
The Diet Structure 饮食结构 The Tableware 餐具 The Cooking Way 烹饪方式
Chinese traditional eating habits is based on the main plant ingredients. The staple food are grains, vegetables are the auxiliary food and a small amount of meat. This is related to the history of Chinese civilization and cooking techniques.
food tonic
medicine tonic unique flavor herbal juice regimen balance nutrition Nutritional components
药补 特殊风味 药汁 养生 均衡营养 营养成分
bake,roast 烤 steam stir-fry braise grill oil 蒸 炒
fry boil deep fry 煎 煮 炸 salt soy source vinegar sugar starch vitamin 盐 酱油 醋 糖 淀粉 维生素 矿物质 纤维素 脂肪 Medicinal cuisine herb 药膳 草药 Chinese medicine 中医
Cooking wine 料酒
中国人和其他亚洲人使用筷子和汤匙。我们用碗装 米饭。

Key point
From here, a brief talk about the following four areas in the Western diet and cultural differences. 1 2 3 4
Two kind of different diet idea
China and West diet object’s difference
Western pay more attention to the nutrition reasonable collocation(合理的营养搭配), therefore their country„s person body is generally(通常) more vigorous( adj. 有 力的;精力充沛的) and healthier than the Chinese.
In China, people sat together, sharing a meal. Banquet with round table, this is creating a form from unity, manners, and were fun atmosphere(气氛). People drink a toast dishes for each other, in the good things in front, embodies体现 the mutual respect, and comity between people of virtue.
Key point
From here, a brief talk about the following four areas in the Western diet and cultural differences. 1 2 3 4

中西文化差异:喝热水还是喝冷水?(中英文互译)Chinese and Western Culture:Hot Water vs Cold Water中西文化冲突:喝热水还是喝冷水?Why do Chinese people drink hot water? Many westerners find it so interesting that they always see Chinese people carry a vacuum cup no matter which season it is. If you go to a restaurant in western countries, they usually serve you a cup of cold water, sometimes even with ice. And every time when Chinese people ask the waiter if they can change to hot water, actually they may receive a strange look from the waiter or people nearby. Hot water? Seriously?为何中国人总是喝热水?许多西方人发现一件很有趣的事,那就是无论什么季节,他们总能看到中国人随身携带一只真空保温杯。
热水?没开玩笑吧?For lots of Chinese people, nothing is more common than drinking hot water every day. But for most of the Westerners, the idea of drinking plain hot water is really odd since they drink cold water even in winter. Why do Chinese people drink hot water? Hot water vs cold water, whichone is better? Follow us to find an ideal answer.对于许多中国人来说,每天喝热水是最普通不过的事了。

• Chinese diet tends to be art and sentimental ,which is expressed as the stress on the flavor.
• In China, eating is not meant to have enough. Sometimes we eat though we are full. We are overloaded with food. Saying bluntly, it is to appreciate the art of cooking; and not saying it nicely, it is the temptation of "delicious" for the enjoyment of taste.
The Differences Between Chinese and Western Dietary Cultures
• Studying food cultural differences, we can find out a joint enhancing the communication between China and the west through a comprehensive study of the subject. It may be a great help to the communication of the Chinese and
attribution and nature had reflected the different
dietary culture in the different state char-

Differences between Chinese and Western diet culture Can you imagine the difference between the Western diet culture and the Chinese diet culture?First of all, I will introduce the general characteristics of Western diet culture. Western diet historyItaly cuisine is the originator of the Western diet culture, French cuisine is the Western diet culture king, American food is the Western diet culture upstart.Western food making skillsIn the production of the Western diet, they love the pursuit of perfection, but also attach importance to cooperation with a delicacy.Western diet varietiesThe famous dishes are Italy, French, American, German, Russian, etc. famous drinks include wine, coffee and black tea.Do you know,why there are so many differences between Chinese and Western diet culture ?just like the menu,western diet is very tidy and serious,but the Chinese is multifarious.Now, you have known the difference of the menu,but do you know why diet has a strong regional character?Actually, western diet due to geographical characteristics, environment, customs, appears in cooking methods ofdifferences in eating habits. People in western countries like to eat pizza, while Chinese people like to eat dumplings.Differences between Chinese and Western culture makes a difference of Chinese and Western food culture.事实上,西方饮食由于地域特色、环境、风俗习惯,出现烹调方法不同程度的差异。
中西方文化的不同 中英文对照

