



IPS-1000系列VoIP综合接入系统用户手册版本:V1.05目录1.前言 (1)2.概述 (2)3.系统指标 (3)3.1功能、性能 (3)3.2工作条件 (3)3.3配置 (4)4.结构 (5)4.1VIP板面板图 (5)4.2面板 (5)4.3出线 (6)4.4系列结构标准 (6)5.安装和操作 (7)5.1IPS设置简介 (7)5.2产品安装和呼叫 (7)5.3呼叫 (7)5.4IPS系列编程 (7)6.VIP设置命令(Telnet 远程配置) (8)6.1操作系统登录命令Telnet (8)6.2帮助命令Help (8)6.3显示配置命令Show (9)6.4设置配置命令Set (10)6.5存盘命令Save (10)6.6恢复前次配置命令Load (10)6.7恢复初始配置命令LoadDefault (10)6.8系统重起动命令Reboot (10)6.9退出命令配置Quit (11)7.配置数据 (12)7.1NetWork部分 (12)7.1.1广域网IP (12)7.1.2广域网IP子网掩码 (12)7.1.3广域网MAC值 (12)7.1.4广域网口DHCP模式 (12)7.1.5局域网IP (13)7.1.6局域网IP子网掩码 (13)7.1.7局域网MAC值 (13)7.1.8DNS状态 (13)7.1.9DNS IP (13)7.1.10默认网关IP (14)7.1.11NAT功能 (14)7.1.12NAT端口映射表 (14)7.1.13PPPoE (14)7.1.14PPPoE 用户名 ......................................... 147.1.15PPPoE 用户密码. (15)7.2GateWay部分 (15)7.2.1网关别名 (15)7.2.2网关IP (15)7.2.3网关区号 (15)7.2.4呼入前缀匹配值 (15)7.2.5呼入前缀删除状态 (16)7.2.6设备最大允许话音通道数 (16)7.2.7启用快速呼叫功能 (16)7.2.8Q.931协议端口值 (16)7.2.9RTP起始端口值 (16)7.2.10TCP起始端口值 (17)7.2.11MCC通信定时器 (17)7.2.12网守定时器 (17)7.2.13TCP定时器 (17)7.2.14ALERTING定时器 (17)7.2.15CONNECING定时器 (17)7.2.16RAS重发次数 (18)7.2.17网守状态 (18)7.2.18网守IP (18)7.2.19TUNNEL状态 (18)7.2.20网关路由表 (18)7.3CDR IP部分 (19)7.3.1中央维护台的IP (19)7.3.2普通维护台IP (19)7.3.3设置SNMP 管理站IP (19)7.4GateKeeper部分 (19)7.4.1网守最大支持呼叫数基本属性 (19)7.4.2内部网守状态 (20)7.4.3IRR消息频率 (20)7.4.4RRQ消息频率 (20)7.4.5RRQ消息超时次数 (20)7.4.6IRR消息超时次数 (20)7.4.7GKID (20)7.4.8网守信息表 (21)7.4.9DSP状态 (21)7.4.10语音编码类型 (21)7.4.11传真模式 (21)7.4.12语音包允许延迟时长 (22)7.4.13回声抵消状态 (22)7.4.14静音检测状态 (22)7.5SYSTEM部分 (22)7.5.1系统软件版本 (22)7.5.2T35国家码 (22)7.5.3T35扩展码 (22)7.5.4终端类别 (23)7.5.5产品ID号 (23)7.5.6设备厂家号 (23)7.5.7H.323协议栈版本 (23)7.5.8H.225协议栈版本 (23)7.5.9H.245协议栈版本 (23)7.6Dialedlen部分 (23)7.7IP ECHO部分 (24)7.7.1IPECHO客户端 (24)7.7.2客户机定时发送消息时间 (24)7.7.3服务器所在地址 (24)7.7.4服务器所在端口 (25)7.7.5是否作为服务器 (25)8.关于配置文件的存取 (26)8.1下载VIP配置文件至PC (26)8.2上传PC的配置文件至VIP中: (26)8.3用TFTP升级VIP系统软件 (26)9.维护注意事项 (27)9.1VIP板RUN灯长亮 (27)9.2IPS电话无法呼出 (27)图图5-1面板指示图 (5)表表5-1面板LED定义 (5)1.前言●本手册详细地介绍了IPS-1000系列V oIP综合接入系统(IPS-1016/1160/1240)的结构、工程安装说明、软件设置等,您也可以根据目录及页眉的标题进行选择性地阅读此手册。



WY8S8003系列ISP用户手册Ver1.0.1上海维安半导体有限公司Wayon Semiconductor Co.,Ltd.目录1.概述 (1)1.1.软件简介 (1)1.2.MCU与下载盒连接示意图 (1)1.3.ISP升级流程 (2)1.3.1.一键下载 (2)1.3.2.普通下载 (7)2.通信协议 (11)2.1.命令列表 (11)2.2.串口协议格式 (11)2.2.1.下载命令请求协议定义 (11)2.2.2.下载命令回复协议定义 (12)2.3.指令说明 (12)2.3.1.CMD_SYNC (12)2.3.2.CMD_UPDATE_APROM (13)2.3.3.CMD_UPDATE_APROM_END (13)3.软件基本说明 (15)3.1.软件安装 (15)3.2.软件界面说明 (15)4.修订历史 (16)1. 概述ISP 是在系统编程的缩写,这个功能可以让用户在软件控制下,不需要将MCU 从产品上取下来进行应用程序升级。

针对8051 MCU 产品,我们通过串口提供ISP 升级方法,用户需要在LDROM 区域下载BOOT 程序。

将MCU 调试下载器或其他串口工具和MCU 相连接,并利用WayOn ISP Programer Tool 软件完成升级。

1.1.软件简介WayOn ISP Programer Tool 是维安半导体有限公司针对8051系列MCU 开发的ISP 下载工具,配合8051 MCU 调试器支持一键下载功能。

工具支持UART 通讯方式,默认采用38400的波特率,下载文件支持BIN/HEX 格式,BOOT 程序支持的串口管脚RXD 为引脚P04,TXD0为引脚P05,RST 引脚为P20。

维安8051 MCU 支持默认从APROM 启动,配合维安调试器的串口和GPIO 管脚连接目标MCU 串口和P20(P20配置为RST ),完成ISP 升级。

同时支持默认选择从LDROM 启动,利用普通串口连接目标MCU 串口,在上电启动周期(客户可配)之内完成升级启动完成ISP 升级。

DPtech LSW SI系列以太网交换机典型配置手册v

DPtech LSW SI系列以太网交换机典型配置手册v

DPtech LSW3600-SI系列以太网交换机典型配置手册手册版本:v1.4软件版本:LSW3600-S221S002D013DPtech LSW3600-SI系列以太网交换机典型配置手册v1.4.docx声明Copyright © 2008-2016杭州迪普科技有限公司版权所有,保留一切权利。








