China Advertising Market_09 Oct 2012_Credit Suisse


推荐-XXXX年上半年中国广告市场回顾 精品

推荐-XXXX年上半年中国广告市场回顾 精品

7% -12%
2011H1vs2010H1 2012H1vs2011H1
0% 0%
-7% -10%
数据来源:CTR媒介智讯 同比增长按前一年基准计算
化妆品/浴室用品行业稳定增长,其他主力行 业的增幅减慢
数据来源:CTR媒介智讯 同比增长按前一年基准计算
数据来源:CTR媒介智讯 同比增长按前一年基准计算
略高于整体增 幅
2011 vs2012年上半年同期传统广告刊例花费变化
蝉联增长最快 的传统媒体
平面广告的花费增幅两极化。 报纸是唯一下降的媒体,杂 志则保持高速增长
从各行业对市场增长的贡献来看,化妆品/浴室用品、酒精类饮品的带动较 为明显
数据来源:CTR媒介智讯 同比增长按前一年基准计算
-19.33% 48.16% 19.21% 13.51% 14.49% -3.91% 11.77% 3.27% -31.18% 15.81% 59.34% 5.99% 0.19% 51.57% 28.21% -15.46% 23.58% 22.55% 32.25% 76.61%
数据来源:CTR媒介智讯 同比增长按前一年基准计算



肼 :2 1 年 、 01 年整体市场广告 投放额 同比增长率对 比 % 图1 0 0 2 1
2 1 中 国广告 市场 增幅 1 5 。 于 预期 01 4.% 低
2 1年 中罔经 济增 速放 缓 , D 同 比增 长 9 %, P 王涨率 持 续 高 01 G P . 2 c L二 位运 行 . 01 社 会消费 品零售总额 112 1, , 比增 长 1. 虽 然 . 1年 2 82 67 '元 同 7 %, 1
70 2 :0 由于电台媒 率 , 丁吕荣传 播 在2 1 初 预测 的 1%的增 幅, 其原 因是 受交 通 、 低 01 年 5 究 建 等媒体 自身宣传或 免费类资源;电视广告数据 采用1 :0— 40 监 测数据 ;
电台、 互联 网增幅 强 劲 , 电视 与去 年持 平
电视 媒 体 仍 然 是 企 业 主 最 主 要 选 择 的 媒 体 形式 , 0 1 增 幅 与 2 1年 2 1年 基本 持 平, 有增 长 , 3 %; 00 稍 为1. 电台继 续维 持 着较 高 的增 长 , 9 但
同时 , 望2 1 , 现 高品质 、 展 02 体 高科 技 、 性 化 的行业 将 继 续走 个
红 , 对 即将 到 来 的伦 敦 奥 运会 , 论 是 独拥 奥 运 资源 的赞 助 商企 面 无
业, 还是借奥运东风拉动销售的非赞助商企业, 都将投入极大的热情
参 与到 这一场 营销 盛会 中, 动一 轮广告投放 的热 潮 。 带 幽
3 0O . 00 0 1o 5 oDo
% % %
低 于2 1年 同期 ( 00 见 1 。 ) 21 , 01 电视 媒体 投放 同比增长 1. 涨 价压力下, 年 3 %。 9 企业 的广告预

商务英语口译教程Unite1-Unite4课后习题答案(可打印修改) (2)

商务英语口译教程Unite1-Unite4课后习题答案(可打印修改) (2)




4.随函附上我方最新的产品目录及CIF 纽约报价单。


6. 此盘5天内不接受就作撤销论。

7. 很遗憾,我们的价格和你方还盘之间差距太大,所以恐怕我方不能接受你方还盘。

8. 考虑到我们长期以来的贸易关系和友好合作,我方建议你方能接受保兑,不可撤销即期信用证。

9. 石油价格将在未来一段时间内继续下降。

10. 我们还想指出我们主要以承兑交单方式结账。

Unit1 P91.(我们正打算订购)We are thinking of placing an order for your Flying Pigeon Brand bicycles. We would be very grateful if you could make us an offer for 200 ones with details.2. (上述询价已于)The above inquiry was forwarded to you on Oct. 10, but we haven’t received your reply yet. Your early offer will be highly appreciated.3. (我方的冷冻食品)Our frozen foods have been shipped to many countries where they are received favorably. It would be to your advantage to try out a shipment.4. (很抱歉,贵方)We are sorry to say that the goods required by you are out of stock for the time being. Therefore we are unable to make you an offer at present.5. (我方于两个月前)We sent you our Quotation No. 44 two months ago, but we haven’t received any news from you. It would be advisable if you could make an early decision on this matter.6. (所有报盘都以)All quotations, except firm offers, are subject to our final confirmation. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, all prices are without any discount.7.(许多外国电讯)Many foreign telecommunications companies wish to come into the Chinese market such as AT &T, etc. the competition is very keen. I understand some companies are lowering their prices and offering technical assistance and after-sale services.8.(很高兴我们)I’m glad that we have settled the price.9. (我们至多只能再减)The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 pounds. That’ll be definitely rock-bottom.10. (我们正在仔细研究)We’re now studying your offer carefully, so we hope that you can keep it open till the end of this month.1、我们的还盘与国际市场上的价格一致。

中国市场 Chinese Film Market(初中英语作文)

中国市场 Chinese Film Market(初中英语作文)

中国市场Chinese Film Market初中英语作文Hollywood movie is popular around the world, in China, people are willing to buy tickets and go to the theater to enjoy the great show. The trend of Hollywood movie has changed, many movies have added the Chinese features, such as the scene is taking place in Chinese cities or Chinese faces appear in the movie. Chinese film market is booming and many foreign directors have sense its potential, so they want to attract more audience by adding Chinese feature. There is no doubt that our country is becoming stronger and the world is watching us. We feel so proud that we are part of it.好莱坞电影在世界各地都很受欢迎,在中国,人们愿意买票和去电影院享受美妙的表演。