更重要的是,中国人和西方人的饮食都是不同的方式和礼仪。以及我所关心的, 我想中国和西方的人们也有一个巨大区别。中国人使用筷子和西方人民使用刀 叉。中国只是用筷子把东西并将它送到他们的嘴巴。但是西方那些使用刀叉将 使用叉子来保存肉,使用刀和叉的以帮助来吃到这一块肉。除了这个,中国的人 们只有在一天三顿饭。但西方的人们将会有更多,他们喝下午茶。通常他们会有 水果、蛋糕、茶和奶酪。
The atmosphere of Western-style food is particular about scenery. The good restaurant is generally built in the beautiful mountaintop, park or the revolving dining-room of the city center high building. So Western-style food is “Eat the scenery” but not “Eat taste”.
在西方,人们看重就餐的环境。一家好的餐馆最好建在风景如画的山顶、公园 或者城市中心的高楼上。所以西餐吃的不是味道,是环境。
The atmosphere of Chinese food is particular about taste and participation. Chinese food conquers the world with taste. There is a folk adage in China “If I want to conquer your heart, I will conquer your stomach first”. Everybody sits around table while eating Chinese food, everybody is eating the dish in the same plate, the hospitable host will also nip the dish into your bowl, it is so friendly. The friendship between person and person is deeper after a meal.

The dining product as a result of factor and so on region characteristic, climatic environment, manners and customs influences, will appear in raw material, the taste, the cooking method, the food habit varying degree difference. Was precisely because of these differences, the dining product had the intense localization. Between China and the West culture's difference has accomplished China and the West diet culture difference, but this kind of difference and gets along with people the philosophy from the West different thinking mode. The Chinese pays great attention “the beauty to uni te”, the westerner pays great attention “humanist”. here chats the Western diet culture difference briefly from the following three aspects. 第二种翻译:Food products due to geographical features, climate, customs, and other factors, will appear in the raw materials, food, cooking methods, dietary habits on the varying degrees of difference. It is precisely because of these differences in food products with a strong regional. The difference between Chinese and Western cultures to create a diet of Chinese and Western cultural differences, and differences from the West in a different way of thinking and philosophy of life. Chinese people pay attention to the "Heaven and Man," in the West focus on "people-oriented."From here, a brief talk about the following three areas in the Western diet and cultural differences.一、两种不同的饮食观念对比注重“味”的中国饮食,西方是一种理性饮食观念。
中西方饮食差异 英文版

accepting a reservation
W: This is … restaurant, what can I do for you?/May I help you? G: I’d like to reserve a table tonight. W: How many people are in your part? G: three W: At what time would do you like? G: Six o’clock W: May I have you name, please. G: David. W: Thank you. I have reserve a table for three at six o’clock tonight in the name of David. G: Thank you. W: Thank you for calling us. Bye
Great Traditions (八大菜系):
• Anhui(安徽菜), Cantonese(广东菜), Fujian(福建菜), Hunan(湖南菜), Jiangsu(江苏菜), Shandong(山东菜), Sichuan(四川菜), and Zhejiang(浙江菜).
Anhui cuisine
ii. not yet have booked • • • • • • W: Good evening, Sir. What can I help you? How many people are in your party G: I want a table for 3 W: Come this way, please. G: Could we take this table W: I am sorry, but this table have been already reserved. How about that table?

【关键字】精品Cultural differences between Chinese and Western food中西方饮食文化的差异The ancients say: In the development of human society, the national diet also gradually formed its own unique culture. Different regions, different eating habits in different diet contributed to the different diet culture. The differences between Chinese culture and western diet culture created the difference, the difference between different from the way of thinking and philosophy. "Nature and humanity" to the Chinese and western "people-oriented". From the following five aspects are here to talk about the western diet culture differences..古人云:民以食为天。
A, Chinese and western culture中西饮食文化(a) the Chinese diet culture中国的饮食文化China has a history of more than 5000 years, formed the canBad rich and profound Chinese culture. Chinese noteHeavy "unity". The Chinese diet with food, with things. IdeographicFeeling. The Chinese diet culture surprising, rewardHeart pleasing to the eye. This is pleasing to the eye, refers to the activities of the Chinese dietThe content and means to perfect and unified, caused by peopleThe aesthetic pleasure and mental enjoyment.中国有着五千多年的历史,形成了灿烂丰富、博大精深的饮食文化。

• 4. Food environment is different 饮食环境不 同
( Westerners pay attention to delicate, Chinese pay attention to ostentation.西方人注重精致, 中国人注重排场。)
Western food and beverage and its
一、Chinese and Western food culture difference
• 1. Different diet ideas饮食观念不同 ( Westerners focus on nutrition, Chinese people pay attention to taste.西方人侧重营 养,中国人注重美味。)
用餐途中想要如廁,或是用餐完畢時,刀叉 該如何擺放呢
The proper arrangement of western style tableware.
The small skill set of knife and fork 刀叉摆放的小技巧
Dinner for eight shaped,if in the middle of dinner to temporary rest,knife and fork points intraday,cutter head and the fork tip relative to a shape or a figure eight shape, knife toward himself.That still continue to eat.if you are talking,you can take a knife and fork。

Typical Ingredients Used in Chinese Cooking
Rice is the staple food in China and is preserved with most meals It is cooked in various ways, including steaming, boiling, and frying
Major Characteristics of Western and Chinese Diets
Typical Ingredients Used in Western Cooking
Dairy products
Milk, cheese, butter, and cream are widely used in Western cooking, often as a base for sales, soups, and dessers
Origin and Evolution of Chinese Dietary Culture
• Incident China: Chinese cuisine has a long history dating back to incident times It is characterized by a balance of flavors and the use of various cooking techniques, such as still frying, steaming, and braising

Food CultureGenerally speaking, we Chinese think food is very important to man. People often associate food with important holidays and the chance to meet distinguished guests. The Chinese food not only is very delicious and tasty but also very pleasing to your senses and many of dishes have very beautiful and fancy names. The Chinese have the food culture of our own which are quite different from westerners. In the west, people pay more attention to the nutrition of food rather than the looks of it. The cuisine and table manners are quite different from ours in a great extent. Greeting by Asking Y our Meal in ChinaIt is a very common practice we Chinese people say "Have you had your meal?" when they meet each other around the time before or after meals. Sometimes they even ask this question everywhere even in toilets. In fact, it is a kind of greeting to communicate with each other. But foreigners cannot understand that because they think why you ask me this. They tend to think you want to invite me to dinner or I am not rich enough to feed myself regularly but that is my business not yours. Chinese think food is very important and essential to people so it shows some care and concern about you.Everything is eatable in ChinaIt seems that we eat everything and everything can be eatable in Chinese food, whether it comes from land or from the sky or from the sea or whether it is wild or domestic or whether it is inside or outside. Foreigners cannot imagine we eat the food like snakes, dogs and even frogs. When we sell the meat from the animal and poultry, we normally sell it as a whole or cut it from the whole body. I know a woman American teacher didn't want to buy and eat pork when she first came to China because she saw the meat cut from a certain part of the pig. In English, we know the animals and their meat are used different words because the words of the meat from animals originally come from French and they are used by upper class while the words of animals are Anglo Saxon, which are used by the farmer of lower class. So there are pig and pork, sheep and mutton and cattle and beef in English but it is not the case in Chinese.Name of Dishes is Implicit in Chinese FoodV ery often it puzzles foreigners a lot that we ask and talk so much when w e order our food in the restaurant. One reason is we ask what the food or the dish is and try to clarify it because you sometimes never know what the food is just according the name of the food until it is put on your table in the restaurant just. Sometimes the food is very simple but the name is very obscure. For example one of the dishes is called "Ants Climbing the Trees." But the food is simple potato noodles and bits of meat in it, while most of western food has a simple and clear name and you know what it is when you hear the name. For instance, there is a traditional food call "fish and chips" in the UK. Y ou see it is very obvious it is fried fish and potato chips. The reason for this in China is on the one hand to try to tell you the way it cooks such as cook, fry, grill and broil in the name and on the other it has beautiful good names so that you have a good imagination and association to let you have a good appetite.T oo Much Food to Eat at mealsWe Chinese think it very disgraceful if we don't cook the food enough for the guests so we normally cook more food than guests eat. If you finish your food at meal, the host and hostess usually add more and more food in your dish or bowl without asking you whether you want it or not so as to show they are polite to the guests. They will keep saying, "eat more" and in Englishwe have the expression "help yourself". Westerners never force you to eat more. If you stop eating, they tend to think you are full. So sometime foreigners feel very helpless when the host and hostess to put more food in their dishes and bowls and they can do nothing but eat more and more until they are completely full. So some foreigners learn to know they always leave some food in their bowls or dishes in order to avoid more food to be added when are invited to dinner in Chinese family. That is the differences in food culture between China and the West.T ableware Is Simple in Chinese MealsGenerally speaking, we don't use much tableware when we have our meal in China. Mainly we have bowl, dishes, chopsticks and spoons, which we don't use very often. In serving English meals, they use so much tableware with different kinds and sizes. The Chinese do not know how to use them properly when they are invited to dinner in English family. For example there are different kinds of names for glasses in English, such as wine glass, cherry glass, brandy glass, beer glass, snifter glass, champion flute and high bowl. Y ou can see tableware also show the food culture of different countries.Food is Most Important in ChinaAs the saying goes "food is the essentials to people" and "Man is iron and food is steel." Y ou can see Chinese think food it very important. One reason is China has big population so food is the first problem that faces us. Most of people are not well off now. That is why the government is very much concerned about the food problem, which we call it "vegetable basket projects." We first make people have enough food and then make them feed well. One the other food shows a kind of hospitality and sincerity. The more and better food you offer to your friends and relatives. The more generous and hospitable you are. In Chinese mind, we say food is important because we also use food as a way to solve problems. People often say no matter how poor a company is, it has the money to treat people guests because they can solve many problems when they are talking and exchanging ideas with each other at meals. In the west countries, they don't normally talk about business at meals and also they think it is a waste of money and time if more food and very expensive food are ordered for dinner. But we Chinese think it is an honor to treat quests in this way.Chinese food is well-known in the world and the Chinese food culture is not all the same with that in the west countries. We cannot say it is right or wrong and it reflects the practice, custom and conventions of the peoples.。
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Differences between Chinese and Western diet culture Can you imagine the difference between the Western diet culture and the Chinese diet culture?First of all, I will introduce the general characteristics of Western diet culture. Western diet historyItaly cuisine is the originator of the Western diet culture, French cuisine is the Western diet culture king, American food is the Western diet culture upstart.Western food making skillsIn the production of the Western diet, they love the pursuit of perfection, but also attach importance to cooperation with a delicacy.Western diet varietiesThe famous dishes are Italy, French, American, German, Russian, etc. famous drinks include wine, coffee and black tea.Do you know,why there are so many differences between Chinese and Western diet culture ?just like the menu,western diet is very tidy and serious,but the Chinese is multifarious.Now, you have known the difference of the menu,but do you know why diet has a strong regional character?Actually, western diet due to geographical characteristics, environment, customs, appears in cooking methods ofdifferences in eating habits. People in western countries like to eat pizza, while Chinese people like to eat dumplings.Differences between Chinese and Western culture makes a difference of Chinese and Western food culture.事实上,西方饮食由于地域特色、环境、风俗习惯,出现烹调方法不同程度的差异。
My PPT shows three aspects of cultural differences我的PPT展示了文化差异的三个方面。
No.1 Nutrition and deliciousNo.2 Standard and optionalNo.3 Machinery and interestNO.1 Nutrition and delicious(营养与美味)Western diet focus on nutrition, so Westerners treat the nutrition as the highest guidelines,and pay more attention to the proportion of food ingredients, proteins, fats and vitamins .So in the Western nutrition is the first!How about China? We have always been primary purpose is as a pursuit of delicious eating. Folk saying "to eat for days, fresh taste first." "smell good", "eyes, nose and mouth". People in the "color, smell and taste", has always been the " characterKing".So in China delicious is the first!西方饮食注重营养,所以西方人把营养作为最高准则,并更多地关注食物成分、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素和无机元素的比例中国怎么样?我们一直以来的首要目的就是为了追求美味的饮食。
人们在“色,香,味”,一直是“品格之王”,所以在中国美味是第一!As we all know, the value of fresh food is more nutritious, so how do western countries and China choose food? Fresh or Cooked?我们都知道,新鲜的食物营养价值更高,那么西方国家和中国是怎样选择食物的呢?Based on the importance of nutrition, Westerners more raw vegetables.So their "salad" is like a plate of rabbit feed, make it difficult for us to accept. Chinese try to eat medium foods. It also bring down the content of vitamins, but not completely lost, and the taste was more delicious than rabbit feed.根据营养的重要性,西方人多生蔬菜。
NO.2 Standard and optional(规范与随意)Westerners in the diet emphasize science and nutrition, has acted strictly with the standard of science of the whole process of cooking, steak tastes are the same from New York to San Francisco, no art to speak. As dishes, chicken is chicken, steak is steak,In addition, their cooking time is accurate to seconds.西方人在饮食上强调科学与营养,都采取了严格的科学标准,整个烹饪过程中,牛排的味道都是一样的,从纽约到洛杉矶,没有艺术感可言。
Chinese cooking is very different, the major cuisine has its own flavor and characteristics. For example,with potatoes as a raw material, you can make a lot of different styles of food, such as Potatoes cooked eggplant,Steamed potato with flour,Potato cake,Salt and pepper potatoes,Hash browns,Therefore, Chinese cooking emphasis on randomness instead of emphasizing the time and standardization.中国烹饪有很大的不同,主要的烹饪有它自己的风味和特色。
NO.3 Machinery and interest(机械性与趣味性 )In China, the cooking is an art, it has strong interesting, even as a game. Cooking,just like music, dance, poetry and painting, it has a lot of fun.Chinese cooking method also has different styles , attracted people from different countries 在中国,烹饪是一门艺术,它具有很强的趣味性,甚至是一种游戏。
Hand grilled meat is one of the traditional way of eating meat in Mongolia, eating grilled meat, is the traditional way to express respect for the guests.In addition,Spicy hot pot in SiChuan,Xi'an mutton noodles and Beijing Roast Duck,these foods have also won the praise.手扒肉是蒙古族传统的肉食方法之一,吃扒肉,是牧原人民表达对客人的尊重的传统方式。