音乐专业课程描述 中英文版

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歌曲写作与改编Song Composition and Adaptation:

This course mainly introduces the way to compose the single melody songs, also relates to how to create polyphonic songs. In the classes teachers not only teach students how to write songs but also ask students to do exercise, these teaching method could foster students ability of writing music and analyzing songs. After this course, students would be master in musical theory and techniques, which could help them to be a qualified teacher in the future.


声乐名作与演唱赏析Appreciation of V ocal Masterpieces and Performance::

Students would be introduced to western art songs in the first step, then Chinese folk music and are songs. Art songs are created by composers , which normally stem from the famous poems . For example, musician---Liszt , he used Hugo, Henie, Goethe, Schiller as resources to composed his songs; the same situation happened in China as well, Chinese composer ZI HUANG and TIANHE CHEN used Chinese poems and as lyrics to created new songs.

Therefore, students would fully understand that art songs more focus on the lyrics, the accompaniment is not only for music but also for expression the meaning of songs and creating atmosphere. Due to learn the skills of western composing, the production of Chinese students would show the muti-cultures character which means the songs they make would combine the principle of western composing with oriental characters.


宗教音乐文化Religious Music Culture::

Students would be introduced to different kinds of religions, like Buddhism, Christianity and Taoism, which could help students to understand the cultures of these religions, and to find out the functions of music in various religions.通过对佛教,基督教和道教的基本情况的了解,知道他们各自的文化内涵,理解音乐在不同宗教文化中的作用和意义。

音乐美学基础Basics of Music Aesthetics:

Aesthetics of Music is the basic subject which aims to find the regulation of aesthetics in musicology. It focuses on doing researches with following issues: the characters and properties of music, the content and types of music, function of music, appreciation of music, composing, performance, and appreciation of the beauty. 音乐美学是以研究音乐艺术的美学规律为宗旨的一门基础性的理论学科。并从音乐的本质与特征、形式与内容、创作、表演与欣赏、功能以及美与审美,这几个它的研究对象对这门课进行基础的学习。

音乐文献检索与论文写作Music Literature Search and Paper Writing;:
