世界上最有影响力的文化之一,大学英语教材也会引入相关的内容,如英美文学史、重要作家与作品、音乐和电影等。
二、教材形式方面1. 阅读材料大学英语教材中通常会有大量的阅读材料,例如短文、故事、新闻、专题文章等,这些阅读材料既可以帮助我们掌握英语词汇和语法,又可以加深我们对英美概况的理解。
2. 音频与视频材料为了提高学习者的听力和口语能力,大学英语教材常常会配备相应的音频和视频材料,如听力练习、对话和演讲等。
3. 课堂活动与习题为了帮助学习者巩固所学的知识,大学英语教材会提供各种课堂活动和习题,如讨论问题、写作练习和语法填空等。
三、教材特点方面1. 全面性大学英语教材通常涵盖了广泛的英美概况内容,从政治到经济,从历史到地理,从文学到艺术,几乎囊括了各个方面。
2. 多样性大学英语教材涉及的英美概况内容种类丰富,形式多样,如短文、音频、视频等。
【英美概况】【课堂笔记】美国宗教religion in United States
RELIGION in the UNITED STATESReligious Liberty∙“Among the rights which the new nation guaranteed, as apolitical necessity in a religiously diverse society, wasfreedom of religion” (p. 86)∙The Constitution forbade the government to give specialfavours to any religion, nor were they allowed to stop orinterfere with religion. The USA was determined it wouldhave no state-supported religion.∙When there is a disagreement between the government andany religion, the American courts must settle it. Protestants in the United States∙60% of Americans are Protestant believers. The Baptists are the largest Protestant group.* The largest concentration ofBaptists live in the Southern States of America and, although some Southern Baptists have liberal attitudes to blackAmericans, many believe and practice racial discrimination and prejudice towards them.∙Most black Americans are Baptists too, but they go todifferent churches than the white Americans. Church is amajor social and community centre for the black churchgoers. ∙There are over a 100 Protestant sects in America. Theyexpress variety on a theme, rather than major differences inbelief. In recent decades there has been an increase in thenumber of fundamentalist churches, which often use themedium of television to communicate with citizens. Thesefundamentalists are sometimes extreme in their views. Catholics∙The largest single religious group is the Roman Catholics.More than 25% of Americans identify themselves as Catholics.The increase in the number of Catholics is mainly due to laterimmigration waves of Irish, Polish and Italians. For instance, over a million Irish Catholics left Ireland, due to a famine there that saw many suffer starvation.∙There was significant prejudice against the Catholics by the Protestants. *∙In the 1950s, many Catholics began to question the idea of the separation of Church and State. The Catholic Church had developed many social institutions, including schools, to preserve their faith. The Church wanted the government to help fund the cost of these schools. The Supreme Court was asked to rule whether this would be unconstitutional. TheCourt ruled that it was unconstitutional, and that thegovernment could not help religious schools.Three Faiths∙By the 1950s, a kind of “three faiths” model of USA haddeveloped. All Americans were considered to come in one of three basic varieties: Protestant, Catholic and Jewish.∙The Jews were a small minority in the first years of theAmerican republic. Later, many Jews came to the USA and became successful. There are now many Jews in the various professions and in the academic world.Anti-Semitism appeared as the numbers of Jews grew. In response to prejudice and discrimination, Jews formed organisations to fight this. These organisations attempted to educate Americans about the injustice of prejudice.“People are complicated. They are the combinations of good and evil, beauty and ugliness, truth and falsehood, wisdom and stupidity.”He Manzi (1919- ), Chinese writer.Religious DiversityThe USA has seen the growth of many new religiousmovements. There were many experiments, both religious and otherwise, in alternative living. Sometimes communitiesdeveloped with people who wanted to …opt out‟ of mainstream society because they considered mainstream society, corrupt or lacking in moral virtue. One the most well-known is theAmish communities of Pennsylvania.∙Sometimes the beliefs and practices of these sects conflict with American law. Two instances are: the Jehovah‟s Witnesses who want to refuse to allow blood transfusions when they have medical treatment, and the Mormons who believe that a man can have more than one wife.