人教版高中英语必修三 示范说课稿

必修3unit 1说课稿一Festivals around the World张北一中高一年级:李霞人教版必修3一说教材1.教材的地位和作用:Festivals around the world是人教版新课标高中英语必修三第一单元的内容。
本单元围绕festivals around the world(世界各地的节日)这一主题展开进行听、说、读、写等多种教育活动。
2. 教案目标:(1)知识与技能:①简述各国节日的由来、作用以及人们在节日中的习俗表现;②掌握生词、词组、句型的用法。
( 3 ) 情感态度与价值观了解世界文化的多样性以及增强对本国传统特色文化的保护意识,,增强跨文化交际能力。
3. 教案重难点:重点:①了解世界各地各种的节日名称、起源以及庆祝方式等;②学习并掌握本课单词以及短语。
2. 学法学法上,我提倡“把学习的主动权还给学生”,教会学生主动预习、自主思考、系统小结;同时进行“自主、合作、探究”的学习方式,具体为讨论法、朗读法和勾画圈点法。
3. Teaching aids(教具):多媒体和常规教具。
四教案过程:Step1 Warming-up1.Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls .Happy New Year.2.Talk about winter vocation: Good morning .Happy New Year.设计意图:通过谈论新年,从而引入本单元的话题:festivals around the world.Step2.Leading-in(导入)首先通过幻灯片展示几幅图片,均为一些与节日有关的图片,要求学生对以下问题进行思考并讨论:1.说一下图片中都展示的是哪个节日?2.人们在节日中都做什么?3.你还知道中国的或外国哪些节日?人们怎么来庆祝这些节日?设计意图:1.通过谈论中外的不同节日,既让学生了解了中国的风俗习惯,唤起学生的爱国情感和民族自豪感,又了解到世界文化风俗,加强跨文化意识。

Book3(高中英语人教版必修3第一单元) Unit1 Festivals and celebrations《节日与庆典》我说课的内容是高一英语必修3Unit1阅读 Festivals and celebrations ,这是一节综合技能课,我说课内容包括以下几个部分:教材分析、学情分析、说教法、学法以及教学程序和教学反思。
本文的题目是Festivals and Celebrations.这一部分是本单元主题的重要体现形式。
三. 教学重点和难点重点:1.熟悉中国和其他国家的节日。

