诗人雪莱介绍英文版Percy Bysshe Shelley
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Drive my dead thoughts over the universe 请把我枯死的思想向世界吹落,
Like wither'd leaves to quicken a new birth! 让它像枯叶一样促成新的生命!
And, by the incantation of this verse,
Scatter, as from an unextinguish'd hearth 就把我的话语,像是灰烬和火星
Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind! 从还未熄灭的炉火向人间播散!
Be through my lips to unawaken'd earth
•To The Lord Chancellor(1817) 《致大法官》 •Laon and Cythna (The Revolution of the Golden City) (1818)《莱昂和西斯那》 •The Revolt of Islam (1818) 《伊斯兰的反叛》
Ode to the West Wind (1819) Prometheus Unbound (1819) 《解放了的普罗米修斯》 The Cenci(1819) 《倩契》 The Masque of Anarchy(1819) 《暴政的假面游行》 Men of England (1819) 《英格兰人》
雪莱笔下的普罗米修斯的形象,既概括了工人阶级和劳动人 民反抗专制统治(against despotism)、争取自由解放(fight for freedom and liberation)的革命精神和不畏强暴的英雄气 概,也体现了诗人自己坚定的立场、伟大的品格、崇高的精 神境界。
Ode to the West Wind
the poem expresses the hope that its words will inspire and influence those who read or hear it
《西风颂》雪莱“三大颂”诗歌中的一首,写于1819年。当时,欧洲 各国的工人运动和革命运动风起云涌。
Will take from both a deep, autumnal tone, 将染有树林和我的深邃的秋意:
Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce,虽忧伤而甜蜜。呵,但愿你给予我
My spirit! Be thou Leabharlann e, impetuous one!
✓ married Harriet on 28 August
In 1816
✓ met Byron ✓ Harriet drowned herself in Hyde Park ✓ lost his children’s guardianship ✓ married Mary Godwin
✓ published Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire together with his sister Elizabeth
✓ finished Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson cooperated with Thomas Jefferson Hogg
He eloped with a sixteen-year-old girl, Harriet, to Scotland to get married.
Unhappy in his nearly three-year-old marriage, Shelley often left his wife and child alone.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
If Winter comes,
can Spring be far behind?
壹 Brief introduction 贰 Life 叁 Marriage 肆 Major works 伍 Estimation
Brief introduction
They got married a few weeks after Harriet’s body was found.
Major works
The Necessity of Atheism (1811) 《无神论的必然》 Queen Mab (1813) 《麦布女王》
抨击封建制度的专横无道和英国资本主义制度的剥削, 反映劳动人民的悲惨境遇,引起了英国资本主义阶级的仇 视,1818年被迫侨居意大利。
Verse drama Political poem
The Philosophical View of Reform (1819) 《改革的哲学观》
The Cloud (1820) 《云》 To A Skylark (1820)《致云雀》 Ode To Liberty (1820)《自由颂》 Adonias: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats(1821)
The trumpet of a prophecy! Oh Wind,
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? 如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
written in 1819 near Florence, Italy wanted his message of reform and revolution
the wind becomes the trope for spreading the word of change through the poet-prophet figure
西风已经成了一种象征,它是一种无处不在的宇宙精神, 一种打破旧世界,追求新世界的西风精神。诗人以西风自 喻,表达了自己对生活的信念和向旧世界宣战的决心。
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792 - 1822)
Category: English Literature Born: August 4, 1792 Field Place near Horsham, Sussex, England Died: July 8, 1822
Viareggio, Italy
In 1811
✓ published his second Gothic novel, St. Irvyne《圣安尔温》
✓ wrote an anti-religious pamphlet called The Necessity of Atheism《无神论的
必要》, which made him be expelled from the university
birthday, Shelley drowned in a sudden storm while sailing back from Livorno to Lerici in his schooner, was later buried in Rome.
First marriage
Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is:
What if my leaves are falling like its own! 尽管我的叶落了,那有什么关系!
The tumult of thy mighty harmonies
Second marriage
During his first marriage he fell in love with Mary Godwin, the author of Frankenstein《科学怪人》, and eloped with her to the European Continent. 私奔到欧洲大陆
Prometheus Unbound
雪莱利用古希腊神话的素材( The ancient Greek myth material ),创作了这一诗剧,表达自己反抗暴政的思想。
结合当时的社会背景,雪莱的时代,工人运动( labor movement)正在兴起,民族解放运动(national liberation movement)正在高涨,他的诗歌正像普罗米修斯用火点燃人 们的心一样,鼓舞着被压迫、被奴役人民的革命斗争。
雪莱故居菲尔德庄园 雪莱在牛津大学时的宿舍 雪莱纪念碑塑像
daily mob torment) 几乎每天受到暴徒折磨 On 10th April 1810, he was educated at Oxford University
✓ published his first Gothic novel Zastrozzi《柴斯特罗齐》 ,
which expressed his atheistic worldview
English Romantic poet
Who rebelled against English politics and conservative values. Shelley drew no essential distinction between poetry and politics, and his work reflected the radical ideas and revolutionary optimism of the era.
他背叛了英语政治和保守的价值观。雪莱没有本 质的区别诗歌和政治,他的作品反映了激进的思想 和革命时代的乐观情绪。
Born on 4th August, 1792, at Field Place A son of Sir Timothy Shelley — a Whig Member of Parliament
— and his wife, a landowner
Received his early education at home
In 1802, he entered the Syon House Academy In 1804, Shelley entered Eton College (subjected to an almost
In 1817, stayed at Marlow with John Keats
In 1818, moved to Italy and formed “Satanic School” with
On 8 July 1822, less than a month before his 30th
在意大利和希腊,民族解放运动方兴未艾,雪莱的《西风颂》发表不久 ,这两个国家也先后爆发了轰轰烈烈的武装起义。
威廉·华兹华斯曾称其为“One of the best artists of us all”,同时期的拜伦 称其为“Without exception the best and least selfish man I ever knew”, 更被誉为诗人中的诗人。其一生见识广泛,不仅是柏拉图主义者,更是个 伟大的理想主义者。创作的诗歌节奏明快,积极向上。