∙The Supreme Court has been asked to make decisions about whether these practices can be allowed or not. In both cases the Supreme Court said no they are not allowable. Another decision that is very well-known was the 1973 decision whichmade abortion legal, even though many Catholics and Jewscampaigned strongly against it being legalised. There still exists a strong emotional reaction to the issue of abortion.*Other world religions have been increasing their numbers in America for example Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism due to immigration trends.American Character of ReligionThere are 3 unique aspects to American religion:∙All Americans of different religions live together under thesame law. There is no stat e interference with people‟sreligious beliefs. There is no state religion. The variousreligious groups have coexisted more harmoniously inAmerica than in the Old World.∙Religious beliefs of Americans have a strong social element to them. Half of all Protestants are active church-members, and even more Catholics attend church regularly. Many attendchurch not only for religious reasons but also to make friendsand to become a part of the community. In contrast, 80% ofEngland‟s Protestants go to church le ss than once a month and in Sweden most citizens do not go to church at all.∙Every church is a completely independent organisation. Apart from having responsibility for finance and the buildings, thepreacher preaches what he/she thinks is important rather than instilling doctrine (church teachings) into the churchgoers. Why do so many Americans attend church?∙In American history, religion has not been associated withoppression or domination by other powerful institutions.∙Generally speaking, Americans have experienced greaterreligious freedom than Europeans.∙Churchgoing in America is seen as an opportunity tobecome a part of the community and to develop friendships.Key Points∙The American government guarantees religious freedom.∙The American Protestants have a very diverse range ofchurches and sects even though they have the same basicbeliefs.∙The Catholic Church is the single largest church in the USA.When immigrants from predominately Catholic countries, like Poland, Italy and Ireland, brought their religion with them.∙There was prejudice and discrimination against the Catholics and the Jews.∙Many Americans go to church for social as well as religiousreasons.∙Attendance at church in the USA is relatively high compared with many European countries.RESULTS OF SURVEY (1995-1997)It polls a statistically valid sample of adults from a total of 60 nations. Some of their findings from their 1995-1997 survey: The United States has a higher level of church attendance than any other country which is "at a comparable level of development."53% of Americans consider religion to be very important in their lives. This compares with 16% in Britain, 14% in France and 13% in Germany.The importance of religion has been declining in developed countries.In those countries which are "experiencing economic stagnation and political uncertainty," the importance of religion is high.。
2、宗教与社会服务事业 一是兴办慈善机构。
主要包括社会与家庭援助、医疗服务、法律援助、文化艺术、 国际援助、做义工等。
二是研究当前社会问题,向政府提出建议,并尽 力去缓解。
早期的美国天主教徒有大批是贫苦的农民和低收入 者,与充斥上流社会的白人主流教会相比,美国天主 教长期被称作“穷人的宗教”。
1960年,肯尼迪成为美国有史以来担任总统的第一位 天主教徒,体现出美国社会已经接纳天主教。
比起松散的美国新教教会,天主教会内部有一套完 整严密的组织体系,这是天主教有别其他宗教的一大 特点。
• 建国初期:美国的奠基者们从一开始就在法律上规定 宗教自由
• 殖民地时期:教会在美国生活中起了极大的作用 • 19世纪和20世纪交替时期:宗教制度在许多方面受
到打击 • 20世纪初:越来越多的人对待宗教的态度已发生了
• 第二次世界大战及其战后时期:美国宗教团体又有显 著增长
• 宗教对美国人来说,绝不仅仅是一种信仰,而 且还渗透在美国人生活的各个方面。
Imagination Network
2、历史美国原为印第安人的聚居地,15 世纪末,西班牙、荷兰、法国、英国等相继移民至此。
美国在 19 世纪通过领土扩张和工业发展迅速崛起,成为世界强国。
▪ The Declaration of Independence states: “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.”
▪ John F. Kennedy’s presidential election victory put to rest the Catholic religion as an issue in national politics.
Catholic schools and the problems
New Jersey; ▪ Presbyterians from Scotland; ▪ Huguenots from France; ▪ Congregationalists (Puritans ) in New England.
As a result:
▪ Protestants lived side by side in harmony and they had already begun to influence each other.
Unit 6 Religion in the United states
Teaching aims:
▪ to understand religion liberty and diversity in the United States.
British Religion
8.1 Three Great World Religions
• There are three great world religions:
8.1.1 Buddhism at a glance
• Buddhism is a tradition that focuses on personal spiritual development and the attainment of a deep insight into the true nature of life. • Buddhism teaches that all life is interconnected, so compassionis natural and important. • Buddhists strive for a deep insight into the true nature of life and do not worship gods or deities['di:iti; 'di:əti]神 . • Buddhism is mainly distributed over Southern and Eastern Asia. • Its symbol is the Lotus.
8.1.2 Islam at a glance
二、历史背景1. 英国历史悠久,是一个大英帝国时代曾经占领过大片海外领土的国家,也是现今英联邦的成员国。
2. 美国则是一个相对较新的国家,于1776年宣布独立,随后在19世纪迅速扩张,成为世界上最强大的国家之一。
三、社会制度1. 英国为君主立宪制国家,现为君主立宪制议会民主制国家。
2. 美国为联邦制共和国家,政府分为三个独立的机构,即行政、立法和司法。
四、宗教1. 英国是一个多元宗教国家,主要宗教包括英国国教(基督教)、天主教和伊斯兰教等。
2. 美国宗教信仰自由,主要宗教包括基督教、天主教、犹太教、伊斯兰教、佛教等。
五、文化1. 英国文化深厚,以莎士比亚、狄更斯等文学巨匠为代表,拥有世界上最古老的大学之一牛津大学。
2. 美国文化年轻活力,是全球娱乐文化的重要输出国,好莱坞产出大量世界级电影和音乐。
六、教育1. 英国的教育体系包括小学、中学、大学等,素有“教育王国”的美誉。
2. 美国教育分为幼儿园、小学、中学、大学等,大学中拥有世界一流的学府如哈佛大学、斯坦福大学等。
七、科技1. 英国拥有世界领先的科学研究机构和科技企业,如剑桥大学的科研实力备受赞誉。
2. 美国在科技领域有世界上最杰出的创新能力和科研机构,硅谷更是全球IT行业的中心。
八、经济1. 英国是一个高度发达的资本主义经济体系,金融业、制造业、服务业是主要支柱。
2. 美国是世界上最大的经济体,以先进的科技和创新,拥有全球范围内强大的影响力。
九、旅游景点1. 英国拥有众多著名旅游景点,如大本钟、温莎城堡、巨石阵等。
2. 美国也有众多旅游胜地,如纽约时代广场、大峡谷、好莱坞等。
十、社会福利1. 英国实行普遍医疗保险制度,居民享受国家提供的医疗服务。
2. 美国的医疗保险制度相对复杂,没有普遍的国家医疗保健计划。
英国建立了完善的社会福利制度,包括养老保险、失业保险、医疗 保险等,保障国民的基本生活需求。
美国总统是国家元首、政府首脑 和三军统帅,由选举产生,任期 四年。
近年来,美国政治改革主要集中 在选举制度、投票权、政党制度 和政治参与等方面。
美国实行联邦制,联邦政府和各 州政府分权而治,具有相对独立 性。
美国政治主要由两大政党——民 主党和共和党主导,两党通过竞 选争夺执政地位。
• 课程介绍与教学目标 • 英国篇:政治、经济与社会制度 • 美国篇:政治、经济与社会制度 • 英美文化:传统、习俗与价值观 • 英美教育:体系、特点与发展趋势 • 英美科技:创新、应用与影响 • 总结与展望:深化对英美的理解与认识
探讨英美两国在个人与集体关系上的不同侧 重点。
比较英美两国在竞争与合作方面的不同态度 和价值观。
强调在跨文化交际中需要认识 到不同文化之间的差异,并尊 重这些差异。
英美概况课件英美宗教Religion in the UKReligionMajor Differences Between C & P Catholic Vs. ProtestantPower and authority of the Pope as head of the Church in setting rules of moral conduct ?emphasis on ritualeducation of children into the faithimportance of Virgin MaryMore individualistic attitude generallyimportance of individual conscience in relationship to God less formal services of worship (less ceremonial)Hinduismis thought to be the oldest major world religion that is still practiced today. It was the firstreligion that had a concept of reincarnation(转世,再生).In Hinduism spiritual practice (such as praying or doing special exercises called yoga) isvery important.JudaismJudaism is one of the oldest religions on Earth.Religious Jews believe that Moses brought the Ten Commandments十诫and the Torah(圣经旧约前5卷) down from Mount Sinai.