国货营销 英语口语

国货营销 英语口语

国货营销英语口语Chinese Brands Marketing in English ConversationIntroduction:In today's globalized world, Chinese brands have gained significant recognition and popularity in diverse markets. This article explores the importance of marketing Chinese products in English conversation. It will discuss the benefits of using English as a tool to promote Chinese brands on a global platform.1. Enhancing Global Visibility:Marketing Chinese products in English conversation provides an excellent opportunity to enhance global visibility. English is a widely spoken language, serving as a lingua franca across various countries. By communicating in English, Chinese brands can reach a broader audience, thereby increasing their visibility and brand recognition.2. Accessing International Markets:English conversation plays a crucial role in accessing international markets. Many countries prefer conducting business in English, and the ability to communicate effectively in English can open doors to new markets. By promoting their products in English, Chinese brands can establish connections and expand their customer base globally.3. Building Trust and Credibility:English communication instills a sense of trust and credibility in international consumers. When Chinese brands effectively communicatetheir brand values, product benefits, and customer satisfaction in English, it portrays professionalism and competence. Such communication enhances the credibility of Chinese brands, making them more attractive to potential customers worldwide.4. Demonstrating Cultural Competence:English conversation allows Chinese brands to demonstrate their cultural competence. By effectively conveying the unique cultural elements of their products, brands can create a strong impression on international customers. English serves as a bridge to help Chinese brands explain the cultural significance and story behind their products, fostering a deeper consumer connection.5. Adapting to Global Trends:Marketing Chinese products in English allows brands to stay updated with global market trends. By engaging in English conversations, Chinese brands gain insights into the preferences and demands of international consumers. This knowledge helps brands adapt their marketing strategies to better suit the global market, thereby increasing their competitiveness and growth potential.6. Expanding Business Partnerships:Effective English conversation can lead to the formation of valuable business partnerships. By showcasing their products' unique features and benefits, Chinese brands can attract potential distributors, retailers, or collaborators who can aid in their global expansion. English serves as acommon language for negotiation and relationship building, facilitating successful business collaborations.7. Leveraging Digital Marketing:English conversation plays a crucial role in leveraging the power of digital marketing platforms. The majority of online content is in English, making it essential for Chinese brands to communicate their marketing messages effectively. Engaging in English conversations allows brands to optimize their online presence, reach a wider audience, and create a strong brand image in the digital landscape.Conclusion:Chinese brands can greatly benefit from marketing their products in English conversation. Through effective use of English, these brands can enhance global visibility, access international markets, build trust and credibility, demonstrate cultural competence, adapt to global trends, expand business partnerships, and leverage digital marketing opportunities. By embracing English communication, Chinese brands can successfully promote their products on a global platform, contributing to the growth and recognition of national products in today's competitive market.。





Zweimal im Jahr, einmal wenn der Regen im Frühling den Boden fruchtbar macht und einmal wenn die Herbstsonne auf die Erde scheint, treten über 200 000 Einkäufer aus fünf Kontinenten der Welt eine sehr attraktive Geschäftsreise an und treffen sich hier auf der Messe für Import und Exportwaren Chinas (Kanton-Messe), der renommiertesten Messe in China.●广交会令人神往的财富之旅Die Kanton Messe, Ziel einer attraktiven Geschäftsreise●广交会是中国政府1957年创办的。

Die Kanton-Messe wurde im Jahr 1957 von der chinesischen Regierung ins Leben gerufen.●50多年来始终保持着旺盛的生命力和蓬勃的发展势头。

Seit mehr als fünfzig Jahren weist die Kanton Messe nach wie vor eine große Vitalität und starke Entwicklungstendenz auf●成为中国历史最久、规模最大、声誉最佳的国际著名展会。


❖ While leading healthcare professionals believe you can reduce the chances of getting these illnesses with regimen and a frequent hand washing and avoiding hand to face contact, they also believe that surface disinfection is important1 A perfect job for LYSOL Disinfection Spray. (2)
❖ 第一节 广告旳分类和语篇策略 一、广告旳分类 二、商务广告旳语篇策略
❖ 第二节 商务广告旳语言特点 一、广告英语旳词汇特点 二、广告英语旳句法特点 三、广告英语旳修辞特点
❖ 第三节 商务广告翻译旳原则与措施 一、商务广告旳翻译原则 二、商务广告翻译中旳异化和归化 三、商务广告旳翻译措施
❖ 值得注意旳是,尽管多种不同类别旳广告在语言特征、风格、 功能、目旳上具有某些相同性,但不可防止地存在某些差别。
❖ 这些差别就要求译者在翻译不同类别旳广告过程中采用不同 旳翻译措施和技巧,本章着重讨论商务广告旳语篇策略、语 言特点和翻译措施。

商务英语翻译 之
“广告”一词源于拉丁语advertere, 意为“唤起大众对某种 事物旳注意, 并诱导于一定旳方向所使用旳一种手段。”《简要 不列颠百科全书》给广告下旳定义是:“广告是传播信息旳一种 方式,其目旳在于推销商品、劳务、影响舆论,博得政治支持, 推动一种事业或引起刊登广告者所希望旳其他反应。”



广告人必须知道的十个网站(转)2008-07-03 18:45:17 来自: coplist麦迪逊鼓吹网址:/如果你知道这个博客,那你一定是个广告人,如果你还不知道,那看来你在广告行业内还不够深入多参与参与与广告人的沟通吧,参加广告人的聚会,参与广告人的网上讨论,建立你自己的广告人博客,多发帖,多留言,多沟通,总之,闭塞你自己,就是在向广告行业说拜拜。



广告门网址:/想进4A 吗?通过51job ?No ,No ,4A 通常都是内部招聘,他们不会公开招聘的 上路是收费的,而现在广告门是免费的,所以,要进4A ,还是去广告门看一看吧任务发布网站网址:暂时无想做私活吗?对不起,你还是通过朋友介绍吧,现在网上号称发布私活的网站非常多,可是有几个网站发的任务是尊重广告人的呢?50元一个LOGO?! 100元一个banner?!如果你一定要做这样的活,那好吧,可能toidea是个选择。


广告人精锐城市网址:/你是不是做梦都想有个自己的私活团队?大家下了班约到一起,开足马力搞客户?哦,对不起,搞出一个BIG IDEA?然后开香槟庆祝团队的成功?可是现实总是残酷的,因为加班过多上哪找好的私活伙伴去?现在好了,这个网站有个人脉频道,号称是私活团队孵化平台,通过这个平台,你不用眼馋干私活的同事了。




广告业常用英文术语分类: 艺术与设计 | 标签: 杂谈From 邮件作者Sender 发信人Reply-To 回邮地址To 收信人地址CC 另一个收信人地址BCC 收信人地址,但这个收信人看不到其它收信人的地址。