高中英语必修三 unit2 Healthy eating全英文说课稿人教版高中英语必修三 unit2 Healthy eating全英文说课稿作为一位杰出的'老师,就难以避免地要准备说课稿,写说课稿能有效帮助我们总结和提升讲课技巧。
那么说课稿应该怎么写才合适呢?以下是小编为大家收集的人教版高中英语必修三unit2 Healthy eating全英文说课稿,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。
Good morning ,ladies and gentleman! I’m so hornored to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is senior English Book3 unit2 Healthy eating.一、My understanding of the teaching materialFrom the title we can see the main topic in this unit is about Healthy Eating. Let students learn more about problems with a diet, a balanced diet, nutrition and so on.In this class we will learn the second part reading “Come and Eat Here”. This part introduces students two unbalanced diets through the restaurants of WangPeng and Yong Hui.It is important for students to know about the two extremes and avoid them. Before class, students have previewed it.二、The students analysisThey are students of grade one ,although they have known some new words and expressions,they can’t express themselves correctly,some students are not active in class,because they are afraid of making mistakes,but this topic is close to our daily life ,the students will have something to say about it.So I think they will take an active part in the class.三、Teaching aims:According to the new educational ideas,I’ll talk about the teaching aims in terms of three aspects.1.Knowledge aims:(1)Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part.(2)Let students learn the knowledge of balanced diets and nutrition.2.Ability aims:(1)Develop students’ reading ability and learn different reading skills.(2)Enable students to talk about problems with a diet, a balanced diet and nutrition.3.Emotional aims:(1) S timulate students’ sense to form a healthy eating habit.(2) Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning.四、Teaching important and difficult points.Teaching important points.(1)Let students learn more about problems with a diet, a balanced diet and nutrition.(2)Get students to learn different reading skills.Teaching difficult points.(1) Enable students to talk about problems with a diet, a balanced diet and nutrition.(2) Develop students’ reading ability.五、 Teaching theories and methodsWhen I d eal with this lesson,I’ll try my best to use the following theories . I’ll make the students real masters of the class, the teacher myself just act as a director or an orgnizer, I’ll prepare a competation to develop their quick response. In class, I’ll ues some encouraging and polite remarks ,such as “Do you want a go?” “Well done !” “You did a good job!” “Thank you!” and so on. In a word ,I’ll let the students receive some moral education while learning.Because it is a reading passage ,it is important for the students to learn some reading skills, so I’ll use some reading methods such as preparation for reading ,scaning ,skimming and intensive reading.六、Teaching Procedures:In order to gain the aims,I desigen six procedures.Step1 Lead-in.Step2 Self-studyStep3 DiscussionStep4 ActingStep5 Summing up.Step6 HomeworkStep1 Lead-in.let students look at two pictures and ask “what do you think of when you see the pictures?” Guess which of the following menus he or she has. Why is the gentleman so fat and the lady so thin? If I have such a menu like them, how will I become?(it will interest the students and encourage them to take an active part in the class )Step2 Self-study (this part is devided into two steps)First step:Ask students to skim the passage and summerise the main idea of the passage.(this will improve their reading speed) Second step:Ask students to read the passage carefully and finish task1 and task2 on the screen .During this step I’ll use a competation to develop their quick response and let the students take an active part in the class so as to let them form good reading habits.Step3 DiscussionListen to a song called Healthy Song. Ask students to discusshow to keep a healthy diet? in pairs.Step4 ActingAsk students to act out the result of discussion to improve their ability of using the language pionts.Step5 Summing up.Ask the students to sum up what they have learnt in this class.That is---Eating a balanced diet is very important. So from now on , we should develop good eating habits.Step6 HomeworkNumber1 ,learn by heart the language points we learnt this class.(must do.)Number2,supposing you are wang peng or yong hui,retell the whole passage . Understand our text deeply. (choose it to do.) Thank you for your listening .。

Unit 2 Healthy Eating尊敬的各位领导各位老师大家好!今天我说课的内容是普通高中课程标准试验教科书英语必修三第二单元健康饮食第二课时阅读部分come and eat here。

Check the answers to pre-reading questions
Find out other festivals in the text belonging to the same category Figure out what each festival celebrates
Work in groups and help each other to have a deeper understanding of festival’s categories and each one’s celebration
Write down each category on these cards. Students will draw lots to decide what kind of festival. Then they choose one festival in the category to talk about in front of the whole class .
Preview grammar---modal verbs
Thank You For Watching
give and eat moon cakes, watch the full moon with family and friends
Mexico the Day of the Dead Dragon Boat festival Harvest and Thanksgiving Day Spring Festival
Teaching procedures
Summary & homework

人教版高中英语必修三Unit2说课稿(范文大全)第一篇:人教版高中英语必修三 Unit 2 说课稿人教版高中英语必修三 Unit 2 说课稿尊敬的评委老师:大家上午好,我是外语组号和晓鸥。
今天我说课的题目是“Healthy Eating”,接下来我会从教材分析、教学目标、教学重难点、教法学法、教学过程、教学反思六个方面来展开我的说课。
三、教学重难点依据本节课的教学目标,我把本节课的教学重难点界定为以下几点:教学重点:重点短语ought to、lose weight、get away with、tell a lie、win……back的含义以及基本用法教学难点:语言的运用,ought to用法归纳;几个情态动词must、may、might、should、can辨析四、教法学法俗话说教学有法,教无定法。

必修3unit 1说课稿一Festivals around the World张北一中高一年级:李霞人教版必修3一说教材1.教材的地位和作用:Festivals around the world是人教版新课标高中英语必修三第一单元的内容。
本单元围绕festivals around the world(世界各地的节日)这一主题展开进行听、说、读、写等多种教育活动。
2. 教学目标:(1)知识与技能:①简述各国节日的由来、作用以及人们在节日中的习俗表现;②掌握生词、词组、句型的用法。
( 3 ) 情感态度与价值观了解世界文化的多样性以及增强对本国传统特色文化的保护意识,,增强跨文化交际能力。
3. 教学重难点:重点:①了解世界各地各种的节日名称、起源以及庆祝方式等;②学习并掌握本课单词以及短语。
2. 学法学法上,我提倡“把学习的主动权还给学生”,教会学生主动预习、自主思考、系统小结;同时进行“自主、合作、探究”的学习方式,具体为讨论法、朗读法和勾画圈点法。
3. Teaching aids(教具):多媒体和常规教具。
四教学过程:Step1 Warming-up1.Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls .Happy New Year.2.Talk about winter vocation: Good morning .Happy New Year.设计意图:通过谈论新年,从而引入本单元的话题:festivals around the world.Step2.Leading-in(导入)首先通过幻灯片展示几幅图片,均为一些与节日有关的图片,要求学生对以下问题进行思考并讨论:1.说一下图片中都展示的是哪个节日?2.人们在节日中都做什么?3.你还知道中国的或外国哪些节日?人们怎么来庆祝这些节日?设计意图:1.通过谈论中外的不同节日,既让学生了解了中国的风俗习惯,唤起学生的爱国情感和民族自豪感,又了解到世界文化风俗,加强跨文化意识。
人教版高中英语必修三Unit 1 Festivals around the world reading 说课稿

Unit 1 Festivals around the world (说课稿)一、说教材、学情1、教材分析本课为高一必修3第一单元第二节,本单元围绕节日这个题材开展多种教学活动,认识节日的分类以及节日对人们生活的影响,从更深入的层面理解各国节日的意义。
●运用略读(skimming)、找读(scanning)、细读(careful reading)等阅读技巧来掌握篇章中心内容,获取阅读文章中的关键信息。
●根据上下文,理解本课的生词、词组,如feast, gather, belief, dress up, playa trick on, admire, poet, look forward, day and night。
依本课在教材中所处的地位及作用,我将本课的教学重难点设计为:Talk about all kinds of festivals and practice students’ reading skills.二、说教法和学法(一)教法:“任务型教学法”学习语言的过程就是让学生完成各种各样任务的过程。
人教版高中英语必修三:Unit 5 Canada “The True North”说课稿

Book3 Unit 5 Canada -- “The True North”Period 1 Warming up and Reading说课稿各位领导、老师们,你们好!今天我要进行说课的内容是人教版高中英语必修3 Unit 5 Canada -- “The TrueNorth Period 1 Warming up and Reading。
首先,我对本节内容进行分析:一、教学设计背景1.面向学生:青铜峡市高级中学高一年级学生学科:英语2.课时:13. 教学理论依据英语教学是一种生活教学,所以它也是活动教学,教学过程也是交际活动过程。
4.学生分析(1)学生对旅游方面的知识有一定的了解和兴趣,但对加拿大这个国家的了解还比较有限;(2) 由于学生主要来源于农村,知识面和信息渠道很有限,学生多数对加拿大的地理位置,自然资源以及主要城市了解不多;(3) 学生具备一定的阅读理解能力,但在有限的时间内查找特定的信息和分析处理问题的能力还有待提高;5.学生课前准备(1)初读课文理解文章大意;(2) 勾画出生词并自己查阅词典自学,读准发音,弄清意思;(3) 勾画出好短语、句子和有疑难问题的词句;(4) 标出自然段落。

必修 3unit 1 说课稿一Festivals around the World张北一中高一年级:李霞人教版必修 3一说教材1.教材的地位和作用:Festivals around the world是人教版新课标高中英语必修三第一单元的内容。
本单元围绕festivals around the world(世界各地的节日)这一主题展开进行听、说、读、写等多种教育活动。
2.教学目标:( 1)知识与技能:①简述各国节日的由来、作用以及人们在节日中的习俗表现;②掌握生词、词组、句型的用法。
( 2)过程与方法①通过开展小组活动以及提问讨论的方式,引导学生积极与人合作,相互学习帮助,培养团队意识;②通过同学与老师之间的交流,在教学过程中提高语言表达能力,初步培养学生活学活用的能力。
( 3 )情感态度与价值观了解世界文化的多样性以及增强对本国传统特色文化的保护意识,,增强跨文化交际能力。
3.Teaching aids (教具):多媒体和常规教具。
四教学过程:Step1 Warming-up1.Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls .Happy New Year.2.Talk about winter vocation: Good morning .Happy New Year.设计意图:通过谈论新年,从而引入本单元的话题:festivals around theworld.Step2.Leading-in(导入)首先通过幻灯片展示几幅图片,均为一些与节日有关的图片,要求学生对以下问题进行思考并讨论:1.说一下图片中都展示的是哪个节日?2.人们在节日中都做什么?3.你还知道中国的或外国哪些节日?人们怎么来庆祝这些节日?设计意图:1.通过谈论中外的不同节日,既让学生了解了中国的风俗习惯,唤起学生的爱国情感和民族自豪感,又了解到世界文化风俗,加强跨文化意识。

⼈教必修三Unit1Festivalsandcelebrations说课稿(英⽂)A demonstration of the teaching plan of SeniorEnglish for China Book 3 Unit 1Festivals and celebrationsThe lesson I am going to conduct is Senior English for China Book 3 Unit 1 Festivals and celebrations. Personally I define this activity as a demonstration or explanation of the teaching plan. My demonstration is made up of 5 parts. The first part: an analysis of the teaching materials. The second: About the teaching methods. The third: About learning methods. The fourth: About the teaching procedure or the arrangement of the teaching steps. The last: About the blackboard design.Ⅰ. Let me first come to the analysis of the teaching materials. The whole unit talks about festivals of many kinds around the world. The reading passage briefly describes four different kinds of festivals. To deal with the reading text, we can’t skip the warming-up and pre-reading, because the warming-up and pre-reading provide both the teacher and students with a necessary preparation for the reading text. So personally I think it might be better to arrange the lesson into a combination of warming-up, pre-reading and reading. Certainly the focus should be placed on reading.The teaching goals are designed as the following:1. To provide the students with information about the festivals around the world as much as possible. This will mainly be done in the warming up in the form of pictures and video tips of celebrations of festivals. The Criteria of the New Curriculum encourage teachers to guide the students to develop a sense of cross-cultural understanding. To cultivate this ability, we need first to present enough materials for the students to acquire the knowledge of different cultures, because knowledge is the basis on which cross-cultural understanding and ability is formed.2. Through different reading activities, the students are to gradually build the ability of information acquiring and information processing. It is important to make sure that the students are aware that festivals exist everywhere and that many festivals celebrate similar ideas and important cultural events. This is also a good opportunity for both the teacher and students to compare and contrast cultural practices in china and other cultures. The students are to sum up or abstract the intention, the meaning and functions of festivals. Meanwhile it is important to let them know that we human beings need to have things in life to celebrate and rest for a while from daily struggles.3. The students are to learn some new words and expressions in the reading. Certainly the language points will be dealt with thoroughly in the following class. They are not the major focus of this class.The focus of the lesson is to help the students totally understand what the text is about. And this goal will be achieved through different reading activities and checked by the comprehending exercises.The most difficult part of the lesson should be how to help the students to sum up the reasons and functions for festivals. But anyway I do not expect that they can express their ideas fully and clearly enough. So long as they participate willingly, the teaching goal shall be more or less achieved.Ⅱ. About the teaching methodsThe teaching aid includes the textbook, a ppt. with pictures and video tips of celebrations of festivals and the blackboard. Task based learning approach will be mainly employed in conducting this lesson. The lesson follows certain stages. In each stage the students are assigned a clear task. The students will be given pre-task, central-task, time for report and practice. For example, I will introduce the topic and give the students clear instructions on what they will have to do and might help the students to recall some knowledge that may be useful for the task. The task will be completed in the form of presentation of pictures and video tips of festivals and celebrations, pair work, group discussion, individual reading and report of their work. Whatever method I employ, I think the most important point is to create an active, friendly and relaxing atmosphere.The most important point of this part, according to my understanding, is to guarantee the reading time., because the process of reading can not be omitted. Without enough language input, we can not expect any efficient language output. So I will arrange 15-20 minutes for the students to read through the text in class.Ⅲ. Next let me briefly focus on learning methods. Teaching methods and learning methods can not be separated. They are actually closely related together. The students will be given clear tasks in each different stage. The task will be presented in the form of discussion report and scanning or skimming for information. The students will strengthen their language skillsthrough listening, speaking, silent reading and reading aloud. They will also be encouraged to organize their ideas logically by answering the comprehending questions.Ⅳ. The teaching procedureStep 1 An introduction of the topic, including learning tasks of this class.Step 2 A ppt. shows the pictures and video tips of the related materials. This is a good means of guaranteeing the volume of the class. And in this part the students are to discuss the questions and report their discussion. It is intended to have students start thinking about the variety of events and festivals that are celebrated in China, and to connect them with seasons of the year and reasons for celebrations.Step 3 Listening for general idea of each section, for listening should come first in the four basic skills.Step 4 Fast reading to answer the questions listed on the ppt. This is a period arranged for the students to skim the text and further grasp the main idea of the text.Step 5 Careful reading to finish Ex.1-2 in comprehending. In this process the students will acquire the detailed information of the text and fully understand it.Step 6 Reading aloud for the students to strengthen their understanding of the reading material, and meanwhile gradually develop a sense of the English language.Step 7 A discussion to complete Ex.3. This part serves as a summary of the reading text. Any opinion is welcome.Step 8 Homework Read the textⅤ. Blackboard design。

2. Performance
(6 minutes)
Method: UseWatch and Listen activity, Free Discussion
method and Group work.
Purpose: Enable the students to learn how to talk about
Ⅴ.Teaching methods of this period:
1. Question-and-answer activity teaching method 2. Watch-and-listen activity 3. Free discussion method 4. Group work
4. Teaching importance of this unit:
Modal verbs ( may might, can could will would shall should must can )
Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aids
2.Teaching aids:
1) A projector 2) A tape recorder 3) Multimedia 4) The blackboard
Part 3. Teaching Plan and design of this unit
Period 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Period 2 Reading & Language Points Period 3 Post-reading & Using Language Period 4 Listening and speaking Period 5 Grammar Teaching Period 6 Writing

二、教学目标1. 知识与技能目标:- 学生能够掌握本单元的核心词汇和短语,如“tradition”, “custom”, “heritage”等。
- 掌握并运用本单元的语法点,如比较级和最高级的使用。
- 提高学生的听力理解能力,能够理解关于文化话题的对话和短文。
- 通过口语练习,学生能够就文化差异进行简单讨论。
- 阅读部分,学生能够理解并分析文化类文章的结构和内容。
- 写作技能上,学生能够撰写一篇关于文化话题的短文。
2. 过程与方法目标:- 培养学生通过合作学习和小组讨论来解决问题的能力。
- 通过角色扮演和模拟情景,提高学生的口语表达和交际能力。
3. 情感态度与价值观目标:- 增强学生对多元文化的理解和尊重。
- 激发学生探索不同文化的兴趣和愿望。
三、教学重难点1. 教学重点:- 核心词汇和短语的掌握与运用。
- 语法点的正确使用,特别是在描述文化特点时的比较级和最高级。
2. 教学难点:- 提高学生对文化类文章的阅读理解能力。
- 引导学生进行文化话题的深入讨论和写作。
四、教学方法与手段1. 教学方法:- 采用任务型教学法,通过实际情境模拟,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习语言。
- 使用多媒体教学资源,如视频、图片等,直观展示不同文化的特点。
2. 教学手段:- 利用PPT展示文化对比的图片和视频,增强学生的视觉体验。
- 分组合作,通过小组讨论和角色扮演,提高学生的口语交际能力。
五、教学过程1. 导入新课:- 通过展示不同国家的图片,激发学生对文化差异的兴趣。

Module 1
- 介绍课程背景和学生生活实际,激发学生研究兴趣
- 结合图片和视频,讲解文化差异,并与学生进行互动讨论
- 引导学生听懂、说出有关社交礼仪的表述,并举例说明其在生活中的应用
Module 2
- 分享课程细节和研究目标,帮助学生更好地研究文本
- 让学生自主发现文章结构,挖掘语言知识,并进行小组合作- 分享作者生平及其作品背景,帮助学生理解文章主题和情感
Module 3
- 基于前两部分的知识,引导学生分析文本细节、情感和主题- 引导学生运用语言进行口语表达和写作创新,培养学生的语言应用能力和创造力
- 结合影视或音频,让学生理解文本和题目背景,提高学生研究兴趣和成果

教学目标分为三个方面:1. 知识与技能:学生能够掌握相关词汇和表达方式,了解不同文化的特点和差异。
2. 过程与方法:通过小组讨论、角色扮演等活动,培养学生的合作能力和批判性思维。
3. 情感态度与价值观:激发学生对不同文化的兴趣和尊重,培养开放和包容的心态。
三、教学方法与手段1. 导入新课:通过播放一段关于世界各地文化特色的视频,激发学生的兴趣,为后续教学内容做铺垫。
2. 呈现新知:利用图片、图表等多媒体教学资源,直观展示中西方文化的差异。
3. 合作学习:组织学生进行小组讨论,分享他们对不同文化的看法和体验。
4. 情景模拟:通过角色扮演等活动,让学生在模拟的跨文化交际场景中练习英语口语。
5. 自主探究:鼓励学生利用网络资源,对感兴趣的文化话题进行深入研究。
四、教学过程1. 热身活动:通过提问和讨论,引导学生回顾前两单元所学的文化知识。
2. 新课导入:播放视频,让学生初步感受不同文化的魅力。
3. 词汇学习:教授描述文化特点的相关词汇,并通过例句加深理解。
4. 阅读训练:学生阅读课文,理解文章主旨,并回答问题。
5. 听力练习:播放课文录音,学生跟读并模仿发音。
6. 口语实践:分组进行角色扮演,模拟跨文化交际场景。
7. 写作指导:学生撰写一篇关于文化差异的短文,进行同伴互评。

以下是一份必修三高中英语说课稿的示例:高中英语必修三说课稿一、教学目标1. 知识与技能目标:- 学生能够掌握本单元的核心词汇和短语。
- 学生能够理解和运用本单元的重点语法结构。
2. 过程与方法目标:- 通过多种教学活动,培养学生的英语听说读写能力。
- 通过小组合作学习,提高学生的英语交流和协作能力。
3. 情感态度与价值观目标:- 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养积极的学习态度。
- 通过阅读和讨论,引导学生形成正确的价值观和世界观。
二、教学内容本单元的主题为“文化差异”,包含以下几个部分:1. 词汇学习:学习与文化相关的词汇和短语。
2. 语法点:学习并掌握现在完成时态的用法。
3. 阅读材料:阅读关于不同文化习俗和价值观的文章。
4. 听力练习:听有关文化交流的对话或讲座。
5. 口语活动:进行角色扮演和讨论,练习英语口语表达。
6. 写作练习:写一篇关于文化差异的短文或日记。
三、教学重点1. 词汇和短语的准确使用。
2. 现在完成时态的语法结构及其在实际语境中的应用。
四、教学难点1. 学生对文化差异的理解可能存在偏差,需要引导学生正确认识和尊重不同文化。
2. 现在完成时态的灵活运用可能对部分学生来说较难掌握。
五、教学方法1. 任务型教学法:通过设计具体的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习语言。
2. 合作学习法:鼓励学生进行小组合作,共同探讨和解决问题。
3. 情景教学法:创设真实的语言使用情景,提高学生的语言实际运用能力。
六、教学过程1. 导入(5分钟):通过图片或视频激发学生对文化差异的兴趣。
2. 词汇学习(10分钟):教授本单元的核心词汇和短语,并通过练习加深理解。
3. 语法讲解(15分钟):详细讲解现在完成时态的用法,并进行例句分析。
4. 阅读指导(20分钟):指导学生阅读材料,理解文章内容,并讨论文化差异。