西奈山(为上帝授与摩西十诫之处))believe that God had considered the Jews His chosen people.Major Denominations in the UKthe Church of Englandthe Roman Catholic Churchthe Free/Nonconformist Churches不信奉英国国教的Denominations in the UKChurch of England /Anglican Churchone of the many protestant sects which began in English after Henry VIII.the King , not the Pope, was the supreme head of the English ChurchIts head is sovereign, and its religious head is the Archbishop of CanterburyEngland is divided into 43 dioceses,教区each with a bishop.Every diocese has a cathedral as its central church .Roman Catholic Churchthe world’s largest Christian church and its hierarchy is headed by the Pope.have played a prominent role in the politics and history of Western civilization since the 4thcentury.Prayers and devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary are part of Catholic piety.The Church defines its mission as spreading the gospel (福音)of Jesus Christ,administering the sacraments (圣礼)and exercising charityThe Free/Nonconformist ChurchesIt is a collective name for all non-Anglican and non-Roman Catholic Christian churches inBritain.The Free/Nonconformist ChurchesThe MethodistThe Quakers公谊会教徒,贵格会教徒,教友会教徒(基督教教派,反对暴力,宗教仪式简单且无神职人员)the Puritansthe Baptist浸礼会the Presbyterian Church长老会The Methodist (卫理公会)The Methodism is a group of Protestant denominationsThe Quakers/Religious Society of FriendsThe first Quakers were Christians but the religion today includes some other people whoare not ChristianQuakers believe they could talk to God themselves - that they did not need a priest orminister to do it for them.Quakers worship in "meetings for worship", Quakers believe that a meeting for worshiphelps them to understand what God wants.PuritanismThe Puritans were radical Protestants who determined to “purify” the Anglican Chur ch ofall the corruption and ceremonial pomp of the Roman Catholic of that time.Puritanism advocates stern simplicity and strict moralityThe BaptistBaptist churches do not have a central principal authorityBaptists share so-called "orthodox" Christian beliefs with most other moderate or conservative Christian denominations Some beliefs about one God; Jesus' death, burial, and bodily resurrection; the Trinity; the need for salvation etc.The Presbyterian ChurchPresbyterianism is the established religion in Scotland. by1560 it was the official religion ofthe Scotland nation.Decline of Religion in the UKRecently Religion has seriously declined in the UK. Only a minority go to church regularly.A large proportion of people are not really interested in it at all.Reasons: 1. successes of modern science and Darwin’s Theory of Evolution2. the general improvement in social conditions and the variety of modern entertainmentReligion in USAThe Development of American ReligionsThree faith and American Religious PreferencesProtestants and Protestant GroupsCatholicsFeatures of American ReligionReligious Problems in the USChanging Religious LandscapeThe Development of American ReligionsImmigrationReligious FreedomProselytism (n. 劝诱改信仰,改信宗教)ImmigrationProtestants from the old worldImmigrants from other European countries brought their religionsReligious FreedomAmerican Independence advanced the religious libertyThe first Amendment to the Constitution of the United Statesguarantees the freedom ofreligionno state-supported religion, which hoped to ensure that diversity of religious belief would never become the source of social or political injustice or disaffection.American government would not meddle in religious affairs or require any religious beliefs of its citizens. In some ways, the government