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常州市二0 一五年初中毕业、升学统一文化考试


本试卷共8 页。全卷满分为90 分,考试时间为100 分钟。考生须将答案书写在答题卡上。

一、单项选择(共10个小题;每小题 1 分,满分10分)

从A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

1. Your home town is really nice!The air quality is as good as____ of Sanya.

A. it

B. one

C. that

D. the one

2. ---Who will give us the speech on public manners?

---Mr. Brown ____ ,but I'm not sure.

A. can

B. need

C. must

D. might

3. --Would you like to visit the zoo with me now?

--Sorry. It's ___ the visiting hours. Let's go there tomorrow.

A. on

B. over

C. during

D. beyond

4. ____________________ ---Don't you think it of some teenagers to be crazy about pop stars?

---Well, I don't think so. We were once young and had the similar experiences.

A. creative

B. silly



5. ________________________ ---Could you tell me the of making such tasty cakes?

---Well,I just follow the instructions in the cookbook.

A. time

B. method

C. cost

D. menu

6. Life is a journey with trouble, but with care and wisdom you can ___ a ny problem you face.

A. work out

B. hand out

C. find out

D. put out

7. ---Jenny,will you leave for the USA now?

---No. It will be two weeks ______ I leave here.

A. until

B. since

C. before

D. when

8 .Mike used to be a top student, but he ________ behind since he lost himself in computer games.

A. fell

B. has fallen

C. was

D. has been

9.---Jack, I'd like to have your opinions about my report.

--- _______ .But I have one suggestion.

A. That's a good idea

B. I agree with you

C. It looks fine to me

D. Check it first

10.---I'm going to give a talk on the Dragon Boat Festival to the exchange students.

---Great! But don't forget to tell them _____ .

A. what should they eat at the festival

B. why people enjoy the full moon

C. what kind of race is often held

D. How do people celebrate it

二、完形填空(共 12小题;每小题 1 分。满分 12分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题


A 、

B 、

C 、

D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项 .


How often do You let other people's rude actions change your mood? Do you let a

bad driver or an impolite waiter make your day in a mess? However, the mark of your

wise reply to the actions is how ___11___you can come back to smiling to them. Sixteen

years ago, I learned this _________ 12 ___ at the back of a taxi in New York.

We were driving fast in the right lane (车道)when suddenly, a black car


a park ing space right to front of us. My taxi driver stepped on the brake (刹车)

as hard as

possible, and at the ___ 14 ___ moment our car stopped just one inch from the

back of the other car.

I couldn't __15___ what happenednext. The driver of the car turned his head

around and started___16 __ bad words. But then here's what really___ 17 ____ me.

My taxi driver just smiled and waved (挥手致意)at the guy. I said, "Why did you just do

that? This guy nearly ___18___us!" He told me what I now remember "The Law of the

Garbage 垃圾)Truck."

He said, “Likgearbage trucks, many people run around full of garbage, full of anger,

and full of regret. _________ 19___their garbage increases more and more, they look

for a place to pour it.If you let them, they'll pour it on you. So when someone wants to

pour it on you, don't feel hurt. Just smile, wave, and move on. You will be___20___.

I started thinking: how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me? And how

often do I take their garbage and___21___it to other people? Then I knew clearly what I

should do.

I began to see Garbage Trucks. I see the bad__22___people are carrying. I see

them coming to pour it. And like my taxi driver, I don't feel hurt. I just smile, wave, and

move on 。 11 .A. clearly


C. exactly

D.correctl y 12.A. example

B.experienc e

C. lesson

D.case 13.A. out of B. across C. next to D.far from
