
让人匪夷所思的英式俚语1、打招呼、称呼花样多-Alright, mate? Where have you been?你好啊朋友,最近跑哪去了?-Aye, nowhere, just dying in bed。
Who’s that lad?嗨,我哪也没去,在家瘫着而已。
那小子是谁啊?-Oh,that’s my pal, Jimmy。
Tips:1)英国人见面时常用的alright、aye就是打招呼说你好的意思,英格兰北部的人尤其喜欢说aye、aye up2)mate、pal可能很多人都听过,就是朋友的意思,类似于美语里的man、buddy,而像lad一般就是指男孩,小伙子,也常说chap2、撩人社交必学-Fancy a drink?来一杯吗?-Blimey, no!I don’t want to get pissed in the afternoon。
-Well then,I’ll get you a cuppa?好吧,我去给你倒杯茶。
-My mate invited me to his do tonight, do you want go with me?我朋友邀请我今晚去他家聚会,要不要一起?-Sure…Oh sod it!I forget I’ll have dinner with my mom。
Tips:1)fancy本身就是喜爱的意思,英国人非常喜欢用fancy,口语中相当于would you like?也就是询问你有没有意向做某事2)很多英国人把blimey挂在口头上,其实就是oh my god,英国版我的天呐(小岳岳脸)3)pissed在美语里是生气的意思,但在英国俚语中是喝醉的意思哦4)cuppa不是什么随便的a cup of,而是特指a cup of tea!英国人有多爱茶大家都是知道的吧5)cheers不仅有干杯的意思,英国人也用它表示感谢,就是谢谢的意思啦6)do就是party,go to a do就是go to a party7)sod it也是口头语,感叹词,不过是很脏的话了,可以理解成* it3、不一样的物件名称-You want some sweet to eat with your tea?你想来点儿糖果伴茶吗?-Yeah, that would be nice。

英国人常说的日常用语1.Absol utely not.绝对不是。
2. Areyou c oming with me?你跟我一起去吗?3. Ar e you sure? 你能肯定吗?4. As soon as p ossib le. 尽快。
5. Bel ieveme. 相信我。
6. Bu y it. 买下来!7. Call me t omorr ow. 明天打电话给我。
8. Can youspeak slow ly? 请您说得慢些好吗?9. Co me wi th me. 跟我来。
10. Con gratu latio ns. 恭喜恭喜。
11.Do it righ t! 把它做对。
12. D o you mean it ?你是当真的吗?13. D o you seehim o ften?你经常见到他吗?14.Do yo u see it?= Doyou u nders tand?你明白了吗?15. Do youwantit? 你要吗?16. D o you want some thing? 你想要些什么?17.Don’t do i t . 不要做。
18. D on’texagg erate. 不要夸张。
19. Do n’t t ell m e tha t. 不要告诉我。
20.Giveme ahand. 帮我一下。
21. Go righ t ahe ad. 一直往前走。
22. Have a go od tr ip. 祝旅途愉快。
23. Have a ni ce da y. 祝你一天过得愉快。
24. Ha ve yo u fin ished? 你做完了吗?25. H e doe sn’thavetime.他没空。

1. The lights are on but nobody’s home –used to describe a stupid person.灯亮着却没人在家——用于描述很愚蠢的人。
Example: She really has no clue- the lights are on but nobody’s home!例子:她完全抓不着头绪——脑子笨的像头猪。
2. When pigs fly –about something that will never happen.除非猪都会飞了——表示某事永远都不会发生,绝无可能。
Example: Yea, right! You will get Taylor Swift to ask you on a date when pigs fly!例子:对的!等猪都会飞了你就会得到泰勒.斯威夫特的约会邀请。
3. To have Van Gogh’s ear for music –to be tone deaf .(Van Gogh only had one ear!)用梵高的耳朵听音乐——音痴。
(梵高只有一只耳朵!)Example: Xavi really shouldn’t play the piano- he has Van Gogh’s ear for music.例子:哈维真不该弹钢琴——他简直就是个音痴。
4. To pig out –to eat a lot very quickly.狼吞虎咽——快速吃掉很多东西。
Example: After the marathon, the runners pigged out at a dinner buffet.例子:马拉松跑完后,参赛者们在自助餐晚宴上狼吞虎咽。
5. Everything but the kitchen sink –almost everything has been included.除了厨房里的水槽什么都有——几乎包括了所有事。

British Slang Standard English Equivalent Aye YesArse Bandit, Bum Bandit, RingRaider, Shit Stabber, Turd Burglar,Shirt Lifter, Uphill Gardener,Malteser PusherHomosexual (offensive derogatory)Arse raped To be left speechless by insults, to get "had off", to be raped in the arse, to be punishedBare Much/ManyBath Rhymes with 'Laugh', but 'Laugh' in this context means 'Mock'. i.e. "You're having a 'bath' if you think I'm paying that! I'll never pay that much!"Bell/Bell-End The Glans of the Penis or 'a Fool'. "The 'Bell' of the Ball" means "Idiot of the Party"Berk Idiot; irritating person (from "Berkeley Hunt", Cockney rhyming slang for cunt)Billy Amphetamines. Derived from 'Billy Whizz' a British Comic CharacterBiscuit Cookie; crackerBobby, The Fuzz, 'Old Bill', Plod,5-Oh, Pigs, Rozzers, Bizzie(Scouse),The Scum, The FilthPolice Officer i.e. "Look out! It's the Bizzies!"Blagger Liar or Robber. Also 'Blag' is 'lie to' or 'rob' someone. Also somebody who boasts a lot.Blates/Blatantly Obviously, in full view of something Blindoh DrunkBloke, Chap, Geezer Man (informal), "He's a decent bloke."Bloody Damned (as an adjective), literally "By Our Lady", or swearing by the Virgin Mary, vulgar.Bog ToiletBog off Go away Bog roll Toilet paperBollocks Testicles or Nonsense. However 'The Dog's Bollocks' or 'THE Bollocks' means 'Excellent!'Bird GirlBrassic Broke, Pennyless Brown Bread DeadBugger Anal sex, an exclamation of dissatisfaction ("OH BUGGER!"), in a dire situation ("Well, we're buggered now"), acute surpriseBuffting Attractive womanBum The Buttocks, The Anus or Both.Buzz, BuzzingTo Laugh, In a State of Mirth. Alternatively: Intoxicated on Euphoric Pyschoactive Compounds CampEffeminate Chav, Ned, Bam, Scally,A person who dresses in a certain style, typically badly or in sports clothing. Often used as a form of derogation. CheersThank you or goodbye CockAn idiot Coolybox Air ConditioningDinnee, Dinshee, Din-I, Dinnay, Dinnew "Did He Not", "Did She Not", "Did I Not", "Did They Not","Did You Not". E.g. "Dinnee" is derived from common "Didn't He" which is "Did He Not" in standard English.Same process for the others.FagCigarette / Homosexual FannyExternal Female genitalia FitSexually Attractive FringeBangs in a hair cut Gary'sEcstacy Tablets. Derived from Soccer Player/Coach name ONL Y . 'Gary Ablett' (Rhyme: 'Ablett - Tablet') Gaff, YardHouse GayBad i.e. "It was 'Gay' being mugged" GelidVery cold, Freezing Ginger Ginger or Red Haired Person (offensive derogatory) Git, Prick, Bell-end, Knob-end, Twat, Jeb-endIncompetent, stupid, annoying, or childish person GobMouth; to spit GobbensLose items, stuff, belongings ("I forgot my gobbens") GobsmackedFlabbergasted, dumbfounded, astounded, speechless Gormlessidiotic, acting without common sense, switched off GyaldemGirl Half-InchTo Steal. Rhymes with 'Pinch'. Have your pants downTo be punished HelmetAlso another word for 'Glans of the Penis' or 'fool' HandbagsA harmless fight. Stems from handbags at dawn, which is a play on "pistols at dawn" HenchA muscular, well-built male or a derogatory term for large females Ickle SmallInnee, Inshee, Inn-I, Innay"Is He Not", "Is She Not", "Am I Not", "Are They Not".Cockney/Southern England. Innee is derived from common"Isn't He" which means "Is He Not" in Standard English.Same as the other derivatives.I('ll) say Expression of surprise, amazement (similar to US "Golly" Jack, Raise StealJammy Lucky. i.e. It is 'Jammy' to win the lottery (Also 'Spawny') Jizz SemenKip Sleep, NapKnackered Exhausted, TiredKnob head