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---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 人教版高中英语必修三示范说课稿人教版高中英语必修三示范说课稿高中英语必修三《Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld 》示范说课稿Goodmorning,everyone.Imverypleasedtohavetheopportunitytotal kaboutsomeofmyteachingideas.Mytopicisthereadingtext:Festiva lsandcelebrationsinunit1Festivalsaroundtheworld.Itismadeupo fthreeparts.Part1Myunderstandingofthislesson1.Theanalysisof theteachingmaterial:Thisunittalksaboutmanykindsoffestivalsi ndifferentpartoftheworld.Thefirstreadingbrieflydescribesfou rdifferentkindsoffestivals.Bystudyingthisunit,studentscankn owthatfestivalsexiteverywhere,andmanyoffestivalsindifferent countriescelebratesimilarideas.Animportantelementintheuniti stheopportunitytocompareandcontrastculturalpracticesinChina andothercountries.2.Teachingaims:a.Knowledgeaim:Makestudent sknowabouttheholidayallovertheworldandthedetailoftheholiday ,suchasoriginoftheholiday,contentoftheholiday,andthedateoft heholiday,etc.b.Abilityaim:▲Makestudentstalkaboutfestivals andcelebrationsinEnglish.c.Emotionalaim:▲MaketheSslearnabo utthesignificanceoffestivals.▲ MaketheSsknowabouttheforeignfestivals,andrespectothercountr ies1/ 14custom.3.Teachingimportantpoints:HowtomaketheSsunderstandth etextbetter.4.Teachingdifficultpoints:EnabletheSsgrasptheus ingofModalVerbs.Part2Myteachingtheories,methodsandaidsa.Tea chingtheoriesBeforedealingwiththislesson,Illdomybesttocarry outthefollowingtheories:MaketheSstherealmastersinclasswhile theteacherhimselfactsasdirector;Combinethelanguagestructureswiththelanguagefunctions;Letthe studentsreceivesomemoraleducationwhiletheyarelearningtheEng lishlanguage.b.Teachingmethod:Accordingtothemodernperceptio ntheoriesandsocialintercourseteachingtheories,Iadoptstheque stion‐andanswermethod,cooperatemethodanddiscussionmethodin myteaching.First,question‐andanswermethod,tosomedegree,itc anarouseSsinterestanddeveloptheirlisteningandspeaking.Secon d,cooperatemethodcancultivatetheSsscommunicateskillsandinfl uenceefficiencyoftheclass.Third,discussioncanhelpdevelopthe irthinkingandcommunicativeability.c.Teachingaids:1.aproject or2.ataperecorder3.acomputermultimedia4.theblackboardPart3.TeachingproceduresStep1Greet ingsGreetthewholeclassasusual.Step2.Lead‐inandpreparationf orreadingShowthemsomepicturesofmanykindsoffestivalsandletth emtalkwitheachother,andthenusethepicturesaboutfestivalstole arnnewwords,forexample,ObonHalloween,ValentinesDayandsoon.Q---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 1,WhatkindsoffestivalsinChinadoyouknowabout?Q2,Whatfestival sofforeigncountriesdoyouknow?Purpose: ① OpentheSs mind.② Getthemtobeinterestedinwhatisgoingtolearn.Step3.SkimmingRea dthepassageasquicklyastheycan.ThendotheEx.1inP.3Step4..Scan ningReadthepassagecarefullyagainandanswersomedetailedquesti onsonthescreen.Qs:Whichthreetimesoftheyeardidpeoplecelebrat einAncientTimes?WhatkindofthingsaredonetocelebratetheObonFe stival?WhydoesIndianhaveanationalfestivalonOctober2?HowdoEu ropeanscelebrateThanksgivingfestivals?Namethreethingspeople doatSpringFestival.Step5.CarefulreadingItisalsocalleddepthr eadingorstudyreading.Itmeansreadingfordetailedinformation.P urpose:Furtherunderstandthetext (Trainfurtherreadingability)tofindoutsomedifferentsentencesanddetailsofthetext.Ex.2inP. 3Step6.LearningaboutlanguageDealwiththelanguagepointsandthe usingoftheModalVerbsinthetext.Inmemoryof,dressup,lookforwar dto,..Purpose:TraintheSsabilityofunderstandingandusinglagua ge.Step7.Consolidation1.Findoutthetopicsentences.2.Retellth epassageaccordingtothetopicsentences.Purpose:Iwanttoknowifm ystudentsunderstandthewholetextreallyandiftheymasterwhatIme antotelltheminthisclass.Whatsmore,Iwanttoletthemhavetheabil3/ 14ityofintroducingandanalyzingexpression.Atthesametime,Iwillw ritedownthetopicsentencesontheblackboardaccordingtowhatthes tudentsfind,sotheycanretelliteasily.Step8.DiscussionWhatisy ourfavouritefestival?Why?Whenisit?Whatisthefestivalabout?Ho wlongcanwehaveforholiday?Whatdoweusuallydointhefestival?Ste p9.Homework高中英语必修三《unit2Healthy_Eating 》示范说课稿Goodmorning,everyteacher.MynameisZhangShuzhenfromforeignlan guageschoolofJiangxiUniversityofFinanceangEcnomics.Mytopico fthisclassisHealthyEating.TodayImverypleasedtohaveanopportu nitytotalkaboutsomeofmyteachingideasaboutthistopicfromthefo llowingparts.ThefirstpartistheanalysisofteachingmaterialThe topicofthisunitishealthyeating.Itaimsatlearningthecommonsen seofnutrition,healthydietaryhabitaswellasthedietarycultured ifferences.Thisclassisthereadingpartofthisunit,andIbelieveS scanfindtheirpleasuretolearntheknowledgepoints.Accordingtot hecharacterofthisclass,theteachingaimsofthisperiodofthiscla ssisthat:1、learnsomewordsabouthealthyeatingthoughcontext,Forexample: balance,roast,poisonousandsoon.2、masterthecontentandstructureofthistext,laernsomeknowledgeof healthyeating.3、improvethereadingability.4、arousetheconsciousnessofhealthyeatinghabit.Afterthecarefuls---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ tudyofthisteachingmaterial,Ithinkthekeypointistodifferentia tehealthyfoodandunhealtyfood,anddevelopSsreadingability.The difficultpointistomastertheusefulnewwordsexpressions.Thesec ondpartisteachingmethodsInordertoinvolvestudentsparticipati oninthisclass,Iwillmakefulluseofallkindsofteachingmeathods, suchasself‐study,groupdiscussion,brainstorm,roleplay,given situationsandsoon.IwilltrytoencourageSstospeakenglish,impro vetheirabilityofusinglanguage.Thethirdpartisteachingprocedu reIdividetheteachingprocedureintofoursteps:Thefirststep:lea d‐in 第一环节导入设计Inthispart,IwillhaveafreetalkwithSs,askthemsomequestionssuc hasWhatdoyouusuallyhaveforbreakfast/lunch/supper?Wewillhaveafr eechatofSseatinghabit,andlayafoundationofthenextteachingpar t.Meanwhile,wecanbuildaharmoniousandlooseatmosphere.Theseco ndstep:presentanewlesson 第二环节新课呈现ThisstepistoimproveSsreadingability.First,Iwillintroducethe healthyfoodandunhealthyfood,Sscanlearnsomewordsandexpressio nsoffood.Second,readthetext,whichincludesfastreadingandcare fulreading.Ononehand,thisstepcanimproveSsabilitytograspthem aincontentexactly,ontheotherhand,itcanimproveSsabilitytofin5/ 14st,discussion.Encouragethefreshpointof view,arouseSslearninginterest,andhelpSstodevelopheathyeatin ghabits.Thethirdstep:consolidationandpractice 第三环节巩固操练Asweallknow,practicemakesperfect.IwillgiveSsseveralexercise stoconsolidatetheapplicationofexpressions.Thefourthstep:hom ework 第四环节课后作业Homeworkisaimedtoreviewwhatwehavelearntinthisclassandprevie wwhatwewilllearninthenextclass.Thehomeworkofthisclassistore viewwordsandexpressionsandpreviewgrammar.Thelastpartisteach ingevaluationInthisclass,Itrytoarousestudentsinterestinlear ningenglishthroughinteractionanddiscussion.Also,Ihopetoachi evetheteachingaimsthroughtheteachingandlearningofthisclass, andlayagoodfoundationforthewholestudents.English,Ican.Thats all.Thankyou!高中英语必修三《Unit4Astronomythescienceofthestars 》示范说课稿今天我说课的题目是《_Unit4Astronomy:thescienceofthestars》。