目录1典型配置案例支持的设备型号 (1)2常用维护命令行介绍 (1)2.1登陆设备 (1)2.1.1 SSH方式登陆 (1)2.1.2 Telnet方式登陆 (1)2.2查看设备信息 (2)2.3软件版本升级 (2)2.3.1 Conboot模式下操作 (2)2.3.2命令行下操作 (9)2.4清除配置 (9)3基本二三层转发配置案例 (9)3.1二层转发简介 (9)3.1.1配置需求 (10)3.1.2网络拓扑 (10)3.1.3配置流程 (10)3.1.4配置步骤 (10)3.2三层转发简介 (11)3.2.1配置需求 (11)3.2.2网络拓扑 (11)3.2.3配置流程 (11)3.2.4配置步骤 (12)4端口聚合典型配置案例 (13)4.1端口聚合简介 (13)4.1.1基本概念 (13)4.1.2聚合模式 (14)4.1.3负载分担类型 (14)4.2端口聚合配置案例 (14)4.2.1配置需求 (14)4.2.2网络拓扑 (15)4.2.3配置流程 (15)4.2.4配置步骤 (15)5端口镜像典型配置案例 (17)5.1端口镜像简介 (17)5.1.1端口镜像基本概念 (17)5.1.2端口镜像分类 (18)5.2本地端口镜像配置案例 (18)5.2.1配置需求 (18)5.2.2网络拓扑 (19)5.2.3配置流程 (19)5.2.4配置步骤 (19)5.3远程端口镜像配置案例 (21)5.3.1配置需求 (21)5.3.2网络拓扑 (21)5.3.3配置流程 (21)5.3.4配置步骤 (22)6端口限速典型配置案例 (23)6.1端口限速简介 (23)6.2配置案例 (23)6.2.1配置需求 (23)6.2.2网络拓扑 (24)6.2.3配置流程 (24)6.2.4配置步骤 (24)7端口隔离典型配置案例 (25)7.1端口隔离简介 (25)7.2配置案例 (25)7.2.1配置需求 (25)7.2.2网络拓扑 (26)7.2.3配置流程 (26)7.2.4配置步骤 (26)8 ARP防护典型配置案例 (27)8.1 ARP防护简介 (27)8.1.1 ARP报文有效性检查 (27)8.1.2 ARP用户合法性检查 (27)8.1.3 ARP网关保护 (28)8.2 ARP报文一致性检测配置案例 (28)8.2.1配置需求 (28)8.2.2网络拓扑 (29)8.2.3配置流程 (29)8.2.4配置步骤 (29)8.3 ARP用户合法性配置案例 (30)8.3.1配置需求 (30)8.3.2网络拓扑 (30)8.3.3配置流程 (30)8.3.4配置步骤 (31)8.4 ARP网关保护配置案例 (32)8.4.1配置需求 (32)8.4.2网络拓扑 (32)8.4.3配置流程 (32)8.4.4配置步骤 (33)9路由协议典型配置案例 (34)9.1路由协议简介 (34)9.1.1静态路由协议简介 (34)9.1.2 RIP路由协议简介 (34)9.1.3 OSPF路由协议简介 (34)9.2静态路由配置案例 (35)9.2.1配置需求 (35)9.2.2网络拓扑 (35)9.2.3配置流程 (35)9.2.4配置步骤 (35)9.3 RIP路由配置案例 (37)9.3.1配置需求 (37)9.3.2网络拓扑 (38)9.3.3配置流程 (38)9.3.4配置步骤 (38)9.4 OSPF典型配置案例 (41)9.4.1配置需求 (41)9.4.2网络拓扑 (42)9.4.3配置流程 (42)9.4.4配置步骤 (42)10 DHCP典型配置案例 (45)10.1 DHCP简介 (45)10.2 DHCP Server配置案例 (46)10.2.1配置需求 (46)10.2.2网络拓扑 (47)10.2.3配置流程 (47)10.2.4配置步骤 (47)10.3 DHCP Snooping配置案例 (48)10.3.1配置需求 (48)10.3.2网络拓扑 (49)10.3.3配置流程 (49)10.3.4配置步骤 (50)10.4 DHCP 中继配置案例 (51)10.4.1配置需求 (51)10.4.2网络拓扑 (51)10.4.3配置流程 (52)10.4.4配置步骤 (52)11 QoS典型配置案例 (53)11.1 QoS简介 (53)11.2配置案例 (54)11.2.1配置需求 (54)11.2.2网络拓扑 (55)11.2.3配置流程 (55)11.2.4配置步骤 (55)12 802.1x典型配置案例 (56)12.1 802.1x简介 (56)12.1.1基本概念 (56)12.1.2认证方式 (56)12.1.3端口接入控制模式 (57)12.1.4 Radius认证分类 (57)12.2 802.1x本地认证配置案例 (57)12.2.1配置需求 (57)12.2.2网络拓扑 (58)12.2.3配置流程 (58)12.2.4配置步骤 (58)12.3 802.1x Radius认证配置案例 (59)12.3.1配置需求 (59)12.3.2网络拓扑 (59)12.3.3配置流程 (59)12.3.4配置步骤 (59)13生成树典型配置案例 (60)13.1生成树简介 (60)13.2 STP配置案例 (62)13.2.1配置需求 (62)13.2.2网络拓扑 (63)13.2.3配置流程 (63)13.2.4配置步骤 (63)13.3 RSTP配置案例 (65)13.3.1配置需求 (65)13.3.2网络拓扑 (66)13.3.3配置流程 (66)13.3.4配置步骤 (66)13.4 MSTP配置案例 (67)13.4.1配置需求 (67)13.4.2网络拓扑 (68)13.4.3配置流程 (68)13.4.4配置步骤 (69)14 SNMP典型配置 (72)14.1 SNMP简介 (72)14.2 SNMP配置案例 (73)14.2.1配置需求 (73)14.2.2网络拓扑 (73)14.2.3配置流程 (73)14.2.4配置步骤 (74)15 NTP配置案例 (74)15.1 NTP简介 (74)15.2 NTP配置案例 (75)15.2.1配置需求 (75)15.2.2网络拓扑 (75)15.2.3配置流程 (75)15.2.4配置步骤 (75)16日志收集配置案例 (76)16.1日志简介 (76)16.2日志收集案例 (76)16.2.1配置需求 (76)16.2.2网络拓扑 (76)16.2.3配置流程 (77)16.2.4配置步骤 (77)1典型配置案例支持的设备型号LSW3600-SI系列2常用维护命令行介绍2.1登陆设备2.1.1SSH方式登陆在交换机上开启SSH后,就可以在串口终端上输入设备的管理地址、用户名(初始用户名admin)和密码(初始密码admin_default)登录设备。






















联想 iSpirit 3024M 交换机用户手册说明书

联想 iSpirit 3024M 交换机用户手册说明书











“联想”、“l e n o v o”和“天工”是联想网络(深圳)有限公司的注册商标或商标。


如果您在使用过程中发现本产品的实际情况与本手册有不一致之处,或您想得到最新的信息,或您有任何问题或想法,请垂询或登陆:服务热线:*************服务网站:服务邮箱:*********************1第1章 产品综述本章主要描述联想天工iSpirit 3024M 交换机的前面板与后面板的组成、功能特性、所支持的标准及安装实例。

本章包括以下内容:1、产品概述2、产品特性3、交换机前面板说明4、交换机后面板说明21.1 产品概述iSpirit 3024M 交换机是10/100自适应以太网交换机,可为大中型以太网/快速以太网提供完美的解决方案。



中国联合通信公司短消息网关系统接口协议(SGIP)版本1.2中国联合通信公司二零零一年十月目录1概述 (1)1.1协议说明 (1)1.2适用范围 (1)1.3参考资料 (1)1.4术语表 (1)2系统体系结构 (3)2.1消息从本地SMSC到本地SP (4)2.2消息从本地SP到本地SMSC (4)2.3消息从本地SMSC到异地SP (4)2.4消息从本地SP到异地SMSC (4)2.5路由选择 (4)3通信流程 (6)3.1专用SGIP方式 (6)3.2通用HTTP方式 (6)3.3通信节点编号规则 (7)3.4序列号的定义 (7)3.5通信的安全性 (8)3.6用户鉴权 (8)3.6.1被叫方付费 (8)3.6.2SP付费 (8)3.6.3第三方付费 (8)3.7SP与SMG的通信 (9)3.7.1通用HTTP方式 (9)从SP到SMG的命令 (10)从SMG到SP的命令 (10)3.7.2专用SGIP方式 (10)通信初始化 (10)通信过程 (11)通信结束 (12)故障处理 (12)从SP到SMG的消息 (13)从SMG到SP的消息 (13)3.8SMG与SMG之间的通信 (14)3.8.1通信初始化 (14)3.8.2通信过程 (14)3.8.3通信结束 (15)3.8.4故障处理 (15)3.8.5两个SMG之间的消息 (15)3.9SMG与GNS之间的通信 (15)3.9.1通信初始化 (15)3.9.2通信过程 (16)3.9.3通信结束 (16)3.9.4故障处理 (16)3.9.5从SMG到GNS的消息 (16)3.9.6从GNS到SMG的消息 (17)4消息定义 (18)4.1基于通用HTTP的消息定义 (18)4.1.1Submit操作 (18)命令的请求内容 (18)命令的应答内容 (19)4.1.2Deliver操作 (20)命令的请求内容 (20)命令的应答内容 (20)4.1.3Report操作 (21)命令的请求内容 (21)命令的应答内容 (21)4.1.4UserRpt操作 (22)命令的请求内容 (22)命令的应答内容 (22)4.1.5Trace操作 (22)命令的请求内容 (22)命令的应答内容 (23)4.2基于专用SGIP的消息定义 (23)4.2.1数据类型 (23)4.2.2消息头的格式 (24)4.2.3消息体的格式 (24)操作 (24)操作 (25)操作 (25)操作 (28)操作 (29)操作 (30)操作 (30)操作 (31)操作 (31)操作 (33)操作 (33)操作 (34)操作 (34)操作 (35)操作 (35)4.3鉴权消息定义 (36)4.3.1CheckUser命令的语法 (36)4.3.2CheckUser_Resp应答的语法 (36)4.3.3UserRpt命令的语法 (36)4.3.4UserRpt_Resp应答的语法 (37)4.4测试消息定义 (37)4.4.1Trace命令的语法 (37)4.4.2Trace_Resp应答的语法 (37)5常量定义 (39)5.1消息ID定义 (39)5.2错误码定义 (39)5.3计费类别定义 (40)5.4R EPORT 状态与短消息状态的映射 (40)附录1: 全网路由表的格式示范 (41)附录2: 本地路由表的格式示范 (42)附录3: HTTP承载方式示范 (43)1概述1.1协议说明本协议是SMG和SP之间、SMG和GNS之间、以及SMG和SMG之间的接口协议,简称SGIP。