a stupid, irritating personKnob jockey homosexual (to ride the penis like a jocky rides a horse) Lachmo, Lachcake, Dinlo, Fruitbat,Dopelegs, SpazmoAll refer to someone who is an idiotLagging/Laggin'To be drunk or intoxicated. i.e. "I was full on laggin'" Loo LavatoryLunker Smoker.Lunkist Lung cancer. Usually used in regards to smoking and/or smokers.Mandem Group of Thugs or HooligansManc Someone from ManchesterManky Dirty, filthyMate FriendMeat & Two Veg (pronounced'Vedge')External male genitaliaMerk To beat someone either physically or mentally Minger Ugly or filthy-minded personMint Descriptive; meaning very goodMinted WealthyMorfen The desire to do something more often** Munter Ugly personMutt a dog, someone dirtyNey noNick Steal or Police Station "He's in the 'Nick'"Nicked Arrested or Stolen i.e. "He got 'Nicked' after he'd 'Nicked' that Car"Nonce Paedophile or idiotNutter Insane personPen DeadPeng Sexually AttractivePig Pen Police/Constabulary StationPillock Someone who is brain-dead or simply stupid Pinch StealPip(s)Seed(s) (of fruit)Pissed DrunkPonce A pimp; a posh, effeminate man. Poof/Poofter, Fairy, Queen, Bender,Bent, ShirtlifterHomosexualPram A Baby's Carriage, StrollerPrick Used to describe someone considered to be annoying, similar to WankerPussy/pussyole someone who is soft, and backs out of things.Rare when something is rare, it is weird, "that was rare mate" Rarted RoughRed Liverpool F.C. fanReeker Someone from the lower classes, generally lives on a council estate, similar to chav. Comes from Reek, as in to smell badRing Anal SphincterRubbish Trash, garbageSafe Good, AgreedSee A Man About A Dog Attend a secret deal or meeting. Scouser Someone from LiverpoolScrote Scrotum or pestilent child or teenager Shag Have sex withShank To stab somethingShiloh A detestable person. Usually referring to one who is rude or ignorant.Shiner Black Eye or ErectionSick/ill Used commonly to describe something as brilliant Skint Poor (having no money)Skanked Ripped-off, daylight robbery, expensiveSkank To DanceSkanky Someone who is vileSket Sweaty, dirty girlSlag, Slapper, Tart, Scrubber, Scutter,BintProstitute, Loose womanSlash(noun) the act of urinating, "I need a slash." Smart CleverSnog Excessive kissingSod And idiot, moron, or annoying person (from sodomite, homosexual, pervert, etc)Sod Off Go away, i.e., fuck off. Steaming Extremely Drunk Struggle and grunt CuntSteek see ReekerSpawny Lucky (e.g. a basketball shot that you would never expect to go in, and it does)Spunk Semen. Or can be used as a verb meaning ejaculate: "He spunked all over the carpet".Take the piss (out of)To mock, "Are you taking the piss?"Tax or Taxed To Mug, Rip Off, To Steal OR Mugged, Ripped Off or StolenTosser Literally someone who masturbates (to toss off), but generally means an idiot or someone whom the speaker doesn't likeTramp A homeless person, equivalent to an American 'bum'. Alternatively someone who takes no pride in their appearance.Twit A foolish or annoying personTwat Female genitalia or an idiotWahgwan Chavvy way of greeting people, "wahgwan blud" Wank Male masturbationWanker Literally someone who masturbates (verb - to wank), but generally means an idiot or someone whom the speaker doesn't like.Whizz Amphetamines. Derived from British Comic Character 'Billy Whizz'. See also 'Billy'Willawonks Fuck offWilliam Amphetamines. Derived from slang term 'Billy' from British Comic Character 'Billy Whizz'.Wuss A weakling or meek person. I.e. "Stop screaming you big wuss! It's only a ladybird!"。

1,ace: She is an ace dancer.就是牛X的意思啊。
2,all-nighter: I felt very tired after an all-nighter.通宵。
3,beemer: That girl is driving a beemer.BMW, 宝马。
4,booze: I'm going to bring a bottle of booze to your party.酒 ....................1,ace: She is an ace dancer.就是牛X的意思啊。
2,all-nighter: I felt very tired after an all-nighter.通宵。
3,beemer: That girl is driving a beemer.BMW, 宝马。
4,booze: I'm going to bring a bottle of booze to your party.酒5,bummer:坏事,不好的方面。
别人要跟你说开车撞了电线杆子,你就要说Oh, bummer!一表感同身受。
6,chicken: He is really a chicken.弱人7,cool:港片里的“酷”啊,用得实在多。
8,cop:That crazy driver was pulled over by a cop.警察,可不要当面叫啊,当面叫"ShuShu".9,couch patato: My roommate is a couch patato.喜欢长时间坐那看电视的懒蛋。
10,deep pockets: I don't want to buy it, it's for people with deep pockets.富鬼。

英国人常用的俚语精选1.sauage fest意思:人山人海,人满为患。
【Sauage火腿 fest,集会,节日】用法:“The club was fuckingterrible last night, it was a proper sausagefest there.”昨晚这间酒吧好吵,真的是人满为患。
2.the dog’s bollocks意思:最好的【bollocks 胡说】用法:“That bacon sandwich I had this morning was theabsolute dog’s bollocks.”今天早上吃的那个培根三明治真的是最棒的。
3.fell arse over tit意思:跌得不轻用法:“You were so pissed (恼火)lastnight mate, you walked out of the pub and fellarse over tit in the street.” 哥们,你昨晚太恼火了,走出酒吧,就在大街上跌倒了。
4.as the actress said to the bishop意思:引出一个暗讽用法:“Oh my, look at the size of that sausage…as the actress said to th e bishop.”啊,好吧,看看这根香肠(多大吧),呵呵。
5.donkey’s years意思:很长一段时间用法:“How’s your friend Lisa fromschool?” “Oh, god knows. I haven’t seen her for donkey’s years.”你的朋友lisa怎么样了? 天知道,我好久没见她了。

下面是小编给大家带来的俚语大全,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧!常见英国俚语大全Bairn – Baby or young child 小孩子Lad – Boy 男孩Lass, Lassie – Girl 女孩Bloke, Chap – Man 男人Mate, Pal – Friend 朋友、伙计Our kid – My brother or my sister 我的兄弟或姐妹Don't be confused if someone calls you pet, duck, sweetie, love, chicken, chuck, chucky-egg or sunshine. People in the UK often use these terms when they are addressing other people as a sign of friendliness and affection. It is usually not appropriatefor younger people to use these terms with older people, however.如果有人叫你pet、duck、sweetie、love、chicken、chuck、chucky-egg或sunshine,不要觉得奇怪,英国人喜欢用这些昵称来表达友好和喜爱之情。
【社交、约会】Do – Party. You would go to a do if you were going to a party in the UK.派对、聚会。
在英国,参加派对就是"go to a do"。
BYOB – Bring your own bottle. In the UK, it is common for the party host to ask guests to bring their own drinks. You might see BYOB written on the invitation.自带酒水。

Cuppa – Cup of tea一杯茶
Snog – To kiss passionately热吻
Chin-wag – Talk or gossip with friends和朋友闲聊、八卦
E.g.,Is he pissed?他是不是喝醉了?
Fancy – To find someone attractive觉得某人迷人
Askout–Байду номын сангаасoasksomeoneiftheywanttogoonadate邀请
Lad – Boy男孩
Lass, Lassie – Girl女孩
Bloke, Chap – Man男人
Mate, Pal – Friend朋友、伙计
Our kid– My brother or my sister我的兄弟或姐妹

英国俚语大全英语俚语让你一次看个够动物是人类的朋友,它们都和人类共同生活在地球上,所以在人类语言中有很多是动物有关的,请你们看一看这些有趣的句子吧!1. What a stupid man(驴)!真是个傻瓜!2. Kate is busy as a bee(蜜蜂).凯特是个大忙人。
3. You dirty rat(老鼠)!你这卑鄙的小人!4. I''m hungry as a wolf!我要饿死了!5. What a turkey!真是个草包!You are a dreamboat. 你是位(异性所追求的)理想人选You are such a dish. 你是个绝色美人I''ve been dying to meet you. 我非常非常想见到你Every time I see you, you leave me out in the cold. 每次我见到你,你都不睬我I only have eyes for you . 我只在意你I''d do anything to see you crack a smile. 为了博得你的一笑,我情愿做任何事You swept me off my feet. 你使我神魂颠倒You don''t have a care in the world. 你不知人间烦恼为何物I''m still trying to get to second base with you. 我仍旧试着想和你发展到‘第二阶段’(在美国,first base 指拉手,接吻,second base 指抚摩等,third base指做爱)If you don''t want to lose me, you''d better lay it on the line. 如果你不想失去我,就最好一五一十地告诉我吧Tell me your story, I''m all ears. 告诉我你的故事,我洗耳恭听Someday, when your ship come in, you''ll build your dream house. 总有一天,当你有钱时,你会建造你梦想的家I hope your idea takes wing. 我希望你的想法成真I wish that you would put your cards on the table. 我希望你干脆把话挑明Have you ever seen your old flame? 你还见过你的旧情人吗If the shoe fits, wear it. 如果是真的就承认吧This experience will make me show my true color. 这种经历将使我暴露我的本性I have a bottomed-down mind. 我是个没有什么独到见解的人I have no direction, I just get wherever the wind blows. 我没有方向,只是随风到处飘I can''t burn the candle at both ends forever. 我不能永远这么过分地消耗精力We could make beautiful music together. 我们也许会是和谐幸福的一对儿You are always trying to get my goat. 你总是想惹我发火I''m a man of my word. 我是个讲信用的人Someday you''re going to have to face the music for your actions. 总有一天,你将不得不承担自己的行为所带来的后果Just cool your heels! 好了,安静会儿吧Save your breath! I don''t want to hear it. 不要说了,我不想听Really?? You are so bad! 真的吗?你真棒!!英语俚语是一种非正式的语言,通常用在非正式的场合,所以在用这些俚语是一定要考虑到所用的场合和对象,最好不要随意用这些俚语。

英国留学生日常交流常用俚语1. Starting from scratch听起来不像是什么好事,但事实上,这句俚语的意思是“从零开始/白手起家”。
如果一个人失去了一切,他/她就必须start from scratch,表示丢掉了从前的担子或摆脱了困境之后,重新出发。
2. Can't be bothered如果一个人说他们"cannot be bothered",并是不是说不希望你们打扰到他,而是表示自己没有什么动机或活力,这事儿TA懒得去做。
3. Ta表达感谢的一种方式,有很多人喜欢说"T a very much"。
4. Cheers也是表达"thank you"的一种方式,嗯,喝东西的时候也用来表示"干杯"。
5. Nice One表示"happiness",对象一般是某个观点或某件事儿。
比如有天你把球踢得很远,小伙伴:"Nice one"6. Hiya or Hey up用来打招呼,表示"Hello",但由于"Hiya"不够正式,打电话的时候仍然需要说"Hello","Hey up"的发音有点像"Ey Up",北边的英国人说得比较多。
7. Alright?虽然听起来像是个疑问句,但这个"Alright?"的确是打招呼的另一种方式。
8. How's it goin'?美国人喜欢说的"Hello,how are you?","How's it goin'?"是英国人专用的简短版本。

2.“Are you having a laugh?”:表示不敢相信,就像“你在开玩笑吧”之类。
例句:“You think I’ll hire your brother after he gets out of prison for armed robbery? Are you having a laugh?”(你兄弟因为持械抢劫入狱,你感觉他出狱后我会招聘他?你在开玩笑吗?)3. Argy-bargy:爱吵架的,好争辩的。
4. Arse:某人的屁股。
5. Arsed:劳神,心思。
例句:“I can’t be arsed to go to my cousin’s third wedding.”(我不想劳神/我没心思去参加我表哥的第三次婚礼了。
)6. Balls-up:“犯错”,用于没按打算走的情形。
7. Barmy:疯狂的,不睬智的。
8. Bimble:漫步,缓行,散步。
9. Biscuit arsed:龌龊的,卑劣的。
10. Bog:茅厕;洗手间。
11. Bog roll:厕纸。
12. Bollocks:乱说,荒唐的话。
13. Buggered:磨损的,破裂的,损坏的。
14. Catch flies:目瞪口呆地坐着。
15. Chav:无知、无用、低俗的人。
16. Cheeky:无礼地闹着玩儿。
例句:“Did you just whistle at that old lady? You cheeky monkey.”(你适才朝那个老女人吹哨子了?你这厚脸皮的家伙。
)17. Chin-wag:闲聊,或简短的对话。
18. Chuffed:快乐的,欣喜的。
19. Clanger:错误。