supports all religion.The government does not pay ministers’ salaries or require any belief as a condition of holding public offices.ProselytismProselytizing is the act of attempting to convert people to another opinion and, particularly,another religion.Evangelical (信福音主义者) Christians often use the term "witnessing" to mean discussingone's faith with another person with the intent of proselytism.Three faithsBy the 1950s, a kind of “three faiths” model had developed in the US. Americans wereconsidered to come in three basic varieties: Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish, but an increasing number of Americans did not fit into any of these groups.American Religious PreferencesProtestants and Protestant Groups in the USAThe majority of the Americans (over 50%) are protestants.The Baptists are the largest protestant group and most blacks are Baptists.Next to Baptists, most numerous Protestants are Methodist.Two major Denomination in America (results of nativedevelopment)Christian Science (基督教科学派)Mormonism (摩门教)Christian Sciencefounded in 1879Health depended on right mental attitudesIllness can only be cured mental consciousness.Christian Scientists believe that through prayer, knowing and understanding, all thingsare possible for good through God.Mormonismfounded by Joseph Smith in 1830practised polygamy (plural marriage)Mormons believe that the church founded by Joseph Smith was a literal restoration ofprimitive Christianity, Mormonism classifies itself within ChristianityFeatures of American ReligionThe variety of beliefsthe emphasis on social problemsthe separation of church and state(政教分离)Eastern Orthodoxyadherents believe in trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.God is reached by personal prayer and devotion conducted in the church and in private,everyday life.The Variety of Beliefsthe wide variety of denominationsEmphasis on social problems and humanitarian idealsfocus on improving the present world by doing one’s duty.less concentrate on winning salvation in the next world through repentance.The separation of church and statemean that religion and government must stay separate for the benefit of both, includingthe idea that the government must not impose religion on Americans nor create any law requiring it.no established state religion in the USReligious Problems in the USsome small sects are intolerant, some emotional, some odd and brutal, some hysterical.The Issue of Abortionthe Issue of Abortion remains controversial because of opposition from many religions.The nation is divided over the moral right of a woman to terminate a pregnancy.。
• 美国教会天主教卡温顿 教区大主教罗杰.弗伊斯
- many Jewish people came to the US from Ger many and more after from Europe - anti-Semitism - many ethnically Jewish but not religious
• Religion in America is very diverse
• Christian
• Protestant • Catholic • Other Christian 51.3 % 23.9 % 3.3 % 1.7 % 0.7 % 0.6 % 0.4 % 2.0 % 16.1 %Βιβλιοθήκη 基督教(Christian)
• 圣母恸子
Christian (protestant)