IPS 签名语法指南说明书

IPS 签名语法指南说明书

IPS Signature Syntax GuideIPS Signature Syntax GuideMay 22, 201400-108-229429-20140522Copyright© 2014 Fortinet, Inc. All rights reserved. Fortinet®, FortiGate®, FortiCare® and FortiGuard®, and certain other marks are registered trademarks of Fortinet, Inc., and other Fortinet names herein may also be registered and/or common law trademarks of Fortinet. All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Performance and other metrics contained herein were attained in internal lab tests under ideal conditions, and actual performance and other results may vary. Network variables, different network environments and other conditions may affect performance results. Nothing herein represents any binding commitment by Fortinet, and Fortinet disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, except to the extent Fortinet enters a binding written contract, signed by Fortinet’s General Counsel, with a purchaser that expressly warrants that the identified product will perform according to certain expressly-identified performance metrics and, in such event, only the specific performance metrics expressly identified in such binding written contract shall be binding on Fortinet. For absolute clarity, any such warranty will be limited to performance in the same ideal conditions as in Fortinet’s internal lab tests. Fortinet disclaims in full any covenants, representations,and guarantees pursuant hereto, whether express or implied. Fortinet reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice, and the most current version of the publication shall be applicable.Fortinet Document Library Fortinet Video Library Fortinet Knowledge Base Customer Service & Support Training Services FortiGuard Document Feedback*********************Table of ContentsTable of Figures (5)List of Tables (6)Change Log (7)Quick Reference (8)Introduction (17)Overview (17)Introduction (17)Protocol Related Options (18)name (18)protocol (18)IP header options (19)TCP header options (23)UDP header options (26)ICMP header options (27)Payload Related Options (29)pattern (29)pcre (30)context (31)no_case (32)distance, distance_abs, within, within_abs (33)byte_jump, byte_test (34)Special Options (37)service (37)flow (37)tag (38)parsed_type (39)dhcp_type (41)data_size (42)rate and track (43)log (44)data_at (44)rpc_num (44)file_type (45)crc32 (46)Deprecated Options (47)Appendix A: Engine and Option Details (48)Service option types (48)IPS engine service logic (49)Signature options (50)How IPS triggers an alert (51)Appendix B: Option Diagrams (52)Pattern context (52)HTTP/SIP context (52)POP3 context (53)SMTP context (53)IMAP context (54)SSH context (54)SSL context (55)Distance within diagram (57)Byte_jump diagram (58)PSET/LASTTAG diagram (58)Appendix C: Signature Definitions (59)Context protocol notes (59)Range modifier notes (60)Typical signature definition errors (60)Signature definition conventions (61)Table of FiguresFigure 1: IPv4 packet format (19)Figure 2: IPv6 header format (19)Figure 3: TCP packet format (23)Figure 4: UDP packet format (26)Figure 5: ICMPv4 packet format (27)Figure 6: ICMPv6 packet format (27)Figure 7: Legend (52)Figure 8: HTTP/SIP context (52)Figure 9: POP3 context (53)Figure 10: SMTP context (53)Figure 11: IMAP context (54)Figure 12: SSH context (54)Figure 13: SSL context (55)Figure 14: SSL context (56)Figure 15: Distance within (57)Figure 16: Byte_jump (58)Figure 17: PSET/LASTTAG (58)List of TablesTable 1: IPS signature quick reference (8)Table 2: IP header property tests (19)Table 3: Check TCP header properties (23)Table 4: Check UDP header options (26)Table 5: ICMP header tests (27)Table 6: Types defined in RFC (41)Table 7: Supported service types (48)Table 8: Basic options (50)Table 9: Pattern signature options (50)Table 10: Removed PCRE modifiers (59)Change LogQuick ReferenceIntroductionOverviewThe purpose of this document is to provide details about the format and syntax of signatures forIPS Engine 4.0. Signatures are one of the most critical parts of IPS. All signatures written shouldcomply strictly with the format defined in this document.IntroductionFortinet’s IPS Signatures, or rules, falls into two categories: official and custom. This guide onlydiscusses custom rules. Official rules are made by Fortinet analysts and are distributed in theofficial release packages. Custom user rules are made by our customers for their own use. Itshould be noted that the maximum allowed length of a custom user signature is 1024 bytes,while the maximum length of an official release signature is 4096 bytes.The Fortinet IPS Engine uses a simple, lightweight signature definition language. An IPSsignature is made up of a type header and a series of option/value pairs, as shown in the formatbelow:TYPE( <option1 value1>; <option2 value2>; ... )•The TYPE for normal signatures is "F-SBID".•An option starts with "--", followed by the option name, a space and the option value, and ends with a semicolon ";".•Option names and keywords are case insensitive.•Some options do not need a value.The options are divided into four categories based on their purpose:•Basic options: used to identify and control a signature, but not related to packetinspection. These options are not addressed in this guide.•Protocol related options: used to detect IP/ICMP/UDP/TCP protocol headers.•Payload related options: used to detect the packet payload.•Special options: options used for all other purposes.In the following sections, we will discuss each of these option categories in detail. The tables in“Signature options” on page 50 contain links to more information on all of the options.Protocol Related OptionsPayload Related OptionsIPS signatures use pattern matching for inspecting of a packet payload. A pattern definitionstarts with a --pattern or a --pcre option name, and is followed by a series of modifiers.The general format of a pattern definition is:--pattern <string>; [--context c;] [--no_case;][--distance n[,<refer>]]; [--within n[,<refer>]];Or, for PCRE patterns:--pcre <string>; [--context c;] [--distance n[,<refer>]];[--within n[,<refer>]];patternThe pattern keyword is used to specify which content to match. The pattern can containmixed text and binary data. The binary data is generally enclosed within the pipe "|" characters,and is represented as hexadecimal numbers. It can match content in all packets for allprotocols.If there is no no_case keyword following the pattern keyword, the content matching is casesensitive.If there is no distance or within keyword following the pattern keyword, the content issearched for from the beginning of the packet to the end.If --context packet_origin does not follow the pattern keyword, for decoded traffic likeTelnet and BO2K, the content is searched for in the decoded buffer. So in order to search theoriginal buffer, --context packet_origin should be used as a modifier for the patternkeyword.The pattern to be matched must be enclosed in double quotation marks and followed by asemicolon. The special characters (";\|) must be written as (|22|, |3B| or |3b|, |5C| or|5c|, |7C| or |7c|). Although a backslash ( \ ) can be used to escape any character except";", this is not recommended.Format--pattern [!]"<text>"; //[!] indicates the content is matched if it does not appear in the packet.Examples--pattern "/level/";--pattern "|E8 D9FF FFFF|/bin/sh";--pattern !"|20|RTSP/";As IPS Engine handles PCRE a lot slower compared to normal pattern matching. PCRE should be used very carefully, especially for signatures that detect traffic from HTTP servers or traffic that does not specify a port.Special OptionsExamplesThe following are two versions of the same HTTP signature, the second one is faster and more accurate.1.F-SBID( --name "FrontPage.Fp30reg.Chunked.Overflow"; --protocol tcp;--service HTTP; --flow from_client; --pattern "POST";--context uri; --distance 0,context; --within 5,context;--pattern "/_vti_bin/_vti_aut/fp30reg.dll"; --context uri;--no_case; --distance 0; --pattern "TransferEncoding";--context header; --no_case; --pattern "chunked";--context header; no_case; --distance 1; )2.F-SBID( --name "FrontPage.Fp30reg.Chunked.Overflow"; --protocol tcp;--service HTTP; --flow from_client; --parsed_type HTTP_POST;--pattern "/_vti_bin/_vti_aut/fp30reg.dll"; --context uri;--no_case; --parsed_type HTTP_CHUNKED; )These are two SSL signatures that detect the same vulnerability. The second one is better than the first one.1.F-SBID( -name "SSL.PCT.Overflow"; --protocol tcp; --dst_port 443;--flow from_client; --tag test,!Tag.SSLv3.Web.443;--tag test,!Tag.SSLv2.Web.443; --tag test,!Tag.TLSv1.Web.443;--pattern "|01|"; --within 1,packet; --distance 2,packet;--byte_test 2,>,1,3; --byte_test 2,<,0x301,3; --byte_test2,>,0,5; --byte_test 2,!,0,7; --byte_test 2,<,16,7; --byte_test2,>,16,9; --byte_test 2,<,33,9; --pattern "|8F|";--within 1,packet; --distance 11,packet;--byte_test 2,>,32768,0,relative; --data_size >300; )2.F-SBID( --name "SSL.PCT.Overflow"; --protocol tcp;--flow from_client; --service SSL;--parsed_type SSL_PCT;--pattern "|01|"; --within 1,packet; --distance 2,packet;--byte_test 2,>,1,3; --byte_test 2,<,0x301,3; --byte_test2,>,0,5; --byte_test 2,!,0,7; --byte_test 2,<,16,7; --byte_test2,>,16,9; --byte_test 2,<,33,9; --pattern "|8F|";--within 1,packet; --distance 11,packet;--byte_test 2,>,32768,0,relative; --data_size >300; )Deprecated OptionsThese keywords are still supported in order to maintain backward compatibility: uriheaderbodycontentrawoffsetdepthAppendix A: Engine and Option Details。



IPS方案1. 引言入侵防御系统(Intrusion Prevention System,IPS)是一种网络安全措施,用于监视和阻止网络中的恶意行为和攻击。



2. IPS的基本原理IPS系统的基本原理是通过检测网络流量中的异常和恶意行为,并主动阻止这些行为。









3. IPS的功能IPS系统具有以下主要功能:3.1 攻击检测和阻止IPS系统能够识别和阻止各种网络攻击,包括但不限于:•网络扫描和扫描工具的检测•拒绝服务(DoS)攻击的阻止•恶意软件和病毒的检测和清除•网络入侵的防御3.2 漏洞管理和修复IPS系统可以扫描系统中的漏洞,并及时通知管理员进行修复。


3.3 日志和报告IPS系统记录和存储安全事件的日志,并生成详细的报告。


3.4 实时监控和响应IPS系统实时监控网络流量,并对恶意行为进行即时响应。


4. IPS的部署方式IPS系统可以根据部署位置的不同,分为以下几种方式:4.1 网络边界IPS网络边界IPS部署在网络边界,用于监控和防御外部网络对内部网络的攻击和入侵行为。



IPS配置天融信TOPSEC® 北京市海淀区上地东路1号华控大厦 100085电话:+8610-82776666传真:+8610-82776677服务热线:+8610-8008105119版权声明 本手册中的所有内容及格式的版权属于北京天融信公司(以下简称天融信)所有,未经天融信许可,任何人不得仿制、拷贝、转译或任意引用。

版权所有不得翻印© 1995-2008 天融信公司商标声明 本手册中所谈及的产品名称仅做识别之用。


TOPSEC® 天融信公司信息反馈目录1入侵防御 (1)1.1IPS策略 (1)1.2IPS引擎 (7)1.3服务 (8)1.4动作 (9)1.5规则 (10)1.5.1系统规则 (10)1.5.2系统规则集 (11)1.5.3自定义规则 (14)1.5.4自定义规则集 (15)1.6规则库管理 (17)1.6.1系统规则库 (17)1.6.2自定义规则库 (18)1.7防火墙联动 (19)1.8IPS报表 (22)1.8.1攻击排名 (22)1.8.2详细事件 (22)2自定义规则使用说明 (24)A.1负载检测类规则选项 (24)A.2非负载检查类规则选项 (27)A.3IP (32)A.4TCP (34)A.5HTTP (35)A.6DNS (39)A.7FTP (42)A.8POP3 (44)A.9SMTP (45)A.10QQ (46)A.11MSN (47)A.12IMAP (48)1入侵防御天融信入侵防御设备是基于模式匹配和异常检测技术对网络数据进行在线数据解析和攻击检测的网络安全解决方案。