[分享]一口流利的伦敦腔——地道英国习语50条嘿嘿, 这些可是课本上学不到的哦. ^o^Are you all right?-------你好吗?This is the most commonly used greeting when people meet each other rather than how are you? from our textbook.e.g. ------Are you all right, David?------Fine, thank you.Cheers!------谢谢, 再见!While they get off the bus or buy things from shops etc, very often we can hear them saying Cheers! to the drivers or sellers instead of Thank You or Goodbye.eg. ---------Five pounds fifty, please. Cheers!---------Cheers!Give me a minute!------请稍等一会!eg. Give me a minute, David! I will find the map for you.Does it make sense?-----你明白我的意思吗?eg. If you buy a day ticket, you will save more. Does it make sense?I don’t follow you.-------我不明白你说什么eg. Sorry, I don’t f ollow, you. Could you say it again?Are you kidding(joking)?-----你在开玩笑吧?e.g. ------Are you kidding, David?-------I am not going to kid you, I am being serious!I am behind you. ---------我支持你eg Whatever decision you are going to make, I am behind you.Do you really mean it?----------此话当真?eg. ------- I can give what you want.-------Do you really mean it?-------Yes, I mean it!That depends.--------那得看情况而定eg. ---------Will you come here on that day?----------That depends.Feel free to do it-------请随意……eg. If you have any problem, please feel free to ask me. What’s going on?--------怎么了?eg. -------What’s going on here?-------He got his watch broken, I am helping fix it.get on with it!--------快点!eg. Get on with it, we have no time left!Get a move on!---------赶快行动吧!eg. Get a move on and help yourself to some food!Believe it or not!-------信不信由你!eg. Believe it or not, I don’t know how to cook!Come to think of it.---------说到这……eg. Come to think of it, let me tell you what the school is like first. That’s a deal!--------成交, 一言为定!eg. Ok, that’s a deal! Be there or be square!my fingers crossed--------祝君好运!eg. I hope you can pass the exam: my fingers crossed!I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you.Wish you a prosperous new year!-------恭喜发财!eg. I wish you a prosperous new year and all the best for your future! Are you struggling to do it?-------有困难吗?eg. Are you struggling to live in Britain?You are dead meat!---------你死定了!eg. Help me out, otherwise I am dead meat!You scared me!----------你吓着我了!eg. ---------Did I scare you?----------Yes, you did!Don’t get me wrong!--------别误会我!eg. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean that.Don’t let me down!----------别让我失望!eg. Don’t let me down, I am sure you can make it!You make me sick!----------你让我恶心!eg. Get out of here, you make me sick!We are even!------------------我们扯平了!eg. You don’t tell me the truth, either. We are even!It’s a must-see!----------------非看不可!eg. The movie Star World is a must-see!sold me out---------------------背叛我eg. I am always with you, why did you sell me out?Get lost!------------那凉快那呆着去!eg. Get lost! I am busy now.feel poorly---------感到身体不舒服eg. I have been feeling poorly these days.sort out-------解决eg. I have got everything sorted out and I am ready to leave. Could you help me to sort out all those problems?pop in-------短时来访eg. I will give the book to you if you can pop in tomorrow.A good idea popped into my head.hang on, please!-------请等(停)一下!eg. Hang on, please! I have got sth to say.Come on!------来吧(快点!)eg. Come on, get a move on! I am here by your side.Just checking---------只随便问问take it or leave it!--------要不要随你observe your class-------听课eg. Would it be possible for me to observe your class this afternoon?bloody-------该死的eg. I hate these bloody people.Get out of here! I don’t want your bloody money.lovely-----------好!棒!eg. ------What do you think of this book?-------Oh, lovely! I like it.brilliant--------真好!真棒!eg.------Mum, David tells me that I am brilliant at Chinese.------That’s brilliant, my love!fantastic-------太好了!太棒了!British people particularly like to use lovely,brilliant or fantastic instead of good or very good.eg. It’s a fantastic movie, I enjoy it very much.Your English is fantastic, absolutely fantastic!absolutely-------绝对The word they prefer to use in conversations when they want to express the extent is not always very but absolutely.eg. I like it, it’s absolutely fantastic!------Are you sure of it?------Absolutely!Boo!------嘘声eg. Boo! Boo! Get out of here!fag--------香烟(cigarette)eg. --------Can I have a fag, please?---------Sorry, you are not allowed to smoke here.balance--------余额eg. --------You have to pay 100 pounds now, and then the balance by the end of July. --------All right, and could you check my Debit Card balance?---------Yes,your balance is 250 pounds, sir.mortgage-------贷款eg. You have to pay the deposit first and then pay off the mortgage every month. property-------房产eg. Property in Britain is going crazy, I can’t afford it!travel----------交通工具eg. ---------Who pays the cost of travelling to school?---------I have to pay the travel myself, which costs me 2.8 pounds for a day ticket. relationship------恋爱关系eg. I am seeking a like-minded man for friendship or possibly a relationship.CCTV----------监视器eg. No entry! CCTV is on.。

1.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。
2.All that glitters is not gold.闪光的未必都是金子。
3.Many a true word is spoken in jest.许多实话是以开玩笑的方式说出
4.Time heals all wounds.时间能治愈一切伤痛。
5.Distance makes the heart grow fonder.距离使爱情更甜蜜。
6.Easy come, easy go.来得容易,去得快。
7. A good neighbor is better than a faraway brother.远亲不如近邻。
8.Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.不要过早乐观。
9.An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.以眼还眼,以牙还牙。
10.Speech is silver, silence is gold.言多必失。

1. snatched 极好的(snatch本意是“抢走”)
You look snatched in the wedding dress!
2. cancel 任何不喜欢的东西都可以用这个词回复
"Would you like vegetables with dinner?"
3. budge up 挪一挪;让开
We had to budge up to let the fourth person in the back of the car.
4. lit 漂亮,热辣,身材好(lit原本是light的过去分词)
That chick is lit!
那个妞真 ... !
5. high-key / low-key 高调的 / 低调的
I'm going out tonight but it's pretty low-key.
6. have a flutter 下赌注(flutter本意是“煽动翅膀”)
Aunty Paula likes to have a bit of a flutter on the horses.
7. blimey (表示惊讶)哎呀,天哪
Blimey, what a lot of food!

1. What a stupid man(驴)!
2. Kate is busy as a bee(蜜蜂).
a chip on one''s shoulder 肩头的木片(自卑感,因为自卑而爱找别人麻烦;喜欢向人挑衅)
a ouch potato 躺椅上的马铃薯(懒鬼)
a cake walk 走去吃糕(易事)
a headache 头痛(麻烦事)
a knock out 击倒(美得让人倾倒)
a thick skin 厚脸皮
a thorn in someone''s side 腰上的荆棘(芒刺在背)
a turn coat 反穿皮袄的人(叛徒)
an uphill battle 上坡作战(在逆境中求胜)
a weight off my shoulders 放下肩头重担
ace 得满分(得到完美的结果)
I''m a man of my word. 我是个讲信用的人
Someday you''re going to have to face the music for your actions. 总有一天,你将不得不承担自己的行为所带来的后果
Just cool your heels! 好了,安静会儿吧
count on something /doing something 这事靠得住
count your chickens before they hatch 蛋还没孵化,先数小鸡

英国纯街头口语+俚语1,朋友之间聊天,如果说,i wanna a shag. means i wanna have sex.2,如果形容一个你不信任的人,一般都是用dodgy,etc, drug dealer or watever.3,up the duff.一般朋友之间聊天,如果料到怀孕,一般都不怎么说pregnant,可以说,she's up the duff.不过意思不是很友善。
4,通常说自己或者别人crazy,都是用flaps out,可以是考试期间,或者压力很大的时候。
"your dumped",, it means dat going out with a girl, but she doesnt wanna be ur partner.6,pulling ur leg,就是 kidding的意思。
也通常是taking the piss,this is usually when u insult someone, but dont mean it.7,实在想不起来还有别的,那就说些脏的,以后被那些小p孩或者什么人骚扰的时候,可以说些话,让他知道敌意1)twat.你可以说u fcuking twat, 类似的也有很多比如cunt,wanker,bastard,或者fcuker.2,也有英国人回说什么cack,那就比较美国的说法了,shi*t的意思。
一般就是些常用的句子1,wad fcuking u saying2,shud fcuk up3,wad hell4,mother fcuking shi8t/twat/ (mother *** is quite american way)还有很多,以上都是一些英国百人经常说的,对了,英国人也会说dats a given. it means an obvious answer,also if u fancy a gal, u always say "she's fit"恩差不多就这些。

