高二英语 人教版选修8 Unit 4 Pygmalion 重点短语句型和语法

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Book 8 Unit 4 学习笔记



1. A man is hiding from the rain l istening to people’s language and watching their reactions. (listening


类似句型:While watching, he makes notes.他一边观察一边记录。

仿写:He ran out of the house in a hurry, leaving the door unlocked. 他匆忙间跑出房子,没锁门。

2.Now once taught by me, she’d become an upper class lady ...(once taught为省略句,when /

while/ until/as/as if/if/once/even if/although/though等从属连词引导状语从句时,如果主从句的主语一致或从句的主语为无意义的it,并且从句谓语动词含有be动词,可以省略从句的主语和be动词。)

类似句型:But, sir, (proudly) once educated to speak properly, that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador’s garden party.一旦有人教她说话得体,三个月后,她就可以冒充公爵夫人出席大使举办的花园聚会了。

仿写:Unless invited,I won’t go to her birthday party.除非邀请我,否则我不会去她的生日晚会。

3.But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths. (every time引导时间状语从句,类似

的名词性引导词有each/(the) next time/the first time/the last time/the moment/ the instant/ the second/the minute…)

仿写:Every time you say to yourself you will play with the cellphone just for 10 minutes, you will be certain to find you want to repeat it one more time. 每次你对自己说你只玩十分钟的手机时,你一定会发现你会还想再玩一次。

仿写:The last time you visited our school, you said you were always crazy about Chinese culture.



1.bring … to life使苏醒;使复苏;使清醒;使复活

come to life苏醒;清醒

2.make notes做笔记;记录→take notes

3.shelter from →躲避;免受;抵挡

shelter sb from→protect/defend sb from保护某人不受…打击/伤害

4.hesitate to do对做某事犹豫不决;犹豫要不要做某事→hesitate about doing

do/does/did/will not hesitate to do毫不犹豫做某事

without (any) hesitation毫不犹豫

5.hold up举起;阻挡;拦截

hold on (to)紧紧抓住;不放弃;别挂电话→hang on (to)

6.of any/some use有些用处→useful (of + n. →adj.)

of no value (importance/help) 没有价值(不重要/没有帮助的)

of little value (importance/help)几乎没有价值(重要性/帮助)

of great/much value (importance/help) 非常有价值(重要/有帮助)

of various colors颜色各异的of different sizes大小不同的

of the same age同龄的of the same height/weight/shape高度/重量/形状相同的

7.take sb for 把某人当…

8.take down→set down/write down写下;记下

9.hands over 交出;移交hand on传递

hand out分发;分给hand in上交

hand up举手hand down传给(后代)

10.be mistaken about …误解…

mistake … for…把…错当成…

by mistake错误地

11.What if要是…又怎样;如果…会怎么样;即使…又如何

12.classify sb/sth as…把某人/物划分为…

classify … by/according to …根据…来对…进行分类

classify …into…把…分成… (常用被动语态be classified into被分成…)

13.condemn sb to宣判某人某种刑罚;使某人注定…;

be condemned/sentenced to death/10 years in prison被判处死刑/十年有期徒刑

14.pass …off as把某人改变或冒充为

pass away去世pass by经过;路过;走过

pass through通过;穿过;经历pass …on to…把…传递给…

15.seek/try one’s fortune碰运气

make a fortune发财

16.generally speaking一般来说

exactly speaking准确来说;确切来说→to be exact

honestly/frankly speaking老实说;说实话→to be honest/frank