本章内容主要包括:z IPS策略:介绍如何设置入侵防御规则。



系统主备用SCM板可以各提供1个 10/100Base-T上行控制接口,系统提 供4路外标输入,每个业务槽位提供2 个10/100/1000Base-T宽代接口(RJ45 ),以及最大16个E1接口6来自IPS60---系统逻辑图
高层信令处理 呼叫控制 系统控制 操作维护接口

电源 模块
8K×8K交换网 络 配备3级时钟 关键部件1:1冗 余备份 信令处理板N+1 冗余备份 最大144个E1, 每块接口板的 E1数为16

两路48V直流电源输入 输出+5V,+3.3V,+12V,-12V电源 3个模块电源,N+1冗余工作模式 输入/输出,过压,过流,过热告警输出
MPPII 8L/4E1:多协议处理板
数字中继接口---4E1 64kbit/s信令 MTP1~2层信令处理 最多支持8条64Kbit/s信令处理 MPPII
MPPII 1HL(HS7P):高速2M信令板
2M 信令MTP1~2层信令处理 最多支持1条2M信令处理



中国联通公司企业标准QB/CU 204-2011中国联通客户网络管理系统接口规范China Unicom Customer Network Management System Interface Specification(v1.0)2011-06-22发布2011-06-22实施中国联通公司发布目录1 范围 (2)2 规范性引用文件 (2)3 缩略语 (2)4 接口概述 (4)5 客户网管系统部省级接口 (6)5.1 接口简要描述 (6)5.2 网络连接方式 (6)5.3 接口功能需求 (6)5.3.1过滤条件设置 (6)5.3.2数据信息接口 (6)5.3.3告警故障接口 (7)5.3.4性能信息接口 (8)5.4 接口方式及协议 (8)5.5 接口详细描述 (8)5.5.1连接测试 (8)5.5.2过滤条件设置 (9)5.5.3数据信息接口 (10)5.5.4告警故障接口 (17)5.5.5性能信息接口 (20)6 与资源管理系统间接口 (23)6.1 接口简要描述 (23)6.2 接口功能需求 (23)6.2.1资源数据同步 (23)6.2.2资源数据查询 (24)6.2.3资源数据变更通知 (24)6.3 接口方式及协议 (24)6.4 接口详细描述 (24)6.4.1采用Webservice+FTP方式 (24)6.4.2采用中间表方式 (33)7 与电子运维系统间接口 (38)7.1 接口简要描述 (38)7.2 接口功能需求 (38)7.2.1故障派单 (38)7.2.2故障单管理 (38)7.2.3重保电路信息同步 (38)7.2.4电路割接信息同步 (39)7.3 接口方式及协议 (39)7.4 接口详细描述 (39)7.4.1接口数据 (39)7.4.2电子运维系统侧接口服务定义 (42)7.4.3客户网管侧接口服务定义 (44)8 与传输网综合网管系统间接口 (48)8.1 接口简要描述 (48)8.2 接口功能需求 (48)8.2.1过滤条件设置 (48)8.2.2告警同步 (48)8.2.3告警同步通知 (48)8.2.4告警实时上报 (48)8.2.5告警结束通知 (49)8.2.6性能任务定制 (49)8.2.7性能数据获取通知 (49)8.3 接口方式及协议 (49)8.4 接口交互数据 (49)8.4.1告警信息 (49)8.4.2性能数据 (50)8.5 接口详细描述 (51)8.5.1传输网综合网管系统侧接口服务定义 (51)8.5.2客户网管系统侧服务定义 (55)9 与IP网综合网管系统间接口 (60)9.1 接口简要描述 (60)9.2 接口功能需求 (60)9.2.1告警同步 (60)9.2.2告警实时上报 (60)9.2.3过滤条件设置 (60)9.2.4定制性能任务 (60)9.2.5性能数据获取通知 (61)9.2.6节点间IP网络层时延测试 (61)9.2.7MPLS VPN电路:获取各QoS等级带宽占用百分比 (61)9.3 接口方式及协议 (61)9.4 交互数据定义 (62)9.4.1IP电路相关性能参数定义表 (62)9.4.2告警信息 (63)9.5 接口详细描述 (64)9.5.1IP综合网管系统侧服务定义 (64)9.5.2客户网管系统侧服务定义 (71)10 与数据ATM网管理系统间接口 (75)10.1 接口简要描述 (75)10.2 接口功能需求 (75)10.2.1告警同步 (75)10.2.2告警实时上报 (75)10.2.3过滤条件设置 (75)10.2.4定制性能任务 (75)10.2.5性能数据文件获取 (76)10.3 接口方式及协议 (76)10.4 接口交互数据 (76)10.4.1告警信息 (76)10.4.2性能数据 (77)10.5 接口详细描述 (77)10.5.1数据ATM管理系统侧接口服务定义 (77)10.5.2客户网管系统侧服务定义 (81)附录A接口服务定义代码说明 (85)A.1 错误代码表 (85)A.2 系统代码表 (85)A.3 同步请求标识和通知标识的编号规则 (85)A.4 Filter的BNF范式说明 (86)A.5 资源数据文件命名规则 (88)附录B 客户网管部省接口WSDL (89)前言中国联通客户网管系统,是以对客户租用电路和客户设备的实时监测为主要目标,从面向客户、面向业务的角度对网管数据进行分析和呈现,实现大客户网络的状态监视、故障定位以及性能分析等功能,同时为大客户提供统计报表和SLA报告,使其成为中国联通为大客户服务的重要支撑平台。

IPS 领先的数字会议系统 说明书

IPS 领先的数字会议系统 说明书
在主机上可设置同时发言的话筒数量、发言的模式;也可对代表单元统一编地址。设定后参数保存在非易失存储 器中,每次开机自动调用,无需人工再行干预 有辅助麦克风输入/辅助音源输入 主机面板调整系统音量、辅助输出/输入音量、会议单元喇叭音量 麦克风直接输出/混合输出选择 会议单元采用手拉手连接 具有按键签到功能 有4个系统干线输出,每路最多连接20个单元;系统最多连接64个单元 系 统 具 有 视 像 自 动 跟 踪 功 能 , 可 同 时 使 用 4个 摄 像 机 , 可 采 用 不 同 的 控 制 协 议 ( PELCO_D、 SONY、 SAMSUNG等协议),也可使用固定摄像机 主机内置一个四进一出的视频切换开关 自动视像跟踪系统带有全景功能:如果代表发言,则摄像机指向代表,如果代表关闭而主席处于发言状态,则摄像 机自动转向主席,如果主席不在发言状态,则摄像机自动转向全景预置位 使用IPS SW400计算机会议讨论管理软件:在计算机上控制会议进程,对会议的议题、参会代表进行直观管理 使用IPS提供的控制协议可接入外部中控设备进行会议单元的控制 内置高保真扬声器,打开话筒后自动静音,音量可自由调节 会议单元有2个3.5mm立体声输出,可以接2个耳机,方便2个代表同时聆听,或者一个用于录音,一个用于监听
频响 灵敏度 拾音距离 尺寸(H×W×D)
ECM311 ECM311F 嵌入孔(ECM311F) 重量 咪杆长度 ECM311 ECM311F 电缆类型
100-16000Hz -40 dB±2dB 20~80cm
153×135×58mm 130×55×105mm 105mm×40mm <0.6kg
发言人数限制设定 音频输出具有音量调整和高、中、低的音调调整 有3个系统线路输出,每路可最多连接25个单元;系统最多连接70个单元 有 多 种 音 频 输 出 接 口 : 平 衡 输 出 ( XLR连 接 器 ) , 非 平 衡 输 出 (TRS/RCA连接器) 系统的发言单元采用T型线链状连接



IPS moduleHUAWEI IPS ModuleOverviewHuawei IPS module is a new generation of dedicated intrusion detection and prevention products. It is designed to resolve network security issues in the Web2.0 and cloud age. In the IPv4 and IPv6 network environment, the IPS module supports virtual patching, web application protection, client protection, malicious-software control, network application control, and network-layer and application-layer DoS attack defense.With the carrier-class high availability design, the IPS module can be inserted on switches, such as the S12700, S9700, and S7700, providing plug and play and scalability features. It can be deployed flexibly in multiple network environments. This module supports zero-configuration deployment and does not require complicated signature adjustment and manual setting of network parameters and threshold baselines to block service threats. Functioning with basic network devices, the IPS module comprehensively protects network infrastructures, network bandwidth performance, servers, and clients for large and medium-sized enterprise, industry, and carriers.Product FeaturesFlexible Deployment and Easy to Use•Uses software to adjust the networking, which simplifies the installation and deployment and frees the administrators from adjusting the complex cables. •Integrates networks with security using products from the same vendor, which facilitates unified management and simplifies the management. •Supports zero-configuration deployment and plug and play, and doesnot require complicated signature adjustment and manual setting of network parameters.•Provides diversified policy templates to simplify configurations in various scenarios and facilitate security policy customization.Accurate Detection and Efficient Threat Prevention•Detects attacks accurately without false positives with the advanced vulnerability feature detection technology.•Automatically learns the traffic baselines to prevent incorrect threshold configurations.•Automatically blocks major and severe threats without signature modification.Comprehensive Protection from System Service to Application Software•Provides traditional intrusion protection system (IPS) functions, such as vulnerability-based attack defense, web application protection, malware control, application management and control, and network-layer DoS attack defense.•Provides comprehensive protection for client systems exposed to the prevalent attacks that target web browsers, media files, and other document file formats.•Provides industry-leading defense against application-layer DoS attacks that spread through HTTP , DNS, or SIP .•Detects attacks and upgrades signatures in a timely manner with the global vulnerability trace capability.Application Awareness for Accurate Control of User Behaviors•Identifies more than 6000 network applications. With precise bandwidth allocation policies, the IPS module restricts the bandwidth used by unauthorized applications and reserves sufficient bandwidths for office applications, such as OA and ERP .•Monitors and manages various network behaviors, such as instant messaging (IM), online games, online video, and online stock trading. This enables enterprises to identify and prevent unauthorized network behaviors and better implement security policies.Specifications。


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本手册中所谈及的产品名称仅做识别之用。手册中涉及的其他公 司的注册商标或是版权属各商标注册人所有,恕不逐一列明。
TOPSEC® 天融信公司

IPS 配置
命令行详细说明 ......................................................................................................................................... 1 IPS ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 engine .................................................................................................................................................. 1 event .................................................................................................................................................... 2 eventset................................................................................................................................................ 5 fw-link ................................................................................................................................................. 7 policy................................................................................................................................................... 9 rules................................................................................................................................................... 11 service ............................................................................................................................................... 12 stat..................................................................................................................................................... 13 version............................................................................................................................................... 13

华为 E8000E 系列 10 千兆 IPS 安全网关 用户手册说明书

华为 E8000E 系列 10 千兆 IPS 安全网关 用户手册说明书

Nowadays, network bandwidths increase rapidly, and security threats and attacks also flood on networks. Therefore, enterprise and carriers must ensure the service security and continuity while extending network structure. The E8000E adopts distributed hardware and software design. Its LPUs and SPUs are mutually independent and support on-demand configuration. Therefore, the E8000E provides flexible processing capability, diversified I/O interfaces, and abundant security services. This perfectly satisfies the requirements of users (including data centers, carriers, ISPs, and governments) for high integrity, quick response, high-speed processing, and long-term guarantee.Product DescriptionCombining the dedicated multi-core processor and distributed hardware platform and adopting innovative NP+multi-core+distributed architecture, the E8000E breaks through the performance bottleneck of the CPU. It delivers industry-leading service processing capability and service expansion capability. In addition, the full-redundancy technology is applied on all components. The E8000E provides diversified technical guarantees, including dual-NP interface module, dual-CPU service processing module, dual-MPU control module, dual power supplies, and load balancing. All these ensure the core router-level reliability, which further guarantees the service continuity in high-speed networking.The E8000E utilizes the dynamic distributed concurrent processing technology. Service traffic is forwarded to multiple dedicated SPUs at the line rate in distributed manner. Additionally, the SPUs support on-demand configuration, which thoroughly solves the conflict between the service processing performance and data forwarding capability in ever-increasing high-speed networking. This distributed technology uses line-rate intelligent traffic splitting for data forwarding. All data flows are equally distributed to service processing modules to prevent performance bottleneck. In so doing, the service processing performance increases at the line rate in accordance with service modules, fundamentally supporting the long-term development of networks.The E8000E supports multiple LPUs, and users can realize flexible LPU configuration as required. Furthermore, LPUs and SPUs adopt the same slot type. Thus, different combinations of LPUs and SPUs can be implemented for various interface and performance requirements, providing users with customized security protection solutions.The E8000E has a maximum interface capacity of 320 Gbps and provides 30 10GE interfaces and 360 GE interfaces. The E8000E also supports various POS interfaces and cross-board interface binding, which meets the requirements for large interface capacity and high interface intensity. Moreover, this also meets the networking requirements in complicated situations, such as the Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) of carriers, large enterprises, and data centers.The E8000E series includes two models, namely, the E8080E and E8160E. The E8160E provides industry-leading securityE8080EE8160EHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Product FeaturesAdvanced NP + multi-system + distributed architecture — breaking traditional performance bottlenecksE8000E adopts the architecture of independent control modules, ■interface modules, and service processing modules. Based on the dual NP, the interface module ensures the line-speed forwarding of interface traffic. Based on the multi-core and multi-thread architecture, the service processing module ensures the high-speed concurrent processing of multiple services, such as the Network Address Translation (NAT), Application Specific Packet Filter (ASPF), Anti-DDoS, and VPN. E8000E adopts the distributed concurrent processing mechanism, which greatly enhances the product performance. Thus, users can expand capacities with low pre-phase investment.High firewall performance — guaranteeing users’ key servicesThe three main indexes of the E8000E, throughput, number of ■connections established per second, and maximum number of concurrent connections, are in leading roles. The throughput of one service processing module of E8000E is 20 G; the number of connections established per second is 500,000; and the maximum number of concurrent connections is 8,000,000. Furthermore, E8000E has a maximum of eight service processing modules and its entire throughput reaches 160 G; the number of connectionsestablished per second is 4,000,000; the maximum number of concurrent connections is 64,000,000; and the number of virtual firewalls is 1024. The high performance and expandability of E8000E can meet high-end users’ requirements for high performance.Stable and reliable security gateway — ensuring consistency of users’ servicesNetwork security is a key point for enterprise operations. E8000E ■supports the redundant components, such as interface, fan, and power, networking of hot swap, dual processing engine, master/ backup, master/master, and high reliability. Different service boards of E8000E support the load balancing and mutual hot backup, so the abnormity of a single board will not influence the entire system. Meanwhile, together with BYPASS devices, services will not be interrupted even if faults or power failures occur on devices. The mean time between failures of E8000E is as long as 500,000 hours, and the failover time is less than 0.1 second. These ensure the consistent and stable service operations.Optimal VPN performance — adapting to requirements for encrypted transmission of mass servicesWith the increase of network applications, more and more ■services need to be transmitted on the public network safely. Subsequently, services that require mass VPN access gatewayprotection capability and scalability. It supports 16 extension slots. The maximum firewall throughput reaches 160 Gbps; the IPS performance is 64 Gbps; the number of new connections per second is 4M, and 64M concurrent connections are supported; the VPN performance is 96 Gbps. The E8080E adopts the same software and hardware architecture as the E8160E. The E8080E, however, supports only 8 extension slots, and its integrated performance is just half that of the E8160E.The SPU, heart of the E8000E, processes all services.To realize flexible configuration, the board combination design is adopted. Each SPU contains two parts, that is, the mother board and extension board, which can be deployed either independently or separately. The mother board provides 10G firewall performance and the mother board+extension board provides 20G firewall performance.The SPU adopts the multi-core+multi-processor hardware and implements service features through software modules. The heartbeat detection mechanism is realized between the SPU and LPU. Moreover, the SPU supports mutual backup.When an SPU is faulty, all its traffic is immediately distributed to other SPUs, preventing service interruption.The LPU, limb of the E8000E, is responsible for external connection and data transmission.The LPU integrates the high-speed network processor to ensure flexibility.Certain firewall functions can be implemented on the LPU, which significantly reduces the pressure of the SPU.The network processor provides special processing design for each type of packets, for example, dedicated co-processor for hardware-based table searching and professional bit operation design, enabling unique advantage for small packet processing. Thus, the E8000E can realize almost-line-rate performance when processing mixed traffic on the network.Through the interworking between the LPU and SPU, the E8000E delivers high performance for services processing, as well as sound scalability.of 100-Gigabit emerge, such as mobile security access, Short Message Service (SMS) push, and email push. E8000E provides a maximum of 96 Gbps encryption and decryption performance and supports 320,000 concurrent VPN tunnels, which is the VPN access gateway of the highest performance for the moment. E8000E also supports the IKEv2 protocol and enhances the functions of user authentication, packet authentication, and NAT traversal. Thus, E8000E eliminates the hidden hazards of the middleman attack and the DDoS attack, and supports wireless authentication protocols, such as EAP-SIM and EAP-AKA, which effectively ensures the wireless network security.Practical IPS feature — defending againstexternal threats and promoting network securityThe core technologies of the IPS are embodied in the detection■engine performance, signature identification efficiency, and integrated processing performance.Adopting the advanced IPS detection engine and mature signature database, Huawei E8000E defends against various threats, including system vulnerabilities, unauthorized automatic downloading, spoofing software, spyware/adware, abnormal protocols, and P2P anomalies.A single vulnerability-based signature covers thousands of attacks. Supplemented with globally deployed honeypot system, the E8000E can capture the latest attack, worm, and Trojan horse features, thus providing zero-day attack defense capability.Moreover, the practicability of the IPS is significantly promoted. The E8000E adopts internal off-line and "one board one feature" technologies; certain necessary service traffic is split to the dedicated SPU. In so doing, the service processing capability is improved; further more, the traffic processing does not affect the basic services of the firewall, ensuring service continuity.Product SpecificationCopyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2011. All rights reserved.General DisclaimerThe information in this document may contain predictive statements including, without limitation, statements regarding the future financial and operating results, future product portfolio, new technology, etc. There are a number of factorsthat could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the predictive statements. Therefore, such informationis provided for reference purpose only and constitutes neither an offer nor an acceptance. Huawei may change the information at any time without notice.HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Huawei Industrial BaseBantian LonggangShenzhen 518129, P.R. ChinaTel: +86-755-28780808 Version No.: M3-110019999-20110805-C-1.0。

McAfee IPS系统运维手册

McAfee IPS系统运维手册

NBDCMcAfee IPS系统运维手册目录第一章操作手册 (1)1 设备面板标识 (1)1.1M-8000设备 (1)1.2M-3050/M-4050设备 (2)2 运维部分功能 (3)2.1系统登录 (3)2.2系统运行状态监视 (4)2.3S ENSOR管理 (6)2.4S IGNATURE手动更新 (9)2.5S IGNATURE更新查看 (11)2.6策略管理和调整 (12)2.7备份和恢复 (15)2.8D O S学习设置 (18)2.9NSM主备切换 (20)2.10故障信息抓取 (20)第二章IPS应急手册 (22)1故障发现 (22)1.1巡检设备 (22)1.2设备自带系统监控 (22)1.3关于设备温度的说明 (25)2 现场分析与处理 (26)2.1故障分析 (26)2.2故障处理 (26)3 厂商二线分析与处理 (29)第三章IPS监控手册 (29)1IPS系统监控 (29)2IPS事件监控 (30)第一章操作手册1 设备面板标识1.1 M-1450设备1) 端口M-1450高度为1个机架单位(2RU),配备有以下端口:2) 面板LED指示灯M-1450设备前面板上的LED 指示灯提供传感器健康状况信息及其端口上活动的状态信息。

M-1450前面板上的LED 指示灯状态信息含义如下表:1.2 M-3050设备1) 端口M-3050高度为2个机架单位(2RU),配备有以下端口:2) 面板LED指示灯M-3050设备前面板上的LED 指示灯提供传感器健康状况信息及其端口上活动的状态信息。

M-3050前面板上的LED 指示灯状态信息含义如下表:2 运维部分功能2.1系统登录IPS的管理控制台NSM通过HTTPS登录和管理,因为HTTPS使用的证书是NSM的机器名,建议使用https://设备名登录(若因为设备名无法解析而无法使用设备名登录请在客户端上添加hosts记录)。



1.3 约定
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TOPSEC® 天融信公司

1 前言 .................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 文档目的
本文档主要介绍如何安装网络卫士入侵防御系统及其相关组件,包括设备安装和扩展 模块安装等。
1.2 读者对象
本安装手册适用于具有基本网络知识的系统管理员和网络管理员阅读,通过阅读本文 档,他们可以独自完成以下一些工作:





ISUP —-综合业务数字网用户部分ISUP 是NO.7公共信道信令系统的用户部分中的一种,它定义了包括话音业务和非话音业务(如电路交换数据通信)控制所必须的信令消息、功能和过程。

ISUP 能完成电话用户部分(TUP )和数据用户部分(DUP )的功能,并且能实现范围广泛的ISDN 业务,具有非常广阔的应用范围。

ISUP 协议支持基本的承载业务,即在用户终端之间建立、监视和释放64kbit/s 电路,向用户提供低层的信息传递能力。

ISUP 同样支持多目的信令点功能。


ISDN 用户部分是在TUP 的基础上扩展而成的。

ISUP 提供综合业务数字网中信令功能,以支持基本的承载业务和附加的承载业务。

当ISUP 传送与电路相关的信息时,只需得到MTP 的支持,而在传送端到端的信令消息时,可依靠SCCP 来支持,这种传送可以采用面向连接的协议,也可以采用无连接协议。