英国最常用的118句口语1. Absolutely not. 绝对不是。
2. Are you coming with me? 你跟我一起去吗?3. Are you sure? 你能肯定吗?4. As soon as possible. 尽快。
5. Believe me. 相信我。
6. Buy it . 买下来!7. Call me tomorrow. 明天打电话给我。
8. Can you speak slowly? 请您说得慢些好吗?9. Come with me. 跟我来。
10. Congratulations. 恭喜恭喜。
11. Do it right! 把它做对。
12. Do you mean it ? 你是当真的吗?13. Do you see him often? 你经常见到他吗?14. Do you see it? = Do you understand? 你明白了吗?15. Do you want it? 你要吗?16. Do you want something? 你想要些什么?17. Don’t do it . 不要做。
18. Don’t exaggerate. 不要夸张。
19. Don’t tell me that. 不要告诉我。
20. Give me a hand . 帮我一下。
21. Go right ahead. 一直往前走。
22. Have a good trip. 祝途愉快。
23. Have a nice day. 祝你一天过得愉快。
24. Have you finished? 你做完了吗?25. He doesn’t have time. 他没空。
26. He is on his way. 他现在已经在路上了。
27. How are you doing? 你好吗?28. How long are you staying ? 你要呆多久?29. I am crazy about her. 我对她着迷了。
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75 Simple British Slang Expressions You Should Probably Start UsingOh, the Brits. No-one can snark quite like they do, and there are certain turns of phrase that are so utterly delightful, the rest of the world really should sit up and take note. Below are just a few common British expressions that you might like to work into your daily vernacular, as they can pepper any conversation with a little extra something.Aggro: Aggressive/in someone’s face.“Are you having a laugh?”: Statement of incredulity, like “you’ve got to be kidding”, and such. “You think I’ll hire your brother after he gets out of prison for armed robbery? Are you having a laugh?”Argy-bargy: Quarrelsome, arguing.Arse: One’s backside/buttocks.Arsed: Bothered. “I can’t be arsed to go to my cousin’s third wedding.”Balls-up: “Gone wrong”, as in a situation that hasn’t gone according to plan. Barmy: Crazy, insane.Bimble: An ambling walk.Biscuit arsed: Dirty, filthy.Bog: Toilet/restroom.Bog roll: Toilet paper.Bollocks: Nonsense.Buggered: Worn out, broken, ruined.Catch flies: To sit with one’s mouth hanging open.Chav: An ignorant, trashy, lower-class person.Cheeky: Playfully impertinent. “Did you just whistle at that old lady? You cheeky monkey.”Chin-wag: A chat or brief conversation.Chuffed: Pleased, delighted.Clanger: A mistake.Cock up: Make a mess of something. “He really cocked up his job interview when he mentioned that he’d shagged the boss’s daughter.”Collywobbles: Nervousness; butterflies in the stomach.Crease up: To laugh heartily (so one’s face creases up).Crumpet: A sexually desirable person.Dodgy: Suspicious, dubious. “I ate a dodgy curry last night and now my stomach’s off.”Dogsbody: The person who takes care of most tasks, especially menial ones.Drop a clanger: To make an obvious mistake or terrible faux-pas.Dull as dishwater: Exceedingly, horribly boring or plain.Ear-bashing: A severe reprimand. “He got a right ear-bashing after crashing his dad’s car into that buffalo.”Fall arse over tit: Take a tumble/head over heels.Gammy: Injured, lame, or painful. “My gran’s had a gammy leg ever since she fell off a horse.”“Get stuffed!”: An angry rebuke, similar to “Go f*ck yourself!”Giddy kipper: An overly excitable person.Ginger: A red-haired person.Gobby: Offensively outspoken.Gobsmacked: Stunned/utterly blown away.Grotty: Unpleasant/disgusting.Gutted: Devastated. “She was gutted after her boyfriend left her for her nephew.”Knackered: Exhausted.Legless: So drunk, one has difficulty standing.Liquid lunch: A meal that consists mostly of alcohol, rather than food.Lost the plot: Lost one’s mind/gone senile. “My great-uncle thinks he’s an admiral with the United Federation of Planets, but of course, he lost the plot years ago.”Lurgy: The flu, or other illness that makes you feel horrible.“Mad as a bag of ferrets”: Utterly and completely insane.Manky: Disgusting. “The chicken you left on the counter for a week has gone manky.”Miffed: Irked.Moggy: Cat.Muck up: Ruin something.Murder: Devour. “I could murder a sandwich right now.”Naff: Unfashionable.Nethers: Euphemism for genitals.Pants: Rubbish. “She said the film was pants, but I rather liked it.”Peckish: Slightly hungry.Peevish: Petulant and sullen.Plonk: Horrible, cheap wine.Prat: An idiot.Rubbish: Ter rible, crap. “I’m totally rubbish at math—can’t even add.”Sad arse: Pathetic person.Sausage fest: An event that has a disproportionate amount of males to females… like a comic convention.Shag: Have sex.Shattered: Worn out, exhausted.Shufflebutt: A restless, fidgety person.Slag: A contemptible person; possibly a promiscuous one.Smarmy: Creepy, sleazy.Smashing: Brilliant, wonderful.Snog: To make out/fool around.Snookered: Defeated/thwarted.“Sod it.”: “I give up.” Used in a sentence: “I’ll never und erstand this math problem. Sod it, let’s go down to the pub.”Sprog: A child/offspring.Starkers: Naked.Taking the piss: Making fun of something.Tosh: Rubbish/nonsense.Tosser: A contemptible idiot.Twee: Overly dainty, delicate, cute, or quaint. “Her bu nny-themed tea set is so utterly twee.”Wazzock: Imbecile.Wonky: Unstable. “The table leg’s a bit wonky; you might want to slide a book under it.”。