Subject 主题Comments 备注Keywords 关键字,用来进一步搜索邮件In-Reply-To 被当前邮件回复的邮件的IDReferences 几乎同In-Reply-To一样Encrypted 加密邮件的加密类型Date 发信日期AAAA America Association of Advertising 美国/广告代理商协会advertising 广告、广告活动advocacy advertising 倡导型广告Account Executive 客户主管Account planning 客户策划Account Services 客户部Advertise 广告主Advertising Department 企业广告部agency 广告代理商Art Director 美术指导Assistant Partner 董事助理bid [bid] 广告竞标business-to-business advertising (B2B advertising) B2B广告brand image 品牌映象capitalism 资本本主义,资本运营commercial advertising 商业广告communication process 传播过程comparative advertising 比较广告consumer advertising 消费品广告consumerism 消费模式customer 顾客Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行长官Chief Financial Officer(CFO ) 首席财务官client 客户Copywriter 广告撰告人Creative Department 创作部Creative Director 创意总监deceptive advertising 虚假广告department 部门design 设汁稿data 数据director 主管end-user 最终用户、实际使用者industrial advertising 工业广告institutional advertising 社团机构广告Management Supervisor 管理监督Market share 市场占有率Marketing 营销Media Department 媒介部media planning 媒体策划media 媒介national advertising 全国性广告noncommercial advertising 非商业广告pitch 提案professional advertising 业服务型广告public service advertising(PSA) 公益广告puffery 吹捧式的广告qualitative 定性的quantitative 定量的Research Department 调查部retail advertising 零售商广告Sister agency 同属同-集团的广告公司supplier 制作公司Traffic Department 流程协调部Brainstorming 头脑风暴法Campaign 广告攻势Commercial 影视广告片coupon 赠券、折价券logo 品牌标识magazine 杂志media budge 媒体预算media mix 媒体组合medium 媒体(指某个媒体) metropolitan 大都会的outdoor 户外媒体promotion 推广用品public relations(PR.) 公共关系radio 广播媒体Situation Analysis 背景分析Slogan 广告口号Television program 电视节目Website [websait] 主页,网站Drive-time 交通高峰时间So big 做大Numbers 数据Yeah 是的(对啦)A priori 先验估汁(演绎法)A posteriori 实测值(归纳法)Code 编号debranding 品牌屏蔽测试depth Interview 深度访谈desk research 案头调研dichotomous question 两分问题double-barreled question 两难问题double-blind 双盲测试(指实验组和对照组) fatigue bias 疲劳偏差fieldwork 现场调查focus group 焦点小组interview 访谈market research 市场调查mystery shopping 以购物为掩护的调查observation 观察panel 重复凋查样本群participant 参与者population 总人口,总体sample 抽样误差skew 歪曲survey 调查tabulation 统计制表boil down to 归结为hard-and-fast 明确易懂pretty much 大致上analysis 分析community relation 社区关系competitor 竞争者、对于content integration 软性广告cost effective 广告成本效益creative 创意government relations 政府关系grass roots marketing 贴身式营销industry 行业integrated marketing communication 整合营销传播litigation 起沂,诉讼markets 市场组合media service 媒介代理merger 企业合并online advertising 在线广告point-of-purchase (pop)焦点广告position 定位print 平面广告媒体publics 公众群体strategic philanthropy 策略性公益事业strategy 策略、策划target audience 目标受众web design 网站设计digital 数字化co-marketing 联袂营销conference 会议consulting 咨询corporate identity 企业识别culture-specific 文化(民族)特性demographic marketing 人口统汁特征营销direct mail(DM) 直邮广告direct marketing 直销event planning 活动策划exhibition stand 展台integrated branding 整合品牌传播internal corporate communications 企业内部沟通investor relations 股东关系nontraditional 非传统的packaging 包装product placement 产品涉入promotion 活动psychographic 心理统汁的retail 零售retail space 零售市场区域sales promotion 促销活动sponsorship 赞助trade channels 业务渠道vertical publications 行业刊物viral marketing 传染式营销best face forward 展现最佳面貌speak with One voice 统一传播口径the edge 优势top to bottom 自上而下Billboard 广告路牌Blow in card 报刊广告插页Bulldog edition 报纸的早发版Car card [ka:ka:d] 车厢广告Counter advertising 异议式、对抗式广告Display advertisement 陈列式广告Electric spectacular 霓虹灯广告Free-standing insert 非装订广告插页House organ 企业专刊(杂志)Insert 广告插页Island display(超市内)堆头式陈列mail-order advertising 邮购广告network 电(视)台网out-of-home advertising 家外媒体painted bulletin 手绘广告牌panel 广告牌pass-along reader 传阅读者poster panel 用印刷画面拼贴的广告牌shelf screamers 货架插件广告物supplementary media 辅助媒体(非大众传媒) vehicle 广告载体count out 清点,算出make it through the day 过一整天 to 把……给出pass-along reader 传阅读者poster panel 用印刷四画面拼贴的广告牌shelf screamers 货架插件广告物supplementary media 辅助媒体vehicle 广告载体count to 清点,算出make it through the day 过一整天 to 把……给出ad planning 广告策划admen 广告人appeal 诉求consumer behavior 消费者行为copy platform 文案大纲creative stratgy 创意策略DAGMAR 广告效果评估体系Day part 时段Decay constant 衰退常数hierarchy-of-effect theory 效果层级理论infomercial 电视直销节日market profile 市场状况market segmentation 市场细分persuasion process 劝服过程primary demand advertising 品类诉求广告product-related segmentation 产品消费量细分seasonality 季节性selective demand advising 选样性诉求(品牌)广告soft sell 软销,感受型广告strategic planning 战略策划teaser campaign 悬念式(调味)广告攻势rule-of thumb 经验法则brand manager 品牌经理corporate advising 企业广告family brand 多品类品牌generic brand 非名牌(产品)green advertising 绿色策略式广告image advertising 形象广告line 产品系列name-brand 名牌national brand 全国性品牌parity 同等private brand 零售商自有品牌product different 产品差异product management品牌管理product positioning 产品定位reference group 参照组tagline (广告)行动口号top -the -line 顶级的trade character 吉祥物utility 好处,用途really do something with 确实能用它做些文章zccumulation 受众数(特定周期内)audience duplication 重复受众brand development index 品牌成长指数category development index(CDI) 销量成长指数coverage 覆盖率,覆盖范围cumulative coverage 累计(总)覆盖率exposure 告显露次数frequency 广告频次gross audience 受众总量gross impression 总印象gross rating points 总收视点loyalty index 忠诚度mags 杂志(简写)media concentration theory 媒体集合理论media dominance theory 媒介优势理论media plan 媒体计划net unduplicated audience 受众participation 参与program delivery rate 节目到达率reach 到达turnover 受众流失overall 全部的rerunning numbers 复核---的数据archetype 标准受众,原型availability 空余时段back- to-back 广告连播chain break 节目提示标板circulation 发行量continuity 持续型排期continuous advertising 持续型广告fresh 新颖的fringe time 非黄金时段holding power 节目(频道)凝聚力holdover audience 既有观众inherited audience 既有观众open end 节日提示语广告时段piggyback 同一客户广告连播prime time 黄金时报pulsing 栏栅式(或间隔式)排期roadblock 拦路广告run-of-schedule(ROS) 非指定时段staggered schedule 交错排期wave scheduling 波浪式排期wear out 广告磨损ln lieu Of 代替buried position 被淹没的广告位column inch 栏/英寸(报纸广告单位) double truck 双页/,告(跨页) facing 一个广告牌(户外媒体单位) franchised position 专用广告位置insertion 平面媒体广告次数insertion order 广告版位定购island position 独立广告版位lifestyle segmentation 生活形态细分local advertising 地方性广告make good 补偿广告media buy 媒体购买media buying service 媒体购买代理narrow casting 小范围播放(窄播)preferred position 首选广告版位readership 读者人数representative 媒体销售代表run-of-press 随意安置的广告版位split run 分版刊登spread[spred] 杂志跨页card rate 广告市价combination 套装广告价controlled circulation 定向发行量cost per point(CPP) 每收视点成本cost per thousand(CPM) 每千人成本earn rate 媒体折扣价flat rate 统一价格grid card 电波广告刊例guaranteed circulation 承诺发行量horizontal publication 横向出版物AA(Account Assistant)客户助理Action Plan 行动方案AD(Account Director)客户总监Add Value 附加价值Ads(Advertisement)广告Advertorial付费软文AE(Account Executive)客户代表、客户主任Agency 代理商AM(Account Manager)客户经理Analysis Tools分析工具Announcement 公告Annual Report年报AP (Asia-Pacific) 亚太区AR List 任务清单ATL (Above the Line) 线上活动Attachment附件Audience Awareness公众认知度Auto Industry 汽车行业Awareness 认知Background Analysis 背景分析Background material 背景材料Benchmark测试基准BI (Behavior Identity)企业行为识别系统Bidding 竞标Bio个人简历Boilerplate公司简介(附在新闻稿后面的关于该公司的简短介绍)Brand Communications Strategy品牌传播战略Brand Loyalty品牌忠诚度Brand Management Commission品牌管理委员会Brand Management Consulting Firm品牌管理顾问公司Brand Management品牌管理Brand Planning/Designing品牌策划/设计Brand Positioning Survey品牌定位调查Brand Positioning 品牌定位Brand Promotion品牌推广Branding Strategy品牌战略Briefing Kit资料包Briefing情况介绍BTL (Below the Line) 线下活动BU (Business Unit)业务部门Bulletin公告栏Bundle 附赠品Business E-Mail 商务电邮Business Model商业计划Business Philosophy 经营哲学Business Strategy 经营战略Campaign 公关或营销活动Career Development 职业发展Career Planning职业计划Case study案例研究Category 类别Celebration 庆典活动CEO Reputation Management CEO声誉管理CEO's Arrangement CEO接待Channel 渠道Chart 幻灯片中的页面China Golden Awards For Excellence in Public Relations中国最佳公共关系案例大赛China International Public Relations Congress中国国际公共关系大会CI(Corporate Identity)企业形象CIPRA(China International Public Relations Association)中国国际公共关系协会CIS (Corporate Identity Sysetm)企业形象识别系统Client Database Management客户数据管理Client Oriented Strategy客户导向战略Client Relations Development System客户关系开发系统Client Relations Evaluation System客户管理评价系统Client Relations Maintenance System客户关系维护系统Client Relations Management System客户关系管理系统Client Relations Management客户管理管理Client Relations Precaution System客户管理预警系统Client Relations Supporting System客户管理支持系统Client Relations客户关系Client Satisfaction Management客户满意度管理Clipping Report剪报报告Closing Phase结束阶段Code of Conduct行为准则Code of Ethics 职业道德Communication Model 传播模式Communications Kit新闻夹Communications Management 传播管理Communications Regions传播地域Communications Strategy传播战略Community Relations社区关系Competitor竞争对手Confidential 保密的、机密的Confidential Items保密条款Consecutive Interpretation交互式翻译Consultant顾问Consumer Buying Process 顾客购买过程Consumer Database顾客数据Consumer Orientation消费者导向Consumers/Dealers Assembly用户/经销商大会Contact Person 联系人Continuous Education继续教育Controlling Phase 控制阶段Coordination Communicating协调沟通Copywriter 文案Copywriting公关文案Core Competitiveness核心竞争力Core Media核心媒体Corporate Affairs企业事务Corporate Image企业形象Corporate Profile公司简介Corporate Reputation企业声誉Corporate Video 宣传片Cost Control成本控制Cost Management成本管理Creative & Design创意设计Credential公司或个人简介Crisis Control 危机控制Crisis Management Office危机管理办公室Crisis Management Planning危机管理策划Crisis Management Team危机管理小组Crisis Management危机管理Crisis Research危机研究Crisis Statement危机声明Customer testimonial客户证言Datasheet宣传页Decoration 现场布置(装饰)Demand GenerationDemo Booth 产品演示台Diagnosis诊断Director总监Distributor 分销商DM (Direct mailing )直邮Domain Name Registration 域名注册Donation捐赠EC(East China)华东Editorial Calendar媒体刊登计划Effective Communications有效传播Employee Compensation员工薪酬Employee Relations员工关系Environment Analysis环境分析Environment Issues环境问题Ethics of the Profession 职业道德Event Management事件管理Event Planning 事件策划Event事件、活动Executing Phase 执行阶段Execution 执行Executive President 执行总裁Fact Sheet资料(数字或其他材料)FAQ 常见问题问答Fashion Business时尚产业Feature article 深度文章Feature文章类型中的通讯Finance Management财务管理Financial Communications财经传播Flyer 宣传单页Follow-up跟进Forum 论坛GCG(Grand China)大中国区Glossary词汇表Government Affairs政府事务Government PR 政府公关Government Relations政府关系Govt (Government)政府Graphics图形文件Greetings问候语Health Care医疗保健High Tech高科技Hospital PR 医院公关Human Resource Management人力资源管理IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications)整合营传播Implementation实施Incentive Plan激励计划Industry Participation行业参与Initiating Phase 初始阶段INPUTS Evaluation Tools输入级评估工具Integration Management整合管理Interactive PR 网上互动公关Internal Magazine内部期刊Internal Communications System内部传播系统Internal Communications内部传播Internal Film内部电影Internal PR 内部公关International PR国际公关Internet Communications网络传播Internet Media Communications 网媒传播Interpersonal Communications人际传播Interpreter翻译Interview 专访或面试Introduction Lantern宣传幻灯Investor Relations投资者关系Invitation Letter 邀请IPR(Institute of Public Relations)英国公共关系协会IPRA(International Public Relations Association)国际公共关系协会Issue Diagnosis问题诊断Issues Management问题管理ISV (Individual Software Vendor)独立软件开发商Job Evaluation绩效考核Journalist记者Key Media关键媒体Key Messages 关键信息Keynote Speaker主题演讲人Keynote Speech主题演讲LA(Large Account)大客户LE (Large Enterprise)大客户Leadership 领导者Legal Duty法律义务Life Cycle of the Products 产品生命周期Lobby游说Logo标识Long Term Program长期项目Lucky Draw 抽奖Marcomm(Marketing Communications)营销传播Market Analysis Report市场分析报告Marketing Communications Mix营销传播组合Marketing Communications营销传播Marketing Strategy 市场营销战略Marketshare 市场份额Mass Media大众媒体MB(Medium business)中客户MC(Master of Ceremonies)主持人MC(Middle China)华中MD(Managing Director)董事总经理、执行董事Media Assistant媒介助理Media Analysis媒体分析Media Communications Strategy媒体传播战略Media Communications媒体传播Media Coverage 媒体覆盖率Media Director 媒介总监Media Executive媒介代表、媒介主任Media Inquiry媒体垂询Media Kit媒体资料包Media List媒体名单Media Manager媒介经理Media Monitor媒体监测Media Relations媒介关系Media Research媒体研究Media Tour媒体拜访或媒体外出巡游Media媒体Meeting Agenda会议议程Meeting Minutes 会议记录Merchandise促销物品Methodology方法论MI (Mind Identity)企业理念识别MI(Media Index)企业媒体声望指数Mindshare 品牌影响力份额Miscellaneous 杂费Monthly Report月报Multifunctional Task Force多职能任务小组National Standards of the PR Professional Qualification国家公共关系职业资格标准NC(North China)华北NE (Northeast China)东北Negative Report负面报道New Product Launch新产品发布News Clipping新闻剪报News Release新闻发布Newsletter通讯No-profit PR 非营利机构公关Norms of Excellent PR Management 卓越公共关系管理标准NW(Northwest China)西北Objective Diagnosis目标诊断Offering 服务内容On Site现场Online Advertisement 线上广告Online Communications线上传播Online Marketing Communications 线上营销传播Online media网络媒体Online Roadshow 网上路演Online Survey网上调查OOP(Out-of-Pocket)杂费、日常工作发生的成本Open-day Visits开放日参观Opinion Leader舆论领袖OUTCOMES Evaluation Tools输出级评估工具OUTPUTS Evaluation Tools效果级评估工具Outsourcing 外包OV(One Voice)一个声音Photo Library图片库Planning Phase 策划阶段Polish文案润色POP (Point Of Purchase Advertising) 导购点广告Positioning定位Post Event 善后工作Poster 海报Postmortem 会后书面的简短总结报告Postscript后记PR Agency公关公司PR Consulting Market公关顾问服务市场PR Consulting Practice公关顾问实务PR Consulting Service公关顾问服务PR Consulting Tools公关顾问工具PR Directorr 公共关系总监PR Evaluation公关评估PR Event 公关活动PR Guideline公关方针PR Management Working Code公关管理工作准则PR Manager 公共关系经理PR Procedure公关流程PR Proposal公关建议书PR Supervisor 公共关系主管Pre Event前期工作Pre-evaluation 预评估Preface前言Presentation 演示、陈述President 总裁Press Conference新闻发布会Press Kit媒体新闻夹Press Release新闻稿Print Media平面媒体Priority 优先的Procurement Management预警管理Product Test产品评测Profession Responsibility 职业义务Professional Association 专业协会Professional Certification 职业认证Professional Consultant 专业顾问Professional fee专业服务费Professional Grading专业等级Project Life Cycle项目生命周期Project Management项目管理Project Owner项目委托人Project Title项目标题Project公关项目Proposal公关建议书PRSA(Public Relations Society of America)美国公共关系协会Pubic Opinion公众舆论Public Affairs公共事务Public Relations Consulting公关顾问Public Relations Crisis公关危机Public Relations Management公关管理Public Relations公共关系Public Utility公用事业Publicity宣传Q&A问题问答Qualified Project Manager合格的项目经理Quality Control质量控制Quality Management质量管理Questionnaire调查问卷Quotation报价Real Estate房地产Recommendatory 推荐信Recruitment招募Reference参考资料Rehearsal预演、彩排Report报告Reputation Management 声誉管理Research Tools研究工具Reseller 经销商Retainer长期客户Review回顾、总结Risk Management风险管理Roadshow巡展、路演Rude question 不友好的问题SAE(Senior Account Executive)高级客户代表、高级客户主任SAM(Senior Account Manager)高级客户经理SB (Small business)小客户SC(South China)华南Scope Management范畴管理Seminar研讨会Senior Consultant高级顾问Senior Media Executive高级媒介代表Senior Media Manager高级媒介经理Senior Vice President 高级副总裁Shareholders利益关系人Simultaneous interpretation同声传译Slide 幻灯片Slogan口号Social Activities社会活动Social Responsibility社会责任Source Materials客户提供的辅助资料Souvenirs & Gifts 纪念品和礼品SOV (Share of V oice)Speaking with One V oice 用一个声音说话Spokes Person Tips发言人技巧Spokesperson发言人Sponsorship Planning赞助策划Sponsorship 赞助Strategic Consulting战略咨询Strategy Communications Systems战略传播系统Strategy 战略Success Story成功故事Summary 简介、概述Supplier 供应商Survey调查SW(Southwest China)西南SWOT analysis优势、劣势、机遇、威胁分析Synopsis概要总结Target Audience 目标受众Task Marketing任务营销TBD (To be Detail)需更详细信息Team 小组、团队Technical Article技术文章Theme 主题Time Management管理Time Sheet时间管理表Two-way Asymmetry双向非平衡模式Two-way Communications双向传播Two-way Symmetry双向平衡模式Vendor 供应商Venue 会议地点Vertical media行业媒体VI (Visual Identity)视觉识别VIP Speech 讲话稿Virtual Computer虚拟主机Vision愿景V oiceshare 曝光信息份额VP(Vice President)副总裁VSB (Very small business)特小客户、超小客户Website Construction网站建设Whitepaper白皮书Workshops工作研讨Worldwide 全球特写feature articles以货代款in kind机构广告institutional advertising前期市场企业广告market prep corporate advertising 营销公关marketing public relation新闻简报news/press release意见抽样opinion sampling招贴posters传媒炒作press agentry传媒工具press/media kit公共事务public affairs公共关系户public relations公共关系广告public relations advertising宣传publicity公众publics招聘广告recruitment advertising声望经营reputation management撰写讲演稿speechwriting赛场营销venue marketing新闻通报录像video news release执行证明书affidavit of performance受众构成audience composition受众占有率audience share时间表avails一刻平均听众数average quarter-hour audience 一刻平均收听率average quarter-hour rating一刻平均占有率average quarter-hour share交换辛迪加barter syndication无线电视broadcast TV有线电视cable TV单位成本CPP千人成本CPM累积听众数cumulative persons累积收听率cumulative rating时段组合day-part mix预定市场区域designated market areas班车时间drive time首播辛迪加first-run syndication形象移植imagery transfer信息式广告informercial互相连接interconnect广播电视网networks网外辛迪加off-network syndication协办participation basis占位价格preemption rate黄金时段prime time节目式广告PLA节目收率视program rating节止编排形式programming formats视听率调查服务公司rating services电台指定时间run-of-station受众总数total audience总体受众计划total audience plan广告网络ad networks广告查询ad request横幅广告banner商业回邮件business reply mail分类广告Web站classified ad Web site编辑名录compiled lists立体创意直邮creative dimensional direct mailing 数字互动媒介digital interactive media直邮广告direct-mail advertising内部刊物house organs互动电视interactive TV互联网Internet互联网服务供应商Internet service provider销售信函sales letters广告礼品advertising specialty展台booths路牌bulletin structure车内尾部招贴car-end posters电影贴片广告cinema advertising陈列媒介exhibitive media全面登场full showing车内广告牌inside cards户外媒介out-of-home media车体招贴outside posters包装packaging奖品premiums标准户外广告standardized outdoor advertising 成品招贴stock posters优惠赠券take-ones商业展示会trade shows交通广告transit advertising广告英语术语——媒介策划用语广告印象advertising impression广告反应曲线advertising response curve注意度attention value受众audience受众目标audience objectives品牌开发指数brand development index品种开发指数category development index发行量circulation成本效益cost efficiency单位成本cost per point千人成本cost per thousand创意组合creative mix分布目标distribution objectives有效频次effective frequency有效到达率effective reach暴露值exposure value频次frequency市场markets组合mechanics媒介media媒介策划media planning媒介载体media vehiclesAE——Account Executive——客户代表,或客户执行。



广告促销英语作文In today's competitive market, advertising plays a pivotal role in promoting products and services. It is a strategic communication process that aims to persuade potential customers to make a purchase. The following essay will explore the various aspects of advertising and its impact on promotion.Firstly, advertising is a powerful tool for creating brand awareness. Through television commercials, billboards, and online advertisements, companies can reach a wide audience and establish a presence in the minds of consumers. This visibility is crucial for new products entering the market, as it helps to build recognition and trust among potential buyers.Secondly, advertising can effectively communicate the unique selling points of a product. By highlighting the features, benefits, and advantages of a product, advertising can differentiate it from competitors and persuade consumers that it is the best choice. This is particularly important in saturated markets where consumers have many options to choose from.Moreover, advertising can influence consumer behavior. Emotional appeals, persuasive language, and compellingvisuals can all work together to create a desire for a product. This desire can lead to increased sales andultimately, greater profits for the company.Additionally, advertising can be used to launch new products or services. A well-crafted advertising campaign can generate buzz and excitement, leading to increased interest and sales. This is especially true for innovative products that offer something new and unique to the market.However, it is important to note that advertising must be done ethically and responsibly. Misleading claims and false advertising can damage a company's reputation and lead to legal consequences. Therefore, it is essential for companies to ensure that their advertising is truthful and in compliance with advertising regulations.In conclusion, advertising is a vital component of product promotion. It can create awareness, communicate uniqueselling points, influence consumer behavior, and launch new products. While it is a powerful tool, it must be used responsibly to maintain consumer trust and avoid negative repercussions.。



中国广告规模市场的英语作文The Chinese advertising market has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, emerging as one of the largest and most dynamic advertising landscapes in the world. As the world's second-largest economy, China's rapid economic development, coupled with the rapid expansion of its consumer base, has fueled a surge in advertising spending, making it a prime target for global brands and marketing agencies.The Chinese advertising industry has undergone a significant transformation, transitioning from a heavily regulated and state-controlled sector to a more open and market-driven environment. This shift has been driven by a range of factors, including the country's economic reforms, the rise of digital technologies, and the growing sophistication of Chinese consumers.One of the key drivers of the Chinese advertising market's growth has been the rapid expansion of the country's digital landscape. With over 1 billion internet users and a thriving mobile ecosystem, China has become a hotbed for digital advertising. Social media platforms,such as WeChat and Weibo, have become powerful marketing channels, enabling brands to engage with consumers in innovative and targeted ways.The growth of e-commerce in China has also been a significant factor in the expansion of the advertising market. As more consumers shift their shopping habits online, brands have been forced to adapt their marketing strategies to reach this increasingly digital-savvy audience. platforms like Alibaba's Taobao and have become crucial advertising channels, allowing brands to reach consumers at various stages of the purchasing journey.Another notable trend in the Chinese advertising market has been the rise of programmatic advertising. Programmatic buying, which uses automated systems to purchase and place ads, has become increasingly popular among Chinese advertisers, as it allows for more efficient and targeted ad placements. This technology has been particularly useful in navigating the complex and fragmented Chinese media landscape, where traditional advertising channels coexist with a rapidly evolving digital ecosystem.The Chinese advertising market has also been shaped by the country's unique cultural and social dynamics. Marketers in China have had to adapt their strategies to cater to the preferences and behaviors of Chinese consumers, who often have different values,beliefs, and purchasing habits compared to their Western counterparts. Understanding and leveraging these cultural nuances has become a critical aspect of success in the Chinese advertising landscape.One of the key challenges facing the Chinese advertising market is the issue of media fragmentation. With a vast and diverse range of media channels, from traditional print and television to a multitude of digital platforms, advertisers have had to navigate a complex and ever-changing landscape to reach their target audiences effectively. This fragmentation has led to increased competition for consumer attention and has required brands to develop more sophisticated and integrated marketing strategies.Another challenge is the ongoing regulatory scrutiny and control over the advertising industry in China. The government has maintained a tight grip on the sector, with strict guidelines and regulations governing the content and placement of advertisements. This has required advertisers to navigate a complex regulatory environment and adapt their strategies accordingly.Despite these challenges, the Chinese advertising market remains an attractive and lucrative opportunity for global brands and marketing agencies. The sheer size of the Chinese consumer base, coupled with the country's rapid economic growth and the increasing purchasingpower of its middle class, have made it a prime target for international advertisers.In recent years, we have seen a growing trend of Chinese brands and companies expanding their advertising efforts beyond the domestic market, seeking to establish a global presence and reach international consumers. This internationalization of Chinese advertising has added another layer of complexity to the industry, as brands navigate the cultural and regulatory differences across different markets.Overall, the Chinese advertising market is a dynamic and rapidly evolving landscape that presents both opportunities and challenges for marketers. As the country continues to transform and its consumer base becomes increasingly sophisticated, the demand for innovative and effective advertising strategies will only continue to grow. Brands and agencies that can successfully navigate the complexities of the Chinese market and adapt to its unique cultural and regulatory environment are poised to reap the rewards of this dynamic and rapidly expanding advertising landscape.。



中国广告规模市场的英语作文In recent years, China's advertising market has experienced remarkable growth, becoming one of the largest and fastest-growing markets globally. This significant expansion can be attributed to several key factors, including the rapid economic development, technological advancements, and changing consumer behaviors.Firstly, the rapid economic growth in China has provided a fertile ground for the advertising industry. As the economy has expanded, businesses have invested more in marketing and advertising to capture a larger market share. This has led to a surge in demand for advertising services, driving the growth of the advertising market.Secondly, technological advancements have played a crucial role in shaping the advertising landscape in China. The emergence of digital media and social media platforms has provided advertisers with new channels to reach their target audience. Digital advertising, in particular, has witnessed exponential growth in recent years, as it offers advertisers more precise targeting and better measurement tools.Moreover, the changing consumer behaviors have also influenced the advertising market in China. Consumers are increasingly demanding personalized and engaging content, which has prompted advertisers to adopt more creative and innovative advertising strategies. This shift towards consumer-centered advertising has helped to drive the growth of the market.In addition, the government's support and regulations have also contributed to the healthy development of the advertising industry in China. The government has encouraged foreign investment and provided tax incentives to promote the growth of the industry. At the same time, it has also implemented strict regulations to ensure the quality and authenticity of advertising content, protecting the rights of consumers.Looking ahead, the advertising market in China is expected to continue its growth trajectory. With thefurther development of the economy, technological advancements, and changing consumer behaviors, new opportunities and challenges will arise for the industry.Advertisers will need to stay agile and adapt to these changes to maintain their competitiveness in the market.In conclusion, the growth and development of China's advertising market have been remarkable, driven by economic growth, technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and government support. With these factors driving the industry forward, the future of advertising in China looks bright and promising.**中国广告市场规模的发展与演变**近年来,中国广告市场经历了显著的增长,成为全球最大且增长最快的市场之一。



Advertising social environment analysis
• Domestic environmental analysis
• International environmental analysis
• Strategies method
◆ Distinctive advantage:
◇ Large companies engaged in international market, advertising, has the international advertising advanced technology.
◇ Professional production team, for your company enterprise to create your enterprise culture, on the culture in the spread of the marketing of their brands.
• 〔6〕 Advertising activities have global trends, the international advertising cooperation further development.
• 〔7〕 International advertising is the trend of the large-scale merger.
• As the traditional industry pay little attention to the enterprise culture establishment, our company is engaged in the advertisement the film and television manufacture, in film and TV shows a brand enterprise of the enterprise culture, show the enterprise culture with the great benefits, advocating enterprise find their own enterprise culture.



近代中国的广告的发展英语The evolution of advertising in modern China is a fascinating journey that mirrors the nation's socio-economic transformation. From the late Qing dynasty to the contemporary era, Chinese advertising has evolved from simple shop signs and street hawkers' cries to sophisticated digital campaigns, reflecting changes in technology, media, and consumer culture.In the early 20th century, as China opened up to foreign trade, Shanghai emerged as a hub for commercial activity, and with it, modern advertising began to take root. Western companies, along with their Chinese counterparts, started to advertise their goods through newspapers, which were becoming increasingly popular. These ads were often text-heavy and featured illustrations, aiming to educate the public about new products and services.The Republican era saw a boom in the advertising industry, with the rise of domestic enterprises and the influx of foreign investment. Brands began to employ more artistic and persuasive techniques, using colorful posters and catchy slogans. The Shanghai calendar posters of the 1920s and 1930s, featuring beautiful women, became iconic, blending traditional Chinese art with Western aesthetics to create a unique advertising style.After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the state took controlof all media, and advertising took on a different role. It was used primarily to promote state policies and initiatives rather than commercial products. During the Cultural Revolution, advertising was almost non-existent, as it was seen as a capitalist tool.The reform and opening-up policy initiated by Deng Xiaoping in the late 1970s marked a new era for Chinese advertising. The economy transitioned from a planned to a market-oriented system, and advertising experienced a renaissance. Foreign brands re-entered the market, and Chinese companies began to compete for consumers' attention. Television became the dominant medium, and the first TV commercial in China aired in 1979, advertising a watch brand.The 1990s and 2000s saw rapid growth in the advertising sector, with the proliferation of the internet and mobile phones. Digital advertising took off, and China became one of the largest digital advertising markets in the world. Social media platforms like Weibo and WeChat introduced new ways for brands to engage with consumers, through influencers and targeted ads.Today, Chinese advertising is characterized by its high level of creativity and integration of technology. Augmented reality, live streaming, and e-commerce platforms are reshaping the way brands communicate with consumers. The focus is on creating an immersive experience and building brand loyalty.Throughout its history, Chinese advertising has not only promoted products but also shaped cultural norms and values. It reflects the aspirations and desires of the Chinese people, serving as a window into the changing landscape of one of the world's most dynamic societies.In conclusion, the development of advertising in modern China is a testament to the country's adaptability and innovation. As China continues to grow and integrate with the global economy, its advertising industry is poised to influence not just consumer behavior but also global advertising trends. The future of Chinese advertising is bright, with endless possibilities for creativity and connection. 。



英语广告卖货作文Advertising Essay。

Advertising is a crucial part of any business. It is a way for companies to promote their products and services to potential customers. In today's competitive market, effective advertising can make the difference between success and failure for a company. In this essay, we will explore the different types of advertising and the impactit has on consumers.There are many different types of advertising,including print, television, radio, and online. Print advertising includes newspaper and magazine ads, as well as flyers and brochures. Television and radio ads are broadcast to a wide audience, while online advertising can be targeted to specific demographics. Each type of advertising has its own advantages and disadvantages, and companies must carefully consider which type will be most effective for their target audience.One of the most important aspects of advertising is the message it conveys to consumers. A successful advertising campaign will create a strong, positive impression of a product or service in the minds of potential customers. This can be achieved through a variety of means, including catchy slogans, memorable jingles, and persuasive imagery. The goal of advertising is to persuade consumers to purchase a product or service, and a well-crafted message can be the difference between success and failure for a company.In addition to the message, the placement of an advertisement is also crucial. Companies must carefully consider where and when to place their ads in order to reach their target audience. For example, a company selling sports equipment may want to advertise during a major sporting event, while a company selling beauty products may want to target women's magazines. By carefully considering the placement of their ads, companies can maximize the impact of their advertising campaigns.Another important aspect of advertising is the use of celebrity endorsements. Many companies choose to have celebrities endorse their products in order to create a positive association with their brand. This can be a highly effective form of advertising, as consumers often trust the opinions of celebrities. However, it can also be risky, as the actions of a celebrity can negatively impact the reputation of a company. Companies must carefully consider the potential risks and rewards of using celebrity endorsements in their advertising campaigns.In conclusion, advertising is a crucial part of any business. It is a way for companies to promote their products and services to potential customers, and can make the difference between success and failure for a company. There are many different types of advertising, each withits own advantages and disadvantages. The message and placement of an advertisement are crucial, as is the use of celebrity endorsements. By carefully considering these factors, companies can create effective advertising campaigns that will resonate with consumers and drive sales.。

中国广告变化 英文作文

中国广告变化 英文作文

中国广告变化英文作文In recent years, there has been a significant shift in advertising trends in China. Traditional forms of advertising, such as print ads and TV commercials, are being overshadowed by digital and social media marketing.With the rise of e-commerce and social media platforms like WeChat and Weibo, companies are now focusing more on online advertising to reach their target audience. Influencer marketing and live streaming have become popular ways for brands to engage with consumers and promote their products.In addition to the shift towards digital advertising, there has also been a noticeable change in the tone and style of ads in China. Many brands are now using more humor and creativity to capture the attention of consumers, as opposed to the more traditional and formal approach.Another noticeable change in Chinese advertising is theincreasing use of storytelling and emotional appeal in ads. Brands are now focusing on creating narratives that resonate with consumers on a personal level, in order to establish a stronger emotional connection with their audience.Furthermore, there has been a growing emphasis onsocial responsibility and sustainability in Chinese advertising. Many brands are now incorporating messages about environmental protection and social issues into their marketing campaigns, in an effort to appeal to socially conscious consumers.In conclusion, the advertising landscape in China has undergone significant changes in recent years, with a shift towards digital marketing, a more creative and humorous approach, a focus on storytelling and emotional appeal, and an increasing emphasis on social responsibility and sustainability. These changes reflect the evolving preferences and values of Chinese consumers, as well as the influence of global advertising trends.。



起伏式媒体排 Flighting Schedule 期 快速消费品 免费广告 FMCG :Fast Moving Consume Good free advertising
79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
重复购买 Repeat purchase 营业推广广告 sales promotion 代理商 advertising agency 抽样 Sampling
广告发布时间 Schedule 表 季节性广告 细分 卖方市场 顺序 系列广告 挂牌广告 广告语 标语 软销售广告 看板 seasonal advertising Segmentation seller’s marker Sequence serial advertising Side panel Slogan
bulletin structure bus stop pillar advertising bus shelter (advertising) buyer’s market Campaign car-end posters Category Development Index cinema advertising Circulation Client Clutter Combination Rate Comprehension Concentration Ratio Confirm
英文 below-the-line advertising Billboard Billing Bleed booths brand brand advertising Brand Development Index Brand Image brand insistence brand loyalty Brand Loyalty brand name Brand Positioned brand preference brand share Broker
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8% 7%
Figure 3: China GDP and advertising market growth rate (gross*)
30 25 20 15
6% 5%
4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 2011 2012E GDP YoY
Source: ZenithOptimedia
5 -
Figure 4: China advertising market breakdown(2012)
Figure 5: China advertising market breakdown—online (2012)
Outdoor & others 10.5% Cinema 0.1%
Radio 3.7%
2013: The slowest growth since 2001
Figure 1: China advertising market and online advertising market growth rate*
35% 30% 75% 65%
20% 15% 10% 5% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Advertising market growth [LHS] Online advertising market growth [RHS]
BEYOND INFORMATION™ Client-Driven Solutions, Insights, and Access
09 October 2012
Focus charts and table
Figure 2: Global adspend growth lags GDP growth
09 October 2012 Asia Pacific/China Equity Research Consumer Internet (Internet) / OVERWEIGHT
China Advertising Market
Research Analysts Wallace Cheung, CFA 852 2101 7090 wallace.cheung@ Regional Analysts Jeff Kahng 822 3707 3738 jeff.kahng@ Yuki Nakayasu 81 3 4550 9966 yuki.nakayasu@ Contributions by Amanda Chen Daniel Chen
China advertising market: Challenges in 2013
While the global advertising market is still growing, we expect the growth rate over 201114E to lag GDP growth. Meanwhile, the major driver of the global advertising market in 2011-14 should be the Internet and TV. We expect the Internet, which accounted for 15.9% of the global adspend in 2011, to erode the adspend of traditional media. Yet, TV will garner a steady 40% share, in our view. We forecast China will become the No. 2 advertising market in the world by 2015. During Credit Suisse’s China Internet trip in September 2012, we met experts from the advertising industry. They expect the ad market in China to grow merely 10% YoY in 2013E and the online ad market to grow by 20-30% YoY, slower than the capital market forecast growth of 30-40% YoY. We cut our 2013E China advertising growth from 13% to 9.6%, the slowest since 2001. One of the key reasons for the slowdown is the continued slowdown in the online advertising market. We expect the global ad market growth rate to drop; the Internet to erode the adspend of traditional media, except for TV Due to a slowdown in the online ad market, we cut our 2013E China ad market growth rate to 9.6%, the slowest since 2001
Magazine 2.3%
Newspaper 17.8%
Mobile Social Others, 3% advertising, 1% media, 2%
Display ad, 24%
Online video, 9%
TV 37.4%
Internet 28.2%
Search, 61%
Source: ZenithOptimedia, Credit Suisse estimates
Note: Net revenue, net of distributor costs and business tax Source: Company data, Credit Suisse estimates
China Advertising Market
09 October 2012
2013: The slowest growth since 2001
DISCLOSURE APPENDIX CONTAINS ANALYST CERTIFICATIONS AND THE STATUS OF NON-US ANALYSTS. U.S. Disclosure: Credit Suisse does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be aware that the Firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision.
2013201420 Nhomakorabea52016
2013E Ad spend YoY
Nominal GDP YoY % Media markdt YoY %
Real GDP YoY %
* Gross of business tax and distributor cost. Source: ZenithOptimedia, Credit Suisse estimates
45% 35% 25% 15%
* Gross revenue. Source: ZenithOptimedia, Credit Suisse estimates
■ We cut our 2013E China advertising market growth rate to 9.6%, the slowest since 2001, mainly due to the continued slowdown in the online ad market. We expect the Internet to erode the advertising spend of traditional media, while TV remains the most powerful medium in China. ■ We revise our 2013E/14E China online advertising market revenue YoY from 29.4%/22.2% to 25.3%/23.6%. We expect: (1) the search market growth to be in line with market expectations, but competition is intensifying; (2) brand advertising, including display and video advertising, to slow; (3) SNS to be a bright spot for online advertisUNDERPERFORM and raise target prices for Tencent and Sina. Given the challenging macroeconomic environment and intense competUNDERPERFORM and cut our target price from US$118 to US$83. Due to our positive view on SNS advertising, we raise our target price for Tencent from HK$294 to HK$300 and for Sina from US$78 to US$81, despite reducing our portal advertising revenue forecasts. We reiterate our OUTPERFORM rating on Sina and Tencent.