1、 ISUP 协议的应用GTSOFTX3000 用作GMSC Server 时,提供两种方式与PSTN/PLMN 网互通:z GTSOFTX3000 内置有SG (Signaling Gateway ,信令网关)功能,提供TDM 接口与PSTN/PLMN 信令设备(可以是交换机、STP 等)互通,局间信令运行ISUP ,信令传输使用MTP 。

z GTSOFTX3000 提供IP 接口,通过独立的SG 转接(或内置于UMG8900 的SG),与PSTN/PLMN 信令设备互通,局间信令运行ISUP ,信令传输使用SIGTRAN.2、 协议栈结构如图所示,ISUP 既可以在MTP 上也可以在SCCP 上工作。

GTSOFTX3000 提供两种方式传输ISUP 协议:一是基于TDM ,利用消息传递部分(MTP ) 提供的服务来进行信息传递;一是基于IP ,利用信令传输协议(SIGTRAN)提供的服 务进行传输.基于TDM 基于IPISUP 消息类型编码若被叫先挂机,则由LS 后向发送REL,GMSC Server 收到REL 后,回送RLC 将此段中继释放.2。

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环迅支付(IPS)系统接口定义说明手册文档修订记录目录1.简介 (1)1.1.背景简介 (1)1.2.IPS支付流程 (1)1.2.1.银行卡支付基本流程图 (1)2.安全控制 (2)2.1.防火墙 (2)2.2.SSL128位传输加密标准 (3)2.3.订单支付接口的MD5摘要认证 (3)2.4.交易返回接口的数字签名认证 (3)3.系统环境要求 (4)3.1.硬件环境 (4)3.2.软件环境 (4)3.3.网络环境 (4)3.4阅读对象 (4)4.接口开发 (5)4.1.开发前准备工作 (5)4.1.1消息请求头定义 (5)4.1.2消息响应头定义 (6)4.1.3消息数字签名 (6)4.2.订单支付 (7)4.2.1表单提交(POST方式) (7)4.2.2.订单提交URL (8)4.2.3.订单支付接口表单参数 (9)4.3.订单支付返回 (10)4.3.1.表单返回 (10)4.3.2.交易返回接口表单参数 (11)4.3.3.交易返回接口验证事项 (12)4.4.订单查询(W EB S ERVICE) (13)4.4.1按商户订单号查询 (13)4.4.2按银行订单号查询 (15)4.4.3按商户订单时间查询 (18)4.5.交易查询(W EB S ERVICE) (21)4.5.1按IPS交易流水号查询 (21)4.5.2按IPS交易时间查询 (23)4.6.交易退款(W EB S ERVICE) (25)4.6.1 服务地址 (25)4.6.2 请求 (25)4.6.3 响应 (26)附录 (27)交易返回方式 (27)交易类型表 (28)币种列表 (29)错误返回码 (29)银行列表 (1)1. 简介1.1. 背景简介IPS(Internet Payment System)是一个功能强大基于网络的在线支付平台,由IPS投入大量资金和科研力量开发而成,以其自身个性化的设计为客户提供了多渠道、多语言、更安全的在线支付服务。


1.2. IPS支付流程1.2.1. 银行卡支付基本流程图1 :()步骤说明:1)持卡人访问商户网站选择商品,开始交易过程;2)持卡人选择通过网上支付方式,商户直接将浏览器重定向到IPS支付网关人民币卡支付页面;3)在IPS支付页面,持卡人选择对应银行,然后进行付款确认;4)IPS支付网关重定向到选定的银行支付页面;5)在网银页面,持卡人录入支付信息;6)银行弹出支付结果页面提示持卡人支付结果;7)银行将支付结果返回给IPS支付网关;8)IPS支付网关返回支付结果至商户网站;9)商户根据支付结果为持卡人提供服务。

2. 安全控制2.1.防火墙防火墙是由软件或硬件设备组合而成,通常处于企业的内部局域网与Internet之间,限制Internet用户对内部网络的访问以及管理内部用户访问Internet的权限。




它以硬件为基础,将防火墙虚拟专用网VPN 和流量管理系统等几类功能集成到一个产品上,确保IPS支付网关免于被病毒和黑客攻击,减少由于网络产生的新漏洞所受到的威胁,为商户交易的机密数据提供了保护措施,保证平台安全稳定。

2.2.SSL 128位传输加密标准安全套接层协议SSL(Secure Socket Layer)是基于传输层的安全协议,即“通道安全”,用来保证安全传输文件。






客户端的浏览器发送CGI请求时使用https协议,所有客户端发送的https请求以及Web Server返回的结果都会自动使用SSL加密。

客户通过网络向服务商传送的信息会自动加密, 等到另外一端收到信息后, 再将编码后的信息还原。

即使盗窃者在网络上取得编码后的信息, 如果没有原先编制的密码算法, 也不能获得可读的有用信息。






3. 系统环境要求3.1.硬件环境1)Intel Pentium 2GHz CPU;2)2G以上内存。

3.2.软件环境1)Microsoft NT platform;2)Unix/Linux platform;3)运行环境能够调用DLL或Java组件。

3.3.网络环境1)开通http协议使用的端口;2)建议客户端使用IE6以上版本浏览器;3)至少拥有一个具有公共域名或IP的Web Server。

3.4 阅读对象本文适合有一定计算机与web开发基础的接口对接技术人员及其他相关人员阅读。

4. 接口开发4.1.开发前准备工作IPS 会给申请开通的商户分配唯一的商户号,并通过邮件方式发送其初始密码。

商户在收到初始密码的邮件后,通过IPS 的官方首页(),登录商户后台及时修改密码,以保证商户后台系统安全。

IPS 面向商户提供的服务接口统一以xml 格式交换数据,xml 文件统一以UTF-8编码,xml 文件头统一格式<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>,整个xml 节点之间没有回车换行符,通常请求包含消息头和消息体两部分,以下Web 服务接口中如没有特殊说明,均采用以下的请求和响应消息头定义格式。

4.1.1消息请求头定义4.1.2消息响应头定义4.1.3消息数字签名为了能向客户提供更方便安全的服务,IPS 系统为商户增加了数字签名功能。

如果商户对IPS 系统数据的真实性有较高要求,商户需要对所提交的报文体进行签名。

在具体的使用中,商户可以使用2种不同的数字签名验证(<body>节点的xml 文本值+商户号+商户数字证书)(1) RetEncodeType=16(Md5WithRSA 数字签名方式)(2) RetEncodeType=17(MD5摘要数字签名方式)。

当RetEncodeType=17时,IPS 返回的数字签名摘要信息已全转成小写字符,在验证的时需将生成的Md5摘要先转成小写后再做比较。

注意:1) 商户内部证书指商户在IPS 存储的一个128位的字符串,请商户在每次更新这个证书的同时,同步更新您的程序。




<MsgId>[String]</MsgId><ReqDate>[String]</ReqDate><Signature>[String]</Signature></head><body><MerBillNo>[string]</MerBillNo><Amount>[string]</Amount><Date>[string]</Date><CurrencyType>[string]</CurrencyType ><GatewayType>[string]</GatewayType><Lang>[string]</Lang><Merchanturl><![CDATA[]]></Merchanturl><FailUrl><![CDATA[]]></FailUrl><Attach><![CDATA[]]></Attach><OrderEncodeType>5</OrderEncodeType><RetEncodeType>[string]</RetEncodeType><RetType>[string]</RetType><ServerUrl><![CDATA[]]></ServerUrl><BillEXP>[String]</BillEXP><GoodsName>[string]</GoodsName><IsCredit>[string]</IsCredit><BankCode>[string]</BankCode><ProductType>[string]</ProductType></body></GateWayReq></Ips>说明:此格式只为方便阅读,实际调用时为一长串,不要添加回车换行,以下一致。