• United States before independence, Christian (protestant) are the main factions is introduced into the United States, followed by rapid development become the most influential religion. In the United States in the religion, Christianity (protestant) most christians, about 156 million, accounting for 57% of the U.S. population. Mainly has baptists, Wesley Pope, lutheranism, Calvin Pope, Anglican, holy church, etc., in addition to dozens of smaller denominations organization and cross church international organization. Each sect founded have more than 400 colleges and universities. Christianity has already deeply all the fields of society.
英美概况教案(一)【教学目标】1. 了解英国和美国的基本地理、历史和文化概况。
2. 掌握英国和美国的主要城市、名胜古迹和自然资源。
3. 了解英国和美国的政治体制、教育制度和社会福利。
【教学内容】1. 英国的地理位置和地形特点。
2. 英国的历史概况:罗马时期、中世纪、工业革命、现代英国。
3. 英国的主要城市:伦敦、曼彻斯特、爱丁堡、伯明翰等。
4. 英国的名胜古迹:大本钟、白金汉宫、伦敦塔桥、牛津大学等。
5. 英国的自然资源:苏格兰高地、湖区国家公园、威尔士山脉等。
【教学方法】1. 采用多媒体教学,展示英国的地理位置、城市和名胜古迹的图片和视频。
2. 通过讲解和讨论的方式,让学生了解英国的历史、政治和社会文化。
3. 设置小组任务,让学生调查英国的自然资源和旅游特色。
【教学评估】1. 课堂讨论:学生能积极参与讨论,表达对英国的了解和看法。
2. 小组报告:学生能完成调查任务,呈现英国的自然资源和旅游特色。
3. 课后作业:学生能完成相关阅读材料,加深对英国的了解。
英美概况教案(二)【教学目标】1. 了解美国的基本地理、历史和文化概况。
2. 掌握美国的主要城市、名胜古迹和自然资源。
3. 了解美国的政治体制、教育制度和社会福利。
【教学内容】1. 美国的地理位置和地形特点。
2. 美国的歷史概况:殖民时期、独立战争、南北战争、现代美国。
3. 美国的主要城市:纽约、洛杉矶、旧金山、芝加哥等。
4. 美国的名胜古迹:自由女神像、白宫、国会山、哈佛大学等。
5. 美国的自然资源:大峡谷、黄石国家公园、尼亚加拉大瀑布等。
【教学方法】1. 采用多媒体教学,展示美国的地理位置、城市和名胜古迹的图片和视频。
2. 通过讲解和讨论的方式,让学生了解美国的历史、政治和社会文化。
3. 设置小组任务,让学生调查美国的自然资源和旅游特色。
【教学评估】1. 课堂讨论:学生能积极参与讨论,表达对美国的了解和看法。
2. 小组报告:学生能完成调查任务,呈现美国的自然资源和旅游特色。
美 国 位 于 西 半 球 北 美 洲 中 部 地 区 ,
北 美 洲 全 图
一、东部:巴拉契亚山地 及沿海低地平原阿 二、大平原 三、西部:
北 美 洲 西
山 东 地 部 及 阿 沿 海 低 契 地 亚 拉 巴
!、东:落基山脉 2、 中:高原和盆地相间 3、 西:内华达山脉及海 岸 山地
部 山 地
美国主要的河流和湖泊 一、河流:密西西比河(6262KM)、康涅锹格河、萨斯奎哈纳河、 哈得逊河、特拉华河、波托马克河、詹姆斯河。 国际河流:圣劳仑斯河、哥伦比亚河 格郎德河、科罗拉多河 湖泊:五大湖(苏比利尔湖、密执安湖、休伦湖、伊利湖、安大略湖。
苏比利尔湖 休 伦 密 执 安 湖 利湖
圣劳伦 河
纽约 曼哈顿岛
东北部城市:波士顿、纽约,费城、华盛顿佛吉尼亚巴尔 的摩
英美概况 第二编 美国部分
课件制作 刘存明
一、组成:1776年7月4日美国宣布独立,美国全称“美利坚合众国”United Stated America. USA.由50个州和一个特区组成,本土48个州,2个海外州,另外还有一些领地和 托管地。 二,面积:937万KM2 次于俄、加、中,居世界第四位。 三、人口:2。63亿,白人占85%、黑人占11%,其他人种占3%(印第安人、墨西哥 人、波多黎各人) 四、语言:英语 五、宗教:基督教为主 六、目前为高度发达的资本主义强国,世界上唯一的超级大国。 第二节:自然地理 一、位置:位于西半球,北美洲中部,中纬度地区,东临大西洋,西临太平洋,北于 加拿大接续壤,南于墨西哥为邻。是一个三面靠海的国家,自然地理位置十分优越。
Many protestants and deists could agree
● “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights”
● “the laws of nature and nature’s God” entitled them to a new nation
church in several colonies, protestants lived side by side in relative harmony
The Great Awakening
● The Great Awakening of the 1740s, a “revival” movement which sought to breathe new feelings and strength into religion cut across of the lines of protestant religious groups ,or denominations.
“Three faiths” model of the United States
Unit 6 Religion In the United Stated
Religious Liberty Protestants in the United Stated Catholics Three Faiths Religious Diversity
Early American Religions
New Presbyterians from Scotland
● Huguenots from France ● Congregationalists puritans dominated in
英美概况 英文课件 美国宗教
Introduction to British and American Culture
Introduction to British and American Culture
Midnight Mass • Easter Bunny
Introduction to British and American Culture
Church and the American Society
• The ruling concept: The separation of church and state
Volunteerism & Charity
Volunteerism refers to unpaid service. Helping others is a way of selfimprovement. People contribute some of their time or money to charity, education and religion. This philosophy is called volunteerism.
Read the Bible
The Protestant Church
Introduction to British and American Culture
英美概况USA chapter 7 Religion
American mainstream. It helps too that John F. Kennedy
was to become something of a mythical hero figure to all
Americans after his assassination in 1963, thus softening
parts which are considered offensive, immoral or politically dangerous审查,审查, 删剪 • — It’s not constitutional to censor the press. • 6. parochial: a. connected with a church parish 教区的;堂 区的 • — He is very interested in parochial affairs.
• Judaism at a Glance • Three major divisions • Jews in America and Worldwide
An Outline of the UK and the USA
Judaism at a Glance
• Christianity and Judaism share the same roots. • Jews share many concepts with Christianity, yet differ in that they
• dietary: a. of or relating to the diet 饮食的; 规定食物的 • — Will there be any special dietary requirements?
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The Jews
● Until the late 19th century ,
most Jews in America were
of German origin. ●Many of them belonged to the Reform movement ,a liberal branch of Judaism which had made many adjustments to modern life. ●When Jews began coming to America in great numbers ,anti Semitism appeared. ●When faced with prejudice and discrimination ,Jews responded by forming organizations to combat prejudice.
● American courts have become more sensitive in recent year to the rights of people who do not believe in any god or religion.
● Protestant religion and republican forms of government they felt, went hand in hand.
● Many remained religiously observant .Others ,while they continued to think of themselves as ethnically Jewish ,adopted a secular ,nonreligious outlook.
but they go to different churches from
the White
●Next to the Baptists. the most numerous protestants are the Methodists, adherents of the group which grew up in 18 century England following the lead of John Wesley ●Most Methodists are united in the Methodist church ,which has a form of service based on that of the church of England.
●The largest single religious group is that of Roman Catholics ●More than one-quarter of all
Americans are now of the
Roman Catholics faith. ●The majority of the Catholics are descendants of immigrants from Ireland ,Italy and Poland .
Jersey New Presbyterians from Scotland
● Huguenots from France ● Congregationalists puritans dominated in
Massachusetts ,New England area
● Although the church of England was an established
●By 1960, however ,John F. Kennedy’s presidential election victory put to rest the catholic religion as an issue in national politics ●Kennedy was Roman Catholic
Diversity of Protestants
●There are more than 100 other protestant sects with a combined membership of more than 20million
●They express variety ,rather than doctrinal schism.
Many protestants and deists could agree
● “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights” ● “the laws of nature and nature’s God” entitled them to a new nation
●Some have shown themselves particularly ready to be pragmatic in adapting themselves to what they imagine to the ideas of modern society.
●four of the smaller sects are really quite large ,with 2 million or more members .These are the Latter Day Saints ,the Churches of Christ , the United Church of Christ and the International Convention of Disciple of Christ.
●The Anti-Defamation League played a major role in educating Americans about the injustice of prejudice and making them aware of the rights ,not only of Jews ,but of all minorities.
Religious Liberty
● Among the rights that the new nation , as a political necessity in a religiously diverse society was freedom of religion ● The first Amendment to the constitution of the United States forbade the new federal government to give special favors to any religion or to hinder the free practice ,or exercise of religion ● The United States would have no statesupported religion ● The government supports all religion
● By the Civil War ,over a million Irish Catholics ,many driven by hunger ,had come to the United States ●Most were working people Anti-Catholic prejudice was so strong that , on a few occasions ,it broke out in mob violence.
● By the middle of the 18th century ,
many different kinds of protestants livedrom Germany ● Dutch reformed church flourished in New York and
●Main denominations of the protestant church
●The Baptists white and black ●Diversity of protestants ●Other small denominations
●Some White Baptists have liberal attitudes toward the Blacks and stand up courageously in difficult cicurmstances for their belief in equality of all human beings before God. ●The great majority belief and practice with racial prejudice ●Most of the Blacks are Baptists too,
“Three faiths” model of the United States
Protestants in the United States
The Baptists are the largest protestant group
Today, the Majority of Americans(60%)belong to the protestant church
●In the United States ,they have their main strength. With over 25 million members (19.4% of the population) divided among more than 20 branches and concentrated particularly in the Southern Bible Belt.
Unit 6 Religion In the United Stated